Cam Ii
Cam Ii
Cam Ii
a. Write answers in your own words as far as possible and refrain from copying from the text books/handouts.
b. Answers of Ist Set (A, B), IInd Set (C, D), IIIrd Set (Short Answers) and Case Study must be sent together.
c. Mail the answer sheets alongwith the copy of assignments for evaluation & return.
d. Short Answer Type Questions -- Confine your answers to 150 to 200 Words.
A BC Laboratories Limited was incorporated under the Company’s Act in 1965. It is one of the largest private sector drug and pharmaceutical
enterprises in India with paid-up capital of approximately Rs. 150 million. The turnover of the company in 1998 was Rs. 2587 million.
The Board of Directors of the company consists of the chairman and managing director, four executive directors and two non-executive directors.
The company’s head office is situated at New Delhi. The main business of the company is to manufacture drugs, medicines, cosmetics, and chemical
products. The company also markets a wide range of products, including life-saving antibiotics. The company employs nearly 300 managers and has a
work force of approximately 3500. Compensation packages of the employees are comparable to those of similar companies of repute in the country. The
company markets its products under its own trade names and has earned a reputation of market leader in some of its products. The performance of the
company has been shown in Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1
Rs. In lakhs)
1996 1997 1998
Net fixed assets 3714.71 3669.57 5352.11
Current assets 11093.62 12711.96 13949.69
Capital 900.18 910.53 914.97
Reserves and surpluses 2913.26 3153.71 4135.36
Term loans 363.13 602.83 1665.62
Current liabilities 8331.91 9427.98 10406.40
Sales 18535.81 20645.40 25877.60
Depreciation 406.29 451.98 457.32
Provision for taxation 56.00 74.00 ----
Net profit/loss 259.69 468.88 1210.08
Dividend per cent 27.50 25.00 25.00
Current ratio 1.35 1.37 1.34
Net worth—Total assets 25.00 25.00 26.00
Return on capital employed per cent 12.15 11.24 15.32
Net profit—Total assets per cent 2.00 3.00 6.00
Net sales--Total assets 1.23 1.25 1.33
Receivables to sales—Days 63.00 58.00 67.00
In order to tap the big hospital and nursing home market in India, the company started a new division known as Generics and Hospital Products
Division (GHPD) in 1991.
Generics and Hospital Products Division (GHPD)
Generics and hospital products division was created mainly to cater to the needs of big hospitals and nursing homes in India, which require medicines in
bulk quantities and prefer medicines in the generic names instead of trade names. The division markets about 55 different products of eight different
categories like tablets, capsules, liquids, drops, syrups/dry powder, ampoules, vials and ointments. These products are distributed from the head office of
the company through its distribution network of 250 distributors throughout the country.
Operational Activities of GHPD
After receiving an order from the distributor, the division processes it and prepares invoices to be set alongwith the supply. The distributors are allowed
one-month credit period from the date of supply. Maximum limits of credit for different distributors have been prescribed by the division. In addition to
order processing and despatching of supply, the division is also performing the following functions.
(i) Forecasting of sales. (iv) Effective physical (vi) Promotional campaigns.
(ii) Merchandising planning. distribution planning. (vii) Analysing various business
(iii) Pricing of products. (v) Cost-effective travel route aspects/opportunities.
planning for sales force.
Management Information Report (MIR)
GHPD prepares a quarterly report, known as Management Information Report (MIR) to be discussed in a quarterly meeting of all the area managers of the
division. This report includes the following information. (see exhibit 2).
Exhibit 2
Sl.No. Title of the report Contents
1. Report on total sales for the quarter Sno, product name, budgeted sales, annual sales, variance
2. Report on estimated sales for the quarter Sno, Product name, Budgeted sales
3. Report on calls made by the sales force for the quarter Sno., Area Name, Budgeted calls, Actual Calls, Variance, Remarks
4. Report on calls to be made by sales force for the quarter Sno, Area Name, Budgeted sales calls
5. Report on outstanding amount during the quarter Sno., Area Name, Outstanding amount
6. Report on total outstanding amount for the quarter Sno, Area name, Outstanding amount in previous quarter, Amount
Collected, Balance amount, Outstanding amount in present quarter
7. Report on potential areas Sno., Name of Area, Areas tapped, remarks
8. Report on complaints received from distributors and the Sno. Distributor Name, Complaint, Action taken, Remarks
number of complaints attended to during the quarter
Computerisation at GHPD
To increase the effectiveness of management information systems at GHPD, the division acquired one PC in 1993. The services of a computer professional
were hired to develop the applications for the division. The division was overburdened with the work of processing of supply orders and it took about 5-7
days to despatch a supply after the receipt of an order. However, sometimes the despatch of supply took more time as the division found that the material
could not be despatched to the distributor because of an outstanding amount beyond his prescribed limits.
The newly-developed computerised MIS was implemented in January 1994 and it started supplying various reports thereafter. However, within a
period of six months, the Vice President (GHPD) got frustrated with the system and ultimately discarded it. There was no change in delivery times.
Computer use and the development looked like an overhead. In 95, the computer professional suggested a network of 4 computers and re-development of
MIS on oracle. VP became optimistic again and approved the suggestion. 2 more programmes even hired under the one already employed. Mid 96, the
product was put to use. Soon the VP realized that state was still the same. The added computer were used for mail and greetings. Despatch time shifted 7
days to 6 days only. The outstanding amounts were sometimes overlooked. V.P. was depressed. In order to improve upon his MIS, the VP decided to
invite a consultant from a leading management institution in India.
Problem Description
The consultant studied the existing management information system at the division and analysed the problem. He described the problem as follows:
GHPD is using an ineffective MIS; rather it is relying on Transaction Processing system, which does not provide any meaningful information to the
management for its decision-making. Therefore, GHPD needs MIS which could provide the required information at the right time to aid management
decision-making. The vice president also needs a support in his unstructured/semi-structured decisions. Thus, an application of MIS which can support
unstructured decisions having a database, a model-base and user interaction known as DSS is called for.
1. Do you see the problems at GHPD as technology or systems oriented? State your opinion.
2. Why did the V.P. (GHPD) get frustrated with the newly developed information system. Discuss possible reasons and suggest appropriate measures.
3. Design a MIS for the GHPD of ABC Labs Ltd.