Brother Andrew's Sanctuary Messenger
Brother Andrew's Sanctuary Messenger
Brother Andrew's Sanctuary Messenger
Yours sincerely,
Your Testimonies
“Thank you my Brother, God took care of the problem. I tried to do all I
could and then rested in Him. I believe in faith for small things, as well
as big. I give HIM praise.
I am healed!
“Dear Andrew,
The doctor told me this morning that I am healing, thank God. My left
eye has not been affected, thank God. I do have another appointment in
three weeks on 29 June for another check up.
Thanks so much.
A. B.” – Email received 05.06.09
“Can you please thank all the wonderful healers who helped with my
friend Tanya's mum (Didi) she is now feeling and looking 100%.
Let the Father do the work. Be poised in the full acceptance of His
almighty presence. Know that you are illuminated immediately in the light
of the Holy Spirit, and that you are at this moment just abiding in the
Kingdom of God. As you sit there, I want you also to believe that because
you are one with your Heavenly Father, instantly you become a channel of
love unto all the world. Because we have opened our souls and become
conscious of God's presence, we have entered a state of
consciousness—the divine consciousness — the Christ-consciousness —
in which we have instantaneous contact with everyone, everywhere. For
while you and I do not know everyone everywhere, the great Father within
us—with who we are in full contact at this moment—knows every living
soul in the whole of the Universe; and as we speak our prayer and our
word to Him, that great love goes out and touches the hearts and minds
and souls of all His children with the speed of thought, because we have
asked for it to be so. We are in the Kingdom of God right now, and,
fundamentally, that is all we ever need. We are poised and at peace,
abandoned to Him. In the name of Christ Jesus we must allow that
surrender to be complete, so that our lives may manifest the divine
adjustment which will take place through our experiences from day to day.
Furthermore, as we are in that consciousness NOW, I think this is a very
good time to have intercession for anyone who needs specific help, the
help of us all in prayer. As they come forward for intercession, I want
everyone else to realise only the perfection of the great Father—nothing
else. We do not do the work, we do not will it—we merely come to the
Holy Spirit, to the great one who knows how to do it, and whose power
alone can do it. So let those who would like Intercession come forward.
Excerpt taken from the powerful booklet by Brother Mandus, ‘The Power of
Thought & The Healing Power of Prayer’ Ref. L 5 & 6. You can purchase it
from the Crusade and it’s priced at £1 + p. & p.
All Is Well!
Brother Andrew
It always seems that the harder I strive to ‘get it right’ the less likely I am
to succeed, very strange! Perhaps I am trying to impress someone,
maybe I am trying to avoid saying or doing ‘the wrong thing.’ Perhaps I
am self conscious or just plain tired. Maybe it is a combination of all of
those things, I’m not sure.
Of course I seek to do the best that I can at the time and I try and learn
from the difficulties as no doubt you do. My mum always used to say; ‘If
at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again!’ Wise words and so we
move on from the problems having learned valuable lessons from the
I think that many of our difficulties stem from our concentration on the
past or the future rather than concentrating on the needs of the moment.
Living in the ‘now’ takes practice and I don’t always manage to achieve
that goal. As the saying goes: ‘The past is dead, the future is as yet
unborn and the present is a gift from God.’ Accept the present and
make full use of it; your day will unfold in wondrous ways.
Healing Recordings for You
MMW 2 – Co-operating With God/God Loves You – Conrad, Ken & Tim
All are recordings are priced at £6 + £1.00 p. & p. They are available
on CD and audio tape. When you make your order please specify if
you require tape or CD, thank you.
O God, the Father of All, You ask everyone of us to spread love where the poor
are humiliated, joy where the church is brought low and reconciliation where
people are divided.
It is imperative that there should be spiritual unity, and understanding, between
all religions. Dis-unity divides and weakens the whole; love unites and
strengthens all.
There is no competition between those who serve God and man. Nor should
there be any disagreements between those who worship in different ways.
Divided we fail and fall. United - all things are possible.
Religion isn't about being right; it is about being! Being kind, being patient,
being loving, not judging, and drawing out the best in the other, seeing the
presence of Christ or the divine in the other.
God is the labourer and we are merely His humble servants.
In the stillness I feel peace and I feel calm; in the stillness I’m protected from all
In the stillness I lose problems, pressure, pain, for I know that in God, I am
whole again.
Doves of Peace
DDoovveess ooff ppeeaaccee ffrroomm rreeaallm mss aabboovvee,,
Seenntt ttoo uuss oonn fflliigghhttss ooff lloovvee..
EEnnffoolldd oouurr wwoorrlldd wwiitthh yyoouurr wwiinnggss ooff lliigghhtt
Anndd kkeeeepp iitt ssaaffee bbyy ddaayy aanndd nniigghhtt..
Tony Katz
(World Healing Crusade Prayer Partner)
Book Review
The Divine Awakening
Brother Mandus relates his personal thoughts about how best to achieve
spiritual and physical balance in an ever changing world. He tells us that
our eternal goal is Paradise and explains how Christ through His
teachings can make that goal a reality. We are perfect in spirit but weak
in flesh and through prayer, the perfection can and does manifest in the
physical being. Follow the route that God has planned for you!