How To Write HR Policy
How To Write HR Policy
How To Write HR Policy
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Why Develop a Policy Manual? .............................................................................3
Chapter 2: Getting Started ........................................................................................................5
What is a Policy? ....................................................................................................................5
The Connection between Mission and Policy...........................................................................5
Policies Empower ...................................................................................................................7
How to Start Creating Your Policy Manual ...............................................................................8
Employment Policies...........................................................................................................9
Employment Status & Records............................................................................................9
Employee Benefits..............................................................................................................9
Payroll ................................................................................................................................9
Workplace Guidelines .........................................................................................................9
Employee Conduct..............................................................................................................9
E-Policies ...........................................................................................................................9
Preview the OPM Sections as a Primer .................................................................................10
Organization Culture and Policies..........................................................................................10
Get Support from Staff ..........................................................................................................10
The Role of Procedures and Forms .......................................................................................11
Chapter 3: Writing Policies and the Approval Process .........................................................12
Write, Edit, Re-Write, Edit, Re-Write......................................................................................12
Clarity, Conciseness, and Coherence....................................................................................12
Write for Your Reader ...........................................................................................................13
Professional Writing Style......................................................................................................13
Make It Look Good................................................................................................................14
Review and Approval Process................................................................................................15
Chapter 4: Distributing New Policies .....................................................................................16
Printed Manual......................................................................................................................16
Electronic Distribution of Policies...........................................................................................16
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................18
About the OfficeReady Policy Manual....................................................................................19
OfficeReady Policy Manual has a PDF conversion capability. This means that you can easily convert your
policy manual or employee handbook into a PDF document for electronic distribution via e-mail or web site
downloads. PDF (Portable Document Format) was created by Adobe as a standard way to view documents
regardless of what software or hardware platform the reader is working with. PDF has quickly become an
Internet default - documents on web pages are often uploaded as PDF documents, which can be viewed
from the browser window, using free Adobe Acrobat technology (Acrobat Reader).
As a company’s policies are developed they become a framework for
consistency and fairness. Polices define management's standards for
making decisions on various personnel and organizational issues.
Clearly defined procedures and standards, spawned from polices that
are well thought out, express the company's intent to make consistent
and evenhanded decisions.
Not enough can be said about the value that comes from policy
creation. It is true that policy can help an organization run at its most
efficient and effective level. That alone may bring value through cost
savings and additional revenue. However, if done correctly, policies
can bring more value by accurately reflecting the company's
philosophy of business and employee relations as they demonstrate
your creativity in solving policy issues, the competitive position of the
company in providing a variety of employee benefits, and respect and
appreciation for human resource management. This type of message
can go a long way towards promoting staff loyalty and everyone
knows that staff longevity is a valuable asset.
In this case, you may utilize a policy manual that covers non-union
employees. A CBA may also limit your ability to modify your policy
manual at will, requiring instead negotiation of matters covered by the
What is a Policy?
Page, Stephen, B., p. 2. Establishing a System of Policies and Procedures, Process Improvement
Publishing, 2002.
McQuate, Craig , Penning Effective Policies, Security Management, Dec 2002.
Statement of Management Accountants 4DD, Tools and Techniques for Implementing Integrated
Performance Management Systems. Institute of Management Accountants.
From a well written mission statement objectives can be set and from
objectives, policies can be created. Just as a mission or vision for
your organization is a prerequisite to policy development, so too are
strategic objectives. Objectives are like goals; they direct the staff’s
attention to important factors in running the organization and help
define unique ways to enhance performance of individuals and the
organization as a whole. Therefore, objectives should reflect the
critical success factors of the company. Those factors could include
dimensions such as employees, customers, quality, financial
performance, operation, products, and marketing. The table below
may help you think about the objectives of your company along
similar dimensions:
Diagram 2.1: Mission, Objectives, Policies, and Procedures
1. Mission is
2. Strategic
Objectives set.
3. Policies
4. Procedures
to carry out
Diagram 2.1 shows that the mission is at the heart of the organization – like a
bull’s eye. Once a mission is in place objectives can be set and policies and
procedures can be written to help assure the achievement of objectives (and in
turn – the mission).
Policies Empower
How to Start Creating Your Policy Manual
Employment Policies
These are the policies that guide hiring practices, orientation of new
employees, compliance with employment laws, and confidentiality.
Employee Benefits
These are policies that are related to salary and wage administration
including deductions, pay advances, and time keeping.
Workplace Guidelines
These policies are quite varied and their purpose range from defining
certain work arrangements such as flex time and telecommuting to
offering guidelines on the use of company assets and record
Employee Conduct
According to Nancy Flynn author of the ePolicy Handbook (AMACOM, 2001) and managing director of the
E-Policy Institute, the only effective way for a company to protect itself is by developing clearly written,
comprehensive e-policies that explicitly regulate the use of software, e-mail, and the Internet.
Preview the OPM Sections as a Primer
Support can also be enhanced if the policy's impact on the company
is clearly explained; the impact that will be most meaningful to
managers is the financial loss that can result from failing to implement
the policy. The ideal situation is when management and staff can see
how a particular policy helps promote the achievement of
organizational objectives and mission.
Write, Edit, Re-Write, Edit, Re-Write
Despite the fact that OfficeReady Policy Manual can help you put
together a polished set of policies, the task will still be a lot of work.
Put enough time and effort into preparing the manual and do your
homework. A good policy manual is the result of many hours of
thinking, analyzing, researching, writing and re-writing. Do not expect
to write your manual on the first attempt. Even though you may have
a terrific understanding of your business processes, mission, and
objectives and believe you can communicate policies clearly, good
writing is the result of a recursive process. You need to go through
the circular process of writing, editing, and re-writing until your manual
meets the needs of the staff of your organization.
Once you write the first draft, put the manual aside for awhile. Most
writers find that if they give the manual a break they can come back
to it with a fresh set of eyes. While re-examining the first draft, you
may see flaws that you missed the first time. You may see that some
rearrangement and editing is needed. After you edit and print a
second draft, have someone else proofread it. Find a proofreader
who understands your organization’s mission and who can empathize
with the needs of the staff that will refer to the policy. Then act on
their recommendations. Keep at it till you are sure you have it right.
You may have only one chance to make a great impression on your
reader. Therefore, work hard and take the time to prepare a well-
written and attractive document.
Clear writing does not just happen. You must make it happen! When
you edit polices, make changes that promote the three Cs: clarity,
conciseness, and coherence. Anyone who is reading a policy manual
wants it simple and straightforward. Most serious policy manual
readers will want to read the document quickly. Clarity is extremely
Policy manual readers look for coherent thought and logic. You
should evaluate coherence in your manual. Look at your sentences
and how they make up your paragraphs. Do your sentences help
weave a good story or are they random thoughts that do not link well
with the other sentences and paragraphs? Are the sentences in each
paragraph unified? Do your sentences and paragraphs communicate
your message in a clear and logical way? Your policy manual will be
coherent if the relationships between the sentences in each
paragraph are clear and logical and the links or relationships between
paragraphs and sections are readily apparent.
Who will read your policies? A variety of people may need to review
the policies contained in your manual. Certainly, management should
read polices that you write. Your hope is that the staff will also
become familiar with your policies as they carry out their every-day
activities. Sometimes auditors – internal and external - need to read
policy to assure that it is being followed. A compliance audit often
begins with a review of policy and then the audit team conducts tests
to determine compliance. For example, federal bank examiners often
review the lending policy of a bank to assure that loan officers are
following bank policy on every loan or credit card they grant. Anyone
can see how it is critical that a loan policy meet the needs of loan
officers, management, auditors, and even the federal bank
The critical factors in policy writing just like other forms of writing are:
organization, a professional writing style, and proper grammar. This
OfficeReady Policy Manual helps you organize your writing by using
an outline with relevant headings and subheadings. However, as you
customize the manual writing style and grammar are your
efficient way to communicate with one another. However, if a
reader of your policy is not familiar with the jargon, your meaning
will be obscured. Some professionals, especially those with a
military or law enforcement background, should guard against the
use of jargon from those fields in the corporate or non-profit
world. Similarly, policies authored by technical professionals may
contain too much "techno speak" for the lay end user.
§ Use conservative business language free from typographical
errors and misspellings. Pretest the policy before you submit it to
the ultimate readers. Part of the approval process of a policy
should help with this requirement. More on that later. Find some
reviewers who possess the valuable mix of English proficiency
and good business judgment. Solicit constructive criticism.
Take plenty of time to make the policy look really good, if not
stunning. Appearance and presentation are important; they make
statements about you and your company. You need to put your best
foot forward in every company communication. The entire policy
manual should look professional. The formatting and page styles
provided by the software should make every page look stunning.
Fortunately, OfficeReady Policy Manual has been designed and
formatted by document creation experts. However, as you add new
content and revise your policy manual, you want to make sure it looks
good. Look at every page for appropriate use of charts, tables, white
space, and formatting. Find the right balance of text, numbers, charts,
and tables. A policy that is cluttered with too many charts, tables,
pictures, and diagrams can lose its edge. And remember all the visual
elements of a policy are for naught if you do not use a good printer.
To assure a professional package, only a high-quality printer will do.
A laser or inkjet printer is a prerequisite to business policy
Here is a list of tips to help you create a great looking policy (printed)
§ Use high quality paper.
§ Ensure all printed pages are crisp and clean.
§ Achieve good balance between text and visuals (charts, graphs,
and tables).
§ Use photographs effectively.
§ Use illustrations effectively.
§ Use bullet points to offset information from the text.
§ Use white space effectively.
§ Provide an appealing cover for the policy manual.
§ Include a letter from the top executive or owner of the
organization (i.e., Letter from the President)
§ Include professional binding.
§ Prepare a PDF version for electronic distribution.6
OfficeReady Policy Manual has a PDF conversion capability. This means that you can easily convert your
policy manual or employee handbook into a PDF document for electronic distribution via e-mail or web site
It is also common and good business practice to have an attorney review proposed new policies and policy
revisions. Policies that have legal implications or are linked to government regulations (i.e., federal banking
laws, IRS regulations, employee benefits, equal opportunity, employee privacy, etc.) should be submitted to
an attorney for a legal review and comment before they become a final draft to be included in a policy
manual or employee handbook.
Printed Manual
(Portable Document Format) was created by Adobe as a standard
way to view documents regardless of what software or hardware
platform the reader is working with. PDF has quickly become an
Internet default - documents on web pages are often uploaded as
PDF documents, which can be viewed from the browser window,
using free Adobe Acrobat technology (Acrobat Reader).The
advantages of electronic distribution:
§ No cost for paper, printing, or physical (mail or interoffice mail)
§ Shorter publishing cycle. You can put a manual up on the web
much faster than distributing a printed manual to all staff.
§ Search and hypertext capabilities
Flynn, Nancy and Randolph Kahn ESQ. E-Mail Rules. New York,
New York: AMACOM, 2003.
The third basic template is the e-Policy manual. This is a stand alone
template that will help you define your organizations policy with
regards to important issues such as e-mail use, use of all information
technology systems, and the internet.
The contents of the employee handbook are presented in informal language. It should include the basic
information concerning the organization and its policies.