Library Automation in College Library Prospects: Dr. Prashant P Bopapurkar
Library Automation in College Library Prospects: Dr. Prashant P Bopapurkar
Library Automation in College Library Prospects: Dr. Prashant P Bopapurkar
Introduction: The term 'Automation' was first introduced by D.S.Harder in 1936. Automation is simply the application of machines to perform a task automatically.Library Automation may be defined in simple sense as a process of mechanization of library operations, which are of routine and repetitive in nature. This covers usually all the housekeeping operations, acquisition, serial control, cataloguing, circulation, reference, etc. Library Automation is a process that brought and will continue to bring profound changes to the library world, in terms of both technology and the involvement of people. Library automation refers to the processing of routine clerical function of the library with the assistance of computer or other mechanized or automation equipments. Actually it is nothing but the application of computer to the library operation. The term library automation until recently referred to the mechanization of the traditional library operations like acquisition, serial control, cataloguing and circulation control. Today, it is used to refer computerisation of not only traditional library activities as information storage and retrieval, semi - auto-indexing and network of automatic systems. International Encyclopaedia of Information Technology and Library Science defines automation as the technology concerned with the design and development of process and system that minimises the necessary of human intervention in their operation. Library automation is the use of automatic and semi-automatic data processing machines to perform library activities. The term library automation has been referred to, in general, as the use of computers to perform various library activities. Thus computerisation of library house-keeping functions is known as library automation. The most common functions which are automated are acquisition, cataloguing, serials control, circulation, compilation of
bibliographic, reference service, information retrieval service, and current awareness services. Why Automation in Libraries? Even though this question seems to be very fundamental it is essential to emphasize this aspect as the library automation is yet to take off in majority of the Indian libraries. Secondly, while justifying need for library automation more than cost-effectiveness the benefits derived by the library users become the major consideration. Since library does not happen to be an economic entity such benefits need to be looked at in a different perspective. To appreciate the advantages it becomes necessary to highlight the different levels of library automation. For convenience it can be visualized at four levels: 1.Library cataloging system 2. House keeping operations and networking 3. Development of CD-ROM library / products 4. E-mail system and internet The library catalogue or index to the collection forms the base for most of the library activities such as acquisition, reference, bibliographic service, inter-library loan etc. The users of library card catalogue will appreciate how fast the retrieval is, search and printing in automated environment. If the same system is available in network environment, users can have simultaneous access to the same database. From the library staff point of view the cumbersome job of printing the cards and their subsequent filing gets eliminated. Also, it conserves space and saves stationary. The second level automation will be to use software which can handle all the house keeping operations of the library such as acquisition, circulation and serial control thus creating a network within the library or becoming part of the existing network of the institution. Networking of computers within an organization helps the users to browse the cataloguing system from any of the workstation/ terminal.
International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, ISSN 0974-2832,(Print)E-ISSN-2320-5474,April- May (Combind),2013 VOL-IV * ISSUE 51-52
A very handy technology available for library is the CD-ROM products which can be considered at the third level. The development of CD-ROM collection not only conserves space but also provides multi-user access in network environment. There are many self-tutorial CD-ROMS available with multi-media effect. Libraries facing high incidence of mutilation of materials will benefit from such electronic products. Also people doing empirical research can download data and directly take it to other software platform for analysis and making graphical presentation. The primary objectives of any library/ information centre are to make available the reliable and upto-date information in a convenient from. Two reasons for automating library activities are: To provide better services at less or no great cost; and, to give added benefits at less cost. Automation saves the effort, time and resources involved in the manual operation of libraries. In an automated system the information can be altered and updated without the repetition involved in the manual system. Other reasons for library automation are: To increase the irretrievability of the resources. To achieve a new level of library management. To improve the existing services and to introduce new services. To avoid duplication of the work. To use the services of the existing staff effectively. To facilitate the sharing of the resources. Need for Computers in libraries Information is a key economic resource. It must be managed and controlled efficiently. Computers handle the information most effectively and efficiently. The following features have made the computer an essential tool for information management - Capacity to store a large volume of information in a cost effective manner, Accuracy and consistency in processing, Efficiency in the retrieval of desired information. Other essential factors which necessitated the application of computer in libraries can be enumerated as follows : 1. Growth of publication and increase in library collection 2. Need for effective control of information resources. 3. Makes storage, retrieval and dissemination easy and comfortable 4. Increase in the number of clientele. 5. Diversified, complex and varied nature of the infor mation seeking behaviour of the users. 6. Demand for efficient, improved and sophisticated services, time-scale changes. 7. Introduce new information services to users 8. Interaction between major disciplines which has
resulted in the creation of multidisciplinary nature of research fields. 9. Resource sharing among libraries 10. Increase in the workload of the library professionals, and there inability in handling the enormous data/ information manually. 11. Avoid duplication of works as data is input only once. 12. Revolution in the physical forms of documents. 13. Limitations of space, time and funds available. Library activities which can be computerized 1. Book Ordering and acquisition 2. Accessioning 3. Circulation control 4. Serial control 5. Cataloguing 6. Generate Union list 7. Information retrieval and dissemination 8. Membership list 9. Inter lib loan / Document delivery 10. Report/pamphlets generation How to select library automation software The selection of the software's suitable for the requirement of the library is a complex process. The evaluation process should be done with the help of some checklist depending on the need of the library in consideration. The system features, functions, performance, hardware requirement, cost etc. have to be considered. The Indian library automation software should have the facility to enter data in Indian languages. There should be a standard for the library automation software in order to ensure performance of certain functions with minimum hardware and software specification functions. It may also be helpful in the context of library networks and resource sharing. Library automation is no longer a luxury. It is a necessity. One has to carefully select the software in such a way that it can perform almost all functions of library activities. Software should have excellent features to accommodate exporting/importing of data in addition to the ability to perform conventional library functions. The software should also incorporate functions related to accessing Internet. WENOPAC, Multimedia, Cataloguing of Web sites and electronic documents, online ordering etc . Following criteria might help the librarians to select the right software for other housekeeping operations: 1. Who are the developers, whether an institution, or reputed company or few individuals. The preference is for institution and second preference is for the reputed company. One has to be skeptical about the software developed by individuals as there will be no continuity 2. How many times the software has been revised since the time of its first launch.
International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, ISSN 0974-2832,(Print)E-ISSN-2320-5474,April- May (Combind),2013 VOL-IV * ISSUE 51-52
3. How many parameters are available for each module? More the parameters better will be the flexibility and needs no or minimum customization. 4. Whether the software has facility to import biblio graphic data available in ISO2709 format and simi larly export of data in this format 5. Training and guidance after installation 6. Whether available on major operating systems. 7. Whether it is web ineffaceable 8. Whether it can be interfaced with the e-mail system of the campus network. 9. Whether it has taken care of Y2K compliant 10. How many installations it has got in the country, since when and major clients. 11. Whether it can offer OPAC and different rights to different logins Prerequisites for Library Automation Library automation demands the following prerequisites: 1. Willingness of the library committee and librarian. 2. Adequate finance. 3. Pre-planning and discussions among staff, trustees and others. 4. Hardware requirement, such as PC, UPS, Scanner, Printer, Storage media, etc. (Always it should be latest hardware available in market) 5. Software requirement, such as operating system, system software, application software, etc. 6. Human ware, such as trained staff or manpower. 7. Why do you want to automate? 8. What are you trying to accomplish? 9. Set a Timetable (Build in some flexibility; Different for each library) Suggestions 1. In view of the tremendous development in the field of ICT, the professionals must undertake library au tomation in an effective way. 2. The colleges should take the library automation in a systematic way. 3. Authority should not hesitate to encourage the librarian for undertaking library automation, as the
prices of computer hardware as well as software are quite affordable by the college authority. 4. Librarian and other professionals should visit any developed computerized libraries to have better idea and to train the staff of the library. 5. The library professionals should take the job of library automation in a challenging way and prove themselves to be real partner in the academic pro cess of the library users. 6. The library professional should undertake library users' education to make the users aware of the emerging services offered by the library. Conclusion This is the age of computers. Computers have revolutionized all fields of knowledge. It has been gradually swearing electronic webs in various parts of the globe for quite a few decades now. Today information technology coupled with computer technology has conquered even space and time with regard to dissemination of information. The need for automation in libraries is emphasized because of the effective handling of information, updating of information, resource sharing and to maintain profession wide standard. Academic libraries play a crucial role in dissemination of information services to the academicians, students, and research scholars. The entire phenomenon is a joint venture where library professionals, library authorities, library users play the key role. All of them should come forward to make it a successful one by their full-fledged cooperation. Then only the college libraries will prosper in new direction. This paper attempts to give some idea for beginners in library automation. Even though wide range of technology/products is available, it is necessary for librarians to keep a watch on the developments and to choose appropriate technology depending on the needs. Also, it is very important for librarians to interact with computer professionals as the library automation at all levels needs good coordination among both these professionals.
1.Proceedings of the 36 th Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Libraries ( La Jolla, CA - June 24-27, 2001) 2.HRD Aspects of Library Automation in College Library of Guwahati : A Study by Barman, Rajani Kanta .