Research Directory 15 April 2010

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Directory of UK ELT Research 200508

Compiled by Shelagh Rixon and Richard Smith

Directory of UK ELT Research 200508

Compiled by Shelagh Rixon and Richard Smith


Construction of the directory Perspectives on UK ELT research Articles, chapters, authored books and unpublished items Doctoral theses supervised and completed Externally funded projects Contributing institutions

1 9 19 151 178 194


The British Council Directory of UK ELT Research was conceived in pursuit of three main aims: 1. To disseminate and share information generally in the area of UK-based ELT research. It had become apparent that there was no current, conveniently available source of information about research in the UK relevant to the field of English Language Teaching. 2. To promote interchange amongst researchers in the UK and other countries. The directory of research exists both as an online database and in a PDF/paper form. In its online version it will be particularly useful for individuals and institutions in countries outside the UK to use its search facility in order to find institutions or individuals in the UK with research interests close to their own. Typical users envisaged in this category are scholars seeking academic attachments or exchanges, and prospective PhD students looking for academic supervisors in their areas of interest. The PDF/paper version provides a useful annotated bibliography of current research, which also gives information on institutional affiliations of authors. 3. To publicise and make research available to the broader constituency of ELT professionals worldwide. An important aim of the directory is to help publicise UK ELT research and thus enable it to have a greater potential impact on practice. An important connected principle underlying construction of the directory is that the research recorded in it should be publicly accessible. This informed a number of decisions with regard to the information that needed to be provided, as outlined under Types of entry, and details requested below.


The idea for a directory of UK ELT research was conceived within the British Council during 2008 as part of an overall strategy to enhance links with research-active UK institutions. An open invitation to tender for the project was sent out in December 2008 and a proposal from the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick was selected from a competitive field. The project team consisted of Dr Richard Smith (co-ordinator) and Shelagh Rixon, assisted by Dr Seongsook Choi and Duncan Hunter. Sian Alsop, Sheila Verrier and Qingqing Xue also assisted in the final editing process. John Knagg of the British Council was also fully involved at all stages. The clarification of parameters, design of research tools, data collection and editing were completed by the end of July 2009. Plans for a second edition were announced to the UK ELT research community at the end of January 2010, and this enabled a number of institutions which had not previously been represented to submit 200508 entries, and others to enhance their overall return. Data collection and editing for this phase were carried out by Richard Smith, with the assistance of Seongsook Choi, Niluki Arsacularatne and David Avery, and completed by the end of March 2010.

The method for collecting the information for the research directory was to identify key contacts within relevant institutions in the UK and ask them to provide information on their research and that of their colleagues. This made collection of a large body of data feasible within the short time span allotted to the project and meant that institutions were responsible for the selection of entries and the accuracy of returns. To facilitate the collection of data, online database input forms were devised and administrated by Seongsook Choi, to which participating institutions had access via a password. Richard Smith and Shelagh Rixon acted as interlocutors with inputting institutions and as editors.

Selection of institutions
A systematic attempt was made to identify and contact all institutions in the UK which had relevant departments or centres or were otherwise likely to have research-active staff members working in the area of ELT. These institutions


included accredited language schools and organisations such as CfBT and Cambridge ESOL as well as universities and colleges. Heads of faculty, school, department or centre, as appropriate, were asked to nominate a key contact person, who was then given the necessary log-in details that would provide access to the web-based data collection forms. A total of 57 institutions participated in this initial phase of the project (five of these subsequently submitted a zero return). For the second edition institutions which had not previously replied were again contacted, and invitations to contribute were sent out via various mailing lists, including that of BAAL, the British Association for Applied Linguistics.

Definition of UK ELT Research, 20052008

The following definitions of terms were developed by the project team and shared with participating institutions: Research For the purposes of this exercise, we adopted a modified version of the 2008 HEFCE RAE (Research Assessment Exercise) definition of research. Thus, we took the primary meaning of research to be original investigation undertaken in order to gain knowledge and understanding. However, as for the RAE, the term also includes scholarship the creation, development and maintenance of the intellectual infrastructure of an activity or area of study, in this case ELT, for example in forms such as dictionaries, research databases and reviews of the state of the art in areas relevant to ELT. ELT research ELT research was defined as any research whose data and/or findings relate directly to the teaching, learning or assessment of English as a Foreign, Second or Additional Language in the UK or any other context. UK research UK research refers to research undertaken by a current member of staff or associate of a bona fide educational institution with a base in the UK. The actual research may have taken place anywhere in the world, not necessarily in the UK. Current, for the purposes of the 200508 directory refers to the census point of 1 May 2009. An exception to the current association rule was made for


completed doctoral theses and for externally funded projects: in both these cases, even though the researchers involved may have left the submitting institution (indeed, were likely to have done so in the case of authors of doctoral theses), submission of the theses or projects in question was encouraged, since they were considered to have been hosted by the submitting institution. The 20052008 date range This refers to date of publication. The earliest publication date for work to be included was 1 January 2005 and the latest was 31 December 2008. In the case of funded projects, the project must have either begun or ended within the date range.

Types of entry, and details requested

Details of the following types of research output were requested:

journal articles chapters in edited books papers in conference proceedings authored books unpublished but electronically accessible items doctoral theses supervised within the institution in question externally funded research projects.

There was no particular requirement for journal articles to be peer-reviewed any assessment of their quality was left, as in the case of other types of entry, to the discretion of the submitting institution. With regard to edited books, whereas editing as opposed to authoring a book was not considered to be a research output in its own right, the introduction to such a book could be included in the book chapter category, thus ensuring that editing of the book would be acknowledged in some form. We also wished to give publicity to authored items which had not been published in a formal sense, and thus offered an unpublished category for such items. Doctoral theses and research projects were the only categories where the researchers involved did not need to be currently affiliated with the contributing institution: in both cases, it was felt that the institution could legitimately submit details due to their support for the research in question. In the case of doctoral theses, the names


of supervisors were requested as a means of acknowledging the important role they have in helping bring theses to completion. In all cases, we required sufficient bibliographical detail for users to be able to access a particular item for themselves (journal name, volume number and page numbers for journal articles; names of editors, title of book, place of publication, publisher and ISBN number for chapters in edited collections, and so on). For any unpublished items a URL was required, in order to ensure accessibility. The same important principle of accessibility (see Rationale above) was applied to externally funded research projects for each of these we requested a project website URL, or details of a publicly available project report or associated publication. Some projects originally submitted for consideration had to be excluded when a way could not be found to guide the directory user to further information in the manner just described. Some optional fields were also provided for each type of item. Most importantly, there was space to enter a summary of up to 60 words. This invitation was taken up in some but by no means in all cases. Selection from the following list of twenty possible descriptors was also encouraged though not required; as many or as few of these descriptors as necessary could be chosen for each item entered:

Assessment Classroom interaction Curriculum/syllabus English language ESP ESOL/EAL Learner autonomy/strategies Learner cognition Learning technologies Listening Management/Innovation Materials Methodology Pronunciation Reading



Cultural issues Speaking I Teacher cognition I Teacher education I Writing This list was derived from a synthesis of different kinds of overview of ELT professional concerns, including names of IATEFL special interest groups, IATEFL annual conference themes, handbooks of ELT methodology, and so on. The list was not intended to be exhaustive or definitive, but it did represent one way to ensure that the online database would be searchable for content, especially in cases where the inputter did not provide a fuller summary. Inputting of the following details for each item was also encouraged though not required: country of research (selection from a drop-down menu of countries, including various); learners background (same menu of choices as for country of research); institutional level (selection from pre-primary, primary, secondary, tertiary, adult); and associated funded project (where this had been entered as part of the same institutions submission).

Selection, editing and presentation of entries

Those contributing entries were asked to operate within the parameters described previously in selecting work from their overall research output for inputting into the directory. Responsibility for this selection and for interpretation of the definitions we had provided was therefore placed with the inputting institutions themselves it was felt that self-monitoring would be effective since it would clearly not be in the best interests of researchers and institutions to enter references to work that was outside the remit or of substandard quality; also, we would be playing a collegial role rather than setting ourselves up as judges of other institutions input. We did in fact suggest reconsideration of some entries which seemed to us not to meet the criteria set up and publicised, but did not enforce this except in cases where objective criteria were not met (entries outside the date range, edited collections entered mistakenly under authored book, information entered for a researcher not currently affiliated with the institution in question,


and so on). The editorial team also undertook small proof-reading changes such as putting in missing commas or changing the case of initial letters, but for larger issues, ranging from the issue of inclusion or exclusion of items to requests for missing or inadequate information, direct contact was made with the institutions to request revisions. All information confirmed by the inputting institution was included, for each item. This meant that in cases of co-authorship or collaboration (in the case of projects) between researchers at different UK institutions the same item sometimes appears twice in the directory with different summaries or other details attached in these relatively rare cases, respecting the integrity of institutions own entries meant that duplication resulted, but it meant also that different kinds of useful details were provided.

The contents of the research directory

This second edition of the research directory contains a total of over 1,000 entries from 59 contributing institutions. The distribution of different types of entry is as follows:

421 journal articles 285 chapters in edited books or papers in conference proceedings 65 authored books and project reports 18 unpublished but electronically accessible items 189 supervised doctoral theses 61 externally funded projects

The online version Access to the online version can be gained by following this link: The online version is a searchable database with instructions for use incorporated. The PDF/paper version This PDF/paper version of the directory contains the same information as the electronic database although it is here expressed in a linear and static form. The main body of the PDF/paper version consists of an annotated bibliography


of research ordered alphabetically by name of first author, which also gives information on the institutional affiliation of the researcher who submitted the entry, or on whose behalf the entry was submitted. The names, URLs and contact e-mail addresses of all contributing institutions can be found at the end of the directory. For convenience, the list of doctoral theses is presented separately, and is organised according to the institution awarding the degree. In addition, there is a final annotated list of externally funded research projects which are often related to research outputs that are found in the main list.

Future directions
Now that this very substantial body of information on UK-based ELT research has been established, and now that workable procedures have been established for gathering, collating and presenting information, it is hoped that the directory will be supplemented periodically, starting with data for 2009 or 200910.

The editors would like to thank the many individuals who cheerfully, or less so, spent several hours of their time entering details of their research. We hope that they found this way of proceeding acceptable, both in terms of equity they themselves and not editors from another institution chose what should be put forward for inclusion and of feasibility. Without their help we could not have gathered so many items in so short a time (special thanks go to Graham Hall, Huw Jarvis and Pauline Foster for piloting the draft input forms). We hope that all concerned will soon reap benefits in terms of contacts with other scholars and ELT professionals, as well as with prospective students, and that new avenues of co-operation will be the result. We hope that the directory will be found to be a useful and user-friendly way of making links and finding matches one that will enable researchers, prospective students and other ELT professionals to make contact with the right people in the right places for their own needs and interests.


Below are some personal reflections by the directory compilers, Shelagh Rixon and Richard Smith, on some of the issues raised by its creation. Our reflections are intended to initiate debate, and both responses and further comments will be welcomed, within the discussion area associated with the online version of the directory (

Historical background
In many ways the directory represents a 21st century revival of some of the services that used to be provided in the 1970s and early 1980s by the British Councils ETIC (English Teaching Information Centre), for example the production and distribution of specialised bibliographies on English Language Teaching and the support for international networking within the profession provided by ETIC officers. One of the editors (Shelagh) started her ELT career in ETIC and so found it intriguing to see how these two functions could be mirrored via the present directory, both in its searchable database form and in its PDF/paper form, which has more of the appearance of a conventional annotated bibliography. In retrospect, the 1970s and early 1980s can be seen to have represented a kind of golden age for links between university-based applied linguists, the British Council and ELT, with the development and worldwide diffusion of communicative language teaching being the most obvious manifestation of this. Although the contributions to the communicative movement of those working within non-university organisations such as International House and the British Council itself should not be underestimated, it is also true that academic applied linguists including Henry Widdowson, David Wilkins, Chris Candlin, Mike Breen, Keith Johnson, Dick Allwright and Chris Brumfit played a particularly influential role. From a critical perspective, of course, this previous symbiosis between university applied linguists, the British Council and the ELT profession can be viewed as a kind of unholy alliance supporting the spread of inappropriate syllabi, materials and methods and thus maintaining so-called recipient or periphery countries in an unhealthy state of dependence on donor or centre expertise. Indeed, a critical turn in ELT research since the 1990s seems to be


reflected in at least some of the work contained in this directory of 20052008 research. However, the background phenomenon we would most like to highlight here is the relative lack of interchange between applied linguistics and ELT professional concerns since the 1980s, which, it seems to us, has probably been compounded by the relative absence since the late 1980s of British Council engagement with ELT research in UK universities. From this perspective, the weakening of links between university-based research and initiatives supported by the British Council in the area of ELT can be seen to have been an unfortunate development, since even critical research may have failed to have the impact it might otherwise have had (for example, in relation to the British Councils current global products initiatives). It is perhaps worth going back to the roots of applied linguistics in British universities to see how far the situation has changed. The term applied linguistics started to be widely used in the UK in the 1960s, largely through the activity of the British Council itself in setting up and supporting specialist courses in this new discipline for its own ELT officers and for sponsored students from overseas in institutions such as the University of Edinburgh. Applied linguistics itself, however, has grown away from this original focus. Whereas in the past many individuals occupying applied linguistics posts in British universities were themselves former ELT practitioners, often with a background in work with the British Council either as career officers or as consultants or contracted specialists to the many ELT-based projects administered by the British Council in other countries, this is not nowadays so commonly the case. Indeed, despite being founded originally (in the UK at least) from a desire to place ELT on a stronger academic and research footing, applied linguistics today has concerns which spread far wider than this original remit (as a glance at the pages of the leading journal in the field, Applied Linguistics, or newsletters of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) will attest). Even in the 1970s, questions were asked about the relevance of applied linguistics to practical concerns, but the relationship of applied linguistic research with ELT and the degree of interpenetration between them seems to us to have weakened further since then. For this reason, and in the absence of strong links between the British Council and university applied linguistics and ELT departments, there may, understandably, be some scepticism among ELT professionals these days about the relevance of applied linguistic research to their concerns.


As we became aware over the last two to three years that the British Council was beginning to re-engage with universities in order to seek out cutting-edge research with relevance to ELT, we wondered what they would find and whether, given the direction away from ELT that applied linguistics seems to have taken during the last two to three decades, the quest for such research would be fruitful. We were in favour of the idea that the British Council should reassume a mediating role, and that the value specifically of ELT research should be highlighted in counterbalance to any automatic assumption that applied linguistics is necessarily of value to language teachers. This serves to explain our interest in working to compile this directory of UK ELT research and, we hope, makes sufficiently transparent some assumptions which may have influenced the approach we adopted. Below, we offer further reflections relating to the parameters of the investigation, its methodology and the entries that ended up being included.

The scope of ELT research

As we have indicated, one concern we had before embarking on this venture was whether present-day university-based research would turn out to have relevance to ELT at all. There also seemed to be some scepticism amongst British Council ELT specialists about the value to ELT of much academic research, reflecting concerns within the profession more generally. This pointed to a need, expressed by the British Council to us, specifically to seek out ELT research, not simply applied linguistic research. As compilers of the directory, we therefore found it necessary to come up with our own definition of ELT research, because no ready-made definition was at hand. Users of the directory will have their own views, both on the narrowness or otherwise of the definition we adopted, and on what has been included by individual institutions and what excluded on its basis. From our perspective, and going by titles alone, it seems clear that not all entries meet the relatively narrow requirement we set up that they should relate directly to the teaching, learning or assessment of English as a Foreign, Second or Additional Language. However, this does not particularly surprise us, as we felt in advance that the issue of direct relationship to ELT practice would be one of the most problematic and possibly controversial issues we would face.



While we believe that it has proved to be possible to identify a good quantity of what could be termed core ELT research (i.e. research which fully meets the definition we set up), some entries may appear to have only a relatively weak relationship with ELT. This includes, for example, some work carried out primarily in relation to the teaching and learning of languages other than English, and, perhaps, some of the work included from fields including sociolinguistics, intercultural communication, second language acquisition and language description. Thus, while the directory especially in this, its second edition has probably captured a very large proportion of the core ELT research carried out in UK institutions between 2005 and 2008, some of the research included could be viewed as having a more indirect or even tangential relationship to ELT. More of this kind of relatively non-core ELT research was doubtless carried out during the period but for various possible reasons was not entered here, for example due to the location of such research in departments not identified with ELT or applied linguistics, or the greater willingness shown by some departments as opposed to others to accept our narrow definition and thereby exclude research of relatively indirect relevance. We are conscious that our definition of ELT research may seem too narrow, also, for the purposes of some users who might simply wish to find out about interesting recent ELT-related work or ideas in the UK, rather than wanting to know only about research outputs in the way a prospective student seeking an academic supervisor or a scholar seeking partners for a joint research project would want. Thus, although in our invitation to potential contributors we included reference to work such as the creation of databases, corpora and dictionaries that is, scholarship in the definition we adopted we requested exclusion both of how to articles and books, and of learning materials that were based on the writers existing professional experience rather than representing original investigation undertaken in pursuit of new knowledge. This may be an area that needs to be revisited for future editions of the directory, especially given the high output by freelance authors and UK publishers of learning materials. In a similar connection, it should also be noted that much of the ELT research which goes on in the UK is probably in-house and therefore not recordable in the directory in its current form, since accessibility of research outputs was an overriding factor. Such work might include, for example, market research or piloting reports submitted to publishers; consultancy reports for



the British Council or other agencies relating to development projects; or much of the research which is undertaken to validate and improve on large-scale language tests. We were very much open, it should be added, to the submission of reports of practitioner research (action research, exploratory practice, etc.), whether published or formally unpublished but nevertheless electronically accessible. However, very few such reports were submitted. As mentioned above, we initially canvassed a very broad constituency of UK institutions, by no means all of them universities or colleges, but the entries that we actually received are dominated by the higher education sector. One thing that has become clear, then, is that non-university institutions (with the exception, in this directory, of Cambridge ESOL Examinations) do not generally consider themselves to be engaged in research, or at least not research which is publicly accessible. This seems to be a regrettable situation and one which we hope can be improved upon in the future, perhaps with specific British Council encouragement of practitioner research. We welcome views from those outside the university sector who decided not to contribute as to whether the criteria we set up were too restrictive or whether other factors lay behind their current non-representation.

Is UK ELT research distinctive?

Whereas in the past it may have been possible to identify a distinctively British approach or approaches, both to ELT and to related applied linguistic research, we question, on the basis of entries for 20052008, whether it makes sense any longer to think in these terms. Although the directorys focus on UK ELT research is valuable as a means for identifying, taking stock of and showcasing the work being carried out within British institutions, it is clear also that many of the individual research outputs in the directory have arisen within international specialist networks (as evidenced, for example, by the publication details for many of the papers in edited collections and conference proceedings). In this connection, another relatively recent phenomenon evidenced in the directory is the internationalisation of British higher education in terms of personnel a significant number of entries are authored by researchers originally from overseas who have found employment within UK universities. Taken together, these phenomena highlight again the way times have changed since the



heyday of the communicative language teaching movement (the 1970s and 1980s) when the last concerted attempts were made by the British Council to tap into, showcase and nurture UK academic expertise in the field of ELT. The situation now seems much more complex and more diffuse. One question which arises in our minds, then, is To what extent is the UK now a centre for ELT research, as opposed to being one amongst an increased and ever-increasing number of interconnected places around the world where ELT research is based? Decentring seems to be in evidence, also, in the way a number of what we have termed core ELT research entries explicitly address issues of centreperiphery relations from a critical perspective. At the same time, of course, there is no doubt that the UK does remain an important centre of ELT industry, with UK products ranging from teaching and learning materials to large-scale language tests being marketed worldwide. While extensive links between research and development in the area of large-scale English language assessment are evidenced in the directory, there may appear to be much less engagement by researchers, in either a supportive or a critical role, with some of the other important areas of UK ELT industrial activity, including materials production.

The relevance and impact of ELT research

A peculiarly modern irony might be that of the potential for deskilling, in an ELT sense, of those who enter careers in UK universities and who therefore seem through affiliation to have met the criterion for inclusion in this directory of ELT research. Many academics, even when they are former ELT practitioners, may find themselves increasingly cut off from ELT practice by the nature of the daily work they undertake. The modern twist in this tale is the current pressure put upon them by their institutions to carry out the sort of research that wins the greatest accolades in the periodic HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise (RAE, renamed for the next such exercise the Research Excellence Framework, or REF for short) and within the academy more generally. This could lead to the possibility that they are deterred from work that would contribute more directly and usefully to the ELT field, and this, we feel, is an area where the British Council can help by finding further means to support such research. For our part, by deliberately casting the net wide in encouraging the submission of items which might not have been RAE-able, for example those not written for



international journals or publishers but instead for local journals, publishers or conference proceedings around the world, or indeed those not published at all in a formal sense, we wished to acknowledge research work which might be relatively appropriate to particular contexts of practice. The directory provides access, then, to a number of lesser-known but thereby potentially more valuable and relevant documents than some of those submitted recently to the RAE. Another factor we would like to highlight in this connection is the way the directory includes a substantial body of research carried out into ESOL and EAL within the British adult education and school sectors, representing work which has perhaps not traditionally been associated with ELT but which does meet the quality criterion we have been arguing for, that is, of connecting well with issues in contexts of local in this case, UK practice. A recent trend that the editors have become aware of as doctoral supervisors in their own institution and as external examiners elsewhere is that higher degree students seem to be getting younger (and this is not just a matter of us getting older!), with a number aiming to start a PhD or even EdD directly after, or within one or two years of, completing an MA. This is likely to have an impact on the types of ELT-related research that are undertaken for such theses. There might have been a decrease in the proportion of research topics emerging directly from very substantial classroom or other career-based experience, although the overall number of doctoral theses submitted seem to have been on the increase. The separate list of PhD and EdD projects supervised in different institutions will allow readers to make up their own minds on this issue. While both established academics and doctoral students may feel a pressure to work towards abstraction and generalisation rather than the particular and the contextually relevant in their work, research that is of most direct impact in the ELT field is often very particular directed at local needs within a small geographical area, a particular school or other institution, or even the researchers own practice. As suggested above, we were keen to include such work due to its relevance to practice, even though it might not currently enjoy high status in the academic world. In fact it appears to us that relatively little work of this nature seems to have been submitted to the directory, and this may reflect the danger within those sectors of tertiary education which at the same time claim a connection with the ELT profession, of according more



esteem to work that aims at universality and abstraction than at practical applicability. However, a development that may suggest a reversal of such a trend in research assessment and that may accordingly have some effect on research production is the HEFCE announcement made in July 2009 that, in future, assessments of the worth of university departments research output may include up to 25 per cent for impact. This is, of course, a controversial area, and we invite comments from users of the directory on their own conceptions of relevance, quality and impact in ELT research and how the contents entered for 20052008 seem to measure up against them.

The limitations and importance of ELT research

Aside from issues of appropriateness or relevance of research to local contexts, there is the fundamental question of why ELT research should be particularly highlighted. The directorys focus on research-based contributions is a necessary one in that one of its major functions is to support networking between UK institutions or individual scholars and potential research students, research visitors and/or research collaborators from outside the UK. However, ELT practitioners or would-be practitioners seeking MA-level qualifications still form the majority of the student body in many departments where applied linguistic research is carried out. This brings in an important facet of ELT-related work that of training teachers and its relationship with the development of ELT methodology. As we have already noted above, many of the most respected figures of the 1970s and 1980s followed the career route from ELT teacher to ELT teacher trainer to a university post in applied linguistics, but this may not be so much the case nowadays as it was in the past. At the same time, a significant number of the most influential people in ELT teacher training, materials creation or syllabus design have never occupied academic posts in the strict sense. It remains the case that many of the best-known UK-based ELT writers and teacher trainers are not in the academy. Research work by such figures was in fact eligible for inclusion in the directory but it was also necessary for them to be currently affiliated with an organisation such as a university, language school or testing agency. This has meant that any research by authors who work in an entirely freelance capacity and/or who have retired and no longer retain an institutional affiliation has not been included.



In this regard, we should not forget the important contribution to the ELT field of networks like the IATEFL Research Special Interest Group, which does not confine its membership to university staff or to UK-based professionals. It would be good to hear from users of the present directory whether the low number of entries from outside the higher education sector has resulted, from their point of view, in an excessively limited record of relevant ELT inquiry over the last few years. Despite the possible limitations referred to in these reflections, we would like to end with a positive justification of the focus on ELT research which has been adopted in the present directory. In this connection, we find the following quotation from the recently developed (2005) TESOL Position statement on research and policy particularly apposite: Research-based knowledge provides a principled basis for understanding language teaching and learning, and making decisions about policies, plans, and actions. Research has the potential to help English language teaching professionals improve the processes, outcomes and conditions for language teaching, learning and assessment. It also can help the profession address urgent social and political issues around the world, improve the materials used for second language teaching in schools, institutions and workplaces, as well as clarify debates and debunk myths regarding second language acquisition. A strong commitment to research as a means of improving professional knowledge is vital to the field of teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). (accessed 1/10/09) If this kind of argument is found to be plausible, then the increasing awareness within the British Council that links with and support for UK ELT research need to be re-established is a welcome development, and one which we hope this directory will help to carry forward.



Final note
Without wishing to claim too much for our work, we would like to think that in working on this new British Council initiative we have contributed to the consolidation, if not the establishment, of ELT research as a field in its own right. Once again, we encourage users of the directory to join in the debate which we hope will ensue, via the directory website (, about the nature of ELT research, its relevance to practitioners and policy-makers, and the emphasis and impact of work currently being carried out. We very much welcome such debate, both for its own sake as a means to further consolidate the field of ELT research and, more specifically, as a way to influence possible changes in the parameters and procedures for future versions of the directory.



Aboshiha, P. 2007. Changing perceptions of reading in A. Jendli, S. Troudi and C. Coombe (eds.) The Power of Language. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. ISBN: 978-9948-03-366-0 Pages: 154163 Descriptor(s): Reading Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Adolphs, S. 2005. I dont think I should learn all this A longitudinal view of attitudes towards native speaker English in C. Gnutzmann and F. Intemann (eds.) The Globalisation of English and the English Language Classroom. Tuebingen: Gunter Narr. ISBN: 9783823361367 Pages: 115127 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Adolphs, S. 2005. Multi-word units and second language speech fluency in C. Cosme, C. Gouverneur and F. Meunier (eds.) Phraseology 2005. The Many Faces of Phraseology. Louvain-la-Neuve. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-9027232441 Pages: 2730 Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learner cognition Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Alderson, J.C. 2005. Diagnosing Foreign Language Proficiency: The Interface between Learning and Assessment. London: Continuum. ISBN: 0826485030 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C. 2007. The CEFR and the need for more research. Modern Language Journal 91/ix: 658-662. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C. 2007. The challenge of diagnostic testing: Do we know what we are measuring? in J.M. Fox, M. Wesche, D. Bayliss, L. Cheng, C. Turner and C. Doe (eds.) Language Testing Reconsidered. Ottowa: University of Ottawa Press. ISBN: 9780776606576 Pages: 2139 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C. 2007. Judging the frequency of English words. Applied Linguistics 28: 383-409. Summary: The present paper reports on three investigations of word frequency judgements. Using different methodologies and with varying sizes of word samples, it is shown that judgements by professional linguists do not correlate highly with corpusbased frequency counts. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C. and A. Huhta. 2005. The development of a suite of computer-based dianostic tests based on the Common European Framework. Language Testing 22/3: 301320. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Assessment



Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C. and D. McIntyre. 2006. Implementing and evaluating a selfassessment mechanism for the web-based Language and Style course. Language and Literature 15/3: 291-306. Descriptor(s): Materials, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alderson, J.C., N. Figueras, H. Kuiper and G. Nold. 2006. Analysing tests of reading and listening in relation to the Common European Framework of Reference: The Experience of the Dutch CEFR Construct Project. Language Assessment Quarterly 3: 3-30. Summary: The project methodology involved gathering expert judgments on the usability of the CEFR for test construction, identifying what might be missing from the CEFR, developing a frame for analysis of tests and specifications, and examining a range of existing test specifications and guidelines to item writers and sample test tasks. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Alexander, O. 2007. Introduction in O. Alexander (ed.) New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Oxford: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03910-909-8 Principal format: Printed Summary: Introduction to proceedings of the BALEAP/SATEFL conference in 2005 highlighting current issues in EAP. Key themes include the diversity of the student population, socialization within disciplines, research in genre analysis and corpus

linguistics to design targeted teaching materials, the importance of critical thinking and academic literacy for learner autonomy. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: Heriot-Watt University (School of Management and Languages) Al Kamil, I. and S. Troudi. 2008. Can theory help us understand the nature of writing challenges? in C. Coombe, A. Jendli and P. Davidson (eds.) Teaching Writing Skills in EFL: Theory, Research and Pedagogy. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. Pages: 315 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Angouri, J. and N. Harwood. 2008. This is too formal for us... A case study of variation in the written products of a multinational consortium. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22/1: 3864. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: various Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Arizpe, E. 2006. Young interpreters: Affective dimensions of bilingual childrens response to pictures in J. Enever and G. Schmid-Schnbein (eds.) Picturebooks and Primary EFL Learners. Munich: Langenscheidt. ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-3-526-50836-6 Pages: 35 48 Summary: This article focuses on the responses of bilingual children, particularly on their affective, intellectual and aesthetic responses to picturebooks based on the Reading Pictures project based at the Faculty of Education, University



of Cambridge. It shows how visual art in picturebooks can encourage the use of language of EAL pupils in primary schools. Descriptor(s): Reading, Materials, Learner cognition, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Glasgow (Language and Literature, Faculty of Education) Arnold, W. and S. Rixon. 2008. Materials for teaching English to young learners in B. Tomlinson (ed.) English Language Learning Materials: A Critical Review. London: Continuum. ISBN: 978-0-8264-9350-7 Pages: 3858 Summary: A review of the state of the art in Young Learners materials design worldwide, taking in nearly 100 different sets of course materials. Current trends such as the move towards cross-curricular content are highlighted, as is the continuing need for systematic development of literacy in English. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Methodology, Materials, Listening, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ashton, K. 2006. Can do self-assessment: Investigating cross-language comparability in reading. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 1014. Summary: Karen Ashton reports on the development of a Can Do self-assessment tool for learners of German, Japanese and Urdu which aims to ensure that the difficulty of tasks and ability of learners taking tests in different languages are comparable. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ashton, K. 2008. The languages ladder and asset languages: A new assessment framework for languages in England in C. Kenner and T. Hickey (eds.) Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning. Oakhill, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. ISBN: 9781858564234 Pages: 175177 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ashton, M. and E. Galaczi. 2008. Assessment for teaching: Cambridge ESOLs CLIL exam. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 34: 1521. Summary: Mick Ashton and Evelina Galaczi describe the background to the new CLIL module for Cambridge ESOLs Teaching Knowledge Test, a flexible way to assess teachers knowledge about teaching a non-language subject (e.g. history or science) through a second or foreign language such as English. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ashton, M. and H. Khalifa. 2005. Assessing teachers knowledge: Cambridge ESOL teaching knowledge test. Modern English Teacher 14/1: 6568. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Assessment Country of research: various



Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ashton, M. and H. Khalifa. 2005. Opening a new door for teachers of English: Cambridge ESOL teaching Knowledge Test. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 57. Summary: Mick Ashton and Hanan Khalifa outline the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT), an award for teachers of English at any stage in their career, which was developed in response to stakeholder needs. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ashton, M. and H. Khalifa. 2007. Opening a new door for teachers: Cambridge ESOL teaching knowledge test in TESOL Arabia: Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development: Insights from the Arabian Gulf. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Badger, R.G. 2006. Investigating agonism in linguistics. Journal of Pragmatics 38/9: 14421456. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Baker, W. 2008. A critical examination of ELT in Thailand: The role of cultural awareness. RELC Journal 39/1: 131146. Summary: An essential element in fostering successful intercultural communication is developing cultural awareness as part of ELT pedagogy. To illustrate this, a case study of Thailand is presented. This leads to suggestions on how locally relevant intercultural communicative practices can form part of ELT classroom pedagogy with the aim of developing learners cultural awareness. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, English language Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Banerjee, J. and D. Wall. 2006. Assessing achievement on pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes courses. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 5/1: 5069. Summary: A discussion of the challenges of assessing progress in pre-sessional EAP courses, and a discussion of the challenges facing the developers of an instrument and set of procedures for determining whether learners on an EAP course were ready to enter mainstream university departments. Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation, ESP, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)

Badger, R. and M. Macdonald. 2008. Cultural awareness and teacher education. Pedagogy, Culture and Society 15/2: 215228. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning)



Barker, F. 2006. Corpora and language assessment: Trends and prospects. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 26: 24. Summary: Fiona Barker outlines the growth in the existence and use of corpora for language assessment and describes a range of current corpus-related activities before looking to future applications of this field for language testers, both within Cambridge ESOL and more widely. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Barker, F. and S. Shaw. 2007. Linking language assessments for younger learners across proficiency levels (Phase 1). Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 28: 1418. Summary: Fiona Barker and Stuart Shaws article reports on an ongoing and long-term study to locate the three levels of YLE on to a common scale, thereby providing empirical validation for the vertical equating of levels. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Barker, F., S. McKenna, S. Murray and I. Vidakovic. 2007. Overview of FCE and CAE review project research. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 3134. Summary: Fiona Barker, Steve Murray, Stephen McKenna and Ivana Vidakovic outline a range of other research and stakeholder projects undertaken within the FCE and CAE Review project. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Bartlett, T. and E. Erling. 2007. Local voices in global English: The authenticity

and legitimisation of non-standard ways of speaking in L. Barbara and T. Berber Sardinha (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd International Systemic Functional Congress (PUCSP, So Paulo, Brazil). So Paulo, Brazil: International Systemic Functional Congress. ISBN: ISBN 85-283-0342-X Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Bax, S. 2006. Making CALL work: Towards normalisation. System 34: 465479. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Bax, S. 2006. The role of genre in language syllabus design: The case of Bahrain. International Journal of Educational Development 26: 315328. Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Baynham, M. 2005. Network and agency in the migration stories of Moroccan women in M. Baynham and A. De Fina (eds.) Dislocations/Relocations: Narratives of Displacement. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. ISBN: 978-1900650793 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Baynham, M. 2006. Agency and contingency in the language learning of refugees and asylum seekers. Linguistics and Education 17/1: 2439. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education)



Baynham, M. 2006. Performing self, family and community in Moroccan narratives of migration and settlement in A. De Fina, D. Schiffrin and M. Bamberg (eds.) Discourse and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521541916 Pages: 8795 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Baynham, M. 2006. Power of numbers: Research agendas in a number-saturated world in L. Tett, M. Hamilton and Y. Hillier (eds.) Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Language. Maidenhead and New York: Open University Press. ISBN: 978-0335219377 Pages: 8795 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Baynham, M., C. Roberts, M. Cooke, J. Simpson and K. Ananiadou. 2007. Effective Teaching and Learning ESOL. London: NRDC. ISBN: 1-905188-27-7 Summary: Available online: 2&ArticleID=786 Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Associated project: ESOL Effective Practice project Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Benson, C., J. Gollin and H. TrappesLomax. 2007. Reporting strategies in academic writing: from corpus to materials in O. Alexander (ed.) Proceedings of BALEAP Conference 2005. Stuttgart: Peter Lang. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading

Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Benson, C., J. Pavitt and M. Jenkins. 2005. The use of dictogloss to encourage discussion of language use. Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics 14: 117. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner cognition, English language, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Blackhurst, A. 2005. Listening, reading and writing on computer-based and paper-based versions of IELTS. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 21: 1417. Summary: Andrew Blackhurst reports on the latest trial of the computer-based IELTS test, looking at candidates familiarity with computers and how examiner attitudes affected marking of writing scripts. Statistical analysis revealed no significant intergroup differences by gender, age or first language, which suggests that the relationship between CB and PB scores is not affected by these differences between candidates. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Blackhurst, A. 2007. Computer-based and Paper-based versions of IELTS in O. Alexander (ed.) New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Bern: Peter Lang AG. ISBN: 978-3-03910-909-8 Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various



Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Blackledge, A.J. 2006. The magical frontier between the dominant and dominated: Sociolinguistics and social justice in a multilingual world. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development 27/1: 2241. Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Blackledge, A.J. 2006. The men say They dont need it: Gender and the extension of language testing for British citizenship. Studies in Language and Capitalism 1: 143162. Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Blackledge, A.J. 2008. Liberalism, discrimination and the Law: Language testing for citizenship in Britain in G. Rings and A. Ife (eds.) Neo-colonial Mentalities in Contemporary Europe? Language and Discourse in the Construction of Identities. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 9781847185129 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Blackledge, A.J. and A. Creese. 2008. Contesting language as heritage:

Negotiation of identities in late modernity. Applied Linguistics 29/4: 533554. Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Block, D. 2005. Convergence and resistance in the construction of personal and professional identities: Four French modern language teachers in London in S. Canagarajah (ed.) Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. ISBN: 0805845925 Pages: 167196 Summary: This paper focuses how, via their talk about their lives, four French nationals working as French teachers in London schools construct nationality-influenced (though not determined) hybrid professional and personal identities, lying in a metaphorical third place between home and London. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2006. Identity in applied linguistics: Where are we? in T. Omoniyi and G. White (eds.) The Sociolinguistics of Identity. London: Continuum. ISBN: 1847063322 Pages: 3449 Summary: This paper is a short reflection on how language and identity researchers need to seek not only confirmation for their views, but also to engage with critiques of the rise of identity in the social sciences. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2006. Multilingual Identities in a Global City: London Stories.



London: Palgrave. ISBN: 1403939640 Summary: This book begins with a discussion of globalization, migration, multiculturalism, identity, the global city and the history of migration to Britain and London. It then examines the language/ cultural identities of four groups in London: East Asian graduate students, French foreign language teachers, Spanish-speaking Latinos and second-generation British Asian university students. Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2007. Socialising second language acquisition in H. Zhu, P. Seedhouse, W. Li and V. Cook (eds.) Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0230517005 Pages: 89102 Summary: The call for the socialisation of SLA in The Social Turn in Second Language Acquisition (2003) paralleled Ramptons (1997) call for a retuned applied linguistics, with a bigger and better toolkit. This paper considers what bringing an entire hardware store to bear on language learning research might mean. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2007. Bilingualism: Four assumptions and four responses. Innovation in Language Teaching 1/1: 6682. Summary: Embedded in ongoing debates about multiculturalism are frequent references to bilingualism, which range

from negative assessments to more positive views. This paper presents and critiques four assumptions often made about bilinguals and bilingualism. It concludes with some thoughts on how this discussion is relevant to the readers of this journal. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2007. Second Language Identities. London: Continuum. ISBN: 0-8264-7406-3 Summary: This book begins with a presentation of a poststructuralist approach to identity and then considers early SLA research on affective variables, examining how identity was an issue. It then considers research focussing on identity in three distinct contexts: (1) adult migration, (2) foreign language classrooms and (3) study abroad programmes. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2007. The rise of identity in SLA research, post Firth and Wagner (1997). Modern Language Journal 91/5: 861 874. Summary: This article focuses on empirical research linking L2 learning and identity which has been published since Firth and Wagner (1997). It begins with a discussion of the broadly poststructuralist approach to identity and then critically reviews key publications carried out in naturalistic, foreign language and study abroad contexts. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)



Block, D. 2008. Language education and globalization in S. May and N. Hornberger (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Language Policy and Political Issues in Education. New York: Springer. ISBN: 0387328750 Pages: 3143 Summary: This chapter examines globalisation theory before considering its relevance and applications to language education research. The latter discussion is organised in terms of: (1) early developments, (2) work in progress, problems and difficulties and (3) future directions. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2008. On the appropriateness of the metaphor of LOSS in R. Rubdy and P. Tan (eds.) Language as Commodity: Global Structures, Local Marketplaces. London: Continuum. ISBN: 184706423X Pages: 187203 Summary: This chapter explores the extent to which the metaphor of LOSS (MoL) is always appropriate as a way of framing discussions of language maintenance and shift in the lives of individuals. It concludes with a call for a more nuanced approach to this area of research. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: primary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Block, D. 2008. Spanish-speaking Latinos in London: Community and language practices. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 7/1: 521.

Summary: This paper focuses on Spanishspeaking Latinos in London, an underresearched ethnolingustic group. It first establishes that there is a substantial number of Spanish-speaking Latinos in London and then moves to explore the extent to which one can say that there is a Spanish-speaking Latino community in the city. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Colombia Institutional level: adult Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Boonmoh, A. and H. Nesi. 2008. A survey of dictionary use by Thai university staff and students, with special reference to pocket electronic dictionaries. Horizontes de Lingstica Aplicada 6/2: 7990. Summary: This study identifies some basic characteristics of pocket electronic dictionaries on sale in Thailand, and explores the dictionary using habits and preferences of staff and students at a Thai university. Descriptor(s): Materials, Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Borg, S. 2005. Experience, knowledge about language and classroom experience in teaching grammar in N. Bartels (ed.) Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education. New York: Springer. ISBN: 0-380-387-23451-97-23451-9 Pages: 325340 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education)



Borg, S. 2005. Teacher cognition in language teaching in K. Johnson (ed.) Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 10: 1-4039-2096-6 Pages: 190209 Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2006. Classroom research as professional development in S. Borg (ed.) Classroom Research in ELT in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman. ISBN: No ISBN Pages: ixxii Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2006. Conditions for teacher research. English Teaching Forum 44/4: 2227. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2006. Language teacher research in Europe in S. Borg (ed.) Language Teacher Research in Europe. Alexandria, VA: TESOL. ISBN: 9781931185370 Pages: 1 6 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2006. Teacher Cognition and Language Education: Research and Practice. London: Continuum. ISBN: 0826477283 Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2006. The distinctive characteristics of foreign language teachers. Language Teaching Research 10/1: 129. /40.pdf Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2007. English language teachers views of research: Some insights from Switzerland. ETAS Newsletter 24: 1518. /56.pdf Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2007. Research engagement in English language teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education 23: 731747. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2007. Understanding what teachers think about research. The Teacher Trainer 21: 24. Summary: This paper illustrates ways of studying what research means to teachers in an in-service teacher education context. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2008. English language teachers beliefs about research: Perspectives from the Netherlands. Levende Talen Tijdschrift [Journal of the Dutch Association of Modern Language Teachers] 9/3: 313. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. 2008. Teacher research in English language teaching in S. Borg (ed.) Investigating English Language Teaching and Learning in Oman. Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman. ISBN: 9789948037699 Pages: ixxiii Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education)



Borg, S. and A. Burns. 2008. Integrating grammar in adult TESOL classrooms. Applied Linguistics 29/3: 456482. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Borg, S. and S. Ioannou-Georgiou. 2008. IATEFL research publications. Language Teaching 41/3: 431 443. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Bowles, H. and P. Seedhouse. 2007. Introduction in H. Bowles and P. Seedhouse (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Languages for Specific Purposes. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783039114696 Summary: Introduction to a ground-breaking volume which shows how conversation analysis can make a significant contribution to the teaching of spoken language for specific purposes (LSP) and provides a firm foundation for future research and practice in this area. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction, Speaking, Methodology, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Bowles, H. and P. Seedhouse. 2007. Interactional competence and the LSP classroom in H. Bowles and P. Seedhouse (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Languages for Specific Purposes. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783039114696 Pages: 305330 Summary: This chapter attempts a brief overview of the implications of CA-based approaches to interaction for the teaching of speaking in the LSP classroom. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, ESP, Classroom interaction

Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Bressan, E. and V.M. Cribb. 2007. Group project work in higher education: What it is and what it is not in M. Conrick and M. Howard (eds.) From Applied Linguistics to Linguistics Applied. Birmingham: British Association of Applied Linguistics/Irish Association for Applied Linguistics. ISBN: 0-7044-2627-7 Pages: 180 194 Summary: Looks at how home and international students interact in group project work in higher education. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Brick, B. and J. Holmes. 2008. Using screen capture software for student feedback in D. Klinshuk, G. Sampson, J.M. Spector, P. Saias and D. Ifenthaler (eds.) Freiburg, Germany: IADIS CELDA. Pages: 339342 Principal format: CD-ROM Summary: In the wake of negative responses by students regarding the quality and helpfulness of feedback, tutors have begun to explore ways in which new technologies can improve feedback. This paper reviews the literature in the area of student feedback and provides some initial results into trials conducted using screen capture software for student feedback. The final part of the paper discusses some of the procedural and practical issues which need to be addressed in developing a clear methodology for this type of feedback.



Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, Methodology, Learning technologies, English language, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Brown, A. and L. Taylor. 2006. A worldwide survey of examiners views and experience of the revised IELTS speaking test. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 26: 14 18. Summary: Annie Brown and Lynda Taylor report on a project commissioned by Cambridge ESOL to survey examiners views and experience of the IELTS Speaking Test following its revision in 2001. This survey explored both the Speaking Tests format and tasks and how raters assessed candidates taking the test. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Brown, P., R.C. Smith and E. Ushioda. 2007. Responding to resistance in A. Barfield and S.H. Brown (eds.) Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-00173-2 Pages: 71 83 Summary: Report on an action research project involving development of teacherlearner autonomy within initial teacher education, including consideration of how resistance to the course design was responded to through investigation and changes which safeguarded the innovation. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various

Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Burden, P. and S. Troudi. 2007. An evaluation of student ratings of teaching in a Japanese university context in C. Coombe, M. Al-Hamly, P. Davidson and S. Troudi (eds.) Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness in ESL/EFL Contexts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Pages: 152166 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Bygate, M. 2005. Applied linguistics: A pragmatic discipline, a generic discipline?. Applied linguistics: 26/4: 568581. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Bygate, M. 2005. Oral second language abilities as expertise in K. Johnson (ed.) Expertise in Second Language Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-1-4039-2096-6 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Materials, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Bygate, M. 2006. Areas of research that influence L2 speaking instruction in E. UsoJuan and A. Martinez-Flor (eds.) Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the Four Language Skills. The Hague: Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-01896-1 Pages: 159186 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Materials, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus



Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)

Cajkler, W. and J. Hislam. 2005. Teacher trainees explicit knowledge of grammar and primary curriculum requirements in England in N Bartels (ed.) Applied Linguistics in Language Teacher Education. New York: Springer. ISBN: 0-387-23451-9 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, English language Country of research: United Kingdom; Learners background: United Kingdom; Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Cameron, L. and A. Deignan. 2006. The emergence of metaphor in discourse. Applied Linguistics 27/4: 671 690. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Cameron, L., A. Cienki, P. Crisp, A. Deignan, R. Gibbs, J. Grady, Z. Kovecses, G. Low, E. Semino and G. Steen. 2007. MIP: A method for identifying metaphorically used words in discourse. Metaphor and Symbol 22/1: 1 40. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Carter, R.A. and L. Fung. 2007. Discourse markers and spoken English: Native and non-native use in pedagogic settings. Applied Linguistics 28/3: 410 439. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Listening, English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)

Carter, R.A. and M.J. McCarthy. 2006. Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide to Spoken and Written Grammar and Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0521674393 Summary: Book and CD-ROM versions Descriptor(s): Speaking, Listening, Learning technologies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Chambers, L. 2008. Computer-based and paper-based writing assessment: A comparative text analysis. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 34: 915. Summary: Lucy Chambers explores the impact of computer-based formats on writing performance by comparing the paper-based and computer-based writing from the PET exam. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Charles, M. 2006. The construction of stance in reporting clauses: A crossdisciplinary study of theses. Applied Linguistics 27/3: 492518. Summary: This corpus-based study compares reporting clauses in theses in politics and materials science. Reporting clauses are used to comment on the writers own work and they enable writers to emphasize or hide responsibility for their own propositions. The findings have implications for teaching learners to construct an appropriate disciplinary stance. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom; Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre)



Charles, M. 2006. Phraseological patterns in reporting clauses used in citation: A corpusbased study of theses in two disciplines. English for Specific Purposes 25/3: 310331. Summary: This study investigates the phraseology of reporting verbs in citations. In politics the predominant pattern is a verb of verbal communication in present tense, while in materials science, research action verbs in past tense are frequent. It is argued that working with patterns is beneficial in raising students language awareness. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom; Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Charles, M. 2006. Revealing and obscuring the writers identity: Evidence from a corpus of theses in R. Kiely, P. Rea-Dickins, H. Woodfield and G. Clibbon (eds.) Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics. London: BAAL and Equinox. ISBN: 978-1-84553-219-2 Pages: 147161 Summary: This chapter shows how five grammatical patterns are used in two corpora of theses to reveal or obscure the writers identity. It is argued that learners need to use different levels of visibility to construct an appropriate academic identity, depending on disciplinary characteristics, professional status and rhetorical purpose. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Charles, M. 2007. Argument or evidence? Disciplinary variation in the use of the noun "that" pattern in stance construction. English for Specific Purposes 26/2: 203218. Summary: This paper examines disciplinary

differences in the use of nouns followed by a that-clause. Politics writers use nouns of communication to take a stance towards others research, while materials science writers use evidential nouns to evaluate their own research. This study has pedagogical implications for teaching disciplinary research practices. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom; Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Charles, M. 2007. Reconciling top-down and bottom-up approaches to graduate writing: Using a corpus to teach rhetorical functions. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 6/4: 289302. Summary: This paper describes an approach to teaching academic writing which combines awareness-raising work on rhetorical functions with hands-on concordancing. The discourse tasks focus primarily on function and the corpus tasks on form. It is argued that the combination of approaches helps students link general rhetorical purposes to specific lexicogrammatical choices. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, Learning technologies, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various; Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Charles, M. 2008. Using a corpus to teach rhetorical functions: Students evaluation of a hands-on concordancing approach in A. Frankenberg-Garcia, T. Rkibi, M. Braga da Cruz, R. Carvalho, C. Direito and D. SantosRosa (eds.) 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: ISLA. ISBN: 978-989-95523-1-9 Pages: 6064



Principal format: Printed Summary: In this study, 49 international graduates evaluated a hands-on concordancing course for academic writing. Attitudes towards corpus work were generally favourable: percentages of students who agreed with positive statements about corpus work ranged from 73% to 96%. However lower ratings were recorded concerning the practicalities of the corpus tasks. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom; Learners background: various; Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Cheng, H-F. and Z. Drnyei. 2007. The use of motivational strategies in language instruction: The case of EFL teaching in Taiwan. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 1/1: 153174. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Taiwan Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Chuang, F-Y. and H. Nesi. 2006. An analysis of formal errors in a corpus of Chinese student writing. Corpora 1/2: 251271. Summary: This paper describes the investigation of a small corpus of writing of English for academic purposes produced by L1 speakers of Mandarin. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Chuang, F-Y. and H. Nesi. 2006. An analysis of formal errors in a corpus of L2 English produced by Chinese students. Corpora 1/2: 251271. Summary: This paper describes the analysis of a small corpus of writing in English for academic purposes produced by L1 speakers of Mandarin. A tagset was developed for the identification of formal errors in the corpus, and these errors were subsequently analysed with a view to creating remedial grammar materials. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, Materials, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Chuang, F-Y. and H. Nesi. 2007. GrammarTalk: Developing computer-based materials for Chinese EAP students in O. Alexander (ed.) New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Oxford: Peter Lang. ISBN: ISBN 978-3-03910-909-8 Pages: 315330 Summary: This paper describes the design of corpus-based online materials to address students most common grammatical mistakes, to improve proofreading skills, and to provide international EAP students with flexible and independent learning support. The materials were particularly targeted at Chinese and East Asian learners. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, Learning technologies, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Chuang, F-Y. and H. Nesi. 2007. GrammarTalk: Developing computer-based materials for the Chinese EAP student in



O. Alexander (ed.) Proceedings of the Joint Conference of BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes) and SATEFL on New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Bern: Peter Lang. Pages: 315330 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper describes the process of developing GrammarTalk, a set of interactive grammar materials designed to help Chinese EAP students improve their formal accuracy. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, Learning technologies, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Chuang, F-Y. and H. Nesi. 2008. GrammarTalk: International students responses to an online grammar resource in M. Edwardes (ed.) Proceedings of the BAAL annual conference on Technology, Ideology and Practice in Applied Linguistics. London: Scitsiugnil Press. Principal format: CD-ROM Summary: This paper investigates international students responses to GrammarTalk, a set of interactive grammar materials designed to help Chinese EAP students improve their formal accuracy. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Clark, E.L. and A. Paran. 2007. The employability of non-native-speaker teachers

of EFL: A UK survey. System 35/4: 407 430. Summary: This study surveyed 90 UK ELT institutions to investigate the extent to which the Native Speaker criterion played a part in employing EFL teachers. This was found to be a pre-interview criterion which often excludes competent EFL teachers from consideration in the recruitment process. This was true of the sample as a whole as well as of subsamples. Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Clark, R. and S. Gieve. 2005. On the discursive construction of the Chinese learner. Language, Culture and Curriculum 19/1: 5473. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Cogo, A. 2008. English as a lingua franca: Form follows function. English Today 95: 4144. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Cogo, A. and M. Dewey. 2006. Efficiency in ELF communication: From pragmatic motives to lexico-grammatical innovation. Nordic Journal of English Studies 5/2: 5993. Summary: This article provides a detailed investigation into pragmatic and interactive aspects of lingua franca talk, and considers



the impact these have on the lexicogrammar of speakers engaged in ELF communication. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Cogo, A. and M. Dewey. 2006. Efficiency in ELF communication: From pragmatic motives to lexico-grammatical innovation. Nordic Journal of English Studies 5/2: 5993. /view/65/69 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Conklin, K. and G. Mauner. 2005. Bilingual semantic access of homographs in J. Cohen, K.T. McAlister, K. Rolstad and J. Macswan (eds.) ISB4: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. ISBN: 978-1-57473-107 Pages: 552569 Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Conklin, K. and N. Schmitt. 2008. Formulaic sequences: Are they processed more quickly than nonformulaic language by native and non-native speakers?. Applied Linguistics 29/1: 7289. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition

Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Conteh, J. 2007. Bilingualism in mainstream primary classrooms in England in Z. Hua, P. Seedhouse, L. Wei and V. Cook (eds.) Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230517004 Pages: 185198 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Conteh, J. 2007. Opening doors to success in multilingual classrooms: Bilingualism, codeswitching and the professional identities of ethnic minority primary teachers. Language and Education 21/6: 457 472. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Conteh, J. and Y. Kawashima. 2008. Diversity in family involvement in childrens learning in English primary schools. Teaching Practice and Critique 7/2: 113125. etpc/files/2008v7n2art7.pdf Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Conteh, J., D. Beddow and R. Kumar. 2008. Investigating pupil talk in multilingual contexts: Sociocultural learning, teaching and researching. Education 36/3: 223235. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Cook, G. 2005. Calm seas or troubled waters? Transitions, definitions and disagreements in applied linguistics. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15/3: 282302. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, English language



Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Cook, G. 2005. The best teacher. The Francesca Target Memorial Lecture 2005. Language Issues 17/1: 26. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Cook, G. 2007. A thing of the future: translation in language learning. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17/3: 396401. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Materials, Learner cognition, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Cook, G. 2008. Plenary: An unmarked improvement: Using translation in ELT in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2007 Aberdeen Conference Selections. Kent: University of Kent. ISBN: 1 901095142 Pages: 7686 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner cognition, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Cooke, M. 2008. What we might become: The lives, aspirations and education of young migrants in the London area. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 7/1: 22 40.

Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Cooke, M. 2008. When I wake up I dream of electricity: The lives, aspirations and needs of adult ESOL learners. Linguistics and Education 17/1: 5673. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Cooke, M. and J. Simpson. 2008. ESOL: A Critical Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-442267-3 Summary: Part of the Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers series, the book examines the teaching and learning of English in migrant contexts. The authors draw on their extensive research in ESOL in the UK. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Cooke, M. and J. Simpson. 2008. ESOL: A Critical Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0194422673



Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Coombe, C., M. Al-Hamly, P. Davidson and S. Troudi. 2007. Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness in ESL/EFL Contexts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Cooze, M. and S. Shaw. 2007. Establishing the impact of reduced input and output length in FCE and CAE writing. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 1519. Summary: Margaret Cooze and Stuart Shaw report on research to establish the impact of reduced input and output length in FCE and CAE Writing papers using a series of multiple rating exercises where groups of examiners rated common sets of writing performances for the updated specifications. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Copland, F. 2008. Deconstructing the discourse: Understanding the feedback event in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230553514 Pages: 523 Summary: Explores what happens in the post-observation feedback conference in initial teacher training for EFL teachers. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences)

Corkill, D. and M. Robinson. 2006. Using the global legal community in the development of ILEC. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 25: 1011. Summary: David Corkill and Martin Robinson report on how Cambridge ESOL designs tasks for LSP tests, describing how the International Legal English Certificate (ILEC), an exam for the global legal community, is being developed with the assistance of legal expertise. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Coverdale-Jones, T. 2008. Afterword: Responses to internationalisation in the UK and a survey on responses to intercultural communication teaching in T. Rastall Coverdale-Jones (ed.) Internationalising the University: The Chinese Context. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-20351-8/0-230-20351-5 Pages: 223238 Summary: This volume brings together contributions from experts in this diverse and complex field and presents an up-to-date picture of thinking on internationalisation and its impact on Chinese and Western institutions, their regulatory framework, motivations, aspirations and quality assurance considerations. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Creese, A. 2005. Is this content-based language teaching?. Linguistics and Education 16/2: 188204. Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education)



Creese, A. 2005. Mediating allegations of racism in a multi-ethnic London school: What speech communities and communities of practice can tell us about discourse and power in D. Barton and K. Tusting (eds.) Beyond Communities of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge Press. ISBN: 13:9780521544924 Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Creese, A. 2005. Teacher Collaboration and Talk in Multilingual Classrooms. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 1853598224 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Creese, A. 2006. Supporting talk? Partnership teachers in classroom interaction. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9/4: 434453. Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Cribb, V.M. 2005. Language as a cueing system: Pragmatic and semantic miscues in non-native spoken discourse in CamLing (ed.) CamLing 2005 Conference Proceedings. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Principal format: Printed Summary: Looks at extended non-native spoken discourse to see how coherence breaks down. Considers miscues in semantic consistency (specificity) and pragmatic relevance and how these accumulate leading to a loss in coherence. Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESOL/EAL, English language Country of research: United Kingdom

Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Cribb, V.M. 2007. A systems approach: Teachers and learners as both guests and hosts to the learning context in Canterbury Christ Church University Department of English and Language Studies (ed.) Cutting Edges Conference Proceedings: Classrooms, People and Cultures. Canterbury: Canterbury Christ Church University. Principal format: Printed Summary: Looks at how international students are both guests and host to the learning context, based on a systems approach to intercultural communication. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Cross, J. 2006. Understanding and improving Chinese learners pronunciation of English. Speak Out! Issue 35b: 1621. Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Cross, J. and R. Hitchcock. 2007. Chinese students (or students from Chinas) views of UK HE: differences, difficulties and benefits, and suggestions for facilitating transition. The East Asian Learner 3/2: 131. Summary: The research shows Chinese learners are clearly aware of differences and difficulties in the British university system, particularly in teacher/student expectations, lesson purposes and assessment methods, but that they also find benefits. It concludes that learning styles are contextual, not cultural and gives practical advice to facilitate adaptation.


ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, AUTHORED BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED ITEMS Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Cross, J. and S. Papp. 2008. Creativity in the use of verb + noun combinations by Chinese learners of English in G. Gilquin, S. Papp and M.B. Dez-Bedmar (eds.) Linking Up Contrastive and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. ISBN: 9789042024465 Pages: 5781 Summary: Research into verb and noun combinations shows Chinese learners of English use memorized chunks in written interlanguage and have a higher error rate in verb and noun combinations compared with Greek and German learners; it is argued this behaviour relates to input and education, as well as L1 influence and produces a form of linguistic creativity. Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Cross, J. and S. Papp. 2008. Creativity in the use of verb + noun combinations by Chinese learners of English in G. Gilquin, S. Papp and M. Dez-Bedmar (eds.) Linking up Contrastive and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. ISBN: 978-90-420-2446-5 Pages: 5781

Summary: In this paper we examine verb + noun combinations as used by Chinese learners of English and compare them with Greek and German learners as investigated by Giovi (2006) and Nesselhauf (2003), respectively. Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Crow, C.M. and C. Harrison. 2006. Developing the Cambridge ESOL Teacher Portfolio. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 25: 1213. Summary: Clare Mitchell Crow and Clare Harrison describe the Teacher Portfolio, a web-based professional development tool for teachers to document various aspects of their teaching career. This new provision sits alongside existing portfolios available for other groups, for example the EAQUALS/ALTE European Language Portfolio (ELP) for language learners. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Crow, C.M. and C. Hubbard. 2006. ESOL professional support network extranet. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 23: 67. Summary: Clare Mitchell Crow and Chris Hubbard describe how Cambridge ESOL is developing a web-based resource to support and communicate directly with all of our Professional Support Network (the worldwide community of examiners, item writers, presenters, inspectors and other external resources who provide professional support to Cambridge ESOL activity).


ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, AUTHORED BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED ITEMS pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Csizr, K. and Z. Drnyei. 2005. Language learners motivational profiles and their motivated learning behaviour. Language Learning 55/4: 613659. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Hungary Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Csizr, K. and Z. Drnyei. 2005. The internal structure of language learning motivation and its relationship with language choice and learning effort. Modern Language Journal 89/1: 1936. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Hungary Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Csizr, K. and J. Kormos. 2008. The relationship of inter-cultural contact and language learning motivation among Hungarian students of English and German. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 29: 3048. Summary: In this paper we report the results of a questionnaire survey conducted with 1777 Hungarian primary school children aged between 13 and 14 studying English and German. In our research we investigated the differences in the motivational and intercultural contact measures as well as determinants of motivated behaviour between learners of English and German. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Hungary

Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Cullen, R. 2008. Teaching grammar as a liberating force. ELT Journal 62/3: 221230. Descriptor(s): Methodology, English language Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Cullen, R. and V. Kuo. 2007. Spoken grammar and ELT materials. TESOL Quarterly 41/2: 361386. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, Classroom interaction Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Cummins, J., V. Bismilla, P. Chow, S. Cohen, F. Giampapa, L. Leoni, P. Sandhu and P. Sastri. 2005. Affirming identity in multilingual classrooms. Educational Leadership 63/1: 3843. Summary: English language learners cultural knowledge and home language skills are important resources in enabling academic engagement. English language learners tend to engage academically to the extent that instruction affirms their identities and enables them to invest their identities in learning. One effective approach to identity affirmation is the identity text, in which a student creates an expressive written, oral, dramatic, or artistic product. Encouraging students to write dual language books in the classroom is another way to show that schools value both the students culture and home language. Acknowledging and actively promoting students linguistic and cultural capital creates a pedagogy of respect and encourages English language learners to engage in literacy.



Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues Country of research: Canada Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Cummins, J., V. Bismilla, S. Cohen, F. Giampapa and L. Leoni. 2005. Timelines and lifelines: Rethinking literacy instruction in multilingual classrooms. Orbit 36/1: 2226. Summary: In this article, we argue that given the timelines required for bilingual ESL students to catch up to their peers in English literacy skills, instruction that builds on students home language (L1) proficiency represents a potential lifeline that enables students to participate academically and express their intelligence and identities within the classroom. mins_etal_002.pdf Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: Canada Learners background: Canada Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Cutting, J. 2005. Spoken grammar: Vague language and EAP in R. Hughes (ed.) Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics: Challenges for Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230217041 Summary: This chapter argues that implicitness is an essential feature of spoken grammar, lexis and discourse structure, that it demands a systematic study of its inter-related parts, and that it should be a central part of the model taught to students of English as a Foreign Language, so that they can be helped to communicate on all levels with their interlocutors.

Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Cultural issues, Materials, Listening, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Edinburgh (School of Education) Cutting, J. 2007. Doing more stuff Wheres it going? Exploring vague language further in J. Cutting (ed.) Vague Language Explored. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403988171 Summary: I describe my model of Vague Language (VL) and discuss studies on the influence of social factors, such as function, depth of relationship and gender. The chapter also explores applications of findings to TEFL and describes an experiment on the teachability of VL. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, Listening, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Edinburgh (School of Education) Cutting, J. 2007. Introduction in J. Cutting (ed.) Vague Language Explored. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403988171 Summary: Vague Language (VL) is a central feature of daily language, spoken and written. Gathering descriptions from a variety of specialisms, this book examines the function of VL in a range of social contexts. It then suggests applications to language teaching, and directions that research could take next. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, Listening, English language, Classroom interaction



Entered by: University of Edinburgh (School of Education) Cutting, J. 2007. Pragmatics and Discourse: a Resource Book for Students (2nd edition). London: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415446679 Summary: This book covers the core areas of the subject and suggests applications to ELT: Context and Co-text, Speech Act Theory, Conversation Analysis, Exchange Structure, Interactional Sociolinguistics, the Co-operative Principle, Politeness Theory, Corpus Linguistics, Communities of Practice, Intercultural Pragmatics, Interlanguage Pragmatics and Language Learning. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, Materials, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Edinburgh (School of Education)

Practical Applications (Vol. 4). Frankfurt/ New York: Lang Verlag. ISBN: 3-631-55304-8 Pages: 101119 Summary: This paper investigates whether the C-test can partially replace the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). It is argued that the C-test is the more suitable test for large numbers when measuring students progress. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of West of England (School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences) Daller, M.H. and D. Phelan. 2007. What is in a teachers mind? The relation between teacher ratings of EFL essays and different aspects of lexical richness in M.H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Testing and Modelling Lexical Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-87851-7 Pages: 234245 Summary: The present study investigates to what extent teacher judgement of EFL essays can be predicted by measuring the lexical richness of these texts. Although the teachers did have different individual preferences in the detailed analysis of the essays, there was a highly significant correlation between them, which is an indication for reliable rating. Descriptor(s): Assessment, English language, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of West of England (School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences)

Daller, H., J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller. 2007. Editors introduction: Conventions, terminology and overview of the book in H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Testing and Modelling Lexical Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-70327-7 Pages: 132 Summary: Introduction to a volume which presents and evaluates cutting-edge research into the way vocabulary knowledge is stored, learned and tested. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Daller, M.H. and D. Phelan. 2006. The C-test and TOEIC as measures of students progress in intensive short courses in EFL in R. Grotjahn (ed.) The C-test. Theoretical Basis and



Daller, M.H. and H-J. Xue. 2007. Lexical richness and the oral proficiency of Chinese EFL students in M.H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Testing and Modelling Lexical Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-87851-7 Pages: 150 164 Summary: In this chapter we intend to investigate which measurement of lexical richness appears the most suitable for measuring oral proficiency of Chinese EFL learners. This is a specific task and one where the vocabulary knowledge that a learner can bring to bear should play an important role in their success in carrying out the task. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESP, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of West of England (School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences) Daller, M.H., J. Milton and J. TreffersDaller. 2007. Editors introduction: Conventions, terminology and overview of the book in M.H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Testing and Modelling Lexical Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-87851-7 Pages: 132 Summary: Vocabulary is now considered integral to just about every aspect of language knowledge. This volume brings together contributions from internationally renowned researchers in this field to explain much of the background to study in this area. It introduces to a wider audience the concerns, the new approaches and developments in the field of vocabulary research and testing.

Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: University of West of England (School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences) Davidson, F. and G. Fulcher. 2007. The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the design of language tests: A matter of effect. Language Teaching 40/3: 231241. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Davidson, P., M. Al-Hamly, C. Coombe and S. Troudi. 2005. Standards in English Language Teaching and Assessment. UAE: TESOL Arabia. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, Assessment Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Davies, S., J. Gollin and T. Lynch. 2005. Identity in language learning: L2 learners responses to English intonation teaching. Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics 14: 1839. Summary: A comparative study of Hong Kong and Japanese learners receiving instruction in English intonation patterns at the Institute for Applied Language Studies, Edinburgh. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Pronunciation, Learner cognition, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Deignan, A. 2005. A corpus-linguistic perspective on the relationship between metonymy and metaphor. Style 39/1: 7291. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education)



Deignan, A. 2005. Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9027238987 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) DeVelle, S. 2008. The revised IELTS pronunciation scale. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 34: 3639. Summary: Sacha DeVelle describes a study to examiner raters use and perceptions of the revised IELTS pronunciation scale. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Dewey, M. 2007. English as a lingua franca and globalization: An interconnected perspective. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17/3: 332354. Summary: This article reflects on the continued momentum of empirical research and debate regarding English as a lingua franca. The discussion considers the current situation in light of theoretical positions on globalization, arguing that a transformationalist perspective is of most relevance to furthering our understanding of ELF. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Dewey, M. 2008. Researching English as a lingua franca. IATEFL Research News 22: 1820. Summary: This article provides a summary of recent research into English as a lingua franca and reflects on some of the key practical and theoretical concerns involved if language teachers are to adopt a World Englishes/ELF perspective in the classroom.

Descriptor(s): English language, Teacher education Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Dewey, M. and A. Cogo. 2007. Adopting an ELF perspective in ELT. IATEFL Voices 199: 1 1. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Diamantopoulou, S. 2007. A multimodal approach to the Ideas Factory Projects impact on childrens literacy: A research report. Summary: This is an inquiry into the pedagogy of the Ideas Factory and EAL childrens literacy practices that this approach facilitated. A multimodal social semiotic approach to teaching and learning in the gallery and the classroom is the framework for the understanding of childrens literacy work. DF/verbal-eyes-report.pdf Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: primary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Dez Bedmar, M. and S. Papp. 2008. The use of the English article system by Chinese and Spanish learners in G. Gilquin, S. Papp and M. Dez Bedmar (eds.) Linking up Contrastive and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi.



ISBN: 978-90-420-2446-5 Pages: 147176 Summary: In this paper we investigate the use of the English article system in two comparable learner corpora, Chinese-English and Spanish-English. Such investigation is significant as article use is at the interface of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner cognition, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Donohue, J.P. 2006. How to support a one-handed economist: the role of modalisation in economic forecasting. English for Specific Purposes 25: 200216. Descriptor(s): ESP, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Drnyei, Z. 2005. Teaching and Researching Motivation (Chinese edition). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. ISBN: 978-0582382381 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2005. The Psychology of the Language Learner: Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. ISBN: 0-8058-6018-5 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies

Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2005. [Japanese translation of Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom]. Tokyo: Taishukan Publishing Co. ISBN: 978-4-469-24508-0 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2006. Individual differences in second language acquisition. AILA Review 19: 4268. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2006. [Japanese translation of Questionnaires in Second Language Research]. Tokyo: Shohakusha Publishing Co. ISBN: 978-4469244571 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2007. Creating a motivating classroom environment in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. New York: Springer. ISBN: 9780387463001 Pages: 719731 Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/ strategies, Classroom interaction



Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2008. Estrategias de Motivacin en el Aula de Lenguas [Spanish translation of Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom]. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial UOC. ISBN: 9788497887175 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2008. Estratgies de Motivaci a Laula de Llenges [Catalan translation of Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom]. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial UOC. ISBN: 9788497887021 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2008. Generating and maintaining student motivation in the language classroom in P. Bimmel, J. Canton, D. Fasoglio and G. Rijlaarsdam (eds.) Handboek ontwerpen talen. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA. ISBN: 9789056295097 Pages: 95109 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. 2008. New ways of motivating foreign language learners: Generating vision. Links 38/Winter: 34. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)

Drnyei, Z. 2008. [Korean translation of Questionnaires in Second Language Research]. Seoul, Korea: Hankook Munhwasa. ISBN: 9788957264959 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. and K. Csizr. 2005. The effects of intercultural contact and tourism on language attitudes and language learning motivation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 24/4: 327357. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition Country of research: Hungary Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z. and T. Murphey. 2006. Talde-Dinamika Hizkuntz Ikasgelan [Basque translation of Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom]. Donostia, Spain: HABE. ISBN: 978-84-95827-93-7 Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/ strategies, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Drnyei, Z., K. Csizr and N. Nmeth. 2006. Motivation, Language Attitudes and Globalisation: A Hungarian Perspective. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 978-1-85359-885-2 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Country of research: Hungary Institutional level: secondary



Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)

a conceptual link between L2 teaching and learning. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Materials, Management/ innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Economidou-Kogetsidis, M. and H. Woodfield. 2008. Interlanguage requests in academic encounters in M. Edwardes (ed.) Proceedings of the BAAL annual conference 2007. London, UK: Scitsiugnil Press. Principal format: CD-ROM Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Edge, J. 2006. Background and overview in J. Edge (ed.) (Re-)Locating TESOL in an Age of Empire. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230580060 Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Edge, J. 2007. Developing the community of practice in the Adult Migrant English Program. Prospect 22/1: 318. Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Edge, J. 2008. Discourses in search of coherence in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL: Discourses of Teachers in Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN: 978-0230553514 Pages: 232247

Eckerth, J. 2008. Investigating consciousness-raising tasks: Pedagogically targeted and non-targeted learning gains. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 18/2: 119145. Summary: This study investigates a series of dyadic consciousness-raising tasks which were introduced into an actual L2 classroom This research not only shows that consciousness-raising tasks can bring about significant learning gains in L2 explicit knowledge, but further reveals that many such learning opportunities lie outside the explicit linguistic focus of the tasks under scrutiny. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Eckerth, J. 2008. Task-based language learning and teaching: Old wine in new bottles? in J. Eckerth and S. Siekmann (eds.) Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning: Theoretical, Methodological and Pedagogical Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631573303 Pages: 13 46 Summary: This paper provides a framework within which research into TBLT can be situated. It first focuses on tasks in SLA research. Several theoretical positions are reviewed. The use of tasks in L2 pedagogy is considered and tasks are suggested as



Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, English language Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) El-Malik, A. and H. Nesi. 2008. Publishing research in a second language: The case of Sudanese contributors to international medical journals. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 7/2: 8796. Summary: This paper compares published writing produced by British and Sudanese medical researchers. Both sets of articles conformed to editorial requirements and followed the conventional IMRD structure to a large extent, but differences were noted in the realisation of these components, particularly in the discussion section. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Sudan Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Enever, J. (ed.) 2008. Early language learning in Europe, first interim report. Summary: This report summarises key findings of the first year of the longitudinal, transnational study, highlighting attitudinal and linguistic progress; indicating the importance of in-school and out-of-school support (FL contexts: 6 English, 1 French/Spanish). m_Report_Dec_08.pdf Descriptor(s): Methodology, Management/innovation, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: primary

Associated project: Early Language Learning in Europe (ELLiE) Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Enever, J. 2005. Europeanisation or globalisation in early start EFL trends across Europe? in C. Gnutzmann and F. Intermann (eds.) The Globalisation of English and the English Language Classroom. Tbingen, Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag. ISBN: 3 8233 6136 8 Pages: 177192 Summary: This study draws on interview data from Hungarian senior academics and ministry officials reviewing the process of language policy-making for an early start to foreign language learning (English) during the 1990s in Hungary. Implications of the decision against a mandatory early start are contextualised within a wider EU soft policy context. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Enever, J. 2006. The use of authentic picture books in the development of critical visual and written literacy in English as a foreign language in J. Enever and G. Schmid-Schnbein (eds.) Picture Books and Young Learners of English. Munich, Germany: Langenscheidt. ISBN: 10: 3-526-50836-4 Pages: 5970 Summary: This paper focuses on the role of picture story books in the development of critical visual literacy and their potential



contribution to the achievement of critical written literacy for young learners of English as a foreign language. Descriptor(s): Reading, Methodology, Materials, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: primary Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Enever, J. 2007. Yet another early start. Language policy in Europe: Poland this time!. Current Issues in Language Planning 8/2: 208221. Summary: This study interrogates contemporary drivers of Polish languagein-education planning, proposing their essentially political nature as a vehicle for the acquisition of linguistic cultural capital and questioning the extent to which this decision is founded on empirical evidence of the real advantages of an early start. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Poland Institutional level: primary Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Erling, E.J. 2005. The many names of English. English Today 21/1: 4044. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E.J. 2005. Who is the global English speaker? A profile of students of English at the Freie Universitt Berlin in C. Gnutzmann and F. Intemann (eds.) The Globalisation of English and the English Language Classroom. Tubingen: Gunter Narr.

ISBN: 978 3823361367 Pages: 215230 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E.J. 2007. Local identities and global connections: Affinities with English among student specialists at the Free University of Berlin. World Englishes 26/2: 111130. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESP, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E.J. 2008. Local investigations of global English: Teaching English as a global language at the Freie Universitt Berlin in S.H.J. Dogancay-Aktuna (ed.) Global English Language Teacher Education. Alexandria, VA: TESOL. ISBN: 978 1931185516 Pages: 147165 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E.J. and S.K. Hilgendorf. 2006. English at the German University: A means of disadvantage or empowerment? in A. Weideman and B. Smieja (eds.) Empowerment Through Language and Education. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978 0820498829 Pages: 113128 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language



Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E. and T. Bartlett. 2006. Making English their own: The use of ELF among students of English at the FUB. Nordic Journal of English Studies, Special Issue on English as Lingua Franca 5/2: 940. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Erling, E.J. and T. Bartlett. 2006. Making English their own: The use of ELF among students of English at the Free University of Berlin. Nordic Journal of English Studies 5/2: 940. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Classroom interaction Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Erling, E. and T. Bartlett. 2008. Making space for us: German graduate student voices in English. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 2/2: 174188. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Erling, E.J. and T. Bartlett. 2008. Making space for us: German graduate student voices in English. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 2/2: 174188. Descriptor(s): English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Evison, J., M. McCarthy and A. OKeeffe. 2007. Looking out for love and all the rest

of it: Vague category markers as shared social space in J. Cutting (ed.) Vague Language Explored. Hampshire: Palgrave. ISBN: 1-4039-8817-X Pages: 138157 Summary: This chapter used the British English CANCODE corpus and the Irish English LICE corpus to explore vague language in contexts where the participants have different degrees of shared knowledge and intimacy, notably casual conversation, spoken academic data, and calls to radio phone-ins. The implications for language teaching are considered. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, ESP, English language, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education)

Falvey, P. and S. Shaw. 2006. IELTS writing: Revising assessment criteria and scales (Phase 5). Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 23: 712. Summary: Peter Falvey and Stuart Shaw continue a series of articles on the IELTS Writing Revision project. They report the latest trial of new writing assessment criteria and describe how well they are being interpreted and applied, followed by a discussion of the process approach to developing tests which examines how tests fulfil their intended purpose. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Fay, R. and L. Davcheva. 2005. Developing professional intercultural competence: Reflections on DL programmes for language educators and translators/interpreters in Bulgaria in B. Holmberg, M. Shelley



and C. White (eds.) Distance Education and Languages: Evolution and Change. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 1853597759 Pages: 140165 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Country of research: Bulgaria Learners background: Bulgaria Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Fay, R. and L. Davcheva. 2007. The development of language teachers understandings of intercultural communicative competence: A Bulgarian distance learning case study in M. Jimenez Raya and L. Sercu (eds.) Challenges in Teacher Development: Learner Autonomy and Intercultural Competence. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 3-631-55806-6 Pages: 191212 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues Country of research: Bulgaria Learners background: Bulgaria Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Ferguson, G. 2005. Is English really a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Scientific communication and the global spread of English in P. Duran and A Riejos (eds.) Reflections on Language Use in the Academic Context. Madrid: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Press. ISBN: 84-96442-1-X Pages: 7394 Descriptor(s): English language

Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Ferguson, G. 2006. Language Planning and Education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN: 0 7486 1262 9 Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, English language Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Ferguson, G. 2007. The global spread of English, scientific communication and ESP: questions of equity, access and domain loss. Ibrica 13/1: 738. Descriptor(s): ESP, English language Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Ferguson, G. 2008. Multilingual Sheffield in C. Kenner and T. Hickey (eds.) Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning. Stoke-onTrent: Trentham Books. Pages: 2128 ISBN: 978-185856-423-4 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Field, J. 2007. Looking outwards, not inwards. ELT Journal 61/1: 3038. Summary: A call for second language teachers to prioritise the teaching of listening skills and compensatory strategies so as to enable learners to take full advantage of the rich linguistic resources which are now available outside the classroom Descriptor(s): Listening, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics)



Field, J. 2008. Bricks or mortar: Which parts of the input does a second language listener rely on?. TESOL Quarterly 42/3: 411 432. Summary: It is useful to know which parts of the signal L2 listeners are likely to recognize, and which are likely to be lost to them. This study investigated whether function or content words are processed more accurately. It found that the recognition of functors fell significantly behind that of lexical words, regardless of first language and level of proficiency. Descriptor(s): Listening Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Field, J. 2008. Emergent and divergent: A view of second language listening research. System 36/1: 29. Summary: Overview of current issues and recent developments in L2 listening research. Descriptor(s): Listening Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Field, J. 2008. Face to face with the ghost in the machine: Psycholinguistics and TESOL. TESOL Quarterly 42/3: 361374. Summary: Review of the many ways in which theory in psycholinguistics can extend our understanding of the processes underlying the acquisition, the storage and the use of a second language especially in relation to the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics)

Field, J. 2008. Listening in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-68570-2 Summary: A comprehensive proposal for a new approach to the teaching of L2 listening, to supplement and replace the much-challenged comprehension approach. Accompanied by a detailed description of the nature of the listening process, both in L1 and in L2, to ensure a better understanding among teachers of their goals in teaching the skill. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Listening Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Field, J. 2008. Revising segmentation hypotheses in first and second language listening. System 36/1: 3551. Summary: Any online processing that takes place while an utterance is unfolding is extremely tentative, with early-formed hypotheses having to be revised as the utterance proceeds. This study examines how first and second language listeners adjust these segmentation assumptions as new perceptual evidence comes in. The results indicated a significant difference in the way in which first and second language listeners deal with incorrect hypotheses. Descriptor(s): Listening Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Figura, K. and H. Jarvis. 2007. Computer-based materials: A study of learner autonomy and strategies. System 35/4: 448468.



Summary: This is a study of learner autonomy and specified cognitive, social, and metacognitive strategies across a range of computer-based materials. The work suggests a need for more social interaction in the target language and recognition that learner choices in a digitalised age may not match established practitioner beliefs. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Fitzpatrick, T. 2007. Word association patterns: Unpacking the assumptions. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17/ 3: 319331. Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Fitzpatrick, T. 2007. Productive vocabulary tests and the search for concurrent validity in H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Modelling and Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-70327-7 Pages: 116132 Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Fitzpatrick, T. and A. Wray. 2006. Breaking up is not so hard to do: Individual differences in L2 memorisation. Canadian Modern Languages Review 63/1: 3557. Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Fitzpatrick, T. and A. Wray. 2008. Why cant you just leave it alone? Deviations from memorised language

in F. Meunier and S. Granger (eds.) Phraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-272-3244-1 Pages: 123148 Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Fitzpatrick, T., I. Al-Qarni and P. Meara. 2008. Intensive vocabulary learning: A case study. Language Learning Journal 36/2: 239248. Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Flowerdew, J. 2006. Use of signalling nouns in a learner corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11/3: 345362. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. 2008. The non-Anglophone scholar at the periphery of scientific communication. AILA Review 20: 1427. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. 2008. What can Goffmans Stigma tell us about scholarly writers who use English as an additional language?. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 7/2: 77 86. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and A. Wan. 2006. Genre analysis of tax computation letters: How and why tax accountants write the way they do. English for Specific Purposes 25/2: 133153. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and L. Miller. 2005. Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



ISBN: 978-0521786478 Descriptor(s): Listening Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and L. Miller. 2008. Structure and agency in second language learning: Evidence from three life histories. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 5/4: 201224. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and S. Leong. 2007. Metaphors in the discursive construction of patriotism: The case of Hong Kongs constitutional reform debate. Discourse and Society 18/3: 273294. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and Y-Y. Li. 2008. Language re-use among Chinese apprentice scientists writing for publication. Applied Linguistics 28/3: 440465. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Flowerdew, J. and Y-Y. Li. 2008. Textual plagiarism. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 27: 161183. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Fortune, A. 2005. Learners use of metalanguage in collaborative form-focused L2 output tasks. Language Awareness 14/1: 2138. Summary: text reconstruction task is compared with that of intermediate learners in an earlier study. Grammatical and lexical Language Related Episodes containing metalanguage are categorised, and their frequency compared. Advanced learners are shown to be more frequent metalanguage users than their intermediate counterparts, particularly in lexical episodes.

Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Fortune, A. 2008. Collaborative focus on form: What, why, when and how? in M. Pawlak (ed.) Investigating English Language Learning and Teaching. Poznan-Kalisz: Adam-Mickiewicz University. ISBN: 978-83-883354-5-7 Pages: 95108 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper discusses the use of tasks during which learners focus on form, either incidentally or more particularly as a design feature of the task, focussing principally on research on the latter task type, especially work on collaborative output tasks. Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Foster, P. and A. Ohta. 2005. Negotiation for meaning and peer assistance in classroom language tasks. Applied Linguistics 26/3: 402 430. Summary: This study used qualitative and quantitative analyses of classroom interaction in English and Japanese L2. It showed that negotiation for meaning is rare, and mostly lexical in nature, while learners provide themselves and each other with other kinds of potentially valuable opportunities for language development.



Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Franson, C. 2005. A professional identity for the EAL teacher. NALDIC Quarterly 2/4: 1417. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Franson, C. 2007. Challenges and opportunities in EAL provision in the UK in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) The International Handbook of English Language Teaching. Norwell, Mass: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-46300-1 Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Franson, C. and E. Vasquez. 2006. Teaching history to EAL learners in the mainstream classroom: Adaptation and contingency in P. McKay (ed.) Planning and Teaching Creatively Within a Required Curriculum for School Age Learners. Alexandra, Virginia: TESOL. ISBN: 1-9311-8530-1 Pages: 8189 Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies)

Fried-Booth, D. 2007. Reviewing part 1 of the FCE listening test. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 2324. Summary: A summary by Diana Fried-Booth of research into FCE Listening focusing on changes to the format of Part 1 of the paper. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Frigols, M.J., D. Marsh and J. Naysmith. 2007. Competence building for teachers of CLIL: Vocational education in D. Marsh and D. Wolff (eds.) Diverse Contexts Diverging Goals: CLIL in Europe. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631569054 Pages: 3346 Summary: The chapter was an outcome from the EUFunded Clilcom project, focussing on the development of CLIL teacher competences. Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Fulcher, G. 2006. Test architecture. Foreign Language Education Research 9/1: 1-22. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Fulcher. G, 2007. Assessing the quality of language in E. Shohamy (ed.) Language Testing and Assessment (Encyclopaedia of Language and Education, Vol. 7). Amsterdam: Springer. ISBN: 9780387328751 Descriptor(s): Assessment



Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Fulcher, G. and F. Davidson. 2007. Tests in life and learning: A deathly dialogue. Educational Philosophy and Theory 40/3: 407417. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Furneaux, C. and M. Rignall. 2007. The effect of standardisation-training on rater judgements for the IELTS Writing Module in L. Taylor and P. Falvey (eds.) IELTS Collected Papers: Research in Speaking and Writing Assessment. Cambridge: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 10: 0521542480 Pages: 422445 Summary: This study investigates the judgements made by twelve trainee examiners (TEs) for the IELTS Writing Module. On successive occasions, before and during training, the TEs rated a set of eight scripts and wrote brief retrospective reports about their rating of four of the scripts. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Furneaux, C., A. Paran and B. Fairfax. 2007. Teacher stance as reflected in feedback on student writing: An empirical study of secondary school teachers in five countries. International Review of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching 45/1: 6994. Summary: This study examines the feedback

practices of 110 EFL teachers from five different countries (Cyprus, France, Korea, Spain and Thailand), working in secondary school contexts. All provided feedback on the same student essay. Most teachers reacted as language teachers, rather than as readers of communication. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, English language Country of research: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Furneaux, C.L., A. Paran and B. Fairfax. 2007. Teacher stance as reflected in feedback on student writing: An empirical study of secondary school teachers in five countries. International Review of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching 45/1: 6994. Summary: 110 teachers from 5 countries provided feedback on the same student essay. Teachers overwhelmingly focused on grammar and assumed what was termed a Provider role, providing the correct forms for the student. Some teachers assumed an Initiator role, indicating errors and issues and expecting the learner to work on them. Descriptor(s): Writing Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)

Galaczi, E. 2005. Upper Main Suite speaking assessment: Towards an understanding of assessment criteria and oral examiner behaviour. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 20: 1619. Summary: Evelina Galaczi presents



performance data for FCE, CAE and CPE Speaking Tests for 2003, reporting on work to validate these Upper Main Suite tests through analysis of scoring criteria and examiner behaviour. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Galaczi, E. 2008. Peer-peer interaction in a speaking test: The case of the First Certificate in English examination. Language Assessment Quarterly 5/2: 89119. Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESOL/EAL, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Galaczi, E. and A. ffrench. 2007. Developing revised assessment scales for Main Suite and BEC speaking tests. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 2831. Summary: Evelina Galaczi and Angela ffrench describe the revision of assessment scales for Speaking tests for Main Suite and Business English Certificate (BEC) exams. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Gardner, S. 2006. Centre-stage in the instructional register: Partnership talk in primary EAL. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Biculturalism 9/4: 476494. Descriptor(s): Methodology, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various

Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Gardner, S.F. 2007. Transforming talk and phonics practice: Or, how do crabs clap?. TESOL Quarterly 42/2: 261284. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Gardner, S.F. 2008. Mapping ideational meaning in a corpus of student writing in C. Jones and E. Ventola (eds.) New Developments in the Study of Ideational Meaning: From Language to Multimodality. London: Equinox Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-84553-347-2 Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Garrett, P. 2006. Language education: Language awareness in K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics (Second Edition). Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 0-08-044299-4 Pages: vol 6, 480483 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Garrett, P. 2007. Language attitudes in C. Llamas, L. Mullany and P. Stockwell (eds.) Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-33850-9



Pages: 116121 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Garrett, P., A. Williams and B. Evans. 2005. Attitudinal data from New Zealand, Australia, the USA and UK about each others Englishes: Recent changes or consequences of methodologies?. Multilingua 24: 211236. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Garton, S. 2008. Teacher beliefs and interaction in the language classroom in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL: Discourses of Teachers in Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230553514 Pages: 6786 Summary: An investigation into the effects that teacher beliefs may have on the interaction patterns that teachers set up in their classrooms. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Classroom interaction Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Garton, S. and K. Richards. 2007. Is distance education for teacher second best?. The Teacher Trainer 21/3: 58. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Garton, S. and K. Richards. 2007. Is distance education for teacher education second best?. The Teacher Trainer 21/3: 58. Summary: This paper examines the distinctive contribution that distance

education can make to teacher development. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Garton, S. and K. Richards. 2008. Introduction in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL: Discourses of Teachers in Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230553514 Pages: xiiixxvii Summary: An introduction to this edited collection looking at the career trajectory of those in TESOL, teacher cognition and the discourses of teachers Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Geranpayeh, A. 2007. Differential Item Functioning in terms of age in the Certificate in Advanced English examination. Language Assessment Quarterly 4/2: 190222. Descriptor(s): Listening, Assessment Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Geranpayeh, A. 2007. Using structural equation modelling to facilitate the revision of high stakes testing: The case of CAE. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 812. Summary: Ardeshir Geranpayeh reports on studies undertaken to investigate how Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) can aid the revision of high stakes testing, using CAE as a case study. He describes how SEM can be used to show that changes to the format of tests would not significantly change the underlying constructs of the CAE exam.


ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, AUTHORED BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED ITEMS pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Geranpayeh, A. 2008. Using DIF to explore item difficulty in CAE listening. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 32: 1623. Summary: Article explores sources of difficulty for test items in a General English Listening test using Differential Item Functioning (DIF). This procedure is used to show how tests are fair to candidates and as free from construct irrelevant variables as possible. This article investigates whether age is a source of unfairness in the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) Listening paper. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Geranpayeh, A. and L. Taylor. 2008. Examining listening: Developments and issues in assessing second language listening. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 32: 25. Summary: Article describes the development of listening tests in Cambridge ESOLs examinations from 1913 to the present day, covering the nature of listening ability along three dimensions of a socio-cognitive framework: individual characteristics, extra-contextual factors and internal cognitive processing. They consider some of the issues with regard to assessing listening, such as the interplay of cognitive and contextual features. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Gieve, S. and R. Clark. 2005. The Chinese approach to learning: Cultural trait or

situated response? The case of a selfdirected learning programme. System 33/2: 261276 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Gieve, S. and R. Clark. 2005. The Chinese approach to learning: Cultural trait or situated response?. System 33/2: 261276. Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Gieve, S. and I. Miller. 2006. Introduction in S. Gieve and I. Miller (eds.) Understanding the Language Classroom. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1403996628 Pages: 110 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Gieve, S. and I. Miller. 2006. What do we mean by the quality of classroom life? in S. Gieve and I. Miller (eds.) Understanding the Language Classroom. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1403996628 Pages: 1846 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Learner cognition, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education)



Gieve, S. and J. Norton. 2007. Dealing with linguistic difference in encounters with Others on British television in A. Ensslin and S. Johnson (eds.) Language in the Media: Representations, Identities, Ideologies. London: Continuum Press. ISBN: 0826495486 Pages: 118212 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Golovatch, Y. and R. Vanderplank. 2007. Unwitting agents: The role of adult learners attributions of success in shaping languagelearning behaviour. Adult and Continuing Education 13/2: 127155. Summary: An investigation into the attributions of success and failure of adult EFL learners in the Department of Continuing Education, Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus. Students attributed their limited progress mainly to the teachers competence, the frequency and length of classes, the number of activities for listening and speaking, and teacher consultations. Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Gonzlez-Diaz, V. 2006. On the origin of English periphrastic comparison. English Studies 8: 707734. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Gonzlez-Diaz, V. 2007. On the nature and distribution of English double periphrastic comparison. The Review of English Studies 57: 623664. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English)

Gonzlez-Diaz, V. 2008. Worser and lesser in Modern English in D. Gonzlez-Alvarez J. Prez-Guerra and E. Rama-Martnez (eds.) Of Varying Language and Opposing Creed: New Insights into Late Modern English. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783039107889 Pages: 237278 Summary: Gonzlez-Diaz, V. 2008. Worser and lesser in Modern English in J. Prez-Guerra, D. Gonzlez-Alvarez, J.L. Bueno-Alonso and E. Rama-Martnez (eds.) Of varying language and opposing creed. New insights into Late Modern English, Linguistic Insights 28. Bern: Peter Lang. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Gonzlez-Diaz, V. and A. Auer. 2005. Eighteenth-century prescriptivism in English: A re-evaluation of its effects on actual language usage. Multilingua 24: 317341. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Gray, C., R.M. Pilkington, L. HaggerVaughan and S. Tomkins. 2005. The pros and cons of interactive whiteboards. Language Learning Journal 32/Winter: 3844. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Green, A.B. 2005. EAP study recommendations and score gains on the IELTS Academic Writing test. Assessing Writing 10/1: 4460. Descriptor(s): Writing, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary



Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. 2005. Staying in touch: Tracking the career paths of CELTA graduates. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 19: 712. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. 2006. Washback to the learner: Learner and teacher perspectives on IELTS preparation course expectations and outcomes. Assessing Writing 11/2: 113134. Summary: Learners and teachers on IELTS and non-IELTS EAP courses responded to questionnaires on academic writing instruction. Although test preparation courses, as predicted by washback theory, did appear to cover a relatively narrow range of skills, evidence was found that narrow preparation strategies were not driven primarily by learner expectations. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/ strategies, ESP, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. 2006. Watching for washback: Observing the influence of the IELTS academic writing test in the classroom. Language Assessment Quarterly 3/4: 333367. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher cognition,

Methodology, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. 2007. IELTS Washback in Context: Preparation for Academic Writing in Higher Education, Studies in Language Testing 25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-692922 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. 2007. Washback to learning outcomes: A comparative study of IELTS preparation and university pre-sessional language courses. Assessment in Education 14/1: 7597. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. and D. Jay. 2005. Quality assurance and quality control: Reviewing and pretesting examination material at Cambridge ESOL. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 21: 57. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Assessment



Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, A.B. and R.A. Hawkey. 2005. Test washback and impact: What do they mean and why do they matter?. Modern English Teacher 13/4: 6671. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Green, R. and D. Wall. 2005. Language testing in the military: Problems, politics and progress. Language Testing 22/3: 379398. Summary: An overview of the development of the Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 6001 guidelines used for assessment purposes within NATO and a discussion of some of the challenges facing testing teams working to create assessment systems within their military organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. Descriptor(s): ESP, English language, Assessment Institutional level: adult Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Grenfell, M. and E. Macaro. 2007. Language learner strategies: Claims and critiques in A. D. Cohen and E. Macaro (eds.) Language Learner Strategies: 30 Years of Research and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0194422543 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Grimshaw, T. 2007. Critical perspectives on language in international education in M. Hayden, J. Levy and J. Thompson (eds.)

Sage Handbook of Research in International Education. London: Sage. ISBN: 978-1-4129-1971-5 Pages: 365378 Summary: This chapter draws on recent literature from applied linguistics to inform our understanding of the role of language in international education. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of English as an International Language. The author proposes that international educators should critically interrogate this discourse, thereby playing a transformative role in the development of their discipline. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Grimshaw, T. 2007. Problematizing the construct of the Chinese Learner: Insights from ethnographic research. Educational Studies 33/3: 299 311. Summary: Large numbers of students from the Chinese speaking world are nowadays enrolled in Western universities, prompting the need for awareness of their educational beliefs and practices. Although an established literature seeks to characterize the Chinese learner, much of this research results in stereotypical representations of a reduced other: passive, uncritical and over-reliant on the instructor. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Chinese Learners Perceptions and Constructions of British Academic Culture Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education)



Grimshaw, T. 2008. Negotiating an identity in English: The discursive construction and reconstruction of Chinese students in R. Johnson (ed.). Southampton: The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Social Policy and Social Work. ISBN: 9780854328901 Pages: 5665 Summary: This paper explores the international student experience from the perspective of identity construction. Through case studies based on ethnographic interviews, it documents the cultural, linguistics and academic challenges of Chinese-speaking students. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Chinese Learners Perceptions and Constructions of British Academic Culture Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Grimshaw, T. and C. Morgan. 2006. Using a multicultural classroom to explore stereotypes: Moving towards intercultural competence in J. Aden (ed.) De Babel a la Mondialisation: Apports des Sciences Sociales a la Didactique des Langues. Paris: CNDP. ISBN: 2-86621-372-6 Pages: 385402 Summary: Representations of other cultures often consist in the first place of stereotypes. People also often generate autostereotypes of their own culture: homogenous constructs which are not congruent with the diverse reality of their community (Wodak et al, 1999). It can be helpful for foreign and second language

learners to consider stereotypes both of their own culture and the target language culture, as a first step to becoming interculturally aware. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Grimshaw, T. and C. Sears. 2008. Where am I from? Where do I belong? The negotiation and maintenance of identity by international school students. Journal of research in International Education 7/3: 257276. Summary: While the benefits of a mobile expatriate lifestyle are widely reported, it must also be recognized that many students who have attended international schools experience a confused sense of identity due to the fragmented nature of their personal histories. This article seeks to refine our understanding of how these globally mobile young people negotiate and maintain a sense of identity. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: Belgium Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Gu, Q. and A.J. Brooks. 2008. Beyond the accusation of plagiarism: A case study of mainland Chinese students in UK HE. System 36: 337352. Summary: The paper explores the complexity of the notion of plagiarism from sociocultural and psychological perspectives. A longitudinal study, it investigates 10 Chinese students changing perceptions of plagiarism



during their UK-based Masters courses and compares these perceptions with those of their pre-sessional EAP tutors. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, Learner cognition, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Sussex (The Sussex Language Institute) Gu, Q. and M. Schweisfurth. 2005. Who adapts? Beyond cultural models of the Chinese learner. Language, Culture and Curriculum 19/1: 7489. Learners background: Canada Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Guilloteaux, M.J. and Z. Drnyei. 2008. Motivating language learners: A classroom-oriented investigation of the effects of motivational strategies on student motivation. TESOL Quarterly 42/1: 5577. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Gutteridge, M. 2006. ESOL special circumstances 2004: A review of Upper Main Suite provision. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 23: 1719. Summary: Review of the 2004 Special Circumstances provision for candidates with special needs and an update of three key areas of research and development: computer-based testing (CBT), Asset Languages and ILEC, all of which are using technology in one form or another. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Hackett, E. 2005. The development of a computer-based version of PET. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 22: 913. Summary: Ed Hackett illustrates the development of CB PET, focusing on how paper-based materials have been adapted for computer-based testing to suit the candidature, which enables equivalence with the paper-based format. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hackett, E. 2008. Adapting listening tests for on-screen use. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 32: 2325. Summary: Ed Hackett reports on how paper-based listening tests are adapted for computer-based delivery. Hackett presents some key issues in adapting paper-based tests such as displaying items and determining how candidates respond to questions, focusing on the delivery of both Business English and General English exams. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hale, L. and G. Lazar. 2007. Authoring online materials for academic writing: Issues and opportunities in O. Alexander (ed.) New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Proceedings of the 2005 Joint BALEAP/SATEFL Conference. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03910-909-8



Pages: 301313 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper describes a project at Middlesex University to support students in academic writing skills. A collaborative authoring model was established to develop materials for the universitys virtual learning environment. The writing team found the interaction between authorship, audience and medium to be problematic, and strategies for resolving this are explored. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, Learning technologies, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Middlesex University (English Language and Learning Support) Hall, G. 2005. Literature in Language Education. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1-4039-4336-2 Summary: Overview of relevant research literature with accounts of key studies and inclusive list of references and resources for research in this area. Research & Practice in Applied Linguistics series eds. Candlin and David Hall. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Reading, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Hall, G. 2005. Symposium on English and other languages in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2005: Cardiff Conference Selections. Kent: IATEFL. ISBN: 1 901095 02 9 Pages: 39 41 Principal format: Printed Summary: A symposium summary discussing issues ranging from the role of English

globally to local analyses; from linguistic description to socio-political orientation; and from the relationship between English and other languages in general to specific examples and case studies. Descriptor(s): English language Country of research: various Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hall, G. 2005. Thinking locally: Addressing the dilemmas raised by Critical Pedagogy in ELT. Summary: Critical approaches to ELT argue that there is insufficient consideration of why we are teaching and what society we are teaching for. However, critical approaches are themselves criticised for being critical, impractical and not offering solutions to perceived problems. This paper argues for the development of local understandings to empower learners and teachers. ining/criticalpedagogy_graham.htm Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hall, G. 2008. An ethnographic diary study. ELT Journal 62/2: 113122. Summary: This article examines a smallscale ethnographic survey of a single classroom. Drawing on the collected data, the discussion focuses on some of the problems encountered whilst collecting and interpreting data through self-report diaries. The article also discusses how variation within the data might be the result of the specific diary approach developed. The article concludes positively, however, suggesting that explicit recognition of these difficulties can still lead to fruitful,



localised approaches to the data. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hall, G. 2008. English, Englishes and English language teaching some thoughts. IATEFL Teacher Development SIG Newsletter 59: 810. Summary: This paper discusses the challenges to English language teachers presented by the emergence of local and regional varieties around the world. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hall, G. 2008. Values in English language teaching. IATEFL Teacher Development SIG Newsletter 58: 911. Summary: Teachers have values, and teachers also have power and responsibility. This paper discusses the need for teachers to examine and clarify their own beliefs about what is appropriate for their own learners and classrooms, and reflect upon how these values are realised in practice. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Country of research: various Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hall, G. and E. Angelinas. 2006. Teaching English as a missionary language. CALL Review: Journal of the Learning

Technologies SIG Spring: 3032. Summary: This paper summarises debates surrounding the role of Christianity and Christian-based organizations in both the spread of English around the world and in the ELT profession today. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Hamp-Lyons, L. 2006. Feedback in portfolio-based writing courses in K. Hyland and F. Hyland (eds.) Feedback in Second Language Writing: Contexts and Issues. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-672580/978-0-521856638 Pages: 140161 Descriptor(s): Writing Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hamp-Lyons, L. 2007. The impact of testing practices on teaching: ideologies and alternatives in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) The International Handbook of English Language Teaching (Vol. 1). Norwell, MA: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-46300-1 Pages: 487504 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hamp-Lyons, L. 2008. Best practice in writing assessment in L. Taylor and C.J. Weir (eds.) Multilingualism and Assessment in a Multilingual Context. Proceedings of the ALTE Conference, Berlin, May 2005. Cambridge: University of Cambridge ESOL/Cambridge University Press.



Pages: 321335 Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Writing, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hamp-Lyons, L. and A. Davies. 2006. Bias revisited. Spaan Fellow Working Papers 4: 97108. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hamp-Lyons, L. and A. Davies. 2008. The Englishes of English tests. World Englishes 27/1: 2629. Descriptor(s): English language, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Harrison, C. 2007. Reviewing the FCE and CAE Speaking tests. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 2428. Summary: Clare Harrison reports on research and consultation undertaken to review the FCE and CAE Speaking tests. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Harrison, C. 2007. Teaching knowledge test update Adoptions and courses. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 29: 3032. Summary: Clare Harrisons article on the uptake of TKT to date reveals a wide range of contexts in which it has been used to confirm teachers knowledge about teaching. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Harsch, C. 2007. Der gemeinsame europische Referenzrahmen fr Sprachen. Leistung und Grenzen [The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Attainment and Limitations]. Saarbrcken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Mller. ISBN: 9783836422826 Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C. and K. Schrder. 2005. Schule zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung: Internationale Sprachtests, PISA, DESI und die neue Evaluationskultur [International large-scale assessment studies and the new evaluative culture] in J. Maisch (ed.) Evaluation und Analyse in der Schulentwicklung. Anstze, Methoden und Beispiele fr die Schulpraxis. [Evaluation and Analysis in School Development: Approaches, Methods, Examples]. Donauwrth: Auer. ISBN: 3403043185 Pages: 2236 Summary: The chapter examines the new demands placed on schools in the context of assessment and self-determination. Schools face new challenges and tensions as they are confronted with external means of quality management since the advent of large-scale assessment studies like PISA. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/innovation, ESOL/EAL, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C. and K. Schrder. 2006. Der mhsame Weg zur Neuen Evaluationskultur an unseren Schulen [The painstaking way towards the new evaluative culture in our



schools] in I. Hosenfeldt and W. Schrader (eds.) Schulische Leistung. Grundlagen, Bedingungen, Perspektiven [Achievement at School: Basics, Conditions, Perspectives]. Mnster: Waxmann. ISBN: 9783830915652 Pages: 275288 Summary: The chapter gives an overview of necessary steps towards a new evaluative culture within the German school system, to use a complementary approach of informal and formal teacher assessments in combination with the use of internal and external means of assessment. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C. and K. Schrder. 2007. Textrekonstruktion: C-Test [Text reconstruction: C-test] in B. Beck and E. Klieme (eds.) Sprachliche Kompetenzen: Konzepte und Messungen. DESI-Studie. [Language Proficiency: Concepts and Measurement. DESI study]. Weinheim: Beltz (Pdagogik). ISBN: 9783407253989 Pages: 212225 Summary: Account of the conceptualisation of communicative competences of 9th graders in the German school system (secondary level) in German and English as first foreign language. This chapter describes the concept and measurement model of the C-test as a means to assess global proficiency in English. Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany

Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C. and K. Schrder. 2008. Schlerkompetenzen im Englischen: Textrekonstruktion: C-Test [Students competences in English as a foreign language: Text reconstruction: C-test] in DESI-Konsortium (ed.) Ergebnisse der DESI-Studie [Results of the DESI study]. Weinheim: Beltz. ISBN: 9783407254917 Pages: 149 156 Summary: Report on the results of a large-scale assessment study in Germany to investigate 9th graders proficiency in German and English as first foreign language. In this chapter, we report on the results of the C-test module as a measurement for global proficiency in English. Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C., A. Neumann, R. Lehmann and K. Schrder. 2007. Schreibfhigkeit [Writing proficiency] in B. Beck and E. Klieme (eds.) Sprachliche Kompetenzen: Konzepte und Messungen. DESI-Studie. [Language Proficiency: Concepts and Measurement. DESI study]. Weinheim: Beltz (Pdagogik). ISBN: 9783407253989 Pages: 4262 Summary: Account of the conceptualisation of communicative competences of 9th graders in the German school system (secondary level) in German and English as



first foreign language. This chapter describes the concept and measurement model of the writing sub-tests for German and English. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harsch, C., K. Schrder and A. Neumann. 2008. Schlerkompetenzen im Englischen: Semikreatives Schreiben [Students competences in English as a foreign language: Semicreative writing] in DESI-Konsortium (ed.) Ergebnisse der DESI-Studie [Results of the DESI study]. Weinheim: Beltz. ISBN: 9783407254917 Pages: 139148 Summary: Report on the results of a large-scale assessment study in Germany to investigate 9th graders proficiency in German and English as first foreign language. In this chapter, we report on the results of the writing sub-test for English. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2005. "I hoped to counteract the memory problem, but I made no impact whatsoever": Discussing methods in computing science using I. English for Specific Purposes 24/3: 243267. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Institutional level: tertiary

Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2005. "Nowhere has anyone attemptedIn this article I aim to do just that". A corpus-based study of selfpromotional I and WE in academic writing across four disciplines. Journal of Pragmatics 37/8: 12071231. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2005. "We do not seem to have a theory...The theory I present here attempts to fill this gap": Inclusive and exclusive pronouns in academic writing. Applied Linguistics 26/3: 343375. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2005. What do we want EAP teaching materials for?. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 4/2: 149161. Summary: This paper explores the various anti-textbook arguments in the literature to determine their relevance to the field of EAP. I distinguish between what I call a strong and a weak anti-textbook line, then review the corpus-based studies which compare the language EAP textbooks teach with corpora of the language academic writers use. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, ESP, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2006. (In)appropriate personal pronoun use in political science: A qualitative study and a proposed heuristic for future



research. Written Communication 23/4: 424450. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2007. Political scientists on the functions of personal pronouns in their writing: An interview-based study of "I" and "we". Text and Talk 27/1: 2754. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2008. Citers use of citees names: Findings from a qualitative interviewbased study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59/6: 10071011. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Harwood, N. 2008. Publication outlets and their effect on academic writers citations.. Scientometrics 77/2: 253265. Descriptor(s): ESP, English language, Writing Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Hawkey, R. 2005. The CPE Textbook Washback Study. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 20: 1920. Summary: Roger Hawkey reports on a study which explored the washback effects of the revised Certificate of

Proficiency in English (CPE) on textbooks. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hawkey, R. 2006. Studies in Language Testing Vol 24: Impact Theory and Practice: Studies of the IELTS Test and Progetto Lingue 2000. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 0521680972 Summary: This book focuses on the impact of language tests and language programmes on a range of stakeholders, including testtakers, teachers, textbook writers, testers and institutions. Two impact studies are cited: International English Language Testing System (IELTS), and the Progetto Lingue 2000, a state-school foreign-language education improvement programme undertaken by the Ministry of Education in Italy. Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hawkey, R. 2007. The 20042008 FCE and CAE review project: Historical context and perennial themes. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 30: 28. Summary: Roger Hawkey gives an overview of the FCE and CAE review project, providing its historical context, previous revisions and updates, and some of the major themes which informed the review. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations



Hawkey, R. 2008. An impact study of a highstakes test (IELTS): Lessons for test validation and linguistic diversity in L. Taylor and C. Weir (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 27: Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity Proceedings of the ALTE Berlin Conference, May 2005. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 9780521711920 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hawkey, R. and S. Shaw. 2005. The Common Scale for Writing project: Implications for the comparison of IELTS band scores and Main Suite exam levels. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 1924. Summary: Roger Hawkey and Stuart Shaw draw implications, from developing a common descriptive scale for assessing writing to comparing Main Suite, IELTS and BEC writing scripts and scores. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hawkey, R., S. Thompson and R. Turner. 2006. Developing a classroom video database for test washback research. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 26: 59. Summary: Roger Hawkey, Sue Thompson and Richard Turner describe the development of a video database of classroom data from three impact studies which will aid research into test washback for a range of different exams and contexts. This database is a form of multimodal corpus containing video clips, metadata and subtitling. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Hawkey, R.A. 2005. The CPE Textbook Washback Study. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 20: 1920. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A. 2006. Impact Theory and Practice: Studies of the IELTS Test and Progetto Lingue 2000, Studies in Language Testing 24. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-680974 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A. 2006. Teacher and learner perceptions of language learning activity. English Language Teaching Journal 60/3: 242252. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Learner cognition Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A. 2007. The 2004 2008 FCE and CAE review project: Historical context and perennial themes. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 30: 38. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A. 2008. An impact study of a high-stakes test (IELTS): Lessons for test validation and linguistic diversity in L. Taylor and C.J. Weir (eds.) Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring, Quality, Sustaining Diversity, Studies in Language Testing 27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



ISBN: 978-052-1-711920 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A. and S.D. Shaw. 2005. The common scale for writing project: Implications for the comparison of IELTS band scores and Main Suite exam levels. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 19: 1924. Descriptor(s): Writing, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A., S. Thompson and R. Turner. 2006. Developing a classroom video database for test washback research purposes. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 26: 58. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hawkey, R.A., S. Thompson and R. Turner. 2007. The development of a video database for language educational research projects. Learning, Media and Technology 32/1: 8397. Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Hemchua, S. and N. Schmitt. 2006. An analysis of lexical errors in the English compositions of Thai learners. Prospect 21/3: 325. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Learners background: Thailand Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Hobbs, V. 2007. Examining the effectiveness of the four-week ELT training course: Change or no change? in B. Beaven

(ed.) IATEFL 2006: Harrogate Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom; Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Hobbs, V. 2007. Faking it or hating it: Can reflective practice be forced?. Reflective Practice 8/3: 405417. Summary: Relying on research at a TESOL certificate course, this article examines the problematic nature of required reflective practice, namely, that requiring individuals to be open in the context of assessment tends to provoke strategic response and often hostility. These reactions point to an underlying problem with any required reflection that has serious implications for teacher education. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Hobbs, V. and M. Kubanyiova. 2008. The challenges of researching language teachers: What research modules dont tell us. Language Teaching Research 12/4: 495513. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Slovakia Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Hobbs, V. and M. Kubanyiova. 2008. The challenges of researching language



teachers: What research manuals dont tell us. Language Teaching Research 12/4: 495513. Summary: This paper extends the existing discussion of the problematics of conducting classroom-based research in the field of applied linguistics by discussing specific challenges of engaging busy language teachers in ones research, sustaining their commitment throughout the project and handling the physical and emotional strain of the researcher. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Hoey, M. 2005. Clause relations in K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780080442990 (for 14 volume set) Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2005. Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 0415328632 Summary: Drawing on psycholinguistic work on priming, the book describes how phenomena identified by corpus linguists are explicable in terms of the way language is acquired. The result is that the lexicon is seen as central to language. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult

Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2005. Synonymy, polysemy and a drinking problem in R. Bahous and N. Bacha (eds.) Selected Papers from the Second Regional English Conference on Language and Change held at the Lebanese American University. Beirut: Librairie du Liban. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2005. Textuality, intertextuality and the mental lexicon in Y-J. Chen and Y-N. Leung (eds.) Selected Papers from the 14th International Symposium on English Teaching. English Teachers Association. Taipei: English Teachers Association. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2006. Clumsy English. The European English Messenger Autumn: 4857. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2006. Language as choice: What is chosen? in G. Thompson and S. Hunston (eds.) System and Corpus: Exploring Connections. London: Equinox Publishing.



ISBN: 9781845532512 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2006. Problem-solution patterns in K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780080442990 (for 14 volume set) Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2006. Talking, teaching, testing in Y-J. Chen and Y-N. Leung (eds.) Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei: English Teachers Association. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Speaking, English language, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. 2007. Foreword in M. Rundell and G. Fox (eds.) Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2nd edition). London: Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230025455 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English)

Hoey, M. 2007. Lexical priming in M. Rundell and G. Fox (eds.) Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2nd edition). London: Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230025455 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. and M.B. ODonnell. 2007. Death to the topic sentence: How we really paragraph in Y-N. Leung (ed.) Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei: English Teachers Association/ ROC Taipei. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: The Textual Priming of Hard News Stories Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. and M.B. ODonnell. 2008. Lexicography, grammar and textual position. International Journal of Lexicography 21: 293309. Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Associated project: The Textual Priming of Hard News Stories Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M. and M.B. ODonnell. 2008. The beginning of something important?: Corpus evidence on the text beginnings of hard news stories in LewandowskaTomaszczyk and B. (eds.) Corpus Linguistics,



Computer Tools and Applications: State of the Art. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631583111 Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Associated project: The Textual Priming of Hard News Stories Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Hoey, M., M. Mahlberg, M. Stubbs and W. Teubert. 2007. Text, Discourse and Corpora: Theory and Practice. London: Continuum. ISBN: 9780826491725 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening, ESP, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Holliday, A.R. 2005. How is it possible to write?. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 4/4: 304309. Summary: The validity of using personal narratives in research. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2005. The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-442184-3 Summary: A discussion of how a native-speakerist cultural chauvinism operates within the professional structure of Western ELT. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies,

English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2005. What happens between people: Who we are and what we do in S. Gieve and I. Miller (eds.) Understanding the Language Classroom. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1403996628 Pages: 4763 Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2006. Native-speakerism. ELT Journal 60/4: 385387. Summary: A description of cultural chauvinism in the ELT profession against non-native speaker students and colleagues. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2007. Response to ELT and the spirit of the times. ELT Journal 61/4: 360366. Summary: Discussion of research evidence for cultural chauvinism in ELT. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2007. The dangers of matrix thinking in international project design in H. Coleman (ed.) Language and Development: Africa and Beyond. Proceedings of the 7th International Language and Development Conference. Addis Ababa: The British Council.



Pages: 130137 Principal format: Printed Summary: Discussion of how stakeholdercentredness is in effect an example of cultural chauvinism in which the non-native speaker colleague is considered culturally deficient. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R. 2008. Standards of English and politics of inclusion. Language Teaching 41/1: 115126. Summary: A discussion of how changes in the ownership of English affect the politics of speakerhood, the relevance of the nativenon-native speaker distinction and the politics of English as a lingua franca. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Holliday, A.R., M. Hyde and J. Kullman. 2007. Intercultural Communication. London: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-27060 Summary: An advanced workbook for postgraduate students which explores a non-essentialist approach to intercultural communication. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Howarth, P. 2006. The phraseology of public international English. International Journal of English Studies (Special issue on

New Advances in Phraseological Research) 6/1: 109 129. Summary: This study investigates the nature of the language used in public international settings (international press conferences in former Yugoslavia) between native and non-native speakers. It draws on a corpus of approximately 3 million words of transcribed press conferences, containing large numbers of exchanges between native and non-native spokespeople and journalists. Descriptor(s): Materials, ESP, English language Entered by: University of Leeds (The Language Centre) Hua, Z., P. Seedhouse, L. Wei and V. Cook. 2007. Introduction in Z. Hua, P. Seedhouse, L. Wei and V. Cook (eds.) Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0230517005 Summary: Introduction to a volume which brings together contributions by leading researchers of the social interactional and socio-cultural approaches to language learning and teaching. It provides both an introduction to this important growth point and also an overview of cutting edge research, covering a wide range of language learning and teaching contexts. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Teacher education, Speaking Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Hua, Z., P. Seedhouse, L. Wei and V. Cook. 2007. Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.



ISBN: 0230517005 Summary: This volume brings together contributions by leading researchers of the social interactional and socio-cultural approaches to language learning and teaching. It provides both an introduction to this important growth point and also an overview of cutting edge research, covering a wide range of language learning and teaching contexts. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Cultural issues, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Hubbard, C. 2005. ESOL staff seminar programme: Applied linguistics: A personal view and second language listening. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 1415. Summary: A review of former head of the Universitys Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics Gillian Browns recent staff seminar on applied linguistics and second language listening. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hubbard, C., S. Gilbert and J. Pidcock. 2006. Assessment processes in speaking tests: A pilot verbal protocol study. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 1419. Summary: Chris Hubbard, Susan Gilbert and John Pidcock report on a Verbal Protocol Analysis (VPA) study into how CAE Speaking test raters make assessments in real time. They consider the appropriacy of a VPA methodology and how raters use a framework of assessment criteria (a rating scale). pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hughes, A. 2006. Patterns, problems and passions in YL action research in R. Mitchell-Schuitevoerder and S. Mourao (eds.) Teachers and Young Learners: Research in Our Classrooms. YLSIG Anniversary Publication. Canterbury, Kent: IATEFL. Summary: This article highlights the reasons for carrying out action research in the young language learner classroom and then reports on an investigation into the patterns, problems and passions found in a number of YL action research reports. This will aid those about to take part in YL action research. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Management/innovation Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of York (Department of Educational Studies) Hughes, G. 2006. The effect of editing on language used in FCE reading texts: A case study. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 26: 1921. Summary: Glyn Hughes compares texts used in the Reading component of FCE and the British National Corpus (BNC) to ascertain what impact edited reading texts have on candidates, basing his article on a case study of the word people. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations



Hughes, G. 2008. Text organisation features in an FCE reading gapped sentence task. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 31: 2631. Summary: Glyn Hughes compares the text organisational features of reading passages from a First Certificate in English (FCE) paper with the original source text, seeking evidence for how candidates interact with reading passages and implications for training materials writers. Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Hunston, S. 2007. Grammar patterns and literacy in A. McCabe, M. ODonnell and R. Whittaker (eds.) Advances in Language and Education. London: Continuum. ISBN: 9780826489609 Pages: 254267 Summary: The paper investigates the contribution of recurring patterns of lexis and grammar to redundancy. This is linked to the role of redundancy in reading practices. Descriptor(s): Reading, English language Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Hyland, F. 2008. Scaffolding during the writing process: The role of informal peer interaction in writing workshops in D. Becher and A. Hirvela (eds.) The Oral-Literate Connection: Perspectives on L2 Speaking, Writing, and Other Media Interactions. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 9780472032327 Summary: This paper examines spoken interaction in writing workshops for EFL students. It discusses the different procedures adopted by two teachers in their management of their writing workshops

and then focuses on the spoken interactions between the students in the two classes and examines the ways these provided scaffolding for their writing development. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESOL/EAL Country of research: New Zealand Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, F. and M. Lo. 2006. Examining interaction in the teaching practicum: Issues of language, power and control. Mentoring and Tutoring 14/2: 163186. Summary: This study examines the postobservation interactions between six ESL student teachers and their tutors during their teaching practicum in Hong Kong. Case studies are used to examine the impact of the tutors feedback and to highlight the importance of the power relations involved in the dialogue. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, English language Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2005. A convincing argument: Corpus analysis and academic persuasion in U. Connor and T. Upton (eds.) Discourse in the Professions: Perspectives from Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ISBN: 90 272 2287 8 Pages: 87114 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London



(Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2005. Metadiscourse. London: Continuum. ISBN: 9 780826 476111 Descriptor(s): Writing Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2005. Stance and engagement: A model of interaction in academic discourse. Discourse Studies 7/2: 173191. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2005. Texts, transcripts and identity: Confessions of a discourse analyst in T. Silva and P. Matsuda (eds.) Second Language Writing: Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. ISBN: 9 780805 850451 Pages: 177189 Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2006. Medical discourse: Hedges in K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd edition. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 0-08-044299-4 Pages: 694697 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)

Hyland, K. 2006. Disciplinary differences: Language variation in academic discourses in K. Hyland and M. Bondi (eds.) Academic Discourse across Disciplines. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3039111831 Pages: 1745 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2006. English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9 780415 358705 Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, Listening, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2006. English for specific purposes: Some influences and impacts in A. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) International Handbook of English Language Education Vol 1. Norwell, Mass: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-46300-1 Pages: 379 390 Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2006. Representing readers in writing: Student and expert practices. Linguistics and Education 16: 363377. Descriptor(s): Writing Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)



Hyland, K. 2007. Applying a gloss: Exemplifying and reformulating in academic discourse. Applied Linguistics 28: 266285. Descriptor(s): Writing Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2007. Different strokes for different folks: Disciplinary variation in academic writing in K. Flottem (ed.) Language and Discipline Perspectives on Academic Discourse. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. ISBN: 9781847180933 Pages: 89108 Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2007. Genre pedagogy: Language, literacy and L2 writing instruction. Journal of Second Language Writing 16/3: 148164. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2007. Stance and engagement: A model of interaction in academic discourse in T.A. Van Dijk (ed.) Benchmarks in Discourse Studies, Vol. 3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412936170 (for 5 volume set) Pages: 102121 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)

Hyland, K. 2007. Understanding writing: Exploring texts, writers and readers. Journal of the British Assn of Teachers of Japanese 8: 6374. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. Small bits of textual material: Voice and engagement in Swales writing. English for Specific Purposes 27/2: 143160. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. Academic clusters: Text patterning in published and postgraduate writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 18/1: 4162. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. As can be seen: Lexical bundles and disciplinary variation. English for Specific Purposes. 27/1: 421. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. Disciplinary voices: Interactions in research writing. English Text Construction 1/1: 522. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)



Hyland, K. 2008. Genre and academic writing in the disciplines. Language Teaching 41/4: 543562. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. Make your academic writing assertive and certain in J. Reid (ed.) Writing Myths. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 9 780472 032570 Pages: 70 89 Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. 2008. Persuasion, interaction and the construction of knowledge: Representing self and others in research writing. International Journal of English Studies 8/2: 818. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and E. Anan. 2006. Teachers perceptions of error: The effects of first language and experience. System 34/4: 509 519. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and F. Hyland. 2006. Interpersonal aspects of response: Constructing and interpreting teacher written feedback in K. Hyland and F. Hyland (eds.) Feedback in Second Language Writing: Contexts and Issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

ISBN: 9780521672580 Pages: 206 224 Summary: This chapter looks at the role of the interpersonal in constructing feedback. It discusses why the interpersonal is important in written feedback; how it is realised in comments through mitigation and the expression of praise, criticism or suggestion and looks at how students actively interpret, comprehend and respond to these comments. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and F. Hyland. 2006. State of the art article: Feedback on second language students writing. Language Teaching 39/2: 83101. Summary: This paper examines recent research related to feedback on second language students writing, focusing first on the emerging and developing role of feedback in writing instruction. The paper then looks at current issues in research on teacher written and oral feedback and conferencing, collaborative peer feedback and computer-mediated feedback. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESOL/EAL, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and F. Salager-Meyer. 2008. Science writing. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 42: 297338. Descriptor(s): ESP, Writing Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)




Hyland, K. and P. Tse. 2005. Evaluative that constructions: Signalling stance in research abstracts. Functions of Language 12/1: 3964. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and P. Tse. 2005. Hooking the reader: A corpus study of evaluative that in abstracts. English for Specific Purposes 24/2: 123139. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Hyland, K. and P. Tse. 2007. Is there an academic vocabulary?. TESOL Quarterly 41/2: 235254. Descriptor(s): Reading, ESP, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Ingham, K. and D. Thighe. 2006. Issues with developing a test in LSP: The International Certificate in Financial English. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 25: 59. Summary: Kate Ingham and David Thighe describe some of the issues involved in developing LSP tests, focusing on the International Certificate in Financial English (ICFE), including the relationship of test specificity to test generalisability and the importance of ensuring authenticity of test content. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Jackson, S. and K. Johnson. 2007. Exploring the repair procedures used in non-linguistic skill teaching and assessing their relevance for language teaching: The START Project. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching 3/1: 3350. Summary: Describing the Exploring the procedures research project. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Materials, Learner cognition, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Exploring the Procedures Used in Non-linguistic Skill Teaching and Assessing their Relevance for Language Teaching Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)

Ingham, K. 2008. The Cambridge ESOL approach to item writer training: The case of ICFE Listening. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 32: 59. Summary: Kate Ingham describes Cambridge ESOLs training program for new item writers. All item writers undergo both general and paper-specific training; training activities for new and established item writers for the Listening component of the new International Certificate in Financial English (ICFE) are described.



Jarvis, H. 2005. Computer-based materials in EAP: History, trends and issues in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2005 Cardiff Conference Selections. Kent, UK: IATEFL. ISBN: 1-901095-02-9 Pages: 141143 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper documents the changing role of computers in English for academic purposes and argues that a computers for academic purposes (CAP) should now form a component of most EAP courses if they are to adequately equip non-native speakers for academic study at British universities. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. 2005. Integrating information and communication technology (ICT) by exploiting the skills of practitioners and their students in G. Lovtsevich (ed.) Sharing Challenges, Sharing Solutions: Teaching Languages in Diverse Contexts. Conference Proceedings PAC5 at FEELTA 2004. Vladivostock, Russia: Far Eastern National University. ISBN: 5-7444-1702-8 Pages: 200204 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper demonstrates how computers can be usefully integrated into classroom practice by making full use of the technology skills of our students. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus

Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. 2005. Technology and change in English language teaching (ELT). Asian EFL Journal 7/4: 213227. Summary: This state-of-the-art discussion paper considers the impact of technology on long-established notions of English as a foreign or second language. It goes on to argue and illustrate a role for computers in shifting away from traditional notions of curriculum and syllabus towards task-based approaches. December_05_hj.php Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, English language Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. 2006. Issues of computermediated communication for English language teaching. British Journal of Education Technology 37/4: 643645. Summary: This paper discusses the implications of computer-mediatedcommunication (CMC) for English language teaching (ELT). Descriptor(s): English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. 2008. Computers and independent study: Practices and perceptions of students in P. Torres and R. Marriot (eds.) Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. Hershey: Information Science Reference.



ISBN: 9781599049946 Pages: 367386 Summary: This study considers established Computer Assisted Language Learning frameworks in relation to learner actions and perceptions of computer-based materials in less controlled self-study contexts where there is free choice regarding the range of materials to use, the place in which to use them and the time to spend on them. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. 2008. Resource centres and self-study: Issues in computer assisted language learning in E. ODoherty (ed.) The Fourth Education in a Changing Environment Conference Book 2007. Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science Press. ISBN: 978-1-932886-13-9 Pages: 137154 Summary: This paper reports on a languages-based study, which employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in order to examine a number of issues related to the title above. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jarvis, H. and L. Pastuszka. 2008. Electronic literacy, reading skills and

non-native speakers: Issues for EAP. CALL-EJ Online 10/1: n/a. Summary: This paper reports on a study which investigates electronic literacy reading skills amongst non-native speakers studying a range of academic subjects and levels in English at two British universities. The findings are considered in relation to implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programmes. 10-1/jarvis.html Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Salford (School of Languages) Jendli, A., C. Coombe and S. Troudi. 2008. Best Practice in English Language Teaching. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Jendli, A., S. Troudi and C. Coombe. 2007. The Power of Language: Perspectives from Arabia. UAE: TESOL Arabia. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Jenkins, J. 2006. Current perspectives on teaching World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. TESOL Quarterly 40/1: 157181. Summary: This article explores recent research into WE and ELF and the extent to which it is being taken into account by English language professionals, applied linguists and SLA researchers. It also



addresses the implications of WE and ELF for English language standards and for the native-nonnative English teacher debate. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Jenkins, J. 2006. Points of view and blind spots: ELF and SLA. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 16/2: 137162. Summary: This article argues that mainstream SLA research can no longer afford to ignore the massive growth in the use of ELF, highlights the irrelevance for ELF of concepts such as interference and fossilization, and explores the extent to which alternative perspectives offer greater promise for ELF. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Jenkins, J. 2006. The spread of EIL: A testing time for testers. ELT Journal 60/1: 4250. Summary: This article argues that recent changes in users and uses of English have reached the point when a major rethink of the goals of ELT is needed, but that this will first require a substantial overhaul of English language testing, given that curriculum change will not be accepted if it isnt reflected in assessment targets. Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Jenkins, J. 2007. English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780194422376

Summary: An investigation of attitudes towards the phenomenon of English as a Lingua Franca. The research involved a questionnaire using folk-linguistic methods completed by (mainly non-native) teachers of English in a range of countries, and interviews with non-native English teachers to explore their sense of identity in English, relating especially to their accents. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Jenks, C. 2007. Floor management in task-based interaction: The interactional role of participatory structures. System 35/4: 609622. Descriptor(s): Speaking, English language Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Jin, L. and M. Cortazzi. 2006. Changing practices in Chinese culture of learning. Language, Culture and Curriculum 19/1: 520. Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Jin, L. and M. Cortazzi. 2007. Narrative learning, EAL and metacognitive development. Childhood Development and Care 177/6: 645660. Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Jin, L. and M. Cortazzi. 2008. Images of teachers, learning and questioning in Chinese cultures of learning in E. Berendt (ed.) Metaphors for Learning: Cross-cultural Perspectives. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ISBN: 978 90 272 2376 0 Pages: 177202



Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Johns, A., A. Bawashi, R. Coe, K. Hyland, B. Paltridge, M. Reiff and C. Tardy. 2006. Crossing the boundaries of genres studies: Commentaries by experts. Journal of Second Language Writing 15/3: 234249. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Johnson, K. (ed.) 2005. Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-55436-8 Summary: Describing expertise research undertaken in areas related to language learning and teaching Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Learner cognition Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K. 2005. The general study of expertise in K. Johnson (ed.) Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-55436-8 Pages: 1134 Summary: Considering expertise studies in non-language-teaching areas and discussing ways in which similar research might be done in the language teaching area. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Methodology Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K. 2006. Forty years of language teaching: The 1970s. Language Teaching 40: 8 9. Summary: Describing language teaching developments in the nineteen seventies.

Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Materials, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K. 2007. Expertise research in language teaching: Some examples and some issues. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching 3/1: 5171. Summary: Considering the development of expertise research in the language teaching field and describing some examples of smallscale research undertaken at Lancaster. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K. 2008. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching; second edition. London: Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-1-4058-3617-3 Summary: Describing research and developments in the fields of language learning and teaching. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Pronunciation, Methodology, Materials, Listening, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/ strategies, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K. and S. Jackson. 2006. Comparing language teaching and otherskill teaching: Has the language teacher anything to learn?. System 34: 532546. Summary: Describing the main findings of the Exploring the procedures project.



Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Materials, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Exploring the Procedures Used in Non-linguistic Skill Teaching and Assessing their Relevance for Language Teaching Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Johnson, K., M. Kim, Y-F. Liu, A. Nava, D. Perkins, A-M. Smith, O. Soler-Canela and W. Lu. 2008. A step forward: Investigating expertise in materials evaluation. ELTJ 62: 157163. Summary: Describing a research project which observed the way teachers evaluate a textbook for possible classroom use with their students. Uses think-alouds. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Materials, Learner cognition, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Jones, N. 2005. Raising the languages ladder: Constructing a new framework for accrediting foreign language skills. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 1519. Summary: Neil Jones describes how tests for 26 different languages are being related to the Languages Ladder framework, focusing on how objectively marked components (reading and listening) can be linked to it. pdf

Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Jones, N. 2006. Assessment systems: Conceptual, human, technological. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 23: 23. Summary: Neil Jones gives a unique view of assessment systems, describing the complex system of language assessment in terms of its conceptual, human and technological facets that have evolved over the last decade at Cambridge ESOL. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Jones, N. 2008. SurveyLang: A European survey of language competences in IAEA: Re-interpreting Assessment: Society, Measurement and Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge Assessment. Principal format: Online ca/digitalAssets/180411_Jones.pdf Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Jones, N. and L. Maycock. 2007. The comparability of computer-based and paper-based tests: Goals, approaches, and a review of research. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 27: 1114. Summary: Neil Jones and Louise Maycock address the issue of comparability between the computer-based mode and paper-based mode of tests such as BEC and BULATS. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations



Jones, N., K. Ashton and A.S-Y. Chen. 2005. Rising to the challenge of asset languages. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 24. Summary: Neil Jones, Karen Ashton and Ann Shih-yi Chen introduce asset languages, an assessment system being developed by UCLES to implement the Languages Ladder, a voluntary recognition system in the UK which seeks to give people credit for their language skills across 26 languages. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Kelly, G. 2006. Teaching pronunciation. Summary: A short guide to pronunciation teaching, written for the Pearson Longman methodology website. F/Pronunciation.pdf Descriptor(s): Speaking, Pronunciation, Methodology, Materials, Learner autonomy/ strategies, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Kemp, C. 2007. Strategic processing in grammar learning: Do multilinguals use more strategies?. International Journal of Multilingualism 4: 241261. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Kemp, C. 2008. A pilot to investigate multilinguals use of grammar learning strategies in M. Gibson, B. Hufeisen and C. Personne (eds.) Multilingualism: Learning and Instruction. Selected Papers from the L3 Conference in Freiburg, Switzerland 2005. Berlin: Schneider Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-8340-0407-9 Pages: 5160 Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Learner cognition Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Kennedy, C. 2005. Just perfect! The pragmatics of evaluation in holiday postcards in A. Jaworski and A. Pritchard (eds.) Discourse, Communication and Tourism. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. ISBN: 1-84541-020-3 Pages: 223246

Kelly, G. 2005. Can intonation be taught. English Teaching Professional Issue 39: 1112. Summary: An argument that intonation can and should be taught, using a discourse model. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, English language Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) Kelly, G. 2006. Can the DELTA help you to teach EAP?. Summary: An article generally in support of the Cambridge ESOL DELTA course, and its appropriacy for EAP teachers. ining/eapdelta1_gerald.htm Descriptor(s): Methodology, ESOL/EAL, ESP, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment, Teacher education Entered by: University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences)



Summary: Examines the use of evaluation lexis in holiday postcards applications to classroom analysis of genre, and student and teacher language awareness. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Kennedy, C. 2007. A corpus-based investigation of linguistic responses to an IELTS academic writing task in L. Taylor and P. Falvey (eds.) Research in Speaking and Writing Assessment. Cambridge: CUP. ISBN: 9780521542487 Pages: 316 377 Summary: Investigation into a corpus of writing assessments in the IELTS examination to compare distinguishing linguistic features of the different levels. Descriptor(s): Writing, English language, Assessment Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Kennedy, J., R. Smith and E. Ushioda. 2008. Taking stock of ELTED (A conversation). ELTED (English Language Teacher Education and Development) 11: 5257. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Kerr, R. 2008. International development and the New Public Management: Projects and logframes as discursive technologies of governance in S. Dar and B. Cooke (eds.)

The New Development Management. London: Zed. ISBN: 978 1842779224 Pages: 91110 Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Khalifa, H. 2005. Are test taker characteristics accounted for in Main Suite Reading papers?. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 21: 710. Summary: Hanan Khalifa considers whether test taker characteristics are accounted for in the Reading papers of the Cambridge Main Suite. She suggests how candidates responses to Reading tasks may be affected by their physical/physiological, psychological and experiential characteristics, all of which form part of Cyril Weirs Validity framework. Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Khalifa, H. 2008. Co-operating in setting and monitoring standards for language assessment in Beijing 6th National Public Tests Forum. China: Ministry of Education. ISBN: n/a Pages: n/a Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Khalifa, H. 2008. Testing teaching knowledge: Developing a quality instrument to support professional development in L. Taylor and C. Weir (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 27: Multilingualism



and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity Proceedings of the ALTE Berlin Conference, May 2005. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 9780521711920 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Khalifa, H. and A. Ffrench. 2008. Aligning Cambridge ESOL examinations to the CEFR: Issues & practice in IAEA: Re-interpreting Assessment: Society, Measurement and Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge Assessment. Principal format: Online ca/digitalAssets/180399_Khalifa.pdf Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Kiely, R. 2005. Cultural mirrors Television drama in the EFL classroom. ining/tv21_richard.htm Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. 2005. Television in TESOL The research agenda. Summary: A discussion of the use of television as a new technology in ELT and the issues and approaches in examining these in research. ining/tv31_richard.htm Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Methodology, Learning technologies Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)

Kiely, R. 2005. The role of television and televisual literacy in language teaching and learning. ining/tv1_richard.htm Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Learning technologies, Methodology, Cultural issues, Teacher education Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. 2006. In fact I cant really lose: Laures struggle to become an academic writer in S. Trahar (ed.) Narrative Research on Learning: Comparative and International Perspectives. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books. ISBN: 187 3927 60 6 Pages: 183198 Summary: A single case study of an undergraduate student developing second language writing skills in the context of an EAP programme in a UK university, drawing on ethnographic data examined in the light of narrative theory. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Materials, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. 2006. Evaluation, innovation and ownership in language programs. Modern Language Journal, 90/3: 597602. Summary: A discussion of the factors which influence teacher and curriculum development through teacher-led programme evaluation Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)



Kiely, R. 2007. Teachers into researchers: Learning to research in TESOL in S. Borg (ed.) Language Teacher Research in Europe. Virginia, USA: TESOL Publications. ISBN: 978 1931 1853 7 0 Pages: 67 80 Summary: A report and discussion of the issues involved in teachers shift from a professional teacher identity to a researcher identity in the context of a masters programme in the UK. The chapter draws on the Teachers into Researchers project, University of Bristol, 20022004. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. and J. Askham 2008. Socialisation and identity in learning in applied linguistics. Report to the Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN). HEA/University of Southampton. Summary: Project report, focussing on the pedagogical implications of the findings. pdf Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Management/innovation, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: SAIL: Socialisation and Identity in Learning in Applied Linguistics Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. 2008. The purpose, promise and potential of teacher research in M. Pawlak (ed.) Investigating English Language Teaching and Learning. Poznan: IATEFL/University of Poznan. ISBN: 978 83 88 33 54 5 7 Pages: 1130 Summary: An examination of the contexts

and characteristics of teacher research in ELT, drawing on finding of the Teachers into Researchers project, University of Bristol 20022004. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. and J. Askham. 2008. Visiting locals houses and English without noticing: The nature and potential of informal language development in M. Edwardes (ed.) Proceedings of the BAAL Annual Conference 2007. London, UK: Scitsiugnil Press. ISBN: 978-0-9559533-1-6 Principal format: CD-ROM Summary: Paper presenting findings of the SAIL project, later published as Observing, noticing and understanding: Two case studies in language awareness in the development of academic literacy (Kiely) in the journal Language Awareness 2009. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Management/innovation, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: SAIL: Socialisation and Identity in Learning in Applied Linguistics Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R. and P. Rea-Dickins. 2005. Program Evaluation in Language Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1-4039 4571 3 Summary: A textbook on language programme evaluation within a series on



teaching and researching applied linguistics, with sections on theoretical issues, case studies and strategies for implementation. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Materials, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R., M. Davis, G. Carter and C. Nye. 2008. The craft of the experienced language teacher. Voices 205: 1213. Summary: A brief report on initial findings on the InSITE project. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Management/innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Associated project: InSITE: Integrating Systematic Investigation into Teaching of English Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kiely, R., P. Rea-Dickins and G. Yu. 2007. Student Identity, Learning and Progression (SILP): The affective and academic impact of IELTS on successful candidates in IELTS Research Reports Volume 7. Canberra, Australia: IELTS Australia Pty and British Council. ISBN: 978 0 977 5875 2 0 Pages: 59136 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening, ESP, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)

Kiely, R., P.M. Rea-Dickins, H. Woodfield and G.M. Clibbon. 2006. Introduction in R. Kiely, P.M. Rea-Dickins, H. Woodfield and G.M. Clibbon (eds.) Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics: Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox. Principal format: Printed Summary: A collection of papers on language culture and identity, with an introduction on ways in which the conference (BAAL AM 2005) interpreted the theme. Issues include identity and language learning, academic writing, and contact issues in adjacent language and professional communities. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Pronunciation, Materials, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Kormos, J. and K. Csizr. 2007. An interview study of inter-ethnic contact and its role in language learning in a foreign language environment. System 35: 241258. Summary: The research reported in this paper investigates what types of intercultural contact Hungarian schoolchildren have, what kind of language-related attitudes they can give account of and how they see the role of contact situations in affecting their attitudinal and motivational dispositions towards the L2, the L2 speaking communities and the process of L2 learning. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)



Kormos, J. and K. Csizr. 2008. Age-related differences in the motivation of learning English as a foreign language: Attitudes, selves and motivated learning behavior. Language Learning 58: 327355. Summary: Our study describes the motivation for learning English as a foreign language in three distinct learner populations: secondary school pupils, university students, and adult language learners. The main factors affecting students second language (L2) motivation were language learning attitudes and the Ideal L2 self. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Kormos, J. and E.H. Kontra. 2007. Nyelvtanrok a diszlexirl [Language teachers on dyslexia]. j Pedaggiai Szemle 9. Summary: This study investigated language teachers knowledge concerning dyslexia and its effect on language learning as well as attitudes to dyslexic children in the foreign language classroom. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Kormos, J. and E.H. Kontra. 2008. Hungarian teachers perceptions of dyslexic language learners in J. Kormos and E. Kontra (eds.) Language Learners with Special Needs: An International Perspective. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. ISBN: 1-84769-089-0 Pages: 189214

Summary: This paper reports on an interview study conducted in Hungary with teachers involved in a special compensatory program for dyslexic language learners. The interviews examined the teachers perception of the nature of the problems dyslexia causes in foreign language learning. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Kormos, J. and A. Sfr. 2008. Phonological short term-memory, working memory and foreign language performance in intensive language learning.. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 11: 261271. Summary: In our research we addressed the question what the relationship is between phonological short-term and working memory capacity and performance in an end-of-year reading, writing, listening, speaking and use of English test. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Assessment Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Kormos, J., K. Csizr, A. Menyhrt and D. Trk. 2008. Great Expectations: The motivational profile of Hungarian English language students. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 7: 6582. Summary: In this article we investigate what characterizes the language learning motivation of Hungarian English language students. The interview data revealed that the respondents did not invest sufficient energy in maintaining and improving their



language competence. This is explained with reference to a low level of learner autonomy primarily caused by teacher-centered instruction. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Kubanyiova, M. 2005. Promoting cohesive groups in the language classroom in E. Szoradova (ed.) Retrospective and Perspectives in Education: Proceedings from an International Research Conference. Nitra, Slovakia: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. ISBN: 80-80-50-918-2 Pages: 315321 Principal format: Printed Country of research: Slovakia Learners background: Slovakia Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Kubanyiova, M. 2006. Developing a motivational teaching practice in EFL teachers in Slovakia: Challenges of promoting teacher change in EFL contexts. TESL-EJ 10/2: 117. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Management/innovation Country of research: Slovakia Learners background: Slovakia Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Kurtes, S. and N. Saville. 2008. The English Profile Programme An overview. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 33: 2 4.

Summary: Article describes the birth of English Profile, a programme rooted in and building on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and other Council of Europe initiatives. They outline the approach to producing Reference Level Descriptions (RLD) begun by Cambridge ESOL and describe current research projects and the various events through which we disseminate research findings. Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Kurtoglu-Hooton, N. 2008. The design of feedback and its effect on student teachers in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-55351-4 Pages: 24 41 Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences)

Lamb, M. 2007. The impact of school on EFL learning motivation: An Indonesian case-study. TESOL Quarterly 41/4: 757780. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Lazar, G. 2008. Some approaches to literature, language teaching and the Internet. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (FLuL) 37: 154163. Summary: This article focuses on how the Internet can be used to exploit the use of literary texts with language learners. Drawing on critical theory, it is suggested that hypermedia and fan fiction sites are two possible classroom resources. Pedagogic principles for developing generic activities exploiting these resources are discussed.



Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, Materials, Learning technologies, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Middlesex University (English Language and Learning Support) Leung, C. 2005. Convivial communication: Recontextualizing communicative competence. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15/2: 119144. Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. 2005. Language and content in bilingual education. Linguistics and Education 16/2: 238252. Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. 2006. Is there a critical point for language learners?. TESOL Research Newsletter 13: 12. Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. 2007. Dynamic assessment assessment as teaching?. Language Assessment Quarterly 4/3: 257278. Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. 2008. Second language academic literacies: Converging understandings in E. Shohamy and N.H. Hornberger (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education volume 2. New York: Springer. ISBN: 978038732875 Pages: 143161 Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies)

Leung, C. and J. Lewkowicz. 2006. Expanding horizons and unresolved conundrums: Language testing and assessment. TESOL Quarterly 40/1: 211234. Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. and J. Lewkowicz. 2008. Assessing second/additional language of diverse populations in E. Shohamy and N.H. Hornberger (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education volume 7. New York: Springer. ISBN: 978038732875 Pages: 301317 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Leung, C. and P. Rea-Dickins. 2007. Teacher assessment as policy instrument contradictions and capacities. Language Assessment Quarterly 4/4: 1636. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Li, Y-Y. and J. Flowerdew. 2007. Shaping Chinese novice scientists manuscripts for publication. Journal of Second Language Writing 16/2: 100117. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Linse, C. 2008. Language issue or learning disability?. TESOL Essential Teacher 5/4: 2831. Summary: This article is designed to help teachers consider issues related to learners who are struggling in the EFL or ESL classroom. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, ESOL/EAL Entered by: Queens University, Belfast (School of Education)



Linse, C. 2008. Meet the parents. English Teaching Professional 60: 2325. Summary: This article addresses strategies that teachers can utilise to foster positive relationships with parents of children learning English as a foreign and/or additional language. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: Queens University, Belfast (School of Education) Littlemore, J. 2008. The relationship between associative thinking, analogical reasoning, image formation and metaphoric competence in M. Zanotto, L. Cameron and M. Cavalcanti (eds.) Confronting Metaphor in Use: An Applied Linguistic Approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027254177 Pages: 199222 Summary: This chapter explores the cognitive processes involved in understanding metaphor in a second language. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Littlemore, J. and G. Low. 2006. Figurative Thinking and Foreign Language Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 1403-996024 Summary: This book explores the ways in which language learners deal with and learn from figurative language. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Littlemore, J. and G. Low. 2006. Metaphoric competence and communicative language ability. Applied Linguistics 27/2: 268 294.

Summary: This article looks at how an ability to understand and produce metaphor can contribute to various aspects of communicative competence. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Lo, J. and F. Hyland. 2007. Enhancing students engagement and motivation in writing: The case of primary students in Hong Kong. Journal of Second Language Writing 16 /4: 219237. Summary: This study describes the implementation of a new ESL primary writing programme. The study examines both the students and teacher-researchers perspectives on the new programme and looks at its impact on writing engagement, motivation and interest in writing as well as on the overall development of the students writing skills. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Methodology, English language Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: primary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Lynch, T. 2005. Self-transcribing and noticing in EAP speaking classes. Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics 14: 5467. Summary: A study comparing two approaches to feedback on spoken English performance (teacher-led and learner-led) and their impact on learning. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning)



Lynch, T. 2006. Academic listening: Marrying top and bottom in E. Uso-Juan and A. Martinez-Flor (eds.) Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the Four Language Skills. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 3110189682 Pages: 91110 Summary: A discussion of the need for attention to both top and bottom level processing in the teaching of L2 listening skills, with practical illustrations from the authors EAP materials. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Listening, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Lynch, T. 2007. Checks, lies and videotape: Developing international academics lecturing skills in English in T. Lynch and J. Northcott (eds.) Symposia for Language Teacher Educators. Edinburgh: Institute for Applied Language Studies. Principal format: CD-ROM Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Lynch, T. 2007. Learning from the transcripts of an oral communication task. ELT Journal 61/4: 311320. Summary: A classroom study comparing alternative feedback techniques on spoken task performance. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Listening, Learner cognition, English language, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning)

Macaro, E. 2005. Codeswitching in the L2 classroom: A communication and learning strategy in E. Llurda (ed.) Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, Challenges, and Contributions to the Profession. Boston, MA: Springer. ISBN: 978-0387328225 Pages: 6384 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Macaro, E. 2006. Strategies for language learning and for language use: Revising the theoretical framework. Modern Language Journal 90/3: 320337. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Macaro, E. 2008. The shifting dimensions of language learner autonomy in T.E. Lamb and H. Reinders (eds.) Learner and Teacher Autonomy: Concepts, Realities and Responses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978 90 272 9169 1 Pages: 4762 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Macaro, E. and E. Masterman. 2006. Does intensive explicit grammar instruction make all the difference?. Language Teaching Research 10/3: 297327. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction, Learner cognition, Methodology Country of research: United Kingdom



Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Macaro, E., S. Graham and R. Vanderplank. 2007. Listening strategies in A. D. Cohen and E. Macaro (eds.) Language Learner Strategies: 30 Years of Research and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0194422543 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Macaro, E., S. Graham and R. Vanderplank. 2007. A review of listening strategies: Focus on sources of knowledge and success in A. Cohen and E. Macaro (eds.) Language Learner Strategies: 30 years of Research and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-442254-3 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, Listening Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) Macaro, E., R. Vanderplank and S. Graham. 2005. A Systematic Review of the Role of Prior Knowledge in Unidirectional Listening Comprehension. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. ISBN: None. Available online: cket=cRyM1w3AGg8%3d&tabid=299&mid=1 149&language=en-US Descriptor(s): Methodology, Listening, Learner autonomy/strategies, Assessment Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre) MacArthur, F. and J. Littlemore. 2008. Exploring the figurative continuum: A discovery approach using corpora in the foreign language classroom in F. Boers and S. Lindstromberg (eds.)

Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology. Amsterdam: Moutin de Gruyter. ISBN: 9783110196306 Pages: 159188 Summary: The chapter explores the ways in which learners of English and Spanish interact with corpora to learn figurative language. Descriptor(s): English language Country of research: Spain Learners background: Spain Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Macdonald, M. and J. Spiro. 2008. Read Write: Assessing cultural awareness and creativity in literary response. Literature, Media & Cutural Studies 32/1: 2127. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Macdonald, M.N., R. Badger and M. Dasli. 2006. Authenticity, culture and language learning. Language and Intercultural Communication 6/3-4: 250261. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) MacDonald, M.N., R. Badger and M. Dasli. 2006. Authenticity, culture and language. Language and Intercultural Communication 6/3-4: 251261. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Mahlberg, M. 2006. Lexical cohesion: Corpus linguistic theory and its application in ELT. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11/3: 363383.



Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Malderez, A. and M. Wedell. 2007. Teaching Teachers: Processes and Practices. London: Continuum. ISBN: 9780826484918 Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Mann, S. 2005. Researching reflective teaching. Perspectives (Journal of TESOL Italy) 21/2: 728. Summary: This article is based on a plenary given at TESOL-Italy in 2004. It incorporates some research arising from a workshop given with Donald Freeman. It provides evidence of a non-judgemental teacher development process. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Mann, S. 2005. State-of-the-art: The language teachers development. Language Teaching 38/3: 103118. Summary: A review of important research related to teacher development, reflective practice, action research, collaborative and peer development and CPD. Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Mann, S. 2008. Metaphors keep cropping up: Features of exploratory talk in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters. London: Palgrave.

Pages: 151172 Summary: Reports on research that shows teachers using metaphor as exploratory vehicles in articulating their developing ideas. The study points to the importance of metaphors as a heuristic. Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Mann, S. 2008. Teachers use of metaphor in making sense of the first year of teaching in T. Farrell (ed.) Novice Language Teachers. London: Equinox. Pages: 1128 Summary: Reports on evidence of the development of teachers use of metaphor in coming to terms with the first year of teaching. The evidence points to metaphor use as changeable and dependent on context. There is little evidence to support the idea of core metaphors for teachers. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Teacher education Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Mrquez, R.M., I. Rainey and G. Fulcher. 2005. A comparative study of conventional indirectness in British English and Peninsular Spanish. Applied Linguistics 26/1: 131. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Learners background: Spain Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Marshall, H. 2006. The Cambridge ESOL item banking system. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 23: 35. Summary: Helen Marshall describes key aspects of our item banking system, the database of test items which are used to construct all of our examinations and tests. Helen describes how this system



maintains quality assurance through a number of different stages that all test material goes through, drawing on current technology to do so. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Martin, D.M. 2005. English as an additional language; and speech, language and communication difficulties in A.L. Lewis and B. Norwich (eds.) Special Teaching for Special Children? Pedagogies for Inclusion. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. ISBN: 0335214053 Pages: 96109 Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Martin-Jones, M. 2006. Sociolinguistics and second language teaching in U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K. Matthier and P. Trudgill (eds.) Sociolinguistics: International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 3110184184 Pages: 23672376 Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Martin-Jones, M. 2007. Bilingualism, education and the regulation of access to language resources in M. Heller (ed.) Bilingualism: A Social Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403996787 Pages: 161182 Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Matei, G., M. Bernaus, F. Heyworth, U-J. Pohl and T. Wright. 2007. First steps in Teacher Training: A Practical Guide.

[The TrainEd Kit]. Summary: Booklet (61pp.) and CD-ROM of resources for novice teacher trainers. Deals with role shift from teacher to trainer, professional identity and the teacher training process. Produced as an ECML-funded project. Also available from ECML [ISBN: 9789287161390] in printed form. _E_internet.pdf Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education) Matei, G.S., M. Bernaus, F. Heyworth, U. Pohl and T. Wright. 2007. First Steps in Teacher Training: A Practical Guide [The TrainEd Kit]. Graz, Austria: European Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe. ISBN: 9789287161390 Summary: Booklet (61pp.) and CD-ROM of resources for novice teacher trainers. Deals with role shift from teacher to trainer, professional identity and the teacher training process. Also available as PDF: _E_internet.pdf Descriptor(s): Teacher education Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education) Maycock, L. and A.B. Green. 2005. The effects on performance of computer familiarity and attitudes towards CBIELTS. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 20: 39. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)



Maynard, J. and S. Troudi. 2008. Female Emirati students perceptions of using a chat room to learn English in P. Davidson, J. Shewell and W.J. Moore (eds.) Educational Technology in the Arabian Gulf: Theory, Research and Pedagogy. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. Pages: 249262 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Arab Emirates Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Mayor, B.M. 2006. Dialogic and hortatory features in the writing of Chinese candidates for the IELTS test. Journal of Language, Culture and Curriculum 19/1: 104121. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, English language, Assessment Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Mayor, B.M., A. Hewings, S. North, J. Swann and C. Coffin. 2007. A linguistic analysis of Chinese and Greek L1 scripts for IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 in L. Taylor and P. Falvey (eds.) IELTS Collected Papers: Research in Speaking and Writing Assessment (Studies in Language Testing Vol 19). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978 0521542487 Pages: 250313 Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, ESP, English language, Assessment Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) McGonigal, J. and E. Arizpe. 2007. Learning to read a new culture: How immigrant and asylum-seeking children

experience Scottish identity through classroom books. Summary: This is a report for the Scottish Government on a project involving immigrant pupils responses to Scottish texts, from picturebooks to short stories and comics. The aim was to explore what pupils made of Scottish culture and identity through text but also their understanding of Scots (and its relationship to English) as a foreign language. 1125406/0 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Glasgow (Language and Literature, Faculty of Education) McGrath, I., B. Sinclair and Z-H. Chen. 2007. Designing an innovative online course in language teaching methodology for middle school teachers of English in China: Encouraging learner and teacher autonomy in H. Spencer-Oatey (ed.) e-Learning Initiatives in China: Pedagogy, Policy and Culture. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. ISBN: 9789622098678 Pages: 5778 Summary: This chapter reports on the piloting of innovative e-learning materials and tools for secondary school teachers of English in China, developed collaboratively by multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary teams of educators and technical experts at Beijing Normal University and the University of Nottingham, as part of the E-China-UK projects funded by HEFCE.



Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education) Mehmedbegovic, D. 2007. Miss, who needs the languages of immigrants?: Londons multilingual schools in T. Brighouse and L. Fullick (eds.) Education in a Global City: Essays from London. London: Institute of Education. ISBN: 9780854737925 Pages: 221252 Summary: This chapter explores Londons linguistic wealth and the way education policies and practices have impacted on this wealth and on its many multilingual pupils. The chapter makes recommendations for a more inclusive model of engaging with multilingualism in London schools than the one that currently prevails. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Mehmedbegovic, D. 2008. Bilingual theatre in C. Kenner and T. Hickey (eds.) Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. ISBN: 9781858564234 Summary: Bilingual theatre was a creative response to children rejecting their first language. It was an attempt to counterbalance the factors which contribute to the low value of first languages in mainstream society and their consequent loss.

Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Learners background: Bosnia and Herzegovina Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Mehmedbegovic, D. 2008. Leading increasingly linguistically diverse schools. Educate, The Journal of Doctoral Research in Education 8/2: 421. Summary: Engaging with bilingual parents, students and teachers with little awareness of the benefits of bilingualism has initiated a search for factors resulting in the low value attached to certain types of bilingualism. Working on the hypothesis that prevalent practice is influenced more by attitudes to bilingualism rather than relevant research and pedagogical theory, this research focuses on attitudes. This small-scale qualitative study conducted with a group of London headteachers provides an insight into the attitudes to bilingualism and how they impact on policy and practice in schools with significant proportions of multilingual learners. ducate&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5 D=174&path%5B%5D=171 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Memon, R. and R.G. Badger. 2007. Purposeful change? Changing the teaching of reading in a regional university in Pakistan. System 35/4: 551.



Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Milton, J. 2007. Lexical profiles, learning styles and the construct validity of lexical size tests in H. Daller, J. Milton and J. Treffers-Daller (eds.) Modelling and Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-70327-7 Pages: 4758 Summary: This chapter presents evidence to support the frequency effect in vocabulary acquisition in EFL learners. It also examines systematic differences in vocabulary acquisition which appear to derive from differences in learning aptitude. Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: Greece Learners background: Greece Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Milton, J. 2008. Vocabulary uptake from informal learning tasks. Language Learning Journal 36/2: 227237. Summary: Demonstrates that very large quantities of EFL vocabulary can be gained from informal language tasks such as reading comic books, listening to songs and watching sub-titled films, provided these activities are supported by directed vocabulary tests. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Milton, J. and N. Hopkins. 2007. Comparing phonological and orthographic

vocabulary size. Canadian Modern Language Review 63/1: 127147. Summary: Most vocabulary tests examine learners ability to recognise words in writing. This paper examine scores from vocabulary breadth tests, which are comparably constructed to be either aural or orthographic in form. It appears learners have a pre-disposition to learn aural word forms initially, but after about 1,000-word knowledge is reached, knowledge of orthographic form predominates. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Mitchell, S. and A. Evison. 2006. Exploiting the potential of writing for educational change at Queen Mary, University of London in L. GanobcsikWilliams (ed.) Teaching Academic Writing in UK Higher Education. Theories, Practices and Models. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1-4039-4535-7 Pages: 6884 Summary: This chapter addresses some of the issues associated with the development of ways of talking or thinking about writing, and associated relationships to learning at university. It highlights an innovative project at Queen Mary that has worked towards creating more informed and productive thinking, writing, disciplinarity and teaching and learning. Descriptor(s): Writing Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Queen Mary, University of London (Language and Learning Unit)



Mitchell, S. and M. Riddle. 2005. Developing a toolkit for tackling academic discourse in A. Goodwyn and A. Stables (eds.) Learning to Read Critically in Language and Literacy. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 978-0761944744 Pages: 6586 Summary: The authors tackle students ability to construct an argument in writing. They raise three questions: how are arguments (on paper) constructed, what are students existing understandings of argument, and what can we do to help students develop their powers of argumentation? Descriptor(s): Writing Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Queen Mary, University of London (Language and Learning Unit) Morris-Adams, M. 2008. Going outside the classroom in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-55351-4 Pages: 105122 Summary: The chapter looks at topic management strategies employed by learners during informal interactions with native English-speaking peers. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Morrison, B. and L. Hamp-Lyons. 2007. Writing up grounded theory research: Increasing credibility through the use of the worked example. The International

Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2/3: 413424. Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Morton, T. and J. Gray. 2008. The mediating role of talk-in-interaction in guided lesson planning in a pre-service TESOL training course: An ethnomethodological and activity-theoretic perspective. Summary: This paper locates guided lesson planning within the context of wider issues in teacher education, and the move away from a technical-rational model towards a more sociocultural orientation. The case study data are initially analysed using applied conversation analysis methodology and then explored from the perspective of activity theory. 6c0b-c065-4c1a-a701-9f39ce684099 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Entered by: University of East London (Cass School of Education)

Nakatsuhara, F. 2006. The impact of proficiency level on conversational styles in paired speaking tests. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 25: 1520. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Nakatsuhara, F. 2008. Inter-interviewer variation in oral interview tests. English Language Teaching Journal 62/3: 266275. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)



Nathan, P. 2007. Teaching against plagiarism in the EAP classroom in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2006: Harrogate Conference Selections. 40th International Annual Conference, Harrogate 812 April 2006. Canterbury: IATEFL. ISBN: 1901095096 Pages: 102104 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper proposes that practice and learning activities in which students engage in writing activities based on the integration of different source material provide a useful and effective way of teaching students how to use sources effectively and thereby avoid plagiarism. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESOL/EAL, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Durham University (Language Centre) Naysmith, J. 2008. New direction in the teaching of English as a foreign language: A personal journey to CLIL in I. Kemble (ed.) Essays on Language and Translation: From Textual Analysis To Pedagogical Applications. Krasnodar & Portsmouth: Kuban State University/University of Portsmouth. ISBN: 9785934911905 Pages: 107116 Summary: The chapter describes the authors growing discontent with the lack of application of SLA research to language teaching and proposes CLIL as a better alternative to current EFL approaches. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies)

Nesi, H. 2008. BAWE: An introduction to a new resource in A. Frankenberg-Garcia, R. Carvalho, C. Direito and D. Santos-Rosa (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: ISLA. Pages: 239246 Principal format: Printed Summary: An overview of the BAWE corpus Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Entered by: Coventry University Nesi, H. 2008. Corpora in EAP in Z. Zainal (ed.) LSP: Interfacing Language with other Realms: Proceedings of the 6th Languages for Specific Purposes International Seminar. Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Principal format: CD-ROM Summary: An overview of the types of corpus data available to EAP syllabus and materials developers. Descriptor(s): Materials, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Nesi, H. 2008. Dictionaries in electronic form in A.P. Cowie (ed.) The Oxford History of English Lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-928562-4 Pages: 458478 Summary: This chapter describes the history of the electronic dictionary, and particularly monolingual or bilingual dictionaries intended for use by English speakers, whether natives or foreign



learners. It considers electronic dictionaries accessible via hand-held mobile devices, laptop or desktop computers, and the Internet. Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, English language Entered by: Coventry University Nesi, H. 2008. The form, meaning and purpose of university-level assessed reflective writing in M. Edwardes (ed.) Proceedings of the BAAL Annual Conference 2007. London: Scitsiugnil Press. ISBN: ISBN-10: 0955953308 ISBN-13: 978-0955953309 Principal format: CD-ROM Summary: An examination of the role and language of reflection in assessed universitylevel writing tasks, with implications for the teaching of reflective writing. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Entered by: Coventry University Nesi, H. and H. Basturkmen. 2006. Lexical bundles and discourse signalling in academic lectures. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11/3: 147168. Summary: This paper investigates the cohesive role of lexical bundles in a corpus of 160 university lectures (120 from the BASE corpus and 40 from MICASE). The majority of frequently occurring bundles were found to be used to signal discourse relations. This has implications for EAP listening skills development. Descriptor(s): Listening, ESP, English language

Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Enhancement of the British Academic Spoken English Corpus Entered by: Coventry University Nesi, H. and S. Gardner. 2006. Variation in disciplinary culture: University tutors views on assessed writing tasks in R. Kiely, G. Clibbon, H. Woodfield and P. Rea-Dickins (eds.) Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox Publishing. ISBN: 1845532198 978-1845532192 Pages: 99117 Summary: This paper reports on the findings from 55 semi-structured interviews with academic staff, leading to an inventory of genres of assessed student writing, and the identification, from the perspective of the academic, of a number of trends in the assignment of writing tasks. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Entered by: Coventry University Nitta, R. and S.F. Gardner. 2005. Consciousness-raising and practice in ELT coursebooks. ELT Journal 59/1: 313. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, Learner cognition, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education)



Niu, J. and L. Hamp-Lyons. 2006. Progress assessment in Chinese distance education: The voices of learners. Open Learning 21/2: 111123. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Northcott, J. 2006. Law and language, or language and law? in D. Bartol, A. Duszak, H. Izdebski and J. Pierrel (eds.) Langue, Droit, Societe. Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Nancy. ISBN: ISSN 1773-7737 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESP Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Northcott, J. 2007. LSAP teacher development and course development: An English for the LlM case study in T. Lynch and J. Northcott (eds.) Symposia for Language Teacher Educators. Edinburgh: Institute for Applied Language Studies. Principal format: CD-ROM Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESP Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Northcott, J. 2008. Language education for legal professionals in J. Gibbons and M.T. Turrell (eds.) Dimensions of Forensic Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN: 9789027205216 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESP Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning)

Northcott, J. and G.D. Brown. 2006. Legal translator training: Partnership between teachers of English for legal purposes and legal specialists. English for Specific Purposes 25/3: 358375. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, ESP Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Norton, J.E. 2005. The paired format in the Cambridge Speaking Tests. ELT Journal 59/4: 287297. Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Novakovic, N. 2006. Profile of Skills for Life candidature. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 25: 14 15. Summary: Nadezda Novakovic reports on the candidate profile after the first year of the Cambridge ESOL certificates in Skills for Life (SfL). This modular exam suite follows the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum in England and is used to ascertain migrants language proficiency. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Novakovic, N. 2006. TKT A year on. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 2224. Summary: Nadezda Novakovic describes the first year of the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) in terms of the candidates profile and their performance. She explains how Cambridge ESOL is measuring TKT candidates language proficiency to determine if this affects their performance on the TKT. pdf



Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

within the Disciplines. Rotterdam: Sense. ISBN: 978-90-8790-267-4 Pages: 213226 Summary: This chapter focuses on the troublesome knowledge experienced by students in the first year undergraduate module Academic and Professional Skills for Language Learning when carrying out a socio-collaborative grammar project. Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress Entered by: Coventry University Orsini-Jones, M. and C. Sinclair. 2008. Helping students to GRASP (Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress) the rules of grammar in C. Rust (ed.) Improving Student Learning for What? Oxford: OCSLD. ISBN: 978-1-873576-76-2 Pages: 7286 Principal format: Printed Summary: Building on previous cycles of action research (Orsini-Jones and Jones 2007), the project illustrated (GRASP) has explored students understanding of grammar further and has also used grammatical exercises and materials to attempt to support the enhanced understanding of grammar categories. Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom

OKeefe, A., M.J. McCarthy and R.A. Carter. 2007. From Corpus to Classroom: Language Use and Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521616867 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Materials, Learning technologies, English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Onat-Stelma, Z. and J. Stelma. 2007. Understanding dynamics supportive of learning in the young learner classroom in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2006: Harrogate Conference Selections. Canterbury, Kent: IATEFL. Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Classroom interaction Country of research: Turkey Learners background: Turkey Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) ORegan, J., J. Macdonald 2007. Cultural relativism and the discourse of intercultural communication: Aporias of praxis in the intercultural public sphere. Languages and Intercultural Communication 7/4: 267278. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Orsini, M. 2008. Troublesome language knowledge: Identifying threshold concepts in grammar learning in R. Land, H.F. Meyer and J. Smith (eds.) Threshold Concepts



Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress Entered by: Coventry University Orsini-Jones, M. and D. Jones. 2007. Supporting grammar learning via a virtual learning environment: A case study from Coventry University. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 6/1: 90106. Summary: This article reports the results of an investigation into the issues encountered by undergraduate language students when engaging in the grammar project a collaborative assessment task for the module Academic and Professional Skills for Language Learning and shows how encouraging students to take ownership of their learning process with a VLE can increase their motivation. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Management/innovation, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Associated project: Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress Entered by: Coventry University

Papp, S. 2007. Inductive learning and self-correction with the use of learner and reference corpora in E. Hidalgo, L. Quereda and J. Santana (eds.) Corpora in the Foreign Language Classroom. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. ISBN: 978-9-04202-142-6 Pages: 207220 Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Methodology, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Papp, S. and M. Robinson. 2008. A framework for addressing issues related to migration and language assessment in IAEA: Re-interpreting Assessment: Society, Measurement and Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge Assessment. Principal format: Online ca/digitalAssets/180464_Papp.pdf Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Paran, A. 2006. The stories of literature and language teaching in A. Paran (ed.) Literature in Language Teaching and Learning. Alexandria, Virginia, US: TESOL. ISBN: 1931185247 Pages: 110 Summary: Surveys recent changes in the use of literature in language teaching, focusing on methodological aspects as well as on text choice and curricula. Concludes by pointing out current issues and future research agendas.

Papp, S. 2006. A relevance-theoretic account of the development and deficits of Theory of Mind in normally developing children and individuals with autism. Theory & Psychology 16/2: 141161. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations



Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Materials, Reading Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Paran, A. 2008. The role of literature in instructed foreign language learning and teaching: An evidence-based survey. Language Teaching 41/4: 465496. Summary: This is a state-of-the-art paper which summarises research on the use of literature in language teaching from a variety of aspects (methodology, training, learner views, teacher views, etc.). It looks mainly at ELT, but also includes references to teaching German, French and Spanish as foreign languages. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Prez-Llantada, C. and Ferguson, G. Editors introduction in C. Prez-Llantada and G. Ferguson.(eds). 2006. English as a GloCalization Phenomenon: Observations from a Linguistic Microcosm.Valencia: University of Valencia Press. ISBN: 978-84-370-6445-1 Descriptor(s): ESP, English language Entered by: University of Sheffield (School of English) Perrin, S. and M. Davies. 2008. Internationalising the university: Acclimatising the student in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2007.

Aberdeen Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL. ISBN: 1 901095 14 2 Pages: 106107 Principal format: Printed Summary: This summarises a presentation that detailed a year-long case study looking at how pre-university courses such as International Foundation Programmes help students to adapt to a different learning culture. It argues that such programmes prepare them both academically and personally for their life at university. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Queen Mary, University of London (Language and Learning Unit) Petric, B. 2005. Contrastive rhetoric in the writing classroom: A case study. English for Specific Purposes 24/2: 213228. Summary: This article explores the role of contrastive rhetoric in writing pedagogy, focusing on the teaching of the argumentative essay genre to a group of students from the Russian Federation studying at an English medium university in Central Europe. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Russia Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Petric, B. 2006. Interdisciplinarity and writer identity: Students views and experiences in R. Kiely, G. Clibbon, P. Rea-Dickins and H. Woodfield (eds.) Language, Culture, and



Identity in Applied Linguistics. London: Equinox. ISBN: 1845532198 Pages: 119131 Summary: This study explores disciplinary affiliation as an aspect of writer identity in an interdisciplinary field by focusing on student writers views and experiences of writing a masters dissertation in an interdisciplinary masters programme. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Petric, B. 2007. Rhetorical functions of citations in high- and low-rated masters theses. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 6/3: 238253. Summary: This study compares the rhetorical functions of citations in eight highand eight low-graded masters dissertations in the field of gender studies, written in English as a second language. Descriptor(s): Writing Country of research: Hungary Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Petric, B. 2007. This English writing thing: Students perceptions of their writing experiences at an English-medium university. Porta Linguarum 7: 4555. Summary: This article explores five students perceptions of their writing experiences at an English-medium university in a nonEnglish speaking country as compared to writing in their home country universities in their native languages. Three types of differences are found to be relevant:

language and rhetorical differences, disciplinary differences, and differences in educational systems. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues Country of research: Hungary Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Petric, B. 2008. Autonomy, culture and training. Independence (IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG) 43: 19. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Phipps, S. and S. Borg. 2007. Exploring the relationship between teachers beliefs and their classroom practice. The Teacher Trainer 21/3: 1719. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Phongphio, T. and N. Schmitt. 2006. Learning English multi-word verbs in Thailand. Thai TESOL Bulletin 19: 122136. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Learners background: Thailand Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Pickering, A. 2005. Facilitating reflective learning: An example of practice in TESOL teacher education. Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies Guide to Good Practice Online: no page numbers. Summary: This article is based on a study of the use of Statements of Relevance to facilitate reflection in language teacher education.



Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Brighton (School of Humanities) Pickering, A. 2005. Harnessing influences for change. IATEFL Teacher Trainers and Educators SIG Newsletter 3: 1725. Summary: This article is based on research into influences for pedagogic change, and presents a view of professional change as being highly complex, with an unpredictable relationship between teaching experience, teacher education input, and other factors affecting change. It identifies implications for TESOL teacher education. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Brighton (School of Humanities) Pigada, M. and N. Schmitt. 2006. Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a Foreign Language 18/1: 128. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Pinter, A. 2005. Task repetition with 10-year-old children in C. Edwards and J. Willis (eds.) Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403945563 Pages: 113126 Summary: The effects of task repetition with low proficiency child learners of L2 English. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary

Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Pinter, A. 2006. Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-4422070 Summary: A comprehensive overview of links between research and practice in the area of teaching languages to young learners. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Pinter, A. 2006. Verbal evidence of task-related strategies: Child versus adult interactions. System 34: 615630. Summary: 10-year-old Hungarian childrens and adults observable strategies are contrasted when they interact in L2 English using a communication task. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Pinter, A. 2007. Benefits of peer-peer interaction: 10-year-old children practising with a communication task. Language Teaching Research 11/2: 189208. Summary: Hungarian children interact in L2 English in pairs using a Spot the Differences task and the paper describes different learning benefits. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, English language, Classroom interaction



Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Pinter, A. 2007. Towards teacher autonomy in P. Benson (ed.) Learner Autonomy Series No 8: Teacher and Learner Perspectives. Dublin: Authentik. ISBN: 978-1-905275-00-7 Pages: 104 120 Summary: Some Russian primary teachers who worked in collaborative project teams describe their own professional development. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Materials, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Russia Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Pinter, A. 2007. What children say: Benefits of task repetition in K. Van den Branden, K. Van Gorp and M. Verhelst (eds.) Tasks in Action: Task-based Language Education for a Classroom-based Perspective. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 9 781847 182432 Pages: 131158 Summary: 10-year-old Hungarian childrens views and opinions about task-based learning. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Poulter, M. 2007. Cambridge ESOL teacher training and development Future directions. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 29: 24. Summary: Article describes the origins and evolution of the various teaching qualifications, as well as current trends and future directions; Cambridge ESOLs aspiration that those who opt for a Cambridge ESOL product will be engaged in a high quality, positive learning experience and will, as a result, be better equipped to help learners of English succeed in their own language learning endeavours. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Poulter, M. 2007. Setting international standards for teaching. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 29: 1618. Summary: Monica Poulter considers the challenges involved in setting international standards for English language teaching, and the extent to which Cambridge ESOL seeks rigour through its standardised procedures for CELTA centres and assessors when assessing teaching practice. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Rayson, P., S. Sharoff and A. Adolphs. 2006. Preface in P. Rayson, S. Sharoff and S. Adolphs (eds.) Multi-Word-Expressions in a Multilingual Context, April 3rd 2006, Trento, Italy. East Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics. Principal format: Online



Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Learner cognition Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Rea-Dickins, P. 2006. Currents and eddies in the discourse of assessment: A learningfocused interpretation. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 16/2: 163188. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P. 2007. Classroom-based assessment: Possibilities and pitfalls in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) The International Handbook of English Language Teaching. Norwell, MA: Springer Publications. ISBN: 9780387463001 Pages: 505520 Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P. 2007. Learning or measuring? Exploring teacher decisionmaking in planning for classroom-based assessment in S. Fotos and N. Nassaji (eds.) Form-focused Instruction and Teacher Education: Studies in Honour of Rod Ellis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780194422505 Pages: 193210 Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P. 2008. Classroom-based assessment in N.H. Hornberger (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd edition). New York: Springer Science. ISBN: 9780387354200 Pages: 257272 Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)

Rea-Dickins, P. and C. Scott. 2007. Washback from language tests on teaching, learning and policy: Evidence from diverse settings. Assessment in Education, Special Issue 14/1: 17. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P. and C. Scott. 2007. Washback in language testing and assessment. Assessment in Education, Special Issue 14/1: 17. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P., I. Scott and G. Yu. 2008. Language testing and assessment in applied linguistics: Identifying reciprocity in applied linguistic research. Language Teaching 41/4: 575577. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rea-Dickins, P., R. Kiely and G. Yu. 2007. Student identity, learning and progression: With specific reference to the affective and academic impact of IELTS on successful candidates. IELTS Impact Studies 7: 59136. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Rich, S. and L. Davis. 2007. Insights into the strategic ways in which two bilingual children in the early years seek to negotiate the competing demands on their identity in their home and school worlds. International Journal of Early Years Education 15/1: 3547. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning)



Rich, S. and S. Troudi. 2006. Hard Times: Arab TESOL students experiences of racialization and othering in the United Kingdom. TESOL Quarterly 40/3: 615627. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Richards, K. 2005. Introduction in K. Richards and P. Seedhouse (eds.) Applying Conversation Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1-4039-4233-1 Pages: 115 Summary: This introduction explores the ways in which conversation analysis can contribute to informed practice across a range of professions, including language teaching, where its focus on competencies rather than deficits is particularly relevant. Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESP Country of research: various Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Richards, K. 2006. Being the teacher: Identity and classroom conversation. Applied Linguistics 27/1: 5177. Summary: The paper proposes an approach to the analysis of classroom talk which takes account of the dynamic nature of identity construction and its relationship to the development of ongoing talk. It demonstrates how shifts in the orientation to different aspects of identity produce distinctively different interactional patterns in teacher-fronted talk. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Richards, K. 2007. Knowing when to no: Aspects of alignment in professional relationships in H. Bowles and P. Seedhouse (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Languages for Specific Purposes. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03911-469-6 Pages: 6998 Summary: This chapter explores how the use of no is negotiated in different professional contexts and highlights the implications of this for teaching ESP in such contexts. Descriptor(s): ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Richards, K. 2008. Making the break: Establishing a new school in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL: Discourses of Teachers in Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-55351 Pages: 173196 Summary: This chapter describes how a group of teachers established their own school and how a distinctive discourse of caring and professional engagement developed as part of this. Descriptor(s): Management/innovation Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Rixon, S. 2007. Cambridge ESOL YLE tests and childrens first steps in reading and writing in English. Cambridge ESOL Research Notes 28: 714. Summary: An analysis of the word lists for the syllabuses of the Starters, Movers and Flyers tests, for orthographic depth, and a comparison with the National Literacy Strategy sight word lists.


ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, AUTHORED BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED ITEMS pdf Descriptor(s): English language, Assessment Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Roach, P., J. Hartman and J. Setter. 2006. Daniel Jones English Pronouncing Dictionary (17th edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0521680875 Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Roberts, C., M. Baynham, M. Cooke and J. Simpson. 2008. Adult ESOL in the UK: Policy and research. Prospect 22/3: 1831. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Roberts, C., M. Cooke, P. Bushell, M. Hepworth, J. McGoldrick, J. ONeill, K. Dudley, A. Goodband and J. Simpson. 2007. Developing Adult Teaching and Learning: Practitioner Guides: ESOL. Leicester and London: NIACE and NRDC. ISBN: 978-1-86201-336-0 Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Rogerson-Revell, P. 2005. A hybrid approach to developing CALL materials: authoring with Macromedias Dreamweaver/Coursebuilder. ReCALL 17/1: 122138. Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education)

Rose, D. 2008. Vocabulary use in the FCE listening test. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 32: 916. Summary: Dittany Rose reports on a study which investigates whether vocabulary in the First Certificate in English (FCE) Listening paper is more like spoken or written language. Rose compares lexical density and word frequency patterns in this General English paper versus corpora of exam materials, source texts and native speaker material. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Rupp, A., M. Vock, C. Harsch and O. Kller. 2008. Developing Standards-based Assessment Tasks for English as a First Foreign Language: Context, Processes and Outcomes in Germany. Mnster, Germany: Waxmann. ISBN: 9783830919 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Salamoura, A. 2008. Aligning English Profile research data to the CEFR. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 33: 57. Summary: Angeliki Salamoura discusses how research data being collected for English Profile can be aligned to the CEFR. Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Salter-Dvorak, H. 2005. Plagiarism explained through copyright and intertextuality in music and film in A. Pulverness (ed.) IATEFL 2004 Liverpool Conference Selections. Kent: IATEFL.



ISBN: 1-901095-26-6 Pages: 1467 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper describes pedagogic materials from music and film to enable university students in Britain to explore plagiarism, copyright and intertextuality. It also presents a rationale for the materials. Descriptor(s): Materials Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Westminster (Centre for English Learning and Teaching) Salter-Dvorak, H. 2007. Academic Tourism or a truly multi-cultural community? Why international students need pragmatic training for British H.E. in O. Alexander (ed.) New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Proceedings of the joint 2005 BALEAP/SATEFL conference. Oxford: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03910-909-8 Pages: 3748 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper argues that international students are prevented from integrating into British higher education through lack of interactional competence. It presents a rationale for pragmatic training for such students and intercultural competence training for home students and university staff. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: University of Westminster (Centre for English Learning and Teaching) Sataporn, S. and M. Lamb. 2005. Accommodation zone: Two learners struggle to complete a distance learning English course in P. Benson and D. Nunan (eds.) Learners Stories: Difference and Diversity in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

ISBN: 9780521614146 Pages: 119133 Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Samuda, V. and M. Bygate. 2008. Tasks in Second Language Learning. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-1-4039-1187-2 Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, ESOL/EAL, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Saville, N. 2005. Setting and monitoring professional standards: A QMS approach. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 22: 25. Summary: Nick Saville describes how the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) sets professional standards for its members through a Quality Management approach. This involves the adoption of a code of practice and associated systems and practices. For Cambridge ESOL this means a continual process of striving to maintain the quality of all of our products. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Saville, N. 2006. Language testing for migration and citizenship. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 25: 24. Summary: Nick Saville discusses the role of language testing in migration and citizenship, as language testers are contributing to the ongoing debate about policy and practice in this area. ALTE, including Cambridge ESOL, is keen to ensure that language tests are used by governments or other institutions in a fair and appropriate manner. pdf



Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Saville, N. 2008. Auditing the quality profile in IAEA: Re-interpreting Assessment: Society, Measurement and Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge Assessment. Principal format: Online ca/digitalAssets/180500_Saville.pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Saville, N. and N. Jones. 2007. Scales and frameworks in B. Spolsky and F. Hult (eds.) The Handbook of Educational Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5410-9 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Saville, N. and P. Van Avermaet. 2008. Language testing for migration and citizenship: Contexts and issues in L. Taylor and C. Weir (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 27: Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity Proceedings of the ALTE Berlin Conference, May 2005. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 9780521711920 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Schauer, G.A. 2006. The development of ESL learners pragmatic competence: A longitudinal investigation of awareness and production in K. Bardovi-Harlig, C. FelixBrasdefer and A. Omar (eds.) Pragmatics and Language Learning. Manoa, HI: Second

Language teaching and Curriculum Center University of Hawaii. ISBN: 9780824831370 Pages: 135163 Summary: The present paper presents the results of a longitudinal study into the development of ESL learners pragmatic awareness and their productive pragmatic competence. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Germany Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Schauer, G.A. 2006. Pragmatic awareness in ESL and EFL contexts: Contrast and development. Language Learning 56/2: 269318. Summary: The study replicates and extends Bardovi-Harlig and Dornyeis (1998) investigation of pragmatic awareness by addressing two research questions: (a) Do learners in EFL and ESL contexts display differences in their recognition and rating of pragmatic and grammatical errors? (b) Do learners increase their pragmatic awareness whilst in the target country? Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Germany Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Schauer, G.A. 2007. Finding the right words in the study abroad context: The development of German learners use of external modifiers in English. Intercultural Pragmatics 4/2: 193220.



Summary: This paper examines the pragmatic development of nine German university students in a study abroad context over the period of one academic year. The investigation focuses on learners ability to soften the illocutionary force of request utterances by employing a range of external modifiers. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Learners background: Germany Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Schauer, G.A. 2008. Getting better in getting what you want: Language learners pragmatic development in requests during study abroad sojourns in M. Puetz and J. Neff-van Aertselaer (eds.) Developing Contrastive Pragmatics: Interlanguage and Cross-cultural Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-019670-2 Pages: 399426 Summary: This chapter investigates the impact of the study abroad context on language learners pragmatic development by focusing on request strategies. Requests were selected as the focus of the investigation, since being able to appropriately ask for their interlocutors help or cooperation is an essential skill for language learners. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Learners background: Germany Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)

Schauer, G.A. and S. Adolphs. 2006. Expressions of gratitude in corpus and DCT data: Vocabulary, formulaic sequences, and pedagogy. System 34/1: 119134. Summary: Our study explores the similarities and differences between a discourse completion task (DCT)and corpus data and discusses potential implications for using the two in a pedagogic context. Descriptor(s): Materials, Learning technologies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Schauer, G. and S. Adolphs. 2006. Expressions of gratitude in corpus and DCT data: Vocabulary, formulaic sequences and pedagogy. System 34/1: 119134. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schmitt, D. 2005. Writing in the international classroom in J. Carroll and J. Ryan (eds.) Teaching International Students: Improving Learning for All. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415350655 Pages: 6374 Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Nottingham Trent University (School of Arts and Humanities) Schmitt, D. and N. Schmitt. 2005. Focus on Vocabulary. New York: Longman. ISBN: 978-0131833081 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus



Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schmitt, N. 2005. Formulaic language: Fixed and varied. ELIA: Estudios de Lingstica Inglesa Aplicada 6: 1339. Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schmitt, N. 2007. Current trends in vocabulary learning and teaching in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds.) The International Handbook of English Language Teaching. New York: Springer. ISBN: 978038746300-1 Pages: 827841 Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schmitt, N. 2008. State-of-the-art: Instructed second language vocabulary acquisition. Language Teaching Research 12/3: 329363. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learning technologies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schmitt, N. and R. Marsden. 2006. Why is English Like That? Michigan: University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 978-0-472-03134-4 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Materials, English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Schrder, K., C. Harsch and G. Nold. 2006. DESI Die sprachpraktischen Kompetenzen unserer Schlerinnen und Schler im Bereich Englisch. Zentrale Befunde [DESI: The communicative

competencies of German students]. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 03/2006: 1132. Summary: The article gives an overview of the results of the large-scale assessment study reporting on English proficiency of 9th graders in the German school system. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESOL/EAL, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Germany Learners background: Germany Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Seargeant, P. 2005. More English than England itself: The simulation of authenticity in foreign language practice in Japan. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15/3: 326345. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Seargeant, P. 2008. Ideologies of English in Japan: The perspective of policy and pedagogy. Language Policy 7/2: 121142. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Institutional level: adult Entered by: The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Seedhouse, P. 2005. Conversation analysis and language learning. Language Teaching 38/4: 165187. Summary: Conversation Analysis (CA) is a methodology for the analysis of naturally-occurring spoken interaction. It is a multi-disciplinary methodology



which is now applied in a very wide range of professional and academic areas. deposit_id=651 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. 2005. Task as research construct. Language Learning 55/3: 533570. Summary: The article examines task as research construct as predominantly conceived in terms of task-as-workplan in the Task-based Learning/SLA literature. It is suggested that task has weak construct validity and ontology in an overwhelmingly quantitative paradigm because the construct has a split personality. deposit_id=5775 Descriptor(s): Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. 2007. Interaction and constructs in Z. Hua, P. Seedhouse, L. Wei and V. Cook (eds.) Language Learning and Teaching as Social Interaction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0230517005 Pages: 921 Summary: There is currently considerable interest in the relationship between Conversation Analysis (CA) and sociocultural or Social Constructionist (SC) approaches

to language learning. This chapter analyses extracts of L2 classroom interaction to discover the extent to which SC constructs may or may not be manifest in the details of the interaction. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. 2007. On ethnomethodological CA and Linguistic CA: A reply to all. Modern Language Journal 91/4: 526532. deposit_id=5774 Descriptor(s): Methodology, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. 2008. Learning to talk the talk: Conversation analysis as a tool for induction of trainee teachers in S. Garton and K. Richards (eds.) Professional Encounters in TESOL. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230553514 Pages: 4257 Summary: A particular puzzle for trainee teachers is how it is that experienced teachers manage to create a pedagogical focus; that is, to get students to do what they want, in an apparently effortless manner. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Classroom interaction



Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. 2008. The interactional architecture of the language classroom. Babylonia 3: 2224. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Classroom interaction Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. and K. Richards. 2007. Describing and analysing institutional varieties of interaction in H. Bowles and P. Seedhouse (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Languages for Specific Purposes. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783039114696 Pages: 1736 Summary: This chapter attempts to conceptualise the relationship between the individual instance of interaction, the institutional sub-variety of interaction and the institutional variety of interaction, and to provide such an enabling framework. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Methodology, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Seedhouse, P. and M. Egbert. 2006. The interactional organisation of the IELTS speaking test. IELTS Research Reports 6: 161206.

Summary: This report describes the interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking test in terms of turn-taking, sequence and repair. The study is based on the analysis of transcripts of 137 audio-recorded tests using a Conversation Analysis (CA) methodology. Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Associated project: The Interactional Organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Sercombe, P.G., C. Raschka and C-L. Huang. 2007. The use of code-switching in Taiwanese EFL classrooms: Expectations and reality. Lingua et Linguistica 1/2: 720. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Country of research: Taiwan Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Sercombe, P.G., M. Garner and C. Raschka. 2006. Sociolinguistic minorities, research and social relationships. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 27/1: 6178. Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Setter, J. 2005. Communicative patterns of intonation in L2 English teaching and learning: The impact of discourse approaches in K. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk and J. Przedlacka (eds.) English Pronunciation Models: A Changing Scene. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-0820471730 Pages: 367389



Summary: This chapter looks at the Discourse Intonation approach, both as a way of describing intonation in English and from a pedagogical perspective. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Setter, J. 2005. Listening to other Englishes: British listeners on Singapore speakers in D. Deterding, A. Brown and E.L. Low (eds.) English in Singapore: Phonetic Research on a Corpus. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). ISBN: 978-0071247276 Pages: 163172 Summary: This chapter reports results of a study on two British listeners opinions and understanding of Singapore English speakers. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, Listening, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Singapore Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Setter, J. 2006. Speech rhythm in world Englishes: The case of Hong Kong. TESOL Quarterly 40/4: 763782. Summary: This paper compares speech rhythm in Hong Kong English in spontaneous/semi-scripted speech with that of British English. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics)

Setter, J. 2008. Consonant clusters in Hong Kong English. World Englishes 27/3-4: 502515. Summary: This paper looks at the make-up and occurrence of consonant clusters in spontaneous/semi-scripted speech in Hong Kong English. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Setter, J. 2008. Theories and approaches in English pronunciation in R. Monroy and A. Sanchez (eds.) 25 Years of Applied Linguistics in Spain: Milestones and Challenges. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publacaciaones. Pages: 447457 Summary: This is an overview of recent theories and approaches in English pronunciation teaching. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Setter, J. and J. Jenkins. 2005. Pronunciation. Language Teaching 38: 117. Summary: This is a state-of-the-art review of research and scholarship in English pronunciation teaching. Descriptor(s): Pronunciation, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Shak, J. and S. Gardner. 2008. Young learner perspectives on four focus-on-form tasks. Language Teaching Research 12/3: 387408.



Descriptor(s): Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Brunei Darussalam Learners background: Brunei Darussalam Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) Shamsudin, S. and H. Nesi. 2006. Computer mediated communication in English for specific purposes: A case study with computer science students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Computer Assisted Language Learning 19/4 & 5: 317339. Summary: This paper describes the design and implementation of CMC tasks as part of a programme of sustained-content language instruction. The students following this programme made significant improvements in their oral communication skills and, following the treatment, achieved higher scores than their peers in a computer science project. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Learning technologies, ESP Country of research: Malaysia Learners background: Malaysia Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Shaw, S. 2005. Evaluating the impact of word processed text on writing quality and rater behaviour. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 22: 1319. Summary: Stuart Shaw reviews the literature on word processed text and evaluates the impacts for the assessment of both writing quality and rater behaviour. He concludes that examiner training should ensure equity between the rating of these two formats. Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Shaw, S. 2006. IELTS writing: Revising assessment criteria and scales (conclusion). Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 1922. Summary: Stuart Shaw considers rating scales for Writing, in his concluding article on the IELTS Writing Revision Project. He focuses on the qualitative analysis of a global survey on the revised IELTS Writing rating scale. Both raters and administrators were surveyed; the latter being a key stakeholder group rarely foregrounded in research studies. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Shaw, S. 2007. DELTA reliability: Estimating and reporting examiner performance indices for the written examination component. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 29: 811. Summary: Stuart Shaw describes a recent study to enhance the marking quality of the DELTA written examination in terms of standardisation, reliability and transparency. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Shaw, S. 2007. Modelling facets of the assessment of writing within an ESM environment. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 27: 1419. Summary: Stuart Shaw describes efforts to conceptualise Cambridge ESOLs writing assessment as a workflow in terms of different facets within an Electronic Script Management (ESM) environment; he shows how this developing technology draws on databases and can benefit the assessment of writing performance. pdf



Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Shaw, S. and C. Weir. 2007. Studies in Language Testing Vol 26: Examining Writing: Research and Practice in Assessing Second Language Writing. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 978052169293 Summary: This highlights the need for test developers to provide clear explanations of the ability constructs which underpin tests offered in the public domain. It shows how an understanding and analysis of a socio-cognitive validation framework in relation to specific writing tests can assist test developers to operationalise their tests more effectively in relation to different proficiency levels. Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Shaw, S. and C.J. Weir. 2007. Examining Writing in a Second Language: Research and Practice in Assessing Second Language Writing, Studies in Language Testing 26. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL. ISBN: 978-0-521-69293-9 Descriptor(s): Writing, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Shaw, S. and E. Galaczi. 2005. Skills for Life writing mark scheme trial: Validating the rating scale for entry levels 1, 2 and 3. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 20: 812. Summary: Article describes a trial of mark schemes for the forthcoming Skills for Life tests, which aimed to improve the

assessment process and refine the rating scales for the writing component. This project was undertaken to ensure that assessment was standardised, ensuring a fair result for all candidates taking these modular tests designed to improve adult literacy in the UK. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Shiotsu, T. and C.J. Weir. 2007. The relative significance of syntactic knowledge and vocabulary breadth in the prediction of second language reading comprehension test performance. Language Testing 24/1: 130. Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Shoaib, A. and Z. Drnyei. 2005. Affect in lifelong learning: Exploring L2 motivation as a dynamic process in P. Benson and D. Nunan (eds.) Learners Stories: Difference and Diversity in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521614146 Pages: 2241 Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Siew, C. and S. Troudi. 2006. An investigation into the changes in perceptions of, and attitudes towards, learning English in a Malaysian college. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 18/2: 120130. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Country of research: Malaysia



Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Simpson, J. 2005. Conversational floors in synchronous text-based CMC discourse. Discourse Studies 7/3: 331367. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. 2005. Language learning in a virtual world in F. Benhamamouche (ed.) Passerelle: Langues et Modernit. Proceedings of Foreign Languages and Modernity Conference, University of Oran, Algeria, 1315 March 2004. Oran, Algeria: Editions Dar El Gharb. Pages: 5176 Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. 2005. Learning electronic literacy skills in an online language learning community. CALL Journal 18/4: 327345. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. 2005. Meaning-making online: Discourse and CMC in a language learning community in A. Mendez Vilas, B. Gonzalez Pereira, J. Mesa Gonzalez and J.A. Mesa Gonzales (eds.) Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies. Proceedings of m-ICTE conference, Caceres, Spain, 710 June 2005. Caceres, Spain: Formatex. Pages: 175179 Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. 2006. Differing expectations in the assessment of the speaking skills

of ESOL learners. Linguistics and Education 17/1: 4055. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. 2007. Adult ESOL in England: Policy, practice and research in N. Faux (ed.) Low-Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition (LESLLA): Research, Policy and Practice. Proceedings of 2nd Annual Forum, Commonwealth University of Virginia, September 2006. Richmond, Virginia: Commonwealth University of Virginia. Pages: 197212 Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J. and G. White. 2008. Teaching and learning listening in ESOL classes: The rock we build the house on. Language Issues 19/2: 419. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J., H. Sunderland, M. Cooke and C. Wallace. 2008. Adult ESOL in the UK: Three perspectives on practice, policy and research in M. Young-Scholten (ed.) LESLLA. Proceedings of 3rd Annual Forum, University of Newcastle, September 2007. Durham: Roundtuit Publishing. Pages: 2531 Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Simpson, J., M. Cooke and M. Baynham. 2008. The Right Course? An Exploratory Study of Placement Practices in ESOL and Literacy. London: NRDC. ISBN: 978-1-905188-56-7 Summary: Available online: =136#



Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Associated project: ESOL Placement Practices Project Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Sinclair, B. 2006. Self-access language learning: Conceptualisations, practice and future directions in D. Dixon, H. Baba, P. Cozens and M. Thomas (eds.) Independent Learning Schemes: A Practical Approach. Dubai: TESOL Arabia Publications. ISBN: 9948856651 Pages: 318 Summary: This chapter is the leading article in a collection of papers for an international audience reporting on a range of issues for consideration when planning, implementing, operating and researching self-access, independent language learning. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education) Sinclair, B. 2008. Multiple voices: Negotiating pathways towards teacher and learner autonomy in T. Lamb and H. Reinders (eds.) Learner and Teacher Autonomy: Concepts, Realities and Responses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN: 978 90 272 05179 Pages: 237266 Summary: This chapter describes a project to develop negotiated, collaborative teaching and learning in HE as a model for continuing personal and professional development. It explores how the voices of the various participants in the development of autonomy at three interacting levels informed the design and delivery of a Masters-level programme in Learner Autonomy for overseas teachers of English at the University of Nottingham.

Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education) Siyanova, A. and N. Schmitt. 2007. Native and non-native use of multi-word versus one-word verbs. International Review of Applied Linguistics 45/2: 109139. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Siyanova, A. and N. Schmitt. 2008. L2 learner production and processing of collocation: A multi-study perspective. Canadian Modern Language Review 64/3: 429458. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Skehan, P. and P. Foster. 2005. Pre-task and online planning: The influence of surprise information and task time on second language performance in R. Ellis (ed.) Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ISBN: 90 272 1962 Pages: 193216 Summary: This chapter reports on a study into the effects of task type and implementation conditions on learner performance, showing that the time given for a task has a strong influence on how it is performed.



Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Skehan, P. and P. Foster. 2007. Complexity, accuracy, fluency and lexis in task-based performance: A meta-analysis of the Ealing research in S. Van Daele, A. Housen, F. Kuiken, M. Pierrard and I. Vedder (eds.) Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning and Teaching. Brussels: VWK. ISBN: D/2007/0455/19 Pages: 207226 Principal format: Printed Summary: This chapter provides a meta-analysis of the results of six studies undertaken by the authors over a number of years into L2 task design and implementation conditions. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Skorczynska, H. and A. Deignan. 2006. Readership and purpose in the choice of economics metaphor. Metaphor and Symbol 21/2: 87104. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Slaght, J. and B. Howell. 2007. TEEP: A course-driven assessment measure

in O. Alexander (ed.) Proceedings of the 2005 Joint BALEAP/SATEFL Conference. New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-03910-909-8 Pages: 253263 Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Centre for Applied Language Studies) Slaouti, D. 2007. Teacher learning about online learning: Experiences of a situated approach. European Journal of Teacher Education 3/3: 285304. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learning technologies Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Slaouti, D. and G. Motteram. 2006. Reconstructing practice: Language teacher education and ICT in P. Hubbard and M. Levy (eds.) Teacher Education in CALL. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN: 9027219680 Pages: 8197 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learning technologies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) Smith, R.C. 2005. Developing professional autonomy: An action research-based MA module and its ongoing evaluation. Interactions 9.



Summary: Case study of innovations and evaluations during 5 years of an initial teacher education MA ELT programme. A Professional Practice module was redesigned according to an action research learning model focused on developing students ability to evaluate and continuously develop their practice for themselves. Benefits have included increased relevance to students own practical concerns, and enhanced motivation and autonomy. nteractions/archive/issue26/smith Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Smith, R.C. 2005. General introduction in R.C. Smith (ed.) Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 193661: Foundations of ELT, Volume 1 (of 6). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-29970-5 Pages: xvcxx Summary: Introduction to a collection of texts documenting the rise of ELT (19361961), showing how the British Council, the BBC and the University of London Institute of Education began to place the teaching of EFL on a firm institutional footing. Also analyses the roots and diffusion of structural-oral-situational methodology. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Materials, English language Country of research: various Associated project: Enhancement of the Warwick ELT Archive, with a Particular Focus on the Work of A.S. Hornby Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Smith, R.C. 2006. Developing teacherlearner autonomy: constraints and opportunities in pre-service training in L. Bobb-Wolff and J.L. Vera Batista (eds.) Proceedings of The Canarian Conference on Developing Autonomy in the FL Classroom 2003. La Laguna, Spain: University of La Laguna. Principal format: CD-ROM /developing_teacher-learner_autonomy_ canaries.pdf Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Smith, R.C. 2007. The origins of ELT Journal. Summary: Commissioned paper for the English Language Teaching Journal (ELTJ). About this journal web page describes the origins of the journal (in A.S. Hornbys work, and Hornbys and H.E. Palmers work in Japan). ource/the%20origins%20of%20elt%20journ al2.pdf Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Associated project: Enhancement of the Warwick ELT Archive, with a Particular Focus on the Work of A.S. Hornby Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Smith, R.C. 2008. Commentary on Teacher education for teacher and learner autonomy in M. Jimnez Raya and T.E. Lamb (eds.) Pedagogy for Autonomy in Modern Languages Education: Theory, Practice. Dublin: Authentik.



ISBN: 978-1-905275-31-1 Pages: 303307 Summary: A commentary on teacher education initiatives for developing pedagogy for autonomy in schools. Elements of a possible knowledge base are highlighted, including: parallelism between educating student-teachers and teaching (pupils) to learn; metacognitive awareness-raising; reflection on practical examples; actual engagement in a pedagogy for autonomy, especially with an action research dimension; involvement of school-based mentors; and necessary institutional adjustments. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Smith, R.C. 2008. Learner autonomy (key concepts in ELT). ELT Journal 62/4: 395397. Summary: Clarifies the concept of learner autonomy by taking standard definitions and highlighting their practical provenance and significance. Highlights an important continuing role for teachers in promoting autonomy, while noting a tension between top-down training and genuinely studentcentred approaches. Concludes that learner autonomy is a cross-culturally valid educational goal, though one requiring different forms of pedagogy according to context. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Smith, R.C. 2008. The history of learner autonomy in L. Dam (ed.) 9th Nordic Conference on Developing Learner Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching: Status and W. Copenhagen: CVU. Principal format: Printed ups/llp/circal/dahla/histories/the_history_of _learner_autonomy.pdf Descriptor(s): Management/innovation, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Smith, R.C. and S. Erdoan 2008. Teacher-learner autonomy: Programme goals and student-teacher constructs in T. Lamb and H. Reinders (eds.) Learner and Teacher Autonomy: Concepts, Realities and Responses. Amsterdam: Benjamins/AILA. ISBN: 978 90 272 0517 9 Summary: This paper clarifies dimensions of teacher autonomy and argues for the goal within initial teacher education of enhancing teacher-learner autonomy (the ability to develop appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes for oneself as a teacher, in cooperation with others). One approach towards this goal is described, and students personal constructs relating to the course design are investigated with repertory-grid interviews. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)



Spillett, H. 2007. The marking of spelling for the revised YLE tests from January 2007. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 28: 47. Summary: Helen Spillett explains the reasons for considering a change in existing policy and describes the procedures and outcomes of a consultation exercise and small-scale research study which informed the new policy implemented from 2007. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Spiro, J. 2007. Teaching poetry: Writing poetry - teaching as a writer. English in Education 41/3: 7893. Summary: This article looks at the ways in which the skills and strategies of the creative writer can be applied to the language classroom. It shows how four specific writer strategies can be adapted for language learning, and provides examples of learner response to these. The article arrives at a notion of authenticity in writing methods. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology Country of research: United Kingdom; Learners background: various Associated project: Transitions and Transformations: Exploring Creativity in Everyday and Literary Language Entered by: Oxford Brookes University (Westminster Institute of Education) Ssebunga-Masembe, C. and G. Thompson. 2008. Potential sources of comprehension difficulties in advanced secondary school science textbooks: The case of Uganda in N. Nrgaard (ed.) Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use (Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication Volume 29). Odense: University of Southern Denmark. ISBN: 978-87-90923-47-1 Pages: 749766

Principal format: Online Summary: Excerpts from the science textbooks used in schools in Uganda are analysed. The analyses reveal textual flaws, particularly in the way relations between propositions are constructed and signalled, that are likely to make them more difficult for students to comprehend. The paper further explores how the flaws might be rectified. er/ISK/Forskningspublikationer/OWPLC/Nr29 /Connie%20Ssebbunga%20Masembe%20%2 0%20Geoff%20Thompson.ashx Descriptor(s): English language, ESP, Materials, Reading Country of research: Uganda Learners background: Uganda Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Street, J. and K. Ingham. 2007. Publishing vocabulary lists for BEC preliminary, PET and KET examinations. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 27: 47. Summary: Jason Street and Kate Ingham describe the process of compiling, validating, and publishing word lists for our BEC preliminary, PET and KET examinations. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Svalberg, A. 2005. Consciousness raising activities in some Lebanese English language classrooms: Teacher perceptions and learner engagement. Language Awareness 14/23: 170190. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Methodology, Classroom interaction Country of research: Lebanon Learners background: Lebanon Entered by: University of Leicester (English



Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Svalberg, A. 2007. Language Awareness: State of the art. Language Teaching 40/4: 287308. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner cognition, English language Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education)

Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Associated project: Information Foregrounding in Narrative Tasks for Second Language Classrooms Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Tavakoli, P. and P. Foster. 2008. Task design and second language performance: The effect of narrative type on learner output. Language Learning 58/2: 439473. Summary: This article presents a study examining how narrative structure and narrative complexity can impact the performance of second language learners. Forty learners of English in London and sixty learners in Tehran were asked to re-tell cartoon stories from picture prompts. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, Learner cognition, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Tavakoli, P. and P. Skehan. 2005. Strategic planning, task structure and performance testing in R. Ellis (ed.) Planning and task performance in a second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 90-272-1961-3 Pages: 239277 Summary: Planning has proved to have positive effects on language learners performance on tasks. This study sets out to investigate the effects of strategic planning on learners accuracy, complexity and fluency of performance. Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESOL/EAL, Assessment

Tavakoli, P. 2008. L2 performance and context of language learning: A comparative study of learners in Tehran and London. Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran 2/5: 103131. Summary: The present paper examines whether language performance of learners studying English in a formal language classroom context at home (AH) is different from performance of learners who study English abroad (SA) where they would have to use English for a range of communicative purposes. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: Iran Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Tavakoli, P. and P. Foster. 2008. Task design and second language performance: The effect of narrative type on learner output. Language Learning 58/2: 439473. Summary: This study reports on how two dimensions of narrative task design (storyline complexity and narrative structure) impact upon the accuracy, complexity and fluency of L2 performance.



Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Taylor, L. 2005. Closer collaboration with other Cambridge University departments. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 19: 14. Summary: Lynda Taylor outlines how Cambridge ESOL has forged closer links with other departments in the University of Cambridge. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2005. Defining and investigating impact: A dimension of test validation in A. Nebel and C. Niakaris (eds.) Best Practices in Testing: Proceedings of the 2004 EFL Testing and Evaluation Forum. Athens: Hellenic American Union. ISBN: n/a Principal format: Printed Descriptor(s): Assessment Learners background: various Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2005. Key concepts in ELT: Washback and impact. ELT Journal 59/2: 154155. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2005. Using qualitative research methods in test development and validation. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 21: 24. Summary: Lynda Taylor outlines the range of qualitative research carried out at Cambridge ESOL to support test development and monitor test quality. pdf

Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2005. Washback and impact: The view from Cambridge ESOL. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 20: 23. Summary: Lynda Taylor discusses notions of washback and impact, locating them within the broader framework of consequential validity. She highlights the long tradition of consultation which we have enjoyed with our test stakeholders and the more recent role of systematic impact studies within our approach to test development and validation. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2006. The changing landscape of English: Implications for language assessment. English Language Teaching 60/1: 5160. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, English language, Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2007. The impact of the joint-funded research studies on the IELTS speaking module in L. Taylor and P. Falvey (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 19: IELTS Collected Papers: Research in Speaking and Writing Assessment. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 978052154287 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. 2007. The impact of the jointfunded research studies on the IELTS writing module in L. Taylor and P. Falvey (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 19: IELTS Collected Papers: Research in Speaking and Writing Assessment. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP.



ISBN: 9780521542487 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. and C.J. Weir. 2008. Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity, Studies in Language Testing 27. Cambridge: Cambridge ESOL/ Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-052-1-711920 Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Taylor, L. and F. Barker. 2008. Using corpora for language assessment in N. Hornberger and E. Shohamy (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Language and Education. New York: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-32875-1 (Print) 978-0-387-30424-3 (Online) Pages: 241254 Summary: In this chapter Lynda Taylor and Fiona Baker illustrate how the field of corpus linguistics has become an important and relevant source of accurate language data, which is useful for constructing tests based on scientific and empirical language documentation. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, English language, Assessment Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Taylor, L. and N. Jones. 2006. Cambridge ESOL exams and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 25. Summary: Lynda Taylor and Neil Jones discuss the relationship of Cambridge ESOLs exams with the Council of Europes

CEFR along four perspectives: historical, conceptual, empirical and evolutionary. Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Thighe, D. 2007. Cambridge ESOL and tests of English for specific purposes. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 27: 24. Summary: David Thighe discusses Cambridge ESOLs response to the changing assessment requirements that are resulting from globalisation and migration. He describes the growing demand for English language tests that are tailored to the needs of populations in various work-oriented contexts, outlining some of the principles that underpin the domain-related tests we offer, such as BEC, BULATS, ILEC and ICFE. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Thompson, G. 2005. But me some buts: A multi-dimensional view of conjunction. Text 25/6: 763791. Summary: Uses a Systemic Functional Linguistic approach to set out a comprehensive model of conjunction the ways in which speakers and writers make connections between the clauses in their discourse (whether or not the connections are explicitly signalled). Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Thompson, G. 2007. Corpus, comparison, culture: Doing the same things differently in different languages in W. Teubert and R. Krishnamurthy (eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Volume 5. London & New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0415338950 Pages: 6887



Summary: Focuses on the comparative analysis in classrooms of small corpora of equivalent genres in different languages. I argue for including explicit attention to language forms within CLT approaches, and for stimulating awareness-raising through cross-linguistic comparison, concentrating on exploring the discourse value of lexical, structural and other choices in context. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, English language Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) Timmis, I. 2005. Towards a framework for teaching spoken grammar. English Language Teaching Journal 59/2: 117125. Summary: This article proposed a principled framework for the teaching of spoken grammar, taking into account sociocultural concerns about the relevance of native speaker language in an era of international English. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Methodology, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Leeds Metropolitan University Timmis, I. 2007. The attitudes of language learners towards varieties of the target language in B. Tomlinson (ed.) Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of Learners of First and Other Languages. London: Continuum. ISBN: 0-8264-8612-6 Pages: 122139 Summary: This chapter discusses how learners sense of identity might affect their attitude to varieties of the target language and how these attitudes, in turn, might affect their acquisition of the target language.

Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Entered by: Leeds Metropolitan University Timmis, I. 2008. The lexical approach is dead: Long live the lexical dimension!. Modern English Teacher 17/3: 510. Summary: This article discusses with practical examples how a principled lexical dimension could be applied without the need to follow The lexical approach as advocated by Michael Lewis (1993). Descriptor(s): Methodology, English language Entered by: Leeds Metropolitan University Tonkyn, A. 2006. Assessing speech: What can the spoken language researcher tell the test developer? in C. Coombe, P. Davidson and D. Lloyd (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th and 8th Current Trends in English Language Testing Conferences. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. ISBN: 9948-8566-2-7 Pages: 322 Principal format: Printed Summary: This paper examines research into differences in fluency, accuracy and complexity of speech at different proficiency levels. It also examines research findings concerning the reactions of raters of different kinds to features of speech. In the light of this, the revision of the high-stakes IELTS speaking test is discussed. Descriptor(s): Speaking, English language, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics)



Tonkyn, A. 2007. Short-term changes in complexity, accuracy and fluency: Developing progress-sensitive proficiency tests in S. Van Daele, A.F. Housen, F.M. Kuiken, M. Pierrard and I. Vedder (eds.) Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning and Teaching. Brussels: KVAB. ISBN: D/2007/0455/19 Pages: 263284 Summary: This paper reports on an extended case study of the development of the oral L2 skills (grammatical/lexical complexity and accuracy, and fluency) of a group of 24 learners on a 10-week intensive university course in English for academic purposes, and how that development was perceived by trained raters. Descriptor(s): Speaking, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Toogood, S. and R. Pemberton. 2006. Scaffolding for self-access language learning and the FTG Model in T. Lamb and H. Reinders (eds.) Supporting Independent Language Learning: Issues and interventions. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISBN: 3-631-54131-7 Pages: 169199 Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education)

Toogood, S. and R. Pemberton. 2007. Support structures for self-access learning in A. Barfield and S. Brown (eds.) Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-00173-2 Pages: 180195 Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of Education) Trappes-Lomax, H. 2007. For more on X, see e.g. Y: A TESOL approach to a pedagogical grammar of citation conventions in T. Lynch and J. Northcott (eds.) Symposia for Language Teacher Educators. Edinburgh: Institute for Applied Language Studies. Principal format: CD-ROM Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, ESP Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Trappes-Lomax, H. 2007. Vague language as a means of self-protective avoidance: Tension management in conference talks in J. Cutting (ed.) Vague Language Explored. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403988171 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, English language Entered by: University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning)



Troudi, S. 2005. Critical content and cultural knowledge for TESOL Teachers. Teacher Development 9/1: 115129. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Troudi, S. 2008. Reflecting on action research in A. Jendli, C. Coombe and S. Troudi (eds.) Best Practice in English Language Teaching. Dubai: TESOL Arabia. Pages: 433445 Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Tse, P. and K. Hyland. 2006. So what is the problem this book addresses? Interactions in book reviews. Text and Talk 27: 767790. Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Tse, P. and K. Hyland. 2006. Gender and discipline: Exploring metadiscourse variation in academic book reviews in K. Hyland and M. Bondi (eds.) Academic Discourse across Disciplines. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9 783039 111831 Pages: 177202 Descriptor(s): Writing Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Tse, P. and K. Hyland. 2008. Robot Kung fu: Gender and the performance of a professional identity. Journal of Pragmatics 40/7: 12321248. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Institutional level: tertiary

Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Tseng, W-T. and N. Schmitt. 2008. Towards a self-regulating model of vocabulary learning: A structural equation modelling approach. Language Learning 58/2: 357 400. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Tseng, W-T., Z. Drnyei and N. Schmitt. 2006. A new approach to assessing strategic learning: The case of self-regulation in vocabulary acquisition. Applied Linguistics 27/1: 78102. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Tseng, W-T., Z. Drnyei and N. Schmitt. 2008. A new approach to assessing strategic learning: The case of self-regulation in vocabulary acquisition. Applied Linguistics 27: 78102. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)

Ushioda, E. 2006. Internal and social processes: The paradox of motivation in Z. Kantaridou, I. Papadopoulou and I. Mahili (eds.) Motivation in Language Learning for Specific and Academic Purposes. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Learning for Specific & Academic Purposes, University of Macedonia. Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia Press. Principal format: CD-ROM



Summary: Review of research on motivation in language learning, with implications for classroom practice and research. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESP Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ushioda, E. 2006. Language motivation in a reconfigured Europe: Access, identity, autonomy. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 27/2: 148161. Summary: A critical discussion of issues of motivation, autonomy and identity in language learning and use. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ushioda, E. 2006. Motivation and autonomy in language learning in M. Ktter, O. Traxel and S. Gabel (eds.) Investigating and Facilitating Language Learning. Papers in Honour of Lienhard Legenhausen. Trier: Wissenschaftliger Verlag Trier. ISBN: 978-3-88476-844-0 Pages: 283295 Summary: Critical review of motivation and autonomy theory with reference to communicative language teaching. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Classroom interaction Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ushioda, E. 2007. Motivation, autonomy and sociocultural theory in P. Benson (ed.) Learner Autonomy 8: Teacher and Learner Perspectives. Dublin: Authentik. ISBN: 978-1-905275-00-7 Pages: 524 Summary: Analysis of sociocultural-

theoretical perspectives on motivation and autonomy, drawing on research data from language learners and student teachers. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ushioda, E. 2008. Motivation and good language learners in C. Griffiths (ed.) Lessons from Good Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-88963-6 Pages: 1934 Summary: Review of research on language motivation with implications for classroom practice. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Ushioda, E. 2008. Using I-statement analysis to explore autonomy and change. Summary: Reports on research dimension of CUTE2 project to develop Chinese University academics English language skills, with a focus on fostering learner autonomy. hp Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: China Learners background: China Associated project: Chinese University Teacher Training in English (CUTE2) Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) stnel, E. and P. Seedhouse. 2005. Why that, in that language, right now?: Code-switching and pedagogical focus.



International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15/3: 302325. Summary: The study depicts the relationship between pedagogical focus and language choice in the language teaching/learning environment of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at a Turkish university. deposit_id=5773 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Classroom interaction Country of research: Turkey Learners background: Turkey Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences)

Walker, C. 2008. Factors which influence the process of collocation in F. Boears and S. Lindstromberg (eds.) Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyer. ISBN: 9783110196306 Pages: 291308 Summary: A corpus-based investigation of the factors which influence collocation (e.g. the use of metaphor, semantic prosody etc.). Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, English language Entered by: University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Walker, T. 2006. Linking learners to the CEFR for asset languages. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 24: 810. Summary: Tamsin Walker considers how learners taking asset exams can be said to be linked to the CEFR, describing learnerbased standard-setting and suggesting a holistic approach to assessment. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Wall, D. 2005. The Impact of High-Stakes Testing on Classroom Teaching: A Case Study Using Insights from Testing and Innovation Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge ESOL and Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521542499 Summary: An account of one of the earliest empirical studies of examination washback. It provides a case study of an attempt to encourage innovation in English teaching through the introductive of a new-style examination. It offers a model for investigating examination washback and for


Vanderplank, R. 2008. The significance of first language development in five to nine year old children for second and foreign language learning. Applied Linguistics 29/4: 717722. Summary: In this article, the language learning experiences and development of a child (the authors daughter) between the ages of five and nine are drawn on to argue that we should re-focus our comparison of first and second language acquisition away from early L1 acquisition to the early schooling period. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Oxford (Language Centre)



identifying the factors that may promote or inhibit innovation. Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: Sri Lanka Learners background: Sri Lanka Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Wall, D. and T. Horak. 2007. Using baseline studies in the investigation of test impact. Assessment in Education 14/1: 99116. Summary: A review of the function of baseline studies in the process of educational innovation, with an illustration of the use of one such investigation in a study of the impact of the new version of TOEFL. Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation, Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Wallace, C. 2005. Conversations around the literacy hour in a multilingual London school. Language and Education 19/4: 322338. Summary: The study examined the literacy experiences, attitudes and repertoires of four nine-year-old bilingual children in a multilingual London primary school with reference to the way the children responded to the British National Literacy Strategy. Descriptor(s): Reading, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Wallace, C. 2005. The cultural and linguistic resources of advanced bilingual learners:

A case study of four bilingual learners in a multicultural London school. Prospect 20/1: 8294. Summary: The study explored in-depth the linguistic and cultural resources of four bilingual learners in a London primary school. It draws implications for the curriculum and literacy teaching in multicultural contexts. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Wallace, C. 2006. The text dead or alive: Expanding textual repertoires in the Adult ESOL classroom. Linguistics and Education 17/1: 7490. Summary: The study looks at the use of text in the Reading Classroom in Adult ESOL classrooms. It argues that a very restricted view of text leads to a reduced literacy curriculum in which ESOL learners resources and experiences are largely ignored. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Reading, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Wallace, C. 2008. Literacy and identity: A view from the bridge in two multilingual London schools. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 7/1: 6180. Summary: The article examines the manner in which identity impacts on literacy with reference to two nine-year-old girls and two fifteen-year-old boys in London



schools who speak or have access to two or more languages. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, ESOL/EAL, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Wallace, C. 2008. Negotiating communication rights in multilingual classrooms: Towards the creation of critical communities of learners. Pedagogies 3/3: 150167. Summary: The paper aims to demonstrate how classrooms can be reconfigured as critical communities. It focuses on two classrooms of adult learners in the United Kingdom to show how teachers may allow space for atypical kinds of dialogic teaching to emerge in the interests of creating critical communities of learners. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Walsh, S. 2006. Investigating Classroom Discourse. London, New York: Routledge. ISBN: 10: 0415364698 Summary: Investigating Classroom Discourse is based on the premise that language use and interaction is at the core of good teaching and learning. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Entered by: Queens University, Belfast (School of Education) Walsh, S. 2006. Learning to talk or talking to learn in the EFL classroom in A. Gallagher

and M. Laoire (eds.) Language Education in Ireland: Current Practice and Future Needs. Dublin: IRAAL. ISBN: 9780901519818 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: Queens University, Belfast (School of Education) Walsh, S. 2006. Talking the talk of the TESOL Classroom. English Language Teaching Journal 60: 133 141. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Walsh, S. and A. OKeeffe. 2007. Editorial: Raising language awareness through analysing discourse in context. Language Awareness 16/3: 151152. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Classroom interaction Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Walsh, S., A. OKeeffe and M. McCarthy. 2007. post-colonialism, multi-culturalism, structuralism, feminism, post-modernism and so on so forth vague language in academic discourse, a comparative analysis of form, function in R. Randi and A. Adel (eds.) Exploring Discourse through Corpora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978 90 272 2305 0 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Materials, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: Queens University, Belfast (School of Education) Walter, C. 2007. First- to second-language reading comprehension: Not transfer,



but access. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17/1: 1437. Summary: Drawing on Gernsbachers Structure Building Framework, I challenge the metaphor of transfer of reading comprehension from L1 to L2, in favour of a description of access to an established comprehension ability. A study with a group of French learners of English confirmed the access hypothesis and made links with L2 working memory development. Descriptor(s): Reading, Learner cognition Country of research: France Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Walter, C. 2008. Phonology in L2 reading: Not an optional extra. TESOL Quarterly 42/3: 455474. Summary: In the reading comprehension threshold, lower intermediate learners have problems comprehending texts at their level. These learners have low working memory and, notably, unreliable phonological inventories of English. This corresponds to an explanation where low-level decoding difficulties take up working memory to the detriment of higher-level comprehension activity. Descriptor(s): Reading, Pronunciation, Learner cognition Country of research: France Entered by: University of Oxford (Department of Education) Waters, A. 2005. Expertise in teacher education: Helping teachers to learn in K. Johnson (ed.) Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781403920966 Pages: 210229 Summary: Conceptualises the nature of teacher educator expertise in terms of what can be seen to be involved in attempting to facilitate teacher learning, and outlines

programme for further research in area. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Waters, A. 2006. Facilitating follow-up in ELT INSET. Language Teaching Research 10/1: 3252. Summary: Study of problems and potential in bridging course-based and school-based INSET in ELT. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/Innovation Country of research: Philippines Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Waters, A. 2007. Native-speakerism in ELT: Plus a change?. System 35/3: 281292. Summary: Argues that critical theory based attempts to counter native-speakerism in ELT are as much a cause of as a solution to the problem. The use of cultural generalisations is taken as a case in point, and, via a review of the literature on stereotyping, a less poltically-biased approach argued for. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Waters, A and M.L.C. Vilches. 2008. Factors affecting ELT reforms: The case of the Philippines basic education curriculum. RELC Journal 39/1: 524. Summary: Study of problems associated with implementation of ELT component of Philippines BEC, and discussion of reasons why the issues identified have occurred in both this and a wide range of other similar projects. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/Innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Philippines Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)



Watkins, P. 2007. Pre-service training and the first year of teaching in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL 2006 Harrogate Conference Selections. Canterbury UK: IATEFL Publications. ISBN: 1901095096 Pages: 129130 Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Wedell, M. 2005. Cascading training down into the classroom: The need for parallel planning. International Journal of Educational Development 25/6: 637651. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Wedell, M. 2008. Developing a capacity to make English for Everyone worthwhile: Reconsidering outcomes and how to start achieving them. International Journal of Educational Development 28/6: 628639. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Weir, C. and H. Khalifa. 2008. A cognitive processing approach towards defining reading comprehension. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 31: 210. Summary: Cyril Weir and Hanan Khalifa describe the mental processes readers use to comprehend reading texts as a means of defining Cambridge ESOLs construct of reading that our language assessments purport to test. pdf Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Weir, C. and H. Khalifa. 2008. Applying a cognitive processing model to Main Suite reading papers. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 31: 1116.

Summary: Cyril Weir and Hanan Khalifa apply this cognitive processing approach to defining reading comprehension to the Cambridge ESOL Main Suite examinations in English, focusing on two levels the Preliminary English Test (PET) and the First Certificate in English (FCE). pdf Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Weir, C. and S. Shaw. 2005. Establishing the validity of Cambridge ESOL writing tests: Towards the implementation of a socio-cognitive model for test validation. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 21: 1014. Summary: Stuart Shaw and Cyril Weir report on ongoing research to articulate a clear theoretical and practical position for the construct of writing, which is an important component of all of our language tests. Weirs Validity framework attempts to reconfigure validity as a unitary concept, and to show how its constituent parts interact with each other. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Weir, C. and S. Shaw. 2006. Defining the constructs underpinning Main Suite writing tests: A socio-cognitive perspective. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 26: 914. Summary: Cyril Weir and Stuart Shaw summarise the constructs underpinning the Main Suite writing tests, drawing in part on corpus evidence. A clear construct definition is vital for understanding and validating language tests and this article describes the application of a sociocognitive validity framework to the Cambridge Writing examinations. pdf



Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Weir, C. and S. Shaw. 2008. A sociocognitive approach to writing test validation in L. Taylor and C. Weir (eds.) Studies in Language Testing Vol 27: Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity Proceedings of the ALTE Berlin Conference, May 2005. Cambridge: UCLES/CUP. ISBN: 9780521711920 Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Weir, C.J. 2005. Language Testing and Validation: An Evidence-based Approach. Houndgrave, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 1-4039-1188-6/1-4039-1 189-4 Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J. 2005. Limitations of the Council of Europes Framework of Reference (CEFR) in developing comparable examinations and tests. Language Testing 22/3: 282300. Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J. and H. Khalifa. 2008. A cognitive processing approach towards defining reading comprehension. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 31: 210. Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)

Weir, C.J. and H. Khalifa. 2008. Applying a cognitive processing model to Main Suite reading papers. Research Notes, Cambridge ESOL 31: 1116. Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J. and J.R.W. Wu. 2006. Establishing test form and individual task comparability: A case study of a semi-direct speaking test. Language Testing 23/3: 133. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J. and S. Shaw. 2008. A sociocognitive approach to writing test validation in L. Taylor and C.J. Weir (eds.) Multilingualism and Assessment: Achieving Transparency, Assuring Quality, Sustaining Diversity, Studies in Language Testing 27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Cambridge ESOL. ISBN: 978-052-1-711920 Pages: 147156 Descriptor(s): Writing, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J., B. OSullivan, Y. Jin and S. Bax. 2007. Does the computer make a difference? Reaction of candidates to a computer-based versus a traditional handwritten form of the IELTS writing component: Effects and impact in P. McGovern and S. Walsh (eds.) IELTS Research Report Volume 7. Canberra: British Council & IDP Australia. ISBN: 987-0-9775875-2-0 Descriptor(s): Assessment



Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J., B. OSullivan and T. Horai. 2006. Exploring difficulty in speaking tasks: An intra-task perspective in P. McGovern and S. Walsh (eds.) IELTS Research Reports Volume 6. Canberra: British Council & IDP Australia. ISBN: 0-9775875-0-9 Pages: 119160 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Weir, C.J., B. OSullivan, Y. Jin and S. Bax. 2007. Does the computer make a difference? Reaction of candidates to a computer-based versus a traditional hand-written form of the IELTS writing component: Effects and impact in P. McGovern and S. Walsh (eds.) IELTS Research Reports Volume 7. Canberra: British Council & IDP Australia. ISBN: 987-0-9775875-2-0 Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Assessment Entered by: Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Wicaksono, R. 2007. The BBC Learning English Teacher Blogger: An early experience in B. Beaven (ed.) IATEFL Aberdeen Conference selections. Canterbury, Kent: IATEFL. ISBN: 1 901095 14 2 Principal format: Printed Summary: An exploration of feedback on writing in an online environment. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology, Learning technologies, Classroom interaction

Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Italy Institutional level: adult Entered by: York St John University (Languages and Linguistics) Wicaksono, R. 2008. Assessing mixed nationality and mixed ability group work in P. Kemp and R. Atfield (eds.) Enhancing the International Learning Experience in Business Management, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism. Newbury: Threshold Press. ISBN: 9781903152232 Summary: A report of a mixed methods study to explore students attitudes to, and performance in, multilingual group work at a UK university. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: York St John University (Languages and Linguistics) Williams, E. 2006. Bridges and Barriers: Language in African Education and Development. Manchester: St. Jerome. ISBN: 1-900650-97-5 Summary: This book examines the relationship between language, education and development in Africa. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology, Materials, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language)



Williams, E. 2006. Teaching reading: Individual and social perspectives in E. Us and A. Martinez (eds.) Current Trends in the Development of the Four Language Skills in a Foreign Language. Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: ISBN-13 978-3-11-018968-1 Pages: 355380 Summary: Reviews contemporary approaches to the teaching of reading comprehension in EFL/ESL. Descriptor(s): Reading, Methodology, Materials, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language) Williams, E. 2006. The use of ex-colonial languages in education in K. (Gen ed.) Brown and B. (Vol ed.) Spolsky (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 4. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 13: 978-0-08-044299-0 10: 0-08044299-4 Pages: 6064 Summary: Reviews the role of language in ex-colonial countries around the world. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language) Williams, E. 2007. Extensive reading in Malawi: Inadequate implementation or inappropriate innovation?. Journal of Research in Reading 30/1: 5979. Summary: This article provides evidence from field research of the failure of a large-scale British aid project to effect improvement in levels of reading in Malawi.

It also provides explanations for that failure. Descriptor(s): Reading, Methodology, Management/innovation, English language, Assessment Country of research: Malawi Learners background: Malawi Institutional level: primary Entered by: Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language) Williams, E. and A. Williams. 2007. ESOL and EFL: An Unhelpful Distinction? Reading, UK: CfBT Education Trust. ISBN: 978-0-86160 Summary: This monograph provides a critical perspective on past and present policies on the teaching of English as a second/foreign language in the UK and beyond. Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language) Willis, J. 2005. Introduction: Aims and explorations into tasks and task-based teaching in C. Edwards and J. Willis (eds.) Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1-4039-4557-8 Pages: 112 Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Willis, D. and J. Willis. 2007. Doing Taskbased Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978 0 19 442210 9 Entered by: Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences)



Wilson, J. 2005. Ethical issues in the testing of young learners. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 22: 67. Summary: Juliet Wilson discusses some of the ethical issues concerning testing children. She outlines Cambridge ESOLs current approach to testing this group of learners and describes how these tests were developed in the mid 1990s in terms of their design and the childrens experience of taking these tests. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Wilson, J. 2007. Reviewing the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 28: 24. Summary: Juliet Wilsons introductory article outlines the background to the review of the YLE tests conducted over the past 34 years; she goes on to consider the modifications and trialling of three different tasks and describes the research which was carried out to update the vocabulary lists. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Woodfield, H. 2006. Requests in English: ESL learners responses to written discourse completion tasks in General & Theoretical Papers No. 679. Essen: University of Duisburg-Essen. Principal format: Printed Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Woodfield, H. 2008. Interlanguage requests: A contrastive study in M. Ptz and J. Neff-van Aertselaer (eds.) Contrastive Pragmatics: Interlanguage and Cross-cultural

Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-019670-2 Pages: 231264 Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Woodfield, H. 2008. Problematising discourse completion tasks: Voices from verbal report. Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 21/2: 4369. Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Wright, A. 2008. A corpus-informed study of specificity in Financial English: The case of ICFE reading. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 31: 1621. Summary: Angela Wright investigates the specificity of Financial English reading texts compared to Business English and General English reading texts, using the new International Certificate in Financial English (ICFE) reading paper as a case study. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Wright, T. 2005. Classroom Management in Language Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN: 1403940894 Summary: Focuses on classroom management (CM) within the notion of classroom life. Examines the affective, spatial, temporal, discourse, cultural and institutional aspects of CM. Reviews relevant research and suggests ways of researching CM. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Methodology, Management/innovation, Classroom interaction




Entered by: University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education) Wright, T. 2006. Managing classroom life in S. Gieve and I. Miller (eds.) Understanding the Language Classroom. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN: 9780230206953 Pages: 6487 Summary: Paper redefining the notion of classroom management (CM). 1. Forcesin CM: order; opportunity; care 2. Dimensions of CM: time; space; engagement; participation. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Management/innovation, Classroom interaction Entered by: University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education) Wright, T. and R. Bolitho. 2007. Trainer Development. Published online: ISBN: 978-1-84753-232-9 Summary: This book is a personal view of the process of working in teacher and trainer development programmes. It discusses affective, social and cognitive issues among others. Descriptor(s): Teacher education Entered by: University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education)

Entered by: University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education)

Yanagawa, K. and A.B. Green. 2008. To show or not to show: The effects of item stems and answer options on performance on a multiple-choice listening comprehension test. System 36/1: 107122. Descriptor(s): Listening, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Assessment Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Yang, M., R.G. Badger and Z. Yu. 2006. A comparative study of peer and teacher feedback in a Chinese EFL writing class. Journal of Second Language Learning 15/3: 179200. Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Yazigi, R. and P. Seedhouse. 2005. Sharing Time with young learners. Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ) 9/3: A1. deposit_id=1118 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Arab Emirates Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences)

Xing, P. and G. Fulcher. 2007. Reliability assessment for two versions of the Vocabulary Levels Test. System 35/2: 182191. Descriptor(s): Assessment



Young-Scholten, M. and C. Ijuin. 2006. How can we best measure adult ESL student progress?. TESOL Adult Education Interest Section Newsletter, September 4/2: n/a. Summary: Application of the stages of Organic Grammar to intermediate-level ESOL adults on a US program. Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: United States of America Institutional level: adult Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Yu, G. 2007. Students voices in the evaluation of their written summaries: Empowerment and democracy for test takers?. Language Testing 24/4: 539572. Summary: This paper analysed the students attitudes and perceptions towards the use of two scoring templates (the expert and the popular) and its differential statistical effects on the judgment of the summarisation performance of these students. The implications of the findings are discussed with specific reference to the value of involving test-takers in assessment criteria development. Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language, Assessment Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Yu, G. 2008. Reading to summarize in English and Chinese: A tale of two languages?. Language Testing 25/4: 521551. Summary: This paper reports on the

significant differential effects of the use of English and Chinese on the processes and products of summarisation as a measure of reading comprehension, drawing upon data from students actual test performances, as well as their perceptions of such effects. The findings have implications for the design of summarisation and other integrated reading/writing tasks. Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language, Assessment Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)

Zegerac, V. 2005. Four conceptions of language in K. Brown (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edition) vol.6. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN: 0-08-044299-4 Pages: 340344 Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Zegerac, V. 2006. Believing in: A pragmatic account. Lingua 116: 17031721. Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Zegerac, V. 2007. A cognitive pragmatic perspective on communication and culture in H. Kotthoff and H. Spencer-Oatey (eds.) Handbook of Intercultural Communication (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics 7). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-018471-6



Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Zegerac, V. 2008. Culture and communication in H. Spencer-Oatey (ed.) Culturally Speaking: Managing Rapport across Cultures [2nd edition]. London: Continuum. ISBN: 978-0-826-493101/978-0-826-493095 Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Zeronis, R. 2007. The DELTA revision project Progress update. Cambridge ESOL: Research Notes 29: 48. Summary: Ron Zeronis provides a progress update on the current DELTA revision project, which includes the development of a modular syllabus. pdf Entered by: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Zimmerman, C. and N. Schmitt. 2005. Lexical questions to guide the teaching and learning of words. CATESOL Journal 17/1: 17. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)



Doctoral (PhD or EdD) theses supervised and completed within UK universities are listed below by institution. It should be noted that not all universities where doctoral work is supervised were able to supply details in this category, and so the list is not a fully comprehensive one. Regarding availability, doctoral theses completed within UK institutions are gradually being digitised by the British Librarys Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS), and their website ( would therefore be an appropriate first port of call for users of this directory who are interested in consulting a particular thesis.

Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences)

Morris-Adams, M. 2008. Coherence and Understanding in Informal Conversation between Native and Non-native Speakers of English. Supervisor(s): Sue Garton Awarding institution: Aston University Summary: The study investigates informal conversations between native English speakers and international students living in the UK, with a focus on topic management strategies. The research suggests that the conversations flowed freely and coherently and were marked by a relative scarcity of the communicative difficulties often associated with NSNNS interactions. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues

Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Oman Learners background: Oman Institutional level: tertiary Sappapan, P. 2007. Reading Strategies of Thai University Students in English. Supervisor(s): Eddie Williams Awarding institution: Bangor University Summary: An experimental investigation of reading strategies of Thai university students in English. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Management/ innovation, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Classroom interaction Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary

Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language)

Al-Musali, A. 2008. Note Taking in English Lectures: A Study of Omani EFL University Students. Supervisor(s): Eddie Williams Awarding institution: Bangor University, Wales Summary: An experimental investigation into the effect of a skills programme on the note taking ability in English of Omani university students.

Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies)

Aboshiha, P. 2008. Identity and Dilemma: The Native Speaker English Language Teacher in a Globalizing World. Supervisor(s): Adrian Holliday Awarding institution: University of Kent



Summary: British teachers attitudes towards theory and professionalism within the context of the changing ownership of English and globalisation. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, English language Institutional level: adult Brooks, K. 2007. The Significance of Culture in Language Learning: Working with Adult EFL Learners in Mexico. Supervisor(s): John Kullman and Martin Hyde Awarding institution: University of Kent Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary Carlson, A. 2007. Computers, Literacy and the Bilingual/Bicultural Child. Supervisor(s): Stephen Bax Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: A study of children from Japanese and English language homes using specially created Internet sites. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Crawford, T. 2008. ESL Writing in the University of Guanajuato: The Struggle to Enter a Discourse Community. Supervisor(s): Christopher Anderson and Alan Cunningsworth Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: A study of classroom discourses surrounding the transitions between Mexican Spanish and English. Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary

Delikurt, P. 2006. Revolution or Evolution in Educational Change: The Intended PolicyActual PolicyPolicy in Use Continuum Revisited. A Case Study in the English Language Teaching and Learning Context. Supervisor(s): Adrian Holliday Awarding institution: University of Kent Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Cyprus Institutional level: secondary Duan, Y. 2007. The Influence of the Chinese University Entrance Exam (English). Supervisor(s): Adrian Holliday Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: Investigation of the discourses of Chinese secondary school students in their response to the national university entrance examination the Gau Kao. A yin-yang theory of discourse. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Assessment Country of research: China Institutional level: secondary Gallagher, K. 2007. An Exploration within a Sociocultural Approach to Language Education: A Reflexive Case Study. Supervisor(s): Adrian Holliday and Richard Cullen Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: A study of Emirati women trainee teachers in a college of higher technology in the UAE. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Arab Emirates Institutional level: tertiary Grounds, P. 2008. Discovering Dynamic Durability: Beyond Sustainability in an English Language Curriculum Project. Supervisor(s): Adrian Holliday and Richard Cullen



Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: Looking at curriculum issues around the setting up of self-access centres in Mexico. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Management/innovation, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary Lengeling, M. 2007. Becoming an English Teacher: Participants Voices and Identities in an In-service Teacher Training Course in Central Mexico. Supervisor(s): Stephen Bax and Richard Cullen Awarding institution: University of Kent Summary: Student teachers doing the COTE. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary Muoz de Cote, L.M. 2008. Monologues and Dialogues in the Language Classroom: A Study of Students Experience in Trying to Learn English as a Compulsory Component at a Mexican University. Supervisor(s): John Kullman Awarding institution: University of Kent Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary Narvaez, O.M. 2007. An Exploration into Student Early Leaving at a University Language Department in Mexico: Voicing Students Critical Insights on Institutional Practices. Supervisor(s): John Kullman Awarding institution: University of Kent

Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary

Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy)

Akbar, R. 2007. Bilingualism among Kuwaiti Children. Supervisor(s): Nikolas Coupland Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Country of research: Kuwait Learners background: Kuwait Institutional level: primary Emery, H. 2005. An Investigation into the Nature and Causes of Reading and Spelling Errors Made by Arab ESL Learners. Supervisor(s): Alison Wray Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: United Arab Emirates Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary McGee, I. 2006. Formulaic Language and Second Language Learning/Teaching. Supervisor(s): Alison Wray Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: Saudi Arabia Learners background: Saudi Arabia Institutional level: tertiary Munyandamutsa, J-B. 2005. A Phonological Interlanguage Study of Rwandan Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Paul Tench



Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): Speaking Country of research: Rwanda Learners background: Rwanda Namba, K. 2008. English Japanese Bilingual Childrens Code-Switching: A Structural Approach with Emphasis on Formulaic Language. Supervisor(s): Alison Wray Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: primary Su, Y-L. 2008. Overcoming Barriers to Reach Nativelikeness in Adult Second Language Acquisition. Supervisor(s): Alison Wray Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Zhao, S-F. 2005. A Consideration of the Washback Effect of English as a Foreign Language Oral Examinations at Tertiary Level in China: Teaching, Testing, and Syllabus Change. Supervisor(s): Christine Pegg Awarding institution: Cardiff University Descriptor(s): Speaking, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary

Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)

Adjoe, C. 2006. Language Policy and Planning in Ghana: A Monolingual Ideology, Ethoses and Discourse in a Multilingual Society. Supervisor(s): Catherine Wallace Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Summary: The study aims to establish how far a multilingual ideology can be established as the basis for language policy in Ghana. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: Ghana Learners background: Ghana Annous, S. 2006. Nativespeakerism and the Status of Non-native Teachers of English (NNTE) in Lebanon. Supervisor(s): Amos Paran Awarding institution: University of London Summary: The study, involving teachers, administrators and students, found ELT perceived as a semi-profession, because NNTE were part-timers with different qualifications. The discourse of NNTE created a third space between those of NS and NNS teachers. The NNTE life cycle follows a pattern of honeymoon, maturity and retirement. Country of research: Lebanon Institutional level: tertiary Gray, J. 2007. Cultural Content in the British ELT Global Coursebook: A Cultural Studies Approach. Supervisor(s): David Block Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Materials



Joo, M-J. 2007. Korean University Students Attitudes to, and Performances on, a Face-to-Face Interview (FTFI) and a Computer Administered Oral Test (CAOT). Supervisor(s): Catherine Walter Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Summary: This study explores Korean university students attitudes to, and performance on, a Face-To-Face interview (FTFI) and a Computer Administered Oral Test (CAOT), and finally the effects of attitudes on performance in a Korean university context. Conclusions pointed to the desirability of a CAOT in situations where FTFIs were impractical. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Learning technologies, Assessment Country of research: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Mehmedbegovic, D. 2008. Miss, Who Needs the Languages of Immigrants?: A Study in Attitudes and Values Attached to Bilingualism in England and Wales. Supervisor(s): Catherine Wallace Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Summary: The study explores the values and attitudes attached to bilingualism on the part of key policy makers and lead professionals in education in England and Wales. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Management/innovation, ESOL/EAL, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Mugford, G. 2005. Solidarity, Supportiveness and Creative Language Use in Second Language Interpersonal Talk. Supervisor(s): Catherine Wallace Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London

Summary: The study analyses the problematic nature of L2 interpersonal language by examining data collected on second language users who are engaged in L2L2 small talk in a target-language context. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, English language Country of research: Mexico Learners background: Mexico Ng, C. S. N. 2006. The Effects of Direct Instruction in Phonological Skills on L2 Reading Performance of Chinese Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Amos Paran Awarding institution: University of London Summary: Three studies were conducted, including two training studies. Results indicate that phonological skills training can be effective in promoting L2 reading skills, but only if provided at primary level. A similar intervention at secondary level was not effective. Descriptor(s): Reading Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: primary ORegan, J. 2006. The Text as a Critical Object: On Theorising Exegetic Procedures in Classroom-based Critical Discourse Analysis. Supervisor(s): Catherine Wallace Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Summary: The study explores ways in which critical discourse analysis can be translated into classroom practice. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Materials, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom



Yoo, I-Y. 2008. English for Korean Postgraduate Engineering Students in the Global Academic Community: Perceptions of the Importance of English, Skills-based Needs and Sociocultural Behaviours. Supervisor(s): Catherine Wallace Awarding institution: Institute of Education, University of London Summary: The study offers a needs analysis of tertiary-level ESP education in Korea and the UK, by comparing two EAP settings: a Korean Institute of Engineering in Korea and a comparable institutional setting in London. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Listening, ESP Country of research: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Learners background: Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Cogo, A. 2007. Intercultural Communication in English as a Lingua Franca. A Case Study. Supervisor(s): Jennifer Jenkins and Constant Leung Awarding institution: King's College London Dewey, M. 2007. English as a Lingua Franca: An Empirical Study of Innovation in Lexis and Grammar. Supervisor(s): J. Jenkins and C. Leung Awarding institution: University of London Summary: This thesis deals with international spread of English. It provides analysis of a corpus of spoken interactions in English as lingua franca settings, the primary aim of which is systematic and detailed descriptions of innovative lexicogrammatical features occurring in ELF communication. The discussion also considers the likely pedagogical implications of these findings. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Materials, English language Country of research: United Kingdom

Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies)

Andon, N. 2008. What Roles Do Theory and Research Play in Language Teaching? A Case Study on the Task-based Approach in Language Teaching. Supervisor(s): Constant Leung and Brian Street Awarding institution: Kings College London Summary: Task-based language teaching as an approach to English language teaching and learning is explored in this thesis in the form of a case study, in order to examine the ways that language teachers make use of theory and research presented to them in the professional literature and on training courses. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult

Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)

Al-Zadjali, R. 2008. The Integrated Assessment of Reading and Writing: Investigating Test Products and Processes in an EFL Context. Supervisor(s): J.C. Alderson Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, English language, Assessment Cheng, X. 2006. Investigating Chinese Students Academic Reading Practices in a UK University. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: This study used a new literacies and activity theory framework to investigate



factors affecting Chinese students approaches to reading academic texts in their subject areas (Management Studies and Educational Research). Descriptor(s): ESP, Cultural issues, Reading Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Cutrim-Schmid, E. 2005. An Investigation of the Use of of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in the Language Classroom. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: Study of effects on learning of interactive whiteboard (including the ACTIVote component), in conjunction with mixed-nationality groups of summer EAP programme students, and using a critical theory of technology framework. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, Learning technologies, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Glover, P. 2006. Examination Influences on How Teachers Teach: A Study of Teacher Talk. Supervisor(s): D. Wall Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): Methodology, English language, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Institutional level: secondary Green, W. 2008. The Cognitions and Practices of Tertiary-Level Japanese Teachers of EFL. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: Study of teaching methods of several Japanese teachers of EFL in a

college setting in Japan, in terms of rationales for and influence on them of a number of factors. Uses and extends Borgs model of teacher cognition. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: tertiary Keranen, N. 2008. A Multi-Theoretical Approach to Investigating Research Engagement by University ELT Staff. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: Uses Ajzens Theory of Planned Behaviour and the concept of the Matthew effect to throw light on why some among the sample of tertiary level language teachers in Mexico who were studied were research active while others were not. Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: Mexico Institutional level: tertiary Lee, K.W. 2007. ESL Teacher Development and Curriculum Innovation: The Case of the Malaysian SMART School Project. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: Investigation into implementation problems associated with the Malaysian SMART school curriculum, especially its teacher development component, informed by Hall and Hords Levels of Implementation and Adeys professional development models. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Management/Innovation, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Malaysia Institutional level: secondary



Mercer, S. 2008. Investigating Learner SelfConcept. Supervisor(s): A. Waters Awarding institution: Lancaster University Summary: Using data generated by a number of groups of BA TEFL students at an Austrian university, a case is made for paying a good deal more attention to the notion of self-concept in applied linguistics/ELT, and a new, more organic and less hierarchical model for the investigation of language learner self-concept is proposed. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Austria Learners background: Austria Institutional level: tertiary Oak, H. 2008. Exploring EFL Reading Instruction in High School Classrooms in Korea: The Pedagogic Life of the Grammar Translation Method. Supervisor(s): J.C. Alderson Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): Methodology, Reading, English language Papageorgiou, S. 2007. Setting Standards in Europe: The Judges Contribution to Relating Language Examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference. Supervisor(s): J.C. Alderson Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): Assessment Tsagari, C. 2006. Investigating the Washback Effect of a High-Stakes EFL Exam in the Greek Context: Participants Perceptions, Material Design and Classroom Applications. Supervisor(s): J.C. Alderson Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): English language, Assessment

Van Moere, A. 2007. Group Oral Tests: How Does Task Affect Candidate Performance and Test Scores? Supervisor(s): J.C. Alderson Awarding institution: Lancaster University Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment

Leeds Metropolitan University

Van Ginkel, A. 2007. Towards a Methodology for Transfer Reading. Supervisor(s): I. Timmis Awarding institution: Leeds Metropolitan University Summary: This thesis proposed a framework for transferring reading from the language of wider communication to the mother tongue based on the authors research with the Sabaot people in Kenya. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, Methodology

Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences)

Al-Nouh, N. 2008. Primary English in Kuwait. Supervisor(s): M. Young-Scholten and F. Myles Awarding institution: Newcastle University Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Institutional level: primary

Queens University, Belfast (School of Education)

Li, L. 2008. EFL Teachers Beliefs about ICT Integration in Chinese Secondary Schools. Supervisor(s): Tony Gallagher Awarding institution: Queens University, Belfast Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learner autonomy/strategies



University of Bath (Department of Education)

Spiro, J. 2008. How I have Arrived at a Notion of Knowledge Transformation, through Understanding the Story of Myself as Creative Writer, Educator, Manager, and Educational Researcher. Supervisor(s): Jack Whitehead Awarding institution: University of Bath Summary: The thesis explores the meaning and practice of creativity across a number of roles, including the creative writer, and the English language educator. It considers the way these roles can inform one another, and offers case studies of creative learning in practice: including its role in materials development and assessment. html Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, Materials, English language, Assessment Country of research: various; Learners background: various; Institutional level: adult

Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Summary: The thesis is a corpus study of three cohorts of students. Its aim is to characterise the writing of generation 1.5 students in the US. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United States of America Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Groom, N. 2007. Phraseology and Epistemology in Humanities Writing. Supervisor(s): Susan Hunston Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Summary: The thesis uses identification of statistically salient grammar words as the focus for an investigation of recurrent phraseology in two humanities disciplines (English Literature and History). Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Guo, X-T. 2006. Verbs in the Written English of Chinese Learners: A Corpus-based Comparison Between Non-native Speakers and Native Speakers. Supervisor(s): Susan Hunston Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Summary: The thesis is a study of verb use, comparing a corpus of English essays written by Chinese learners and a corpus of essays written by native speakers. Descriptor(s): Writing Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Hayes, D. 2006. An Exploration of the Lives and Careers of Teachers. Supervisor(s): Chris Kennedy

University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English)
Brauer, H. 2008. Evaluation of a Short Study Abroad Language Programme. Supervisor(s): Chris Kennedy Awarding institution: Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: secondary Connerty, M. 2008. Variation in Academic Writing among Generation 1.5 Learners, Native Speaker Learners and ESL Learners. Supervisor(s): Susan Hunston



Awarding institution: Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham Descriptor(s): Teacher education Country of research: Sri Lanka Kindt, D. 2005. A Systemic View of Emergent Course Design. Supervisor(s): Chris Kennedy Awarding institution: Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham Summary: An evaluation of the effects of an innovative methodology on Japanese university students. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Materials, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: tertiary Kojima, H. 2007. Autonomy, Collaboration and Reflection in EFL Teacher Education in Japan: To What Extent Can Collaboration and Reflection Serve as Strategies to Develop EFL Teacher Trainees Autonomy in Japan. Supervisor(s): Jeannette Littlemore Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Summary: This thesis explored the role of teacher autonomy in teacher training contexts in Japan. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: tertiary Stark, P. 2007. Social Cohesion in Workplace Meetings. Supervisor(s): Chris Kennedy Awarding institution: Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham

Descriptor(s): English language, Curriculum/syllabus Suganthi Priscilla, J. 2005. The Writing Process and Writer Identity: Investigating the Influence of Revision on Linguistic and Textual Features of Writer Identity in Dissertations. Supervisor(s): Susan Hunston Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Summary: The thesis is a study of the changes made during re-drafting of MA theses and the effect of these changes on the construal of writer identity in the theses. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary

University of Birmingham (School of Education)

Abdullah, S.S. 2005. Constructing Understanding around Text: Investigating Reading as a Social Practice. Supervisor(s): D. Martin Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Al-Etani, S.Y. 2006. Investigating Students Motivation to Learn English as a Foreign Language in a Vocational College in Saudi Arabia. Supervisor(s): D. Martin Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Bhaowises, C. 2005. Exploring the Implementation of Educational Change at Classroom Level. Supervisor(s): A. Blackledge Awarding institution: University of Birmingham



Chiu, Y.Y. 2008. Helping and Hindering? How Educational Leaders Affect the Overseas Student Learning Experience. Supervisor(s): Christopher Rhodes Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Copland, F. 2007. Feedback in Pre-service English Language Teacher Training: Discourses of Process and Power. Supervisor(s): A. Creese Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom English, M. 2005. A Study of the Relationship Between the form of Pedagogic Practice and the Acquisition of Communicative Competence on the Part of Junior Schoolchildren. Supervisor(s): Harry Daniels Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Farrugia, M. 2006. Medium and Message: The Use and Development of an English Mathematics Register in Two Maltese Primary Classrooms. Supervisor(s): David Hewitt Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Majer, B. 2006. The Shaping of the Learner Identity of Bilingual Adults During Curriculum Study at an English Further Education College. Supervisor(s): A. Creese Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult

Mariou, E. 2008. Symbolic Bilingualism and Identity in Pontian Greek Adolescent Girls. Supervisor(s): D. Martin Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Country of research: Greece Learners background: Greece Institutional level: secondary Sousa de las Heras, L. 2006. Discursive Practices and the Construction of Identity of Spanish/English Adolescents in a Spanish/English School in the UK: An Ethnographic Approach. Supervisor(s): D. Martin Awarding institution: University of Birmingham Institutional level: secondary

University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education)

Afitska, O. 2008. A Formative Perspective on Language Teaching and Assessment: Supporting Ethnic Minority Children in English Primary Classrooms. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Alexander, C. 2006. Teachers Online: A Case Study of English Language Teaching Using the Internet. Supervisor(s): R. Kiely Awarding institution: University of Bristol Azahar, Z. 2008. Mediation in Second Language Learning in an Asynchronous Computer-mediated Communication Environment: A Case Study of ESL Learners and Teachers perceptions. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol



Barati, H. 2005. Test-taking Strategies and the Assessment of Reading Skills: An Approach to Construct Validation. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Cohen, I. 2007. Classroom Interaction that Promotes EFL Vocabulary Acquisition of Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Haines, K. 2008. The Situated Language Learning of International Students Taking Degree Programmes Taught Through English in the Netherlands. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Hung, S-M. 2008. A Case Study on Learners Skills of Discovery and Interaction in Instant Messenger-mediated Intercultural Dialogue between University Students in Taiwan and in UK. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Knowles, T. 2008. An Interpretative Study of the Motivation of Language Teachers in a Japanese University. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Md-Yunus, M. 2008. Factors Affecting the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Teaching English as a Second language (ESL) in Malaysia as Perceived by ESL Teachers. Supervisor(s): Sally Barnes and Pauline Rea-Dickins Mohamad, M. 2008. The Malaysian ESL Syllabus Document: A Case Study of its Specifications and Implementation in the Classrooms. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins

and H. Woodfield Awarding institution: University of Bristol Scott, C. 2005. Washback in the UK Primary Context with EAL Learners: Exploratory Case Studies. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Sheehan, S. 2007. Self-assessment and the Common European Framework of References for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Case Study of the Implementation of Self-Assessment with Adult Learners of English. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Sundrarajun, C. 2007. From Interaction to Presentation: Oral English Skills Development in the Thai University Context. Supervisor(s): R. Kiely Awarding institution: University of Bristol Woodfield, H. 2005. Requests in English: ESL Learners and Native Speakers Responses to Discourse Completion Tasks. Supervisor(s): S. Gardner Awarding institution: University of Bristol Yin, M. 2005. A Progressively Focussed Qualitative Study of Teachers Thinking in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Classroom Language Assessments. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Yu, G. 2005. Towards a Model of Using Summarization Tasks as a Measure of Reading Comprehension. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Zhao, B. 2008. Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake: Focus-on-Form Instruction in Primary School EFL Classrooms in China.



Supervisor(s): R. Kiely and G. Yu Awarding institution: University of Bristol Zhao, H. 2008. Who Takes the Floor: Peer Assessment and Teacher Assessment? A Longitudinal Comparative Study of Peer- and Teacher-Assessment in a Chinese University EFL Writing Class. Supervisor(s): P. Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol Country of research: China Zou, B. 2008. How Computers are Being Used to Develop Listening and Speaking Skills in TESOL. Supervisor(s): Sally Barnes and Pauline Rea-Dickins Awarding institution: University of Bristol

Awarding institution: University of Edinburgh Summary: A study comparing the learning benefits for Iranian learners of English receiving instruction in different types of classroom activity. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learner cognition Irvine, A. 2006. Extensive Reading and L2 Development: A Study of Hong Kong Secondary Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Tony Lynch and Alan Davies Awarding institution: University of Edinburgh Descriptor(s): Reading Moriyama, A. 2007. A Noticing-promotion Approach and L2 Development: A Study of English Interrogative Acquisition in the Classroom. Supervisor(s): Tony Lynch and Cathy Benson Awarding institution: University of Edinburgh Summary: A classroom-based study of Japanese learners of English engaged in paired communication tasks. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Methodology, Learner cognition Sudajit-apa, M. 2008. Systematising EAP Materials Development: Design, Evaluation and Revision in a Thai Undergraduate Reading Course. Supervisor(s): Tony Lynch and Eric Glendinning Awarding institution: University of Edinburgh Summary: A study of two cycles of materials development, piloting and revision, using learners and teachers perceptions of materials use and value to inform the process of revision. Descriptor(s): Reading, Methodology, Materials

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Ashton, K. 2008. Comparing Proficiency Levels in an Assessment Context: The Construct of Reading for Secondary School Learners of German, Japanese and Urdu in England. Supervisor(s): E. Esch and N. Jones Awarding institution: Cambridge University Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/ strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various

University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning)

Abadikhah, S. 2008. The Effect of Collaborative Output Activities on the Learning of English Relative Clauses: An Empirical Study of Mechanical and Meaningful Output. Supervisor(s): Tony Lynch and Cathy Benson



University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics)

Angouri, J. 2007. Language in the Workplace. A Multimethod Study of Communicative Activity in Seven Multinational Companies Situated in Europe. Supervisor(s): Nigel Harwood Awarding institution: University of Essex Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Cultural issues, ESP, English language Country of research: various Lee, D.J. 2007. Corpora and the Classroom: A Computer-aided Error Analysis of Korean Students Writing and the Design and Evaluation of Data-driven Learning Materials. Supervisor(s): Nigel Harwood Awarding institution: University of Essex Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, Learning technologies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Institutional level: secondary

Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Saudi Arabia Learners background: Saudi Arabia Carmel, R. 2007. The Trend for Engish for Young Learners (EYL) in Grades 1 and 2 in Israel: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Supervisor(s): S. Gieve Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Israel Learners background: Israel Institutional level: primary Chia. S.C.C. 2006. Learner Autonomy: A Case Study on Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Scholars Studying in a University in Singapore. Supervisor(s): S. Gieve Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Singapore Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Chinniah, Y.A. 2006. Attitudes and Perceptions of Three Secondary Singaporean Students toward the Varieties of Spoken English in Singapore. Supervisor(s): S. Gieve Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: Singapore Learners background: Singapore Institutional level: secondary

University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education)
Akhras, C.A. 2005. Simulating Job Interviews: A Pedagogic Process in the Eyes of the Students, Interviewer and Educator. Supervisor(s): A. Svalberg Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Methodology Country of research: Lebanon Learners background: Lebanon Institutional level: tertiary Al-Mutairi, N. 2007. The Influence of Educational and Sociocultural Factors on the Learning Styles and Strategies of Female Students in Saudi Arabia. Supervisor(s): R.D. Davies

Fujimoto-Adamson, N. 2008. TeamTeaching: Redefining Partnership in a Japanese Junior High School. Supervisor(s): K. Armstrong



Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Methodology Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: secondary Horne, B.J. 2008. Reconciling Individual Communication Desires with Societys Communicative Norms: A Qualitive Study of How Japanese University Students Carry Out Discussions in English. Supervisor(s): K. Armstrong Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Country of research: Japan Learners background: Japan Institutional level: tertiary Jebejian, A. 2007. Changing Ideologies and Extralinguistic Determinants in Language Maintenance and Shift Among Ethnic Diaspora Armenians in Beirut. Supervisor(s): A. Svalberg Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Lebanon Learners background: Armenia Keung, M-L.M. 2006. Re-expressing Cultural Identity: University Students Perceptions About and Use of Putonghua in Hong Kong. Supervisor(s): K. Armstrong Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Hong Kong Learners background: Hong Kong Institutional level: tertiary Lee, H-H.C 2006. Cultural Teaching and Learning in EFL: With Specific Reference to Taiwanese Senior High School Class. Supervisor(s): R.D. Davies

Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: secondary Lee. H.H., 2008. Information and Communication Technology in Teaching: The Teachers Perspective. Supervisor(s): S. Gieve Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition Country of research: Singapore Institutional level: tertiary Lee, S.L.C. 2005. History and Current Tends of Teaching Cantonese as a Foreign Language: Investigating Approaches to Teaching and Learning Cantonese. Supervisor(s): P.M. Rogerson-Revell Awarding institution: University of Leicester Mosbah, G.A. 2008. Treatment of Classroom Oral Error: A Comparative Study between Native and Non-native Speaking Teachers . Supervisor(s): Svalberg A. Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction Country of research: Lebanon Nomnian, S.K 2008. Investigating Identity, Agency and Classroom Engagement of Thai Postgraduate Students in a British University: A Discourse Approach. Supervisor(s): J. Norton Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Robinson, F.N. 2005. An Investigation of the Needs of the Providers, the Students and the



Business Community Regarding Business English Courses. Supervisor(s): P. Rogerson-Revell Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Said Al-Ramahi, A.S.M. 2006. English for Industrial Security Programs (EIS); A Potential ESP Model for Organisation Employees Purposes: Implications for the Teaching of English in Saudi ARAMCO. Supervisor(s): A. Svalberg Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Saudi Arabia Learners background: Saudi Arabia Sinno, Z. 2008. The Impact on Language Learning of Lebanese Students Attitude towards English in the Context of Globalization and Anti-Americanism. Supervisor(s): A. Svalberg Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: Lebanon Learners background: Lebanon Institutional level: tertiary Wang, D. 2006. Learning Environments and the Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies: A Case Study of Chinese Learners. Supervisor(s): S. Gieve Awarding institution: University of Leicester Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Singapore Learners background: China Institutional level: secondary

Cross-cultural Study of Writers Management of Textual Interaction with Readers in English and Korean Science Popularisation. Supervisor(s): Geoff Thompson and Carol Marley Awarding institution: University of Liverpool Summary: A cross-cultural comparison of discourse choices in science popularisation texts from British and Korean newspapers. The focus is on resources for involving the reader, and on the links between differences in the use of these resources and wider socio-cultural factors. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESP Country of research: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) McLaughlin, S.A. 2006. Each One of Us Owns a Story. Childhood in the Second Intifada: A Linguistic Analysis of Conflict and Hope. Supervisor(s): Geoff Thompson and Sue Thompson Awarding institution: University of Liverpool Summary: A linguistic exploration of the ways in which a group of schoolchildren from the West Bank construe their experiences living under Israeli military occupation, and their resulting ideologies. The study analyses the evaluative choices in 160 texts, written and spoken in English by Palestinian males and females, aged 1218. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues Country of research: Israel Learners background: Palestinian Territories Institutional level: secondary

University of Manchester (School of Education)

Andreou, A. 2008. Teacher Professional Development in an Online Learning Environment: An Action Research Project. Supervisor(s): Gary Motteram

University of Liverpool (School of English)

Kim, C-K. 2006. WriterReader Interaction in Science Popularisations: A Corpus Based



Awarding institution: University of Manchester Summary: A study into the use of a teachercreated online learning environment for delivering CPD for adult learners in Cyprus. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Cyprus Learners background: Cyprus Institutional level: adult Etherington, M.S. 2005. Student Perceptions of Grammar and its Role Within the UK University English for Academic Purposes Context. Supervisor(s): Teresa OBrien Awarding institution: University of Manchester Descriptor(s): Materials, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Fritz, T. 2006. The Acquisition of Stress by Adult Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Michael Beaumont Awarding institution: University of Manchester Summary: A study of the acquisition of stress patterns in adult learners of English. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Pronunciation Country of research: Austria Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Kazantzis, I. 2006. Fundamental Considerations and Strategies in the Process of Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Courses for English for Specific Purposes: The ESPecialists Perspective.

Supervisor(s): Richard West Awarding institution: University of Manchester Descriptor(s): ESP, Curriculum/syllabus Khadrah, S. 2007. NNS/NNS Interaction During Task-based Synchronous Computer-mediated Communication. Supervisor(s): Diane Slaouti and Juup Stelma Awarding institution: University of Manchester Summary: A descriptive study of NNS-NNS interaction in a SCMC environment in a private language centre in Syria. Aims included (a) to explore different aspects of NNS NNS interaction in taskbased SCMC, and (b) to investigate how these aspects were influenced by the characteristics of the SCMC technology employed. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, Classroom interaction Country of research: Syria Learners background: Syria Institutional level: adult Motteram, G. 2007. Crossing Material Boundaries: A CulturalHistorical Case Study of E-learning Materials Development in China. Supervisor(s): Julian Williams Awarding institution: University of Manchester Summary: A study into the informal learning of a community of e-learning practitioners as a part of a large international materials development project for online learning. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Management/innovation, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary



Song, J. 2007. Measuring Korean EFL Learners Proficiency: A Comparative Analysis of the Spoken and Written English of Korean and British Students. Supervisor(s): Steve Jones Awarding institution: University of Manchester Summary: A comparison of the distribution of linguistic features in the spoken and written English of Korean and British university students. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Toledo, G. 2005. Factors that Influence Implementation of Information and Communication Technology for English as a Foreign Language in a Mexican Educational Context. Supervisor(s): Diane Slaouti Awarding institution: University of Manchester Descriptor(s): Materials, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Mexico Learners background: Mexico Torres, S. 2006. Towards an Understanding of the Relationship Between Teachers Beliefs and Their Thinking about the use of Generic Tools in Language Education: Three Case Studies in a Colombian Context. Supervisor(s): Diane Slaouti Awarding institution: University of Manchester Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology Country of research: Colombia Learners background: Colombia

University of Nottingham (School of Education)

Abdul Rahim, F. 2007. Expanding the Capacity to Learn Through the ECAM Model of Mediation: Teaching and Learning English and Mathematics as a Second Language in a Malaysian Primary School. Supervisor(s): Do Coyle and Philip Hood Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, ESOL/EAL, ESP, Classroom interaction Country of research: Malaysia Learners background: Malaysia Institutional level: primary Estradas, M.S. 2007. Perspectives on Teacher Autonomy: An Investigation into Teacher Autonomy and its Relationship with the Development of Learner Autonomy. Supervisor(s): Barbara Sinclair Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: India Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Hsu, W-C. 2005. Representations, Constructs and Practice of Autonomy Via a Learner Training Programme in Taiwan. Supervisor(s): Barbara Sinclair Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: secondary Kao, S-H. 2007. The Development of Learner Autonomy in Taiwanese Primary School



Learners of English: A Theoretical Model, Framework and Practice. Supervisor(s): Barbara Sinclair Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: primary Savvidou, C.J. 2007. Developing Storytelling as a Tool for Teacher Learning. Supervisor(s): Do Coyle Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Learning technologies Country of research: Cyprus Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Wang, T. 2007. A Learner Support Model for Tertiary Web-based English Language Education in China: Dialogues Between Learner Support System Design, Utilisation and Learning Ecologies. Supervisor(s): Charles Crook Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learning technologies Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: adult

University of Nottingham Al-Abbasi, J-A. 2007. Beliefs and Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Saudi Arabia. Supervisor(s): Norbert Schmitt Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner autonomy/strategies Learners background: Saudi Arabia Al-Homoud, F-A. 2008. Vocabulary Acquisition via Extensive Input. Supervisor(s): Norbert Schmitt Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Cheng, H-F. 2006. Motivational Teaching Practice of Taiwanese English Teachers. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Classroom interaction Learners background: Taiwan Dawson, E. 2007. Emotion Tracking Pedagogy (ETP): A Creative Pedagogy For The Teaching of World Englishes Literature. Supervisor(s): John McCrae and Peter Stockwell Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, English language Ding, P. 2008. The Nature and Impact of Teacher Enthusiasm in Second Language Acquisition. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Classroom interaction

University of Nottingham (School of English Studies)

Ainy, S. 2007. Use of Literature in Developing Learners Speaking Skills in Bangladeshi EFL Contexts. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter Awarding institution:


Edwards, P. 2006. Willingness to Communicate among Korean Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Learners background: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Evison, J. 2008. Turn-openers in Academic Talk: An Exploration of Discourse Responsibility. Supervisor(s): Michael McCarthy Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Speaking, ESP, English language Ghenghesh, P. 2005. The Motivation of Learners of English and Arabic at an International School in Tripoli, Libya. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Learners background: Libya Institutional level: secondary Gilmore, A. 2008. Getting Real in the Language Classroom: Developing Japanese Students Communicative Competence with Authentic Materials. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter and Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, Classroom interaction Learners background: Japan Guilloteaux, M.J. 2007. Motivating Language Learners: A Classroom-oriented Investigation of Teachers Motivational Practices and Students Motivation.

Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, Classroom interaction Learners background: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Handford, M.J.A. 2007. The Genre of the Business Meeting: A Corpus-based Study. Supervisor(s): Svenja Adolph and Michael McCarthy Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): ESP, English language Kubanyiova, M. 2007. Teacher Development in Action: An Empirically-based Model of Promoting Conceptual Change in In-service Language Teachers in Slovakia. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Learners background: Slovakia Lumala, P. 2007. Towards The Reader Text Interactive Approach to Teaching Imaginative Texts: The Case for the Integrated English Curriculum in Kenya. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter and John McCrae Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Reading, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Learners background: Kenya Mansor, N. 2006. Collaborative Learning via Email Discussion: Analyzing the Impact of Students Interactions and Knowledge Construction on ESL Writing Performance.


Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Writing, Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies Roberts, P. 2005. Spoken English as a World Language: International and Intranational Settings. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy Ryan, S. 2008. The Ideal L2 Selves of Japanese Learners of English. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition Learners background: Japan Schauer, G. 2005. Interlanguage Pragmatic Development of German Learners of English: A Longitudinal Multimedia Investigation. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei and Svenja Adolphs Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Learners background: Germany Sheen, Y. 2006. Corrective Feedback, Individual Differences and the Acquisition of English Articles by Second Language Learners. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Suyansah, S. 2007. Promoting Critical Reading Practises: An Investigation in English as a Second (ESL) Classroom. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter Awarding institution:

University of Nottingham Than, S. 2005. Teaching Language-based Approaches to Literature in Thailand: An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Elementary Stylistic Analysis and Languagebased Approaches to Teaching Literature. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter Tseng, W-T. 2006. Towards a Self-regulating Model of Vocabulary Learning Motivation: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Supervisor(s): Norbert Schmitt Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Walters, J-M. 2006. Beyond Exhortation: Teaching ESL/EFL Students to Infer Meaning from Context. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Xu, X-L. 2007. Construction and Validation of a Vocabulary Learning Strategy Inventory and its Application to Chinese EFL Tertiary Learners. Supervisor(s): Norbert Schmitt Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Yasmin, F. 2005. Predictors of Language Learning Success in Bangladeshi Secondary Educational Institutions. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Learners background: Bangladesh Institutional level: secondary


Yen, A-C. 2007. Resistance and Reality A Study of Reactions to Representational Materials in English Teaching in Taiwan. Supervisor(s): Ronald Carter and John McCrae Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Learners background: Taiwan Zahran, K. 2005. Contact, Acculturation and Fluency: The Case of International Students in the University of Nottingham. Supervisor(s): Zoltan Drnyei Awarding institution: University of Nottingham Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary

Supervisor(s): Gibson Ferguson Awarding institution: University of Sheffield Descriptor(s): English language Country of research: Taiwan Makdid, L. 2007. An Investigation into the Appropriacy and Feasibility of Communicative Grammar Teaching in the Syrian University Context. Supervisor(s): Gibson Ferguson Awarding institution: University of Sheffield Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction Papathanasiou, E, 2006. The Effects of Semantic Clustering in L2 Word Learning. Supervisor(s): Gibson Ferguson Awarding institution: University of Sheffield Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Greece

University of Sheffield (School of English)

Hobbs, V. 2007. Examining Short-term ELT Teacher Education: An Ethnographic Case Study of Trainees Experiences. Supervisor(s): Gibson Ferguson Awarding institution: University of Sheffield Summary: This thesis investigates the beliefs, experiences, behavior, and attitudes of course participants on a Trinity College London TESOL Certificate course. Results demonstrated that the length of the course necessitates a prioritization of practice over theory and a focus on behavioral change at the expense of examination/critique of participants pre-existing beliefs. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Lin, H-Y. 2007. The Cultural Politics of English as a Global Language in Taiwan.

University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities)

Du, J. 2008. Content-based Instruction in Further Education in China. Supervisor(s): George Blue Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This was an action research study of the introduction of content based English language instruction in an advanced vocational setting in China (legal education) Descriptor(s): Methodology, Management/Innovation, ESP Country of research: China Learners' background: China Institutional level: tertiary Kaowiwattanakul, S. 2008. Deveopment of Critical Thinking in the L2 Literature Classroom in Thai Higher Education :


Conceptions and Pedagogical Practices. Supervisor(s): Ros Mitchell Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This project was an observational study of English literature education in a Thai university setting, with a focus on the extent and nature of students criticality development in English-medium education Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, Methodology, Learner cognition, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Kongsak, S. 2008. World Literature in English as a Means of Cultural Enrichment for Thai University Students. Supervisor(s): Christopher Brumfit and Ros Mitchell Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This project involved design of a world literature curriculum to be taught through English, appropriate to the needs of English majors in a Thai university setting Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Methodology, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Lee, C.N. 2005. Supporting English Learning in the Family: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Young Korean-English Learner. Supervisor(s): Ros Mitchell Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This was a longitudinal case study of a Korean L1 child learning English over several months residence in England.

Interaction with family and peers was analysed using a sociocultural framework. Descriptor(s): Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Listening, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Institutional level: primary Wisniewska, I. 2006. Parallel Process in Language Teacher Education. Supervisor(s): Christopher Brumfit and Michael Grenfell Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This thesis was a case study of an ESL teacher education programme in a North American setting which explored the contribution of trainer modelling of instructional processes to trainee development. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United States of America Learners background: United States of America Institutional level: tertiary Zhao, T. 2007. An Ethnographic Study of the Intercultural Adaptation Process between Chinese Students and Their British Lecturers and Fellow Students in the UK. Supervisor(s): Christopher Brumfit and Michael Grenfell Awarding institution: University of Southampton Summary: This was a study of the adaptation of Chinese students to a UK higher education setting, in the context of a postgraduate management programme. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESP


Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary

communicative language teaching, using focus group and questionnaire data. Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Learner cognition, Materials, Methodology Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: secondary Erdoan, S. 2005. Experienced EFL Teachers Personal Theories of Good Teaching: A PCT-based Investigation. Supervisor(s): Judith Kennedy and Julia Khan Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Cultural issues, Methodology Country of research: Turkey Learners background: Turkey Institutional level: secondary Geary, M.P. 2008. Constructing Conceptualizations of English Academic Writing within an EFL context: Streams of Influence at a Taiwan University. Supervisor(s): Hilary Nesi and Keith Richards Awarding institution: University of Warwick Guerra, L. 2005. Teaching and Learning English as an International Language in Portugal: Policy, Practice and Perceptions. Supervisor(s): Julia Khan and Richard Smith Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Portugal Learners background: Portugal Institutional level: secondary Haoucha, M. 2005. The Effects of a Feedback-based Instruction Programme on Developing EFL Writing and Revision Skills of First Year Moroccan University Students.

University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Chang, Y.H. 2006. Group Influences on Individual Learners Motivation: A Study of Group Dynamics in EFL Classrooms. Supervisor(s): Ema Ushioda and Judith Kennedy Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: A study of group dynamics and its influences on individual learner motivation, using questionnaires and interviews. Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies, Learner cognition Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: tertiary Chuang, F-Y. 2005. Addressing the Grammar Needs of Chinese EAP Students: An Account of a CALL Materials Development Project. Supervisor(s): Hilary Nesi Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, Learning technologies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Chung, I-F. 2006. A Study of English Learning Attitudes and Perceptions among Senior High School Students in Taiwan. Supervisor(s): Judith Kennedy and Ema Ushioda Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: Analyses Taiwanese senior high school students perceptions of


Supervisor(s): Tricia Hedge and Ema Ushioda Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: Practitioner research on using feedback in a process writing approach in a Moroccan university context. Descriptor(s): Writing, Methodology Country of research: Morocco Learners background: Morocco Institutional level: tertiary Hussin, H. 2006. Dimensions of Questioning: A Qualitative Study of Current Classroom Practice in Malaysia. Supervisor(s): Richard Smith and Sheena Gardner Awarding institution: University of Warwick Icmez, S. 2005. Impact of a Critical Reading Course on High School Students in Turkey. Supervisor(s): Sheena Gardner Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Reading, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Turkey Learners background: Turkey Institutional level: secondary Jiang, X. 2008. Constructing Concepts of Learner Autonomy in Language Education in the Chinese Context: A Narrative-based Inquiry into University Students Conceptions of Successful English Language Learning. Supervisor(s): Richard Smith and Shelagh Rixon Awarding institution: University of Warwick Khasandi-Telewa, V. 2007. English is Must to Us: Languages and Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp. Supervisor(s): Sheena Gardner and

Julia Khan Awarding institution: University of Warwick Lai, H-Y. 2008. Learning English as an International Language or Not? A Study of Taiwanese Students Motivation and Perceptions. Supervisor(s): Ema Ushioda and Annamaria Pinter Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: A survey of Taiwanese university students motivation for learning English and perceptions of English as an international language, using questionnaire and interviews, including interviews with teachers. Descriptor(s): English language, Learner cognition Country of research: Taiwan Learners background: Taiwan Institutional level: tertiary Li, N. 2007. Practitioner Research on Task Motivation in a Chinese University Context: Integrating Macro and Micro Perspectives. Supervisor(s): Ema Ushioda and Judith Kennedy Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: A qualitative study of task motivation among Chinese university learners, using an exploratory practice framework. Descriptor(s): Teacher cognition, Reading, Methodology, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Nitta, R. 2007. The Focus-on-form Effects of Strategic and Online Planning: An Analysis of Japanese Oral Performance and Verbal Protocols.


Supervisor(s): Sheena Gardner Awarding institution: University of Warwick Papioannou, V. 2008. Teachers Experiences in a UK International School: The Challenges of Adaptation. Supervisor(s): Keith Richards Awarding institution: University of Warwick Pramoolsook, I. 2008. Genre Transfer from Dissertations to Research Articles among Thai Scientists. Supervisor(s): Sheena Gardner Awarding institution: University of Warwick Raktham, C. 2008. Cultures and Learner Behaviours: A Qualitative Investigation of a Thai Classroom. Supervisor(s): Ema Ushioda and Richard Smith Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: A qualitative analysis of Thai university students classroom behaviours in relation, particularly to large versus small culture frameworks. Descriptor(s): Classroom interaction, Learner cognition, Cultural issues Country of research: Thailand Learners background: Thailand Institutional level: tertiary Shamsudin, S. 2008. English for Specific Purposes. Task-based Synchronous Computer-mediated Communication: Effectiveness in Meeting the Communicative Needs of Computer Science Students. Supervisor(s): Hilary Nesi Sherazi, S.N. 2007. A Study of Methods of Evaluating CALL Multimedia Materials for Language Learning. Supervisor(s): Hilary Nesi and Julia Khan

Awarding institution: University of Warwick Tante, C.A.A. 2007. Investigating the Nature of Young Learner Classroom Assessment in an ESL Context: The Case of Cameroon. Supervisor(s): Shelagh Rixon and Richard Smith Awarding institution: University of Warwick Wang, Q. 2007. Primary EFL in China: Teachers Perceptions and Practices with Regard to Learner-Centredness. Supervisor(s): Shelagh Rixon and Richard Smith Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Methodology, Management/ innovation, Classroom interaction Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: primary Wu, P-C. 2008. Social Networks, Language Learning and Language School Student Sojourners: A Qualitative Study. Supervisor(s): Richard Smith and Ema Ushioda Awarding institution: University of Warwick Summary: A qualitative study of language school student sojourners out-of-class experiences and social interactions, and their impact on language learning behaviours. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Yaacob, A. 2006. Malaysian Literacy Practices in English: Big Books, CD-ROMs and the Year 1 Literacy Hour.


Supervisor(s): Sheena Gardner Awarding institution: University of Warwick Descriptor(s): Materials, Classroom interaction Yakovchuk, N. 2007. Plagiarism and International Students: An Investigation in the British Higher Education Context. Supervisor(s): Richard Smith and Hilary Nesi Awarding institution: University of Warwick



Externally funded projects are ordered below by starting date (to qualify for the directory a project had to have a start date or an end date within the 20052008 time frame, hence the presence of some projects which started earlier than 2005). As with other types of entry in the directory, when details of a particular research project were submitted by more than one institution (for example, due to research collaborators being based at different UK institutions), each separate submission has been included since the specific details entered tend to be different. Aside from being externally funded and starting or ending within the 2005-2008 time frame, a further criterion for a project to be included was that details should be provided of a publicly accessible further source of information about the project for example, a report or article relating to the project and/or a project website. URLs have been checked and are correct at the time of publication of this PDF/paper version of the directory.

H. Nesi and P. Thompson. April 2002 March 2005. Enhancement of the British Academic Spoken English Corpus Funding body: Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) RE/AN6806/APN13545 Summary: The BASE corpus consists of 160 lectures and 39 seminars recorded in a variety of university departments. It contains 1,644,942 tokens in total (lectures and seminars). Holdings are distributed equally across four broad disciplinary groups: Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Science. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Listening, ESP, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University

Hilary Nesi and Paul Thompson. 20022005. Enhancement of the British Academic Spoken English Corpus Funding body: Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) Summary: This project (RE/AN6806/APN13545) aimed to develop the BASE corpus of academic speech (with video recordings and transcripts of lectures and seminars across disciplines). The corpus consists of 160 lectures and 40 seminars recorded in a variety of departments at the universities of Warwick and Reading. ect/base Descriptor(s): Speaking, Listening, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)


J.C. Alderson. 20032005. ENLTA: European Network for Language Testing and Assessment Funding body: European Commission Summary: The purpose of this project was to create a network of individual language testers in Europe. The major outcome was the establishment of the European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA). enlta.htm Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Assessment Country of research: various Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) J.C. Alderson. 20032007. The Dutch CEFR Construct Project Funding body: Dutch Ministry of Education Summary: The aim of this project was to determine whether the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) provided adequate guidance for designing language tests. A major outcome was an internetbased grid to ehlp test analysts to examine the relationship between tests of reading and listening and the CEFR. Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) M. Baynham, C. Roberts, M. Cooke and J. Simpson. 20032006. ESOL Effective Practice Project Funding body: NRDC/ESF Summary: Project report available online: =89# projects.htm Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Joan Cutting. January 2003January 2006. ELSY: Devising a Multimedia Airport Syllabus for Young People who are Unemployed and Under-qualified Funding body: European Commission Leonardo Language Competences Summary: A survey of the language used by unskilled airport workers security guard, bus driver, fast food worker and ground handler was used as a basis for designing English Language Teaching materials on CD. ocrates/lingua/community/community5.pdf Descriptor(s): Materials, Learning technologies, ESP, English language Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Edinburgh (School of Education) Gordon Joyes, Sheena Banks and Trevor Grimshaw. September 2003December 2008. V-ResORT: Virtual Resources for Online Research Training Funding body: HEFCE Summary: The V-ResORT (Virtual Resources for Online Research Training) project team have worked with the higher education research training community to develop online resources for training in research methodology and methods for use by scholars at Masters level, Doctoral level and beyond. The core materials are a set of video interviews in which researchers describe and discuss projects they have conducted. Descriptor(s): Teacher education,



Teacher cognition, Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education)

of Student Writing in Jones, C. & Ventola, E. (eds.) New Developments in the Study of Ideational Meaning: From Language to Multimodality. London: Equinox Publishing. For other publications arising from the project, see: Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) H. Nesi, S. Gardner, P. Thompson and P. Wickens. November 2004 December 2007. An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) RES-000-23-0800 Summary: The corpus contains 2,761 proficient student assignments (2,897 texts, 6,506,995 words) produced and assessed as part of university degree coursework, fairly evenly distributed across 35 university disciplines and four levels of study. Each text is placed into one of thirteen genre families, according to its components and social purpose. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Hilary Nesi, Sheena Gardner, Paul Thompson and Paul Wickens. 2004 2007. An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

D. Wall and T. Hork. September 2004 March 2006. The Impact of Changes in the TOEFL Examination on Teaching and Learning in Central and Eastern Europe. Phase 2, Coping with Change Funding body: Educational Testing Service Summary: The second of a four-phase investigation of the effect of changes in the TOEFL examination on classroom practices. This phase investigated how teachers and their institutions reacted to news about changes in the examination, and how this affected their planning of new preparation courses. Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: secondary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) H. Nesi, S. Gardner, P. Thompson and P. Wickens. 2004 2007. An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK) Summary: ESRC Project no. 000-23-0800. See, for example, Gardner, S.F. 2008. Mapping Ideational Meaning in a Corpus



Summary: This project (RES-000-23-0800) was a collaboration between the universities of Warwick, Reading and Oxford Brookes. The project aimed to develop the British Academic Written English (BAWE) corpus and describe the linguistic features of genres of assessed student writing in different disciplines. ect/bawe/ Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Hilary Nesi, Sheena Gardner, Paul Thompson and Paul Wickens. 20042007. An Investigation of Genres of Assessed Writing in British Higher Education Funding body: Economic and Social Research Council. Summary: The project created the British Academic Written English corpus as a collaboration between Warwick, Reading and Oxford Brookes universities. The corpus contains 3000 good-standard student assignments (6,506,995 words) across four broad disciplinary areas and at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The project investigated the characteristics and range of genres across disciplines. Descriptor(s): Writing, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Oxford Brookes University (Westminster Institute of Education)

C. Davison, L. Hamp-Lyons, R. Tang and S. Andrews. September 2004 August 2006. School-based Assessment in Secondary English in Hong Kong Funding body: Hong Kong Research Grants Council Central Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Fei-Yu Chuang. October 2004 October 2005. The Effectiveness of Computer-based Materials as a Means of Teaching the English Article System Funding body: TIRF (TESOL International Research Foundation) Doctoral Dissertation Grant Summary: This study aimed to investigate the effect of electronic self-access grammar materials on Chinese undergraduates mastery of the English article system. Descriptor(s): Writing, Materials, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics)

Richard Smith. 20052007. Enhancement of the Warwick ELT Archive, with a Particular Focus on the Work of A.S. Hornby Funding body: A.S. Hornby Educational Trust Summary: Specific outcomes: A comprehensive bibliography of published writings by A.S. Hornby, including many works published in Japan; A unique



and comprehensive collection of writings by A.S. Hornby, available in one place for consultation by interested researchers and Hornby scholars or alumni; A secure collection of archival materials relating to A.S. Hornby; A collection of audio recordings by A.S. Hornby (gramophone records, tapes of lectures). ect/elt_archive/research_projects/ Descriptor(s): Methodology, English language Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Gary Motteram. January 2005June 2007. Language Learning with Certified Live Online Trainers Funding body: European Commission Summary: This project involved a total of 23 European partners in 6 countries between 2005 and 2007. The purpose was to develop a training course for experienced language teaching professionals wishing to make use of desktop video and other synchronous and asynchronous tools to teach languages online. com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=2 Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) P. Seedhouse and M. Egbert. January 2005 December 2006. The Interactional Organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test Funding body: British Council IELTS Research Programme

Summary: Describes the interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test in terms of turn-taking, sequence and repair. The study is based on the analysis of transcripts of 137 audio-recorded tests using a Conversation Analysis (CA) methodology. Report of this project available: /volume_6.aspx Descriptor(s): Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) L. Hamp-Lyons and C. Davison. January 2005 January 2007. Longitudinal Study on the School-based Assessment Component of the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination Funding body: HKEAA/EMB Hong Kong Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) M. Baynham, C. Roberts, M. Cooke, J. Simpson, K. Ananiadou, J. Callaghan, J. Mcgoldrick and C. Wallace. January 2005January 2007. Effective Teaching and Learning Funding body: National Research and Development Centre Summary: The project investigated the manner in which Adult ESOL classrooms interpreted ways of teaching ESOL in UK classrooms, through a series of in-depth studies of classroom interaction. =89 Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL, English language,



Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Pauline Foster and Parvaneh Tavakoli. April 2005 April 2006. Effects of Information Grounding and Task Design on Native and Non-native Performance Funding body: ESRC (Grant no. RES-000-22-1155) Summary: This project investigated the effects that different task characteristics could have on native and non-native speakers performance on oral narrative tasks. Plain_English_Summaries/knowledge_comm unication_learning/communication_informati on/index91.aspx Descriptor(s): Speaking, Materials, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Keith Johnson and Sarah Jackson. April 2005March 2006. Exploring the Procedures Used in Non-linguistic Skill Teaching and Assessing their Relevance for Language Teaching Funding body: AHRB Summary: Looks at the teaching procedures used by teachers of skill subjects other than languages, and considers their potential applications within language teaching. See Johnson, K. and Jackson, S. 2006.

Comparing language teaching and otherskill teaching: has the language teacher anything to learn?. System 34: 532546. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Teacher cognition, Methodology, Materials, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Pauline Foster and Parvaneh Tavakoli. April 2005March 2006. Information Foregrounding in Narrative Tasks for Second Language Classrooms Funding body: ESRC Summary: This study investigated the effect of narrative structure on L1 and L2 performance, finding that complexity of narrative line increased syntactic complexity in both groups, and also that L2 learners in London had a significantly more native-like vocabulary, though they did not have greater syntactic ability. Plain_English_Summaries/knowledge_comm unication_learning/communication_informati on/index91.aspx Descriptor(s): Learner cognition, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Hilary Nesi, Tim Kelly and Ema Ushioda. October 2005July 2007. Chinese University Teacher Training in English (CUTE2) Funding body: HEFCE



Summary: e-China UK project with Cambridge, Tsinghua and Warwick universities to help Chinese university academics develop English language skills for purposes of teaching, academic exchange and professional development. hp Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language Country of research: China Learners background: China Entered by: University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) L. Hamp-Lyons and C. Davison. November 2005 October 2009. Development of Materials for Professional Development Courses for Teachers in Preparation for School-based Assessment Workshops Funding body: Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority/Hong Kong Education Bureau Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Materials, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)

at the end of their EAP studies at British universities, prior to beginning academic courses. Descriptor(s): Writing, Speaking, Reading, Pronunciation, Listening, Learner cognition, ESP, English language, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Centre for Applied Language Studies) James Simpson, Melanie Cooke and Mike Baynham. 2006 2007. ESOL Placement Practices Project Funding body: NRDC/ESF projects.htm Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) R. Kiely, P. Rea-Dickins and J. Clegg. January 2006December 2009. PRO-CLIL: Providing Guidelines for CLIL Implementation in Primary and Pre-primary Education Evaluation Component Funding body: COMENIUS 2.1 Action of the SOCRATES Programme Summary: This project is an evaluation of the PRO-CLIL project, implemented in four European countries. PRO-CLIL aims to increase young childrens exposure to foreign languages and to improve the quality of teaching in CLIL classrooms and schools. See: Kiely, R. 2009. Assessment in CLIL. cts.php creole/projects/#proclil Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: Cyprus

J. Slaght, S. Brewer, C. Roche, M. Calderwood and D. Schmitt. 2006 .Can Do Project Funding body: BALEAP Summary: The aim of the Can Do project is to compile a list of can do statements, validated by subject teachers and EAP teachers, which can be used for, among other things, final assessment of students



Institutional level: primary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Alison Wray and Christine Pegg. January 2006December 2006. The Effect of Memorized Learning on the Writing Scores of Chinese IELTS Test-takers Funding body: IELTS Summary: Addressed the assessment of performance in IELTS Academic Writing task 2 when candidates may have reproduced lengthy memorised chunks of text that potentially disguise their true proficiency. Demonstrated a simple technique to assess the impact of memorised material without assuming it is necessarily wrong to memorise. A report is published in IELTS Reports, Volume 9 (2009): 191216, aspx Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner autonomy/strategies, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) R. Kiely. January 2006March 2008. SAIL: Socialisation and Identity in Learning in Applied Linguistics Funding body: LTSN, HEFCE/HEA (LLAS) Summary: A study of learning processes within a one-year masters programme in a UK university, focussing on English language and academic literacy skills, and drawing on socialisation and identity theory. creole/projects/#sail Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Materials, ESP Country of research: United Kingdom

Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) John Field. January 2006December 2006. The Cognitive Validity of the Lecture-based Question in the IELTS Listening Test Funding body: The British Council Summary: Investigation of extent to which the cognitive processes elicited by the IELTS listening test correspond to the processes employed in a real-life lecture listening situation. See Field, J. 2009. A cognitive validation of the lecture-listening component of the IELTS listening paper. IELTS Research Reports Vol. 9. aspx Descriptor(s): Listening Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) C. Davison, L. Hamp-Lyons, C. Leung and S. Andrews. January 2006January 2008. The Use of Summative Oral School-based Assessment for Formative Purposes in Secondary ESL in Hong Kong Funding body: Hong Kong Research Grants Council Central Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Descriptor(s): Speaking, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)



A. Creese, T. Barac, A. Bhatt, A.J. Blackledge, S. Hamid, V. Lytra, P. Martin, W.L. Wei and G. Yagcioglu-Ali. March 2006August 2007. Multilingualism in Complementary Schools in Four Linguistic Communities Funding body: ESRC Summary: ESRC project number RES-000-23-1180 s1/esrc5/index.shtml Entered by: University of Birmingham (School of Education) D. Wall and T. Hork. March 2006March 2008. The Impact of Changes in the TOEFL Examination on Teaching and Learning in Central and Eastern Europe. Phase 3, The Role of the Coursebook, and Phase 4, Describing Change Funding body: Educational Testing Service Summary: Third and fourth phases of an investigation into the effects of changes in the TOEFL examination on classroom teaching. The third phase analysed TOEFL preparation coursebooks and their influence on teachers. The fourth phase investigated how TOEFL classrooms were managed in the period following the introduction of the new examination. Report in press. toeflimpact2.htm Descriptor(s): Management/Innovation, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) S. Andrews, C. Davison and L. Hamp-Lyons. August 2006July 2008.

Aligning Assessment with Curriculum Reform in Junior Secondary English Language Teaching Funding body: Hong Kong Quality Education Fund Descriptor(s): Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Trevor Grimshaw. September 2006 December 2007. Chinese Learners Perceptions and Constructions of British Academic Culture Funding body: British Academy Summary: This project was designed to explore Chinese-speaking students experiences of life at a British university, focusing on their views of the host academic culture and the extent to which their expectations were met. See: Grimshaw, T. 2007. Problematizing the construct of the Chinese Learner: insights from ethnographic research. Educational Studies 33/3: 299311. Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, ESP, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Michael Hoey, Michaela Mahlberg and Mike Scott. September 2006August 2008. The Textual Priming of Hard News Stories Funding body: AHRC Summary: A study of the way lexical choices correlate with text beginnings and paragraph boundaries, as predicted by lexical priming theory. It was found that there was a strong



correlation between the use of certain words and clusters and certain structuring choices. This has implications for the way paragraphing ought to be taught. earchDetail.aspx?id=119390 Descriptor(s): Writing, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Liverpool (School of English) S. Andrews, L. Hamp-Lyons, L-Y. Cheng and C. Davison. September 2006August 2009. An Impact Study of a High-stakes ESL Assessment Innovation in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Funding body: Hong Kong Research Grants Council Central Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) J.C. Alderson, R. Al-Zadjali, J. Banerjee, T. Hork, S. Papageorgiou and A. Van Moere. 2006 - 2007. ELPACS - The Validation of a Test of English for Air Traffic Controllers Funding body: Eurocontrol Summary: This project was commissioned by Eurocontrol to provide an external evaluation of their new test of English Language Proficiency for Aeronautical Communication (ELPAC) tent&task=view&id=50&Itemid=42 Descriptor(s): Speaking, Listening, ESP, Assessment

Melinda Whong and Judith Hanks. January 2007January 2008. An Active Awareness Approach to In-sessional English Teaching Funding body: Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies in Higher Education Summary: This project developed an In-sessional English programme based on existing theories of language learning and linguistics. Active awareness develops the intuition underlying Focus on Form through the discovery of constructions appropriate for academic writing in a course called Reading for Writing. ong.pdf Descriptor(s): Writing, Reading, Materials, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Leeds (Department of Linguistics and Phonetics) Marina Orsini-Jones, David Jones and Christine Sinclair (Strathclyde). January 2007April 2008. Grammar: Researching Activities for Student Progress Funding body: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) Summary: A team formed by language lecturers, instructional designers and a lecturer in linguistics aimed at identifying the grammar stumbling blocks encountered by students when engaging with learning to learn languages and design a task that would help students overcome them. nijones.pdf



Descriptor(s): Learning technologies, Learner autonomy/strategies, English language, Curriculum/syllabus, Assessment Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University Diane Slaouti, Gary Motteram and Zeynep Onat-Stelma. January 2007January 2009. A Worldwide Investigation of EFL Teacher Use of Technology for Adult Language Learning Funding body: Cambridge University Press Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Manchester (School of Education) R.A. Hawkey and C.J. Weir. January 2007January 2008. Language, Study Skill and Related Issues Facing International Students in the First Year of their MPhil/PhD Studies: Relevance to Institutional Language, Academic and Other Support Services Funding body: Pedagogical Research Fund for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies wkey.pdf Descriptor(s): Learner autonomy/strategies Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) A.B. Green, R.A. Hawkey and C.J. Weir. January 2007January 2008. Discourse Level Functional Progression at the C Level of the CEFR

Funding body: the English Profile Project Summary: A review of the place of language functions in English language learning and their use in materials for English language teaching and assessment. pdfs/RN33p19-25.pdf Descriptor(s): English language Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) A.B. Green, A. Unaldi and C.J. Weir. January 2007January 2008. The Cognitive Processes of Second Language Academic Readers Funding body: Pedagogical Research Fund for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies in Higher Education r.pdf Descriptor(s): Reading, Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) J. Kormos. January 2007Jannuary 2010. Equal Rights in Foreign Language Learning Funding body: Nemzeti Kutatsi s Technolgiai Hivatal (National Bureau for Research and Development) Hungary Summary: The research project investigated the learning processes of dyslexic and Deaf students and surveyed the teaching methods that prove to be useful in helping these learners successfully acquire a foreign language. Country of research: Hungary Learners background: Hungary Entered by: Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language)



Martha Young-Scholten. February 2007 July 2009. Setting Language Acquisition Research to Music Funding body: Aimhigher Tyne and Wear Summary: Development of two pieces of choral music to illustrate how children perceive English during their first year of life and how they develop oral production. Descriptor(s): English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: pre-primary Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Joan Swann, Ronald Carter and Rob Pope. March 2007September 2007. Transitions and Transformations: Exploring Creativity in Everyday and Literary Language Funding body: AHRC Summary: This project brought together researchers, teachers and writers to explore the meaning and practice of creativity in literary and non-literary texts. Themes included: Creativities (texts in context, genres in practice); Creativity across modes (media and technologies); Creative interpretations (audience responses, reading and rewriting). Descriptor(s): Writing, Cultural issues, Reading, English language Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Oxford Brookes University (Westminster Institute of Education) P. Rea-Dickins and G. Yu. June 2007 December 2010. SPINE: Student Performance in National Examinations

the Dynamics of Language Factor Funding body: ESRC/DfID Summary: This three-year project investigates the impact of the language of examinations and media of instruction in secondary schools on examination performance. The research is taking place in Zanzibar where, as in many schools in sub-Saharan Africa, learners are acquiring subject knowledge and understanding through a language that is not their first language. See: Rea-Dickins, P., G. Yu and O Afitska. 2009. The consequences of examining through an unfamiliar language of instruction and its impact for school-age learners in sub-Saharan African school systems in L. Taylor and C. Weir (eds.) Language Testing Matters: the social and educational impact of language assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Descriptor(s): Methodology, ESOL/EAL, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: Tanzania Learners background: Tanzania Institutional level: secondary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) North West Academy of English (UK), IAL Piemonte (Italy), Tampere College (Finland), ROC MB College (Netherlands) June 2007 February 2009. Developing Expertise in the EU Funding body: Leonardo da Vinci (EU) Summary: The project focused on the topic of Migrant Integration. The main objective was to support improvements in quality and innovation in education/training systems. The aim was to compare examples of good practices implemented in Northern Ireland, Italy, Finland and the Netherlands. cts.php



Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, English language Country of research: various Learners background: various Entered by: North West Academy of English Sally Mitchell and James Taylor. September 2007December 2008. Cross-institutional Implementation and Evaluation of Digital Dialogue Games for Inclusive and Personalised Learning (INTERLOC) Funding body: JISC Summary: The project, with the Learning Technology Research Institute (LTRI) at London Metropolitan, developed, implemented and evaluated state-ofthe-art software (interloc) and related infrastructure (Openfire, Jabber) to support highly interactive and collaborative learning through synchronous digital dialogue games. It was led by Dr Andrew Ravenscroft of LTRI. Descriptor(s): Methodology, Learning technologies, Classroom interaction Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: adult Entered by: Queen Mary, University of London (Language and Learning Unit) L. Hamp-Lyons and C. Davison. September 2007September 2009. Continuation of the Longitudinal Study on the School-based Assessment Component of the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination Funding body: HKEAA/EMB Hong Kong Descriptor(s): Assessment Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment)

James Simpson. October 2007 October 2009. Identities Online Project Funding body: British Academy projects.htm Descriptor(s): ESOL/EAL Entered by: University of Leeds (School of Education) Janet Enever, Carmen Munoz, Magdalena Szpotowicz, Lucilla Lopriore, Eva Lindgren, Resi Damhuis, Jelena Mihaljevic Djigunovic. December 2007 November 2010. Early Language Learning in Europe (ELLiE) Funding body: European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme Summary: The research aims to clarify what can realistically be achieved through making an early start to foreign/second language learning in state schools where relatively limited amounts of class time are available for foreign language learning. See website for further details. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Speaking, Cultural issues, Reading, Pronunciation, Methodology, Materials, Management/innovation, Listening, Learning technologies, Learner cognition, Learner autonomy/strategies, Curriculum/syllabus, Classroom interaction, Assessment Country of research: various Learners background: various Institutional level: primary Entered by: London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education)



R. Kiely and M. Davis. January 2008 January 2010. InSITE: Integrating Systematic Investigation into Teaching of English Funding body: CfBT Summary: This project is examining the impact on teaching skills of professional development activity based on training in analysis aspects of research skills and episodes from the teachers own classrooms. In exploring innovative strategies in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), InSITE addresses a policy issue in language teaching, and a theoretical issue in teacher learning: the contribution of research skills and a research perspective to teaching effectiveness. creole/projects/#insite Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Methodology, Management/innovation, ESOL/EAL Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) A.B. Green, C.J. Weir and R.A. Hawkey. January 2008 July 2009. Testing the English Language Skills of International Students at the Foundation Level Funding body: English Language Testing Summary: Development of a placement test intended for use with English language improvement courses preparatory to academic study through the medium of English. px?siteID=1&navIDs=1,168 Descriptor(s): Assessment

Entered by: University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) H. Nesi, S. Astley, B. Brick, A. Buick, N. Endacott, S. Harrison, E. Moreton. March 2008March 2010. A Study of Lecturing Styles in Malaysia and the UK Funding body: British Council Summary: The project aims to identify and describe typical lecture discourse features, compare English-medium lecturing styles in Malaysia and the UK, and explore the current role of English-medium instruction in Malaysian HE. This entails developing a small corpus of engineering lectures for use in staff development, lecturer training and EAP instruction. Descriptor(s): Teacher education, Cultural issues, Listening, ESOL/EAL, ESP, Classroom interaction Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: Coventry University M. Young-Scholten. April 2008 July 2009. How do Uneducated L2 Adults Become Readers? Funding body: British Academy Summary: Short-term longitudinal study of the phonological awareness, linguistic competence and reading skills of immigrant adults enrolled in ESOL classes. tblurbyoung-scholten.pdf Descriptor(s): Reading Country of research: United Kingdom Institutional level: adult Entered by: Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences)


G. Yu, P. Rea-Dickins and R. Kiely. June 2008 December 2009. Cog-Pro: The Cognitive Processes of Taking IELTS Academic Writing Task One Funding body: IELTS and the British Council Summary: This new research project, supported by a grant from the British Council and IELTS Research Fund. The research aims to understand candidates cognitive processes in taking IELTS Academic Writing Task One (AWT1) which uses graphs as test input. creole/projects/#cogpro Descriptor(s): Writing, Learner cognition, Assessment Country of research: China Learners background: China Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) Trevor Grimshaw and John Lowe. October 2008December 2009. Rethinking the Needs of International Students: Critical Perspectives on the Internationalisation of UK HE Institutions Funding body: ESRC Summary: This seminar series aims to challenge cultural stereotypes of the international student; explore the intercultural experiences of international students in UK HE; develop new theoretical understandings of factors impacting on international students experiences; and contribute to the development of UK HE provision to meet the needs and challenges of international students. rs1/esrc/isss.shtml Descriptor(s): Cultural issues, Management/innovation, English language

Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Institutional level: tertiary Entered by: University of Bath (Department of Education) Pauline Foster. October 2008September 2009. Native-like Selection in Second Language Acquisition: The Effects of Age, Aptitude and Socialisation Funding body: ESRC Summary: The study explores the development of native-like lexical intuitions in English by Polish immigrants to the UK, and by English L2 users in Poland, comparing these with native speaker baseline data. The aim is to illuminate why such intuitions might fail to develop. Descriptor(s): Learner cognition Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: Poland Entered by: St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Helen Casey, Richard Andrews, Dina Mehmedbegovic, Catherine Wallace and David Mallows. October 2008 September 2010. Building a Strategy for English as an Additional Language (EAL) for the Teaching Workforce Funding body: Training and Development Agency Summary: The project aims to work with TDA to build a coherent and sustainable strategy for EAL in England. We have conducted a research review, case studies, expert interviews and a national survey as the foundation for the strategy, which


is now out for consultation (May 2009). Descriptor(s): Writing, Teacher education, Cultural issues, Reading, ESOL/EAL, English language, Curriculum/syllabus Country of research: United Kingdom Learners background: various Entered by: Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication)



The following institutions have contributed entries to the directory. All names of departments etc., URLs and contact email addresses are as supplied by the institutions in question. Their accuracy has, wherever possible, been verified at the time of publication of this PDF/paper form of the directory, but there can unfortunately be no guarantee that all details will remain correct, even in the short-term. There can be no guarantee, either, that a particular researcher will continue to be affiliated with the institution named at the foot of each of his/her entries in this directory. However, an online search for name of researcher plus name of institution can often reveal direct and correct contact details when needed.
Aston University (School of Languages and Social Sciences) Contact: [email protected] Bangor University (School of Linguistics and English Language) Contact: [email protected] Canterbury Christ Church University (Department of English and Language Studies) Contact: [email protected] Cardiff University (School of English, Communication and Philosophy) Contact: [email protected] Coventry University Contact: [email protected] Durham University (Language Centre) Contact: [email protected] Heriot-Watt University (School of Management and Languages) Contact: [email protected] Institute of Education, London (Department of Learning, Curriculum and Communication) Contact: [email protected] Kings College London (Department of Education and Professional Studies) Contact: [email protected] Lancaster University (Linguistics and English Language) Contact: [email protected] Leeds Metropolitan University Contact: [email protected] London Metropolitan University (Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Languages and Education) Contact: [email protected]


Middlesex University (English Language and Learning Support) Contact: [email protected] Newcastle University (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences) Contact: [email protected] North West Academy of English Contact: [email protected] Nottingham Trent University (School of Arts and Humanities) Contact: [email protected] The Open University (Faculty of Education and Languages) Contact: [email protected] Oxford Brookes University (Westminster Institute of Education) Contact: [email protected] Queen Mary, University of London (Language and Learning Unit) Contact: [email protected] Queens University, Belfast (School of Education) Contact: [email protected] St. Marys University College, Twickenham, London (School of Communication, Culture and Creative Arts) Contact: [email protected]

Swansea University (Department of Applied Linguistics) Contact: [email protected] University College Plymouth St Mark & St John (Department of International Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Bath (Department of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Bedfordshire (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment) Contact: [email protected] University of Birmingham (Centre for English Language Studies and Department of English) Contact: [email protected] University of Birmingham (School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Brighton (School of Humanities) Contact: [email protected] University of Bristol (Graduate School of Education) creole Contact: [email protected]



University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Contact: [email protected] University of East London (Cass School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Edinburgh (Institute for Applied Language Studies/Office of Lifelong Learning) Contact: [email protected] University of Edinburgh (School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Essex (Department of Language and Linguistics) Contact: [email protected] University of Exeter (School of Education and Lifelong Learning) Contact: [email protected] University of Glasgow (Language and Literature, Faculty of Education) s/subjectareas/languageandliterature Contact: [email protected] University of Leeds (Department of Linguistics and Phonetics) Contact: [email protected] University of Leeds (School of Education) Contact: not supplied

University of Leeds (The Language Centre) Contact: [email protected] University of Leicester (English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Liverpool (School of English) Contact: [email protected] University of Manchester (School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Northumbria (Department of Humanities, School of Arts and Social Sciences) about/humanities/englishhome/ Contact: [email protected] University of Nottingham (School of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Nottingham (School of English Studies) Contact: [email protected]) University of Oxford (Department of Education) Contact: [email protected] University of Oxford (Language Centre) Contact: [email protected]



University of Portsmouth (School of Languages and Area Studies) Contact: [email protected] University of Reading (Centre for Applied Language Studies) Contact: [email protected] University of Reading (Department of Applied Linguistics) Contact: [email protected] University of Salford (School of Languages) Contact: [email protected] University of Sheffield (School of English) Contact: [email protected] University of Southampton (Modern Languages, School of Humanities) Contact: [email protected] University of Sussex (The Sussex Language Institute) Contact: [email protected] University of Warwick (Centre for Applied Linguistics) Contact: [email protected] University of West of England (School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences) Contact: [email protected]

University of Westminster (Centre for English Learning and Teaching) Contact: [email protected] University of York (Department of Educational Studies) Contact: [email protected] York St John University (Languages and Linguistics) Contact: [email protected].


ISBN: 978-086355-632-6
British Council 2010 The United Kingdoms international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland)

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