Railway Development in Indonesia
Railway Development in Indonesia
Railway Development in Indonesia
Vision: to be the best providers of railway service that focus on service to the customer and meet the expectations of stakeholders Mission: Organizing the railway business and its support, through good practice and good organizational model for providing high added value for our stakeholders and ensuring environmental sustainability through four main pillars i.e. safety, right time, services and pleasantness
1. 2. 3. 4.
commuter about 400 km. Several performance analysis about Indonesian Railways is showed at the next pages.
The map indicates most of the major cities are already interconected in Java. The main requirements in Java would related to : Upgrading existing lines, Building access lines to key facilities, expanding urban services
LongTermPlanning 242.75
2 .0 0 0
) . p R n o i l l i B ( e m o c n I
1 .5 0 0
1 .0 0 0
0 .5 0 0
0 .0 0 0 A n n u al P r o gr am L o n g Te r m P lan n in g R e alizatio n
2004 1 .5 2 6 1 .7 8 6 1 .4 4 6
2005 1 .5 3 0 1 .5 3 0 1 .5 8 7
2006 1 .7 2 1 1 .7 2 1 1 .6 8 5
2007 1 .7 7 3 1 .7 7 3 1 .7 5 3
2 5 .0 0
2 0 .0 0 ) n o i l l i M ( n o T
1 5 .0 0
1 0 .0 0
5 .0 0
2004 2 1 .5 1 2 7 .2 2 1 7 .4 6
2005 2 0 .2 3 1 9 .7 7 1 7 .3 3
2006 1 8 .6 1 1 8 .6 1 1 7 .2 0
2007 1 8 .2 0 1 8 .2 0 1 7 .2 0
doesnt reach the annual and long term program (except in 2006) because several reason:
{ { { {
Waiting of passenger trains. Rate of turn wagon is high (average over 3 days). Canceling of freight trains. Technical problems by rolling stock and infrastructure.
consider increasing the productivity of human resources in the future. The factors are:
The quality of human resources remains low, as with mental aspect, as well as formal education { Inappropriate human resources are placed for their competence, not rewards and punishments executed, unclear job descriptions, and have not applied, the job description is unclear, but the application of merit system (in terms of management)
Transportation revenue growth should continue to increase, to compensate for the stagnation of the growth in passenger transport. In 2011 projected revenues exceed revenues from freight transport; Non-transportation revenue should be increased from only 0.1% to at least 5% of total operating revenues
y Then the solution that can be done is: { Identify passenger and goods transport mapping (occupancy rate, etc.), to increase the volume; { cost efficiency is very relevant to review costing system; { developing the potential of freight in the region outside Java (South Sumatera Regional Division); { Development of non-transport activities through property management, advertising, and utilities (cable, pipeline, telecommunications, etc.).
a. b. c. d.
Rail network developement need in Kalimantan for urban / suburban services, and to freight the coal from the mining areas. The network may be constructed in the short term as special projects with private sector funding
As well as Kalimantan, Sulawesi need also to develope rail network for urban / suburban services