CH 09
CH 09
CH 09
Project 9.1 Project 9.2 Project 9.3 Project 9.4 Project 9.5 Understanding Key Concepts Identifying Network Design Requirements Designing a Network Researching Network Hardware Investigating Service Options
Understanding Key Concepts As companies grow, so do their networks. That means that just because youre responsible for a LAN today doesnt guarantee you wont be managing a WAN tomorrow, or at least some time in the near future. This also means that network design, for most networks, is no longer a task you do once and forget. If you are preparing to work with enterprise networks, you need to understand the terminology related to those networks. Many of these terms apply to both LAN and WAN environments. During this project, you will match various management-related terms to the definitions and descriptions of how they are used.
identify key terms and concepts related to WANs and network design
To complete this project, you will need: the following worksheet 20 minutes None
The worksheet includes a list of management-related networking terms on the left and descriptions on the right. Match each term with the description that it most closely matches. You will not use all descriptions. Each description can be used only once. ___ ___ Capacity planning Circuit loading A. Network technology closest to the user, typically the LAN or remote access connection B. Network design process based on lengthy, detailed analysis and often taking up to two years to complete the design C. Network design process based on the concept that networks using a few standard components are less expensive in the long run than networks that use a wide variety of components D. Process of estimating the size and type of network circuits needed E. Place at which an ISP provides services to its customers (the customers connections to the ISP)
___ ___
Access layer
F. Innermost part of the network connecting distribution layer networks, as with WAN connections G. Result of the technology design process, identifying the network hardware and software needed, typically as design diagrams H. Term referring to the amount of traffic that a circuit must carry I. Circuit design in which several customers connect to the same circuit, sharing the available bandwidth J. Part of the network that connects the access layer to the rest of the network as with a backbone network K. Term referring to traffic from the carrier or ISP to the customer L. Goal of the needs assessment design phase, consisting of a statement of the required network elements M. Term referring to the circuit carrying traffic from the customer to the carrier or ISP N. When network use exceeds original estimates simply because the network and its services are available to the users O. TCP/IP protocol that resolves a devices IP address from its MAC address P. The connection between the carriers central office and the customer Q. TCP/IP protocol that resolves a devices MAC address from its IP address
Distribution layer
___ ___
Turnpike effect
___ ___
___ ___
Identifying Network Design Requirements The network design process is usually treated as a series of design phases. Often, these phases are broken down into needs analysis, technology design, and cost assessment. However, neither of these phases is completely isolated. Each impacts the other, and during the design process you often have to go back and forth between the design phases until you are finished. Understanding the design process, including the design phases and what you should do during each phase, is important. You also need to know the expected deliverable for each phase. This project focuses on network design phases, including the requirements of each and expected deliverables. After completing this project, you will know how to: identify network design phases identify design phase deliverables To complete this project, you will need: the following worksheet 30 minutes None
Table 9-1: Network Design Phases Design phase Needs analysis Technology design Cost assessment A B C D E F G H I J
Designing a Network The network design process includes careful analysis and detailed network design. Several design decisions must be made along the way. Sometimes rethinking some of your decisions later in the process is necessary when conditions change or you discover additional information. When dealing with an existing network, a key part of the process is completing your network inventory. You need to identify the computers (clients and servers) that are on the network and information about each. Automated tools are available to assist with the process, but other tools like checklists can also be helpful. This project has you go through selected network design activities in some detail. This project includes information gathering and making design decisions based on what you know about the network. After completing this project, you will know how to: inventory network resources identify and rank network resources identify network devices To complete this project, you will need: a computer running Windows Server 2008 the following worksheet 30 minutes This project makes some assumptions concerning to your servers configuration, based on earlier projects. If your server is configured differently, your answers will vary, which doesnt necessarily mean that your answers are incorrect.
Busicorp has one office location in downtown St. Louis. The office connects to the WAN via VPN connections over the Internet. The company has no plans at this time to modify the downtown LAN. You will be deploying the West County areas of St. Louis County after you complete the network design. Both LANs will be part of the same Windows Active Directory domain. In the existing network, you have a domain controller that is also configured as a DNS server in each subnet. You have a DHCP server in network that also supports network and a DHCP server in network that also supports network Details of the West County LAN are as follows: Thirty initial clients evenly spread between two subnets with planned growth to 30 or more in each. Two private subnets ( and connected to a 100-Mbps backbone (
Design must include network hardware except cable plant, which will be handled by building facilities. A separate connection will provide Internet connectivity for client computers. Initial servers must include domain controllers, DNS servers, a file/print server, and internal web server.
Clients will receive their addresses through DHCP. You need to be able to establish eight collision domains on the new LAN to cover communication requirements as the office grows. Hardware costs should be kept to a minimum. You are not responsible for the wide area connection or any of its related hardware. A different design group will separately handle it. The wide area link will connect to your backbone. 1. What servers must you include as mandatory requirements in the new LAN? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What servers should you include as desired requirements, if any (explain why)? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Assuming you are directed to deploy no more than three physical servers, how should you configure them to meet the mandatory requirements? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Explain your reasoning for the server configurations. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. You want to deploy a WAP/router with one public-side connector for the cable modem and four private-side connectors on LAN It supports client network address translation and has a built-in firewall. What are the advantages, if any, of using this device? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. What are the potential disadvantages? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
7. Describe how it would be connected to the network. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Add a sketch of the new LAN to Figure 9-3. Do not include the servers, just connection devices.
6. What would be the advantage of purchasing all client computers with the same hardware configuration? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Researching Network Hardware During the technical design phase you work on creating the networks physical network design. During this process you identify the network devices that you need and determine their placement, which includes ensuring that the equipment can support the projected circuit load. Often overlapping this process is cost assessment. During this phase, you identify the potential vendors and then have them provide cost estimates. Technical design and cost assessment often overlap. You might choose to adjust your physical design based on hardware availability and cost. During this project you will research network hardware availability from three online vendors. After completing this project, you will know how to: research hardware cost and availability estimate network hardware cost To complete this project, you will need: a computer with Internet access to first complete Project 9.3 the following worksheet 30 minutes The retailers for this project were chosen because they are representative of their type of business, have a presence throughout the United States, and are accessible through their Web sites. It should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation of these retailers or their products. Your instructor may choose to have you research different retailers during this project. If working on an existing network, you must review the project steps with your network administrator. Your network administrator may need to make changes or additions to the instructions.
During this project you will research hardware availability and cost from three vendors. These are: Office Depot ( Office Depot is a traditional brick-and-mortar retailer that also has an online retail presence. Office Depot is a general office supply retailer that, in recent years, has branched out to include computer hardware and other office-related consumer electronics. Amazon ( Amazon started out as an online bookseller, but has become the webs most popular one-stop shop. Its product mix includes both consumer electronics and a wide variety of computer and network hardware. CDW ( CDW does business under a variety of names, including PC Warehouse, MacWarehouse, and Its primary business is computer and network hardware and software. It focuses on supporting small-to-large business customers.
For each of the devices, if the vendor does not offer a device of that type or you cant find the information requested, enter N/A.
Part A: Hub
In Part A, research each of the retailer sites, find the hubs offered for sale, and complete Table 9-4. Table 9-4: Hubs Feature Make/model Price Speed Supported standards Office Depot Amazon CDW
Part B: Switches
In Part B, research each of the retailer sites, find the switches offered for sale, and complete Table 9-5. Table 9-5: Switches Feature Make/model Price Speed Supported standards Office Depot Amazon CDW
Part D: Routers
In Part D, research each of the retailer sites, find the wired routers offered for sale, and complete Table 9-7. You are looking for wired routers only. Do not include wireless routers. Table 9-7: Routers Feature Make/model Price Number of ports Relevant features Office Depot Amazon CDW
Table 9-8: Cost Estimates Equipment Hub Switch WAP Router 1. What is the total hardware cost? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What network hardware is not included in this estimate? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What other costs might you need to consider when ordering the hardware? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Some businesses assign a specific salesperson to your account after you register as a customer. What are potential benefits of doing so? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are potential drawbacks? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Project 9.5 Overview Investigating Service Options Internet connection options have expanded in recent years. DSL and cable Internet providers have shifted their focus from home consumers to business customers. The bandwidths supported by their connection options more than meet the needs of most small- to medium-sized businesses. Some also offer services targeted at large businesses and enterprise networks, including business-specific services such as static IP addresses, VPN connections, and so on. During this project, you will research the service offerings of two high-speed Internet ISPs. After completing this project, you will know how to: configure a VPN connection To complete this project, you will need: a computer with Internet access the following worksheet Number required Cost for each Total cost
30 minutes Internet access is required to complete this project. The completion time will vary depending on various factors, such as connection speed and how long it takes you to navigate the providers Web site. Specific navigation hints have not been given because the sample providers frequently update and modify their Web sites. Selection of the service providers used in the project should not be taken as an endorsement or recommendation of these providers or their services. Your instructor may choose to have you research different providers during this project.
You will be researching two high-speed Internet service providers, comparing prices for DSL business services provided by EarthLink and high-speed cable business services provided by Charter Communications. Your instructor may have you use different service providers. The Web site URLs are: EarthLink: Charter Communications: You will need to navigate through each of the Web sites to locate the information you need. Look for connection rates between 3 and 5 Mbps (preferably 5 Mbps). Focus your search on business services provided by each of the ISPs. Because companies often change their Web sites to keep the content fresh, the project does not provide any navigation hints. However, business service links are clearly identified on both providers Web sites and both include a search function to let you search for specific services. If you are prompted for address information at any point, use the following, or another address provided by your instructor: Street address: 100 Main ZIP: 63601 If you are unable to find an answer, write Could not find in the space.
3. Is the line speed guaranteed? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many static IP addresses, if any, are provided? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. How many e-mail accounts are provided? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. How much space per mailbox is provided? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the access technology? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Does it support VPNs? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Does it support Web servers? ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Does it support SSL? ___________________________________________________________________________
5. How many e-mail accounts are provided? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. How much web space is provided? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Does the company support VPN? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Does the company support Web hosting? ___________________________________________________________________________