What Is A Brand?
What Is A Brand?
What Is A Brand?
W H AT I S A B R A N D ?
What is a Brand?
A Collection of Thoughts, Concepts, and Perspectives on Brands and Branding
Collected, compiled and edited by Rick Cornish with Laura Sommers Flying Colors Incorporated, 917 North 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.752.0222 [email protected] | www.flyingcolors.biz
2008 Flying Colors Incorporated All Rights Reserved May be quoted in publications with attribution. May not be reproduced, sold, or distributed without the expressed, written consent of Flying Colors Incorporated.
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The goal of this article is to provide a broad conceptual understanding of what branding isand (perhaps just as importantly) what its not. Well cover why companies spend so much time, effort and money on branding and how those investments come back to them. And how brands are created, built, and maintained. People in business often forget that our economic entities are populated with emotional beings. Feelings beget attitudes which, in turn, beget behaviors. So when your product or service elicits specific feelings with specific people your brand has tremendous power with them.
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of goods. Manufacturers chose what they would make and what they would sell. Later, in the economic revolution of the 1950s and 60s, power shifted to consumers. They started wantingand gettingmore choices. But (be careful what you wish for), the result turned out to be more than consumers were prepared for. This proliferation of product options led to a new problem: Overchoice. Today, we know that the human brain has two mechanisms for making decisions; the rational and the emotional. Too much choice has overloaded the consumers capacity to make a buying decision on rational criteria alone. Weve become information-rich and time-poor. Faced with up to 53 different varieties of toothpaste, the consumer needs a more efficient path to decision-makinga shortcut. To make deciding simpler for the consumer, marketers have re-focused their messages to the buyers emotional side. And buyers have responded. Like the farmers of old (and not-so-old) times, savvy marketers began using brands, but with a new goalto burn a distinct impression in the minds of consumers one that clearly sets the well-branded product apart from the rest of the herd. In our world today, people dont really buy products. They buy feelings. Hopes. Aspirations. Desires. They buy brands. Brands offer a host of emotional benefits: connection; comfort and familiarity; relationships; identity, I see me, or who I want to be; bonding; consistency. Consumers make many buying decisions based on symbolic attributes: What does the product look like? Who sells it? Who are the other people who buy it? And do I trust the company that makes it? In other words, how do I feel about belonging to this brand? Branding and brand names are important because they give the consumer a frame of reference when making purchasing decisions. By now, consumers have been trained to make judgments based on brands. Many products and services that used to be uniqueand could survive strictly on filling a niche now have plenty of competition from products that look very similar to theirs. People will buy brands they recognize, regardless of whether or not they know or believe the claims, simply because there is comfort in that which is known. Branding is not about getting your prospects to choose you over your competition, says branding guru Rob Frankel, its about getting your prospects to see you as the only solution to their problem.
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The ultimate goalthe holy grail of brandingis something very tangible: to pre-sell a product or service, creating the perception that there simply is no alternative.
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This definition makes it absolutely clear that a brand is very different from a product or service. A brand is intangible. Different people have different perceptions, which result in differing levels of brand loyalty. The power of a brand is in the mind of the consumeror perhaps more accurately its in the heart.
Brand Equity
A well-managed brand builds up equity over time. Think of it as the value of good will, earned by years of delivering a consistent experience. We believe the power of a brand is a product of two things: [Prediction of what to expect] X [the emotional power of that expectation]. If we encounter a brand and we dont know what it means or does, it has zero power. If we have an expectation of what an organization will do for us, but we dont care about it again, no power. For example
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Fedex is a powerful brand because you know what to expect and you always get it. The relief you get from their consistency is high. AT&T is a weak brand because you almost never get what you expect, because they do so many different things and because the value of what they create has little emotional resonance. (It sure used to thoughwhen they did one thing, they did it perfectly and they were the only ones who could connect you). The strongest brands are easily identified by their customers. The unique value they provide is top of mind. And every interaction customers have with the brand goes to reinforce that perception from the way they ask for the business to the way they send the bill. The most powerful brands of all are those that create a need in the consumers mind that was not there before. Look at bottled water: American tap water is clean and drinkable, yet Evian is worth millions today. A 1.5 liter bottle of Evian sells for 20% more per liter than Budweiser, 40% more than milk, and 80% more than Coca-Cola. Thats the power of a brand.
A Case in Point
If the problem is thirst, Coca-Cola is often seen as the only solution by soft drink consumers. Thats why any discussion of successful branding usually includes The Real Thingnot so much as a beverage, but as a cultural phenomenon. Look at it this way: If Coca-Cola fired all of its employees, sold its real estate, and canceled its contracts with bottlers, it would still have the equity of its brand. The numbers are compelling: The stock market value of The Coca-Cola Company, was around $136 billion in mid-2002, yet the book value (the net asset value) of the business
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was only $10.5 billion. A vast proportion of the value of the business (around $125 billion) is therefore dependent upon shareholders confidence in the intangible assets of the business and the ability of the company to manage these profitably. Coca-Cola owns few intangibles other than its secret recipe, its contracts with its global network of bottlers and its brand names. An independent analysis by brand consultancy Interbrand estimated that the value of the Coca-Cola brand name in mid-2002 was almost $70 billion, well over half of its intangible value and nearly seven times the book value of the company. Now thats brand value.
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The Positioning Statement The Brand Platform is a strategic tool that articulates the key relevance and difference a company offers to its Brand Universe. The brand platform must also: Support the companys culture, business strategies and goals. Be credible with all audiences. Be brief but memorable enough to be easily adopted by employees. Strengthen the perception of the company across all touchpoints, including operational interactions, call centers, retail offices, website, communications, etc.
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Within the platform, the Brand Promise captures what the company does in a compelling way while the Brand Essence captures how the business uniquely does what it does. The Positioning Statement is a framework originally devised by Proctor & Gamble that provides marketers a disciplined way to look at how the brand appeals to specific groups. Often, a brand can have a different positioning statement for each group in its Brand Universe. The P&G positioning framework reads as follows: To (target market), (company) is the (business category) that delivers (benefits) in a (unique) way.
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is by weaving brand building throughout the entire organization, incorporating it into business strategy, product design, customer service even the office environment. Trust creation is a fundamental goal of brand design. And the way we build trust is through consistency: By presenting ourselves consistently and by consistently doing what we say we will.
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Final Thoughts
Think about the brands you use and trust. It can be anything from the toothpaste or laundry detergent you use to the car wash or hairdresser you visit to the political party or church you belong to. Think about why you choose these brands and why you dont choose others. Brands are all around us. As we clarify and identify who we are and what we stand for, we strengthen our businesses, build value, and create a more rewarding experience for our customers, our employees, our suppliers, and ourselves.
Rick Cornish is founder, President and Creative Director of Flying Colors Incorporated. Since 1990, the company has created meeting experiences for Fortune 500 companies that measurably influence change in the attitudes of those who attend them. The company has been recognized internationally with over 70 awards.
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Godin, Seth The Brand Formula (Seth Godins Blog, April 24, 2007) Bates, Colin What is a Brand? (The Sideroad www.sideroad.com) Neumeier, Marty The Brand Gap (New Riders, 2006) Trout, Jack Jack Trout on Strategy (McGraw Hill, 2004) Brand Identity Guru, Inc. What is a Brand? (www.brandidetityguru.com) Synergy Network, Inc. What is a Brand? (www.synergynetwork.com, 2004) Feree, Erin What is a Brand? (www.elf-design.com) Herman Miller, Inc. Three Dimensional Branding (2007) Ries, Al, and Trout, Jack The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding (HarperBusiness, New York, 1998) Travis, Daryl Emotional Branding (Prima Venture, Roseville, Calif., 2000) Salter, Chuck TrendsetterBarry Shepard (Fast Company, November 2001). Annunziato, Lisa Born Identity (Contract August 2002) Aaker, David A. Building Strong Brands (The Free Press, New York, 1996) Pine II, B. Joseph, and James H. Gilmore The Experience Economy (Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1999) Brands and Branding (Economist Books, 2004) Schultz & Schultz Brand Babble: Sense and Nonsense About Branding (South-Western, 2004)
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