Wheel Dynamics
Wheel Dynamics
Wheel Dynamics
Wheel Dynamics
Georg Rill1
Abstract: The dynamics of the wheel rotation is mainly inuenced by the driving or the braking torque and the longitudinal tire force. Today different tire models are available. Structural tire models are very complex. Here, the dynamics of the wheel rotation is dominated by the complex tire model. Within handling models, the steady state tire forces and torques are generated as functions of the longitudinal and lateral slip. Depending on the slip denition the dynamics of a wheel depends now on the vehicle velocity or the angular velocity of the wheel. Here, the wheel dynamics will become more and more stiff if the vehicle slows down or the wheel is close to a locking situation. This causes problems in drive away and braking to stand still maneuvers. In this paper a simple quarter car model is used to study the wheel dynamics. Different model approaches and the performance of explicit and implicit ode solvers are investigated. Keywords: Vehicle Dynamics, Wheel, Tire, ode-Solver
Today, numerical simulation of system dynamics is a standard in the design of cars and trucks. Usually the vehicles are modeled by Multibody Systems (Rauh, 2003 as well as Weinfurter et al., 2004). A typical model for a passenger car consists of several subsystems, Fig. 1. Complex vehicle models are used to investigate the ride comfort and the handling
Steering System
performance as well as to generate load data for life time prediction analysis. Additionally to these off-line simulation tasks real-time applications, typically used for the design of vehicle control systems and the test of electronic control units, become more and more popular. In order to achieve real time performance either the model complexity has to be reduced (Pankiewicz, 2003) or sophisticated modeling techniques and appropriate ode-solvers (Rill, 2006c) have to be used. Among many other problems (Rill and Chucholowski, 2005 as well as Rill 2006a) the wheel dynamics becomes critical in particular in drive away and braking to stand still maneuvers. The dynamics of the wheel rotation is mainly inuenced by the driving or the braking torque and the longitudinal tire force. Usually the driving torque, if present, is transmitted via the driving shaft to the wheel. The torsional stiffness of the driving shaft provides a simple torque-based interface between the wheel rotation and a separate drive train model. This interface is moderately stiff and can therefore be mastered by standard ode-solvers. The dynamics of a braked wheel is quite delicate, because a wheel may lock in an instant. Here, either a soft braking torque model or an implicit ode solver is needed.
Wheel Dynamics
v m Fx r T
= T r Fx ,
where m is the corresponding chassis mass, and r denote the inertia and the radius of the wheel. Within this simple model the wheel suspension and the tire deection was not taken into account. Finally, T describes the driving or braking torque.
3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 -3000 -4000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
slip is dened by rv , r || where r serves in this simple approach also for the dynamic rolling radius. sx = (3)
(5) (6)
G. Rill
But, for small slip values the steady state force characteristics can be approximated by a linear function Fx dF0 sx , where dF0 describes the initial inclination of the longitudinal tire characteristics Fx (sx ). Assuming a constant driving velocity v0 = const the equations of motion can be written as v = and 1 dF0 (r m v0 v) (9) (8)
= T r dF0 (r v0
v) .
This set of linear differential equations can now be arranged in matrix form dF0 1 dF0 1 v v v0 m v0 m = dF0 r2 dF0 r2 r r v0 v0 x x A where the disturbances in the vehicle velocity variables.
0 + , T
The solution of the homogenous state equation x = Ax is given by x(t ) = x0 e t , where the eigen-values and eigenvectors x0 are dened by (A I ) x0 = 0 . (12) Non-trivial solutions x0 = 0 are possible if det |A I | = 0 or dF0 1 v0 m dF0 r2 dF0 1 v0 v0 m dF0 r2 v0 =0 (13)
will hold. The resulting quadratic equation has the solution 1 = 0 and 2 = dF0 v0 r2 1 + m . (14)
The second eigenvalue and hence the dynamic of the system depends on the driving velocity. For small driving velocities the system becomes very stiff. Hence, numerical integration algorithms based on explicit formulas must reduce the step size with a dropping driving velocity in order to maintain the stability.
Wheel Dynamics % % longitudinal force (simple fx = dF0*sx; if fx > +Fxmax, fx=+Fxmax; if fx < -Fxmax, fx=-Fxmax; % % equations of motion vp = fx/mass; % op = (Torque-r*fx)/Theta; % % % state derivatives xp = [ vp; op ];
Vehicle Data
Typical data for a passenger car are provided in Tab. 1. Chassis mass (quarter car) Inertia of wheel Wheel radius Initial incl. long. force char. Maximum long. force Driving torque m r dF0 Fxmax T = = = = = = 400 kg 1.2 kgm2 0.3 m 100 000 N / 3200 N 100 Nm
The step size of a stable explicit Euler solution depends on the vehicle data and the driving speed. Hence, in real-time applications where a constant step size must be used driving manoeuver with v0 0 cannot be handled by an explicit Euler algorithm. Here, for an integration step size of h = 0.5 ms the explicit Euler algorithm is stable as long as |v0 | > 1.9375 m/s will hold. The Integration was started at t = 0 with v(t = 0) = v0 = 2 ms and (t = 0) = v0 /r. This describes a vehicle which is rolling backwards. The constant driving torque of T = 100 Nm will then accelerate the vehicle forward. The results are plotted in Fig. 4. As predicted the explicit Euler algorithm becomes numerically unstable if the absolute value of the velocity drops below a critical value. Here, the numerical instability produces non-physical oscillations in the circumferential wheel velocity at r 1.8 m/s. On the basis of the linearized equations the critical velocity was predicted in Eq. 19 with a slightly larger value. (19)
G. Rill
-1.6 -1.7 Velocity [m/s] -1.8 -1.9 -2.0 -2.1 -2.2 -2.3 -2.4 -2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 time [s] 1.0
r v
RelTol = 103 and AbsTol = 106 were applied. In order to maintain stability the explicit Runge-Kutta algorithm has to reduce the step size nearly proportional to the absolut value of the vehicle velocity. Here, the implicit algorithm is approximately 50 times faster than the explicit one. Even at small absolute velocities it runs with considerable large step sizes.
Modied Slip
For a locked wheel or at stand still when = 0 will hold, the longitudinal slip in Eq. (3) is no longer dened. A small modication in the slip denition rv , (20) sx = r || + vnum where a small but nite velocity vnum > 0 was added to denominator avoids this problem. Now, the explicit Euler algorithm is stable if h r2 1 |v0 | + vnum > dF0 + . (21) 2 m
Wheel Dynamics
will hold. Hence, by setting vnum = 2 m/s a stable transition from negative to positive velocities is possible here, Fig. 6. The simple explicit Euler algorithm can master drive away and stand still maneuvers. But, the modied slip denition
1.0 Velocity [m/s] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 time [s] 3.5 4.0
r v
0.04 0.02
0 0
2 Time [s]
Figure 6 Stable solution with explicit Euler algorithm for vnum = 2 m/s
slows down the wheel dynamics especially at low wheel angular velocities and may hence produce results with poor accuracy. Figure 6 shows that the longitudinal slip based on physics will tend to innity at r 0 whereas the modied slip stay constant thus generating a constant longitudinal force which correspond to the constant driving torque. However, in normal driving situations, where r || vnum holds, the difference between the physically based slip and the modied slip will hardly be noticeable. In general, an implicit algorithm should be used to integrate the wheel rotation. Then, even the dynamics of a braked wheel can be mastered without problems (Rill, 2006a).
r ||
Using Eqs. (23), (8) and (3) the differential equation (22) reads as xD = dF0 r v FxD F r || r ||
Hence, the longitudinal force FxD is increased or decreased according to the magnitude and sign of vehicle velocity v.
Wheel/Tire Dynamics
The dynamic tire force FxD instead of the steady state value Fx must be used in the equations of motion (1) and (2) now. According to Eqs. (4) to (8) the equations of motion can be linearized. One gets m v = FxD , = T r FxD , xD = dF0 (r F
(27) v) |v0 |
FxD ,
G. Rill
where the term r || in the denominator of Eq. (23) was replaced by its linearized value |v0 |. Arranged in matrix form they read as 1 0 v 0 v 0 m 2 r (28) + T , r = 0 0 r dF dF0 v0 0 xD F FxD 0
x x x
The eigenvalues of the corresponding system matrix A are now given by v0 i 2 x dF0
1 = 0
and 2/3 =
1 r2 + m
v0 2 x
For v0 = 0 the eigenvalues 2/3 are purely imaginary. Hence, at stand still the wheel and the longitudinal tire force will perform undamped motions. Figure 7 shows the eigenvalues calculated with the vehicle data given in Tab. 1 and a relaxation length of x = 0.7 m which is a typical value for a normal passenger car tire. The stability region of the explicit Euler algorithm is a circle with radius R = 1/h touching the origin from the left. Again, to achieve stable solutions with the explicit Euler algorithm a very small step size must be used.
Im() 100 v0=0 Stability region of explicit Euler algorithm v0=100 2 40 20 40 1/h 20 1 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 Re()
3 v0=0
Figure 7 Eigenvalues of vehicle with dynamic tire force and stability region of the explicit Euler algorithm
Simulation Results
For a step size of h = 0.0005 s the solution becomes unstable if the absolute circumferential velocity drops below 1 m/s, Fig. 8. Within the Euler solution the dynamic tire force FxD was limited to a maximum value of Fxmax = 3200 N . However, the dynamics of the vehicle with dynamic tire forces can be handled quite well with any kind of implicit algorithm or higher order explicit formula, Fig. 8. This simple dynamic tire model covers the whole velocity range. An enhanced dynamic tire model can be found in Rill, 2006b. Here, braking to stand still and drive away manoeuvres can be simulated in good accuracy because here, no changes in the wheel/tire dynamics at low velocities by modications in the slip denition are necessary. At stand still the dynamic tire model automatically changes to a stick slip model.
Wheel Dynamics
Euler explicit: h=0.005
2 Velocity [m/s] 1 0 -1 -2 0 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -2000 -3000 0 1
r v
r v
implicit: ode23s
3 2 Time [s]
explicit: ode23
Fx [N]
Fx [N]
3 2 Time [s]
300 0
3 2 Time [s]
Figure 8 Simulation results and step sizes of explicit and implicit algorithms
In this paper a simple quarter car model was used to analyze the wheel/tire dynamics. Using steady state tire models the wheel/tire dynamics strongly depends on the velocity of the vehicle. A slip modication which slows down the wheel/tire dynamics at low velocities is needed to overcome the singularity at stand still. Dynamic tire models operate in the whole velocity range. It was shown further that the explicit Euler algorithm is not suitable for solving the wheel/tire dynamics especially at low velocities. Here, implicit algorithms perform best. In real time applications where a constant step size is needed the implicit Euler algorithm has proofed its efciency, Rill, 2006b. If the overall vehicle model cannot be integrated by an implicit solver a co-simulation of the overall vehicle with the subsystem wheel/tire is recommended.
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The author is the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper.