STD 07092501.3.1 LogicalDataModeling
STD 07092501.3.1 LogicalDataModeling
STD 07092501.3.1 LogicalDataModeling
Description Created by Charlotte Gregg as new Standards document for ERD Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Standards, version 1.3 approved by John Willmott, BIS Bureau Chief. Ownership of document transferred to Enterprise Data & Information Administration. Added a paragraph titled Attribute Class Word Assignment. Added an appendix titled Appendix A Class Word/Abbreviations. Attribute Name & Entity Name paragraph was updated. Revised Entity Name paragraph to address Class Words. Enhanced discussion in Attribute Name section to address Prime & Qualifier words. Applied final changes to Class Word table. Conducted minor editorial changes. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Standards, version 2.0 approved by John Willmott, CIO Major rewrite and re-branding of the former ERD Standards to LDM Standards. Includes reorganization of layout, breaking out into a separate document (Logical Data Model Techniques) how to perform certain procedures with Oracle Designer & incorporating some standards that were formerly in the SMD standards document, etc. Also includes revised standards relative to Primary Key, etc. Rewrite to include the roles of Data Administration defined by the ISDM. Added standards 240, 310, 320, 330 as per Donna Gorton. Removed standard 380 to be relocated in the Physical Data Model Standards Updated the document with above mentioned changes after approved Version 2.0. Formatting changes and other additional changes were also made. Logical Data Model Standards and Guidelines, version 3.0 approved by John Willmott, CIO Approved standards revised to apply current MRA numbers and to reference version 2.0.
4/24/2007 5/1/2007
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STD-07092501.3.1..........................................................................................................................1 REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................................2 TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................5 BY LOGICAL DATA MODEL (LDM) WE MEAN... .................................................................5 GRANDFATHER CLAUSE...........................................................................................................5 STANDARDS ................................................................................................................................5 GENERAL STANDARDS..................................................................................................6 Modeling Tool Standard # 100................................................................................6 Third Normal Form Standard # 110.........................................................................6 Subject Area Data Standard # 120...........................................................................6 ENTITIES............................................................................................................................6 Entity Name Standard # 204....................................................................................6 Entity Short Name Standard # 208..........................................................................7 Entity Plural Standard # 210....................................................................................8 Entity Description Standard # 214...........................................................................9 Code Entity Standard # 218...................................................................................10 Synonym Standard # 250.......................................................................................11 ATTRIBUTES ..................................................................................................................11 Atomic Attribute Standard # 300...........................................................................11 Attribute Name Standard # 304.............................................................................12 Attribute Class Word Assignment Standard # 308................................................12 Attribute Indicator Standard # 310........................................................................12 Attribute Sequencing Standard # 312....................................................................13 Attribute Format Standard # 316...........................................................................13 Attribute Domain Standard # 320..........................................................................14 Primary Unique Identifier Standard # 324.............................................................14 Attribute Comment Standard # 328.......................................................................15 Attribute Description Standard # 332....................................................................16 RELATIONSHIPS.............................................................................................................17 Relationship Standard # 400..................................................................................17
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ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS......................18 Entity Placement Standard # 700...........................................................................18 Relationship Placement Standard # 710................................................................18 Diagram Font Standard # 720................................................................................19 APPENDIX I ...............................................................................................................................20 REFERENCE / BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................20
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Why study Latin? Perhaps you remember the WHY? title from some of your past text books. Now that we have your attention. Why should we have a Logical Data Model (LDM) standards document? What is the purpose? The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to those tasked with preparing a Logical Data Model for their application project. The purpose of this document is to share with you a best practice the result of many years of work by a great many practitioners. The purpose of this document is NOT to set road-blocks or to force delays of your work.
Existing legacy applications that are grandfathered with respect to changes in the standards will be brought into compliance over time as enhancement releases are fielded for a particular application. Maintenance releases are specifically waived with respect to a standards review.
These standards are based on the premise that an LDM is created and approved prior to transformation to a Physical Data Model (PDM) for all new application releases as well as for enhancement releases for existing applications. For easy reference, the individual standards are numbered and guidelines are in italics.
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Modeling Tool Standard # 100 Conceptual, Logical and Physical Models must be developed using the Oracle Designer tool; both DEP and external development teams must utilize Oracle Designer and the approved DEP Designer repository. The use of any other modeling tool/repository is not authorized.
Third Normal Form Standard # 110 The ERD component of the LDM must be in at least third normal form (Boyce-Codd, fourth, and fifth normal form are also acceptable).
Subject Area Data Standard # 120 The established Location Data Standards will be adhered to for geospatial objects. Adherence to these supplementary standards is mandatory. Models will be sent to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for review.
Entity Name Standard # 204 An entity name must include an Entity Class Word. Guideline: Refer to See How to Create an Entity and How to Create Business Names in Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques if you are unfamiliar with Oracle Designer. An entity name must be a maximum of 30 characters long. Guideline: The logical model allows a larger name length so that abbreviations can be avoided for clarity sake in the business model. The PDM however, is limited by the Oracle thirty character naming constraint so when longer names are used truncation will occur. An Entity name must be made up of one to five words and is followed by a class word. Only singular nouns and modifiers are to be used for an entity name.
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An entity name must contain only alphabetical characters and spaces (cannot contain numbers). An entity name must contain hyphens or underscores between the words if more than one word is present. Hyphens and underscores allow for greater readability while keeping the characters of field and table names contiguous. This makes selection of these strings easier and more accurate when working with code. Also, many Oracle operations will require that these entity names be placed in quotes if spaces are present a simple select statement will not work without accommodation for the spaces. An entity name must not contain the name of physical constructs, such as view, file, record, row or table. An entity name must not contain numeric values. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 4. Please note that the maximum length in Standard 2.0 is 27.
Entity Short Name Standard # 208 Guideline: An entity short name is also known as an alias. Oracle Designer uses the short name in the generation of names for constraints, keys, sequences, etc. Each entity must have an entity short name. Guideline: See How to create an Entity in Oracle Designer techniques for Oracle Designer Tips. An entity short name must be a unique combination of up to six letters An entity short name must not be an Oracle Reserved Word, an Entity Class Word, or an Attribute Class Word. The entity short name must be unique among all existing DEP enterprise Oracle short names. Guideline: See the ORADEV.BIS_LIB.SHORT_NAMES table for currently reserved Short Names. If the one word entity name is six characters or fewer, use the first three letters of the name as the short name. If that short name is not unique, add one letter of the word until it is unique. If the one word entity name consists of more than six characters, use the first three letters of the entity name as the short name. If that short name is not unique, add one letter of the word, up to the sixth letter, until it is unique. If the entity name is more than one word, use the first character of each word up to six characters.
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In the event that a duplicate entity short name exists after applying the above rules, suffix the short name with the number 1. In the event that an entity short name is initially six characters and is not unique, remove the last character and replace with the number 1. Keep incrementing this number until there is no longer a conflict with an existing short name. Once a candidate entity short name is established the Application Development Team must contact Apps Admin who will in turn record (reserve) these short names and confirm they have been reserved. This process changes the short name from a candidate to reserved status. A candidate entity short name is subject to change until reserved. Since multiple Application Development Teams must reserve short names, to prevent problems during development, Data Administration recommends that you submit your candidate short names as soon as possible when they are finalized. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 4. Entity Plural Standard # 210 Guideline: The entity plural is used to generate the related PDM table name when the Database Design Transformer (DDT) utility is used. This property is automatically defaulted but it is recommended that the default plural name be overridden in those instances where the plural is nonsensical. An entity plural is mandatory. Guideline: See How to Create an Entity in Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques for Oracle Designer tips. The entity plural must be the proper plural form of the entity name. The entity plural must consist of spaces and alphabetical characters (cannot contain numbers), and underscores or hyphens. The entity plural must not correspond to an entity or attribute class word or reserved word. In General all rules that apply to entity naming (Standard 200) apply to the entity plural name. The entity plural must not differ from the entity name except for the plural suffix. All entity names that end in an entity class word must not have a plural form in this property but the entity name should be repeated. The entity plural can not exceed 30 characters in length. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 5.
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Entity Description Standard # 214 Each Entity must have a detailed Entity Description which clearly indicates its business purpose and usage within the context of the enterprise, rather than focusing on a definition that only has meaning to the application or expert user group. Guideline: It is assumed that the reader does not have direct knowledge of the application. Please see the section How to Write Meaningful Business Description in Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques for more information and examples. See How to Create an Entity Description in Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques for Oracle Designer tips. An Entity Description must stand alone. For example, a description would not assume the reader has access to other documentation. If additional information on business usage is provided, it must be placed in labeled sections. Guideline: The section labels that can be used are: Business Rule, or Value List. For example: CH Event Review Consists of the collection of Clearinghouse members that are required to review or have an interest in the processing of an object subject to Clearinghouse approval. Business Rule: - A least one Clearinghouse Event Item must be established for the Clearinghouse Event which will be the Environmental Interest Clearinghouse member for which the data was entered (the source). - Only Clearinghouse Review ID value of "R" can provide a response. - The CH Event Item, upon initial creation, that has a CH Review ID value of "I" will have the CH Response value set to a default of "No Response". Descriptions must be grammatically correct and must not contain misspellings. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations; if unavoidable, the full acronym and/or abbreviation expansion must be included in the entity description. The acronym or abbreviation expansion must be provided if used as part of the entity name. Circular descriptions will not be approved. Entity descriptions must provide information about the entity that extends beyond what is implied by the entity name. Guideline: An OBJECT OF INTEREST is an object of interest, would be an example of a circular description. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 6.
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Code Entity Standard # 218 The name of a code entity must end in the Entity Class Word of CODE preceded by a space. Code entities will either use a surrogate primary key or create the primary key using the attribute that will store the actual code value. Guideline: (See the Primary Unique Identifier Standard # 370 and How to Create a Primary Unique Identifier in the Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques.) A code entity must have BEGIN DATE and END DATE attributes. The application Architect/Designer must utilize existing code entities. A list of the current reusable common entities follows: COORDINATE METHOD CODE COORD ACCURACY LEVEL CODE COUNTY CODE COUNTRY CODE DATUM CODE DISTRICT CODE LAND TYPE CODE NAIC CODE NAIC SIC OFFICE CODE OFFICE COUNTY CODE PHONE AREA EXCHANGE CODE PROXIMITY CODE SIC CODE STATE CODE UNITED STATES CITY CODE VERIFICATION STATUS CODE Some combination of the following attributes must be included in all code entities to provide the most flexible usage of the valid values.
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Guideline: The examples in Table 1 Code Entity Example & Table 2 Code Entity Attributes portray what a code entity should look like. SHORT NAME If a surrogate key is used, this is used to hold a shortened version of the full name of the code value. LONG NAME Used to hold the full name expansion of the code value. DESCRIPTION Used to hold a description of how this code is used by the business area and how it may be related to other code values or another code entity. Entity Name LAND USE CODE Short Name LUC Entity Plural LAND USE CODES Table Name LAND_USE_CODES
Attribute Name LAND USE ID Spaces in field names make working with code difficult. SHORT NAME LONG NAME DESCRIPTION BEGIN DATE END DATE
Optional No No No No No Yes
Synonym Standard # 250 The synonym attribute from the Designer palette should not be used.
Atomic Attribute Standard # 300 Attributes are properties of the owning entity and as such must convey a singular atomic fact about the entity.
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Guideline: For example, the code Report Frequency could have a value of D for daily or W for weekly. These are atomic facts and cannot further be broken down. However a code Type Frequency with a value of DSUM meaning daily summary establishes two separate facts, one that it is a daily occurrence and two that it is a summary report. In reality you have two separate facts, the frequency and the type of report. As such two separate attributes should be utilized.
Attribute Name Standard # 304 All entities in any ERD must contain at least one attribute. The attribute name must be made up of one to five words followed by one Attribute Class Word Suffix used to clarify the attribute if the information cannot be obtained from the attribute name. Guideline: For example, an attribute name of PROCESS DATE with a data type of DATE may be either a date with time or a date without time. To clarify the attribute the name should be PROCESS DATE if it is a date without time and PROCESS TS if it is a date with time. An attribute name must not exceed 30 characters. When an attribute name is only one word, it must not be an Oracle Reserved Word. The attribute name must be singular and contain no hyphens or underscores. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 7. Please note that the maximum length in Standard 2.0 is 27. Attribute Class Word Assignment Standard # 308 If used, a class word suffix must use the corresponding abbreviation found in the Attribute Class Word List. The descriptions and examples provided in the Attribute Class Word List will be utilized in determining the appropriate class word. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 8 and Appendix A.
Attribute Indicator Standard # 310 All indicator attributes must have a format of VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL. Indicator attributes by nature must have only two states and cannot have a null state, i.e. 0 & 1 or Y & N, etc.
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Guideline: A difference should be noted regarding Code Tables and Indicators. Traditionally Indicators were meant to be simple Y/N or 1/0 (as in on/off). They are attributes that need no corresponding Description attributes. Code (entities/tables, described earlier) must have 2 or more values and always require a corresponding Description attribute.
Attribute Sequencing Standard # 312 Guideline: The attribute sequencing standard is based on the premise that the business community prefers to see attributes in their natural order. During the process of the initial transformation this sequencing will be preserved in the PDM. See Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques.
It is mandatory for Primary Key (PK) Unique Identifier (UID) components to be displayed first and in the proper hierarchical order so that the transformed PK index has the proper order for complex primary keys. Attributes will be sequenced in the order of their natural business usage. Guideline: As an example:
Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 8. Please note that the sequencing order has changed. Attribute Format Standard # 316 All attributes must be assigned a format with the maximum length and if applicable the precision and scale specified. Guideline: Certain business names have defined formats/sizes. If the attribute represents one of these business names those pre-defined formats, names, attribute class words and sizes specified in the Standard Data Formats must be utilized. It is permissible to prefix the required data element name to customize it for the specific usage.
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The use of ANSI data types of DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, CHARACTER, CHARACTER VARYING, CHAR VARYING, REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION is not allowed. Guideline: The data type of CHAR while supported by Oracle is not authorized as an acceptable format type. A data type of VARCHAR2 (n) with the specified length must be utilized as a substitute for a CHAR. For example: Not approved - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IND CHAR(1) NOT NULL Approved - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IND VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL
Attribute Domain Standard # 320 Guideline: In Oracle Designer, Domains are used to provide standardized characteristics for attributes. For example, all attributes assigned to the NAME domain will be the same format. By using a NAME domain, we could change the format of all attributes in that domain to a new format, etc. A domain name must be meaningful; abbreviations should be avoided unless obvious. The domain name must be made up of one to five real words. Use of domains to implement permitted lists of values should only be considered when the list of allowable values is static, (e.g. days of week, yes or no). Where applicable, domains must also represent the same units of measure and business meaning. When the domain name is only one word, it must not be an Oracle Reserved Word. A domain name must be singular. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 9. Primary Unique Identifier Standard # 324 All entities must have a primary UID, with the exception of code entities in which the usage is optional. Guideline: See Code Entity Standard # 240 for code entity standards and How to Create a Primary UID in the Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques for Oracle Designer tips. The primary UID must be a surrogate UID with a data type of NUMBER and a precision of ten. Oracle sequence generators will be utilized to populate this PK in the physical schema.
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The primary UID attribute name must be the entity name suffixed with the word KEY Guideline: Valid examples of entities and their primary key UID attributes are as follows: Entity PAYMENT CONTRACT FACILITY PK UID_______ PAYMENT KEY CONTRACT KEY FACILITY KEY
Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 10. Please note that in Standard 2.0 the UID must be suffixed with the word ID not Key. Attribute Comment Standard # 328 All attributes must have comments. In many cases, the comment can be a duplicate of the attribute description. Comments are limited to a maximum of 4000 characters in length. Comments must clearly indicate the attributes meaning within the context of the enterprise rather than focusing on a comment that only has meaning to the application expert user group. The comment must define the business meaning; as such the system analyst/end users are the best source for a comment that avoids techno-jargon. Comments must stand alone. A comment would not assume the reader has access to other documentation. All comments must assume that the reader does not have direct knowledge of the application, that is, they will be enterprise comments rather than narrowly focused application comments. Circular comments must be avoided. In other words they should provide information about the attribute that extends the business definition beyond what is implied by the attribute name. Guideline: Examples of proper comments can be found below: COMPLAINANT PHONE NBR Phone number provided by Complainant. Business Rule: Required if RECONTACT REQUESTED is set = 'Y'.
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ERP COMPLAINT KEY A system generated number that uniquely identifies the business instance or row and has no business meaning. The surrogate key value is not normally displayed to the business user. SITE ID The unique number used to identify a Site for the Project. Business Rule: May only be used when Project Type = MITIGATION and the mitigation is OFFSITE! It is in the comment field that you would provide an explanation of the original source of the attribute and/or how the attribute will be used. If the attribute is relevant to only one application, note the application ownership and use. When you transform your LDM, the attribute description will not be transformed into a comment for the column in the PDM. This description will be transformed to the description and help text fields for the column; however, these fields do not impact the Data Definition Language (DDL) and therefore will not carry over to the physical database. It is the attribute comment that will be transformed into a comment for the column in the PDM. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 10. Please note that in Standard 2.0 80 characters is the maximum length. Attribute Description Standard # 332 All attributes must have a description. Descriptions must clearly indicate the attributes meaning within the context of the enterprise rather than focusing on a comment that only has meaning to the application expert user group. The description must define the business meaning. Descriptions must stand alone. A description would not assume the reader has access to other documentation. Circular descriptions must be avoided. In other words they should provide information about the attribute that extends the description beyond what is implied by the attribute name. Guideline: One technique to improve descriptions is where the attribute represents a code, provide a limited sample of the domain of code values and their meanings, which may or may not represent valid values. If additional information on business usage is provided, it must be placed in labeled sections. The section labels that can be used are: Business Rule, Derivation Rule, Default Rule, Format Rule and Value List. For example:
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Marital Status Code The domain values that record for the Individual the condition of being married or unmarried. Business Rule - A marital status value must be specified at data entry. Value List: Single Married Divorced Widowed Common Law Unspecified Default Value Unspecified Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 10.
All relationships must be named. The relationship phrases must use lower case letters for easy reading. Relationship phrases must be meaningful. Both sides of a relationship must be described. Do not use weak relationship phrases, such as associated with or related to. Use descriptive phrases that align with the business terminology concerning the entities. One to one relationships must be carefully reviewed; they may actually be sub-types, perhaps with different names, attributes or relationships. Guideline: Relationships that are optional at both ends should also be carefully reviewed -- most of the time they represent a modeling error. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 12.
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Entity Placement Standard # 700 The ERD must be readable, including attribute names, relationships, etc. Guideline:
Place parent entities to the left of or above child entities on the diagram as this will create a left-to-right, top-to-bottom reading/viewing pattern. Size entities to reduce clutter and provide clear paths for relationships. Clear paths imply that they do not cross any other relationships whenever possible. Size the entities so that all attributes are visible within each entity in the vertical dimension when printed Size entities so that all the entity information is visible in the horizontal plane when printed. Fill or outline the entities with the appropriate color. See the table below for the appropriate colors. Line or Fill Color pale yellow (1st row, 2nd column in Designer color box)
Entity Type Data An entity that will become a data table. A data entity contains the applications core attributes. The resulting transactional table will be one to which the users input and/or retrieve data from on a regular basis. Code An entity that will become a code table. The table will contain repeatedly used data values that fall within the management of the application administrative team. A code table often populates the List of Value (LOV) fields in Oracle forms and is used for data validation. A code entity must be named using the CODE Entity Class Word, for example PAY CODE.
Table 4 Entity Color Codes
Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 20. Relationship Placement Standard # 710 The following recommendations are offered in order of precedence. Readability is the goal. Guideline: Whenever possible, do not cross an entity box.
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Present relationship names in a readable manner. Avoid crossing relationship lines if possible. Point crows feet to the right (East) and/or down (South) when possible. In other words, the three point prongs point to the right and/or down when ever possible. Minimize the use of bent relationship lines. Straight lines are preferred but bent lines are acceptable to avoid crossing entities and relationship lines. Also applicable in Standard 2.0- see page 21. Diagram Font Standard # 720 The following recommendations are offered regarding type fonts: Guideline:
Select a font size for all entity names that is at least 12 points, Bold. If you can use a larger font size, do so. Select a font size for all attribute names that is at least 10 points. If you can use a larger font size, do so. Make the legend font size 24 points and bold.
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REFERENCE / BIBLIOGRAPHY Kramm, Mark A., Graziano, Kent. Oracle Designer: A Template for Developing an Enterprise Standards Document. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000 von Halle, Barbara, Fleming, Candace. Handbook of Relational Database Design. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1989 Location Data Standards Oracle Designer Modeling Techniques Physical Data Model Standards & Procedures
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