Semanticweb Python
Semanticweb Python
Semanticweb Python
Vinay Modi
Voice Pitara Technologies Private Limited
Web Need better web for the future Knowledge Representation (KR) to Web Challenges Data integration challenges KR to Web - solutions for challenges Metadata and Semantic Web protocol stack RDF, RDFS and SPARQL basic concepts Using RDFLib adding triples RDFLib serialization RDFLib RDFS ontology Blank node SPARQL querying Graph merging Some possible things one can do with RDFLib
Deduce the facts; create mental relationships
KR to Web Challenges
Traditional KR techniques and Network effect Algorithmic complexity and Performance for information space like W3
Scaling KR
KR to Web Challenges
Continue 1
Representational Inconsistencies
What is needed
Some data should be available for machines for further processing Data should be possibly combined, merged on Web scale Some time data may describe other data i.e. metadata. Some times data needs to be exchanged. E.g. between Travel preferences and Ticket booking.
Data about data Two ways of associating with a resource
Physical embedding Separate resource
Resource identifier Globally unique identifier Advantages of explicit metadata Dublin core, FOAF
Semantic Web
Use Web Infrastructure
Semantic Web
Web extension
Exchange Integrate Process Machine automated
Predicate title
Semantic Web and Python
Subject (URI)
Predicate (Namespace URI) Object (URI or Literal) Blank Node (Anonymous node; unique to boundary of the domain)
AddisonWesley http://.../isbn/ 67239786
SELECT (find values for the given variable and constraint) CONSTRUCT (build a new graph by inserting new values in a triple pattern) ASK (Asks whether a query has a solution in a graph)
Contains Parsers and Serializes for various RDF syntax formats In memory and persistent graph backend RDFLib graphs emulate Python container types best thought of a 3-item triples. [(subject, object, predicate), (subject, object, predicate), ] Ordinary set operations; e.g. add a triple, methods to search triples and return in arbitrary order
http://.../deleg ate/vinaymodi
(Queries for project development, consultancy, workshops, tutorials in Knowledge representation and Semantic Web are welcome)