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Full Catalogue (five times mentioned in despatches).’ Captain 1859,

Major 1869, 1873 accompanied Sir Thomas Douglas
Updated Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Forsyth as second in command of the mission to the
ameer of Kashgar. This was described in Gordon’s book
‘Roof of the World’ (1876). A.A.G. to Lahore Division
AWARDS FOR GALLANTRY AND DISTINGUISHED SERVICE 1872-74 with rank of Lieut-Col. Commanded the 4th.
Infantry Brigade of the Kabul field force in the Afghan
85 items. War of 1878-80 (C.B. for services), Major General 1886.
Family group:C.B. Military, breast badge, gold and 1889 appointed Oriental and military secretary to the
enamels, with original wide suspension and gold legation at Teheran, and was military attache there
buckle, hallmarks for 1815, Ghuznee 1839 (unnamed from 1891-93, 1891 Lieut. General, 1894 General. ret.
as issued), Maharajpoor Star (Captain 37th. N.I.), 1893 but continued in Persian affairs as a Director of
Sutlej for Moodkee, 2 bars, Ferozeshuhur, Sobraon the Imperial Bank of Persia, died 1903 (R7991) N.E.F.
(Major, 37th. N.I.), Punjab, 2 bars, Chilianwala, Goojerat £13500
(Capt. & Bt. Lt. Col. D.A.C.G. Bengal Army) to Lieut. £13,500.00
Col. J.G.W. Curtis, Bengal Army. Maharajpoor Gold GB3 D.S.O. (VR), Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C., Witt., (Capt. 53rd.
Star with enamels and diamonds awarded by Lord Co Imp. Yeo). E. Kent Yeomanry. Major Claude Laurie
Ellenborough to the 4 ladies caught up in the battle of Marks, b. 1863. He served in South Africa, 1880,
Maharajpoor. Lt. Col. Curtis b. Booterstown, Co. Dublin 1881, 1884, 1889,1900. was mentioned in despatches
1809, appointed to the Bengal Infy. 1828. Served in and created D.S.O. L.G. 27 Sept. 1901. The insignia
Afghanistan, and the capture of Ghuznee. Captain 1842, presented by the King 29 Oct 1901. he became Hon.
served Gwalior campaign 1843 present at Maharajpoor Capt, 4th. Battn. Highland Light Infantry. Died 1910.
as A.D.C. to Sir Hugh Gough (mentioned, L.G. 8/3/1844 His Times obituary records that he served in the
and Brevet of Major for services there). Served through Sekukuni War with Ferreira’s Horse, and also took part
the Sutlej campaign and again mentioned by Gough in the Basuto War with Dyme’s Rifles and the Warren
for Sobraon, L.G. 1/4/1846 ‘Most active in conveying Expedition of 1884 with Carrington’s Guides. He assisted
my orders in the face of every danger’ also Brevet in organising a company of the East Kent Yeomanry and
of Lt. Col. for services there. attached to the Army of commanded it in South Africa, being twice mentioned in
the Punjab under Gough in executive charge of the despatches. Despite his extensive service against the C’s camp twice mentioned for services at both Sekukuni and the Basutos he is not entitled to any other
Chilianwala and Goojerat (L.G. 9/3/1849 and 19/4/1849 medals (R4795) N.E.F. £3000
and awarded C.B. L.G. 5/6/1849) ret. 1850. Mary Grace £3,000.00
Curtis joined her husband in India in 1831. At dawn on
the 29th. December Gough’s Army was moving forward GB4 D.S.O. (VR),complete with top broach bar, Garrard’s
without proper reconnaissance towards the village of case of issue, couple of green laurels chipped otherwise
Maharajpoor which had been occupied by the Mahrattas (R7172) G.V.F. £1450
during the night . The ladies, comprising of Lady Gough, £1,450.00
her youngest daughter and Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Smith, GB5 D.S.O. (VR),complete with top broach bar, one green
wife of Sir Harry Smith, were riding on elephants at laurels chipped (R7839) G.V.F. £1450
the front of the army to avoid the dust suddenly found £1,450.00
cannon balls bowling towards them and between the
GB6 D.S.O. (GV), complete with top bar, M.C. (GV) and
elephant’s legs. All were unscathed with the exception of
second bar,1914/15 Star (2.Lieut. A.& S. Hrs.), B.W.M.
an elephant which lost part of an ear. A second fortuitous
(Capt.), Victory, M.I.D. (erased), to Capt. J.F.C.
escape occured after the victory when the ladies were
Cameron, A.& S. Highrs. D.S.O. L.G. 18/10/1917 (Third
in a tent on the site of the recent battle when there were
Battle of Ypres) ‘During an attack on the enemy lines,
sudden explosions as engineers touched off earthen jars
all the company officers became casualties. he went out
of spare powder that had been buried. Soldiers burst into
from headquarters, collected troops, and organised a
the tent and bundled off the ladies just before a large
line of defence, in spite of close range sniping, which
mine exploded and blew the tent to bits. In consequence
eventually held back an enemy counter-attack. he
Lord Ellenborough, the Governor-General, had the ladies
remained at his post until the battalion was relieved.’
star commissioned (R7992) N.E.F £12750
M.C. L.G. 14/1/1916, no citation, almost certainly for
Loos, 1915 Bar to M.C. 26/9/1917 (Award for the Third
GB2 Order of the Bath (K.C.B.) neck badge, silver gilt and Battle of Ypres, 1/8/1817) ‘For conspicuous gallantry
enamels, hallmarked 1897 and breast star, gold, silver and devotion to duty as Lewis gun officer. He showed
gilt and enamels, Order of the Indian Empire (K.C.I.E.), great skill and contempt of danger in supervising the
neck badge, gold and enamels and breast star, silver, placing of guns and repelling hostile counter-attacks.
gold and enamals, order of the Star of india (C.S.I.) In company with another officer he also carried out two
breast badge with original top gold broach, gold and difficult and dangerous patrols over ground rendered
enamel with cameo and diamonds, Indian Mutiny no bar , almost impassible by wire, rain and the effects of shell
(Lieut. 61st. Regt), Afghanistan, no bar (Brig. Genl.), fire, establishing contact and enabling his battalion to
1897 Jubilee, 1902 Coronation (both silver), Afghanistan move forward on a correct alignment when ordered
Border Commission (1886) in gold, reverse engraved to counter-attack.’ M.I.D. 14/1/1916 and 21/12/1917
‘Brig. Gen. T.E. Gordon, Afghanistan 1886’ to General (for Arras 23/4/1917) Cameron was wounded on the
Sir Thomas Edward Gordon, b. 1832, ed. Scottish 23/4/1917 (Arras). it was recorded in the war Diaries
Naval 7 Military Academy, Ensign 1848. Whilst holding of Lieut. R.L. MacKay, an officer of the battalion that
commission with the 61st served in the Indian Mutiny the 11th was following a moving barrage and that ‘Our
as second in command and later in command of the attack was a failure. The barrage was too fast and of
7th Punjab Infantry. From Hart’s ‘Served as second the wrong nature and our men were mown down by
in command of the 7th Punjaub Infantry during the guns and M.G. fire. A second attack took place at 8
Indian campaign of 1858-59, commanding the regiment a.m, but it was useless. Our lot suffered tremendous
at the attack and capture of the Oudh Forts, Dehayn casualties from M.G. fire in the outhouses of Guemappe.
and Turowl on 14th and 17th july 1858, engaged in The officers’ recommendations for the show are......Lieut.
operations in Futteghur, Azimghur, and Garrickpore J.F.C. Cameron.’ Of the battalion officers only the C.O.
districts in 1858, and in the Terai, Nepaul, in 1859 (who died of pneumonia) and two officers were not killed

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


or wounded (8 killed 11 wounded). MacKay recorded would not reach safety. As the cruiser went alongside
the attack by the battalion on the 1st August resulting in waves of German bombers launched an attack. Bombs
Cameron’s bar to the M.C.’zero hour was 4.45 a.m. and fell on either side of the ship sending up great geysers
it was a sight I will never forget. God knows how anyone of water, one landing less than 50 feet from the hull.
got over at all. Then we noticed a few fall back. More and Blithely oblivious to danger some British sailors lowered
more came so J.F.C. Cameron got his Lewis gun ready a boat and began scooping up the fish killed by the blast.
and looked after the left half of the line of our front and Enterprise arrived in Scapa Flow the same day she had
I took the right to stop the men and get them to reform broken radio silence, and within a short time of tying up
or dig in where they were. At this time I noticed large the gold was on special trains to the bank of England.
numbers of Boche and a counter attack was developing After repairs the Enterprise joined Force ‘H’ at Gibraltar
on us. J.F.C. on the left flank did glorious work. His sang and the following month took part in Operation Catapult,
froid was extraordinary. he had a bad bit of line with a big the destruction of the French Fleet at Mers-el-Kebir. In
curve in it. He and his sergeant, a tough named Flynn, 1942 joined Admiral Somervilles Eastern Fleet and by his
well deserved the honours they got for the show.’ By the skill was responsible for the saving of 576 survivors from
time the Battalion was taken out of the line on the 23rd it the Cornwall and Devonshire both sunk by Japanese
had suffered 563 casualties including 24 officers. Mackay air attack. from 1945, ret. 1948. Well documented and
recorded ‘J.F.C. was left alone in command of the line! accompanied by ‘Enterprise’ original Line Book 1940-42,
The battalion was relieved an hour or two after I left it, so a well annotated log together with transcript messages,
J.F.C. was not so unlucky as I felt he would be.’(awarded photographs and newspaper cuttings covering the
the D.S.O. in addition to the bar to the M.C.). Cameron Norway campaigtn and the subsequent pursuit of the
was attached to the Tank Corps in November 1917 but ‘Admiral Scheer’ Exceptional group (R7881) G.V.F.
discharged in consequence of his wounds in Feb 1918. £8450
James Frederick Campbell Cameron, b. Edinburgh. Post £8,450.00
war he was known to have have been a fine shot, being
GB8 D.S.O. (GV), complete with top broach bar (R6394)
placed second in the clay pigeon championship at Bisley
N.E.F. £950
in 1923 and for a time was prospecting in South Africa
and South America. (R8007) N.E.F. £3700
£3,700.00 GB9 D.S.O. (GV), complete with top broach bar (R6632)
N.E.F. £950
GB7 D.S.O. (GV), complete with top bar, 1914/15 Star (S.Lt.
R.N.), B.W.M. Victory, (Lieut. R.N.), 1939/45 Star,
Atlantic Star, Africa Star, Burma Star with Pacific clasp, GB10 D.S.O. (GV), minor flake to either side of one arm,
Defence Medal, War Medal (M.I.D.), Norway, Order of missing top broach (R7719) G.V.F. £695
St. Olaf, officer’s breast badge, silver gilt and enamels, £695.00
France, Croix de Guerre 1914-17, with bronze palm, GB11 M.C. (GV - reverse engraved ‘Major N. Reid, 1st. Bn.
Romania, Medal for Valour. to Capt. J.C. Annesley, R.N. Seaforth Highlanders 19-9-1918), D.C.M. (EDV11 - S.
D.S.O. Superb award for the Zeebrugge Raid 22-23 Mjr. 1/Seaforth Hdrs.), Sudan (Cr. Sgt. 1/Sea. Hrs.),
April 1918, L.G. 23/7/1918 Original recommendation I.G.S. 1908 bar N.W.F. 1908 (S.Major, 1/Sea. highrs.),
states ‘This officer was in command of C.M.B. 228, 1914/15 Star (Q.M.&Lieut. D.C.M. Sea. Highrs.), B.W.M.
Lieut. Welman reports that Lieutenant Annesley showed Victory (Q.M. & Major), 1911 Coronation, Khedives
great bravery when under heavy machine-gun fire at Sudan, 2 bars, The Atbara, Khartoum (Cr. Sgt. 1/Sea.
short range, continuing to lay smoke floats, and only Highrs) to Major N. Reid. M.C. L.G. 1/1/1919, D.C.M.
withdrawing when he himself and all his crew had been L.G. 14/8/1908 ‘In recognition of services in operations
wounded. He then continued to make an exhaust smoke against the Zakka Khel and Mohmands’ One of only
screen to replace the smoke from those floats, most of nine awards for the N.W.F. 1908 operations. As further
which had immediately been sunk by enemy machine reward he was commissioned Lieut & Q.M. October
gun fire’ M.I.D. L.G. 26/9/1940 ‘Services in or near 1908. M.I.D. L.G. 19/11/1916. served in France from
Narvik, Olaf Order L.G. 29/6/1943 ‘For good services in November 1915 and later in Mesopotamia and with the
bringing gold from the bank of Norway to England and Egyptian Field Force (R6897) V.F. £10500
for taking King Haakon and his government from Molde.’ £10,500.00
French Croix de Guerre L.G. 21/6/1919 Romania Valour
Medal 1925 ‘For services in a fire at Constanza on 7 Sep GB12 M.C. (GV ), M.M. (A. P.O. Hood Bn. R.N.V.R.), 1914/15
1925’ John Campbell Annesley, b. 1895, Naval Cadet Star (L.S. R.N.V.R..), B.W.M. Victory (S.Lt. R.N.V.R.),
1908, Mid. 1912, serving in battlecruiser New Zealand to S.Lt. R.H. Brewer, R.N.V.R. M.C. L.G. 11/1/1919
1914, saw service at Heligoland Bight 1914 and Dogger ‘For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. When part of
Bank, Jan 1915, Sub-Lt. 1915. Served in Coastal M.B’s the line was held up. He crept forward and bombed
from Sep 1916, Lieut. 1917 and commanded C.M.B. and captured a machine-gun post that was impeding
228 during the Zeebrugge Raid and ordered to blind the our advance which was then able to proceed.’ M.M.
enemy gunners along the Mole by smoke.He brought 17/4/1917. Robert Harold Brewer from Nottingham,
his boat within a few yards of the Mole to a point where served 2 months in R.N.R.T. transferred Aug. 1915,
the Germans could be heard giving orders and as a 6th. Bn. Hood Battn 1/1916, M.E.F. 2/1916, France
result Annesley and his entire crew were wounded. 8/1916, machine-gun school 1/1917 (A/P.O.), 3 times
Promoted Captain 1938 and in 1940 assumed command wounded, 22/2/1917 gunshot wounds right forearm, left
of the cruiser Enterprise from Mar 1940 to 1942. Served leg and back, awarded MM April (presumably related to
during the Norway campaign in and around Narvik where this action). to Cadet school 9/1917,back to Hood Bn.
‘Enterprise’ was fortunate to escape destruction at the 7/1918, wounded 21/8/1918, (gunshot wound hand),
hands of U-65 as a result of faulty torpedoes. Awarded stated as slight but invalided to England. Exceptional
the olaf Order for his part In May 1940 in bringing out combination to the RND (5 approx) (R6451) V.F. £8500
from Tromso King Haakon, his government and 19 tons £8,500.00
of Norwegian gold. From ‘Operation Fish, the Race to GB13 M.C. (GV), and second bar award, case of issue,
Save Europe’s Wealth 1939-45’ by Draper ‘The moment 1914/15 Star (Lieut. A.& S. Highrs) B.W.M. Victory
had arrived when Norway’s gold had once again to be (Capt.) to Capt. R.A. Plimpton, A. & S. Highlanders, killed
evacuated...Enterprise had been despatched at full in action, Polygon Wood, 27/9/1917, 4/5 Battn. M.C.
speed to Tromso in answer to a dramatic request from L.G. 11/12/1016 ‘For conspicuous gallantry in action.
the Government to save the gold. And to the end the He carried out a most valuable reconnaissance under
German’s were determined that the remaining 19 tons

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


heavy fire. Later he consolidated and held his position 50% casualties. the War Diary recorded ‘Joined up
for over thirty hours under intense fire. He set a splendid behind the 20 R.F. and halted about 150 yards from
example to his men throughout.’ Bar to MC attd. 4/Black the S.W. face of the wood and lay in the open. Lieut.
WatchL.G. 26/1/1917 ‘For conspicuous gallantry in Balcombe was wounded but remained with. At 3.30 a.m.
action. He led his men in the attack with great courage advanced and dug in in the rear face of the wood. Lieut.
and determination, capturing his final objective together Balcombe was again wounded this time severely, the
with an enemy machine gun and eighty prisoners. Later artery in his arm being cut. The War Diary records Major
in conjunction with another officer, he captured 120 more Balcombe was mortally wounded whilst in trenches at
prisoners.’ At the time of his death he was commanding Forest Croix. With full research and excellent portrait
A company in an attack at Polygon Wood during the photograph in uniform. Exceptional Engineers group
seconb battle of Ypres. He has no known grave and his (R8059) E.F. £2900
commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial (R7399) E.F. £2,900.00
GB17 M.C. (GV), 1914 Star and bar (Lieut. R.A.M.C.), B.W.M.,
Victory Medal, M.I.D. (Lieut. Col.), 1939/45 Star, Africa
GB14 M.C. (GV), and second bar award,1914/15 Star (Capt. S. Star bar 1st. Army, Defence Medal, War Medal to Col.
Lancs), B.W.M. Victory (Major) to Major J.H. Dickinson, F.C. Davidson. B. 1889, St. Cyrus. Montrose, MB. 1912,
S. Lancs. R. M.C. L.G. 3/6/1916, Bar to M.C. L.G. Lieut. 1913, Capt. 1915, A/Lt. Col. 1917-19, ret. 1919,
26/11/1917 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion rejoined 1939, A/Col. 1942, died 1959. BEF 1914-15,
to duty. He led two companies forward through the wounded and invalided, M.I.D. for Ypres-Armentieres
enemy’s barrage and very heavy machine gun fire, and L.G. 20/11/1914 and additionally awarded M.C. L.G.
it was mainly due to his gallant example and leadership 18/2/1915. Listed for both awards in the ‘Honours &
that the position was captured. Though wounded in Awards of the Old Contemptables. Served as Medical
two places, he refused to leave until he had arranged Officer attached to the 1st. Bn. Scottish Rif.. Excellent
for the consolidation of the position.’ (award for Ypres early MC group. (R8098) N.E.F. £1850
20/9/1917) John Herbert Dickinson, 1/5 S. Lancs (T.F.), £1,850.00
of Whiston, Lancs, a solicitor with Pilkington’s Glass
GB18 M.C. (GV), 1914/15 Star (Cpl. North’d Fus.), B.W.M.,
before the war, b. 1870, served in France from 4/2/1915,
Victory (W.O.Cl.2, North’d Fus.) Memorial Plaque
additionally wounded at Albert, on the Somme, 6/8/1916
(George Osborn) to C.S.M. G. Osborne, North’d. Fus.
(R8002) N.E.F. £3500
(4th. Btn.) M.C. L.G. 27/7/1916 details 31/8/1916
‘For conspicuous gallantry on numerous occasions
GB15 M.C. (GV), and second bar award,(reverse engraved notably when he successfully carried out a dangerous
‘A.E. Haynes R.F.A. Suvla Bay Aug. 1915’), 1914/15 reconnaissance of a mine crater and hostile bombing
Star (2.Lieut. R.F.A.), B.W.M. Victory (Major) to Major post. Died in German hands 24/6/1918 as a prisoner
A.E. Haynes, R.F.A. M.C. L.G. 2/2/1916, Bar to M.C. of war, buried Niederzehren Cemetary from Newburn-
26/10/1917 (Ypres) ‘For conspicuous gallantry and on-Tyne, Northumberland. With a hand written original
devotion to duty. When four of his six guns were letter from the prisoner of war camp to the recipient’s
destroyed by shell fire, he assumed command of a mother regarding his death and an official letter from the
neighbouring battery all of whose officers had been killed BRCS Central Prisoner’s of War Committee. Photocopy
or gassed, and re-organized the two baterries as a unit photograph of the recipient in uniform. Almost certainly
thus establishing a concentrated bombardment to be died of wounds received at the intense barrage and
carried out according to orders. He showed splendid retirement action of the battalion at the battle of the
courage and initiative under heavy fire.’Served in Aisne 27/5/1918. Apart from those known killed and
Gallipoli (Suvla Bay) from August 1915 (R8032) N.E.F. walking wounded the missing consisted of 16 officers
£2800 and 485 men including many killed and virtually all the
£2,800.00 non walking wounded (R7439) E.F. £2950
GB16 M.C. (GV), and second bar award, 1914/15 Star (2.Lieut.
R.E), B.W.M. Victory, M.I.D. (Major) to Major C.P.L. GB19 M.C. (GV), (reverse engraved ‘Capt. A.M. Dawson, 14th.
Balcombe, R.E. M.C. L.G. 1/1/1918, Bar to M.C. L.G. Hampshire Regt, Tower Hamlets 27.9.1917), 1914/15
16/9/1918 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to Star (Lieut. Hamps Regt.), B.W.M., Victory Medal,
duty while commanding his company. Under heavy (Capt), Defence Medal, War Medal, Territorial Decoration
machine-gun fire he selected sites for and constructed (GV) with floreated top bar to Maj. A.M. Dawson, L.G.
strong points. He also personally went out in front of the 23/4/1918 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to
lines to bring in a small detachment who were isolated. duty during an attack. When the commanding officer
Owing to his fine example of coolness his company. was reported missing he took command of the battalion
besides carrying on their own duties, made a counter and carried out his duties with great determination
attack and captured several prisoners’ (award for the until relieved.’ T.D. L.G. 3/5/1927 O.T.C. Victoria
German March Offensive whilst 11 F.C. were in an College Cont. His M.C. was awarded for an attack at
infantry roll) M.I.D. L.G. 4/1/1917. Twice wounded on the Ypres Salient 26/9/1917. Served with the Victoria
the Somme 20/7/1916, severe gunshot of the arm. Died College O.T.C. until the outbreak of war. Posted to the
of wounds, by gunshot 29/10/1918 received on the 5/Hampshires and went to France, December 1915.
25th, battle of the Selle near Cambrai. His obituary in Wounded early 1915 he returned to France in Feb 1917
the Cornish Post stated ‘Major Charles Percy Lionel with the 14/Hamps . (R8008) N.E.F. £1850
Balcombe, M.C. and bar, of Grey House, Camborne, £1,850.00
who died on October 29th of wounds received in France,
GB20 M.C. (GV), 1914/15 Star (Pte. Middx. R), B.W.M.,
was educated at wellesley House, Broadstairs, and at
Victory Medal, (Capt.), France, Croix de Guerre, to
Felsted. He was a student at the Camborne School
Capt. C. Esmond, 2/S.W. Bord. With 3 original Divisional
of Mines from 1906-09. In Jan 1915 he obtained a
Commander’s Certificate of Gallantry dated, 21 May
commission in the R.E. and shortly afterwards proceeded
1918, Vieux Berquin, 18/8 1918, capture of Oultersteen
to France. He was wounded in the first Somme advance
Ridge, and ‘during Aug Sep & Oct 1918’ and large
in 1916. He was twice mentioned in despatches.’ Major
original portrait photograph in uniform with MC ribbon.
Balcombe was employed prior to the war as a manager
M.C. L.G. 19/6/1919, Croix de Guerre L.G. 19/6/1919,
of the Mexico goldmines of El Oro. He was wounded
enl. Public Schools Battn. Middx. R, commd. 2/S.W.B.
at High Wood on the Somme with the 11th Field Coy.
28/8/1917. M.C. L.G. 16/9/1918 ‘For conspicuous
Whilst in support of the 20 R. Fus the 11th. F.C. suffered

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer was ordered ‘B’ Coy but when he arrived he found that there were
to carry out a raid at very short notice. There was little no officers with ‘B’ Coy as they had all been killed or
time to explain details to anyone, but, thanks to his wounded and in the absence of leaders no one was on
organisation and supervision, it was successful. On the objective. This officer then rallied the men and led
reaching his objective he personally visited the different them in the face of fire on to the objective and directed
parties, organising the withdrawal and bringing in such consolidation as was possible. He then reported to
casualties, both of which were efficiently carried out. the Bn Commander and remained in command of troops
Most of the men were young soldiers who had not been on the objective until releived by an infantry officer. On
under fire before.’ (R5970) N.E.F. £2400 the evening of 31st May Lieut. Foster was still manning
£2,400.00 his OP in the Company area when heavy mortaring and
machine gun fire was directed onto the area. The only
GB22 M.C. (GV), reverse engraved ‘A.H. Burman The Rifle
infantry officer was away attending to Commander’s
Brigade Dec 1-2 1917’, 1914/15 Star (Lieut. 3rd. M.R.),
orders, and during this timesome of the men withdrew
B.W.M., Victory Medal, (Lieut.), to Lieut. A. Burman, Rifle
under intensive fire - Lieut Foster called for defensive
Bde (2nd. Btn.) L.G. 5/7/1917, 2.Lieut. Alfred Haunsell
fire and when this came down and partially stopped the
Burman, Rifle Bde. ‘For conspicuous gallantry and
enemy firing Lieut. Foster again rallied the men and led
devotion to duty. He led his company up to the front line
them back to their posts, and continually walked around
under very heavy shell fire, and at once sent out patrols
their weapon pits encouraging them. By his actions and
and established posts. It was chiefly due to his skill in
total disregard for his personal safety this officer was
directing the guides of the incoming unit that the relief
undoubtedly responsible for the taking of the objactive
was carried out with very few casualties’ mounted as
and holding it against intense opposition and enabled a
originally worn with frayed ribbons. Living in Durban on
fine base to be held for future operations.’ With named
the outbreak of war. Served with the 3rd. Mounted Rifles
Buckingham Palace forwarding slip . (R7928) N.E.F.
in the German South West Africa campaign 1914-15.
Returned to the U.K. and obtained a commission in the
Rifle Brigade in April 1917. Returned to South Africa
after the war address shown as Pine Street Durban. With GB29 M.C. (GV1), dated 1945 (R8035) N.E.F. £650
group photograph in uniform. (R8050) G.V.F. £1650 £650.00
GB30 D.C.M. (VR), Q.S.A. 4 bars, Belmont, Modder
GB23 M.C. (GV), 1914/15 Star (Rev. A.C.D.), B.W.M., Victory River,Drief., Tr., K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. W. Delooze, Gren.
Medal, (Rev), to Rev. L.G. Mannering. Cannon Leslie Gds. (Cpl. on K.S.A.). From Winchester, Hampshire,
George Mannering, b. 1883, ed. Dulwich, Sidney enl. 1894 aged 18, previously a groom. mentioned in
Sussex Coll. Cambridge, Priest 1908, Curate, Holy despatches, Roberts, L.G. 4/9/1901 (R6604) G.V.F.
Trinity, Cambridge 1912-14, Chaplain to the Forces, £3100
1914-19, Senior Chaplain 17th. Div. B.E.F. 1916-17 £3,100.00
(MC), Commissary to the Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong
GB31 D.C.M. (VR - Sjt. District Police), Q.S.A. 2 bars, Natal,
1924-32, Lecturer in Theology, Cambridge Univ. 1939,
Tr., (Sub-Insp. Natal Police), 1914/15 trio (Capt. Lanc.
Hon. Chaplain to H.M.the King 1951, Hon. Chaplain to
Fus.) to Capt. J.H.T. Evans. Superb award for the
H.M. the Queen, Died 1974 (R8097) N.E.F. £1800
defence of the Magistracy at Mahlabatini, 28 April 1901
when 3 NCO’s and 19 other ranks of the Natal Police
GB25 M.C. (GV), B.W.M., Victory, (Lt.), G.S.M. bar N.W. drove off 400 Boers of 2 Commandos after a fierce
Persia with MID emblem (Capt. 122 Inf), 1935 Jubilee action lasting 6 hours. During the course of the action
to Capt A.A.Russell. M.C. L.G.10/8/1920 ‘Lt. Alexander 2 Sergeants and 4 ranks of the Natal Police were killed
Alfred Russell, 43rd Regt. (with 122nd. Inf.) I.A. ‘For or mortally wounded and one wounded. The remaining
conspicuous good leadership when sent out with his Sergeant, Evans upon whom command passed an the
company on reconnaissance at Jubin, on the 26th. mortal wound of 1st Class Sjt. Locke was awarded the
October, 1920. About three miles out he met with strong DCM. In addition Sjt. Evans was commissioned Sub-
opposition, and, taking advantage of the high ground, Insp. for gallantry during the action. A further DCM was
attacked the enemy, who were about a thousand to awarded to Tpr. Smith who was promoted to 1st. Cl.
fourteen hundred strong, with field guns in front and Sjt. B. Brighton 1873, On outbreak of war he enlisted
at flank. After an engagement lasting for five hours he in 12/R. Fus. Commd. Lieut. 9/Lanc. Fus. 10/9/1914,
withdrew his company, bringing back his company, served Gallipoli until wounded by shrapnel at Suvla Bay,
after obtaining very valuable information regarding the 14/8/1915. On recovery served 19th. Btn. in France.
strength and dispositions of the enemy. By his initiative extensive research (R7813) E.F. £3700
he thoroughly disheartened the enemy, and was largely £3,700.00
responsible for their retreat the next day.’ Served Iraq
GB32 D.C.M. (EDV11), Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr.,S.A.
30 May 1918 to 31 October 1918, Persia from 2 June
1901, S.A. 1902, Austria, large Medal for Bravery, Franz
1919, despatches (L.G. 9/8/1919), M.C. Exceptionally
Joseph 1, silver, 5 DG. Regimental Medal, Best Man
rare between the wars MC for Persia. (R7513) N.E.F.
at Arms 1907, silver, to Serjt. T. Gilston,1st. Dragoon
Guards D.C.M. 30/10/1901, Mentioned in Despatches,
L.G. 23/6/1902. Regimental records record ‘This NC
GB26 M.C. (GV), unnamed (R8093) N.E.F. £495 Officer has several times performeds acts of great
£495.00 personal gallantry and has been most valuable as NCO
in charge of special scouting parties. Recommended for
GB27 M.C. (GV1), reverse dated 1944,1939/45 Star, Italy Star,
DCM’. Transferred to 5 DG in 1904. His service papers
France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, War Medal,
state he was from Bally William, Tipperary and also
G.S.M. bar Palestine 1945-48, (Capt. M.C. R.A.) to Capt.
confirms his Austrian Silver Medal for Valour. As Colonel
E.P. Foster, L.G. 26/10/1944 Lieut. Edwin Phillip Foster,
of the Regiment, the Emperor Franz Joseph bestowed
R. Art (Cheltenham) Excellent award for the Anzio
medals to both of the DCM winners for the Boer War.
breakout whilst commanding ‘A’ Coy. N. Staffs Regt. ‘For
One in gold to RSM Goode and one in silver to Gilton.
conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the
Unique group to the British Army . (R7334) V.F. £5500
advance up the railway bed at Carriceto on the evening
of 30 May 1944 in that Lieut. Foster was ordered up to
replace a wounded OP Officer during the attack on Pt GB33 D.C.M. (EDV11), Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr., K.S.A.
64 by 2 North Staffs. He was ordered to report to CO 2 bars, to Serjt. A. Wheaton, Suffolk Regt. D.C.M.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


L.G. 31/10/1902, mentioned in despatches 29/7/1902, GB39 D.C.M. (GV, A-55 Bde. R.F.A.), 1914/15 trio to B.Q.M.
with three original letters of reference from officers on Sjt. - A/W.O. Cl.1 H. Cox, R.F.A. L.G. 29/11/1917 ‘For
discharge 1904, a few light contact marks (R6314) V.F. devotion to duty and distinguished service. He has
£3100 worked with great energy and ability’. (R7637) E.F.
£3,100.00 £1100
GB34 D.C.M. (EDV11) reverse Natal, unnamed (R5796) E.F.
£850 GB40 D.C.M. (GV - Cpl. 14/Hrs.), 1914/15 trio, (Cpl. 14/Hrs.),
£850.00 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (GV - Cpl. Cawnpore A.F.`), T.E.M.
(GV - Cawnpore Cont. A.F.I.) to Cpl. R. Humphreys.
GB35 D.C.M. (GV- Sjt. 12/Hy. By. R.G.A.), 1914 Star and
D.C.M. L.G. 4/3/1918 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and
bar (Gnr. R.G.A.), B.W.M., Victory, France Medaille
devotion to duty. while an enemy attack was at it’s
Militaire to Sgt. S.J. Barker, R.A. D.C.M. L.G. 14/11/1916
height and the attack extremely heavy, he volunteered
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on two
to carry an urgent message across fire swept zone.
occasions under heavy shell fire when he assisted two
afterwards he repeatedly crossed the same ground,
officers dress the wounds of seven men and to carry
carrying ammunition and stretchers. His coolness and
them to a place of safety. Later when his detachment
courage were of the highest order.’ (R7815) G.V.F.
had suffered severe casualties and some ammunition
had been ignited he organised a party to extinguish the
fire.’ Medaille Militaire, L.G. 21/4/1918 (R7244) V.F.
£1850 GB41 D.C.M. (GV - Cpl. 1/5 Y.& L.R.), 1914/15 Star, (Pte.
£1,850.00 Yorks. & Lancs.), B.W.M., Victory (Lieut. R.A.F.) to
Lieut. S.S. Wright, R.A.F. D.C.M. L.G. 25/11/1916 ‘For
GB36 D.C.M. (GV)- Sjt. 72 Coy. M.G.C., 1914 Star (Cpl.
conspicuous gallantry and resource in directing the men
K.R.R.C.), B.W.M., Victory (W.O.2 K.R.R.C.), I.S.M.
of his platoon during a raid on enemy trenches, and later,
(GV1) to W.O.2 J. Lutman, D.C.M. L.G. 3/3/1917 Sjt. (A/
in returning several times across.”No Man’s land” to carry
C.S.M.) ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
in the wounded’. Commd. R.A.F. 28/7/1917 he was killed
He has performed consistent good work throughout,
in action, 17/4/1918 being the 14th victim of the German
and has at all times under fire set a fine example of
‘Ace’ Georg Schlenker of Jasta 3 when his RE.8 was
courage .’ (R7789) N.E.F. £1650
shot down over Hazebrouck whilst flying with 7 Sqdn.
Recipient address shown as Hollowgate, Rotherham
GB37 D.C.M. (GV - L. Cpl. 1/6 Seaforths T.F.), Q.S.A. bar (R7831) N.E.F. £3700
Natal (Pte. Gordon Highrs.) 1914/15 trio (Pte. Seaforth’s) £3,700.00
to Pte. J.A. McKenzie, Seaforth Highrs. L.G. 26/9/1916
GB42 D.C.M. (GV - Dvr.S.A.S.C..), 1914/15 trio, bi-lingual
‘For conspicuous gallantry during operations. When
Victory (Pte/Dvr. S.A.S.C.) to L.R.Anderson, D.C.M.
a shell ignited an ammunition dump, he at once goit
L.G. 13/2/1917 (award for East Africa) ‘For conspicuous
a shovel, threw earth on the dump and extinguished
gallantry in action. He drove his car into the front line
the fire after twenty minutes. At great personal risk
under very heavy fire, picked up a wounded officer, and
he prevented the whole dump from being set on
stopped his car on four separate occasions in order to
fire.’ (R7515) G.V.F. £1850
pick up other men.’ Enlisted March 1915, served in the
German South West Africa campaign. Discharged May
GB38 D.C.M. (GV - T.R.S.M. 1/Ox. & Bucks), Q.S.A. 3 bars, 1915. Re enlisted Jan 1916 served throughout in East
Relief of Kimberley, Paard., Drief (Cpl. Ox. & Bucks), Africa (R7251) G.V.F. £1900
K.S.A. 2 bars, 1914/15 Star (C.Q.M.S.), B.W.M., Victory, £1,900.00
M.I.D. (T. W.O. Cl.1), L.S.G.C. (GV - W.O. Cl.2) to
GB43 D.C.M. (GV - S. Sjt. R.A.M.C.), L.S.G.C. (S. Sjt.
R.S.M. J. Love, 1/Ox. & Bucks. D.C.M. L.G. 12/12/1917
R.A.M.C.), to S. Sjt. G. Prince, R.A.M.C. D.C.M. L.G.
for services up the capitulation of Kut al Amara (no
11/3/1916 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion
specific citation) M.I.D. L.G. 13/7/1916. Attested
to duty whilst attached to a small force which was
for Oxford Light Infantry 1897. Promoted t/R.S.M.
surrounded by the enemy. He attended to our casualties
12/10/1915. The Battalion formed part of Townshend’s
with absolute indifference to his own safety, remaining
besieged force at Kut and captured at the capitulation of
exposed to heavy fire for two hours.’ Additionally
Kut 30/4/1916. With the officers separated from the other
Mentioned in Despatches L.G. 31/5/1916 for Cameroons
ranks, Love was placed in command of the 250 men of
D.C.M. recommendation West Africa Exped. Force
the battalion that marched into captivity. The captives
22/2/1915 (WO158/156 refers) ‘Staff Sergeant G.
already weakened by disease were subjected to a series
Prince, specially mentioned by Lieyt. Col. Haywood,
of forced marches, starvation and beatings resulting in
commanding No.2 Battalion, Nigeria Regiment. During
many deaths. From Nevilles history of the 43rd. ‘Upon
the action near Susa on 19 October 1914, two sections
Regimental Sergeant Major Lowe, DCM, descended the
of ‘E’ Company were making a counter attack when they
mantle of leadership, and, as ever in the history of the
were surrounded and fired on from all sides. For a period
43rd, this gallant warrant officer assumed it and all it’s
of two hours Staff Sergeant Prince showed the greatest
responsibilities. Sick though he was, he never spared
coolness and indifference to the enemy’s fire, when he
himself in his efforts to protect those in his charge.
might have taken cover, he continued to remain in an
Quick to realise that the lives of his men depended on
exposed position devoting himself to his duty.’ Mounted
him, he enforced discipline and self control with all the
as worn (R7608) N.E.F. £950
strength of his character and training at the cost of his
popularity. Vilified, insulted and reviled by the Turks,
he never for one moment surrendered to the enemy, GB44 D.C.M. (GV), to S.S. Mjr. W. Peacock, 1/1 North’d Hrs.
though their prisoner, nor gave up the unequal contest. L.G. 3/9/1918 ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion
His wholly admirable conduct under treatment which to duty when in charge of “B” Squadron dismounted
few Englishmen have ever been called upon to endure Hotchkiss gun teams. Although their flanks were
should be remembered as an example of leadership , turned, he fought these guns with splendid courage
courage and determination.’ Love remained a prisoner and coolness, doing great execution until they were all
until 24/11/1918. Of the 308 men plus 77 reservists knocked out. He then kept the teams firing with their
attached to the 43rd some 277 died in Turkish hands. rifles until the last possible moment.’ The regimental
(R7240) N.V.F. £3800 history records the award for the German March
£3,800.00 Offensive, March 21/22. He was additionally mentioned

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


in despatches L.G. 15/5/1917 as A/R.S.M.. The recipient £3,950.00

came from Sunderland, ent. the War, October 1914.
GB48 D.C.M. (GV1), unnamed specimen (R6162) E.F. £495
Originally a Sergeant with the South Shields Troop,
he was promoted S.S.Mjr. and R.S.M. in 1918 on the
existing RSM being killed in action. The author of the GB49 M.M. (GV- L.Cpl. 5/Dorset R.), 1914/15 trio, Memorial
regimental history of the Northumberland Hussars Plaque, to Pte./Cpl. F.H. Higgins, Dorset R. killed in
Yeomanry, Capt. Pease, recorded that ‘His memory of action 1/10/1918, M.M. L.G. 6/1/1917 (R7301) G.V.F.
events was supplemented by a post war compilation £1300
of notes by R.S.M. Peacock, who alone was found £1,300.00
able to set out the events correctly and in the proper GB50 M.M. (GV- A/L.Cpl. 8/Sea. Highrs.), 1914/15 trio, (Pte.
sequence.’ (R7285) N.E.F. £1350 Sea. Highrs) Memorial Plaque, to J. McDougall, Sea.
£1,350.00 Highrs. killed in action 21/3/1918, first day of the German
GB45 D.C.M. (GV), crowned head, to Cpl. A. Tansey, 1. Loyal Spring Offensive, commemorated on the Pozieres
R. L.G. 6/11/1936 For emergency operations in Palestine Memorial. At the time of his death Pte. McDougall was
14 April to 14 September 1936’ From between the wars serving with the A.S.C. attd to 65 Field Amb. R.A.M.C.
‘On the 13th. July Lieutenant R.C. Elstone was leading a (R7655) G.V.F. £1050
patrol of A company along the Jenin-Nablus road when £1,050.00
they were held up by a road block, which was under fire GB51 M.M. (GV- Sjt. 1/8/ Liverpool R), 1914/15 trio, Italy,
from a party of fifteen Arabs in a stone sangar on a hill Al Valore Militaire, bronze, F.G. hallmarks to Sjt. T.R.
250 yards away. He immediately led his platoon up the Riley, 1/8 Liverpool Regt (Liverpool Irish) M.M. L.G.
hill at the double, and withheld fire until they had reached 21/12/1916, Al Valore L.G. 26/5/1917. M.M. almost
the top of the hill, when three Arabs were killed in the certainly awarded for Guillemont (Somme) (R7657) E.F.
sangar and three others outside it. For this successful £1800
action he was awarded the M.C., while Corporal Tansey £1,800.00
received the D.C.M. and Private Thomas the M.M.’ Only
14 awards of the crowned head variety (R7173) N.E.F. GB52 M.M. (GV),1914/15 trio, Oswaltwistle Tribute Medal for
£5950 the Great War (named) in gold (hallmarked) to Pte. G.
£5,950.00 Groves, 4/C. Gds. with copy enlistment papers. Resided
Union St. Oswaldtwistle, Lancs, enl. Accrington, Jan
GB46 D.C.M. (GV1 - W.O.Cl.1), 1.G.S. 1908 bar N.W.F. 1915, occupation, Dentist. M.M. L.G. 29/9/1917 (R6705)
1935 (W.O.Cl.2), 1939/45 Star, France & Germany V.F. £1050
Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, 1935 Jubilee, 1937 £1,050.00
Coronation, L.S.G.C. (GV1) bar Regular Army (W.O.
Cl.11) to R.S.M. W.H.G. Francombe, H.L.I. mounted GB53 M.M. (GV- A/Cpl. 10/Rly. Co. R.E.),1914/15 trio, to Spr./
as originally worn, minor official correction to unit on Cpl. W. Surridge, R.E. (R7658) N.E.F. £450
DCM. L.G. 11/7/1940 Regimental Sergeant William £450.00
Henry Godfrey Francombe, award for the retreat to GB54 M.M. (GV),to Pte. H. Rodgers, 11/North’d. Fus. M.M.
Dunkirk. Recommendation ‘Throughout the recent for Italy, killed in action Italy 27/10/1918 (R8048) G.V.F.
operations this WO has shown a high standard of £350
coolness and leadership under fire. On the 29th. May £350.00
1940 when part of the battalion was attacked in an
GB55 M.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal,
exposed position he organised and commanded the
War Medal, to A.C.M. 1st. Cl. R. Quigley, R.A.F.
details of HQ Coy. He organised their defence and
Mediterranean Air Command 12/5/1943 ‘This airman has
controlled their fire. On the withdrawal from his position
been employed as a gunner. On 28th. April 1943, during
RSM Francombe commanded one of the rear parties.
an attack on our positions at Hedjez-el-Bab, he came
This party encountered an enemy tank and came under
under heavy mortar and machine gun fire. With anotherv
machine gun fire. By skill and leadership and control of
member of his gun crew, he dismounted his gun and,
his men, he succeeded in withdrawing his party without
taking up a forward position, continued to engage
casualties.’ (R7311) N.E.F. £5500
the enemy. Having expended his ammunition and his
comrade being wounded, he then evaded the enemy
GB47 D.C.M. (GV1 - Sjt. R. Signals), 1939/45 Star, Africa Star, successfully for 24 hours, although they were now
bar 8th. Army, Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, between him and our lines. Eventually he succeeded
(M.I.D.), 1953 Coronation, Pakistan (t/Maj. P. Sigs) to in gaining friendly ground, and having handed over his
Major J.R.. Romaines, R. Sigs. D.C.M. L.G. 18/2/1943, wounded companion to a first aid post, he reported to his
97 Field Reg. R. Sigs. N. Africa ‘Sergeant Romaines unit’ With original box of issue for WW2 Stars showing
showed conspicuous devotion to duty at all times but recipient came from Kingsway, Manchester, edge bump
especially during the operations in the Westen Desert, otherwise (R5752) N.E.F. £3650
June 4th to July 2nd 1942. On the night of June 18/19th, £3,650.00
when his section was surrounded by the enemy and
GB56 M.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Africa Star,bar 8th. Army, Italy
many outlying trucks were captured, he succeeded in
Star, War Medal, (M.I.D.) to A.Cpl. T.L. Marshall, R.E.
bringing his men, vehicles and equipment intact through
L.G. 25/2/1943 Immediate award . Recommendation
heavy fire, hotly pursued by enemy armoured cars and
states ‘Spr. Marshall was in command of five sprs and
tanks. At Matruh from June 25th to 28th he was out night
one ‘White’ Armd. Scout Car. Under heavy shellfire he
and day laying lines and maintaining communication.
showed great coolness and presence of mind clearing
No task was too arduous for him. At Deir el Sheen
and locating enemy minefields. Later, when his section
on the 1st July when the Box he was in was attacked
had three casualties he got a doctor and successfully
and finally overrun by enemy tanks and infantry he
evacuated them and continued the work of clearing
organised the defence of RHQ by his section and finally
mines. At all times he showed great personal courage
personally blew up a 6 pdr gun under the noses of the
and powers of leadership.’ Mentioned in despatches
enemy infantry who were then in position.’ M.I.D. for
29/11/1945 (R7461) G.V.F. £1250
Greece and Syria L.G. 26/12/1941, Commd. 4/8/1942, t/
Capt. 1/9/1944, t/Major 21/8/1945. With original Officers
Record of Service, and numerous good service and GB57 M.M. (GV1), unamed (R7995) E.F. £395
portrait photographs. Mounted as worn (R7591) N.E.F. £395.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB58 D.F.C. (GV1), dated 1943, 1939/45 Star, Air Crew was involved in bombing operations until March 1955.
Europe Star, War Medal, together with named box of (R6790) N.E.F. £7500
issue and condolence slip to next of kin to P.O. J.N. £7,500.00
Ppaworth, R.A.F. Killed in action, ‘D’ Day 6/6/1944,
GB61 D.F.M. (GV1 - F/Sgt.), A.F.M. (GV1 - F/Sgt.), 1939/45
582 Pathfinder Sqdn. (Lancasters) in a raid on coastal
Star, Air Crew Europe, Defence Medal, War Medal,
batteries at Longues on the French coast in support of
G.S.M. bar Malaya (Fg. Off.)to Fg. Off. E. Preston.
the landings. Recommendation 27/8/1943, 83 Sqdn.
R.A.F. together with his two Flying Log Books covering
states ‘Warrant Officer Papworth has now completed
his entire period of service including Malaya. One of
44 sorties, and all of these have been completed with
only seventeen combinations of all types of the D.F.M./
Path Finder Force. Throughout his tour he has shown
A.F.M. D.F.M. L.G. 11/6/1943 ‘This NCO has taken part
himself to be a cool and efficient Air Gunner and is
as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner in many successful
possessed of unfailing good humour. On one occasion
attacks on the most heavily defended German towns
when his aircraft was attacked by an enemy fighter
and on Italian and other objectives. Flight Sergeant
his skillful directions enabled his captain to carry out
preston’s coolness and courage have been an inspiration
combat manoeuvres which resulted in the enemy aircraft
to all.’ A.F.M. L.G. 1/1/1944 This airman is an instructor
breaking off the engagement. he has undertaken all his
in the Conversion Flight and has worked hard and set
operational flights willingly and with great cheerfulness’.
an example of outstanding devotion to duty at all times,
(R8103) N.E.F. £2450
and his keeness and enthusiasm are most praisworthy.
He is a W.O./A.G. Instructor of first class ability.’ Flight
GB59 D.F.C. (GV1), dated 1945, 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star, Lieut. Ewart Preston, b. Nelson, Lancs, enl. 1940, served
Defence Medal, Canada Volunteer Overseas Medal 97 Sqdn (Lancasters) took part in 38 ops including the
with Maple bar, War Medal, Canada Service Medal attack on the Tirpitz in Trondheim Fjord, 30/31.5.1942
(E11R - F/L C.D. Myers) to Flt. Lieut. Cecil Dennison when each aircraft entered the narrow Fjord singly and
Myers, R.C.A.F. awarded for the destruction of U-772. having negotiated the gun emplacements the aircraft
L.G. 8/5/1945. 407 Sqdn. Recommendation states dropped to 200 feet and dropped their specially adapted
‘On the night of 29/30 December 1944, this officer mines. he also took part in the first 1000 bomber raid
was radar Operator in L/407 and it was largely due on Cologne and also the second and the third (Essen &
to his outstanding work that a U-Boat was attacked Bremen).. served Malaya on anti-terrorist ops ,Lincolns.
and probably sunk. He was also W/T Op in W/407 on With research, two service photogrpahs, original
7 February, 1944 when a U-Boat was attacked and newspaper cuttings (R8011) E.F. £12950
damaged in the face of heavy flak. Position 5156N £12,950.00
1831W. During his recent completed tour of operations,
GB62 A.F.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Pacific Star, War Medal,
Flight Lieutenant Myers consistently proved himself to be
Defence Medal to F/Sgt. S.H. Lewthwaite, R.A.F. L.G.
an exceptional WOP/AG in both ability and unswerving
1/1/1945 Recommendation, South East Asia Command
devotion to duty.’ At the time the attack was listed as
413 Sqdn. (Catalinas) This airman has completed an
a probable but after the war German Naval records
operational tour on Catalina aircraft. He is a Flight
confirmed that the U-772 had been sunk on this occasion
Engineer of high merit and has proved himself to be
together with the entire crew of 48. in the week prior
a courageous and resolute member of his crew. He
to the loss the U-772 had sunk 3 British convoy ships
has shown inspiring coolness and courage and his
and fatally damaged 2 American ships. Myers’ Captain
enthusiasm and efficiency have been valuable assets to
(S/L C. Taylor) recorded ‘At 2.11 hours Pat Myers,
his squadron (R8079) N.E.F. £2400
an excel;lent radar operator was on the set when he
recognised a small blip at six miles. Further and more
importantly he could discern relative speed between GB64 D.S.C. (GV), 1914/15 Star (Lieut. D.S.C. R.N.), B.W.M.,
the blip and his own aircraft. If the blip was moving , it Victory (Lieut. R.N.), 1939/45 Star, Defence Medal, War
was some sort of powered vessel, rather then floating Medal, 1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation to Commodore
debris. To recognise relative speed between the blip at E.C. Thornton, R.N. D.S.C. L.G. 8/3/1918 ‘For services
about 6 knots and his own aircraft at 150 knots provides in Destroyer and Torpedo Boat Flotillas during the period
unmistakable evidence of Pat’s operative skills. Pat very ending 31st December 1917.’ B. Cork 1877, Naval
cleverly homed me in on the target during which we Cadet 1905. Served in the destroyer ‘Grasshopper’
reduced our elevation to water surface at about 1/2 mile. on the outbreak of war and in that ship at the landings
With the aid of our multi-candle power searchlight , the at Gallipoli and Suvla Bay. Served at Jutland in the
schnorkel and schnorkel wake were clearly visible. At an destroyer Marksman where the ship picked up survivors
elevation of about 15 feet we crossed just ahead of the from the Ardent and Sparrowhawk and engaged four
schnorkel and straddled it with six 250lb depth charges enemy cruisers on the morning of 1 June.. He was
set to detonate at 25 feet. With an eruption of tons and appointed to the command of the destroyer ‘Derwent’
tons of salt water the target disappeared.’ (R7438) N.E.F. and on 2 May 1917 she was sunk off Le Havre. Their
£2800 Lordships expressed their appreciation of his conduct
£2,800.00 and that occasion in that ‘Although blown off the bridge
he continued to take charge from the water, at the
GB60 D.F.C. (E11R), dated 1955, 1939/45 Star, France and
same time attempting to support the Gunner who had
Germany Star, War Medal, Defence Medal, G.S.M.
also been blown overboard.’ He was shown as slightly
(E11R) bar Malaya (Flt. Lt.) to Sqdn. Ldr. B.H. Walker,
wounded on this occasion. His next command was
R.A.F. D.F.C. L.G. 11/10/1955, ‘In recognition of gallant
the destroyer ‘Lucifer’ and was again commended
and distinguished service in Malaya. Commd. 1943, flew
for ‘Services rendered to the S.S. Bellagio on the 27
operationally during the war. Served in Malaya, with 148
July 1917’ From Jan 1918 to march 1919 he was in
Sqdn. from April 1954 initially strikes against pinpoint
command of ‘Ramola. Promoted Commander 1925,
targets. In July he took part in ‘Operation Termite’ in
Captain 1933’ In 1931 he was further commended
collaboration with ground forces involving the dropping
whilst commanding ‘Wryneck”‘Cdr. E.C. Thornton for
of 1000lb bombs followed by parachute drops to mop
services ‘On occasion of collision of H.M.S. Glorious
up any remaining opposition. 148 then returned to the
(aircraft carrier) and the S.S. Florida on 1 April 1931
UK. In October 1954, walker was promoted Sqdn. Ldr.
when ‘Florida’ was successfully towed to port at Malaga
returning to Malaya the following month again with 148
by HMS Wryneck and HMS Verity.’ The Florida was
as C.O. of the Squadrons operational detachment and
heavily damaged with 22 fatalities. Commanded the
heavy cruiser ‘Suffolk 1940-41, pomoted Commodore

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


2nd Class and commanded the Royal Naval air Station an once they had regained land. Despite the sinking, the
Daedelus in 1941 and was involved in support of the ice gold water and machine gun fire remarkably all 27
Normandy landings whilst commanding the Air Spotting crew survived. One DSC to the skipper and one DSM to
Pool of 34 Recon. Wing 2nd Tactical Air Force. The wing Graham (R7243) N.E.F. £1950
included five RAF fighter squadrons and several flights of £1,950.00
Seafires (R7893) G.V.F. £2500
GB73 D.S.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Africa Star, Italy Star, War
Medal to C.D. Jacobs, L.Smn. R.N. L.G. 20/8/1943
GB66 D.S.M. (GV - P.O. Mech R.N.A.S. Dover Patrol ‘for courage, resolution and skill in successful attacks
1916-17)), 1914/15 Star (C.P.O.1. R.N.A.S.), B.W.M., on an enemy convoy whilst serving in HMS Jervis.
Victory (2.Lieut. R.A.F.) to 2.Lieut. C.H. Potts. mentioned Recommendation states ‘On the occasion when HMS
several times in ‘Bomber Pilot’ by Barlett and included in Jervis and HHMS Queen Olga destroyed an enemy
group photograph. Served with 5 Wing and 205 Sqdn. convoy off the Italian coast, Leading Seaman Jacobs
(R7830) N.E.F. £1900 was Captain of No.1 mounting during the action. This
£1,900.00 rating controlled the gun’s crew with most commendable
skill and efficiency in spite of the noise and confusion of
GB67 D.S.M. (GV- Able Seaman “Verdun11” Minesweeping
a close range night engagement.’ (R7465) N.E.F. £1950
1917), 1914/15 trio (A.B. M.F.A.) to S. Chisman, M.F.A.
(Merchant Fleet Auxilliary) (R6144) G.V.F. £1100
£1,100.00 GB74 D.S.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star, bar France
and Germany, Defence Medal, War Medal, National
GB68 D.S.M. (GV), to E.F. Edge, C.E.R.A.1Cl. H.M.S.
Fire Brigade Long Service, bronze (Ronald Bone) to R.
Cochrane, 31 May - 1 June, 1916. award for Jutland. A
Bone, A/Ch. Mtr. Mech. L.G. 10/11/1942 ‘For bravery
curious award. Cochrane formed part of the 3rd. Cruiser
in action against the enemy, while serving in H.M.
Squadron (Armoured Cruisers) under Rear-Adm. Heath.
Motor Gun Boats’ For the night action off Yarmouth
Poorly led at the battle they failed to make contact with
10-11/9/1942 when four MGBs attacked nine E Boats,
the enemy however for oustanding but unrecorded
who were later attacked by a further three. A/C.M.M.
service Edge was awarded the DSM and in addition
Bone’s recommendation stated ‘ MGB 327 was hit early
according to his record of service promoted Engineer
in the action in the petrol compartment by an incendiary
Articifer ‘Specially promoted for his services during the
bullet and fire immediately broke out. The automatic
Battle of Jutland’ to Battleship Britannia. Last appears in
fire fighting devices were put into action from the bridge
the Navy List 1921 (R6615) E.F. £1200
but as these did not extinguish the fire, Acting Chief
Motor Mechanic Bone with complete disregard of his
GB69 D.S.M. (GV) to Aspirant de Reserve E.L.A. Sequier. own safety, entered the petrol compartment with a
officially impressed in correct DSM style. A French fire extinguisher and succeeded in putting out the fire.
recipient. Whilst usually awarded unnamed the very Subsequent inspection of the petrol compartment tanks
occasional example turns up so considered to have has shown, that so serious was the fire, that it was only
come from one issue. Aspirant is a rank closely his action which saved the ship”. During the action one
equivalent to Midshipman (R6434) N.E.F. £1250 of the MGBs was sunk and the other three damaged to
£1,250.00 various degrees. MGB 327 was listed as ‘8 holes ion
GB70 D.S.M. (GV1) to E.W. Foden, S.B.A. L.G. 2/10/1942 the hull, 3 petrol tanks holed, wheelhouse holed, gear
‘For gallantry, daring and skill in the combined attack on damaged, bridge hit resulting in small fire, dingy hit in
Dieppe’ With original letter signed by Louis Mounbatten 4 places, 2 ventilators holed’ the awards for the action
congratulating Foden on his award. The recommendation were 1 DSO, 1 DSC, 1 CGM, 2 DSM and 4 MID. An
was signed by Capt. Hughes-Hallett, Commander of excellent boat to boat action. WW2 medals mounted as
the Naval forces during the Dieppe Raid for bravery as worn, Fire Brigade medal separately mounted (R7463)
S.B.A. aboard Hughes-Hallett’s command, H.M.S. Calpe, N.E.F. £2500
the H.Q. ship for ‘Untiring devotion to duty in assisting £2,500.00
the medical officer with 306 casualties. Foden was at one GB75 D.S.M. (GV1), 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star, bar North
time blown across the ship by the blast of a near miss. Africa 1942-43, Italy Star, War Medal to N.G.W. Squires,
Despite this he carried on without rest.’ Excellent and L. Tel. R.N. L.G. 29/7/1941, ‘For courage in operations
rare award for Dieppe (R8065) N.E.F. £4600 off the Libyan Coast’. Seedies Roll states service in
£4,600.00 H.M.S. Glasgow, Inshore Squadron with Army, Egypt
GB71 D.S.M. (GV1) to D. Hawkey, Sig. R.N. D.S.M. L.G. and Cyrn. Whilst gazetted in July 1941 he was not
28/6/1940 ‘Services off the coast of Norway’ the only invested with the award until the end of 1943 (R5947)
entry under this heading but appears along with those N.E.F. £1525
for the second battle of Narvik. Sig. Hawkey was killed in £1,525.00
action 24/5/1941 H.M.S. Hood. (R5700) V.F. £3750 GB76 D.S.M. (GV1 - P.O. Tel) 1939/45 Star,Atlantic Star,bar
£3,750.00 France and Germany, Africa Star, Italy Star,, War
GB72 D.S.M. (GV1) 1939/45 Star,Atlantic Star, Pacific Star Medal (M.I.D.), Naval L.S.G.C. (GV1 - C.P.O. H.M.S.
bar Burma, Defence Medal, War Medal (M.I.D.), R.N.R. Venerable) to C.P.O. D.D. Bulch, R.N. with original
L.S.G.C. (GV1) to T.H. Graham, L.Smn. R.N.R. D.S.M. Certificate of Service (Donald Dindale Bulch from
L.G. 11/10/1940 H.M.T. Rutlandshire ‘For continued Bishop Aukland, Durham). D.S.M. L.G. 14/11/1944 ‘For
gallantry and devotion to duty off the coast of Norway’ gallantry, skill. determination and undaunted devotion to
M.I.D. HMT Sea Mist, L.G. 11/7/1940. The armed duty during the landing of Allied Forces on the coast of
trawler Rutlandshire was the sole British ship in the Normandy’. recommendation states ‘Petty Officer Bulch’s
port at Namsos, Norway when attacked by 20 enemy services before and during the passage and asault have
aircraft on the 20 April 1940. The Rutlandshire weaved been invaluable, as the outstanding rating of the group
for 3 hours whilst under attack in an attempt to reach he is well worthy of a decoration. His calmness when
open sea. Armed with a 4” gun her only anti aircraft His Mejesties Landing Craft 275 was twice damaged by
weapon was one Lewis gun (Graham). After been enemy action was an excellent example to all.’ Good ‘D’
several times straddled by bombs she was eventually Day award (R7473) N.E.F. £3600
hit in the stern. Unable to beach she sank half a mile £3,600.00
from shore. Newspaper cuttings record that German GB77 D.S.M. (GV1 - P.O.) 1914/15 trio (A.B. R.N.), 1939/45
aircraft continued to strafe the crew whilst in the water Star, Africa Star, War Medal, Naval L.S.G.C. (GV - P.O.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


H.M.S. Thracian) Marine Society Reward of Merit, silver GB82 O.B.E. 2nd type civil, cased, 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star,
((Jihn R. Bulgen, 4 March 1919), to P.O. J.R. Bulgen, Africa Star, Korea (R.S. Craston), named box of issue,
L.G. 20/10/1942 ‘For bravery and good services in the Lloyd’s Medal for Bravery, 1953 Coronation (Capt. R.S.
Mediterranean’ sole entry under this heading. Seedies Craston, S.S. Ena de Larrinaga 5th April 1941) case of
Roll states for services on MV Ajax (armed 460 foot issue, two Kings Commendation Badges. O.B.E. L.G.
merchant vessel) award for operation ‘Vigorous’, a 2/12/1941 Captain Reginald Sharpe Craston ‘Master
gallant but failed attempt to push a convoy through to S.S. Ena de Larrinaga ‘The ship was torpedoed at night
Malta which was critically short of fuel and supplies. and sank in fifteen minutes. The Master ordered the crew
During this attempt 11 merchant ships were protected by to the boats and to stand by. He then searched the ship
8 cruisers, 26 destroyers and various corvettes, MTB’s and stepped from the rail into one of the boats just before
and support vessels. They came under intense bomb, the ship sank. The boats kept together through the night.
torpedo and the surface attack as they sailed through At dawn the Master determined to make for an island
‘Bomb Alley’ between German occupied Crete and North about 500 miles away. The crew was divided, nineteen
Africa between 12-16 June 1942. On the 16th the convoy to each boat. After 5 days sailing one boat was met by a
commander, Philip Vian gave the order to return after ship. On the eleventh day the Master sighted the island
the loss of 1 cruiser, 3 destroyers sunk, others damaged but, owing to wind, sea and current could not make it.
and down to 6 merchantmen. In return the British had He then made for the mainland 200 miles away and
sunk the Italian heavy Cruiser Trento and damaged the reached it two days later. The Master set a fine example.
Battleship Littorio plus unassessed aircraft loss. It is most His powers of command were shown in the organisation
probable that Bulgen’s award is with regard to the Naval and discipline that prevailed during the thirteen days
detachment in control of ‘Ajax’ limited armed capability. voyage in the boat. His courage and good seamanship
Following ‘Vigorous’ all available Naval strength was saved the lives of his companions’ From ‘Dictionary of
put into the next convoy, ‘Pedestal’ B. 1895 Croyden, Disasters at Sea’ the Ena de Larrinaga of the Larrinaga
served at Jutland aboard ‘Erin’ Trio polished NVF others Steamship Company whilst sailing alone was sunk by a
(R7639) N.E.F. £1700 German submarine off the coast of Guinea on April 5,
£1,700.00 1941. Five of the crew were killed. King’s Commendation
L.G. 13/4/1943, Services aboard S.S. Ocean Venture
GB78 A.F.C. E11R dated 1982 (R6912) N.E.F. £1850
when that vessel was torpedoed and sunk 8 February,
1942. Recommendation states ‘The SS Ocean Venture,
GB79 Burma Gallantry Medal (GV1) to Lance-Naik Thein Pe, sailing alone, was torpedoed on 8th February 1942. A
The Burma Rifles. A superb and excessively rare ‘Behind second torpedo followed within three minutes, killing
the Lines’ Z Force award. Original recommendation, a number of the crew and destroying one of the boats
1/10/1944 ‘He has served since August 1942 till the and destroying one of the boats. As the ship was rapidly
present time in a G.S.I. (Z) patrol for which work he sinking, orders were given for abandonment. While the
specially volunteered. This involved long periods of boats were being lowered, a third torpedo hit the ship.
hardship living concealed in close proximity to the She sank within twenty minutes of being hit by the first
enemy, in constant danger and without respite, often torpedo. The weather was very rough and heavy seas
short of rations and doing long marches in difficult threatened continually to swamp the only two boats
enemy occupied country. In spite of all this he has which were successfully launched. One boat, in charge
shown much courage and initiative in every emergency. of the Master, was picked up after two days of very bad
He has volunteered again each year for a further weather. The other was found waterlogged 11 days later
patrolling season and has contributed much to the with no trace of it’s occupants. Captain Craston showed
success that has been acheived in providing intelligence tanacity and resource in his handling of the boat during
regarding enemy movements and dispositions. area of very heavy weather and it was mainly due to his skill and
operations East of Tiddim up to the Chindwin River.’ determined efforts that the occupants were brought to
His recommendation is signed by Major C.G. Merton, safety.’ Dictionary of Disasters at Sea states SS. Ocean
Z Force whose papers regarding Burma are held in Venture, Larrinaga steamship Company, Capt. Reginald
the National Archives. From a late veteran attached to S. Craston, was torpedoed and sunk off the coast of
‘Z’ Force ‘Sometimes we had as many as 17 patrols Virginia, February 8th, 1942, 31 men were lost. King’s
out in different parts of Burma. For seven months in Commendation L.G. 24/3/1945 ‘For services aboard
three successive years they in company with their loyal S.S. Ocean Courier when that ship was torpedoed on
and devoted Burmese Chins, Kachins and Karens had 31st July 1944’. recommendation states ‘The SS Ocean
carried out a strange and highly dangerous mission in a Courier sailing in convoy was torpedoed on 31st July
war noted for it’s ferocity and bestiality, and in conditions 1944. The ship was badly damaged and casualties were
which only untold courage and determination could caused. A number of the crew were trapped in their
overcome. The award of one CBE, 2 DSOs, 4 OBEs, quarters and a volunteer party was immediately formed
4 MBEs, 17 MCs with 2 bars and 16 Burma Gallantry to go to their assistance. Two were brought out alive and
Medals also bear witness to. Thein Pe is shown as a five bodies were recovered. The injured were removed
Karen from the Mau Bin district. Exceptional award to from the ship. later a tug came alongside and , taking
a recipient who served almost throughout ‘Z’ Force’s the Ocean Courier in tow, eventually brought her to port.
existence... Original ribbon and wearing pin, remnants Captain Cranston, O.B.E. handled a dangerous and
of the humidity damaged case of issue and reproduced difficult situation with corage and judgement throughout.
photo of the recipient wearing his medal in later life the excellent discipline and devotion to duty shown by
(R7999) N.E.F. £5850 his crew were in a large measure due to his organisation
£5,850.00 and leadership. Captain Cranston was appointed OBE
GB80 Indian Order of Merit, Reward of Gallantry, 1945-47, on 2/12/1941 for his services in SS Ena de Larrinaga
single class, in silver, gold and enamel, complete with and Commended on 13/4/1943, while serving as Master
original top broach, 35 awards of this decoration (R6624) of the SS Ocean Venture. Accompanied by a very
E.F. £2350 large archive of original letters, documents, photograph
£2,350.00 albums, seamen’s papers, Ship’s Night Order Book
(1943-45), Warrants for OBE, King’s Commendation and
GB81 Indian Order of Merit, Reward of Gallantry, 1945-47, 1953 Coronation, extensive copy of Captain Cranstons
single class, in silver, gold and enamel, lacks top broach, memoirs etc Superb group (R8010) E.F. £2400
35 awards of this decoration (R7993) E.F. £1600 £2,400.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB83 Board of Trade large silver medal to William King Wreck and additional gold pin to reverse. Very minor damage to
of the “Isabella Hall” on the 5th November - 1888. The one smaller tip end (R6573) N.E.F. £6500
three masted schooner Isabella Hall was wrecked when £6,500.00
she stuck on the Tongue Sand off the mouth of the
GB92 Order of the St. Patrick, knight’s sash badge, c.
Thames in heavy weather, the crew being saved by crew
1800-1810, gold, 43mm. x 46mm, from a solid and finely
from the SS Albatross of London, case of issue (R8084)
engraved and chased, ex Spink and Pirtle collection
E.F. £750
1985 (R5814) N.E.F. £7000
GB84 Sea Gallantry Medal, for Foreign Services (E11R),
GB93 Order of the St. Patrick, knight’s sash badge, c. 1840,
reverse ‘Presented by the British Government’ and ‘For
30mm x 38mm gold and enamels ex Spink 1982 (R5816)
Assisting a British Vessel in Distress’, unnamed (R6485)
E.F. £4800
E.F. £350
GB94 Order of the Bath, (G.C.B.) Military, breast star, in
Lloyds Medal for Lifesaving, silver, Royal Humane
gold, silver & enamels, reverse plate engraved ‘C.F.
Society, bronze medal (both Lieut. Richd. Webb, R.N.
Hancock late Partner Hunt & Roskill successors to Storr
4 February 1898) to Admiral Sir Richard Webb, C.B.,
& Mortimer 39 Bruton St. London’ c.1850, particularly
K.C.M.G. ‘Whilst the battleship ‘Magnificent’ was lying
scare manufacture (R7990) N.E.F. £2850
in Portland Roads, in consequence of very heavy
sea which was running, the steam barge which was
alongside, preparing to be hoisted on board, struck on GB95 Order of the Bath, (G.C.B.) civil, sash badge, hallmarked
the vessels side, knocking two of the crew of the barge 1907 (R5718) E.F. £850
overboard. One managed to clutch a rope thrown from £850.00
the ship, but the other man, who was clad in heavy GB97 Order of the Bath, (K.C.B.) civil, neck badge, in gold,
oilskins, missed the rope thrown to him, and was being hallmarked 1847, rare issue in the year of institution of
carried away, and in danger of drowning, when Lieut. the civil division (R7062) N.E.F. £1400
Webb dived into the water from the ship, reached the £1,400.00
man, who was almost exhausted, at a distance of
about 30 yards and made towards the vessel with him. GB98 Order of the Bath, (K.C.B.) tinsel star, especially fine
they were both picked up by the cutter.’ Admiral Webb early star with sewpoints and backing intact (R7886)
commanded the battleship ‘New Zealand’ 1917-18 N.E.F. £500
and commanded 4th Battle Squadron 1920-22. Also £500.00
awarded the Orders of St. Anne, Swedish Sword, Legion GB99 Order of the Bath, (K.C.B.), breast star by ‘R.& G.
of Honour, Redeemer of Greece (R8083) N.E.F. £750 Garrard & Co. Goldsmiths & Jewellers to the Queen, 25
£750.00 Haymarket London’ Crimea period, enamel chip to blue
Lloyds Medal for Lifesaving, bronze, unnamed (R8029) wreath and to a couple of the green laurels otherwise
E.F. £120 (R6889) G.V.F. £1100
£120.00 £1,100.00

Maidstone Typhoid Medal, 1897, silver, to 1/c S.Sgt. GB100 G.C.V.O, sash badge, silver gilt and enamels, breast
Neech, V.M.S.C. (possibly Volunteer Medical Staff star, silver gilt and enamels, both officially numbered 243
Corps) (R8091) N.E.F £350 Collingwood’s case of issue also embossed with G243,
£350.00 full original sash (R8034) E.F. £2500
GB88 Society of Protection of Life from Fire, type 3, silver,
unnamed (R3879) E.F. £245 GB101 G.C.S.I. Order of the Star of India, Grand Commander
£245.00 sash badge, gold, magnificently set with diamonds,
breast star, gold and enamel, set with diamonds with
GB89 Plym Tamar Lynher and Tavy Humane Society, 1831, original full sash (R7351) E.F. £37000
silver, unnamed (R4502) G.V.F. £110 £37,000.00
GB102 G.C.S.I. Order of the Star of India, collar badge in gold
GB90 1939/45 Star, Burma Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, and enamels, 100mm x 60mm. especially rare in gold
Boy’s Scouts, Cross of Gallantry in silver, complete (R6575) E.F. £13950
with original silver top broach (1927 Robert Mackie, £13,950.00
Cockenzie Sands) (E. Lothian), to Robert Mackie, served
WW2 in Burma with the Cameronians until 5/1945 GB103 K.C.I.E. neck badge, gold and enamels, breast star,
then the K.O.S.B. With soldiers Pay Book and Release silver, gold and enamels, Garrard’s case of issue, full
Book( R7512) N.E.F. £1400 original neck ribbon with fitments, superb condition
£1,400.00 (R7349) Mint £4200
MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDALS GB104 Baronet’s Badge, magnificent early piece (c.1790-1800)
gold and enamels, couple of minor cracks to white
36 items. background (R7480) G.V.F. £4200
GB68 Order of the St. Patrick, star, 81mm x 90mm. silver, gold £4,200.00
and enamels, c. 1815-1821, reverse maker engraved GB105 Baronet’s Badge of Nova Scotia , silver gilt and enamels,
‘Wm. Gray, 13 New Bond St. ex- David Spink collection, hallmarked Edinburgh 1927 by Hamilton & Inches
June 1980 (R5809) E.F. £5200 (R5823) E.F. £1700
£5,200.00 £1,700.00
GB89 Order of the St. Patrick, star, 93mm x 107mm. silver, GB106 O.B.E., 1st type, military, B.W.M. (Major), Volunteer
gold and enamels, c. 1800, provenance, Arthur Gore, Force L.S.G.C. (Tpr. U.P. Horse A.F.I.) to Major C.W.
2nd Earl of Arran, Sothebys, June 1970. Exceptional Gwynne Entitled to C.S.I. & C.I.E . (R8092) E.F. £420
early star (R5808) E.F. £7500 £420.00
GB107 C.B.E. 1st. type civil, R.R.C. (VR), China 1900 (Sr.
GB91 Order of the Garter, early star c.1820-1830, silver, gold Nursing Sister) to Chief Lady Supt. A.M. Waterhouse,
and enamels105mm. x 95mm. with sew points at tips Queen Alexandia’s Mil. Nursing Service india, C.B.E.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


1919, R.R.C. L.G. 10/12/1901. 13 awards of the RRC £245.00

for China of which were two for the Indian Nursing
GB120 R.A.F. M.S.M. (GV), coinage head to Serjt. Mec. W.
Service this one presented by Edward V11 on 12 March
Hemsley, R.A.F (R8064) E.F. £450
1902. She was promoted Chief Lady Superintendent,
Q.A.M.N.S. for India, 19/3/1914 (R6426) V.F. £3500
£3,500.00 GB121 M.S.M. (GV1) crowned head to Sjt. H.W. Alexander, R.A.
only 55 awards of the crowned head medal (R7949) E.F.
GB108 Knight’s Batchelor’s Badge, 1st (larger) type, cased,
(R7900) E.F. £425
GB122 Korea, UN. Korea (officially named), G.S.M. (E11R)
GB109 R.R.C. (VR), Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85 (Nursing
bar Malaya, C.S.M. bar Borneo, L.S.G.C. (E11R) bar
Sister), Khedives Star 1884-86 to Nursing Sister M.
Australia, M.S.M. (E11R), reverse Commonwealth of
Barker. R.R.C. L.G. 23/10/1885. Only six nurses served
Australia to Sgt. D.E. Watts, ARA, mounted as worn,
on the Nile expedition. Entered service as military service
superb combination (R8060) N.E.F. £1450
1882, stationed at Guards Hospital, London. Placed
under orders for Egypt 1884. Commended by the P.M.O.
Nile Expeditionary Force, July 1885 and recommended GB123 B.W.M., (Lieut.), A.G.S. bar Nigeria 1918 (Lieut. 4 Nig.
for the Royal Red Cross. Served in Asswan 1886 and R.), War Medal, 1935 Jubilee, King’s Police Medal (GV1)
then to England on sick leave 1886 and resigned. Died (Asst. Com. Nig. Police), Colonial Police Meritorious
1913, by then Marcia Brunker, R.R.C. wife of Col. Capel Service Medal (GV1) (Asst. Comm. of Police Nigeria,
Brunker, D.S.O. late Lancs. Fusiliers. Minor flake to R.S.P.C.A. silver medal (G.H. Farrell Esq. 1938) to
R.R.C. Otherwise (R8086) N.E.F. £4500 Gerald Hildebrand Farrell. KPM officially corrected
£4,500.00 (R6648) G.V.F. £1700
GB110 A.R.R.C. (GV), 2nd. class, silver and enamel, B.W.M.,
G.S.M. bar Iraq to Sister A.M. Patullo, Q.A.I.M.N.S. GB124 Order of St. John, Commander Sister (40mm.) (R6892)
A.R.R.C. L.G. 9/9/1921 For valuable services in the field E.F. £95
in Mesopotamia (R6329) N.E.F. £1250 £95.00
£1,250.00 GB125 Order of St. John, Officer Sister (30mm.) (R6894) E.F.
GB111 A.R.R.C. (GV1), 2nd. class, silver and enamel, dated £95
1947, Garrard case of issue (R6910) N.E.F. £225 £65.00
£225.00 GB126 Order of St. John, serving brother, wartime skeletal
GB112 B.E.M., (GV1R), 2nd. type Military, (Sgt. S.R.), I.G.S. issue, silver, embossed case of issue (R7764) E.F. £85
1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39, (L/Sgt. Suff. R.), G.S.M. 2 £85.00
bars, Palestine 1945-48, Malaya (Sgt. Suffolk), 1939/45 SINGLE CAMPAIGN MEDALS
Star, Defence Medal, War Medal to Sgt. A. Hendy,
Suffolk Regt. B.E.M. L.G. 7/1/1949 ‘For ga llant and 341 items.
distinguished service in Palestine, during the period GB127 Army of India bar Maheidpoor to R. Windsor, 22nd. Lt.
27/9/1947 to 26/3/1948. Mounted as originally worn Dragns. Copy of certificate of discharge, served from
(R7632) G.V.F. £1200 1801 to 1825, came from Wellington, Shropshire. a little
£1,200.00 light edge bruising (R7170) V.F. £2900
GB113 B.E.M., (E11R, S/Sgt. R.A.O.C.), C.S.M. bar Borneo £2,900.00
(S/Sgt. R.A.O.C.) to Lieut. Colonel F.D. Bissington, GB128 Army of India bar Bhurtpoor, to T. Brown, 59th. Foot, b.
R.A.O.C. L.G. 20/5/1966 ‘ Distinguished services in Twonselehouse, Kildare, served 1818 (R7642) G.V.F.
the Borneo Territories, during the period 24/6/65 to £1400
23/12/66’ one of 2 such awards. the other to Int. Corps. £1,400.00
Served in the ranks 17 years, commd. 2.Lieut. 1969, A/
GB129 Army of India bar Ava to Lieut. J. Stewart, 47th. Foot
Capt. 1969, Capt. 1971. Major 1979, Lieut. Col. 1983.
(R3921) N.E.F. £2050
with extracts from the Corps Gazette including an entry
stating ‘Cogratulations to S/Sgt. Bissington, G (Int),
on his recent award of the BEM, for service in Borneo GB130 Army of India bar Ava to Lieut. H.F. Barker, Eur. Regt
(R7505) N.E.F. £750 (R4559) G.V.F. £1650
£750.00 £1,650.00
GB114 M.S.M. (VR), to Cr. Sergt. H.M. Talbot , Late 2/21St. GB131 M.G.S. bar Egypt to W. Weston, 20th. Foot (R5451) V.F.
Foot (R5765) N.E.F. £450 £1150
£450.00 £1,150.00
GB115 Royal Marine M.S.M. (EDV11) to William Giles, Colr. GB132 M.G.S. bar Java to S. MacMullen, M.D. Surgn. 59th.
Sergt. R.M.L.I. 1st February 1906 (as on MSM). With full Foot. Stephen MacMullen, Regt. Surgns. Mate 1794,
research. Served China 1860 (Taku Forts), Wounded Hosp. Mate, 1795, A.Surgn. 59th. B. 1775, 1797,
at the destruction of the Taku Forts, 21 August 1860, Surgn. 59th. 1799, Staff Surn. 1813, ret. 1815, F.R.C.P.
contusion from roundshot. Only 40 Royal Marine MSMs Edinburgh 1820, died 1848. One edge bruise (R8003)
awarded of which only 13 are known to exist. (R7464) G.V.F. £1700
V.F. £1350 £1,700.00
£1,350.00 GB133 M.G.S. bar Java to A. MacKechnie, Asst. Surgn. 89th.
GB116 M.S.M. (EDV11) reverse Natal, unnamed example Foot. Andrew MacKechnie, A. Surgn. 89th. 1804, later
(R5795) E.F. £550 96th. Foot & Staff, h.p. 1830, ret. Full Pay 1837, died.
£550.00 1854 buried in the Cathedral Churchyard, St. Andrews,
Scotland, minor edge bruise (R8004) G.V.F. £1900
GB118 M.S.M. (GV), crowned head, reverse New Zealand,
unnamed (R6834) E.F. £125
£125.00 GB134 M.G.S. bar Corunna, to J. Alexander, 1st. Foot Gds.
From Stamforth, Rutland, enl. 1799 (R3978) N.E.F.
GB119 M.S.M. (GV), coinage head to C.S. Mjr. J. Sinclair, R.A .
(R7945) E.F. £245

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB135 M.G.S. bar Vimiera to G. Peach, Surgn. 52nd. Foot 1861 ‘Served in the Peninsula with the 3rd. dragoon
(R4590) N.E.F. £1900 Guards from Aug. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814,
£1,900.00 including the retreat from Madrid to Salamanca, and
action at Alba de Tormes, retreat of Cuidad Rodrigo and
GB137 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, to R.T. Fawcett, Lieut. 3rd. Lt.
action of San Munos, passage of the Tormes above
Dgns. Initials corrected (R3364) N.E.F. £1650
Salamanca, and attacks of the French rear-guard under
General Villate, action at Hormasa before Burgos, battle
GB137 M.G.S. bar Albuhera to David Davis, 29th Foot. wounded of Vittoria, investment of Pampluna, action at Tarbes,
at Albuhera, gunshot wounds to hand and right hip. attack on the French cavalry rear-guard at st. Gaudens,
A weaver from Myvott, Welshpool, enl 1809 aged 27, and battle of Toulouse.’ Additionally by exchange
shown as resident near Cardiff in 1866 aged 86 (R7193) commanded the 15th. Foot by 1827 when he embarked
G.V.F. £1875 his regiment for Canada and in 1832 commanded during
£1,875.00 the political riots in Montreal and Quebec. In May the
GB138 M.G.S. bar Albuhera to Thos Crawford, 29th Foot. Civil Magistrate called on the assistance of the Regiment
the regiment suffered 65% casualties at Albuhera, in quelling a riot that began at a polling station in the
123 single clasps in entirety of which 20 were to the West Ward. McIntosh took personal command and
29th. Unfortunately his papers have not survived after several acts of mob violence entreated the mob
though it would seem most likely that he was a casualty to disperse with no avail and McIntosh gave the order
at Albuhera. Blair collection 1937, last recorded to fire. Numerous rioters were wounded and four killed
Glendinings 1953, small pawnbrokers mark in obverse before the mob dispersed. McIntosh was commended
field (R7835) G.V.F. £1350 for his ‘Judgement, steadiness and coolness.’ and
£1,350.00 in 1833 for distinguished service created Knight of
the Guelphic Order (KH), . In 1851 he was charged
GB139 M.G.S. bar Albuhera to W. McQuillan, 39th. Foot, with a tour of the Crimea to reconnoitre the probable
discharged in consequence of wounds (gunshot to thigh) operations of the Allied Expeditionary Force and only on
received at Albuhera, 16/5/1811 (R5164) N.E.F. £1700 the commencement of hostilities published his work ‘A
£1,700.00 Military Tour in European Turkey, the Crimea, and on
GB140 M.G.S. bar Cuidad Rodrigo to William Crook, 40th the Eastern Shores of the Black sea, London, Longman
Regiment. roll confirms single clasp. No papers exist 1854, died 1868 (R8000) N.E.F. £3000
for this man, the musters show him hospitalised for a £3,000.00
year following the taking of Cuidad Rodrigo and then GB148 M.G.S. 2 bars, Nive, Orthes to E. Saunders, 7th. Hussars
disappears from the muster rolls. Exceptionally scarce (R7171) E.F. £1050
as single clasps only Benevente, Sahagun and Roleia £1,050.00
having less issued (R7067) N.E.F. £1700
£1,700.00 GB149 M.G.S. 2 bars, Vimiera, Talavera, to J. Stapley, 2nd.
Foot, edge bruise (R6359) G.V.F. £1125
GB141 M.G.S. bar Barrosa to J. Wise, 3rd. Foot Gds. £1,125.00
discharged in June 1811 on account of ‘having lost his
right arm in the battle on the heights of Barrosa near GB150 M.G.S. 2 bars, Vimiera, Corunna, to James Rudd, 2nd.
Cadiz on the 5 March 1811’ (R7195) E.F. £1875 Foot (R3977) G.V.F. £1150
£1,875.00 £1,150.00

GB142 M.G.S. bar Barrosa to J. Fletcher, Serjt. 1st. Foot Gds. GB151 M.G.S. 3 bars, Vittoria, Orthes, Toulouse to G. Stevens,
discharged September 1814 in consequence of wounds 10th Hussars, also served at Waterloo with Captain
received at Barrosa 94 March 1811) The published MGS Floyd’s No.6 Troop, a few minor contact marks (R7430)
roll erroneously lists as ‘entitled to Waterloo with 2nd. V.F. £1050
Battn’ This however refers to a Pte. John Fletcher who £1,050.00
enlisted December 1813 who earned the Waterloo but no GB152 M.G.S. 3 bars, Badajoz, Vittoria, St. Sebastian, to James
MGS. A little general wear otherwise (R7626) V.F. £1475 Callyer, 4th. Foot (R7712) E.F. £1350
£1,475.00 £1,350.00
GB143 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, to J. Mouatt, 5th. Dgn. Gds. GB153 M.G.S. 3 bars, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Orthes, to J. Carter,
(R8051) G.V.F. £980 Serjeant, 7th. Foot, admitted to Chelsea Pension, result
£980.00 of wounds, right elbow and left hand at Orthes (R5156)
GB144 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, to E.F. Meynell, Lieut. 10th. V.F. £1250
Hussars, later Capt. 79th. Highlanders (R7598) N.E.F. £1,250.00
£1650 GB154 M.G.S. 4 bars, Vimiera , Busaco, Fuentes D’Onor,
£1,650.00 Toulouse, to N. Wodehouse, Capt. 50th Foot. Major
GB144 Army of India bar Bhurtpoor, to W. Norman, 11th. Lt. General Wodehouse, commd. 9th Regt. Battle of
Dragns. b. Hickling, Norfolk, served 1812-1838 (R7643) Vimiera, campaign from Lisbon to Oporto and battle of
G.V.F. £1600 Busaco and Fuentes D’Onor, Captain 50th Regt 1811,
£1,600.00 campaign of 1814, South of France, affair at Tarbes and
battle of Toulouse. medal appears on the roll of the 9th.
GB145 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, to T. Grundy, 2nd. Life Guards Regt. (R5806) N.E.F. £2400
(R5494) G.V.F. £995 £2,400.00
GB155 M.G.S. 5 bars, Vittoria , Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive,
GB146 M.G.S. bar Salamanca to W. Caswell, 11th. Lt. Dragns Toulouse, to John Morle, Capt. 2nd. foot. served at the
(R5036) V.F. £985 retreat to Corunna 1808-09, seige of Flushing 1809,
£985.00 took part in the battles of Vittoria, Pampluna, Nivelle,
GB147 M.G.S. 2 bars, Vittoria, Toulouse, to A.F. McIntosh, Nive, and Toulouse including various outpost actions.
K.H. Lieut. 3rd. Dgn. Gds. General Alexander Fisher Published roll confirms but does not show Pyrenees
McIntosh, K.H., B. Dunchattan, Glasgow 1795, Cornet though clearly as issued and service at Pampluna
1811, Lieut. 1812, Capt. 1816, Major 1823, Lieut. Col. evidences the clasp (R6371) E.F. £2600
1825 Col. 1838, Maj. Gen. 1851, Lieut. General 1858, £2,600.00
General 1864. Col. of the 90th. Foot 1857.From Hart’s

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB156 M.G.S.5 bars, Talavera,, Albuhera, Cuidad Rodrigo, Klinghoer out of heavy gun and rifle into safety and
Salamanca, Vittoria, to J. Middlehurst, 3rd. Foot Guards, organised quick medical help and at Talavera he
from Windle, Lancaster, enl. 1803 disch. 1815, couple of volunteered to organise ammunition and distribute it to
minor edge bumps (R7327) G.V.F. £1750 soldiers under rifle fire.’ in rank of Bandsman at time of
£1,750.00 action and later Bandmaster at time of award. (R7431)
V.F. £2300
GB159 M.G.S.10 bars, Fuentes D’Onor, Cuidad Rodrigo,
Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria , Pyrenees, , Nivelle, Nive,
Orthes, Toulouse, to James Lamb, 94th. Foot (R7825) GB169 Hannover Waterloo to Sergeant Tobias Biederhase,
G.V.F. £4600 Land. Bat.Quackenbrueck. neat replacement suspension
£4,600.00 (R8094) G.V.F. £620
GB160 M.G.S.11 bars, Corunna, Martinique, Albuhera,
Salamanca, Vittoria , Pyrenees, St. Sebastian, Nivelle, GB170 Saxe Altenburg Gotha Waterloo, bronze gilt, NCO’s
Orthes, Toulouse, to T. Jones, 23rd. Foot, small edge issue, gilt mainly intact (R3038) G.V.F. £625
(the only other medal of this name on the roll was named £625.00
in the rank of Corporal, small bruise to reverse (R6907)
GB171 London Highland Society Tribute Medal to the 42nd.
G.V.F. £5900
Foot, 1801, silver, edge engraved in capitals ‘By the
Highland Society of London’. Loop and straight bar
GB161 Waterloo to Thomas Partridge, 1st. Reg. Dragoon suspension (R6513) N.E.F. £650
Guards, some contact wear, original clip and ring £650.00
(R7955) N.V.F. £2600
GB172 Burma 1824, gold, clip and ring suspension (R7371)
G.V.F. £3700
GB162 Waterloo, to Samuel Holehouse, 15th. Hussars, clip £3,700.00
and ring suspension. Copy service papers state.
GB173 Ghuznee 1839 to Private Geo. Thompson, H.M. 16th.
‘Distinguished himself as a brave soldier in action’ He
Lancers (R7953) N.E.F. £680
was further confirmed as mustered in Manchester in
1819, where, on 16 August, at St. Petersfield a crowd
of 60,000-80,000 gathered to demand reform. During GB174 Scinde reverse Meanee to Lieut. Osmyn Bourdillon, 25th.
the afternoon the 4 squadrons of 15th. Hussars rode in N.I. with some research and confirmation (R6166) N.E.F.
with sabres drawn to arrest the ringleaders and disperse £1350
the crowd. In the ensuing melee 18 protesters were £1,350.00
killed and some 500 injured. This became known as GB175 Scinde reverse Hyderabad to Cornet. Edward Francis
the ‘Peterloo Massacre’ in derogatory comparison to Moore, 3rd. Lt. . Cavy. b. Blackwatertown, Co. Tyrone
Waterloo. Clip refitted at one time leaving medal untidy in 1925, nominated for the HEIC by his uncle who
on reverse, some polishing but free from edge bruising , was a director of the East India Company. Arriving at
near (R7832) V.F. £2100 Bombay, 8 June 1842, he was firstly attached to the
£2,100.00 Horse Brigade at Poona and then to the 1st. Lt. Cavy.
GB163 Waterloo to William Flower. 2nd. Batt. Grenad. Guards, He served in the Scind campaign and was engaged at
clip and ring suspension. B. Norton St. Phillips, Hyderabad and died at that place on 1 November 1843,
Somerset, enl. 1803, Spain 1808-1809, Corunna, aged 18 (R6898) N.E.F. £1575
Waterloo in Lt. Col. Dorville’s Coy. died 1871 aged 83, £1,575.00
clip and ring, couple of minor bruises (R7599) V.F. £2650 GB176 Scinde reverse Hyderabad to Lieut. G.A. Leckie, 21st.
£2,650.00 Regt. N.I. later General George Alexander. with wide
GB164 Waterloo to Thomas Morgan 3rd. Batt. Grenad. Guards, floreated suspension. Recipient’s only award (R5737)
clip and straight bar suspension. From Brockhampton, N.E.F. £1350
Hertfordshire, enl. 1805, wounded in action in the £1,350.00
head at Corunna, served at Waterloo in Col. Stables GB177 Candahar 1842, unnamed (R7507) G.V.F. £475
Company where he was wounded twice more, musket £475.00
balls through the right thigh and left leg. (R6313) N.V.F.
£2950 GB178 China 1842 to Arthur Webb, Corporal, 26th Regiment
£2,950.00 Foot, a later type replacement suspension (R4584)
G.V.F. £450
GB165 Waterloo to John Warwick, 2nd. Batt. 69th. Reg. Foot, £450.00
The regiment suffered 49% casualties at Waterloo. B.
South Halsted, Essex, enl. 1812 aged 14, discharged GB180 Sutlej reverse Moodkee, to Corpl. William Quelch, 31st.
to Chelsea Pension, aged 18, in 1816 in consequence Regt. killed in action at Moodkee, 18/12/1845 (R6594)
of rupture occasioned when on fatigue duty with the N.E.F. £850
regimental baggage at Abbeville, December 1815’. £850.00
original clip and split ring, couple of slight edge bruises GB181 Sutlej reverse Moodkee, bar Ferozeshuhur, to Thomas
(R7366) G.V.F. £2950 Benjamin Keen, 3rd. Light Dragoons, killed in action at
£2,950.00 Ferozeshuhur, 21/12/1845. From a strengh of 445 men
GB166 Waterloo to Ensign William Smith 1st. 71st. Reg. Foot, the regiment suffered 55 killed and 98 wounded (R3478)
h.p. as Lieut 1816, died 1860, clip and ring suspension. G.V.F. £1400
minor edge bruise (R6577) N.E.F. £6100 £1,400.00
£6,100.00 GB182 Sutlej reverse Ferozeshuhur bar Sobraon to John Cathy,
GB167 Waterloo to James Beeth, 1st. 71st. Reg. Foot, original 29th. Regt. wounded gun shot wound to elbow received
clip and ring suspension (R8005) G.V.F. £2700 at Sobraon, 10/2/1846 and discharged in consequence.
£2,700.00 From Ballybay, Co. Monaghan (R7733) N.E.F. £650
GB168 Waterloo to Lewis Thote, 5th. Line Batt. K.G.L. From
Von Wissel P.167-8, Lewis Thote (changed name to GB183 Sutlej reverse Ferozeshuhur bar Sobraon to Henry
Weise 1842) awarded Guelphic Medal for Bravery Fayle, 62nd. Regt (R6697) G.V.F. £540
‘Distininguished himself at Talavera and Bayonne. On £540.00
27/2/1814 he brought the seriously wounded Lieut.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB185 Sutlej reverse Moodkee, 3 bars, Ferozeshuhur, Aliwal, GB195 South Africa 1853, to W.C.J. Collier, 2nd. Class Ordy
Sobraon, to Richard Marksl, 31st. Regt. (R7628) V.F. (R3925) N.E.F. £525
£1150 £525.00
GB196 South Africa 1853, to J. Knight, Stoker (R5200) N.E.F.
GB186 Punjab, no bar, to Lieut. H.G. Leslie, 37th. Bengal N.I £515
(R4515) G.V.F. £520 £515.00
GB197 South Africa 1853, to R. Smith, A.B. light contact marks
GB187 Punjab, bar Mooltan to Edward Griffiths, 10th. Foot, (R6173) V.F. £450
died of wounds in the Punjab 18/9/1848 (casualty roll £450.00
confirms) (R3756) V.F. £850
GB198 South Africa 1853, to T. Callagher, 7th. Dragn. Gds
(R3486) G.V.F. £525
GB188 Punjab, bar Goojerat to Serjt. Major G. Barlow, 53rd. £525.00
Foot. Commissioned Quartermaster George Barlow,
GB199 South Africa 1853, to J. Metcalfe, 12th. Lancers, some
b. Washingborough, Lincoln 1823, attested 53rd 1840
contact wear (R5341) V.F. £475
aged 17 years and shown as ‘Labourer’, Corpl. 1842,
Sergeant & Colour Sergeant,1843, Sergeant Major 1848,
Commd. 1849, following recommendation from officer GB200 South Africa 1853, to Wm. Hopkins, 91st. Regt. (R6922)
commanding 53rd.who wrote ‘I have personally known N.V.F. £395
him and marked his career for several years includuing £395.00
actions with the regiment in 1845 and 1846’ ‘25 August GB201 South Africa 1853, to Wm. Jones, 1st. Rifle Brigade
1849 Quartermaster Peel appointed Ensign’ died at sea (R6490) V.F. £475
1852, aged 30. Additionally served in the Sutlej, skirmish £475.00
of Buddewal, battles of Aliwal and Sobraon (R7846) V.F.
£680 GB202 Crimea, no bar, unnamed, a few contact marks (R7314)
£680.00 V.F. £120
GB189 Punjab, bar Chilianwala to J. Walker, 24th. Foot, killed in
action at Chilianwala,13/1/1849 (R6967) G.V.F. £1750 GB203 Crimea, no bar, unnamed (R7315) N.V.F. £90
£1,750.00 £90.00

GB190 Punjab, bar Chilianwala to H. Slaughter, 24th. Foot, GB204 Crimea, bar, Alma, to J. Stephens, 23rd. Regt. killed in
shown as wounded at Chilianwala,13/1/1849, in both action at Alma. Stevens on published roll, only man of
the published roll and the published Punjab Casualty either spelling. officially impressed (R7670) E.F. £750
roll however the regimental roll does not confirm this £750.00
(R6379) E.F. £1050 GB205 Crimea, bar, Alma, to R. Howden, 2nd. Bn. Rifle Bde.
£1,050.00 killed in action at final attack on the Redan 8/9/1855.
GB191 Punjab, bar Chilianwala to H. Hazell, 24th. Foot, officially impressed (R7784) V.F. £650
wounded at Chilianwala,13/1/1849, matchlock ball to £650.00
the right humerus, discharged in consequence, a little GB206 Crimea, bar, Alma, to J. Flood, 55th. Regt. died of
contacting (R7801) V.F. £1150 wounds 21/9/1854 received at Alma the previous day.
£1,150.00 Roll states ‘killed in action, Alma’ officially impressed
GB193 Punjab, 2 bars, Chilianwala, Goojerat to Gunner W. (R6896) G.V.F. £650
Flynn, 2nd. Troop 2nd. Bde. H. Arty. killed in action at £650.00
Goojerat 21/2/1849. William Flynn, from Waterford, enl GB207 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol, unnamed, (R7416) E.F. £195
1831, occupation Schoolmaster, served in the rank of £195.00
Sergeant, re enlisted at Umballa 1848. (R7340) N.E.F.
GB208 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol, unnamed, clasp loose on
ribbon (R7417) N.E.F. £185
GB194 Punjab, 2 bars, Mooltan, Goojerat, to Lt. Col. J.
GB209 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol, to J. Cook, 4th. Lt. Dragoons,
Bradshaw, 1st. Bt. 60th. R. Rifles, minor edge bruise. Lt.
clasp loose on ribbon, officially impressed (R7720)
Colonel Joseph Hart, C.B., awarded C.B. 9/6/1849 for his
G.V.F. £330
services during the Punjab Campaignn. From Hart’s List
‘Commanded the 1st Bn. 60th. Rifles during the second
siege operations at Mooltan. He was at the battle of GB210 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol, to W. Norris, 90th. Regt.
Goojerat and with the Field Force in pursuit of the fugitive severely wounded 5/7/ 1855, died as a result 12/8/1855,
Sikh Army until it’s final surrender at Rawul Pindee. He officially impressed (R7610) G.V.F. £420
commanded aa Brigade of the Field Force during the £420.00
operations against the Hill Tribes in the Eusofzye country GB211 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol, to A. Goodbody, 90th. Regt.
on the 11th. and 14th. of December 1849, when the officially impressed (R7805) V.F. £275
enemy amounting to five times that of the British Force £275.00
were routed with great loss, and the insurgent villages
captured and destroyed. He commanded the advanced GB213 Crimea, 2 bars, Balaklava, Sebastopol, to D. Gardner,
guard both in going to and returning from Kohat, in R.M. officially impressed, clasps loose on ribbon,
the expedition against the Afridi Tribe in January.’ Sebastopol clasp carriage crushed on one side. Roll
Bradshaw’s command of the Eusofyze expedition was confirms. Also entitled to China with Fatshan (R6315)
the first expedition which was later to entitle to claim the N.V.F. £480
India General Service medal. During the second such £480.00
expedition against the Afridi Bradshaw commanded GB214 Crimea, 2 bars, Balaklava, Inkermann, to Joseph Lyon,
all the European troops. Regrettably Bradshaw did not 6th. Dragoons, officially impressed, roll confirms, Heavy
live to enable him to claim the IGS medal as he died at Brigade. confirmed on the roll as Alex Joseph Lyon,
Kussowlie, 18/10/1851 (R7223) N.E.F. £2100 present at Balaklava, invalided following Inkermann in
£2,100.00 Nov 1854, died at Malta (R6993) N.E.F. £2400

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB215 Crimea, 2 bars, Balaklava, Inkermann, to Peter Grant, GB232 Indian Mutiny bar Lucknow, to Ensn. G.L.G. O’Brien,
Scots Fus. Gds. killed in action, Inkermann, 5 Nov 1854, 1st. Bn. 23rd. Foot. Served ‘the affair at Ramgunga,
officially impressed (R7783) N.E.F. £795 seige and capture of Lucknow, operations across the
£795.00 Goomtee, storm and capture of Selimpore and Simree
Forts, actions of Jhubrowlee, Poorwah, Beerrah, and
GB216 Crimea, 3 bars, Alma, Balaklava, Sebastopol, to D.
Buxarghat; also Trans Gogra operations when the
Carroy, 30th. Regt. Volunteered from the 92nd for
rebels were driven into Napal.’ ret. as Hon. Lt. Col. 1882
service in the Crimea. Appears on the roll as Carrey.
(R7602) V.F. £780
Killed in action, Sebastopol, 11/4/1856, officially
impressed................................. (R6754) N.E.F. £900
£900.00 GB233 Indian Mutiny bar Delhi, to Wm. Brummage, 1st. Eurn.
Bengal Fusrs. killed in action, Delhi, 8/6/1857. His
GB217 Crimea, 4 bars, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann,
enlistment papers shows he was aged 23 and from
Sebastopol, to J. Cummins, Coldsm. Guards, officially
Kidderminster (R4318) N.E.F. £1250
impressed, small repair at claw, minor contacting
(R5231) V.F. £950
£950.00 GB234 Indian Mutiny bar Delhi, to Josh Mitton, 1st. Bn. 8th.
Regt. killed in action at the storming of Delhi, 14/9/1857,
GB218 Crimea, 4 bars, Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann,
couple of edge buises (R6319) G.V.F. £1200
Sebastopol, to Thos. Fuller, 68th. Regt. officially
impressed (R5506) G.V.F. £1050
£1,050.00 GB235 Indian Mutiny bar Central India, to Corpl. Jas. Simpson,
71st. Regt (R5732) G.V.F. £385
GB219 Turkish Crimea, British issue, unnamed, ring suspension
(R7895) G.V.F. £110
£110.00 GB236 Indian Mutiny bar Central India, to Gunnr. Hy. Mincher,
13th. Bde. R. Art (R6479) G.V.F. £370
GB220 Indian Mutiny no bar, to J. Cliff, 2nd. Dragoon Guards, a
little contact wear otherwise (R5559) V.F. £275
£275.00 GB237 Indian Mutiny bar Central India, to Sapper Patrick F.
Kelly, Royal Engrs. (R7978) N.E.F. £350
GB221 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Willm. Milton, 1st. Bn. 13th. Lt.
Infy (R5766) G.V.F. £275
£275.00 GB238 Indian Mutiny 2 bars, Lucknow, Delhi to Joseph Andrews
(R7979) G.V.F. £750
GB222 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Serjt. Geo. Doyle, 43rd. Lt. Infy.
(R7346) G.V.F. £275
£275.00 GB239 Indian Mutiny 3 bars, Lucknow, relief of Lucknow, Delhi
to Saddr Serjt. E. Gilham, 9th. Lancers (R7980) G.V.F.
GB223 Indian Mutiny no bar, to T. Ashworth, 1st. Bn. 60th.
Rifles, died 28/11/1857 (R8061) N.E.F. £275
GB240 I.G.S. 1854, bar Pegu to Walter Bonning, Gunner ‘Styx’ a
GB224 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Geo. Alexr. Ross, 82nd. Regt
little light bruising (R7959) V.F. £375
(R5042) G.V.F. £275
GB242 I.G.S. 1854, bar Umbeyla to H. Maxwell, H.M. 71st.
GB225 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Michl. Hogan, 87th. Regt.
Regt. B. Kirkintilloch, Dunfermaline, enl. 1858, dis.
(R7695) V.F. £275
1870. Record states defaulter’s book 22 times, 3 times
imprisoned for ‘Disgraceful Conduct’, absence without
GB226 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Willm. Howard, 82nd. Regt leave and desertion (R7966) G.V.F. £330
tightened at claw at one time otherwise near (R7710) £330.00
V.F. £210
GB244 I.G.S. 1854, bar Looshai to Sepoy, Kissur Khawas. 4th.
Gurkha Regt. tightened at claw (R7967) V.F. £220
GB227 Indian Mutiny no bar, to Mr. Harry Man (civilian) (R8062) £220.00
G.V.F. £345
GB245 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8 to Pte. Patrick Murphy,
51st. Foot (R7962) N.E.F. £290
GB228 Indian Mutiny no bar, to G.E. Matthews (civilian) (R7981) £290.00
E.F. £345
GB246 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8 to Pte. A.J. Roust,4 Bn.
Rifle Bde (R7185) G.V.F. £290
GB229 Indian Mutiny bar Defence of Lucknow, to J. Kerney, £290.00
32nd. L.I. Original defender, roll confirms, died during the
GB247 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8 to Driver Michael Regan,
defence, 12/7/1857 (R7982) N.E.F. £1500
1/C. R.H.A. recipients name corrected (R7623) G.V.F.
GB230 Indian Mutiny no bar, to M. Durant, A.B. In. Nl. Bde. £210.00
H.M.P.V. Calcutta (R5733) N.E.F. £895
GB248 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8 to Driver Geo. Goddard,
1/C. R.H.A. recipients name corrected (R8089) G.V.F.
GB230 Indian Mutiny bar Defence of Lucknow, to N. Johnson, £285
32nd. L.I. Original defender, roll confirms (R6992) V.F. £285.00
GB249 I.G.S. 1854, bar Naga 1879-80 to Sepoy Jungbeer
Thappa, 44th. Regt. N.I. tightened at claw (R7964)
GB231 Indian Mutiny bar Defence of Lucknow, to Capt. H. N.V.F. £230
Denison, 90th. Lt. infy. Died of wounds 29/10/1857, £230.00
received on the 6th. October during the defence of
GB250 I.G.S. 1854, Burma 1885-7, to Pte. M.D. Mather, 2nd.
Lucknow, at the securing of the outposts at the palaces,
Bn. Som. L.I . (R8090) G.V.F. £170
resulting in the loss of his arm (R4543) E.F. £3950

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB251 China 1860, bar, Taku Forts 1860, to , Benjn, Basford, GB271 I.G.S. 1854, 2 bars, Burma 1885-7, Kachin Hills 1892-3
44th. Regt. minor edge nick (R4506) G.V.F. £350 to Lieut. E.L. Williams, Liverpool Regiment, wounded
£350.00 Burma 1886, killed in action Kachin Hills, 11 February,
1893. From ‘Frontier and Overseas Expeditions from
GB251 I.G.S. 1854, Burma 1885-7, to Gunner W. Fitzgerald,Q
India, The Kachins’ ‘Early in February news was received
By. 1st Bde R.A . (R7997) G.V.F. £160
at Namhkam of the gathering of malcontents on the
Chinese frontier to the north-east, and fifty men were
GB252 I.G.S. 1854, Burma 1885-7, bronze, to Bhisti, 5th. sent to occupy Se-Lan, thirteen miles from Namhkam.
Madras Infy. (R7975) G.V.F. £145 Not withstanding this precaution a large number of
£145.00 marauders crossed the Wanteng and settled at Man
GB253 I.G.S. 1854, Burma 1887-89 to Pte. A. Markham, 2d. Hang, a Kachin village in the hills above Muse. A patrol
Bn. Ches. R. suspension a little loose, polished (R7974) of thirty five men, under a native officer, was shortly
N.V.F. £120 afterwards attacked at Muse by the inhabitants of Man
£120.00 Hang, who were, however, were beaten off with the
loss of thirteen killed. In punishment for this attack a
GB254 I.G.S. 1854, bar Sikkim 1888 to Naick Bahadur Rana, party of seventy five military police under Lieutenant
2nd. Bn. 1st. Gurkha Rif. (R7960) V.F. £220 Williams, was sent to burn the village of Man Hang. The
£220.00 village had been successfully captured when Lieutenant
GB255 I.G.S. 1854, bar Hazara 1888 to Sergt. W. Mahoney, Williams was killed by a chance shot, and the party
2nd. Bn. North’d. Fus. (R5278) N.E.F. £245 then retired without burning the place or destroying
£245.00 the stockades.’ Ernest Llewellyn Williams, b. 1866 of
Widdecombe vicarage, Ashburton, Devon. Commd.
GB256 I.G.S. 1854, bar Hazara 1888 to Pte. G. Lodge, 1st. Bn.
Liverpool Regt. 1885, Asst. Commandant Burma Military
Suff. R (R7961) V.F. £245
Police Battalion, Mandalay, 1892. With PRO copies of
the telegram informing his father of him being killed in
GB257 I.G.S. 1854, bar Hazara 1888 to Pte. W. Watt, 2nd. Bn. action Kachin Hills and a copy of the acknowledgement.
Sea. Highrs (R4076) N.E.F. £245 Kachin Hills clasp loose on ribbon (R6884) N.E.F. £4200
£245.00 £4,200.00
GB258 I.G.S. 1854, bar Chin-Lushai 1889-90 to Pte. J. GB272 China 1860, bar Taku Forts 1858 to Gunner John
Robinson, 1st Bn. K.O.Sco. Bord (R7969) G.V.F. £310 Lavery, 4th. Bde. Rl. Arty. perfectly as issued but roll
£310.00 states Taku Forts 1860 (R5334) N.E.F. £260
GB259 I.G.S. 1854, bar Lushai 1889-92, to Pte. Shekh Jemaul,
1st. Madras Inf. (R7972) G.V.F. £210 GB273 China 1860, bar, Pekin 1860, to Gunnr. Robt. Gillon,
£210.00 No.3 B. 13th. Bde. R.Art. (R6492) G.V.F. £340
GB260 I.G.S. 1854, bar Burma 1889-92 to Pte. F. Marshall, 1st.
Bn. D.C.L.I . (R7970) G.V.F. £190 GB274 China 1860, bar, Pekin 1860, to George Landfear, 1st.
£190.00 Bn. Mil. Train, light contact wear (R6838) V.F. £340
GB261 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891, to Pte. J. Randall,
4th. Bn. K. R. Rif. (R6595) E.F. £360 GB275 China 1860, bar, Taku Forts 1860, to ,Lt. J.M.B. Wood,
£360.00 31st. Regt. Capt. Wood served throughout the Campaign
of 1860 in North China, including the action of Sinho,
GB262 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891 to Pte. H. Steele, 4th.
and storming of Tangku (clasp for Taku Forts). Served
Bn. K.R.R.C. (R7818) G.V.F. £330
in the operations against the taepings in the vicinity of
Shanghai in April & may 1862, resulting in the taking
GB263 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891, to Pte. E.R. of the stockade at Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of
Edwards, 4th. Bn. K.R.R.C. (R4122) G.V.F. £340 the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsolin, and fortified
£340.00 town of Najow, the affair of Nanhsiang, of relief of
GB264 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891, to Pte. F. Gates, 4th. Kadin.’ (R7947) V.F. £625
Bn. K.R.R.C (R7519) G.V.F. £340 £625.00
£340.00 GB276 China 1860, bar, Taku Forts 1860, to ,Lt. M.S. Smith,
GB265 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891, to Sepoy Kalloo 44th. Regt. Capt. Smith served in the Crimea campaign
Chund, 1st Gurkha Regt. (R7968) V.F. £210 from Dec. 1854, including the attack on the Cemetary on
£210.00 18th June, 1855, seige and fall of Sebastopol. Served
in the campaign of 1860 in North China, including the
GB266 I.G.S. 1854, bar Samana 1891, to Lce. Corpl. G. Hill, action of Sinho, attack and capture of the Taku Forts. a
2nd. Bn. Manch. R (R7963) V.F. £245 few light contact marks (R7063) V.F. £625
£245.00 £625.00
GB267 I.G.S. 1854, bar Chin Hills 1892-93 to Sepoy Firoz Khan, GB277 China 1860, bar, Taku Forts 1860, to Walter Mussett,
33rd. Bl. N.I. small edge bruise otherwise (R7965) G.V.F. 44th. Regt. (R4510) E.F. £275
£350 £275.00
GB278 China 1860, bar, Taku Forts 1860, to, John Dempsey,
GB268 I.G.S. 1854, bar Kachin Hills 1892-93 to Pte. Phil. Karan, 2nd. Bn. 60th. Regt. (R7224) N.V.F. £275
Chin Police Levy, a little contact wear (R7986) V.F. £450 £275.00
GB279 Canada 1860 bar Fenian Raid 1866 to Lieut. U.E.
GB269 I.G.S. 1854, bar Chin Hills 1892-93 to Jemadar, 2d. Q.O. Thompson, 1st. Bn......... (R6801) E.F. £495
S.& M (R5762) N.E.F. £450 £495.00
GB281 Canada 1860 2 bars, Fenian Raid 1866, Red River
GB270 I.G.S. 1854, bar Waziristan 1894-5 to Serjt. J. Watson, 1870 , specimen (R3401) E.F. £350
2d. Bn. Border Regt (R7973) V.F. £230 £350.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB282 New Zealand reverse 1860-1861, to G. Newman, GB304 South Africa bar 1877-8 to Capt. J. Wilson, Bolotwa Vol.
Lg. Seamn. H.M.S. Iris, couple of minor edge bumps commanded the unit. 18 medals to the unit of which 5
(R7197) G.V.F. £750 were returned. Roll states as serving in the Gongubile
£750.00 Rebellion and the Gaikas Rebellion of 1878 (R7915) E.F.
GB283 New Zealand reverse 1860-1865, to Wm. Smith, 65th.
Regt (R7793) N.E.F. £625
£625.00 GB305 South Africa bar 1877-8-9, to Pte. H. Fordham, 90th.
Foot (R7441) N.E.F. £610
GB284 New Zealand reverse 1860-1865, to David Mitchell, 65th.
Regt (R6948) G.V.F. £610
£610.00 GB306 South Africa bar 1879, to 2.Lieut. G.T Munro, 57th. Foot
(R6256) G.V.F. £950
GB285 New Zealand reverse 1861-1866, to John Fitzgerald,
57th. Regt (R7996) N.E.F. £525
£525.00 GB307 South Africa bar 1879, to Pte. W. White, 90th. Foot
(R7807) E.F. £495
GB286 Ashantee no bar, to Pte. W. Jones, 2 Bn. 23 R.W. Fus
(R7570) G.V.F. £250
£250.00 GB308 South Africa bar 1879, to Pte. W. Aoten, 99th. Foot
(R5592) N.E.F. £475
GB287 Ashantee bar Coomassie to Surgn. Major, J.W.C.N.
Murphy (R5859) N.E.F. £750
£750.00 GB309 South Africa bar 1879, to Tpr. A.J. Mansfield, C/3rd.
Cape Yeory. wounded at Morosi’s Mountain, 29 May
GB288 Ashantee bar Coomassie to Pte. G.C. Wright, 2nd. Bn.
1879 (R6814) E.F. £1400
Rifle Bde (R6512) V.F. £475
GB310 Egypt 1882, no bar, to Pte. W. Atwell, 2/D of Corn. L.I.
GB289 Ashantee bar Coomassie to Pte. C. Fruin, 2nd. Bn. Rifle
died of wounds 29/8/1882, received at Kassasin the
Bde. minor edge bruise (R4979) G.V.F. £480
previous day, one edge nick otherwise (R7129) N.E.F.
GB290 Ashantee bar Coomassie to Pte. J. Dow, 2nd. Bn. Rifle £680.00
Bde. minor edge bruise (R5763) V.F. £475
GB311 Egypt 1882, bar Tel-el-Kebir, to D. Burbage, Pte. R.M.L.I.
wounded at Tel-El-Kebir, 13/9/1882, a few light pit marks
GB291 Ashantee bar Coomassie to Pte. S. Newman, 2nd. Bn. (R7941) V.F. £525
Rifle Bde. minor edge bruise (R7383) V.F. £475 £525.00
GB313 Egypt 1882, bar Tel-el-Kebir, to Pte. W. Hoffey, 2/Cdm.
GB292 Afghan no bar, to Pte. J. Lee, 2/15th. Foot (R8042) Gds. some light pitting (R7297) V.F. £210
N.E.F. £160 £210.00
GB314 Egypt 1882, bar, Alexandria to Midshipman A.J.V. De
GB293 Afghan no bar, to Pte. J. Grigor, 92nd. Highrs. Served in Laski R.N. H.M.S. Alexandra (R6391) N.E.F. £475
the second Boer War and was killed in action at Majuba £475.00
Hill, 27/2/1881 (R6693) N.E.F. £1650
GB315 Egypt bar Tamaai to Pte. G. Ball, 3/K.R.Rif.C. a few light
pit marks (R7934) V.F. £320
GB294 Afghan no bar, to Pte. R. Powell, 78th. Foot (R6930) £320.00
N.E.F. £170
GB316 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. W. Smith, 1st.
Dragns. 3 officers, 43 o.r’s as aprt of Heavy Camel Regt.
GB295 Afghan bar Peiwar Kotal to Lieutent. Jas Taylor, 2/8th. (R7937) G.V.F. £375
Regt (R7521) N.E.F. £695 £375.00
GB317 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. H. Kingdon, 11th.
GB296 Afghan 2 bars, Kabul, Kandahar, to Pte. T. Patten, 9th. Husrs. 2 officers, 43 o.r’s as part of the Light Camel
Lancers (R7984) G.V.F. £550 Regt. (R7935) V.F. £350
£550.00 £350.00
GB297 Afghan 2 bars, Charasia, Kabul, to Pte. J. Vine, 72nd. GB318 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. H. Thrush, 15th.
Highrs. wounded at Charasia 6/10/1879 (R7672) V.F. Husrs. 2 officers, 43 o.r’s as part of the Light Camel
£680 Regt. some tooling marks to reverse (R7938) V.F. £180
£680.00 £180.00
GB299 Afghan 4 bars, Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Cabul, Kandahar, GB319 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. J. Richardson 18th.
to Lce. Sgt. D. McAdie, 72nd. Highrs, ornate silver top Husrs. 2 officers, 43 o.r’s as part of the Light Camel
broach, a little pitting therefore, near (R6570) V.F. £875 Regt. (R7954) G.V.F. £375
£875.00 £375.00
GB300 Afghan 4 bars, Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Cabul, GB320 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. T. Carlisle, 3/Gren.
Kandahar, to Pte. W. Fleming, 72nd. Highrs, minor edge Gds. usual pitting (R8070) N.V.F. £175
bump(R7189) G.V.F. £900 £175.00
GB321 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. J. Wholley, 2/Essex
GB302 Kabul to Kandahar Star to Pte. John Cox, 2/60th Foot R. (R4802) G.V.F. £225
(R7983) N.E.F. £310 £225.00
GB322 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Corpl. W. Marcham, 2/
GB303 Kabul to Kandahar Star to Gunner Hy. Wiles C.2nd. Essex R. (R4803) N.E.F. £230
Brigade R.A. contact wear on one point (R7914) V.F. £230.00
GB323 Egypt bar The Nile 1884-85, to Pte. G. Owen, 2/Essex R.
(R4804) G.V.F. £225

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£225.00 GB341 Khedives Star 1882, (R7576) E.F. £85

GB324 Egypt bar Suakin 1885, to 2nd. Cl. Interpr. P.
Pestemazogler (R4907) E.F. £380 GB342 Khedives Star 1882, (R7577) E.F. £85
£380.00 £85.00
GB325 Egypt bar Suakin 1885, to Pte. W.H. Sheppard, R.E. very GB343 Khedives Star 1882, (R7728) G.V.F. £80
minor edge bump otherwise (R8043) E.F. £170 £80.00
GB344 Khedives Star 1884-6 (R8063) E.F. £90
GB326 Egypt bar Gemaizah 1888 to A. Bennet, A.B., H.M.S. £90.00
Racer (R6691) E.F. £540
GB345 Khedives Star 1884-6 (R8053) G.V.F. £75
GB327 Egypt bar Gemaizah 1888 to J. Wivell, A.B., H.M.S.
GB346 Khedives Star, undated (R8044) E.F. £95
Racer (R7939) E.F. £540
GB347 Khedives Star, undated, bar Tokar (R5520) E.F. £210
GB328 Egypt bar Gemaizah 1888 to L/Cpl. A. Turner, 2/K.O.
Sco. Bord (R8006) G.V.F. £330
£330.00 GB348 N.W. Canada no bar, to 2.Lt. Arth. Dion, 9e. Bat. V.Q.
(Voltigeurs Quebec) (R4891) N.E.F. £550
GB329 Egypt bar Toski 1889 to Pte. E. Mead , 20th. Husrs. only
16 single clasp Toski to the regiment who were the only
British unit at the battle (R7936) G.V.F. £625 GB349 N.W. Canada no bar, to William Bethune, 95th. M.G
£625.00 (R6932) G.V.F. £375
GB330 Egypt 1882, 2 bars, Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile 1884-85, to
Pte. J. Broome, 2/D. of C.L.I. (R7408) G.V.F. £280 GB350 E.& W. Africa bar Witu 1890, to H. Newton, Lg. Sto.
£280.00 H.M.S. Boadicea (R6933) V.F. £265
GB331 Egypt, 2 bars, Suakin 1885, Tofrek to J. McConnell, Pte.
R.M.L.I. small pawnbroker’s mark (R7951) N.E.F. £395 GB351 E.& W. Africa bar Benin 1894 to W.C. Tindall, Bugler,
£395.00 R.M. H.M.S. Phoebe, severely wounded, gunshot to
chest, M’Wele, assault on Mbaruk’s stockade, 17 August,
GB332 Egypt 1882, 2 bars, The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, to Tpr.
1895. B. Strood, Kent 1876, Discharged in consequence
R. Borrowman, 2nd. Life Gds. 2 officers and 36other
of his wounds. Entitled to return the medal top have
ranks at Abu Klea, sole light pitting otherwise (R7933)
M’Wele engraved on the rim. In common with others
V.F. £1100
already in possession of a medal clearly did not do so.
The Naval Brigade consisted of 220 seaman and 84
GB333 Egypt 1882, The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, to Pte. J. marines, casualties were 3 killed and 11 wounded during
Davies, 2/Dragn. Gds. 2 officers and 38 other ranks at the assault. (R7386) N.E.F. £875
Abu Klea of whom 4 were killed in action plus wounded £875.00
(R7930) G.V.F. £1050
GB352 E.& W. Africa bar Benin 1897, to R.H. Lockyer, Bugler.
H.M.S. Philomel (R6863) N.E.F. £310
GB334 Egypt, 2 bars, The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, to Pte. W. £310.00
Slack, 1/Gren. Gds. 3 officers and 37 other ranks at Abu
GB353 E.& W. Africa 2 bars, Brass River 1895, Benin 1897 to
Klea as part of the Guards Camel Regt. (R7931) N.E.F.
R. Cross, Act. Ch. Sto. H.M.S. Barrosa (R6470) G.V.F.
GB335 Egypt, 2 bars, The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, to Corpl. G.
GB354 E.& W. Africa 2 bars, Brass River 1895, Benin 1897 to J.
Clissold, Rl.W Kent R. Died at Dal 16/5/1885. 1 officer
Brooking, Ld. Sto. 2 Cl. H.M.S. Barrosa (R6470) G.V.F.
and 20 other ranks of the battalion present at Abu klea
(R7932) E.F. £1050
GB355 E.& W. Africa 2 bars, Brass River 1895, Benin 1897 to J.
GB336 Egypt, 2 bars, The Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, to Interpr. G.
Brooking,W. Watkins, A.B. H.M.S. Barrosa (R7814) E.F.
Zeidan. 11 awards to Interpreters, roll confirms (R7950)
N.E.F. £850
GB356 E.& W. Africa for M’Wele 1895, 2 bars, Witu 1890, Benin
GB337 Egypt 1882, 3 bars, Tel-El-Kebir, Suakin 1885, El-Teb to
1897 to A. Palmer, Ord. H.M.S. Conquest. Only 10
Sergt. W.D. Brown, 19th. Hussars roll confirms as died of
medals issued with this combination (R7226) V.F. £900
wounds at El-Teb (R8072) E.F. £1700
GB357 Central Africa bar 1894-98 to Pte. Benjamin, B.C.A.
GB338 Egypt 1882, 3 bars, Tel-El-Kebir, The Nile 1884-85, Abu
Rifles, unusually good condition for this issue,
Klea, toPte. W. Harrington, 7th. Dn. Gds. some contact
impressed, roll confirms (R7906) E.F. £1350
wear otherwise (R8073) V.F. £880
GB358 Hong Kong Plague to Pte. J. Cherrington, S.L.I. rank and
GB339 Egypt 1882, 3 bars, Tel-El-Kebir, The Nile 1884-85,
unit original, name re-engraved (R2881) V.F. £1050
Abu Klea, to L.Cpl. W. Payne, 1-S.Gds. later, officially
impressed issue in small capitals, minor official
correction to unit. medal roll confirms and states medal GB359 I.G.S. 1895, bar, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, to Pte. F.
replaced 29/9/1923 (R7940) G.V.F. £450 MacKey, 2nd. Bn. Arg. & Suth Highrs. (R7664) V.F. £130
£450.00 £130.00
GB340 Egypt 1882, 3 bars, Alexandria, The Nile 1884-85, Abu GB360 I.G.S. 1895, 2 bars, Relief of Chitral, Punjab Frontier
Klea, to W.E.V. Casey, Ord. H.M.S. Alexandra, light 1897-98, to Pte. W. Lemon, 1st. Gord. Hrs. (R8045)
pitting (R8071) V.F. £1280 N.E.F. £180
£1,280.00 £180.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB361 I.G.S. 1895, 2 bars, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah £225.00

1897-98 to Pte. J. Foster, 2nd. Bn. Derby Regt (R8085)
GB380 China 1900, no bar to Pte. Madad Khan, Hong Kong
G.V.F. £175
Regt (R5260) V.F. £265
GB362 I.G.S. 1895, 3 bars, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah
GB381 China 1900, bar, Relief of Pekin to M. Driscoll, A.B.
1897-98, Samana 1897 to Pte. R. Cassalls, 2nd. Btn.
H.M.S. Aurora (R7380) V.F. £465
K.O.Sco. Bord top 2 clasps unofficially attached as usual
for this unit (R7910) G.V.F. £280
£280.00 GB382 China 1900, bar, Relief of Pekin to F.C. Randall, A.B.
H.M.S. Terrible (R7546) V.F. £420
GB363 I.G.S. 1895, 3 bars, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah
1897-98, Samana 1897 to Pte. J. Burt, 1st. Bn. North’n.
Regt. (R8074) G.V.F. £280 GB383 China 1900, bar, Relief of Pekin to Pte. E. Allen, 2nd. Rl.
£280.00 Welsh Fus (R6334) N.E.F. £625
GB364 I.G.S. 1895, 3 bars, Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah
1897-98, Samana 1897 to Dufdr. Muhammad, 18th. Bl. GB384 China 1900, bar, Relief of Pekin, bronze, to Sweeper
Lcrs (R7836) V.F. £225 Thimmadu, 1st. Madras Pioneers (R7618) N.E.F. £320
£225.00 £320.00
GB365 B.S.A. Co. reverse Matabeleland 1893 , unnamed, (not GB386 Q.S.A. bar Elandslaagte to Pte. F. Redwood, Manchester
erased) minor edge bump otherwise (R7902) E.F. £240 Regt. wounded Elandslaagte 21/10/1899, edge bruise
£240.00 (R7488) N.E.F. £950
GB366 B.S.A. Co. reverse Rhodesia 1896 bar Mashonaland
1897 to Pte. E.A Sims, 7th. Huss. killed in action GB387 Q.S.A. bar Talana, to Pte. W. Hawley, 1. Leics. Regt.
Mashonaland 19/7/1897. contained in fitted case. wounded at Farquar’s Farm, 30/10/1899 (R7714) N.E.F.
Exceptionally rare casualty (R7942) E.F. £1700 £550
£1,700.00 £550.00
GB367 B.S.A. Co. reverse Rhodesia 1896 bar Mashonaland GB388 Q.S.A. bar Talana, to Pte. T. Downes, K.R.R.C. wounded
1897 to Troopr. H.L. Harrison, M.R.F. medal roll gives at Talana 20/10/1899 (R8077) V.F. £525
home as Ramsbury, Wilts. (R7901) G.V.F. £475 £525.00
£475.00 GB389 Q.S.A. bar Tr., to Pte. G. Wrighton, Rl. Lanc. Regt. M.I .
GB368 B.S.A. Co. reverse Matabeland 1893, 2 bars, Rhodesia (R7634) V.F. £130
1896, Mashonaland 1897 to Lieut. C.V. Williams, Victoria £130.00
Column (R7929) E.F. £1600 GB390 Q.S.A. bar C.C., to Pte. J. Thompson, R. Lanc. Regt
£1,600.00 (R6770) G.V.F. £85
GB369 Khedives Sudan, bronze, to Dooly Bearer, C.T. Dept. £85.00
(R8101) G.V.F. £220 GB391 Q.S.A. bar Defence of Ladysmith to Pte. T. Kenny, Rifle
£220.00 Bde. Died of wounds 28/2/1900 received at Caesar’s
GB370 British North Borneo, bronze, bar Tambunam to 152. Pte. Camp 6/1/1900 (R7673) E.F. £395
Rajawilli (R5854) N.E.F. £1300 £395.00
£1,300.00 GB392 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, to A.B. S.
GB371 British North Borneo, bronze, bar Punitive Expeditions to White, H.M.S. Terrible, couple of small edge bumps
203 Kaiser Singh, Private (R2941) N.E.F. £1300 (R4025) V.F. £620
£1,300.00 £620.00
GB372 British North Borneo, bronze, bar Punitive Expeditions to GB393 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, to Sto.
53 Corporal Guey (R6761) N.E.F. £1100 W.J. Bishop, H.M.S. Terrible, light contact marks, about
£1,100.00 (R7449) V.F. £585
GB373 British North Borneo, bronze, bar Punitive Expeditions to
44 Hera Singh Private (R5008) E.F. £1300 GB394 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, to Ord-
£1,300.00 Sm. W.J. Elliott, H.M.S. Terrible, some light contacting
(R7502) V.F. £550
GB374 British North Borneo, bronze, bar Punitive Expeditions to
70 Basaka Singh, Sergeant, small edge bruise (R3627)
N.E.F. £1300 GB395 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Elandslaagte, Defence of Ladysmith, to
£1,300.00 Pte. W. Banfield, Devon Regt. Died of wounds 20/2/1900
received at Wagon Hill, 6/1/1900 (R7611) E.F. £695
GB375 Cape of Good Hope bar Bechuanaland to Pte. A.
Sweeney, Spl. Pol (R7905) G.V.F. £250
£250.00 GB396 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Elandslaagte, Defence of Ladysmith, to
Pte. M. Clark, Gordon Highrs. (R7553) G.V.F. £485
GB376 China 1900, no bar to Corpl. W.A. Warwick, 2/R. Welsh
Fus (R3212) V.F. £375
£375.00 GB399 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Natal, Tr., to Capt. B.J. Russell, Middx.
Rgt. Barrington John Russell, b. 1877, Kinton, Dorset,
GB377 China 1900, no bar to Pte. R. Sutherland, Shanghai Vols
commd. 1896, served S. Africa with the 5th. Battn. roll
(R6295) N.E.F. £280
states clasp entitlement as CC. OFS. Tr. only (R5872)
V.F. £350
GB378 China 1900, no bar to Havr. Ala Yar Khan, Hong Kong £350.00
Regt (R3460) E.F. £360
GB400 Q.S.A. 2 bars,C.C., O.F.S. to Pte. T. Ratson, Rl. Lancs.
Regt. M.I. (R7585) G.V.F. £130
GB379 China 1900, no bar to Pte. Diwan Ali, Hong Kong Regt. £130.00
suspension a little loose, light contact marks (R5229)
GB401 Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C. O.F.S. to Pte. T. Wilcock, Rl. Lanc.
V.F. £225
Regt (R6794) G.V.F. £90

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£90.00 £475.00
GB402 Q.S.A. 2 bars, Rel. of Kimberley, Paard., to Cpl. S. GB422 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Relief of Mafeking,Elandslaagte, Defence
Bishop, 2nd. Hampshire Regt. wounded at Koodoesrand, of Lysmith, Tr., to Serjt. A.A. Apps, Imp. Lt. Horse,
4/3/1900, died at Kimberley, 4/4/1900 (R7956) N.E.F. wounded Lanier’s Nek, 3/11/1899, official correction
£280 to unit, exceptional combination of clasps (confirmed)
£280.00 (R7691) N.E.F. £895
GB403 Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C. O.F.S. to Pte. S. Taylor, 5th. Rl. Fus
(R6805) G.V.F. £115 GB423 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., Wepener, Tr., Witt., to Pte. P.
£115.00 Shannon, Cape. M.R. (R6230) E.F. £485
GB404 Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C., Wepener, to Pte. A. Simmons,
Royal Scots, wounded during the defence of Wepener GB424 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., Wepener, Tr., Witt., to Pte. E.M.
(R5583) G.V.F. £900 Hartigan, Karr’n Rifles (R7735) E.F. £485
£900.00 £485.00
GB405 Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C., Wepener, to Pte. W. Douglas, GB425 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Rel. of Kimberley, Paard, Drief. Tr., to
Kaffrarian Rifles (R7833) G.V.F. £495 2167 , Tpr. F. Hermann, Robert’s Horse, missing at
£495.00 Sannah’s Post, 31/3/1900, later confirmed prisoner of
war and released (printed roll lists as 3167 F.A. Herman).
GB407 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, to Pte.
On this day Lieut. Maxwell of Robert’s Horse won the
T. Gilligan, 1st. R. Innis. Fus. died of wounds received
Victoria Cross and the unit suffered some 80 casualties,
the same day, Inniskilling Hill Natal, 23/2/1900 (R4519)
killed, wounded and missing (R7913) N.E.F. £285
N.E.F. £550
GB426 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C. O.F.S. Tr. S.A.1901 to Tpr. J.
GB408 Q.S.A. 3 bars, Belmont, O.F.S., Tr., to Pte. F. Hallinan,
Thomas, P. of W. Lt. Horse, wounded America Siding,
died of wounds, 7/11/1900 received the previous day at
30/5/1901 (R8069) N.E.F. £250
Honeynest Kloof (R6826) N.E.F. £495
GB428 Q.S.A. 5 bars, Belmont, Modder River, Drief., Jo’burg,
GB410 Q.S.A. 3 bars, Tr., L. Nek, S.A.1901 (last clasp an old
Belf, to Pte. O.W. Chinery, Coldm. Gds. (R8054) G.V.F.
tailor’s copy), to Cpl. A. Saunders, Durham Lt. Inf. a little
polished (R6788) V.F. £98
GB429 Q.S.A. 5 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, C.C.,
GB411 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., Tr., S.A.1901, to Pte. E. Pegg,
O.F.S., Tr., to Pte. W. Baxter, K.R.R.C. unofficial rivets
Middlesex Regt (R6789) E.F. £110
holding the OFS & Tr clasps (R7694) V.F. £360
GB412 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr., to Pte. F. Dawberry,
GB430 Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr., S.A.1901, S.A.1902 to
Lanc. Fus . (R7587) V.F. £95
Pte. J. Knox, K.R.R.C. (R7693) V.F. £115
GB413 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr., to Gnr. W.F. Hodson,
GB431 Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Tr., S.A.1901, S.A.1902, to
N.S.W. Arty (R7528) G.V.F. £625
Pte. R. Braid, Canadian Scts. (R7804) N.E.F. £350
GB414 Q.S.A. 3 bars, O.F.S., Defence of Mafeking, Tr., to
GB433 Transport Medal bar China 1900 to J. Fisher (R6972)
Tpr. A.E. Calderwood, Protect. Regt. F.F. Wounded
N.E.F. £1075
14/10/1899, first day of the seige (R7621) N.E.F. £1700
GB434 Transport Medal 2 bars, S. Africa 1899-1902, China
GB415 Q.S.A. 3 bars, Relief of Mafeking, O.F.S. Tr., to 2/Lieut.
1900 to J. Sutherland (R6973) N.E.F. £1500
W. Trevor, S.A.C (R6981) G.V.F. £695
GB435 A.G.S. bar Somaliland 1902-04 to Pte. A. Herbert, 1st.
GB416 Q.S.A. 3 bars,Rhodesia, Relief of Mafeking, Tr., to Tpr.
Hamps. Regt. Albert Herbert, from Southampton, enl.
C.B. White, B.S.A. Police (R7943) N.E.F. £495
1895 aged 20 discharged 1911. A Corp. Albert Edward
Herbert, 1st Hamps, was killed in action Thiepval,
GB417 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C. O.F.S. Tr., to Tpr. W.R. Fenn, 1/7/1916, First Day of Somme, though no age shown,
Robert’s Horse, severely wounded at Brakspruit 5/5/1901 very possibly same man (R7452) N.E.F. £290
(R8068) G.V.F. £250 £290.00
GB436 A.G.S. bar Somaliland 1902-04 to Lieut. F.R.P.
GB418 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, Tr., L. O’Callaghan, R.E. (R7948) N.E.F. £395
Nek., to Pte. T. Ismay, K.R.R.C. wounded at Wagon Hill, £395.00
6/1/1900 (R7736) V.F. £450
GB437 A.G.S. bar Aro 1901-1902 to A.B. A. Mitchell, H.M.S.
Thrush, roll confirms, 46 Aro clasps to the R. Navy
GB419 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Tr., C.C. S.A.1901, S.A.1902 to Tpr. J. (R5470) N.E.F. £950
Boyle , Scottish Horse (R8088) V.F. £170 £950.00
GB438 A.G.S., bronze, bar Somaliland 1902-04 to Cook, Sher
GB420 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Tug. Hts., Relief of Ladysmith, Tr., L. Mohammed, 17th. Coy. 3rd. S.& M. (R2455) G.V.F. £325
Nek.,to Serjt-Major, G.J. Byrne, Imp. Lt. Inf. roll states £325.00
‘Discharged with ignominy under Article 1255 Rules of
GB439 A.G.S., bronze, bar Somaliland 1902-04 to Bearer, 14th.
War’ (R7692) V.F. £250
Sikhs (R4176) V.F. £325
GB421 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Elandslaagte,Tug. Hts., Relief of
GB440 A.G.S., bar, Somaliland 1920, to W.C. Bolton, Lg. Sto.
Ladysmith, Tr., to Gnr. W. Wainwright, Natal F. Arty.
H.M.S. Clio (R6517) V.F. £395
(R7697) N.E.F. £475

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB441 A.G.S., bar, Somaliland 1920, to M.O., A.W.H. GB457 G.S.M. bar Kurdistan to Pte. C.G. Holder, W. York R.
Donaldson, O.B.E. son of Daniel Donaldson of (R8058) V.F. £90
Vancouver, B.C. Major A.W.H. Donaldson, O.B.E., £90.00
R.A.M.C. Medical Officer, Somaliland Protectorate.
GB458 G.S.M. bar Kurdistan to AC1 S.F. Belthie, R.A.F. Box of
O.B.E. L.G. 3/6/1919 (R5497) G.V.F. £550
issue (R7344) N.E.F. £295
GB442 Tibet no bar, silver, to Lce, Naik Narain Jhankat, no unit
GB459 G.S.M. bar Kurdistan to Cpl. C.K. Hart, R.A.F. (R7483)
shown (R7840) N.E.F. £280
N.E.F. £285
GB443 Tibet no bar, silver, to Sepoy Shea Chand, 19th. Jats
GB460 G.S.M. bar Malaya (GV1), to Lt. Col. C.N. Dennis, R.E.
(R7588) G.V.F. £330
Gordon Noel Dennis, commd. E. Yorks 1915, Royal
Flying Corps 1916, served france with 13 Sqdn. On 6
GB444 Tibet no bar, silver, to Sepoy Ghanda Singh, 34th Sikh Sept 1918, whilst on a photographic patrol as observer
Pioneers (R7356) V.F. £330 his RE8 was attacked by 7 enemy scouts. Dennis sent
£330.00 one down in flames. On outbreak of WW2 was commd.
as Lieut. R.E. served Italy and North Africa, t/Lieut. Col.
GB445 Tibet no bar, silver, to Saddler Gulam , 1st. Mule Corps
1945. Named box of issue (R7762) E.F. £350
(R7527) N.E.F. £330
GB461 G.S.M. bar Malaya (GV1), to S.C. Ali B.J.H. Saleh, F. of
GB446 Tibet , silver, bar Gyantse to Pte. C. Buckley, 1st. Bn. R.
M. Pol. (R5610) E.F. £50
Fus. (R7411) V.F. £900
GB462 G.S.M. bar Malaya (GV1), to S.C. Ali Akbar Bin Md Han,
GB447 Tibet , silver, bar Gyantse to Sepoy Hakam Singh, 32
S’Pore Pol. (R5612) N.E.F. £95
Sikh Pioneers (R7520) G.V.F. £450
GB463 G.S.M. bar Malaya (E11R), to PTE. Tshaye, Rh. A.R .
GB448 Q.S.A. 5 bars, Belmont, Modder River, Relief of
(R7912) G.V.F. £95
Kimberley, Paard., Drief., to P.O. R.W. Strike, H.M.S.
Monarch, roll confirms, only 61 relief of Kimberley clasps
to the Royal Nany, impressed (R7482) G.V.F. £985 GB464 G.S.M. bar Cyprus to Cpl. A.N. Scott, B.W. (R7883)
£985.00 N.E.F. £85
GB448 Tibet ,no bar , bronze, to Cooley, S. & T.C. (R7589) E.F.
£130 GB465 G.S.M. bar Cyprus to Pte. W. Husselbee, R. Leicesters,
£130.00 a few light surface marks (R7896) V.F. £70
GB449 Tibet, no bar , bronze, to Cooley Bimal Thapa, S &
T.Corps (R7590) E.F. £130 GB466 G.S.M. bar Arabian Peninsula to Pte. P. Moore,
£130.00 Northants, couple of edge nicks (R7885) V.F. £90
GB450 Sudan 1910, bar Darfur to Pte. T. Wright, 2/4 The
Queens. 4 medals to the Queens, all to the 2/4th Btn. roll GB467 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1936-37 to Pte. E. Couper,
confirms, officially impressed (R8099) E.F. £1050 Hamps. R. (R8055) E.F. £90
£1,050.00 £90.00
GB451 Sudan 1910, no bar, bronze, 2nd type (R7622) N.E.F. GB468 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39 to Pte. A. Matthews,
£625 Green Howards (R8056) G.V.F. £90
£625.00 £90.00
GB452 I.G.S. 1908 bar Waziristan 1921-24 to Pte. AH. Chater, GB469 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39 to Pte. A. E. Gallett, R.
R. Tank Corps (R7944) N.E.F. £180 Warwick R. (R8057) N.E.F. £90
£180.00 £90.00
GB453 I.G.S. 1908 2 bars, Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919, Waziristan GB470 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39 to 6984 Gian Singh,
1919-21, to N-Sister M. Dowling (R7957) G.V.F. £395 2-17 Dogras. date of death for official purposes
£395.00 9/10/1945 buried Rabaul (Bita paka) War Cemetary. The
battalion was present at the defence and subsequent
GB454 N.G.S. bar S.E. Asia 1945-46 to S. Trower, Tel. R.N.
fall of Singapore suffering many casualties in the
(R7208) N.E.F. £295
process. the remainder fell prisoner. The Indian troops
were separated from the officers and subjected to INA
GB455 N.G.S. bar S.E. Asia 1945-46 to W.D. Stant, A.B. R.N. propaganda. The majority, some 30,000, joined the INA
(R7215) N.E.F. £295 those who refused, around 10,000 were transported.
£295.00 of these 5,000 were sent to Rebaul in New Britain. The
GB456 Q.S.A. 8 bars, Belmont, Modder River, Rel. of Kimberley, cemetery here contains the graves of the many Indian
Paard., Drief., Jo’burg, D. Hill, Belf., to Stoker A.T. troops who died here in Japanese hands. Built after it’s
Sutton, H.M.S. Doris, The recipient is listed has having recapture in August 1945 it contains those, including
received a duplicate issue. this medal however is many unidentified, who were re interred from isolated
impressed in the correct, original style. Only a total of sites, temporary graves and camp burial sites (R7051)
24 medals with 8 clasps were issued to the Royal Navy N.E.F. £250
and only 61 in total with the clasp Relief of Kimberley. £250.00
(R7436) G.V.F. £1600 GB471 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39 to Dvr. Sawam , 8 Mtn.
£1,600.00 Bty (R7897) G.V.F. £35
GB456 G.S.M. bar Iraq to Pte. A. Chater, North. Fus. (R7946) £35.00
N.E.F. £85 GB472 I.G.S. 1936 bar N.W.F. 1937-39 to Sepoy, 3-8 Punjab. R
£85.00 (R7146) V.F. £40

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB473 Shanghai Municipal Council, for Services Rendered GB494 Territorial Decoration (GV1) top bar Gold Coast (R1150)
August 12 to November 12 1937, original case by Ismer E.F. £260
& Co, Shanghai (R6883) E.F. £250 £260.00
GB495 Efficiency Decoration (E11R) bar Territorial, pin missing
GB474 Korea to Fus. H.W. Sellens, R.F. Wounded 9/5/1951, from reverse of top bar, dated 1964 (R4650) E.F. £95
(serving Middx. attd. K.S.L.I.) and Killed in action £95.00
16/8/1953, minor official correction (R7743) E.F. £925
GB496 Family group Colonial Auxilliary Forces Decoration
(GV), reverse Major R. Gardner N.Z. Art.). complete
GB475 U.N.Congo bar Congo,good original striking mounted for with top bar and case of issue Colonial Forces L.S.G.C.
wear (R3233) G.V.F £30 (GV - Major, R. of O. N.Z. Art), New Zealand Long &
£30.00 Efficient Service, 2nd. type (Maj. N.Z. Art), New Zealand
Territorial Service Medal (GV - Maj. N.Z. Art) to Major
GB476 C.S.M. bar Radfan, to M. Whitefield, Mne. R.M. (R5217)
R. Gardner. Son 1914/15 trio to Pte. W.N. Gardner,
E.F. £260
N.Z.E.F. Killed in action, Gallipoli 8/8/1915, Aukland
Infantry Regt. commemorated on the Chunuk Bair
GB477 C.S.M. bar Borneo to Lt. Siwaprasad Newar, 1/7 GR Memorial (R8087) E.F. £1250
(R6241) N.E.F. £245 £1,250.00
GB497 King’s African Rifles L.S.G.C. (GV1), to Sjt. Musa Aika, 4
GB478 C.S.M. bar N. Ireland to Lt. M.J.W. Grubb, LI. (R7911) - K.A.Rif. (R5022) N.E.F. £375
N.E.F. £245 £375.00
GB498 T.E.M. (GV1) bar Territorial to Lieut. C.W. Newbury, R.E.
GB479 C.S.M. 2 bars, N. Ireland, Kuwait, to Pte. J.R. Bridge, named box of issue (R7862) V.F. £65
R. Anglians, nounted as originally worn. The 2nd. R. £65.00
Anglians served in Kuwait from March to September
GB499 T.E.M. (E11R) bar Rhodesia, unnamed (R7903) E.F.
1991 (R8041) N.E.F. £600
GB481 Gulf Medal bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 to Mr R.L.E.
GB500 T.E.M. (E11R) bar Rhodesia & Nyasaland, unnamed
Wood, BAE (R7036) E.F. £250
(R7904) E.F. £140
GB482 Gulf Medal bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 to Pte. J.F.
GB501 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Lieut. W. Sankey, 1/Middx.
Cooper, WRAC (R7262) N.E.F. £325
V.R.C. Officially engraved (R6751) E.F. £170
GB502 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to O.R. Sgt. D.N. Cross, 2nd.
56 items. V.B. Scottish Rifles. Officially impressed (R7701) N.E.F.
GB483 L.S.G.C. (VR), large letter reverse to Pte. Robert £85
Abraham, 96 Regt. 1855 (R7236) G.V.F. £230 £85.00
£230.00 GB503 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Sgt. J. Halliday, 1st.
GB485 L.S.G.C. (VR) to Sergt. W. Boxall, 5th. Dn. Gds (R6539) V.B.M.R. (Manchester Regt) (R8013) N.E.F. £65
N.E.F. £160 £65.00
£155.00 GB504 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Col. Sgt. A. Holding,
GB486 L.S.G.C. (VR) reverse New Zealand to Serjt. Major 4th. V.B. M.R. 2/1/1860-2/1/1902 (Manchester Regt.)
Robert G.V. Parker, No.1 Service Coy. N.Z.P.M. 1899. (R8012) N.E.F. £65
only 49 awards in total. with service details, later Capt. £65.00
1917 (R7446) N.E.F. £850 GB505 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Pte. W. Clark, 5th. V.B.
£850.00 Manchester Regt . (R8014) N.E.F. £65
GB487 L.S.G.C. (EDV11) to Schmstr. G.G. Parish, C.of A.S. £65.00
(R7759) E.F. £225 GB506 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Sgt. G. Hudson, 1st. V.B.
£225.00 L.N.L. Regt. (Lancs) awarded Jan 1895 (R8017) N.E.F.
GB488 L.S.G.C. (EDV11) reverse Natal to Wdr. W. Murphy, £65
Natal Police (R1541) N.E.F. £850 £65.00
£850.00 GB507 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Qr. Mr. Sergt. E. Freeman,
GB489 L.S.G.C. (EDV11) reverse New Zealand, unnamed 2nd. V.B. East Lancs Regt. awarded Jan 1899 (R8018)
(R6112) E.F. £250 E.F. £65
£250.00 £65.00

GB490 L.S.G.C. (GV) to Q.M. Sjt. T. Downes, N.& D. R. (R8078) GB508 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Cpl. E.D. Lee, 1st. V.B.
G.V.F. £70 L’Pool Regt . (R8020) G.V.F. £65
£70.00 £65.00

GB491 L.S.G.C. (E11R), top bar Bechuanaland to N. Letsie, GB509 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Major R. Emmett, 5th. V.B.
Bechuanaland Protectorate Police. (R1551) V.F. £300 L’Pool Regt. (Liverpool Irish Vol. Btn.) (R8019) G.V.F.
£300.00 £65
GB492 L.S.G.C. (E11R), top bar Bechuanaland to Tpr. C.
Sebatane (R7317) V.F. £300 GB510 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Pte. F.C. Jessop, 6th. V.B.
£300.00 L’Pool Regt. (Press Guard Vol. Btn.) awarded Jan 1902
(R8019) G.V.F. £65
GB493 Territorial Decoration (GV) with floreated top bar (R7952) £65.00
E.F. £110
£110.00 GB511 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Sgt. A. Hudson, 3rd. V.B.
Lanc. Fus.(Salford Vols) (R8022) N.E.F. £65

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB512 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to Gnr. J.H. Wilks, 2/Lanc. GB528 Empress of India, silver, part original ribbon (R7359)
V.A. (2/Liverpool Vol. Arty.) awarded April 1900 (R8023) N.E.F. £410
N.E.F. £65 £410.00
GB529 1887 Jubilee, embossed silver medal, obverse has Union
GB513 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (VR), to B.S.M. F.H. Parkinson, 5/ Flag surrounded by Chrysanthemums, reverse ‘Victoria
L.V.A.. (Lancs. Vol. Arty, 5th. Preston Vols) (R8024) Jubilee, Hyogo & Ozaka Japan 1887’ (R1657) G.V.F.
N.E.F. £65 £200
£65.00 £200.00
GB514 Italy Star £10, Africa Star £10, Atlantic Star £30, France GB530 1902 Coronation, bronze, (R7798) E.F. £85
& Germany Star £18, Burma Star £20, Pacific Star £30, £85.00
1939/45 Star £10, 1939/45 Medal £10, Defence Medal
GB531 1911 Delhi Durbar (R7357) E.F. £75
GB514 Vol. Force L.S.G.C. (EDV11), to Pte. J. Fraser, 12th.
GB532 1911 Delhi Durbar, to Sergt. T. Walsh, 85 Coy. R.G.A.
Middx. V.R.C (R5889) G.V.F. £90
(R7357) E.F. £75
GB515 Colonial Auxilliary Forces L.S.G.C. (GV), to Lieut. L.J.
GB533 Welcome Home Medal for the Prince of Wales ,1922,
Cote, Le Regt. de Monty. (Regiment Montmagny)
bronze (R7874) N.E.F. £75
(R6543) N.E.F. £170
GB534 1937 Coronation (R7819) E.F. £32
GB516 Colonial Auxilliary Forces L.S.G.C. (GV), to Cpl. E.
Laking, Nel. Marl. M.R. (Nelson & Marlborough) (R7771)
N.E.F. £155 GB535 1953 Coronation Ladies Bow Ribbon (R7038) N.E.F. £35
£155.00 £35.00
GB517 Naval L.S.G.C. (VR), to T. Vinnicombe, Dom. 1st. Cl. GB536 1953 Coronation, box of issue (R8036) E.F. £35
H.M.S. Duncan (R6651) N.E.F. £150 £35.00
£150.00 GB537 1977 Jubilee, excellent copy (R1685) E.F £12
GB518 T.E.M. (GV) bar Trinidad & Tobago, unnamed (R1560) £12.00
66 items.
GB518 Royal Observer Corps L.S.G.C. (E11R) with additional
service bar to Observer J.S. Hickling, mounted as worn GB489 Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, (script engraved, original
(R6637) N.E.F. £150 suspension), Maharajpoor Star 1843 (unnamed, with
£150.00 original suspension), to Pte. Thomas Higgins, H.M.
40th. Regiment, killed in action, battle of Maharajpoor,
GB519 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Long Service (E11R) to 29 December 1843. In common with other early issues
J.E.J.C. Levine (R7135) E.F. £400 medals for the Gwalior campaign were not issued as
£400.00 a matter of course to those killed though medals were
GB520 Colonial Special Constabulary (E11R) to Police issued to next of kin who pursued the claim. Medals
Constable (Auxilliary) 446 Chan Leung Kwok Ming,, virtually as struck (R4464) E.F. £1900
Hong Kong. case of issue (R8028) E.F. £450 £1,900.00
£450.00 GB539 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, Waterloo, to R. Higgins, 18th.
GB521 R.S.P.C.A. Long Service, bronze medal (R7312) E.F. Hussars, clip and straight bar suspension. Enl. 1809, dis.
£65 1821 (R6235) V.F./ near V.F. £3800
£65.00 £3,800.00
GB522 Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, GB540 M.G.S. bar Toulouse, Waterloo, to John Coombs, 15th.
silver 51mm. reverse engraved ‘Presented to INspector Hussars, clip and straight bar suspension. Later Troop
H. Angus, S.S.P.C.A.for energy, skill, tact and devotion Sergeant Major, Copy service papers state from Romsey
displayed as humane slaughter demonstrator prior to in Hants. ‘Nearly four months in France in 1814 and was
and since the introduction of the Slaughter of Animals present at the battle of Toulouse, about a year in the
(Scotland) Act 1928’ in case of issue (R7313) E.F. £150 Netherlands and France in 1815 & 16 was at Waterloo.
£150.00 Distinguished himself as a brave soldier in action’ He
was further confirmed as mustered in Manchester in
GB523 St. Andrew’s Ambulance Corps, 1950-1954 (R7122) 1819, where, on 16 August, at St. Petersfield a crowd
N.E.F. £50 of 60,000-80,000 gathered to demand reform. During
£50.00 the afternoon the 4 squadrons of 15th. Hussars rode in
GB524 Malawi Independence (EIIR) (R1613) G.V.F £35 with sabres drawn to arrest the ringleaders and disperse
£35.00 the crowd. In the ensuing melee 18 protesters were
killed and some 500 injured. This became known as
GB525 Dunkirk Medal (R7725) G.V.F. £45
the ‘Peterloo Massacre’ in derogatory comparison to
Waterloo. Discharged as worn out in 1834. A good pair
GB526 1875-6 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Visit to India with a rare commendation for bravery (R7568) near V.F./
large gold medal 83mm/55mm, officially numbered 25 V.F. £4400
and named to ‘H.H. Maharana Nihal Sing of Dholepore. £4,400.00
48 gold medals were issued and numbered in order of
GB541 M.G.S. 3 bars, Salamanca, Vittoria, St. Sebastian,
precedence of the recipient. Especially rare to a woman
Waterloo, original clip to J. French, Serjt. 4th. Foot, the
(R6390) N.E.F. £4950
Waterloo is renamed, original ribbons and mounted
as originally worn. Appears on the Waterloo medal roll
GB527 1875-6 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Visit to India as France with a note stating corrected to French on
large silver medal 83mm/55mm, officially numbered 183 supplementary roll which might explain the renaming.
(R5427) N.E.F. £780 His service papers record as from Sevenoaks, Kent, enl.
£780.00 1809, disch. 1826 and that ‘conduct very good,was in

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


six general actions with the regiment’ light contacting on the Ram Gunga River. Present in the actions of
otherwise about (R6309) V.F. £2250 Gowlowlee (specially mentioned in the despatch of Sir
£2,250.00 Hugh Rose) and the capture of Calpe with the Camel
Corps. Formed from 4 officers and 100 men from the
GB542 M.G.S. 5 bars, Albuhera, Salamanca, Vittoria, St.
2nd. and 3rd. Battns. Rifle Brigade. An elite unit, the
Sebastian, Nive, Hannoverian Medal for the KGL to
officers were carefully picked due to the required level
Fredk. Baumgarten, 1st. Lt. Bn. K.G.L. Entitled to the
in independent command. Retired 1858. Entered the
Guelphic Medal for Bravery, Von Wissel (translation)
Militia, M.P. for Gainsborough 1886-92, High Sheriff of
‘An excellent and brave soldier, who has proved himself
Nottingham in 1873 (R5678) N.E.F. £2250
at Copenhagen, Flushing, Albuhera and all other
engagements of his battalion; has been wounded often.
`On 27 February, 1814 efore Bayonne, he was once GB549 Crimea, 2 bars, Balaklava,Sebastopol (engraved, Captn.
more extremely courageous; in particular with a few 6th. Dragoons), Abyssinia (Lieut. Col. 3rd. Dragn. Gds.),
comrades he quickly took a barricade in the road, in the Turkish Crimea, sardinian issue, Hunt & Roskill ‘Officer’s’
doing of which he alone remained unwounded.’ Enlisted issue to Lieut. General Conyers Tower. B. 1826 of
1805, discharged due to wounds 7/9/1814 (R7516) Ellesmere Hall, Cornet 1844, Lieut. 1845, Captn. 1850,
G.V.F. £2850 Major 1861, Lieut. Col. 1863 Col. 1868, Maj. Gen. 1878,
£2,850.00 ret. Lieut. Gen. 1882, died 1903. Served in the Crimea
with the 6th. Dragoons and as part of the Heavy Brigade
GB543 M.G.S. 8 bars, Vimiera, Fuentes D’Onor, Vittoria,
at Balaklava, (Mentioned in Despatches), commanded
Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, Waterloo,
the 3rd. Dragoon Guards in Abyssinia, actions of Islamie,
original clip and straight bar suspension, 71st Regiment,
Selassie and capture of Magdala (C.B. and twicce
for Courage, Loyalty & Good Service, for 10 Years
Mentioned in Despatches 16th. and 30th. June 1868
Service, silver (unnamed) to James Nisbitt, 71st. Foot,
(R7564) V.F./G.V.F. £4500
(Nisbett on Waterloo, wounded in the leg at Vimiera,
21/8/1808, B. paisley, near Glasgow, enl. 1806 aged
17, severely wounded gunshot to left thigh at Vimiera, GB550 I.G.S. 1854 bar Persia, Indian Mutiny, 2 bars , Defence
served in Captain Henderson’s Company at Waterloo, of Lucknow, Lucknow, to H. Murray, 78th. Highlanders
discharged 1827, ‘In consequence of a rupture on his left (R7985) G.V.F. £1800
side - result of his old wound’ he is additionally noted as £1,800.00
‘A very good old soldier’ (R7998) V.F/G.V.F. £6800
GB551 Indian Mutiny, no bar, (Major, 2nd. Bn. 60th.) China
1860, 2 bars, Taku Forts 1860, Pekin 1860 (Lt.
GB544 Army of India bar Ava (Lieut. 87th. Foot), Meanee Col. 60th. Rifles) to Lieut. Col. W. Butler, 60th. Rl.
Hyderabad 1843 (Capt.22nd. Regt.), to G. Mainwaring. Rifles, Commanded the 2nd. Battn 60th Rifles in the
Served in the Burmese War in 1825 and 1826. Served suppression of the Mutiny in the Shahabad District in
in the Scinde under Sir Charles Napier, present at 1858 (wounded) and throughout the campaign in China
the fort at Imumghur, present at the battle of Meanee, 1860. Commd 1834, Lieut 1840, Capt 1844, Major 1855,
17 Feb, 1843 where after a desperate action of three Lieut. Col. 1858 (R7453) G.V.F. £1800
hours duration, the British force of 2800, attacked and £1,800.00
defeated 22,000 of the enemy who were strongly posted.
GB552 Indian Mutiny, no bar, China 1860, 2 bars, Taku Forts
Present at the surrender of Hyderabad, 21 Feb, and on
1860, Pekin 1860 to Ensign/Lieut. C.H. Cox, , 1st
24 February was present in the action at Dubba near
and 2nd. Bn. 60th. Ry. Rif. Present at the action of
Hyderabad where the British force of 5,000 attacked and
Bungkagong, the Oude campaign in 1858, including the
defeated an enemy force of 20,000 (R7307) V.F. £3975
action of Rissoolpore, attack and capture of Fort Mittowle
a few contact marks (R6367) V.F. £1200
GB545 Punjab, 2 bars, Mooltan, Goojerat, Indian Mutiny, bar £1,200.00
Defence of Lucknow, to G. Watts, 32nd. L.I. (original
GB553 Indian Mutiny, no bar, (Staff Sergt. 3rd. Beng. Eurpn.
defender) (R7898) G.V.F. £2350
Regt.), H.E.I.C. L.S.G.C. Anchor reverse (School Master
Sergt. 3rd. Eurpn. Regt. 14th Jany 1858) to Jas. Bryce
GB546 Crimea, bar Sebastopol, clasp loose on ribbon, engraved (R8075) G.V.F. £1200
(Capt. 13th. or P.A.L.I.), Indian Mutiny, no bar (Captn. £1,200.00
1st. Bn. 13th. Lt. Infy.), Turkish Crimea, British issue ,
GB554 Family group Father Baltic engraved to William Avery
fitted with swivel suspension to Captn. G.F. King, 13th.
(this V.F.) son East & West Africa bar Juba River 1893,
P.A.L.I. (R6459) G.V.F. £1150
B.W.M., Naval L.S.G.C. (EDV11) to J. Avery, Shipt.
H.M.S. Blanche (Div. Carp. Coast Guard on L.S.G.C.)
GB547 Crimea, bar Sebastopol, engraved, Indian Mutiny, 2 only 41 clasps for Juba River (R3667) N.E.F. £3525
bars, Defence of Lucknow, Lucknow, Turkish Crimea, £3,525.00
British issue (named) to Corpl. S. Smith, 90th. Lt. Infy.
GB555 New Zealand reverse dated 1865 (Boy 1. Cl. H.M.S.
severely wounded at Lucknow, 14/3/1858, reverse of
Eclipse), Egypt, 1882, bar Alexandria (Ch. Gunrs.
Turkish Crimea fitted with a pin at one time (R5431)
Mte. H.M.S. Inflexible), L.S.G.C. (VR- officially re-
G.V.F. £1350
impressed H.M.S. Excellent), Khedives Star 1882, to
Henry Balcombe, R.N. Only 19 single date 1865 to the
GB548 Crimea, bar, Sebastopol (unnamed as issued), Indian Navy (R7511) N.E.F./E.F. £1750
Mutiny 2 bars , Central India, Lucknow, (Lieut. 2nd. Rifle £1,750.00
Bde), Volunteer Decoration (VR), Turkish Crimea, British
GB556 Canada General Service, bar Fenian Raid 1866 (Capt.
issue to Lieut Col. H. Eyre, C.B. Lieut. Rifle Brigade.
4/R. Bde.), Afghan bar Ali Musjid (Major, 4/Rifle Bde) to
Served with Ross’ Camel Corps (1 of 4 officers) and
Col. C.B. Dashwood, Rifle Bde (R7447) N.E.F. £1750
Lt. Col. commanding 4th. Nottingham Rifle Volunteers
1865-92. B. 1834 of Rampton Manor, Nottingham. Ed.
Harrow and Christ Church, commd. Rifle Brigade 1855, GB557 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8, Afghan bar Ali Musjid to
served in the Crimea and present at the seige and fall Pte. W. Snell, 4th. Bn. Rifle Bde. (R5197) G.V.F. £610
of Sebastopol, wounded at the assault of the Redan. £610.00
Served throughout the Indian Mutiny, present at the GB558 I.G.S. 1854, bar Jowaki 1877-8, Afghan bar Ali Musjid to
taking of Lucknow, capture of Mynponee and operations Pte.T’O’Bryan, 4th. Bn. Rifle Bde (R7333) V.F. £580

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£580.00 Hamlet, Norfolk, b. 1858, ent. Navy 1874, served to

1881, George Cupper is confirmed on a page of the
GB559 Afghan bar Kandahar, Egypt, bar El-Teb-Tamaai, to Pte./
Sierra Leone roll containing 2 civilian names and could
L.Cpl. W. Bowen, 2/7th. Foot/ 2/R. Fus. 19 Egypt medals
be assumed to be in a transport roll. Some research
only to the regiment of which 17 were issued with El-Teb-
including articles on the sudan Railways and the Sierra
Tamaai (R8100) N.E.F. £695
Leone Railways which originated c.1896-98, mounted as
originally worn (R8076) G.V.F. £1800
GB560 South Africa 1879 (Lieut 3/60th Foot) Egypt, 2 bars, The £1,800.00
Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, (Lieut. 2/ K.R.R.C.) to Capt.
GB570 Queens Sudan, Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., O.F.S., Jo’burg, D.
A.E. Miles, K.R.R.C. From Harts ‘Served with the 3/60th
Hill, Khedives Sudan bar Khartoum to Pte. J. Mitchell,
Rifles in the Zulu War from April to September (medal
1st. Cam’n. Highrs . (R8052) N.E.F. £650
and clasp). Also served in the Boer War in 1881. Served
in the Nile Expedition 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry
Camel Corps, actions of Abu Klea and Gubat - wounded GB571 I.G.S. 1895 bar Relief of Chitral 1895, Q.S.A. bar Cape
(medal and clasps). Later served with the Wiltshire Colony, to Corpl. D. McKenzie, 2; Sea. Highrs, wounded
Yeomanry Cavalry. (R8066) G.V.F. £3400 at Magersfontein 11/12/1899 (R7374) V.F. £500
£3,400.00 £500.00
GB561 Egypt 1882, bar Alexandria (A.B. H.M.S. Alexandra), GB572 I.G.S. 1895 bar Relief of Chitral 1895 (Lieut. 1st. Bn.
East & West Africa bar Gambia 1894 (A.B. H.M.S. K.R.R.C.), Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C. Defence of Ladysmith,
Raleigh), Q.S.A. no bar (P.O.2 H.M.S. Pearl), Khedives O.F.S., Tr., L. Nek (Capt. K.R.R.C.) to Major L.B.
Star 1882 to J.H. Hird, R.N. b. W. Teinmouth, Devon Cumberland, K.R.R.C. wounded at the taking of the Boer
1862, Boy 2Cl. 1878, discharged dead 1904 whilst position at Amersfoort, 8/8/1900. Additionally served
serving HMS Crescent, excellent combination (R7619) during the Isazai Expedition of 1892, was listed as one
G.V.F. £950 of those of the battalion who survived the sinking of the
£950.00 troopship ‘Warren Hastings, was present during the Boer
War at the defence of Ladysmith, including the action of
GB562 Egypt 1882, bar The Nile 1884-85 (Surgn. A.M.D.),
Wagon Hill, operations in Natal, including the action at
I.G.S. 1854 bar Burma 1889-92 (Surgn. Capt. Army Med
Laing’s Nek and operations in the Transvaal including
Dept.), Q.S.A. 2 bars, C.C., O.F.S., K.S.A. 2 bars (both
actions of amersfoort and Lydenburg. The recipients only
Lt. Col. M.D. R.A.M.C.), Khedives Star 1884-6 to Lieut.
medals (R7842) G.V.F. £1200
Col. R.D. Hetherington, M.D. R.A.M.C. B.A. Dublin 1876,
M.B. 1878. (R7899) G.V.F. £950
£950.00 GB573 Cape of Good Hope bar Bechuanaland, (Pte. Cape
Police), Q.S.A. 3 bars O.F.S. Defence of Mafeking, Tr.,
GB563 Egypt bar, Gemaizah 1888, (Lieut.), I.G.S. 1895, 3
(Lieut. A.S.C.), K.S.A. 2 bars (Lieut. A.S.C.) to Lieut.
bars, Relief of Chitral 1895, Punjab frontier 1897-98,
N.B. Hodgson A.S.C. (initials U.B. on CGH) Mentioned
Tirah 1897-98, to Khedives Star, undated to Lieut
in despatches, Baden-Powell for Mafeking ‘Trooper
(later Major) E.R. Cureton, 2/K.O. Sco. Bord. Commd.
(local Sgt.-Major) Hodgson acted as sergeant-major
KOSB 1888, Capt. 1895, Brev. Maj 1898. Took part
to A.S.C., and was of the greatest help to Captain
during the campaign in Egypt 1888-89, operations
Ryan’ Additionally he was commissioned on the
with the Suakin Field Force, investment of Suakin
recommendation of the C-in-C, S. Africa. From ‘The
and engagement at Gemaizah. Also present during
Last Post’ Officers that fell in South Africa ‘Lieut. Nevil
operations on the Soudan Frontier 1889. Served in India
Bursey Hodgson, Army Service Corps, died of enteric
with the Chitral Relief Force 1895, participated at capture
at Pretoria, May 27th, 1902. He was the eldest son of
of the Malakand Pass, the passage of the Swat River,
Nevil l. Hodgson Esq. of Woolwich and Blackheath.
and the action at Panjkora. Took part in the campaign on
Lieut. Hodgson served originally in the ranks of the Cape
the North west Frontier 1897-98, present at the action at
Police. On the recommendation of the Commander-in-
Dargai, 18 Oct 1897; and the forcing of the Sampagha
Chief in South Africa he was gazetted to a commission
and Arghanga Passes, ret. 1905 (R7375) G.V.F. £1650
in the Army Service Corps, Sept. 1900, being promoted
Lieut. Dec. 1901’ (R7702) N.E.F. £2200
GB564 Egypt, 1882,3 bars, Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile 1884-85, Abu £2,200.00
Klea, Khedives Star, 1882 (reverse impressed 4464
GB574 Sudan, Khedives Sudan bar Khartoum to Pte. M. Kevins,
C.G.) to Pte. G. Gardiner, 2/Cdm. Gds. mounted as
21st. Lancers, served D Squadron at Omdurman,
worn, some contact wear so near (R8081) V.F. £950
mounted as originally worn with ornate silver top broach,
(R8080) N.V.F. £2250
GB565 Egypt, 1882, 4 bars, El-Teb-Tamaai, Suakin 1884, The £2,250.00
Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea, (Sgt. Farr. 19th. Hussars),
GB576 E.& W. Africa bar 1891-2, Naval L.S.G.C. (EDV11) to T.
L.S.G.C. (VR- Sgt. Farr. 19/Hrs.), Khedives Star, 1882 to
Lane, A.B. H.M.S. Racer (P.O. H.M.S. Lancaster LSGC
J.H. Franklin (R7989) G.V.F. £1750
NVF E.& W (R7378) V.F. £470
GB566 I.G.S. 1854, bar N.E. Frontier 1891, I.G.S. 1895 bar
GB577 Ashanti Star 1896 (unnamed), Q.S.A. bar Natal to Pte.
Relief of Chitral 1895 to Pte. J. Mason, 4th. & 1st. Bn.
F.A. Gedlow, W. Yorks R. From Holbeck, Leeds, Yorks,
K.R.R.C. suspension slightly slack on IGS 54 (R6341)
enl 1889, rolls confirm Ashanti and Natal clasp (Gidlow
N.E.F. £525
on rolls) (R7445) V.F. £495
GB567 I.G.S. 1854, 2 bars Hazara 1891, Samana 1891, Q.S.A.
GB578 Cape of Good Hope bar Bechuanaland, (Tpr, 1st. City.
5 bars, C.C., Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, Tr., L. Nek,
Vols), Q.S.A. 1 bar C.C. (L.Cpl. Albany Dis. M.T.) to
K.S.A. 2 bars to E. Yerine, K.R.R.C. (R7663) V.F. £525
W.H. Mills (R7522) G.V.F. £330
GB568 E.& W. Africa bar Sierra Leone 1898-99 (G. Cupper.
W.A.F.F.), Queen’s Sudan, Khedives Sudan no bar
(Eng. Driver. Sudan Raly. 1897-1898 on both), Norfolk
Veterans Inspection by King Edward V11, bronze medal
(George Cupper. R.N.) George Cupper, from Thorpe

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Cape of Good Hope bar Basutoland, (Pte. C.M. Rif.), R. Eng. 1903, Capt. 3/E. Lancs. R. 1906, to France,
Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C., Wepener, Tr., Witt., (Pte. Cape Sept. 1914 attd. 1/Yorks. R. to R. Eng. 1917, India from
M.R.), L.S.G.C. (VR) reverse Cape of Good Hope TO 3/ April 1918, QSA officially impressed in a slightly later
Cl. Sgt. H.G. Stewart, Cape Mtd. Rifles (R7988) G.V.F. style (R7686) G.V.F. £800
£1600 £800.00
GB591 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Rel. of Kimberley Tr., Paard., Drief., Tr.,
GB580 E.& W. Africa bar Sierra Leone 1898-99 (re impressed K.S.A. 2 bars, (Corpl. S. Wales Bord.), B.W.M., Victory
in an official style), Q.S.A. 5 bars, Tug. Hts., O.F.S., (Sjt. North’n Regt) to Sgt. W. Bonner (R7816) V.F. £295
Rel. of Ladysmith, Tr., L.Nek, K.S.A. 2 bars, to Sejt. £295.00
E. Wood, Rl. Wt. Surrey Regt. severely wounded at
GB592 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., O.F.S. Tr., Belf., K.S.A. 2 bars,
Colenso, 15/12/1899, gunshot wound to the temple.
to Pte. R. Reid, Rl. Scots, mounted as originally worn
copy service papers, confirms award of the Sierra Leone
(R8049) N.E.F. £195
whilst attached to the W. Africa Regt. 1898-99, came
from Ashford, Kent. (R7210) G.V.F. £550
£550.00 GB593 Family group Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C, Wepener, Witt, Belf. to
1041. Pte. J. Smith, Brabant’s Horse Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C,
GB581 China 1900, no bar, Q.S.A. no bar, to Ast. Eng/Eng. J.G.
Wepener, Witt, Belf. to 1042. Pte. D. Smith, Brabant’s
Yates, R.I.M.S. Canning (R3965) N.E.F. £1100
Horse 1914/15 trio (bi-lingual Victory), Welgedach
Collieries WW1 Tribute medal, silver, to Pte J. Smith,
GB582 China 1900, no bar, Q.S.A. 2 bars, Tug. Hts., Relief of S.A.E.C. (R6709) N.E.F. £1125
Ladysmith, to E. Shergold, Ord. H.M.S. Barfleur/Terrible. £1,125.00
(R3650) V.F. £750
GB594 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., Tug. Hts., Rel. of Ladysmith, Tr.,
K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. A. Oddie, R. Sco. Fus. (R7688)
GB583 China 1900, no bar, (Ord. Centurion), Q.S.A. 2 bars, G.V.F. £210
Tug. Hts., Relief of Ladysmith, (Boy. 1st. Cl. Terrible), £210.00
B.W.M., Victory (A.B.), to A.B. E.W. Phillips, R.N. A
GB595 Family group Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C, Wepener, Tr., Belf.
little contact wear to first two so near V.F. WW1 medals
(Pte. Cape Mtd. Rif), K.S.A. 2 bars (Pte. Cape M.R.),
(R3658) E.F. £850
1914/15 trio (bi-lingual Victory -Lieut. 1/S.A.M.R.), to
Lieut. C.F.S. Bluett, wounded Heidelburg, 14/9/1901,
GB584 China 1900, 2 bars, Taku Forts, Relief of Pekin, (Sto. mounted as originally worn (R7540) N.E.F. £750
H.M.S. Alacrity), B.W.M., Victory to G. Leggett, S.P.O. £750.00
R.N. (R7790) N.E.F. £950
GB596 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Natal, Belmont, Relief of Kimberley,
Paard., K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. T. Smith, 9th. Lancers, roll
GB585 Q.S.A. no bar (Ordly. SJAB), S.J.A.B. bronze medal confirms, exceptional combination of clasps. Wounded
for South Africa (Ordly. Met Corps), 1902 Coronation, Graspan (Enslin), 25/11/1899 (R7497) G.V.F. £525
reverse S.J.A.B. (Pte.) to E.A. Maitland, S.J.A.B. (R7470) £525.00
G.V.F. £725
GB597 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, L. Nek,
Belfast, K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. F.G. Hathaway, 1. Leics.
GB586 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S. Tr., , K.S.A. 2 bars, to Lieut. R (single initial F on QSA) official corrections to name on
E.B.G. Foster, Gren. Gds. K.S.A. officially renamed both medals (R7758) N.E.F. £295
(R6643) G.V.F. £350 £295.00
GB598 Q.S.A. 4 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, L. Nek,
GB587 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S. Tr., , K.S.A. 2 bars, A.G.S. Belfast, K.S.A. 2 bars, 1914/15 trio to Corpl./Pte. T.
2 bars, Somaliland 1902-04, Jidballi, 1914/15 Star Almey, 1.Leic. R. (A.S.C. on trio), mounted as originally
(pair missing) to Pte. A. Mills, 2nd & 1st. Hamps Regt. worn (R7675) G.V.F. £445
(R7558) V.F. £525 £445.00
GB599 Q.S.A. 4 bars, C.C., Wepener, Tr., Witt., (Tpr. Brabant’s
GB588 Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C., O.F.S. Witt, , K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. Horse), K.S.A. 2 bars, ((Tpr. S.A.M.I.F.), Permanent
R. Turncock, Gren. Gds. mounted as originally worn from Forces L.S.G.C. (GV- Rfn. S.A.M.R.) to Tpr. L.P. O’Brien
a silver suspension engraved ‘South Africa 1900-1902 (R7617) N.E.F. £675
(R7615) G.V.F. £240 £675.00
GB600 Q.S.A. 5 bars, C.C., O.F.S. Jo’burg, D. Hill, S.A.1902,
GB589 Family group Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C, O.F.S., Tr, to Corpl. (Serjt. 6/Dn. Gds), 1914/15 trio (S. Sjt. A.V.C.) to S. Sjt.
W. Burt, Langman Hospital Q.S.A. 3 bars, C.C, O.F.S., J. Gray, Q.S.A. N.V.F. trio (R7620) N.E.F. £195
Tr, to Serjt. A. Burt, Langman Hopital 1914/15 trio to £195.00
Pte/A.Sjt. W.H. Burt, A.S.C. As in common with many
GB601 Q.S.A. 6 bars, Rel. of Kimberley, Paard., Drief., Jo’burg,
of the Langman Hospital both medals are officially re-
D.Hill, Belf, K.S.A. 2 bars, to Pte. W. Day, R.A.M.C.
impressed. The medal to A. Jones additionally has
(R7616) V.F. £230
the rank unofficially corrected. With the original letter
forwarding his medal to W. Burt from John Langman and
original portrait photograph in uniform of both brothers GB602 Q.S.A. 5 bars, Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, O.F.S., L.
(R6703) V.F. £985 Nek, Belf., K.S.A.. 2 bars, to Pte. J. Boardman, K.R.R.C
£985.00 (R7044) N.E.F. £450
GB590 Q.S.A. 3 bars, Wepener, Witt, C.C. (Tpr. 2/Brabant’s
Horse), 1914 Star (Capt. E. Lancs), B.W.M., Victory GB603 Q.S.A. 6 bars, C.C., Jo’burg., D. Hill., Witt., S.A.1901,
(Major), I.G.S. 1908, bar Waziristan 1919-21(Major, S.A.1902, (Tpr. Robert’s Horse) Natal 1906 bar 1906
R.E.). to Major J. Cairns (Cairne on QSA). Major J. (Tpr. Royston’s Hse.) to Tpr. E. Cartmel (R7792) N.E.F.
Cairns, b. 1880, served Boer War, enlisted in the ranks £340
with Brabant’s Horse, then commissioned Jan 1900 1st £340.00
Edinburgh R.G.A. Vols, Lieut 1901, His service continued
with Braban’s until Aug. 1900. Captain, Tower Hamlet’s

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB604 Q.S.A. 6 bars, Belmont, Modder River, O.F.S. Jo’burg, GB617 B.W.M., Victory, Memorial Plaque to Pte. J. Wainwright,
Diamond Hill, Belfast, K.S.A. 2 bars to Pte. R. Major, Lanc. Fus. killed in action (2nd. Btn.) 10/10/1916, no
Coldstm. Gds. minor edge bruise (R7471) G.V.F. £295 known grave, Thiepval Memorial (R7887) E.F. £190
£295.00 £190.00
GB605 Q.S.A. 6 bars, Rel. of Kimberley, Paard., Drief., Jo’burg, GB618 B.W.M., Victory, to 2.Lieut. D.G. Fletcher. Served 18/
D.Hill, Belf, K.S.A. 2 bars, 1914 Star, B.W.M. to 5358 D.L.I. (R6116) E.F. £98
Pte. A. Lockett, 6/D. Gds. (Cpl. on KSA) note Victory £98.00
missing. S.A. Casualty Roll records ‘3391 L.Cpl. Lockett
GB619 B.W.M., Victory, to 2.Lieut. H. Morris, ( R.F.A.) another
no initial shown as severely wounded Greylingstad
H.O. Morris exists but in the rank of Lieut. (R7890) E.F.
23/4/1902. Roll however only records one man of this
name (5358) (R6110) N.V.F. £425
GB620 B.W.M., Victory, to M.W. Anson, V.A.D. Mabel Wemyss
Anson, served VAD France (R7722) E.F. £85
21 items. £85.00
GB606 1914 August November bar, original (R6611) E.F. £40 GB621 B.W.M. T.F.W.M., T.F.E.M. (GV), to Sjt. E.B. Endean,
£40.00 R.A. surname officiallycorrected on last (R8046) N.E.F.
GB607 1914 trio and memorial plaque to Pte. E. Lawrence, 1/ £195
Middx. R. Emanuel Lawrence alias Casey, killed in action £195.00
25/9/1915 first day of battle of Loos, husband of Ethel GB622 B.W.M. (Lieut. R.M.), Naval L.S.G.C. (EDV11 - Sergeant
Casey (formerly Lawrence) of Bow, London (R7866) E.F. R.M.L.I.) to Lieut. W.H. Jefford, R.M. (R7797) E.F. £120
£495 £120.00
GB623 B.W.M. to Lieut. J.A.B. Evans, served 7th. Northants
GB608 1914/15 trio and memorial plaque to Pte. A.R. Coleman, Regt. (R5433) N.E.F. £48
Essex Regt. (1st. Btn.) killed in action Gallipoli 28/4/1915 £48.00
(battle of Gully Ravine). From West Ham, Essex,
GB624 B.W.M. to 2.Lieut. C.F. Williams, served 4/R. Highrs.
MIC shows Gallipoli from the 25/4/1915, day of the
(R6745) E.F. £48
first landings. On this day the 1/Essex followed the
Lancashire Fusiliers onto ‘W’ Beach (R7237) N.E.F.
£495 GB625 B.W.M. to 2.Lieut. G.A. Charles, served R.G.A. (R5435)
£495.00 N.E.F. £40
GB609 1914/15 trio and memorial plaque to Pte. F. Mott,
Hamps. R. (10th. Btn.)killed in action, Gallipoli GB626 B.W.M. to Capt. M.W. Brown, served 8/S. Wales Bord.
10/08/1915. Following the landings at Suvla Bay on 6 was M.I.D. Salonika 1/1/1918 (R6246) N.E.F. £75
August began the assault on the ridge at Sari Bair. On £75.00
the 10th Mustafa Kemal led the newly arrived Turkish GB627 B.W.M. Delhi Durbar 1911 (named) to L/Cpl. - Sjt. T.
reserves in massed attacks across the Sari Bair ridge Ismay, K.R.R.C. discharged due to wounds WW1.
driving the British forces back from those gains made. (R7852) G.V.F. £85
(R8102) N.E.F. £395 £85.00
GB628 B.W.M., Mercantile Marine to Richard G. Rogers (R7040)
GB610 1914/15 trio and memorial plaque plus 2 named school N.E.F. £50
attendance medals with bars for 1892 and 1893 to Pte. £50.00
S.H. Skelton, 6-Lond. R. killed in action, 6/12/1917, no
known grave, commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial, MODERN GROUPS
Sidney Herbert Skelton, from Peckham, London . 14 items.
(R7644) N.E.F. £325
GB629 B.W.M. (Pte. Norf. R.), I.G.S 1908 bar Afghanistan
N.W.F. 1919 (Gnr. M.G. Cps.) to W.C. Mace (R7987)
GB611 1914/15 trio to Pte. H. Evans, Devon R. killed in action, E.F. £95
25/9/1915, first day of Loos. From Dartmouth, Devon, £95.00
aged 18, Commemorated on the Loos Memorial having
GB630 1914/15 trio (Cpl. Devon Regt.), G.S.M. 2 bars, Southern
no known grave. On this day the 8/Devons suffered
Desert Iraq, Palestine, (Cpl. R.A.F.), Defence Medal,
casualties, killed, wounded and missing amounting to all
War Medal, R.A.F. L.S.G.C. (GV -F/ Sgt. R.A.F.) to Flt.
19 of their officers and 620 of the 750 men that went into
Lieut. A.E. Ubee, R.A.F. trio NVF others (R7604) V.F.
action in the morning (R8038) E.F. £225
GB612 1914/15 trio to Pte. J. Gillard, Devon R. killed in action,
GB631 B.W.M., Victory, I.G.S. 1908, bar Afghanistan N.W.F.
25/9/1915, first day of Loos. From Salcombe, Devon,
1919, to Sgt. K.J. Horne, R.A.F. (R7718) N.E.F. £255
aged 23, served ‘C’ Company, Commemorated on the
Loos Memorial having no known grave. On this day
the 8/Devons suffered casualties, killed, wounded and GB632 B.W.M., Victory, (2.Lieut. R.A.F.), G.S.M. bar Kudistan
missing amounting to all 19 of their officers and 620 of (F/O) to F/Lieut. C.E. Tidy, R.A.F. Attested H.A.C. joined
the 750 men that went into action in the morning (R8037) 1st. Bn. in France, A Co. Lewis Gun section. Made
E.F. £225 application to RFC as Observer, Jan 1917 (R7716)
£225.00 N.E.F. £550
GB613 1914/15 trio to Pte. G. Lothian, Gordon Highrs. first day
of the battle of Arras (R8039) N.E.F. £140 GB633 G.S.M. bar Southern Desert Iraq, (F/O R.A.F.) Defence
£140.00 Medal, War Medal to W/Cdr. D.J. Divett, R.A.F. Coomd
1925 posted to 84 Sqdn. placed on reserve 1936.
GB615 1914/15 Star (Cpl. R.E.), B.W.M., Victory, (2.Lieut.)
Recalled WW2 served Technical Branch, A/W/Cdr. 1942
2.Lieut. E. Kellie, R.G.A. Commd. 22/12/1917 (R5997)
(R7717) E.F. £850
N.E.F. £110

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


GB634 I.G.S. 1908 bar N.W.F. 1935 (L.A.C. R.A.F.), I.G.S. RD4 D.C.M. (GV) French made contemporary copy in silver
1936 bar N.W.F. 1936-37, (L.A.C. R.A.F.), 1939/45 Star, with Crimea type suspender, (L14356) N.E.F. £195
Burma Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, G.S.M. (GV1 £195.00
- Sqdn. Ldr. R.A.F.) to Sqdn. Ldr. C. Martindale, R.A.F.
RD5 D.C.M. (GV) French made contemporary copy in silver
(R6831) N.E.F. £550
reduced size (L14357) G.V.F. £120
GB635 N.G.S. bar Palestine 1936-39, (Lt. R.N.) 1939/45 Star,
RD5.9 M.M. (GV) named to Sgt. W.G. Codd 9th City of London
Atlantic Star, Africa Star bar North Africa 1942-43, Burma
Regt Q.V.R.S. (L17936) G.V.F. £195
Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, to Lieut.
L.B.D. Kenny, R.N. Served HMS Sirius (cruiser). Medals
mounted as originally worn., also miniatures mounted (no RD7 M.M. (GV) French made contemporary copy in silver
clasp on the NGS) and original ribbon bars for both sets reduced size (L14358) G.V.F. £98
(R7102) N.E.F. £410 £98.00
£410.00 RD8 Baltic medal disc only (L13371) G.V.F. £110
GB636 1939/45 Star, France & Germany Starr, Defence £110.00 £110.00
Medal, War Medal, New Zealand war Medal, New RD9 New Zealand 1861-1866 erased (L13366) G.V.F. £275
Zealand Memorial Cross to F/Sgt. W.D. Watson, missing £275.00 £275.00
presumed killed in action 30/8/1944 as Navigator, 75
Sqdn. (Lancasers) during a raid on Stettin. Came from RD11 Q.S.A. 3 bars Defence of Mafeking, OFS, Trans, erased,
Mornington, Dunedin (R8082) N.E.F. £290 ( pin on back of OFS bar, ) (L14737) V.F. £675
£290.00 £675.00 £675.00

GB637 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star, Pacific Star, War Medal, RD12 Q.S.A. 5 bars Natal, O.F.S., Trans, Tug Hts (copy)
(M.I.D.). Naval L.S.G.C. (GV1 - H.M.S. Bermuda on this) Talana (copy) to Capt J.H. Blunt N.B.P (L16896) E.F.
to P.H.R. Balls, C.E.R.A. M.I.D. L.G. 11/6/1946 services £145
in the Far East, H.M.S. Speaker. The Speaker won a £145.00
battle honour for Okinawa 1945 best remembered for RD13 Q.S.A. no bar to E.Murray Ord H.M.S. Terrible (L13363)
intense Japanese kamikazi attacks. official correction to V.F. £75
ship on LSGC (R7042) N.E.F. £280 £75.00 £75.00
RD15 Air Crew Europe modern copy (L13358) V.F. £12
GB638 1939/45 Star, Atlantic Star, Africa Star, Italy Star Star, £12.00 £12.00
War Medal, N.G.S. bar S.E. Asia 1945-46 to Lieut. E.D.
Bennett, R.N. (R7780) G.V.F. £475
GB639 Korea, UN. Korea to Pte. G.W. Harrison, K.O.S.B. Killed 5 items.
in action 27/3/1952 by a Chinese mortar round on his
F1540 Order of the Crown of Charlemagne Grand Cross sash
position. 2 small original photographs of the recipient
badge and breast star excellent early quality with superb
in Korea, I.D. tag, original ‘Death Grant’ notice to nok.
full old silk sash (L15642) E.F. £495
enlosing £20, letter from ‘Effects Branch’forwarding
the Paybook and ID tag, Soldier’s Pay Book, showing
Gordon Winthrop Harrison aged 19 at time of death, F1682.1Order of Morazan Knight excellent quality, scare
small note book from Korea 1951 with some addresses (L16961) N.E.F. £110
and diary entries. Registered envelopes containing £110.00
the medals, resided Shotton, Chester. Fine original lot F2588 Order for Service to the Solomon Islands, silver neck
(R7709) E.F. £950 badge (n.r) (L16925) E.F. £145
£950.00 £145.00
GB640 Korea, Naval L.S.G.C. (E11R) to A.C.S. Wallis, A/LEM, F2593 Ethiopian Campaign January to April 1964 bronze,
RN/ PO. Tel. H.M.S. Centaur. both medals marked scarce (L16964) N.E.F. £65
‘replacement’ original service record (R7867) E.F. £100 £65.00
F2901 U.N. Korea, Ethiopian issue (L7488) E.F. £295
GB641 C.S.M. bar Air Operations Iraq, Jubilee 2002, to SAC. £295.00
G.B. Evason, R.A.F. both medals in named boxes of
issue (R7600) E.F. £570 W.W.I. ALLIED VICTORY MEDALS
£570.00 18 items.
GB642 C.S.M. bar Air Operations Iraq, Jubilee 2002, to Jnr. All medals supplied with ribbons unless n.r. (no ribbon)
Tech. M.G. Plouman, R.A.F. both medals in named
F1 Belgium official type 1 (L16585) V.F. £15
boxes of issue (R7777) E.F. £570
£15.00 £15.00
RENAMED OR OTHERWISE DEFECTIVE F2 Cuba Official issue with chobillon hallmark and bronze on
MEDALS; All renamed unless stated otherwise. edge, rare (L5766) G.V.F. £695
13 items.
F3 France official , corrosion on reverse (L10570) V.F. £15
RD1 Order of the Thistle sash badge old copy, gilt metal £15.00
(L12999) G.V.F. £145
£145.00 F4 France unofficial type 1 by Chobillon (Charles) (L10571)
V.F. £98
RD2 D.S.O. (GV) old good quality jewellers copy with modern £98.00
suspension (L12997) G.V.F. £295
£295.00 F5 Greece official by Nocq in the card box of issue (L6770)
G.V.F. £90
RD3 D.S.C (GV) French made contemporary copy in silver £90.00
with bar suspender, thin flan (L14355) N.E.F. £125
£125.00 F6 Italy Type 2 Johnson (L17860) V.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F7 Panama medal of Solidarity , bronze, only 100 issued for £395.00

each allied country, see Purves book on 1st War medals
F2917 Legion of Merit Officer, recent issue (L16679) E.F. £45
(n.r.) scarce (L13681) G.V.F. £445
F2918 Legion of Merit legionnaire old isssue in silver gilt, small
F7.1 Portugal Victory medal Unnofficial type 1 by Casa
chip to one arm (L9934) G.V.F. £85
Buttuller scarce (L18210) N.E.F. £165
F2920 Legion of Merit Legionnaire, recent issue (L3718) E.F.
F7.1 Romania unofficial type 3 (CRECIA) cylinder suspender
(L18266) G.V.F. £145
F2923 NASA Exeptional Acheivement medal (L8552) N.E.F.
F8.1 Romania unofficial type 3 (CRECIA) thick wire suspender
(L18267) G.V.F. £110
F2924 NASA Exeptional Service medal (L8553) N.E.F. £55
F10.1 South Africa Bilingual to Pte J.Turnbull 2nd S.A.H ( (A
Pte. J.L.Turnbull S.A.H died 31.10.1916 Buried Dar Es
Salaam Cemetry) (L18054) N.E.F. £75 F2925 NASA Exeptional Service medal (L11651) N.E.F. £55
£75.00 £55.00
F12 Thailand, unofficial issue, exposed ear, thin planchet, F2926 Air Force Distinguished Service medal (L3720) E.F. £65
contemporary manufacture, lowest issue of the series £65.00
(L16416) G.V.F. £595 F2927 Air Force Cross early type marked H.L.P., with
£595.00 enamelled lapel badge (L12114) G.V.F. £75
F13 U.S.A. repro type 1 ball suspension no edge markings £75.00
(L13169) N.E.F. £35 F2928 Air Force Cross (L3722) E.F. £65
£35.00 £65.00
F13.1 U.S.A. bar France (L18208) G.V.F. £55 F2929 Distinguished Flying Cross (L12124) G.V.F. £25
£55.00 £25.00
F14 U.S.A. named to J. Stanley Gordon U.S. Navy Q.Mstr 1st F2930 Distinguished Flying medal (L6859) E.F. £25
class (L15486) G.V.F. £75 £25.00
F2931 Air medal with silver oak leaf cluster on ribbon (L3723)
F14.01 U.S.A. 3 bars St.Mihiel, Meuse Argonne, Defensive G.V.F. £30
Sector named on edge to William Paul 170254 (L18262) £30.00
G.V.F. £95
£95.00 F2932 Air Medal (L3725) G.V.F. £18
F16 U.S.A. 2 bars Defensive Sector, Meuse Argonne with
original card box of issue by medallic arts, box a little F2933 Air Force Exceptional Civilian Service Medal, gilt, old
damaged as expected! (L7727) V.F. £55 award, (L13538) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 £55.00

U.S.A. F2934 Air Force Exceptional Civilian Service Medal, silver

marked Sterling, old award, (L13539) N.E.F. £75
106 items. £75.00
F2909 Spanish War Veterans Coss 1889-1902 , excellent F2935 Department of the Air Force Exceptional Civilian Service
quality with full swords, cannon and eagle suspension (L14908) N.E.F. £45
and flag ribbon (L14934) E.F. £95 £45.00
F2942 Airmans Medal (L3727) E.F. £18
F2910 Legion of Merit Chief Commander breast star (L3714) £18.00
E.F. £120
£120.00 F2943 Silver Star (L16879) N.E.F. £25
F2911 Legion of Merit Commanders neck badge superb early
quality with full ribbon (L10249) E.F. £225 F2944.1Legion of Merit legionnaire old issue in bronze gilt named
£225.00 to Bigelow B Bland Jr. with slot broach HLP-GI with oak
leaf cluster on ribbon, (L18147) G.V.F. £195
F2912 Legion of Merit Commanders neck badge (L3715) E.F. £195.00
£115.00 F2945.1Legion of Merit Legionnaire, recent issue no suspension
loop,(n.r.) (L18087) E.F. £15
F2913 Honorary Commercial Commission of Japan Visit £15.00
to America 1909 medal, gilt and enamel medal with
massive silvered top bar “Welcome Denver Nov 15 F2947 Bronze Star (L16880) N.E.F. £20
1909” , scarce (L14888) G.V.F. £85 £20.00
£85.00 F2948 Bronze Star WW2 issue in original card case of issue
F2914 National Sojourners medal 1st type gilt (L14892) E.F. (L12989) E.F. £30
£35 £30.00
£35.00 F2949 Distinguished Service Medal Army (L7581) E.F. £55
F2915 Legion of Merit Commanders neck badge (n.r.) (L14631) £55.00
E.F. £95 F2952 Distinguished Service Cross Army 1st type W.W.I French
£95.00 very rare, (L5814) G.V.F. £325
F2916 Legion of Merit Officer very old isssue 1st type issue in £325.00
silver gilt, with original ribbon and wrap round broach F2953 Distinguished Service Cross Army 2nd type W.W.I
offcially numbered (L13332) G.V.F. £395 French issue rare (L9227) G.V.F. £225

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£225.00 £12.00
F2955 Distinguished Service Cross Army 2nd war period F2973 Army L.S.G.C. with 3 knotted bar for 3 awards named to
(L3735) G.V.F. £65 Donald Lewis (L7746) G.V.F. £25
£65.00 £25.00
F2956 Selective Service medal WW2 original issue in titled card F2974 Air Force L.S.G.C. (L5180) G.V.F. £20
case of issue, corners of case split otherwise rare and £20.00
(L17437) G.V.F. £125
F2975 Air Force L.S.G.C (L5181) G.V.F. £20
F2957 Merchant Marine Mariners Medal WW2 issue, scarce
F2976 Coast Guard Expert Rifle (L3766) E.F. £20
(L15258) N.E.F. £175
F2977 Civil War Navy later strike (L3771) G.V.F. £35
F2958 Navy Achievement medal, navy and Marines (L3742)
E.F. £10
£10.00 F2978 Indian Wars , later unmarked issue (L3774) G.V.F. £55
F2959 Naval Reserve Meritorious Service (L3743) E.F. £20
£20.00 F2979 Indian Wars , Medallic Arts issue (L3775) G.V.F. £45
F2959.1Department of Defence Distinguished Service medal
(L18083) N.E.F. £65 F2980 Sampson Medal 5 bars , Santiago, Santiago, Santiago,
£65.00 Santiago and top bar U.S.S. Massechusetts , original
unnamed medal, (L15237) N.E.F. £445
F2959.2Department of Defence Superior Service medal (L18084)
N.E.F. £55
£55.00 F2981 Sampson Medal top bar U.S.S. St. Louis, original
unnamed medal, ribbon frayed, (L13728) V.F. £275
F2959.3Joint Services Commendation (L18085) N.E.F. £45
F2982 Army of Occupation Cuba 1898, M numbered (L5082)
Army Commendation medal silver “2” on ribbon, named
G.V.F. £125
to William J.White Jr. (L18086) N.E.F. £35
F2983 Phillipine Campaign 1899 Army, plain no, wrap round
Army Commendation medal named to 1st Lt. Mike
broach and ribbon bar , (L13025) G.V.F. £125
Corpuz Jr (L18091) G.V.F. £75
F2984 Boston Visit of Prince Nobuhito Tamatsu and Proncesss
Air Force Commendation medal (L18092) G.V.F. £30
Kikuko Tamatsu of Japan April 24th 1931 silver (L16521)
G.V.F. £55
F2960 Marine Corps Reserve L.S. ring suspender (L3748) E.F. £55.00
F2985 Phillipine Conressional medal 1899-1902 officially
numbered (L9532) G.V.F. £125
F2961 Navy Expeditions (L3750) E.F. £15 £125.00
F2986 Cuban Pacification 1906-1909 Navy issue (L3781)
F2962 Army Reserve for Achievement (L3757) E.F. £12 G.V.F. £35
£12.00 £35.00
F2963 Armed Forces Reserve National Guard with Hourglass F2987 Mexico Service 1911-1917 , old striking broach missing
emblem on ribbon (L4948) N.E.F. £25 (L3782) V.F. £45
£25.00 £45.00
F2963.1Bronze Star early issue with V on ribbon (L17914) G.V.F. F2988 Mexico Service 1911-1917 , Navy (L3783) G.V.F. £35
£45 £35.00
F2989 Pennsylvania Natiuonal Guard Mexico Border Service
F2964 Armed Forces Reserve Army with 2 Hourglass emblems officially numbered in original card case of issue by
on ribbon (L7755) N.E.F. £30 J.R.Davidson Philadelphia, scarce (L12991) E.F. £48
£30.00 £48.00
F2965 Armed Forces Reserve Navy (L7756) N.E.F. £25 F2990 Nicaraguan Campaign 1912 Navy (L3785) G.V.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
Armed Forces Reserve Air Force (L7757) N.E.F. £25 F2991 Dominican Campaign 1916 Navy (L3787) V.F. £35
£25.00 £35.00
F2967 Coast Guard Medal for Heroism (L3761) E.F. £30 F2992 Second Nicaraguan Campaign Navy (L3791) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 £30.00 £30.00
F2968 Coast Guard D.S.M. (L3762) E.F. £45 F2993 Second Nicaraguan Campaign Navy with pre Dominica
£45.00 campaign reverse , unauthorised (L3792) G.V.F. £20
£20.00 £20.00
F2969 Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct (L3765) E.F. £15
£15.00 F2994 Yangtze Service Navy unnumbered older striking
(L3797) G.V.F. £55
F2970.9Distinguished Service Cross Army officially numbered,
£55.00 £55.00
scarce (n.r.) (L18067) G.V.F. £195
£195.00 F2995 2nd Corps badge silvered officially numbered (L3806)
N.E.F. £35
F2971 Navy L.S.G.C. knob suspender (L3769) V.F. £10
£35.00 £35.00
F2996 Occupation Service, Navy (L3808) E.F. £10
F2972 Army L.S.G.C. (L9421) G.V.F. £12
£10.00 £10.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2997 Berlin Airlift medal in card case of issue (L3810) E.F. £25 the highest decoration for Distinguished Services to the
£25.00 £25.00 organization. Very attractive and scarce (L12414) E.F.
F2998 Berlin Airlift medal with gilt emblem for ribbon, in card
case of issue by Daniel Smilo & sons (L17436) E.F. £55
£55.00 F3016 New Jersey W.W.1 Victory medal with top bar New
Jersey (L13117) G.V.F. £35
F2999 Korea Service medal (L5939) N.E.F. £20
F3017 Cincinnati Home Guard W.W.I medal (L3817) E.F. £35
F3000 American Defence medal with ribbon bar in original box
of issue by D.L.Auld Company (L17433) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 F3018 Connecticut W.W.I Service medal 1917-18 (L16454)
G.V.F. £35
F3001 Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
early 1st type in gold numbered(n.r.) (L17247) N.E.F.
£345 F3019 Pennsylvania National Guard World War medal with
£345.00 ribbon bar, in box, packet and wrapping of issue by
J.K.Davidson’s Sons Inc. (L10347) E.F. £45
F3002 The Society of the Cincinnatti breast Delaware badge,
silver gilt, good quality curled loop supender (L11764)
G.V.F. £595 F3020 National Sojourners medal 2nd type gilt and enamel
£595.00 (L3828) E.F. £45
£45.00 £45.00
F3003 The Society of the Cincinnatti breast Delaware badge,
silver gilt, 19th century issue with old original ribbon, IMPERIAL MEDALS : Canada
small repair to centre enamel (L13259) G.V.F. £695 4 items.
F18 1939-45 War Medal, silver (L1050) E.F. £15
F3004 Auxiliary to Sons of Veterans of the Civil War unlisted £15.00 £15.00
type ( in Bishop and Elliot) early issue with top bar ,
ribbon frayed (L14884) G.V.F. £75 F19 Defence medal silver (L1051) N.E.F. £15
£75.00 £15.00 £15.00
F3005 Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War type F20 1939-45 Volunteers medal with overseas bar (L18279)
2 ( in Bishop and Elliot) early issue with top bar , ribbon N.E.F. £55
frayed (L17376) G.V.F. £75 £55.00
£75.00 F21 1939-45 Volunteers medal (L16883) N.E.F. £35
F3006 Veterans of Foreign Wars serving Post (local £35.00
Commander) with enamelled silver gilt top bar (L17377) IMPERIAL MEDALS : South Africa
G.V.F. £85
£85.00 2 items.

F3007 Womens Relief Corps 1883 bronze cross (L14910) V.F. F18.1 1939/45 Home Service silver (n.r.) (L18119) N.E.F. £45
£15 £45.00
£15.00 F22 1939/45 Overseas Service silver named (L16890) G.V.F.
F3008 Society of the Colonial Dames of America Breast Badge £25
in gold named to Helen Hintingdon, 1899 with top bar £25.00
Connecticut, by Bailey Banks and Biddle, superb quality Abu Dhabi
and condition, (L10825) E.F. £295
1 items.
F24 Good Service Medal bronze scarce (n.r) (L11902) V.F.
F3009 Spanish American War 1898 New Jersey Volunteers
medal , very attractive large medal bronze (L11840)
G.V.F. £120
£120.00 Afghanistan
F3010 Spanish War Veterans Coss 1889-1902 , Serving Officer 4 items.
2nd type gilt excellent quality with white enamelled top F25 Military Good Conduct medal 10 years with ribbon bar
rank bar, ribbon detached (L7668) N.E.F. £125 (L12205) E.F. £18
£125.00 £18.00
F3011 Spanish War Veterans Coss 1889-1902 , with trophy of F26 Military Good Conduct medal 5 years with ribbon bar
armas, eagle and wreath supension, with flag ribbon, (L12206) E.F. £15
officially numbered (L13752) G.V.F. £125 £15.00
F28 Republic Good Conduct medal with ribbon bar (L12199)
F3012 Spanish War Veterans 1889-1902 cross only (L3819) E.F. £15
G.V.F. £30 £15.00
£30.00 £30.00
F29 Republic Literacy medal (L12200) E.F. £15
F3013 Spanish War Auxiliary U.S Womens Volunteers badge £15.00
bronze (L6752) G.V.F. £40
£40.00 Albania

F3014 Grand Army of the Republic 58th Encampment medal 2 items.

Warren 1924 (L14918) N.E.F. £65 F30 Accession medal Prince William 1914 (L1074) G.V.F.
£65.00 £75
F3015 International Order of Oddfellows USA , Patriarchs £75.00
Militant Grand decoration of Chivalry , gilt and enamels, F31 Republic Order of Scanderbeg 2nd class breast star
superb quality inset with “jewels” numbered and scarce (L13116) G.V.F. £165
inscription” Be Just Merciful Notorable and Brave” This is £165.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Andorra F49 Group of 7: Hungary W.W.1 medal, War medal 1914-18,

1 items. Saxony L.S. Medal 9 years, Honour Cross 1914-18
with swords, Baden Freiderich II merit medal silver, Iron
F32 Order of Merit Commander neck badge gilt and enamels, Crosss 1914, Saxony Fredreich August medal silver,
with full ribbon, very faded, rare (L10299) G.V.F. £395 all court mounted at 45 degree angle, attractive group
£395.00 (L14336) N.E.F. £225
Antigua and Barbuda £225.00
1 items. F50 Group of 3: Germany Honour Cross with Swords,
Hungary W.W.1 medal, War medal 1914-18 with swords
F33 15 year Anniversary of Independence medal silver rare on ribbon, court mounted as worn (L17972) N.E.F. £75
(L11298) N.E.F. £225 £75.00
F51 Order of St. Stephen COLLAR, superb quality post 1918
Araucania from the original dies, in silver gilt, (L15074) N.E.F.
2 items. £2450
F34 Commemorative medal of Honour Phillip gilt , rare
(L11210) N.E.F. £195 F52 Order of Leopold COLLAR, with Collar badge, most
£195.00 superb quality long collar in silver gilt, of excellent
craftsmanship, post 1918, the reverse of each link is
F35 Commemorative medal of Honour Phillip silver, rare
beautifully hand engraved, superb quality collar badge ,
(L17556) N.E.F. £195
(L16906) E.F. £4750
F53 Order of Leopold COLLAR, most superb quality long
13 items. collar in silver gilt, of excellent craftsmanship, post 1918,
F36 Order of San Martin the Liberator, Grand Cross CASE the reverse of each link is beautifully hand engraved,
ONLY. Original embossed case of issue with full sash (L14806) E.F. £2950
and lapel rosette, one hinge need refixing and the clasp £2,950.00
top missing, otherwise (L17398) N.E.F. £145 F54 Order of Leopold Grand Cross breast star with war
£145.00 decoration, and swords superb quality silver star with
F37 Medal for the Allies, war with Parguay 1865-1870, silver gilt and gold front by Vinc Mayers & Sohne,
bronze (n.r.) (L1081) N.E.F. £85 very rare, very slight chips to centre enamel otherwise
£85.00 (L17943) N.E.F. £3995
F38 Battle of Corrientes August 19th 1865 silver, (n.r.) rare
(L16577) G.V.F. £235 F55 Order of Leopold Knight in bronze gilt with war
£235.00 decoration and marked with star hallmark (L17004)
N.E.F. £1045
F39 Battle of Corrientes August 19th 1865 bronze, rare £1,045.00
(L16578) G.V.F. £175
£175.00 F56 Order of Leopold Knight in bronze gilt with star hallmark
marke Rothe (L13153) N.E.F. £945
F40 Paraguay War 1869 Star for the National Guard of £945.00
Buenos Aires silver rare (n.r.) (L16569) G.V.F. £120
£120.00 F57 Order of Maria Theresa Knight excellent quality later
post war issue in silver gilt with full neck ribbon, (L17482)
F41 Paraguay War Medal for the Allies of Argentina silver N.E.F. £795
(L16571) N.E.F. £185 £795.00
F58 Order of Maria Theresa Knight excellent quality later post
F42 Paraguay War Medal for the Allies of Argentina bronze war issue bronze gilt (L13150) E.F. £295
(n.r.) (L16572) V.F. £125 £295.00
F59 Order of Franz Joseph Commander neck badge in
F43 Chaco Campaign Medal 1870-84 bar Expedicion 1881, hallmarked gold, by Vinc Mayers, (L17851) E.F. £1195
bronze, very rare with bar (L16573) G.V.F. £245 £1,195.00
F60 Order of Franz Joseph Commander breast star, superb
F44 Andes Campaign Medal 1882-83 , bronze, (L16574) quality and very attractive smaller sized star with gold
N.E.F. £145 front (70mm x70mm) reverse marked “ Gebr. Resch In
£145.00 Wein” Austrian head mark and pinmarked A A A .These
F45 Rio Negro and Patagonia Campaign medal 1878-81 reduced size stars will have been worn by members of
bronze (n.r.) (L16575) G.V.F. £145 the royal family. Very rare (L17852) E.F. £3750
£145.00 £3,750.00
F46 Campaign de Los Andes 1882-1883 bronze (n.r.) F61 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in hallmarked gold
(L8412) G.V.F. £85 with locket, by Gebr. Resch (n.r.) (L17202) E.F. £495
£85.00 £495.00
F46.1 Medal of Homage for the Andes War 1817, Dolores F62 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in hallmarked gold
1899, bronze , rare (L18229) G.V.F. £125 with locket, by Vinc Mayers sohn (L17034) E.F. £645
£125.00 £645.00
F48 Visit of the President to Rosario 1913 (n.r.) (L1087) F63 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in hallmarked gold
G.V.F. £25 with locket, by Vinc Mayers sohn , slt. chip to tip of one
£25.00 arm (L13641) N.E.F. £395
F64 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in hallmarked
94 items.
gold with locket, by Resch top arm chipped on obverse
(L14936) G.V.F. £395

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£395.00 £125.00
F65 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in silver gilt F83 Military Merit Signum Laudis Franz Joseph golden,
hallmarked on ring by Scheid, scarce (L13080) N.E.F. (L18052) N.E.F. £35
£345 £35.00
F84 Military Merit Signum Laudis Franz Joseph golden, with
F66 Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in silver gilt with swords on ribbon (L18090) N.E.F. £45
swords on ribbon, hallmarked on ring (L14987) N.E.F. £45.00
F87 Military Merit Signum Laudis Carolus with 2 Crowns,
Golden with silver bar with swords affixed on ribbon,
F67 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class with war decoration in (L18097) G.V.F. £75
gold, early unnmarked (L17032) N.E.F. £1395 £75.00
F88 Military Merit Signum Laudis Carolus with 2 Crowns,
F68 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class in gold, hallmarked by Golden with swords on ribbon, (L18098) N.E.F. £65
F.Rothe superb quality (n.r.) (L17030) E.F. £1395 £65.00
F91 Military Merit Signum Laudis Carolus with 2 Crowns,
F69 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class in gold, hallmarked Silvered with swords on ribbon (L18101) G.V.F. £55
by F.Rothe superb quality slt chip to reverse centre £55.00
(L17822) N.E.F. £1395
F92 Military Merit Signum Laudis Carolus with 2 Crowns,
Silver with swords on ribbon (L18102) E.F. £65
F70 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class in silver gilt, £65.00
hallmarked on ring, (L13155) N.E.F. £595
F93 War Cross for Civil Merit 1915 4th class gilt (gilding
worn) (L11108) G.V.F. £75
F71 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class with war decoration in £75.00
bronze gilt , and swords on ribbon, hallmarked on ring
F94 Red Cross Honour Decoration 1914-1918 Officer
(L17818) N.E.F. £465
(1864-1914) with war decoration, excellent quality in
silver reverse with hallmarked 2 prongs (L14054) N.E.F.
F72 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class with war decoration £395
in bronze gilt, unnmarked reverse centre and iron band £395.00
missing, (L17481) V.F. £175
F96 Red Cross Honour Decoration 1914-1918 2nd
class(1864-1914) without war decoration rare (L11529)
F73 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class in bronze gilt, E.F. £125
unmarked (L17820) N.E.F. £425 £125.00
F97 Red Cross Honour Decoration 1914-1918 2nd
F74 Order of the Iron Crown 3rd class with war decoration class(1864-1914) without war decoration in fitted
and swords on ribbon in bronze gilt, unmarked (L17821) embossed case of issue by Scheid rare.................
G.V.F. £445 (L13149) E.F. £145
£445.00 £145.00
F75 Order of Elizabeth 2nd class breast badge superb quality F98 Red Cross Merit medal 1914 with war decoration and
in hallmarked silver by Rothe, with bow ribbon very rare bow ribbon in embossed card case of issue ( case hinge
(L14053) N.E.F. £1495 damaged) (L13092) N.E.F. £45
£1,495.00 £45.00
F76 Order of Elizabeth 2nd class breast badge unmarked F99 Gold Merit Cross type 1 1849-60 large type with Crown
but of superb quality,suspension ring broken rare (n.r.) in gold by F. Braun Vienna, rare (L13958) E.F. £475
(L14052) N.E.F. £1295 £475.00
F100 Gold Merit Cross 1849 large type with Crown with
F77 Military Merit Cross 2nd class neck badge with war swords on ribbon (L14594) N.E.F. £125
decoration and swords unmarked, excellent older quality £125.00
Rothe issue 1920’s ribbon loop missing, (n.r.) small flake
F101 Gold Merit Cross 1849 large type with Crown (L14595)
to red enamel ring of center otherwise (L15454) N.E.F.
N.E.F. £115
F102 Gold Merit Cross 1849 large type with Crown obverse
F78 Military Merit Cross with war decoration and swords on
lower arm chipped, (L14596) G.V.F. £88
ribbon, superb condition in fitted embossed case of issue
by Vinc Mayers Sohne (L12929) E.F. £165
£165.00 F103 Silver Merit Cross 1849 large type with Crown superb
qaulity with enamelled crown insert (L13067) E.F. £85
F79 Military Merit Cross with war decoration and swords on
ribbon, superb condition in fitted embossed card case of
issue by Vinc Mayers Sohne (L12930) E.F. £145 F105 Silver Merit Cross 1849 large type with Crown (L14599)
£145.00 E.F. £60
F80 Military Merit Cross with war decoration (L17727) N.E.F.
£115 F107 Silver Merit Cross 1849 large type no Crown, with
£115.00 swords on ribbon (L15175) N.E.F. £65
£65.00 £65.00
F81 Military Merit Cross with war decoration, (L17849) N.E.F.
£135 F108 Silver Merit Cross 1849 small type no Crown slt chip to
£135.00 one arm (n.r.) (L13069) G.V.F. £35
F82 Military Merit Cross without war decoration, scarce
(L9007) N.E.F. £125 F109 Iron Merit Cross 1916 with crown (L7724) V.F. £30

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£30.00 £150.00
F110 Iron Merit Cross 1916 with crown (L10358) E.F. £45 F131 Cannon Cross 1813-1814 officers in gilt with blackened
£45.00 centre (n.r.) (L17580) G.V.F. £155
F111 Iron Merit Cross 1916 no crown (n.r.) (L14602) G.V.F.
£20 F132 Tirol medal 1848 (L7362) V.F. £98
£20.00 £98.00
F112 Franz I medal of Merit for Wisdom and Virtue,1833 (Weg F133 Campaign Medal 1873 gilt (L16425) E.F. £45
Zur Weisheit und Tugend) large silver by Stuckhart, £45.00
(L18136) V.F. £295
F134 Campaign Medal 1873 gilt (L16426) N.E.F. £38
F113 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph I 1859-1866 large silver
F135 Campaign Medal 1873 gilt (L16427) V.F. £30
(L15081) V.F. £395
F136 Campaign Medal 1873 bronze (L16428) V.F. £25
F114 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph I 1866-1914 small silver
with oval suspender (L9080) V.F. £98
£98.00 F137 War medal 1914-18 with swords on ribbon (L12171)
N.E.F. £35
F115 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph I 1866-1914 large war
£35.00 £35.00
metal drilled for suspension (L11183) V.F. £30
£30.00 F138 War medal 1914-18 with swords on ribbon (L16803)
N.E.F. £30
F116 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph I 1866-1914 large silver
by Leisek with handle oval suspender, contact marks
(L13981) V.F. £195 F139 Tirol Medal 1914-18 (n.r.) (L13851) G.V.F. £15
£195.00 £15.00
F117 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917 large gold F140 Homeguard Decoration with helmet and swords ribbon
( bronze gilt ) unsigned superb quality frosted finish bar (L13787) G.V.F. £55
condition (L16985) E.F. £195 £55.00
£195.00 F141 Field Pilots badge 1st type 1913 Franz Joseph I by
F118 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917 large gold J.Zimbler Vienna rare (L15084) G.V.F. £345
( bronze gilt ) unsigned (L16986) N.E.F. £145 £345.00
£145.00 F142 Naval Pilots badge excelent quality bronze and enamel,
F119 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917 large gilt (L15085) G.V.F. £295
unsigned in war metal, gilding worn, medal (L13982) £295.00
N.E.F. £75 F143 Naval Observers badge by Rothe, excellent quality later
£75.00 issue gilt and enamels, (L15086) E.F. £295
F120 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917 large silver £295.00
unsigned with silver award bar on ribbon, unusual private F144 Military L.S.Cross Officers 3rd type 1890-1918, 2nd class
manufacture (L13976) N.E.F. £65 for 40 years, superb quality (L15389) N.E.F. £195
£65.00 £195.00
F121 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917 large silver F145 Military L.S.Cross 3rd type 1890-1918, 3rd class for
by Leisek (L13978) N.E.F. £55 25 years, with pearl back, with silver disc engraved
£55.00 £55.00 “1895-1905 3 te Kompanie” large shield on eagle,rare
F122 Medal for Bravery Franz Joseph 1914-1917, small (L16435) E.F. £245
bronze by Tautenhayn (L10607) G.V.F. £15 £245.00
£15.00 £15.00 F146 Military L.S.Cross 3rd type 1890-1918, 3rd class for 25
F123 Honour Medal for 40 years Faithful Service military years, with pearl back , large shield on eagle, (L12927)
ribbon (L15339) E.F. £45 N.E.F. £155
£45.00 £155.00
F124 Honour Medal for 40 years Faithful Service civil ribbon F147 Military L.S.Cross 3rd type 1890-1918, 3rd class for 25
(L15177) E.F. £45 years, with pearl back , small shield on eagle, (L12928)
£45.00 N.E.F. £155
F125 Jubilee Medal 1898 50 years (L1134) E.F. £5
£5.00 £5.00 F148 Military L.S.Cross enlisted men VI years 1890-1913
(L6344) V.F. £18
F126 Jubilee Cross 1848-1908 Military ribbon (L1135) V.F.
£18.00 £18.00
£10.00 £10.00 F149 Medal for the Austrian Air Force Viribus Unitis bronze
(L12853) V.F. £45
F127 Jubilee Cross 1848-1908, civil ribbon (L1136) V.F. £8
£8.00 £8.00
F128 Defenders of the Fatherland 1797 (n.r.) (L8330) N.V.F.
£120 1 items.
£120.00 F166 Medal of Liberty silver gilt by Spink rare (L11424) N.E.F.
F129 Cannon Cross 1813-1814 Large Golden Cross ( only £125
awarded once) modern good qualty copy (L9780) N.E.F. £125.00
£125 Bahrain
2 items.
F130 Cannon Cross 1813-1814 green centre, old original
ribbon (L17491) G.V.F. £150 F167 Police Long Service medal silver (L9485) N.E.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£35.00 Bombe large crown 1839-1845 and old ribbon and

unusual ribbon suspender, (L9932) N.E.F. £245
F168 Gulf War Medal (L10319) E.F. £25
Belgium F183 Order of Leopold French Knight badge (L1186) N.E.F.
127 items. £48.00
F Order of Leopold II 2nd type Commander neck badge F184 Order of Leopold French Knight badge gold centre, slt.
French/Flemish with full neck ribbon, (L9452) G.V.F. chipping (L13966) N.E.F. £50
£175 £50.00
F185 Order of Leopold French Knight badge gold centre, a
F169 Group of 5 with Governers Sash and Armband to Emile little chipping (L8427) V.F. £45
Noel Governor of the City of Liege 1924-1939: Order £45.00
of Leopold Knight French, Resistance Medal 1940-45
Non Concedo, Civic Merit Medal 1st class, Mdeal for F186 Order of Leopold French Knight badge gold centre,
Service D Liege. FNI (Invalide) medal with star on ribbon, chipping to arm tips centre perfect (L17910) V.F. £30
Governers sash with ealorate tassells 10ft long, Armband £30.00
of Resistance Army of Liege Group S.D. , in broken card F187 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Commander neck badge
box for the sash with detail written inside lid, (L11992) French/Flemish with full neck ribbon, (L17539) G.V.F.
E.F. £275 £175
£275.00 £175.00
F170 Order of Leopold Commander Military with Swords neck F188 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Commander neck badge
badge French, excellent quality silver gilt with full ribbon, French excellent quality silver gilt (n.r.) (L11633) E.F.
(L10831) N.E.F. £475 £185
£475.00 £185.00
F171 Order of Leopold Commander Military with Swords neck F189 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Commander neck badge
badge French/Flemish , excellent heavy quality with full French excellent quality silver gilt (L14756) N.E.F. £195
ribbon, (L10971) N.E.F. £425 £195.00
F190 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Officer badge in silver gilt
F172 Order of Leopold Commander French , silver gilt with French (L9877) N.E.F. £65
gold centres, excellent early quality, (L17023) E.F. £275 £65.00
F191 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Officer French/Flemish
F173 Order of Leopold Commander French , silver gilt with modern issue (L13834) E.F. £48
gold centres, excellent early quality, slt. chip to tip of one £48.00
arm with full neck ribbon, (L5825) N.E.F. £295
F192 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
French, in embossed case of issue by Van Larebeke
F174 Order of Leopold Commander French military with (L16742) E.F. £65
swords, heavy quality issue with full ribbon (L14828) E.F. £65.00 £65.00
F193 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
French (L9218) N.E.F. £55
F175 Order of Leopold French Officer 1845-1880 with Gonfle £55.00
crown in silver gilt with gold centre, (L14521) E.F. £225
F194 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
French with silver oak leaves on ribbon (L16734) N.E.F.
F176 Order of Leopold French Officers badge military with £65
swords , in gold, a little chipping (L13963) G.V.F. £225 £65.00
F195 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge with swords
F177 Order of Leopold French Knight badge military with on ribbon, in silver French (L13244) N.E.F. £65
swords , 1st TYPE 1832-1835 with Espagnol crown, slt. £65.00
chipping otherwise rare and (L14519) N.E.F. £275
F196 Group of 5 ; Order of Leopold Officer French/Flemish,
Order of the Crown Officer , Civil Merit decoration 1st
F178 Order of Leopold French Knight badge military with class gilt and enamel, Royal Household Medal Albert gilt,
swords with gold centre, one arm of lion missing and W.W.II medal mounted as worn (L12454) N.E.F. £225
some leaves chipped otherwise (L13965) N.E.F. £55 £225.00
F197 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
F179 Order of Leopold French Knight badge military with French with silver swords on ribbon (L14489) N.E.F. £55
swords with gold centre, in case of issue by Wolfers, £65.00 £65.00
case a little damaged, slt. chips to tips of 3 arms,
F198 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
(L16741) N.E.F. £65
French with silver swords on ribbon (L9218) N.E.F. £55
£65.00 £65.00
F180 Order of Leopold French/Flemish Knight badge Military
F199 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
with swords, and swords on ribbon, gilt centre (L13593)
French slt. chipping (L9217) G.V.F. £45
N.E.F. £70
F200 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Knights badge in silver
F181 Order of Leopold French Knight 1845 with Gonfle crown
French (L17911) N.E.F. £50
with gold centre, (L14522) N.E.F. £195
F201 Order of Leopold II 2nd type Medal 1st class gilt
F182 Order of Leopold French Knight badge with gold centre,
(L10868) N.E.F. £35
reduced size (25mm x 45mm) very early type with

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F202 Order of the Star of Africa ( Belgian Congo 1888) £25.00

Commander neckbadge superb quality silver gilt with full
F225 Decoration for the 50th Anniversary of the Railways, 1st
neck ribbon, rare (L15387) N.E.F. £995
May 1834-1885, silver and enamel, very scarce (L14557)
N.E.F. £125
F203 Order of the Star of Africa ( Belgian Congo 1888) £125.00
Commander neck badge excellent quality bronze gilt with
F226 Decoration for the 50th Anniversary of the Railways,
full neck ribbon, (L18167) N.E.F. £795
1st May 1834-1885, bronze cross very scarce (L14558)
N.E.F. £75
F208 Order of the Lion of Belgium Commander neck badge £75.00
with full neck ribbon, rare (L15078) E.F. £795
F227 Decoration for the 75th Anniversary of the Telegraphs
9th Sept. 1921 rare (L14617) N.E.F. £125
F209 Order of the Lion of Belgium Officer French/Flemish £125.00
(L16913) N.E.F. £295
F228 Insignia of Honour Laureate for Work, large silver
insignia, scarce (L1190) N.E.F. £25
F210 Order of the Lion of Belgium Knight (L7010) N.E.F. £245 £25.00 £25.00
F229 Royal Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium Leopold II silver
F211 Order of the Lion of Belgium Knight French with silver gilt to J.B.Denis (L11301) N.E.F. £45
palm A on ribbon, (L17161) N.E.F. £275 £45.00
F230 Royal and Central Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium
F212 Order of the Lion of Belgium Knight French (L11859) Leopold II silver gilt to A .Buvon (L6130) G.V.F. £45
E.F. £245 £45.00
F231 Royal and Central Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium
F213 Order of the Lion of Belgium Knight French in case of Leopold II silver gilt unnamed, 52mm x 32 mm (L14576)
issue (L13096) E.F. £265 N.E.F. £65
£265.00 £65.00
F214 Order of the Lion of Belgium Knight chipping to centre F232 Royal Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium Leopold III
enamel, on obverse, (L9878) G.V.F. £195 bronze unamed scarce (L6474) N.E.F. £65
£195.00 £65.00
F215 Order of the Crown Grand Cross sash badge, superb F233 Royal Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium Albert silver to
quality ( no sash) (L17684) E.F. £145 N.Fournier (L14860) G.V.F. £45
£145.00 £45.00
F216 Order of the Crown Commander with award document F234 Royal Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium Leopold II silver
to E.L.Westerveld Director General of Posts and gilt to A .Bloch (L14862) G.V.F. £45
Telegraphs of Netherlands, good quality with full neck £45.00
ribbon in embosed case of issue by Wolfers, (L14799)
F235 Royal and Central Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium
E.F. £185
Leopold II silver gilt to A.G.Ransart (L14864) G.V.F. £45
F217 Order of the Crown Commander good heavy quality with
F236 Central Society of Sauveteurs of Belgium Leopold II
full neck ribbon, (L12020) E.F. £145
bronze gilt to SI Mohammed Bacouche (L7115) N.E.F.
F218 Order of the Crown Commander neck badge in £65.00
embossed case of issue by Fisch, with original Certificate
F237 Royal Society for the Protection of Animals Leopold II
to Izzet Khourchid Lebanese Diplomat and Politician,
large bronze medal 45mm, named to C.Louage 1878,
excellnet quality in silver gilt, (L17232) E.F. £175
scarce (L14575) G.V.F. £75
F219 Order of the Crown Officer with crossed swords and
F238 Croix De Guerre 1914-18 (L9434) G.V.F. £25
Coree-Korea emblem on ribbon, in case of issue by
Degreef, scarce (L14816) E.F. £85
£85.00 F239 Palmes for Croix De Guerre W.W.I each (L1201) E.F.
F220 Order of the Crown Knight small chip to obverse centre
£10.00 £10.00
silver (L13773) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 F240 Military Cross 2nd class (L14551) N.E.F. £65
F221 Order of the Crown Knight with silver swords on ribbon,
in embossed case of issue by De Vigne-Hart (L14491) F241 Military Cross 2nd class little chipping (L11454) V.F. £35
N.E.F. £48 £35.00
£48.00 F242 Military Decoration for L.S.G.C. 1st Class with Chevron ,
F222 Order of the Crown Knight with silver swords on ribbon, French (L14553) N.E.F. £35
(L17802) N.E.F. £45 £35.00
£45.00 F243 Military Decoration for Bravery French (L14555) N.E.F.
F223 Order of the Crown merit medal 1st class gold ( gilt) £30
with miniature in embossed case of issue “ S.A.. Ets. £30.00
Delhaize Freres & Cie Le Lion a M.Roger Honore F244 Military Decoration for L.S.G.C. 2nd Class, French
Medaille d’Or de l’Ordre de La Couronne” (L15626) (L1204) V.F. £15
N.E.F. £55 £15.00 £15.00
F245 Military Decoration for L.S.G.C. 2nd Class, French
F224 Order of the Crown Academic Plames gilt (L10532) (L14554) N.E.F. £20
N.E.F. £25 £20.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F246 Military Decoration for L.S.G.C. 2nd Class, Flemish, F268 Service Medal for Natives of the Congo Baoudoin civil ,
double sided lion (L1205) E.F. £20 1st class gilt (L1222) N.E.F. £35
£20.00 £20.00 £35.00 £35.00
F247 Civil Decoration for Acts of Courage medal 2nd class F269 War with Austria 1789 Province of Flanders silver medal
silver (L10903) G.V.F. £45 for high officials and Officers, with details from the
£45.00 Heyden book (1903) on Belgium in German a very rare
medal with the original ribbon, (L6549) N.E.F. £895
F248 Civil Merit Decoration Cross for Long Service 1st class
for 35 years in card box of issue (L9408) E.F. £35
£35.00 F270 Iron Medal 1830 in iron , unmounted as originally issued
( suspenders added later) very rare virtually as issued
F249 Civil Merit Decoration Cross for Long Service 1st class
and toned (L17173) E.F. £395
for 35 years (L14566) N.E.F. £30
F271 Iron Medal 1830 in iron , mounted as later added
F250 Civil Merit Decoration cross with ribbon for courage 2nd
(L17888) V.F. £375
class (L14856) G.V.F. £25
F272 Iron Medal 1830 in iron , unmounted as originally issued
F251 Civil Merit Decoration Cross for Long Service 2nd class
( suspenders added later) very rare (L14832) V.F. £295
for 25 years (L14567) N.E.F. £30
F273 Iron Medal 1830 in bronze, mounted as worn on a ribbon
F252 Civil Merit Decoration medal for Long Service 1st class
bar for 2 medals 1st medal missing with old original
silver gilt (L10535) N.E.F. £20
ribbon, rare (L10352) V.F. £345
F253 Civil Merit Decoration medal for Long Service 1st class
F274 Iron Cross 1830 1st class in gold and enamel, paint finish
gilt (L10867) E.F. £20
to iron arms flaking in places but still attractive, very rare
(L14127) V.F. £995
F254 Civil Merit Decoration medal for Long Service 2nd class £995.00
silver (L9423) N.E.F. £15
F275 Iron Cross 1830 1st class in gold and enamel, (L17889)
G.V.F. £995
F255 Civil Merit Decoration medal for Long Service 3rd class £995.00
bronze (L9424) G.V.F. £15
F276 Iron Cross 1830 1st class in gold and enamel, slt.
Chipping to reverse top arm, centres depressed
F256 Civil Merit Decoration medal ribbon for courage 2nd otherwise rare and (n.r.) (L16909) G.V.F. £795
class (L14593) N.E.F. £20 £795.00
£20.00 £20.00
F277 Iron Cross 1830 1st class in gold and enamel, flaking to
F257 Civil Merit Decoration medal ribbon for courage 3rd class enamel on one arm, original ribbon, rare (L16489) V.F.
bronze (L10538) G.V.F. £15 £995
£15.00 £995.00
F258 Red Cross Decoration (L10014) N.E.F. £75 F278 1870-71 War Medal (L1225) G.V.F. £30
£75.00 £30.00
F259 Red Cross Insignia of Merit silver and enamel (L1210) F279 Commemorative medal for the Royal Voyage to Brazil
N.E.F. £25 1920, original issue in case of issue by Wolfers (L9531)
£25.00 £25.00 N.E.F. £225
F260 Red Cross Central Committee medal for aid to the £225.00
wounded Leopold II 1870, silver (L14580) N.E.F. £45 F280 Commemorative medal for the Royal Voyage to Brazil
£45.00 1920, (L18037) G.V.F. £175
F261 Red Cross Central Committee medal for aid to the £175.00
wounded Leopold II 1870, silver with Red Cross F281 WW1 medal (L17912) G.V.F. £20
embroidered ribbon, (L14581) N.E.F. £50 £20.00
F282 Yser medal with enamelled black bar and Fourragere on
F262 Red Cross National Society medal of honour Leopold II ribbon in case of issue (L12050) G.V.F. £45
silver gilt, (L14582) N.E.F. £50 £45.00
F283 Yser medal (L5141) N.E.F. £30
F263 Red Cross International Volunteers Decoration (L14845) £30.00
N.E.F. £75
F284 Yser medal (n.r.) (L1229) G.V.F. £20
F264 Blood Donor Decoration (L1212) N.E.F. £20
F285 War Medal 1939-1945 (L1232) V.F. £15
£20.00 £20.00
F265 Service Medal for Natives of the Congo Baoudoin
F286 War Medal 1939-1945 with swords on ribbon (L4847)
military , 1st class gilt (L1219) N.E.F. £35
V.F. £20
£35.00 £35.00
F266 Service Medal for Natives of the Congo Baoudoin
F287 War Medal 1939-1945 with swords on ribbon (L1233)
military , 2nd class silver (L18197) N.E.F. £35
V.F. £20
F267 Service Medal for Natives of the Congo Baoudoin civil ,
F288 War Medal Volunteers 1940-1945 bar 1940-1945
2nd class silvered (L18198) G.V.F. £35
(L13010) G.V.F. £30

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F289 Defaulters Medal 1940-45, ribbon for military default £75.00

(L1239) V.F. £18
F310 Air Force South Atlantic Campaign 1942-1945, bronze
(L14810) G.V.F. £65
F290 Military Fighters Medal 1940-45 (L1240) G.V.F. £25 £65.00
F311 Paraguay Campaign Cross 1868-70, (n.r.) scarce
F291 Deportees medal 1942-1945, scarce (L1241) G.V.F. £45 (L5203) N.E.F. £95
£45.00 £95.00
F292 Volunteers medal bar Pugnator awarded for Korea F312 Paraguay War 1868 Bravery medal bronze (L16561)
(L12092) G.V.F. £45 G.V.F. £195
£45.00 £195.00
F293 Commemorative medal for the Congo 1879-1908 ( also F312.01Military College of Marechal Hermes Students Good
known as the Veterans Colonial medal ) with original conduct medal with bar silver, (L18127) N.E.F. £35
ribbon with star. (L14852) N.E.F. £45 £35.00
F312.1 Duque De Caxais Medal of Peace bronze (L18109)
F294 Veterans Cross 1831-1865 gilt (L14848) G.V.F. £35 N.E.F. £30
£35.00 £30.00
F295 Silver Sharpshooters Royal badge large 75mm x 45mm F313 Paraguay War 1868 Bravery medal bronze (n.r.)
with 4 lugs on back, “2e Prix de Tir “ (L14560) N.E.F. £35 (L16555) G.V.F. £175
£35.00 £175.00
F296 Armistice Anniversary medal 1918-1968 bronze (L12077) F314 Contitutional Campaign Medal Sao Paolo 9/7/1932
N.E.F. £25 (L17476) G.V.F. £45
£25.00 £45.00
F297 Horse Fair 3rd prize medal 1888 Leopold II large bronze F315 Naval School Duque De Caxais Voyage of Instruction of
medal with crown and suspender (L14868) V.F. £25 the Marine Guards 1953-1954 silver gilt octagonal table
£25.00 medal, 45mm (L11062) N.E.F. £45
F298 Exposition International of Arts and Metiers Brussells
1905 Grand Prize decoration engraves H.Bosken Gelbler F315.1 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 large type gilt with 3 stars
gilt and enamel (L11474) G.V.F. £25 ribbon bar (L18106) E.F. £30
£25.00 £30.00
Bolivia F315.2 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 large type silver with 2 stars
1 items. ribbon bar (L18107) E.F. £30
F299 Medal For the Revolution of February 1865, General
Melgarejo silvered bronze (n.r.) very rare (L16560) V.F. F315.3 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 large type bronxe with 1 star
£495 ribbon bar (L18108) E.F. £20
£495.00 £20.00

Brazil F316.1 Correia Lima Prize medal silver (L18115) G.V.F. £20
25 items.
F318 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 large type gilt with 4 star
F300 Order of the Rose Commander breast star, silver gilt, ribbon bar (L1268) E.F. £30
Legend chipped...... (L16968) E.F. £995 £30.00
F319 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 large type gilt with 3 stars
F303 War Cross 1917-1918 , VIII embossed on upper arm, ribbon bar in gold marked MRSP rare (L1269) E.F. £275
rare (L15662) V.F. £295 £275.00
F323 L.S.G.C. Decoration 1901 small type bronze (L11830)
F304.88War Medal 22.VIII 1942 gilt and enamel, (L18114) N.E.F. G.V.F. £20
£75 £20.00
F304.9 Combat Cross 1st class gilt F.E.B. (L18113) N.E.F. £75
7 items.
F305.1 War Service Medal Navy in original fitted embossed case F325 Most Distinguished Order of Merit Commander neck
of issue (L18076) G.V.F. £120 badge (L13535) E.F. £395
£120.00 £395.00

F305.1 Expeditionary Campaign Cross 1944 F.E.B bar (L18111) F326 Order of Setia Negara Knight superb quality silver gilt
N.E.F. £65 and enamels, by Spink (n.r.) (L15655) N.E.F. £145
£65.00 £145.00

F305.2 War Service Medal Navy with ribbon bar (L18105) G.V.F. F327 Armed Forces Service Decoration (Pingat bakti Laila
£65 Jasa Ikhlas) , superb quality silver gilt and enamel,
£65.00 scarce (L6028) E.F. £120
F305.22War Service Medal Navy with 2 silver stars , with ribbon
bar with stars (L18128) G.V.F. £75 F328 Sultan Omar Ali Saiffudin III Long Service Good Conduct
£75.00 Medal bronze by Spinks (L1279) G.V.F. £38
F305.23War Service Medal Navy with 3 silver stars , with ribbon
bar with stars (L18129) G.V.F. £80 F329 Long Service Medal silver by Spinks (L11299) E.F. £55
£80.00 £55.00

F309 Santos Dumont Medal for Merit in Aviation 1956, gilt F330 Malayan Regiment L.S.G.C. medal 18 years bronze
(L14807) E.F. £75 (L10999) N.E.F. £55

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£55.00 F351 Order of Military Merit 1891 Silver Merit Cross no Crown
(n.r.) (L10657) E.F. £65
F331 Medal for Service to the State silver (L1283) N.E.F. £45
Bulgaria F352 Order of Military Merit 1891 Silver Merit Cross no Crown
(L13988) E.F. £75
45 items. £75.00
F332 Order of Alexander Commander Royal Crown (n.r.) F353 Order of Military Merit 1891 Silver Merit Cross no Crown
(L17579) N.E.F. £595 (L11944) N.E.F. £70
£595.00 £70.00
F333 Order of Alexander Knight (L15479) N.E.F. £145 F354 Order of Civil Merit Grand Cross sash badge 2nd type,
£145.00 £145.00 rare (L17639) N.E.F. £895
F334 Order of Alexander Silver merit cross with swords in £895.00
fitted embossed case of issue (L15480) N.E.F. £125 F355 Order of Civil Merit Silver Merit 2nd type excellent early
£125.00 quality with bow ribbon for ladies (L17793) N.E.F. £145
F335 Order of Alexander Silver merit cross with swords £145.00
(L15481) N.E.F. £95 F356 Order of Civil Merit Silver Merit Cross, 2nd type with
£95.00 crown (n.r.) (L10655) E.F. £55
F336 Order of Alexander Silver cross no swords (L15482) £55.00
N.E.F. £95 F357 Order of Civil Merit Silver Merit Cross (L1318) E.F. £55
£95.00 £55.00
F336.1 Order of Military Merit 1891 Commander with war F358 Order of Civil Merit Silver Merit Cross(n.r.) (L16951) E.F.
decoration, ribbon loop has ben converted to a pin £75
broach otherwise (n.r.) (L18062) N.E.F. £495 £75.00
F359 Order of Merit Ferdinand 2nd type 1891 2nd class silver
F337 Military Order for Bravery 1879, 4th class breast badge in fitted embossed case of issue (L17527) G.V.F. £95
(L17796) G.V.F. £125 £95.00
F360 Order of Merit Ferdinand 1st type 1887 2nd class silver
F338 Cross of Bravery, 3rd class 1879 with swords silver scarce (L11788) G.V.F. £95
in fitted embossed case of issue case worn (L11934) £95.00
G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F361 Medal of Merit Boris III silver (L1335) G.V.F. £35
F339 Cross of Bravery, 3rd class 1879 with swords silver
(L1298) G.V.F. £30 F362 Medal of Merit Boris III bronze (L14811) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 £30.00

F340 Cross of Bravery, 3rd class 1879 with swords silver F363 Medal of Merit Boris III bronze (n.r.) (L17360) G.V.F. £25
(L1299) G.V.F. £30 £25.00
£30.00 F364 Cross for the Proclamation of the Kingdom 1908 (L1320)
F341 Cross of Bravery 3rd class 1915 with swords gilt (L4864) N.E.F. £45
G.V.F. £25 £45.00
£25.00 F365 Red Cross Merit Badge 1st type open cross gilt and
F342 Cross of Bravery 3rd class 1915 with swords silver enamel, pin back (L11257) N.E.F. £110
(L14013) G.V.F. £25 £110.00
£25.00 F366 Red Cross Badge of Merit 1st type large solid badge gilt
F344 Order of Military Merit 1891 Knight 5th class with crown and enamels, (L9971) N.E.F. £145
(L17609) N.E.F. £145 £145.00
£145.00 F367 Red Cross Honour badge 1st type gilt and enamel
F345 Order of Military Merit 1891 Knight 5th class with crown (L14722) G.V.F. £55
slt. Chip to reverse arm otherwise (L13215) N.E.F. £110 £55.00
£110.00 F368 Red Cross Honour badge 1st type gilt and enamel, pin
F346 Order of Military Merit 1891 Knight 5th class with war missing (L14723) G.V.F. £45
decoration no crown (L13989) E.F. £150 £45.00
£150.00 F369 Military Long Service Cross Ferdinand I, 10 years gilt
F347 Order of Military Merit 1891 Knight 5th class no crown (L1334) V.F. £35
(L13985) N.E.F. £120 £35.00
£120.00 F370 War of Liberation from the Turks (with the Russian Army
F348 Order of Military Merit 5th Class breast badge no crown Allies ) 1877-78, gilt rare (L17726) G.V.F. £145
in fitted embossed case of issue, case covering faded £145.00
(L11929) E.F. £135 F371 Military Long Service Cross Boris III, 10 years gilt
£135.00 (L17797) N.E.F. £35
F349 Order of Military Merit 1891 Silver Merit Cross with £35.00
Crown (n.r.) (L17528) E.F. £85 F372 Serbian War Medal 1885, silver (L17725) G.V.F. £75
£85.00 £75.00
F350 Order of Military Merit 1891 Silver Merit Cross with F373 War Medal 1912-13 Balkan War (L11839) E.F. £35
Crown (n.r.) (L10656) E.F. £75 £35.00
F374 War Medal 1912-13 Balkan War (n.r.) scarce (L1336)
E.F. £20

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£20.00 F403 Cambodia Order of Cambodia, Grand Cross sash badge,

most superb quality and condition with gold centre no
F375 Prince Ferdinands Wedding medal 1893, silver (L13217)
sash (L13756) E.F. £495
G.V.F. £110
F404 Order of Cambodia Commander, superb quality with full
F377 Bulgaria Order of Merit Ferdinand 2nd type 1891 2nd
neck ribbon, in case of issue by Chobillon, (L9468) E.F.
type 2nd class silver (L9699) N.E.F. £55
F405 Order of Cambodia Commander, superb quality and
4 items. condition (L9695) E.F. £445
F389 Order of Rukinzo Grand Cross sash badge superb £445.00
quality, complete with original sash (L14991) E.F. £445 F406 Order of Cambodia Commander, excellent quality
£445.00 (L9977) N.E.F. £425
F390 Order of Rukinzo Grand Cross sash badge superb £425.00
quality, no sash (L14995) E.F. £395 F407 Order of Cambodia Commander, most superb quality
£395.00 reverse marked by Boulanger Paris, in original case of
F391 Order of Rukinzo Knight , excellent quality, rare (L1353) issue with full ribbon, (L10315) E.F. £495
E.F. £145 £495.00
£145.00 F408 Order of Cambodia Commander good quality, slight
F392 Order of Justice and Peace, Commander with full neck chips to central enamel, otherwise (n.r.) (L9664) N.E.F.
ribbon, rare (L8966) E.F. £195 £425
£195.00 £425.00
C.S.S.R. F409 Order of Cambodia Commander good quality local
made , slight repair to central enamel, with full neck
1 items. ribbon (L12898) N.E.F. £325
F541 Medal for Service to the Homeland bronze (L1499) V.F. £325.00
£20 F410 Order of Cambodia Knight unusual early larger flattened
£20.00 £20.00 type with convex back,superb quality and condition
Cambodia & Laos (L9145) E.F. £195
46 items.
F411 Order of Cambodia Knight excellent quality and condition
F393 Order of Sahametrei Grand Cross breast star, and sash
(L9146) E.F. £155
badge superb quality with full sash in orignal case of
issue by Bertrand (L7192) N.E.F. £795
£795.00 F412 Order of Cambodia Knights badge, Locally made,
Cambodian ribbon, chips to enamel (L1360) V.F. £65
F394 Order of Sahametrei Grand Cross breast star, and sash
badge superb quality with full sash (L14657) E.F. £695
£695.00 F413 Order of Munisepheron Knights badge, excellent quality
silver gilt, scarce (L7007) E.F. £98
F395 Order of Sahametrei Commander excellent quality in
case of issue by Chobillon with with full neck ribbon
(L9770) E.F. £295 F414 Order of Sowathara Knight , excellent quality in silver gilt
£295.00 (L8409) E.F. £195
F396 Order of Sahametrei Officer excellent quality in case by
Bertrand Paris (L14965) E.F. £145 F415 Laos Order of Feminine merit awarded for meritorious
£145.00 deeds by women, rare (L8545) E.F. £145
F397 Order of Sahametrei Officer (L17764) N.E.F. £130
£130.00 F416 Laos Order of Civic merit Knight (L12081) E.F. £55
F398 Order of Sahametrei Knight excellent quality (n.r.)
(L13214) N.E.F. £110 F417 Laos Order of Agricultural merit Officer excellent quality
£110.00 (L6357) E.F. £75
F399 Cambodia Order of Cambodia, Grand Cross sash badge
and breast star, superb early quality in fitted case by F418 Laos Order of Agricultural merit Knight excellent quality
Chobillon, one clasp broken on case (L17453) E.F. (L6358) E.F. £65
£1395 £65.00
£1,395.00 F419 Laos Order of Work bronze scarce (L7189) G.V.F. £85
F400 Cambodia Order of Cambodia, Grand Cross sash £85.00
badge and breast star, excellent quality in fitted case by F420 Laos Order Public Instruction Knight good quality,
Bertrand, with full sash (Sahametri sash) (L17454) E.F. (L15314) E.F. £65
£1345 £65.00
F421 Laos Order of the Reign 1927 2nd type 2nd class silver
F401 Cambodia Order of Cambodia, Grand Cross sash badge scarce (L17351) G.V.F. £120
and breast star, superb quality with part original sash £120.00
with bow, (L14962) E.F. £1195
£1,195.00 F422 Cambodia Medal of the Crown silver, awarded
exclusively by the King , very rare (L7377) N.E.F. £225
F402 Cambodia Order of Cambodia, Grand Cross breast star, £225.00
superb quality, centre surround set with stone, very rare
important dignitaries star (L16472) N.E.F. £2295 F423 Cambodia Medal of Sisowath 1st silver gilt 1st class,
£2,295.00 (L13337) E.F. £85

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£85.00 4 items.
F424 Cambodia Medal of Norodom 1st 1st class silver gilt F443 Order of Military Merit neck badge excellent quality with
(L7313) E.F. £95 full ribbon (L12544) N.E.F. £85
£95.00 £85.00
F425 Cambodia Medal of Sisowath 1st silver gilt 1st class F444 Armed Forces L.S. star 10 years silver (n.r.) (L12082)
(L7194) E.F. £95 N.E.F. £35
£95.00 £35.00
F426 Cambodia Anussara Medal of Royal Remembrance 1951 F445 Medal for Valparaiso 1879-1881, Batallion Civico
bronze bestowed only by the King, rare (L17349) E.F. Artilleria Naval with original eagle suspender and ribbon ,
£125 rare (L16548) N.E.F. £225
£125.00 £225.00
F427 Cambodia Medal of Sisowath 1st silver 2nd class F446 Medal for Valparaiso 1879-1881, Rejiemento Valparaiso
(L7195) E.F. £85 with original eagle suspender and ribbon ,very rare
£85.00 (L16549) N.E.F. £295
F428 Cambodia Medal of Norodom Suramit, bronze , scarce
(L9148) N.E.F. £95 China
£95.00 1 items.
F429 Cambodia Medal of Norodom Sihanouk Virman, bronze , F447 Nationalist, Military Chu Kwang Chiang Chang medal
scarce (L12684) G.V.F. £95 Grade B 1st class numbered, with ribbon bar (L15379)
£95.00 N.E.F. £65
F430 Cambodia Medal of National Defence 1948 Monarchy £65.00
issue, with bronze palm and star on ribbon,awarded for Columbia
bravery, very scarce (L9886) G.V.F. £245
£245.00 9 items.

F431 Cambodia Medal of National Defence 1948 Monarchy F456 Order of San Carlos Commander neck badge, excellent
issue, awarded for bravery (L17321) G.V.F. £175 quality ( n.r.) scarce (L9132) E.F. £245
£175.00 £245.00
F433 Cambodia Peoples Socialist Community medal scarce F457 Order of Boyaca Officer fine quality silver gilt, some chips
(L9084) V.F. £65 to legend otherwise (L17092) G.V.F. £85
£65.00 £85.00
F434 Cambodia Royal Order of Labour Merit Officer, rare F458 Order of Merit General Jose Maria Cordoba, in plush
(L9149) N.E.F. £225 case by Metalfischer Bogota (L17097) N.E.F. £65
£225.00 £65.00
F435 Cambodia Labor medal bronze with rosette, scarce F460 Order of Military Merit 2nd class , silvered , (L1425)
(L7376) G.V.F. £95 G.V.F. £45
£95.00 £45.00
F436 Cambodia Faithful Service Order Officer rare (L9192) F461 Military Merit Cross silvered in case of issue by Fibo
N.E.F. £185 Bogota, with large enamelled ribbon broach (L1428)
£185.00 N.E.F. £45
F437 Cambodia Faithful Service Order Knight, rare (L9150)
N.E.F. £175 F462 Colombian Infantry Battallion medal Korea 1953, also
£175.00 known as the Mount Baldy Medal, in bronze and enamel,
with top bar Colombia, rare (L15691) E.F. £595
F438 Cambodia Republic peace medal (L8947) G.V.F. £45 £595.00
F463 Korean Valor Star with original ribbon and buckle top bar,
F448.9 Cambodia Medal of National Defence 1970-75 issue, rare (L15692) N.E.F. £595
awarded for bravery, very scarce (L18063) N.E.F. £125 £595.00
F464 U.N. Medal for Korea Spanish language as awarded to
Colombian Troops, rare (L15693) N.E.F. £895
1 items. £895.00
F439 Federal Republic Order of Merit medal 1st class gilt F475.1 Order of Merit Jose Fernandez Madrid Knight in
(L12595) N.E.F. £35 embossed case of issue scarc, 3 corners of case split
£35.00 (L18042) N.E.F. £75
Central African Republic £75.00
Congo and Zaire
3 items.
26 items.
F440 Order of Operation Bokassa Officer , excellent quality 2
small chips to obverse, rare (L1374) N.E.F. £295 F465 Order of Bravery bar Vaillance rare (L11580) N.E.F.
£295.00 £195
F441 Order of Operation Bokassa Knight, excellent quality,
rare. (L4940) N.E.F. £275 F466 Order of Devotion Congolais Knight , scarce order in any
£275.00 grade, (L17157) E.F. £98
F442 Order of Agricultural Merit Commander (n.r.) (L5961)
N.E.F. £125 F467 Order of Merit Congolais Commander neck badge, in
£125.00 case of issue by Bertrand, full neck ribbon and lapel
Chile rosette (L8429) E.F. £125

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F468 Order of Merit Congolais Officer (L16725) E.F. £90 F492 Order of Ustascha (Merit ) for Christians Grand Cross
£90.00 breast star excellent quality silver hallmarked (L10957)
N.E.F. £1095
F469 Democratic Republic Order of Merit Commander with full
neck riband in card case of issue by Degreef Brussells,
case is damaged , very scarce (L15276) N.E.F. £195 F493 Order of Ustascha (Merit ) for Christians Grand Cross
£195.00 sash badge excellent quality with full sash (L10958)
N.E.F. £995
F470 Democratic Republic Order of Merit Knight , military (n.r)
(L7224) E.F. £85
£85.00 F494 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir 1st class neck badge
(L10965) E.F. £495
F471 Republic Cross of Military Bravery in card box by Fonson
Brussells (L16989) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 F495 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir, 3rd class with oak
wreath in original embossed fitted case of issue, slt
F472 Republic Military Cross with bronze star on ribbon, in
chipping (L11570) G.V.F. £295
card box by Fonson Brussells (L16990) N.E.F. £55
F496 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir, bronze medal (nr)
F473 Republic Military Decoration, in card box by Fonson
(L1450) V.F. £65
Brussells (L16991) N.E.F. £45
F497 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir, bronze medal (L12116)
F474 Democratic Republic Bravery Cross (n.r.) (L5976) V.F.
N.E.F. £75
F498 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir, bronzed zinc medal
F475 Military merit medal RDC gilt (L11231) N.E.F. £25
(L12117) G.V.F. £65
F476 Civic merit medal 2nd class silver (L1439) E.F. £25
F499 Order of the Crown of Zvonomir, zinc medal (L16423)
V.F. £65
F477 Military merit medal RDC (n.r) (L11232) V.F. £15 £65.00
F500 Republic, Order of the Croation Cross, superb quality
F478 Civic Merit medal 3rd class bronze (L1440) E.F. £20 and condition silver and enamels, officially numbered
£20.00 02595 and with original certificate of award. Awarded to
F479 Marriage Merit medal Zaire 1st class gold (gilt) (L5971) Croation and Foreign citizens who were badly wounded
E.F. £35 taking part i the war for the homeland, persons 60%
£35.00 disabled and above, only 4693 were awarded. In fitted
embossed casse of issue with silver miniature and ribbon
F480 Motherhood Merit medal Zaire 1st class gold (gilt) bar with silver emblem, rare ..................... (L16992) E.F.
(L5972) E.F. £35 £595
£35.00 £595.00
F481 Medal of Merit for Arts Science and letters silvered Cuba
(L1441) G.V.F. £20
£20.00 14 items.

F482 Medal of Merit for Arts Science and letters gilt (L1442) F501 Order of Cespedes Grand Cross breast star superb
G.V.F. £25 quality silver gilt by Antigua, Villardebo Y Riera Havana,
£25.00 rare (L14943) N.E.F. £895
F483 Medal of Merit for Arts Science and letters bronze
(L1443) G.V.F. £20 F502 Order of Cespedes Commander neck badge, excellent
£20.00 quality small chips to 3 leaves otherwise rare and
(L14692) N.E.F. £495
F485 Medal of Merit for Sport silvered (L5974) G.V.F. £20 £495.00
F503 Order of Cespedes Officer silver gilt, excellent quality
F486 Medal of Merit for Sport bronze (L1445) G.V.F. £20 (L14693) N.E.F. £395
£20.00 £395.00
F487 Medal of Agricultural Merit for silvered (n.r.) (L11234) F504 Armed Forces Veterans medal 4th Sept 1933 with
E.F. £25 broach bar Libertad, gilt (L1461) G.V.F. £55
£25.00 £55.00 £55.00
F488 Medal of Agricultural Merit for gilt (L11233) E.F. £30 F505 Armed Forces Veterans medal 4th Sept 1933 with
£30.00 broach bar Libertad, bronze (L1462) G.V.F. £55
F489 Medal of Agricultural Merit for bronze (L5973) G.V.F. £20 £55.00 £55.00
£20.00 F506 Military merit Cross breast badge blue enamel, (L7557)
F490 Operations Shaba medal 1977 (L5977) G.V.F. £20 G.V.F. £65
£20.00 £65.00
F568 Medal of Merit for Sport gilt (L1444) G.V.F. £20 F507 Military merit Cross breast badge lilac enamel, (L8614)
£20.00 V.F. £65
F508 Merit medal 4th Sept 1933 gilt (L1463) G.V.F. £55
10 items.
F491 Order of the Iron Trefoil 4th class (L11684) V.F. £475
F509 Merit medal 4th Sept 1933 silvered bronze (n.r) (L1464)
G.V.F. £55

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F510 Armed Forces Merit medal 4th Sept 1933 gilt (n.r) £30.00
(L11206) G.V.F. £55
F537.9 Order Of Charles IV for the National Guard medal of
Merit 1918-1919 (L18190) G.V.F. £75
F511 Armed Forces Merit medal 4th Sept 1933 bronze (n.r) £75.00
(L11207) G.V.F. £55
F538 Slovakia, Medal for Loyalty and Defence 1918-1938,
(L10434) G.V.F. £30
F512 Distinguished Service Medal gilt bronze (n.r.) rare £30.00
(L1465) G.V.F. £75
F545.9 Bravery medal WWII 1939 (L18186) G.V.F. £55
F513 Merit Medal Honor Patria Deber gilt, with 7 gilt stars on
F549.1 Military Academy badge 1990 , silvered and enamel by
ribbon (L9332) G.V.F. £55
by Jablonec (L17875) E.F. £145
F514 Merit Medal Honor Patria Deber silvered (n.r.) (L1466)
F554.8 Slovakia, Order of the Slovak National Uprising 1945 1st
G.V.F. £45
Class gilt, officially numbered 619, very scarce (L18189)
£45.00 £45.00
G.V.F. £145
Czechoslovakia £145.00
26 items. F554.9 Slovakia, Medal for the Defence of Slovakia 5th March
F515 Slovakia Order of Prince Pribina Grand Cross breast 1939 (L18188) G.V.F. £55
star, rare (L17275) G.V.F. £1750 £55.00
£1,750.00 F555.1 Volunteer Fire Brigade Association 40 years meritorious
F517 War Cross 1914-18 (L8778) G.V.F. £45 service medal pre 1938, bronze gilt, scarce (L18135)
£45.00 N.E.F. £75
F518 Revolution Cross 1914-18 with 11 on ribbon (L16932)
V.F. £55 F555.1 Officers cap badge with swords, bronze, Pre 1939
£55.00 prongs on back repaired (L18187) G.V.F. £15
F519 Revolution Cross 1914-18 with bar Doss’ Alto on ribbon,
rare bar (L17359) V.F. £95
£95.00 45 items.
F520 Revolution Cross 1914-18 (L1480) V.F. £35 F542 Slesvig medal 1920 scarce (L17863) V.F. £175
£35.00 £175.00
F521 Revolution Cross 1914-18 (n.r.) (L11621) V.F. £30 F543 0rder of Dannebrog Knight Frederick Vll gold, (1848-63)
£30.00 rare early award (L17037) E.F. £1495
F522 Volunteers Cross 1918-1919 (L1481) E.F. £35
£35.00 F545 Order of Dannebrog knights badge 2nd class , Frederick
IX in silver and enamel, as awarded to foreigners only,
F523 Volunteers service medal 1919-1918 (L1482) E.F. £20
rare (L15656) E.F. £445
F524 Czechoslovakia Battle of Dukla Pass medal 1944
F546 Distinguished Flying Medal, only 43 awarded very rare
(L15511) N.E.F. £55
(n.r.) (L10618) V.F. £795
F526 War Cross 1939-45 (L13693) G.V.F. £55
F547 Medal of Merit Christian X to Frederic Lund (L9874)
N.E.F. £295
F527 Poilitical Prisoners War Cross 1939-45 in card case £295.00
(L17227) G.V.F. £55
F548 Medal of Merit Christian X to Dagmar Sorenson fodt
Fischer (L14413) N.E.F. £295
F528 2nd National Uprising 1944 dated 1939-45 (L10437) £295.00
N.E.F. £30
F549 Medal of Merit Frederick IX to Ferdinand Mogensen ,
(L9872) N.E.F. £245
F529 Military Academy badge 1950 , superb quality heavy £245.00
silver and enamel hallmarked badge by K&K (L13794)
F550 Medal of Merit Frederick IX to Helgfa Koelfeld with bow
E.F. £345
ribbon, (L9873) N.E.F. £295
F531 Air Force Commerative Plaque, painted porcelain plaque
F551 Medal of Merit Frederick IX to Mariane Boggeld with bow
with silver surround, with Russia (L6220) G.V.F. £35
ribbon, (L14414) G.V.F. £275
F532 Medal of Merit for Defence of the Nation 1955 type
F552 Medal of Merit Margarethe to Poul Theodore Elsby
hallmarked silver (L10444) G.V.F. £55
(L14412) G.V.F. £295
F533 50th Anniversary of the Communist Party 1971 gilt in
F553 Medal of Merit Margarethe to Edvard Olaf Olsen
case of issue (L10446) E.F. £30
(L17540) E.F. £325
F534 50th Anniversary of the Communist Party 1971 gilt
F554 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning Frederick VII by
(L10447) E.F. £20
Krohn, silver with ring, named to Neils Christain Emil
Winther , rare 62 struck (L1512) G.V.F. £795
F535 25th Anniversary of the Communist Government 1973 £795.00
with ribbon bar in case of issue (L10448) E.F. £30

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F555 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning, Christian IX, F575 Red Cross Kings badge rare returnable badge silver gilt
(1865-1906) to Sophus Christian Sorensen (L1514) V.F. and enamel (L8856) E.F. £75
£475 £75.00
F576 Red Cross Her Majesty the Queen Mothers badge 1902,
F556 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning, Christian IX, very rare returnable badge in box of issue by Thomsen,
(1865-1906) to Cristen Olesen (L7570) V.F. £475 silver gilt and enamel (L8854) E.F. £95
£475.00 £95.00
F557 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning, Christian IX, F577 Red Cross Central Commitee badge 1st type, rare
(1865-1906) to Jens Sorensen (L9272) G.V.F. £475 returnable badge, gilt and enamel, (L8853) E.F. £55
£475.00 £55.00
F558 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning, Christian IX, F578 Army Long Service cross CX 8 years (L1540) V.F. £30
(1865-1906) to Valdemar Jensen, edge knock, (L14415) £30.00
G.V.F. £425
F579 Home Guard Long Service medal silver (L14797) E.F.
F559 Medal for Saving Life from Drowning Christian IX, by £45.00
Conradsen, silver with ring, named to Thomas Lyons
F580 Police Long Service medal silver scarce (L14798) E.F.
(L1513) N.E.F. £495
F560 Pro Dania 1940-1945 in original box of issue (L8461)
F581 War medal 1848-50 (L1544) G.V.F. £35
E.F. £225
F582 War medal 1864 (n.r.) (L16952) G.V.F. £55
F560.1 Order of Dannebrog Knight Frederic IX gold in fitted
embossed case of issue by Michelsen with lapel rosette,
scarce (L18329) E.F. £545 F583 War medal 1848-1850-1864 very rare (L12919) G.V.F.
£545.00 £295
F561 Pro Dania 1940-1945 in damaged original box of issue
(L13534) E.F. £215 F584 Red Cross medal for Relief Work 1939-45, in fitted box of
£215.00 issue by Michelsen, (L15183) N.E.F. £175
F562 Pro Dania 1940-1945 in fitted case of issue (L10322)
E.F. £225 F585 Jutlandia Medal for Korea, 1951-1953, silver, in fitted
£225.00 card case of issue, rare (L17643) E.F. £1295
F563 Pro Dania 1940-1945 (L17543) E.F. £195
£195.00 F604.1 Jutlandia Medal for Korea, 1951-1953, silver, with Royall
Air Force Boxing Association medallion silver 45mm in
F564 Pro Dania 1940-1945 (n.r.) (L17544) E.F. £190
fitted embossed case of issue, ( case scuffed) named
to “Canute Kossel Korea 1952” rare attributed medal
F565 Medal of Recompense Frederick VIII with crown , silver (L18333) N.E.F. £1395
gilt (L9803) N.E.F. £145 £1,395.00
£145.00 Dominican Republic
F566 Medal of Recompense Frederick VIII with crown , silver 2 items.
(L9805) N.E.F. £125
£125.00 F604.99Cross for Valour 1959, bronze with crossed machete
suspension (L18049) E.F. £75
F567 Medal of Recompense Frederick IX silver with crown £75.00
(L9808) E.F. £145
£145.00 F604.991
Medal of Honour Navy scarce (L18066) E.F. £95
F568 Medal of Recompense Frederick IX silver (L9809) E.F.
£95 Ecuador
£95.00 1 items.
F569 Medal of Recompense Christain IX silver (L12912) F589 Armed Forces medal 1st class for 25 Years (L10881)
G.V.F. £85 G.V.F. £45
£85.00 £45.00
F570 Galathea Medal 1950-1952, very rare only 501 Struck, Egypt
(L14411) E.F. £995
£995.00 8 items.

F571 Christian IX Centenary medal bar 1818-8April-1918, only F591 Order of El Kamal Grand Cross sash badge and breast
250 struck very rare (L14416) G.V.F. £395 star , superb quality and condition in silver gilt and
£395.00 enamels, very attractive design, set with turquises, rubies
etc, small chip to one arm and one turquoise stone
F572 Red Cross Decoration for 1939-1945, (L13859) N.E.F. missing on breast star with full original sash, (L14961)
£175 E.F. £1995
£175.00 £1,995.00
F573 Red Cross Decoration for 1939-1945, in card case of F592 Order of the Nile Grand Cross breast star (L17039) E.F.
issue by Michelsen ( case V.F.) (L13863) E.F. £185 £495
£185.00 £495.00
F574 Red Cross medal for Relief Work in war 1939-45, F593 Order of the Rpublic Grand Cross breast star , excelent
(L10333) N.E.F. £145 quality silver giltv (L15082) N.E.F. £295
£145.00 £295.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F594 Order of Cultural Merit Republic Grand Cross sash F612 Order of King Solomons Seal Knight scarce (L10398)
badge excellent heavy quality rare award (L5138) N.E.F. N.E.F. £85
£295 £85.00
F613 Silver medal of Menelik 2nd (n.r.) (L9824) N.E.F. £45
F595 Kings Medal of Grace and Favour 1928 2nd class silver £45.00
rare (L17170) G.V.F. £175
F614 Coronation Medal Haile Selassie 2nd gold (gilt) (n.r.)
(L9827) N.E.F. £45
F596 Order of the Republic Grand Cross embossed case of £45.00
issue only (L8547) G.V.F. £45
F615 Coronation Medal Haile Selassie 2nd silvered large
£45.00 £45.00
(L9828) N.E.F. £45
F597 Medal for Palestine-Israel war 1948 (L8460) G.V.F. £65 £45.00
F616 Distinguished Military Medal of Haile Selassie 1st
F612.01War with Israel !967 (L18023) N.E.F. £45 (L9813) G.V.F. £65
£45.00 £65.00
El Salvador F617 Distinguished Military Medal of Haile Selassie 1st with
1 items. bar for 2nd award (L9814) G.V.F. £85
F612.1 Bravery medal 1821 silver, very rare (L17927) E.F. £395
£395.00 F618 Distinguished Military Medal of Haile Selassie 1st with
bar for 2nd award inn fitted case of issue by Mappin and
Estonia Webb (L13127) N.E.F. £98
8 items. £98.00

F599 Order of Bishop Platon of The Estonian Orthodox Church F619 Refugees Medal (L9816) G.V.F. £40
2nd class neck badge, extremely rare award in all £40.00
classes , only a few high ranking leaders of the church F620 Refugees Medal (n.r.) (L9818) G.V.F. £35
were awarded this Order, excellent quality, with full neck £35.00
ribbon, (L13733) E.F. £995
£995.00 F621 Refugees Medal reduced size (25mm) (L9819) G.V.F.
F600 Order of Bishop Platon of The Estonian Orthodox Church £35.00 £35.00
2nd class neck badge, extremely rare award in all
classes , only a few high ranking leaders of the church F623 Eritrean medal of Haile Selassie 1st, 1962 2nd class
were awarded this Order, excellent quality, suspension silvered (L9821) E.F. £55
loop missing, in unofficial case (L15169) N.E.F. £895 £55.00
£895.00 F624 Eritrean medal of Haile Selassie 1st, 1962 3rd class
F601 Order of Bishop Platon of The Estonian Orthodox Church bronze (L9822) E.F. £45
3rd class breast badge ,extremely rare award in all £45.00
classes , only a few high ranking leaders of the church F625 Teachers scholarship medal (n.r.) (L9823) G.V.F. £45
were awarded this Order, excellent quality, (L13741) E.F. £45.00
F626 Korea Medal large size no maker , scarce (L10992)
G.V.F. £145
F602 Honour Decoration of the Civil Guard 1918-1929 3rd £145.00
class (L11778) N.E.F. £175
F627 Korea Medal large size by Sporrong Sweden silver (n.r.)
(L9812) V.F. £110
F603 Red Cross medal silvered and enemel (n.r.) (L15468) £110.00
N.E.F. £65
F628 UN Mission to the Congo medal (L9831) G.V.F. £45
F604 10th Railway Regt jeton silver and enamels, named and
F629 UN Mission to the Congo medal (n.r.) (L9832) G.V.F. £40
dated 1933 excellent quality (L12411) N.E.F. £85
F630 Military Proficiency badge gilt and enamel (L9995) G.V.F.
F605 Marksmans Badge, silver bronze and enamel, 2nd.
class, reverse centre embossed R. Tavas, no backplate
(L8730) N.E.F. £65
£65.00 F631 Railways medal bronze (L15591) G.V.F. £35
F606 War of Independence medal 1920 (L15570) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F635.9 Eritrean medal of Haile Selassie 1st, 1962 1st class gilt
(L18309) E.F. £65
24 items.
F608 Order of the Star of Ethiopia Officer (L13125) N.E.F. £65
1 items.
F607 Animal Welfare medal, for exceptional service rendered
F609 Order of the Star of Ethiopia Knight (L13126) N.E.F. £65
in the protection of animals in Europe gilt scarce (L1582)
E.F. £35
F610 Order of the Star of Ethiopia medal of merit, gilt (L10397) £35.00
N.E.F. £55 Federal Republic of Germany
8 items.
F611 Order of King Solomons Seal Commander neck badge
L17040) G.V.F. £195

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1403 Order of Merit, Grand Cross of Merit sash badge and F638 Group of 3 mounted Finnish style: Cross of Liberty 4th
breast star (4 pointed ) by St. & L , with full original sash class 1939 with swords, Winter war medal bar Karjalan
excellent quality pin marked 800 (L6558) N.E.F. £445 Kannas, Lansi Kannas Cross 1939-40, (L13708) N.E.F.
£445.00 £225
F1404 Order of Merit, Grand Cross of 0erit breast star (4
pointed ) by St. & L , excellent quality pin marked 800 F639 Order of the White Rose Officer plain ribbon (L10895)
(L7589) N.E.F. £320 E.F. £135
£320.00 £135.00
F1405 Order of Merit, Grand Cross of Merit neck badge and F640 Order of the White Rose knight, excellent quality and
breast star (4 pointed ) by St. & L , marked 800 excellent condition (L8392) E.F. £120
quality (L12017) E.F. £395 £120.00
F641 Order of the White Rose Merit medal 1st class
F1406 Order of Merit Cross 1st class pin back badge small chip Hallmarked silver and silver gilt in embossed case of
to centre (L10242) G.V.F. £55 issue (L12578) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 £55.00
F1407 Order of Merit neck badge (L14757) E.F. £95 F642 Order of the White Rose Merit medal 2nd class
£95.00 Hallmarked silver in embossed case of issue (L9344)
N.E.F. £45
F1410 Red Cross Merit Cross gilt and enamel, (L13174) E.F.
£45.00 £45.00
£65.00 F643 Order of the White Rose Merit medal 2nd class
Hallmarked silver (L9345) N.E.F. £42
F1430.1Iron Cross 1939 1st Class denazified issue (L17903)
N.E.F. £125
£125.00 F644 Order of the White Rose Merit medal 3rd class bronze in
embossed case of issue (L12579) N.E.F. £35
F1430.1Order of Merit Breast Badge (L18288) E.F. £40
Fiji F645 Order of the White Rose Merit medal 3rd class bronze
(L15507) N.E.F. £30
2 items. £30.00
F633 Armed Forces Meritorious Service Decoration, superb F646 Order of the Lion of Finland Commander neck badge,
quality marked silver by Royal Insignia Singapore, in excellent quality slt. chip to centre (L10905) N.E.F. £155
plush embossed case and embossed outer card case £155.00
with numbered dated guarantee , rare award (L11286)
E.F. £395 F648 Order of the Lion of Finland Officer (L13831) E.F. £125
£395.00 £125.00

F644.1 Independence medal (EIIR) 1970 scarce (L18230) N.E.F. F649 Order of the Lion of Finland Officer , chip to bottom arm
£95 (L1611) G.V.F. £110
£95.00 £110.00

Finland F650 Order of the Lion of Finland Knight in card case of issue
(L11801) E.F. £125
60 items. £125.00
F634 Group of 9 mounted Finnish style: Cross of Liberty 3rd F651 Order of the Olympics Knight superb quality rare
Class with swords 1941, Cross of Liberty 4th class 1941 (L12741) N.E.F. £195
with swords and oak leaves on ribbon, Cross of Liberty £195.00
4th class with swords 1941, Cross of Liberty 4th class
with swords 1939, Winter war medal bar Kotijoukot, F652 Order of the Lion of Finland Knight 2nd class silver with
Continuation war medal 1941-45, Air Force Cross, 6th enamel centre (L12824) N.E.F. £65
Div Maselka Cross, Germany Iron Cross 2nd class 1939, £65.00
superb gallantry group (L11989) N.E.F. £795 F653 Order of the Olympics merit medal bronze scarce
£795.00 (L12740) N.E.F. £65
F635 Group of 7 mounted Finnish style: Cross of Liberty £65.00
3rd Class with swords 1941, Cross of Liberty 4th class F654 Order of Liberty Cross 3rd class 1941 with swords,
1941 with swords and oak leaves on ribbon, Cross of scarce (L15717) G.V.F. £135
Liberty 4th class with swords 1939, Winter war medal £135.00
with swords and bar Koarjala, Continuation war medal
F655 Order of Liberty Cross 3rd class 1941 with swords, with
1941-45, Kollaa Cross 1939-40, Coastal Artillery Cross
swords emblem on ribbon, scarce (L15719) N.E.F. £145
(L13705) N.E.F. £545
F656 Order of Liberty Cross 3rd class 1941 with swords, with
F636 Group of 5 mounted Finnish style: Cross of Liberty 4th
crossed swords emblem on ribbon, scarce (L15720) V.F.
class 1941 with swords and oak leaves on ribbon, Cross
of Liberty 4th class with swords 1941, Order of Liberty
bravery medal 1941 bronze, Winter war medal bar
Kotijoukot, Continuation war medal 1941-45 (L13706) F657 Order of Liberty Cross 4th class 1939 with swords,
N.E.F. £295 (L17616) N.E.F. £95
£295.00 £95.00
F637 Group of 5 mounted Finnish style: Cross of Liberty 4th F658 Order of Liberty Cross 4th class 1939 with swords,
class 1941 with swords and oak leaves on ribbon, Order (L17617) G.V.F. £85
of Liberty bravery medal 1941 silver, Winter war medal , £85.00
Continuation war medal 1941-45, Air Force Cross bar F660 Order of Liberty Cross 4th class 1941 with swords (n.r)
Letojoukot (Air Crew) (L17613) N.E.F. £375 (L15711) V.F. £65

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£65.00 £95.00
F660.1 Order of the Lion of Finland Officer in fitted embossed F683 Sport Merit medal silver (L11842) N.E.F. £65
case of issue by Tillander (L18327) E.F. £150 £65.00
F684 Sport Merit medal bronze (L10711) N.E.F. £40
F661 Order of Liberty Cross 4th class 1941 with swords with £40.00
swords on ribbon, (L17357) V.F. £95
F685 Civil Merit medal 1st class gilt (L11343) N.E.F. £30
F662 Order of Liberty Cross 4th class 1939 with swords black
F686 Lotta Svard (ladies) merit medal bronze (L10919) E.F.
ribbon for next of kin (L17358) G.V.F. £95
F664 Order of Liberty bravery medal 1939 bronze (L18296)
F687 Agricultural Association Merit Medal silver named dated
G.V.F. £35
1958 (L14436) G.V.F. £45
F665 Order of Liberty bravery medal 1941 silver hallmarked
F688 Medical Services badge for 30 years silver gilt
(L18295) G.V.F. £50
hallmarked (L10993) E.F. £35
F667 Order of Liberty bravery medal 1941 Bronze (L18283)
F689 Medical Services badge for 30 years silver gilt
E.F. £35
hallmarked (choice of 2) (L10910) E.F. £35
F668 Order of Liberty Medal for the Fatherland 1941 bronze
F690 Medical Services badge for 25 years silver hallmarked
(L1635) V.F. £35
(L10911) N.E.F. £30
£35.00 £35.00
F669 Civil Defence Service badge silver numbered (L1649)
F691 Medical Services badge for 20 years silver hallmarked
E.F. £45
(L10912) N.E.F. £30
£45.00 £45.00
F670 Civil Defence Service badge bronze numbered (L1648)
F692 Medical Services badge for 15 years bronze (L10921)
E.F. £35
N.E.F. £20
£35.00 £35.00
F671 Civil Defence Service badge bronze numbered (L1650)
F693 Medal of Merit of the Civil Guard scarce bronze (L15595)
E.F. £35
G.V.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
F672 Cross of Merit of the Civil Guard Iron Cross (L17502)
F694 Society of Economics merit medal gilt (L12086) E.F. £25
N.E.F. £95
F673 Sinninen Cross, Blue Cross for voluntary defence
(L15529) N.E.F. £45 204 items.
£45.00 F695 Order of the Reunion Grand Cross breast star , superb
F674 Summa Cross 1939-1940 (n.r) (L13699) G.V.F. £75 quality in silver with enamelled band on crown, 2nd
£75.00 Empire period, rare (L15698) N.E.F. £4500
F675 Keski Kannas 1939-1940 (L17582) G.V.F. £110
£110.00 F696 Order of St.Louis Knight in gold, early 19th Century
Restuaration with ball tips, superb quality and condition,
F675.5 Order of Liberty bravery medal 1918 bronze (L18297) (L17267) E.F. £995
G.V.F. £45 £995.00
F700 Order of St.Louis Knight in gold, 19th Century
F675.8 Order of Liberty bravery medal 1941 silver (L18294) Restuaration with ball tips, superb quality some small
G.V.F. £45 chips otherwise (L17339) N.E.F. £895
£45.00 £895.00
F676 Cross for the Boy Soldiers Organisation ( during the F703 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1st Empire 2nd type with
wars) scarce (L11342) N.E.F. £95 mobile crown, slt. Chips to tips of some arms and small
£95.00 chip to reverse legend otherwise very attractive and rare
F677 Civil Defence medal of Merit 1st class bar 1941-1944 (L16945) G.V.F. £2495
(L1658) G.V.F. £48 £2,495.00
£48.00 £48.00 F704 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1st Empire 3rd type modified
F678 Civil Defence medal of Merit 2nd class bar 1939-1940 with the centres of the 2nd Resturation 1816, little
(L1659) G.V.F. £45 chipping to arms centres perfect, (L14320) G.V.F. £995
£45.00 £45.00 £995.00
F679 Home Guard medal bay 25 years bronze (L11836) E.F. F705 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1st Empire 3rd type modified
£45 with the centres of the 2nd Resturation 1816, little
£45.00 chipping to 3 arm tips and and one to legeng of reverse,
otherwise attractive and (L16939) V.F. £895
F680 Continuation War medal 1941-45 (L10259) E.F. £30
F705.1 Order of St.Louis Knight in gold, early 19th Century
F681 Disabled Veterans badge 1939-1945 silver (L1661)
Restuaration with ball tips, superb quality small chip to
N.E.F. £45
obverse legend, with original old bow riibbon , (L18314)
£45.00 £45.00
N.E.F. £995
F682 Pro Bengnitate Humana medal (L15555) N.E.F. £95 £995.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F705.2 Order of St.Louis Knight in gold, early 19th Century F721.1 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July,
Restuaration with ball tips, superb quality small chip reduced size 42mm x 26mm one side of crown indented
to reverse legend and tip of one arm, with unusual otherwise (L18146) G.V.F. £115
attractive suspension (L18315) N.E.F. £995 £115.00
F722 Legion D’Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire with gold
F706 Legion D\'Honneur Knight 2nd Republic, 1st period centre (L13281) E.F. £225
1848-51, 1st type, much chipping but still a reasonable £225.00
example, fitted with old silver neck ribbon suspender
F724 Legion D’Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire with gold
(L1696) G.F. £98
centre, slt chips to tips of 2 arms (L17290) N.E.F. £210
F707 Legion D’Honneur Knight 2nd Republic, 1st period , with
F725 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
Henry V Monarchy of July centre, centre chipped (L1699)
period, gold centre in fitted embossed case of issue by
V.F. £95
Lemoine, bottom of case a little distorted, slt chipping to
obverse legend only otherwise (L15214) N.E.F. £245
F708 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July, slt. £245.00
chips to tips centres perfect (L12809) V.F. £155
F726 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
period, gold centre in fitted embossed case of issue
F709 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July, a by Lemoine and Martin-Besson, bottom of case a little
little chipping to tips (L12808) V.F. £135 distorted, slt chipping otherwise (L17552) N.E.F. £245
£135.00 £245.00
F710.01Legion D’Honneur Knight 1st Empire 1st type with large F727 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
head ”Biennais” superb quality and condition very rare period, gold centre reduced size 58mm x 35mm, one ball
with piece of old frayed ribbon. (L18335) N.E.F. £3995 tip missing slt. Chips to tips of 3 arms otherwise (L13277)
£3,995.00 G.V.F. £75
F710.1 Order of Fidelity of the National Guard of Paris 1815,
excellent quality with 3 part gold centre, with crown, F728 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
some chipping (n.r.) (L16708) V.F. £275 period, gold centre unusual, good quality unusual
£275.00 manufacture with large centre, a little smaller than usual,
attractive, (L12810) N.E.F. £195
F711 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July,
some chipping (L1705) V.F. £135
£135.00 F729 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
period, gold centre , reduced size (80%) approx, slt
F712 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July,
chipping, attractive (L5224) G.V.F. £130
some chipping (L1706) N.V.F. £98
£98.00 £98.00
F730 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
F714 Legion D’Honneur Knight Monarchy of July, converted to
period, gold centre, reduced size 40mm x 27mm slt chips
2nd Empire, 3 arms chipped away (L12812) N.V.F. £55
to tips of 3 arms (L14128) G.V.F. £98
F715 Legion D’Honneur Knight Monarchy of July, converted to
F731 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
2nd Empire, a little chipping to tips of arms and leaves
period, gold centre, reduced size 46mm x 29mm chips to
(L17635) G.V.F. £145
some arms (L14129) V.F. £70
F716 Legion D’Honneur Knight Monarchy of July, reduced size
F732 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
30mm x 50mm gold centre, slt. chipping (L12813) G.V.F.
period, gold centre half sized 35mm x 25mm very
attractive (L12822) N.E.F. £125
F717 Legion D’Honneur Knight Presidence a little chipping one
F733 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
ball point missing (L12715) V.F. £85
period, gold centre very slt. chipping to tips of arms
(L17595) G.V.F. £195
F718 Legion D’Honneur Grand Cross breast star 2nd Empire £195.00
Crimea period, smaller privately made contemporary star
F733.1 Legion D’Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire with gold
pin broken (L15489) V.F. £795
centre in damaged embossed case of issue by Lemoine
(L17892) E.F. £245
F719 Legion D’Honneur Officer badge 2nd Empire gold, £245.00
some chips to central enamel and 1 arm tips slight chip
F734 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
otherwise (L17304) N.E.F. £395
period, gold centre a little chipping to tips of some arms
(L17461) V.F. £175
F719.1 Legion D’Honneur Knight Henry V Monarchy of July, a £175.00
little chipping otherwise (L18185) G.V.F. £145
F735 Legion D\'Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
period, gold centre some chipping otherwise (L15011)
F720 Legion D’Honneur Officer badge 2nd Empire silver gilt G.V.F. £155
with enamelled suspension small repairs to arm tips, £155.00
(L10095) G.V.F. £225
F736 Legion D’Honneur Knights badge 2nd Empire Crimea
period, gold centre, reduced size 36mm x 60mm top arm
F721 Legion D’Honneur Knight badge 2nd Empire deluxe repaired one side chipped away on other, otherwise slt.
issue with superb 3 part gold centre slt. chip to tips of chipping (L12811) V.F. £65
3 arms and tip of one eagles arm missing otherwise £65.00
(L12916) N.E.F. £195

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F737 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Grand Officer breast star , F760 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 gold centre, some
superb early quality 4 part star in silver (L16409) N.E.F. chipping (L15472) V.F. £45
£795 £45.00
F761 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 (n.r.) (L18305)
F738 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Grand Officer breast star , N.E.F. £45
superb early quality larger 4 part star in silver (L16410) £45.00
E.F. £895
F762 Legion D\'Honneur 1951-62 IVth Republic, Grand Officer
breast star and breast badge, excellent quality large
F740 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Commanders neck badge breast star with 3 part centre, breast badge silver gilt ,
in gold, (L1729) E.F. £575 in fitted case of issue by Monnaie De Paris, slt chip to
£595.00 legend of breast badge, scarce set, (L14951) N.E.F.
F741 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Commander neck badge,
superb deluxe issue, silver gilt with 3 part gold centre
and raised leaves on suspension, superb quality, with F763 Legion D\'Honneur 1951-62 IVth Republic, Grand Officer
lapel rosette (L17865) E.F. £395 breast star and breast badge, good quality breast star
£395.00 with 3 part centre, breast badge silver gilt , in fitted case
of issue by Monnaie De Paris,with lapel rosette (L17602)
F742 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Commander neck badge,
N.E.F. £995
silver gilt small chip to reverse otherwise (L17866) N.E.F.
£275.00 F764 Legion D\'Honneur 1951-62 IVth Republic, Grand Cross
breast star hallmarked silver gilt, excellent quality 4 part
F743 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Commander neck badge,
star, rare (L17048) N.E.F. £895
silver gilt excellent quality (n.r.) (L9693) E.F. £295
F765 Legion D\'Honneur 1962 IVth Republic, Officer deluxe
F744 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold
issue silver gilt, convex with wraised wreath and oak
superb condition (n.r.) (L17336) E.F. £165
leaves, and 3 part gold centre, slt. chipping to obverse
legend otherwise (L11506) N.E.F. £115
F745 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold £115.00
(L17555) E.F. £175
F766 Legion D\'Honneur 1962 IVth Republic, Officer silver gilt
excelent quality in case by Bertrand, (L12005) N. E.F.
F746 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold £98
very slt. Chip to tip of one arm (L13270) N.E.F. £135 £98.00 £98.00
F767 Legion D\'Honneur 1962 IVth Republic, Officer silver gilt
F747 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold, (L9948) N.E.F. £85
slight chipping (L15440) G.V.F. £110 £85.00
F768 Medaille Militaire Louis Napoleon 1st type, with eagles
F748 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold slt, wing touching medal, some repairs to enamel, very rare
chips to suspension wreath (L17287) N.E.F. £135 (L15645) N.V.F. £1095
£135.00 £1,095.00
F749 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in gold F769 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea period slt . chip
some chipping otherwise (L10081) G.V.F. £110 (L17269) N.E.F. £225
£110.00 £225.00
F750 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in silver F769 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Knight 3 part gold centre
gilt, a little chipping (L12021) G.V.F. £55 excellent quality, slt chiping ( n.r.) (L18179) N.E.F. £75
£55.00 £75.00
F751 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in silver gilt F770 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea period slt .
(L17261) E.F. £85 chipping (L9931) G.V.F. £195
£85.00 £195.00
F752 Legion D\'Honneur 1870-1951 Officers badge in silver F771 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea period some
gilt........................... (L16828) N.E.F. £75 chipping (L15336) V.F. £175
£75.00 £175.00
F753 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Knight 3 part gold centre F771.9 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 gold centre,
excellent quality (L13276) N.E.F. £88 (L17939) E.F. £75
£88.00 £75.00
F755 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Knight superb deluxe F772 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea period much
issue with 3 part gold centre small chips to tips of 3 arms chipping (L9649) N.V.F. £120
(L13274) G.V.F. £85 £120.00
F773 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea 3/4 size slt.
F756 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 silver (L16829) E.F. chipping (L17729) G.V.F. £145
£65 £145.00
F774 Medaille Militaire Napoleon III Crimea period no enamel
F758 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 gold centre, slt (L17747) V.F. £120
chipping (L16735) G.V.F. £55 £120.00
F775 Medaille Militaire 1870 (L10588) E.F. £25
F759 Legion D’Honneur Knight 1870-1951 gold centre, slt. £25.00
chipping (L15654) G.V.F. £58
F776 Medaille Militaire 1870, slt chipping (L1767) V.F. £15

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F777 Medaille Militaire 1870, early issue some chipping to £7.00 £7.00
reverse only (L17864) G.V.F. £20
F806 Combattants Cross Vichy 1939-1940 scarce (L13251)
G.V.F. £145
F778 Medaille Militaire 1951-1962 (L1769) G.V.F. £20 £145.00
£20.00 £20.00
F806.1 Order of Military Merit 1957 Commander, rare obsolete
F780 Order of Maritime Merit Knight with enamelled emblem award one arm chipped (L18059) G.V.F. £185
on ribbon anchor and ACAM, tip of one arm small chip £185.00
(L17305) G.V.F. £95
F806.8 Order of Merit Combattant Commander 1953-63 rare
obsolete order (L18058) E.F. £325
F781 Order of Agricultural Commander, excellent quality silver £325.00
gilt in embossed case ( 19 Novembre 1938) by Mirou of
F806.9 Order of Merit Combattant Officer 1953-63 rare obsolete
Lille, chip to legend both sides otherwise with full ribbon
order (L18060) N.E.F. £175
(L17308) N.E.F. £195
F806.99Order of Merit Combattant Knight 1953-63 rare obsolete
F782 Order of Agricultural Merit Officer (L16726) N.E.F. £45
order (L18061) N.E.F. £135
F783 Order of National Merit 1965 Commander , excellent
F807 Combattants Cross 1930 box of issue (L14305) E.F. £20
quality in silver gilt with full neck ribbon, rare obsolete
award (L13603) E.F. £375
£375.00 F808 Croix de Guerre 1939 (L1789) G.V.F. £25
F784 Order of National Merit 1965 Commander, deluxe issue
with 3 part centre, superb quality in silver gilt with full F809 Croix de Guerre 1939-45 scarce (L16987) G.V.F. £75
neck ribbon, rare obsolete award (L17319) E.F. £425 £75.00
£425.00 F810 Croix de Geurre Operations Exterior with palme on
F785 Order of Maritime Merit Knight a little chipping, scarce ribbon (L13241) E.F. £30
(L15138) G.V.F. £85 £30.00 £30.00
£85.00 F811 Cross of Military Valour 1956 with palme (L14309) G.V.F.
F785 Order of National Merit 1965 Knight deluxe version with 4 £30
part centre (L17302) E.F. £90 £30.00
£90.00 F812 Cross of Military Valour 1956 current issue (L14307) E.F.
F786 Order of National Merit 1965 Knight (L14661) E.F. £55 £20
£55.00 £20.00
F787 Order of Public Sanitation Knight small chip (L15256) F813 Croix de Guerre 1914-16 (L1782) N.V.F. £18
N.E.F. £48 £18.00
£48.00 F813.1 Croix de Guerre 1914-17 (L17937) N.E.F. £30
F788 Order of Public Sanitation Knight small chip (L8864) £30.00
G.V.F. £35 F816 Volunteers Military Service Cross 2nd type 3rd class
£35.00 bronze (L13867) G.V.F. £45
F790 Order of Military Merit 1957 Commander with full neck £45.00
ribbon, rare obsolete award (L11559) E.F. £265 F817 Volunteers Military Service Cross 1st type 1st class gilt
£265.00 £265.00 (L13866) N.E.F. £65
F795 Order of Social Merit Knight (L7219) E.F. £35 £65.00
£35.00 F819 St.Helena Medal in the original embossed case of issue,
F796 Order of Liberation painted type, paint worn from lower rare (L17375) G.V.F. £255
arm of cross (L13715) V.F. £125 £255.00
£125.00 F820 St.Helena Medal (L5048) E.F. £65
F797 Order of Liberation enamelled type, (L13653) N.E.F. £65.00
£135 F824 St.Helena Medal polished (n.r) (L11095) N.V.F. £30
£135.00 £30.00
F798 Medal of Honour Aeronautique, silver with silver winged F825 Louis Phillipe medal (36mm) for the expedition for
A on ribbon, named to C.Buchere 1970 (L13620) N.E.F. disenternment of the body of Napoleon and the return
£98 to the tomb at Les Invalides Paris 19th June 1840,
£98.00 awarded to all the personnel, including some British
F799 Chambers of Deputies badge RF superb quality silver gilt sappers and miners, this is a bronze table medal but is
and enamels (L17344) N.E.F. £125 sometimes found with a suspender fitted and named,
£125.00 scarce (L14668) G.V.F. £165
F800 Croix de Guerre 1914-15 (L1781) V.F. £18
£18.00 £18.00 F828.1 Cross of Military Valour 1956 (L17915) V.F. £15
F803 Croix de Guerre 1914-18 (L16831) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F828.89Volunteers Military Service Cross 2nd type 1st class gilt
with rosette on ribbon, (L18018) N.E.F. £75
F804 Gilt, Silver or bronze stars for above each (L1786) £5
£5.00 £5.00
F828.99Volunteers Military Service Cross 2nd type 2nd class
F804.1 Order of Academic Palmes Knight very early type in fitted
silver (L18019) N.E.F. £65
embossed case of issue by Kretly (L17989) N.E.F. £45
F830 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre (L13033) E.F. £65
F805 Oak leaf Palme for above (sew on type only) (L12130) £7

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£65.00 F847.1 Tonkin Campaign Army 1883-1885 3/4 sized in silver

with ball suspender, very scarce (L18134) N.E.F. £175
F830.1 Volunteers Military Service Cross 1st type 3rd class
bronze (L18017) N.E.F. £65
£65.00 F848 Madagascar medal 1883-1886 (L17557) G.V.F. £155
F831 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre (L13193) E.F. £65
£65.00 £65.00 F849 Dahomey 1892 (L13716) N. E.F. £145
F832 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre named ( naming rubbed)
(L13194) N.E.F. £75 F850 Dahomey 1892 (n.r.) slt. edge nicks, otherwise (L8402)
£75.00 G.V.F. £85
F832.1 St.Helena Medal (L17890) G.V.F. £55
£55.00 F851 Madagascar medal 1895 (L17295) G.V.F. £85
F832.12St.Helena Medal (L18078) E.F. £65
£65.00 F852 Madagascar medal 1895 bar 1895 (L10244) G.V.F. £110
F832.9 St.Helena Medal (L18079) V.F. £45
£45.00 F854 Maroc medal bar Maroc (L10681) G.V.F. £65
F833 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre named to 74 Moreau
3396, scarce (L17288) G.V.F. £175 F854 China 1900 bar Chine 1900- 1901 scarce (L17314)
£175.00 N.E.F. £175
F834 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre named to 11 AR Denes
Yves (L17289) G.V.F. £175 F855 Maroc medal 2 bars Casablanca, Oudja, (L17296) G.V.F.
£175.00 £110
F834.5 British Crimea Medal 1854 bar Sebastopol ( bar not
fixed) unnamed but with original Certificate of issue F856 Orient Medal (L16819) G.V.F. £35
confirming bar to Fusilier Casimir Anselme 96th Regt £35.00
De Ligne, certificate rare, edge bump to rim otherwise
F857 Combattants Cross for Volunteers 1914-1918, small type
(L18326) N.E.F. £375
(L16820) G.V.F. £40
F836 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre with original certificate of
F859 Combattants Cross for Resistance Volunteers (L18072)
issue to Sous Lieutenant Charles Klobb, certificate very
N.E.F. £40
scarce (L18325) N.E.F. £225
F859 Combattants Cross for Volunteers 1914-1918, small type
F837 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre (L9740) V.F. £40
(L18183) G.V.F. £40
F838 Mexico Campaign 1862-1865 by Barre, with the original
F859.5 Combattants Cross for Volunteers 1939-1945, (L18184)
certificate of issue to Caporal Infirmiere Major Joseph
N.E.F. £35
Georgel, certificate worn and taped in 4 segments but
very rare, also with certifacte of issue for The Medal
of Honour dated 4th August 1868 for the Epidemic of F861 Levant Syrie Cilicie medal bar Levant large 1st type
1867 and 1868, in Algeria also rare certificate, medal is scarce (L13004) G.V.F. £85
(L18323) N.E.F. £595 £85.00 £85.00
£595.00 F862 Levant Syrie Cilicie medal bar Levant (L16811) G.V.F.
F839 Geneva Cross 1870-1871, embroidered Red Cross £45
ribbon (L14674) G.V.F. £85 £45.00
£85.00 F863 Indochina medal (L13613) G.V.F. £55
F840 Geneva Cross 1870-1871, (n.r.) (L14687) V.F. £75 £55.00
£75.00 F864 Colonial medal bar Maroc (L13838) N.E.F. £65
F840.1 Italy Campaign 1859 by Barre with original certificate of £65.00
issue to Marechal Des Logis Charles Bisch, certificate F865 Colonial medal bar Tunisie (L13852) N.E.F. £65
very scarce (L18324) V.F. £175 £65.00
F866 Colonial medal small type bar Maroc (L10582) V.F. £45
F841 1870-1871 war medal small (L1806) V.F. £20 £45.00
F866.1 W.W.1 medal (L17916) V.F. £20
F842 Veterans Decoration “Oublier Jamais” bar 1870-1871 £20.00
(L13318) G.V.F. £55
£55.00 F867 Colonial medal small type bar Extreme Orient ( bar local
made) (L11605) V.F. £45
F843 Mexico Campaign 1862-1865, unsigned, excellent quality £45.00
in silver, rare variety(n.r.) (L16847) E.F. £395
£395.00 F869 Liberated France medal 1944 (L17368) N.E.F. £45
F844 Tonkin Campaign Army 1883-1885 (L9612) N.E.F. £125
£125.00 F870 Resistance medal 1939-1945 2nd class (L18071) N.E.F.
F847 Tonkin Campaign Navy 1883-1885 (L1808) E.F. £75 £45.00
F871 Evaders medal (L16750) E.F. £20
F847 Tonkin Campaign Army 1883-1885 with bar Tonkin £20.00
(L18133) G.V.F. £145

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F871.1 Large non wearable medal National Federation of £55.00

Volunteer Combattants (66mm) by Drago silver (L18148)
F891 Medal of Honour Water and Forests silver (L8520)
N.E.F. £45
G.V.F. £48
F872 Wound medal red enamelled star (L15355) N.E.F. £45
F892 Posts and Telegraphs Medal of Merit silver unnamed
(L9989) G.V.F. £65
F873 Wound medal enamelled star points through wreath, £65.00
(L13630) E.F. £45
F893 Posts and Telegraphs Medal of Merit bronze embossed
naming to Nicolas Flucher 1918 (L9990) G.V.F. £55
F875 Veterans medal form of coat of arms from Medaille £55.00
Militaire, gilt and enamel, (L16497) G.V.F. £45
F894 Posts and Telegraphs Medal of Merit bronze embossed
naming to Jean malrois 1913 (L13257) N.E.F. £55
F876 Commemorative medal Jean Gabriel Perboye martyred £55.00
in CHINA 11th September 1840 Beatified 10th November
F894.1 Medal of Honour Ministry of Work and Social Security 1st
1889. Catholic priest later a saint tortured to death during
class silver gilt in case to Mme. T.Marmey 1960 (L18044)
a purge on Christians. Bronze ( n.r) (L16498) G.V.F.
E.F. £25
F895 Posts and Telegraphs Medal of Merit bronze unnamed
F877 French Commemorative medal bar Ex Yugoaslavie in
(L9991) G.V.F. £45
box of issue (L14304) E.F. £35
F895.2 Verdun medal On Ne Passe Pas/ En Avant Jusqua
F878 Society for Aid to Military wounded medal 1864-66 silver
About, bronze, by Revillon (L18212) G.V.F. £45
with embroidered red cross ribbon (L1845) V.F. £25
F895.3 Verdun medal On Ne Passe Pas/ En Avant Jusqua
F879 Society for Aid to Military wounded medal 1864-66
About, bronze, by Revillon reduced size 22mm scarce
silvered (L17867) V.F. £15
(L18213) G.V.F. £45
F880 C.R.F. Helper lapel small badge enamelled (L1852)
F896 Medal of Honour Waters and Forests silver (L4724)
N.E.F. £12
G.V.F. £45
£12.00 £12.00
F881 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Napoleon
F897 Medal of Honour Ministry of War for Epidemics bronze in
III small type silver embossed to Camus Pierre 1865
fitted embossed case ( with name and date) of issue, to
(L10490) G.V.F. £85
Mme Morand 1916 (L13282) N.E.F. £75
F882 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Louis Phillipe I
F899 Verdun medal On Ne Passe Pas, Verdun bronze, large
large type silver embossed to Guiche Jeune a Paris 1844
non wearable medal (L13007) G.V.F. £45
(L12806) V.F. £165
F902 Union Franco American and its colaborators 1914-1918
F883 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Napoleon III
bronze table medal 42mm (L13261) G.V.F. £25
small type silver embossed to Metivier Fils Jean 1868
£25.00 £25.00
(L10044) G.V.F. £95
£95.00 F903 Vimy Ridge Memorial medal to the Canadian Soldiers
20th anniversary bronze table medal 42mm (L13262)
F884 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Republic small
G.V.F. £25
silver , engraved to Jules Delarue 1883 (L10047) G.V.F.
£65.00 France Ephemeral
F885 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Republic small 3 items.
silver , embossed to Emile Dandleuf 1859-1889 (L10048) F904 Order of Melusine 1186 Officer superb quality with gold
G.V.F. £85 centre (L14073) N.E.F. £395
£85.00 £395.00
F886 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Napoleon III F905 Sedang Order of Merit breast badge , rare (L15424)
small type silver embossed to Louis A Barbot Cordier N.E.F. £395
1856 (L9431) E.F. £95 £395.00
F906 Order of the Star of the Orient Knight, excellent quality
F887 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Napoleon III silver and enamel, 1870 period, scarce (L16860) N.E.F.
small type silver embossed to Pierre P. Auguste 1868 £175
(L9430) N.E.F. £95 £175.00
French Colonies
F888 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Napoleon III
small type silver embossed to Gohier Narcisse 1860, 29 items.
susp. repaired (L9432) N.V.F. £65 F907 Laos Federation Tai Cross of Civil merit Commander
£65.00 superb quality old cross with full original ribbon, small
F889 Life Saving Medal Ministry of the Interior Republic small chip to white enamel, rare (L13661) G.V.F. £995
type silver embossed, unnamed (L1859) E.F. £25 £995.00
£25.00 £25.00 F908 Laos Federation Tai Cross of Civil merit Officer rare
F890 Municipal Council badge Meaux superb quality late 19th (L9709) N.E.F. £395
Century silver gilt with gold centre, (L13952) V.F. £55 £395.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F909 Laos Federation Tai Cross of Civil merit Knight rare F927 Order of the Black Star of Benin Commander superb
(L9657) N.E.F. £345 quality silver gilt , (L14317) E.F. £195
£345.00 £195.00
F910 Laos Federation Tai Cross of Military merit scarce F928 Order of the Black Star of Benin Commander wreath
(L7053) N.E.F. £375 detached and part of it missing (L9982) V.F. £55
£375.00 £55.00
F911 Cochinchina Francais Cross of Merit 1900 3rd class F929 Order of the Black Star of Benin Officer silver gilt (L9710)
bronze, (L9908) G.V.F. £325 N.E.F. £95
£325.00 £95.00
F912 Annam Bai, long rectangular in bone with inscription, F930 Order of the Black Star of Benin Officer, gilt (L16712)
17x70 cms, with cord tassell (L7227) G.V.F. £75 N.E.F. £75
£75.00 £75.00
F913 Annam Bai, long rectangular in bone with inscription, F931 Order of the Black Star of Benin Knights silver (L9891)
82x18cms, with small carved wooden stand (L7229) N.E.F. £75
G.V.F. £75 £75.00
F932 Order of the Black Star of Benin Knights silver some
F914 Order of the Dragon of Annam Grand Cross breast star repairs to enamel, (L8362) V.F. £40
and sash badge, superb quality set French hallmarked, £40.00
(no sash) clasp refixed on breast star otherwise rare and
F933 Colony of Madagascar medal of honour for Labour
(L16468) N.E.F. £1995
silvered bronze (L16544) G.V.F. £95
F915 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander with original
F934 Colony of Madagascar medal of honour for Labour
certificate of issue to Bernard de Bonschet Chef de
bronze (L16545) G.V.F. £85
Protocol of the Presidence, excellent quality with full
neck ribbon in case of issue by Bertrand tiny chip to
centre otherwise (L8880) N.E.F. £795 F935 Madagascar and Dependancies medal of honour for
£795.00 Labour bronze (L16546) G.V.F. £75
F916 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander most superb
quality and condition with full neck ribbon in case of issue Gabon
by Bertrand (L12026) E.F. £745 9 items.
F936 Order of the Equatorial Star 1959 Commander superb
F917 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander by Fayolle quality, with lapel rosette and full neck ribbon, in fitted
Paris, excellent quality and condition in fitted case of case of issue by Bertrand, (L8440) E.F. £175
issue (L9666) N.E.F. £750 £175.00
F937 Order of the Equatorial Star 1959 Commander superb
F918 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander superb quality, full neck ribbon (L5762) N.E.F. £145
quality and condition by Lemaitre Paris, with full ribbon £145.00
(L14897) E.F. £725
£725.00 F938 Order of the Equatorial Star 1959 Commander tip of one
arm chipped (L10866) N.E.F. £110
F919 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander by Lemaitre £110.00
Paris, small chip to central red surround otherwise (n.r.)
(L9665) N.E.F. £695 F939 Order of the Equatorial Star 1959 Officer very scarce in
£695.00 lower classes (L11542) E.F. £95
F920 Order of the Dragon of Annam Commander excellent
quality (L11483) N.E.F. £695 F940 Order of the Equatorial Star 1959 Knight very scarce in
£695.00 lower classes (L9761) E.F. £85
F921 Order of the Star of Anjoun Commander , excellent
quality , with full neck ribbon, in case of issue by F941 Order of the National Merit 1971 Commander with full
Bacqueville (L1875) E.F. £345 neck ribbon, (L8455) E.F. £145
£345.00 £145.00

F922 Order of the Star Anjoun 4th class breast badge F942 Order of National Education Commander, silver gilt,
(L15385) N.E.F. £175 scarce (L5758) N.E.F. £95
£175.00 £95.00

F923 Order of the Star Anjoun 3rd class Officer breast badge, F943 Order of National Education Commander silver gilt with
excellent quality (n.r.) (L9048) N.E.F. £165 full neck ribbon (L6060) N.E.F. £95
£165.00 £95.00

F924 Order of Nichan El Anour Tadjourah, Commander , F944 Order of National Merit 1971 Republic, Commander by
excellent quality silver and enamel, with full neck ribbon Bertrand, (n.r.) (L17509) E.F. £130
(L13709) N.E.F. £375 £130.00
£375.00 Gambia
F925 Order of the Black Star of Benin Grand Officer neck 1 items.
badge and breast star good quality matching set ,
F945 Commemorative medal for the 10th Anniversary of the
(L13267) E.F. £595
Head of State 30th July 1981, silver gilt, (L1892) N.E.F.
F926 Order of the Black Star of Benin Commander with large £55.00
certificate to L.Maria Bank of France , excellent quality
German Empire
silver (L1883) E.F. £225
£225.00 82 items.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F946 Pour Le Merite (Blue Max) good quality modern double £25.00
sided copy, in fitted embossed case of issue (L17569)
F968 Iron Cross 1870 in circle with motto manufactured from
N.E.F. £195
shells from the battlefield, very unusual and scarce (n.r.)
(L13864) V.F. £85
F947 Pour Le Merite (Blue Max) light blue enamel, double £85.00
sided modern copy good quality (L17145) E.F. £45
F969 Grand Cross of the Iron Cross 1914 modern copy
(L1902) E.F. £35
F948 Pour Le Merite (Blue Max) dark blue enamel, double £35.00
sided modern copy good quality (L18176) E.F. £45
F970 Iron Cross 1914 1st class convex shaped, pin missing
(L6648) N.E.F. £110
F949 Pour Le Merite (Blue Max) Full neck ribbon only with £110.00
ties , modern (L18177) E.F. £45
F971 Iron Cross 1914 1st class convex shaped, in silver in
fitted embossed case of issue (L11931) G.V.F. £225
F950 Pour Le Merite (Blue Max) single sided enamel modern £225.00
copy (n.r.) (L1943) E.F. £15
F972 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back convex shaped in
silver (L12089) G.V.F. £135
F951 1813 Iron Cross 1st class, modern copy (L1893) E.F. £135.00
F973 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back convex shaped in
silver marked 930, high silver content (L14220) N.E.F.
F952 1813 Iron Cross 2nd class, Prinzen Sized, later issue £165
1850’s, rare (L18034) V.F. £995 £165.00
F974 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back convex shaped in
F953 Iron Cross 1870 1st class modern copy (L10190) E.F. silver marked 935, high silver content (L16619) N.E.F.
£25 £175
£25.00 £175.00 £175.00
F954 Iron Cross 1870 1st class an original later issue about F975 Iron Cross 1914 1st class screw backed silver with very
1900 convex with makers mark rare (L17997) V.F. £1195 disc, marked 800 ans Stumpf Danzig, rare maker, with
£1,195.00 certificate of authenticity by Jamie Cross (L14222) V.F.
F955 Iron Cross 1870 1st class Prinzen Sized later issue
original 1st war period makers mark and 800 (L18331)
G.V.F. £995 F976 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver marked KO
£995.00 (L12090) V.F. £135
F956 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with with silver 25 years
oakleaves and bar 1914 enamelled, bar stamped Jon F977 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver marked K A
Wagner & Sohn 800 Berlin rare (L17691) V.F. £1395 G, (L17268) N.E.F. £155
£1,395.00 £155.00
F957 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with with silver 25 years F978 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver marked CD
oakleaves and bar 1914 enamelled, (L18172) V.F. £1195 800 (L15428) V.F. £145
£1,195.00 £145.00
F958 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with bar 1914 enamelled, rare F979 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver marked L/54
(L13751) G.V.F. £1195 (L14225) E.F. £145
£1,195.00 £145.00
F959 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with silver 25 year oakleaves F980 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver (L14228) E.F.
Prinzen size very rare (L14230) G.V.F. £795 £145
£795.00 £145.00
F960 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with silver 25 year oakleaves, F981 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver (L14329)
court mounted (L15066) V.F. £425 G.V.F. £135
£425.00 £135.00
F961 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class with silver 25 year oakleaves F982 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back in silver centre rusted
(L17574) G.V.F. £425 and cleaned (L14330) V.F. £110
£425.00 £110.00
F962 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class (L13634) G.V.F. £345 F983 Iron Cross 1914 1st class pin back modern copy (L8407)
£345.00 E.F. £25
F963 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class (L17585) V.F. £325
£325.00 F985 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class in fitted case embossed with
the Prussian Crown, scarce (L11927) G.V.F. £145
F964 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class some rusting (L13640) V.F.
£295.00 F986 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class court mounted (L14515)
N.E.F. £55
F965 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class no suspension ring (L13639)
£55.00 £55.00
V.F. £175
£175.00 F987 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class with bar 1939 ( bar excellent
copy) (L12136) G.V.F. £65
F966 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class without centre insert, unusual
(n.r.) (L14398) G.V.F. £50
£50.00 F988 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class (L12477) N.E.F. £40
F967 Iron Cross 1870 2nd class modern copy (L8405) E.F.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F989 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class non combat ribbon (L16618) F1012 Silesian Eagle 2nd class no suspension (L12270) G.V.F.
N.E.F. £50 £35
£50.00 £35.00
F990 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class (L1906) V.F. £35 F1013 Silesian Eagle 2nd class , blackened with silver crescent,
£35.00 court mounted for wear (L16612) N.E.F. £85
£85.00 £85.00
F991 Iron Cross 1914 2nd class (n.r.) (L16617) N.V.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00 F1014 Wound badge in black, fretted out (L17469) V.F. £55
F992 Iron Cross For Kultur (L11784) V.F. £35
£35.00 F1015 Silesian Eagle 1st Class black enamelled (L16608)
N.E.F. £125
F993 Iron Cross Antwerp, Dinnant, Ghent, 1914 (L15535) V.F.
£85.00 F1016 Silesian Eagle 1st Class bronze (L16609) G.V.F. £95
F994 Colonial medal gilded (L14366) E.F. £130
£130.00 F1017 Red Cross Decoration 1866-1926 (L1932) E.F. £55
£55.00 £55.00
F995 Colonial medal court mounted (L17694) E.F. £130
£130.00 F1018 Honour Cross 1914-18 with swords (L8797) G.V.F. £10
F996 Colonial medal gilded (L5187) G.V.F. £125
£125.00 F1019 Honour Cross 1914-18 no swords blackened for
mourning relatives, with non combat ribbon reversed
F997 Colonial Merit badge pin back 1921-1939 Ges Geschutzt
embossed 613 (L17672) N.E.F. £28
Nr. 33992 silvered (L13855) G.V.F. £135
F1020 Fire Brigade merit badge bronze gilt (L1939) E.F. £25
F998 China 1900 combattant bar Tsekingkwan rare (L17511)
G.V.F. £295
£295.00 F1021 Veterans Cross Oberstein 8 Nov 1875, with elaborate
crown and swords suspension , silver (L16844) G.V.F.
F999 China 1900 combattant Prinzen size court mounted, rare
(L17513) N.E.F. £135
F1022 K.V. Mittelwald Cross 1871 (L12393) V.F. £35
F1000 China 1900 combattant, with bar Tsekingwan, rare
£35.00 £35.00
(L17534) N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F1023 Metz Cross 9.10.1893 (L16835) G.V.F. £35
F1001 China 1900 combattant bar Liang-Hsiang-Hien, mounted
on German style ribbon for 4 medals inc Iron Cross F1024 Veterans Cross St. Margarethen 14th June 1886
(others missing) scarce (L17597) G.V.F. £325 (L10646) G.V.F. £35
£325.00 £35.00
F1002 China 1900 combattant, with obverse of South West F1025 German Prisoners of War Aid Society 1915 medal (n.r.)
Africa medal a strange hybrid mule , very contemporary, (L12385) V.F. £30
most gilding faded, (n.r) otherwise (L6468) N.E.F. £125 £30.00
F1026 Mastermarksmans badge Doslau silver , attractive pin
F1003 South West Africa 1904-06 combatants bronze bar back, (L9014) V.F. £25
Gross Namaland (L1915) G.V.F. £110 £25.00
F1027 Military Society I Freiburg medal pre 1914 (L4951)
F1004 South West Africa 1904-06 combatants bronze bar G.V.F. £35
Oranje (L1920) G.V.F. £135 £35.00
F1028 German Life Saving Society table medal 42 mm bronze
F1005 South West Africa 1904-06 combatants bronze bar for lifesaving, (L12667) N.E.F. £55
Kalahari 1908 (L17749) G.V.F. £165 £55.00
£165.00 German States : Anhalt
F1006 South West Africa 1904-06 5 bars only (no medal) 2 items.
Oranje, Karas-Berge,Gross- Namaland, Omaheke,
Hereroland, matching bars as worn on original ribbon, F1057 Order of the Bear Commander silver gilt, with full old silk
(L12537) G.V.F. £295 neck ribbon (L17223) N.E.F. £395
£295.00 £395.00
F1007 South West Africa 1904-06 non combatant steel F1058 Order of the Bear Commander bronze gilt (L14195)
(L12282) G.V.F. £50 N.E.F. £345
£50.00 £50.00 £345.00
F1008 Baltic Cross 1st class pinback Iron with gilded brass German States : Anhalt-Bernburg
front, gilding worn (L15328) V.F. £125 1 items.
F1061 Alexander Carl Merit medal 1848-1849 bronze (n.r.)
F1009 Military Pigeon Carrier Service Wilhelm silver medal (L10523) G.V.F. £155
(L10247) E.F. £295 £155.00
German States : Baden
F1010 Naval Pigeon Carrier Service Wilhelm II silver medal
(L10248) E.F. £345 19 items.
£345.00 F1063 Order of the Zahringen Lion Golden Merit Cross
F1011 Silesian Eagle 2nd class blackened (L16915) G.V.F. £68 (L14183) N.E.F. £195
£68.00 £195.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1064 Campaign medal 1849silvered (L6690) V.F. £35 F1087 Military Merit Order 4th class with flames ,gold centre tip
£35.00 of one arm chipped (n.r.) (L14432) N.E.F. £195
F1065 Campaign medal 1849 (L14866) V.F. £25
£25.00 F1088 Military Merit Cross 1st class with swords 1916-1917
(L17458) E.F. £145
F1066 Field Service Decoration bar 1866,with original ribbon,
rare (L17474) G.V.F. £125
£125.00 F1089 Military Merit Cross 2nd class with swords 1905-1913,
silvered scarce (L17716) N.E.F. £175
F1067 Field Service Decoration bar 1870-1871, scarce
(L17473) G.V.F. £85
£85.00 F1090 Military Merit Cross 2nd class with swords 1905-1913,
gilt (L17717) N.E.F. £175
F1068 Volunteers War Aid Cross 1870-1871 (L15351) G.V.F.
£98.00 F1090.1War Cross 1813-1814 Waterloo (n.r.) (L18217) G.V.F.
F1069 Volunteers War Aid Cross 1914-1916, war metal gilding
worn off, (L1968) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F1090.2War Cross 1813-1814 Waterloo (n.r.) old repair to
suspension ring (L18218) V.F. £125
F1070 Civil Merit medal Freidrich I large silver, in fitted
embossed case of issue (L1969) G.V.F. £120
£120.00 F1091 Military Merit Cross 2nd class no swords 1916-1917
(L17460) N.E.F. £125
F1071 Civil Merit medal Freidrich I large silver, (L13035) G.V.F.
£98.00 F1092 Military Merit Cross 3rd class with Crown and swords
1916-1917 (L17719) N.E.F. £55
F1072 Civil Merit medal Freidrich II silver (L17020) N.E.F. £48
F1093 Military Merit Cross 3rd class no swords 1916-1917
F1072.1War Merit Cross 1914-1916, (L18145) V.F. £35
(n.r.)very scarce (L17718) N.E.F. £95
L.S.Cross 15 years bronze (L18144) G.V.F. £55
F1096 War Cross 1866 (L1982) V.F. £35
F1073 Civil Merit medal Freidrich II bronze (L6747) G.V.F. £25
F1097 Leopold Cross 1916 (L7300) G.V.F. £30
F1074 War Merit Cross 1914-1916, court mounted (L17738)
F1098 Army L.S.G.C. cross 24 years for Officers bronze gilt
V.F. £45
(L14512) N.E.F. £65
F1077 L.S. Medal 9 years silver (L17021) G.V.F. £48
F1099 Army L.S.G.C. cross 24 years for Officers bronze gilt
(n.r.) (L14513) N.E.F. £55
F1078 Landwher DA medal 1913-1918 (n.r.) (L17736) G.V.F. £55.00
F1100 Army L.S.G.C. cross 24 years (L12472) G.V.F. £45
F1079 Work Merit Medal 1916-1918 in coppered iron scarce
F1101 Army L.S.G.C. cross 24 years (n.r.) (L14514) G.V.F. £38
(L17735) V.F. £125
F1102 Army L.S. Bar 1st type 1876-1913, 9 years silver with
F1080 1902 Jubilee medal bronze (L1972) G.V.F. £25
black iron centre (L14511) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 £45.00
F1081 Silver Jubilee medal (20mm) silver on bow ribbon,
F1103 Landwehr Reserve L.S. 20 years silver 1876-1919
(L1974) N.E.F. £25
scarce (L14510) G.V.F. £120
German States : Bavaria
F1104 Red Cross Merit Cross for 1871 , reverse enamel
38 items. chipped, on bow ribbon, silver and gold, rare (L14463)
F1082 Fire Brigade merit Cross , larger type (L17212) N.E.F. G.V.F. £345
£40 £345.00
£40.00 F1105 Red Cross Merit Cross for Volunteers 1901-1918, silver,
F1083 Order of St. George Commander neck badge, superb red cross off centre otherwise (L14465) N.E.F. £135
quality and condition later issue in silver gilt, (n.r.) £135.00
(L17200) £495 F1106 Red Cross Merit Cross for Volunteers 1901-1918, 2nd
£495.00 class bronze, (L14466) N.E.F. £75
F1084 Order of the Crown of Bavaria Silver Merit medal, £75.00
unsigned, old quality (L14213) N.E.F. £395 F1107 Red Cross Soceity Decoration gilt and enamel, (L7302)
£395.00 E.F. £65
F1085 Order of St. Michael Merit medal silver (L14402) N.E.F. £65.00
£175 F1108 Pair: Red Cross Soceity Long Service cross 40 years
£175.00 silvered, Red Cross Merit Cross for 20 years bronze and
F1086 Military Merit Order 4th class with flames and swords enamel, court mounted (L13854) N.E.F. £145
(L14193) E.F. £245 £145.00
£245.00 F1109 Red Cross 15 years Merit Cross 1923 bronze (L7294)
G.V.F. £30

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£30.00 £495.00
F1110 Red Cross Merit Decoration pin back gilt and enamel, F1129 Commemorative medal for 1814 for survivors in 1846
(L7338) E.F. £65 very rare (n.r.) (L9969) G.V.F. £1495
£65.00 £1,495.00
F1111 Red Cross 50 years gilt and enamel cross (L7339) E.F. German States : Hanover
£50 6 items.
F1127.9Volunteers War medal 1813 (1841) scarce (L18156)
F1112 Red Cross 40 years silvered and enamel cross (L1989) N.E.F. £175
E.F. £45 £175.00
F1131 Civil Merit medal 1841-1866 engraved naming to Rohlfe
F1113 Red Cross 25 years bronze and enamel (L1990) E.F. (L11123) G.V.F. £95
£35 £95.00
F1132 Civil Merit medal 1841-1866 engraved naming to
F1114 Bavaria Reserve 2nd Infantry Regt. bronze (n.r.) (L1995) H.A.Hanneman (L17773) G.V.F. £95
N.E.F. £25 £95.00
F1133 Civil Merit medal 1841-1866 impressed naming to I.
F1115 Bavaria 2nd Infantry Regt. Crown Prince Rupert medal Voigt (L11124) N.E.F. £120
1914 silvered (n.r.) (L12388) N.E.F. £25 £120.00
£25.00 £25.00
F1134 Lagensalza Medal 1866 officiallyimpressed to H. Hedder
F1116 Fire Brigade merit Cross (L15557) N.E.F. £30 (L17493) N.E.F. £95
£30.00 £95.00
F1117 Bavaria Reserve Pioneer Company 1914-1917 bronze F1135 Military Wilhelms Army L.S. medal Ernst August
(n.r.) (L15515) N.E.F. £25 1841-1846 young head (n.r) (L8630) V.F. £155
£25.00 £155.00
F1118 14th Inf Reg Hartmann Nuremburg 1814-1914 silver German States : Hanseatic States
(n.r.) (L16841) N.E.F. £35
£35.00 9 items.
F1161 Fire Brigade merit Cross (L14904) N.E.F. £30 F1135.4Bremen Cross silvered centre chipped (n.r.) (L18271)
£30.00 G.V.F. £65
German States : Brunswick
F1136 Lubeck Cross silvered (L17652) N.E.F. £175
6 items.
F1119 Order of Henry the Lion 1st class sash badge excelent F1137 Lubeck Cross silvered one arm chipped (L11779) V.F.
quality silver gilt, no sash (L9318) N.E.F. £595 £65
£595.00 £65.00
F1120 Order of Henry the Lion silver merit cross (L10392) F1138 Bremen Cross silvered (L18268) N.E.F. £125
N.E.F. £145 £125.00
F1139 Bremen Cross silvered some toning to reverse (n.r.)
F1121 Military Merit Medal 1815 for Waterloo, silver, maker (L18269) N.E.F. £110
below bust Leveque. Ed., very rare (L15670) N.E.F. £110.00
£2,495.00 F1140 Bremen Cross silvered one arm chipped (n.r.) (L18270)
G.V.F. £65
F1122 Medal for Centenary of the Peninsula campaign, £65.00
1809-1909, bronze (n.r.) (L10485) G.V.F. £50
£50.00 F1142 Hamburg Cross silvered (L18272) N.E.F. £65
F1123 War Merit Cross 1914 1st class pin back (L17497) G.V.F.
£195 F1143 Hamburg Cross silvered reverse toned (n.r.) (L18273)
£195.00 N.E.F. £55
F1124 War Merit Cross 1914 2nd class (L17480) N.E.F. £65
£65.00 F1144 Hamburg Cross silvered chipped (n.r.) (L12286) V.F. £30
German States : Danzig
German States : Hessen Darmstadt
2 items.
8 items.
F1125 Danzig Cross Breast Badge good copy (L8422) G.V.F.
£35 F1146 Military Merit Cross 1870, (n.r.) (L16625) G.V.F. £325
£35.00 £325.00 £325.00
F1126 Red Cross Merit Order 2nd class for 10 years, rare F1147 Military Sanitation Cross 1914 bronzed war metal 1917
L9495) N.E.F. £345 scarce (n.r.) (L10483) G.V.F. £55
£345.00 £55.00
German States : Frankfurt F1148 War merit Decoration Iron pin back 1917 (L17665)
G.V.F. £120
3 items.
F1127 Cross of Honour for the Officers of the Line 1814 with old
F1149 War merit medal 1916-17 bronze (L17664) G.V.F. £55
piece of original ribbon, very rare (L9968) G.V.F. £1295
F1150 Ernst Ludwig medal for Bravery (L15491) E.F. £45
F1128 Waterloo medal 1815 (n.r.) only 340 awarded (L15080)
N.V.F. £495

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1151 Ernst Ludwig medal for Bravery silver in packet of issue F1033 Group of 3; Iron Cross 1870, Baden Volunteers War
(L17663) E.F. £50 aid Cross 1870-71, Prussia Franco Prussian war medal
£50.00 1870-71, swing court mounted, (L12950) V.F. £475
F1152 Long Service Cross 15 years gilt (L17775) G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F1035 Pair: Franco Prussian War medal 1870-71, 3 bars Le
mans, Noisseville, Metz, Wlihelm I Centenary medal ,
F1153 Field Honour Decoration bronze (L17667) G.V.F. £40
swing court mounted (L15678) N.E.F. £175
German States : Lippe Detmold
F1036 Group of 3; Franco Prussian 1870-71 war medal
1 items. bar Beaumont, Wilhelm I Centenary medal, Honour
F1154 Civil Merit medal 1816 silver, very scarce Waterloo Decoration FWIII 1871-1895 silver for service to the
period award (L2016) V.F. £375 State, swing court mounted (L14426) G.V.F. £175
£375.00 £175.00
German States : Mecklenburg Strelitz F1037 Group of 3; Iron Cross 1914, China 1901 non
combattant, Wilhelm I Centenary medal, swing court
2 items. mounted (L14427) G.V.F. £195
F1162 War Bravery Cross ( Tapfer Und Treu) 2nd class dated £195.00
1914, silvered (L17771) N.E.F. £95 F1038 Group of 3: Iron Cross 1914, Oldenburg Freidrich August
£95.00 Cross 1914-18, Honour Cross 1914-18 with swords,
F11661War Bravery Cross ( Tapfer Und Treu) 2nd class dated court mounted (L17576) G.V.F. £125
1914, in silver hallmarked 800 rare in silver (wrong £125.00
ribbon) (L18196) N.E.F. £145 F1039 Group of 5; Iron Cross 1914, Saxony Order of Albert
£145.00 Knight with swords (marked R), Saxe Altenburg
German States : Mecklenburg-Schwerin Bravery medal bronze ( rare in bronze), Honour Cross
1914-18 with swords, Prussia Mil.L.S. medal 12 years
6 items.
bronze ,court mounted (L12373) N.E.F. £495
F1156 Order of the Griffin Commander, reverse cenre chipped , £495.00
suspension link missing (L14437) G.V.F. £495
F1040 Group of 12; Iron Cross 1914 with miniature 1939 bar,
Austria Order of the Iron with war decoration bronze
F1157 Military Merit cross 1914, 1st class (L17485) G.V.F. £195 gilt by Kochert, Austria War Military Merit Cross with
£195.00 war decoration, Austria Signum Laudis gilt, Austria Karl
F1158 Military Merit cross 1914, 2nd class (L14966) G.V.F. £60 Troop Cross, War merit Cross 1939, W.W.1 Honour
£60.00 Cross with swords, Third Reich Long Service Decoration
25 yrs with eagle on ribbon, Occupation of Austria 1938,
F1159 Military Merit cross 1914 2nd class scarce variety with Occupation Sudetanland 1938, Romania order of the
capital letters(n.r) (L15705) N.E.F. £75 Crown Knight 1st type, all court mounted, rare group,
£75.00 (L13775) N.E.F. £1295
F1160 Military Merit cross 1914 2nd class scarce variety with £1,295.00
capital letters (L15704) N.E.F. £85 F1040.1Group of 5: Iron Cross 1914, Mecklenburg Schwerin
£85.00 war merit cross 1914 ( capital letters) Hamburg Cross,
F1161 Landwehr Reserve L.S. medal 2nd class gilt (L12134) Prussia Army L.S. Cross 15 years, Kiffhaiserbund medal
N.E.F. £35 with 2 bars, Soissons-Reims, Lothringen, court mounted,
£35.00 (L18277) E.F. £250
German States : Mounted Groups
F1041 Group of 3; Iron Cross 1914, Honour Cross 1914-18
28 items.
with swords , China 1901 Combattant swing style court
F1028.2Pair: Franco Prussian War medal 1870-71 3 bars Paris, mounted (L12475) N.E.F. £165
Sedan, Beaumont, Wilhelm I centenary medal 1897, £165.00
gilded, court mounted (L18254) N.E.F. £165 F1042 Pair: Prussia Military Honour Decoration large silver,
£165.00 Colonial Medal bar Deutch-Neuguinea 1913/14 court
F1029 Group of 4: Saxony Order of Henry Knight silver gilt swing mounted , rare (L13797) N.E.F. £495
with gold centre( reverse legend 2 small chips), Order £495.00
of Albert Knight with swords, Iron Cross 1914, Reuss F1043 Group of 3: Honour Cross 1914-18 with swords, Prussia
Honour Clas 3rd class with Swords, superb group, court Landwehr L.S. medal 2nd class, 3rd Reich Faithful
mounted, (L13845) N.E.F. £1395 Service Decoration silver class, court mounted (L12381)
£1,395.00 V.F. £85
F1030 Pair: Iron Cross 1870, Franco Prussian War medal £85.00
1870-71 swing court mounted (L12948) N.E.F. £395 F1044 Group of 4; Iron Cross 1914, Schaumberg-Lippe War
£395.00 merit Cross 1914-18, Prussia Landwehr L.S. 2nd
F1030.1Group of 3; Bavaria Military Merit Order 4th class (gold class, Honour Cross 1914-18 with swords, swing court
centre), Miltary Jubilee medal Luitpold, 1905, Army L.S. mounted (L12600) N.E.F. £135
Cross 15 years court mounted, (L18276) E.F. £350 £135.00
£350.00 F1046 Group of 5; Prussia war Aid Cross 1917-24, Prussia
F1031 Pair:Saxony war Cross 1866, Franco Prussian War Landhwer L.S. medal 2nd class, 3rd Reich Olympic
medal 1870-71 4 bars Paris, Sedan, Beaumont, Medal, Faithful service Decoration Gold class, Faithful
Gravelotte St Privat, court mounted, the XIIth Saxon Service Decoration Silver class, court mounted, with
Corps served in the war, scarce (L18253) N.E.F. £220 ribbon bar that Prussian Red eagle on it ( possibly
£220.00 Commander award (L12305) G.V.F. £295

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1047 Group of 3; Prussia War Aid Cross 1917-24, Iron Cross £195.00
1914 , South West Africa 1904-06 Combattant, court
F1167 House Order of Peter Frederick Ludwig, Honour Cross
mounted, (L12315) G.V.F. £125
1st class bronze gilt (L14197) G.V.F. £155
F1048 Group of 4; Iron Cross 1914 , Oldenburg Freidrich
F1168 House Order of Peter Frederick Ludwig, Honour Cross
August Cross 1914-18, 3rd Reich Faithful Service crosss
3rd class with swords, Iron (L14198) G.V.F. £175
silver class, Kiffyhauserbund veterans medal, court
swing mounted, (L13028) V.F. £165
£165.00 F1169 Civil Merit medal 1813 silver (L2035) V.F. £275
F1049 Group of 7; Iron Cross 1914 , Bavaria War merit Cross
3rd class with swords, Honour Cross with swords F1170 Waterloo Medal 1815 silver very rare (n.r.) (L9497)
1914-18, Occupation of Austria medal, Hungary W.W.1 N.E.F. £695
medal, Austria Tyrol medal 1914-18, 3rd Reich Faithful £695.00
Service crosss silver class, (L13029) N.E.F. £345 F1171 1866 War Medal bronze gilt (L14246) N.E.F. £85
£345.00 £85.00
F1050 Group of 3; Bavaria Military Merit Cross 4th class F1172 Freidrich August Cross 1914-18 1st class, (L14249)
with swords, Iron Cross 1914 , South West Africa N.E.F. £165
1904-06 Combattant bar Herero-Land , swing style court £165.00
mounted, (L12422) G.V.F. £225
£225.00 F1173 Freidrich August Cross 1914-18 1st class, pin back
badge (L10939) G.V.F. £145
F1051 Group of 7; Iron Cross 1914 , Honour Cross 1914-18 £145.00
with swords, Kiffyhauserbund medal with swords on
ribbon, Austria Order of Franz Joseph bronze gilt, (small F1174 War Merit Medal 1916-1918 , (n.r.) (L9015) G.V.F. £58
repair to reverse of one arm) Austria Bravery medal £58.00
Franz Joseph I bronze, Austria wound medal WWI , F1175 War Merit Medal 1916-1918 (L17774) G.V.F. £65
Austria Campaign medal 1873, court mounted, (L12316) £65.00
V.F. £375
F1176 22nd Oldenburg Shooting Association, Jever 1909 silver
cross (n.r.) (L12279) G.V.F. £25
F1052 Group of 7: Iron Cross 1914, Prussia Life Saving Medal £25.00
(Freestate Republik, 1925-34 a rare medal) silver,
German States : Prussia
Brunswick War Merit Cross 1914, Austria Bravery Medal
Franz Joseph I silver, Hesse Darmstadt Bravery medal 79 items.
silvered, Veterans medal Weltkrieg 1914-18, Honour F1177 Order of the Red Eagle 4th class 1st type, with smooth
Cross 1914-18 with swords, and swords on ribbon, court arms, scarce (L17095) G.V.F. £395
mounted, (L12328) G.V.F. £345 £395.00
F1178 Order of the Red Eagle 4th class 2nd type, with 50 year
F1053 Group of 3: Iron Cross 1914, Bavaria Military Merit Cross Jubilee for years survival after the war on suspension,
3rd class with swords, Bavaria Military L.S medal 12 scarce (L9861) E.F. £325
years (2nd class) court mounted swing style (L12382) £325.00
G.V.F. £120
£120.00 F1179 Order of the Red Eagle 4th class 2nd type, (L17558) E.F.
F1054 Group of 3: Iron Cross 1914, Mecklenburg Schwerin War £220.00
merit Cross 1914( type with capital letters) Honour Cross
1914-18 with swords, Swing mounted as worn (L12384) F1180 Order of the Red Eagle 4th class 2nd type, (L11440)
N.E.F. £125 G.V.F. £195
£125.00 £195.00
F1055 Group of 3: Baden Order of St. Michael silver merit F1181 Order of the Crown Commander badge in gold marked N
medal, Baden Army Jubilee medal 1905 bronze, Austria on bottom arm (n.r.) (L14194) N.E.F. £795
war medal 1914-18, court mounted (L13802) G.V.F. £795.00
£295 F1182 Order of the Crown 3rd class 1st type with small Crown
£295.00 silver gilt , very scarce, ribbon very frayed (L14204)
F1056 Group of 4: War Merit Cross no swords, Prussia Jubilee N.E.F. £395
medal 1897, Faithful Service Decoration Gold class, £395.00
Sudetenland Medal 1938 , court mounted, strange F1183 Order of the Crown 3rd class in gold N on bottom arm,
grouping with Prussian medal but mounted as worn! (pin some chiping to legend otherwise (L14203) G.V.F. £225
missing) (L12391) G.V.F. £175 £225.00
F1184 Order of the Crown 4th class Geneva Red Cross issue
German States : Nassau (1871), (L14184) N.E.F. £325
2 items. £325.00
F1164 War medal 1866 swing court mounted on old original F1185 Order of the Crown 4th class in embossed case of issue
ribbon, (L16771) G.V.F. £75 (L15200) N.E.F. £175
£75.00 £75.00 £175.00
F1165 War medal 1866 wrong ribbon (L16772) N.E.F. £70 F1186 Order of the Crown 4th class (L14186) E.F. £155
£70.00 £70.00 £155.00
German States : Oldenburg F1188 Order of the Crown 4th class chip to obverse (n.r.)
(L14189) V.F. £130
11 items.
F1166 House Order of Peter Frederick Ludwig, Honour Cross
F1189 Order of the Crown Merit medal 2nd type gilt (n.r)
1st class silver gilt (L14196) G.V.F. £195
(L16623) E.F. £110

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£110.00 £110.00 F1210.1Johannitter Order pin back breast cross frosted finish
(L18301) N.E.F. £95
F1190 Order of the Crown Merit medal 2nd type gilt (L15140)
G.V.F. £120
£120.00 F1211 1815 War medal combattant with squared arms incorrect
ribbon scarce (L17644) V.F. £165
F1191 Order of the Crown Merit medal 2nd type zinc, top of
suspension missing from crown (L16445) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F1213 1815 War medal non combattant iron (L9614) G.V.F.
F1192 House Order of Hohenzolleren Knight with swords, and
oak leaves suspension, excellent quality and condition,
rare (L15065) N.E.F. £795 F1214 Hohenzolleren Campaign medal 1848-49 bronze
£795.00 (L13822) N.E.F. £30
F1193 House Order of Hohenzolleren Knight with swords,
excellent quality and condition, bottom arm edge marked F1215 War with Denmark 1864 combatant bronze (n.r) (L2059)
S & W 937 (L12931) E.F. £695 V.F. £30
£695.00 £30.00 £30.00
F1194 House Order of Hohenzolleren Knight with swords, F1217 Duppel Cross reservists ribbon, (L12276) G.V.F. £45
excellent quality (n.r.) (L14096) N.E.F. £595 £45.00
F1218 Duppel Cross (n.r.) (L17671) G.V.F. £40
F1195 House Order of Hohenzollern Inhaber Eagle 1863, silver £40.00
and enamel (L14370) N.E.F. £275
F1219 Alsen Cross scarce (L13771) V.F. £75
F1196 House Order of Hohenzollern Inhaber Eagle 1863, silver
F1219 1815 War medal combattant with squared arms, old
and enamel, (L6406) N.E.F. £275
piece ribbon scarce (L18182) V.F. £185
F1197 Merit Decoration for Ladies of the Court , superb heavy
F1220 Der Main Armee Cross 1866 bar Koniggratz, scarce
quality pin back badge in silver gilt and silver in fitted
unnoficial bar (L2062) V.F. £75
velvet case of issue very attractive and scarce (L11571)
N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F1221 Truen Kreigen Cross 1866 (L13823) N.E.F. £35
F1198 Johannitter Order Commander cross with crown
Ehrenritter, most superb early fine quality in gold in F1222 Veterans Cross Vom Vels Zum Meer Wilhelm II (L2065)
unnoficial case (L13913) E.F. £995 N.E.F. £20
£995.00 £20.00 £20.00
F1199 Johannitter Order Commander cross with crown F1224 Franco Prussian War 1870-71 non combattant (L4688)
Ehrenritter, most superb early fine quality in gold V.F. £35
(L14972) E.F. £945 £35.00
£945.00 F1226 Franco Prussian War 1870-71 combattant 3 bars
F1200 Johannitter Order Commander cross with crown Colombey-Nouilly, Metz, An Der Hallue, prongs repaired
Ehrenritter, good quality silver gilt, small enamel repair to on all 3 bars (L12711) G.V.F. £95
tip of top arm otherwise (L17159) G.V.F. £395 £95.00
£395.00 F1227 Franco Prussian War 1870-71 combattant 2 bars Sedan ,
F1201 Johannitter Order Commander cross with crown Beaumont, loose (L16462) G.V.F. £95
Ehrenritter, good quality bronze gilt (L15022) N.E.F. £95.00
£295 F1228 Franco Prussian War 1870-71 combattant on old original
£295.00 ribbon, (L10388) N.E.F. £45
F1202 Johannitter Order pin back breast cross gilt and enamel, £45.00
(L18302) N.E.F. £175 F1229 Golden Wedding of Wilhelm and Augusta 1879, 1st class
£175.00 silver gilt, rare (L14040) E.F. £495
F1204 Johannitter Order Breast Cross pin back , silver (L15023) £495.00
N.E.F. £145 F1230 War Veterans Cross Mittlewalde 1871 bronze gilt
£145.00 (L12871) V.F. £45
F1205 Honour Decoration FWIII 1871-1895 silver for service to £45.00
the state (L9362) G.V.F. £25 F1231 Franco Prussian War 1870-71 non combatant steel with
£25.00 original certificate and research to One year Volunteer
F1206 Military Honour Decoration large silver, (L13853) G.V.F. F.Piater No 2 Garde Grenadier Regt. court mounted on
£55 Combat ribbon, (L17734) N.E.F. £135
£55.00 £135.00
F1207 1813/14 War medal combattant with squared arms F1231 War Aid Cross 1917-24 zinc (L4961) N.E.F. £25
(L10798) V.F. £75 £25.00
£75.00 F1232 Red cross medal gilt (L2070) E.F. £25
F1208 1813/14 War medal combattant with squared arms (n.r.) £25.00
(L18256) G.V.F. £85 F1232.1Franco Prussian War 1870-71 non combattant (n.r.)
£85.00 (L18131) V.F. £30
F1209 1814 War medal combattant with squared arms n.r £30.00
(L14393) V.F. £120 F1233 Red Cross medal silver (L12442) G.V.F. £25
£120.00 £25.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1234 Red Cross medal bronze (L12443) G.V.F. £20 F1259 Fire Brigade Merit medal 1908-17 pin back bronze gilt
£20.00 (L2077) V.F. £30
F1235 Red Cross medal zinc (L12186) V.F. £20
£20.00 German States : Reuss
F1236 Wilhelm I Centenary medal 1897 gilt, (L2073) G.V.F. £20 3 items.
£20.00 F1260 Silver Merit medal with swords 1867-1918 (L14237) E.F.
F1238 Reserve Landwehr medal II class (L2074) N.E.F. £15 £125
£15.00 £125.00
F1239 Military L.S. Cross 25 years early type Prinzen size F1261 Silver Merit medal 1867-1918 (L8652) E.F. £135
scarce (L14509) G.V.F. £95 £135.00
£95.00 F1262 Medal for Hard times in the War 1914 bronze (L16769)
F1240 Military L.S. Cross 15 years (L5089) G.V.F. £30 G.V.F. £75
£30.00 £75.00 £75.00
F1241 Military L.S. medal 12 years 1st type (L12580) E.F. £20 German States : Saxe Altenburg
£20.00 3 items.
F1242 Military L.S. medal 12 years (L4773) V.F. £20 F1263 House Order of Saxe Ernestine Ernst II golden merit
£20.00 £20.00 medal silver gilt (L14992) E.F. £145
F1243 Military L.S. medal 12 years bronze gilt (L10278) N.E.F. £145.00
£25 F1264 House Order of Saxe Ernestine Ernst II golden merit
£25.00 medal silver gilt , some toning, (n.r.) (L14993) N.E.F.
F1244 Military L.S. medal 9 years (L15589) V.F. £15 £135
£15.00 £135.00
F1245 Military L.S. 3rd class medal 9 years silver (L11042) F1265 House Order of Saxe Ernestine Ernst II silver merit
N.E.F. £25 medal (L2081) E.F. £120
£25.00 £120.00
F1246 Military L.S. medal 9 years (L15553) V.F. £15 German States : Saxe Coburg Gotha
£15.00 5 items.
F1247 Military L.S. Clasp 1842-1913 FWIII silver gilt , (L14504) F1267 Carl Eduard silver merit medal (L11430) N.E.F. £75
G.V.F. £55 £75.00
F1268 Carl Eduard silver merit medal (n.r.) (L13798) G.V.F. £60
F1248 Military L.S. Clasp 1842-1913 FWIII bronze gilt (L14505) £60.00
G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F1269 Carl Eduard golden merit medal silver gilt (n.r.) (L11122)
N.E.F. £65
F1249 Military L.S. Clasp 1842-1913 FWIII silver with blackened £65.00
centre, (L14506) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 F1270 Merit medal for the Wedding of Princess Sybilla
20.10.1932 bronze, only 275 were awarderd very scarce
F1250 Military L.S. Clasp 1842-1913 FWIII silver with blackened (L8318) N.E.F. £145
centre, (n.r.) (L14507) G.V.F. £35 £145.00
£35.00 £35.00
F1271 Veterans Cross 1914 with swords (n.r.) (L12596) N.E.F.
F1251 Military L.S. Clasp 1842-1913 FWIII silver, (L12322) £45
G.V.F. £35 £45.00
German States : Saxe Coburg Saalfeld
F1252 Best Shot medal portrait of Frederick the Great engraved
C.F. Proemer zum II ten Mal Schuetzen Konig d. 19 Juli 1 items.
1851, very old silver hallmarks on back, very attractive F1272 Waterloo Medal silver (n.r.) rare (L14243) G.V.F. £895
medal with silver bow and stone suspension (L14368) £895.00
G.V.F. £125
German States : Saxe Meiningen
2 items.
F1253 Best Shot medal Wilhelm I 1861-68 large silver ( n.r.)
(L14367) G.V.F. £75 F1290 War Merit Medal 1915-1918 bronze (L10521) G.V.F. £95
£75.00 £95.00
F1254 Freidrich III Memorial Medal 1831-1888 silver (L10645) F1291 Silver Merit Cross for 30 Years in Work and Service
N.E.F. £45 1895-1918, scarce (n.r.) (L10524) E.F. £165
£45.00 £165.00
F1255 Freidrich III 100 years of Infantry RegtsFrieherr Sparr 3rd German States : Saxe Weimar
Westfal No 16 gilt, (L16839) G.V.F. £30 6 items.
F1292 Order of The White Falcon silver merit cross, excellent
F1256 50th Jubilee Westaflen Inf Regt no 35 bronze attractive
quality (n.r.) (L17697) N.E.F. £195
(n.r.) (L16842) G.V.F. £30
F1293 Waterloo medal (n.r.) rare (L14235) G.V.F. £375
F1257 25th Anniversary war of 1870-71 bronze (L16843) G.V.F.
£35.00 F1294 Waterloo medal with small piece of original ribbon rare
(L14257) G.V.F. £395
F1258 Fire Brigade L.S. 25 years (L2076) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 £45.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1295 Karl Alexander 1870 war merit medal (n.r.) scarce £65.00
(L14232) G.V.F. £275 German States : Schaumburg-Lippe
6 items.
F1296 War merit Medal 1914-18 with swords and buckle
suspender suspension, silver (L14241) E.F. £175 F1298 House Order Silver Merit Cross 1869-1918 (L6758)
£175.00 N.E.F. £245
F1297 War merit Medal 1914-18 with swords and buckle
suspender suspension, bronze (L14242) E.F. £135 F1299 War merit Cross 1914-1918 (n.r.) (L12283) G.V.F. £55
£135.00 £55.00
German States : Saxony F1300 Civil Merit Medal 1893. silver (L10615) N.E.F. £165
17 items.
F1301 Civil Merit Medal 1905 silver (L7648) N.E.F. £165
F1273 Order of Albert silver merit cross 3 piece 1876-1909
(L8661) N.E.F. £195
£195.00 F1319 Waterloo Military Merit medal rare (L10378) E.F. £1195
F1274 Order of Albert silver merit cross 1876-1909 court
mounted (L12945) N.E.F. £175 F1454 War merit Cross 1914-1918 wartime issue, scarce
£175.00 (L11797) V.F. £45
F1277 Civil Merit Order Silver merit cross 1815-1910 made with
struck medallion excellent quality in fitted embossed German States : Schwarzburg Rudolstadt
case of issue (L8650) N.E.F. £245 1 items.
F1302 Order of the Honour cross silver merit medal scarce
F1278 Civil Merit Order Silver merit cross 1815-1910 made with (L4699) N.E.F. £125
struck medallion, with trifold ribbon, (L8682) N.E.F. £195 £125.00
German States : Schwarzburg Rudolstadt Sonderhausen
F1280 Volunteers war merit cross 1914-15, separate medallions
in centre, (n.r.) (L2100) G.V.F. £65 1 items.
£65.00 £65.00 F1303 War Merit medal 1914 war metal silvered (n.r.) (L16767)
F1281 Friedrich August Veterans Society Leipzig-Connewitz, N.V.F. £35
silver medal attractive (L16838) N.E.F. £35 £35.00 £35.00
£35.00 German States : Schwarzburg Sonderhausen
F1282 Military Long Service Good Conduct medal 1868-1873, 1 items.
2nd class for officers and soldiers “for long and good
F1304 Order of Honour merit medal silver (L6707) N.E.F. £120
service”, 15 years, rare (L14441) G.V.F. £145
German States : Waldeck
F1283 Military Long Service Good Conduct medal 1868-1873,
3rd class for officers and soldiers “for long and good 2 items.
service”, 9 years, bronze gilt (L14442) G.V.F. £48 F1305 Honour Cross merit medal silver (L16770) N.E.F. £110
£48.00 £110.00 £110.00
F1284 Military Reserve Long Service Good Conduct 2nd class F1306 Campaign medal 1849 gilt bronze very rare (n.r.) (L9520)
1874-1913 buckle on ribbon, silver gilt, (L14443) G.V.F. G.V.F. £595
£35 £595.00
German States : Weurtemburg
F1285 Military Reserve Long Service Good Conduct bar 2nd
class 1874-1913 (L2104) G.V.F. £25 14 items.
£25.00 F1307 Jubilee Honour medal for Long and True Service, with
F1286 Reserve Landwehr L.S. medal 2nd class court mounted , buckle, silver (L11584) G.V.F. £65
gilt (L8575) E.F. £25 £65.00
£25.00 F1309 War Medal 1793-1815 as awarded for Waterloo for 3
F1287 Military Veterans Cross Lunzenau 1857 silver (n.r.) Campaigns (n.r.) gilded bronze (L9504) G.V.F. £345
(L14446) G.V.F. £45 £345.00
£45.00 F1310 War Medal 1866 (n.r.) (L7682) N.V.F. £55
F1288 Work Merit medal Handels Kammer Leipzig (L2105) £55.00
G.V.F. £20 F1311 War Medal 1866 (n.r.) (L10481) V.F. £65
£20.00 £65.00
F1291.1Order of Henry Silver Merit medal unsigned old issue F1312 War Medal 1866 (n.r.) (L9502) G.V.F. £85
with original ribbon, (L18227) V.F. £130 £85.00
F1313 War Medal 1866 gilded Officers (n.r.) (L9724) G.V.F. £95
F1293 Civil Merit Order Knight 2nd class with swords, marked £95.00
Scharffenberg Dresden, in fittec embossed case of issue
( hinge and lid edge damaged ) (L17699) N.E.F. £395 F1315 Wilhelm Bravery medal 1897-18 silvered (L2122) N.E.F.
£395.00 £20
F1298 Volunteers war merit cross 1914-16 (n.r.) (L2099) G.V.F.
£65 F1319 Army Long Service 9 years (L12300) V.F. £30
£65.00 £30.00

F1298 Volunteers war merit cross 1914-16 (n.r.) (L2099) G.V.F. F1320 Freestate fire brigade L.S. 25 Years bronze (L2124)
£65 G.V.F. £40

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£40.00 £145.00
F1334 Charlotte Cross 1916 (L12922) G.V.F. £125 F1339 War Merit Cross 2nd class no swords bronze in original
£125.00 packet and titled envelope of issue (L17413) E.F. £45
F1339.1Wilhelm Cross for War Merit 1915 with Swords bronze ,
(L18141) G.V.F. £125 F1340 Occupation of Austria 13th March 1938 (L10108) G.V.F.
£125.00 £75
F1340.1Army L.S. Cross 2nd Class 20 years silver (L18142)
N.E.F. £145 F1341 Italy-German Africa Medal 1941 bronze by De Marchis
£145.00 scarce (L12914) G.V.F. £110
F1340.2Landwehr L.S. Bar 2nd Class 2nd type 1891-1921
(L18143) N.E.F. £45 F1342 Italy-German Africa Medal 1941 zinc, good condition with
£45.00 original ribbon, (L16444) G.V.F. £75
F1340.9Jubilee Honour medal for Long and True Service, with
buckle, (L18139) G.V.F. £45 F1343 Spanish Decoration for the Blue Division in Russia 1941
£45.00 in bronze, German issue (L16759) N.E.F. £125.00
German Third Reich £125.00 £125.00

49 items. F1344 Pair: Armed Forces L.S. medal 4 years with Luftwaffe
emblem, Occupation of Sudetenland 1st Oct. 1938, court
F1321 German Cross in Gold , maker marked 134, with 4 mounted, (L12310) G.V.F. £98
hollow rivets, with vlauation and guarantee of authenticity £98.00
by Detlev Niemann (L18255) N.E.F. £1695
£1,695.00 F1345 Luftwaffe day Fighter clasp 1941-45, silver class
( silvered) (L8681) G.V.F. £325
F1322 Iron Cross 1939 1st class convex in fitted embossed £325.00
case of issue (L14261) V.F. £295
£295.00 F1346 LuftWaffe Heavy/Medium and Dive Bomber Squadron
Clasp bronze class marked R.S.S. pin clasp broken
F1323 Iron Cross 1939 1st class in fitted embossed case of (L7325) V.F. £295
issue (L11574) E.F. £325 £295.00
F1348 Close Combat clasp bronze unmarked (L8697) N.E.F.
F1324 Iron Cross 1939 1st class in fitted embossed case of £195
issue (L11577) V.F. £265 £195.00
F1349 Mothers Cross silver (L15477) N.E.F. £75
F1325 Iron Cross 1939 1st class in fitted embossed case of £75.00
issue (L11477) N.E.F. £295
£295.00 F1350 R.A.D medal for Men 1st class (50% gilt wash) plain
ribbon, rare (L12342) G.V.F. £175
F1326 Iron Cross 1939 1st class inside of pin stamped L/52 £175.00
(L15411) G.V.F. £225
£225.00 F1350.1Iron Cross 1939 2nd class, (L18342) G.V.F. £100
F1327 Iron Cross 1939 1st class (L17689) N.E.F. £245
£245.00 F1351 R.A.D medal for Men 3rd class (L12343) G.V.F. £75
F1328 Iron Cross 1939 2nd class, (n.r.) (L17209) E.F. £95
£95.00 F1352 R.A.D medal for Women 3rd class (silver wash almost all
gone ) (L12346) G.V.F. £125
F1330 Iron Cross 1939 2nd class, larger flan (L18343) G.V.F. £125.00
£125.00 F1353 Mothers Cross bronze (L15509) N.E.F. £65
F1331 War Merit cross 1st class with swords pin back badge pin
unmarked in fitted embossed case of issue good quality F1354 Mothers Cross 1st class gilt (L16480) V.F. £75
silvered, (L12065) N.E.F. £175 £75.00
£175.00 F1355 R.A.D medal for Women 4th class (bronze wash almost
F1332 War Merit cross 1st class with swords pin back badge pin all gone ) (L12347) G.V.F. £85
marked by deschler, in fitted embossed case of issue , £85.00 £85.00
case is scuffed (L14983) G.V.F. £175 F1356 Drivers badge 2nd class no backing (L12349) V.F. £18
£175.00 £18.00
F1333 War Merit cross 1st class with swords pin back badge pin F1356.1War Merit Cross 1st class no swords in fitted embossed
unmarked (L12937) V.F. £130 case of issue (L18152) N.E.F. £175
£130.00 £175.00
F1334 War Merit Cross 1st class with swords (L12666) V.F. F1357 S.A. Treffen badge 1931 hollow back pin broken
£145 (L12527) V.F. £85
£145.00 £85.00
F1335 War Merit Cross 1st class with swords zinc with brass pin F1358 Civil Defence Decoration 1938 1st class excellent quality
marked 4 (L12996) V.F. £135 older copy (L12431) G.V.F. £45
£135.00 £45.00
F1336 War Merit Cross 1st class no swords (L11790) G.V.F. F1359 Civil Defence Decoration 1938 1st class good quality
£145 older copy (L12781) V.F. £38
£145.00 £38.00 £38.00
F1338 War Merit Cross 1st class no swords pin marked 4 F1360 D.R.L. Sports badge 1st type 1933 , 3rd class bronze by
(L14216) G.V.F. £145 Wernstein of Jena, (L12173) G.V.F. £40

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£40.00 F1381 Bar to the Iron Cross 2nd class modern copy (L10134)
E.F. £15
F1361 D.R.L. Sports badge 3rd type with Swastika, 3rd class
£15.00 £15.00
bronze by Wernstein of Jena, (L8706) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 F1382 War Merit Cross Knight superb quality older copy
(L8906) N.E.F. £155
F1362 R.A.D badge for work maids ( circular with plain edge )
zinc, (L8714) V.F. £45
£45.00 F1383 War Merit Cross Knight with swords gilt modern copy
(L6991) E.F. £25
F1363 Red Cross Nurses, Schwesternhelferin badge silver &
enamel (L15308) V.F. £45
£45.00 F1384 War Merit Cross Knight gilt modern copy (L6994) E.F.
F1364 Faithful Service Decoration 2nd class silver (L9013) E.F.
£45.00 F1385 Spanish Cross in gold with swords marked L/58 by
souval excellent quality copy (L12763) N.E.F. £85
F1365 Faithful Service Decoration 2nd class silver (L8716) V.F.
£85.00 £85.00
£35.00 F1386 Spanish Cross in Silver ( silvered) with swords excellent
quality copy (L9177) N.E.F. £68
F1366 N.S.R.K Plaque for Horses 1937, superb quality large
plaque 110mm x120mm, very scarce (L5929) G.V.F.
£195 F1387 Spanish Cross in Silver ( silvered) marked L/58 by
£195.00 Souval excellent quality copy (L9179) N.E.F. £95
F1367 Wound badge 2nd silver class, silvered brass early solid
issue (L8684) G.V.F. £85 F1388 Occupation of Austria 13th March 1938 old copy
£85.00 (L12471) V.F. £20
F1367.1Naval Blockade Runners badge, outstanding quality and
condition by Otto Plasczek Berlin, with half sized similar F1389 Lappland Shield , no backing older copy (L12626) G.V.F.
on a lapel pin in a fiited original case,the case is scuffed £35
otherwise superb, (L17946) E.F. £795 £35.00
F1390 Luftwaffe Ground Combat badge 100 engagements
F1368 Wound badge 2nd silver class solid silvered zinc ,only heavy quality copy older badge 2 parts (L8908) G.V.F.
trace of silvering remains (L9881) V.F. £85 £55
£85.00 £55.00
F1392 Luftwaffe Night Fighter clasp bronze class good quality F1393 Social Welfare Medal good copy (L12778) N.E.F. £18
older copy (L12788) V.F. £40 £18.00 £18.00
£40.00 £40.00
F1394 Social Welfare Decoration 1st class Neck cross (n.r.)
German Third Reich Copies excellent older copy, plain ring suspension (L12776)
33 items. G.V.F. £48
F1369 Copy medals assortment of 50 badges medals armband
etc, modern quality to clear (L12708) V.F. £145 F1395 Police Long Service Cross 2nd class silver, old copy
£145.00 (L12773) V.F. £30
£30.00 £30.00
F1370 German Cross in Gold , excellent heavy quality modern
copy (L17741) E.F. £95 F1396 General assault badge 25 , excellent older heavy quality
£95.00 2 piece copy (L8902) G.V.F. £45
F1371 German Cross in Gold , modern copy (L2126) E.F. £45
£45.00 F1397 General Assault badge heavy quality copy zinc (L12753)
G.V.F. £25
F1372 German Cross in Gold , cloth good modern copy £25.00 £25.00
(L17742) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 F1398 Infantry Assault badge heavy quality gilded zinc copy pin
clasp missing (L12754) G.V.F. £20
F1373 Order of the German Eagle neck badge with swords, £20.00 £20.00
excellent quality copy (L8728) N.E.F. £275
£275.00 F1399 Red Cross, Cross of Merit 1937 2nd class breast cross
good quality copy (L12779) N.E.F. £30
F1374 Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with oakleaves, swords £20.00
and “diamonds” modern copy (L6986) E.F. £45
£45.00 F1400 N.S.D.A.P Long Service award 15 years heavy quality
old copy silvered and enamel, (L17740) V.F. £75
F1375 Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with oakleaves modern £75.00
copy (L8401) E.F. £35
£35.00 F1401 Coburg Badge 1936 excellnet quality older copy in
bronze (L12761) G.V.F. £55
F1377 Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, oak leaves only, in silver £55.00 £55.00
marked L/12 and 925 (L17252) N.E.F. £98
£98.00 F1401.1Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves old copy
in silver unmarked (L18157) E.F. £195
F1379 Knights Cross of the Iron Cross modern copy (L8403) £195.00
E.F. £30
£30.00 F1402 Anti Partisan badge 1944-45 excellent quality older copy
in bronze solid, (L12768) G.V.F. £75
F1380 Bar to the Iron Cross 1st class modern copy (L6988) E.F. £75.00 £75.00
£15.00 F1402.1Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, fitted case only with 6cm
piece of ribbon, later post war case. (L18289) G.V.F. £98

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£98.00 F1431 Cross for the War of Independence 1821-1829, silver ,

very rare (L15667) V.F. £595
F1414.1Luftwaffe Tank Battle badge good quality copy in 2 parts
(L17676) E.F. £48
£48.00 F1432 Iron Star for the Revolution of 3rd September 1843, very
Ghana rare, some corossion (L14124) V.F. £495
1 items.
F1433 Bavarian Auxiliary Corps Cross 1833 in bronze gilt for
F1411 United Nations medal Congo (L11056) E.F. £55 Officers very rare (L14125) G.V.F. £495
£55.00 £495.00
Greece F1434 Military Merit Medal 1916-1917 with bar 1940 for 1940
57 items. issue scarce (L11828) N.E.F. £95
F1412 Order of the Redeemer Knight Otto,silver with gold
centre, small chips to tip of arms otherwise (L13836) V.F. F1435 Military Merit Medal 1916-1917 with maker on reverse
£595 Sue Rivaud (n.r.) (L13678) N.E.F. £65
£595.00 £65.00

F1413 Order of George I Knight excellent quality in fitted F1436 Military Merit 1916-1917 type with no dated on reverse
embossed case by Souval, (L13675) N.E.F. £155 (n.r.) scarce (L13679) N.E.F. £85
£155.00 £85.00
F1414 Order of George I Gold (silver gilt) merit cross small type F1437 Military Merit 1916-1917 ball suspender (L15474) N.E.F.
in card case of issue (L10669) N.E.F. £75 £65
£75.00 £65.00

F1415 Order of the Phoenix Commanders neck badge 1973 F1438 Distinguished Conduct Medal 1940(1950) silvered
issue with full neck ribbon, case of issue (L15198) E.F. bronze (L10339) N.E.F. £55
£195 £55.00
£195.00 F1439 War Cross 1916-17 by Zisimos Athens scarce (L14618)
F1417 Order of the Phoenix Commanders neck badge 1973 G.V.F. £125
issue with full neck ribbon (L2216) G.V.F. £175 £125.00
£175.00 F1440 War Cross 1916-17 (L14619) N.E.F. £95
F1419 Order of the Phoenix Knight badge latest type, silver in £95.00
velvet embossed case of issue (L15622) E.F. £95 F1440.1Order of the Phoenix Commanders neck badge 1949
£95.00 issue with full neck ribbon, with original certificate to A.M.
F1420 Orthodox Order of St.Mark 1st Class set breast star and Julien signed by George II in embossed case of issue by
neck badge a little enamel damage otherwise rare and Hugenin, certificate rare (L18332) E.F. £495
(L9304) V.F. £325 £495.00
£325.00 F1441 War Cross 1916-17 (n .r.) (L13606) V.F. £85
F1421 1940 bar to the Cross of Valour Gold , bar only (L9505) £85.00
G.V.F. £25 F1442 War Cross 1916-17 (n.r.) (L13677) G.V.F. £85
£25.00 £85.00
F1422 Cross of Valour 2nd class silver cross in fitted case by F1443 Royal Navy Campaign Cross 1940-1944, in embossed
Godet, scarce (L13674) N.E.F. £145 card case of issue, (L15475) N.E.F. £95
£145.00 £95.00
F1423 Cross of Valour of the Royal Gendarmerie , silver cross F1444 Merchant Navy War Cross 1940, silvered, in box of issue
(n.r.) (L2233) E.F. £55 (L8583) E.F. £48
£55.00 £48.00
F1424 Cross of Valour of the Royal Gendarmerie, silver cross, F1445 Merchant Navy War Cross 1940, bronze, in box of issue
with bar 1940 (L8585) E.F. £65 (L8584) E.F. £48
£65.00 £48.00
F1425 Order of Honour 2nd type 1984 Commander in F1446 Greek- Turkish War medal 1912-13, no suspender
embossed case of issue with full neck ribbon (L2234) (L13671) G.V.F. £25
E.F. £125 £25.00
F1447 First Balkan War 1912-13 with special ribbon for Red
F1426 Order of Honour 2nd type 1984 Commander with full Cross personnell (L14880) G.V.F. £35
neck ribbon (L15316) E.F. £110 £35.00
F1449 War Cross 1940 2nd class (L10419) G.V.F. £40
F1427 Order of Honour 2nd type 1984 Officer in embossed £40.00
case of issue (L2236) E.F. £65
£65.00 £65.00 F1450 War Cross 1940 3rd class (L9719) G.V.F. £30
F1428 Order of Honour 2nd type 1984 Knight in embossed case
of issue (L2237) E.F. £55 F1451 War Medal 1940-41 Republican issue 1983 (L14874)
£55.00 E.F. £20
F1429 Order of Honour 2nd type 1984 Knight (L2238) E.F. £40
£40.00 F1452 War Star 1940-41 land (L9718) N.E.F. £25
F1430 Cross for the War of Independence 1821-1829, silver,
superb quality with enamelled wreath (L15072) G.V.F. F1453 War Medal 1940-41 land (L11812) N.E.F. £20
£595 £20.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1454 War with Bulgaria 1913 (wrong ribbon) (L16399) G.V.F. F1474 National Order of Work silver (L17346) G.V.F. £45
£35 £45.00
F1475 National Order of Work merit medal silver (L11060) V.F.
F1455 War with Bulgaria 1913 (n.r) (L15563) G.V.F. £25 £35
£25.00 £35.00
F1456 National Defence Units badge 1946-46 bronze pin back M185.9 Haiti Army Brevet Merit medal (L17968) G.V.F. £25
(L7150) V.F. £35 £25.00
£35.00 Hawaii
F1457 Medal Order of St.Andrew of Cyprus 1967 bronze 2 items.
(L7152) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 F1471 Order of Queen Emma Grand Cross sash badge ,
superb quality silver gilt and enamels ( no sash) , this is
F1458 Staff Officer Service Commendation medal 2nd Class a State of Hawaii Order awarded for Humanity, 1978 with
1991 (L2259) E.F. £20 a printed booklet outlining the full details of the Order
£20.00 £20.00 its founding, awarding, wearing etc. signed by Richard
F1459 Armed Forces Meritorious Command medal 2nd class Larsen Swedish Consul to Hawaii, rare (L13759) E.F.
1991 (L2261) E.F. £20 £295
£20.00 £295.00
F1460 Armed Forces Meritorious Command medal 3rd class F1472 Order of Queen Emma Knight badge , superb quality
1991 (L2262) E.F. £20 silver gilt and enamels (in fitted case of issue by Morch
£20.00 Copenhagen, this is a State of Hawaii Order awarded for
Humanity, 1978 with a photocopied booklet outlining the
F1461 Red Cross Medal 1940-1941 bronze and enamel, with
full details of the Order its founding, awarding, wearing
laurel on ribbon (L17000) G.V.F. £150
etc. signed by Richard Larsen Swedish Consul to Hawaii,
rare (L13760) E.F. £145
F1462 Red Cross Medal 1940-1941 bronze and enamel,with £145.00
silver and gold laurels on ribbon (L17024) G.V.F. £175
Hong Kong
1 items.
F1463 Red Cross Decoration 1946-49 silvered and enamel, with
silver and gold stars on ribbon (L17026) N.E.F. £145 F1476 Hong Kong Immigration Service Meritorious Service
£145.00 Medal silver, very rare (L9037) G.V.F. £445
F1464 Red Cross Decoration, medal 5th Class bronze and
enamel named to Gunner Ernst Arrhenhius 29.8.45 Hungary
(L6040) G.V.F. £95 12 items.
F1477 Order of Merit Commander excellent old quality in silver
F1465 Red Cross Decoration, medal 5th Class bronze and gilt (n.r.) rare (L17870) E.F. £695
enamel (L17027) G.V.F. £85 £695.00
F1478 Order of Merit Commanderold quality in silver gilt chip
F1466 Red Cross Decoration, medal 4th Class silver and to bottom arm and centres missing (n.r.) (L17871) V.F.
enamel named to Burton Berry 1948 (L14621) G.V.F. £125
£145 £125.00
F1479 Signum Laudis 1922 no crown Golden medal (L2286)
F1467 Red Cross Decoration, medal 4th Class silver and N.E.F. £25
enamel (L17028) N.E.F. £130 £25.00 £25.00
F1480 Horthy Bravery medal bronzed zinc, (n.r.) (L14721) V.F.
F1468 City of Piraeus Medal for Science and Culture bronze £55
table medal 58mm in fitted case of issue as awarded £55.00
to Comte. Emmanuel Paul Gnevtos President of the
European Union (L12651) N.E.F. £75 F1483 Red Cross Army Nursing pin back badge bronze and
£75.00 enamel (L2292) G.V.F. £35
F1469 Gold medal (gilt) City of Piraeus Medal 1966 table
medal 66mm in fitted case of issue ( card case some F1485 Red Cross Blood Donor Decoration 40 donations gilt
damage) as awarded to Comte. Emmanuel Paul Gnevtos (L11008) V.F. £30
President of the European Union (L12652) N.E.F. £85 £30.00
£85.00 F1486 Red Cross Blood Donor Decoration 40 donations bronze
F1470.1Commemorative medal for the Battle of Spetses (L11009) N.E.F. £30
8-9-1822 bronze (L18180) G.V.F. £65 £30.00
£65.00 F1487 Red Cross Blood Donor Decoration 30 Donations bronze
Guyana (L11010) N.E.F. £25
1 items.
F1488 Berzyeni Artillery Medal large bronze (45mm) medal with
F1470 Fire Brigade Meritorious Service medal silver (L14925) suspension (L11011) V.F. £25
E.F. £55 £25.00
F1502.9Horthy Bravery medal bronze (L18021) V.F. £95
4 items.
Merit Medal 1922 A Hazeart large type bronze (L18022)
F1473 Haiti Army Brevet Merit medal gilt (L14902) V.F. £55 G.V.F. £48
£55.00 £48.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1503.1Army L.S.G.C cross in fitted case (L18041) N.E.F. £30 F1509 Bahalwalpur Silver Jubilee medal 1931 with original top
£30.00 bar (L11701) G.V.F. £48
Iceland £48.00

5 items. F1510 Bahalwalpur Alliance Centenary medal silver named

scarce (n.r.) (L2314) G.V.F. £65
F1489 President of Iceland medal silver, rare (L16900) N.E.F. £65.00
£495.00 F1511 Bahalwalpur Victory medal (star) (2nd War) bronze
numbered on reverse (L11697) G.V.F. £65
F1490 Order of the Falcon Commander 1st type (L10864) E.F. £65.00
£495.00 F1512 Bahalwalpur North West Fronteir medal 1914-19 (n.r.)
officially named (L15456) G.V.F. £45
F1492 Order of the Falcon Commander 2nd type (n.r.) small £45.00
flake to bottom arm otherwise (L10231) N.E.F. £495
£495.00 F1513 Bahalwalpur Victory medal (star) (2nd War) bronze (n.r.)
(L11762) G.V.F. £45
F1493 Order of the Falcon Commander 2nd type £45.00
in original fitted case of issue by Kjartan
Asmundsson Reykjavik, with full neck F1514 Bahalwalpur Victory medal (star) bronze numbered on
ribbon............................................................................ reverse (n.r.) (L2315) G.V.F. £55
(L14390) E.F. £795 £55.00 £55.00
£795.00 F1515 Bahalwalpur Pakistan Alliance medal 1947 originally
F1494 Order of the Falcon Knight 2nd type with, very scarce in mounted by Spink (L2318) G.V.F. £55
lower grades (L14760) E.F. £445 £55.00
£445.00 F1515.1Independence Medal 1950 Police issue (L17944) N.E.F.
India £35
26 items.
F1516 Bahalwalpur Pakistan Alliance medal 1947 (n.r.)
F1495 The Star of Merit Sourindro Mohun Tagore, breast star (L11755) N.E.F. £45
excellent quality silver and enamel, Sourindro Mohun £45.00
(1840-1914) was Rajah of Tagore, scarce (L14399)
N.E.F. £395 F1517 Bahalwalpur Overseas Service medal 1939-45 (n.r.)
£395.00 (L11696) G.V.F. £45
F1497 25th Anniversary of Independence medal named (L2311)
G.V.F. £15 F1518 Bahalwalpur Independence medal 1947 (n.r) (L2319)
£15.00 £15.00 G.V.F. £45
F1498 25th Anniversary of Independence medal (L11065)
G.V.F. £15 F1519 Bahalwalpur Civil General Service medal 2nd issue
£15.00 £15.00 ribbon (L11756) N.E.F. £55
F1499 Meritorious Service medal silver to Hvr. M.N.Petra A.M.C
(L18275) G.V.F. £30 F1520 Bahalwalpur Civil Long Service medal 2nd issue ribbon
£30.00 (L2323) N.E.F. £55
F1500 Order of Imtiaz I Abbasia 5th class silver and enamel,
very rare (L16436) N.E.F. £695
£695.00 £695.00 15 items.
F1501 Bahalwalpur Great War Star 1st type officially named on F1521 Army medal of Honour 1954 gilt (L10555) N.E.F. £35
reverse with original ribbon mounting by Spink, (L11753) £35.00
N.E.F. £55
F1522 Land Forces Honour Decoration 3rd class 1968 (L10556)
N.E.F. £35
F1502 Bahalwalpur Great War Star 1st type officially named on £35.00
reverse (n.r.) (L11702) G.V.F. £45
F1523 Police Honour star 3rd class silvered (L10557) N.E.F.
F1503 Bahalwalpur Great War Star 2nd type officially unamed £25.00
(L11754) G.V.F. £58
F1524 Medal for Combatting Communism (L10558) N.E.F. £25
F1504 Bahalwalpur Great War Star 2nd type (n.r.) (L11703)
F1525 Military faithful service medal 1958 2nd class silvered
G.V.F. £45
(L10559) N.E.F. £25
F1505 Bahalwalpur Military general service medal with original
F1526 Military faithful service medal 1958 3rd class bronze
top bar (L11698) G.V.F. £75
(L10562) N.E.F. £25
F1506 Bahalwalpur Jan I Nisari Corps medal (Volunteers)
F1527 Meritorious Service medal (L10560) N.E.F. £30
bronze with original top bar (L11699) G.V.F. £55
F1528 Military Instructors Honour medal 1968 (L10563) N.E.F.
F1507 Bahalwalpur Jan I Nisari Corps medal (Volunteers)
bronze (n.r.) (L11700) G.V.F. £38
F1529 Anti Guerilla Operations Campaign Star (L10564) N.E.F.
F1508 Bahalwalpur Installation medal 1924 bronze named to a
sepoy (n.r.) (L2313) G.V.F. £65

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1530 Central Java medal 1949 (Gom VI) (L10990) N.E.F. £25 F1551 Black and Tan medal with bar COMRAC and original top
£25.00 bar, rare (L17281) N.E.F. £895
F1531 Malayan Campaign medal 1963 (L10568) N.E.F. £35
£35.00 F1552 Black and Tan medal with original top bar scarce
(L17280) G.V.F. £495
F1532 South Moluccas Campaign medal 1950 (L10565) N.E.F.
£25.00 F1553 Emergency Service Medal 1939-45, AN SLUA MUIRI
Naval Reserve, very rare (L17542) G.V.F. £395
F1533 West Irian Operations medal (L9587) N.E.F. £25
F1534 West Irian Campaign medal 1969 Gom IX (L10554)
N.E.F. £25 160 items.
£25.00 F1555 Military Order of Savoy 2nd type Commander, rare
F1535 Police Active service medal (L9589) N.E.F. £25 (L17695) N.E.F. £595
£25.00 £595.00
International Orders F1556 Military Order of Savoy Knight in gold, superb quality
10 items. (L14108) E.F. £695
F1536 Order of St.Catherine of Mount Sinai Knight slt. Chip to
F1557 Military Order of Savoy Knight in gold, fine quality ,
tip of one arm (L13091) G.V.F. £325
obverse centre missing otherwise (L15696) N.E.F. £295
F1537 Order of St.Catherine of Mount Sinai Knight chip to tip of
F1558 Military Order of Savoy Officer 2nd type with trophy
one arm and obverse motto, (n.r.) (L14018) G.V.F. £275
of arms in hallmarked silver gilt, superb quality and
condition, rare (L11256) E.F. £595
F1538 Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem Grand Cross breast £595.00
star, very early quality with fishscale rays in hallmarked
F1559 Military Order of Savoy Officer 2nd type with trophy
silver by Bertrand (L17807) N.E.F. £295
of arms in hallmarked silver gilt, excellent quality and
condition, (L8332) E.F. £395
F1539 Sacred Order of Constantine of St.George, ( Two £395.00
Sicilies) Knight Grand Cross sash badge, superb old
F1560 Military Order of Savoy Officer RI type with trophy of
quaility, in heavy silver gilt and enamel, (no sash)
arms in silver gilt, excellent quality (L16727) E.F. £295
(L14698) E.F. £795
F1561 Order of Lazarus Grand Officer breast star with gold
F1541 Order of St. George of Burgundy House of Conzaga ,
front, one green arm chipped otherwise (L16422) N.E.F.
Mantua breast star in silver gilt, scarce, excellent older
quality (L12486) G.V.F. £375
F1562 Order of Lazarus Commander neck badge in gold ,
F1542 Order of Our Beloved Lady of Loreto Officer breast
with full neck ribbon, 3 slt. Hairlines otherwise (L13063)
badge excellent old quality in silver gilt rare (L13212)
N.E.F. £395
N.E.F. £195
F1563 Order of Lazarus Commander neck badge in gold ,
F1544 Order of St. George of Antioch Commander neckbadge
with full old ( frayed) neck ribbon, slt. hairlines (L15697)
with full ribbon gilt and enamels (L13893) G.V.F. £175
G.V.F. £325
F1545 Order of St. George of Antioch Knight Breast Badgen gilt
F1564 Order of Lazarus Knight without crown in gold early fine
and enamels (L14472) N.E.F. £110
quality one ball chipped, (L14429) G.V.F. £145
F1546 Order of the Brothers of the Sword of Livland badge of
F1565 Order of the Crown Grand Cross breast star, an unusual
merit, large silvered medal 90mm (German order, Livonia
smaller star excellent quality and condition (L17061) E.F.
now Estonia and Latvia) (L13237) N.E.F. £45
F1547 Order of the Brothers of the Sword of Livland neck badge
F1566 Order of the Crown Grand Officer breast star, good
gilt, (German order, Livonia now Estonia and Latvia)
quality with gold centre (L17045) E.F. £275
(L13239) N.E.F. £75
£75.00 £75.00
Iraq F1567 Order of the Crown Grand Officer neck badge and breast
star, superb quality neck badge and breast star front in
2 items. gold in fitted embossed case of issue, superb quality and
F1548 Palestine War medal 1948 (L10603) N.E.F. £45 condition, case lid damaged (L17074) E.F. £695
£45.00 £695.00

F1549 1939-45 War medal (L12663) N.E.F. £35 F1568 Order of the Crown Grand Officer breast star, superb
£35.00 quality hallmarked silver with gold centre by Rothe,
(L14057) E.F. £395
Ireland £395.00
4 items. F1569 Order of the Crown Commander gold, fine quality
F1550 Emergency Service Medal 1939-45, Local security (L17411) E.F. £225
Forces (L11417) N.E.F. £45 £225.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1570 Order of the Crown Commander gold, fine quality £55.00

reverse centre enamel chipped only (n.r.) (L12228)
F1591 Presidents Medal Gold (silver gilt) in fitted case of issue
G.V.F. £75
by Johnson, hallmarked (L2378) E.F. £75
F1571 Order of the Crown Commander gold, fine quality flake in
F1592 Presidents Medal bronze in fitted case of issue by
enamel on reverse of bottom arm (L15116) N.E.F. £145
Johnson, (L7584) E.F. £65
F1572 Order of the Crown Commander gold no suspension loop
F1593 Presidents Medal for Proficiency School of Infantry 1958
(L17043) E.F. £150
bronze (L10550) E.F. £25
F1573 Order of the Crown Knight all gold in embossed case of
F1595 Al Valore Militare Guerre d’Italie 1859 silver, old french
issue by Cravanzola (L17063) N.E.F. £125
made issue with ball suspender unnamed (L17753) V.F.
F1574 Order of the Crown Knight all gold in embossed case of £225.00
issue by Cravanzola, case damaged (L17066) N.E.F.
F1596 Ricordo Silver medal Vittorio Emmanuel scarce (L17768)
V.F. £65
F1575 Order of the Crown Knight all gold in case of issue by
F1597 Al Valore Militare silver, named to Mandela 7 Settembre
Grassi Napoli (L17072) E.F. £125
1902 (L14107) G.V.F. £395
F1576 Order of the Crown Knight all gold in embossed case of
F1598 Al Valore Militare silver gilt not hallmarked but an old
issue by De Luca Bari (L17069) N.E.F. £125
issue (L13884) N.E.F. £85
F1577 Order of the Crown Knight, all gold, (L11540) E.F. £65
F1599 Al Valore Militare silver WW1, named to Quatrino Gulio,
Montello 16-22 Giu 1918, crowned Z and F.G. Hallmarks,
F1579 Order of the Crown Knight, silver gilt with gold centres (L17853) V.F. £695
excelent quality (L17730) E.F. £48 £695.00
F1600 Al Valore Militare bronze WW1, named to Bruno
F1580 Colonial Order of the Star of Italy Grand Cross breast Sebastian Monte Sei Busi 2nd November 1915, crowned
star excellent quality by Cravanzola, small chip to tip of Z and F.G. Hallmarks, (L15090) G.V.F. £495
one arm, central green enamel chipped otherwise very £495.00
scarce and (L13111) G.V.F. £345
F1603 Al Valore Militare not hallmarked bronze (L10407) V.F.
F1582 Order of merit in Labour 1924 knight”Al Merito Del £30.00
Lavoro 1924”, excellent quality silver gilt and enamel,
F1603.1Order of the Crown Knight, all gold, no ring (n.r.)
rare, (L7023) G.V.F. £175
(L17920) G.V.F. £45
F1583 Order of Military Merit Commander early Republic issue
F1604 Al Valore Militare bronze ball suspender French made,
with full old ribbon, silver gilt scarce (L15624) N.E.F.
early issue (L13886) G.V.F. £55
F1605 Al Valore Civile not hallmarked gilt (L10410) N.E.F. £35
F1584 Republic Order of Merit Commander neck badge, with
full neck ribbon and lapel motif in fitted embossed case
of issue by Cravanzola (L17194) E.F. £125 F1605.1Colonial Order of the Star of Italy Grand Cross breast
£125.00 star excellent quality by Cravanzola, very scarce
(L18336) N.E.F. £395
F1585 Republic Order of Merit Commander neck badge with
full neck ribbon embossed case of issue with motif by
Johnson Milan (L17230) E.F. £125 F1606 Al Valore Civile silver by Ferraris named to Del Soldato
£125.00 Tobia Pontassieve ( Firenze) 5 Agos 1885, very rare
(L14061) E.F. £795
F1586 Republic Order of Merit Commander neck badge with full
neck ribbon in fitted embossed case of issue with motif
by Pozzi and with certificate to Izzet Khourc hid Diplomat F1607 Al Valore Civile not hallmarked silvered (L10411) N.E.F.
and Politician of Lebanon dated 1953, suspension ring £30
detached, otherwise (L17231) N.E.F. £145 £30.00
£145.00 F1608 Al Valore Civile not hallmarked bronze (L10412) N.E.F.
F1587 Republic Order of Merit Knight (L16696) N.E.F. £75 £30
£75.00 £30.00
F1588 Republic Order of Merit Knight in fitted embossed case F1609 Al Valore Colonial bronze unnamed,rare (L2385) V.F.
of issue with lapel rosette by Cravanzola (L9731) N.E.F. £145
£75 £145.00
£75.00 F1610 Al Valore Militare Republic bronze (L12043) N.E.F. £30
F1589 President of the Republic State Visit Rome- Rio di £30.00
Janeiro 1958 bronze (L2376) N.E.F. £55 F1611 Al Valore Militare Republic bronze old issue with faded
£55.00 ribbon (L17755) G.V.F. £45
F1590 President of the Republic State Visit Rome- London £45.00
12-16 May 1958 bronze in embossed case of issue F1612 Merit medal Vitt Emm.III small bronze medal (L2397)
(L2377) E.F. £55 V.F. £45

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£45.00 £45.00 F1633 Air Force Long Service Medal, 15 years, Republic
silvered (L10546) E.F. £35
F1613 War Merit Cross Vitt Emm III Merito di Guerra scarce
(L17756) G.V.F. £55
£55.00 F1634 Air Force Long Service Medal, 10 years, Republic bronze
(L10545) E.F. £30
F1616 War Merit Cross Republic Merito di Guerra (L17758)
G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F1635 Navy Merit Badge for War 1951, Gunner 2nd class
silvered (L2414)G.V.F. £25
F1617 War Merit Star Al Valore Militare (L17759) G.V.F. £35
£25.00 £25.00
F1636 Army Long Service medal, Vitt Emm. Bronze (L17761)
F1618 Red Cross Merit medal , Benemerenti, gilt (L11317)
V.F. £25
N.E.F. £75
F1636.1War Merit Cross Vitt Emm III Merito di Guerra scarce
F1618.9Al Valore Militare Guerre d’Italie 1859 silver, F.G to
(n.r.) (L17917) G.V.F. £45
Demongeot Serg. 89 De Ligne, with swan French import
hallmarked on edge (n.r.) (L17931) G.V.F. £1350
£1,350.00 F1637 Army Long Service medal, Republic gilt (L2415) E.F. £15
£15.00 £15.00
F1619 Red Cross Merit medal , Republic Al Merito silver
(L17762) G.V.F. £75 F1638 Army Long Service medal, Republic bronze (L17760)
£75.00 V.F. £15
F1620 Red Cross medal , silver embossed Giovanni Fonda
(L17767) G.V.F. £45 F1639 Federation of Public Assistance Merit medal silver....
£45.00 (L12619) N.E.F. £45
F1621 Red Cross Volunteer Nurses medal Genva Convention
1964 (n.r.) (L12084) N.E.F. £25 F1640 Merit Medal for Public Calamities bronze, Republic,
£25.00 (L2416) E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
F1622 White Cross Public assistance society, Vittorio Emanuele
founders medal gilt mtedal with fancy suspension, very F1641 Cultural Merit Medal , Republic bronze (L2418) G.V.F.
attractive (n.r.) (L12290) N.E.F. £48 £25
£48.00 £25.00 £25.00
F1623 Green Cross Public assistance Fiumicino silver ( n.r.) F1642 Merit Cross R.I. for the Inland Revenue 1st class 25
(L14615) G.V.F. £48 years gilt, (L2420) G.V.F. £35
£48.00 £35.00 £35.00
F1624 Gold Cross Public assistance Groseto bronze (n.r.) F1643 Merit Cross R.I. for the Inland Revenue 2nd class 16
(L14614) G.V.F. £48 years silver , (L2421) G.V.F. £30
£48.00 £30.00 £30.00
F1625 Lifesaving Medal, “Lloyd Triestino” in hallmarked 18 carat F1644 Customs Long Service Cross Kingdom for 16 years,
(750) gold 22mm , engraved A.Virgilio Trevistan 1973, silver and enamel, (L2424) G.V.F. £45
scarce (L2401) E.F. £175 £45.00 £45.00
£175.00 £175.00
F1645 Customs Long Service Cross R.I. gilt (L2425) E.F. £25
F1625.1Al Valore Militare not hallmarked bronze very old original £25.00
issue (n.r.) (L17919) V.F. £85
F1646 Customs Long Service Cross R.I. silver (L2426) E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
Al Valore Militare not hallmarked bronze old original
F1647 Civil Long Service Cross R.I. 25 years gilt , 2nd type with
issue (L18221) V.F. £85
eagles 1947 (L10551) E.F. £30
F1626 Veterans and Returnees Guard of Honour tombs of
F1648 Civil Long Service Cross R.I. 16 years silvered , 2nd type
Vitt.Emman II and Umberto, silvered (L2406) V.F. £35
with eagles 1947 (L10552) E.F. £25
£35.00 £35.00
F1627 Naval Long Service Medal, 1st type 10 years, bronze
F1649 Military Long Service Cross R.I. 16 years gilt 1st type
(L2413) E.F. £30
(L10553) E.F. £25
F1628 Naval Long Service Medal, 2nd type Republic 10 years,
F1650 Sicily Medal of Merit for the Neapolitan Troops defending
bronze (L10413) E.F. £20
the Papacy 1797 silver very rare (L14159) G.V.F. £895
F1629 Naval Long Service Medal, 2nd type 20 years, Republic
F1651 Sicily Medal of Merit for the Neapolitan Troops defending
gilt (L10544) E.F. £30
the Papacy 1797 silver very rare (L14160) V.F. £825
F1630 Naval Long Service Medal, 2nd type 15 years, Republic
F1652 Sicily Medal of Honour 1816 in gold , very rare (L14161)
silvered (L10543) E.F. £25
V.F. £995
F1631 Naval Long Service Medal, 2nd type 10 years, Republic
F1653 Venice Medal of Valour in Defence of Venice 1848
bronze (L10542) E.F. £20
(Brambilla 219) bronze 30mm (L14154) G.V.F. £175
F1632 Air Force Long Service Medal, 20 years, Republic gilt
F1654 Venice Medal of Valour in Defence of Venice 1848
(L10547) E.F. £40
(Brambilla 219) silver 27mm rare (L14156) G.V.F. £395

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1655 Sicily Campaign 1849, bronze, tips of lances misssing as £45.00

usual, (n.r.) otherwise (L13812) V.F. £165
F1680 Volunteers medal A.O.I. ( Africa Orientale) 1935-1936
(L10605) G.V.F. £30
F1656 Sicily Campaign 1849, bronze, one lance tip misssing , £30.00
(n.r.) otherwise (L13813) G.V.F. £195
F1681 Volunteers medal 1935-1936 (L8568) G.V.F. £18
F1657 Firenze Veterans of Grand Duke of Tuscany 1859 25th
F1682 W.W.2 medal 1940-43 scarce (L10549) N.E.F. £30
Anniversary medal 1884 silver scarce (L12289) V.F.
£195.00 F1683 W.W.2 Campaign of Liberation medal (L10548) N.E.F.
F1658 Firenze Veterans of Grand Duke of Tuscany 1859 25th
Anniversary medal 1884 bronze, with large silver star on
ribbon, (L9857) G.V.F. £175 F1684 Lebanon Peacekeeping medal (L2455) E.F. £25
£175.00 £25.00
F1659 Rome, Second Republic, (1848-49) Military Merit Medal F1685 UNIFIL Peacekeeping medal (L9369) E.F. £25
1848 silver (n.r.) rare (L14165) G.V.F. £395 £25.00
£395.00 F1686 Sinai Peacekeeping medal (L10540) E.F. £25
F1660 Rome, Second Republic, (1848-49) Merit Medal for the £25.00
Battle of Vicenza 1848 (n.r.) rare (L14167) G.V.F. £195 F1687 Fire Services Cross 1946 15 years (L10541) E.F. £20
£195.00 £20.00
F1661 Crimea medal 1855-1856 engravers name Ferraris F1688 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908 silver
below bust, engraved naming to 9o Reggo Fanta Focacci (L11172) G.V.F. £130
Alberto Caple, very rare (L14089) G.V.F. £1950 £130.00
F1689 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908 silver
F1662 Savoy Liberation of Sicily medal 1860 Vitt. Emmanuel, (L17606) G.V.F. £140
silver by S.J. (n.r.) (L11729) N.E.F. £375 £140.00
F1690 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908 silver
F1663 Savoy Liberation of Sicily medal 1860 Vitt. Emmanuel, (L13252) E.F. £148
bronze by Barone, with original frayed ribbon, (L14163) £148.00
G.V.F. £275
£275.00 F1691 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908 silver
incorrect ribbon, (L13711) G.V.F. £110
F1664 Savoy Liberation of Sicily medal 1860 Vitt. Emmanuel, £110.00
bronze by Barone, (n.r.) (L14164) V.F. £245
£245.00 F1692 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908
(L15616) V.F. £98
F1667 Medal of Merit Vitt. Emmanuele small bronze, old bust, £98.00
(L14169) V.F. £75
£75.00 F1693 Messina Earthquake Commemorative medal 1908
bronze (L2462) G.V.F. £85
F1668 Medal of Merit for Overseas Schools, Vitt. Emmanuel £85.00
silver (L14604) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F1694 Messina Earthquake medal 1908 large bronze 35mm
signed by Georgio scarce (n.r.) (L11881) G.V.F. £110
F1669 Africa Campaign medal with silver bar Spedizione 1887 £110.00
rare bar (L17608) G.V.F. £345
£345.00 F1695 Messina Earthquake medal 1908 large bronze 35mm
unsigned scarce (L11800) G.V.F. £85
F1670 Africa Campaign medal with silver bar Cheren 1889 ,rare £85.00
(L12213) G.V.F. £345
£345.00 F1696 Earthquake medal Avezzano 13th January 1915 silver,
by S.J. rare (L17007) N.E.F. £175
F1671 Africa Campaign medal with silver bar, Asmara 1889 rare £175.00
(L12235) N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F1697 Marsica Earthquake medal 1915 bronze unsigned rare
(L4666) G.V.F. £98
F1672 Africa Campaign medal with silver bar Campagna £98.00
1895-96, (L10383) G.V.F. £175
£175.00 F1698 Earthquake medal North Italy 1976 bronze , rare
(L10425) G.V.F. £75
F1673 Africa Campaign medal with silver bar Somalia £75.00
Settentrionale 1925-1927, rare bar (L17854) N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F1699 Earthquake medal South Italy 1980 bronze , rare
(L10426) G.V.F. £55
F1674 Turkish War 1911-12 with bar 1911-1912 , silver scarce £55.00
with bar (L15361) V.F. £75
£75.00 F1700 Rome Merit medal of the Civil Organisation 25th May
1917 bronze (L2464) G.V.F. £25
F1675 Turkish War 1911-12 silver (n.r) (L2442) N.V.F. £35 £25.00 £25.00
£35.00 £35.00
F1701 Fascist Youth Cross ONB blue enamel large with original
F1676 Ethiopia Campaign, with sword on ribbon (L17858) V.F. card award booklet (n.r.) rare (L11439) N.E.F. £98
£25 £98.00
F1702 Fascist Youth Cross ONB blue enamel small (L2470)
F1677 Ethiopia Campaign (L17859) V.F. £15 V.F. £55
£15.00 £55.00
F1678 W.W.1 medal bar 1917 (L17857) V.F. £45 F1703 Vittorio Veneto Cross (L2480) V.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£35.00 5th Class, 1905-05 Medal, 1931-34 Medal, Korean

National Census, Manchuko National Foundation Medal
F1704 3rd Army Cross reverse embossed, no makers name but
official type, 2600 Anniversary Commemorative, Red
by Sconoscuita (L2481) V.F. £45
Cross membership medal silver with rosette, very
attractive group, (L11961) N.E.F. £745
F1705 3rd Army Cross reverse embossed, no makers name but £745.00
by Sconoscuita (n.r.) (L12127) V.F. £30
F1722 Group of 4: Order of the Sacred Treasure 8th Class,
Showa enthronement medal, 2600 Nat. Anniversary
F1706 139th Infantry medal 1919, bronze (n.r.) (L2488) V.F. Commemorative, Red Cross medal aluminium, returned
£20 soldiers badge gilt on rosette ribbon, not mounted, with
£20.00 £20.00 ribbon bar and Red Cross plaque in balsa wood box,
F1706.1United Italy 1848-1918 (L17918) G.V.F. £20 (L12395) N.E.F. £135
£20.00 £135.00

F1707 140th Infantry medal 1919, bronze (n.r.) (L2489) V.F. F1723 Group of 6 mounted as worn Japanese style: Order of
£20 the Rising Sun 8th Class, Order of the Sacred Treasure
£20.00 £20.00 8th Class, 1905-05 medal, 1931 medal, 1937 Medal,
Showa Enthronemenmt medal , Red Cross membership
F1708 13th Regt medal silver 1915-1917 (n.r.) (L12287) V.F. medal silver with rosette, (L11975) G.V.F. £295
£30 £295.00
F1724 Group of 4 mounted as worn Japanese style: Order of
F1709 Medal of Combat Veterans embossed Marinangeli the Rising Sun 8th Class, Order of the Sacred Treasure
Eraclio, 19th Century, scarce bronze (L14608) V.F. £65 8th Class, 1937 Medal, , Red Cross membership medal
£65.00 silver with rosette, with ribbon bar for 1st 3 (L12581)
F1710 Lifesaving Association of Gaeta silver medal 19th G.V.F. £145
century (L14609) G.V.F. £45 £145.00
£45.00 F1725 Grand Cross CASE ONLY black lacquered completely
F1711 Presidents medal “Quirinale” silver attractive medal plain no inside pad but nicely lined, not modern good
(L12288) N.E.F. £45 condition, suit any order Japanese. (L17397) E.F. £195
£45.00 £195.00
F1712 Presidents medal for the School of Infantry 1960 bronze F1726 Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, sash badge
(L10414) G.V.F. £25 most superb early quality and condition, side of
£25.00 suspension mintmarked “M” very rare (L15108) E.F.
F1713 Army Shooting medal Vitt. Emmanuel bronze (n.r.)
(L14606) G.V.F. £25
£25.00 F1727 Order of the Kite 5th Class (n.r.) (L15242) E.F. £480
F1714 Army Fencing medal silver (n.r.) (L14610) V.F. £35
£35.00 F1728 Order of the Kite 5th Class on unmounted ribbon
(L15330) E.F. £495
F1715 International Congress large silver gilt table medal
Vitt.Emm. November 1908, named to Cav.E.Delvitto
President, 60mm in fitted case (L12031) N.E.F. £45 F1729 Order of the Kite 5th Class in original black lacquer fitted
£45.00 titled case of issue, ( very rare cased) (L16471) G.V.F.
F1716 Palestro medal 1921 bronze (L2492) V.F. £18
£495.00 £495.00
£18.00 £18.00
F1730 Order of the Kite 5th Class (L6366) V.F. £395
F1717 Group of 9 silver medals Ospizio Edacutivo Bartolo
Longo Valle de Pompei , named and dated 1895-1903
(L14616) G.V.F. £75 F1731 Order of the Kite 5th Class, chip to tip of one arm
£75.00 (L14391) V.F. £345
Ivory Coast
F1732 Order of the Kite 7th Class, some contact marks
3 items.
(L14812) V.F. £115
F1718 National Order Grand Officer breast star and neck £115.00
badge, excellent quality in fitted case by Chobillon scarce
F1733 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Cross sash badge slt.
(L9658) E.F. £445
chips at tip of star and bottom of suspension as usualy
found otherwise an old badge (no sash) (L9089) G.V.F.
F1719 National Order Knight, slt. chip in case of issue by £995
Chobillon (L8557) G.V.F. £75 £995.00
F1734 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Cross breast star
F1720 National Order of Merit medal 1st class gilt (L12594) (L13331) E.F. £1495
N.E.F. £35 £1,495.00
F1735 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Officer neck badge and
Japan breast star, superb older quality breast star with gold
143 items. pin, with full neck ribbon in black lacquer case of issue,
tassels missing , slt .wear to case (L14677) N.E.F. £2295
F Order of the Kite 5th Class in original black lacquer fitted £2,295.00
titled case of issue, ( very rare cased) (L14388) E.F.
£595 F1736 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Officer neck badge and
£595.00 breast star, superb older quality breast star with gold pin,
with full neck ribbon in hinged black lacquer titled case of
F1721 Group of 8 mounted as worn Japanese style: Order of issue, slight wear to case (L17550) E.F. £2395
the Rising Sun 6th Class, Order of the Sacred Treasure £2,395.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1737 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Officer neck badge and F1757 Order of the Rising Sun 7th Class single sided 2nd war
breast star, superb older quality with full neck ribbon in issue good quality and condition rare only a few issued
black lacquer case of issue with red tassels (L14678) (L6502) N.E.F. £125
E.F. £2495 £125.00
F1758 Order of the Rising Sun 7th Class single sided 2nd war
F1738 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Officer neck badge and issue good quality rare only a few issued (n.r.) (L17483)
breast star, superb older quality with full neck ribbon in G.V.F. £98
fitted titled hinged black lacquer case of issue, (L17402) £98.00
E.F. £2195
F1759 Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class, in black lacquer case
of issue (L10744) N.E.F. £70
F1739 Order of the Rising Sun Grand Officer neck badge and £70.00
breast star, superb older quality (L17197) E.F. £1995
F1760 Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class, in black lacquer case
of issue case damaged (L9837) N.E.F. £55
F1740 Order of the Rising Sun 3rd Class neck badge superb £55.00
older quality (n.r.) (L18303) N.E.F. £575
F1761 Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class, (n.r.) (L13110) V.F.
F1742 Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class older issue in fitted £30.00
embossed hinged black lacquer case of issue (hinge 1
F1762 Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class, (L16626) N.E.F. £40
screw missing) (L12494) N.E.F. £375
F1763 Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class, wartime issue in
F1743 Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class (L2499) E.F. £365
metal, pawlonia leaves have been enamelled, (n.r.)
(L17484) G.V.F. £55
F1744 Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class, very early issue, £55.00
thinner quality. Slight chip to upper arm (L14990) E.F.
F1766 Order of Sacred Treasure 3rd Class neck badge with full
ribbon in hinged embossed black lacquer case of issue,
some of the red enamel is chipped, case with one crack
F1745 Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class (n.r.) (L10712) G.V.F. in it otherwise (L10703) G.V.F. £295
£345 £295.00
F1767 Order of Sacred Treasure 3rd Class neck badge (n.r)
F1746 Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class (n.r.) old issue (L2511) G.V.F. £325
darkening to white enamel (L10713) V.F. £295 £325.00
F1768 Order of Sacred Treasure 3rd Class neck badge 2 red
F1747 Order of the Rising Sun 4th class slt.chip to white enamel jewels chipped otherwise (L16613) G.V.F. £285
on top arm, no rosette on ribbon (L2500) V.F. £295 £285.00
F1769 Order of the Sacred Treasure 4th class (L17356) N.E.F.
F1748 Order of the Rising Sun 5th Class (L2501) E.F. £245 £225
£245.00 £225.00
F1749 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class excellent quality thin F1770 Order of the Sacred Treasure 4th class toned (n.r.)
early “rounded” type (L8347) N.E.F. £225 (L10717) G.V.F. £195
£225.00 £195.00
F1750 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class thin early “rounded” F1771 Order of Sacred Treasure 6th Class (L2514) G.V.F. £125
type bottom of pawlonia leaves chipped (n.r.) (L17467) £125.00
V.F. £120
F1771.1Order of the Rising Sun 3rd Class neck badge,slight
chipping to enamel, in fitted embossed hinged black
F1751 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class in fitted titled hinged lacquer case, (L18191) V.F. £475
black lacquer case of issue, superb quality and condition £475.00
(L11950) E.F. £225
F1772 Order of Sacred Treasure 6th Class un mounted ribbon
(L10063) G.V.F. £120
F1752 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class in fitted titled black £120.00
lacquer case of issue, case; smal damage and clasp
F1773 Order of Sacred Treasure 6th Class (L8410) E.F. £145
broken (L15465) N.E.F. £210
F1774 Order of Sacred Treasure 6th Class in fitted embossed
F1753 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class in fitted titled black
black lacquer case of issue (L10707) E.F. £165
lacquer case of issue, small chip to top ray , case; clasp
broken and some chipping otherwise (L10918) N.E.F.
£195 F1775 Order of Sacred Treasure 6th Class in fitted embossed
£195.00 black lacquer case of issue clasp broken on case
otherwise (L10708) E.F. £155
F1754 Order of the Rising Sun 6th Class (L6815) N.E.F. £195
F1776 Order of Sacred Treasure 7th Class in fitted embossed
F1755 Order of the Rising Sun 7th Class in fitted embossed
black lacquer case of issue (L10706) N.E.F. £50
case of issue, small chip otherwise (L10704) G.V.F. £75
F1777 Order of Sacred Treasure 8th Class in fitted embossed
F1756 Order of the Rising Sun 7th Class in fitted embossed
black lacquer case of issue (L10705) N.E.F. £45
case of issue, clasp broken on case (L14989) E.F. £80

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1778 Order of Sacred Treasure 8th Class in fitted embossed £165.00

black lacquer case of issue clasp broken (L11970)
F1796 Red Cross merit medal aluminium Regular Member, in
G.V.F. £40
case of issue (L2531) E.F. £15
£15.00 £15.00
F1779 Order of the Pillars of State VII class, excellent quality
F1797 Red Cross merit medal aluminium special member with
scarce................... (L16995) N.E.F. £225
rosette in case of issue case scuffed (L15173) E.F. £20
F1780 Order of the Pillars of State Grand Cross breast star,
F1798 Red Cross merit medal silver with rosette (L7426) E.F.
superb quality and condition all enamles and pearls
intact. (L17278) N.E.F. £2995
F1799 Red Cross merit medal silver with rosette (L16506) E.F.
F1781 Order of the Pillars of State 3rd class neck badge,
superb old quality and condition, very rare (L17151)
N.E.F. £2395
£2,395.00 F1800 Red Cross merit medal silver (n.r.) (L7432) E.F. £18
F1782 Order of the Pillars of State VIII no bar (n.r.) (L7425)
N.E.F. £125 F1801 Red Cross merit medal bronze with bow and rosette
£125.00 (L16507) E.F. £30
F1783 Order of the Auspicious Clouds 5th class , superb quality
(L14824) N.E.F. £395 F1802 Merit Medal with violet ribbon, dated bar, unnamed, for
£395.00 Arts and Science (L2533) V.F. £155
F1784 Order of the Auspicious Clouds 8th Class (n.r.) (L16996)
V.F. £145 F1803 Merit Medal with bar in silver undated and unnamed (n.r.)
£145.00 (L2534) N.E.F. £135
F1785 Military Wound badge non combat , silver and enamel
(L15262) N.E.F. £150 F1804 Sino Japanese War 1894-95 in fitted black lacquer case,
£150.00 case damaged (L9839) N.E.F. £135
F1786 Military Wound badge wounded in Battle, silver and
enamel, enamel badly repaired on top arm rare (L15264) F1805 Sino Japanese War 1894-95 in fitted black lacquer case,
V.F. £150 (L9840) N.E.F. £145
£150.00 £145.00
F1787 Military Wound badge wounded in Battle, silver and F1806 Sino Japanese War 1894-95 (L14210) G.V.F. £125
enamel, 2 arms slt chips, rare (L17653) G.V.F. £195 £125.00
£195.00 F1807 China 1900 medal (L7357) G.V.F. £595
F1788 Womens Patriotic Society pin badge silver 3rd class with £595.00
enamelled central star in fitted titled balsa case of issue F1808 Russo Japanese War medal 1904-5 (L5060) G.V.F. £55
(L2524) N.E.F. £45 £55.00
F1809 Russo Japanese War medal 1904-5 in titled balsa case
F1789 Womens Patriotic Society pin badge small silver gilt of issue (L12055) G.V.F. £68
(L2525) G.V.F. £15 £68.00
£15.00 £15.00
F1810 Red Cross merit medal silver (L6721) E.F. £25
F1790 Imperial Sea Disaster Rescue Society Merit medal 3rd £25.00
class, type with ring suspender (L2526) E.F. £95
£95.00 F1811 Red Cross merit medal silver with rosette (L16793) E.F.
F1791 Red Cross Merit Order silver gilt with good quality in £30.00
fitted titled plastic case of issue (L13119) N.E.F. £175
£175.00 F1812 Red Cross medal for the Russo Japanese War 1904-5
large size gilt scarce (L2536) N.E.F. £75
F1792 Red Cross Merit Order silver and enamels, in fitted titled £75.00 £75.00
lacquer case of issue with lapel rosette, excellent quality
(L9833) E.F. £195 F1813 Red Cross medal for the Russo Japanese War 1904-5
£195.00 bronze with large enamelled Red Cross suspension,
scarce merit award (L2537) N.E.F. £85
F1793 Red Cross Merit Order silver and enamels, in fitted titled £85.00
lacquer case of issue with lapel rosette, excellent quality,
small damage to lid of case, (L15235) E.F. £185 F1814 Red Cross medal for the Russo Japanese War 1904-5
£185.00 bronze scarce (L2538) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 £45.00
F1793.9Order of Sacred Treasure Grand Cross sash badge and
breast star. Older quality set in superb condition ( no F1815 W.W.I medal 1914-1920 , suspender soldered does not
sash) (L18298) E.F. £2495 swivel otherwise (L5061) N.E.F. £45
£2,495.00 £45.00

Order of Sacred Treasure Grand Cross breast star some F1816 W.W.I medal 1914-1920 (L16790) N.E.F. £85
chipping (L18304) V.F. £595 £85.00
£595.00 F1817 W.W.I medal 1914-1920 suspender broken (L9853)
F1794 Red Cross Merit Order silver and enamels, (L15245) E.F. G.V.F. £55
£150 £55.00
£150.00 F1818 W.W.I medal 1914-1920 2nd type, rare (L5765) N.E.F.
F1795 Red Cross Merit Order silver and enamels, with lapel £145
rosette in balsa wood case (L15640) E.F. £165 £145.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1820 Taisho Enthronement 1915 ribbon detached (L16791) F1842 Imperial Gift Foundation Social Welfare Merit badge
N.E.F. £65 Yellow , excellent quality hallmarked silver gilt and
£65.00 enamel, in embossed black lacquer case of issue, scarce
and attractive (L12493) N.E.F. £95
F1821 Taisho Enthronement 1915 ribbon detached (L11967)
G.V.F. £55
£55.00 F1844 Manchuria National Shrine Foundation medal in fitted
titled case of issue (L16532) N.E.F. £225
F1822 Capital Rehabilitation Commemorative Medal 1923, rare
£225.00 £225.00
(L16876) N.E.F. £295
£295.00 F1845 Manchuria National Shrine Foundation medal (L6378)
G.V.F. £195
F1823 Showa Enthronement medal 1928 (L16518) N.E.F. £55
F1846 Manchuria National Foundation merit medal official issue
F1824 1st National Census medal 1920 (L2542) N.E.F. £30
(L2546) G.V.F. £65
F1825 Manchuria Incident 1931-34 (L16795) G.V.F. £95
F1846.1Taisho Enthronement 1915 (L18159) N.E.F. £75
F1826 China Incident medal 1937 in fitted titled case of issue
F1847 Manchuria National Foundation merit medal official issue
(L12053) N.E.F. £68
(n.r.) (L9852) G.V.F. £45
F1827 China Incident medal 1937 in fitted titled case of issue,
F1848 Manchuria National Foundation merit medal type with
case scuffed (L15170) N.E.F. £60
gold letters and corn, in fitted titled case of issue , scarce
£60.00 £60.00
type (L5751) N.E.F. £110
F1828 China Incident medal 1937 (L7640) N.E.F. £55 £110.00
F1849 Manchuria Imperial Visit to Japan 1935 silver in fitted
F1829 2600th Anniversary medal 1940 in fitted embossed case embossed case of issue, some damage to case scarce
of issue (L15226) E.F. £55 (L16622) N.E.F. £165
£55.00 £165.00 £165.00
F1830 2600th Anniversary medal 1940 (L16519) E.F. £45 F1850 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal gilt (L9262) V.F. £75
£45.00 £75.00
F1831 2600th Anniversary medal 1940 bow ribbon ladies F1851 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal silver (L9258) V.F.
(L16520) E.F. £45 £75
£45.00 £75.00
F1832 Three Legged Raven Society badge (Yata-no-Karasu) F1852 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal silver in titled box of
The Imperial Soldiers Relief league 1937, Special issue (L9256) V.F. £75
members badge Tokubetsu awarded to Officers and £75.00
Officials only , excellent quality silver and enamels, pin
F1853 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal silvered bronze with
missing from reverse (L16800) N.E.F. £125
bow ribbon (L9259) V.F. £65
F1834 Osaka City Air Defence Association badge for Air
F1854 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal silvered bronze
Defence Exercises in the Kinki district Aug 1934,
(L9260) V.F. £60
(L12551) G.V.F. £55
F1855 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal silvered bronze (n.r.)
F1835 Fire Brigade Distinguished Service badge, Nagano
(L9850) V.F. £45
Prefecture Combined Fire Brigade Union, (L12552)
G.V.F. £65
£65.00 F1856 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal bronze (L9261) V.F.
F1836 Patriotic Womens Association badge oval badge well
made enamelled not identified in Murphy and Ackley
book (L12556) N.E.F. £45 F1857 Manchuria Red Cross Merit medal aluminium scarce
£45.00 (L9263) V.F. £55
F1837 Patriotic Womens Association Ordinary member badge
(L12553) G.V.F. £25 F1858 Manchuria National Rail Road merit medal silver , rare
£25.00 (n.r) (L6379) V.F. £195
F1838 Patriotic Womens Association Special member badge
(L12554) G.V.F. £30 F1859.1Medal for the 1938 War against China large silver non
£30.00 wearable, 54mm (L18149) N.E.F. £55
F1839 Police Badge 1937 Prince Nashimoto visit to a Brigade
Prefecture (L12555) G.V.F. £45 F1868.9Inner Mongolia National Foundation Merit Medal 1939
£45.00 rare (L17922) V.F. £395
F1840 Imperial Time Expired Soldiers League Special Members
badge large type (L2544) G.V.F. £30 F2011 Order of the Sacred Treasure Grand Cross sash badge
£30.00 excellent early quality with orange red beads with full
original sash (unstitched) (L9161) N.E.F. £895
F1841 Kanazawa District 1,2,3, civil defence badge in
embossed balsa box (base split) pin missing (L12492)
G.V.F. £30 F2070 W.W.I medal 1914-1920 in fitted titled Balsa wood box of
£30.00 issue (L13120) N.E.F. £110

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2073 Showa Enthronement medal 1928 in titled case of issue F1874 Order of Diplomatic Merit , Grand cross sash badge
(L12052) N.E.F. £65 excellent heavy quality numbered 317 , rare, one jewel
£65.00 replaced (L13082) G.V.F. £595
F2078 Japanese Ribbon bar 10 ribbons in a V shape with
emblems on each ribbon, attractive (L16801) G.V.F. £45 F1875 Emperor Kwang Mu’s 50th Birthday 1901 silver, very rare
£45.00 (n.r.) (L16503) N.E.F. £695
Jordan £695.00

5 items. F1876 Marriage of Prince Soon Jong and Pricesss Yoonbai

1907 silver, very rare (n.r.) (L16504) N.E.F. £695
F1859 Order of Al Nahda Grand Cross breast star a very early £695.00
1st type star craftsman made in silver with gold centre
and gold leaves on outer rays, very rare (L17009) V.F. F1877 40th Anniversary of Kwang Mu’s Reign 1902 silver rare
£795 (n.r.) (L16508) N.E.F. £695
£795.00 £695.00

F1860 Order of the Star Grand Cross sash badge superb quality F1878 Yung Hi Enthronement Medal 1907, silver (n.r.) rare
large star in hallmarked silver, some chipping to legend (L16534) N.E.F. £695
(L14950) G.V.F. £275 £695.00
£275.00 F1879 Order of Diplomatic Merit , Grand Cross sash badge
F1861 Order of the Star Grand Cross sash badge superb quality excellent quality numbered 38 rare ( no sash) (L13090)
and condition in hallmarked silver, (L14949) E.F. £325 G.V.F. £695
£325.00 £695.00
F1862 1973 War medal (L4842) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 6 items.
F1863 Long and Faithful Service medal King Abdullah Hussein F1891 Order of Kuwait 2nd class neck badge in original velvet
bronze (L2563) G.V.F. £35 case of issue with enamelled emblem bottom pad of
£35.00 case missing (n.r.) very scarce (L10402) N.E.F. £225
Kenya £225.00

7 items. F1892 Order of Military Duty 1962 First rank breast badge, rank
denoted by ribbon emblem) excellent quality silver gilt
F1864 Silver star of Kenya (n.r.) (L9490) N.E.F. £75 and enamel, (n.r.) rare (L13901) E.F. £125
£75.00 £125.00
F1865 Jomo Kenyatta medal (L2565) E.F. £45 F1893 Order of Military Duty 1962 2nd or 3rd rank breast
£45.00 badge, rank denoted by ribbon emblem) excellent quality
F1866 10 years Republic medal 1963-1973 ,Jomo Kenyatta silver gilt and enamel, (n.r.) rare (L14207) E.F. £95
(L2566) E.F. £35 £95.00
£35.00 £35.00 F1894 Service Medal with gold star on ribbon (L2576) E.F. £25
F1867 25 Year Independence medal President Arap Moi, £25.00 £25.00
1963-1988 (L2567) E.F. £25 F1895 Liberation Medal in plastic case of issue with ribbon bar
£25.00 (L15181) E.F. £30
F1868 25 Year Independence medal President Arap Moi, £30.00
1963-1988, with bar Uhuru 1963-1988 scarce (L2568) F1896 Liberation Medal (L10346) E.F. £20
E.F. £45 £20.00
F1869 1st 10 years of the Great Nyayo Era 1978-1988 (L2569)
18 items.
E.F. £25
£25.00 F1897 Order of the Three Stars Officer (L17670) N.E.F. £195
F1870 Long Service Good Conduct medal Arap Moi (L2570)
G.V.F. £25 F1898 Order of the Three Stars Knight in embossed case of
£25.00 issue (L11480) E.F. £225
Kiribati (Gilbert Islands) £225.00

1 items. F1899 Order of the Three Stars Knight (L11561) E.F. £175
F1871 Meritorious Service medal silver rare (L11426) N.E.F.
£155 F1900 Order of the Three Stars Knight (n.r.) (L17549) E.F. £175
£155.00 £175.00

Korea F1901 Order of the Three Stars merit medal silver in embossed
box of issue (box damaged ) (L2582) V.F. £55
8 items. £55.00
F1872 Imperial Tour Commemorative medal 1909, with original F1902 Order of the Three Stars merit medal bronze (L2584)
hook and eye ribbon as worn, very rare (L2571) N.E.F. V.F. £45
£695 £45.00
F1903 Order of the Cross of Recognition Officer silver gilt
F1873 Order of Diplomatic Merit , Grand Cross breast star and (L13554) N.E.F. £395
sash badge excellent quality numbered 606 in fitted £395.00
velvet case of issue with full sash (L16470) E.F. £1795
£1,795.00 F1904 Peoples Republic State Merit medal in gold, a very high
award and rare (L17516) N.E.F. £395

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1905 Medal of Independence from the Bolsheviks 1918-1928 £195.00

with swords on ribbon, with Certificate of issue named
F1923 Jubilee Medal 1908 50 years bronze, with trifold ribbon
and numbered, scarce (L2598) G.V.F. £85
(L18257) G.V.F. £95
F1906 Fire Brigade Medal 1921-1931 (L2600) V.F. £35 Luxembourg
27 items.
F1907 Fire Brigade Medal 1921-1931 ring suspender (L10058)
V.F. £25 F1924 Order of Adolph of Nassau Golden Merit Cross (L2648)
£25.00 N.E.F. £120
F1908 4th Census badge 3rd class hallmarked silver and
enamel, (L12743) N.E.F. £65 F1925 Order of Adolph of Nassau Silver Merit Cross with
£65.00 enamelled centre old quality (L2649) N.E.F. £125
F1909 Latvian Aero Club badge, this non military organisation
had many wartime pilots as members before the war, F1926 Order of Adolph of Nassau Silver Merit medal in case
good quality silver by E. Elksnis on backplate, scatce (L8823) E.F. £145
(L12744) N.E.F. £175 £145.00
£175.00 F1927 Order of Adolph of Nassau Bronze Merit medal. With
F1910 Artillery Badge, silver diamond, blue enamel, crossed recipients original bestowal document, notification of
cannons mounted on centre with ‘SAD’ and ‘26 Maija award and Buckingham Palace permission to wear.
1921’. Lovely quality (L8732) N.E.F. £110 Awarded for the state visit of the Grand Duke and
£110.00 Duchess, 1972 case of issue (L2651) E.F. £175
F1911 Sharpshooters badge E.L. silver (L12746) N.E.F. £65
£65.00 F1928 Order of the Oaken Crown Grand Officer breast star
superb quality and condition with gold front (L15620) E.F.
F1912 Badge, silver 2 piece badge, 2 piece silver backplate, £595
‘Dievs Tevija Pulks 1919’ on 4 arms, reverse numbered £595.00
687 (L8892) N.E.F. £90
£90.00 F1929 Order of the Oaken Crown Grand Cross sash badge
silver gilt no sash (L2652) N.E.F. £325
F1913 Air Force, flyers badge, 3 stars, eagle with ‘LAK’ below, £325.00
silver, reverse numbered ‘277’ by Bercs, riga (L8901)
N.E.F. £225 F1930 Order of the Oaken Crown merit medal in silver (n.r.)
£225.00 (L11099) N.E.F. £40
F1914 Fire Brigade medal Peoples Republic bronze gilt (L2601)
E.F. £30 F1931 Order of the Oaken Crown merit medal in bronze (L2659)
£30.00 £30.00 G.V.F. £35
F1932 Order Of Merit Merit medal 1st class gilt , scarce
2 items.
(L11101) N.E.F. £55
F1915 Order of the Cedar Grand Commander breast star and £55.00
neck badge 2nd type, excellent quality with full ribbon
F1933 Cross of Service for 20 years in Army, Police,
(L2602) N.E.F. £295
Gendarmerie, 1st type scarce (L9411) N.E.F. £325
F1916 Order of the Cedar 2nd type breast star , excellent
F1934 Cross of Service for 30 years in Army, Police,
quality silver gilt, (L2603) N.E.F. £145
Gendarmerie, 2nd type scarce (n.r.) (L12518) N.E.F.
Liberia £295.00
2 items. F1935 Cross of Service for 10 years in Army, Police,
F1918 Medal of National Merit 1920 silver (L16959) G.V.F. £55 Gendarmerie, scarce (L2661) E.F. £295
£55.00 £295.00

F1942.1Order of Africa Liberation Grand Cross sash badge and F1936 Cross of Service for 10 years in Customs (L2662) E.F.
breast star with full sash, in case of issue by Chobillon £295
Paris, superb quality set (L18121) E.F. £495 £295.00
£495.00 F1937 Red Cross Decoration breast badge , small chip to lower
Liechtenstien arm reverse, rare (L15413) G.V.F. £175
5 items.
F1939 Red Cross merit cross for blood donation 1st class rare
F1919 Certificate only; Military Order of Liberty, Commander to (L7044) E.F. £175
Victor De Luca , 1948 , a very rare order (L2613) N.E.F. £175.00
£125.00 £125.00 F1940 Red Cross merit cross for blood donation 2nd class rare
(L7062) E.F. £175
F1920 Order of Merit Grand Cross breast star , superb quality £175.00
and condition (L2615) E.F. £695
£695.00 F1941 Red Cross merit cross for blood donation 3rd class rare
(L7045) E.F. £145
F1921 Order of Merit Commander (n.r) (L2619) N.E.F. £495 £145.00
F1942 Croix de Guerre 1951 with original ribbon and mounting
F1922 Order of Merit Knight in fitted embossed case of issue pin, very rare (L9367) N.E.F. £595
by Anton Reitterer of Vienna, slight chip to enamel of £595.00
obverse centre otherwise (L2623) N.E.F. £195

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1943 Jubilee Medal 1953 Jean and Josephine Charlotte silver F1963 Meritorious Service and good Conduct medal Banda, bar
(L13220) G.V.F. £145 Police (L7449) E.F. £45
£145.00 £35.00
F1944 Jubilee Medal 1981 Heinrich and Maria Thersesa silver Malaya
(L13221) N.E.F. £175 6 items.
F1964 Active Service medal silver, awarded for the Korean
F1945 Jubilee medal 50 years gilt (L2668) N.E.F. £45 War , scarce (L14742) E.F. £125
£45.00 £45.00 £125.00
F1946 Fire Brigade L.S. Medal silver 15 years, (L14034) N.E.F. F1965 Active Service medal silver, awarded for the Korean
£85 War , (n.r.) scarce (L16464) E.F. £110
£85.00 £110.00
F1947 Federation of Benevolent Societies merit medal gilt F1966 General Service medal 1967 silver (L7399) G.V.F. £55
(L2670) E.F. £45 £55.00
F1967 Loyal Service medal 1960 silver , named (L12618)
F1948 Medal of Merit of the Federation of Military Veterans 1st G.V.F. £55
type (L2672) E.F. £30 £55.00
F1968 Pingat Peringatan Malaysia PPM commemorative
F1949 Medal of Merit of the Federation of Military Veterans 2nd medal 18th September 1963 bronze gilt, no ring scarce
type (L2673) E.F. £30 (L16463) G.V.F. £85
£30.00 £85.00
F1950 Medal of Merit of the Benevolent Federation (L2674) E.F. F1969 Pingat Peringatan Malaysia PPM commemorative medal
£25 18th September 1963 bronze, scarce (L16458) G.V.F.
£25.00 £25.00 £85
F1963.1Red Cross Decoration breast badge (L18308) N.E.F. £85.00
£195 Malaysia
17 items.
F1970 Order of the Crown of Malaysia 3rd Class neck badge
7 items.
excellent quailty in silver, reverse engraved Crown III
F1951 National Order 1958 Officer (L9760) E.F. £95 Class scarce (L12620) N.E.F. £225
£95.00 £225.00
F1952 Order of National Merit, Commander large neck badge in F1971 Order of the Defender of the Realm Commander
bronze gilt, with full neck ribbon, scarce (L2676) E.F. £95 excellent quality in silver gilt in fitted embossed case of
£95.00 issue by Garrards, (L12933) E.F. £275
F1953 Order of National Merit, Officer silvered (L5904) N.E.F.
£65 F1972 Order of the Defender of the Realm, Officer breast badge
£65.00 with silver kukri emblem on ribbon, excellent quality
in hallmarked silver gilt, scarce esp in lower grades
F1954 Order of Agricultural Merit Officer , scarce (L11646) E.F.
(L16877) N.E.F. £295
F1973 Medal of the Order of the Defender of the Realm, silver.
F1955 Ministry of Work and Social Laws medal of Merit silver
With Buckingham Palace permission to wear. Awarded
embossed naming to Voninahitra Ny Asa (n.r.) (L10585)
for the state visit of the Supreme Head of the Malaysian
G.V.F. £55
Federation, 1974. Case of issue (L2682) E.F. £225
F1956 Ministry of Work and Social Laws medal of Merit bronze
F1974 Medal of the Order of the Defender of the Realm, silver.
embossed naming to Voninahitra Ny Asa (n.r.) (L10479)
With card with arms to Mrs I Hurdich P.P.N. Awarded
G.V.F. £45
for the state visit of the Supreme Head of the Malaysian
Federation, 1974. embossed case of issue by Hendry
F1957 10th Anniversary of Independence medal (n.r.) scarce Kuala Lumpur (L17638) E.F. £155
(L8458) E.F. £55 £155.00
F1975 Penang Distinguished conduct medal silver (L9576) E.F.
Malawi £75
6 items. £75.00

F1958 Bravery medal by Spink silver in case of issue by Spinks F1976 Pulau Pinang ( Penang) Public Service Long Service
(L11310) E.F. £145 medal silver (L7501) E.F. £75
£145.00 £75.00

F1959 Bravery medal by Spink silver (L11311) E.F. £125 F1977 Pulau Pinang ( Penang) Public Service Long Service
£125.00 £125.00 medal silver in embossed case of issue (L16459) E.F.
F1960 Long Service and good Conduct medal Banda, bar £85.00 £85.00
Prison Service (L7447) E.F. £25
£25.00 F1978 Pulau Pinang ( Penang) Long Service Good conduct
medal silver (L7502) E.F. £75
F1961 Silver Jubilee medal 1989 silver (L10316) E.F. £55 £75.00
F1979 Selangore Order of the Crown merit medal bronze
F1962 Long Service and good Conduct medal Banda, bar (L6447) N.E.F. £85
Police (L7448) E.F. £35 £85.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F1980 Selangore Order of the Crown merit medal bronze Order of Malta Merit medal gold (gilt) (L17809) N.E.F.
(L6447) N.E.F. £85 £55
£85.00 £85.00 £55.00
F1981 Kelantan Medal of Loyalty to the Crown silver and silver F2002 Cross of Merit of the Order of Malta Knight with
gilt, superb quality, rare (L13786) E.F. £145 enamelled shield on ribbon (L17324) E.F. £145
£145.00 £145.00
F1983 Kelantan Meritorious Service Medal silver, scarce F2018.1Order of Malta Knight of Magistral Grace neck badge
(L12604) N.E.F. £85 military with swords , excellent quality in silver gilt
£85.00 (L18290) N.E.F. £545
F1984 Sabah, certificate of Honour medal silver scarce
(L11013) E.F. £75 Mauretania
£75.00 3 items.
F1985 Kedah, Distiguished Service star scarce (L2685) E.F. F2003 Order of National Merit Commander neck badge, with full
£65 ribbon, L4975) N.E.F. £195
£65.00 £195.00
F1986 Kedah, Jubilee medal of the Accession of Sultan F2004 Order of National Merit Commander neck badge, slt.
Badlisha in 1943 (L16665) E.F. £35 chipping (L6454) N.E.F. £145
£35.00 £145.00
F1987 Kedah, Jubilee medal of the Accession of Sultan Abdul F2005 Republic National Order Knight (L16485) N.E.F. £65
Halim Muazam in 1959 (L16666) E.F. £35 £65.00
£35.00 £35.00
23 items.
1 items.
F2006 Order of the Mexican Eagle Commander neck badge,
F1988 Order of Military Merit Knight, rare (L17334) E.F. £130 excellent early quality silver gilt (L15251) N.E.F. £1995
£130.00 £1,995.00
F2007 Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Commander badge
12 items. civil (n.r.) , superb quality and condition in original fitted
embossed case of issue by Rothe, a rare case which is
F1989 Order of Malta neckbadge in gold filigree design very fine
a little distorted and has some water staining otherwise
quality reduced size 18 x30mm (L16499) E.F. £325
(L11502) N.E.F. £2495
F1990 Order of Malta Knight of Justice and Honour and
F2008 Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Officer badge civil, a
Devotion neck badge superb quality large badge, with
little chipping (L13158) G.V.F. £545
superb coat of arms with full neck ribbon hallmarked
silver gilt, (L17445) N.E.F. £795
£795.00 F2009 Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Officer badge civil
silver gilt, a little chipping to arms, otherwise (L8389)
F1991 Order of Malta Knight of Justice and Honour and
G.V.F. £645
Devotion neck badge excellent quality, with full neck
ribbon reverse of suspension named David L. Garrison
20th April 91 Fed. Assoc. in fitted embossed case of F2010 Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Officer badge civil
issue by Casazza Rome (L16400) E.F. £395 silver gilt, a little chipping to outer centre (L12097) N.E.F.
£395.00 £645
F1992 Order of Malta Knight of Justice and Honour and
Devotion neck badge excellent quality, with full neck F2011 Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Knight badge Military
ribbon reverse of suspension named David L. Garrison silver in fitted case of issue by Halley, case top end split,
20th April 91 Fed. Assoc. in fitted embossed case of (L13739) G.V.F. £995
issue by Casazza Rome (L17444) E.F. £395 £995.00
F2012 Order of the Aztec Eagle breast star in plush case
F1993 Order of Malta Knight of Magistral Grace breast badge in of issue the front embossed with the Mexican Eagle,
gold, mid 19th Century with bow ribbon (L13696) N.E.F. (L15212) N.E.F. £325
£595 £325.00
F2013 Order of the Aztec Eagle Commander neck badge
F1995 Order of Malta Knight of the langue of Spain, in gold, mid superb quailty silver gilt hallmarked French made with full
19th Century fine quality with hinged suspension, very ribbon, (L17077) N.E.F. £375
slt. chipping to centre (L13698) N.E.F. £595 £375.00
F2014 Order of the Aztec Eagle breast star in plush case of
F1996 Order of Malta Donat of Devotion 2nd class breast issue the front embossed with the Mexican Eagle, with
badge, excellent older quality in silver gilt and enamel, original Certificate to Izzet Khourchid Lebanese Diplomat
(L13697) N.E.F. £225 and Politician (L17235) E.F. £395
£225.00 £395.00
F1998 Order of Malta Medal for Aiding Pilgrims Rome 1975 F2015 Order of the Aztec Eagle Commander neck badge silver
(L15257) N.E.F. £45 gilt (L17078) N.E.F. £295
£45.00 £295.00
F2000 Cross of Merit of the Order of Malta Knight early 1st F2016 Order of the Aztec Eagle Officer silver gilt, European
type with Ecclesiastical ribbon, some chipping to centre, made rare in lower classes (L17079) N.E.F. £245
scarce (L17501) N.E.F. £175 £245.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2017 Emperor Maximillian medal, for bravery “Al Merito Militar” £695.00
with pointed beard, by Navalon, silver (n.r.) (L16515)
F2035 Order of Danilo 5th Class Knights Silver Cross in silver
V.F. £375
and black enamel excellent quality and condition rare,
(L12145) N.E.F. £395
F2018 Emperor Maximillian medal, for bravery “Al Merito Militar” £395.00
with pointed beard, by Navalon, silver (n.r.), suspension
F2036 Order of Freedom 1919 rare (L13610) N.E.F. £795
altered to small ring (L16516) V.F. £275
F2037 Order of Freedom 1919 slight corrosion to tail of eagle
F2019 Emperor Maximillian medal, for bravery “Al Merito Militar”
otherwise rare (L16412) N.E.F. £695
with pointed beard, by Navalon,bronze (n.r.), (L16517)
N.E.F. £295
£295.00 F2038 Medal of Military Bravery 1841 with cylinder suspender
silver (L10320) G.V.F. £220
F2020 Emperor Maximillian ,Medal of the Restoration of the
Order of Guadaloupe 1866 by Ocampo silversuspension
repaired (n.r.) ( Grove 117) scarce (L16525) V.F. £195 F2039 Medal of Military Bravery 1841 with ball suspender silver
£195.00 (L14116) E.F. £195
F2021 Medal of the Restoration of the Order of Guadaloupe
1865 in GOLD, not listed in Grove, very rare (L16526) F2040 Medal of Military Bravery 1841 with ball suspender silver
V.F. £795 with red ribbon, (L14117) N.E.F. £175
£795.00 £175.00
F2022 Medal of the Second Epoch of Independence, large F2041 Medal for Heroism 1862 rare (L12125) V.F. £295
bronze medal 16th June - 2nd September 1821 ( n.r.) £295.00
rare (L16528) G.V.F. £295 F2042 Medal for Heroism 1862 rare (L12876) N.V.F. £225
£295.00 £225.00
F2023 Cross for the French Intervention 1861-67 2nd class F2043 Medal of Zeal 1895 1st class gold (gilt) ball suspender
bronze other ranks (n.r.) scarce bar suspension missing rare (L10917) G.V.F. £145
(L16543) G.V.F. £185 £145.00
Medal of Zeal 1895 1st class gold (gilt) hinged suspender
F2024 Alcutzingo Medal 28th April 1862 in bronze other ranks rare (L11744) V.F. £145
(n.r.) rare (L16541) G.V.F. £185 £145.00
F2045 Medal of Zeal 1895 2nd class silver ball suspender
F2025 Puebla Medal May 5th 1862 bronze gilt (L16550) G.V.F. silvered bronze, (L15098) E.F. £125
£145 £125.00
F2046 Medal of Zeal 1895 2nd class silver ball suspender
F2026 Puebla Medal May 5th 1862 bronze gilt (n.r.) (L16551) (L11745) V.F. £125
G.V.F. £135 £125.00
F2048 Medal for the Battle of Grahavo 1858 very rare
F2027 Army L.S. Cross 1926 5th Class 15 years gilt and (n.r) ................................... (L14033) N.E.F. £425
enamel (L2718) G.V.F. £45 £425.00
F2049 Medal for the Battle of Grahavo 1858 very rare (L14067)
F2028 Army L.S. Cross 1926 4th Class 20 years gilt and G.V.F. £415
enamel (L2723) G.V.F. £45 £415.00
F2050 Medal for the Battle of Grahavo 1858 very rare (L9980)
Monaco V.F. £395
5 items. £395.00
F2029 Order of St.Charles Officer in gold slt chipping susp. F2051 50th Anniversary Nicholas I 1910 old incorrect ribbon
resoldered (L13336) G.V.F. £345 (L11737) V.F. £35
£345.00 £35.00
F2030 Order of St.Charles Officer in gold repair to white F2052 50th Anniversary Nicholas I 1910 (L15422) V.F. £48
enamels of central motto otherwise (L13837) G.V.F. £48.00
£325 F2053 Order of Ouissam Alaouit Grand Cross sash badge (no
£325.00 sash) (L11782) N.E.F. £155
F2031 Medal of Work Louis II bronze in fitted embossed case of £155.00
issue (L2740) G.V.F. £45 F2075.1Turkish War Medal 1875-1878 bronze gilt (L18260)
£45.00 N.E.F. £145
F2032 Medal of Work Louis II bronze (L6138) N.E.F. £38 £145.00
£38.00 Morocco
F2033 Blood Donors of Monaco 30th Anniversary Red Cross 5 items.
1952-1982, attractive nonwearable medal bronze and
enamel in wallet (L6139) N.E.F. £45 F2054 Order of Nichan Hafidien (1910-1913) Officer, with
£45.00 original certificate of award in Arabic, rare (L18322)
G.V.F. £495
Montenegro £495.00
20 items. F2055 Order of Nichan Hafidien (1910-1913) Knight , excellent
F2034 Order of Danilo 1861 Grand Cross sash badge silver quality and condition, by Bertrand r are (L17313) N.E.F.
gilt with gold centre ( no sash) a little chipping (L17111) £395
G.V.F. £695 £395.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2056 Order of Ouissam Alaouit Commander neckbadge with F2072 Order of Orange Nassau Officer in superb old quality in
full neck ribbon slt. chips to tips of 2 arms otherwise gold, in fitted case of issue by Kamerbeek (L17192) E.F.
(L9926) G.V.F. £145 £445
£145.00 £445.00
F2058 Order of the Throne 3rd class breast badge gilt (L6224) F2073 Order of Orange Nassau Officer in gold fine quality old
N.E.F. £45 issue with silver crown very attractive (L17099) E.F. £350
£45.00 £350.00
F2083.1Order of Ouissam Alaouit Knight 1st type reverse centre F2074 Order of Orange Nassau Knight silver with gold centre
missing (L18126) V.F. £30 (L17645) N.E.F. £175
£30.00 £175.00
Namibia F2075 Order of Orange Nassau Knight ladies isue with bow
1 items. ribbon in fitted embossed case of issue by Chancellery
reduced size (3/4) very attractive (L10180) E.F. £165
F2059 Order of the Sea Eagle Commander hallmarked silver by £165.00
Spink , rare (L9615) N.E.F. £275
£275.00 F2076 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau silver gilt , superb
condition in case of issue with silvergilt lapel motif,
NATO (L17188) E.F. £85
3 items. £85.00
F2060 Nato Service medal bar Former Yugoslavia with ribbon F2077 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau silver, on ladies
bar in plastic case of issue (cracked) (L11223) E.F. £20 bow in case of issue (L2796) E.F. £65
£20.00 £65.00

F2062 Nato Service medal bar Ex Yugoslavie French issue with F2078 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau silver in case of
ribbon bar in plastic case of issue (L14302) E.F. £30 issue (L15268) E.F. £55
£30.00 £30.00 £55.00
F2087.9Nato Service medal bar Former Yugoslavia (L18088) F2079 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau silver, (L10129)
E.F. £20 E.F. £50
£20.00 £50.00
Nepal F2080 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau silver, superb
condition in case of issue with silver lapel motif, (L17187)
7 items. E.F. £65
F2063 Order of Gorka Dakshina Bahu Commander neck £65.00
badge with full ribbon hallmarked silver gilt in fitted case F2081 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze military
(L17141) N.E.F. £295 with swords, 3/4 size (L14103) N.E.F. £48
£295.00 £48.00
F2064 Order of Gorka Dakshina Bahu Commander neck badge F2082 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze in fitted
in fitted case of issue by Hamilton Delhi (L8475) N.E.F. embossed case of issue by Goudsmit, The Hague
£195 (L2797) G.V.F. £50
£195.00 £50.00 £50.00
F2065 Group of 6: Coronation of King Mahendra, VS 2013 F2083 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze , superb
(1956); Coronation of King Birendra, VS 2031 (1975); condition in case of issue with bronze lapel motif,
Himalayan Service, VS 2020 (1963); Overseas Service, (L17189) E.F. £55
VS 2020 (1963); 10 Year Servic, VS 2023 (1966); and £55.00
United nations UNIFIL Medal. Court Mounted (L16533)
G.V.F. £145 F2084 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze in modern
£145.00 fitted embossed case of issue (L9463) E.F. £45
F2066 L.S.G.C. Army 10 years (L2779) N.E.F. £25
£25.00 F2085 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze, Ladies
issue with bow in case of issue (L2799) E.F. £55
F2067 Army L.S. 15 years bronze (L2782) V.F. £30 £55.00
F2086 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze, (L10130)
F2068 Royal Household medal 15 Years 1966 bronze (L2780) E.F. £40
N.E.F. £35 £40.00
F2087 Medal of the Order of Orange Nassau bronze, in card
F2069 Civil Service Long Service Star, scarce, bronze (L2783) case of issue (L17193) E.F. £48
V.F. £30 £48.00
£30.00 £30.00
F2088 Medal for Zeal and Loyalty 1877 silver for 24 years
Netherlands service, this is a rare medal only awarded from
60 items. 1877-1890 (L13992) N.E.F. £295
F2070 Order of Orange Nassau Grand Officer neck badge and
breast star, the neck badge in silver gilt, the breast star F2089 Medal for Zeal and Loyalty 1877 bronze for 12 years
with gold centre excellent quality and condition with full service, this is a rare medal only awarded from
neck ribbon in fitted embossed case of issue by the 1877-1890 (L2804) N.E.F. £195
Chancellery (L17621) E.F. £995 £195.00
£995.00 F2090 Medal for Humane Actions (Life Saving) type 1912
F2071 Order of Orange Nassau Commanders neck badge, bronze, smaller sized approx 3/4 sized 22mmx40mm
silver gilt, with lapel rosette in fitted embossed case of (L11119) G.V.F. £95
issue (n.r.) (L17105) N.E.F. £345 £95.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2091 Red Cross Medal of Merit 2nd type 1945-1977 silver , F2114 Volunteer Medal Public Services and Security 1958 (fire
extra ribbon attached with small silver cross (L17846) brigade and police) ladies issue with bow ribbon, in fitted
N.E.F. £85 case of issue. (L10181) E.F. £45
£85.00 £45.00
F2092 Red Cross Memorial Cross 1940-1945 bar Indonesie F2115 Cross for Justice and Freedom bar Korea 1950, court
1945-1950 scarce (L15359) N.E.F. £175 mounted by Begeer in card case of issue (L10174) E.F.
£175.00 £175
F2093 Red Cross Long Service medal 10 years, bronze 1st type
pre 1976 (L2815) E.F. £35 F2116 Cross for Justice and Freedom bar Korea 1950, court
£35.00 mounted by Begeer (L17537) G.V.F. £165
F2094 Red Cross Long Service medal 10 years bronze 2nd
type post 1976 with XX year bar (L2816) E.F. £35 F2117 Cross for Justice and Freedom bar Korea 1950 (L15369)
£35.00 £35.00 G.V.F. £145
£145.00 £145.00
F2095 Red Cross Long Service medal 10 years bronze 2nd
type post 1977 (L15399) E.F. £35 F2118 Royal Netherlands Association medal for the Korean
£35.00 Army Combattants 1951, issued as a table medal this
large bronze medal has a ring and ribbon attached for
F2096 Red Cross March Arnhem 1938, bronze and enamel
suspension, very rare (L5027) G.V.F. £395
cross (L2818) E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
F2119 Wilhemina 50th Birthday bronze gilt (L13993) N.E.F. £48
F2097 Hague Volunteers 1813 silver by D. Heus F 400-500 only
awarded (n.r.) (L14044) V.F. £445
£445.00 F2120 Officers L.S.Cross XX years by Van Weilik (L2853) E.F.
F2098 Naarden Seige 1814 medal small type (23mm) silver
£25.00 £25.00
hallmarked by D. Heus F with original ribbon rare
(L17593) N.E.F. £345 F2121 Officers L.S.Cross XV years court mounted (L14802)
£345.00 E.F. £25
F2099 Waterloo Victory Jubliee medal 1865 non wearable white
metal (L11103) V.F. £75 F2122 Naval L.S.G.C. large type bronze (L2855) E.F. £25
£75.00 £25.00 £25.00
F2100 Hasselt Cross 1830-31 gilt finish for Officers (n.r.) F2123 Naval L.S.G.C. small size bronze (L2856) E.F. £20
(L2825) V.F. £55 £20.00 £20.00
£55.00 £55.00
F2124 Army L.S.G.C. small type silver gilt (L2858) G.V.F. £20
F2101 Hasselt Cross 1830-31 volunteers (L2826) G.V.F. £85 £20.00 £20.00
F2125 Army L.S.G.C. small type silver Juliana (L2860) E.F. £20
F2102 Hasselt Cross 1830-31, bronze (L9537) G.V.F. £40 £20.00 £20.00
F2126 Army L.S.G.C. small type bronze Juliana court mounted
F2103 Hasselt Cross 1830-31, bronze(n.r.) (L9538) V.F. £30 (L17868) E.F. £20
£30.00 £20.00
F2104 Atjeh Medal 1873-74 bronze gilt scarce (L14058) G.V.F. F2127 Cross For Marches , silvered with blue enamel, (L18031)
£125 N.E.F. £25
£125.00 £25.00
F2105 Atjeh Medal 1873-74 bronze gilt smaller sized 32mm F2128 Cross For Marches, gilt with Crown and gilt and enamel
scarce (L14059) N.E.F. £125 emblem 40 in oak wreath on ribbon, (L18032) N.E.F. £55
£125.00 £55.00
F2106 Lombok Cross 1894 scarce (L15496) G.V.F. £125 F2129 Pricess Juliana presentation table medal bronze (40mm)
£125.00 (L10609) N.E.F. £30
F2107 Lombok Cross 1894 reduced size 32mm scarce (n.r.)
(L15492) N.E.F. £110 Nicaragua
£110.00 2 items.
F2108 Expeditions Cross bar Atjeh 1873-80 (L8593) E.F. £45 F2130 Order of Rueben Dario Grand Cross sash badge
£45.00 excellent quality (no sash ) scarce (L7280) N.E.F. £195
F2109 Expeditions Cross bar Atjeh 1873-90 (L14264) N.E.F. £195.00
£45 F2157 Order of Grey Town, Grand Cross breast star , superb
£45.00 £45.00 quality 2nd empire period star by Chobillon Paris
F2110 Expeditions Cross bar Atjeh 1906-10 (L2833) E.F. £45 ( Universal Exposition 1867 under Napolen III), slt.
£45.00 £45.00 Chipping and very rare (L18278) N.E.F. £1995
F2111 Star for Order & Peace (L2840) V.F. £15
£15.00 Niger
F2112 Star for Order & Peace 2 bars 1948, 1949, court 2 items.
mounted, with ribbon bar with 2 silver stars and silver F2132 National Order of Niger Knight (L12803) N.E.F. £75
crossed rifles emblem (L14830) N.E.F. £45 £75.00
F2133 Order of Merit of Niger Knight (L16859) N.E.F. £75
F2113 Star for Order & Peace 3 bars 1946, 1947, 1948 court £75.00
mounted, with ribbon bar with 3 silver stars and silver
crossed rifles emblem, (L14831) N.E.F. £50 Nigeria

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


8 items. Norway
F2134 Independence Medal 1960 (L15502) N.E.F. £55 15 items.
£55.00 F2142 Order of Olaf Grand Cross sash badge and breast star
F2135 Order of the Niger Merit medal silver (L12598) E.F. £45 2nd type , 1st issue, superb quality set the sash badge
£45.00 in silver gilt and the breast star with silver gilt front by
Tostrup, in fitted case of issue with original, sash, clips
F2136 Order of the Niger Merit medal bronze (L12599) E.F. £35
on case broken (L17123) E.F. £2950
F2137 Order of the Federal Republic Merit medal silver
F2143 Order of Olaf Grand Cross sash badge and breast
(L11423) E.F. £45
star 2nd type , 2nd issue, superb quality set the sash
badge in all gold and the breast star with all gold front
F2138 Order of the Federal Republic Merit medal bronze by Tostrup, in fitted case of issue with long original,
(L2868) E.F. £30 unfinished sash (L17142) E.F. £3450
£30.00 £3,450.00
F2139 Federal Republic Distinguished Service Medal bronze F2144 Order of Olaf Grand Cross breast star 2nd type , superb
(L11022) E.F. £35 quality with gold centre by Tostrup (L17199) E.F. £1595
£35.00 £1,595.00
F2140 Federal Republic For Recognised Service (L11024) E.F. F2145 Order of Olaf Grand Officer breast star 1st type , superb
£25 quality with gold centre by Tostrup (L17198) E.F. £1595
£25.00 £1,595.00
F2141 Northern Nigeria Army Victory medal (N.N.A.) bronze F2146 Order of Olaf Grand Officer breast star 2nd type in fitted
(L11436) N.E.F. £45 case of issue by Tostrup, (L17234) E.F. £1195
£45.00 £1,195.00
North Vietnam F2147 Order of Olaf Grand Cross breast star 2nd type, superb
14 items. quality breast star with silver gilt front by Tostrup
(L17208) E.F. £1250
F3044 V.C. PAVN Liberation War Exploit medal (L8918) G.V.F. £1,250.00
£30.00 F2148 Order of Olaf Grand Officer breast star 1st type ,
superb quality very slt. chip to enamel of final white ring
F3045 V.C. PAVN Liberation Medal, 2nd class (L8921) G.V.F. otherwise (L9913) E.F. £1495
£45 £1,495.00
F2149 Order of Olaf Commander neck badge 2nd Type 1st
F3046 N.V.A. Oppose America, Save our Country Decoration issue superb quality in hallmarked gold (n.r.) (L17109)
(L8923) G.V.F. £30 E.F. £1295
£30.00 £1,295.00
F3047 N.V.A. Resolution for Victory Decoration (L8924) G.V.F. F2150 Order of Olaf Commander neck badge ribbon only, full
£30 old silk ribbon, (L9450) G.V.F. £45
£30.00 £45.00 £45.00
F3048 N.V.A. Banner of Resolution for Victory Decoration F2152 War Cross 1940 (L15527) N.E.F. £375
(L8928) G.V.F. £30 £375.00
F2153 Haakon VII 70th Birthday medal, scarce (L17611) G.V.F.
F3049 N.V.A. Soldier of Liberation Decoration (L8929) G.V.F. £125
£30 £125.00
F2154 Haakon VII 70th Birthday medal, in original embossed
F3050 V.C. PAVN Liberation Exploit medal, 2 stars on ribbon card case of issue by Tostrup scarce (L16785) G.V.F.
(L8936) G.V.F. £75 £145
£75.00 £145.00
F3051 NVA Military Exploit Order, 3rd. class, 1 star on ribbon F2155 Air Force good Service medal (L15545) E.F. £45
(L8937) G.V.F. £35 £45.00
F2156 Ornulf Sports society medal silver pre 2nd war (L2897)
F3052 NLF/VC Resolution for Victory order, 1st. class, 3 stars G.V.F. £25
on ribbon, with ribbon bar (L8938) G.V.F. £45 £25.00 £25.00
F2176.1Order of Olaf Knight 1st type with swords, in gold, superb
F3053 Ho Chi Minh City Medal (L8931) G.V.F. £45 quality and condition rare early military award (L18313)
£45.00 E.F. £1295
F3054 NVA Military medal for Women for defence of the £1,295.00
fatherland (L8932) G.V.F. £30 Oman
5 items.
F3055 NVA Liberation decoration ‘Giai Phong’ liberation
(L8933) G.V.F. £30 F2157 Sultans Commendation with palm leaf on ribbon (L7174)
£30.00 E.F. £45
F3056 PAVN Fatherland Commemorative Decoration (L8934)
G.V.F. £65 F2158 Royal Guard Special Service medal scarce (L2898) E.F.
£65.00 £45
F3057 PAVN Brass fortress of the Fatherland Decoration
(L8946) G.V.F. £45 F2159 As Samood Medal ( Endurance Dhofar campaign )
£45.00 (L7173) E.F. £45

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£45.00 F448 Medal for Liberation of North China 1950 (L1418) G.V.F.
F2160 General Service medal bar Dhofar by Spink (L15504)
E.F. £35
£35.00 F449 Korea Victory or Peace medal, Resist US Aggression aid
Korea 25.10.1953, good quality gilt and enamels (L7722)
F2161 Glorious 15th National Day medal in official card case of
N.E.F. £85
issue (L7175) E.F. £25
Pakistan F450 Medal for Anti America and Support of Korea 1951,
some chipping otherwise (L6388) V.F. £38
3 items. £38.00
F2162 Tamgha-i-Khidmat 2nd class silver (n.r.) (L16509) G.V.F. F451 Medal for Anti America and Support of Korea 1951,
£45 Chinese Railroad Department , scarce (L6389) G.V.F.
£45.00 £95
F2163 Pakistan Eastern Railways centenary 1962 silver (n.r.) £95.00
(L16511) G.V.F. £30 F452 Medal for Anti America and Support of Korea 1951,
£30.00 Chinese Railroad Department , chipping scarce (L6390)
F2164 Azad Kashmir Commemoration medal 1947-49, scarce V.F. £75
(L2312) G.V.F. £45 £75.00
£45.00 F453 Military Merit Medal 17.2.1954 (L1421) G.V.F. £45
Paraguay £45.00
4 items. F454 Sino Soviet friendship medal 1953 (L11054) G.V.F. £50
F2165 Medal for the Battlle of Tuiuti 3rd November 1876,
bronze, suspension missing (L16564) V.F. £145 F455 Air Force Exemplary medal Class A 1st grade with ribbon
£145.00 bar modern (L10619) E.F. £30
F2166 Order of National Merit Commander neck badge (n.r.)
(L16872) N.E.F. £145 Peoples Republic of Korea
£145.00 6 items.
F2167 Medal for the National Guard 25th November 1901 F1880 Order of Commemoration of the Korean Peoples Army
bronze gilt, (n.r.) (L16565) G.V.F. £45 Foudation excellent early quality (L12607) N.E.F. £125
£45.00 £45.00 £125.00
F2168 Cross of Military Merit 2nd class , gilt centre (n.r.) F1881 Order of the National Flag 2nd class breast badge
(L8621) N.E.F. £55 (L12602) N.E.F. £75
£55.00 £75.00
Peoples Republic of Bulgaria F1882 Order of the National Flag 3rd classbreast star 1990
11 items. (L8816) G.V.F. £48
F378 Order of 9th Sept. 1944 1st class civil in embossed case
of issue (L12012) E.F. £55 F1883 Model Soldiers badge (L6055) N.E.F. £25
£55.00 £25.00

F379 Order of Cyril and Methodius 1st class (L1341) E.F. £40 F1884 Red Flag Company badge 3rd Award issue (L6057)
£40.00 N.E.F. £35
F380 Order of Cyril and Methodius 2nd class (L1342) E.F. £35
£35.00 F1885 Red Flag Company badge (L6402) N.E.F. £25
F381 Order of Peoples Liberty 2nd class (L1343) E.F. £35
£35.00 Persia (Iran)

F382 Order of Motherhood 3rd Class (L15722) V.F. £30 14 items.

£30.00 £30.00 F2170 Order of Lion and Sun, 1st type Grand Cross breast star
F383 Order of September 9th 2nd class (L1344) E.F. £35 superb quality and condition German or Austrian made
£35.00 star marked silber (L15483) E.F. £895
F384 Order of Peoples Republic 3rd class in embossed case
of issue (L7346) E.F. £30 F2171 Order of Lion and Sun, Grand Officer breast star, 2 outer
£30.00 circles to centre, higher class, 3 rays chipped (L17010)
G.V.F. £495
F385 Order of the Red Banner, officially numbered (L7343) £495.00
E.F. £30
£30.00 F2172 Order of Lion and Sun, 1st type Officer 1ray missing
others chipped centre chipped (L11562) V.F. £110
F386 Medal of the Patriotic War 1944-1945, (L9130) N.E.F. £110.00
£25.00 F2173 Order of Lion and Sun, 2nd type Merit medal silver gilt
(L15452) N.E.F. £95
F387 100th Anniversary from Ottoman Slavery medal 1978 £95.00
(L12212) N.E.F. £18
£18.00 F2174 Order of Lion and Sun, 2nd type Merit medal silver
(L15525) N.E.F. £85
F388 1300 years of Bulgaria (L12218) N.E.F. £15 £85.00
F2175 Order of Lion and Sun, breast badge , for Arts and
Peoples Republic of China Sciences, rare (L17277) N.E.F. £395
8 items. £395.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2176 Order of the Taj Commander excellent quality silver gilt, F2193 Legion of Honour Commander heavy quality by El Oro
(L14953) E.F. £245 with full neck ribbon, scarce (L17163) G.V.F. £225
£245.00 £225.00
F2177 Order of the Taj Commander excellent quality silver F2194 Medal of Valour 1946, cross only with lose “for Valor”
gilt, slt. chips to tips of 4 arms otherwise (n.r.) (L14945) suspension bar wreath missing, rare award (L16988)
N.E.F. £225 G.V.F. £295
£225.00 £295.00
F2178 Order of the Taj Officer slt. chips to tips of arms F2195 Military Merit Medal excellent quality (L17164) N.E.F.
otherwise (n.r.) (L2914) N.E.F. £75 £85
£75.00 £85.00
F2179 Order of the Taj Officer (n.r.) (L16449) N.E.F. £75 F2196 Order of the Golden Plough (Plow) Presidential Award
£75.00 £75.00 neck badge (L2928) N.E.F. £98
F2180 Order of the Taj Officer, plain suspension (n.r.) slt. chips
to tips of arms otherwise (L2915) N.E.F. £55 F2197 Luzon Campaign medal (L2930) E.F. £38
£55.00 £55.00 £38.00
F2181 Coronation of Shahanshah and Shahbanu excellent F2198 Korean Campaign Medal scarce (L15638) E.F. £195
quality silvered bronze medal hallmarked on edge (n.r.) £195.00
(L11014) G.V.F. £95
F2199 Wounded Personnel medal (L7389) G.V.F. £55
F2182 Order of Service Breast Badge 4th class gilt (L11017)
F2200 Long Service medal, gilt and enamel, with enamelled
G.V.F. £45
lapel bar and ribbon bar in card case of issue (L7390)
N.E.F. £45
F2194.1Order of Lion and Sun, 1st type Military, lion standing, £45.00
Grand Cross breast 1st cla with 3 outer circles to centre, Poland
centre in gold, superb quality and condition (L18264)
E.F. £1195 122 items.
£1,195.00 F2202 Order of Polonia Restituta 1918 Knight very early issue
Peru in silver gilt, suspension loop missing (L17013) G.V.F.
8 items.
F2183 Order of Ayacucho Grand Cross breast star in fitted
F2204 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 Officer bronze gilt old
embossed case of issue, rare (L15618) N.E.F. £345
issue, small chip to one arm tip, (L16935) G.V.F. £45
F2184 Order of Ayacucho Grand Cross breast star (L9003)
F2205 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 Officer bronze gilt old
N.E.F. £295
issue , gilding worn, (L9406) V.F. £55
F2185 Order of Ayacucho Officer gilt and enamels, (n.r.)
F2206 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 knight with original
(L8373) N.E.F. £145
award booklet dated 1976, enamel stained (L13056) V.F.
F2186 Order of Ayacucho Officer gilt and enamels, (n.r.) £65.00
(L11313) N.E.F. £135
F2207 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 knights very early issue
in bronze gilt (L17012) N.E.F. £45
F2187 Order of Civil Service to the State Knight breast £45.00
star, excellent quality heavy large breast star with
F2208 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 knights (L2944) V.F. £25
original cerificate of issue to Eduardo Ampero 1966, in
embossed case of issue rare award (L16783) N.E.F.
£175 F2209 Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 knights (L16936) E.F.
£175.00 £30
F2188 Naval Merit Order Knight breast badge with ribbon
buckle, hallmarked silver and enamel scarce (L14808) F2210 Order of Virtut Militari Oval Medal 1792, gilt, copy
N.E.F. £95 (L15416) G.V.F. £30
£95.00 £30.00
F2189 Cross of Aeronautical Merit Officer excellent quality silver F2212 Virtute Militare 5th class excellent quality early all silver
gilt (n.r.) (L11419) E.F. £75 cross officially numbered 435, Awarded to “Niewitecki
£75.00 Stefan Sierz Pilot 14 Esk Lotn 4/8/1921” ( Sergeant Pilot
14th Air Force Flight) very rare early award to a Pilot.
F2190 Military Merit Cross rare (L8372) N.E.F. £65
(L17830) N.E.F. £1295
F2213 Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory, 1st. type, 1943, 2nd.
10 items. class, silver (W.132) (L17520) N.E.F. £65
F2191 Order of Sikatuna Commander neck badge, superb £65.00
quality by El Oro with full neck ribbon in l wooden case F2214 Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory, 1st. type, 1943, 3rd.
(L15446) E.F. £375 class, bronze (W.132) (L6904) N.E.F. £55
£375.00 £55.00
F2192 Order of Sikatuna Commander neck badge, superb F2215 Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory, 2nd type, 1944, 2nd.
quality by El Oro with full neck ribbon, (L17165) E.F. class, silver (W.133) (L15724) N.E.F. £55
£325 £55.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2216 Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory, 2nd type, 1944, 3rd. F2238 Poland Huszt Prisoners of War badge 1918, (W.845),
class, gold (gilt) (W.133) (L16875) N.E.F. £65 awarded to all prisoners interned in Hungary. Reverse
£65.00 officially impressed and numbered with original supender
and ribbon, rare (L13312) G.V.F. £145
F2217 Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory, 2nd type, 1944, 3rd.
class, bronze (W.133) (L6907) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 F2239 Poland Huszt Prisoners of War badge 1918, (W.845),
awarded to all prisoners interned in Hungary. Reverse
F2218 Merit medal for Safeguarding National Monuments, 2nd.
officially impressed and numbered with original ribbon,
class, silver (W.180) (L6781) N.E.F. £18
rare (L17522) G.V.F. £145
F2220 Cross of Valour and Merit on Silesian Sash type 2 1927,
F2240 111 Division Bema Street with swords type 1, silvered
( Silesian Uprising Cross) superb quality contemporary
(W.867), numbered (L6790) G.V.F. £75
issue in silver, rare (L14935) V.F. £245
F2241 Central Wisla Front Star, (W899), (White Russia
F2221 Red Cross medal Republic (P.C.K.) 4th class bronze
campaign), 3 piece rivetted construction, no backplate
(L2961) E.F. £35
(L6186) G.V.F. £185
F2222 Red Cross Blood Donors merit badge, small pin badge
F2241.1Virtute Militare 4th class (L18228) G.V.F. £145
gilt and enamel (L2962) E.F. £20
£20.00 £20.00
F2242 Przemys Star, bronze, silvered (W897), reverse
F2223 Order of Merit Peoples Republic 1974 5th Class silver
‘E.M.Unger , Lwow’ and numbered 8465, White Russia
and enamel (L2964) E.F. £55
award (L6187) G.V.F. £95
F2224 Cross of Merit P.R.L. Gold (gilt) (L16669) E.F. £25
F2243 Przemys Star, bronze gilt (W897), reverse ‘E.M.Unger,
£25.00 £25.00
Lwow’ and numbered 6193, White Russia award
F2225 Poland Cross of Merit R.P. bronze (L16668) N.E.F. £35 (L16863) G.V.F. £95
£35.00 £95.00
F2226 Cross of Merit P.R.L. gold ( gilt) (L14911) G.V.F. £35 F2244 Przemys Star, bronze (W897), reverse ‘E.M.Ungrer’ and
£35.00 numbered 8730, White Russia award (n.r.) (L16864) V.F.
F2227 Cross of Merit P.R.L. silver with miniature with enamelled £95
ribbon in embossed case of issue (L12614) E.F. £45 £95.00
£45.00 F2245 Przemys Star, bronze (W897),old casting silvered bronze
F2228 Cross of Merit P.R.L. silvered (L14912) G.V.F. £30 (L16865) V.F. £35
£30.00 £35.00

F2229 Poland Cross of Merit P.R.L. silver (L16670) E.F. £45 F2246 Lithuania-White Russia Division,(W902) rivetted 2 piece
£45.00 brass construction numbered 20868 and by Paszkowski
of Wilno (L6188) G.V.F. £185
F2230 Cross of Merit P.R.L. bronze (L11568) E.F. £20 £185.00
F2247 Lithuania-White Russia Front Cross,(W914) rivetted 2
F2231 Cross of Merit P.R.L. (L15559) E.F. £20 piece brass and white metal construction, no backplate,
£20.00 trace of verdi gris to one arm (L6190) G.V.F. £105
F2232 Cross of Merit R.P. silver, silvered (L16940) N.E.F. £30 £105.00
£30.00 F2248 Ist Armoured Division Cross WWII with miniature
F2232.1Group of 10: 1939-45 Star,Italy Star,Defence medal, (L16867) G.V.F. £65
War medal, Cross of merit RP with swords bronze, £65.00
Cross of valour 1920, Monte Cassino Cross numbered F2249 Medal for the Ist Dragoon Div 1940-1970 bronze (L2977)
36 440, 5th Kresowa Infantry badge, bronze medal G.V.F. £25
“Polska Pielgrzymka Narodwa” all mounted as worn £25.00 £25.00
unreseasrched, (L17974) N.E.F. £325
£325.00 F2250 Ist Armoured Division Cross WWII with award Document
and miniature (L16868) G.V.F. £95
F2232.2Pair: War medal 1918-1921, 10th Anniversary of £95.00
Independence medal with original service papers 1926
with full details of his service in France during WW1, F2251 Association of the Wielkopolski Insurgents from Poznan
to Jozef Mosiek, mouted as worn on silver bar, rare 1918-19 (W.956), detailed reverse and numbered 8878
(L17975) G.V.F. £175 (L6786) N.E.F. £95
£175.00 £95.00

F2233 War medal 1918-1921 (L7462) G.V.F. £45 F2252 Sea Medal, Navy (L6886) G.V.F. £110
£45.00 £110.00

F2234 Air Force Medal, type 2, with bar, plain checkerboard F2253 Oder Nysse Baltic medal 1945 (L2987) G.V.F. £18
(W.106) (L17518) N.E.F. £140 £18.00 £18.00
£140.00 F2254 Warsaw medal 1939-1945 (L2988) G.V.F. £18
F2234.9Order of Polonia Restituta 1944 Commander bronze gilt £18.00 £18.00
and enamel, old original issue (L17876) V.F. £125 F2255 Cross of Merit R.P. bronze (L17015) E.F. £35
£125.00 £35.00
F2235 Independence Cross 1918-1921 superb quality original F2255 Victory medal 1945 (L2989) G.V.F. £15
issue scarce (L16942) G.V.F. £125 £15.00 £15.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2256 Medal of Merit for Fighting Floods, Ist. class, gilt (W.179) £22.00
(L6843) G.V.F. £38
F2276 Fire BrigadeMedal of Merit for Fire Fighting, 3rd. class,
bronze (W>171) (L6833) N.E.F. £18
F2257 Medal of Merit for Fighting Floods (W.179) (L6840) £18.00
G.V.F. £35
F2277 Jan Krasicki Cross, 1st. class gilt for exceptional merit in
the scout service (L6835) N.E.F. £22
F2258 Medal of Merit for Fighting Floods (W.179) lacks top £22.00
suspension (L6785) G.V.F. £20
F2278 Jan Krasicki Cross, 2nd. class silver, for exceptional
merit in the scout service (L6836) N.E.F. £20
F2259 Army Active Service Medal (L6879) N.E.F. £45 £20.00
F2279 Jan Krasicki Cross, 3rd. class silver, for exceptional merit
F2260 Army Long Service medal 30 years gilt (L2994) G.V.F. in the scout service (L6837) N.E.F. £18
£25 £18.00
£25.00 £25.00
F2280 Jan Krasicki Cross, 3rd. class silver, for exceptional merit
F2261 Army Long service medal 20 years silver hallmarked in the scout service, with miniature award, enamelled
(L2995) V.F. £25 ribbon (L6838) N.E.F. £28
£25.00 £25.00 £28.00
F2262 Army Long service medal 10 years bronze (L2996) F2281 Cross of Merit of the association of Polish Scouts W.
N.E.F. £22 175) (L6839) N.E.F. £55
£22.00 £22.00 £55.00
F2263 Order for 20 years Service to the state, 1st Class gold F2282 Ammunition Explosion Lwow 1919 cross bronze
(gilt) with original certificate of issue (L2998) G.V.F. £38 numbered (W878) (n.r.) (L17705) V.F. £45
£38.00 £45.00
F2264 Medal for the 30th year of State Socialism 1944-1974 F2283 Fire Brigade L.S. medal 2nd class bronze with award
with original Certificate of issue, silver (L3000) G.V.F. document (L3007) V.F. £20
£25 £20.00 £20.00
£25.00 £25.00
F2284 1st. Light Horse Regiment, (W.376) copper (silvered)
F2265 Medal for the 30th year of State Socialism 1944-1974 and enamels, no backplate, larger manufacturer than
with original Certificate of issue, silver (L12484) G.V.F. previous (58mm.) reverse stamped ‘Kopia’ (official post
£18 war manufacture) (L6062) N.E.F. £35
£18.00 £35.00
F2266 Polish Red Cross medal, Republic (W.178), 1st. class, F2285 41st. Infantry Regt. (W284) silvered and enamels,
gilt, plain reverse (L6863) N.E.F. £45 reverse stamped ‘kopia’, type 2, by Nagalski, (L6277)
£45.00 V.F. £65
F2267 Polish Red Cross medal, Republic (W.178), 2nd. class,
gilt, PCK reverse (L6870) N.E.F. £45 F2286 53rd. Infantry Regt. (W296) silvered and enamels,
£45.00 reverse stamped ‘kopia’, (official post war
manufacture)plain backplate (L6278) V.F. £28
F2267.110th Anniversary of Independence 1928 (L18224) V.F.
£45.00 F2287 54th. Infantry Regt. (W296) gilt and enamels, reverse
stamped ‘kopia’, (official post war manufacture) by
F2267.2Independence Medal (L18225) V.F. £55
Olszewski (L6279) G.V.F. £25
F2268 Polish Red Cross medal, Republic (W.178), 4th. class,
F2288 19th Wolyski Lancers badge by Pansiuk (L3009) E.F.
bronze, PCK reverse (L6873) N.E.F. £40
£25.00 £25.00
F2269 National Treasury Medal of Merit 1960 silver (L3005)
F2289 84th Poleski Rifles badge by Pansiuk (L3010) E.F. £25
N.E.F. £20
£25.00 £25.00
£20.00 £20.00
F2290 badge by Panasuik (W463) (L17423) N.E.F. £30
F2270 Cross of the Association of Insurgents of 1863, 1933
(W976) officially numbered 43, silver and enamel,
(L16851) N.E.F. £125 F2291 7th Legion Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W243) (L17424)
£125.00 N.E.F. £35
F2271 Volunteer Army Infantry medal, silver (W919) (n.r.)
(L16853) N.E.F. £45 F2292 7th Wielkpolski Mounted Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik
£45.00 (W420) (L17425) N.E.F. £30
F2272 Fire Brigade Cross of Merit for Volunteer Fire Fighters
(W.172), gilt, enamels (L6834) N.E.F. £45 F2293 84th Poleski Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik (W330)
£45.00 (L17426) N.E.F. £35
F2273 Merit merit for Safeguarding National Monuments, 1st.
class, gilt (W.180) (L6792) N.E.F. £20 F2294 8th Prince Poniatowki’s Lancer Regt. Ulans (Lancers) A
£20.00 1939 Regt. badge by Panasuik (L17427) N.E.F. £55
F2274 Fire BrigadeMedal of Merit for Fire Fighting, 1st. class gilt
(W.171) (L6830) N.E.F. £25 F2295 19th Wolyinski Lancers badge by Panasuik (W402)
£25.00 (L17428) N.E.F. £35
F2275 Fire Brigade Medal of Merit for Fire Fighting, 2nd. class,
silver (W.171) (L6831) N.E.F. £22

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2296 40th Lwow Rifles Regt. badge by Panasuik (W282) F2318 Pilots badge, silver with 3 in gilt wreath by Pentswowa
(L17429) N.E.F. £30 Mennica (L3019) E.F. £95
£30.00 £95.00 £95.00
F2297 45th Kresowy Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (L17432) F2319 Red Cross Meritorious Blood Donor , small badge gilt
N.E.F. £35 and enamel (L3024) E.F. £15
£35.00 £15.00 £15.00
F2298 3rd Armoured Battalion badge by Panasuik (W561) F2320 30th Anniversary of Peoples Republic 1974 silver
(L17414) N.E.F. £35 (L3025) E.F. £18
£35.00 £18.00 £18.00
F2299 69th Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W314) (L17415) F2321 Virtute Militare 5th class slt. chips to arms (L16453) V.F.
N.E.F. £35 £125
£35.00 £125.00
F2300 37th Leczycki Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W278) Polish Badges
(L17416) N.E.F. £35 36 items.
F2323 1st. Light Horse Regiment, (W.376)silver and enamels,
F2301 24th lancers badge by Panasuik (W497) (L17417) N.E.F. plain backplate, slightly larger 56m.m. (L6803) N.E.F.
£35 £95
£35.00 £95.00
F2302 10th Mounted Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik (W422) F2324 1st. Light Horse Regiment, (W.376)silver and enamels,
(L17418) G.V.F. £25 plain backplate, appears same manufacturer as
£25.00 previous, slight enamel flake on blue border (L6061)
F2303 3rd Mounted Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik (W416) G.V.F. £65
(L17419) N.E.F. £35 £65.00
£35.00 F2325 2nd, Grochowski Lancers, (W.382), silvered and
F2304 3rd Mazowrecki Light Horse Regt. badge by Panasuik enamels, plain back plate (L6073) G.V.F. £85
(W379) (L17420) V.F. £25 £85.00
£25.00 F2326 7th, Lubelski Lancers, (W.387), silvered and enamels, by
F2305 4th Armoured battalion badge by Panasuik (L17421) Miecznik, Warsaw (L6080) N.E.F. £110
N.E.F. £30 £110.00
£30.00 F2327 11th. Field Arty. Regt. (W.455), silvered and enamels,
F2306 13th Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W250) (L17422) plain backplate (L6256) G.V.F. £85
N.E.F. £35 £85.00
£35.00 F2328 11th Legion Lancers, (W.391), silvered and enamels, by
F2307 3rd Legion Inf. Regt. badge by Panasiuk, type 2 (W232) Olszewski, Warsaw (L6084) N.E.F. £95
(L17403) N.E.F. £30 £95.00
£30.00 F2329 19th Wolynski Lancers, (W.402) silvered, no enamels, by
F2308 6th Podhalanian Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik (W339) Gontarczyk, Warsaw (L6097) N.E.F. £85
(L17404) V.F. £25 £85.00
£25.00 F2330 19th Wolynski Lancers, (W.402), silvered and enamels,
F2309 18th Inf. Regt. badge by Panasuik (W255) (L17405) plain backplate (L6095) N.E.F. £85
N.E.F. £40 £85.00
£40.00 F2331 20th Sobieski Lancers, (W.403), silvered,and enamels,
F2310 61st Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W305) (L17406) 2 piece badge, small repair to centre white enamel, no
N.E.F. £35 backplate (L6099) V.F. £45
£35.00 £45.00
F2311 25th Inf Regt. 1944 by Panasuik (W263) (L17407) N.E.F. F2332 21st Wisla Lancers, (W.404), silvered,and enamels, no
£35 backplate (L6101) G.V.F. £75
£35.00 £75.00
F2312 77th Inf Regt. badge by Panasuik (W323) (L17408) F2333 25th. Lancers, (W.408), silvered and enamels, no
N.E.F. £35 backplate (L6108) G.V.F. £60
£35.00 £60.00
F2313 48th Kresowy Inf Rifle Regt. badge by Panasuik F2334 5th, Zaslawski Lancers, (W.385), silvered and enamels,
(L17409) N.E.F. £35 3 piece badge, no back plate (L6078) N.E.F. £95
£35.00 £95.00
F2314 17th Field Artillary Regt. badge by Panasuik (L17412) F2335 6th, Kaniowski Lancers, (W.386), silvered and enamels,
N.E.F. £25 3 piece badge, plain back plate, large 55mm. size
£25.00 (L6079) G.V.F. £110
F2315 1st Polish Grenadier Division in France medal 1940-1970
bronze (L3015) G.V.F. £30 F2336 27th. Batory Lancers, silvered,and enamels, no
£30.00 £30.00 backplate (L6103) G.V.F. £65
F2316 Exemplary Sailor badge 1968 3rd grade silver and
enamel, by Mennica (W.1068) L3016) N.E.F. £35 F2337 26th. Wielkopolski Lancers, (W.409), 1st type (215 on
£35.00 arms), silvered and enamels, plain backplate (L6109)
G.V.F. £95
F2317 Pilots badge, silver with 2 in gilt wreath by Pentswowa
Mennica (L3018) E.F. £95
£95.00 £95.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2338 16th Wielkopolski Lancers, type 11 (W.397), gilt and F2358 Warrant Officers School 1972 silvered and enamel
enamels, no backplate,slight hairline cracks to one arm (L3045) N.E.F. £45
(L6091) V.F. £55 £45.00
£55.00 Portugal
F2339 57th. Infantry Regt. (W301) silvered and enamels, plain 26 items.
backplate (L6281) V.F. £65
£65.00 F2359 Order of Villa Vicosa Officer badge good quality smaller
sized silver gilt , slt. chipping to tip of one arm otherwise
F2340 64th. Grudiaz Inf. Regt. (W301) bronze and enamels, (L15114) N.E.F. £135
plain backplate (L13805) N.E.F. £85 £135.00 £135.00
F2360 Order of Villa Vicosa Knight good quality, chipping to
F2341 1st. Mounted Rifle regt. (W413), silvered and enamels, legend only (L10240) G.V.F. £145
plain backplate (L6159) G.V.F. £75 £145.00
F2361 Order of St. James of the Sword COLLAR, with Sacred
F2342 4th. Mounted Rifle regt. (W417), silvered and enamels, Heart suspension, early superb quality collar in silver gilt
no backplate (L6163) G.V.F. £55 by Le Maitre Paris (L13780) N.E.F. £1895
£55.00 £1,895.00
F2343 7th. Mounted Rifle regt. (W420), silvered and enamels, F2362 Order of the Tower and Sword 1st type Knight breast
plain backplate (L6159) G.V.F. £60 badge in gold, superb quality and very rare (L13781)
£60.00 N.E.F. £1795
F2344 As (W.534), Ministry of Justice Officers prison School £1,795.00
1918-28, bronze, green enamel (L6819) V.F. £45 F2363 Order of Christ Grand Cross breast star with Sacred
£45.00 heart , attractive smaller star (L17136) N.E.F. £495
F2345 Air Gunner, 1942, (W.676) by Gaunt of London, bronze, £495.00
silvered (L6171) N.E.F. £95 F2364 Order of Christ Grand Cross breast star Kingdom with
£95.00 sacred heart, most superb star, apart from the white
F2346 Air Gunner, 1942, (W.676) no maker, bronze, (L6172) enamelled centre the entire star set with DIAMONDS
N.E.F. £65 AND RUBIES, all gold by Halley of Paris. Second Empire
£65.00 period (L16592) N.E.F. £6995
F2347 Air Gunner, 1942, bronze, silver plated, gilt wreath
(W.676) no maker, (L6173) G.V.F. £60 F2365 Order of Christ Grand Cross breast star with Sacred
£60.00 heart , superb quality , 2 slt. chips (L13645) N.E.F. £395
F2348 Technical Officer, 1st. class, 1933, (W691), silvered, by
Hennica, Panstwowa (L6189) N.E.F. £75 F2366 Order of Christ Grand Cross breast star with sacred
£75.00 heart, superb quality with gold centre and heart,by Kretly
Paris, tip of one ray missing otherwise (L17257) E.F.
F2349 Poznan Air Force Battalion, 2 piece rivetted construction,
(W639) silver with gilt wreath, plain silver backplate
(L6179) N.E.F. £150
£150.00 F2367 Order of Christ Commander neck badge 1st type with
wreath and crown, superb quality gold (L17320) E.F.
F2350 2nd Brigade of Joseph Pilsudski Legions 1916 oval
badge officially numbered 283, pin broken (L3008) V.F.
£70.00 F2368 Order of Christ Commander neck badge 1st type with
wreath and crown, excellent quality silver gilt (L13942)
F2351 3rd. Legion Field Arty. Regt. (W.446), rivetted 2 piece
N.E.F. £395
construction, bronzed and enamels, plain backplate
(L16789) G.V.F. £85
£85.00 F2369 Order of Christ Commander 1st type (L13596) N.E.F.
F2352 19th. Field Arty. Regt. (W.455), silvered and enamels,
plain backplate (L6258) G.V.F. £85
£85.00 F2370 Order of Christ Commander with sacred heart
suspension, in gold, superb quality and condition with full
F2353 29th. Rifle Regt. (W268) silvered and enamels,
neck ribbon (L17256) E.F. £595
lower portion of badge stamped ‘K’ (official post war
manufacture) no backplate (L6275) V.F. £35
£35.00 F2371 Order of Christ Officer 1st type in gold , slt. Damage to
the crown otherwise (L13412) N.E.F. £325
F2354 36th. Infantry Regt. (W277) gilt and enamels, by
Zygadlewicz, enamel on one arm repaired towards
centre (L6276) V.F. £45 F2372 Order of Merit Commander neck badge good quailty with
£45.00 full neck ribbon (L15635) E.F. £145
£145.00 £145.00
F2355 77th. Infantry Regt. (W322), plain silvered badge, with
hangar chain suspension (L6286) G.V.F. £55 F2373 Order of Public Instruction Grand Cross breast star good
£55.00 quality by Costa scarce (L13098) G.V.F. £325
F2356 85th. Infantry Regt. (W331), silvered and enamelled,
plain backplate (L6287) G.V.F. £65 F2375 Red Cross Merit Cross 1st class with rays between arms
£65.00 silver gilt and enamels, (L17459) N.E.F. £85
F2357 2nd Artillery Group 2 piece construction hallmarked silver
by Lorioli (W.744) (L3038) N.E.F. £95 F2376 Petrus II honour medal bronze pattern with Paris below
£95.00 bust, no suspension (L16514) V.F. £30

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2377 Donna Maria II Merit medal silver, scarce (L3068) N.E.F. £195.00
F162 Officer Long service cross 15 years silvered and enamel
(n.r.) (L9055) V.F. £45
F2378 Don Luiz I Military medal for Exemplary Conduct silver £45.00
with silver buckle (L9413) N.E.F. £98
F163 Badge of Office of the Fatherland Front, Cheif Group
Leader, pin back gilt and enamel centre (L1170) N.E.F.
F2379 Don Luiz I Military medal for Exemplary Service silver £35
(n.r) (L6691) G.V.F. £65 £35.00 £35.00
F164 Badge of Office of the Fatherland Front, Local Group
F2380 Exemplary Service medal 1926 bronze (L3073) V.F. £30 functionary, pin back silvered and enamel centre (L1171)
£30.00 £30.00 N.E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
F2381 Exemplary Service medal 1956 silver (L8571) G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F165 Badge of the Fatherland Front, bronze pin back (L1172)
N.E.F. £20
F2382 War Cross Republic 1917 with silver cross motif on
£20.00 £20.00
ribbon scarce (L17471) N.E.F. £145
£145.00 Republic of Yugoslavia
F2383 War Cross Republic with silver cross motif on ribbon 10 items.
(L13223) G.V.F. £95 F3087 Order of Military merit 2nd class silver hallmarked scarce
£95.00 (L3916) E.F. £85
F2384 Sporting Youth merit Medal with buckle bronze (L18130) £85.00 £85.00
G.V.F. £25 F3088 Order of Military merit 3rd class in titled case of issue
£25.00 silver hallmarked scarce (L8594) E.F. £95
F2408.1Order of Public Instruction Grand Cross Officer gilt £95.00
palmes good quality in silver gilt with buckle and F3089 Order of the Peoples Army 3rd class silver, in titled case
suspension bar in case (L17988) N.E.F. £65 of issue (L3919) N.E.F. £85
£65.00 £85.00 £85.00
Republic of Austria
F3090 Order of Brotherhood and Unity 2nd class silver in
16 items. embossed card case of issue (L3922) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 £55.00
F150 Grand Honour Decoration 1922 neck badge with old full
ribbon, (L11453) G.V.F. £245 F3091 Order of Brotherhood and Unity 2nd class silver
£245.00 adapoted to pin back (L3924) N.E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
F151 Honour Decoration 1922 Knight red enamel, (L16731)
N.E.F. £75 F3092 Order of Labour 3rd class (L3925) G.V.F. £25
£75.00 £25.00 £25.00
F152 Honour Decoration 1922 silver Merit Cross Breast Badge F3093 Order of National Merit 3rd class numbered (L3927)
(L12851) G.V.F. £40 G.V.F. £25
£40.00 £25.00 £25.00
F153 Republic Order of Merit Type I 1938, Officer pin back F3094 Medal for Merit to the People (L3930) E.F. £20
cross excellent quality by Souval, scarce (L7646) E.F. £20.00 £20.00
F3095 Labour Medal (L3931) E.F. £15
£15.00 £15.00
F154 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 Grand Officer
F3096 5oth Anniversary medal (L12217) E.F. £15
breast star in fitted embossed case of issue by Reitterer
(L15220) E.F. £195
£195.00 Rhodesia
F155 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knight, in fitted 2 items.
embossed case of issue by Reitterer (L5863) N.E.F. £95 F2418.91
General Service Medal named to European (L17905)
£95.00 E.F. £25
F156 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knight, ladies issue £25.00
with bow ribbon in fitted embossed case of issue by F2418.94
Prison Service medal 1965-1968 named to native ,
Reitterer (L11112) E.F. £95 scarce (L17908) E.F. £45
£95.00 £45.00
F157 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knights silver cross Romania
(L7059) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 36 items.

F158 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knights golden F2392 Group of 5 mounted as worn court style: Ferdinand
cross in fitted embossed case of issue (L11512) E.F. £68 Medal 1914-1927, military with swords on ribbon, Order
£68.00 of the Crown 1st type Knight, Medical Merit Cross 1913
1st classs gilt, 1916-1918 War Cross , Victory medal
F159 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knights golden unnoficial type 3 (L17953) N.E.F. £395
cross (n.r.) (L18064) V.F. £38 £395.00
F2393 Order of the Crown 1st type Officers, gilt (n.r) (L9739)
F160 Republic Order of Merit Merit medal silver (L12172) N.E.F. £80
N.E.F. £35 £80.00
F2394 Order of the Crown 1st type Officers, gilt (n.r.) (L17827)
F161 Decoration for arts and Sciences breast star excellent N.E.F. £80
quality by Reitterer (L8578) E.F. £195

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£80.00 £35.00 £35.00

F2395 Order of the Crown 1st type Officer slight chipping to F2418.1Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
reverse centre (L13055) G.V.F. £65 Star 1st type Knight with swords, Order of the Crown 1st
£65.00 £65.00 type Officer with swords, Order of the Crown 1st type
Officer, Balkan War medal 1915 silver 1916-1918 War
F2396 Order of the Crown 1st type Knight with swords
Cross 3 bars 1919, Dobrogea, Maraseti, Carol I jubilee
suspension repaired (L13137) V.F. £55
medal 1906 military, Victory medal unnoficial type, Carol
I Centennial Medal, (slt. chipping to 1st) (L17949) N.E.F.
F2397 Order of the Crown 2nd type Officer (L3103) E.F. £55 £595
£55.00 £595.00
F2398 Order of the Crown 2nd type Knights badge with swords F2419 Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
(L3104) N.E.F. £98 Star 1st type Knight with swords, Order of the Crown 1st
£98.00 type Officer with swords, Order of the Crown 1st type
F2399 Order of the Crown 2nd type Knights badge small repairs Officer, Balkan War medal 1915 silver 1916-1918 War
to central legend otherwise (L16700) G.V.F. £65 Cross 3 bars 1919, Dobrogea, Maraseti, Carol I jubilee
£65.00 medal 1906 military, Victory medal unnoficial type, Carol
I Centennial Medal, (slt. chipping to 1st) (L11956) N.E.F.
F2400 Order of the Star 2nd type Knight (L13054) N.E.F. £95 £495
£95.00 £495.00
F2401 Order of the Star 2nd type Knight with swords (L13616) F2419 XX Anniversary of Liberation 1966 bronze medal in case
N.E.F. £125 of issue (L15179) E.F. £38
£125.00 £38.00
F2402 Order of Cultural Merit medal 2nd class, scarce (L17770) F2419.2Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
E.F. £95 Crown 1st type Knight with swords, Order of the Star
£95.00 1st type Officer with swords, Medical Merit Cross 1913
F2403 Queen Marie Cross 2nd class breast badge , silver gilt , 3rd class bronze, Medal for Bravery and Loyalty bronze,
scarce (L3126) G.V.F. £85 (suspension ring broken, detatched) Balkan War medal
£85.00 1915 silver, 1916-1918 War Cross 2 bars 1919, Cerna,
Dobrogea, Victory medal unnoficial type, France Croix de
F2404 Queen Marie Cross 3rd class breast badge , bronze,
Guerre 1914-1917 (L18334) N.E.F. £495
scarce (L14923) G.V.F. £65
F2420 Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
F2405 Red Cross Merit decoration pin back badge 1941, with
Star 1st type Knight with swords, Order of the Crown 1st
original Certificate of issue to Dr Cristofor, pin clasp
type Officer with swords, Order of the Crown 1st type
broken otherwise (L3132) G.V.F. £75
Officer, Balkan War medal 1915 silver 1916-1918 War
£75.00 £75.00
Cross 3 bars 1919, Dobrogea, Maraseti, Carol I jubilee
F2406 Medal for the Defence of Freedom 1877-1878, bronze medal 1906 military, Victory medal unnoficial type, Carol
civil ribbon (L17731) G.V.F. £75 I Centennial Medal, (slt. chipping to 1st) (L11965) N.E.F.
£75.00 £495
F2408 Medical Merit Cross 1913 1st class gilt (L5054) G.V.F.
£55 F2420.1Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
£55.00 Crown 2nd type Officer, Order of the Star 1st type Knight
with swords, Order of the Crown Officer 1st type, Serbia
F2409 Loyal Service medal 1st type 3rd class bronze (L3139)
Order of the White Eagle Officer, Medal for Bravery and
G.V.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00 Loyalty with swords, Balkan War medal 1915 silver,
1916-1918 War Cross , Military Jubilee medal 1906,
F2410 Loyal Service medal 1st type 1st class gilt (L12296) attractive group (L17951) N.E.F. £1095
G.V.F. £35 £1,095.00
F2421 Group of 8 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
F2411 Loyal Service medal 2nd type 3rd class with swords Crown 2nd type Officer, Order of the Star 1st type Knight
bronze (L3142) G.V.F. £30 with swords, Order of the Crown Officer 1st type, Serbia
£30.00 £30.00 Order of the White Eagle Officer, Medal for Bravery and
F2412 Trans Danube Cross, Turkish War 1877-78 (L3151) V.F. Loyalty with swords, Balkan War medal 1915 silver,
£75 1916-1918 War Cross , Military Jubilee medal 1906,
£75.00 attractive group, (L13140) N.E.F. £995
F2413 War Cross 1916-18 (L14878) G.V.F. £25
£25.00 F2422.1Group of 9 mounted as worn court style: Order of the
Crown 2nd type Knight with swords, Order of the Crown
F2414 War Cross 1916-19 scarce (L3158) G.V.F. £45 1st type Officer Knight , Loyal service medal 1st type 1st
£45.00 class, Balkan War medal 1915 silver , 1916-1918 War
F2415 Pelesch Castle medal 1933 gilt scarce (L5891) N.E.F. Cross , Victory medal unnoficial type, Pelesch Castle
£75 medal , Merit in Commerce and Industry , Carol I Jubilee
£75.00 medal 1906 civil, (L17952) N.E.F. £495
F2416 Anti Partisan medal 1941 (L14712) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 F2424 Group of 5 mounted as worn court style: Ferdinand
Medal 1914-1927, military with swords on ribbon, Order
F2417 Order of Military merit 1955 1st class 25 years in
of the Crown 1st type Knight, Medical Merit Cross 1913
ebossed fitted case of issue , scarce (L9129) N.E.F. £55
1st classs gilt, 1916-1918 War Cross , Victory medal
unnoficial type 3, (L17456) N.E.F. £295
F2418 Republic Air Force Pilots badge 2nd class silvered £295.00
(L3169) E.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2440.1Medal for the Defence of Freedom 1877-1878, bronze F2482 Order of the Star of Sarawak 5th class Ladys shoulder
military ribbon (L18231) G.V.F. £75 badge, superb quality on bows and tails in embossed
£75.00 case of issue by Spink , rare (L11856) N.E.F. £325
Russia £325.00

1 items. F2483 Long Service Decoration Pingat Perkhimatan Lama,

superb quality marked silver , rare (L11497) E.F. £145
F2721 We have purchased a stock of Imperial Russian Ribbon £145.00
in original best quality silk and can offer most ribbons as
follows: 28mm width is £8 for 6ins (15cms) and 37mm F2484 Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal, large silver
width is £12 for 6ins (15cms). medal on neck ribbon, scarce (L11885) E.F. £125
Saudi Arabia
3 items.
2 items.
F2469 Order of the Revolution, Grand Cross breast star, silver
gilt and enamel, massive construction, rare (L3356) F2486 Gulf War medal with ribbon bar with emblem in fitted
N.E.F. £395 embossed case of issue (L17442) E.F. £35
£395.00 £35.00

F2470 Order of the 1000 Hills Grand Cross breast star silver F2519.1Kuwait Liberation medal 1991 (L17938) N.E.F. £30
gilt and enamels, massive construction (L10733) N.E.F. £30.00
£395 Senegal
£395.00 2 items.
F2471 Order of National Peace Grand Cross breast star silver
F2487 Order of National Merit Officer (L11219) E.F. £95
gilt and enamels, massive construction (L10734) N.E.F.
£395.00 F2488 Order of National Merit Officer (n.r) (L7210) N.E.F. £85
San Marino
5 items.
74 items.
F2472 Order of San Marino 1st type Military, Commander neck
badge silver gilt (n.r.) (L11473) N.E.F. £395 F2424.1Group of 6 court mounted Serbian style: Medal for
£395.00 Bravery 1876 silver, 1876-1878 War medal, Cross of
Mercy 1912, Balkan War medal 1912, 2nd Balkan War
F2473 Order of San Marino 1st type Civil Officer breast badge
Cross 1913, 1914-1918 War Cross, (L11976) V.F. £350
in gold superb quality and condition (n.r.) (L14090) E.F.
£495.00 F2490 Group of 9 court mounted Serbian style: Order of the
White Eagle Knight with swords, Milosh Oblitch Bravery
F2474 Order of San Marino 1st type Civil Commander silbver
small gold, Milosh Oblitch Bravery small gold, Milosh
gilt, in fitted embossed case of issue by Alberti , with
Oblitch Bravery large silver, Retreat to Albania 1915,
enamelled lapel buttonhole, (L14974) G.V.F. £375
Medal for Military Virtue 1883, Balkan War medal
1912, 2nd Balkan War Cross 1913, 1914-1918 War
F2475 Order of San Marino 2nd type Grand Cross sash Cross, some chippng to White Eagle and one sword hilt
badge and breast star, superb quality and condition by missing , (L11977) V.F. £595
Cravanzola, ( no sash) rare (L15611) E.F. £1195 £595.00
F2491 Group of 6 court mounted Serbian style Order of
F2476 Order of San Marino 2nd type Officer breast badge in Karageorge Soldiers cross of Bravery 1914-18 gilt ,
silver gilt, (L17696) N.E.F. £245 Milosh Oblitch Bravery large gold (gilt) with palm emblem
£245.00 on ribbon, Retreat to Albania 1915, Balkan War medal
Sarawak 1912, 2nd Balkan War Cross 1913, 1914-1918 War
Cross, Karageorg is N.V.F. others (L11978) G.V.F. £495
8 items. £495.00
F2477 Rajah Brooke Long Service Decoration silver, rare F2492 Group of 8 court mounted Serbian style: Retreat to
(L17328) N.E.F. £595 Albania 1915, Medal for Military Virtue 1883, Zealous
£595.00 Service medal 1913 silvered, Marksmans medal, Milosh
F2478 Government Sevice, Long Service medal , silver, (n.r.) Oblitch Bravery large gold, Balkan war medal 1912, 2nd
very scarce (L17329) N.E.F. £395 Balkan War Cross 1913, 1877-1878 war medal (L11981)
£395.00 V.F. £345
F2479 Distinguished Service Medal 1st Gold class, in fitted
embossed case of issue by Spink, with 2 ribbon bars and F2493 Order of Takowa Knights merit cross (unenamelled gilt)
2 lapel rossettes, rare (L12164) E.F. £195 scarce (L10718) G.V.F. £145
£195.00 £145.00

F2480 Distinguished Service Medal 2nd Silver class, in fitted F2494 Order of Karageorge Officer with swords some chipping
embossed case of issue by Spink, with 2 ribbon bars and otherwise scarce (L10920) G.V.F. £425
2 lapel rossettes, rare (L12165) N.E.F. £175 £425.00
£175.00 F2496 Order of Karageorge Soldiers cross of Bravery 1914-18
F2481 Order of the Star of Sarawak 4th class Ladys shoulder gilt cross and crown with silver rays, rare (L14174)
badge, superb quality on bows and tails in embossed G.V.F. £425
case of issue by Spink , rare (L11855) N.E.F. £395 £425.00
£395.00 F2497 Order of the White Eagle Commander neck badge with
swords larger type, excellent quality chips to reverse of
blue ribbon, and tail of eagle (n.r.) (L11635) G.V.F. £725

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£725.00 £45.00
F2498 Order of the White Eagle Commander neck badge F2522 Gold Bravery medal 1912 bronze gilt (gilt wash worn)
excellent quality larger type, central cross chipped (n.r.) rare (L13871) G.V.F. £225
otherwise (L11637) N.E.F. £675 £225.00
F2523 Civil Merit Medal 1902 1st class, wartime issue in bronze
F2499 Order of the White Eagle Commander neck badge good gilt, (L14826) V.F. £45
quality larger type, slt. chipping to central cross , tail tip, £45.00
and reverse of blue ribbon, otherwise (n.r.) (L14383)
F2524 Civil Merit Medal 1902 2nd class silver (L10457) N.E.F.
G.V.F. £595
F2500 Order of the White Eagle Commander neck badge good
F2525 Turkish War Medal 1876-1878, 1st class gold (gilt)
quality larger type,chipping to reverse centre and top of
(L17687) V.F. £85
ribbons otherwise (L17017) G.V.F. £645
F2526 Commemorative Cross for the Serbo-Bulgarian War of
F2501 Order of the White Eagle Knight, 1st type Officer small
1885-1886, Iron Cross, (L14484) G.V.F. £120
chip to centre enamel of white cross very rare (L14012)
N.E.F. £795
£795.00 F2527 Red Cross Medal 1912-13 silver scarce (L11770) N.E.F.
F2502 Order of the White Eagle Officer, with swords chipping to
reverse of blue ribbon, (L10814) G.V.F. £395
£395.00 F2527.1Order of Karageorge Officer reverse centre missing
otherwise (L17971) G.V.F. £275
F2503 Order of the White Eagle Officer, slt. repair to one ribbon
(L13941) N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F2528 Red Cross Medal 1912-13 bronze scarce, unmounted
ribbon (L11191) N.E.F. £95
F2504 Order of the White Eagle Officer, small chip to reverse
centre (L14047) N.E.F. £345
£345.00 F2529 Red Cross Medal 1912-13 bronze scarce, drilled for
suspension (L17654) G.V.F. £45
F2507 Order of the White Eagle Knight with swords centre white
cross and reverse of ribbon chipped otherwise (L17018)
G.V.F. £395 F2530 Gold Cross of Charity or Mercy 1912 (L14480) G.V.F.
£395.00 £125
F2509 Order of the White Eagle Knight, in fitted embossed case
of issue by Hugenin, (L12891) N.E.F. £395 F2531 Gold Cross of Charity or Mercy 1912 large centre bow
£395.00 ribbon, (L14481) G.V.F. £130
F2510 Order of the White Eagle Knight, in fitted embossed case
of issue by Hugenin, slt. chip to reverse of blue ribbon F2532 Gold Cross of Charirt or Mercy 1912, ring repaired as
(L11668) N.E.F. £395 often found (L13735) V.F. £75
£395.00 £75.00
F2511 Order of the White Eagle Knight, in fitted embossed case F2533 Anointment of Alexander I 1889 bronze, rare (L3452)
of issue by Hugenin, chipping to reverse centre (L11251) V.F. £55
N.E.F. £375 £55.00
£375.00 F2534 Royal Household medal of Peter I 4th class silver, rare
F2512 Order of the White Eagle Knight, in fitted embossed case (L14827) V.F. £145
of issue by Bertrand, bronze gilt white cross no enamel. £145.00
case worn, (L17050) G.V.F. £275 F2535 Turkish War Medal 1876-1878, 1st class gold (gilt) civil
£275.00 ribbon, (L15517) V.F. £85
F2513 Order of the White Eagle Knight, (L11271) N.E.F. £325 £85.00
£325.00 F2536 Insurrection and Coronation medal 1804-1903 Peter I
F2514 Order of the White Eagle Knight, old repair to rveerse of gold medal (gilt), incorrect ribbon. (L3453) E.F. £75
blue ribbon, and one tip of cross, (L13418) G.V.F. £295 £75.00
£295.00 F2537 Peter I commemorative medal bronze ( n.r) (L12074)
F2515 Order of the White Eagle Knight, one chip to reverse of G.V.F. £25
blue band (n.r.) .... (L13179) G.V.F. £295 £25.00
£295.00 F2538 Order of the White Eagle Officer, with swords (L14041)
F2517 Order of the White Eagle Knight, (L14313) G.V.F. £295 N.E.F. £425
£295.00 £425.00
F2518 Order of St.Sava Commander 1st type, with full neck F2538 Balkan War Medal 1912 (n.r.) (L9743) V.F. £20
ribbon, rare (L15426) E.F. £695 £20.00
£695.00 F2538.1Order of the White Eagle Knight with swords slt.
F2519 Medal of Bravery 1876 very scarce (L14790) V.F. £175 Chipping to white cross, in fitted embossed case by
£175.00 Bertrand, (L18207) G.V.F. £495
F2520 Medal of Bravery 1912 Gold ( gilt) 1st type very scarce
(L17496) N.E.F. £175 F2538.2Order of the White Eagle Knight with swords excellent
£175.00 quality and condition (L18206) N.E.F. £445
F2521 Medal of Bravery 1912 silver scarce (n.r.) polished
(L17711) N.V.F. £45 F2539 Balkan War Medal 1912 frayed ribbon (L14483) G.V.F.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£25.00 £45.00
F2539.1Order of the White Eagle Knight with swords excellent F2698 Jeton for Serbian Victories in the 1st Balkan War 1912 ,
quality and condition (L18205) N.E.F. £465 obverse for Seb Victories over the Turks at Kosavo 1389,
£465.00 silver by Sachini Milan (L14785) V.F. £45
F2540 Balkan War Medal 1912 (L17707) E.F. £30
£30.00 Siam and Thailand
F2541 2nd Balkan War Cross 1913 (L11736) V.F. £45 23 items.
£45.00 F2561 Ratana Varabhorn Order of Merit, Knight neck badge,
F2543 Medal for Military Virtue1883 silver gilt (n.r.) (L11746) this very rare order established in 1911 for personal
N.E.F. £85 service to the King is a one class order, this superb
£85.00 award of recent issue is in silver gilt and set with
“Diamonds” (artificial diamonds) very attractive (L18285)
F2544 Medal of Zeal 1913 1st class gold (gilt) 1st type smaller
E.F. £395
ring suspender (L17710) G.V.F. £55
F2562 Order of the White Elephant 2nd type Grand Cross
F2545 Medal of Zeal 1913 1st class gold (gilt) (n.r.) (L11749)
sash badge and breast star, good quality set ( no sash)
G.V.F. £55
(L17683) E.F. £29517019
F2546 Medal of Zeal 1913 2nd class silvered 1st smaller type,
F2563 Order of the White Elephant Knight (L3471) E.F. £55
ring suspender (L17709) V.F. £45
F2564 Order of the White Elephant silver medal (L3472) G.V.F.
F2546.1Order of the White Eagle Knight, small chips to reverse
of blue band (L18074) N.E.F. £295
£30.00 £30.00
F2565 Order of the Crown Grand Cross breast star 2nd type
F2547 Medal of Zeal 1913 2nd class silvered (L3461) V.F. £45
(L4985) E.F. £135
F2548 Medal of Zeal 1913 2nd class silvered (n.r.) (L11747)
F2566 Order of the Crown Officer (L10855) N.E.F. £40
V.F. £40
F2567 Order of the Crown Commander, older issue in fitted
F2549 Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, large type, gilt
velvet case of issue with motif on lid and with motif lapel
(L17373) N.E.F. £120
rosette and motif ribbon bar, (L16713) N.E.F. £125
F2551 Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, large type, gilt gilding
F2568 Order of the Crown Commander (L14755) E.F. £85
worn (L15495) V.F. £95
F2568.9Order of the Crown 4th class Officer older issue in fitted
F2552 Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, small type, gilt
case of issue (L18359) N.E.F. £75
(L13180) V.F. £70
F2569 Order of the Crown 4th class Officer (L8363) E.F. £35
F2553 Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, large type, silvered
(L13764) N.E.F. £95
£95.00 F2570 Order of the Crown 5th class Knight (L8503) V.F. £22
F2554 Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, large type, bronze
(L13695) N.V.F. £60 F2571 Golden Medal of the Order of the Crown, silver gilt
£60.00 (L3478) E.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
F2555 Albanian Campaign, Retreat to Albania 1915 as awarded
to British personnel (L3464) G.V.F. £85 F2572 Silver medal of the Order of the Crown (L3479) E.F. £30
£85.00 £30.00 £30.00
F2556 Albanian Campaign, Retreat to Albania 1915 as awarded F2573 Silver medal of the Order of the Crown in fitted
to British personnel no crown (n.r.) (L17708) G.V.F. £15 embossed case of issue (L9381) E.F. £45
£15.00 £45.00
F2557 Liberation of Southern Serbia 1912-1937 (L3465) G.V.F. F2574 Order of Rama medal for Gallantry in Action in fitted
£45 embossed case of issue (L12611) N.E.F. £95
£45.00 £95.00
F2558 Sharpshooters medal bronze (n.r.) (L12849) G.V.F. £35 F2575 Centenary medal large bronze, some contacting to
£35.00 reverse, suspension missing rare (L12612) V.F. £95
F2560 Serbian/ French medal Glory to the Serb Heroes bronze
(n.r.) (L17714) V.F. £45 F2576 Loyal Officials medal for Service during the 1933
£45.00 Rebellion no top bar scarce (L3485) V.F. £45
£45.00 £45.00
F2572 1914-18 War Cross (L14482) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 F2577 Home Front Merit Medal 1941, rare (L17354) G.V.F.
F2579.1Milosh Oblitch, medal for Bravery, large type, gilt
(L18162) V.F. £95
£95.00 F2578 Border Merit Medal 1954, awarded to the Border Guards,
with top bar , rare (L9160) V.F. £125
F2587.1Jeton for Serbian Victories in the 1st Balkan War 1912 ,
obverse for Seb Victories over the Turks at Kosavo 1389,
silver by Sachini Milan (L14785) V.F. £45

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2579 W.W.II service medal, suspension repaired lotus leaf F2625.2Police Service medal silver named to Konst. M.B.Van
missing (L9059) G.V.F. £25 Dyk 10.5.60 (L18178) N.E.F. £35
£25.00 £35.00
F2580 W.W.II service medal, (L9060) N.E.F. £55 South Korea
£55.00 5 items.
F2581 Korea service medal, (L9061) G.V.F. £75 F1886 Order of Military merit 3rd class Chungmu 2nd grade,
£75.00 with silver star on ribbon, officially numbered, as
F2582 Vietnam service medal, (L9063) G.V.F. £55 awarded for the Korean War, slt. chipping, very rare
£55.00 (L11623) G.V.F. £595
Sierra Leone £595.00

3 items. F1887 Order of Military merit 4th class Wharang 2nd grade, with
silver star on ribbon, officially numbered as awarded for
F2583 The Bai Bureh Star (Military Division) 1979 awarded for the Korean War, in original fitted black lacquer case of
Gallantry of the highest degree (Bai Bureh was afamous issue with inlaid mother of pearl inscription on lid, case
Temme Warrior from Kasse who was prominent in the very rare (L17154) G.V.F. £545
Hut Tax War) very rare (L11513) N.E.F. £395 £545.00
F1888 Order of Military merit 4th class Wharang 3rd grade, as
F2584 Foundation of the Republic For Services Rendered awarded for the Korean War, officially numbered, rare
medal gilt (n.r.) (L7444) N.E.F. £45 (L5790) G.V.F. £395
£45.00 £395.00
F2585 Military Forces Long Service Good Conduct medal F1889 Korean War Service medal bronze (crossed bullets) in
silver , scarce (L6368) E.F. £55 original embossed card case of issue (L9859) N.E.F. £30
£55.00 £30.00
Singapore F1890 Korean War Service medal bronze (crossed bullets) in
2 items. original embossed card case of issue (L17345) N.E.F.
F2586 General Service medal 1971 silver (L11501) N.E.F. £55 £25.00
South Vietnam
F2587 Armed Forces good service medal gilt in fitted embossed
case of issue (L15274) E.F. £55 22 items.
£55.00 F3058 National Order of Vietnam Grand Cross breast star, large
Solomon Islands star, locally made silvered and gilt metal, pin removed
and 2 bars soldered on the reverse (L7354) G.V.F. £395
4 items. £395.00
F2589 Order for Service to the Solomon Islands, bronze neck F3059 National Order of Vietnam Grand Cross breast star, large
badge (n.r.) (L11432) N.E.F. £110 star, locally made silvered and gilt metal, (L13202) E.F.
£110.00 £425
F2590 Medal for Service to the Solomon Islands, bronze £425.00
(L7440) N.E.F. £55 F3060 National Order Knight superb quality in silver gilt (L9901)
£55.00 N.E.F. £145
F2591 Independence Medal (EIIR) 1978 scarce (L10318) E.F. £145.00
£125 F3061 National Order Knight US made (L6984) N.E.F. £30
£125.00 £30.00 £30.00
F2592 Disciplined Forces 10th Anniversary 1988 EIIR, scarce F3062 Gallantry Cross with gold star on ribbon (L6614) N.E.F.
(L15600) E.F. £65 £30
£65.00 £30.00
South Africa Republic F3063 Gallantry Cross with bronze star on ribbon (L7041) V.F.
7 items. £30
F2594 South West Africa Police Star for Distinguished Merit, gilt
scarce (L15133) N.E.F. £120 F3064 Gallantry Cross with palm on ribbon, local made
£120.00 (L11178) V.F. £55
F2595 South West Africa Police Star for Outsanding Service
1981-1989 scarce (L16448) N.E.F. £85 F3065 Gallantry Cross (L9904) G.V.F. £25
£85.00 £25.00
F2596 Defence Force Good Service medal 1975 silver F3066 Military merit medal State of Vietnam 1950 1st type, by
hallmarked (scalloped shape) officially numbered Drago Paris scarce (L17355) G.V.F. £165
(L3493) N.E.F. £45 £165.00
£45.00 £45.00 F3067 Military merit medal 2nd Republic local made (L6371)
F2598 Police Service medal silver named to Konst Nota (L3512) V.F. £65
G.V.F. £30 £65.00
£30.00 F3068 Technical Service medal US made (n.r.) (L6373) N.E.F.
F2624.1Armed Forces General Service medal numbered £25
(L18120) N.E.F. £25 £25.00
£25.00 F3069 Technical Service Medal, 2nd. class, local made, original
F2625.1Police Service medal silver named to Sergeant C. ribbon (L8911) V.F. £50
Hischotte (n.r.) (L18118) N.E.F. £35 £50.00
£35.00 F3070 Training Service medal local made (L6374) V.F. £55

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£55.00 F2433 Order of the Red Banner of Labour 6th type variation 1
with award book dated 1965 (L17400) N.E.F. £95
F3071 Armed Forces Honour medal 1st class gilt (L3891) V.F.
£25.00 £25.00 F2434 Order of the Red Banner of Labour 6th type (n.r.)
(L16974) N.E.F. £35
F3072 Armed Forces Honour Medal, 1st class, locally made
(L8913) G.V.F. £45
£45.00 F2435 Order of the Red Banner of Labour 6th type (n.r.) erased
(L16975) N.E.F. £20
F3073 Staff training Medal, 1st. class, local made, (L8912)
G.V.F. £50
£50.00 F2436 Order of the Red Banner of Labour 6th type variation 1
numbered (L17180) N.E.F. £55
F3074 People’s Self defence medal, local made (n.r.) (L8940)
V.F. £35
£35.00 F2437 Order of the Badge of Honour type 3 variation 1 flat back,
scarce type approx 1945, (L17306) N.E.F. £195
F3075 Dedicated Service Medal, locally made (n.r.) (L8915)
G.V.F. £55
£55.00 F2438 Order of the Badge of Honour type 4 variation 1 (L16970)
N.E.F. £30
F3076 Psychological Warfare Medal, 1st. class, local made
(L8904) V.F. £45
£45.00 F2439 Order of the Badge of Honour type 4 variation 1(n.r.)
(L17303) N.E.F. £30
F3077 Independence Order, 3rd. class, 1 star on ribbon (L8941)
V.F. £45
£45.00 F2440 Order of the Badge of Honour type 4 variation 2 (L16971)
N.E.F. £30
F3078 Vietnam War Star bar 1960- named to E.K.H.Cherrington
(L13858) V.F. £45
£45.00 F2441 Order of the Badge of Honour type 4 variation 2 (n.r.)
(L16972) N.E.F. £30
F3079 Wound Medal (L9940) G.V.F. £45
Soviet Russia F2442 Order of Motherhood 1st Class numbered, small chip to
suspension (L3374) G.V.F. £35
48 items. £35.00
F2421 Order of Mother Heroine Large red award book only , F2443 Order of Motherhood 1st Class numbered with
spine split certificate torn and repaired (L12490) N.V.F. suspension for 3rd class, with small chip (L14996) G.V.F.
£45 £20
£45.00 £45.00 £20.00
F2422 Order of the Patriotic War 3rd type 1st class screw F2444 Soviet Russia Order of Motherhood 2nd Class numbered
shortened (L17394) E.F. £30 (L16675) E.F. £45
£30.00 £45.00
F2423 Order of the Patriotic War 3rd type 2nd class screw F2445 Order of Motherhood, 3rd class numbered (L3376) V.F.
shortened (L17395) E.F. £25 £20
£25.00 £20.00
F2424 Order of the Patriotic War 3rd type 1st class (L17299) F2446 Medal for Motherhood 1st class (L3377) E.F. £20
E.F. £45 £20.00
F2447 Medal for Valour in battle silver numbered (L12354) V.F.
F2425 Order of the Patriotic War 3rd type 2nd class (L11823) £35
E.F. £25 £35.00
£25.00 £25.00
F2448 Medal for Valour in battle silver unnumbered (L3379)
F2426 Order of the Red Star type 2 (L16413) N.E.F. £45 V.F. £25
£45.00 £25.00
F2427 Order of the Red Star slt, chip to enamel (L16450) N.E.F. F2449 Medal for Meritorious Service in battle silver numbered
£35 (L16976) V.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
F2428 Order of Glory 3rd class numbered (L16674) V.F. £75 F2450 Medal for Meritorious Service in battle silver unnumbered
£75.00 £75.00 (L16977) V.F. £25
F2429 Order of Glory 3rd class numbered(n.r.) (L17301) V.F. £25.00
£65 F2451 Medal for Meritorious Service in battle silver erased
£65.00 (L16978) V.F. £20
F2430 Order of Labour Glory 3rd class 2nd type (L10676) £20.00
N.E.F. £110 F2452 Liberation of Warsaw (L16983) V.F. £35
£110.00 £35.00
F2431 Order of Distinction of Fame for Labour 1974 3rd class F2453 Defence of the Caucasus (L16676) V.F. £15
numbered (L15332) E.F. £55 £15.00 £15.00
F2454 Defence of Leningrad (L16899) N.E.F. £35
F2432 Order of Distinction of Fame for Labour 1974 3rd class £35.00
numbered (n.r.) (L17447) N.E.F. £45
£45.00 F2455 Capture of Budapest (L12456) V.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2456 Capture of Koenigburg corrosion spot on obverse £1,295.00

(L12534) V.F. £20
F2609 Order of Charles III Commander , silver gilt with gold
centre, in fitted embossed case of issue by Lemaitre
F2457 Victory over Germany with named and numbered award Paris, (A.XIII) slt chipping (L17083) G.V.F. £495
document (L15156) V.F. £45 £495.00
£45.00 £45.00
F2610 Order of Charles III Commander neck badge superb
F2458 Valiant Labour Medal (L16979) G.V.F. £18 quality in gold, suspension loop missing (n.r.) (L17091)
£18.00 N.E.F. £795
F2459 Distinguished Labour Medal (n.r.) (L16981) G.V.F. £15
£15.00 F2611 Order of Charles III Commander neck badge excellent
quality in silver gilt with full old neck ribbon (L15375)
F2460 Valiant Labour in the Great War 1941-45 (L16739)
N.E.F. £395
G.V.F. £30
£30.00 £30.00
F2613 Order of Charles III Officer gold superb quality a little
F2461 Liberation of Warsaw with named and numbered award
chipping (L17089) G.V.F. £395
certificate (L15152) V.F. £45
F2614 Order of Charles III Officer silver gilt superb quality
F2462 Group of 2 medals and 14 Russaian and Chinese
(L13744) E.F. £325
badges mounted on aboard, Victory over Germany , 40th
Anniversary of Victory , all badges plastic and one cloth ,
intersting grouping (L10148) G.V.F. £125 F2615 Order of St. Ferdinand knight with wreath very early
£125.00 quality in gilt with gold centre, reduced size 25mm x
20mm, some chipping (L14591) V.F. £95
F2463 Armed Forces 50 year anniversary 1968 (L3410) V.F.
£10.00 £10.00 F2616 Order of St. Ferdinand knight (no wreath ) excellent early
quality in gold obverse centre much chipping, small chips
F2464 Armed Forces 60 year anniversary 1978 (L3411) E.F.
to reverse centre (L14587) V.F. £225
£10.00 £10.00
F2617 Order of St. Ferdinand knight (no wreath ) excellent early
F2465 Armed Forces 70 year anniversary 1988 (L3412) E.F.
quality in gold obverse centre much chipping, small chips
to reverse centre (L17630) V.F. £225
£10.00 £10.00
F2466 Veterans of Labour medal 1974 silver (L3413) E.F. £10
F2618 Order of St. Ferdinand knight (no wreath ) good early
£10.00 £10.00
quality in gilt no chipping (L14589) G.V.F. £175
F2467 30th Anniversary W.W.2 (L3415) E.F. £10 £175.00
£10.00 £10.00
F2619 Order of St. Ferdinand knight (no wreath ) early quality in
F2468 Lenin Centenary 1970 civil (L3417) E.F. £12 gilt reduced size 28mm x 23mm, slt. chipping (L14590)
£12.00 £12.00 V.F. £95
Spain £95.00
150 items. F2620 Order of St. Ferdinand knight (no wreath ) bronze gilt,
early badge small sized 24mmx34mm (L10715) N.E.F.
F2601 Order of the Golden Fleece COLLAR with fleece badge £95
attached, superb quality and condition in silver gilt , 20th £95.00
Century (L17056) E.F. £1395
£1,395.00 F2621 Order of Isabella the Catholic Grand Cross breast star
and sash badge Kingdom, superb quality with full old
F2602 Order of the Golden Fleece neck badge with full sash in fitted embossed case of issue (L16411) E.F.
suspension, superb older quality and condition, all in £995
gold, with full neck ribbon, (L17222) N.E.F. £2995 £995.00
F2623 Order of Isabella the Catholic Grand Officer breast star
F2603 Order of the Golden Fleece neck badge with full Kingdom, superb quality (L17087) E.F. £395
suspension, superb older quality and condition, in silver £395.00
gilt (L17824) N.E.F. £1395
£1,395.00 F2624 Order of Isabella the Catholic Grand Officer breast star
Franco in fitted case of issue by Cejalvo and with original
F2605 Group of 6: Order of St. Hermenigildo Knight gold ( slt. certificate to Izzet Khourchid Lebanese Diplomat and
chipping) Medal King Alfonso XIII 1902, silver, Cuba Politician dated 1957, excellent quality, case a little
Campaign 1895-98 bronze with gilt crown and 2 bronze rubbed otherwise (L17233) E.F. £445
bars on ribbon ( ribbon frayed) , Centenary Battle of £445.00
Puente Sampayo 1909, Centenary Battle of Sarragossa
1908, Cedntenary Battle of Astorga 1910 ( ribbon frayed F2625 Order of Isabella the Catholic Commander neck badge
and detached ) mounted for wear on gilt buckle, scarce Kingdom, superb very heavy quality in silver gilt (L17086)
group (L14104) G.V.F. £695 E.F. £295
£695.00 £295.00

F2606 Order of Charles III Grand Cross breast star , superb F2626 Order of Isabella the Catholic Officer Kingdom, fine
quality and condition with gold centre (L17090) E.F. quality, silver gilt (L16718) E.F. £145
£1295 £145.00 £145.00
£1,295.00 F2627 Order of Isabella the Catholic Officer Kingdom, good
F2607 Order of Charles III Grand Cross breast star , superb quality, silver gilt (L16719) N.E.F. £135
quality and condition with gold centre, by Eduard £135.00
Quelhorst Munich (L17084) N.E.F. £1295

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2628 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, excellent £295.00

quality silver with gold centre and gold buckle, little
F2647 Order of Caballeros Hospitalarios of St. Jean Baptiste
chipping to wreath only, (L14022) N.E.F. £120
Officer scarce old order (L13250) G.V.F. £275
F2629 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, good
F2648 Red Cross Order Grand Cross breast star 2nd type
quality bronze gilt... (L14023) N.E.F. £85
1899-1931, blue central enamel scarce (L5189) N.E.F.
F2630 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, bronze £375.00
gilt, gilding worn, (L14024) V.F. £45
F2649 Red Cross Order Grand Cross breast star 2nd type
1899-1931, by Castells Barcelona, blue central enamel
F2631 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, bronze scarce central red cross chipped otherwise (L6347)
gilt, smaller size with ribbon buckle (L14025) G.V.F. £65 N.E.F. £325
£65.00 £325.00
F2632 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, bronze F2650 Red Cross Order medal 1st class (1926-1931) neck
gilt, small size good quality (L14026) N.E.F. £75 badge (L6349) N.E.F. £145
£75.00 £145.00
F2632.1Order of Charles III Grand Officer breast star, arms F2651 Red Cross Order medal 1st class (1931-1939) neck
chipped otherwise (L17993) G.V.F. £295 badge (with breast ribbon and rosette) (L14289) N.E.F.
£295.00 £145
F2633 Order of Isabella the Catholic Knight Kingdom, a little
chipping (L12369) G.V.F. £55 F2652 Red Cross Order medal 1st class (1939-1975) neck
£55.00 badge (L10891) N.E.F. £145
F2634 Order of Alfonso XII Grand Cross breast star most
superb quality and condition, scarce (L16662) E.F. £795 F2653 Red Cross Order medal 2nd class (1931-1939) unusual
£795.00 variety of a 1st class with wreath and without rays,
(L14291) N.E.F. £85
F2635 Order of Alfonso XII Commander neck badge superb
quality and condition,with full ribbon, scarce (L16680)
E.F. £495 F2654 Red Cross Order medal of Distinction of the Dames of
£495.00 £495.00 the Red Cross (L6352) N.E.F. £55
F2636 Order of Cisneros, Grand Officer breast star, excellent
quality with ornate pin (L16684) E.F. £225 F2655 Order of Merit of the Civil Guard breast star, excellent
£225.00 £225.00 quality with enamelled plaque on reverse (L3553) E.F.
F2637 Order of Cisneros, breast badge silver gilt , some
chipping (L16636) V.F. £75
£75.00 F2656 Military Merit Order Grand Cross breast star white
enamel, Kingdom period, excellent quality silver, with all
F2638 Order of Cisneros, Merit medal gilt with original diploma
gold front, by Medina 2 arms chipped away otherwise
to Sr. D. Antonio Pergrina dated 1966 scarce (L12041)
(L16635) N.E.F. £195
G.V.F. £85
F2657 Military Merit Order Grand Cross sash badge white
F2639 Order of Charity Grand Cross breast star, 1stype, all gold
enamel, Franco period in gold with full original sash
front, 2 repairs to arms of star on back not visible from
(L17128) E.F. £395
the front, and some chipping, very rare (L15131) V.F.
£495.00 F2658 Military Merit Order 2nd class breast star white enamel,
Kingdom period, good quality (L11503) E.F. £145
F2640 Order of Charity Commander neck badge, 2nd type
scarce, (L17551) G.V.F. £295
£295.00 F2659 Military Merit Order 2nd class breast star white enamel,
Franco period, excellent quality silver star with ornate
F2641 Order of Charity Commander neck badge, 1st type
pin, (L10273) E.F. £195
obverse legend chipped, rare (n.r.) (L13946) G.V.F. £395
F2660 Military Merit Order 3rd class breast star white enamel,
F2642 Order of Charity Knight, 2nd type scarce (L3551) N.E.F.
Franco period, (smallest star) excellent quality silver star
with ornate pin, (L12229) E.F. £125
F2643 Order of Civil Merit Kingdom Knight, excellent
F2661 Military Merit Order breast badge Kingdom issue, white
quality ............................... (L16938) E.F. £125
enamel, excellent quality in gold (L17137) E.F. £395
F2644 Order of the Yoke and Arrows, Grand Cross breast star
F2662 Military Merit Order breast badge Kingdom issue, red
superb quality silver gilt with ornate pin (L16637) E.F.
enamel with white bars, excellent quality in gold, 2 slt
chips (L17134) N.E.F. £395
£295.00 £295.00
F2645 Order of the Yoke and Arrows, Commander neck badge
F2663 Military Merit Order breast badge Kingdom issue,
superb quality silver gilt with full ribbon (L16638) E.F.
white enamel, excellent quality in silver , in fitted case
embossed Alfonso XIII by Medina, with original award
£225.00 £225.00
certificate to Francis Sandry 1906, rare (L15104) N.E.F.
F2646 Order of the Yoke and Arrows, Commander neck badge £195
superb quality silver gilt with onyx arms and full ribbon £195.00
(L17076) E.F. £295

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2664 Military Merit Order breast badge Kingdom uniface silver F2686 Military Order of Montesa breast badge 2nd type
cross hollow, reduced size (L14539) V.F. £28 ( circular) silver gilt and enamels, scarce (L17455) N.E.F.
£28.00 £95
F2665 Naval Merit Order Grand Cross breast star white enamel,
(L9011) N.E.F. £345 F2688 Scientia Mundi Luz breast star (L10783) G.V.F. £125
£345.00 £125.00
F2666 Naval Merit Order Grand Cross breast star Kingdom, F2689 War Cross 1937 (L10846) N.E.F. £95
white enamel, plaque engraved 7 Octobre 1870 (L13874) £95.00
N.E.F. £395
F2690 Medal of Benemerito a la Patria Isabel II gilt and enamel
cross (L14542) E.F. £120
F2667 Naval Merit Order Grand Cross sash badge Kingdom, £120.00
red enamel, with superb full old silk sash, (L13879)
F2691 Medal of Benemerito a la Patria Isabel II silver gilt and
N.E.F. £275
enamel cross 2 arns and one centre chipped, (n.r.)
(L14547) V.F. £75
F2668 Naval Merit Order Grand Cross breast star Kingdom, £75.00
white enamel, hallmarked silver, plaque engraved 29
F2693 Medal of Benemerito a la Patria Isabel II gilt cross
Xbre. 1880 Serv. Spec. (L14037) G.V.F. £395
suspension missing (L14544) V.F. £25
F2669 Order of Naval Merit Knight kingdom white enamel
F2694 Africa Service Medal 1860 (L4978) N.E.F. £75
excellent older quality silver (n.r.) (L16642) N.E.F. £95
£95.00 £95.00
F2695 Africa Service Medal 1860 (L3579) V.F. £55
F2670 Order of Naval Merit Knight kingdom white enamel
modern isssue (L15239) N.E.F. £35
£35.00 F2696 Africa Service Medal 1860 repair to crown (n.r.) (L13240)
V.F. £35
F2671 Order of St.Hermengildo Grand Cross breast star,
superb quality star in silver and silver gilt with gold
centre, by F.H. y A.F Cedaceros 9 Madrid (L16682) F2697 Cuba Campaign 1873, bar 1869 with ribbon buckl
N.E.F. £495 (L14495) G.V.F. £195
£495.00 £195.00
F2672 Order of St.Hermengildo Grand Officer breast star, F2698 Cuba Campaign 1873, bar 1869 reduced size (L14496)
modern issue with ornate pin gilt metal (L17743) E.F. G.V.F. £175
£85 £175.00
£85.00 F2699 Cuba Campaign 1873, bar 1875 (L14498) G.V.F. £195
F2673 Order of St.Hermengildo Commander , modern issue £195.00
with full ribbon metal gilt (L17744) E.F. £55 F2700 Cuba Campaign 1873, with buckle some verdigris
£55.00 (L14499) V.F. £120
F2674 Order of St.Hermengildo Knight , modern issue with £120.00
ribbbon buckle metal gilt (L17745) E.F. £35 F2701 Cuba Campaign 1873, (n.r.) (L14500) G.V.F. £145
£35.00 £145.00
F2675 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge old Kingdom F2702 Cuba Campaign 1873, no crown (L14501) V.F. £98
issue, superb early quality in gold (n.r.) (L14695) E.F. £98.00
£375.00 F2703 Cuban Volunteers medal 1871, silver (n.r.) (L14295)
G.V.F. £495
F2676 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge old Kingdom £495.00
issue, superb early quality in gold (n.r.) (L14696) E.F.
£395 F2704 Cuban Volunteers medal 1871, type with no crown,
£395.00 (manufactured as such) silver, incorrect ribbon, (L14296)
G.V.F. £345
F2677 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge old Kingdom £345.00
issue, in gold (L16655) G.V.F. £295
£295.00 £295.00 F2705 Cuban Volunteers medal 1871, silver, small size (n.r.)
(L14298) N.E.F. £325
F2678 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge Kingdom issue £325.00
(n.r.) (L12224) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 F2706 Defence of Carraca medal 1873 bronze, with original
ribbon, very rare (L14278) N.E.F. £445
F2679 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge Kingdom issue £445.00
single sided modern (L12368) E.F. £25
£25.00 F2707 Cuban Volunteers medal 1882 bar 10 years service,
silver, rare (L14282) G.V.F. £295
F2680 Order of St.Hermengildo breast badge Franco issue (n.r.) £295.00
(L12225) N.E.F. £55
£55.00 F2708 Cuban Volunteers medal 1882 silver (L14284) G.V.F.
F2682 Order of Mehdauia 2nd class breast star, good quality, £195.00
gilt star (L4992) N.E.F. £195
£195.00 F2709 Cuban Volunteers medal 1882 silver (L14285) G.V.F.
F2683 Order of the Red Cross Grand Cross breast star £195.00
Republic issue without crown, excellent quality , rare
(L14666) N.E.F. £495 F2710 Cuban Volunteers medal 1882 silvered (L14286) G.V.F.
£495.00 £165

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2711 Phillipines medal 1896-1898 by Medina with old piece of F2728 Medal for Morrocco 1916 bronze (L14299) G.V.F. £40
ribbon, (L10216) G.V.F. £145 £40.00
F2729 Morrocco Peace medal 1909-1927 silver with silver star
F2711 Order of Agricultural Merit Medal of Merit bronze scarce on ribbon, (L17362) G.V.F. £55
(L18166) N.E.F. £98 £55.00
F2730 Morrocco Peace medal 1909-1927 silvered with silver
F2712 Phillipines medal 1896-1898 (n.r.) (L3580) E.F. £120 star on ribbon, (L17363) G.V.F. £50
£120.00 £50.00
F2713 Cuba Campaign 1895-1898, with gilt crown (L13935) F2731 Morrocco Peace medal 1909-1927 bronze with silver star
N.E.F. £145 on ribbon, (L17364) G.V.F. £45
£145.00 £45.00
F2714 Alfonso XIII Coronation 1902 silver (L4969) E.F. £35 F2733 Centenary of the Battle of Cuidad Rodrigo 1910, very
£35.00 scarce (L13928) G.V.F. £145
F2715 Homage to the Royal Family medal 1925 bronze
(L10169) G.V.F. £35 F2734 Centenary Defence of Penta Sampayo 1809-1909 silver
£35.00 (L10696) N.E.F. £48
F2715.1Order of the Republic 1932 Medal of Merit silver , rare
short lived order, excellent quality (L18174) E.F. £395 F2735 Centenary City of Gerona 1809-1909 silver (L10697)
£395.00 N.E.F. £55
F2716 Civil War Red Cross Decoration 1936-1939, (L9917)
G.V.F. £175 F2736 Centenary Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz 1912 silver
£175.00 (L10695) N.E.F. £65
F2716.1Order of our Lady of Mercedes Grand Cross sash badge
superb quality silver gilt , 2 small chips below crown F2737 Centenary Defence of Zaragoza 1808-1908 2nd class
otherwise (no sash) (L17874) N.E.F. £195 silver (L10699) N.E.F. £40
£195.00 £40.00
F2717 Civil War Spanish Campaign Cross Italian issue F2738 Civil War Campaign Medal 17th July 1936 (L13936)
(L10598) G.V.F. £55 N.E.F. £35
£55.00 £35.00
F2717.9Decoration of Merit El Seguro 14th May 1908, superb F2739 Civil War Victory (L13937) N.E.F. £35
quality breast badge with palmes on ribbon (L18165) £35.00 £35.00
N.E.F. £95
F2740 Civil War Victory medal Italy issue (1940) (n.r.) (L14300)
G.V.F. £55
F2718 Red Cross medal for the Fiesta of the flag bronze and £55.00
enamel with original diplama for the medal dated 1950 to
F2742 Prisoner of War medal reduced size 1st type, 24mm
Sta. Poyar, (L12040) G.V.F. £65
Officers enamelled gilt, (L12941) N.E.F. £45
F2719 Red Cross nurses badge pin back gilt and enamel
F2743 Wound Medal gilt with red cross on ribbon (L4986)
(L10889) N.E.F. £30
N.E.F. £35
F2720 Africa Medal 1912 (L15381) G.V.F. £55
F2744 Wound Medal gilt (L4863) N.E.F. £45
F2721 Medal for Morrocco 1916 silver bar Tetuan, for Officers
F2745 Wound Medal silver as awarded to German Volunteers
(L3588) G.V.F. £55
(L12362) G.V.F. £65
F2721.1Medal of Benemerito a la Patria Isabel II gilt and enamel
F2746 Military Nurses Merit medal with bar Constancia and top
cross with ribbon buckle (L17873) G.V.F. £95
bar Franco , with original certificate for the bar dated
1929, scarce (L7420) N.E.F. £95
F2722 Medal for Morrocco 1916 silver with enamelled silver bar £95.00
Tetuan, for Officers (L13929) G.V.F. £85
F2747 Villa of Madrid Civic merit decoration 1917 , a superb
quality very attractive decoration in silver gilt and
F2723 Medal for Morrocco 1916 silver bar Melilla (L13930) enamels, (n.r.) (L6521) E.F. £175
G.V.F. £85 £175.00
F2748 Spanish Decoration for the Blue Division in Russia 1941
F2724 Medal for Morrocco 1916 silver bar Marruecos (L8787) in official carton of issue by Diez y Compania Madrid
N.E.F. £85 cartons a little creased otherwise (L16723) E.F. £125
£85.00 £125.00
F2725 Medal for Morrocco 1916 bronze bar Tetuan (L13931) F2749 Spanish Decoration for the Blue Division in Russia 1941
G.V.F. £55 (L16721) N.E.F. ££95.00
£55.00 £95.00
F2726 Medal for Morrocco 1916 bronze bar Melilla (L14819) F2750 Spanish Volunters Medal for the Blue Division in Russia
G.V.F. £55 1941, Spanish issue in bronze (L16732) G.V.F. £145
£55.00 £145.00
F2727 Medal for Morrocco 1916 bronze 2 bars Cueta , Melilla F2751 Blue Division medal for the Families of the Dead and
(L13932) G.V.F. £75 Prisoners of the Russians issued 1954, bar Rusia-1941,
£75.00 gilt and enamel, rare (L12887) N.E.F. £195

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£195.00 £295.00
F2752 Falange Old Guard medal 20th anniversary 1933-1953, F2770 Order of the Golden Star Golden merit medal (silver gilt )
(L11433) N.E.F. £55 scarce (L3618) E.F. £95
£55.00 £95.00
F2761.1Morrocco Peace medal 1909-1927 silver (L18164) E.F. Sweden
£30 48 items.
F2771 Order of the Sword Grand Cross sash badge and
F2769.1National Crusade medal 1936-39 Diputation de Vizcaya breast star , sash badge in gold, superb quality and
with buckle (L18073) G.V.F. £85 condition, with full sash in fitted embossed case of issue
£85.00 by Carlman, flaking and very small chip to enamel of
M323 Order of St.Hermengildo Knight , modern issue with center of star in one quarter, otherwise (L17143) E.F.
ribbbon buckle metal gilt (L17746) E.F. £20 £2950
£20.00 £2,950.00
Sphinx Military Organisation F2773 Order of the Sword Grand Cross sash badge, no sash,
4 items. gold...................... (L16908) N.E.F. £1295
F2753 Interallied Distinguished Service Cross gilt and enamel
F2774 Order of the Sword Grand Officer breast star with smooth
(L3604) G.V.F. £35
arms (L17195) E.F. £695
F2754 Sphinx Cross 1938-1970 bronze (L3605) G.V.F. £25
F2775 Order of the Sword Commander neck badge in gold,
superb quality full old ribbon, slt hairlines to 2 arms
F2755 Medal Sphinx 1938-45 1970 General Strzelczyk bronze otherwise (L13328) N.E.F. £1195
(L3607) G.V.F. £30 £1,195.00
F2776 Order of the Sword Commander neck badge in gold,
F2756 Developement of Human Realations Honorary Member excellent older quality some hairlines on white enamel on
medal (L3609) G.V.F. £25 arms (L17130) G.V.F. £1095
£25.00 £25.00 £1,095.00
Sudan F2777 Order of the Sword Officer in gold superb quality and
11 items. condition in fitted case by Carlmann (L17107) E.F. £595
F2758 Order of Civil Accomplishment , very large very
impressive, superb quality decoration in embossed case F2778 Order of the Sword Officer in gold in fitted case by
of issue by Spink (L9543) E.F. £145 Carlmann (L17125) N.E.F. £545
£145.00 £545.00

F2759 Order of Regional Government 2nd class large type for F2779 Order of the Sword Officer in gold (L17135) N.E.F. £495
Organisations and Corporations, (n.r.) (L9560) E.F. £120 £495.00
£120.00 F2780 Order of the Sword patriotic society sash badge
F2760 Army Distinguished Service Order superb quality marked attractive in silver gilt 140mm x 30mm (L16500) N.E.F.
silver in embossed card case of issue (L9545) E.F. £55 £95
£55.00 £95.00

F2761 Long and Distinguished Service medal marked silver F2781 Order of the Sword silver Merit Cross with enamelled
(n.r.) (L9562) E.F. £55 centre (L10854) N.E.F. £195
£55.00 £195.00

F2762 Medal of Merit 1st class silver gilt (L9564) E.F. £75 F2782 Order of the North Star Commander breast star in fitted
£75.00 embossed case of issue by Carlmann with original
certificate of issue to Lebanese Diplomat and Politician
F2763 Medal of Merit 3rd class bronze (L13898) E.F. £55 Izzet Khourchid dated 1957 (L17228) N.E.F. £395
£55.00 £395.00
F2764 Duty medal 2nd type 1969 1st class silver gilt (n.r.) F2783 Order of the North Star Knight in gold, in fitted case of
(L13899) E.F. £55 issue by Carlman (L13808) E.F. £375
£55.00 £55.00 £375.00
F2765 Duty medal 2nd type 1969 2nd class silver (L13900) E.F. F2784 Order of the North Star Knight in gold (L9735) E.F. £345
£48 £345.00
F2785 Order of Vasa Grand Officer breast star, superb quality
F2766 Army Distinguished Service Medal superb quality silver (L17131) E.F. £450
in embossed card case of issue (L9546) E.F. £35 £450.00
F2786 Order of Vasa Commander silver gilt, excellent quality
F2767 Police Distinguished Service Medal superb quality silver and condition (L13167) E.F. £365
in embossed card case of issue (L9547) E.F. £35 £365.00
F2787 Order of Vasa Knights badge in gold awarded to James
F2768 Medal for Political Merit silver gilt and enamel, scarce Baggs Mayor of Portsmouth with several certificates
(L6369) E.F. £75 in English and Swedish, Buckinham Palace letter and
£75.00 permission to wear, all dated 1910, with photograph in
Surinam wearing awards, excellent fine quality, with floreated gold
top bar on ribbon, (L11872) E.F. £425
2 items.
F2769 Order of the Golden Palm Commander neck badge with
full ribbon, very scarce (L3616) E.F. £295

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2788 Order of Vasa Knights badge in gold excellent fine F2808 Royal Medal for Zeal and Honour Gustav V silver
quality, with bow ribbon, in case of issue by Carlman embossed naming to F.O. Reparatoren J.. Oberg
(L17127) E.F. £395 (L12541) N.E.F. £75
£395.00 £75.00
F2789 Order of Vasa Knights badge in gold excellent fine F2809 Gustav V Olympic Medal 1912 silver scarce (L3647) E.F.
quality, in case of issue by Carlman (L17126) E.F. £395 £345
£395.00 £345.00
F2790 Order of Vasa Knights badge in gold superb quality (n.r) F2810 Gustav V Swedish National Orchestra merit medal silver
(L17132) E.F. £345 gilt scarce (L12161) N.E.F. £45
£345.00 £45.00
F2791 Order of Vasa Knights badge in silver gilt (L9916) N.E.F. F2811 Red Cross merit badge pin back silver gilt and enamel,
£165 scarce, (L10750) N.E.F. £195
£165.00 £195.00
F2792 Order of Vasa gold merit medal with crown large sized F2812 Red Cross merit Decoration silver (L3649) E.F. £75
in real gold, in old fitted case of issue superb quality and £75.00
condition, edge marked MJV Guld 1950 in fitted case by
F2813 Gustav V Swedish militia merit medal silver (L12220)
Carlman (L11867) E.F. £395
N.E.F. £45
F2793 Order of Vasa gold merit medal with crown small sized
F2814 Stockholm Home Guard medal silver named (L12221)
in real gold, in old fitted case of issue superb quality and
N.E.F. £30
condition (L15266) E.F. £325
F2815 Gustav VI Swedish Athletics Association medal
F2794 Order of Vasa silver merit medal with crown (L15144)
1903-153 named to S.Persson (L3655) E.F. £45
E.F. £75
£45.00 £45.00
F2816 Olympic Horseriders medal gilt (L4761) N.E.F. £30
F2795 Order of Vasa silver merit medal with crown in fitted case
£30.00 £30.00
of issue (L10777) E.F. £85
£85.00 F2817 Patriotic Society neck order large oval badge with
Crowned S silver gilt on wide old silk ribbon, (L16501)
F2796 Order of Vasa silver merit medal with crown large size in
N.E.F. £55
fitted case of issue (L11655) E.F. £125
F2818 Patriotic Society neck order large badge with Magnus I
F2797 Order of Amaranth neck badge in gilt on old silk full neck
E.V.O.E 1279 gilt, on watered ribbon (L16502) E.F. £45
ribbon (L16631) N.E.F. £95
F2832.1Royal Medal for Laudable Actions (Lifesaving) Oscar
F2798 Order of Amaranth breast badge in gilt (L16632) N.E.F.
II gold, embossed to Underljtnanten vid K.Flottan
N.M.Cleve, very rare (L17930) G.V.F. £795
F2799 Gustav V 80th Birthday decoration, pin back badge, Switzerland
silver gilt (L3635) E.F. £95
£95.00 £95.00 3 items.
F2800 Gustav V 90th Birthday breast badge, silver gilt in F2819 Soldiers medal 1918 silver (n.r.) (L3660) G.V.F. £35
embosed card case of isue (L3636) E.F. £110 £35.00 £35.00
£110.00 F2820 Soldiers medal 1918, bronze (n.r.) (L3661) G.V.F. £25
F2800.1Order of the Sword Grand Cross sash badge and £25.00
breast star , sash badge in gold, superb quality and F2821 Confederation of Switzerland Centenary medal 1948
condition, with full sash in fitted embossed case of issue (L6197) V.F. £45
by Carlman, (L18341) E.F. £3500 £45.00
F2801 Gustav V 90th Birthday breast badge, silver gilt (L3637)
E.F. £95 14 items.
£95.00 £95.00 F2822 Order of Civil Merit Officer , excellent quality by
F2802 Royal Household medal Oscar II in gold named to Karl Bertrand , silver gilt and enamel (L3663) E.F. £75
Bernhard 1899 bow ribbon detached (L12096) G.V.F. £75.00 £75.00
£275 F2823 Order of Civil Merit Officer with palmes suspender ,
£275.00 excellent quality silver and enamel by Bertrand Paris
F2803 Royal Household medal Gustav V unnamed (L3641) V.F. (L3664) E.F. £65
£45 £65.00
£45.00 £45.00 F2824 Order of Civil Merit knight silver and enamels, chipped
F2804 Royal Household medal Gustav V small type (24mm) (L12049) G.V.F. £30
silver gilt (L3642) E.F. £45 £30.00
£45.00 £45.00 F2825 Order of Civil Merit knight bronze and enamels, (L3665)
F2806 Royal Medal for Zeal and Honour Gustav V silver to Bror E.F. £45
Ansgarius Flack in fitted case of issue (L12157) E.F. £75 £45.00
£75.00 £75.00 F2826 Order of Bravery 1st class (L11068) E.F. £55
F2807 Royal Medal for Zeal and Honour Gustav V silver to Nils £55.00
Axel Chave (L10334) E.F. £65 F2827 Order of Bravery 2nd class (no star on ribbon) (L11069)
£65.00 E.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£35.00 Trinidad and Tobago

F2828 Order of Bravery 3rd class (L11070) E.F. £30 1 items.
£30.00 F2848 Red Cross Society Service Medal, silver , rare (L10600)
F2829 Order of Military merit 5th class (L11071) E.F. £45 N.E.F. £295
£45.00 £295.00
F2830 Palestine campaign medal 1948-1951 (L12019) N.E.F. Tunisia
£45 7 items.
F2849 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Commanders neck badge
F2831 8th of March medal 1961 ( Army Coup) (L3672) N.E.F. Mohammed El Naceur 1906-1922 heavy quality silver,
£30 (n.r.) 3 chips to enamel on arms otherwise (L11516)
£30.00 £30.00 G.V.F. £110
F2832 Long and Exemplary Service medal 15 years (L3673) £110.00
N.E.F. £25 F2851 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Officer Ali Bey superb quality
£25.00 French made (L13266) E.F. £98
F2833 Syrian Arab Army medal 1962 (L11073) N.E.F. £25 £98.00
£25.00 F2852 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Officer Ali Bey (L16685) N.E.F.
F2834 Order of the Palestine Campaign 1948-19512 (L11074) £85
N.E.F. £65 £85.00 £85.00
£65.00 F2853 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Officer El Habib 1922-29
F2835 1973 Israel war medal (n.r.) (L3669) N.E.F. £30 (L13819) N.E.F. £75
£30.00 £75.00
Tanzania F2854 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Officer El Hadi 1902-26 (L13820)
5 items. N.E.F. £85
F2836 Nishani Ya Jamhuri Republic Service Decoration, silver
F2855 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Knight Sidi Ahmed 1929-42
gilt and enamel, (n.r.) (L12083) N.E.F. £45
(L13821) N.E.F. £75
F2837 Nishani Ya Mapindouzi medal 12.1.1964 Tangynika
F2878.1Order of Nichan Iftikhar Commanders neck badge Ali
Union with Zanzibar formation of Tanzania (n.r.) scarce
Bey (L18024) N.E.F. £125
(L12106) N.E.F. £65
F2838 Nishani Ya Utumishi Mrefu medal gilt and enamel in
Spinks case of issue (L3677) E.F. £45 32 items.
£45.00 F2856 Order of the Mejidie breast star, 1st type reduced size
F2839 Nishani Ya Vita medal 1978/79, in box of issue (L3678) 70 mm circa 1855 Crimea period , superb quality with all
E.F. £25 gold centres reverse of star with pin and leather backed
£25.00 £25.00 chip to legend otherwise (L6604) N.E.F. £695
F2840 Army L.S.G.C medal (L11837) E.F. £35
£35.00 F2857 Order of the Mejidie Grand Cross breast star, 1st type
circa 1855 Crimea period , superb quality and condition
with all gold centre, reverse with pin and 2 hooks, rare
3 items. (L15167) N.E.F. £2750
F2841 Order of Civil Merit Officer (L17332) E.F. £125 £2,750.00
£125.00 F2858 Order of the Mejidie Commanders neck badge, Crimea
F2842 Order of Civil Merit Knight (L17331) N.E.F. £110 period with convex back, most superb quality and
£110.00 condition possibly European made, all gold centre and
gold loop, full neck ribbon (L17129) N.E.F. £995
F2843 Military Merit Cross, excellent quality (L16956) N.E.F. £995.00
£45.00 F2859 Order of the Mejidie Commanders neck badge, Crimea
period with convex back, excellent quality and condition
Togo Republic all gold centre and gold crescent and star (L17140)
2 items. N.E.F. £995
F2844 Order of Mono Commander neck badge, with full neck
ribbon, rare (L3682) N.E.F. £145 F2860 Order of the Mejidie Commanders neck badge, Crimea
£145.00 period with convex back, superb quality with all gold
centre and gold crescent and star , by Hunt and Roskell,
F2845 Order of Mono Knight (L9763) N.E.F. £85
small chip to tip of crescent and 2 slt. chips to centre,
rare (L17255) N.E.F. £895
Tonga £895.00
2 items. F2861 Order of the Mejidie Commanders neck badge, Crimea
F2846 Order of King George Topou I (1845-1893) Grand Cross period with convex back, gold outer centre very attractive
breast star, superb quality and condition a very rare smaller type neck badge (n.r.) (L11815) N.E.F. £395
order (L10279) E.F. £3750 £395.00
£3,750.00 F2863 Order of the Mejidie Commander neck badge with
F2847 Tupou IV Coronation Jubilee1967-1992 table medal gilt all gold centre, good quality with Arabic markings n.r
(L11850) E.F. £55 (L17139) N.E.F. £495
£55.00 £495.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2864 Order of the Mejidie Commander neck badge with all £95.00
gold centre, good quality with Arabic markings (n.r.)
F2886 War with Greece 1897 medal silver no supension
(L17673) G.V.F. £425
(L15500) V.F. £95
£95.00 £95.00
F2865 Order of the Mejidie Commander neck badge with all
F2888 Unofficial Patriotic medal crossed flags and Toughra
silver gilt centre, very unusual European manufacture
(n.r.) (L12468) V.F. £45
possibly German or Russian, slt chip to centre enamel
(L17138) N.E.F. £595
£595.00 F2891 Order of the Mejidie Commander neck badge with
SCIMITARS, with all gold centre, good quality with
F2866 Order of the Mejidie 4th class Officer badge, Crimea
Arabic markings, slt chips. (L17276) N.E.F. £995
period with convex back, excellent quality with all gold
centre and gold crescent and star (L17133) N.E.F. £495
£495.00 F2903 Hamidian Coat of Arms in gold 45mm x 50mm, superb
quality 1880 period, fittings removed from back, (L13376)
F2867 Order of the Mejidie Officer 4th class breast badge
N.E.F. £395
Crimea period with convex back, with gold crescent and
star and all gold centre, small chip to crescent otherwise
(L17115) N.E.F. £495 F2913.1Lyakat medal silver superb quality and condition
£495.00 (L18344) E.F. £195
F2868 Order of the Mejidie Officer 4th class breast badge 1860
period superb quality European made, with gold crescent U.S.A.
and star and all gold centre, (L17587) E.F. £395 1 items.
F2922 Purple Heart 2nd war in older type WW2 case of issue
F2870 Order of the Mejidie Officer 5th class breast badge with ribbon bar and enamelled lapel brooch (L17431)
Crimea period with convex back, with gold crescent and N.E.F. £55
star and all gold outer centre, (L17554) N.E.F. £325 £55.00
F2871 Order of Osmanieh neck Badge superb quality and
condition (n.r.) (L17601) N.E.F. £595 4 items.
£595.00 F2890 Police Distinguished Service Medal silver (L11028)
F2872 Order of Osmanieh 3rd class Breast Badge superb N.E.F. £125
quality and condition (L12874) N.E.F. £495 £125.00
£495.00 F2891 Police and Fire Brigade Long Service ( Idi Amin) gilt (n.r.)
F2873 Order of Osmanieh Breast Badge with rosette on ribbon, (L11493) G.V.F. £135
some chipping to arms (L17112) V.F. £295 £135.00
£295.00 F2892 Kagera River Medal silver by Spink (L11427) N.E.F. £95
F2874 Order of Osmanieh Breast Badge, a little chipping to £95.00
arms (L17117) V.F. £295 F2914.9Military Cross ( Idi Amin) silver by Spink (L18265) N.E.F.
£295.00 £175
F2876 Gallipoli Star Austrian manufacture, silvered,with star £175.00
hallmark on pin, rare (L17119) N.E.F. £345 United Arab Emirates
5 items.
F2877 Gallipoli Star other ranks painted front, with original
F2893 Order of Acheivement , this medal was authorised and
ribbon (L17568) G.V.F. £195
approx 300 made by Spink but none were issued, rare
gilt and enamel, (L13020) E.F. £195
F2878 Gallipoli Star B.B.& Co., with original piece of ribbon as £195.00
worn (L18286) N.E.F. £195
F2894 15 Year medal (L10321) E.F. £20
F2879 Gallipoli Star German manufacture, silvered (L16440)
F2895 Gulf War medal (L3704) E.F. £20
E.F. £275
F2896 Military Duty Star 1st class gilt (L16677) E.F. £25
F2880 General Service medal for Silistra 1854 and Giurgevo
£25.00 £25.00
1854 silver as awarded to British troops, edge knock
(L17599) V.F. £395 F2897 Military Duty Star 2nd class silver (L3706) E.F. £25
£395.00 £25.00
F2881 General Service medal for Silistra 1854 and Giurgevo United Nations
1854 silver as awarded to British troops, with fancy silver 8 items.
suspender, rare (L17600) V.F. £445
£445.00 F2898 U.N. Korea, French issue (L7485) N.E.F. £45
F2882 Karadag (Montenegro) medal 1861, rare (n.r) (L17463)
G.V.F. £375 F2899 U.N.Korea, Greek issue. (L7486) E.F £25
£375.00 £25.00

F2883 Karadag (Montenegro) medal 1861, with wire suspension F2902 U.N. Korea, Ethiopian issue soiled original ribbon,
and original ribbon, rare (L17464) V.F. £395 (L9864) V.F. £275
£395.00 £275.00

F2884 Crete 1868 medal (L13159) G.V.F. £325 F2903 U.N. Korea, Thai Language issue. (L9924) G.V.F. £295
£325.00 £295.00

F2885 War with Greece 1897 medal silver (L6672) V.F. £95

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F2904 U.N. Korea, Thai Language issue. in original card case of £25.00
issue (L11174) G.V.F. £295
F3038 Defence Force L.S.G.C. medal 30 years gilt (L9108) E.F.
F2905 U.N. Korea, Turkish Language issue rare (L9925) N.E.F. £35.00
F3039 Defence Force Soldiers medal bronze (L3871) E.F. £25
F2906 U.N. Korea, Dutch language issue (L9419) V.F. £245
F3040 National Force L.S.G.C. medal 10 years bronze (L3872)
E.F. £20
F2926.1U.N.Korea, Greek issue. in box of issue (L18181) E.F £20.00
F3041 National Force medal for combatting terrorism bronze
(L3873) E.F. £25
Upper Volta £25.00
1 items. Venezuela
F2907 Order of Merit, 1959, Commander with full neck ribbon 2 items.
scarce (L5864) N.E.F. £95
F3042 Order of General Raphael Urdaneta , bronze merit cross
awarded for 10 years service to the army (L3886) G.V.F.
Uruguay £25
1 items. £25.00

F2908 Yatay medal 1865 (n.r.) bronze (L3711) G.V.F. £55 F3043 Order of General Raphael Urdaneta , silver merit cross
£55.00 (silvered ) awarded for 15 years service to the army
(L3887) N.E.F. £30
Vatican £30.00
11 items. Yemen
F3021 Order of Pius IX Officer in gold slt. chipping (L10843) 4 items.
G.V.F. £245
£245.00 F3082 25th Anniversary of 1962 coup medal with ribbon bar in
plastic case of issue (L3894) E.F. £18
F3022 Order of St. Sylvester and the Golden Spur, Commander £18.00
neck badge, superb quality in gold old repair to reverse
centre and 2 small harlines to reverse white otherwise F3083 Armed Forces 20th Anniversary medal (L3896) E.F. £18
very rare and (L13804) N.E.F. £995 £18.00
£995.00 F3096.9Order of Mareb 1962-1970 3rd class in silver by Bichay
F3023 Order of St. Gregory Officer early 1st type in gold circa small chip to centre rare (L17998) G.V.F. £295
1850, superb quality with original large rosette ribbon, slt. £295.00
chip to reverse centre (L13544) N.E.F. £395 F3096.99
Decoration of Bravery silver medal (1962-1970),
£395.00 hallmarked silver by Bichay Cairo (n.r.) scarce (L18045)
F3024 Order of St. Gregory Knight early 1st type in gold, superb N.E.F. £75
quality in fitted case of issue by Le maitre Paris, 2 small £75.00
chips to wreath otherwise (L13720) N.E.F. £345 Yugoslavia Kingdom
£345.00 3 items.
F3025 Order of St. Gregory Knight excellent quality silver gilt,
F3084 Albanian Campaign, Retreat to Albania 1915, with
(L15234) N.E.F. £95
original award booklet, with all service details, cover
embossed and contains photo of recipient and photo of
F3027 Bars for Castelfiardo Decoration in silver, Ancona, King Alexander in uniform, very rare (L17533) G.V.F.
Monte-Bellaco, Ancona, Castelfidardo, rare, EACH £175
(L8493) G.V.F. £145 £175.00
F3085 Sharpshooters medal 1927 silvered bronze (n.r) (L3910)
F3028 Cross of Mentana nickel issue (L14099) V.F. £150 V.F. £15
£150.00 £15.00 £15.00
F3029 Cross of Mentana nickel issue (L13991) N.E.F. £165 F3086 Sharpshooters medal 1927 bronze (L3911) V.F. £15
£165.00 £15.00 £15.00
F3030 Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross Leo XIII (1878-1903 ) Zanzibar
excellent quality in embossed case of isssue (L14768) 6 items.
E.F. £75
£75.00 F3097 Order of El Alijeh Commander neck badge, excellent
quality in silver gilt( n.r.) very rare (L17114) N.E.F. £995
F3032 Leo XIII ( 1878-1903 )memorial medal bronze (L3854) £995.00
V.F. £30
£30.00 F3098 Order of the Brilliant Star Grand Cross breast star and
sash badge Sultan Hamad 1893-1896, 2nd type with
F3033 Pius XI memorial medal 1933 (n.r.) (L11880) N.E.F. £45 portrait on both, the star by Fayolle Pouteau Paris, with
£45.00 full original sash in fitted embossed case of issue by
Venda Elkington , a very rare matching set of excellent quality
6 items. (L17122) N.E.F. £3250
F3035 Defence Force Merit medal (L3868) E.F. £30
F3099 Order of the Brilliant Star Grand Cross sash badge
£30.00 £30.00
Abdullah Bin Khalifa 1960-63 (L17507) N.E.F. £495
F3036 Defence Force L.S.G.C. medal 10 years bronze £495.00
(L11212) E.F. £25

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


F3100 Order of the Brilliant Star Commander neck badge (n.r.) M3.9 Group of 3 C.B civil gold with gold buckle, C.M.G. Gold
Sultan Khalifa I 1888-1890, very few awards under his with gold buckle, Volunteer Decoration (VR) with top bar,
reign (L17317) N.E.F. £545 superb quality, mounted as worn in fitted case of issue
£545.00 by Garrard (L18077) E.F. £495
F3101 Order of the Brilliant Star Commander neck badge (n.r.)
Ali Bin Hamud 1902-1911 scarce (L3938) N.E.F. £495 M4 C.B. Civil silver gilt (L6915) E.F. £55
£495.00 £55.00
F3102 Order of Ali, medal of the Order , silver and enamel, very M4.9 Group of 12: C.B. military, O.B.E military 2nd type,
rare in lower class, some chipping (L3940) V.F. £275 D.F.C. (GV) 1914/15 trio, G.S.M. Bar Palestine 1936-39,
£275.00 1939-45 star, Africa star bar North Africa 1942-43, War
Zimbabwe medal with M.I.D, 1937 Coronation, U.S.A Legion of
Merit Officer, Attributed to Air Vice Marshall Thomas
2 items. Cathcart Traill , W.W.1 Fighter Ace with 8 Kills with 20
F3103 Army Long and Exemplary Service medal silver named squadron, contemporarily mounted as worn his full sized
(L11228) E.F. £25 medals were sold by us in 2007. Superb group (L18080)
£25.00 G.V.F. £1295
F3121.1Zimbabwe Independence medal 1980 officially numbered
(n.r.) (L17909) G.V.F. £20 M5.001 Group of 6: M.C. (GV),M.M.(G.V) 1914 star, war medal,
£20.00 Mercantile Marine medal, victory medal, all mounted as
worn, a most unusual combination, (L18258) N.E.F. £145
M5.09 Group of 9 C.B.E 2nd type, civil, D.S.C.. (GVI) 1939-45
Commonwealth star, Atlantic Star, Burma Star, Italy Star, Defence, war
medal, R.N.V.R. Decoration (GVI)mounted as worn
5 items.
(L17948) N.E.F. £175
M118 Papua New Guinea Service medal for Community £175.00
service (EIIR) (L4128) E.F. £20 M5.1 Group of 4 : Ghuznee 1839, Crimea bar Sebastopol,
£20.00 Turkish Crimea Sardinian, Order of Mejidie 5th Class, all
M119 Papua New Guinea L.S.G.C. (EIIR) (L4129) E.F. £20 medals contemporarily named to Leuit/ Major Ormsby
£20.00 £20.00 Ruttledge 1st 17th Regt, all medals with Hunt and
Roskell buckle bars with gold pins, a most suberp group
M120 Jamaica Gallantry Medal (L4130) E.F. £20
of miniatures all in superb condition, (L18065) N.E.F.
£20.00 £20.00
M121 Jamaica Meritorious Service Medal (L4131) E.F. £15 £795.00
£15.00 £15.00
M6.1 Queens Gallantry Medal good quality modern issue
M122 Jamaica L.S.G.C. Service Medal (L4132) E.F. £15 (L18243) E.F. £30
£15.00 £15.00 £30.00
Great Britain M7 Group of 9 C.B.E 2nd type, military, M.C. (GV) 1914/15
123 items. trio, Defence, war medal, 1935 Jubilee, France Croix
de Guerre 1914-1916, attributed to Brigadier S.H.
M Order of St John L.S. Medal silver in case by Lamb (case Collingwood R.A. ( see full size medals in gallantry
scuffed) (L17806) E.F. £15 section) court mounted as worn in case by Sharman Neill
£15.00 Ltd, Belfast, (L17451) N.E.F. £225
M1 Group of 8 C.S.I with top bar silver gilt,C.I.,E 15ct gold, £225.00
with top bar, C.B.E civil 1st type, St.Johns badge, 1902 M11 C.S.I badge 9ct gold with top bar (L17385) E.F. £495
Coronation, 1935 Jubilee, !937 Coronation, Volunteer £495.00
Decoration (EDVII), attributed to 2nd Viscount Goschen,
GCSI GCIE CBE VD PC (15 October 1866 – 24 July M12 C.S.I badge silver gilt (L17386) E.F. £295
1952) who was a British politician who served as £295.00
Member of Parliament for East Grinstead from 1895 to M13 C.S.I badge silver gilt breast badge with top bar (L17789)
1906 and as Governor of Madras from 1924 to 1929. E.F. £325
mounted as worn by Spink, in case by Spencer, 2 small £325.00
chips to legend of C.I.E (L17438) N.E.F. £795
M14 Group of 3; Kaiser-I-Hind (GV) silver, 1911 Delhi Durbar,
Japan Order of the Rising sun gold, reverse centre
M2 Group of 4 C.S.I top bar gilt, C.I.E gilt with top bar , Delhi missing in Spink case (L17439) N.E.F. £395
Durbar 1903 with silver buckle, IGS 1854 2 bars Burma £395.00
1885-7, Burma 1887-9, Indian Volunteers Decoration
M15 Group of 6; M.B.E 1st type civil, Kaiser-I-Hind (GV)
(EDVII), (L17448) G.V.F. £595
silver, 1911 Delhi Durbar, St.Johns Serving Brother,
B.W.M, 1935 Jubilee, 1937 Coronation (L17440) N.E.F.
M3 Group of 4 C.I.E silver gilt with top bar, C.S.I silver £245
gilt with top bar, 1935 Jubilee and 1937 Coronation £245.00
attributed to Sir Bertie Staig Indian Civil Service, with
M16 C.I.E. badge with no top bar in gold superb quality and
some details. (L17783) G.V.F. £395
condition (L17381) E.F. £395
M3.1 Group of 9 C.M.G. silver gilt, C.B. Civil silver gilt,
M17 Group of 3: C.I.E. badge with top bar in gold, 1903 Delhi
C.B.E. Ist type, B.W.M, Victory, 1902 coronation, 1911
Durbar, Afghanistan 1878 bar Kabul, all superb condition
Coronation, 1935 Jubilee and 1937 Coronation mounted
mounted as worn, (L17382) E.F. £545
as worn (L17957) G.V.F. £265
M17.1 C.B. Military modern (L18232) E.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


M17.2 C.B. Civil siver gilt old issue (L18233) G.V.F. £65 £15.00
M27.1 M.S.M. (GVI) modern (L18251) V.F. £12
M18 Group of 3: C.I.E. badge with no top bar in 9ct gold, 1935 £12.00
Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, mounted as worn (L17383)
M27.11 D.C.M. (EIIR) modern excellent quality striking (L18003)
E.F. £345
E.F. £15
M18 B.E.M.(GVI) (L3979) E.F. £20
K.P.M. (GV) coinage head for Distinguished Service,
(n.r.) (L18173) G.V.F. £55
M19 C.I.E. breast badge with top bar in silver gilt (L17790) £55.00
N.E.F. £165
M27.111K.P.M. (GVI) for Distinguished Service, modern excellent
quality striking (L18006) E.F. £15
M19.1 C.M.G silver gilt. Some chipping to legend, (L17959) £15.00
G.V.F. £65
M27.112Queens Fire Service medal for Distinguished Service,
(L18015) E.F. £30
M19.9 M.V.O 4th class modern (L18241) E.F. £35 £30.00
M28.1 C.B.E. 1st type excellent early quality no chipping
M20 C.I.E. badge with no top bar in silver gilt (L13904) N.E.F. (L18245) G.V.F. £65
£145 £65.00
M28.2 C.B.E. 2nd type excellent early quality no chipping
M20.1 C.M.G silver gilt good older quality (L18235) N.E.F. £110 (L18246) G.V.F. £65
£110.00 £65.00
M20.2 M.V.O 5th class silver (L18236) N.E.F. £55 M28.23 O.B.E. 1st type military (L18247) N.E.F. £25
£55.00 £25.00
M20.21 Royal Victorian Medal (EIIR) gold (gilt) (L18239) N.E.F. M28.24 M.B.E. 1st type military (L18248) N.E.F. £25
£35 £25.00
M29.1 O.B.E. 1st type military (L17995) G.V.F. £25
M20.22 Royal Victorian Medal (EIIR) silver (L18240) N.E.F. £35 £25.00
M30.001O.B.E. 1st type small type ( n.r.) (L17886) E.F. £25
M20.3 I.S.O (EIIR) (L18237) N.E.F. £45 £25.00
M30.1 C.B.E. 2nd type military (L17897) G.V.F. £45
M20.4 I.S.M (GVI) Fid Def (L18238) E.F. £15 £45.00
M33 C.M.G gold chip to one side of centre (L17388) N.E.F.
M21 C.B. Military silver gilt (L17842) E.F. £125 £145
£125.00 £145.00
M21.01 D.S.O. (GV) silver gilt. Some chipping to wreath, M33.1 M.B.E. 2nd type civil bow ribbon well polished (L17884)
(L17960) G.V.F. £75 V.F. £15
£75.00 £15.00
M21.1 Order of St John Officer (L17805) N.E.F. £25 M34.1 B.E.M GV silver (L17895) N.E.F. £45
£25.00 £45.00
M21.1 M.V.O 4th class excellent old quality (L17881) N.E.F. M34.2 B.E.M EIIR silver (L17896) N.E.F. £30
£75 £30.00
M34.2 O.B.E. 2nd type military (L18249) N.E.F. £25
M23 B.E.M. (EIIR) (L3980) E.F. £20 £25.00
M34.21 B.E.M (EIIR) with oak leaves for gallantry (L18250)
M24 C.M.G gold early superb quality with large Victorian N.E.F. £45
Crown, court mounted (L17839) E.F. £245 £45.00
M37.1 Order of St. John Officer (L17940) E.F. £35
M24.1 D.F.C. (GVI) (L18103) N.E.F. £35 £35.00
M37.51 Order of St. John Serving Brother (L18047) N.E.F. £30
M25 C.M.G gold superb quality (L17387) E.F. £245 £30.00
M38 D.S.C. (GVI) in silver good quality (L17732) N.E.F. £75
M25.1 George Medal (EIIR) modern excellent quality striking £75.00
(L18001) E.F. £15
M39 Crimea bars, Traktir, French made British issue, small
sized 11mm rare (L3993) G.V.F. £98
M25.101George Medal (GVI) modern excellent quality striking £98.00
(L18004) E.F. £15
M43 D.C.M. (GV) coinage head swivel suspender silvered
(L11910) G.V.F. £45
M25.2 Qeens Gallantry medal excellent quality striking (L18002) £45.00
E.F. £25
M49.1 Khedives Sudan bar Nyima, scarce bar (L17962) N.E.F.
M27.09 D.C.M. (GV) (L18046) E.F. £45 £65.00
M50.1 Q.S.A. 5 bars C.C. O.F.S, Joburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast,
M27.1 D.C.M. (GVI) modern excellent quality striking (L17999) (L17961) N.E.F. £45
E.F. £15 £45.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


M51 Group of 4: B.W.M, Victory with M.I.D. , L.S.G.C. (GV), £35.00

M.S.M (GV) (L12971) N.E.F. £55
M74 Indian Title badge GVI Rao Bahdur (L13604) G.V.F. £45
£55.00 £55.00
M53.1 A.G.S. (GV) .no bars excellent quality modern striking
M75 Crimea large sized 20mm ( half full size) (L13198) G.V.F.
(L18005) E.F. £10
M53.9 G.S.M. bar Palestine 1945-48 (L18068) N.E.F. £30
M76 Baltic 1856 unusual manufacture in a collar , swivel susp.
(L12921) N.E.F. £75
M58.1 1935 Jubilee (L17964) N.E.F. £20 £75.00
M77 North West Canada 1885 (L14349) N.E.F. £95
M59 M.B.E. 2nd type military (L13201) E.F. £20 £95.00
£20.00 £20.00
M78 New Zealand undated (L14454) N.E.F. £85
M59.1 Malawi In dependance medal (EIIR) (L18000) E.F. £20 £85.00
M79 B.S.A. Co. medal Mashonaland 1897 (L4005) G.V.F. £75
M60 M.B.E. 2nd type civil (L13907) E.F. £20 £75.00
£20.00 £20.00
M81 Q.S.A. 4 bars Tug. Heights, Rel. of Lady, Rel. of
M60.1 L.S.G.C. EIIR bar Regular Army silver (L17901) G.V.F. Mafeking, Trans, top bar loose, (L14379) N.E.F. £75
£20 £75.00
M83 Q.S.A. no bars (L9527) E.F. £17
M61 M.B.E. 2nd type bow ribbon (L13200) E.F. £30 £17.00
£30.00 £20.00
M86 C.S.M. bar Borneo (L4033) N.E.F. £12
M61.1 R.N.R Decoration (EIIR) (L18010) E.F. £18 £12.00 £12.00
M87 U.N. Korea (L4036) E.F. £10
M61.11 R.N.R L.S.G.C. (GVI) modern excellent quality striking £10.00 £10.00
(L18011) E.F. £18
M88 Gulf Medal no bar (L4041) E.F. £12
M61.12 R.A.F L.S.G.C. (GV) modern excellent quality striking
M89 1902 Coronation Police Ambulance Service (L13019)
(L18012) E.F. £20
N.E.F. £75
M61.13 R.A.F L.S.G.C. (GVI) modern excellent quality striking
M90 1911 Coronation (L16949) N.E.F. £25
(L18013) E.F. £15
M92 1953 Coronation (L4049) N.E.F. £15
M61.14 Cadet Forces Medal (EIIR) (L18014) E.F. £18
£15.00 £15.00
M95 Territ. Dec. (GVI) 2nd type bar Territ. (L15290) E.F. £25
M61.15 Civil Defence Medal (EIIR) (L18016) E.F. £18
M102 Colonial Auxiliary L.S.(GV) (L15320) E.F. £35
M62.1 Volunteer Force L.S. (EVII) (L17963) N.E.F. £25
M105 Naval good Shooting medal (L6937) N.E.F. £65
M62.1 Volunteer Force L.S.(GV) (L17996) E.F. £30
M106 Champion Shot of the Air Force no bar (L4092) E.F. £18
M63 O.B.E. 2nd type in gold with bow ribbon (L10211) N.E.F.
£110.00 M107 Army Best Shot (EIIR) (L4093) E.F. £20
£20.00 £20.00
M65.1 Colonial Special Constabulary (EIIR) for Faithful Service
(L18007) E.F. £25 M108 Colonial Special Constabulary (GVI ) for Meritorious
£25.00 Service (L18201) E.F. £35
M65.15 Colonial Prisons (EIIR) for Long Service (L18202) E.F.
£35 M112 T.F.W.M. (L15296) E.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
M65.16 Colonial Fire Brigades (EIIR) for Long Service (L18203) M113 T.F.W.M. (L15294) V.F. £30
E.F. £45 £30.00
£45.00 M114 1914 Star trio mounted (L15310) E.F. £45
M68 O.B.E. 2nd type civil (L18338) N.E.F. £25 £45.00
£25.00 M116 1914 Star (L5171) V.F. £10
M68.2 1914 Star and bar trio with M.I.D (L17958) N.E.F. £65 £10.00
£65.00 M117 Indian Title badge GV bronze Rao Bahadur (L15347)
M69 Baronets badge early solid type in silver gilt, toned G.V.F. £45
(L17658) E.F. £95 £45.00
M70 Order of St. John Officer sister in fitted embossed case 3 items.
of issue (L17243) E.F. £45
£45.00 M76 Canada 1939-45 Volunteers medal with maple leaf bar
(L18009) E.F. £15
M71 Order of St. John Officer sister on bow ribbon (L17848) £15.00
E.F. £35

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


M76.1 South Africa Home Service medal 1939-45 silver Order of Cambodia, all silver, silver gilt with gold centres
(L17941) V.F. £30 on gold chain, attravtive (L12094) N.E.F. £325
£30.00 £325.00
M123 Australia W.W.2(n.r.) (L4133) V.F. £10 M132 Group of 4: Spain Order of Isabella gold, Belgium Order
£10.00 £10.00 of Leopold silver, Austria order of Franz Joseph gold,
U.S.A. Italy Order of Lazarus gold, on gold chain, superb quality
and condition (L12436) E.F. £395
4 items. £395.00
M281.1 Legion of Merit ols issue in silver gilt (L17969) N.E.F. £35 M133 Pair: Austria order of Franz Joseph gold, Prussia Order
£35.00 of the Crown gold, superb quality and condition, mounted
M343 Sons of the American Revolution 2nd type superb quality on fancy gold chain (L17452) E.F. £375
in silver gilt with gold centres (L11664) E.F. £75 £375.00
£75.00 Austria
M344 Sons Of The American Revolution breast badge with 2 items.
lapel rosette (L15254) E.F. £55
M134 Order of Franz Joseph gold, superb quality and condition
(n.r.) (L15166) E.F. £245
M345 Sons Of The American Revolution lapel pin back badge £245.00
(L15255) E.F. £30
M135 Tuetonic Knights Order breast cross old, silver and
enamel, pin in centre of back (L11666) E.F. £65
Groups £65.00
8 items. Belgium
M126 Group of 3: Legion D’Honneur 2nd Restuaration, (1820) 8 items.
Coix du Lys, Order of St. Gregory 1st type in hallmarked
M137 Group of 3; Order of Leopold I, Order of the Crown,
gold, superb set of miniatures large sized 1820-1830,
W.W.I medal, suspended from silver gilt chain by ribbons
on silver bar with original ribbon all woven in one, arms
(L4140) G.V.F. £40
of 1st chipped, slt, chip to revrse centre of 2nd, chips to
wreath only of 3rd, rare (L13902) V.F. £695
£695.00 M138 Order of Leopold Commander, silver gilt, older quality
(L4141) N.E.F. £30
M127 Group of 5: B.W.M, Victory, France, Palmes Academic
£30.00 £30.00
Officer, Medal of Honour with swords 1st class gilt, ( rare
medal only awarded to Foreigners) Recconaisance M139 Order of the Star of Africa Officer superb old quality silver
medal 1st type 1st clas gilt, mounted as worn (L13225) gilt (L17878) N.E.F. £95
G.V.F. £145 £95.00
M140 Order of the Star of Africa Officer superb old quality silver
M128 Group of 7 : France Legion D’Honneur 2nd Empire gilt (L17879) N.E.F. £95
Crimea, Belgium Order of Leopold, Spain Order of £95.00
St.Charles, Spain Order of Isabella the Catholic,
M141 Order of the Star of Africa Officer superb old quality silver
Luxemburg Order of the Oaken Crown, Baden Order of
gilt no rosette on ribbon (L17880) N.E.F. £95
the Lion of Zahringen, Italy Order of St. Lazarus, all in
gold superb quality and condition small European sized
miniatures on fancy gold chain (L12407) E.F. £695 M142 Order for the 65th Anniversary of Telegraphy 1921,
£695.00 excellent quality silver and enamel, with gold centre,
(n.r.) a rare award (L4149) N.E.F. £45
M129 Group of 10 : British Crimea medal ring susp., Japan
Order of the Rising Sun 3rd or 4th class gold, Tunisia
Order of Nichan Iftikhar, silver, Persia Order of the Lion M143 Military Decoration for bravery (L4151) E.F. £15
and Sun silver, Turkey Order of the Mejidie silver with £15.00 £15.00
gold centre crescent and star, Norway Order of Olaf 1st M144 W.W.I victory small size (L4154) V.F. £10
type with swords gold, ( centres missing), Italy Military £10.00 £10.00
order of Savoy with Crown gold (reverse centre missing)
Belgium Order of Leopold with swords gold, Order of the Brazil
Bath military (obverse centre missing), France Legion 5 items.
D’Honneur 2nd Empire Crimea, all superb quality and
M145 Order of Naval Merit Commander medal excellent quality
condition apart from missing parts, small European sized
larger size (L11656) N.E.F. £45
miniatures on fancy gold chain, a superb grouping well
priced to reflect the defects. (L12586) N.E.F. £795
£795.00 M146 War Cross 1917-18 rare (L4155) G.V.F. £98
£98.00 £98.00
M130 Group of 13 : France Legion D’Honneur 1870, Academic
palmes, Order of Merit Agricole, Order of the Dragon M147 War Service Medal Navy (L10275) G.V.F. £20
of Annam, Order of the Balck Star of Benin, Morroco £20.00
Order of Ouissam Aloite, Netherlands Order of Orange, M148 Naval War Services medal 1939-1945 bronze (n.r.)
Belgium Order of The Crown, Italy Order of the Crown, (L4156) V.F. £15
Denmark Order of Dannebrog, Luxemburg Order of the £15.00 £15.00
Oaken Crown, Greece Order of the Redeemeer, Manaco
Order of St. Charles, all in gold , superb quality and M149 Duke of Caxais peace medal (L4157) V.F. £10
condition small European sized miniatures on fancy gold £10.00 £10.00
chain (L12624) E.F. £995 Brunei
3 items.
M131 Group of 6: French Colonial: Legion D’Honneur 1879,
Tunisia Nichan Iftikhar, Order of the Black Star of benin, M150 Long Service Medal silver (L6981) E.F. £20
Cambodia Order of the Dragon, Order Star of Anjoun , £20.00 £20.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


M151 State Service medal silver (L6982) E.F. £20 M169 Order of Liberty Fatherland medal 1939 silver (L4177)
£20.00 £20.00 E.F. £15
£15.00 £15.00
M152 Sultan Omar Ali Saiffudin III Long Service Good Conduct
Medal bronze (n.r.) (L6977) N.E.F. £20 M170 Order of Liberty Fatherland medal undated silver (L4178)
£20.00 £20.00 E.F. £12
Bulgaria £12.00 £12.00

2 items. M171 Order of Liberty Fatherland medal undated, bronze

(L4179) E.F. £12
M153 Military Order for Bravery dated 1912 , on light blue £12.00 £12.00
enamelled star with screw back, attractive, (L12402)
N.E.F. £55 M172 War of Liberty medal 1918 with blank bar (L4180) N.E.F.
£55.00 £22
£22.00 £22.00
M154 Military Order for Bravery 1912, 4th class breast badge
screw back, old quality (L17811) N.E.F. £45 M173 War medal 1939-1945 bar Kentaarmeija (L4181) N.E.F.
£45.00 £22
£22.00 £22.00
Cambodia & Laos
1 items.
49 items.
M155 Laos Medal of Sisowath 1st silver gilt (L7194) E.F. £85
£85.00 M130.1 Order of St. Louis, gold, early type without ball tips slt.
chipping (L18027) G.V.F. £245
Czechoslovakia £245.00
1 items. M130.2 Order of St. Louis, gold, small type early 19th Century
M156 Revolution Cross 1914-1918 (L4166) N.E.F. £25 (12mm x 15mm) slt. chipping (L18028) G.V.F. £195
£25.00 £25.00 £195.00
Denmark M130.3 Order of St. Louis, gold, very small type early 19th
Century (9mm x 12mm) slt. chipping (L18029) G.V.F.
7 items. £195
M157 Order of Dannebrog Frederic IX silver gilt (L12246) £195.00
G.V.F. £55 M130.4 Order of St. Louis, gold ,tiny type very very small, early
£55.00 19th Century (8mm x 8mm) slt. chipping (L18030) G.V.F.
M158 Order of Dannebrog Frederic X silver gilt (L17217) £175
G.V.F. £55 £175.00
£55.00 M154.1 Croix De Guerre 1914-18 with silver star on ribbon
M159 Order of Dannebrog Christain X Silver cross (L10468) (L17967) G.V.F. £35
N.E.F. £65 £35.00
£65.00 M174 Order of the Holy Spirit in gold badge in gold, very early
M160 Red Cross Badge of Merit 1963 (L8861) E.F. £55 badge, repairs to enamel, and tail chipped on one side
£55.00 otherwise very rare (L17340) V.F. £1495
M161 Red Cross medal for Relief Work in war 1939-45,
(L8862) E.F. £55 M175 Order of St. Louis, start of the 19th Century, excellent
£55.00 quality in gold, slight chipping (L4187) G.V.F. £225
M162 Pro Dania 1940-1945 (L15304) G.V.F. £75
£75.00 M176 Order of St. Louis, start of the 19th Century, excellent
quality in gold, some chipping (L15298) V.F. £225
M163 Pro Dania 1940-1945 (n.r.) (L14400) N.E.F. £65
M181 Legion D’Honneur 2nd Restuaration, (1820) Henri IV
chipping to tips of arms 38mm x 22mm (L13903) V.F.
2 items. £75
M164 Order of the Nile (L10621) N.E.F. £55 £75.00
£55.00 M182 Legion D\'Honneur 2nd Restuaration, Henri IV, fleur
M165 Order of Independence Commander neck badge good de lys reverse very small sized 12mmx 20mm some
quality (L8638) N.E.F. £45 chipping (L6243) V.F. £35
£45.00 £35.00

Fiji M183 Legion D\'Honneur 2nd Restoration Henri IV, fleur de lys
reverse, much chipping (L4190) N.V.F. £25
2 items. £25.00 £25.00
M166 Armed Forces Meritorious Service Decoration, M184 Legion D\'Honneur larger size 35mmx22mm Henri IV,
large superb quality marked silver by Royal Insignia some chipping (L14381) N.V.F. £48
Singapore, (L11287) E.F. £75 £48.00
M185 Legion D’Honneur 2nd Empire Crimea period small
M167 Armed Forces Meritorious Service Decoration, (L6971) sized , excellent quality and condition (L4192) E.F. £95
E.F. £45 £95.00
M186 Legion D’Honneur 2nd Empire Crimea period very small
Finland sized , excellent quality and condition (L6241) E.F. £75
6 items. £75.00
M168 Order of Liberty 3rd class (L4176) E.F. £45 M187 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951, Officer in gold, excellent
£45.00 £45.00 quality and condition (L16946) N.E.F. £95

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£95.00 M211 Medal Physique bronze (L4228) V.F. £10

£10.00 £10.00
M188 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 25mm x 15mm arms
ball tips of star and and top of the suspension set with M212 Sporting Merit medal bronze (L4229) V.F. £10
diamonds, superb quality, in case of issue by Chobillon, £10.00
embossed to Giles Normand souvenir de .......... L17292)
M213 Croix du Combatant Volunteer 1914-1918 (L4230) V.F.
E.F. £295
£15.00 £15.00
M189 Legion D’Honneur 1870-1951 Officer , 30mm x 16mm,
M214 W.W.I Victory medal small (L4231) V.F. £15
ball tips arms and the suspension set with diamonds,
£15.00 £15.00
superb quality, all gold, (L17343) N.E.F. £295
£295.00 M215 W.W.I Victory medal (L4232) V.F. £18
£18.00 £18.00
M190 Order of the Academic palmes Officer in gold, set with
diamonds and red stones (L17342) E.F. £155 M216 W.W.I medal (L4233) V.F. £12
£155.00 £12.00 £12.00
M191 Medaille Militaire Crimea type large miniature 18 x 28 M217 W.W.I medal large type (L4234) V.F. £15
mm, no enamel, (L16496) V.F. £95 £15.00 £15.00
£95.00 M218 W.W.II medal bar Liberation (L4237) V.F. £12
M192 Medaille Militaire Crimea period small miniature 12 x 18 £12.00 £12.00
mm, (L17172) N.E.F. £95 M219 Ministry of Interior Fire Brigade medal, silver (L4239)
£95.00 N.E.F. £15
M193 Medaille Militaire 1870 1st type with double sided £15.00 £15.00
suspension (L4200) V.F. £45 M220 Veterans medal trophy of Arms silver (L4240) V.F. £12
£45.00 £12.00 £12.00
M194 Medaille Militaire 1870 very small sized (8mm) (L4203) M221 Madagascar medal 1883-1886 silver, fine quality (L4244)
G.V.F. £35 E.F. £45
£35.00 £45.00 £45.00
M195 Order of Merit Agricole silver with gold centre (L4204) M222 Franco- Britian Association, decoration, silver gilt , some
V.F. £20 chipping n.r.) (L4245) V.F. £10
£20.00 £20.00 £10.00
M196 Order of Merit Agricole small type (L4205) V.F. £10 France Ephemeral
£10.00 £10.00
1 items.
M197 Croix De Guerre 1914-15 small sized (L4207) G.V.F. £30
£30.00 £30.00 M223 Order of Melusine 1186 Knight superb quality small sized
rare (L14087) E.F. £75
M198 Croix De Guerre 1914-15 (L4208) G.V.F. £35 £75.00 £75.00
French Colonies
M199 Croix De Guerre 1914-15 large (L4209) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 2 items.

M200 China 1860, silver, superb quality very small sized by M224 Order of the Nichan Al Anoar officer (L4246) N.E.F. £55
E.F. (11mm) with original embroidered ribbon (L14440) £55.00 £55.00
N.E.F. £195 M225 Order of the Star of Anjoun Officer silver gilt (L4248)
£195.00 N.E.F. £45
M201 Croix De Guerre 1914-18 small sized (L4211) G.V.F. £20 £45.00 £45.00
£20.00 £20.00 German Empire
M203 Croix De Guerre 1939-40 small sized (L12584) N.E.F. 4 items.
M226 Iron Cross 1914 mounted on lapel or tie pin (L4252) V.F.
£25.00 £25.00
M204 Epidemics medal large size silver gilt (L4213) V.F. £30 £25.00 £25.00
£30.00 £30.00
M227 Iron Cross 1914 large sized miniature 22mm x 22mm
M205 Epidemics medal silver (L4214) V.F. £20 silver on ring but unifaced as 1st class, marked 835
£20.00 £20.00 (L18038) V.F. £65
M206 St.Helena Medal bronze large sized miniature 32mm x £65.00
18mm, scarce (L4215) N.E.F. £55 M228 Iron Cross and Wound badge, small sized mounted
£55.00 together on lapel or tie pin (L4253) V.F. £35
M207 St.Helena Medal bronze large sized miniature 32mm x £35.00 £35.00
18mm, (L13887) V.F. £40 M229 War Medal 1870-1871 (n.r) (L4927) G.V.F. £25
£40.00 £40.00 £25.00 £25.00
M208 Tonkin Medal 1885 Army very small sized 11mm German States : Prussia
(L10526) E.F. £45
1 items.
M181.1 Order of the Red Eagle 4th class, superb quality on silver
M209 China 1860, silver, excellent quality unsigned with
buttonhole by Godet, with bow ribbon (L18154) N.E.F.
original embroidered ribbon (14mm) (L14471) E.F. £165
M210 Italy Campaign 1859 unsigned 15mm (L14715) N.E.F.
German States : Weurtemburg
£48.00 1 items.

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


M231 War medal 1866 silver gilt (n.r.) (L15288) G.V.F. £65 £10.00
M251 Africa Campaign bronze (L4297) N.E.F. £20
German Third Reich £20.00
1 items. M252 Libya (n.r.) (L4299) V.F. £10
M182.1 Mothers Cross silver, excellent quality marked L/16 £10.00
(L18153) N.E.F. £45 Japan
£45.00 1 items.
M253 Order of the Rising Sun 5th class (L13074) N.E.F. £75
1 items. £75.00 £75.00
M233 Republic Day 1 July 1960 Police, silver (L4270) E.F. £25 Jordan
£25.00 £25.00 1 items.
M254 Order of the Star Knight, superb quality (L4303) E.F. £45
2 items. £45.00
M234 Order of Welfare badge rare (n.r.) (L11660) E.F. £145 Liberia
£145.00 1 items.
M235 Distinguished Conduct medal 1940 (1950) bar 1940
M208.1 Order of the Star of Africa Commander , excellent old
(L11805) E.F. £45
quality in silver gilt (L18124) N.E.F. £48
1 items.
2 items.
M237 Land Forces Honour Decoration 1st class 1968 (L10569)
M256 Order of the Defender of the Realm , excellent quality
N.E.F. £30
silver gilt and enamel (n.r.) (L6975) E.F. £45
International Orders
M257 Selangore Order of the Cown silver gilt and enamel
2 items. (L6976) E.F. £48
M238 Order of St. Bridget of Sweden Grand Cross breast star £48.00
on ring and ribbon suspender, hallmarked silver (L8387) Malta
E.F. £55 1 items.
M258 Order of Malta medal of merit for Hungarian Exiles,
M239 Order of St. Salvador and St. Brigitte breast star on ring
bronze (L4309) N.E.F. £25
suspender (n.r.) (L4276) E.F. £30
1 items.
13 items.
M259 Order of the Aztec Eagle Knight silver gilt and enamel,
M240 Military Order of Savoy 1855 older quality silver (L4279)
scarce (L6969) E.F. £40
N.E.F. £75
M241 Order of the Crown Knight in gold suspension ring
broken (L10233) E.F. £25 1 items.
£25.00 M260 Order Grimaldi scarce (L18320) N.E.F. £55
M242 Order of the Crown Knight in gold small sized (L4281) £55.00
E.F. £35 Netherlands
11 items.
M243 Order of the Crown Knight in silver gilt (L17703) N.E.F.
£35 M218.1 Order of Orange Nassau Officer, silver gilt (L18057)
£35.00 N.E.F. £40
M244 Al Valore Militare, old bronze medal (L4289) G.V.F. £35
£35.00 M261 Order of William large sized (35mm x 20mm) superb
old quality with gold centre, slt chipping to tips of arms
M245 Savoy Liberation of Sicily medal 1860 Vitt. Emmanuel, otherwise attractive and (L17210) G.V.F. £395
bronze, with original ribbon rare (L4925) G.V.F. £95 £395.00
M262 Order of William (27mm x 12mm) superb old quality with
M246 Commune of Milan medal 1884, excellent quality bronze gold centre, (L17211) N.E.F. £245
medal, (L4290) N.E.F. £45 £245.00
M263 House Order of Orange Officer, silver gilt, slt. chip to one
M247 Messina Earthquake commemorative medal silver (n.r) arm, (L18274) G.V.F. £55
(L4292) G.V.F. £35 £55.00
M264 Order of Orange Nassau Officer, silver gilt in case of
M248 W.W.I medal old issue (L4293) V.F. £15 issue (L15185) E.F. £45
£15.00 £45.00
M249 United Italy 1918 silver (L4295) E.F. £12 M266 Officers L.S. Cross 25 years (L14804) N.E.F. £25
£12.00 £25.00
M250 United Italy medal 1918 bronze (L4296) V.F. £10 M267 L.S.G.C. bronze (n.r.) (L4324) V.F. £10

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


£10.00 £20.00
M268 Cross for Marches (L4325) E.F. £12 M292 Order of St. James of the Sword Republic collar badge
£12.00 on ribbon, silver gilt (L4351) E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00
M269 New Guinea Cross 1962 (L4327) V.F. £25
£25.00 M294 Red Cross merit cross 1865-1925 bronze (L6966) G.V.F.
M270 New Guinea Cross 1962 bar 1962 (L4328) V.F. £30
£15.00 £15.00
Republic of Austria
M271 Navy Service Medal (L4329) V.F. £20
£20.00 1 items.
Panama M136 Republic Order of Merit Type II 1952 knight, (L14459)
2 items. V.F. £20
M227.1 Order of the Lion and Sun silver Merit Medal scarce
(L17898) G.V.F. £55
£55.00 5 items.
M273 Medal of Solidarity W.W.I small type (12mm) (L4337) M239.1 Bronze Cross of Gallantry (n.r.) old striking (L17899)
G.V.F. £65 G.V.F. £55
£65.00 £55.00
Poland M239.2 Exemplary Service Medal silver (n.r.) (L17900) G.V.F.
14 items. £35
M227.5 Polonia Restituta 1918 old issue in silver gilt (n.r.)
M297 Police Meritorious Service medal silver (L4355) E.F. £20
(L17981) G.V.F. £45
£20.00 £20.00
M298 Police L.S.G.C. medal silver (L4356) E.F. £20
M227.6 Polonia Restituta 1918 good quality but chip to enamel
£20.00 £20.00
(L17982) G.V.F. £20
£20.00 M299 Police Reserve Faithful Service medal silver (L4357) E.F.
M227.7 Polonia Restituta 1918 good quality (L17983) E.F. £30
£20.00 £20.00
M227.8 Polonia Restituta 1918 modern quality (L17984) E.F. £15
£15.00 4 items.
M234.1 Cross of Merit R.P. silver, (L17978) N.E.F. £20 M300 Order of Michael the Brave 1941 issue (n.r.) (L15300)
£20.00 E.F. £75
M234.2 Cross of Merit R.P. bronze with swords (L17979) N.E.F.
£20 M301 Loyal Service medal 2nd type 2nd class (n.r.) (L4371)
£20.00 G.V.F. £15
£15.00 £15.00
M234.3 Cross of Merit R.P. bronze (L17980) N.E.F. £15
£15.00 M302 W.W.I Cross 1916-1918 (L4373) G.V.F. £20
£20.00 £20.00
M279 Cross of Valour 1920 (L4340) G.V.F. £20
£20.00 M303 Carol I Centennial medal (L3161) V.F. £20
M280 Monte Cassino Cross (L4342) N.E.F. £25
£25.00 Russia
M281 Navy Service medal 1945 (L4343) E.F. £25 1 items.
£25.00 M304 Order of St. Andrew collar 3 different links attached ,
M282 Air Force medal 1945 enamelled type (L4344) E.F. £20 gold and enamel, superb early quality and condition ,
£20.00 (L12032) E.F. £1995
M283 Air Force medal 1945 not enamelled (L4345) E.F. £15
£15.00 San Marino
M284 Military L.S. 5 years bronze with enamelled ribbon 2 items.
(L4346) V.F. £8 M308 Order of St Agatha Breast Star on ribbo (L17813) N.E.F.
£8.00 £65
M285 Cross of Merit R.P. silver, small sized (L4347) N.E.F. £15 £65.00
£15.00 M309 Order of San Marino Grand Cross breast star on ribbon
Portugal (L7591) N.E.F. £45
6 items.
M238.1 Order of Industrial Merit Commander scarce (L17994)
N.E.F. £55 2 items.
£55.00 M310 Distinguished Service Medal 1st Gold class, (L12166)
M289 Order of Military merit badge (L4348) E.F. £20 E.F. £55
£20.00 £55.00
M290 Order of Merit badge (L4349) E.F. £20 M311 Distinguished Service Medal 2nd Silver class, (L12167)
£20.00 E.F. £50
M291 Order of Henry the Navigator breast badge (L4350) E.F.
£20 South Africa Republic

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


2 items. M330 Medal of Military merit silver scarce (L4411) N.E.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
M312 Star for Combatting Terrorism silver (L4392) E.F. £20
£20.00 £20.00 M331 Wound medal , silver gilt and enamel (n.r.) (L4412)
N.E.F. £25
M313 John Chard Medal bronze (L4395) E.F. £15
£25.00 £25.00
£15.00 £15.00
Soviet Russia M332 Military Merit breast star, Kingdom, red enamel, mounted
as lapel buttonhole, , good quality silver (L4413) E.F. £25
3 items. £25.00 £25.00
M305 Order of the Red Banner pin back badge modern M333 Order of Maria Christina military breast star Franco,
(L4385) E.F. £20 mounted as lapel buttonhole, good quality (L4414) N.E.F.
£20.00 £25
M306 Order of the Red Star pin back badge modern (L4386) £25.00 £25.00
E.F. £15 Sudan
2 items.
M307 Order of the Patriotic War 1st class pin back badge
M273.9 Order of the Two Niles, mounted for wear silver gilt
modern (L4387) E.F. £20
(L18056) E.F. £45
M335 Army Distinguished Service Order superb quality silver
18 items. (L9548) E.F. £25
M255.99Order of the Golden Fleece, fleece only badge in £25.00
unhallmarked gold, normal sized 18mm x 20mm good Sweden
quality (L18200) N.E.F. £195
5 items.
M336 Order of Vasa Commander silver gilt (L4415) N.E.F. £48
M316 Order of St Ferdinand very old, type with no wreath,
£48.00 £48.00
excellent quality (n.r.) L6964) G.V.F. £125
£125.00 M337 Order of Vasa Commander silver gilt (L12437) N.E.F.
M317 Order of St Ferdinand very old, type with no wreath,
small sized in gold 10mmx 15mm (n.r.) (L4396) G.V.F.
£95 M338 Gustav V Olympic Medal 1912 silver (L6945) N.E.F. £65
£95.00 £95.00 £85.00 £85.00
M318 Order of Maria Christina military breast star 1st class M339 Gustav V Olympic Medal 1912 silver (L15164) N.E.F.
Franco, excellent quality, mounted as a buttonhole £85
(L4401) E.F. £25 £85.00
£25.00 £25.00
M340 Gustav V 90th birthday medal 1948 (L4417) N.E.F. £30
M319 Order of Cisneros breast star mounted as buttonhole £30.00 £30.00
silver gilt (L4402) E.F. £25 Tunisia
£25.00 £25.00
1 items.
M320 Order of The Yoke and Arrows breast star mounted as
buttonhole excellent quality silver gilt (L4403) N.E.F. £35 M341 Order of Nichan Iftikhar Commander Hadi Bey
£35.00 £35.00 1902-1906 small sized (13mm) (L4419) E.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00
M321 Order of The Yoke and Arrows breast star pin back,
small sized (L4404) N.E.F. £25 Vatican
£25.00 £25.00 1 items.
M322 Order of Hermangildo breast star, mounted as a M284.9 Order of St. Gregory on ladies bow ribbon modern
buttonhole, (L4405) N.E.F. £25 (L18082) E.F. £25
£25.00 £25.00 £25.00
M324 Order of Military merit breast star, Kingdom red enamel BOOKS
mounted as a buttonhole (L4406) N.E.F. £35
£35.00 £35.00 37 items.

M325 Order of Air Force merit breast star, Kingdom mounted Postage charged extra at cost on all orders. Maximum £8
as a buttonhole (L4407) N.E.F. £25 (UK only). Overseas charged at cost by weight; estimate
£25.00 £25.00 on request.

M326 Medal of Distinction Benemerenti de La Patria (Isabel II B1 BRITISH BATTLES AND MEDALS, by Hayward, Birch
1867), gilt and enamel (n.r.) small sized 10mm x 14mm and Bishop, Latest 7th Edition now in stock. The most
(L4408) E.F. £35 superb book hugely expanded 798 pages with coloured
£35.00 £35.00 ribbon chart. A must for all medal collectors the “Bible”
of all campaign medals with detailed photos of naming
M327 Medal of Distinction Aphonso XIII silver, small sized on styles etc, and a number of very useful medal and award
bow ribbon (L4409) G.V.F. £15 rolls in the Appendices £85.00
£15.00 £15.00 £85.00
M328 Medal of the Old Guard with Award booklet and Photo B2 NAVAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY by W.R.O
I.D. card to Pedro Cruz 1940, silver gilt and enamel (n.r.) \'Byrne , new reprint of the 1849 issue containing the life
(L6869) N.E.F. £75 and record of service of every officer of the Royal Navy
£75.00 living or retired in 1845, 5,000 officers in all. Case bound
M329 Civil War Campaign Medal 17th July 1936 (L4410) set of 2 volumes sells for £120.00 this softback edition
G.V.F. £15 excellent value at only £49.95
£15.00 £15.00 £49.95 £49.95

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009


B3 HARTS ARMY LIST , 1906, Limited reprint of this cogent remarks by the Station & Base Commanders and
most useful list with services for Nile 1898, Boer War Air Officers Commanding. 2060 pages. £165.00
1889-1902, B.C.A. campaign China 1900, N.W.Ftr. India £165.00 £165.00
1897-98 , 1270 pages £60.00
£60.00 £60.00
WON 1918-1995. by N.Carter. A superb new publication
B4 OFFICIAL HALF YEARLY ARMY LIST SUPPLEMENT contains a complete alphabetical listing of airmen from
OF WAR SERVICES OF OFFICERS ON RETIRED PAY Britain and the Commonwealth awarded the DFC atotal
ETC. PERIOD ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 1922. This of some 22,000. Each entry contains name, rank, service
interesting volume covers all officers on retired pay, number, and squadron number, London Gazette date
Militia, Territorial Army, Supp. Reserve of Officers and and page number. Citations that appear in the London
Nurses. Arranged alphabetically. 1365 pages was £55.00 Gazette appear in full. A further section lists the many
£35.00 foreign nationals who received the award with the
£35.00 £35.00 name of their citation. Finally an appendix of those who
received multiple awards of three or more DFC/DFM
combinations. 2 volumes 1974 pages. £150.00
£150.00 £150.00
loss of Limbs or wounds . A superb reprint of
this unique publication all entries arranged by B14 NAVAL GENERAL SERVICE MEDAL 1915-1962 TO
regiment with the earliest campaign at Bunkers ROYAL NAVY AND MARINES, BARS PERSIAN GULF
Hill 1775 and the latest Waterloo. with approx 850 1909-194, IRAQ 1919-20 AND N.W.PERSIA 1920. by
entries............................................................................. Fevyer and Wilson, a complete roll up to usual high
£25.00 standards of the authors, over 200 pages, just published
£25.00 £25.00 £19.95
£19.95 £19.95
by Mjr.Beamish. Reprint of this very detailed and B15 REGISTER OF THE VICTORIA CROSS . A superb
comprehensive work in 2 Volumes of 387 and 671 pages book with many photos and much information, includes
plus 9 colour plates of uniforms. An excellent book on Falklands War, an excellent book , the only up to date
this famous regiment. £135.00 reference work on this subject, £24.95
£65.00 £65.00 £24.95 £24.95
B7 MILITARY GENERAL SERVICE ROLL 1793-1814 by B16 GALLANTRY by Wilson and McEwan, an old reprint of
A.L.T.Mullen, superb edition of 700 pages based on this excellent book, published in 1939 , 3 superb indexes
almost a lifetimes work by the author. It contains many of names, places and general, one copy only £65.00
cross references & details of Army of India, Waterloo £65.00 £65.00
& Regimental Medals issued and adds service and
personal details for many of the Officers and men.
Buxton, . A definative study of honours and awards to
Furthermore it lists the appearance of medals in auctions
British Airborne Forces 1939-1948, being the Parachute
and collections and corrects many of the inaccuracies
Regiment, Glider Pilot Regiment, Airborne Infantry, and
in former rolls. Now Luxury bound softback edition only
Airborne Support Units. Contains regimental number ,
rank and name of each recipient which allows cross
£45.00 £45.00
checking with parent regiment, and also an order of
B8 THE PUNJAB CAMPAIGN 1848 CASUALTY ROLL. Also battle and outline history of all units with FULL INDEX
contains details of bar entitlements.Soft back edition. of recipients. Completely new revised edition with much
(L4461) £16.95 additional invaluable information, was £24.95 . £14.95
£16.95 £16.95 £14.95 £14.95
ROLL. A quality publication of this invaluable roll by by Dave Buxton. Contains S.A.S., all W.W.II awards ,
Farrington. Not just a casualty roll, it contains full casualties, and also post war awards up to and including
casualties including natives, listed by campaign with all the Falklands Campaign, with citations. Crammed with
Despatches in full. 166 pages.was £18.95 £12.95 previously unpublished information. was £10.00 £6.95 If
£12.95 £12.95 purchased with part One only £2.00
£10.00 £10.00
1899-1902 an extensive book which is compiled B19 Wound Medals, Insignia and Next of KIn Awards of tHE
from scarce official sources and also includes prior WORLD by Zabarylo. A very useful book, well illustrated.
services. In 3 sections, Army etc, Colonial Forces and was £14.00 £8.95
Imperial Yeomanry Mounted Infy.’ Colonial Contingents £8.95 £8.95
Appendices contain: Chronology of events, Table of
Regimental casualties in numbers by battle, an excellent
book. 974 pages £95.00
is the first complete coloured guide to all miltary and
£95.00 £95.00
civilian awards, also included are Commonwealth,
B11 ABOVE THE TRENCHES . A SUPPLEMENT . Further Philipines,Thailand,Korea,U.S. and France for the period,
information has been gathered since the publication all are examined in detail,an excellent quality publication
of the definative book on WWI ACES , essential to all with index, 96 pages £24.95 £9.95
researchers. 61 PAGES £9.99 £9.95 £9.95
£9.99 £9.99
B21 TURKISH ORDERS AND MEDALS by Eruten and Tarihi.
B12 DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL REGISTER At last a superb large format hardback book with all
W.W.II by I.Tavender, mammoth new publication in 2 photos in splendid colour in English and Turkish which
volumes containing full recomendation details or press is in itself a complete ducumented history. Also includes
release in alphabetical order of all but 164 of the 6463 certificates, medallions, plaques, unofficial medals, lapel
Distinguished Flying Medals and the 56 bars awarded, pins and badges, many superb photos of royalty and
for the U.K. and Commonwealth compiled from the recipients wearing them. A monumental work 383 pages
offiocial files at the Public Record Office, also contains £145.00
£145.00 £145.00

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009



Erlem Eldem, superb large format book published by
the Ottoman Bank, Contains a detailed history of the
Mjr.Sainsbury. An account of the M.S.M. to recognise
subject ALL IN ENGLISH , 527 pages with index, superb
Non Combattant Gallantry 1916-18. With a full history,
quality photographs of many unusual and rare medals
details and Theatre of Awards and citations and
and decorations never before seen!. Limited Edition and
deed of act where known. 60 pages Published at
signed by the author. £135.00
£4.95 .................................£2.95
£2.95 £2.95
AND MEDALS, by J. Peterson. Superb new edition just
Marine Forces by Fevyer and Wilson. Complete roll
published of this most useful book now properly printed
including Royal Indian Marine and other unusual
in hard back will all new photographs and text, Many
recipients. Also casualty roll and selected gazette
unusal medals and badges are now included and full
despatches. Hard back. Published at £38.00 £10.00
sections on Korea, Manchuko and Mongolia, 180 pages
£10.00 £10.00
£45.00 £45.00 SB34 FOR VALOUR THE AIR V.C.s. by C.Bowyer. Complete
and accurate biographies of the 51 Airmen who were
awarded the V.C. 548 pages Published at £29.00 . £9.95
by J.Guerra. Spectacular superb quality large format
£9.95 £9.95
glossy paper book with over 1000 full colour photographs
of all classes and varieties of the Decorations and all SB35 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL 1939-45, by
the medals issued with full details with ribbons attached, W.H.Fevyer. Lists all awards by headings as they
(including Carlist) many of them very rare and most appear in the London Gazette. Published price
unusual. In Spanish only, but is a most useful book. £20.00.........................................................................................
£125.00 £9.95
£125.00 £125.00 £9.95 £9.95
J.L.Calvo Pasqual.Good quality large format book with FORCES. 1916-28 by McInnes 63 pages. Was £10.00
black and white illustrations of all the 458 medals and £3.95
decorations detailed in the text many of them very rare £3.95 £3.95
and most unusual including allied awards of the civil
war . The history of each one is explained albeit in
Spanish only, but is a most useful book. With ribbon
chart and 1987 guide to prices.200 pages, was £78.00
£29.95 £29.95
MEDALS. by Werlich. Covers Imperial Russia,
Provisional, Civil War and Soviet Union. Profuseley
illustrated with many in colour with a history
of the awards. Also a section on early table
medals and medallions. 168 pages. Almost out of
£69.95 £69.95
All awards have now been collated in 2 large hardbacked
volumes, details of all awards, full bigraphical details and
photographs of each recipient, although all in Russian
a superb publication and very hard to find. 1800 pages,
£195.00 £195.00
CLASSES, winners of this distinction have now been
collated in one large hardbacked volume, details of all
awards, full bigraphical details and photographs of each
recipient, although all in Russian a superb publication
and very hard to find. 700 pages, £85.00
£200.00 £200.00
book with 546 items all photographed in colour many
interesting and unusual items, book in Chinese but with a
translation in English of each entry . £29.95
£29.95 £29.95
MEDALS 1887-1977 by Lt.Col. N.N.Cole. The only
detailed book on the subject. Published price £7.50
£2.95 £2.95
M.G.C. UNITS 1914-24, by R.W.Gould. A very detailed,
useful book. Published price £5.00. (£2.95

Liverpool Medals - Full Catalogue: Wednesday, 6 May 2009

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