Application For Extension of Time
Application For Extension of Time
Application For Extension of Time
This form is to be used by current students when applying for an extension of time for submission of an assessment task due to serious short term circumstances beyond their control such as illness, accident, personal trauma, family emergency or compassionate grounds. Applications should be discussed with the examiner/ lecturer/tutor responsible for assessing the task. Students whose work during a teaching period or whose performance in an examination or other assessment has been affected by longer term illness or other serious cause are entitled to apply for Special Consideration via the universitys Special Consideration application form. working days (48 hours) before the due date of the assessment. Applications submitted after this date will not normally be considered. Doctors certificates or other supporting documentation (eg. death notice or certificate, police report, statutory declaration, letter from employer) must be included with your application form. Applications may be rejected if originals or certified copies of documentation are requested but not provided. Certificates signed by family members are not acceptable. Note: Access to sensitive/confidential material in these applications is limited to designated university personnel. If your application for an extension is successful, please attach the application form and submit your assessment by the new submission date.
Students should note that: they are notified of assignment details well in advance and extensions therefore will not be granted without very serious cause applications for extensions will generally be considered only on medical or other serious grounds applications made on the grounds of workload, external commitments, crashed computers, etc will not be approved the examiner/lecturer/tutor can only grant an extension up until the Facultys Board of Examiners meeting in each semester if an application for extension is approved by the examiner/ lecturer/tutor, the form must be included by the student with the assessment task when it is submitted A mark deduction or application of sliding scale may apply for late submission. Please make sure that you keep copies of all assignments.
Privacy Statement
The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of assessing applications for extension of time for an assessment task. If you choose not to complete section A of this form, it may not be possible for the examiner/lecturer/tutor to process the application for extension. You have a right to access personal information that Monash University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer on +61 3 9905 6011.
Lodgement of Application
Complete and submit the application for Extension of Time for Submission of an Assessment Task form to the examiner/lecturer/tutor at least two
Unit Code ____________ Unit Title ____________________________________________________________ Name of Examiner/Lecturer/Tutor ________________________________________________________________ Assessment Task Details (Assignment, Project, Exercise etc) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date due ___________________ Reason for requesting extension ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of days requested for extension _______________ Is documentary evidence attached? Yes No
Signed_________________________________________________________ Date_______________________
Section B.
To Be Completed by Examiner/Lecturer/Tutor. If Approval is Granted, this Form Must Be Submitted with the Assessment Item.
This request for extension of assessment task is: Not approved Approved Approved with conditions or penalty (see below)
Extended submission date ____________________ Details of conditions or penalty if applicable _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Examiner/Lecturer/Tutor ____________________________________ Date___________________