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Basis : Prove for one or several small values of X directly. 2. Inductive step : Assume S (Y ) for Y \smaller than" X ; prove S (X ) using that assumption.
Inductive Proofs
A binary tree with n leaves has 2n 1 nodes. Formally, S (T ): if T is a binary tree with n leaves, then T has 2n 1 nodes. Induction is on the size = number of nodes of T. Basis : If T has 1 leaf, it is a one-node tree. 1 = 2 1 1 so OK. Induction : Assume S (U ) for trees with fewer nodes than T . In particular, assume for the subtrees of T . T must be a root plus two subtrees U and V . If U and V have u and v leaves, respectively, and T has t leaves, then u + v = t. By the inductive hypothesis, U and V have 2u 1 and 2v 1 nodes, respectively. Then T has 1 + (2u 1) + (2v 1) nodes. = 2(u + v) 1. = 2t 1, proving the inductive step. Often, a statement we need to prove is of the form \X if and only if Y ." We are then required to do two things: 1. Prove the if-part : Assume Y and prove X . 2. Prove the only-if-part : Assume X , prove Y .
If-And-Only-If Proofs
The if and only-if parts are converses of each other. One part, say \if X then Y ," says nothing about whether Y is true when X is false. An equivalent form to \if X then Y " is \if not Y then not X "; the latter is the contrapositive of the former. 1
Equivalence of Sets
Many important facts in language theory are of the form that two sets of strings, described in two di erent ways, are really the same set. To prove sets S and T are the same, prove: x is in S if and only if x is in T . That is: Assume x is in S ; prove x is in T . Assume x is in T ; prove x is in S . Here are two ways that we can de ne \balanced parentheses": 1. Grammatically : a) The empty string is balanced. b) If w is balanced, then (w) is balanced. c) If w and x are balanced, then so is wx. 2. By Scanning : w is balanced if and only if: a) w has an equal number of left and right parentheses. b) Every pre x of w has at least as many left as right parentheses. Call these GB and SB properties, respectively. Theorem: a string of parentheses w is GB if and only if it is SB. An induction on jwj (length of w). Assume w is SB; prove it is GB. Basis : If w = (length = 0), then w is GB by rule (a). Notice that we do not even have to address the question of whether is SB (it is, however). Induction : Suppose the statement \SB implies GB" is true for strings shorter than w. 1. Case 1: w is not , but has no nonempty pre x that has an equal number of ( and ). Then w must begin with ( and end with ); i.e., w = (x). x must be SB (why?). By the IH, x is GB. By rule (b), (x) is GB; but (x) = w, so w is GB. 2
2. Case 2: w = xy, where x is the shortest, nonempty pre x of w with an equal number of ( and ), and y 6= . x and y are both SB (why)? By the IH, x and y are GB. w is GB by rule (c). An induction on jwj. Assume w is GB; prove it is SB. Basis : w = . Clearly w obeys the conditions for being SB. Induction : Assume \GB implies SB" for strings shorter than w, and assume w 6= . 1. Case 1: w is GB because of rule (b); i.e., w = (x) and x is GB. by the IH, x is SB. Since x has equal numbers of ('s and )'s, so does (x). Since x has no pre x with more ('s than )'s, so does (x). 2. Case 2: w is not and is GB because of rule (c); i.e., w = xy, and x and y are GB. By the IH, x and y are SB. (Aside) Trickier than it looks: we have to argue that neither x nor y could be , because if one were, the other would be w, and this rule application could not be the one that rst shows w to be GB. xy has equal numbers of ('s and )'s because x and y both do. If w had a pre x with more )'s than ('s, that pre x would either be a pre x of x (contradicting the fact that x has no such pre x) or it would be x followed by a pre x of y (contradicting the fact that y also has no such pre x). (Aside) Above is an example of proof by contradiction. We assumed our conclusion about w was false and showed it would imply something that we know is false.
Alphabet = nite set of symbols, e.g., f0; 1g (binary alphabet) or ASCII. String = nite sequence of symbols chosen from some alphabet, e.g., 01101 or abracadabra. Language = set of strings chosen from some alphabet. Subtle point: the language may be in nite, but there is some nite set of symbols of which all its strings are composed.
Example; Languages
The set of all binary strings consisting of some number of 0's followed by an equal number of 1's; that is, f ; 01; 0011; 000111; : : :g. C (the set of compilable C programs). English.
Finite Automata
An important way to describe certain simple, but highly useful languages called \regular languages." A graph with a nite number of nodes, called states. Arcs are labeled with one or more symbols from some alphabet. One state is designated the start state or initial state. Some states are nal states or accepting states. The language of the FA is the set of strings that label paths that go from the start state to some accepting state.
Below FA scans HTML documents, looking for a list of what could be title-author pairs, perhaps in a reading list for some literature course. It accepts whenever it nds the end of a list item. 4
In an application, the strings that matched the title (before ' by ') and author (after) would be stored in a table of title-author pairs being accumulated. Start 1
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