EE368 Project: Visual Code Marker Detection Through Geometric Feature Recognition

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EE368 Project: Visual Code Marker Detection through Geometric Feature Recognition

George Yu, Perry Wang, Hattie Dong

Department of Electrical Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 {georgeyu, peilien, dongh}

I. I NTRODUCTION Visual code markers are developed as a humanmachine interactive tool [1] [2]. In this class project, a code recognition program is developed to read code markers. The requirements of the code recognition program are high accuracy, speed and illumination insensitivity. There can be more than one visual code in the picture and the orientations of the visual codes are not restricted. The code markers are taken with cell-phone cameras. Images from cell phones are poor due to several reasons. The images typically have a soft focus, caused by low quality lens, camera shake, and color sensor interpolation. Motion blur is exacerbated by the slow lens poor light gathering ability. A low signal to noise ratio is the result of cheap sensors, analog circuitry, and lack of incamera noise canceling hardware/software yielding signicant Gaussian-like additive noise. Inadequate metering of the mobile phone camera results in poorly exposed photos. In addition, the camera sensor has low dynamic range preventing postprocessing algorithms to recover details, resulting in low contrast in images. Hence, cell phone photos are more challenging for the software to recognize. The most signicant challenge might be the viewangle induced distortion. At rst glace, the visual code detection problem resembles a license plate recognition problem. Various techniques have been presented for recognizing license plates based on edge detection and Hough transform [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]. Others have proposed hybrid methods combining color segmentation and statistical techniques for more accurate segmentation [8] [9]. Hough transform is a popular solution

to image segmentation, as license plates typically appear square and upright in the pictures. Further, there is usually no more than one license plate per picture. Most algorithms extract vertical edges and nd the most prominent vertical lines to isolate the license plates. However, visual code detection is not suitable for this technique. Visual code markers do not have closed and clear boarders, and they could have long edges in the data eld as well. Furthermore, the visual code markers typically appear in highly complex environments such that the markers perimeters are not prominent compared to its surroundings. In this report, we present a visual code detection algorithm that combines edge detection, geometric feature recognition, and an error rejection metric to improve reliability. It does not include the Hough transform. II. A LGORITHM D ESCRIPTION Two marker detection algorithms were considered. The rst is template matching. The advantage of template matching is its relative insensitivity to noise and blur. However, a distortion-, orientation, and size-invariant template-matching algorithm is complex and requires signicant computing power. An algorithm combining edge detection, geometric feature recognition, and error rejection is more realistic. Our algorithm is divided into the following subsections: preprocessing, edge detection, marker search, marker sampling, and error correction. A. Preprocessing In this step, the image is prepared for edge detection. Ample edge detection can be accomplished

without color information. Using color information helps with ltering out the unwanted edges, but the added performance is not signicant enough to warrant its usage. Sharpening is a double-edged sword. On one hand it de-blurs the images to a certain degree. On the other hand it causes edges to be less smooth and amplies noise left over from the noise reduction. Sharpening is turned off because our edge detection algorithm does better without it, except for excessively small markers. Contrast adjustment is the most important step because most thresholds become unreliable if the images are not normalized. We tried histogram equalization, adaptive histogram equalization, and imadjust, which remaps intensity values such that 1% of data points are saturated at high and low Fig. 2. Component layout of visual code marker intensities. It is found that imadjust works the best. For uneven lighting, our contrast adjustment mechanism is quite robust such that uneven lightening The rst step is to locate object R4. The conneeds not be corrected. For noise reduction, we use straints used are aspect ratio and object area. The Wiener ltering from Matlab. aspect ratio is dened as the ratio of major axis length to minor axis length. Both axes lengths and B. Edge Detection object area are stored in the regions properties. We Visual code marker edges are then detected. We found through testing that an aspect ratio between use the Sobel operator to calculate the 2D gradient 3.1 and 6 will work for all the images in the training magnitude of the image. We then apply imadjust set. Further, the object area must be greater than to the gradient magnitude image before converting 50. Once R4 is found, we look for the two possible it to a binary image. This is effective in removing locations of object R3 at the two ends of R4. The the weaker edges and reduces runtime compared to two possible sets of coordinates are calculated using applying Matlab edge detection functions directly an estimation of the distance between R3 and R4. to the grayscale image. The resulting binary image The distance estimation is based on test markers contains thick edges. We use a combination of generated from the provided Matlab le. The two morphological erosion and thinning to rene edges. points p1 and p2 have coordinates (p1x, p1y) and This result is labeled and passed on to the marker (p2x, p2y). Program halts if R4 cannot be found. detection logic. An example of the preprocessing To locate R3, we loop through all the objects a and edge detection steps is shown in Figure 1. second time. If an object graindata(y) satises the following constraints, it is R3. The constraints on C. Marker Detection graindata(y) are: 1) the distance between its center Refer to Figure 2 for the component layout of and either p1 or p2 should be less than one fth of the visual code marker. The connected regions, R3s major axis length, 2) its equivalent diameter is or objects of the edge binary image are tagged less than one fth of R3s major axis length, 3) using the bwlabel command. The properties of each its aspect ratio is less than 2, and 4) its area is object are then stored for later use. The gist of greater than 10. Equivalent diameter is dened as the marker search technique is successively locating the diameter of the circle whose area is the same components of the visual code through restraints on as the object under study. These four conditions are used to ensure that R3 is in the correct location object properties.





Fig. 1. Overlapping FOVs: a) Original image, b) Gradient magnitude image after imadjust and Sobel operation on a), c) Binary image after performing imadjust and binarization on b), d) Edge image after multiple morphological thinning on c)

and of the correct shape. Once R3 is located, R4s center is denoted by a red star, and R3s center is denoted by a blue square. R3s center is saved as (Trdpx, Trdpy). Trdp stands for the third point. The coordinates of the mirror image of R3 with respect to R4s center are then calculated to assist with locating R5. They are (otherx, othery). Program halts if R3 cannot be found. To nd R5, we again loop through all the objects. Once an object graindata(z)s properties satisfy constraints on aspect ratio, location and angle with respect to R4, its orientation is checked. We must ensure that R4 and R5 form an L mirrored in its vertical bar. Using coordinate transformation, R4

denes a new x-axis xr . From Figure 3, we can see that the center of R5 in the new coordinate must lie below yr . Further, the absolute value of R5s new x coordinate must be less than that of R4, so that we dont accidentally pick up a faraway object resembling an R5. Once all these constraints are satised, we denote its center using a yellow square. We proceed to estimate the location of the Ls bend. The two possible locations are (t1x, t1y) and (t2x, t2y). If either of these points comes within a threshold from (otherx, othery), we can be sure that graindata(z) is indeed an R5. Once R5 is found, Ls bend, the point Fth is denoted using a green square. The location of R2 is estimated through (t3x,

Once R4 is located, its center is denoted by (Orgx, Orgy) and drawn onto the plot using a cyan square. Program exits if R1 cannot be found. D. Sampling After segmentation, the four corner points are located. A bilinear sampling method, illustrated in Figure 4, is implemented to determine the coordinates of the target points in the 11 by 11 visual code marker. This method is insensitive to the distortion caused by different view angles. However, this method cannot compensate for barrel distortion caused by the lens. Five pixels, forming a cross, are sampled for each desired point and the median value of them is recorded. Choosing the median value is a means of ltering out unwanted noise. After sampling, 121 values are recorded and form an 11 by 11 picture. This picture has to be binarized before we can extract 83 data bits. Since the lighting condition is highly dynamic and noisy, we developed a dynamic thresholding method to choose the correct threshold value. First, a scale-to-extreme method is used to balance the gray value of the 11 by 11 picture. The equation that caculates the new gray values is graynew = gray (x, y ) min(grayx=1:m,y=1:n ) max(grayx=1:m,y=1:n ) min(grayx=1:m,y=1:n )

Fig. 3. Coordinate transformation to ensure correct orientation of visual code marker

t3y) and denoted using a green star. Program halts if R5 cannot be found. To nd R2, we loop through all the objects once more. If an object graindata(yy) satises constraints on location, diameter, aspect ratio and lled area, it is R2. We denote it using a red square. R2s centroid is stored in (Sndx, Sndy). Once R2 is found, we use the points (Sndx, Sndy), (Trdpx, Trdpy) and (Fthx, Fthy) to estimate the position of the top left hand corner of the visual code marker, (t4x, t4y). (t4x, t4y) is a reection of the point Fth in the line formed by the two points Snd and Fth. Program halts if R2 cannot be found. To nd R1, we loop through all the objects using a set of constraints. The constraint of note is that the distance threshold between (t4x, t4y) and an object graindata(yyy) representing a possible R1 must be adjusted to accommodate distortion caused by photography. T4 is the fourth corner of the parallelogram dened by the three points Trd, Fth and Snd. The actual center of R1 has much more exibility in terms of location. However, if the threshold distance is set too high, the program will pick up R1-like objects from markers close by. Hence the threshold distance presents a tradeoff between accounting for distortion versus the ability to separate cluttered markers. Our program favors close markers more so than distorted markers, because we think that case is of higher probability.

Figure 4 shows the scale-to-extreme method and the histogram. After gray level balancing, the histogram is constructed and used to determine the threshold value. The threshold value is set at the center of the valley between the two peaks. The thresholding accuracy is satisfying for the training set provided for the project. This method achieved 100% accuracy for all 23 pictures. The nal output data is a realigned set of the wanted 83 data bits. The sampling and thresholding method is illustrated in Figure 5. E. Error Rejection We added a routine to reject bogus visual code matches. This is done at two places. First, after a marker is detected, we go through the nondata samples and calculate the error rate of those samples. If the error is larger than a threshold, we reject the marker. Second, we use a route to

Fig. 4.

Bilinear determination of sampling point coordinates

detect repeats. Two markers are considered repeats if the corner diagonally across from the origin is the same. Amongst the repeats, only the marker with the lowest error rate is kept. This algorithm helps removing the repeats created by distractions around the origin. III. R ESULTS Initially, there were several major issues with the program. First, non-dynamic thresholding caused many error bits after marker detection. Because each picture was taken under a different lighting condition, detected markers would have very different gray level histograms. Dynamic thresholding is in essence a gray-level histogram normalization procedure. If a visual code maker has more than one plausible origin, more than one marker would be detected. To reject erroneous repeats, a routine was implemented that checks the bit error rates of all markers sharing three vertices and picks the one with the lowest error rate. The markers have a high probability of being distorted away from their original square shape. The possible shapes are square, parallelogram, and trapezoid. The program was improved to account for all shapes. The L part of the visual code is of xed orientation. Initially, the orientation was not taken into account, causing the program to pick up nearby objects, forming erroneous visual markers. Adding an additional constraint routine solved this problem. The nalized algorithm described above was applied to the 23 pictures of the training set given.
Fig. 5. (a) Original gray level picture, (b) Picture after segmentation, (c) Small picture composed of 11x11 sampled values, (d) Histogram of the small picture, (e) Histogram of the small picture after scaleto-extreme gray level balancing, (f) Restored binary picture of the 11x11 visual code marker

The result achieved is a perfect score of 1909. Two examples are shown in Figure 6. Further, the algorithm was applied to pictures taken with our own cell phones. We tried to cover as many possibilities as possible with regards to shape, size and lighting. The algorithm was able to detect all reasonable markers and decipher most data bits correctly. Several examples are shown in Figures 7 and 8. Figure 8 shows that the algorithm can detect a distorted marker that is trapezoidal and curved. In both Figures, if a visual code marker is too small, the algorithm cannot detect it. A possible solution is to rst enlarge the original picture before running the algorithm. This is however at the expense of computing power.

IV. W ORK L OG The work log of each group member is shown in table I.

literature survey brain storming preproccessing experimentation marker detection marker sampling error rejection create extra training set debug report

HD 5 5 3 6 7 1 1 10 8

GY 5 5 3 6 10 1 2 10 4

PW 5 5 8 2 6 4 2 10 4


V. C ONCLUSIONS In this report, we presented a visual code detection algorithm that combines edge detection, geometric feature recognition, and an error rejection metric to improve reliability. Edge detection was based on gray level image adjustment, gradient generation and morphological operations. This edge detection process was more robust than applying standard techniques directly to the original image. To locate markers, the algorithm successively located components of the visual code through restraints on object properties. Bit sampling was achieved by rst using bilinear interpolation to calculate the coordinates of the desired samples, followed by dynamic thresholding to binarize the detected marker. Finally, erroneous markers were rejected by comparing bit error rates of repeats. Applying the proposed algorithm to the given training set achieved a perfect score of 1909. When the algorithm was used on mobile phone pictures made by the authors designed to cover extreme cases, most markers were correctly detected and deciphered. Only markers very small in size compared to the overall picture were not successfully detected. This algorithm can be used in commercial applications where visual code markers are of various size, orientation, and brightness, and are embedded in pictures of low image quality. R EFERENCES
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Fig. 6. Training pictures given by TA. Top: original picture. Middle: edge image. Bottom: restored markers. a) Training 5.jpg, b) Training 12.jpg

Fig. 7.


Pictures made by authors. Top: original picture. Middle: edge image. Bottom: restored markers.

Fig. 8. Picture made by authors with trapezoidal and curved visual code marker. Top: original picture. Middle: edge image. Bottom: restored markers.

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