Chrischiansen Effect in IR

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Clays and Clay Minerals, 1973, Vol. 21, pp. 363-368. Pergamon Press.

Printed in Great Britain


R. PROST Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Route de Saint-Cyr, 78, Versailles, France
(Received 7 December 1972)

Abstract--The Christiansen effect appears in the i.r. spectrum of powders embedded in a solid, liquid or air matrix as an apparently anomalous transmittance (Christiansen peak) of the incident electromagnetic radiations. The peak appears at wavelengths for which the refractive index of the sample and the refractive index of the matrix are equal (Christiansen wavelength: Ach,). On account of the great variation of the sample refractive index in the immediate neighborhood of the absorption bands (anomalous dispersion curve), one often observes the occurrence of a transmittance peak or of a band deformation in this spectral range. A change in the position of this transmission peak with the value of the matrix refractive index is indicative of the Christiansen effect. The equality of the refractive indices of the sample and of the matrix for AChrhas been used to determine some points of the anomalous dispersion curve in the neighborhood of the hydroxyl stretching band (3678era-t). Spectral distortions caused by the Christiansen effect can be reduced by preparing the sample in such a manner that the width at half-maximum (Av~2)of the Christiansen peak is several times greater than this of the absorption band itself. Clarke's theoretical formula, which gives an estimation of Avl~2, has been qualitatively verified and thus gives an appropriate guide in the choice of the parameters which one can optimize during the sample preparation. One can reduce the Christiansen effect spectral modifications, without running the risk of modifying the sample itself, particularly by overly severe grinding.

INTRODUCTION I.R. SPECTROSCOPY o f powders is possible by several techniques (Lecomte, 1958; Farmer et al., 1968). The-preferred technique depends not only on the size and shape of particles and the extinction coefficient of the sample, but also on the characteristic to be measured (for example, the dichroic character of the bands). These various procedures can be grouped as follows: deposition on a disc transparent to electromagnetic radiation; self supporting films; and embedding the powder in a solid or liquid transparent to radiation. To decrease loss of light for reasons other than absorption, the particle size should be reduced to a value smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. Also, the embedding medium should have a refractive index near that of the sample in the desired spectral range. When oriented deposits are used to study the dichroic character of the i.r. bands, the second condition cannot always be satisfied. In this case, the matrix is air with a refractive index of one. Because of anomalous dispersion (i.e. the change of the refractive index cff the sample near the absorption bands, see Fig. l) the sample and matrix refractive indices are equal only for certain values of the wavelength (A). Between these values of A, varia-

tion of the refractive index can induce great variations in optical properties of the sample, which result in an increase of light lost other than by absorption. Some aspects of the variability of powder transmittance with )t have been studied previously (Henry, 1948). In particular, the Christiansen effect is the increase of the crystalline powder transmittance at those wavelengths where the sample and matrix refractive indices are equal. The purpose of this paper is to study the changes, with respect to A, in transmittance of powders embedded in various matrices, absorption being neglected. The essential features of the Christiansen effect will be reviewed and its existence demonstrated in the case of powdered talc. The influence of the Christiansen effect on the profile, intensity and position of the i.r. absorption bands will then be discussed. The paper will conclude with precautions to be taken in sample preparation and the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of spectra. MATERIALSAND METHODS Two size fractions of talc were used. The first, <50~Lm, was obtained by sieving; the second, < 2pro, by sedimentation. The spectra of talc were



R. PROST thickness maintained at 20~ The cell thickness was minimum, and an identical cell filled with solvent was put in the reference beam. Recordings were made with a Beckman I.R. 12 spectrophotometer.




Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the relative variations of the anomalous dispersion curve of sample in the neighborhood of an absorption band (solid line) and of the dispersion curve of the matrix (dotted line). The three figures correspond to matrices with different dispersion curves. obtained by the pellet technique with KBr, CsBr, and CsI in a 1 : 50 weight ratio. A thin oriented deposit on a CaF2 window, prepared by evaporation of a talc suspension in CCL, was used to obtain the talc spectrum in an air matrix. The transmission peak (Christiansen peak) increases in intensity with the angle between the normal to the window and the i.r. beam direction. Change of this angle permits observation of the dichroic character of the absorption band due to talc hydroxyl groups. The spectrum marked "air" in Fig. 2 corresponds to an angle of 45 ~. Spectra of talc suspended in different solvents were obtained in a liquid cell of variable

KBr / 38p0 3~00r


A Christiansen filter is made of powder embedded in a matrix, which can be another solid, a liquid or air. At certain values of A, termed the Christiansen wavelengths (Acu, see Fig. 1), the dispersion curve of the solid intersects that of the matrix, the system becomes optically homogeneous, and thus has a greater ability to transmit electromagnetic radiation. The transmittance increase at Ac~ is called the Christiansen peak. The characteristics of this peak follow. (a) Position. According to the relative changes of the matrix and sample dispersion curves, there are one or two values of A(Acre)for which the refractive indices of sample and matrix are equal. In the three cases shown in Fig. 1, one value is near the maximum absorption wavelength (A0). This situation makes the observation of a transmittance increase very difficult. On the other hand, the Christiansen peak can be observed easily at other ),ch~ on either side of the absorption maximum. (b) Width at half-maximum (Avv2, where v designates cm-l). Experimental observations show that Avl/2 becomes greater as the following properties become smaller: the angle between the tangents of the dispersion curves of sample and matrix at )tc~, particle size, concentration of particles, and the filter thickness. Clarke (1968) suggests the following formula for the fractional bandwidth between the half power points (in decibels) of the Christiansen peak: [AA] 3dB = )to where: 9 r l_Ll":. ICLaJ

CHB~ 38,00 I"

, 3678,5 36,00 36j15 cm "4

Cs,I 3678.5 T 33p0 3600cn4 3670



He 38,00

CI~ j

Cs,Br ,t"3679 1
3~00 36100C~ 1

3681,5 3676.5 Air

C = volume concentration L = length of Christiansen cell a = average particle radius d An' = ~ (nii.~ rate of change with wavelength of the differential refractive index. A~= Christiansen wavelength A;t = shift in wavelength from )to K = constant


3677.5 36,00

cm -1

3800 3600cm-1

Fig. 2. I.R. spectra of talc powder (grain size <50txm) in different matrices.

Christiansen effect on i.r. spectra of powders (c) Intensity. Accurate information on the Christiansen peak intensity is not available; however, Barnes and Bonner (1936) found that the intensity depends on the quantity of light lost by reflection, refraction or diffusion. In summary, the transmittance is modified, particularly at hChr, by the change of the solid refractive index in the neighborhood of the absorption band. Under these conditions it may not be valid to assume that the base line of absorption bands are always straight lines, which poses a problem in quantitative use of spectra. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize this effect and, if it exists, to choose experimental conditions for which the effect does not disturb the interpretation of spectra.


same wavelength. We have assumed that the apparent maximum of the Christiansen peak corresponds to the Ac~ which is the most distant from )to (Fig. 1). For spectra of talc embedded in a matrix, the refractive index of which is lower than that of talc outside of the absorption band, the Christiansen peak is located on the high frequency side; there is thus no ambiguity for the Achr determination. On the other hand, for a matrix of refractive index greater than talc, the determination of )tCh~is more difficult because of the existence of the 3662 cm -1 band. In all cases we have assumed that Ac~ falls within the position of the transmission maximum. The values of Achrhave been assembled in Table 1. Table 1. Nature of the matrix M )tchr Refractive index of M at (cm -~) 20~ and for ;tcu

The most reliable means of verifying the occurrCsI 3670 1.744 ence of a Christiansen peak is to use matrices of CsBr 3670 1.686 distinct refractive index since Ach~must change. We KBr 3656 1.537 have used this technique in the case of talc. CHBr3 3657 1.563 CS2 3656.5 1.580 Figure 2 shows the hydroxyl stretching band of CCl4 3693 1.444 talc particles, with a diameter less than 5 0 ~ m , CH:CI~ 3688 1.402 mixed with matrices of different refractive indices. Hexane 3685 1.354 The spectrum consists of two bands located near Air 3681.5 1 3662cm -1 and 3678cm -~. Assignment of these bands was made by Vedder (1964) on the basis of The refractive indices of the matrices have been random distribution of Fe 2 ions in octahedral sites. taken from the literature. From these results we can The 3678cm -1 band corresponds to hydroxyl then determine some points of the anomalous disgroups bound to three Mg 2 ions (Mg 2+, Mg 2 Mg 2+) persion curve of talc (Fig. 3). Although not very acand the 3662 cm -~ band to hydroxyl groups bound curate, (as pointed out by Lecomte, 1962) this to two Mg 2+ ions and one Fe 2+ ion (Mg 2 Mg 2+, technique is the only one which can be used in the Fe2 Because the talc contains little iron, bands case of powders. corresponding the other possible configurations (Mg2., Fe 2+, Fe 2 and Fe 2+, Fe 2+, Fe 2 are not n visible. On each spectrum in Fig. 2 a transmission peak is 1,8 located at the base of the absorption band. Also, the transmission maximum shifts from one to the other side of the absorption band, according to the refractive index of the matrix. This shift indicates the occurrence of the Christiansen effect. Thus, when a transmission peak alters the profile of an absorption band the occurrence of the Christiansen effect can be verified by use of several matrices with different 1.2 refractive indices. We have utilized the index equality property of the Christiansen peak in order to determine some i L_ points of the anomalous dispersion curve of talc a690 a680 a670 a 6 6 0 cm -1 near 3680 cm -l. It is sufficient to know the matrix Fig. 3. Anomalous dispersion curve of talc in the neighrefractive index at AChr in order to deduce im- borhood of the hydroxyl groups stretching of the mineral mediately the refractive index of the sample at the (3678 cm-1).



obsorbance 0.8C~.I 0.6 0.4 CsBr" I

The most visible manifestations of the Christiansen effect are the change of the absorption band profile and a significant shift of its maximum frequency. In the talc case, the shift is small because the band is narrow. The question of band profile comes up only if we try to resolve the components of more complex absorption features. In fact, it is the base line rather than the absorption band which is altered. The base line if formed by transmission peaks which appear at each value of A equal to )[Chr. Thus, when the matrix dispersion curve intersects the anomalous dispersion curve of the sample at two different frequencies there are two Christiansen peaks. The characteristics of these peaks are significant, but due to the difficulty of exact determination we can only indicate the direction of change of each. One principally discusses the width at half-maximum on the basis of the Clarke's (1968) formula. The spectra of Fig. 2 show that the Christiansen peak becomes narrower as ACh,approaches the absorption maximum. Comparison of the spectra of talc in KBr and talc deposited on a CaF2 window illustrates this point. It is a consequence of the An' variation which is much greater when the matrix is air than when it is KBr. This fact has been pointed out previously by several authors (Denmark and Cady, 1935; Barnes and Bonner, 1936; Jeramec, 1958). Another parameter previously considered by other workers is the size of the particles (a). Such a consideration is essential for the realization of good Christiansen filters (Denmark and Cady, 1935). Jeramec (1958) obtained a good Christiansen filter with particles which had a size equal to ten times AChr. Nevertheless, theory predicts that the Christiansen effect exists even when the relationship between particle size and ACh, is not fulfilled, and, in particular, even when the particle size becomes smaller than Achr.In order to confirm this prediction we prepared pellets of talc powder with particles < 2 ~ m , in KBr, CsBr and CsI. Figure 4 gives absorbance spectra. A distinct dissymmetry of the absorption band is observed in every case. Nevertheless, Ach, is difficult to locate because of the increase of Arm of the Christiansen peak. This change of A/JI/2 with particle size is not new. Denmark and Cady (1935) have studied the effect in a systematic way and show a significant increase of Av,2 with a decrease of particle size. However, these authors used larger particles (170 txm) than those examined in this study.


3600cm ~


3600cm 4

3800 3600crrrl

Fig. 4. I.R. spectra of talc powder (grain size <2 t~m) in different matrices. Nevertheless, Art12 increases rapidly as particle size decreases. Welber (1967), using MgO particles with an average diameter of 1 ~ m, obtained spectra with a width at h a l f maximum of several hundred wavenumbers (cm-'). These conditions are encountered in the study of clays by i.r. spectroscopy. Thus, the Christiansen effect does not disappear when the particle size becomes lower than Ach,, but Arm of the Christiansen peak increases, which reduces the dissymmetry of the absorption band. Thus, if Arm is several times greater for the Christiansen peak than for the absorption band, there would be only a small deformation of the base line. If we consider Clarke's (1968) formula for Arm we see that the thickness of the Christiansen filter (L) has the same influence as the particle size (a). From a practical standpoint this observation is important, because it is not always possible to diminish the particle size sufficiently. To investigate this point, we have examined talc deposits, of different thickness, in the 1265 cm -~ spectral range, where the dispersion curve of talc intersects the dispersion curve of air. Fig. 5 presents spectra obtained from deposits of talc particles of 50 and 2 ~ m dia. on 35 mm dia. CaF2 windows. The weight of the deposit is given for each spectrum. It is apparent that, for a given particle size, it is not possible to study i.r. bands in the 2000-4000 cm -~ range if the deposit is too thick. This lack of transmission is due to scattering. For this reason one must use a very thin deposit to obtain spectra of hydroxyl groups in air. Thus, we can check at least qualitatively all the parameters in Clarke's (1968) formula. In the preparation of powder samples for spectroscopy, it is important from a practical point of view to choose parameters so that Av,n is as large as possible without significant alteration of the sample, since Farmer (1957) has pointed out that grinding may result in difficulty.

Christiansen effect on i.r. spectra of powders


1800 1400 c m -1 1800 1 4 0 0 c m -1

Fig. 5. I.R. spectra of talc powder deposits of increasing thickness (L) on CaF2 window (dia. 35 ram). Total deposit weight is noted on each curve. The experiment was made with particles of two different sizes: a - - <50 t~m b--<2/~m Recordings of Figs. a and b were been made without changing the adjustment of the apparatus.

The Christiansen effect plays an important part in i.r. spectroscopy of powders. It is essential in the interpretation of spectra to know if this effect is present. We suggest the simple method of taking spectra of the sample embedded in different matrices of distinct refractive indices. If the effect exists, change in the position of the transmission maximum or alteration of the profile of the absorption band will be observed. These points have been illustrated by the spectrum for talc. Also, the Christiansen effect can be used to determine the refractive index of the sample near an i.r. absorption band. This method was been used to determine some points of the anomalous dispersion curve of talc near the stretching band of the structural hydroxyl groups. The Christiansen effect can be a source of error in quantitative analysis of spectra. Thus, band dissymmetry and shifts of the absorption maximum interfere with the measurement of integrated intensity, since the transmission becomes a function of the matrix and of all parameters which modify the Christiansen peak. Thus, precautions are necessary in the determination of extinction coefficients of i.r. absorption bands of powders. Moreover, the alteration of band shape results in most cases from superposition on the absorption band of two Christiansen peaks with different parameters due to the change of An' with )t. Thus, in order to decrease the consequences which result from the occuiTence of these two Christiansen peaks, the sample characteristics can be modified to increase the width at half-maximum of Christiansen peaks. Clarke's theoretical formula, which gives an estimation of Avon, is an appropriate guide in the

choice of the parameters which can be optimized during the sample preparation. Since An' is always important for the Christiansen peak near ,X0,it is not appropriate to change this parameter. The choice of a matrix with a refractive index near that of the sample outside of the absorption band changes the width at half-maximum of that Christiansen peak which is on the side of the band only, and also decreases scattering losses on both sides of the band. Since the alteration of the profile of the absorption bands is important only on one side of the band, we can choose a matrix which transfers the Christiansen effect to the other side. The determination of the exact position of the low frequency band of talc would be a case in point. Because of the little change in the position of the band with the matrix used in taking i.r. spectra, it is important to specify its nature. Finally, in order to diminish scattering, it is possible in some particular cases to choose characteristics of the Christiansen filter, made of the solid embedded in a matrix, in such a way to have a Christiansen peak with a large width at halfmaximum in the studied spectral range.
Acknowledgements--The author is grateful to M. J. Ducaroir for his technical assistance. Acknowledgement is also made to Dr. Joe L. White for helpful discussions.

Barnes, R. B. and Bonner L. G. (1936) The Christiansen filter effect in the infrared: Phys. Rev. 49, 732-740. Carlsen, T. (1950) On the Christiansen filter and a modification thereof: Trans. Danish Acad. Techn. Sci. H.7, 3-32. Clarke, R. H. (1968) A theory for the Christiansen filter: AppL Optics. 7, 861-868. Denmark, H. S. and Cady, W. M. (1935) Optimum grain size in the Christiansen filter: J. Opt. Soc. Am. 25, 330-331. Farmer, V. C. (1957) Effects of grinding during the preparation of alkali-halide disks on the infrared spectra of hydroxylic compounds: Spectrochim. Acta 8, 374-389. Farmer, V. C., Russell, J. D. and Ahlrichs, J. L. (1968) Characterization of clay minerals by infrared spectroscopy: Trans. 9th Int. Congr. Soil Sci., Adelaide., 3, 101-110. Henry, R. L. (1948) The transmission of powder films in the infrared: J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38, 775-789. Jeramec, A. (1958) Les filtres de Christiansen et leur application pour la d6termination des indices de r6fraction dans I'infrarouge de liquides et de solides: C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 247, 1846-1848. Lecomte, J. (1958) Spectroscopie dans l'infrarouge in licht und materie--IL Handbuch der Physik. Band XXVI. Lecomte, J. (1962) Quelques methodes de mesure et quelques applications de la dispersion et des indices de r6fraction de solides et de liquides dans l'infrarouge: Proc. intern. Syrup. Mol. Struct. Spectry. Tokyo, A-213, 1-8.


R. PROST Velber, B. (1967) The measurement of infrared dispersion in solids by a method based on small particle scattering: Appl. Optics. 6, 925-928.

Vedder, W. (1964) Correlations between infrared spectrum and chemical composition of mica: Am. Mineral. 49, 736-768.

R r s u m r - L'effet Christiansen se manifeste sur le spectre d'absorption infrarouge des poudres mrlangres h une matrice qui peut ~tre un solide, un liquide ou l'air, par une transmission plus importante (pic de Christiansen) des radiations 61ectromagnrtiques incidentes. Cet effet apparait aux longueurs d'onde pour lesquelles l'indice de rrchantillon et l'indice de la matrice sont 6gaux (longueur d'onde de Christiansen: hCh~). A cause de la trbs grande variation de l'indice de rrfraction de l'rchantillon au voisinage immrdiat des bandes d'absorption (courbe de dispersion anomale) on note frrquement la prrsence, dans cette rrgion du spectre, d'un pic de transmission ou d'une drformation de la bande. Si la position de ce pic de transmission change avec la valeur de l'indice de rrfraction de la matrice il s'agit alors d'effet Christiansen. L'rgalit6 des indices de rrfraction de l'rchantillon et de la matrice pour ~-Chr a 6t6 utilisre pour drterminer quelques points de la courbe de dispersion anormale du talc au voisinage de la bande de vibration de valence des hydroxyles (3678 cm-l). On analyse ensuite les perturbation apportres par l'effet Christiansen sur le profil, la position et l'intensit6 des bandes d'absorption. Un moyen de rOduire ces inconvrnients consiste 5. prrparer l'rchanti/ion de telle sorte que la largeur ~. mi-hauteur (A 1,~) du pic de Christiansen soit plusieurs lois suprrieure h celle de la bande d'absorption elle-mrme. La formule throrique de Clarke qui donne une estimation de A v 89 et dont on ne propose qu'une vrrification qualitative, constitue un guide appropri6 dans le choix des grandeurs sur lesquelles nous pouvons agir lots de la prrparation des 6chantillons. On peut ainsi rrduire les inconvrnients inhrrents h l'existence de l'effet Christiansen, sans courir le risque d'altrrer l'rchantillon lui-m~me, en particulier par un broyage trop poussr. K u r z r e f e r a t - D e r Christianseneffekt tritt in Infrarotspektren von Pulvern, die in fester, ftiissiger oder gasfOrmiger Matrix eingebettet sind, als eine offensichtlich anomale Durchliissigkeit (Christiansenpeak) der einfallenden elektromagnetischen Strahlung in Erscheinung. Der Peak tritt bei Wellenl~ingen auf, fiir welche die Brechungsindizes der Probe und der Matrix gleich sind (Christiansen-Wellenl~inge: Xch,). Infolge der groBen Ve~nderung des Brechungsindex der Probe in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft der Absorptionsbande (anomale Dispersionskurve) beobachtet man oft das Auftreten eines DurchI~issigkeitsmaximums oder einer Bandendeformation in diesem Spektralbereich. Ein Wechsel in der Lage dieses DurchlS.ssigkeitsmaximums mit der GrrBe des Brechungsindex der Matrix ist ein Anzeichen fiir den Christianseneffekt. Die Gleichheit der Brechungsindizes von Probe und Matrix hchr ist benutzt worden, um einige Punkte der anomalen Dispersionskurve in der Nachbarschaft der Hydroxylvalenzschwingungsbande (3678 cm -1) zu bestimmen. Durch den Christianseneffekt hervorgerufene Verzerrungen des Spektrums krnnen vermindert werden, wenn die Probe so pr~ipariert wird, dab die Breite des Christiansen-peaks in halber HShe des Maximums (Avl/2) um das Mehrfache grtilSer ist als die der Absorptionsbande selbst. Clarke's theoretische Formel, die eienen Schfitzwert for Avl/2 ergibt, wurde qualitativ best~itigt und stellt somit ein geeignetes Hilfsmittel fiJr die Wahl der Parameter dar, die bei der Probenherstellung optimiert werden k6nnen. Die Ver~.nderungen des Spektrums durch den Christianseneffekt kiSnnen vermindert werden, ohne dab die Gefahr einer Veriinderung der Probe selbstinsbesondere durch iiberm~iBig scharfes Mahlenbesteht.

PealoMe - - 3qbdpeKr Kpncrnartceua npo~a:meTc~ Ha ~tHqbpaKpacHoMcneKzpe nopotmcOB Br~e~apenm,~x n 3eMJIe, ~rH~KOCTa rich MaTpHLte Bo3~ayxa O'~eaH~lHO a a.~e aHOMaJlbHOrO nponycKaHHa (nHK IKpr~cTaanceHa) naaarotue~t 3.rleKTpOMaFHI4THO~ pa~Hart,n. F1,K HO~IB.qlteTC~IHa ~ n , n e BO2"IHbl~.qff KOTOpOII noi<a3aTe~b rlpe~oMneH~a orpa3tta n no~a3aTe~b i~pe.noM:~eH~a MaTpHllbl paBHbl (,~flnHa Bonrn,~ Kpr~crHaHceHa: ~.c,~). B n~i~y ~o.rlbl.uo~ Bap~au~H B no~a3aTeJae npe~oM~eH~a orpa3ua Br~H3H flO.qOCb] flor~ott[eHrls (aHoMay~bHa~ KpriBa~ s qaCTO 3aMeqaeTca noaB~eH~e ~HKa Ko3qbd~tlHeHTa flporlycKaHH~ Haa ~eqbopMatlm4 nOaOCb~ B ~3TO.~ Or.rlaCTH cr~e~Tpa. 143MeHeu14e flo~lo~eHl4fl DTOFO rlHKa nepe~xa'~ BMeCTe C Be$11,I'-II4tfO~ rloKa3aTe3~l flpe.qoM.rleHHfl MaTpHttb~ $1BflfllOTCfl floKa3aTe.qflMri 9qb~beKTa Is PaBeHCTBO nora3aTe~ei~ npe2~OMJIeHH~l06pa3tta H MaTpl,IHbl ~kchrUpHMeH~I.~OCb~.~Dt onpe~eheHna He~oTopb~x TOqel~ aHOMa.rlbHO.q KpI4BOI~ }].14cflepcl4H no coce)2cTBy C rlO.rlOCO~ pacnpocTpaHeHV~a rn~poI<cnaa (3678 CM-~). CrleKTpa.rlbnoe nCl~a~eHHe Bbl3BaHHOe 3qbd~eKTOM KpHcTHaHceHa MO)KHO yMeHbUlHTb rlo~rOTOBKO~ orpa3ua TaI~IM orpa3oM, qTOrb[ ru,pHHa no.~yMa~C~MyMa (Av ~) arena KpncTHaHcena 6~,ina 6~,i na Hecl~O~bl<O pa3 6ore, rue, qeM 17o.qoca nornotttermn. Teoperr~,~ecrcag dpopMy~a KnapKa ~arotuaa oueury s Av ~ 6b~:~a KatleCTBeHHO17poBepeHa ri TaKI4M orpa3oM 6 b ~ na.~]leH no]lxo~x~tt~Hfi KpnTeprli~i a B~,~OopenapaMeTpoB, rOTOpb~e MO~HO ~OBeCTH~O O[ITHMyMa llpI4 HOilI-OTOBKe06pa3Lta. FIocpe]/CTBOM :~eCTKOFO rlOMO3~a MO)KHO yMeHbllIHTb 9qbqbe~T Kp~4cTrtauceHa Ha CfleKTpa~lbnble rl3MeHeHl, i~l Oe3 pHcKa tt3MeHeHHfl CaMOrO 06pa3ua.

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