Creative Numerology
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Healing Power | Destiny Numbers | Family Numbers Personal Profiles | Personal Year Books | Order Life Cycles | Links of interest 2013 (Part One) HEARTSPELL | CONCENTRATED 10 TRANSFORMATION | More 369 Energy... | STONE WALL JUNE 2013 - A MATTER OF BALANCE | WEEK 27 - REALITY CHECK WEEK 28 - STEPPING UP | WEEK 29 - CONNECTIONS WEEK 30 - SURFACE APPEARANCES | WEEK 31 - ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE WEEK 32 - A KARMIC CONVERGENCE
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LIFE CYCLES your emotional journey to freedom and happiness ~a book for our times~
WHATEVER YEARLY CYCLE YOU ARE IN, USE THE SAME NUMBER TO READ YOUR MONTHLY AND WEEKLY FORECASTS. Your yearly cycle number is obtained by adding 2013 to your month and day of birth. For example, if you were born on May 31, add 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 15. Keep adding until a single digit is obtained. 1 + 5 = 6. In this example, your yearly cycle for 2013 is 6. PERSONAL YEAR BOOKS
ALL FORECASTS RUN FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, NOT FROM BIRTHDAY TO BIRTHDAY. Click here to find out why this is. To make sure you get the most from these monthly forecasts, be sure to familiarize yourself with the nature of your yearly forecast, and your weekly and daily forecasts, too. All of these cycles interact with each other and have a profound effect on your life. It is best to read this material several times during the month as its meaning is likely to change as time passes. Also, reading the cycles of other people can greatly improve your understanding of what they may be experiencing and, therefore, can help to improve all your relationships.
Creative Numerology Year Books were written for these fast-changing (r)evolutionary times. There is one book for each of the 9 numeric years, and each book contains an entire year of MONTHLY, WEEKLY and DAILY readings for your specific YEAR. They are affordable, collectable, reusable, accurate, & inspiring. They make great gifts, too! Buy one book, or more, or the whole 9-book set (get one free). Choose printed or pdf by e-mail. Order your own PERSONAL PROFILE
If youd like to have all the calculations made for you, and be able to read an entire year of your monthly, weekly and daily numerology in advance, get a copy of your own Personal Year Book: CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY: Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time. Click here to order. Now available in PDF format, this is a nine-book collectable and reusable series - one book for each of the nine numerological years. Buy just one, or the whole set.
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The yearly and monthly cycles, the destiny numbers, specific global trends which are affecting the direction of the human journey, and profound changes in our emotions and intellect (our masculine and feminine energies) are explained in LIFE CYCLES Your Emotional Journey To Freedom And Happiness. Available from (world-wide shipping available) - Barnes & Noble - and your local bookstore. ISBN: 0-9673130-9-0
LIFE CYCLES is also available in PORTUGUESE. CICLOS DA VIDA Sua Jornada Emocional Rumo Liberdade e Felicidade PensamentoCultrix
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Creative Numerology by Christine DeLorey SCROLL DOWN TO YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2013 ______________________________________________ No matter which year you happen to be in personally, the world is in the 6 year in 2013. (2+0+1+3=6). Therefore, much insight can be gained by reading the 6 forecasts, too. ______________________________________________ ARTICLES ABOUT 2013 2013 ~ HEARTSPELL JUNE 2013 - A MATTER OF BALANCE Week 27 - July 2 to 8 - REALITY CHECK! Week 28 - July 9 to 15 - STEPPING UP Week 29 - July 16 to 22 - CONNECTIONS Week 30 - July 23 to July 29 - SURFACE APPEARANCES Week 31 - July 30 to August 5 - ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE Week 32 - A KARMIC CONVERGENCE ______________________________________________ YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK Creative Numerology Year Books were specifically written for these fast-changing evolutionary times, bringing clarity and insight to your life EVERY DAY. There is one book for each of the 9 numeric years. Each book contains an entire year of MONTHLY, WEEKLY and DAILY readings for your specific year. These books dont go out of date. They are affordable, collectable, reusable, accurate, and most inspiring. Buy just one book, or more, or the whole 9-book set (get one free). electronic PDF format, only $11.00 (printed books also available). ORDER HERE ______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
If we always do what we've always done we'll always get what we've always got. Toni Worst
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As you continue to travel the complex corridors between one era of your life and the next, there will be times when you cannot tell the difference between an ending and a beginning. Augusts diverse energies are all connected in some way, and are urging you to be more alert than usual so that you learn how to change something you thought could not be changed, or more easily accept an unexpected change to your reality. Deep emotions are involved and it is essential to express them honestly as they arise. Acceptance of your situation, moment-by-moment, will help you prepare for a new direction thats starting to emerge. The stress you are feeling is inevitable when you consider what is happening to you - feeling the pain of being wrenched from your norm - standing at the end of a familiar road with nothing but uncharted territory ahead of you. You may be afraid of what the future may bring, or afraid that it will be a repeat of the past. In reality, there is no way around these feelings. There is only a way through them. Its called acceptance. Until you accept the reality of how your life has progressed over time, you will find that you will have to go in what appears to be the wrong direction - backwards - in order to go forward. If this is the case, don't fight it. This back and forth emotional movement will churn up your inborn courage as you sift through your past and tie up the loose ends that are binding you to it. As each emotional issue is concluded, the bonds are released and forward movement is again possible - only faster - as if you are being catapulted to a new position. Don't worry. You are experiencing evolutionary movement. You will land on your feet. Something you thought was lost may now return. But anything you let go in this cycle will probably not come back, and probably to your advantage. You are evolving so fast that it is difficult for your present environment to contain you. As your desire for personal fulfillment expands, you cannot help but outgrow certain people, places, beliefs, and situations. As you courageously leave the old behind and focus on where you are now, strong feelings will arise. Let them flow - and know that there is never a need to hurt yourself or anyone else when expressing what you feel. Stop hurting yourself by holding it all in. Nothing is more needed than for you to release all those feelings that are bursting to get out. It is not easy to let go of a belief, especially if it is one you have staunchly upheld or imposed on others, but it is a truly wonderful feeling when you finally let go of your own stubbornness, and better still when you realize that something you previously feared need not be feared at all. You may find yourself extending great compassion in a situation that would once have evoked anger or disinterest. You may not believe you can cope with having to face so much reality at one time. You may want to ignore certain aspects and focus on the more comfortable ones. But until you take everything into account, you will not find the emotional connection that will make sense of it all. Life is not giving you more than you can handle. It is showing you how much simpler life can be when the reality of everything is accepted. Accept it all, and you will be amazed at the new doors that open and the change of direction that occurs in the months ahead. ______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. William Jennings Bryant An important change is inevitable this month, and if you do not succumb to pure self-interest, the conditions are ideal for you to sow the seeds of something new and positive. If your intent is loving (as opposed to manipulative), other people will be able to see you, and what you have to offer, in a new light, and they will be only too willing to support you. Slow down, observe, feel, and sense. The more you relax, the more easily you will be able to see your way ahead. Recognize how calm, efficient and self-reliant you are when youre not struggling to explain yourself - and how effective you are when you freely pursue your own methods. There is no need to push. You can now proceed with ease. No matter what your age, you are in the process of growing up. Evolving. Although others will continue to affect you for the rest of the year and will undoubtedly need your time and attention, the emphasis is now on you and your ability to recognize the importance of certain details, and take charge without seeking any kind of reward.
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Although this is a chance to shine, impress and, possibly, make amends, it is also a time to recognize the talent or input of others and give credit where it is due. Too much emphasis on how good or wonderful you are, can actually work against you in the 2 year, as can the desire to show others that you are right and they are wrong. Take a good look at your life - past and present - and realize what it has led to, and where it is leading. You are undergoing a personal metamorphosis this year and, now, you are suddenly able to see life from a different angle. This is an opportunity for a softer, gentler, and yet stronger side of you to emerge. As exciting as this may be, it can also trigger fear as to how the end result will turn out, especially when it comes to your personal, professional, social, and emotional security. Work through your fears and doubts. Dont deny them. Count your blessings too. You have many. Start something new or start a new phase of something already in progress. Unexpected circumstances may interrupt the flow from time to time, but what appears to be a distraction may actually be a catalyst for developing abilities that you knew you possessed but could not implement until now. Feel your freedom, your power, your uniqueness. Feel the peace and ease that you have it in you to create. Feel the amazing change in the quality of your life once you have finally accepted yourself as you are. There may feel a sense of loneliness or guilt, especially if others are stuck in less desirable circumstances. Whatever feelings arise, experience them. Feel them. They will provide you with vital clues about your true direction. Take responsibility for your own well-being. Know when its time to rest or change your focus. You have been tied to other peoples needs for most of the year. Now it is time to take care of some needs of your own. You have been promoting peace with others and easing the way for them to move ahead. Now, it is time to take a personal step forward and, at the same time, make peace with yourself. Relax your concerns about the future. Stay calmly in the present, cooperate with others where you can, and take care of whatever crops up on a day-to-day basis. A gentle and considerate manner, as long as it is genuine, will reap its own rewards this month. ______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
All things come around to those who will but wait. Longfellow A task needs to be completed, or an old habit needs to be eliminated, so that you can finally slow down and relax. Yes, relax. Remember how that feels? It is time to release yourself from all that tension and pressure, make an important connection and then take the time to reflect on your new reality. Many shifts have taken place this year. Look how far you have come; how much old emotion you have expressed, and how much new understanding has replaced it. Everyone is afraid of change - and everyone has a natural ability to adapt. But why, oh why, is it so hard for us to adapt to feelings of happiness and satisfaction? We resist happiness because guilt tells us that we are unworthy of these beautiful emotions, or that they cannot possibly last, so why even tease yourself with them? But that is the nature of emotion - spontaneous, temporary, ever flowing through us and out of us in response to how any given situation makes us feel. It is guilt that stops this natural healthy flow. Remember those times in your past when you believed - or were made to believe - that youd broken a rule? You may think that rules were made to be broken, but that is usually not the intent. Rules are made to control. We break a lot of rules as we proceed through life. However, each rule we break sets in motion the very stuff that control depends on: guilt - and its mirrorimage blame - which are now effecting the way you express yourself and, indeed, the very words you use to do so. For as long as you remain in a situation in which you have to watch every word you say or follow irrelevant rules and guidelines, you can never be happy. That path is made of eggshells and it is not for you any more. You have been the captain of your own ship for quite a while now, and you have brought yourself to many new interests, ideas, people, places, and feelings. You have done well. So, this month, take a real break! Sit back - peacefully - and just BE! Observe the wheels (of whatever system youre living in) turn and spin and grind along. Watch the race in progress - the human
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race - and ask yourself what it is that humanity is racing towards. As the truth sinks in, ask yourself once again: What do I want? You now have an opportunity to rest and revitalize, consider the true nature of your relationships, desires and goals, and quietly contemplate your options. Issues need to be approached in a patient and confident manner. An important goal must be looked at in the full light of reality, and the events of August will give you a chance to appreciate and understand the details more clearly. Aggression on your part is the result of fear of both failure and success, and will result in further frustration or resentment. You need to regain your confidence and peacefully proceed with your life. Consider yourself part of a team as your success does depend on the cooperation of others. And you, too, must cooperate with whoever else is involved. Be considerate of other peoples feelings and needs. Diplomacy is a major theme this month, so be tactful, or you could find yourself on a path you had no intention of traveling. The events of August are teaching you about the power of words, as well as how to cooperate and become closely involved with others without losing yourself in their reality. You are learning how to be a friend or, at the very least, how to be friendly. Hold on to your optimism. Your plans are benefiting from this month of interruption and delay. By the end of August, you will know that the waiting is over and that you are in control of your own journey. Meanwhile, patience, patience, patience
_____________________________________________ Want to go much deeper? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Order your personal profile here ______________________________________________
Almost all of our unhappiness is the result of comparing ourselves to others. Anon How long can you stay on that tedious treadmill without hurting yourself in some way? If you feel trapped or overwhelmed, it is only through a more optimistic frame of mind that you will find your way ahead. And, the only way youll be able to recognize and appreciate the progress you have already made, (which is probably more significant than you know), is to completely disconnect from the monotony or chaos and notice how far youve come. A break, vacation or change of scenery can work wonders. August emphasizes personal happiness, first by showing you how unhappy you are in a certain area of your life, and then by showing you what it will take to restore personal satisfaction to that area. Open your neglected imagination and start to dream new dreams. You need a different approach to an ongoing problem and a new way to live your life. Realize just how exhausting this years events have been and how you diligently carried on. It really is time to relax your stressed-out body and mind and revitalize your sense of beauty. Yes, beauty! Get into a lighter frame of mind as you travel Augusts invigorating, optimistic and healing energies. You may wonder who your friends really are and whether they understand what youre experiencing. However, you have been so preoccupied just lately that you may be unaware of the genuine concern and friendship around you. This is a cycle of expression, communication and creativity, but much of what you need to express is stuck inside you because you are trying to keep up appearances. If you repress these feelings any longer, you could actually harm your physical body in some way. Say what needs to be said, even if it means saying no to someone you would usually say yes to. There is no need to hurt yourself or anyone else when expressing yourself if you do so with peaceful intention. Entertain, be entertained, indulge yourself in a little luxury, and experience some of lifes social and creative joys. If you are concerned about your appearance or the condition of your physical body, or if you want to reduce the limitation in your life stop limiting yourself. Rearrange your circumstances so that you can take a break from it all, treat yourself to something nice and have some fun. You could make valuable contacts while youre out there mixing and mingling. Loosen up and bring social enjoyment back into your life.
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A creative breakthrough this month will be the result of stretching your imagination and the determination to follow through. Ideas, no matter how clever or innovative they are, have no value unless they are brought to life. How can you change things so that you can live more freely? Whatever your answer, this goal can be achieved if you approach it realistically. A major step forward is possible next month. So, for now, let optimism flow and let hope, confidence, and creative thinking re-introduce themselves to you. ______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary. Anthony Robbins The focus is now on freedom, truth, work, details, reputation and your sense of identity. The serious and orderly nature of August makes you aware of how disorganized certain aspects of your life have become. You must now set priorities, eliminate pettiness and clutter, and get your life in order. Just remember that organization is not supposed to be the end result. Getting organized is just the start. Organization provides a practical framework - the order and efficiency - from which to accomplish other important things. Getting organized is the foundation. Of course, things may happen which rock your foundation from time to time and, if that is the case,, build it again. We learn as we go. We learn, we create, we evolve. Dont waste any more time agonizing over a particular problem. Accept that it exists and look for a constructive solution instead. The 5 year is about real change - drastic change - a completely different way of living, thinking, doing, and feeling. Remember your life just six months ago, and you will realize how much change has already taken place. Its time to get used to it... to accept it. Solve a problem by digging up its cause - the reason this problem resurfaces over and over. What mistakes are involved? What mistakes did you make last year or the year before, which are still being paid for now? This cycle responds positively to honesty. You need to finally admit to the real cause of this problem. Until you admit it, learn from it, and stop repeating it, the same old mistakes will continue to create the same old situations. Remember that learning from your mistakes often means learning how not to do something. In this year of change and transformation, nothing is unchangeable. Even severe limitations can be changed into opportunity. Sometimes it is not the limitation that needs to be changed, but the fear of change itself. August in the 5 year is a complicated month, but it offers you the chance to remove certain obstructions so that the path ahead is free and clear. You are now realizing the extent to which you are still limiting yourself, and the extent to which you can expand your power in the world and start living as you want to live. But this level of freedom cannot be attained without your constant and conscious participation. Dont let impatience or impulsiveness create more problems for you. Get organized! Stay organized. Delays and postponements are common in this cycle, but dont let minor setbacks weaken your enthusiasm. How many times have you made that mistake before? What youre doing may appear to be without purpose at times, but that is far from the truth. What youre doing is researching, analyzing, and assessing the possibilities. Be patient with the details. You are traveling through an unpredictable obstacle course this August, so stay alert. Be practical, logical, hard working, and totally honest with yourself. You now have the ability to function successfully in whatever your reality happens to be. If you do not like your reality, realize that only you can change it. 5 is the energy of the unusual and different, and you have to admit that different attitudes and approaches are needed now. August invites you to make a place for everything you love and to move away from unloving circumstances. Wake up and pay attention. Feel what is happening to you. Dont be deceived. You are experiencing a breakthrough.
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______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
They who dare not offend cannot be honest. Thomas Paine August in the 6 year can be an accident prone cycle. Sudden movement, change and freedom are its nature. You may be at ease in this vibration, or you may realize just how afraid of change and freedom you actually are. It seems that someone else in your life needs change and freedom too, and that place called middle ground needs to be reached together. Yes, you do have responsibilities, but in order to solve a problem amicably, everyone involved must eventually feel satisfied with the outcome. This cycle is magnetically attracted to your own expectations. Whatever you expect will materialize. But your expectations may not be what you think they are. They stem from your core beliefs and deepest feelings, and you may need to be more aware of them. Reality is being revealed to you, and it may not be a pretty sight at first. But it is reality nonetheless - and a great opportunity to redesign your life through a series of small changes that only you yourself can make. Then, your level of expectation will rise and more beneficial changes will occur. Recognize a mistake, learn from it, and then allow yourself to move on to a new level of understanding and a new potential for positive change. What is your most common mistake regarding relationship and responsibility? Are you about to repeat it? Or, has a judgment you have made against someone else turned into a reflection of you? You may think you know what is best for others, or that you can save them in some way. But, when this is not your true responsibility, and it seldom is, the obligation you assume becomes a burden for all concerned, leading to resentment and even hatred. Cooperate and encourage if you can, but do not make unreasonable demands or rules. Notice that in one instance, what you think is a mistake or bad luck may actually be an opportunity for positive change. Often when we are looking for something, we discover something else which makes us realize the irrelevance of what we were originally seeking. Dont jump into a new situation without first assessing how it will affect your long-term freedom and security. What sacrifices will you and others have to make? What is your real motivation for wanting this change - or for opposing it? Where will it lead? What are your alternatives? What roles are guilt and blame playing here? What do you really feel? August illuminates the various ways in which freedom is abused and exposes peoples addictions to relationships, duty, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, extravagance, media, gambling, power, or anything else of a controlling nature. You are now at your most resourceful and ideas are flowing. Use them constructively! Try to include others in your adventures, or there could be some burned bridges to mend in September. _____________________________________________ Want to go much deeper? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Order your personal profile here ______________________________________________
To err is human, to forgive divine. Alexander Pope August is a cycle of healing. It highlights matters of the heart and reveals both the flaws and the joys in your life. Whether children are involved or not, childhood issues maybe your own are
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likely to emerge. This is a time to analyze all that has ever happened to you in the name of LOVE. Some issues run very deep and are likely to involve close relationships, home, health, education, family, pets, and the question of duty. A certain situation may need cautious handling. August emphasizes responsibility, or the question of who is responsible for a particular situation. If you are blaming someone or depending on them too heavily, take responsibility for your own part in all this. If they are blaming you, or if their dependence on you has become too much to handle, insist that they be responsible for their own actions. So much emotion is involved here, and you may want to avoid a flare-up with those you care for, or even with people you dont know well at all. However, in a year when you are looking deeply into your prospects for long term happiness and security, ask yourself how you will feel a year from now if something doesnt change. This month, by changing your expectations, you can create a more desirable atmosphere; one in which a friendly and workable partnership can materialize. Analyze everything, but do not overanalyze. Do not be judgmental if you do not wish to be judged. You need to forgive and/or be forgiven. Assess what your responsibilities really are and carry them out in the most practical way. For every action there is a reaction. For every cause there is an effect. Peer pressure or overambition must be seen for what it is part of the big race, the massive competition between people which is causing so many problems on this planet. If you feel anxious about something that has not happened yet, dont deny your feelings, but dont overreact either. The more you honor anothers reality, the easier it will be for love and respect to flow. Accept the individual nature of someone who may be criticizing you, or whose viewpoint differs from yours, and remember that you cannot change anyone but yourself. Dont take anything too personally. Know the difference between helping and interfering; loving and controlling. Wherever there is judgment, guilt, blame or control, love vibrations to heal the LOVE that has become damaged by placed on it. Only by accepting and loving yourself first experience the unconditional love that is now trying to reach suffers. Use this months soothing the weight of too many conditions exactly as you are can you ever you.
______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
The vast majority of human beings dislike and even dread all notions with which they are not familiar. Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have always been derided as fools and madmen. Aldous Huxley A deep analysis of your situation can prevent you from jumping to the wrong conclusion or losing faith in yourself. You so much want to BE who you know you are, but before you can take the next step toward self realization, you have some serious learning to do. Knowledge is power, and what you learn this month will enable you to advance significantly. You appear to be clinging to a situation that is draining you, and now is the time to flush the mental clutter out of your system by allowing yourself to feel what is really going on inside you. Stop thinking blindly and let your intuition - your feelings and instincts - create a much needed inner balance. Whatever your situation happens to be, you need to understand it more fully. You need to clearly see how every aspect of it works. You need to be aware of its protocols and procedures - the mechanics of what went wrong - and what went right - and what a successful outcome will take in present circumstances. Observe how you, what you have to offer, and the people you are dealing with all fit together. You may believe that youre moving too slowly. You may even think that others are conspiring against you. Perhaps someone is jealous. Or, perhaps you are afraid you dont have what it takes to fulfill a particular goal or responsibility.
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The truth is that you are now standing at the edge of what could become a wonderful new way of life. Lack of knowledge is all that is stopping you from stepping over whatever barriers remain. Your fear of the unknown and your fear of failure are perfectly natural but, as you are about to discover, quite unnecessary. You do belong in the world you have envisaged for yourself, but you have to believe it. Breakthrough will take courage, patience, and determination. But no matter how much you want to surge ahead, outer action is not required this month. This month, you need the self assuredness that comes from accurate information, and your accurate understanding of it. Move yourself mentally and emotionally inside whatever you are trying to create so you can clearly see and decipher its reality. Do not look only for the flaws. Appreciate all that feels good, too. Think of your goal as your baby - your creation. Give it your love and attention. Nurture it and prepare it for its own entrance into the world in September. Your priority now is to take what you already have and breathe form, definition, and life into it. Spend plenty of time alone this month and let yourself imagine the possibilities. At the same time, if a situation occurs which feels like a battle of wills, do not overreact. Clarify what you will and will not tolerate. If you feel that you cannot allow your time or space to be invaded any longer, express whatever feelings arise with dignity, diplomacy, and authority. Maintain faith in yourself. Forget about the potential rewards. Focus on what has to be done on the inside. Take your own personal needs seriously, and others will take them seriously, too. ______________________________________________ WANT TO GO MUCH DEEPER? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Order your own PERSONAL extended profile here ______________________________________________
Survival is not about the continuation of what is, but has an evolutionary quality that connects the past to the future, bringing us forward in time and in spirit. Jeff Jawer Life has pulled you to a bend in the road where you would do well to accept your losses and count your blessings. The events of August may appear to be more talk than action, but there is more reward involved here than you may be able to realize or are willing to admit. In at least one situation, you may have bitten off more than you can chew, or perhaps a much needed reality check is now revealing areas of your life which have run their course. August emphasizes your own personal power, finances, ambitions, and your ability to salvage what you want to keep in your life. Your confidence is being challenged and, if you feel hurt, angry or defeated, it is because you are experiencing the results - the return - on something you invested into without fully considering the long-term effect or, perhaps, the need for a more sustained effort on your part. August marks the end of that era in which you succumbed to unrealistic expectations of yourself and others. You will benefit greatly once you are able to pick yourself up, feel how empowered you have actually become through this experience, and efficiently wrap up the loose ends of a phase of your life that is now well and truly over. The new beginnings you crave cannot happen until the necessary endings and completions have occurred. This month, money may come in and important agreements may be finalized. You will receive what is due but may still feel disappointed - until you experience the sheer relief of letting go of something that was hurting you in some way. You are not defeated at all. You are simply realizing that one particular direction has run its course. In fact, you now want more out of life - much more! Of course, you are the only one who can make it happen. The fear that has always placed limitations on your true needs or ambitions must be faced headon. Much of what you have focused on is no longer of interest to you, and its time to go back to the drawing board of your imagination. Give yourself time to figure out what you really want. Ask yourself how much of the old you was created out of fear of loss; a need for position or status; to give the appearance of happiness and success while, all the time, your real desires, potentials, and perhaps reality itself, were being denied because you needed the approval or reassurance of others. No matter how free or how powerful we believe ourselves to be, it is in August of the 9 year that we realize our vulnerabilities. Appreciate what you already have in terms of love, support, talent, desire, resources, and a willingness to learn new things. Be determined to live more freely and
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openly. It is from an acceptance of where you are today that you will be able to create a new tomorrow of your own design. By absorbing the knowledge that August provides, you will have every reason to feel confident again. But do remember that knowledge is power only when it is correctly understood. _____________________________________________ Want to go much deeper? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Order your personal profile here ______________________________________________
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