Seminarski Rad: Internacionalni Univerzitet Brčko Distrikt (Saobraćajno Inženjerstvo)

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The document discusses that teaming refers to actively building and developing teams even as projects are ongoing. It is important for organizational learning and ability to adapt. Teaming skills include both cognitive and emotional skills.

Teams are often temporary and members move between projects. Managers should focus on continually teaming even as compositions change. Teaming expands knowledge and expertise for organizations and customers. It is essential for responding to opportunities and improving processes.

Separation, giving the same consequences regardless of who started it, writing apologies or alternative behaviors, and building on past successes in similar situations.


Subject: Engleski jezik II Topics: The importance of Teaming How to Stop Fighting in School and at Home with These 7 Tools

Mentor: Kristina Varcakovi

Student: OS-202/12 Kari Amela

Brko, May 2013

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................3 1. The Importance of Teaming 4 1.2 Teaming is a verb ...................................................................................................................5 1.3 The answer lies in teaming .6 2. How to Stop Fighting in School and at Home with These 7 Tools ...12 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................23 Literature .......................................................................................................................................24


This seminar is composed of two parts. The first part is about the teamwork, its impact on society, business, people and behavior of people and their adjustment and a desire for teamwork. Is teamwork is one of the better ways of managing the community, company, country, or it can lead to problems!? The second part of this seminar refers to creating balance in our childs life. The theme is very interesting and useful, and as a small help for parents, also continued on this topic, there will be talk about How to Stop Fighting in School and at Home with 7 Tool.

1. The Importance of Teaming

Editor's note: Many managers are taught to think of teams as carefully designed, static groups of individuals who, like a baseball team or improv comedy troupe, have ample time to practice interacting successfully and efficiently. The truth is, most corporate project teams don't have the temporal luxury. Teams are often disbanded before they have a chance to gel, as individual members are delegated to new projectsand therefore new teamson a hectic as-need basis. HBS Professor Amy Edmondson maintains that managers should think in terms of "teaming" actively building and developing teams even as a project is in process, while realizing that a team's composition may change at any given moment. Teaming, she says, is essential to organizational learning. She elaborates on this concept in her new book, "Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy." "Teaming calls for developing both affective (feeling) and cognitive (thinking) skills," she writes. "Enabled by distributed leadership, the purpose of teaming is to expand knowledge and expertise so that organizations and their customers can capture the value." In the following excerpt, Edmondson describes the concept of teaming and explains its importance to today's corporate environment. In today's complex and volatile business environment, corporations and organizations also win or lose by creating wholes that are greater than the sum of their parts. Intense competition, rampant unpredictability, and a constant need for innovation are giving rise to even greater interdependence and thus demand even greater levels of collaboration and communication than ever before. Teaming is essential to an organization's ability to respond to opportunities and to improve internal processes. This chapter aims to deepen your understanding of why teaming and

the behaviours it requires are so crucial for organizational success in today's environment. To help illuminate the teaming process and its benefits, the chapter defines teaming, places it within a historical context, and presents a new framework for understanding organizational learning and process knowledge, and explains why these are important concepts for today's leaders.

1.2 Teaming is a verb

Sports teams and musical groups are both bounded, static collections of individuals. Like most work teams in the past, they are physically located in the same place while practicing or performing together. Members of these teams learn how to interact. They've developed trust and know each other's roles. Advocating stable boundaries, well-designed tasks, and thoughtfully composed membership, many seminal theories of organizational effectiveness explained how to design and manage just these types of static performance teams. "Teaming is a verb. It is a dynamic activity, not a bounded, static entity." Harvard psychologist Richard Hackman, a preeminent scholar of team effectiveness, established the power of team structures in enabling team performance. According to this influential perspective, well-designed teams are those with clear goals, well-designed tasks that are conducive to teamwork, team members with the right skills and experiences for the task, adequate resources, and access to coaching and support. Get the design right, the theory says, and the performance will take care of itself. This model focused on the team as an entity, looking largely within the well-defined bounds of a team to explain its performance. Other research, notably conducted by MIT Professor Deborah Ancona, showed that how much a team's members interact with people outside the team boundaries was also an important factor in team performance. Both perspectives worked well in guiding the design and management of effective teams, at least in contexts where managers had the lead-time and the run-time to invest in composing stable, well-designed teams. In these prior treatments, team is a noun. A team is an established, fixed group of people cooperating in pursuit of a common goal. But what if a team disbands almost as quickly as it was assembled? For example, what if you work in an emergency services facility where the staffing changes every shift, and the team changes completely for every case or client? What if you're a

member of a temporary project team formed to solve a unique production problem? Or you're part of a group of managers with a mix of individual and shared responsibilities? How do you create synergy when you lack the advantages offered by the frequent drilling and practice sessions of static performance teams like those in sports and music?

1.3 The answer lies in teaming.

Teaming is a verb. It is a dynamic activity, not a bounded, static entity. It is largely determined by the mindset and practices of teamwork, not by the design and structures of effective teams. Teaming is teamwork on the fly. It involves coordinating and collaborating without the benefit of stable team structures, because many operations like hospitals, power plants, and military installations require a level of staffing flexibility that makes stable team composition rare. In a growing number of organizations, the constantly shifting nature of work means that many teams disband almost as soon as they've formed. You could be working on one team right now, but in a few days, or even a few minutes, you may be on another team. Fast moving work environments need people who know how to team, people who have the skills and the flexibility to act in moments of potential collaboration when and where they appear. They must have the ability to move on, ready for the next such moments. Teaming still relies upon oldfashioned teamwork skills such as recognizing and clarifying interdependence, establishing trust, and figuring out how to coordinate. But there usually isn't time to build a foundation of familiarity through the careful sharing of personal history and prior experience, or the development of shared experiences through practice working together. Instead, people need to develop and use new capabilities for sharing crucial knowledge quickly. They must learn to ask questions clearly and frequently. They must make the small adjustments through which different skills and knowledge are woven together into timely products and services. Why should managers care about teaming? The answer is simple. Teaming is the engine of organizational learning. By now, everyone knows that organizations need to learn how to thrive in a world of continuous change. But how organizations learn is not as well understood.

As discussed later in this chapter, organizations are complex entities; many are globally distributed, most encompass multiple areas of expertise, and nearly all engage in a variety of activities. What does it mean for such a complex entity to "learn"? An organization cannot engage in a learning process in any meaningful sensenot in the way an individual can. Yet, when individuals learn, this does not always create change in the ways the organization delivers products and services to customers. This is a conundrum that has long fascinated academics. This book offers a practical answer to the question of how organizational learning really happens: Through teaming. Products and services are provided to customers by interdependent people and processes. Crucial learning activities must take place, within those smaller, focused units of action, for organizations to improve and innovate. In spite of the ovious need for change, most large enterprises are still managed according to a powerful mindset I call organizing to execute.

1. Vanost timskog rada

Napomena urednika: Mnogi menaderi su naueni da razmiljaju o timu kao paljivo osmiljenoj, statinoj grupi pojedinaca koji, kao bejzbol tim ili improvizacija komedija trupa, imaju dovoljno vremena da vjebaju interakciju uspjeno i efikasno. Istina je, veina korporativni projektni timovi nemaju vremenski luksuz. Timovi se esto raspadnu prije nego to oni imaju priliku da gel, kao to su pojedini lanovi delegirani za nove projekte, a time i novi timovi-na-uurbano kao potrebna osnova. HBS profesor Amy Edmondson tvrdi da bi menadzeri trebali razmiljati smislu udruee aktivnu izgradnju i razvoj timova ak i projekat je u procesu, shvatajui da se sastav momadi moe promijeniti u svakom momentu. Udruenje, kae ona, neophodno je za organizaciono uenje. Ona objanjava ovaj koncept u svojoj novoj knjizi: Udruenje, kako organizacije ue, inovacije, i natjecanje u gospodarstvu znanja. Udrueni poziv za razvoj jednako uinkoviti (osjeaj) i kognitivnih (razmiljanja) vjetina, pie ona. Omogueno od distribuiranog vodstva, svrha udruenja je proiriti znanje i strunost da bi organizacije i njihovi klijenti mogli uhvatiti vrijednost. U sledeem izvodu, Edmondson opisuje koncept udruenja i objanjava njegov znaaj u dananjem poslovnom okruzenju. U dananjem sloenom i promjenjivom poslovnom okruenju, korporacije i organizacije takoer pobijeuju i gube stvaranjem cjeline koje su vee od zbroja njihovih dijelova. Snana

konkurencija, bijesan nepredvidljivost, i stalna potreba za inovacijom su dovela do jo vee ovisnosti i time zahtijevaju jo veu razinu suradnje i komunikacije nego ikada prije. Suradnja je neophodna za organizacijsku sposobnost da odgovori na prilike i unaprijediti interne procese. Ovo poglavlje ima za cilj produbiti svoje razumijevanje zato udruenje i ponaanja to zahtijeva toliko presudno za organizacijski uspjeh u dananjem okruenju. Da biste osvijetlili teaming proces i njegove prednosti, poglavlje definira udruenje, stavlja ga u povijesnom kontekstu, i predstavlja novi okvir za razumijevanje organizacijskog uenja i proces znanje, i objanjava zato su vani za dananje voe.

1.2 Suradnja je glagol

Sportski timovi i glazbene skupine su obje omeene, statikom zbirke pojedinaca. Kao i veina radnih timova u prolosti, one su fiziki locirane na istom mjestu dok treniraju ili nastupaju zajedno. lanovi tih timova ue kako komunicirati. Oni su razvili povjerenje i znaju jedni drugima uloge. Zalaganje za stabilne granice, dobro osmiljene zadatke i promiljeno sastavljen lanak, mnoge sjemene teorije o organizacijskoj uinkovitosti, objasnio kako dizajnirati i upravljati samo ove vrste statikih uspjenosti timova. "Suradnja je glagol. To je dinamina aktivnost, ne ogranien, statiki entitet."

Harvard psiholog Richard Hackman, nadmoan uenjak tima uinkovitosti, utvrdio je snagu tima strukture u omoguavanju timski rad. Prema ovoj utjecajnoj perspektivi, dobro dizajnirane ekipe su one s jasnim ciljevima, dobro osmiljenim zadatkom koje su pogodne za timski rad, lanovi tima s pravim vjetinama i iskustvima za zadatak, adekvatnih resursa i pristup treniranju i podrku. Nabavite dizajn pravo, teorija kae, i performanse e se brinuti o sebi. Ovaj model usredotoen na tim kao cjelinu, gleda uglavnom unutar dobro definiranih granica tim da objasni svoju izvedbu. Ostala istraivanja, posebice provodi MIT profesor Deborah Ancone, pokazalo je da koliko lanovi momadi komuniciraju s ljudima izvan granica tima je takoer bio vaan imbenik u tim performansama. Obje perspektive rade dobro u voenju dizajna i upravljanju

uinkovitim timovima, barem u kontekstu u kojem menaderi imaju lead-time i run-time investirati u skladanju stabilne, dobro dizajnirane momadi. U ovim prethodnim tretmanima, tim je imenica.Tim je uspostavljena, fiksna skupina ljudi koji surauju u potrazi za zajednikom cilju. No, to ako momad disbands gotovo jednako brzo kao to je sastavljen? Na primjer, to ako radite u objektu hitnim slubama gdje se osoblje mijenja svaki pomak, a tim mijenja u potpunosti za svaki sluaj ili klijenta? to ako ste lan privremenog projektnog tima formiranog za rijeenje jedinstvenog proizvodnog problema? Ili ste dio skupine menadera s mjeavinom individualnih i zajednikih odgovornosti? Kako stvoriti sinergiju kada vam nedostaje prednosti koje nudi estih buenja i praksa sjednicama statike izvedbe momadi poput onih u sportu i glazbi?

1.3 Odgovor lezi u suradnji

Suradnja je glagol. To je dinamina aktivnost, ne ogranien, statiki entitet. To u velikoj mjeri odreuje razmiljanje i prakse timskog rada, a ne na dizajn i konstrukcija uinkovitosti timova. Suradnja je timski rad u letu. To ukljuuje koordinaciju i suradnju, bez korist stabilne tima strukturama, jer mnoge operacije kao to su bolnice, elektrane i vojnie instalacije zahtijevaju razinu osoblja i fleksibilnost koja ini stabilna momad. U sve veem broju organizacija, stalno kree priroda posla znai da mnogi timovi se raziu gotovo im se formiraju. Ti bi mogao raditi na jednom timu upravo sada, ali u nekoliko dana, ili ak nekoliko minuta, to moe biti na nekom drugom klubu.

Brzo kree radnim okruenjima trebaju ljude koji znaju kako raditi u timu, ljudi koji su vjeti i fleksibilni da djeluju u trenucima potencijalne suradnje, kada i gdje se pojavljuju. Oni moraju imati mogunost da se presele na, spreman za sljedeu takvim trenucima. Zajedno jo uvijek oslanja na staromodan timski rad vjetina, kao to su prepoznavanje i objanjavanja meuovisnost, uspostavu povjerenja i figuring out kako uskladiti. No, tu obino nije vrijeme da se izgraditemelj poznavanja kroz oprezni dijeljenje osobnih povijesti i prethodnog iskustva ili razvoj zajednikih iskustava kroz praksu rade zajedno. Umjesto toga, ljudi trebaju razvijati i koristiti nove mogunosti za dijeljenje kljunu znanje brzo. Oni moraju nauiti kako postavljati 10

pitanja jasno i esto. Oni moraju napraviti male prilagodbe kroz koje razliite vjetine i znanja su utkani u pravovremenom proizvoda i usluga.

Zato bi menadere trebalo zanimati suradnja? ?Odgovor je jednostavan. Suradnja je motor organizacijskog uenja. Do sada, svatko zna da organizacije trebaju nauiti kako napredovati u svijetu kontinuirano promjene. No, kako organizacije nauiti ne kao dobro razumio. Kao to je objanjeno kasnije u ovom poglavlju, organizacije su sloeni entiteti, mnogi globalno distribuira, veina obuhvatiti vie podruja strunosti, a gotovo svi sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima. to to znai za tako sloen entitet "nauiti"?Organizacija ne moe sudjelovati u procesu uenja u bilo kakve znaajnije smislu-ne na nain pojedinac moe. Ipak, kada su pojedinci nauiti, to ne mora uvijek stvoriti promjenu u nainu organizacije isporuuje proizvode i usluge kupcima. To je zagonetka koja ima dugo fascinirao akademika. Ova knjiga nudi praktine odgovor na pitanje kako se organizacijsko uenje stvarno dogaa: Kroz udruivanje. Proizvodi i usluge pruaju klijentima meuovisnih ljudi i procesa. Kljuni nastavne aktivnosti moraju se odvijati unutar tih manjih, usredotoen jedinica akciji, organizacije za poboljanje i inovacije. Unato oitoj potrebe za promjenom, veina velikih poduzea jo uvijek upravlja prema snanim razmiljanje ja nazivam organizira izvriti.


2. How to Stop Fighting in School and at Home with These 7 Tools

James discusses exactly what to do when your children get in trouble for fighting at school or at home—and the right kinds of consequences to give them so they learn to use appropriate behavior instead of lashing out when they feel like hitting someone the next time. Read on to find out the steps you can take toward resolving the problem of fighting at school, plus get advice on how to handle fights that break out between siblings at home! When your children use fighting or other negative physical behavior as their main coping skills, you'll find that it usually doesn't stop at home—they will use it at school, in the neighborhood, on the ball field or at the mall. If your son uses physical fighting, for example, or your daughter uses verbal abuse in place of the problem-solving skills they need to learn in order to function successfully as adults—skills like communication, negotiation and compromise—make no mistake, you need to address this problem immediately. If you don't, understand that it's as if your children will be entering the world with a couple of hammers to handle their problems, when what they really need is a wide range of sophisticated tools in order to be successful.

How to Handle Fighting at School and at Home: 7 Tools You Can Use Today
When your child is disciplined at school for getting into a fight, I think the absolute best thing you can do is first find out from the school exactly what happened. That way, you'll have a framework for your eventual discussion with your child. In my opinion, the most effective way to handle news about fighting at school is to do the following:


2.1. Give Your Child Time to Transition:

When your child gets home, give him ten minutes to reorient to the house. Let him have his snack or listen to some music. Don't challenge him immediately, because transition is difficult for people of all ages, and it is not a time to deal with any issues at all. For instance, if a child acts out all, or there's a problem with the next door neighbors, when you get him back in the house, give him ten minutes before you talk with him. The time to talk about any episode is not right when he gets home. It's hard for people to process emotions during transitions. Rather, the time to talk about it is ten minutes later, after your child has calmed down.

2. 2. Be Direct and Don't Trap Him:

When you talk, try to avoid blaming, tricking or trapping your child. Instead, be very direct and straightforward; put the facts out there. "I spoke to the school today and they were concerned. Would you like to tell me what happened?" Don't try to trap your child by saying things like, "Did anything happen at school today that you want to talk about?" Over time, trick or "trap" questions will increase your child's anxiety and make him not trust you, because he will never know what you're going to confront him with.

2.3. Listen to What He Has to Say—Even If He's Wrong:

Let your child tell you the whole story first, if he's willing to talk. Don't cut him off halfway through by saying, "Well, that's not what they said." If you do that, you're never going to hear his side of the story. By the way, your child's account may not be accurate or honest, and his perceptions may not be valid. But the bottom line is that if you hear the whole story, at least then you've got something comprehensive to work with. If you stop your child when he sounds like he's not telling the truth, you may miss the point that shines light on the fact that it's a matter of different perceptions. Often, a child's perceptions aren't the same as an adult's—and you won't learn that unless you hear the whole story. By the way, these misperceptions will need to be corrected. So encourage your child to talk.


2.4. Use Active Listening Methods:

When you say, "The school called me today about a fight. Can you tell me what happened?" your child may tell you something, or he may not. If he decides to talk, let him tell you as much as he can. Always use statements such as, "Uh huh.""Tell me more." "I see." and "What happened next?" Those are active listening methods that get kids to talk more and be comfortable. Don't forget, our goal is not to intimidate or punish. Our goal is to investigate and learn information. On the other hand, if he refuses to talk about what happened, I recommend that he not be allowed to play, watch TV, use electronics, or do anything else until he's ready to talk. When you are talking with your child, if he gets stuck for a minute, repeat back what you've heard him saying in this manner: "So what I hear you saying is, Jared came and kicked you today for no reason, so you hit him. Is that right?" Get it straight so that you're both on the same page. When your child is done, ask, "Did the school punish you?" and then ask how. Let him tell you what the school did and then say, "OK, when I spoke to the school, this is what they told me." First, start with the points your child and the school agreed on. "They did say you and Jared were having an argument and that it was almost lunch time." Or "They did say that Michael was being rude to you in the cafeteria and that he was teasing you about the shirt you wore today."

2.5. Avoid Using the Word "But":

Here's an important rule of thumb—when disagreeing with your child or wanting to point out something to him, avoid using the word "but"—use a word like "and" instead. Understand that the word "but" cuts down on communication, because it really means, "Now I'm going to tell you where you were wrong," This simply sets up a kid's defenses. For example, if you say, "You did a nice job cleaning your room today, but..." he knows something negative is coming. "But it still smells in there." That's not as helpful as saying, "You did a nice job cleaning your room, and now I'd like you to spray it with room deodorizer." You'll get the same result, but you're doing it in a more affirmative, pleasant way.


So you can say, "I heard about what Michael said to you... and the teacher also said that he heard Michael say insulting things about your shirt. And then the teacher told you to go to the lunch counter, and said that he would take care of Michael for you. Instead, you chose to curse at Michael and started walking toward him in a threatening way. What were you trying to accomplish when you cursed at Michael and walked in his direction?" Keep probing, trying to find out what he wanted to accomplish. Most importantly, you want your child to make an admission about what happened so he can learn from it. One of the things you want to do if you can is point out the exact moment when your child's problem-solving skills stopped working, because that's the point where the learning can take place. If your son says, "I started walking toward Michael because he was being mean to me," you can respond, "You know, you were right that he was being mean and you were right to get angry, but if the teacher says he's going to take care of it, you have to stop or you'll get into trouble. If somebody insulted my clothes or called me names, I wouldn't like it either. So I understand."

2. 6. When Talking with the School about Consequences:

Find out what the school's usual consequences are for fighting when you talk with them. If they ask you, "What do you think we should do?" I think you should say, "Well, what are the standard consequences for this behavior? Is there any reason why you shouldn't follow them? I think you should follow your policy." Let me be clear here: anything that your child does that is physically aggressive, physically abusive, or verbally abusive should be followed up at home with a discussion and possible consequence. (Any functional problem—running in the hall, chewing gum, throwing something—should be handled by the school. It's their job to manage routine behavior.) The reason you have to challenge the more disruptive behaviors at home is because home is the place where you have the time to teach him about alternatives. If it's the first time, help him figure out where his coping skills broke down, and then work with him on coming up with some appropriate ones. On the other hand, if this is the second time this has happened at school, not only should you talk about where his skills broke down, but there should be a consequence to keep him accountable.


That consequence could include any task that you think would be helpful to his learning about the situation for the amount of time it takes him to complete it. So grounding him for six hours is not helpful, but having him write ten things he could do differently next time is helpful. If your child is suspended from school, I recommend that he loses all his privileges and electronics until he's off suspension. That timeline is easy; the school has already set it for you. Remember, if your child is suspended to home, then you put the keyboard, the cable box, the iPod and the cell phone in the back of your car when you go to work. And here's how I recommend that parents deal with siblings fighting at home.

2.7. How to Handle Fighting at Home:

Fighting at home differs from fighting in school for a parent because if you weren't there when the fight started, the reality is, there's no way to tell who's telling the truth—or if in fact there is a truth. Remember, if two kids with distorted perceptions get into a physical fight, there may not be a truth; there might just be their distorted perceptions compounded by the absence of communication and problem-solving skills. Either way, if you weren't there to see the fight start, the best way to deal with it is to give both kids the same consequence and learning lesson. To begin with, meet with each child briefly to get their perceptions. Then give each kid the same consequence and learning lesson, no matter who you think was responsible for starting it. So that might be, "You will both go to your rooms until you write three paragraphs (depending upon how old your child is) on what you're going to do differently next time." Or "Each of you has to go and write an apology to your brother. Until it's done, you both stay in your rooms." If your kids share a room, then send one to the kitchen. Separating them is important because not only will it stop the fight, it will help your kids calm down. With younger kids, they can be sent to their room for a while to play on their own. And with older kids, let them listen to music in their rooms. The idea is that they should calm down and then write their essays. (With younger kids who can't write yet, you might just have them tell you what they will do differently next time.) By the way, each child should be dealt with separately, regarding how they respond to the consequence. So if one child is resistant and defiant and the other is not, that's taken into consideration, in terms of how long they have to stay in their rooms or go without privileges. Understand that your kids may have another fight an hour later, and they might have to go back in their rooms again and again. The important thing here is that when they write those apologies 16

or alternative behaviors, the part of their mind that's trying to solve problems and learn how to communicate better is beginning to work. Part of any learning experience is to get that area of the mind—the learning, problem-solving, communicating area of the mind—working. It's like exercising: as long as your body is doing push-ups, your muscles are going to get bigger. When you stop doing push-ups, those muscles don't get bigger anymore. And certainly, if you want to teach your child how to communicate and problem solve, you have to use those situations as much as you can. Think of it as practice for the future—you are helping your kids build muscles that will help them behave appropriately for the rest of their lives. Whenever possible, build on past successes. What has the child done in this type of situation that worked for him in the past? You can ask, "Yesterday your brother was annoying to you, but you didn't hit him then. What made today different? It seemed like you handled it great yesterday. What did you do then that you didn't do today? What did you say to control yourself? How is this different?" Pointing out a previous success in a similar situation can provide insight and direction for the future, and that's exactly what you want to give your child.


2. Kako zaustaviti da se bore u koli i kod kue sa ovih 7 alata

James govori tono to uiniti kada vaa djeca upadnu u nevolji za borbu u koli ili kod kue, pravo vrste posljedica da ih daju tako da naue koristiti prikladno ponaanje, umjesto izletavanja kada se osjeaju kao beskompromisnu netko sljedei put. itajte da bi saznali koje korake moete poduzeti prema rjeavanju problema borbe u koli, plus dobiti savjete o tome kako se nositi sa borbom koje buknu izmeu brae i sestara kod kue! Kada vaa djeca koriste poara ili drugih negativnih fiziki ponaanje kao glavni suoavanja vjetine, vidjet ete kako to obino ne zaustavi kod kue-oni e ga koristiti u koli, u susjedstvu, na loptu polju ili u trgovakom centru. Ako tvoj sin koristi fiziku borbu, na primjer, ili vaa ki koristi verbalno zlostavljanje na mjestu, sposobnost rjeavanja problema koje su im potrebne kako bi nauili kako bi se uspjeno funkcionirati kao odrasle vjetine kao to su komunikaciju, pregovaranje i kompromis ne ine pogreku, to je potrebno za rjeavanje ovog problema odmah. Ako ne, razumijem da je to kao da je vaa djeca e biti ulazak u svijet s nekoliko ekia za obradu svoje probleme, kada ono to im stvarno treba je irok raspon sofisticiranih alata kako bi bila uspjena. Kako se nositi sa borbom u koli i kod kue: 7 alata koje moete koristiti danas Kad vae dijete disciplinira u koli za dobivanje u borbi, mislim da apsolutno najbolja stvar koju moete uiniti je prvi saznati iz kole to se tono dogodilo. Na taj nain, vi ete imati okvir za svoj eventualni raspravu sa svojim djetetom.

2.1. Dajte svoje vrijeme koje dijete s tranziciji:


Kada dijete doe kui, dati mu deset minuta preorijentirati na kui. Neka imaju svoj obrok ili sluati neke glazbe. Ne izazvati ga odmah, jer je prijelaz je teko za ljude svih dobnih skupina, a to je nije vrijeme za rjeavanje bilo kakvih problema na sve. Na primjer, ako se dijete ponaa se na centar, ili postoji problem s sljedei susjedi vrata, kad ga dobiti natrag u kuu, dati mu deset minuta prije nego to s njim razgovarati. Vrijeme za razgovor o bilo kojoj epizodi nije u redu kad se vrati kui. To je teko za ljude da proces emocije tijekom prijelaza. Umjesto toga, vrijeme za razgovor o tome je deset minuta kasnije, nakon to vae dijete je smirila.

2. 2. Budite direktni i nemojte ga uhvatiti:

Kada razgovarate, pokuavajte izbjei okrivljavanje, prevariti ili zarobi svoje dijete. Umjesto toga, biti vrlo izravna i jednostavno, stavi injenice vani. "Razgovarao sam u kolu, a danas su bili u pitanju. Biste li mi rekli to se dogodilo? "Nemojte pokuati zamku svoje dijete govorei stvari poput:" Je li se to dogodilo u koli danas, da li elite razgovarati o tome? "Tijekom vremena, trik ili" zamku "Pitanja e poveati vae dijete, tjeskoba i uiniti ga ne vjerujete, jer on nikada nee znati to e ga suoiti sa.

2. 3. Posluajte to on ima za rei, ak i ako je u krivu:

Neka vae dijete vam rei cijelu priu prvi, ako je on spreman za razgovor. Nemojte ga odstrani pola strane govorei: "Pa, to nije ono to su rekli." Ako to uinite, vi nikad ne idete uti njegovu stranu prie. Po nain, na raun Vaeg djeteta ne mogu biti tone ili iskreni, a njegove percepcije ne moe biti valjana. Ali dno crta je da ako ujete cijelu priu, barem onda mora neto sveobuhvatnu za radu. Ako se zaustavi svoje dijete, kada on zvui kao da ne govori istinu, moda ete propustiti toke koje sja svjetlo na injenici da je rije o razliitim percepcijama. esto, djetetovih percepcija nisu isti kao odrasli -a neete nauiti da ako ujete cijelu priu. Usput, ove navanju injenica morat e se ispraviti. Dakle, potaknite svoje dijete da razgovaraju.

2.4 Koristite aktivno sluanje metode:

Kada kaem, "kola zove me danas o borbi. Moete li mi rei to se dogodilo?" Vae dijete moe ti neto rei, ili ne moe. Ako on odlui razgovarati, neka vam rei koliko on moe. Uvijek koristite izjave poput: "Aha." "Reci mi vie." "Ja vidim." i "to se dogodilo?" Oni su aktivno sluanje metode koje se djecu razgovarati vie i biti udoban. Ne zaboravite, na cilj nije da se 19

zastrai ili kazni. Na cilj je istraiti i saznati informacije. S druge strane, ako on odbija govoriti o onome to se dogodilo, Preporuujem da on ne moi igrati, gledati TV, koristiti elektronike, ili uiniti bilo to drugo dok je on spreman razgovarati. Kad razgovarate sa svojim djetetom, ako zapne za minutu, ponoviti natrag ono to ste ga uli govorei na ovaj nain: "Pa to sam uo da je rekao, Jared, ak i ti izbaen danas bez razloga, tako da ga je udario. Je li to tono? "Get It ravno, tako da ste oboje na istoj stranici. Kada dijete je uinio, pitati:" Je li kola vas kaznila? ", a zatim pitati kako. Neka ti rei to je kola, a zatim rekao:" U redu, kad sam govorio u kolu, to je ono to mi je rekao. "Prvo, ponite s tokama vae dijete i kola dogovoreno. "Oni su rekli da su i Jared ima argumente i da je skoro vrijeme za ruak." Ili "To su uinili kau Michael je da bude grub prema tebi u kantini i da je vas zadirkuje o koulji koju ste nosili danas.

2. 5. Izbjegavajte Koritenje Rije "ali":

Ovdje je vano pravilo-kada je neslaganje s vaim djetetom ili ele istaknuti neto za njega, izbjei koristei rije "ali" koritenje rijei poput "i" umjesto. Shvatite da Rije "ali" smanjuje se na komunikaciju, jer to zapravo znai, "Sada u vam rei gdje ste bili u krivu, "To jednostavno postavlja klinac obranu. Primjerice, ako ti kae," Ti si lijep posao ienja vaeg soba je danas, ali ... "on zna neto negativna dolazi." Ali to jo uvijek smrdi unutra. "To nije pomogla kako kae, "Ti si lijep posao ienja svoju sobu, a sada bih elio da ga sprej sa sobom sobni dezodorans." Vi ete dobiti isti rezultat, ali to rade u vie afirmativan, ugodan nain. Dakle, moete rei: "uo sam to je Michael rekao da vas ... i uitelj je takoer rekao da je uo Michael kau vrijeanje stvari o koulji. I onda uitelj ti je rekao da ide na ankom, i rekao da je on e voditi brigu o Michaelu za vas. Umjesto toga, odluio da psuju na Michaela i krenula prema njemu u prijetei nain. to si pokuavao ostvariti kada proklinjati Mihovila i uao u njegov smjeru? "Drite sondiranje, pokuavajui otkriti to je elio ostvariti. Ono to je najvanije, elite da va dijete bi priznanje o tome to se dogodilo, tako da on moe nauiti od njega. Jedna od stvari koje elite uiniti, ako moete se istiu upravo u trenutku kada je vae dijete rjeavanje problema vjetine prestao raditi, jer to je mjesto gdje uenje moe odvijati. Ako tvoj sin kae: "Poeo sam hodala prema Michaelu, jer je on bio znai za mene ", moete odgovoriti:" Zna, bila si u pravu da je bio znai i da su pravo ljutiti, ali ako uiteljica kae da e


se brinuti o njoj, morate zaustaviti ili ete dobiti u nevolji. Ako netko vrijea moju odjeu i zove me vrijeati, ja ne bih to svidjelo. Dakle, ja razumijem. "

2. 6. Kad razgovoru s fakulteta o posljedicama:

Saznajte to kole u uobiajene posljedice za borbu kada razgovarate s njima. Ako se od vas traiti, "to misli da bismo trebali uiniti?" Mislim da bi trebao rei: "Pa, ono to su standardne posljedice za to ponaanje? Postoji li razlog zbog kojeg ne treba ih slijediti? Mislim da treba slijediti svoje politike. " Dopustite mi da budem jasan ovdje: sve to dijete radi da je fiziki agresivni, fiziki nasilan, ili verbalno uvredljiv treba pratiti kod kue s raspravu i mogue posljedice. (Svaki funkcionalni Problem-prikazivati u dvorani, vakaa guma, bacanje neto-treba povjeriti kola. To je njihov posao da upravljaju rutinsko ponaanje.) Razlog morate osporiti vie ometajuih ponaanja kod kue, jer dom je mjesto gdje imate vremena da ga naui o alternativama. Ako je to prvi put, pomoi mu shvatiti gdje mu je suoavanje vjetine pokvario, a zatim raditi s njim dolaze s nekim odgovarajuim one. S druge strane, ako je ovo je drugi put da se to dogodilo u koli, ne samo da bi trebali razgovarati o tome gdje su njegove vjetine razbio prema dolje, ali ne bi trebalo biti posljedica da bi ga na odgovornost. To posljedicu moe ukljuiti bilo koji zadatak da li mislite da bi bilo korisno za svoje uenje o situaciji za koliinu vremena koje je potrebno da ga dovriti. Tako ga uzemljenja za est sati i nije korisno, ali da mu je pisanje deset stvari koje je mogao uiniti drugaije sljedei put je korisno. Ako vae dijete je suspendiran iz kole, preporuujem da izgubi sve svoje privilegije i elektronike dok je on izvan suspenzije. To timeline je lako; kola ve ga postaviti za vas. Zapamtite, ako je vae dijete suspendiran do kue, a zatim stavite tipkovnicu, kabelsku kutiju, iPod i mobitel u stranjoj strani auto kada idete na posao.

2. 7. Kako se nositi sa borbom kod kue:

Borba kod kue razlikuje od borbi u kolu za roditelje jer ako nisu bili tamo kad je borba zapoeo, stvarnost je, ne postoji nain za rei tko govori istinu, ili ako je u injenici to je istina. Zapamtite, ako se dvoje djece s iskrivljenim predodbama dobiti u fizikom obraunu, tu ne moe biti istina, postoji moe biti samo njihove iskrivljene percepcije sloen po nedostatku


komunikacije i rjeavanja problema vjetine. Bilo kako bilo, ako niste bili tamo kako bi vidjeli poetak borbe, najbolji nain da se bave je da se i djeci isto posljedica i uenje lekcija. Za poetak, upoznati sa svakim djetetom kratko da se njihove percepcije. Zatim dati svakom djetetu istu posljedicu i learning kolegija, bez obzira na to to mislite tko je odgovoran za ga poetka. Tako da bi moglo biti, "Vi e obojica otii u svoje sobe dok pie tri toke (ovisno nakon koliko godina je vae dijete) o tome to e uiniti drugaije sljedei put. "Ili" Svaki od vas mora ii i napisati ispriku vaeg brata. Do se to radi, da oboje ostanu u svojim sobama. "Ako vaa djeca dijele sobu, a zatim poslati jednu u kuhinju. Odvajanje im je vano, jer ne samo da e ga zaustaviti borbu, to e pomoi vaem djeca se smiri. S mlau djecu, oni mogu biti poslani u njihovoj sobi za vrijeme igrati na vlastitu. I sa starijom djecom, neka ih sluati glazbu u svojim sobama. Ideja je da se treba smiriti, a zatim napisati svoje eseje. (S mlaa djeca koja ne moe pisati jo, moda samo ih ti rei to e uiniti drugaije sljedei put.) Usput, svako dijete treba rjeavati odvojeno, s obzirom kako oni reagiraju na posljedice. Dakle, ako jedno dijete je otporna i prkosan, a drugi nije, kako se uzeti u obzir, u smislu koliko su moraju ostati u svojim sobama ili ii bez privilegija. Shvatite da vaa djeca mogu imati jo jednu borbu sat kasnije, i oni bi se vratiti u svoje sobe opet i opet. Vana stvar ovdje je da kada oni piu one isprike ili alternativnih ponaanja, dio svog uma da pokuava rijeiti probleme i nauiti kako bolje komunicirati je na poetku raditi. Dio bilo iskustvo uenja je da se taj prostor uma-uenja, rjeavanje problema, komuniciranja podruje uma rad. To je kao vjebanje: dok vae tijelo radi sklekove, Vai miii e dobiti vei. Kada prestanete raditi sklekove, ti miii ne dobiti vei vie. I sigurno, ako elite nauiti svoje dijete kako komunicirati i rijeiti problem, morate koristiti one situacije koliko moete. Zamislite to kao praksi za budunost to se pomae svoje Djeca grade miie koji e im pomoi da se ponaaju primjereno za ostatak svog ivota. Kad god je mogue, graditi na prolim uspjesima. to je dijete uinjeno u ovoj vrsti situacije koja je radila za ga je u prolosti? Moete pitati: "Juer je tvoj brat bio neugodno za vas, ali ga nije pogodio tada. Ono to je danas drugaije? inilo se kao da ga obrauju velik juer. to ste radili onda da nije to danas? to ste rekli da sami kontrolirati? Kako je to drugaije? "Istaknuvi prethodna uspjeh na slina situacija moe pruiti uvid i smjernice za budunost, a to je upravo ono to elite dati svoje dijete.


First topic, "The Importance of Teaming," I chose because I think that a lot can be achieved by teamwork. I think that's the answer to all problems, because as an individual is not able to alter or amend a lot. If you want to work to improve the environment, community, and society and the state, we need to know and learn to work as a group, so we will be able to reach what we want. The theme is very interesting and instructive, and I'm glad I had a chance to process it. The second theme. "How to Stop Fighting in School and at Home with These 7 Tools" for me is a logical continuation of the first theme. Because in order to avoid inappropriate behavior of the child at school, at home, in a public place, you must work as a team. More and more people are facing with this problem, I hope that these 7 tips to stop this behavior would be a great help to everyone who is in this situation.


1. Brozovic Gercan, Englesko hrvatski ili srpski rjecnik, Skolska knjiga Zagreb 1980.


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