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Friday, June 5, 2009 Published by


Phone 347-2423
break 1185 Baltimore Ave. SE

Bandon, Oregon
Bandon today:
Dial-a-Ride public transportation,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 347-4131.
TOPS, weigh-ins at 8:30 a.m., 10 Amp Heavy Duty Quik-Lok™ Sawzall® Kit
meeting, 9:30 a.m., Senior Center at • 0-2800 SPM variable speed trigger • Quik-Lok™ blade
The Barn. clamp for fast, easy blade changes • Double bearing wobble
plate mechanism for less vibration
Line dancing lessons, 9:30 a.m., • Center pivot adjustable shoe
VFW Hall, Bates Road. • Uses standard 1/2” shank
Bandon Historical Society Sawzall® blades
Museum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Highway 127.99
$ • Double insulated • 3/4” stroke
101 and Fillmore.
Visitor Information Center, 10
a.m. to 4 p.m., Old Town.
Senior hot meals, 11:30 a.m., The
AA meeting, noon; women’s
meeting, 6 p.m.; Holy Trinity
Catholic Church.
Rotary Club, noon, Lord
Senior Center games of choice, 1
to 4 p.m., City Park.
Bandon School District Budget
Committee, 6 p.m., district cafeteria.
AA open meeting, 8 p.m., Holy
Trinity Catholic Church.
Today’s Tides: — Highs—
325 2nd Street • Old Town
11:58 a.m., 5.0 ft., 10:41 p.m., 7.3
ft. Lows—5:26 a.m., -0.7 ft., 4:50 Bandon, Oregon 97411
p.m., 2.9 ft. 347-9431 • fax (541) 347-4166
Best Realty, Inc. [email protected]
June 7 June 15 June 22 June 29
Full Last New First sits this
this darling
darling home
home on
Moon Moon Qtr. sits on .28
.28 of
of an
an acre.
Qtr. Features aa fenced
Features fencedyard,
large kitchen, wood stove
stove and
FOUND: SPAYED female Tortoise Take aa look today.
look today.
point cat, adult. Has a flea collar. $235,000
$235,900. #9012788
Found in Bandon. At Bandon
Veterinary. 347-9471 REALTOR
TODAY! Equal Housing
Equal Housing
2 LOONS CAFE. Red Velvet Cake!
And Brunch- Eggs Benedict,
Huevos Rancheros and Eggs
Florentine- on Sat. & Sun. Open
every day at 7:30. Brunch ready at
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. about 8:30. O. Town.
is holding an Independent Grower
rescheduled meeting June 11th, 1 BED Apartment~ includes utili-
8:00 PM, at the receiving station. ties, covered porch. No pets/ smok-
All Independent Growers ing $575 + dep. 290-9790
are welcome to attend. 40 CENT color copies, 15 cent
youth sports cards, 20 free busi-
“A MILLION $2 books/ videos.” ness cards w/ every 100. Open 10- ART IN the Woods: Visual art and
Beach Loop Books, Hwy. 101 at 5, Bandon Drafting & Design 347- sculpture instruction, $18 for 1 1/2
Beach Loop Rd. Wed. - Sat. 12-5. 3651. hour session. Call Ana at 347-9374
“A-B-C” Pazaz LLC is your one 90 DAYS for $90, free enrollment AVON STORE: Open Thursday/
stop shop for all your printing, Student Special at Bandon Friday/ Saturday 10 - 4 p.m. 87190
Copying, and Reproduction needs. Fitness. HS & college only. E Jupiter Ln/ Beach Loop 347-9284
We provide World Class Customer Climbing wall contest starts 6/1.
Service- Every Time. It’s easy as B & R LAND CLEARING.
347-3522. Burning, stumps & brush clearing,
“1-2-3”. Call us at 329-0319.
road building, homesites prepared.
100 PLUS varieties of veggie starts- Free estimates, bonded, licensed.
lots of tried and true along with CCB #114001. 294-1077 or 347-
New Artists Productions music the-
atre presentation of songs from 20 some fun and new- time to plant for 3338.
Broadway shows at the Sprague a summer garden! Only at 101
Theater. Show begins at 7 PM, Plants & Things, south of Bandon BACHELOR MUST move sale:
Wednesday, June 10. Tickets at on Hwy 101. Open daily 9 - 5:30. Everything clean and in good shape.
Bandon True Value and Chetco Pillowtop queen bed, radial arm
2009 CRANBERRY Festival booths saw, fishing gear, cheesemaking
Federal CU. Adults $10, Seniors
for non-profit organizations are equip. Fender bass guitar & amp.-
(60+) $8, Students (K-12) $5.
Information 347-2517 available at no charge. If your lots of great and unusual items!
organization wants to be present at Fri.- Sun.9 -9 or until gone 1260
“GOT POTHOLES?” Road repair, the festival, call Bart Stein at Apt. N Beachloop
grading, site prep, rock, sand & fill Edward Jones for details. 347-8360
dirt. Strebendt Trucking & Exc. party/ event entertainer Brit, here
347-5104 CCB#17698 A TASTE of C’est Vert~ join us on
June 6 from 11 - 3 for a sample of till fall. Avail. for your event. 360-
our delicious gourmet food items. 927-2454
*FREE DISKLOCKS for all new
Bandon Mini Storage customers. Using organic ingrediants from our
BANDON BILL’S Seafood Grill
Temperature controlled. 7/24 easy shop we would love to share a little has added a new menu to the
access, manager on site. Two con- bit of C’est Vert with you! Don’t Fireside Room. 12’ Pizzas featur-
venient locations. 347-1190 or 347- forget we have wonderful gift items ing our new Bandon Bill’s pizza,
5040 Commercial rental available.* for all occasions! 396 SE 1st St. Cran BBQ Chicken pizza, Taco
(next to La Fiesta) pizza or Mediterranean pizza.
~TODAY’S PIZZA Special: U Burgers featuring our Chipotle
Bake Giant Combo $15. Bandon Alloro Wine Bar & Restaurant is Bacon Burger, Tillamook Cheese
Pizza, Shopping Center 347-9448 now open 7 days a week, 4pm to Burger, Southwestern Black Bean
VISA/MC/ Food Stamps ok. We close. Call 347-1850 for reserva- Burger (vegetarian) or Buffalo
deliver to 8pm. tions. Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Wings
featuring Cranberry BBQ Sauce,
A REPAIR Guy - Quality Home, ARE YOU Curious about the cur- Hot & Spicy, Chili Ginger, Honey
rental & vacation repairs, remodel- rent price of your Real Estate? Call Mustard or Wasabi Soy Sauce.
ing, landscape structures & storm Chas. Waldrop Real Estate, LLC for Reasonable pricing & fun with
repairs. Reasonably priced. All calls a no cost, no obligation Broker sports on the televisions or Wii
returned! Paul 347-3383. CCB# Price Opinion. 20 yrs. Experience. sports to play. Bring your family
150603 347-9455. out to enjoy our new menu!
CD RATES too low? Let’s talk. Call
Bart Stein, Financial Advisor at
Edward Jones @ 347-8360.
CHARMING & COZY- 2 bedroom,
1 bath cottage at 535 Harrison St. We Meet
Large lot, fireplace, fenced-
$199,500. Call Dan at Oregon By Accident
Coast Real Estate Brokerage. 347-
7700 347-3219
COFFEE WITH a Councillor:
Councilman Mike Claassen will be
BANDON FOR rent~ 3 Bedroom at Brewed Awakenings Hwy 101 at DRAGON CLOCK & Camera, cer-
Duplex available now. Only com- Elmira Saturday from 10 - 11. City tified clock maker. Quality clock
mon wall is garage. Interior in revenues are down, what should we and camera repair- call Cliff @ 541
excellent condition with newer do? Cut police and fire? Cut fresh 404-4488
appliances. Laundry hook ups, water, sewer? Cut maintenance or DUMP HAULING: appliances,
large private back yard includes our electric department? Or raise metal, misc. construction, wood,
gardener. Close to city park, taxes? Let’s talk. editing. Since ‘92, Paul 396-2901.
schools and library. Non Smoking,
pet on approval with fee. $825.00 COMPUTER CRANKY? No need NEED ASSISTANCE?
month plus $1,200.00 security to put up with annoying problems. Companion,lite housekeeping, per-
deposit. (925) 998-3763 the frustration isn’t worth it. Call sonal care, meals, errands/appts.
the professional Bandon businesses Janet Johnson CNA, (541) 347-
BANDON’S BEST choice for low- have relied on since 1994. V/MC/D. 3457. The caring caregiver!
income housing is the Harvard 297-3915
Street Apartments. 2 bedroom ESTATE SALE part 1: 1385 North
apartments available- first month is COMPUTER HELP in your home Henry, Coquille. Saturday/Sunday
free with a 12 month lease! Call or office. 20+ years of exp. High June 6 & 7, 9:00 - 4:30. Lifelong
347-7028. Income restrictions speed internet, dial up, networking, collector- all that your heart desires
apply. EHO. stand alone, hardware, software, PC is here! New, old collectible, fun.
or Mac. Satisfaction guaranteed. Full sized pool table,quilting/craft
BEGINAGAINS HAS expanded. Tutoring avail. Call Jim Whitman supplies.
Come see our new addition! 404-1232
Furniture, knick knacks, col- FAST & FIT is our name - Helping
lectibles, etc. 347-5147 CONCRETE - CUSTOM Color you look and feel better is our game
Stamping: driveways, sidewalks, - Join us and see - First time is free.
BENJAMIN’S ATTIC has furniture, patios, foundations. Quality work- 50211 Hwy. 101S. 347-3272.
dishes, glassware, tools, jewelry, manship, reliable service. CCB#
books, hundreds of $1.00 movies, FH CONSTRUCTION: We do it
168749. Steven Jans, Inc. 260-5611
knick-knacks and much more! all! Call 347-6141. CCB# 165995.
or 541-601-4755
Come visit us at 995 2nd St. SE FOOT MAINTENANCE: soak,
(Hwy 101) Open 10 am to 6:30 pm. COQUILLE MARTIAL Arts, scrub, cut & shine only $18. Spa
7 days. enrolling tae kwon do and tai chi. pedicure $25. Hillside Hair & Nail:
Classes run through summer in 347-7895
CALL PENNY Allen at David L. Bandon and Coquille. 396-5576
Davis Real Estate to learn about the FOR LEASE: Prime Professional
terrific Bandon property currently COTTAGE RENTALS: Vacation Office Space. Bandon’s Riverview
on the market. 290-5694 or 347- Cottages for Rent or to Own. Walk Complex has 3 spaces from 640 -
9444 x3. CALL NOW- surprising to ocean, oversized lot, investment 540 sq ft. available with private rest-
offers are being accepted every day. or retirement. Beach Loop RV room. 1 on upper level (640 sq. ft)
It’s a great time to buy in Bandon! Village. 347-2100 w/ ADA elevator access. 2 spaces available on floor level from 540 sq.
CARPET CLEANING: ft. Also available for rent or lease:
Company? We take the dirt away. CRAIG’S APPLIANCE Repair and 1500 Sq. Ft. next to Bandon Quick
Senior discount avail. B-6 store: appliances & furniture. 47620 Mart 980 Oregon Ave. Call Loren:
Enterprises. 347-9530 Hwy 101. 5 miles south. 297-9530 209-747-6166
FOR LEASE: ocean view, 1,800 sq. FREE DO-It-Yourself Clinic at Healing Plants of the Sonoran
ft., 1 blk. to beach access, spacious Hennick’s this Saturday, June 6th, desert: Tap into the power of
l.r., fpl., huge master suite, walkin at 9:00 a.m. Requested by popular Nopalea: A daily dose of protection
closets + jacuzzi. 2.5 bed/ 2 bath, demand, “How to Install Ceramic against toxins that threaten your
garage. $1050/mo first/last/dep. Tile.” Call 347-9464 to register. See cellular health, lead to inflamma-
nonsmoking. 425-501-7737 you Saturday! tion and trigger a wide variety of ill-
nesses.*Detoxify your body
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom duplex, FRIENDS OF Tristen Green are *Reduce inflammation *Protect
$420/ month includes elec. 1.8 invited to his 10th Birthday Party at against premature aging *Promote
miles e. of Bandon. No pets. $420 Bullard’s Beach Saturday, June 6 at optimal cellular health. SAVE
dep. 347-7801 noon. Potluck style. RSVP 347- 20% on all natural Nopalea. Find
2807 out how at http://www.sonoransu-
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom single wide
5 miles south of Bandon on 101. FSBO: 2.12 acre estate lots. Creek,
$575/ month, 1st/last/dep. 541-973- sun, trees, views, privacy. Some HIRING PART time help weekends.
3717 financing, start at $179,000. 297- Bring resume to Jackson Direct
5991 Wireless ,327 Hwy 101. 347-4773
FOR RENT: 3 beds/ 2 bath manu-
factured. W/S incl., w/d hookups. GARAGE SALE- Don’t miss out! JUNE LOAN of the Month:
$650/ mo, $600 dep. 347-1190, 780 12 Ct. SW. Vases, tables, bath, Stimulus package is in for refi-
297-3781 jewelry, glass, men’s & ladies L-XL nances! No cash out, No income
CARLSON PROPERTY clothes, kitchen, pink glass, decor,
verification. See if you qualify to
MANAGEMENT candles and more! Sat. 8 - 3 & Sun.
lower your interest rate at today’s
290-3433 8 - 2. Everything 1/2 off Sun. at
Comfortable 3 bedroom/ 2 bath prices. Call Keeli Gernandt, only at
home near hospital for only $875/ 347-9992, Bank of America Home
month. GARAGE SALE: Furniture, Loans - where.. “Your Mortgage is
Custom home: 3 bed/ 2 bath, walk- antiques, high heel shoes, push My Business!”
ing distance to beach- awesome lawnmower, exercise equipment,
price for only $1195 jewelry, household items. Sat 9:30- LEARN BALLROOM- learn 2
Cozy 2 bed/ 1 bath home, vegetable 3:00, Sunday 10 - 2 Langlois. dance! It’s easier than you think!
garden included. Near P.O. for a Certified teacher Brit Anders, new
mere $820/ month. 94193 Alder. No early birds!
student specialist, no partner req’d.
FOR RENT: attractive 3 bed/ 2 ba GARAGE SALES- Two homes, 360-927-2454
home w/ lg yd & 2 car garage. Auction Barn Road off Rosa Road.
Spacious kitchen & dining. Ut. Friday and Saturday 9 - 4- follow LITTLE TREASURES Clothing &
room w/d. Lg. attic. $1,100/mo + signs. More new/used childrens store.
dep. 551-0828 Children’s consignment. 130
GET IN the Loop! Need a real estate Delaware. 347-4268
FOR RENT: country cottage close professional you can trust is work-
to Bandon 1 bedroom, 1 bath. $500/ ing hard for you every day? Trust in LORD BENNETT’S will be closed
month plus deposit. 541-290-6172 Karen Sinko, Beach Loop Realty. Friday evening, June 5th, for a pri-
Call Karen direct at 290-4639. vate party. Sorry for any inconven-
FOR SALE Bandon: Large corner ience!
lot with underground city services GO GREEN with the Human
available, beach access within the Bean! Free reusable shopping bags MARY’S HERBS: full service
neighborhood, only $58,000! Call available with purchase on Friday, herbs/ vitamin shop, nutritional
Gina Morelli of Beach Loop Realty June 5th. One per customer while counseling, quality supplements,
for more info (541) 404-1804. quantities last. Changing your sales! 347-9586
world one bean at a time.
FREE CUSTOM Bleach Trays for MEET YOUR football coaches.
new patients after completing a GUNS AND AMMO: Bandon Feed Each of Bandon’s Head Football
comprehensive exam, x-rays and is buying/selling firearms and Coaches, youth through high
dental cleaning. Call today to ammo. Also, it’s garden time! We school, would like to meet interest-
reserve your appointment. 396- have great garden topsoil at $35/ ed parents on June 19th at 7:00
2242 Dr.’s Brent and Herman Pahls. yard. 347-1105 1 mile out 42s. p.m., BHS Gymnasium.
site manager and security. Bandon ing, pruning & more! Great refs., 332-3456 June 5th - 11th. “Night at
Stor-N-Lock, Highway 101 and competitive prices. Call Oscar, 541- the Museum 2”. Rated PG, 105
Oberman Road. About 1 mile south 521-3300. min, Ben Stiller. Showtimes: 7 pm
of Bandon city limits. 347-8508 Mon. - Thurs., 4 & 7 pm Fri. - Sun.
OVERSTOCK SALE and Little Special Almost Midnight show
NEW AT Brewed Awakenings: Flower Show on Sunday, June 7, Saturday at 11 pm. Costume con-
BBQ Tritip sandwiches, Manhattan the Weedum Seedum Garden Club test- lots of prizes!
Clam Chowder, Fish & Chips, of Bandon will be having a small
Jumbo Prawns, Greek Veggie Pizza SCREENED TOPSOIL $25/yard
and more! 347-1970 Open Mon - plant sale and unjuried flower show
delivered in Bandon area. Bark and
Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. and Sat. 7 - at the picnic shelter on the Bandon sawdust mulch $18/yd. 551-0989
8, now open Sunday 8:30 a.m.- boardwalk from 10 AM to 4 PM.
1:30 p.m. SHREDDED CEDAR Mulch- 6 yds
PAINT! PAINT! Paint! House or aged horse manure compost 5
NOW HIRING for summer: host/ ready for a face lift? Call Eugene yds. $100 per load delivered most
hostess, busser, dishwasher. Must be Hill Construction for free estimate. areas. John’s Hauling & Materials
able to work weekends and work scheduling exterior and interior 290-4722
through Labor Day. Apply at Station painting, windows, doors, decks
Restaurant ask for Jon. and more! 290-6237 or 347-2259 SMALL 1 Bed bungalow for rent on
CCB# 168971 Coquille River. Must pass credit
ODDITY SHOP: 20-50% sales on check, deposit, pets ok on individual
collectibles, antiques, jewelry, and PATRICK MYERS Tree Service. agreement. Pet deposit non-refund-
used furniture! 60 W. 1st, Coq. 396- Certified arborist. 30 yrs. exp. Free able. $675/ mo avail. July 8th. Port
3660. estimates. 347-9124 or 290-7530. Office 347-3206 for appt.
Lic. #116632. Stump grinding, haz-
OFFICE SPACE 5500+ sq. ft. for SOL FOOD Organics is now offer-
lease- currently medical. Remodel/ ardous removal, pruning hedges
ing weekly co-op boxes. Call Sarah
divide negotiable. 541-484-1991 and brush clipping. Serving Bandon
to sign up! 786-473-8503
area since 1995.
ity hay for a good price. Call Steve PETSITTING/CARE: making sure BUILDING- General Contractor
260-3820 your pets are well fed, comfortable CCB# 158588. 347-4457
& much loved! Exc. refs. Karen
OLD BANDON Golf Links 347-8249 STYLIST OPENING at Judy’s New
Ribbon Cutting Thursday June Image in Coquille. Lease option. A
11th at 5:30 p.m. Bandon Chamber PRE-REGISTER NOW for fun, busy place to work! Judy, 396-
welcomes everyone to attend and SonHarvest County Fair Vacation 2495.
check out all the new and great Bible School at Pacific Community
things Troy and Kim Russell have Church, June 22 - 26! For ages 4 yrs SUBWAY IS seeking friendly, ener-
going on out there! Refreshments thru 6th Grade. Call 347-2256 getic, reliable employees! Prefer
will be served. 3235 Beach Loop, open, full availability. Apply in per-
behind Inn at Face Rock Best BANDON: PRISTINE and super son at the Bandon Shopping Center.
Western. 329-1927. clean ‘02 (26’ of heaven) Sprinter Part time/ full time available.
travel trailer by Keystone. Sleeps 6.
ON INTO Summer, goodies for all- SUNSET LODGING has an imme-
permanent garage sale filled wall to Slider, skylight, queen walk around
diate opening: Housekeeping (min.
wall! Our Thrift Store is Bandon’s bed, full awning, electric hitch, cor- age 16). Apply in person. 1865
used treasure mall. Sales support ner sink plus extras. Easy to park or Beach Loop Dr. Wages DOE.
the Youth Center! Please donate tow. $8500. 347-1873
your good, clean sellable items. SUPER SALE June 12-13, many
50375 Hwy. 101. Store hours Tues.- PUPPY KINDERGARTEN start- tables still available at $10 each.
Sat. 9-4. 347-9832. ing June 7th-June 28th Sundays at Call Sandy at 329-0120 to reserve
10:00 am. Call Krista to register. your table now. Hosted by Our
OPEN HOUSE, SEABIRD VIL- 297-7073 Thrift Store.
LAGE, 598 Seabird Dr. View
exquisite brand new concept home ROWE’S UPHOLSTERY, FLEA MKT. tables: (3) 8 ft. & (6) 5
1-3 p.m., Saturday, June 6. Call Fred Coquille. 396-3690. Quality work. ft. $150 for all! Call 541-347-1242
290-9444. 3.875% 30 year financ- 20+ years exp. Furniture, antiques, after 1 p.m. 2 Canopies also avail-
ing! D. L. Davis Real Estate. etc. Refurbished furniture for sale. able.
Coffee Break Unclassified Ads: Minimum ad 3 lines, 1 day, private party $5.70, commercial $6.39. Other frequency and sizes available with multi-day discounts.
See Order Form at the Western World for complete rate schedule and conditions. Coffee Break ads must run consecutive days to qualify for multi-day discounts.
All Coffee Break ads automatically pick-up in the Western World Classified at no additional charge. All ads are accepted cash with copy. All Coffee Break and Western World
Classified ads are accepted cash with copy. Credit and billing gladly provided for commercial accounts with established credit relationship with Southwestern Oregon
Publishing Company. If your ad appears incorrectly, please notify us immediately. Coffee Break will not be responsible for errors appearing after the first publication.
Deadline is 12:30 p.m. the previous day. For Monday, the deadline is 12:30 p.m. Friday.

Nu-Vue Grace–It’s All Gift Dental Care that

Windshield Repair Join us this Sunday at 2:00 pm
fits your life!
Don’t wait for costly replacement. for Lutheran Service at New patients and Emergencies Welcome
Repair it today
541-260-6162 Heritage Place. [ELS-WELS] Bandon Family Dental Care
“Insurance Approved” Call 541-290-2467 for details. 347-4461
THAI THAI Restaurant open 7 VFW FRIDAY Special: Grilled 1/2 WANT A reasonable group get-
days, M.-Th. 11 am-8:30 pm, F.- Chicken dinner for one or two... away close to home? Bring family
Sat. 11 am-9:30 pm, Sun. 12-7 pm. then fun with Karaoke Friday night and friends to Langlois Mountain
329-0160 7:00 - ?
Retreat, 16 miles from Bandon.
U NEED professional home care. WANTED: RHODE Island Rooster Day use pricing or $580 per night
Power wash, maint. & repairs. or white leghorn, golden lace, and entire facility. Kitchen, meeting
Kevin Paulson Const. 260-0350 any other big rooster. And looking hall and showers, etc. Single or
CCB#35473 for Junifer plant with leaves or group cabins, sleeps 13 - 17. Hike
where I can find one. 347-3058
BANDON KEY Works says, “Who 80 beautiful acres at 1200 ft.
has your house key?” Be safe - re- WANTED: USED fridge and stove.
key now! 260-7248. 541-973-3717 Call 347-3303

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