Franciscan Resources Book List
Franciscan Resources Book List
Franciscan Resources Book List
Early Documents and Omnibus 5 1)Francis of Assisi - The Saint: Early Documents, vol. 1 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents) [Paperback]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)
2)Francis of Assisi - The Founder: Early Documents, vol. 2 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents)[Paperback]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)
3)Francis of Assisi - The Prophet: Early Documents, vol. 3 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents)[Hardcover]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)
5)St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies: English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St. Francis [Paperback]
Marion A. Habig (Editor), Raphael Brown et al. (Translator)
Franciscan Studies 13 1)Francis of Assisi: History, Hagiography and Hermenutics in the Early Documents [Paperback]
Jay M.Hammond (Editor)
2)Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi: A Beginner's Workbook (Second Edition) [Paperback]
William R.Hugo OFM Cap (Author)
3)Workbook for Franciscan studies: Companion guide to the Omnibus of sources [Paperback]
Damien Isabell (Author)
4)The Writings of Francis of Assisi: Vol.1 Letters and Prayers - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources
Michael Blastic (Author), O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), Jay Hammond (Author)
5)The Writings of Francis of Assisi: Vol. 2 Rules, Testament and Admonitions - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources [Paperback]
Michael Blastic (Author), O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), OFM(Author), Jay Hammond (Author)
7)The Teacher of His Heart: Jesus Christ in the Thought and Writings of St. Francis [Paperback]
Norbert Nguyen-Van-Khanh (Author)
St Francis and The Song of Brotherhood and Sisterhood Gospel Living: Saint Francis Of Assisi Yesterday And Today The Admonitions of St. Francis: Sources and Meanings
FRANCISCAN PRAYERS 7 1)Instruments of Christ: Reflections on the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi [Paper back]
Albert Hasse (author)
3)Franciscans at Prayer (The Medieval Franciscans) [Photocopy] Timothy J. Johnson (Editor) 5)Franciscan Prayer [Paperback]
Ilia Delio O.S.F. (Author)
6)Hunger and Thirst for God [The Prayer Life of St Francis of Assisi] [Paperback]
Fr Vincent Kurisummootil OFM Cap (Author)
2)The Writings of Clare of Assisi: Letters, Form of Life, Testament and Blessing - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources [Paperback]
Michael Blastic O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), OFM(Author), Jay Hammond (Author)
3)A Companion to Clare of Assisi (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition) [Photocopy]
Joan Mueller (Author)
Francis of Assisi: Spirituality and Theology 7 1)Following Francis of Assisi: A Spirituality for Daily Living [Paperback]
Patti Normile (Author)
7)The Way of St. Francis: The Challenge of Franciscan Spirituality for Everyone [Paperback]
Murray Bodo (Author)
Secular Franciscan Order 9 1)The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: With a Catechism and Instructions [Photocopy]
Cornelio Mota Ramos OFM (Author), Felipe Baldonado OFM (Author),Zachary Grant OFM Cap (Author)
2)The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: Origins, Development, Interpretation [Paperback]
Robert M. Stewart (Author)
3)To Live As Francis Lived: A Guide for Secular Franciscans (The Path of Franciscan Spirituality)
Leonard Foley O.F.M. (Author), Jovian Weigel O.F.M. (Author), Patti Normile S.F.O. (Author)
4)Called to Follow Christ: Commentary on the Secular Franciscan Rule (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 1) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck (Author, Editor)
5)Called to Rebuild the Church: A Spiritual Commentary on the General Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 2.) [Paperback]
Lester Bach (Author)
6)Called to Live the Dynamic Power of the Gospel: Commentary on the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 3) [Paperback]
Philip Marquard O.F.M. (Author)
7)Called to Proclaim: Short Reflections on the SFO Rule (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 4.) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck OFM (Author)
8)Called to Make Present the Charism: Ongoing Formation for Secular Franciscans Based on the Footnotes of the SFO Rule (SFO Resource Library, 5) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck O.F.M. (Author)
9)Called to Build a More Fraternal and Evangelical World: Commentary on the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 6)
Benet A. Fonck O.F.M. (Author)
Franciscan Ideals and Traditions 16 1)Poverty and Joy: The Franciscan Tradition (Traditions of Christian Spirituality.) [Paperback]
William J. Short (Author)
7)Living Our Future: Francis of Assisi and the Church Tomorrow [Hardcover]
Mario Von Galli (Author)
8)Greater Than a Mother's Love: The Spirituality of Francis and Clare of Assisi [Paperback]
Gilberto Cavazos-Gonzalez (Author)
13)The Capuchin Reform A Franciscan Renaissance A Portrait of sixteenth century Capuchin life [Hardcover]
Fr Paul Hanbridge OFM Cap (Translator)
14)Dying, As A Franciscan: Approaching Our Transitus to Eternal Life, Accompanying Others on the Way to Theirs [Paperback]
Various (Author), Michael Cusato (Editor), Daria Mitchell(Editor)
Journals The Cord: A Franciscan Spiritual Review Volume 60: 1, 2, 3, 4; 2010 [Photostat] Volume 61: 1, 2, 3, 4; 2011 [Photostat]
Volume 12 1998 Supplement: a) Questions About Authenticity of Privilege of Poverty of Inocent III and of the Testament of Clare of Assisi [Photostat]
Werner Maleczek
Volume 14 2000 Supplement: We Who Where With Him: A contribution to the Franciscan Question
Raoul Manselli (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Regis Armstrong OFM Cap and Ingrid Peterson (editors)
Volume 15 2001 Supplement: Francis of Assisi And The Laity of His Time [Photostat]
Prospero Rivi (author), Heather Tolfree (translator), Regis Armstrong OFM Cap and Ingrid Peterson (editors)
Volume 18 2004 Supplement: Thus Says The Lord The Gospel in The Writings of Saint Francis
Dino Dozzi (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Michael Blastic OFM (editor)
Volume 19 2005 Supplement: Saint Francis, The Canticle, The Our Father [Photostat]
Edoardo Fumagalli (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Michael Blastic OFM (editor)