SRS Spell Check

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Software Requirements Specification


Version 1.0

Prepared by Divyanshu Jha


B.Tech, Software Engineering

17th July 2013

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................... ii 1. Introduction ....................................................................... 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1 Document Conventions ................................................................................ 1 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................. 1 Product Scope .............................................................................................. 1 References ................................................................................................... 1 Product Perspective ..................................................................................... 2 Product Functions ........................................................................................ 2 User Classes and Characteristics ............................................................... 2 Operating Environment................................................................................ 3 Design and Implementation Constraints ..................................................... 3 User Documentation .................................................................................... 3 Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................. 3

2. Overall Description ............................................................. 2

3. External Interface Requirements ........................................ 4

3.1 Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................... 4 3.2 Software Interfaces ..................................................................................... 4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Performance Requirements .......................................................................... 4 Safety Requirements ................................................................................... 4 Security Requirements ................................................................................. 4 Software Quality Attributes ......................................................................... 5

4. System Features ................................................................. 4 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements ..................................... 4

by Divyanshu Jha

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

Page 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document is a Software Requirement Specification Document for Spell Check, a tool for checking the spelling of any word or paragraph or document with the ability to replace it.

1.2 Document Conventions

The following document conventions have been used to ensure ease of readability. Font Bookman Old style, size 12 Main Headings Font size 18, Bold Sub Headings Font size 14, Bold Sub-sub headings Font Size 12, Bold Important terms have been italicized, and are bold.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for the benefit of the final evaluator of this system. It will also be a guideline for the developers.

1.4 Product Scope

The scope of the product is to identify and correct any misspellings in any document or paragraph so as to make it error free and hence accurate.

1.5 References

by Divyanshu Jha

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

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2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This product will be an enhancement to the present spell-check software's available such as Ginger Spell Check, Spellex Spell Check Spell Catcher etc. And also check for grammars if time permits.

2.2 : Product Functions

The product should perform the following functions : The product shall provide a user-activated facility which checks the spelling of words in the document against spellings in the system dictionary . When a word is found in the document which is not in any dictionary, a user query should be issued with the following options: Ignore this instance of the word Ignore all instances of the word Replace the word with a suggested word from the dictionary Replace the word with user-supplied text Ignore this instance and add the word to a specified dictionary When a word is discovered which is not in the dictionary, the system should propose 10 alternative words based on a match between the word found and those in the dictionaries.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The product is mainly developed for users who are weak in grammar or spellings. It can also be used by normal users and advance users to ensure that their document is error free.

by Divyanshu Jha

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

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2.4 Operating Environment

System should be able to run in any desktop with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 as an Operating System.

Hardware Requirements
CPU clock speed 300MHz 64/128 MB of RAM or higher 1.5 GB of available hard disk space Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor Keyboard and Mouse or compatible pointing device

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

There is lack of developments in real-time algorithms. Present algorithms are complex and lack understandability. Some critics of technology and computers have attempted to link spell checkers to a trend of skill losses in writing, reading, and speaking.

2.6 User Documentation

The user documentation will be provided with the software.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

To obtain higher accuracy we must add jargons and modified words to the dictionary. Detect foreign words Understand and process poems

by Divyanshu Jha

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

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3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 Hardware Interfaces
The main hardware component used are keyboard and mouse.

3.2 Software Interfaces

Should be compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

4. System Features
The product should support or encompass the following features. Should contain a button to check for the spellings. Should contain a button to add new modified words to the dictionary. Give suggestions in case of misspellings.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
The software should not use 100% of the available CPU or RAM. This is because users might use this product while some other applications are running. So the CPU and RAM usage will have to be at a level where several other applications can run without disruption. The database should not be of a substantial size as the hard disk space is not unlimited. The size of the application should not exceed the a few hundred MBs

5.2 Safety Requirements

The dictionary must not be misused in any manner as introducing wrong words in the dictionary will reduce the efficiency of the product.

by Divyanshu Jha

Software Requirements Specification for Spell Check

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5.3 Software Quality Attributes

The product can find errors in any document very quickly. You can create any number of custom dictionaries containing applicationspecific words Each spelling request can check spelling in a different language. Words in the dictionary have been carefully selected to provide complete coverage of average English vocabulary and minimize spurious error reports. Contains its own spelling engine, and does not require nor does it use Microsoft Word or any other software, unlike many competing products. This simple approach yields a more reliable, robust solution, fewer configuration headaches, and vastly better performance.

by Divyanshu Jha

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