Abu Dhabi Indian School, Abu Dhabi Tel No: 02 4488025: Syllabus For Entrance Examination - Grade Xi - Science

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ABU DHABI INDIAN SCHOOL, ABU DHABI Tel No: 02 4488025 Website: www.adisuae.

SYLLABUS FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATION - GRADE XI SCIENCE Theme : Materials Unit 1 : Chemical Substances Nature and Behaviour Acids, bases and salts: general properties, examples and uses. Chemical Reactions: Types of chemical reactions, combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction in terms of gain and loss of oxygen and hydrogen. Metals and Non-Metals: Brief discussion of basic metallurgical processes. Properties of common metals. Elementary idea about bonding. Carbon Compounds: Carbon compounds, elementary idea about bonding. Saturated hydrocarbons, alcohols, carboxylic acids (no preparation, only properties) Some important chemical compounds: Soap cleansing action of soap. Periodic classification of elements: Gradations in properties, Mendeleev periodic table. Theme: The world of the living Unit 2: Our Environment Our environment: Environmental problems, their solutions, biodegradable, non bio-degradable, ozone depletion. Life Processes: Living things, basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals. Control & Co-ordination in plants and animals: Tropical movements in plants, introduction to plant hormones, control and co-ordination in animals, voluntary and reflex action, nervous system, chemical co-ordination, animal hormones. Reproduction: Reproduction in plants and animals, sexual and asexual reproduction, need for and methods of family planning. Safe sex Vs HIV / AIDS. Child bearing and womens health. Heredity and Evolution: Heredity; Mendels contribution, origin of life, brief introduction, Basic concepts of evolution.

Theme : Natural Phenomena Unit 4 : Light Convergence and divergence of light. Images formed by a concave mirror, related concepts, centre of curvature, principal axis, optic centre, focal length. Refraction: laws of refraction. Image formed by a convex lens, functioning of a lens in human eye, problems of vision and remedies. Applications on spherical mirrors and lenses. Appreciations of concept of refraction, velocity of light, refractive index, twinkling of stars, dispersion of light, scattering of light. Theme: How things work Unit 3 : Effects of Current Potential, potential difference, Ohms Law, series combination resistors, parallel combination of resistors. Power dissipation due to current, inter relation between P, V, I and R. Magnets : Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying wire, field due to current carrying coil or solenoid, force on current carrying conductor, Flemings left hand rule, electro magnetic induction, induced potential difference, induced current, direct current, alternating current, frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC, domestic electric circuits. Theme : Natural resources. Unit 5: Conservation of natural resources : Management of natural resources. Conservation and judicious use of natural resources. Forest and wild life, coal and petroleum conservation. Peoples participation. Chipko movement. Legal perspectives in conservation and international scenario. The Regional environment: Big dams, advantages and limitations, alternatives if any, water harvesting. Sustainability of natural resources. Sources of energy: Different forms of energy, leading to different sources for human use, fossil fuels, solar energy, biogas, wind, water and tidal energy, nuclear energy. Renewable versus nonrenewable sources.

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