JTC Written Assignment
JTC Written Assignment
JTC Written Assignment
4. Papers due on 29 June at the office of the JTC no later than 4 pm.
A. Choose one:
An employee who is absent from work for more than thirty calendar days
without permission will be deemed to have resigned from employment.
Provided, however, that the employee may be reinstated to employment
on good cause shown, after a hearing upon return.
1. Referral to arbitration;
2. Prepare a draft appeal to the Labour Court from one of the two arbitration
awards that you have been provided with in hard copy (Award of Arbitrator
Angula in Selma Namwithi and Miller Suppliers (Pty) Ltd or Mwanga-Bebi in
Abraham Malan v LLB Biofules Namibia (Pty) Ltd), together with a
supporting legal memorandum to your client(the employer) explain and
evaluating the merits of the appeal.
B. Choose one:
Secretary General
NAFAU has approached you for advice. The union’s representative informs
you that the OB shop steward heard a rumour that OB has invited OB’s
General Manager to register a company that will render distribution and
deliver services to OB pursuant to a 10-year contract that will provide,
among other things, for the lease of OB’s trucks and warehouse to the
new company.