AE 440A Aerospace Vehicle Design: Aircraft: Course Description
AE 440A Aerospace Vehicle Design: Aircraft: Course Description
AE 440A Aerospace Vehicle Design: Aircraft: Course Description
FALL SEMESTER 2008 3-4:20 PM: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 163 Everitt Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Eric Loth 321C Talbot Lab Phone: 244-5581 e-mail: [email protected]
Course Description Introduction to the design of aerospace flight systems. The principles of systems engineering, as they apply to the design process, are presented. A general design methodology is introduced. These concepts are then applied to the initial sizing of both aircraft and spacecraft systems. Involves intensive technical writing and technical communication skills. 3 hours credit. Teaching Assistants Michael Behrens Alex Ghosh Phil Martorana 315 English Bldg 319C Talbot Lab 302E Talbot (402) 659-6963 (217)-721-2875 (815)-222-2289 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Projected Area Specialties (for Written & Oral Reports) Behrens writing and oral composition and report integration Ghosh stability & control, performance, configurations Martorana structures, aerodynamics, propulsion Tentative Office Hours for EL: 4-5:30 PM Wed & Fri and by appt. Office Hours for AG: 4:30-6PM Tues & Thur and by appt. Office Hours for PM: 4:30-6PM Mon & Wed and by appt. Office Hours for MB: 10-11AM Mon, by appt, and after some 440 classes in 302 E Talbot If you need accommodations for a learning or physical disability, please see me ASAP. Course Handout Attachments: Aircraft Design Project Overview Grading Breakdown Course Schedule Reading Assignments & Reserve Books at Library Discipline Responsibilities Oral and Written Report Guidelines
Class Participation Initial Sizing Homework Constraint Analysis Homework Individual Research Presentations (avg. of instructor scores) Individual Research Reports (avg. of instructor scores) Concept Report (avg. of instructor scores) Concept Presentations Peer Evaluations of 2nd part of 440 (avg. of team-mate scores) (%) 10 10 10 10 10 25 15 10 100%
Report and Presentation grades will be based upon organization, clarity of presentation, originality, technical soundness, depth of analysis, and overall integration.
Misc. Notes: 1. Reports will be reduced by 1% for every ten minutes late. Plan for contingencies! 2. Everyone must attend both classes every week and all the presentations. The only exception is an excused absence by me for serious conflicts (e.g. health reasons and job interviews). I look for natural breaks in the grade distribution for grading, but curved (if needed) to ensure at least 1/3 of class gets an A+,A or A- type of grade.
1. Performance a. Define flight requirements & develop trajectory model for all flight segments b. Determine drag for all segments based on lift for given wing (from aerodynamics) c. Determine fuel for all segments based for given engine (from propulsion) d. Determine minimum power/lift. for safety: engine-out, take-off, etc. (to propulsion/aero) e. Calculate overall mission performance (alert sub-systems of shortcomings) f. Define concept of flight operations (number of flights, airports, etc.) 2. Aerodynamics a. Aerodynamic design including external configuration of airfoil, wing geometry and fuselage for cruise, take-off and landing configurations (to configuration person) b. Component and total system lift-and-drag coefficient relationships (drag-polars) c. Develop model for lift & drag for cruise, take-off and landing (to performance) d. Estimate spanwise air-loads (to structures) e. Wing lift-and-moment coefficients (data to stability/control) f. Employ CFD Analysis to check airfoil performance at Reynolds number 3. Propulsion a. Select and scale engine for max power/thrust reqts. (size/weight to configuration) b. Determine general propulsion system integration losses (& engine-out losses) c. Establish model for SFC as a function of power, speed & altitude (to performance) d. Design fuel system and fuel tanks (to internal configuration) e. Estimate acoustic and environmental engine emissions (for analysis) 4. Stability and Control; Flying Qualities a. Select/design/size all control surfaces, e.g. horizontal tail, vertical tail, etc. (sizes to aerodynamics & configuration) b. Determine/Ensure static margin range for all flight conditions c. Evaluate longitudinal and lateral stability (suggest needed changes to configuration) d. Specify avionics and any digital control system (weight/size to internal configuration) e. Evaluate dynamic stability (phugoid & short-period) and evaluate flying qualities 5. Structural Design; Material and Manufacturing a. Determine V-n relationships and establish a V-n diagram b. Establish and maintain load paths c. Carry out a detailed structural design of the wing box and wing attachment and determine materials (weights and dimensions to configuration) d. Structurally design landing gear (weights & dimensions to configuration) e. Employ FEM Analysis to check load path and maximum stress regions on wing spar?
7 6. Configuration a. Design and determine the location, relationship and weights of primary component parts (give total weight to all other groups) b. Validate/modify weight/size formulas with relevant aircraft data and sensor data c. Calculate the center-of-gravity range and moments of inertia (to stability & control) d. Integrate and control all external and internal dimensions including cross-sectional and plan-form aspects and consider and implement performance-driven aspects e. Estimate all Fly-Away & Operating Costs from a cost-model (show detailed validation!) f. Consider marketing/customer aspects
Lead team meetings* Establish mechanisms for weekly data interaction Maintain balance and coordinate work in technical areas. Determine responsibility for each of the requirements & specifications Negotiate compromises. Conduct final run-though of presentations or reports.
*Team meetings can be informal (during or outside of class) and should be chaired by team leader (good to have a deputy leader/secretary sometimes). Each member should present oral reports/updates to group on work completed, issues, and plans. The emphasis of team meetings should be primarily on specialty reporting, team interaction, work coordination, group decisions and planning.
(portions in orange do not apply to the October individual reports) AE 440 Fall 2008 Aerospace Vehicle Design Presentation GUIDELINES
1) LENGTH: should average out to be 5/min per team member, there will be 5 minutes for team questions afterwards 2) SLIDES: Should be clearly legible, no small font, avoid too much information, use graphs vs. tables when possible. In bottom right hand corner on all slides, put last name of presenter (for judges) and slide number.
3) 4)
9 various configurations and trade-off studies. One should justify and concretely explain all major design decisions. Explain your configurations with quantitative analysis (list assumptions) and/or logical decisions. Separate any analysis portions (formally or informally) into: a) introduction, b) methodology, and c) results. 6) EQUATIONS: Make sure all symbols are defined in the text at the point of introduction (or beforehand), i.e. the weight of the wing (Wwing) was estimated Use section to number the equations and right-justify the numbering, e.g. Wwing = W1 + W2 (4.1)
Define all symbols used in text when first introduced and be consistent throughout report. Use AIAA format: 7) FIGURES and TABLES: These are very valuable in a report, especially if clear and insightful. I recommend having a simple and clear table or a figure on most technical pages. Introduce all Figures and Tables in the text and in the order in which they are numbered, e.g. (Fig. 4.2), and place them just after (or soon after) the paragraph in which they are mentioned. When introducing a figure or table in the text use a three-step process: a) explain what figure is showing, b) comment on any trends/results, c) explain why trends/results occur and/or significance. FIGURE AND TABLE FORMAT For figures, do not use any internal grid lines and do not add extra box outside of figure. Use symbols on axis labels, e.g. H (ft) and word description in caption, e.g. altitude. Keep figures clean with enough trend lines to show trend. Employ appropriate non-dimensionalization when possible. Keep figure font as 12 point or larger (except for sub-scripts) I cant stand trying to read small font. Look at an AIAA journal paper for examples. DATA: Data should be reported with significant figures consistent with uncertainty, e.g. if the uncertainty on cost is at least 5%, then reporting a cost of $13,000,000 is OK (but reporting a cost of $13,123,478.66 is not!). Units should be always be reported. You may use SI (e.g. m/s) for computation and then give final performance results in English dimensions (e.g. ft/s). REFERENCES: You must reference all key technical items (figures, equations) that you did not derive, write, or draw yourself! References in the text should be in AIAA format: HIGHLIGHT NOVEL WORK: You should give details on any equations or models that you personally developed (these show innovative thinking), e.g. equation revision (based on different conditions), model re-calibration (based on more recent and/or more relevant data), or unique configuration you c. Show graphically all curve-fits you developed (use symbols for data and lines for curve fits).
10 SAMPLE FORMAT: AE 440 Aerospace Vehicle Design Aircraft Design Section IDR Report, Presentation, and overall work INTERNAL (YOUR-TEAM) PEER GRADING SHEET Due December 10??, 2008 Please grade the other members of your design team on the basis of their work up to the mid-term. This will be treated as confidential information. Use the following grade schedule. A short explanation comment would be helpful for our overall (sanitized) feedback that we will give students. 10 9 8 7 6 Excellent; the major contributor, spark plug Very good; reliable performer, ready to help, gave extra effort Satisfactory; did what was required, and helped when necessary Weak; inconsistent performer, needed prodding Poor; let others do some of his/her work, a liability to the team Score Sanitized comments (Good & Bad)
Last Name 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Points awarded should average 9 pts per rated member (no more, no less). Do not just give the same grade for each person, unless warranted.
Your name: Note your score will be reduced if you do not turn this form in on time.
11 SAMPLE FORMAT: AE 440 Aerospace Vehicle Design Aircraft Design Section IDR Presentation EXTERNAL (OTHER-TEAM) PEER GRADING SHEET Due December 10??, 2008 Please grade the other design team members on the basis of their presentations. This will be treated as confidential information. Use the following grade schedule. A short explanation/comment would be helpful for our overall (sanitized) feedback that we will give teams. 10 Excellent; clear, concise, and interesting talks, imaginative & logical design 9 Very good; covered all bases, only a few minor deficiencies 8 Satisfactory; did what was required, some high points and some low points 7 Weak; appeared to have design flaws, talks were unpolished and lackluster 6 Poor; design explanation was at points confusing, talks were disorganized Team Name 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Points awarded should average 8.5 pts per rated team (no more, no less). Do not just give the same grade for each team, unless warranted. Your name: Note your score will be reduced if you do not turn this form in on time. Score Comments (Good & Bad)
12 AE 440 Fall 2008 Aerospace Vehicle Design Aircraft Design Section TEAM COMPOSITION Due Thursday 28th, 2008 5PM (by e-mail) I. Discipline Areas (Name) Aerodynamics Propulsion Performance Stability and Control Structural Design Configurations III. Team Leader IV. Deputy Leader V. VI. VII. Team Name Aircraft Name (if decided) Design Theme: