Bloodroot: Sanguinaria Canadensis
Bloodroot: Sanguinaria Canadensis
Bloodroot: Sanguinaria Canadensis
Sanguinaria canadensis
Other Names: Description: Red puccoon, Red root A small perennial herb with delicate white flowers that bloom early in the spring. An Eastern North American native herb of deciduous hardwood forests. Rhizome Antifungal, Antimicrobial Heroic Integumentary Acrid Cool Periodontal Disease, Gum Problems, Warts For external use only. Do not use bloodroot preparations near the eyes. Tincture 5-20 drops daily Tincture, Bulk Herb, Capsule The bright red rhizome is used to make tinctures and preparations such as salves and ointments for external use. The herb is strongly acrid and can burn the skin or mucous membranes when the fresh herb or its preparations are used. After drying, it loses some of this effect. Bloodroot is commonly used in antiseptic mouthwashes and is sometimes recommended by dentists and oral hygienists to help fight plaque and reduce the incidence of tooth decay and gum disease. Scientific studies have supported this use. The herb is also a popular cancer-fighting remedy for external application. Under the supervision of a qualified herbalist, the tincture and strong bloodroot salve are used for breast cancer, skin cancers, and to remove warts and other growths.
Part Used: Action: Category: Systems: Taste: Energy: Primary Uses: Caution:
Calendula officinalis
Other Names: Description: Marigold, Pot marigold A stout herb of the daisy family with elongated, tongue-shaped leaves and abundant bright orange flowers. A garden favorite; abundantly reseeds itself. Flowers Vulnerary Specific Integumentary, Urinary Spicy, Bitter Neutral Abrasions, Bed Sores, Bee Stings, Sore Breasts, Corns, Dermatitis, Frostbite, Herpes, Mastitis, Ichthyosis, Inflammation, Insect Bites, Itching, Leukorrhea, Mouth Sores, Nettle Sting, Pruritis, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Skin Eruptions, Wounds None noted Oil; Infusion; Tincture External use; 1-3 cups daily; 40-60 drops 2-3 x daily Tincture, Salve, Oil, Cream, Bulk Herb Calendula is a resinous herb popular in ointments, salves, or creams for various skin problems, such as eczema, skin rashes, bedsores, diaper rash, varicose veins, bruises, burns, bites, and sore breasts. The tea is used locally for sore throats, slow-healing wounds, or leukorrhea and internally for fever and swollen lymph glands. The tea or tincture is beneficial for the healing of ulcers in the digestive tract and to ease gallbladder inflammation and enlarged, sore lymph glands. An extract of calendula flowers (combined with allantoin) was shown to dramatically accelerate the healing of surgically induced wounds and prevent infection.
Plantain (English)
Plantago lanceolata
Other Names: Lance-leaf plantain, Narrow-leaf plantain, Ribgrass A common weed with long, ribbed, lance-shaped leaves, flowering spikes with a brown dense tuft of flowers, and later abundant small, flea-like seeds wrapped in a brown husk. Leaf Vulnerary, Antimicrobial Specific, Nutritive Tonic Integumentary, Urinary, Digestive Bland, Bitter Cool Abrasion, Abscess, Bee Stings, Bladder, Infection, Colitis, Corns, Cuts (minor), Dermatitis, Frostbite, Ichthyosis, Inflammation, Insect Bites, Periodontal Disease, Splinters, Tendinitis, Vaginal Dryness Bleeding Hemorrhoids, Gastric Ulcer, Incontinence in the Aged None noted Infusion; Powder 1-2 cups 2-3 x daily; 2-3 capsules 2-3 x daily Bulk Herb, Capsules Plantain is a ubiquitous weed that every herbalist appreciates. It contains a high percentage of mucilage, which gives it its soothing properties; allantoin, to speed wound healing; and aucubin, a strong antimicrobial, antibiotic substance to help prevent infections. In Europe it is used to treat hay fever and respiratory congestion; it is well suited for children. Plantain soothes inflamed and irritated tissues of the respiratory, urinary, and digestive tracts. The tea can be taken freely for coughs, irritable bowel, colitis, cystitis, and painful urination. When used fresh, it is the best herb to chew up and stick on a sting, bite, burn, or wound. It always seems to take the sting or pain out, speed the healing process, and prevent infection. The herb can counteract severe staph infections when applied fresh with echinacea tincture. Plantain leaf blended with a little water to make a paste can be spread into a small piece of gauze or cheesecloth, rolled into a small cylinder and inserted into the mouth on a herpes sore, ulcer of the gums, inflamed gums, or abscess. Other plantain species are the source of psyllium seed, and the small seeds from P. lanceolata and P. major can be used similarly. Soak 1/2 teaspoon in a little warm water and drink in the morning as a soothing bowel cleanser and regulator.
Recommended Herbs: Flax Poultice: 6 grams mixed with water Tincture 2-3 x daily
Soak a cotton pad and apply to affected area 2-3 x daily Apply to affected area
Medical Description: Abscesses are bacterial infections surrounded by inflamed tissues where pus collects. Here we are primarily concerned with abscesses of the skin or teeth. For internal abscesses of tissues or organs, consult a physician or qualified herbalist. Holistic Program: Apply a flax seed poultice (grind seeds to a powder, add water to form a paste); change frequently until it drains. Apply fresh plantain pulp or reconstituted dried powder, or calendula flowers powdered and reconstituted. Apply a cotton pad soaked with echinacea tincture. Change all poultices 3-5 times a day; keep using until abscess has drained and mostly healed. For abscesses that won't heal, try applying an escharotic herb such as bloodroot in liquid extract form (apply to a sterile cotton pad and fix in place for a period of time), which will help remove the dead and stagnant tissue. Be cautious with escharotic herbs, for they can damage healthy tissue if left on too long. Consult a qualified herbalist if in doubt. After the abscess is cleaned out, apply a healing, immune-stimulating herb such as echinacea. Saturate a sterile cotton ball with the tincture and apply directly to the abscess. Change several times daily. Take echinacea or wild indigo internally for 7-10 days. If the abscess persists, see your doctor or qualified health care practitioner.
Recommended Herbs: Burdock (Gobo) Yellow Dock Oregon Grape Red Clover Decoction: 1-6 grams Tincture Tincture Infusion: 6-9 grams 1 cup 3 x daily 10-30 drops 3 x daily 1-2 droppersful, 3 x daily 1 cup 2-3 x daily
Medical Description: Acne usually results from a hormonal imbalance or excess (testosterone) or a toxic condition of the bowels and blood. Holistic Program: Herbalists often recommend blood purifiers to help remove waste products (burdock root and seed, echinacea herb and root, sarsaparilla root), and cooling herbs to help remove "heat toxins" from the blood, intestines, and liver (yellow dock root, Oregon grape root). A good bowel-cleansing program for a few weeks is also beneficial. Adjunct Therapy: Hydrotherapyhot and cold water compresses on affected areas, plus dry brush massage. Recommended Diet: Cleansing; make sure bowels are kept open; get plenty of exercise; drink 2 glasses of carrot-beet juice each day
Recommended Herbs: Red Clover Milk Thistle Fumitory Infusion: 6-9 grams Tincture Tincture 1 cup 2-3 x daily 2-4 droppersful 2-3 x daily 30-40 drops 2-3 x daily 2 500 mg capsules daily Apply externally as needed
Medical Description: Eczema is a chronic inflammation of the skin, characterized by a red, itchy, scaly rash, often with small blisters, that eventually become weeping and encrusted. Eczema begins as a skin hypersensitivity reaction (similar to an allergy), causing chronic inflammation. Holistic Program: Herbalists often focus on the liver when treating this condition. Liver cooling herbs (dandelion, burdock, Oregon grape root, yellow dock) and protective herbs (milk thistle) may be helpful. Bowel-cleansing herbs can be used (psyllium, burdock, pectin, lemon-juice and peel), along with blood purifiers (red clover, sarsaparilla, Red Clover formula, echinacea), liver cleansers (fumitory), and lymphatic cleansers (ocotillo, red root).
Adjunct Therapy: Epsom salt or sea salt bath. Evening primrose capsules (prostaglandin inhibitors). Recommended Diet: Avoid fried food, alcohol, and sugar. After 1 month of the cleansing diet, bowel cleansing, starting with a week of liver flushes, the building diet should be followed.
Poison oak
Recommended Herbs: Sassafras Decoction: 3-9 grams x daily Fresh leaf: Wildcrafted x daily Apply to affected area 2-3
Fresh juice: Wildcrafted Apply to affected area 2-3 x daily Tincture daily Tincture Internally Apply to affected area 3-4
Medical Description: Poison oak is a plant in the cashew family that can cause an allergic dermatitis in susceptible individuals. The rash that can occur is red, hot, itchy, and often weeping. The related poison ivy grows in the Eastern U.S. Holistic Program: Herbal treatment includes immune stimulants internally (echinacea, wild indigo), soothing topical antiinflammatory herbs (chamomile, jewelweed, St. John's wort), and herbs that dry up rashes (astringent herbsoak bark, mugwort, willow bark and leaves). Grindelia tincture can be spread over the rash at night to help dry it out. Because the resin in the tincture dries as a thin, semihard coating, it can help prevent the spread of the rash by inadvertent contact with other body parts during the night (or anytime).