Franciscan Resources Book List

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Franciscan Introduction and Biography 9 1) St Francis of Assisi [Paperback]

Fr Leo OFM Cap (Author), K C Chacko (Translator)

2)Francis of Assisi [Hardcover]

Walter Nigg (Author), W. Neil (Translator)

3)Francis Trilogy: The Life of Saint Francis

Thomas of Celano (Author)


4)I, Francis [Paperback]

Carlo Carretto (Author)

5)Life of St. Francis of Assisi [Photocopy]

Paul Sabatier (Author), Louise Seymour Houghton (Translator)

6)Francis: The Journey and the Dream [Paperback]

John Michael Talbot(Foreword), Murray Bodo (Author)

7)First Encounter with Francis of Assisi

Damen Vorreux (Author), Jean-Francois Godet-Calogeras (Editor)


8)Saint Francis [Paperback]

Nikos Kazantzakis (Author)

9)St. Francis of Assisi [Photocopy]

G.K. Chesterton (Author)

Early Documents and Omnibus 5 1)Francis of Assisi - The Saint: Early Documents, vol. 1 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents) [Paperback]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)

2)Francis of Assisi - The Founder: Early Documents, vol. 2 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents)[Paperback]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)

3)Francis of Assisi - The Prophet: Early Documents, vol. 3 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents)[Hardcover]
Regis J. Armstrong (Author)

4)Francis of Assisi - Index: Early Documents, vol. 4 [Paperback]

Regis J. Armstrong (Author)

5)St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies: English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St. Francis [Paperback]
Marion A. Habig (Editor), Raphael Brown et al. (Translator)

Franciscan Studies 13 1)Francis of Assisi: History, Hagiography and Hermenutics in the Early Documents [Paperback]
Jay M.Hammond (Editor)

2)Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi: A Beginner's Workbook (Second Edition) [Paperback]
William R.Hugo OFM Cap (Author)

3)Workbook for Franciscan studies: Companion guide to the Omnibus of sources [Paperback]
Damien Isabell (Author)

4)The Writings of Francis of Assisi: Vol.1 Letters and Prayers - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources
Michael Blastic (Author), O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), Jay Hammond (Author)

5)The Writings of Francis of Assisi: Vol. 2 Rules, Testament and Admonitions - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources [Paperback]
Michael Blastic (Author), O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), OFM(Author), Jay Hammond (Author)

6)Francis of Assisi: The Message in His Writings[Paperback]

Thaddee Matura (Author)

7)The Teacher of His Heart: Jesus Christ in the Thought and Writings of St. Francis [Paperback]
Norbert Nguyen-Van-Khanh (Author)

8)In Solitude and Dialogue: Contemporary Franciscans Theologize [Paperback]

Anthony M. Carrozzo (Author)

9) Francis of Assisi and The Feminine [Paperback]

Jacques Dalarum

10) From Intuition to Institution: The Franciscans

Theophile Desbonnets

11)The Misadventure of Francis of Assisi [Paperback]

Jacques Dalarum

12) Francis of Assisi and Power [Paperback]

Jacques Dalarum

13) St. Francis of Assisi and The Third Order

Raffaele Pazzelli

St Francis and The Song of Brotherhood and Sisterhood Gospel Living: Saint Francis Of Assisi Yesterday And Today The Admonitions of St. Francis: Sources and Meanings

FRANCISCAN PRAYERS 7 1)Instruments of Christ: Reflections on the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi [Paper back]
Albert Hasse (author)

2)The Simple Way: Meditations on the Words of Saint Francis [Paperback]

Murray Bodo O.F.M. (Author)

3)Franciscans at Prayer (The Medieval Franciscans) [Photocopy] Timothy J. Johnson (Editor) 5)Franciscan Prayer [Paperback]
Ilia Delio O.S.F. (Author)

6)Hunger and Thirst for God [The Prayer Life of St Francis of Assisi] [Paperback]
Fr Vincent Kurisummootil OFM Cap (Author)

7) Francis Master of Prayer [paperback]

Leohard Lehmann (author) Paulinus Van Halderen (translator)

Clare of Assisi 4 1)Clare of Assisi - The Lady: Early Documents

Regis J. Armstrong (Author)

2)The Writings of Clare of Assisi: Letters, Form of Life, Testament and Blessing - Studies in Early Franciscan Sources [Paperback]
Michael Blastic O.F.M. (Author), Wayne Hellmann (Author), OFM(Author), Jay Hammond (Author)

3)A Companion to Clare of Assisi (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition) [Photocopy]
Joan Mueller (Author)

4)Clare of Assisi: A Heart Full of Love [Paperback]

Ilia Delio O.S.F. (Author)

Saint Clare: Beyond The Legend

Francis of Assisi: Spirituality and Theology 7 1)Following Francis of Assisi: A Spirituality for Daily Living [Paperback]
Patti Normile (Author)

2)The Mysticism of At Francis of Assisi

D H S Nicholson (Author)


3)Reflections on St. Francis [Paperback]

John Michael Talbot (Author)

4)Francis of Assisi and the Consecrated Life

Fr Aloysius Kattady TOR (Author)

5)Finding Francis Following Christ

Michael H Crosby (Author)


6)Spiritual Direction in Francis of Assisi [Paperback]

Fr Benedict Vadakkekara OFM Cap (Author), Fr F Christi Vattakuzhy OFM Cap (Author)

7)The Way of St. Francis: The Challenge of Franciscan Spirituality for Everyone [Paperback]
Murray Bodo (Author)

Secular Franciscan Order 9 1)The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: With a Catechism and Instructions [Photocopy]
Cornelio Mota Ramos OFM (Author), Felipe Baldonado OFM (Author),Zachary Grant OFM Cap (Author)

2)The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: Origins, Development, Interpretation [Paperback]
Robert M. Stewart (Author)

3)To Live As Francis Lived: A Guide for Secular Franciscans (The Path of Franciscan Spirituality)
Leonard Foley O.F.M. (Author), Jovian Weigel O.F.M. (Author), Patti Normile S.F.O. (Author)

4)Called to Follow Christ: Commentary on the Secular Franciscan Rule (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 1) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck (Author, Editor)

5)Called to Rebuild the Church: A Spiritual Commentary on the General Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 2.) [Paperback]
Lester Bach (Author)

6)Called to Live the Dynamic Power of the Gospel: Commentary on the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 3) [Paperback]
Philip Marquard O.F.M. (Author)

7)Called to Proclaim: Short Reflections on the SFO Rule (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 4.) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck OFM (Author)

8)Called to Make Present the Charism: Ongoing Formation for Secular Franciscans Based on the Footnotes of the SFO Rule (SFO Resource Library, 5) [Paperback]
Benet A. Fonck O.F.M. (Author)

9)Called to Build a More Fraternal and Evangelical World: Commentary on the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO Resource Library, Vol. 6)
Benet A. Fonck O.F.M. (Author)

Secular Franciscan Companion

Franciscan Ideals and Traditions 16 1)Poverty and Joy: The Franciscan Tradition (Traditions of Christian Spirituality.) [Paperback]
William J. Short (Author)

2)The Franciscan Tradition (Spirituality in History series) [Paperback]

Regis J. Armstrong (Author), Ingrid J. Peterson (Author), Phyllis Zagano(Series Editor)

3)The Ideals of St. Francis Of Assisi [Photocopy]

Hilarin Felder (Author), Berchmans Bittle (Translator)

4)The Stigmata of Francis of Assisi: New Studies, New Perspectives [Paperback]

Jacques Dalarun (Author), Michael Cusato (Author), Carla Salvati (Author)

5)The Natural World of Saint Francis of Assisi

Susan Bean (Author), Tom Bean (Photographer), Br. Keith Warner OFM (Foreword)

6)The Crucifix That Spoke to St Francis [Hardcover]

Michael Goonan (Author)

7)Living Our Future: Francis of Assisi and the Church Tomorrow [Hardcover]
Mario Von Galli (Author)

8)Greater Than a Mother's Love: The Spirituality of Francis and Clare of Assisi [Paperback]
Gilberto Cavazos-Gonzalez (Author)

9)The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi (Cambridge Companions to Religion) [Paperback]

Michael J. P. Robson (Editor)

10)Franciscan Solitude [Paperback]

Andre Cirino (Author, Editor), Josef Raischl (Author, Editor)

11)Compassion: Living in the Spirit of St Francis

Ilia Delio O.S.F. (Author)

12)A Poor Man's Legacy: An Anthology of Franciscan Poverty [Paperback]

Cyprian J. Lynch (Author, Editor)

13)The Capuchin Reform A Franciscan Renaissance A Portrait of sixteenth century Capuchin life [Hardcover]
Fr Paul Hanbridge OFM Cap (Translator)

14)Dying, As A Franciscan: Approaching Our Transitus to Eternal Life, Accompanying Others on the Way to Theirs [Paperback]
Various (Author), Michael Cusato (Editor), Daria Mitchell(Editor)

15) Making Peace with Cancer: A Franciscan Journey [Paperback]

Robert M. Stewart (author)

16)Saint Francis and Poverty [Photocopy]

Father Cuthbert O.S.F.C (author)

Journals The Cord: A Franciscan Spiritual Review Volume 60: 1, 2, 3, 4; 2010 [Photostat] Volume 61: 1, 2, 3, 4; 2011 [Photostat]

Greyfriars Review Volume 7 1993 Supplement: Office of the Passion

Dominique Gagman

Volume 12 1998 Supplement: a) Questions About Authenticity of Privilege of Poverty of Inocent III and of the Testament of Clare of Assisi [Photostat]
Werner Maleczek

b) Clare between Charism and Institution [Photostat]

Maria Pia Alberzoni

Volume 14 2000 Supplement: We Who Where With Him: A contribution to the Franciscan Question
Raoul Manselli (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Regis Armstrong OFM Cap and Ingrid Peterson (editors)

Volume 15 2001 Supplement: Francis of Assisi And The Laity of His Time [Photostat]
Prospero Rivi (author), Heather Tolfree (translator), Regis Armstrong OFM Cap and Ingrid Peterson (editors)

Volume 18 2004 Supplement: Thus Says The Lord The Gospel in The Writings of Saint Francis
Dino Dozzi (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Michael Blastic OFM (editor)

Volume 19 2005 Supplement: Saint Francis, The Canticle, The Our Father [Photostat]
Edoardo Fumagalli (author), Edward Hagman OFM Cap (translator), Michael Blastic OFM (editor)

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