E-Ticket 7242130546036
E-Ticket 7242130546036
E-Ticket 7242130546036
Passenger name: KHISA/SWEETMR Reservation number: FGZB58 Ticket number: 724 2130 546 036
Frequent Flyer number: AC523670883 Issued: 17 AUGUST 2013 / SWISS INTERNET TICKET CENTER / BASEL
All times noted are local times. Please keep this receipt with you throughout your journey. Your electronic SWISS ticket is stored in our reservation system. As with all airline tickets your e-ticket is not transferable to others. Find payment and travel conditions overleaf on page 2.
Flight LX528
Baggage allowance
13 SEPTEMBER 17:00
Operated by
0 PC**
Not valid before Not valid after
Fare basis: ENNV6OSR/OPF
** Details provided in baggage provisions Barcode for check-in
Thank you for choosing SWISS. Easy check-in by internet on: SWISS.COM/WEBCHECKIN For complaints and compliments: SWISS.COM/CUSTOMERSERVICE For further inquiries contact: SWISS.COM/CONTACTS
Fare details
Fare Taxes / Charges SWISS Service Fee
27.00 31.35 15.00
Fare calculation
Taxes / Charges
CHF21.35CH CHF10.00YQ
Endorsement / Restrictions
Issuance details
Reservation number Issuing agency Issuing place FGZB58 17 AUGUST 2013 LXWWWTK AGT 81493543 CH SWISS INTERNET TICKET CENTER / BASEL
Important notice
The contract of carriage between you and SWISS is governed by applicable law and by our Conditions of Carriage, which you can consult on our swiss.com website. Please note that, in accordance with Article 3.3 of our Conditions of Carriage, this fare is only valid if the flights are taken in the booked sequence. Otherwise the fare will be recalculated based on the actual flight routing. The liability of SWISS or other carriers is subject to the Montreal/Warsaw Convention and/or EC Regulation 2027/97. In the event of death or bodily injury, SWISS has waived the liability limits imposed by the Warsaw Convention, and has waived the defence that it has taken all necessary measures to avoid damage up to a liability of 113,100 special drawing rights (SDR)per passenger. In the event of death or bodily injury, SWISS will make an advance payment in accordance with EU law. Your baggage must not contain dangerous goods. Additional baggage fees may apply. The authorities of certain countries may require us to transfer specific travel data to them relating to your journey, for security and immigration purposes. You authorise us to transfer, for these purposes, so-called passenger name record (PNR) data such as your name, date of birth, home address, contact phone numbers, information on your travel partner, date of reservation, ticket issuance, payment information, travel itinerary, frequent flyer number, information concerning your baggage and/or changes to the PNR. You are aware that such data could be transferred to countries whose data protection provisions are not as strict as those provided under Swiss law.
Thank you for choosing SWISS. Easy check-in by internet on: SWISS.COM/WEBCHECKIN For complaints and compliments: SWISS.COM/CUSTOMERSERVICE For further inquiries contact: SWISS.COM/CONTACTS