Is Enforced Disappearance?: Disappearances?
Is Enforced Disappearance?: Disappearances?
Is Enforced Disappearance?: Disappearances?
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Feceration Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
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United Convention For the Protection of All Persons from Enforceq
Wkat is Enforced Disappearance?
Based on the definition provided for by the International Convention for
the Protection of All Persons From Enforced Disappearance (2006), enforced
disappearance is considered to be the arrest, detention, abduction or any other form
of deprivation of liberty committed by agents of the State or by persons or groups
of persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State,
followed by the refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment
of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, which places such a person
outside the protection of the law.
There are three constitutive elements in enforced disappearances: (1)
deprivation of liberty in any form, {2) State responsibility or, at least, complicity,
and (3) refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or concealment of
all information on the victim. As a consequence, the victim of an enforced
disappearance is placed outside the protection of the law and this determines
the suspension of the enjoyment of all other human rights and freedoms of the
disappeared person, who is left in a situation of complete defenselessness.
The Convention establishes that, if non-State actors perpetrate acts of the
nature of enforced disappearance, States are under an obligation to investigate such
crimes and to bring those responsible to justice (Article 3).
This practice was first used by the Nazi in 1941 in the "occupied territories"
especially in the extermination ofthe Jews. It was subsequently employed by
the military and dictatorial regimes in Asia and Latin America and later even by
formally democratic regimes. At present, Asia is the continent with the highest
number of enforced disappearances reported to the United Nations Working Group
on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (UNWGEID). Many cases of enforced
disappearance in Europe and Africa have also been reported.
What does the United Nations (UN) do about Enforced
In 1978 after receiving many reports on cases of enforced disappearance
perpetrated all over the world, the UN General Assembly issued its first resolution
ever on the phenomenon of enforced or involuntary disappearances. In 1980,
despite the opposition of many countries in Latin America and Asia still under
military regimes, the UNWGEID was established and continues to be operative up
to the present. Its mandate is essentially of humanitarian nature, since it acts as a
channel of communication between the family of the victim and the government
concerned. As such, the Working Group lacks any binding power as well as judicial
competence and does not have the competence to condemn a State for human
rights violations, or to establish individual responsibility, or to order serious and
thorough investigations, or to award any measure of reparation to victims of
enforced disappearance. Since 1992, it also monitors the implementation by all
countries of the 1992 Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced
Disappearance which was adopted on 18 December of the same year by the UN
General Assembly.
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What is the j.qq:l, UN Declaration for the Protection of
All PersortS From EnForced Disappearance?
This 1s a universal standard setting document unanimously adopted by
the UN Genernl Assembly on 18 December 1992 under the Resolution 47/133.
This declaration, although non-binding, reproduces some generally recognized
customary rules and establishes the principles that shall guide and govern all States
in the prevention and suppression of the practice of enforced disappearance. In
Desmption of the practice of enforced disappearance and the different
human rights violated;
Repudiation of the practice of enforced disappearance under all
Need for each State to take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or
other measures to prevent and terminate acts of enforced disappearance in
any territory under its jurisdiction;
Each State shall make enforced disappearance an autonomous offense
under its criminal law and sanction it in accordance with its extreme
No order of any public authority, civilian, military or other, may be invoked
to justify an enforced disappearance;
All persons deprived of their liberty should be held in official detention
centers and information be given to families on detainees (right to
The State is obliged to investigate all reported cases of enforced
disappearance (right to truth) and those denouncing cases should be
Enforced disappearance is a continuing offense and therefore, statutes of
limitation for criminal proceedings, where applicable, must be substantia!
and commensurate to the extreme seriousness of the offense;
Enforced disappearances are to be considered crimes against humanity
when committed as part of a widespread and systematic practice and are
hence, imprescriptible;
Persons who have, or are alleged to have, committed an enforced
rlisi!ppearcJnce shall not benefit from any special amnesty law or similar
Only ordinary tribunals shall be competent to try persons alleged to have
committed an enforced disappearance;
The disappeared people and their family have the right to adequate
compensatiorr, including the means for as complete a rehabilitation as
Children who ,ue victims of enforced disappearance should receive special
protection and tire dbduction of children must be codified and sanctioned
as an autonornou\ dllcl very \(crious offense. There shall be an opportunity,
in States which reco<Jllizc d ul adoption, for a review of the adoption
of such children and, in p.trllculdr, lor annulment of any adoption which
originated in enforced
n"ed '' 1t1on' (onventlon l'rotection u: ,.\!: f'.::oc ,aro; L:,;,Hce'i DisC!ppeat'l
WlvJ.t is the UN Convention For the Protection of AI,
Persons From Enforced Disappearance?
The Convention is different from the 1992 Declaration as it is a treaty of
universal scope, which will be legally binding for the States that ratify it. Its te
approved on 23 September 2005; was adopted by the UN Human Rights Cou
on 27 June 2006; approved by the UN General Assembly on 20 December 2C
opened for signature on 7 February 2007 in Paris, France. On that occasion,
signed it. Since then, signatures have increased to 81 and 15 States have ratifi
Convention, which, however, will enter into force when 20 instruments of rJti
shall have been deposited with the UN Secretary-General. As of this writing, J
the only Asian State which has ratified the Convention.
From the initial assessment of the Asian Federation Against lnvolu
Disappearances (AFAD), the following are some factors which contribute
the successful adoption of the Convention in September 2005:
1. Gaps in international human rights and humanitarian law that permi
practice of enforced disappearances to develop and spread in count
and regions a !I over the world, especially .Asia. Families and victims q
perceived that situation and began to iobby for an international trea
those gaps;
2. Inadequacy of the 1992 Declaration and the UNGWEID to stop the
phenomenon spreading all over the world as they are only declarata
scope. There was an urgent need for a universally binding internatio1
instrument to stop enforced disappearance;
3. The Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disapp
Detainees' (FEDEFAM's) indefatigable and persistent efforts to work f
the establishment of an international Convention to protect people
from enforced disappearances and to concretize its slogan: Nunca M
(Never Again!) was a major force in pushing for the final adoption of
Convention by the UN General Assembly;
4. The cooperation of the different organizations of families from vario1
continents as well as of international human rights organizations wh
joined efforts to lobby for the Convention during the three-year draf
and negotiation process (2002-2005) within a especially mandated
Working Group. The excellent combination of the true-to-life experi,
of the families and the legal expertise of the international NGOs gre<
strengthened the Convention's importance, stressed its urgency and
voice loud enough to be heard at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland;
5. The lobbying at the UN and the visits by organizations of families of
disappeared to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in their different cou1
and to their Permanent Missions in Geneva and New York helped co1
governments ofthe political, moral and practical value of the Conve
the families of the disappeared and to all peoples;
6. The still unresolved and continuing cases of enforced disappearancE
in various parts of the world as can be seen in the annual reports of 1
7. The support of the media and civil society was indispensable, indeec
'_t_,; '' :c! \,k>tl.':..:tlot) lii\\1 Persons !-_lljun:ed
What does the Convention mainly state about the isswe
oF enForced disappearance?
In general, the Convention consecrates as binding all the principles which
were already mentioned in the 1992 Declaration. Further, it better specifies the
obligations of States in order to prevent and suppress the practice of enforced
disappearance. The Convention establishes the non-derogable right of everyone
not to be subjected to enforced disappearance. No circumstance whatsoever, be it
a state or threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency,
may be invoked to justify an enfmced disappearance. The Convention holds that
enforced disappearance constitutes an offense under criminal law and it considers
th1s vvl(;'"sp. d 01 systematic practice of enforced disappearance a crime against
hum a nirv i nrleed enforced disappearance is a crime under international law.
Furthermore, the Convention provides for the right of the relatives of the
disappeared persons and of the society as a whole to know the truth regarding
tr-,e clrcurnstar.ces of the enforced disappearance, the progress and results of the
::westigation and the fate and whereabouts of the disappeared person.
to the Convention, each State Party shall codify enforced
disappearance as an autonomous offense under its criminal law and punish it by
appropriate penalties which take into account its extreme seriousness.
State Parties to the Convention shall cooperate in searching for, locating
and releasing disappeared persons and, in the event of death, in exhuming and
identifying :hem and returning their remains. Each State Party shall take appropriate
IT!easures in rh:s sense.
r'v',oreo'- ;:r :ne Convention contains a provision that emphasizes the right to
form "nd pa freely in organizations and associations supporting the cause of
the disappea;::c
Funher. :-e Comention provides that:
Enioceo d:sappearance is a continuing offense and statutes of
limi:a: o" f:y criminal proceedings shall not apply until the fate and
whereab :G:; of the victim are established with certainty;
Enforceo OIS:JDoearances constituting crimes against humanity
,systernacic ::-:: .'.'idespread practice) are imprescriptible;
No one snal b;: held in secret detention;
All States Par:i:::s shall establish and maintain up-to-date official
registers of pe rsor s deprived of liberty and, upon request, provide
some basic information on people deprived of their liberty to
JUdicial authorities and any person with a legitimate interest in this
In cases of enforced disappearance, "victim" means the disappeared
person and any individual who has suffered harm as a direct result of
an enforced disappearance; and
All victims (in the broad sense stated above) of disappearance
have the right to obtain reparation and prompt, fair and adequate
Vn1ted N'ltlons Convention (m the Protection o( All Per>ons (;orn Enknceq Dls<!ppe<Jr<:mce
compensation. This shall include:
1. Restitution;
2. Rehabilitation;
. 3. Satisfaction, including restoration of dignity and reputation;
4. Guarantees of non-repetition.
Why is there a need For a Convention?
At present, the international bodies tasked to address the issue of enforced are
the following:
United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
Disappearar>ces (UNWGEID);
European and Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the African
Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights;
International Criminal Court (ICC) -It is applicable only in cases of
disappearances happening as part of a widespread and systematic
practice and for States that have ratified the Rome Statute);
United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) and
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
These bodies, however, have their own respective limitations.
The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances
(UNWGEID) established in 1980, for instance, lacks any binding power as well as
judicial competence. Its mandate is essentially and despite much .
valuable work, it has not been able to stop the spread of enforced disappearance.
The other mechanisms are only competent for Europe, Latin America and
Africa respectively.
On the other hand, the ICC is a Court of international criminal law which
establishes criminal responsibility of individuals for crimes against humanity,
genocide, and war crimes. Victims of enforced disappearances and their relatives
do not have direct to this international tribunal, for it is so created so as
to condemn international criminals and not to primarily protect the rights of the
victims. It may take years until a perpetrator is convicted.
For its part, the Human Rights Committee (HRC) serves as the monitoring
body of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for all States
that have ratified it and its First Optional Protocol. As many States are Parties to the
Covenant, it has a colossal workload and a huge backlog that is almost paralyzing its
action. The HRC is a quasi-judicial body and its views on individual communications
lack a binding power. Families have always insisted that the Convention should be a
fully bodied instrument in its own right with its own monitoring organ.
The ICRC works to guarantee the implementation of the Geneva Conventions
and their Additional Protocols. However, its competence is limited to situations of
conflict and to international humanitarian law. Further, the ICRC lacks any binding or
' ''"''' Convention (or the Protection of AI! Pecscw ttnrn f-_ntmceq Disoppeor'lnce
judicial power and a !I its actions are highly confidential and strictly humanitarian.
What will be the functions of the Committee on
Enforced which is to be established by
tne Convention?
One of the most important achievements of the Convention will be the
establishment of a new ten-member Committee on Enforced Disappearances. Once
the Convention enters into force, the Committee will be set up and will carry out the
following functions:
a. Receive, consider and issue comments, observations and recommendations
on State reports on the measures taken to give effect to obligations
established under the Convention within two years after its entry into force.
b Request a State Party to provide the Committee with information on the
situation of a person reported disappeared (relatives of a disappeared
may submit to the Committee requests to search for their loved ones)
within a time limit set by the Committee itself In the light of the response
provided for by the State Party concerned, the Committee shall transmit
a recommendation to the respective State and inform the person \"!ho
filed the request regarding the process. The Committee may also request
the State to take appropriate actions, including the adoption of interim
measures, and to report it to its members. Finally, the Committee shall
continue its efforts to work with the State concerned as long as the fate and
whereabouts of the disappeared person remains unresolved.
c Request one or more of the of the Committee, (if it is considered
that a visit to the territory of a State Party is necessary to discharge the
mandate) to undertake, upon the agreement of the State concerned, a
visit and report back its findings and recommendations to the Committee
without delay.
d. Receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals who
claim to be victims of a violation of the provisions of the Convention. In this
view, a State Party may, at the time of ratification or at any time afterwards,
declare that it recognizes such a competence.
Important Note: If a State does not expressly accept this competence, the
Committee may not receive any individual communication). It is worth-
noting that, among the 15 States that have ratified the Convention to date,
only 4 have declared to accept the competence of the Committee to receive
and consider individual complaints. At present, no Asian State has done so.
e. Upon declaration of recognition of competence by the State Parties
concerned, the Committee shall receive and consider communications to
the effect that a State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its
obligations under the Convention.
f. Urgently bring a matter (when it receives information which appears to
Vnitd N"tions Convention (or the Pt, ,._ -ct_,,,. \tip .. ,,,"",,, '"1 hlorced Dis;,ppeotot
contain well-founded indications that enforced disappearance is beir
practised on a widespread or systematic basis in the territory of a Sta
Party) to the attention of the General Assembly of the United
through the UN Secretary-General.
Wnat is the Convention,s Importance to tne Peoples
Asia, at present, lacks a regional legal instrument or procedural mechan
protect, promote and uphold human rights, be it a Convention, a Commissior
Court. The effectivity of the ASEAN Human Rights Body which will soon be la1
still remains to be proven amidst various skepticisms of its mandate. In camp
Latin America has the Inter-American Humar> Rights System and the Inter-Am
Convention on Enforced Disappearances while Europe has several human rig!
instruments such as the European Convention on Human Rights and the Euro
Court of Human Rights. As of the publication of this Primer, The UN is the
which the families of the disappeared in the Asian region can use.
Moreover, at present, not a single country in Asia has a national law
criminalizing enforced disappearances. Thus. the Convention, if adopted and
ratified, will facilitate the enactment of national legislations criminalizing enfc
disappearances andensure the implemenrnrion of the provisions of the
Moreover, in the recent reports of the UNGWEID, Asia is the continent w
submitted the highest number of cases. The reported cases both occurred in 1
past and continue to happen at present. With the absence of national, region
international mechanisms criminalizing enforced disappearances, we can nev
prevent enforced disappearances from happening in the Asian region and it i:
impossible to effectively combat impunity.
Why is it important For States to ratiFy tne Conven:
and to ensure its immediate entry into Force?
A State that ratifies the Convention will be compelled to enact the nece
domestic legislation to ensure that it fulfills its international obligations. This 1
affect States in their national policies especially in the area of security and pol
repression, where they will t;Je obliged to act in a humane manner.
If duly accepted, the competence of the Committee to receive and cons
individual communications, will grant an international venue to turn to in ord
obtain justice. This will be of particular importance for Asian countries, which
have regional human rights mechanisms.
Wnat is the practical importance oF tne Convention
the. victims and tneir Families?
A Convention is a a fundamental step in the struggle against impunity./
would ensure indictment of the perpetrators and provide hope to the survivo
the relatives of the victims. It would also establish a clear set of effective prevE
... \1: 'he Pro\cct1on o( All Pe,on> lro11 [,J;'o,.ccc\ DJ'.;ppeordnce
measures. In the meantime, organizations of families of the disappeared shall avail
or existing remedies, in particular:
Keep sending communications to the UNWGEID. It is primarily
:mportant to update the Working Group on any news. If there has
already been a case presented, it is of utmost importance to avoid the
application of the six-month rule, i.e. if the UNWGEID sends information
to the source and the source does not respond within six months, the
UNWGEID will drop the case;
In case there are reprisals or threats, immediately inform the UNGWEID
and ask for its prompt intervention. It is important to periodically
update tlie Working Group once it has provided prompt intervention
measures, in order to establish a fruitful and continuing dialogue;
Formulate general observations and allegations to the UNWGEID on
the compliance of local governments with their obligations under the
Declaration; and
Submit communications to the HRC if the State is a Party to the ICCPR
and its First Optional Proto-:ol.
How cal'\ we lobby QOVemments to recognize the
iMporto.r\Ce of the m.strc.cment by signing and ratifying
the Convention?
1. Help educate the public by informing them about the reality of enforced
disappearances and the importance of the Convention in securing
safeguards for human rights. Within organizations, it will be beneficial
to discuss the issue among people within our respective organizational
structures as well as assist in distributing campaign materials, i.e. primers,
pamphlets, posters, etc.
2. Conduct trainings among various groups, especially among the media
and the academe on the contents of the Convention and in the aspects of
campaigning and lobbying, which shall produce experts among selected
participants to echo such trainings to more groups and sectors.
3. Ass1sr i1 strengthening media work to further project the issue to a greater
4. Popularize technical information materials about enforced disappearance
and rne Convention.
5. Translate information materials from English to other languages and vice
versa so that more people will be able to read and understand the issue.
6. Seek opportunities to lobby among heads of States, parliaments and other
government officials or ministers who are influential in deciding for the
Convention's ratification.
Note: It can be very helpful to conduct astudy on the attitudes of
the different governments concerning human rights in general and
the Convention in particular. Results of the study will give a better
understanding of the governments' position vis-a-vis human rights.
Consequently, it will provide more direction to the campaign and lobby
plans and make the strategies and tactics of the organization sharper and
rnor effective.
Uniteci Nobons Convention fm the Protection of All Persons from Enforcecl Dis<lppe<lr<lnce
The study can also cull the lessons from the various realities people face in
different parts or regions of the world. Considering these lessons in the planning
processes will further contribute to the effectiveness of the international campaign
against disappearances and impunity to achieve a world free from enforced
What is the International Coalition Against Enforced
Disappearance (ICAED)?
In view of the lessons of our years of lobbying, the principal actors in
lobbying for the adoption of the Convention deemed it imperative to form an
International Coalition Against Enforced Disappearances to secure the entry into
force of the Convention at the earliest possible date. The ICAED was formally
launched in Geneva, Switzerland on 26 September 2007.
For more information on the International Coalition Against Enforced
Disappearances, please contact website: