6243 02 Rms 20060125

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Edexcel GCE Chemistry (6243/02)

January 2006
Mark Scheme (Results)

Chemistry (6243/02)

Edexcel GCE

P is calcium hydroxide / Ca(OH)2 (1) ALLOW limewater Q is (potassium) chromate((VI))/dichromate ((VI))/K2CrO4/CrO42- (1) R is silver nitrate/ AgNO3(1) S is zinc/Zn OR aluminium/Al OR Devardas Alloy (1) (4 marks)

(Total 4 marks) 2 (a) (i) Cations (2) Ca2+ Sr2+ Any two, max (1) if two correct names given 2+ Ba Ra2+ Anion (1) NO3 NOT name If charges omitted penalise only once (ii) NO2 / nitrogen dioxide (b) Flame test Observation Red/Scarlet/ Crimson Green/ apple-green/ yellow-green Brick red/yellow-red/orange-red Deep red/dark red (1)

(3 marks) (1 mark)

Inference Sr2+ Ba2+ Ca2 Ra2+ (2) If comparison of Ca2+ etc. with Ba2+, any red colour is acceptable OR to distinguish between Ca2+ and either of Sr2+ or Ba2+ test: add NaOH(aq) Obs Inf no ppt Sr2+ no ppt Ba2+ white ppt with excess Ca2+

(1) (3 marks) (2)

Mark consequently on group 2 ions in (a)(i)

(Total 7 marks)


Bromine/Br NOT bromide / BrNOT Br2 KOH / NaOH OR words ALLOW OHIGNORE references to solvent OH/hydroxyl group/alcohol NOT hydroxide C=C/carbon-carbon double bond ALLOW alkene CH3CH2CH2Br OR CH3CH2CH2X OR OR CH3CHBrCH3 CH3CHXCH3 (1)

(1 mark)


(1 mark)


(1 mark)


(1 mark)


CH3CH2CH2OH OR CH3CH(OH)CH3 (1) The alcohol must follow from the halogenoalkane in terms of 1o / 2o CH2 = CHCH3 (1) double bond must be shown stand alone (3 marks)

OR full structural formulae (Total 7 marks)

(a) (b)

Two intersecting straight lines through data (i) (ii) 27.0 cm3 ALLOW 1.0 cm3 9.3 0.5 o C (b)(i) x 2 1000 ALLOW correct answer with no working (c)(i) (c)(ii) x 1000 (1) 50 Correct answer see table below (1) 50 + (b)(i) (1) x 4.2 x (b)(ii) = answer (1) (1000) Must use (b)(i) in calculation to score 2nd mark If the units are given, they must be correct (ii)

(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)



(1 mark) (1 mark)

(ii) (iii)

(2 marks)



(2 marks)

H =

(d)(i) = answer plus units 0.05 x (c)(iii)

sign (1) numerical answer, using candidates figures, to 2 or 3 s.f. (1) kJ mol-1 (1) can be in J or KJ

(3 marks)

Table of answers (b)(i) (b)(ii) 26.0

(c)(i) & (ii)

(c)(iii) 1.04 1.06 1.08


9.4 0.052 9.6 26.5 9.4 0.053 9.6 27.0 9.4 0.054 9.6 Insulate calorimeter / (polystyrene) cup OR put (calorimeter) in a (glass) beaker OR put a lid on

(d)(i) / kJ 3.00 3.06 3.02 3.08 3.04 3.10

(d)(ii) / kJ mol-1 - 57.7 - 58.8 - 57.0 - 58.1 - 56.3 - 57.4

(1 mark) (Total 13 marks)



Reaction takes time OR reaction is slow / activation energy is high OR to speed up the reaction / supplies activation energy Answer could be covered in (ii) allow mark provided the answer in (i) is sensible. (Without a reflux condenser the volatile) substances/the ester could be boiled off.

(1 mark)


(1 mark)


Any flask and any source of heat (1) ALLOW Heat Flask must be connected to the rest of the apparatus ALLOW flask & condenser as one piece of apparatus vertical condenser (1) water flow (1) consequential on a vertical condenser apparatus not closed (1) consequential on a vertical condenser

(4 marks)



To convert it into benzoic acid OR to liberate the acid (from the salt) OR a description of the chemistry Because the acid is soluble in hot water OR the acid is insoluble in cold water OR to crystallise out the acid Amount of ester = 4.5 150 = 0.03 (mol) (1) Amount of product = 2.93 122 = 0.024 (mol) (1) % yield = 0.024 x100 = 80 % (1) 0.03 OR 150 g ester => 122 g acid (1) 4.5 g => 4.5 x 1.27 = 3.66 g (1) 150 2.93 x 100 = 80 % (1) 3.66 2.93 x 100 (0) 4.5 Lowered because more stays in solution OR Lowered because some stays in solution

(1 mark)


(1 mark)



(3 marks)


( 1 mark) (1 mark)


PCl5 reacts with water

(Total 14 marks)


Heat solids No brown gas/NO2 RbNO3 (1) Brown gas/ NO2 LiNO3 or Sr(NO3)2 (1) Make solution (in water) (1)

OR Make solution (in water) (1) Add solution of NaOH / Na2SO4 / Na2CO3 / H2SO4 (1)

(White) ppt Sr(NO3) (1) Add solution of NaOH / Na2SO4 / Na2CO3 No ppt with other two (1) H2SO4 (1) (White) ppt means Sr(NO3) (1) No ppt, LiNO3 (1) Heat other two LiNO3 O2+NO2 (1) RbNO3 O2 only (1)

(6 marks)

ALLOW marks for correct tests for strontium and lithium if water omitted (max 5) Make solution mark is stand alone provided what follows makes some sense. If suggest heat and measure time for O2 to be produced (max 2) Equations can score action of heat marks. There is no mark for describing the test for oxygen. QWC Plan must be a process of elimination. If candidate assumes they know which is which and then prove it correctly (max 5) (Total 6 marks)


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