Bhagavad Gita Words Translation

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.. Bhagavadgita words and meanings ..

H1|| |

I1| = King Dhritarash-

tra said
T = in the place of pilgrimage

T = in the place named Kuruksetra

H1 |: = assembled

H1: = desiring to ght

||: = my party (sons)
1|<1|: = the sons of Pandu
= and
}1 = certainly
| = what

1 = did they do
H = O Sanjaya.
H I1| = Sanjaya said

1| = after seeing

= but
1|<1|+| = the sol-
diers of the Pandavas

= arranged in a military phalanx

|+: = King Duryodhana

| = at that time
~|| = the teacher
I1Hj = approaching
|| = the king
1+ = word
~1.1| = spoke.
1 = behold
}| = this

|m| = of the sons of Pandu

~|| = O teacher
j| = great

= military force

| = arranged


m = by the son of Drupada

1 = your
|m = disciple
|| = very intelligent.
~ = here

|: = heroes
j +|H|: = mighty bowmen

+ = to Bhima and Arjuna

H|: = equal

| = in the ght

|+: = Yuyudhana
|1|: = Virata
= also

1: = Drupada
= also
j|: = great ghter.

: = Dhrishtaketu
||+: = Cekitana
|||: = Kasiraja
= also
1|1|+ = very powerful

| = Purujit

|-|: = Kuntibhoja
= and
`: = Saibya
= and

j1: = hero in human society.


: = Yudhamanyu
= and
|1|-: = mighty
I||: = Uttamauja
= and
1|1|+ = very powerful
H| : = the son of Subhadra
|1 |: = the sons of Draupadi
= and
H1 = all
}1 = certainly
j||: = great chariot ghters.
~-| = our

= but
|1||: = especially powerful
= who
|+ = them
|+1| = just take note of, be informed
|]| = O best of the brahmanas
+||: = captains
= my
H`-- = of the soldiers
H3| = for information
|+ = them
1.1|| = I am speaking
= to you.
1|+ = your good self
|: = Grandfather Bhishma
= also
m: = Karna
= and

1: = Krpa
= and
H||: = always victori-
ous in battle
~+|| = Asvatthama
|1m: = Vikarna
= as well as
H||: = the son of Somadatta
| = as well as
}1 = certainly
= also.
~- = others
= also
1j1: = in great numbers

|: = heroes
= for my sake
+||1|: = prepared to risk life
+|+| = many
- = weapons
jm|: = equipped with
H1 = all of them

j|1||: = experienced in mili-

tary science.
~1| = immeasurable
= that
~-| = of ours
1 = strength
| = by Grandfather Bhishma
~||T = perfectly protected
1| = limited

= but
= = all this
}1| = of the Pandavas

1 = strength
| = by Bhima
~||T = carefully protected.

= in the strategic points

= also
H1 1

= everywhere
||H = as dierently arranged
~1|-|: = situated
| = unto Grandfather Bhishma
}1 = certainly

= should give support

1-: = you
H1 = all respectively
}1 |j = certainly.
- = his
H++ = increasing
j1 = cheerfulness

j: = the grandsire of the Kuru dy-

nasty (Bhishma)
|1|j: = the grandfather
|Hj+| = roaring sound, like that of a lion
|1+L = vibrating
I`: = very loudly
= conchshell
~| = blew
|11|+ = the valiant.
: = thereafter
|: = conchshells
= also
: = large drums
= and
1m1|+ = small drums and kettledrums

|: = horns
HjH| = all of a sudden
}1 = certainly
~-j-- = were simultane-
ously sounded
H: = that
: = combined sound

: = tumultuous
~1 = became.
: = thereafter
+`: = with white
j`: = horses

+ = being yoked
j| = in a great
--+ = chariot
|-| = situated
|1: = KRiShNa (the hus-
band of the goddess of fortune)
1|<1: = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)
= also
}1 = certainly
|| = transcendental
| = conchshells

: = sounded.
1|- = the conchshell named Pancajanya
[1| : = Hrsikesa (KR-
iShNa, the Lord who di-
rects the senses of the devotees)
1 = the conchshell named Devadatta
+: = Dhananjaya (Ar-
juna, the winner of wealth)
1|< = the conch named Paundra
~| = blew
j| = the terric conchshell
|| = one who performs her-
culean tasks

|: = the voracious eater (Bhima).

~+-|1 = the conch named Ananta-
|| = the king


: = the son of Kunti

||: = Yudhisthira

: = Nakula
Hj 1: = Sahadeva
= and


1| = the conches named Sug-

hosa and Manipuspaka
|: = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
= and
11|H: = the great archer
|<| = Sikhandi
= also
j|: = one who can ght alone against thousands

+: = Dhristadyumna (the son of King Drupada)

|1|: = Virata (the prince who gave shel-
ter to the Pandavas while they were in disguise)
= also
H||: = Satyaki (the same as Yuyud-
hana, the charioteer of Lord KRiShNa)
= and
~1||: = who had never been vanquished

1: = Drupada, the King of Pancala

|1 |: = the sons of Draupadi
= also
H1: = all

|1|1 = O King
H| : = Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra
= also

: = mighty-armed
|+ = conchshells

: = blew

= each separately.
H: = that
|1: = vibration

|m| = of the sons of Dhritarashtra

[||+ = hearts
| = shattered
+: = the sky
= also

|1| = the surface of the earth

= also
}1 = certainly

: = uproarious

+|+ = resounding.
~ = thereupon
1|-|+ = situated

1| = looking upon

|+ = the sons of Dhritarashtra

|1~1: = he whose ag was marked with Han

= while about to engage

-H1| = in releasing his arrows

: = bow
IL = taking up
1|<1: = the son of Pandu (Arjuna)
[1| = unto Lord KRiShNa
| = at that time
1|+ = words
= = these
~|j = said
j|1 = O King.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

H+|: = of the armies
I|: = both
~ = between
= the chariot
-|1 = please keep
= my

= O infallible one
|1 = as long as
}|+ = all these
|+|T = may look upon
~j = I

||+ = desiring to ght

~1|-|+ = arrayed on the battleeld
` : = with whom
| = by me
Hj = together
|j = have to ght
~|-+ = in this
m = strife

L = in the attempt.
|-|+|+ = those who will be ghting
~1 T = let me see
~j = I
= who
} = those
~ = here
H|H|: = assembled

- = for the son of Dhritarashtra

j : = evil-minded

j = in the ght
| = well
||11: = wishing.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
}1 = thus
I+: = addressed
[1| : = Lord KRiShNa

<| + = by Arjuna
| = O descendant of Bharata
H+|: = of the armies
I|: = both
~ = in the midst
-|1|1| = placing
| = the nest chariot.
| = Grandfather Bhishma
|m = the teacher Drona

: = in front of
H1 1| = all
= also
j||T| = chiefs of the world
I1| = said
1| = O son of Pritha
1 = just behold
}|+ = all of them
H1 |+ = assembled

-+ = the members of the Kuru dynasty

=| = thus.
= there
~1 = he could see
|-|+ = standing
1|: = Arjuna

+ = fathers
~ = also
|1|j|+ = grandfathers
~|||+ = teachers

|+ = maternal uncles

+ = brothers

|+ = sons
1||+ = grandsons
H|+ = friends
| = too

|+ = fathers-in-law

[: = well-wishers
= also
}1 = certainly
H+|: = of the armies
I|: = of both parties
~|1 = including.
|+ = all of them
H|e = after seeing
H: = he
|-: = the son of Kunti
H1|+ = all kinds of

+ = relatives
~1|-|+ = situated

1| = by compassion
1| = of a high grade
~||1: = overwhelmed
|11|+ = while lamenting
= = thus
~1.1| = spoke.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

1| = after seeing
= = all these
-1+ = kinsmen

m = O KRiShNa

= all in a ghting spirit

1|- = present
H||- = are quivering
= my
H|||m = limbs of the body

= mouth
= also

| = is drying up.
1 1

: = trembling of the body

= also
| = on the body
= my
|j1: = standing of hair on end
= also
| = is taking place
H|<|1 = the bow of Arjuna
-H = is slipping
j-| = from the hand
1 = skin
= also
}1 = certainly
1|Q = is burning.
+ = nor
= also
++|| = am I able
= to stay
.| = forgetting
=1 = as
= and
= my
+: = mind
|+|||+ = causes
= also
1|| = I see
|11|||+ = just the opposite
1 = O killer of the de-
mon Kesi (KRiShNa).
+ = nor
= also
: = good

1|| = do I foresee
j1| = by killing
-1+ = own kinsmen
~|j1 = in the ght
+ = nor
|< T = do I desire
|1 = victory

m = O KRiShNa
+ = nor
= also
| = kingdom

||+ = happiness thereof

= also.
| = what use
+: = to us
|+ = is the kingdom
H||1- = O KRiShNa
| = what
|H`: = enjoyment
||1+ = living
1| = either
1| = of whom
~ = for the sake
||< T = is desired
+: = by us
| = kingdom
|H|: = material enjoyment

||+ = all happiness

= also
= all of them
= = these
~1|-|: = situated

j = on this battleeld
|m|+ = lives
+1| = giving up
+||+ = riches
= also
~|||: = teachers
|1: = fathers

|: = sons
| = as well as
}1 = certainly
= also
|1|j|: = grandfathers

|: = maternal uncles

|: = fathers-in-law
1||: = grandsons
||: = brothers-in-law
H1|-+: = relatives
| = as well as
}|+ = all these
+ = never
= to kill
=|| = do I wish
+: = being killed
~|1 = even

+ = O killer of the de-

mon Madhu (KRiShNa)
~|1 = even if
`|+ = of the three worlds
|- = for the kingdom
j |: = in exchange
| +

= what to speak of

= for the sake of the earth

|+j = by killing

|+ = the sons of Dhritarashtra

+: = our
| = what
||: = pleasure
-| = will there be
+|+ = O maintainer of all liv-
ing entities.
1|1 = vices
}1 = certainly
~| = must come upon
~-|+ = us
j1| = by killing
}|+ = all these
~|||+: = aggressors
-| = therefore
+ = never
~|j|: = deserving
1 = we
= to kill

|+ = the sons of Dhritarashtra

H1|-1|+ = along with friends
-1+ = kinsmen
|j = certainly
= how
j1| = by killing

|+: = happy
-| = will we become
|1 = O KRiShNa, hus-
band of the goddess of fortune.
| = if
~|1 = even
} = they
+ = do not
1|- = see
| = by greed
I1j = overpowered
H: = their hearts

T = in killing the family

= done
|1 = fault
| |j = in quarreling with friends
= also
1| = sinful reactions
= why
+ = should not
3 = be known
~-||: = by us
1|1| = from sins
~-| = these
= to cease

T = in the destruction of a dynasty

= done
|1 = crime
1|: = by those who can see
+|+ = O KRiShNa.

T = in destroying the family

m|- = become vanquished

|: = the family traditions

H+|+|: = eternal
= religion
+ = being destroyed

= family

-+ = whole
~: = irreligion
~|1| = transforms
I = it is said.
~ = irreligion
~|1| = having be-
come predominant

m = O KRiShNa

|- = become polluted

|-: = family ladies


= by the womanhood


= being so polluted
1|m = O descendant of VRiShNi
| = comes into being
1mH: = unwanted progeny.
H: = such unwanted children
+| = make for hellish life
}1 = certainly

+|+| = for those who are killers of the family

- = for the family

= also
1|- = fall down
|1: = forefathers
|j = certainly
}1| = of them

= stopped
|1< = of oerings of food
I = and water
||: = performances.
|1 `: = by such faults
}`: = all these

+|+| = of the destroy-

ers of the family
1mH = of unwanted children
| ` : = which are causes
IH|L- = are devastated
|||: = community projects

|: = family traditions
= also
|+|: = eternal.
IHW = spoiled

|m| = of those who have the fam-

ily traditions

|m| = of such men

+|+ = O KRiShNa
+ = in hell
|+ = always
1|H: = residence
1| = it so becomes
=| = thus

= I have heard by disci-

plic succession.
~j| = alas
1 = how strange it is
j = great
1|1 = sins

= to perform
1||H|: = have decided
1 = we
= because

|+ = driven by greed for royal happiness

= to kill
-1+ = kinsmen
IL|: = trying.
| = even if
| = me
~|| = without being resistant
~- = without being fully equipped
-1|m: = those with weapons in hand

|: = the sons of Dhritarashtra

m = on the battleeld

: = may kill
= that
= for me
T = better
1 = would be.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
}1 = thus
I+1| = saying

+: = Arjuna

= in the battleeld
= of the chariot
I1- = on the seat
I1|1 = sat down again

= putting aside
H = along with arrows
|1 = the bow
| = by lamentation
H|1+ = distressed
|+H: = within the mind.
End of 1.46
H I1| = Sanjaya said
= unto Arjuna
| = thus

1| = by compassion
~||1 = overwhelmed


= full of tears
Tm = eyes
|11|- = lamenting
= = these
1|+ = words
I1| = said

+: = the killer of Madhu.


1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said

: = wherefrom
1| = unto you
= dirtiness
= = this lamentation
|11 = in this hour of crisis

1|- = arrived
~+| = persons who do not know the value of life

= practiced by
~-1 = which does not lead to higher planets
~|| = infamy
= the cause of

+ = O Arjuna.
+` = impotence
| - = do not
H: = take to
1| = O son of Pritha
+ = never
} = this
1| = unto you
I11L = is betting

= petty
[ = of the heart
|1~ = weakness
+1| = giving up
I| = get up
11 = O chastiser of the enemies.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

= how
| = Bhishma
~j = I

= in the ght
|m = Drona
= also

+ = O killer of Madhu

|: = with arrows
||-|| = shall counterattack

|j| = those who are worshipable


+ = O killer of the enemies.


+ = the superiors
~j1| = not killing
|j = certainly

1|+ = great souls

: = it is better
= to enjoy life
`e = by begging
~|1 = even
=j = in this life
| = in this world
j1| = killing
~ = gain
||+ = desiring

= but

+ = superiors
=j = in this world
}1 = certainly

| = one has to enjoy

|H|+ = enjoyable things
| = blood
||+ = tainted with.
+ = nor
= also
} = this
|1: = do we know
= which
+: = for us
H|: = better
]| = whether
= we may conquer
| = if
1| = or
+: = us

: = they conquer
|+ = those who
}1 = certainly
j1| = by killing
+ = never
|||11|: = we would want to live
= all of them
~1|-|: = are situated

= in the front

|: = the sons of Dhritarashtra.

|1 = of miserliness
|1 = by the weakness
I1j = being aicted
-1|1: = characteristics

|| = I am asking
1| = unto You
= religion

= bewildered
|: = in heart
= what
: = all-good
-| = may be
|+|T = condently

|j = tell
= that
= unto me
|: = disciple
= Your
~j = I am
|| = just instruct
| = me
1| = unto You
1W = surrendered.
+ = do not
|j = certainly
1|| = I see
= my

L| = can drive away

= that which
| = lamentation
I|1m = drying up
=|- |m| = of the senses
~1| = achieving

| = on the earth
~H1+ = without rival
+j = prosperous
| = kingdom

|m| = of the demigods

~|1 = even
= also
~||1 = supremacy.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
}1 = thus
I+1| = speaking
[1| = unto KRiShNa, the mas-
ter of the senses

<| : = Arjuna, the master of curb-

ing ignorance
1-1 = the chastiser of the enemies
+ |- = I shall not ght
=| = thus
H||1- = unto KR-
iShNa, the giver of pleasure to the senses
I+1| = saying

|m = silent

1 = became
j = certainly.
= unto him
I1| = said
[1| : = the mas-
ter of the senses, KRiShNa
jH+ = smiling
=1 = like that
| = O Dhritarashtra, descen-
dant of Bharata
H+|: = of the armies
I|: = of both parties
~ = between
|11|- = unto the lamenting one
= = the following
1: = words.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
~||+ = not worthy of lamentation
~-1|: = you are lamenting
1 = you
3|1||+ = learned talks
= also
|1H = speaking
H = lost

+ = life
~H = not past

+ = life
= also
+ = never

||- = lament
1|<|: = the learned.
+ = never

= but
}1 = certainly
~j = I

= at any time
+ = did not
~|H = exist
+ = not
1 = you
+ = not
= = all these
+||1: = kings
+ = never
= also
}1 = certainly
+ = not
|1|: = shall exist
H1 1 = all of us
~: 1 = hereafter.
j|+: = of the embodied
~|-+ = in this
| = as
j = in the body
|| = boyhood
|1+ = youth
| = old age
| = similarly
j|- = of transference of the body
||: = achievement
|: = the sober
= thereupon
+ = never

Q| = is deluded.
||-1: = sensory perception

= only
|- = O son of Kunti
| = winter
Im = summer

= happiness

: = and pain
|: = giving
~|H = appearing
~1||+: = disappearing
~|+: = nonpermanent
|+ = all of them
||T-1 = just try to tolerate
| = O descen-
dant of the Bharata dynasty.
= one to whom
|j = certainly
+ = never
|- = are distressing
} = all these

1 = to a person

11 = O best among men

H = unaltered

: = in distress

= and happiness
| = patient
H: = he

1| = for liberation
~1 = is considered eligible.
+ = never
~H: = of the nonexistent
|1L = there is
|1: = endurance
+ = never
~|1: = changing quality
|1L = there is
H: = of the eternal
I|: = of the two
~|1 = verily

: = observed
~-: = conclusion

= indeed
~+|: = of them
1 = of the truth
||: = by the seers.
~|1+|| = imperishable

= but
= that
|1|j = know it
+ = by whom
H1 = all of the body
= = this
= pervaded
|1+| = destruction
~- = of the imperishable
~- = of it
+ |T = no one

= to do
~j| = is able.
~-1-: = perishable
= = all these
j|: = material bodies
|+- = eternal in existence
I+|: = are said
||m: = of the embodied soul
~+||+: = never to be destroyed
~- = immeasurable
-| = therefore

~-1 = ght
| = O descendant of Bharata.
: = anyone who
}+ = this
1 | = knows
j-| = the killer
: = anyone who
= also
}+ = this
- = thinks
j = killed
I| = both
| = they
+ = never
|1|+||: = are in knowledge
+ = never
~ = this
j|- = kills
+ = nor
j- = is killed.
+ = never
| = takes birth
|. = dies
1| = either
|| = at any time (past, present or future)
+ = never
~ = this

1| = having come into being

|1| = will come to be
1| = or
+ = not

: = or is again coming to be
~: = unborn
|+: = eternal
|+: = permanent
~ = this

|m: = the oldest

+ = never
j- = is killed
j-|+ = being killed
| = the body.
1 = knows
~|1+||+ = indestructible
|+ = always existing
: = one who
}+ = this (soul)
~ = unborn
~ = immutable
= how
H: = that

1: = person
1| = O Partha (Arjuna)
= whom
|| = causes to hurt
j|- = kills
= whom.
1|H||H = garments
|m||+ = old and worn out
| = just as
|1j| = giving up
+1||+ = new garments

|| = does accept
+: = a man
~1||m = others
| = in the same way
|||m = bodies
|1j| = giving up
|m||+ = old and useless
~-||+ = dierent
H|| = verily accepts
+1||+ = new sets
j| = the embodied.
+ = never
}+ = this soul
|-|- = can cut to pieces
-||m = weapons
+ = never
}+ = this soul
j| = burns
1|1: = re
+ = never
= also
}+ = this soul
+|- = moistens
~|1: = water
+ = never
|1| = dries
|: = wind.
~L: = unbreakable
~ = this soul
~|Q: = unable to be burned
~ = this soul
~+L: = insoluble
~|: = not able to be dried
}1 = certainly
= and
|+: = everlasting
H1H: = all-pervading

: = unchangeable
~: = immovable
~ = this soul
H+|+: = eternally the same.
~+: = invisible
~ = this soul
~|-: = inconceivable
~ = this soul
~|1|: = unchangeable
~ = this soul
I = is said
-| = therefore
}1 = like this
|1|1| = knowing it well
}+ = this soul
+ = do not

= to lament
~j|H = you deserve.
~ = if, however
= also
}+ = this soul
|+| = always born
|+ = forever
1| = either
-H = you so think

= dead
||1 = still
1 = you
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
+ = never
}+ = about the soul
= to lament
~j|H = deserve.
|- = of one who has taken his birth
|j = certainly

1: = a fact

: = death

1 = it is also a fact
- = birth

- = of the dead
= also
-| = therefore
~1|j| = of that which is unavoidable
~ = in the matter
+ = do not
1 = you
= to lament
~j|H = deserve.
~+|||+ = in the begin-
ning unmanifested

|+| = all that are created

+ = manifested
~||+ = in the middle
| = O descendant of Bharata
~+ = nonmanifested
|++||+ = when vanquished
}1 = it is all like that
= therefore
| = what
1| 1+| = lamentation.
~|T1 = as amazing
1| = sees
|T = someone
}+ = this soul
~|T1 = as amazing
1| = speaks of
| = thus
}1 = certainly
= also
~-: = another
~|T1 = similarly amazing
= also
}+ = this soul
~-: = another

m|| = hears of

1| = having heard
~|1 = even
}+ = this soul
1 = knows
+ = never
= and
}1 = certainly
|T = someone.
j| = the owner of the material body
|+ = eternally
~1~: = cannot be killed
~ = this soul
j = in the body
H1- = of everyone
| = O descendant of Bharata
-| = therefore
H1||m = all

||+ = living entities (that are born)

+ = never
1 = you
= to lament
~j|H = deserve.
-1 = ones own religious principles
~|1 = also
= indeed
~1 e = considering
+ = never
= to hesitate
~j|H = you deserve
| = for religious principles
|j = indeed

j| = than ghting
: = better engagement
~- = any other
T|- = of the ksatriya
+ = does not
|1L = exist.

| = by its own accord

= also
I11W = arrived at
-1H = of the heavenly planets
]| = door

= wide open

|+: = very happy

T||: = the mem-
bers of the royal order
1| = O son of Pritha
- = do achieve

j = war

1 = like this.
~ = therefore
= if
1 = you
= = this
= as a religious duty
HH.| = ghting
+ = do not
||H = perform
: = then
-1 = your religious duty
|| = reputation
= also
|j1| = losing
1|1 = sinful reaction
~1|-|H = will gain.
~|| = infamy
= also
~|1 = over and above

||+ = all people

||- = will speak
= of you
~ = forever
H||1- = for a respectable man
= also
~||: = ill fame
m| = than death
~|| = becomes more.
| = out of fear
m| = from the battleeld
I1 = ceased
-- = they will consider
1| = you
j||: = the great generals
1| = for whom
= also
1 = you

: = in great estimation

1| = having been
|-|H = you will go
|1 = decreased in value.
~1| = unkind
1||+ = fabricated words
= also

+ = many
1||- = will say
1 = your
~|j|: = enemies
|+--: = while vilifying
1 = your
H| = ability
: = than that

: = more painful

= of course
| = what is there.
j: = being killed
1| = either
|-|H = you gain
-1H = the heavenly kingdom
|1| = by conquering
1| = or
|eH = you enjoy
j| = the world
-| = therefore
I| = get up
|- = O son of Kunti

j| = to ght

= determined
|+T: = in certainty.

= happiness

: = and distress
H = in equanimity

1| = doing so
|||| = both prot and loss
|| = both victory and defeat
: = thereafter

j| = for the sake of ghting

-1 = engage (ght)
+ = never
}1 = in this way
1|1 = sinful reaction
~1|-|H = you will gain.
}1| = all this
= unto you
~||j| = described

= by analytical study

|j: = intelligence
|H = in work without fruitive result

= but
= = this

= just hear

~| = by intelligence

+: = dovetailed
| = by which
1| = O son of Pritha
1- = bondage of reaction
j|-|H = you can be released from.
+ = there is not
=j = in this yoga
~| = in endeavoring
+|: = loss
~|- = there is
1|: = diminution
+ = never
|1L = there is
-1~1 = a little
~|1 = although
~- = of this
- = occupation
| = releases
j: = from very great
| = danger.
1H|||| = resolute in KR-
iShNa consciousness

|j: = intelligence
} = only one
=j = in this world

+-+ = O beloved child of the Kurus


||: = having various branches

|j = indeed
~+-|: = unlimited
= also

j: = intelligence
~1H||+| = of those who are not in KR-
iShNa consciousness.
||| = all these

|1| = owery
1| = words
1|- = say
~|11|T: = men with a poor fund of knowledge
1 1||: = supposed follow-
ers of the Vedas
1| = O son of Pritha
+ = never
~- = anything else
~|- = there is
=| = thus
1||+: = the advocates
|||+: = desirous of sense gratication
-1H1|: = aiming to achieve heav-
enly planets
-+| = result-
ing in good birth and other fruitive reactions
|||11 = pompous ceremonies

| = various
|H = in sense enjoyment
}+ = and opulence
H| = progress
| = towards.
|H = to material enjoyment
}+ = and opulence
H+|+| = for those who are attached
| = by such things
~1[H| = bewildered in mind
1H|||| = xed in determination

|j: = devotional service to the Lord

H|| = in the controlled mind
+ = never
|1| = does take place.

= pertaining to the three modes of ma-

terial nature
|11|: = on the subject matter
1 |: = Vedic literatures

: = transcenden-
tal to the three modes of material nature
1 = be

+ = O Arjuna
|+]-]: = without duality
|+H1-: = in a pure state of spiri-
tual existence
|+|HT: = free from ideas of gain and protection
~|1|+ = established in the self.
|1|+ = all that
~: = is meant
I1|+ = in a well of water
H1: = in all respects

| = in a great reser-
voir of water
|1|+ = similarly
H1 1

= in all
1 1

= Vedic literatures
1.|qm- = of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman
|1|+: = who is in com-
plete knowledge.
||m = in prescribed duties
}1 = certainly
~||: = right
= of you
| = never

= in the fruits
|+ = at any time
| = never
+ = in the result of the work

: = cause

: = become
| = never
= of you
Hj: = attachment

= there should be
~|m = in not doing pre-
scribed duties.
|H-: = equipoised

= perform
||m = your duties
Hj = attachment
+1| = giving up
+ = O Arjuna
|H ~|H ~|: = in success and failure
H: = equipoised

1| = becoming
H1 = equanimity
|H: = yoga
I = is called.

m = discard it at a long distance

|j = certainly
~1 = abominable
= activity

|j|H| = on the strength of KR-

iShNa consciousness
+ = O conqueror of wealth

j| = in such consciousness
m = full surrender
~|-1 = try for

1m|: = misers
+j 1: = those desir-
ing fruitive results.


+: = one who is engaged in de-

votional service
j|| = can get rid of
=j = in this life
I = both

= good and bad results

-| = therefore
|H| = for the sake of devo-
tional service

-1 = be so engaged
|H: = KRiShNa consciousness

= in all activities
| = art.
= due to fruitive activities


+|: = being engaged in devo-

tional service
|j = certainly
+ = results
+1| = giving up
+||1m: = great sages or devotees
-1- = from the bondage of birth and death

+|: = liberated
1 = position
H|- = they reach
~+| = without miseries.
| = when
= your
|j = of illusion
| = dense forest

|j: = transcendental ser-

vice with intelligence
||| = surpasses
| = at that time
H-||H = you shall go
|+1 = callousness
|- = toward all that is to be heard

- = all that is already heard

= also.

| = of Vedic revelation
|1|1W| = without being inu-
enced by the fruitive results
= your
| = when
-|-| = remains
|+T| = unmoved
H|| = in transcendental conscious-
ness, or KRiShNa consciousness
~| = uninching

|j: = intelligence
| = at that time
|H = self-realization
~1|-|H = you will achieve.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

|-3- = of one who is situ-
ated in xed KRiShNa consciousness
| = what
|1| = language
H||-- = of one situated in trance
1 = O KRiShNa
|-|: = one xed in KR-
iShNa consciousness
| = what
|1 = speaks
| = how
~|H| = does remain still
1. = walks
| = how.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
j|| = gives up
| = when
||+ = desires for sense gratication
H1|+ = of all varieties
1| = O son of Pritha
+|H|+ = of mental concoction
~|||+ = in the pure state of the soul
}1 = certainly

~|+| = by the puried mind

: = satised
|-3: = transcendentally situated
| = at that time
I = is said.


= in the threefold miseries


|]++|: = without being agi-

tated in mind

= in happiness

j: = without being interested

1| = free from
|H = attachment
= fear
|: = and anger
|-|: = whose mind is steady

|+: = a sage
I = is called.
: = one who
H1 = everywhere
~+|-+j: = without aection
= that
= that
| = achieving

= good

= evil
+ = never
~|+-| = praises
+ = never
] | = envies
- = his
3| = perfect knowledge
||| = xed.
| = when
Hj = winds up
= also
~ = he

: = tortoise
~j||+ = limbs
=1 = like
H1: = altogether
=|- ||m = senses
=|- |-: = from the sense objects
- = his
3| = consciousness
||| = xed.
|11|: = objects for sense enjoyment
|1|+1- = are practiced to be re-
frained from
|+|j|- = by negative restrictions
j|+: = for the embodied
H1 = giving up the taste
H: = sense of enjoyment
~|1 = although there is
~- = his
1 = far superior things

1| = by experiencing
|+1 = he ceases from.
: = while endeavoring
|j = certainly
~|1 = in spite of
|- = O son of Kunti

1- = of a man
|11|T: = full of discriminat-
ing knowledge
=|- ||m = the senses
|||+ = agitating
j|- = throw
H = by force
+: = the mind.
||+ = those senses
H1||m = all
H = keeping under control

+: = engaged
~|H| = should be situated
1: = in relationship with Me
1 = in full subjugation
|j = certainly
- = one whose
=|- ||m = senses
- = his
3| = consciousness
||| = xed.
~|: = while contemplating
|11|+ = sense objects
H: = of a person
Hj: = attachment

= in the sense objects

I1| = develops
Hj| = from attachment
H| = develops
|: = desire
|| = from desire
|: = anger
~|| = becomes manifest.
|| = from anger
1| = takes place
H|j: = perfect illusion
H|j| = from illusion

| = of memory
|1.: = bewilderment

|.| = after bewilder-

ment of memory

|j+|: = loss of intelligence


|j+|| = and from loss of intelligence

m| = one falls down.
|H = attachment
] 1 = and detachment

+`: = by one who has be-

come free from

= but
|11|+ = sense objects
=|- `: = by the senses
+ = acting upon
~|1`: = under ones control
|1|| = one who follows regu-
lated freedom
H| = the mercy of the Lord
~|H| = attains.
H| = on achievement of the cause-
less mercy of the Lord
H1 = of all

:|+| = material miseries

j||+: = destruction
~- = his
I1| = takes place
HWH: = of the happy-minded
|j = certainly

= very soon

|j: = intelligence
1| = suciently
~1| = becomes established.
+||- = there cannot be

|j: = transcendental intelligence


+- = of one who is not con-

nected (with KRiShNa consciousness)
+ = not
= and

+- = of one devoid of KR-

iShNa consciousness
|1+| = xed mind (in happiness)
+ = not
= and
~|1: = of one who is not xed
||-: = peace

~|-- = of the unpeaceful

: = where is

= happiness.
=|- |m| = of the senses
|j = certainly
| = while roaming
= with which
+: = the mind

|1| = becomes con-

stantly engaged
= that
~- = his
j| = takes away
3| = intelligence

: = wind
+1 = a boat
=1 = like
~|H = on the water.
-| = therefore
- = whose
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one

j|||+ = so curbed down

H1: = all around
=|- ||m = the senses
=|- |-: = from sense objects
- = his
3| = intelligence
||| = xed.
| = what
|+| = is night
H1 = all

|+| = of living entities

-| = in that
|H| = is wakeful
H| = the self-controlled
-| = in which
|H.| = are awake

||+ = all beings

H| = that is
|+| = night
1: = for the introspective

+: = sage.

|m = always being lled

~| = steadily situated

= the ocean
~|1: = waters
|1|- = enter
] = as
] = so
||: = desires
= unto whom
|1|- = enter
H1 = all
H: = that person
||- = peace
~|+|| = achieves
+ = not
||| = one who desires to ful-
ll desires.
|1j| = giving up
||+ = material de-
sires for sense gratication
: = who
H1|+ = all

|+ = a person
| = lives

j: = desireless
|+: = without a sense of proprietorship
|+j|: = without false ego
H: = he
||- = perfect peace
~|H| = attains.
}1| = this
1.|q| = spiritual
|-|: = situation
1| = O son of Pritha
+ = never
}+ = this
| = achieving

Q| = one is bewildered
|-1| = being situated
~-| = in this
~-| = at the end of life
~|1 = also
1.q|+1|m = the spiritual king-
dom of God
+| = one attains.
End of 2.72

+ I1| = Arjuna said

||H = better
= if
m: = than fruitive action
= by You
| = is considered

|j: = intelligence
+|+ = O KRiShNa
= therefore
| = why
|m = in action
| = ghastly
| = me
|+||H = You are engaging
1 = O KRiShNa.
||m = by equivocal
=1 = certainly
1|++ = words

|j = intelligence
|j|H = You are bewildering
=1 = certainly
= my
= therefore
} = only one
1 = please tell
|+|T = ascertaining
+ = by which
: = real benet
~j = I

| = may have.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
| = in the world
~|-+ = this
|]|1| = two kinds of
|+| = faith

| = formerly
|+| = were said
| = by Me
~+ = O sinless one
3|+|H+ = by the linking pro-
cess of knowledge

|+| = of the empiric philosophers

|Hm = by the linking pro-
cess of devotion
||H+| = of the devotees.
+ = not
m| = of prescribed duties
~+|| = by nonperformance
+` = freedom from reaction

1: = a man

= achieves
+ = nor
= also
H-|H+| = by renunciation
}1 = simply
|H|j = success
H|H| = attains.
+ = nor
|j = certainly
|T = anyone
Tm = a moment
~|1 = also

= at any time
|| = remains

= without doing something

| = is forced to do
|j = certainly
~1: = helplessly
= work
H1: = all

|`: = born of the modes of mate-

rial nature

m`: = by the qualities.

|- ||m = the ve work-
ing sense organs
H = controlling
: = anyone who
~|- = remains
+H| = by the mind
-+ = thinking of
=|- ||+ = sense objects

= foolish
~|| = soul
|||: = pretender
H: = he
I = is called.
: = one who

= but
=|- ||m = the senses
+H| = by the mind
|+ = regulating
~| = begins

+ = O Arjuna
|- `: = by the active sense organs
|H = devotion
~H+: = without attachment
H: = he
|1| = is by far the better.
|+ = prescribed

= do
= duties
1 = you
= work
||: = better
|j = certainly
~m: = than no work
| = bodily
|| = maintenance
~|1 = even
= also
= your
+ = never
|H ~ = is eected
~m: = without work.
3|| = done only for the sake of Ya-
jna, or Visnu
m: = than work
~- = otherwise
|: = world
~ = this
1-+: = bondage by work
= of Him
~ = for the sake
= work
|- = O son of Kunti

+Hj: = liberated from association

H| = do perfectly.
Hj = along with
3|: = sacrices
|: = generations

1| = creating

| = anciently
I1| = said
|1|: = the Lord of creatures
~++ = by this
H|1~1 = be more and more prosperous
}1: = this
1: = your

= let it be
= = of all desirable things

= bestower.
1|+ = demigods
|1| = having pleased
~++ = by this sacrice
= those
1|: = demigods

= will please
1: = you
1-1 = mutually
|1-: = pleasing one another
: = benediction
1 = the supreme
~1|- = you will achieve.
=|+ = desired
|H|+ = necessities of life
|j = certainly
1: = unto you
1|: = the demigods
|-- = will award
3||1|: = being satised by the per-
formance of sacrices
`: = by them
|+ = things given
~| = without oering
}-: = to these demigods
: = he who

= enjoys
-+: = thief
}1 = certainly
H: = he.
3|| = of food taken after perfor-
mance of yajna
~||H+: = eaters
H-: = the devotees

- = get relief
H1 = all kinds of
||~11 `: = from sins

= enjoy
= they

= but
~ = grievous sins
1|1|: = sinners
= who
1|- = prepare food
~||m| = for sense enjoyment.
~W| = from grains
1|- = grow

||+ = the material bodies

1-| = from rains
~W = of food grains
H1: = production
3| = from the perfor-
mance of sacrice
1| = becomes possible
1-: = rain
3: = performance of yajna
= prescribed duties

1: = born of.
= work
1.q = from the Vedas
I1 = produced
|1|j = you should know
1.q = the Vedas
~T = from the Supreme Brah-
man (Personality of Godhead)

1 = directly manifested
-| = therefore
H1H = all-pervading
1.q = transcendence
|+ = eternally
3 = in sacrice
|| = situated.
}1 = thus
1| = established by the Vedas
= cycle
+ = does not

1| = adopt
=j = in this life
: = one who

: = whose life is full of sins

=|- ||: = satis-
ed in sense gratication
| = uselessly
1| = O son of Pritha (Arjuna)
H: = he
|1| = lives.
: = one who

= but
~||: = taking pleasure in the self
}1 = certainly
-| = remains

: = self-illuminated
= and
|+1: = a man
~||+ = in himself
}1 = only
= and

: = perfectly satiated
- = his
| = duty
+ = does not
|1L = exist.
+ = never
}1 = certainly
- = his

+ = by discharge of duty
~: = purpose
+ = nor

+ = without discharge of duty

=j = in this world
T+ = whatever
+ = never
= and
~- = of him

= among all living beings

|T = any
~ = purpose
1|: = taking shelter of.
-| = therefore
~H+: = without attachment
H = constantly
| = as duty
= work
H| = perform
~H+: = unattached
|j = certainly
~||+ = performing
= work
1 = the Supreme
~|+|| = achieves

1: = a man.
m| = by work
}1 = even
|j = certainly
H|H|j = in perfection
~||-|: = situated
+||: = Janaka and other kings
|HH.j = the people in general
}1||1 = also
H1+ = considering

= to act
~j|H = you deserve.
L = whatever
~|| = he does
: = a respectable leader
= that
= and that alone
}1 = certainly
=: = common
+: = person
H: = he
= whichever
|m = example

= does perform
||: = all the world
= that

1 = follows in the footsteps.

+ = not
= Mine
1| = O son of Pritha
~|- = there is
= prescribed duty

= in the three
| 1

= planetary systems
|+ = any
+ = nothing
~+1| = wanted
~1| = to be gained
1 = I am engaged
}1 = certainly
= also
|m = in prescribed duty.
| = if
|j = certainly
~j = I
+ = do not
1 = thus engage

= ever
|m = in the performance of pre-
scribed duties
~|- : = with great care
= My
1 = path

1- = would follow

|: = all men
1| = O son of Pritha
H1: = in all respects.

: = would be put into ruin

= = all these
||: = worlds
+ = not

| = I perform
= prescribed duties
= if
~j = I
H- = of unwanted population
= and
| = creator
-| = would be
I1j-| = would destroy
=|: = all these
|: = living entities.
H+|: = being attached
|m = in prescribed duties
~|1]|H: = the ignorant
| = as much as

1|- = they do
| = O descendant of Bharata

| = must do
|1]|+ = the learned
| = thus
~H+: = without attachment

: = desiring to lead
|HH.j = the people in general.
+ = not

|j = disruption of intelligence
+ = he should cause
~3|+| = of the foolish
H|j+| = who are at-
tached to fruitive work
|1 = he should dovetail
H1 = all
||m = work
|1]|+ = a learned person

+: = engaged
H|+ = practicing.

: = of material nature
||m||+ = being done

m`: = by the modes

||m = activities
H1: = all kinds of

= bewildered by false ego

~|| = the spirit soul
| = doer
~j = I
=| = thus
- = he thinks.
1|1 = the knower of the Abso-
lute Truth

= but
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one

m = of works under mate-

rial inuence
|1|H|: = dierences

m|: = senses


= in sense gratication
1- = are being engaged
=| = thus
1| = thinking
+ = never
H = becomes attached.

: = of material nature

m = by the modes

|: = befooled by mate-
rial identication
H- = they become engaged


= in material activities
|+ = those

-+|1|: = per-
sons with a poor fund of knowledge
-|+ = lazy to understand self-

-+|1 = one who is in fac-

tual knowledge
+ = not
|1| = should try to agitate.
| = unto Me
H1||m = all sorts of
||m = activities
H-- = giving up completely
~~| = with full knowledge of the self
H| = by consciousness
|+||: = without desire for prot
|+: = without ownership

1| = so being

~-1 = ght
|1H1: = without being lethargic.
= those who
= My
= injunctions
= = these
|+ = as an eternal function

||- = execute regularly

|+1|: = human beings
j|1-: = with faith and devotion

-: = without envy

- = become free
= all of them
~|1 = even
|: = from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions.
= those

= however
} = this

-: = out of envy
+ = do not

||- = regularly perform

= My
= injunction
H13|+ = in all sorts of knowledge

|+ = perfectly befooled
|+ = they are
|1|j = know it well
+|+ = all ruined
~H: = without KR-
iShNa consciousness.

= accordingly
= tries
-1-: = by his own

: = modes of nature
3|+1|+ = learned
~|1 = although

| = nature
||- = undergo

|+| = all living entities

|+H.j: = repression
| = what
|| = can do.
=|- - = of the senses
=|- -| = in the sense objects
|H = attachment
] 1| = also detachment
1|-| = put under regulations
|: = of them
+ = never
1 = control
~|H = one should come
| = those
|j = certainly
~- = his
1|1|-+| = stumbling blocks.
|+ = far better
-1: = ones prescribed duties

m: = even faulty
1| = than duties men-
tioned for others

|| = perfectly done
-1 = in ones prescribed duties
|++ = destruction
: = better
1: = duties prescribed for others
|1j: = dangerous.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

~ = then
+ = by what

+: = impelled
~ = one
1|1 = sins
| = does

1: = a man
~|++ = without desiring
~|1 = although
1|m = O descendant of VRiShNi
1| = by force
=1 = as if
|+||: = engaged.

1| = the Personality of God-

head said
|: = lust
}1: = this
|: = wrath
}1: = this

m = the mode of passion


1: = born of
j|+: = all-devouring
j|1|| = greatly sinful
|1|j = know
}+ = this
=j = in the material world
1 `|m = greatest enemy.

+ = by smoke
~||1. = is covered
1|q: = re
| = just as
~: = mirror
+ = by dust
= also
| = just as
I~1 + = by the womb

: = is covered
H: = embryo
| = so
+ = by that lust
= = this

= is covered.

= covered
3|+ = pure consciousness
}+ = by this
3||++: = of the knower
|+1 `|m = by the eternal enemy
|-1 m = in the form of lust
|- = O son of Kunti

m = never to be satised
~++ = by the re
= also.
=|- ||m = the senses
+: = the mind

|j: = the intelligence

~- = of this lust
~||+ = sitting place
I = is called
}`: = by all these
|1|j| = bewilders
}1: = this
3|+ = knowledge

= covering
|j+ = of the embodied.
-| = therefore
1 = you
=|- ||m = senses
~|| = in the beginning
|+ = by regulating
1 = O chief amongst the descen-
dants of Bharata
1||+ = the great symbol of sin
|j = curb
|j = certainly
}+ = this
3|+ = of knowledge
|13|+ = and scientic knowl-
edge of the pure soul
+|+ = the destroyer.
=|- ||m = senses
1||m = superior

: = are said
=|- -: = more than the senses
1 = superior
+: = the mind
+H: = more than the mind

= also
1| = superior

|j: = intelligence
: = who

j : = more than the intelligence

1: = superior

= but
H: = he.
}1 = thus

j : = to intelligence
1 = superior

~1| = knowing
H-- = by steadying
~||+ = the mind
~|+| = by deliberate intelligence
|j = conquer

= the enemy
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
|-1 = in the form of lust

|H = formidable.
End of 3.43

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
= = this
|11-1 = unto the sun-god
|H = the science of ones relation-
ship to the Supreme
|+1|+ = instructed
~j = I
~ = imperishable
|11-1|+ = Vivasvan (the sun-
gods name)
+1 = unto the fa-
ther of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata)
|j = told

: = the father of mankind

=e1|1 = unto King Iksvaku
~1.1| = said.
}1 = thus
11| = by disciplic succession
| = received
= = this science
|1: = the saintly kings

: = understood
H: = that knowledge
|+ = in the course of time
=j = in this world
j| = great
|H: = the science of ones relation-
ship with the Supreme
+: = scattered
1-1 = O Arjuna, sub-
duer of the enemies.
H: = the same
}1 = certainly
~ = this
| = by Me
= unto you
~L = today
|H: = the science of yoga
|+: = spoken

|+: = very old

+: = devotee
~|H = you are
= My
H| = friend
= also
=| = therefore
j- = mystery
|j = certainly
} = this
I = transcendental.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

~1 = junior
1: = Your
- = birth
1 = superior
- = birth
|11-1: = of the sun-god
= how
} = this
|1|+| = shall I understand
1 = You
~|| = in the beginning
|+1|+ = instructed
=| = thus.

1| = the Personality of God-

head said

|+ = many
= of Mine
|||+ = have passed
-||+ = births
1 = of yours
= and also

+ = O Arjuna
||+ = those
~j = I
1 = do know
H1||m = all
+ = not
1 = you
1 = know
1-1 = O subduer of the enemy.
~: = unborn
~|1 = although
H+ = being so
~ = without deterioration
~|| = body

|+| = of all those who are born

+: = the Supreme Lord
~|1 = although
H+ = being so

| = in the transcendental form

-1| = of Myself
~|| = being so situated
H1|| = I do incarnate
~||| = by My internal energy.
| | = whenever and wherever
|j = certainly
- = of religion
||+: = discrepancies
1| = become manifested
| = O descendant of Bharata

|+ = predominance
~- = of irreligion
| = at that time
~||+ = self

|| = manifest
~j = I.
1||m| = for the deliverance

+| = of the devotees
|1+|| = for the annihilation
= and

| = of the miscreants
= principles of religion
H-|1+|| = to reestablish
H1|| = I do appear

H = millennium

H = after millennium.
- = birth
= work
= also
= of Mine
| = transcendental
}1 = like this
: = anyone who
1 | = knows
1: = in reality
+1| = leaving aside
j = this body

+: = again
- = birth
+ = never
}| = does attain
| = unto Me
}| = does attain
H: = he

+ = O Arjuna.
1| = freed from
|H = attachment
= fear
|: = and anger
-| = fully in Me
| = in Me
I1|||: = being fully situated
1j1: = many
3|+ = of knowledge
1H| = by the penance

|: = being puried
|1 = transcendental love for Me
~|H|: = attained.
= all who
| = as
| = unto Me
1L- = surrender
|+ = them
| = so
}1 = certainly
|| = reward
~j = I
= My
1 = path

1- = follow

|: = all men
1| = O son of Pritha
H1: = in all respects.
|< T-: = desiring
m| = of fruitive activities
|H|j = perfection
- = they worship by sacrices
=j = in the material world
1|: = the demigods
|T = very quickly
|j = certainly

1 = in human society
| = within this world
|H|j: = success
1| = comes
| = from fruitive work.

1 = the four divisions of hu-

man society
| = by Me

1| = created

m = of quality
= and work
|1|H: = in terms of division
- = of that
| = the father
~|1 = although
| = Me
|1|j = you may know
~| = as the nondoer
~ = unchangeable.
+ = never
| = Me
||m = all kinds of work
|1|- = do aect
+ = nor
= My
+ = in fruitive action

j| = aspiration
=| = thus
| = Me
: = one who
~||+|| = does know
|: = by the reaction of such work
+ = never
H: = he
1~ = becomes entangled.
}1 = thus
3|1| = knowing well

= was performed
= work

1 `: = by past authorities
~|1 = indeed

|: = who attained liberation

= just perform
= prescribed duty
}1 = certainly
-| = therefore
1 = you

1 `: = by the predecessors

1 = in ancient times

= as performed.
| = what is
= action
| = what is
~ = inaction
=| = thus
1: = the intelligent
~|1 = also
~ = in this matter
||j|: = are bewildered
= that
= unto you
= work
1e|| = I shall explain
= which
3|1| = knowing
|eH = you will be liberated

| = from ill fortune.

m: = of work
|j = certainly
~|1 = also
1|j = should be understood
1|j = should be understood
= also
|1m: = of forbidden work
~m: = of inaction
= also
1|j = should be understood
Hj+| = very dicult
m: = of work
H|: = entrance.
|m = in action
~ = inaction
: = one who
1 = observes
~|m = in inaction
= also
= fruitive action
: = one who
H: = he

|j|+ = is intelligent

= in human society
H: = he

+: = is in the transcendental position


= although en-
gaged in all activities.
- = one whose
H1 = all sorts of
H||: = attempts
| = based on de-
sire for sense gratication
H~1 = determination
1||: = are devoid of
3|+ = of perfect knowledge
~|+ = by the re
= burned
|m| = whose work
= him

: = declare
1|< = learned

|: = those who know.

+1| = having given up
+|Hj = attach-
ment for fruitive results
|+ = always

: = being satised
|+|: = without any shelter
|m = in activity

: = being fully engaged

~|1 = in spite of
+ = does not
}1 = certainly
|| = anything
|| = do
H: = he.
|+||: = without desire for the result
= controlled
||| = mind and intelligence
+ = giving up
H1 = all
1|H.j: = sense of proprietor-
ship over possessions
|| = in keeping body and soul together
1 = only
= work

1|+ = doing
+ = never
~|+|| = does acquire
||~1 = sinful reactions.

| = out of its own accord

| = with gain

: = satised
]-] = duality
~|: = surpassed
|1H: = free from envy
H: = steady
|Hj| = in success
~|Hj| = failure
= also

1| = doing
~|1 = although
+ = never
|+1~ = becomes aected.
HHj- = of one unattached to the modes of ma-
terial nature

+- = of the liberated
3|+|1|- = situated in transcendence
H: = whose wisdom
3| = for the sake of Ya-
jna (KRiShNa)
~|: = acting
= work
HH. = in total
|1| = merges entirely.
1.q = spiritual in nature
~1m = contribution
1.q = the Supreme
j|1: = butter
1.q = spiritual
~+| = in the re of consummation
1.qm| = by the spirit soul

= oered
1.q = spiritual kingdom
}1 = certainly
+ = by him
H- = to be reached
1.q = spiritual
= in activities
H||+| = by complete absorption.
`1 = in worshiping the demigods
}1 = like this
~1 = some others
3 = sacrices
||H+: = mystics

1|H = worship perfectly

1.q = of the Absolute Truth
~+| = in the re
~1 = others
3 = sacrice
3+ = by sacrice
}1 = thus

j| = oer.
||||+ = such as the hearing process
=|- ||m = senses
~- = others
H = of restraint

= in the res

j| = oer
||+ = sound vibration, etc.
|11|+ = objects of sense gratication
~- = others
=|- = of the sense organs

= in the res

j| = they sacrice.
H1||m = of all
=|- = the senses
||m = functions
|m||m = functions of the life breath
= also
~1 = others
~|H = of controlling the mind
|H = the linking process
~+| = in the re of

j| = oer
3|+||1 = because of the urge for self-
3|: = sacricing ones possessions
1|3|: = sacrice in austerities
|H3|: = sacrice in eight-
fold mysticism
| = thus
~1 = others
-1|~| = sacrice in the study of the Vedas
3|+3|: = sacrice in advance-
ment of transcendental knowledge
= also
: = enlightened persons
H|1.|: = taken to strict vows.
~1|+ = in the air which acts downward

j| = oer
|m = the air which acts outward
|m = in the air going outward
~1|+ = the air going downward
| = as also
~1 = others
|m = of the air going outward
~1|+ = and the air going downward
H| = the movement
~1| = checking
|m|| = trance induced by stop-
ping all breathing
1|m|: = so inclined
~1 = others
|+ = having controlled
~|j||: = eating
|m|+ = the outgoing air

= in the outgoing air

j| = sacrice.
H1 = all
~|1 = although apparently dierent
} = these
3|1: = conversant with the pur-
pose of performing sacrices
3T|1 = being cleansed as the re-
sult of such performances
~1|: = of sinful reactions
3| = of the result of such perfor-
mances of yajna

: = those who have tasted such nectar

||- = do approach
1.q = the supreme
H+|+ = eternal atmosphere.
+ = never
~ = this
||: = planet
~|- = there is
~3- = for one who per-
forms no sacrice

: = where is
~-: = the other

H = O best amongst the Kurus.

}1 = thus

|1|: = various kinds of

3|: = sacrices
|1: = are spread
1.qm: = of the Vedas

= through the mouth

|+ = born of work
|1|j = you should know
|+ = them
H1|+ = all
}1 = thus
3|1| = knowing
|1|eH = you will be liberated.
|+ = greater
| = of material possessions
3| = than the sacrice
3|+3: = sacrice in knowledge
1-1 = O chastiser of the enemy
H1 = all
= activities
~| = in totality
1| = O son of Pritha
3|+ = in knowledge
1|H = end.
= that knowledge of dier-
ent sacrices
|1|j = try to understand
|m1|+ = by approaching a spiri-
tual master
1|++ = by submissive inquiries
H1| = by the rendering of service
I1 e|- = they will initiate
= you
3|+ = into knowledge
3||++: = the self-realized
1 = of the truth
|+: = seers.
= which
3|1| = knowing
+ = never

+: = again
|j = to illusion
}1 = like this
|-|H = you shall go
1|<1 = O son of Pandu
+ = by which

||+ = living entities

~1||m = all
e|H = you will see
~||+ = in the Supreme Soul
~| = or in other words
| = in Me.
~|1 = even
= if
~|H = you are
1|1 -: = of sinners
H1 -: = of all

: = the greatest sinner

H1 = all such sinful reactions
3|+1 + = by the boat of transcenden-
tal knowledge
}1 = certainly

+ = the ocean of miseries

H-||H = you will cross completely.
| = just as
}||H = rewood
H|j: = blazing
~|+: = re
-H| = ashes

= turns

+ = O Arjuna
3|+||+: = the re of knowledge
H1||m = all reactions to mate-
rial activities
-H| = to ashes

= it turns
| = similarly.
+ = notHing
|j = certainly
3|++ = with knowledge

= in comparison
1|1 = sanctied
=j = in this world
|1L = exists
= that
-1 = himself
|H = in devotion
H|Hj: = he who is mature
|+ = in course of time
~||+ = in himself
|1-| = enjoys.
j|1|+ = a faithful man
= achieves
3|+ = knowledge
1: = very much attached to it
H = controlled
=|- : = senses
3|+ = knowledge
~1| = having achieved
1| = transcendental
||- = peace
~| m = very soon
~|H| = attains.
~3: = a fool who has no knowl-
edge in standard scriptures
= and
~z|+: = without faith in re-
vealed scriptures
= also
H = of doubts
~|| = a person
|1+| = falls back
+ = never
~ = in this
|: = world
~|- = there is
+ = nor
1: = in the next life
+ = not

= happiness
H = doubtful
~|+: = of the person.
|H = by devotional service in karma-
H-- = one who has renounced
|m = the fruits of actions
3|+ = by knowledge
H|W = cut
H = doubts
~|1- = situated in the self
+ = never
||m = works
|+1~+|- = do bind
+ = O conqueror of riches.
-| = therefore

= born of ignorance
[- = situated in the heart
3|+ = of knowledge
~||H+ = by the weapon
~|+: = of the self
|1| = cutting o
}+ = this
H = doubt
|H = in yoga
~|| = be situated
I| = stand up to ght
| = O descendant of Bharata.
End of 4.42

+ I1| = Arjuna said

H-|H = renunciation
m| = of all activities

m = O KRiShNa

+: = again
|H = devotional service
= also
H|H = You are praising
= which
: = is more benecial
}|: = of these two
} = one
= that
= unto me

|j = please tell

|+|T = denitely.

1| = the Personality of God-

head said
H-|H: = renunciation of work
|H: = work in devotion
= also
|+:H| = lead-
ing to the path of liberation
I| = both
|: = of the two

= but
H-|H| = in comparison to the re-
nunciation of fruitive work
|H: = work in devotion
|1| = is better.
3: = should be known
H: = he
|+ = always
H-|H| = renouncer
: = who
+ = never
] | = abhors
+ = nor
|< T| = desires
|+]-]: = free from all dualities
|j = certainly
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one

= happily
1-| = from bondage

= is completely liberated.

= analytical study of the mate-

rial world
|H| = work in devotional service

= dierent
1||: = the less intelligent
1|- = say
+ = never
1|<|: = the learned
} = in one
~|1 = even
~||-: = being situated
H = complete
I|: = of both
|1- = enjoys
+ = the result.
= what

`: = by means of Sankhya philosophy

| = is achieved
-|+ = place
= that
|H`: = by devotional service
~|1 = also
H = one can attain
} = one

= analytical study
= and
|H = action in devotion
= and
: = one who
1| = sees
H: = he
1| = actually sees.
H-|H: = the renounced order of life

= but
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one

: = distress
= aicts one with
~|H: = without devotional service

+: = one engaged in devo-

tional service

|+: = a thinker
1.q = the Supreme
+ | m = without delay
~|H| = attains.

+: = engaged in devo-
tional service

j|| = a puried soul

|1||| = self-controlled
||- : = having con-
quered the senses

= to all living entities


|| = compassionate

1W|1 = although engaged in work

+ = never
| = is entangled.
+ = never
}1 = certainly
|| = anything
|| = I do
=| = thus

+: = engaged in the di-

vine consciousness
- = thinks
1|1 = one who knows the truth
1+ = seeing

1+ = hearing

+ = touching
|.+ = smelling
~++ = eating
H+ = going
-11+ = dreaming
+H+ = breathing
1+ = talking

+ = giving up

+ = accepting
I|-1+ = opening
|+|1+ = closing
~|1 = in spite of
=|- ||m = the senses
=|- |1

= in sense gratication
1- = let them be so engaged
=| = thus
|+ = considering.
1.q|m = unto the Supreme Personal-
ity of Godhead
~|| = resigning
||m = all works
Hj = attachment
+1| = giving up
|| = performs
: = who
| = is aected
+ = never
H: = he
1|1 + = by sin
11 = a lotus leaf
=1 = like
~H| = by the water.
|+ = with the body
+H| = with the mind

~| = with the intelligence

1`: = puried
=|- `: = with the senses
~|1 = even
||H+: = KRiShNa conscious persons
= actions

1|- = they perform

Hj = attachment
+1| = giving up
~| = of the self

j = for the purpose of purication.

+: = one who is engaged in devo-

tional service
+ = the results of all activities
+1| = giving up
|- = perfect peace
~|+|| = achieves
+`|| = uninching

+: = one who is not in KR-

iShNa consciousness
|| m = for enjoying the re-
sult of work
+ = in the result
H+|: = attached
|+1~ = becomes entangled.
H1 = all
||m = activities
+H| = by the mind
H-- = giving up
~|- = remains

= in happiness
1| = one who is controlled
+1]| = in the place where there are nine gates

= in the city
j| = the embodied soul
+ = never
}1 = certainly

1+ = doing anything
+ = not
|+ = causing to be done.
+ = never

1 = proprietorship
+ = nor
||m = activities
|- = of the people

| = creates

: = the master of the city of the body

+ = nor
+ = with the results of activities
H|H = connection
-1|1: = the modes of material nature

= but
1 = act.
+ = never
~| = accepts
-| = anyones
1|1 = sin
+ = nor
= also
}1 = certainly

= pious activities

: = the Supreme Lord

~3|++ = by ignorance

= covered
3|+ = knowledge
+ = by that

Q|- = are bewildered

-1: = the living entities.
3|++ = by knowledge

= but
= that
~3|+ = nescience
1| = whose
+|| = is destroyed
~|+: = of the living entity
1| = their
~||1 = like the rising sun
3|+ = knowledge
|| = discloses
1 = KRiShNa consciousness.

j: = those whose intelligence is al-

ways in the Supreme
||+: = those whose minds are al-
ways in the Supreme
|W|: = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme
1|m: = who have com-
pletely taken shelter of Him
H|- = go


| = to liberation
3|+ = by knowledge

= cleansed
~1|: = misgivings.
|1L| = with education
|1+ = and gentleness
H1W = fully equipped
1.|qm = in the brahmana
H|1 = in the cow
j|-|+ = in the elephant

|+ = in the dog
= and
}1 = certainly
+1| = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)
= respectively
1|<|: = those who are wise
H|+: = who see with equal vision.
=j = in this life
}1 = certainly
`: = by them
|: = conquered
HH: = birth and death
1| = whose
H| = in equanimity
|- = situated
+: = mind
|+|1 = awless
|j = certainly
H = in equanimity
1.q = like the Supreme
-| = therefore
1.q|m = in the Supreme
= they
|-|: = are situated.
+ = never
[ = rejoices
| = the pleasant
| = achieving
+ = does not
I|] = become agitated
| = obtaining
= also
~| = the unpleasant

|j: = self-intelligent

|: = unbewildered
1.q|1 = one who knows the Supreme perfectly
1.q|m = in the transcendence
|-: = situated.

= in external sense pleasure

~H+|| = one who is not attached
|1-| = enjoys
~||+ = in the self
= that which

= happiness
H: = he
1.q|H = by concentration in Brahman

+|| = self-connected

= happiness
~T = unlimited

= enjoys.
= those
|j = certainly
H-1|: = by contact with the mate-
rial senses
|H|: = enjoyments

: = distress
|+: = sources of
}1 = certainly
= they are
~|| = beginning
~- = end
1-: = subject to
|- = O son of Kunti
+ = never

= in those
= takes delight

: = the intelligent person.

++|| = is able
=j `1 = in the present body
: = one who
= to tolerate
| = before
| = the body
|1|Tm| = giving up
| = desire
| = and anger
I1 = generated from
1 H = urges
H: = he

+: = in trance
H: = he

| = happy
+: = human being.
: = one who

: = happy from within

~-||: = actively enjoying within
| = as well as
~-||: = aiming within
}1 = certainly
: = anyone
H: = he
|H| = a mystic
1.q|+1|m = liberation in the Supreme

: = being self-realized
~|H| = attains.
- = achieve
1.q|+1|m = liberation in the Supreme
+1: = those who are active within
T|m~1|: = who are devoid of all sins
|W = having torn o
] ` |: = duality
|+|: = engaged in self-realization

= for all living entities

|j = in welfare work
|: = engaged.
| = from desires
| = and anger

+|+| = of those who are liberated

|+| = of the saintly persons
H| = who have full con-
trol over the mind
~|: = assured in the near future
1.q|+1|m = liberation in the Supreme
1 = is there
|1||+| = of those who are self-
-1|+ = sense objects, such as sound

1| = keeping
1|j: = external
1|Q|+ = unnecessary

: = eyes
= also
}1 = certainly
~- = between

1|: = the eyebrows

|m|1|+| = up-and down-moving air
H| = in suspension

1| = keeping
+|H|-- = within the nostrils
||m| = blowing
= controlled
=|- = senses
+: = mind

|j: = intelligence

|+: = the transcendentalist

|T = for liberation
1|m: = being so destined
|1H = having discarded
=| = wishes
= fear
|: = anger
: = one who
H| = always

+: = liberated
}1 = certainly
H: = he is.
|+| = the beneciary
3 = of sacrices
1H| = and penances and austerities
H1| = of all plan-
ets and the demigods thereof
j + = the Supreme Lord

[ = the benefactor
H1 = of all

|+| = the living entities

3|1| = thus knowing
| = Me (Lord KRiShNa)
||- = relief from material pangs
+| = one achieves.
End of 5.29

1| = the Lord said

~+||: = without taking shelter
+ = of the result of work
| = obligatory
= work
|| = performs
: = one who
H: = he
H-|H| = in the renounced order
= also
|H| = mystic
= also
+ = not
|+: = without
~|+: = re
+ = nor
= also
~||: = without duty.
= what
H-|H = renunciation
=| = thus

: = they say
|H = linking with the Supreme
= that
|1|j = you must know
1|<1 = O son of Pandu
+ = never
|j = certainly
~H-- = without giving up
H~1: = desire for self-satisfaction
|H| = a mystic transcendentalist
1| = becomes
T+ = anyone.
~|T|: = who has just begun yoga

+: = of the sage
|H = the eightfold yoga system
= work
|m = the means
I = is said to be
|H = eightfold yoga
~|-- = of one who has attained
- = his
}1 = certainly
: = cessation of all material activities
m = the means
I = is said to be.
| = when
|j = certainly
+ = not
=|- |1

= in sense gratication
+ = never

= in fruitive activities

1 = one necessarily engages

H1H~1 = of all material desires
H-|H| = renouncer
|H|-: = elevated in yoga
| = at that time
I = is said to be.
Ij = one must deliver
~|+| = by the mind
~||+ = the conditioned soul
+ = never
~||+ = the conditioned soul
~1H| = put into degradation
~|| = mind
}1 = certainly
|j = indeed
~|+: = of the conditioned soul

: = friend
~|| = mind
}1 = certainly

: = enemy
~|+: = of the conditioned soul.

: = friend
~|| = the mind
~|+: = of the living entity
- = of him
+ = by whom
~|| = the mind
}1 = certainly
~|+| = by the living entity
|: = conquered
~+|+: = of one who has failed to con-
trol the mind

= but

1 = because of enmity
1 = remains
~|`1 = the very mind

1 = as an enemy.
||+: = of one who has con-
quered his mind
|-- = who has attained tranquil-
lity by such control over the mind
1|| = the Supersoul
H||j: = approached completely
| = in cold
Im = heat

= happiness


= and distress
| = also
|+ = in honor
~1|+|: = and dishonor.
3|+ = by acquired knowledge
|13|+ = and realized knowledge

= satised
~|| = a living entity

-: = spiritually situated
|1||- : = sensually controlled

+: = competent for self-realization

=| = thus
I = is said
|H| = a mystic
H = equipoised

= pebbles
~ = stone
|+: = gold.

[ = to well-wishers by nature
| = benefactors with aection
~| = enemies
I|H|+ = neutrals between belligerents
~- = mediators be-
tween belligerents
] = the envious

= and the relatives or well-wishers


= unto the pious

~|1 = as well as
= and
1|1 1

= unto the sinners


|j: = having equal intelligence

|1| = is far advanced.
|H| = a transcendentalist

| = must concentrate in KR-

iShNa consciousness
H = constantly
~||+ = himself (by body, mind and self)
j|H = in a secluded place
|-: = being situated
}|| = alone
||| = always careful in mind
|+||: = without being at-
tracted by anything else
~1|H.j: = free from the feel-
ing of possessiveness.

| = in a sanctied
= land
|| = placing
|- = rm
~|H+ = seat
~|+: = his own
+ = not
~| = too

= high
+ = nor
~| = too
+| = low
`||+ = of soft cloth and deerskin

= and kusa grass

I = covering
= thereupon
}|H. = with one attention
+: = mind

1| = making
| = controlling the mind
=|- = senses
|: = and activities
I1|1 = sitting
~|H+ = on the seat

| = should execute
|H = yoga practice
~|| = the heart

j = for clarifying.
H = straight
| = body
|: = head
H.|1 = neck
|+ = holding
~ = unmoving
|-: = still
H e = looking
+||H| = of the nose
~H. = at the tip
-1 = own
|: = on all sides
= also
~+1||+ = not looking
|- = unagitated
~|| = mind
|1H|: = devoid of fear
1.q||1. = in the vow of celibacy
|-: = situated
+: = mind
H = completely subduing
= upon Me (KRiShNa)
|: = concentrating the mind

+: = the actual yogi

~|H| = should sit
= Me
1: = the ultimate goal.

+ = practicing
}1 = as mentioned above
H| = constantly
~||+ = body, mind and soul
|H| = the mystic transcendentalist
|++H: = with a regulated mind
||- = peace
|+1|m1| = cessation of mate-
rial existence
H-| = the spiritual sky (the king-
dom of God)
~|H| = does attain.
+ = never
~| = too much
~+: = of one who eats

= but
|H: = linking with the Supreme
~|- = there is
+ = nor
= also
}|- = overly
~++: = abstaining from eating
+ = nor
= also
~| = too much
-1+|- = of one who sleeps
H.: = or one who keeps night watch too much
+ = not
}1 = ever
= and

+ = O Arjuna.

+ = regulated
~|j| = eating
|1j|- = recreation

+ = regulated
- = of one who works for maintenance

= in discharging duties

+ = regulated
-1+|11|- = sleep and wakefulness
|H: = practice of yoga
1| = becomes

:j| = diminishing pains.

| = when
|1|+ = particularly disciplined
| = the mind and its activities
~||+ = in the transcendence
}1 = certainly
~1| = becomes situated

j: = devoid of desire
H1 = for all kinds of
|-: = material sense gratication

+: = well situated in yoga

=| = thus
I = is said to be
| = at that time.
| = as
|1: = a lamp
|+1|-: = in a place without wind
+ = does not
=j = waver
H| = this
I1| = comparison

| = is considered
||H+: = of the yogi
|- = whose mind is controlled

: = constantly engaged
|H = in meditation
~|+: = on transcendence.
= in that state of aairs where
I1 = cease (because one feels tran-
scendental happiness)
| = mental activities
|+j = being restrained from matter
|HH1| = by performance of yoga
= in which
= also
}1 = certainly
~|+| = by the pure mind
~||+ = the self
1+ = realizing the position of
~||+ = in the self

| = one becomes satised


= happiness
~||- = supreme
= which
= that

|j = by intelligence
H.|Q = accessible
~||- = transcendental
1 | = one knows
= wherein
+ = never
= also
}1 = certainly
~ = he
|-: = situated
| = moves
1: = from the truth
= that which
~1| = by attainment
= also
~1 = any other
| = gain
- = considers
+ = never
~| = more
: = than that
|-+ = in which
|-: = being situated
+ = never

:+ = by miseries

m||1 = even though very dicult

|1|~ = becomes shaken
= that
|1L| = you must know

:H|H = of the miseries of mate-

rial contact
|1|H = extermination
|HH|3 = called trance in yoga.
H: = that
|+T+ = with rm determination
|+: = must be practiced
|H: = yoga system
~|+|1mH = without deviation
H~1 = mental speculations
1|+ = born of
||+ = material desires
+1| = giving up
H1|+ = all
~1: = completely
+H| = by the mind
}1 = certainly
=|- H.| = the full set of senses
|1|+ = regulating
H-: = from all sides.
+`: = gradually
+`: = step by step
I1 = one should hold back

~| = by intelligence


j|| = carried by conviction

~|H- = placed in transcendence
+: = mind

1| = making
+ = not
|| = anything else
~|1 = even
|- = should think of.
-: = wherever
|+T| = becomes verily agitated
+: = the mind
= ickering
~|- = unsteady
-: = from there
|+ = regulating
} = this
~||+ = in the self
}1 = certainly
1 = control
+ = must bring under.
|- = peaceful, xed on the lo-
tus feet of KRiShNa
+H = whose mind
|j = certainly
}+ = this
||H+ = yogi

= happiness
I = the highest
I1 `| = attains
|-H = his passion pacied

= liberation by identica-
tion with the Absolute
~~1 = freed from all past sin-
ful reactions.

+ = engaging in yoga practice

}1 = thus
H| = always
~||+ = the self
|H| = one who is in touch with the Supreme Self
|1H = freed from
~1: = all material contamination

+ = in transcendental happiness
1.qH-1 = being in con-
stant touch with the Supreme
~- = the highest

= happiness

= attains.

- = situated in all beings

~||+ = the Supersoul
H1 = all

|+| = entities
= also
~||+ = in the self
T = does see

+|| = one who is dove-

tailed in KRiShNa consciousness
H1 = everywhere
H+: = seeing equally.
: = whoever
| = Me
1| = sees
H1 = everywhere
H1 = everything
= and
| = in Me
1| = sees
- = for him
~j = I
+ = not
m|| = am lost
H: = he
= also
= to Me
+ = nor
m| = is lost.

|- = situated in every-
ones heart
: = he who
| = Me
| = serves in devotional service
}1 = in oneness
~||-: = situated
H1| = in all respects
1|+: = being situated
~|1 = in spite of
H: = he
|H| = the transcendentalist
| = in Me
1 = remains.
~|| = with his self
~|1+ = by comparison
H1 = everywhere
H = equally
1| = sees
: = he who

+ = O Arjuna

= happiness
1| = or
| = if
1| = or

: = distress
H: = such
|H| = a transcendentalist
1: = perfect
: = is considered.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

| = this system
|H: = mysticism
1| = by You
|+: = described
H|+ = generally

+ = O killer of the demon Madhu

}- = of this
~j = I
+ = do not
1|| = see
1| = due to being restless
|-| = situation
|-| = stable.
= ickering
|j = certainly
+: = mind

m = O KRiShNa
|| = agitating
11 = strong

= obstinate
- = its
~j = I
|+H.j = subduing
- = think
1||: = of the wind
=1 = like

= dicult.

1| = the Personality of God-

head said
~H = undoubtedly
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
+: = the mind

|+H.j = dicult to curb

= ickering
~-|H+ = by practice

= but
|- = O son of Kunti
1 `|m = by detachment
= also

Q = can be so controlled.
~H| = unbridled
~|+| = by the mind
|H: = self-realization

|1: = dicult to obtain

=| = thus
= My
|: = opinion
1 = controlled
~|+| = by the mind

= but
| = while endeavoring
+: = practical
= to achieve
I1|: = by appropriate means.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

~|: = the unsuccess-
ful transcendentalist
j| = with faith
I1 : = engaged
|H| = from the mystic link
| = deviated
|+H: = who has such a mind
~| = failing to attain
|HH|H|j = the highest perfec-
tion in mysticism
| = which
H| = destination

m = O KRiShNa
H| = achieves.
| = whether
+ = not
I = both
|1.: = deviated from
|W = torn
~. = cloud
=1 = like
+| = perishes
~|: = without any position
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed KRiShNa

: = bewildered
1.qm: = of transcendence
1| = on the path.
} = this is
= my
H = doubt

m = O KRiShNa

= to dispel
~j|H = You are requested
~1: = completely
1 = than You
~-: = other
H- = of the doubt
~- = this
| = remover
+ = never
|j = certainly
I11L = is to be found.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
1| = O son of Pritha
+`1 = never is it so
=j = in this material world
+ = never

= in the next life

|1+|: = destruction
- = his
|1L = exists
+ = never
|j = certainly

= one who is engaged in aus-

picious activities
|T = anyone

H| = to degradation
| = My friend
H| = goes.
| = after achieving

= of those who performed pi-

ous activities
||+ = planets
I|11| = after dwelling
|+|: = many
H|: = years

|+| = of the pious

| = of the prosperous
Hj = in the house
|H.: = one who has fallen from the path of self-
~|| = takes his birth.
~1| = or
||H+| = of learned transcendentalists
}1 = certainly

= in the family
1| = takes birth
|| = of those who are en-
dowed with great wisdom
} = this
|j = certainly

= very rare
| = in this world
- = birth
= that which

1 = like this.
= thereupon
= that

|jH|H = revival of consciousness

= gains
1|1 |j = from the previous body
= he endeavors
= also
: = thereafter

: = again
H|Hj| = for perfection

+-+ = O son of Kuru.


1 = previous
~-|H+ = by practice
+ = by that
}1 = certainly
| = is attracted
|j = surely
~1: = automatically
~|1 = also
H: = he

: = inquisitive
~|1 = even
|H- = about yoga
1.q = ritualistic princi-
ples of scriptures
~|1 = transcends.
+| = by rigid practice
|+: = endeavoring

= and
|H| = such a transcendentalist

j = washed o
||~11: = all of whose sins
~+ = after many, many
- = births
H|Hj: = having achieved perfection
: = thereafter
|| = attains
1| = the highest
H| = destination.
1|-1-: = than the ascetics
~|: = greater
|H| = the yogi
3||+-: = than the wise
~|1 = also
: = considered
~|: = greater
|-: = than the fruitive workers
= also
~|: = greater
|H| = the yogi
-| = therefore
|H| = a transcendentalist
1 = just become

+ = O Arjuna.
||H+| = of yogis
~|1 = also
H1 1| = all types of
+ = abiding in Me, always think-
ing of Me
~-|+| = within himself
j|1|+ = in full faith
= renders transcendental lov-
ing service
: = one who
| = to Me (the Supreme Lord)
H: = he
= by Me

+: = the greatest yogi

: = is considered.
End of 6.47

1| = the Supreme Lord said

| = to Me
~|H++|: = mind attached
1| = O son of Pritha
|H = self-realization

+ = practicing
|: = in consciousness of Me (KR-
iShNa consciousness)
~H = without doubt
HH. = completely
| = Me
| = how
3|-|H = you can know
= that

= try to hear.
3|+ = phenomenal knowledge
= unto you
~j = I
H = with
|13|+ = numinous knowledge
= = this
1e|| = shall explain
~1: = in full
= which
3|1| = knowing
+ = not
=j = in this world

: = further
~- = anything more
3| = knowable
~1| = remains.

|m| = of men

= out of many thousands

|T = someone
| = endeavors
|Hj = for perfection
| = of those so endeavoring
~|1 = indeed
|Hj|+| = of those who have achieved perfection
|T = someone
| = Me
1 | = does know
1: = in fact.

|: = earth
~|1: = water
~+: = re

: = air
= ether
+: = mind

|j: = intelligence
}1 = certainly
= and
~j|: = false ego
=| = thus
= = all these
= My
|W| = separated

|: = energies
~| = eightfold.
~1| = inferior
= = this
=: = besides this

= but
~-| = another

| = energy
|1|j = just try to understand
= My
1 = superior

| = comprising the living entities

j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
| = by whom
= = this
| = is utilized or exploited
H = the material world.
} = these two natures
|+||+ = whose source of birth

||+ = everything created

H1||m = all
=| = thus
I1| = know
~j = I

-+- = all-inclusive
H: = of the world
1: = the source of manifestation
: = annihilation
| = as well as.
: = beyond Me
1 = superior
+ = not
~- || = anything else
~|- = there is
+ = O conqueror of wealth
| = in Me
H1 = all that be
= = which we see
| = is strung

= on a thread
|mHm|: = pearls
=1 = like.
H: = taste
~j = I

= in water
|- = O son of Kunti
| = the light
~|- = I am

|: = of the moon and the sun

m1: = the three letters a-u-m
H1 = in all
1 1

= the Vedas
: = sound vibration
= in the ether
1|1 = ability

= in men.

: = original
H-: = fragrance

|| = in the earth
= also
: = heat
= also
~|- = I am
|1|1H| = in the re
|1+ = life
H1 = in all

= living entities
1: = penance
= also
~|- = I am

= in those who prac-

tice penance.
1| = the seed
| = Me

|+| = of all living entities

|1|j = try to understand
1| = O son of Pritha
H+|+ = original, eternal

|j: = intelligence

|j| = of the intelligent

~|- = I am
: = prowess
|-1+| = of the powerful
~j = I am.
1 = strength
11| = of the strong
= and
~j = I am
| = passion
|H = and attachment
|11| = devoid of
||1j: = not against reli-
gious principles

= in all beings
|: = sex life
~|- = I am
1 = O lord of the Bharatas.
= all which
= and
}1 = certainly
H||1|: = in goodness
|1: = states of being
|H: = in the mode of passion
|H|: = in the mode of ignorance
= also
= all which
: = from Me
}1 = certainly
=| = thus
|+ = those
|1|j = try to know
+ = not

= but
~j = I

= in them
= they
| = in Me.
||: = three

m`: = consisting of the gunas

|1 `: = by the states of being
}|: = all these
H1 = whole
= = this
H = universe
||j = deluded
+|||+|| = does not know
| = Me
}-: = above these
1 = the Supreme
~ = inexhaustible.
`1| = transcendental
|j = certainly
}1| = this

m| = consisting of the three modes of ma-

terial nature
= My
|| = energy

| = very dicult to overcome

| = unto Me
}1 = certainly
= those who
1L- = surrender
||| = this illusory energy
|- = overcome
= they.
+ = not
| = unto Me

|+: = miscreants

: = foolish
1L- = surrender
+||: = lowest among mankind
|| = by the illusory energy
~1[ = stolen
3|+: = whose knowledge

= demonic
|1 = nature
~|||: = accepting.

|1|: = four kinds of

- = render services
| = unto Me
+|: = persons

|+: = those who are pious


+ = O Arjuna
~|: = the distressed

: = the inquisitive
~|| = one who desires material gain
3|+| = one who knows things as they are
= also
1 = O great one amongst the de-
scendants of Bharata.
1| = out of them
3|+| = one in full knowledge

+: = always engaged
} = only
|+: = in devotional service
|1| = is special
|: = very dear
|j = certainly
3||++: = to the person in knowledge
~ = highly
~j = I am
H: = he
= also
= to Me
|: = dear.
I||: = magnanimous
H1 = all
}1 = certainly
} = these
3|+| = one who is in knowledge

= but
~|`1 = just like Myself
= My
= opinion
~||-: = situated
H: = he
|j = certainly

+|| = engaged in devotional service

| = in Me
}1 = certainly

| = the highest
H| = destination.

+| = many
-+| = repeated births and deaths
~- = after
3|+1|+ = one who is in full knowledge
| = unto Me
1L = surrenders

1: = the Personality of God-

head, KRiShNa
H1 = everything
=| = thus
H: = that
j|| = great soul

: = very rare to see.

|`: = by desires
`-`: = various
[ = deprived of
3|+|: = knowledge
1L- = surrender
~- = to other
1|: = demigods
= corresponding
|+ = regulations
~|-| = following

| = by nature
|+|: = controlled
-1| = by their own.
- = whoever
| | = whichever
= form of a demigod
+: = devotee
j| = with faith
= to worship
=| = desires
- - = to him
~ = steady
j| = faith
| = that
}1 = surely
|1|| = give
~j = I.
H: = he
| = with that
j| = inspiration

+: = endowed
- = of that demigod
~||+ = for the worship
j = he aspires
= obtains
= and
: = from that
||+ = his desires
| = by Me
}1 = alone
|1|j|+ = arranged
|j = certainly
|+ = those.
~-1 = perishable

= but
+ = fruit
1| = their
= that
1| = becomes
~~1H| = of those of small intelligence
1|+ = to the demigods
1: = the wor-
shipers of the demigods
||- = go
= My
+|: = devotees
||- = go
| = to Me
~|1 = also.
~+ = nonmanifested
|+ = personality
~|1W = achieved
-- = think
| = Me

j: = less intelligent persons

1 = supreme
|1 = existence
~|+-: = without knowing
= My
~ = imperishable

= the nest.
+ = nor
~j = I
|: = manifest
H1- = to everyone
|H|| = by internal potency

: = covered

: = foolish
~ = these
+ = not
~||+|| = can understand
|: = persons
| = Me
~ = unborn
~ = inexhaustible.
1 = know
~j = I
H|||+ = completely past
1|+||+ = present
= and

+ = O Arjuna
|1||m = future
= also

|+| = all living entities

| = Me

= but
1 = knows
+ = not
T+ = anyone.
=| = desire
] 1 = and hate

+ = arisen from
]-] = of duality
|j + = by the illusion
| = O scion of Bharata
H1 = all

|+| = living entities

H|j = into delusion
HH = while taking birth
||- = go
1-1 = O conqueror of enemies.
1| = whose

= but
~-H = completely eradicated
1|1 = sin
+|+| = of the persons

= pious
m| = whose previous activities
= they
]-] = of duality
|j = delusion

+|: = free from

- = engage in devotional service
| = to Me

1.|: = with determination.

| = from old age
m = and death
|T| = for the purpose of liberation
| = Me
~|| = taking shelter of
|- = endeavor
= all those who
= such persons
1.q = Brahman
= actually that

: = they know

-+ = everything
~~| = transcendental
= activities
= also
~| = entirely.

= and the governing princi-

ple of the material manifestation
~| `1 = governing all the demigods
| = Me
H||3 = and governing all sacrices
= also
= those who

: = know
|m = of death
| = at the time
~|1 = even
= and
| = Me
= they

: = know

+H: = their minds engaged in Me.

End of 7.30

+ I1| = Arjuna said

| = what
= that
1.q = Brahman
| = what
~~| = the self
| = what
= fruitive activities

1| = O Supreme Person

= the material manifestation

= and
| = what
|+ = is called
~| `1 = the demigods
| = what
I = is called.
~|3: = the Lord of sacrice
= how
: = who
~ = here
j = in the body
~|-+ = this

+ = O Madhusudana
|m| = at the time of death
= and
= how
3||H = You can be known
|+||: = by the self-controlled.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
~T = indestructible
1.q = Brahman
1 = transcendental
-1|1: = eternal nature
~~| = the self
I = is called

|1|1: = producing the mate-

rial bodies of the living entities
|1HH: = creation
= fruitive activities
H|3: = is called.

= the physical manifestation

T: = constantly changing
|1: = nature

1: = the universal form

= and
~| `1 = called adhidaiva
~|3: = the Supersoul
~j = I (KRiShNa)
}1 = certainly
~ = in this
j = body

| = of the embodied
1 = O best.
~-| = at the end of life
= also
| = Me
}1 = certainly
-+ = remembering

+1| = quitting
1 = the body
: = he who
|| = goes
H: = he
|1 = My nature
|| = achieves
+ = not
~|- = there is
~ = here
H: = doubt.
= whatever
1||1 = at all
-+ = remembering
|1 = nature
| = gives up
~- = at the end
1 = this body
= similar
}1 = certainly
}| = gets
|- = O son of Kunti
H| = always
= that
|1 = state of being
||1|: = remembering.
-| = therefore
H1 1

= at all

= times
| = Me

- = go on remembering

~ = ght
= also
| = unto Me
~|1 = surrendering
+: = mind

|j: = intellect
| = unto Me
}1 = surely
}|H = you will attain
~H: = beyond a doubt.
~-|H|H = by practice

++ = being engaged in meditation

H| = by the mind and intelligence
+|-H||+| = without their be-
ing deviated
1 = the Supreme

1 = Personality of Godhead
| = transcendental
|| = one achieves
1| = O son of Pritha

|-+ = constantly thinking of.

|1 = the one who knows everything

|m = the oldest

||H| = the controller

~m|: = than the atom
~m||H = smaller

- = always thinks of
: = one who
H1- = of everything
|| = the maintainer
~|- = inconceivable
-1 = whose form
~||1m = luminous like the sun
H: = to darkness
1-| = transcendental.
|m| = at the time of death
+H| = by the mind
~+ = without its being deviated
+| = in full devotion

+: = engaged
|H1+ = by the power of mystic yoga
= also
}1 = certainly

1|: = the two eyebrows

~ = between
|m = the life air
~|1 = establishing
H = completely
H: = he
= that
1 = transcendental

1 = Personality of Godhead
I1 `| = achieves
| = in the spiritual kingdom.
= that which
~T = syllable om
1 |1: = persons conver-
sant with the Vedas
1|- = say
|1|- = enter
= in which
: = great sages
1||H|: = in the renounced or-
der of life
= that which
=-: = desiring
1.q = celibacy
|- = practice
= that
= unto you
1 = situation
HH.j m = in summary
1e = I shall explain.
H1]|||m = all the doors of the body
H = controlling
+: = the mind
[| = in the heart
|+~ = conning
= also

|u = on the head
~|| = xing
~|+: = of the soul
|m = the life air
~||-: = situated in
|H|m| = the yogic situation.
& = the combination of let-
ters om (omkara)
=| = thus
}|T = the one syllable
1.q = absolute
|j+ = vibrating
| = Me (KRiShNa)

-+ = remembering
: = anyone who
|| = leaves
+ = quitting
j = this body
H: = he
|| = achieves
1| = the supreme
H| = destination.
~+-|: = without devia-
tion of the mind
H = always
: = anyone who
| = Me (KRiShNa)
-| = remembers
|+: = regularly
- = to him
~j = I am

: = very easy to achieve

1| = O son of Pritha
|+ = regularly

+- = engaged
||H+: = for the devotee.
| = Me
I1 = achieving

+: = again
- = birth

:| = place of miseries
~|+ = temporary
+ = never

1|- = attain
j|+: = the great souls
H|H|j = perfection
1| = ultimate
H|: = having achieved.

1+| = up to the Brah-

maloka planet
||: = the planetary systems

+: = again
~|1|+: = returning

+ = O Arjuna
| = unto Me
I1 = arriving

= but
|- = O son of Kunti

+- = rebirth
+ = never
|1L = takes place.
Hj = one thousand

H = millenniums
1- = including
~j: = day
= that which
1.qm: = of Brahma

: = they know
|| = night

H = millenniums
Hj|-| = similarly, ending af-
ter one thousand
= they
~j|| = day and night
|1: = who understand
+|: = people.
~+| = from the unmanifest
+: = living entities
H1: = all
1|- = become manifest
~j|H = at the beginning of the day
||H = at the fall of night
|- = are annihilated
= into that
}1 = certainly
~+ = the unmanifest
H3 = which is called.

H.|: = the aggregate of all liv-

ing entities
H: = these
}1 = certainly
~ = this


1| = repeatedly taking birth

| = is annihilated
|| = of night
~|H = on the arrival
~1: = automatically
1| = O son of Pritha
1| = is manifest
~j: = of daytime
~|H = on the arrival.
1: = transcendental
-| = to that

= but
|1: = nature
~-: = another
~+: = unmanifest
~+| = to the unmanifest
H+|+: = eternal
: H: = that which
H1 1

= all

= manifestation

= being annihilated
+ = never
|1+| = is annihilated.
~+: = unmanifested
~T: = infallible
=| = thus
I+: = is said
= that

: = is known
1| = the ultimate
H| = destination
= which
| = gaining
+ = never
|+1- = come back
= that
| = abode
1 = supreme
= My.

1: = the Supreme Personality

H: = He
1: = the Supreme, than whom no one is greater
1| = O son of Pritha
+| = by devotional service
-: = can be achieved

= but
~+-| = unalloyed, undeviating
- = whom
~-:-||+ = within

|+| = all of this mate-

rial manifestation
+ = by whom
H1 = all
= = whatever we can see
= is pervaded.
= at which
| = time

= and

| = no return

| = return
= also
}1 = certainly
||H+: = dierent kinds of mystics
||: = having departed
||- = attain
= that
| = time
1e|| = I shall describe
1 = O best of the Bharatas.
~|+: = re
||: = light
~j: = day

+: = the white fortnight

1|H|: = the six months
I|m = when the sun passes on the north-
ern side
= there
||: = those who pass away
H|- = go
1.q = to the Absolute
1.q|1: = who know the Absolute
+|: = persons.

: = smoke
||: = night
| = also

m: = the fortnight of the dark moon

1|H|: = the six months
|Tm|+ = when the sun passes on the south-
ern side
= there
|- H = the moon planet
||: = the light
|H| = the mystic
| = achieving
|+1 = comes back.

+ = light

m = and darkness
H| = ways of passing
|j = certainly
} = these two
H: = of the material world
|+ = of the Vedas
= in the opinion
}| = by one
|| = goes

| = to no return
~-| = by the other
~|1 = comes back

+: = again.
+ = never
} = these two

| = dierent paths
1| = O son of Pritha
|++ = even if he knows
|H| = the devotee of the Lord

Q| = is bewildered
T+ = any
-| = therefore
H1 1


= always

+: = engaged in KR-
iShNa consciousness
1 = just become

+ = O Arjuna.
1 1

= in the study of the Vedas


= in the performances of ya-

jna, sacrice

= in undergoing dier-
ent types of austerities
= also
}1 = certainly

= in giving charities
= that which

+ = result of pious work

| = indicated
~| = surpasses
H1 = all those
= = this
|1|1| = knowing
|H| = the devotee
1 = supreme
-|+ = abode
I1 `| = achieves
= also
~|L = original.
End of 8.28

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
= = this

= but
= unto you

Q = the most condential

1e|| = I am speaking

1 = to the nonenvious
3|+ = knowledge
|13|+ = realized knowledge
H|j = with
= which
3|1| = knowing
|eH = you will be released

| = from this miserable mate-

rial existence.
||1L| = the king of education

Q = the king of conden-

tial knowledge
1|1 = the purest
= = this
I = transcendental
T = by direct experience
~1H = understood
= the principle of religion

= very happy

= to execute
~ = everlasting.
~z|+|: = those who are faithless

1|: = such persons

- = toward the process of religion
~- = this
1-1 = O killer of the enemies
~| = without obtaining
| = Me
|+1- = come back

= of death
HH| = in material existence
1|+ = on the path.
| = by Me
= pervaded
= = this
H1 = all
H = cosmic manifestation

|+| = by the unmani-

fested form
-||+ = in Me

|+| = all living entities

+ = not
= also
~j = I

= in them
~1|-: = situated.
+ = never
= also
-||+ = situated in Me

||+ = all creation

1 = just see
= My
|H`+ = inconceivable mystic power

= the maintainer of all liv-

ing entities
+ = never
= also

-: = in the cosmic manifestation

= My
~|| = Self

|1+: = the source of all manifestations.

| = just as
~|||-: = situated in the sky
|+ = always

: = the wind
H1H: = blowing everywhere
j|+ = great
| = similarly

||+ = all created beings

-||+ = situated in Me
=| = thus
I1| = try to understand.

||+ = all created entities

|- = O son of Kunti

| = nature
||- = enter
||| = My
~1T = at the end of the millennium

+: = again
||+ = all those
~1|| = in the begin-
ning of the millennium

|| = create
~j = I.

| = the material nature

-1| = of My personal Self
~1- = entering into

|| = I create

+: 1

+: = again and again

H.| = all the cosmic manifestations

= = these

-+ = in total
~1H = automatically

: = of the force of nature

1| = under obligation.
+ = never
= also
| = Me
||+ = all those
||m = activities
|+1u|- = bind
+ = O conqueror of riches
I|H|+1 = as neutral
~||H+ = situated
~H+ = without attraction

= for those

= activities.
| = by Me
~~Tm = by superintendence

|: = material nature

= manifests
H = with both
| = the mov-
ing and the nonmoving

+| = for the reason

~++ = this
|- = O son of Kunti
H = the cosmic manifestation
|11|1 = is working.
~1|+|- = deride
| = Me

|: = foolish men

1| = in a human form
= a body
~|| = assuming
1 = transcendental
|1 = nature
~|+-: = not knowing
= My

= of everything that be
j + = the supreme proprietor.
|||: = baed in their hopes
||m: = baed in fruitive activities
|3|+|: = baed in knowledge
|1H: = bewildered
|TH| = demonic

| = atheistic
= and
}1 = certainly

| = nature
||j+| = bewildering
||: = taking shelter of.
j||+: = the great souls

= but
| = unto Me
1| = O son of Pritha
`1| = divine

| = nature
~|||: = having taken shelter of
|- = render service
~+-+H: = without devia-
tion of the mind
3|1| = knowing

= of creation
~|| = the origin
~ = inexhaustible.
H = always
|-: = chanting
| = about Me
-: = fully endeavoring
= also

1.|: = with determination

+--: = oering obeisances
= and
| = Me
+| = in devotion

+|: = perpetually engaged

I1|H = worship.
3|+3+ = by cultivation of knowledge
= also
~|1 = certainly
~- = others
-: = sacricing
| = Me
I1|H = worship
}1 + = in oneness

+1 + = in duality

| = in diversity

= and in the universal form.

~j = I

: = Vedic ritual
~j = I
3: = smrti sacrice
-1| = oblation
~j = I
~j = I
~|1 = healing herb
-: = transcendental chant
~j = I
~j = I
}1 = certainly
~| = melted butter
~j = I
~|+: = re
~j = I

= oering.
|1| = father
~j = I
~- = of this
H: = universe
|| = mother
|| = supporter
|1|j: = grandfather
1 L = what is to be known
1|1 = that which puries
&| = the syllable om
+ = the Rg Veda
H| = the Sama Veda

: = the Yajur Veda

}1 = certainly
= and.
H|: = goal
| = sustainer

: = Lord
HT| = witness
|+1|H: = abode
m = refuge

[ = most intimate friend

1: = creation
: = dissolution
-|+ = ground
|+|+ = resting place
1| = seed
~ = imperishable.
1|| = give heat
~j = I
~j = I
11 = rain

|| = withhold

|| = send forth
= and

= immortality
= and
}1 = certainly

: = death
= and
H = spirit
~H = matter
= and
~j = I

+ = O Arjuna.
`|1L: = the knowers of the three Vedas
| = Me
H|1|: = drinkers of soma juice

= puried
1|1|: = of sins
3`: = with sacrices
= 1| = worshiping
-1H| = passage to heaven
|- = pray for
= they

= pious
~|H|L = attaining

- = of Indra
| = the world
~+|- = enjoy
||+ = celestial
||1 = in heaven
1|H|+ = the pleasures of the gods.
= they
= that

+1| = enjoying
-1H| = heaven
|1| = vast
T|m = being exhausted

= the results of their pious activities

| = to the mortal earth
|1|- = fall down
}1 = thus
| = of the three Vedas
= doctrines

1W|: = following
H|H = death and birth
|||: = desiring sense enjoyments
- = attain.
~+-|: = having no other object
|--: = concentrating
| = on Me
= those who
+|: = persons

1|H = properly worship

1| = of them
|+ = always

+|+| = xed in devotion

|H = requirements
T = protection
1j|| = carry
~j = I.
= those who
~|1 = also
~- = of other
1| = gods
+|: = devotees
- = worship
j||-1|: = with faith
= they
~|1 = also
| = Me
}1 = only
|- = O son of Kunti
|- = they worship

1 = in a wrong way.
~j = I
|j = surely
H1 = of all
3|+| = sacrices
|+| = the enjoyer
= and

: = the Lord
}1 = also
= and
+ = not

= but
| = Me
~||+|- = they know
1 + = in reality
~: = therefore
1|- = fall down
= they.
||- = go
11.|: = worshipers of demigods
1|+ = to the demigods

+ = to the ancestors
||- = go

1.|: = worshipers of ancestors

|+| = to the ghosts and spirits

||- = go

|: = worshipers of ghosts and spirits

||- = go
= My
|+: = devotees
~|1 = but
| = unto Me.
1 = a leaf

1 = a ower
+ = a fruit
| = water
: = whoever
= unto Me
+| = with devotion
| = oers
= that
~j = I

1[ = oered in devotion
~+|| = accept
|+: = from one in pure consciousness.
= whatever
||H = you do
= whatever
~+||H = you eat
= whatever

j||H = you oer

||H = you give away
= whatever
= whatever
1-|H = austerities you perform
|- = O son of Kunti
= that

1 = do
= unto Me
~1m = as an oering.

= from auspicious

= and inauspicious
+`: = results
}1 = thus
|eH = you will become free
= of work
1-+`: = from the bondage
H-|H = of renunciation
|H = the yoga

+| = having the mind rmly set on


+: = liberated
| = to Me
I1 `|H = you will attain.
H: = equally disposed
~j = I

= to all living entities

+ = no one
= to Me
] : = hateful
~|- = is
+ = nor
|: = dear
= those who
|- = render transcendental service

= but
| = unto Me
+| = in devotion
| = are in Me
= such persons

= in them
= also
~|1 = certainly
~j = I.
~|1 = even
= if

||: = one commit-

ting the most abominable actions
= is engaged in devotional service
| = unto Me
~+-| = without deviation

: = a saint
}1 = certainly
H: = he
-: = is to be considered
H = completely
1|H: = situated in determination
|j = certainly
H: = he.
|T = very soon
1| = becomes
|| = righteous
+||- = lasting peace
|+H| = attains
|- = O son of Kunti
||+||j = declare
+ = never
= My
+: = devotee
m| = perishes.
| = of Me
|j = certainly
1| = O son of Pritha
1|| = particularly taking shelter
= those who
~|1 = also

: = are
1|1|+: = born of a lower family
|-: = women
1 `: = mercantile people
| = also

: = lower-class men
|1 = even they
||- = go
1| = to the supreme
H| = destination.
| = how much

+: = again
1.|qm|: = brahmanas

|: = righteous
+|: = devotees
|1: = saintly kings
| = also
~|+ = temporary

= full of miseries
| = planet
= = this
| = gaining
-1 = be engaged in loving service
| = unto Me.
-+|: = always thinking of Me
1 = become
= My
+: = devotee
= My
|| = worshiper
| = unto Me

= oer obeisances
| = unto Me
}1 = completely
}|H = you will come

+1| = being absorbed

}1 = thus
~||+ = your soul
1|m: = devoted to Me.
End of 9.34

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said

: = again
}1 = certainly
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed

= just hear
= My
1 = supreme
1: = instruction
= that which
= to you
~j = I
||m| = thinking you dear to Me
1e|| = say
|j|| = for your benet.
+ = never
= My

: = know

Hm|: = the demigods

1 = origin, opulences
+ = never
j1: = great sages
~j = I am
~||: = the origin
|j = certainly
1|+| = of the demigods
j1|m| = of the great sages
= also
H1: = in all respects.
: = anyone who
| = Me
~ = unborn
~+|| = without beginning
= also
1 | = knows
| = of the planets
j + = the supreme master

: = undeluded
H: = he

= among those subject to death

H11|1 `: = from all sinful reactions

= is delivered.

|j: = intelligence
3|+ = knowledge
~H|j: = freedom from doubt
T| = forgiveness
H = truthfulness
: = control of the senses
: = control of the mind

= happiness

: = distress
1: = birth
~|1: = death
= fear
= also
~ = fearlessness
}1 = also
= and
~|jH| = nonviolence
H| = equilibrium

|: = satisfaction
1: = penance
|+ = charity
: = fame
~: = infamy
1|- = come about
|1|: = natures

|+| = of living entities

: = from Me
}1 = certainly

H|1|: = variously arranged.

j1: = the great sages
H = seven

1 = before
1|: = four
+1: = Manus
| = also
|1|: = born of Me
|+H|: = from the mind
||: = born
1| = of them
| = in the world
=|: = all this
|: = population.
}| = all this

| = opulence
|H = mystic power
= also
= of Mine
: = anyone who
1 | = knows
1: = factually
H: = he
~|1~1 + = without division
|H+ = in devotional service

= is engaged
+ = never
~ = here
H: = doubt.
~j = I
H1- = of all
1: = the source of generation
: = from Me
H1 = everything
1 = emanates
=| = thus
1| = knowing
- = become devoted
| = unto Me

|: = the learned
|1H|-1: = with great attention.
||: = their minds fully en-
gaged in Me
|m|: = their lives devoted to Me
1|-: = preaching
1-1 = among themselves
-: = talking
= also
| = about Me
|+ = perpetually

|- = become pleased
= also
|- = enjoy transcendental bliss
= also.
1| = unto them

+|+| = always engaged

| = in rendering devotional service

1 = in loving ecstasy
|| = I give

|j|H = real intelligence

= that
+ = by which
| = unto Me
I1||- = come
= they.
1| = for them
}1 = certainly

1| = to show special mercy

~j = I
~3|+ = due to ignorance
: = darkness
+||| = dispel
~||1 = within their hearts
-: = situated
3|+ = of knowledge
|1 + = with the lamp
|-1| = glowing.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

1 = supreme
1.q = truth
1 = supreme
| = sustenance
1|1 = pure
1 = supreme
1|+ = You

1 = personality
|+ = original
| = transcendental
~|| 1 = the original Lord
~ = unborn
= greatest

: = say
1| = of You
+1: = sages
H1 = all
1|1: = the sage among the demigods
+|: = Narada
| = also
~|H: = Asita
1: = Devala
|H: = Vyasa
-1 = personally
= also
}1 = certainly
1.1||1 = You are explaining
= unto me.
H1 = all
} = this
+ = truth
- = I accept
= which
| = unto me
1|H = You tell
1 = O KRiShNa
+ = never
|j = certainly
= Your
H1|+ = O Personality of Godhead
|+ = revelation

: = can know
1|: = the demigods
+ = nor
|+1: = the demons.
-1 = personally
}1 = certainly
~|+| = by Yourself
~||+ = Yourself
1 = know
1 = You

1| = O greatest of all persons

|1+ = O origin of everything

= O Lord of everything
1 1 = O Lord of all demigods
H1 = O Lord of the entire universe.
= to say
~j|H = You deserve
~1 m = in detail
||: = divine
|j = certainly
~| = Your own

: = opulences
||: = by which

||: = opulences
||+ = all the planets
=|+ = these
1| = You
| = pervading
||H = remain.
= how
|1L|j = shall I know
||H+ = O supreme mystic
1| = You
H| = always
1||-+ = thinking of

= in which

= in which
= also
|1 1

= natures cintyah
~|H = You are to be remembered
H1+ = O Supreme
| = by me.
|1- m = in detail
~|+: = Your
|H = mystic power

| = opulences
= also
+|+ = O killer of the atheists

: = again
= describe

|: = satisfaction
|j = certainly

1: = hearing
+||- = there is not
= my

= nectar.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
j- = yes
= unto you
||| = I shall speak
||: = divine
|j = certainly

: = personal opulences
||-: = which are principal

= O best of the Kurus

+||- = there is not
~-: = limit
|1-- = to the extent
= My.
~j = I
~|| = the soul

<| = O Arjuna

= of all living entities

~||-|: = situ-
ated within the heart
~j = I am
~||: = the origin
= also
~ = middle
= also

|+| = of all living entities

~-: = end
}1 = certainly
= and.
~|||+| = of the Adityas
~j = I am

: = the Supreme Lord

||1| = of all luminaries
|1: = the sun

|+ = radiant
||: = Marici
| = of the Maruts
~|- = I am
+T|m| = of the stars
~j = I am
| = the moon.
1 |+| = of all the Vedas
H|1 : = the Sama Veda
~|- = I am
1|+| = of all the demigods
~|- = I am
1|H1: = the heavenly king
=|- |m| = of all the senses
+: = the mind
= also
~|- = I am

|+| = of all living entities

~|- = I am
+| = the living force.
|m| = of all the Rudras
: = Lord Siva
= also
~|- = I am
|1: = the lord of the trea-
sury of the demigods
TTH| = of the Yaksas and Raksasas
1H|+| = of the Vasus
1|1: = re
= also
~|- = I am
: = Meru
||m| = of all mountains
~j = I am.

|H| = of all priests

= also

= the chief
| = Me
|1|j = understand
1| = O son of Pritha

j-1| = Brhaspati
H+|+|+| = of all commanders
~j = I am
--: = Kartikeya
HH| = of all reservoirs of water
~|- = I am
H|H: = the ocean.
j1|m| = among the great sages

: = Bhrigu
~j = I am
|H| = of vibrations
~|- = I am
}T = pranava
3|+| = of sacrices
13: = chanting
~|- = I am
-|1|m| = of immovable things
|j|: = the Himalayan mountains.
~+: = the banyan tree

T|m| = of all trees

11|m| = of all the sages amongst the demigods
= and
+|: = Narada
H-1|m| = of the citizens of the Gand-
harva planet
|: = Citraratha
|Hj|+| = of all those who are perfected

|+: = Kapila Muni.

I`:1H = Uccaihsrava
~+|+| = among horses
|1|j = know
| = Me

|1 = produced from the churn-

ing of the ocean
}|1 = Airavata
H- |m| = of lordly elephants
+|m| = among human beings
= and
+||1 = the king.

|+| = of all weapons

~j = I am
1 = the thunderbolt

+| = of cows
~|- = I am

= the surabhi cow

+: = the cause for begetting children
= and
~|- = I am
-1: = Cupid
H1|m| = of serpents
~|- = I am

|: = Vasuki.
~+-: = Ananta
= also
~|- = I am
+|H|+| = of the manyhooded serpents
1m: = the demigod control-
ling the water
|H| = of all aquatics
~j = I am

m| = of the ancestors
~| = Aryama
= also
~|- = I am
: = the controller of death
H| = of all regulators
~j = I am.
g|: = Prahlada
= also
~|- = I am
`|+| = of the demons
|: = time
| = of subduers
~j = I am

H|m| = of animals
= and

H- : = the lion
~j = I am
1 `+: = Garuda
= also
1|Tm| = of birds.
11+: = the wind
11| = of all that puries
~|- = I am
|: = Rama

| = of the carriers of weapons

~j = I am
P1|m| = of all sh
: = the shark
= also
~|- = I am
|H| = of owing rivers
~|- = I am
|q1| = the River Ganges.
HH|m| = of all creations
~||: = the beginning
~-: = end
= and
~ = middle
= also
}1 = certainly
~j = I am

+ = O Arjuna
~~||1L| = spiritual knowledge
|1L|+| = of all education
1|: = the natural conclusion
1| = of arguments
~j = I am.
~T|m| = of letters
~|: = the rst letter
~|- = I am
]-]: = the dual
H|||H- = of compounds
= and
~j = I am
}1 = certainly
~T: = eternal
|: = time
|| = the creator
~j = I am

: = Brahma.

: = death
H1j: = all-devouring
= also
~j = I am
I1: = generation
= also
|1| = of future manifestations
||: = fame
|: = opulence or beauty
1| = ne speech
= also
+||m| = of women

|: = memory
| = intelligence

|: = rmness
T| = patience.

jH| = the BrAhat-sama

| = also
H|+ = of the Sama Veda songs
H|| = the Gayatri hymns
-H| = of all poetry
~j = I am
|H|+| = of months
|H|1: = the month of November-
~j = I am

+| = of all seasons

|: = spring.

= gambling
| = of all cheats
~|- = I am
: = the splendor
|-1+| = of everything splendid
~j = I am
: = victory
~|- = I am
1H|: = enterprise or adventure
~|- = I am
H1 = the strength
H11 = of the strong
~j = I am.

m|+| = of the descendants of VRiShNi


1: = KRiShNa in Dvaraka
~|- = I am
1|<1|+| = of the Pandavas
+: = Arjuna

+|+| = of the sages

~|1 = also
~j = I am
|H: = Vyasa, the com-
piler of all Vedic literature
1|+| = of all great thinkers
I+| = Usana
|1: = the thinker.
<: = punishment
| = of all means of suppression
~|- = I am
+||: = morality
~|- = I am
||H1| = of those who seek victory
|+ = silence
= and
}1 = also
~|- = I am

Q|+| = of secrets
3|+ = knowledge
3|+1| = of the wise
~j = I am.
= whatever
= also
~|1 = may be

|+| = of all creations

1| = seed
= that
~j = I am

+ = O Arjuna
+ = not
= that
~|- = there is
|1+| = without
= which
-| = exists
| = Me

= created being
| = moving and nonmoving.
+ = nor
~-: = a limit
~|- = there is
= My
||+| = of the divine

|+| = opulences
1-1 = O conqueror of the enemies
}1: = all this

= but
Iz : = as examples
|+|: = spoken

: = of opulences
|1-: = the expanse
| = by Me.
L = whatever

| = opulences
= having
H1 = existence
| = beautiful
I| = glorious
}1 = certainly
1| = or
= all those
}1 = certainly
~1H = must know
1 = you
= My
: = of the splendor
~ = a part
H1 = born of.
~1| = or

+| = many
}+ = by this kind
| = what
3|+ = by knowing
1 = your

+ = O Arjuna
|1- = pervading
~j = I
= = this

-+ = entire
} = by one
~+ = part
|-|: = am situated
H = universe.
End of 10.41

+ I1| = Arjuna said


H.j| = just to show me favor

1 = supreme

Q = condential subject
~~| = spiritual
H|3 = in the matter of
= what
1| = by You
I+ = said
1: = words
+ = by that
|j: = illusion
~ = this
|1H: = is removed
= my.
1 = appearance
~| = disappearance
|j = certainly

|+| = of all living entities

| = have been heard

|1-: = in detail
| = by me
1: = from You
1|T = O lotus-eyed one
|j| = glories
~|1 = also
= and
~ = inexhaustible.
}1 = thus
} = this
| = as it is
~| = have spoken
1 = You
~||+ = Yourself
1+ = O Supreme Lord

= to see
=|| = I wish
= Your
-1 = form
}+ = divine

1| = O best of personalities.
-H = You think
| = if
= that
+ = is able
| = by me

= to be seen
=| = thus
| = O Lord
|H+ = O Lord of all mystic power
: = then
= unto me
1 = You
= show
~||+ = Your Self
~ = eternal.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
1 = just see
= My
1| = O son of Pritha
-1||m = forms
: = hundreds
~ = also
Hj: = thousands
+|+||1||+ = variegated
|||+ = divine
+|+| = variegated
1m = colors

||+ = forms
= also.
1 = see
~|||+ = the twelve sons of Aditi

+ = the eight Vasus

|+ = the eleven forms of Rudra
~|++| = the two Asvinis
: = the forty-
nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)
| = also

|+ = many

= that you have not seen


1||m = before
1 = see
~|T||m = all the wonders
| = O best of the Bharatas.
=j = in this
}- = in one place
H = the universe

-+ = completely
1 = see
~|L = immediately
H = with
= the moving
~ = and not moving
= My
j = in this body

<| = O Arjuna
= that which
= also
~- = other

= to see
=|H = you wish.
+ = never

= but
| = Me
+H = are able

= to see
~++ = with these
}1 = certainly

1| = your own eyes

| = divine
|| = I give
= to you

: = eyes
1 = see
= My
|H`+ = inconceivable mystic power.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
}1 = thus
I+1| = saying
: = thereafter
|+ = O King
j||H+: = the most powerful mystic
j|: = the Supreme Personality of God-
head, KRiShNa
||H = showed
1|| = unto Arjuna
1 = the divine
-1`+ = universal form.
~+ = various
1+ = mouths
++ = eyes
~+ = various

= wonderful
+ = sights
~+ = many
| = divine
~|m = ornaments
| = divine
~+ = various
IL = uplifted

= weapons
| = divine
|~ = garlands
~1 = dresses
= wearing
| = divine
H- = fragrances

1+ = smeared with
H1 = all
~|T = wonderful
1 = shining
~+- = unlimited

= all-pervading.
||1 = in the sky

= of suns
Hj- = of many thousands
1 = there were

H1 = simultaneously
I|| = present
| = if
|: = light

| = like that
H = that
-| = might be
|H: = eulgence
- = of Him
j|+: = the great Lord.
= there
}- = in one place
H = the universe

-+ = complete
|1+ = divided
~+| = into many
~1 = could see
1 1- = of the Supreme Personal-
ity of Godhead
| = in the universal form
1|<1: = Arjuna
| = at that time.
: = thereafter
H: = he
|1-||1: = being over-
whelmed with wonder
[|| = with his bodily hairs stand-
ing on end due to his great ecstasy
+: = Arjuna
m = oering obeisances
|H| = with the head
1 = to the Supreme Personal-
ity of Godhead

||: = with folded hands

~|1 = began to speak.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

1|| = I see
1|+ = all the demigods
1 = Your
1 = O Lord
j = in the body
H1|+ = all
| = also

= living entities
|11H|+ = specically assembled
1.q|m = Lord Brahma
= Lord Siva
|H+- = sitting on the lotus ower
+|1+ = great sages
= also
H1|+ = all
IH|+ = serpents
= also
||+ = divine.
~+ = many

= arms
I = bellies
1+ = mouths
+ = eyes
1|| = I see
1 = You
H1: = on all sides
~+--1 = unlimited form
+|- = no end
+ ~ = no middle
+ 1

+: = nor again
1 = Your
~|| = beginning
1|| = I see
|1++ = O Lord of the universe
|1+-1 = in the form of the universe.
|||+ = with helmets
H|+ = with maces
|m = with discs
= and
||| = eulgence
H1: = on all sides
||- = glowing
1|| = I see
1| = You

|+|e = dicult to see

H-| = everywhere
||+ = blazing re
~ = of the sun

| = the sunshine
~ = immeasurable.
1 = You
~T = the infallible
1 = supreme
1 | = to be understood
1 = You
~- = of this
|1+- = universe
1 = supreme
|+|+ = basis
1 = You
~: = inexhaustible
|+H|| = main-
tainer of the eternal religion
H+|+: = eternal
1 = You

1: = the Supreme Personality

: = this is my opinion.
~+|| = without beginning
~ = middle
~- = or end
~+- = unlimited
1|| = glories
~+- = unlimited

= arms
| = the moon

= and sun
+ = eyes
1|| = I see
1| = You
| = blazing

|1+ = re com-
ing out of Your mouth
-1H| = by Your radiance
|1+ = universe
= = this
1- = heating.
L| = from outer space

||: = to the earth

= = this
~- = between
|j = certainly
| = pervaded
1| = by You
} + = alone
|: = directions
= and
H1|: = all

1| = by seeing

= wonderful
-1 = form
IH. = terrible
1 = Your
= = this
| = the planetary systems
= three
| = perturbed
j|+ = O great one.
~| = all those
|j = certainly
1| = You

H|: = groups of demigods

|1|- = are entering
| = some of them
||: = out of fear
|: = with folded hands

m|- = are oering prayers

-1|- = all peace
=| = thus
I+1| = speaking
j|1 = great sages
|HjH|: = perfect beings

1|- = are singing hymns

1| = unto You

||: = with prayers


||: = Vedic hymns.

= manifestations of Lord Siva
~||: = the Adityas
1H1: = the Vasus
= all those
= and
H|~|: = the Sadhyas
|1+ = the Visvedevas
~|++| = the Asvini-kumaras
: = the Maruts
= and
I1|: = the forefathers
= and
H-1 = of the Gandharvas
T = the Yaksas

= the demons
|Hj = and the perfected demigods
H|: = the assemblies
1|T- = are beholding
1| = You
|1|-|: = in wonder
= also
}1 = certainly
H1 = all.
-1 = the form
j = very great
= of You

= many
1+ = faces
+ = and eyes
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one

= many

= arms
I = thighs
1| = and legs

= many bellies

| = many teeth
| = horrible

1| = seeing
||: = all the planets
||: = perturbed
| = similarly
~j = I.

= touching the sky

| = glowing
~+ = many
1m = colors
= open
~|++ = mouths
| = glowing
|1| = very great
+ = eyes

1| = seeing
|j = certainly
1| = You
| = perturbed
~-: = within
~|| = soul

| = steadiness
+ = not
|1-|| = I have
= mental tranquillity
= also
|1m| = O Lord Visnu.

| = teeth
|||+ = terrible
= also
= Your

||+ = faces

1| = seeing
}1 = thus
||+ = the re of death
H|W||+ = as if
|: = the directions
+ = not
|+ = I know
+ = not
= I obtain
= and
= grace
H| = be pleased
1 = O Lord of all lords
H|W1|H = O refuge of the worlds.
~| = these
= also
1| = You

- = of Dhritarashtra

|: = the sons
H1 = all
Hj = with
}1 = indeed
~1|+1| = of warrior kings
H`: = the groups
|: = Bhishmadeva
|m: = Dronacarya

: = Karna
| = also
~H| = that
Hj = with
~-|`: = our
~|1 = also

`: = chiefs among the warriors

1+||m = mouths
= Your
1|m|: = rushing
|1|- = are entering

| = teeth
|||+ = terrible
|+||+ = very fearful
| = some of them
|1+|: = becoming attached
+|- 1

= between the teeth


- = are seen

|m`: = with smashed

I|j`: = heads.
| = as
+|+| = of the rivers
1j1: = the many

1 H|: = waves of the waters


= the ocean
}1 = certainly

|: = towards
1|- = glide
| = similarly
1 = Your
~| = all these
+|1||: = kings of human society
|1|- = are entering
1+||m = the mouths
~||11|- = and are blazing.
| = as
| = blazing
1+ = a re
1j|: = moths
|1|- = enter
+|| = for destruction

j = with full
1 H|: = speed
`1 = similarly
+|| = for destruction
|1|- = are entering
||: = all people
1 = Your
~|1 = also
1+||m = mouths

j1 H: = with full speed.

|QH = You are licking
H.H|+: = devouring
H-| = from all directions
||+ = people
HH.|+ = all
1+`: = by the mouths
1|: = blazing
||: = by eulgence

= covering
H = the universe
HH. = all
|H: = rays
1 = Your
IH.: = terrible
1|- = are scorching
|1m| = O all-pervading Lord.
~|||j = please explain
= unto me
: = who
1|+ = You
IH.-1: = erce form
+: ~-

= obeisances
= unto You
11 = O great one amongst the demigods
H| = be gracious
= to know
=|| = I wish
1- = You
~|L = the original
+ = not
|j = certainly
|+|| = do I know
1 = Your

| = mission.

1| = the Personality of God-

head said
|: = time
~|- = I am
| = of the worlds

= the destroyer

j: = great
||+ = all people

= in destroying
=j = in this world

: = engaged
+ = without, except for
~|1 = even
1| = you
+ = never
|1|- = will be
H1 = all
= who
~1|-|: = situated
|+| 1

= on the opposite sides

||: = the soldiers.
-| = therefore
1 = you
I| = get up
: = fame
-1 = gain
|1| = conquering

+ = enemies

1 = enjoy
| = kingdom

j = ourishing
| = by Me
}1 = certainly
} = all these
|+j|: = killed

11 = by previous arrangement
|+|| = just the cause
1 = become
HH||+ = O Savyasaci.
|m = also Drona
| = also Bhishma
= also Jayadratha
m = Karna
| = also
~-|+ = others
~|1 = certainly
|1||+ = great warriors
| = by Me
j|+ = already killed
1 = you
|j = destroy
| = do not
||: = be disturbed

~-1 = just ght

||H = you will conquer
m = in the ght
H1+|+ = enemies.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
} = thus

1| = hearing
1+ = the speech
1- = of KRiShNa

||: = with folded hands

1 1|+: = trembling
|||+ = Arjuna

1| = oering obeisances

: = again
}1 = also
~j = said

m = unto KRiShNa
HH = with a faltering voice
||: = fearful
m = oering obeisances.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

-|+ = rightly
[1| = O master of all senses
1 = Your
| = by the glories
H = the entire world
[| = is rejoicing

= is becoming attached
= and
T||H = the demons
|||+ = out of fear
|: = in all directions
1|- = are eeing
H1 = all
+-|- = are oering respects
= also
|HjH|: = the perfect human beings.
-| = why
= also
= unto You
+ = not
++ = they should of-
fer proper obeisances
j|+ = O great one
H|H = who are better
1.qm: = than Brahma
~|1 = although
~|| = to the supreme creator
~+- = O unlimited
1 = O God of the gods
H|W1|H = O refuge of the universe
1 = You are
~T = imperishable
HH = to cause and eect
1 = transcendental
= because.
1 = You
~|| 1: = the original Supreme God

1: = personality

|m: = old
1 = You
~- = of this
|1+- = universe
1 = transcendental
|+|+ = refuge
1 = the knower
~|H = You are
1 L = the knowable
= and
1 = transcendental
= and
| = refuge
1| = by You
= pervaded
|1+ = the universe
~+--1 = O unlimited form.

: = air
: = the controller
~|+: = re
1m: = water
|: = the moon
|1|: = Brahma
1 = You
|1|j: = the great-grandfather
= also
+: = my respects
+: = again my respects
= unto You

= let there be

1: = a thousand times

+T = and again

: = again
~|1 = also
+: = oering my respects
+- = oering my respects unto You.
+: = oering obeisances

-| = from the front

~ = also

: = from behind
= unto You
+: ~-

= I oer my respects
= unto You
H1: = from all sides
}1 = indeed
H1 = because You are everything
~+-1|| = unlimited potency
~||1: = and unlimited force
1 = You
H1 = everything
H|+||1 = You cover
: = therefore
~|H = You are
H1: = everything.
H| = friend
=| = thus
1| = thinking
H = presumptuously
= whatever
I+ = said

m = O KRiShNa
j |1 = O Yadava
j H = O my dear friend
=| = thus
~|+| = without knowing
|j|+ = glories
1 = Your
= = this
| = by me
|| = out of foolishness
m+ = out of love
1||1 = either
= whatever
= also
~1j|H| = for joking

: = dishonored
~|H = You have been
|1j| = in relaxation
| = in lying down
~|H+ = in sitting

= or while eating together

}: = alone
~1| = or
~|1 = also

= O infallible one
HT = among companions
= all those
T| = ask forgiveness
1 = from You
~j = I
~ = immeasurable.
|1| = the father
~|H = You are
|- = of all the world
= moving
~- = and nonmoving
1 = You are
~- = of this

: = worshipable
= also

: = master
H||+ = glorious
+ = never
1H: = equal to You
~|- = there is
~-|: = greater

: = how is it possible
~-: = other
| = in the three planetary systems
~|1 = also
~||1 = O immeasurable power.
-| = therefore
m = oering obeisances
|m| = laying down
| = the body
H| = to beg mercy
1 = unto You
~j = I
= unto the Supreme Lord
=< = worshipable
|11 = like a father

- = with a son
H`1 = like a friend

: = with a friend
|: = a lover
|||: = with the dearmost
~j|H = You should
1 = my Lord
= tolerate.

1 = never seen before

[|1: = gladdened
~|- = I am

1| = by seeing
+ = out of fear
= also
| = perturbed
+: = mind
= my
= that
}1 = certainly
= unto me
= show
1 = O Lord
-1 = the form
H| = just be gracious
1 = O Lord of lords
H|W1|H = O refuge of the universe.
|||+ = with helmet
H|+ = with club
j- = disc in hand
=|| = I wish
1| = You

= to see
~j = I
`1 = in that position
+`1 = in that
-1 m = form

+ = four-handed
Hj1|j| = O thousand-handed one
1 = just become

= O universal form.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
| = by Me
HW+ = happily
1 = unto you

+ = O Arjuna
= = this
-1 = form
1 = transcendental
| = shown
~||H| = by My internal potency
| = full of eulgence
|1+ = the entire universe
~+- = unlimited
~|L = original
= that which
= My
1-+ = besides you

1 = no one has previously seen.

+ = never
1 3 = by sacrice
~~+`: = or Vedic study
+ = never
|+`: = by charity
+ = never
= also
|||: = by pious activities
+ = never
1||: = by serious penances
IH. `: = severe
}1 -1: = in this form
+: = can
~j = I

| = in this material world

= be seen
1 = than you
~-+ = by another

1| = O best among the Kuru warriors.

| = let it not be
= unto you
| = trouble
| = let it not be
= also

|1: = bewilderment

1| = by seeing
-1 = form
| = horrible

= as it is
= My
= = this
1 |: = free from all fear
|+|: = pleased in mind

+: = again
1 = you
= that
}1 = thus
= My
-1 = form
= = this
1 = just see.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
=| = thus

+ = unto Arjuna

1|: = KRiShNa
| = in that way
I+1| = speaking
-1 = His own
-1 = form
||H = showed

: = again
~|+|H||H = encouraged
= also
| = fearful
}+ = him

1| = becoming

+: = again

: = the beautiful form

j|| = the great one.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

1| = seeing
= = this

1 = human
-1 = form
1 = Your
H| = very beautiful
+|+ = O chastiser of the enemies
=|+| = now
~|- = I am

: = settled
H|: = in my consciousness

| = to my own nature
H: = returned.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said

= very dicult to see

= = this
-1 = form

1|+|H = as you have seen

= which
= of Mine
1|: = the demigods
~|1 = also
~- = this
-1- = form
|+ = eternally
+||< Tm: = aspiring to see.
+ = never
~j = I
1 `: = by study of the Vedas
+ = never
1H| = by serious penances
+ = never
|++ = by charity
+ = never
= also
=| = by worship
+: = it is possible
}1|1|: = like this

= to see

1|+ = seeing
~|H = you are
| = Me
| = as.
+| = by devotional service

= but
~+-| = without be-
ing mixed with fruitive activities or spec-
ulative knowledge
+: = possible
~j = I
}1|1: = like this

+ = O Arjuna
= to know

= to see
= and
1 + = in fact
= to enter into
= also
1-1 = O mighty-armed one.

= engaged in doing My work

1: = considering Me the Supreme
+: = engaged in My devo-
tional service
HH1|: = freed from the contam-
ination of fruitive activities and men-
tal speculation
|+1 `: = without an enemy

= among all living entities

: = one who
H: = he
| = unto Me
}| = comes
1|<1 = O son of Pandu.
End of 11.55

+ I1| = Arjuna said

}1 = thus
H = always

+: = engaged
= those who
+|: = devotees
1| = You

1|H = properly worship

= those who
= also
~|1 = again
~T = beyond the senses
~+ = the unmanifested
1| = of them
= who
|H|1|: = the most per-
fect in knowledge of yoga.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
| = upon Me
~|1 = xing
+: = the mind
= those who
| = Me
|+ = always

+|: = engaged
I1|H = worship
j| = with faith
1| = transcendental
I1 : = endowed
= they
= by Me

+|: = most perfect in yoga

|: = are considered.
= those who

= but
~T = that which is beyond the per-
ception of the senses
~|+ = indenite
~+ = unmanifested

1|H = completely en-

gage in worshiping
H1H = all-pervading
~|- = inconceivable
= also

- = unchanging
~ = immovable

1 = xed
H|W = controlling
=|- H.| = all the senses
H1 = everywhere

j: = equally disposed
= they

1|- = achieve
| = Me
}1 = certainly

|j = for the welfare of all liv-

ing entities
|: = engaged.
+: = trouble
~|: = very much
1| = of them
~+ = to the unmanifested
~H+ = attached
H| = of those whose minds
~+| = toward the unmanifested
|j = certainly
H|: = progress

: = with trouble
j1|: = by the embodied
~1| = is achieved.
= those who

= but
H1||m = all
||m = activities
| = unto Me
H-- = giving up
1|: = being attached to Me
~+-+ = without division
}1 = certainly
|H+ = by practice of such bhakti-yoga
| = upon Me
~|-: = meditating
I1|H = worship
1| = of them
~j = I

j| = the deliverer

= of death
HH| = in material existence
H|H| = from the ocean
1|| = I become
+ = not
|| = after a long time
1| = O son of Pritha
| = upon Me
~|1 | = xed
H| = of those whose minds.
| = upon Me
}1 = certainly
+: = mind
~|-1 = x
| = upon Me

|j = intelligence
|+1 = apply
|+1|H|H = you will live
| = in Me
}1 = certainly
~ +~1 = thereafter
+ = never
H: = doubt.
~ = if, therefore
| = mind
= to x
+ = not
++||1 = you are able
| = upon Me
|- = steadily
~-|H|H+ = by the practice of devo-
tional service
: = then
| = Me
=| = desire
= to get
+ = O winner of wealth, Arjuna.
~-|H = in practice
~|1 = even if
~H: = unable
~|H = you are
= My work
1: = dedicated to
1 = become
= for My sake
~|1 = even
||m = work

1+ = performing
|H|j = perfection
~1|-|H = you will achieve.
~ = even though
} = this
~|1 = also
~+: = unable
~|H = you are

= to perform
= unto Me
|H = in devotional service
~||: = taking refuge
H1 = of all activities
+ = of the results
|H = renunciation
: = then

= do
|1|+ = self-situated.
: = better
|j = certainly
3|+ = knowledge
~-|H| = than practice
3|+| = than knowledge
~|+ = meditation
|1| = is considered better
~|+| = than meditation
+|H: = renunciation of the re-
sults of fruitive action
|H| = by such renunciation
||-: = peace
~+- = thereafter.
~] | = nonenvious

|+| = toward all living entities

`: = friendly
m: = kindly
}1 = certainly
= also
|+: = with no sense of proprietorship
|+j|: = without false ego
H = equal

: = in distress

: = and happiness
T| = forgiving

: = satised
H = always
|H| = one engaged in devotion
| = self-controlled

|+T: = with determination

| = upon Me
~|1 = engaged
+: = mind

|j: = and intelligence

: = one who
+: = My devotee
H: = he
= to Me
|: = dear.
-| = from whom
+ = never
I|] = are agitated
|: = people
|| = from people
+ = never
I|] = is disturbed
= also
: = anyone who
j1 = from happiness
~1 = distress
= fear
I] H`: = and anxiety

+: = freed
: = who
H: = anyone
= also
= to Me
|: = very dear.
~+1 T: = neutral

|: = pure
T: = expert
I|H|+: = free from care
H|: = freed from all distress
H1| = of all endeavors
1||H| = renouncer
: = anyone who
+: = My devotee
H: = he
= to Me
|: = very dear.
: = one who
+ = never
[| = takes pleasure
+ = never
] | = grieves
+ = never
|| = laments
+ = never
|< T| = desires

= of the auspicious

= and the inauspicious

1||H| = renouncer
|+|+ = devotee
: = one who
H: = he is
= to Me
|: = dear.
H: = equal
| = to an enemy
= also
| = to a friend
= also
| = so
|+ = in honor
~1|+|: = and dishonor
| = in cold
Im = heat

= happiness


= and distress
H: = equipoised
Hj|11|: = free from all association

~ = equal
|+-| = in defamation

|: = and repute
||+ = silent

: = satised
+ +| = with anything
~|+ : = having no residence
|- = xed
|: = determination
|+|+ = engaged in devotion
= to Me
|: = dear
+: = a man.
= those who

= but
= of religion

= nectar
= = this
| = as
I+ = said

1|H = completely engage

z|+|: = with faith
1|: = taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as ev
+: = devotees
= they
~|1 = very, very
= to Me
|: = dear.
End of 12.20

+ I1| = Arjuna said

| = nature

1 = the enjoyer
= also
}1 = certainly
T = the eld
T3 = the knower of the eld
}1 = certainly
= also
} = all this
1 |
= to understand
=|| = I wish
3|+ = knowledge
3 = the object of knowledge
= also
1 = O KRiShNa

1| = the Personality of God-

head said
= = this
| = body
|- = O son of Kunti
T = the eld
=| = thus
~|| = is called
} = this
: = one who
1 | = knows
= he

: = is called
T3: = the knower of the eld
=| = thus
|1: = by those who know this.
T3 = the knower of the eld
= also
~|1 = certainly
| = Me
|1|j = know
H1 = all

= in bodily elds
| = O son of Bharata
T = the eld of activities (the body)
T3|: = and the knower of the eld
3|+ = knowledge of
= that which
= that
3|+ = knowledge
= opinion
= My.
= that
T = eld of activities
= what
= also

= as it is
= also
= having what
|1|| = changes
: = from which
= also
= what
H: = he
= also
: = who
= having what
|1: = inuence
= also
= that
H|H+ = in summary
= from Me

= understand.
+|1|: = by the wise sages

| = in many ways
H| = described
-||: = by Vedic hymns
|1|1`: = various

= variously

= of the Vedanta
1 `: = by the aphorisms
= also
}1 = certainly

|: = with cause and eect

|1|+|T`: = certain.

|+| = the great elements

~j|: = false ego

|j: = intelligence
~+ = the unmanifested
}1 = certainly
= also
=|- ||m = the senses
` = eleven
= also
1 = ve
= also
=|- H||: = the objects of the senses
=| = desire
] 1: = hatred

= happiness

: = distress
H|: = the aggregate
+| = living symptoms

|: = conviction
} = all this
T = the eld of activities
H|H+ = in summary
H|1| = with interactions
I|[ = exemplied.
~||+1 = humility
~|1 = pridelessness
~|jH| = nonviolence
T|-: = tolerance
~|1 = simplicity
~|||1|H+ = approach-
ing a bona de spiritual master
| = cleanliness
-` = steadfastness
~||1|+H.j: = self-control
=|- |1

= in the matter of the senses

1 `| = renunciation
~+j|: = being without false egoism
}1 = certainly
= also
- = of birth

= death
| = old age
|| = and disease

: = of the distress
|1 = the fault

+ = observing
~H|+: = being without attachment
~+|+j: = being without association

= for son
|| = wife


= home, etc.
|+ = constant
= also
H|1 = equilibrium
= = the desirable
~|+ = and undesirable

= having obtained
| = unto Me
= also
~+-|H+ = by unalloyed devo-
tional service
|+: = devotion
~|||m| = without any break
|1|1+ = to solitary
= places
H|11 = aspiring
~|: = being without attachment
+HH| = to people in general
~~| = pertaining to the self
3|+ = in knowledge
|+1 = constancy
13|+ = of knowledge of the truth
~ = for the object
+ = philosophy
} = all this
3|+ = knowledge
=| = thus
|+ = declared
~3|+ = ignorance
= that which
~: = from this
~-| = other.
3 = the knowable
= which
= that
1e|| = I shall now explain
= which
3|1| = knowing

= nectar

= one tastes
~+|| = beginningless
1 = subordinate to Me
1.q = spirit
+ = neither
H = cause
= that
+ = nor
~H = eect
I = is said to be.
H1: = everywhere
1||m = hands
1 = legs
= that
H1: = everywhere
~|T = eyes
|: = heads

= faces
H1: = everywhere

| = having ears
| = in the world
H1 = everything

= covering
|| = exists.
H1 = of all
=|- = senses

m = of the qualities
~||H = the original source
H1 = all
=|- = senses
|11| = being without
~H+ = without attachment

= the maintainer of everyone

= also
}1 = certainly

m = without material qualities



= master of the gunas

= also.
1|j: = outside
~-: = inside
= also

|+| = of all living entities

~ = not moving
= moving
}1 = also
= and

e1| = on account of being subtle

= that
~|13 = unknowable

- = far away
= also
~|- = near
= and
= that.
~|1+ = without division
= also

= in all living beings

|1+ = divided
=1 = as if
= also
|- = situated

= the maintainer of all liv-

ing entities
= also
= that
3 = to be understood

= devouring

= developing
= also.
||1| = in all luminous objects
~|1 = also
= that
||: = the source of light
H: = the darkness
1 = beyond
I = is said
3|+ = knowledge
3 = to be known
3|+H = to be ap-
proached by knowledge
[| = in the heart
H1- = of everyone
|1| = situated.
=| = thus
T = the eld of activities (the body)
| = also
3|+ = knowledge
3 = the knowable
= also
I+ = described
H|H: = in summary
+: = My devotee
} = all this
|13| = after understanding
|1| = to My nature
I11L = attains.

| = material nature

1 = the living entities

= also
}1 = certainly
|1|j = you must know
~+|| = without beginning
I| = both
~|1 = also
|1||+ = transformations
= also

m|+ = the three modes of nature

= also
}1 = certainly
|1|j = know

| = material nature
H1|+ = produced of.
| = of eect
|m = and cause

1 = in the matter of creation


: = the instrument

|: = material nature
I = is said to be

1: = the living entity


= of happiness

:|+| = and distress


1 = in enjoyment

: = the instrument
I = is said to be.

1: = the living entity

|-: = being situated in the mate-

rial energy
|j = certainly

= enjoys

||+ = produced by the mate-

rial nature

m|+ = the modes of nature

m = the cause

mHj: = the associa-

tion with the modes of nature
~- = of the living entity
HH = in good and bad
||+ = species of life

= in births.
I1 | = overseer

-| = permitter
= also
| = master
|+| = supreme enjoyer
j +: = the Supreme Lord
1| = the Supersoul
=| = also
= and
~|1 = indeed
I+: = is said
j = in the body
~|-+ = this

1: = enjoyer
1: = transcendental.
: = anyone who
}1 = thus
1 | = understands

1 = the living entity

| = material nature
= and

m`: = the modes of material nature

Hj = with
H1| = in all ways
1|+: = being situated
~|1 = in spite of
+ = never
H: = he

: = again
~|| = takes his birth.
~|++ = by meditation
~||+ = within the self
1|- = see
| = some
~||+ = the Supersoul
~|+| = by the mind
~- = others

+ = of philosophical discussion
|H+ = by the yoga system
|Hm = by activities with-
out fruitive desire
= also
~1 = others.
~- = others

= but
}1 = thus
~|+-: = without spiri-
tual knowledge

1| = by hearing
~--: = from others
I1|H = begin to worship
= they
~|1 = also
= and
~||- = transcend
}1 = certainly

= the path of death

|1|m|: = inclined to the pro-

cess of hearing.
|1 = whatever
H| = comes into being
|| = anything
H1 = existence
-|1 = not moving
j = moving
T = of the body
T3 = and the knower of the body
H|H| = by the union between
|]|j = you must know it
1 = O chief of the Bharatas.
H = equally
H1 1

= in all

= living entities
|- = residing
1+ = the Supersoul

= in the destructible
~|1+- = not destroyed
: = anyone who
1| = sees
H: = he
1| = actually sees.
H = equally
1+ = seeing
|j = certainly
H1 = everywhere
H1|- = equally situated
+ = the Supersoul
+ = does not
|j+|- = degrade
~|+| = by the mind
~||+ = the soul
: = then
|| = reaches
1| = the transcendental
H| = destination.

| = by material nature
}1 = certainly
= also
||m = activities
||m||+ = being performed
H1: = in all respects
: = anyone who
1| = sees
| = also
~||+ = himself
~| = the nondoer
H: = he
1| = sees perfectly.
| = when

= of living entities

|1 = separated identities
}- = situated in one

1| = one tries to see through authority

: }1 = thereafter
= also
|1-| = the expansion
1.q = the Absolute
H1L = he attains
| = at that time.
~+||1| = due to eternity

m1| = due to be-

ing transcendental
1 = beyond material nature
~|| = spirit
~ = this
~: = inexhaustible
|-: = dwelling in the body
~|1 = though
|- = O son of Kunti
+ || = never does anything
+ | = nor is he entangled.
| = as
H1H = all-pervading
H|e| = due to being subtle
~|| = the sky
+ = never
I1| = mixes
H1 = everywhere
~1|-: = situated
j = in the body
| = so
~|| = the self
+ = never
I1| = mixes.
| = as
|| = illuminates
}: = one

-+ = the whole
| = universe
= = this
|1: = sun
T = this body
T| = the soul
| = similarly

-+ = all
|| = illuminates
| = O son of Bharata.
T = of the body
T3|: = of the proprietor of the body
}1 = thus
~- = the dierence

1| = by the vision of knowledge

= of the living entity

| = from material nature

|T = the liberation
= also
= those who

: = know
||- = approach
= they
1 = the Supreme.
End of 13.35

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
1 = transcendental

: = again
1e|| = I shall speak
3|+|+| = of all knowledge
3|+ = knowledge
I = the supreme
= which
3|1| = knowing

+: = the sages
H1 = all
1 = transcendental
|H|j = perfection
=: = from this world
H|: = attained.
= = this
3|+ = knowledge
I1|| = taking shelter of
= My
H| = same nature
~|H: = having attained
HH|1 = even in the creation
+ = never
I1|- = are born
= in the annihilation
+ = nor
|- = are disturbed
= also.
= My
||+: = source of birth
j = the total material existence
1.q = supreme
|-+ = in that
H = pregnancy
|| = create
~j = I
H1: = the possibility

|+| = of all living entities

: = thereafter
1| = becomes
| = O son of Bharata.

= in all species of life

|- = O son of Kunti

: = forms
H1|- = they appear
: = which
|H| = of all of them
1.q = the supreme
jL||+: = source of birth in the mate-
rial substance
~j = I
1|: = the seed-giving
|1| = father.
H1 = the mode of goodness
: = the mode of passion
: = the mode of ignorance
=| = thus

m|: = the qualities

| = material nature
H1|: = produced of
|+1u|- = do condition
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
j = in this body
j|+ = the living entity
~ = eternal.
= there
H1 = the mode of goodness
|+1| = being purest in the mate-
rial world
| = illuminating
~+| = without any sinful reaction

= with happiness
Hj+ = by association
1u|| = conditions
3|+ = with knowledge
Hj+ = by association
= also
~+ = O sinless one.
: = the mode of passion
|H| = born of desire or lust
|1|j = know

m| = with hankering
Hj = association

1 = produced of
= that
|+1u|| = binds
|- = O son of Kunti
Hj+ = by associa-
tion with fruitive activity
|j+ = the embodied.
: = the mode of ignorance

= but
~3|+ = produced of ignorance
|1|j = know
|j+ = the delusion
H1 |j+| = of all embodied beings
| = with madness
~- = indolence
|+ ||: = and sleep
= that
|+1u|| = binds
| = O son of Bharata.
H1 = the mode of goodness

= in happiness
H| = binds
: = the mode of passion
||m = in fruitive activity
| = O son of Bharata
3|+ = knowledge

= covering

= but
: = the mode of ignorance
| = in madness
H| = binds
I = it is said.
: = the mode of passion
: = the mode of ignorance
= also

= surpassing
H1 = the mode of goodness
1| = becomes prominent
| = O son of Bharata
: = the mode of passion
H1 = the mode of goodness
: = the mode of ignorance
= also
}1 = like that
: = the mode of ignorance
H1 = the mode of goodness
: = the mode of passion
| = thus.
H1]| 1

= in all the gates

j |-+ = in this body
|: = the quality of illumination
I1| = develops
3|+ = knowledge
| = when
| = at that time
|1L| = know

j = increased
H1 = the mode of goodness

= thus it is said.
|: = greed

|: = activity
~|: = endeavor
m| = in activities
~: = uncontrollable

j| = desire
|H = of the mode of passion
}||+ = all these
|- = develop

j = when there is an excess

1 = O chief of the descen-
dants of Bharata.
~|: = darkness

|: = inactivity
= and
|: = madness
|j: = illusion
}1 = certainly
= also
|H = the mode of ignorance
}||+ = these
|- = are manifested

j = when developed

+-+ = O son of Kuru.

| = when
H1 = the mode of goodness

j = developed

= but
= dissolution
|| = goes

= the embodied
| = at that time
I|1| = of the great sages
||+ = the planets
~|+ = pure
|1L = attains.
|H = in passion
= dissolution
H1| = attaining

= in the associa-
tion of those engaged in fruitive activities
| = takes birth
| = similarly
|+: = being dissolved
|H = in ignorance


= in animal species
| = takes birth.
m: = of work

- = pious

: = is said
H||1 = in the mode of goodness
|+ = puried
+ = the result
H: = of the mode of passion

= but
+ = the result

: = misery
~3|+ = nonsense
H: = of the mode of ignorance
+ = the result.
H1| = from the mode of goodness
H| = develops
3|+ = knowledge
H: = from the mode of passion
|: = greed
}1 = certainly
= also
| = madness
|j| = and illusion
H: = from the mode of ignorance
1: = develop
~3|+ = nonsense
}1 = certainly
= also.
+~1 = upwards
H|- = go
H1-|: = those situ-
ated in the mode of goodness
~ = in the middle
||- = dwell
|H|: = those situ-
ated in the mode of passion
- = of abominable

m = quality

|-|: = whose occupation

~: = down
H|- = go
|H|: = persons in the mode of ignorance.
+ = no
~- = other

m-: = than the qualities

| = performer
| = when
| = a seer

1| = sees properly

m-: = to the modes of nature

= and
1 = transcendental
1 | = knows
|1 = to My spiritual nature
H: = he
~|H| = is promoted.

m|+ = qualities
}|+ = all these
~| = transcending
|+ = three
j| = the embodied
j = the body

1|+ = produced of
- = of birth

= death
| = and old age

:`: = the distresses


+: = being freed from


= nectar

= he enjoys.

+ I1| = Arjuna said

` : = by which
|j`: = symptoms
|+ = three

m|+ = qualities
}|+ = all these
~|: = having transcended
1| = is
| = O my Lord
| = what
~||: = behavior
= how
= also
}|+ = these
|+ = three

m|+ = qualities
~|1 = transcends.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
| = illumination
= and

| = attachment
= and
|j = illusion
}1 = also
1|<1 = O son of Pandu
+ ] | = does not hate

||+ = although developed

+ |+1

||+ = nor stopping development

|< T| = desires
I|H|+1 = as if neutral
~|H|+: = situated

m`: = by the qualities

: = one who
+ = never
|1|~ = is agitated

m|: = the qualities

1- = are acting
=1 = knowing thus
: = one who
~1|| = remains
+ = never
=j = ickers
H = equal

: = in distress

: = and happiness
-1-: = being situated in himself
H = equally
| = a lump of earth
~ = stone
|+: = gold

~ = equally disposed
| = to the dear
~|: = and the undesirable
|: = steady

~ = equal
|+-| = in defamation

|: = and praise of himself

|+ = in honor
~1|+|: = and dishonor

~: = equal

~: = equal
| = of friends
~| = and enemies
1T|: = to the parties
H1 = of all
~| = endeavors
1||H| = renouncer

m||: = transcendental to the mate-

rial modes of nature
H: = he
I = is said to be.
| = unto Me
= also
: = a person who
~|| m = without fail
|+|H+ = by devotional service
H1 = renders service
H: = he

m|+ = the modes of material nature

H| = transcending
}|+ = all these

| = elevated to the Brah-

man platform
~1 = becomes.
1.qm: = of the impersonal brahmajyoti
|j = certainly
|| = the rest
~j = I am

- = of the immortal
~- = of the imperishable
= also
|+- = of the eternal
= and
- = of the constitutional position

- = of happiness
}||-- = ultimate
= also.
End of 14.27

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said

= with roots above

~: = downwards
| = branches
~+ = a banyan tree

: = is said
~ = eternal
-||H = the Vedic hymns
- = of which
1m||+ = the leaves
: = anyone who
= that
1 = knows
H: = he
1 |1 = the knower of the Vedas.
~: = downward
= and
+~1 = upward

|: = extended
- = its
||: = branches

m = by the modes of material nature


j|: = developed
|11 = sense objects
1||: = twigs
~: = downward
= and

||+ = roots

H-||+ = extended
= to work

1-||+ = bound

| = in the world of hu-

man society.
+ = not
-1 = the form
~- = of this tree
=j = in this world
| = also
I1- = can be perceived
+ = never
~-: = end
+ = never
= also
~||: = beginning
+ = never
= also
H|| = the foundation
~+ = banyan tree
}+ = this

|1- = strongly

= rooted
~Hj-m = by the weapon of detachment

+ = strong
|1 = cutting
: = thereafter
1 = situation
= that
1|||H = has to be searched out
|-+ = where
H|: = going
+ = never
|+1|- = they come back

: = again
= to Him
}1 = certainly
= also
~|L = original

1 = the Personality of Godhead

1L = surrender
: = from whom

|: = the beginning

| = extended

|m| = very old.

|+: = without
|+ = false prestige
|j: = and illusion
| = having conquered
Hj = of association
|1|: = the faults
~~| = in spiritual knowledge
|+|: = in eternity

= disassociated
||: = from lust
]-] ` : = from the dualities

+: = liberated

: = happiness and distress

H3`: = named
H|- = attain

|: = unbewildered
1 = situation
~ = eternal
= that.
+ = not
= that
|H = illuminates

: = the sun
+ = nor
|: = the moon
+ = nor
1|1: = re, electricity
= where
H1| = going
+ = never
|+1- = they come back
| = that abode
1 = supreme
= My.
= My
}1 = certainly
~: = fragmental particle
|1| = in the world of condi-
tional life

: = the conditioned living entity

H+|+: = eternal
+: = with the mind
1||m = the six
=|- ||m = senses

| = in material nature
-||+ = situated
1| = is struggling hard.
| = the body
= as
~1|+|| = gets
= as
||1 = also
I|| = gives up
+: = the lord of the body

j|1| = taking
}||+ = all these
H|| = goes away

: = the air
H-|+ = smells
=1 = like
~| = from their source.
| = ears

: = eyes
-1+ = touch
= also
H+ = tongue
.|m = smelling power
}1 = also
= and
~|| = being situated in
+: = mind
= also
~ = he
|11|+ = sense objects
I1H1 = enjoys.
I|- = quitting the body
|- = situated in the body
1||1 = either

|+ = enjoying
1| = or

m||-1 = under the spell of the modes of ma-

terial nature

|: = foolish persons
+ = never

1|- = can see

1|- = can see

1: = those who have the eyes of knowledge.

-: = endeavoring
||H+: = transcendentalists
= also
}+ = this
1|- = can see
~||+ = in the self
~1|- = situated
-: = endeavoring
~|1 = although

||+: = those without self-

+ = do not
}+ = this
1|- = see
~H: = having undeveloped minds.
= that which
~||H = in the sunshine
: = splendor
H = the whole world
|H = illuminates
~| = entirely
= that which
- |H = in the moon
= that which
= also
~+| = in re
= that
: = splendor
|1|j = understand
| = from Me.
H| = the planets
~||1 = entering
= also

|+| = the living entities

||| = sustain
~j = I
~|H| = by My energy

m|| = am nourishing
= and
~|1|: = vegetables
H1|: = all
H|: = the moon

1| = becoming
H|: = supplying the juice.
~j = I
1 `+|+: = My plenary portion as the di-
gesting re

1| = becoming
||m+| = of all living entities
j = in the bodies
~||: = situated
|m = the outgoing air
~1|+ = the down-going air

+: = keeping in balance
1|| = I digest
~W = foodstu

|1 = the four kinds.

H1- = of all living beings
= and
~j = I
[| = in the heart
H|W|1: = situated
: = from Me

|: = remembrance
3|+ = knowledge
~1|j+ = forgetfulness
= and
1 `: = by the Vedas
= also
H1 `: = all
~j = I am
}1 = certainly
1 L: = knowable
1 |-

= the compiler of the Vedanta

1 |1 = the knower of the Vedas
}1 = certainly
= and
~j = I.
]| = two
=| = these

1| = living entities
| = in the world
T: = fallible
= and
~T: = infallible
}1 = certainly
= and
T: = fallible
H1||m = all

|+| = living entities

-: = in oneness
~T: = infallible
I = is said.
I: = the best

1: = personality

= but
~-: = another
1 = the supreme
~|| = self
=| = thus
I|[: = is said
: = who
| = of the universe
= the three divisions
~||1 = entering
|1| = is maintaining
~: = inexhaustible
+: = the Lord.
-| = because
T = to the fallible
~|: = transcendental
~j = I am
~T| = beyond the infallible
~|1 = also
= and
I: = the best
~: = therefore
~|- = I am
| = in the world
1 = in the Vedic literature
= and
|: = celebrated

1|: = as the Supreme Personality.

: = anyone who
| = Me
}1 = thus

: = without a doubt
|+|| = knows

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead
H: = he
H1|1 = the knower of everything
| = renders devotional service
| = unto Me
H1|1 + = in all respects
| = O son of Bharata.
=| = thus

Q = the most condential

|- = revealed scripture
= = this
I+ = disclosed
| = by Me
~+ = O sinless one
} = this

~1| = understanding

|j|+ = intelligent
-| = one becomes

: = the most per-

fect in his endeavors
= and
| = O son of Bharata.
End of 15.20

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
~ = fearlessness

|j: = purica-
tion of ones existence
3|+ = in knowledge
|H = of linking up
1|-|: = the situation
|+ = charity
: = controlling the mind
= and
3: = performance of sacrice
= and
-1|~|: = study of Vedic literature
1: = austerity
~|1 = simplicity
~|jH| = nonviolence
H = truthfulness
~|: = freedom from anger
|H: = renunciation
||-: = tranquillity
~1 `

+ = aversion to fault-nding
| = mercy

= towards all living entities


1 = freedom from greed

|1 = gentleness
|: = modesty
~|1 = determination
: = vigor
T| = forgiveness

|: = fortitude
| = cleanliness
~ |j: = freedom from envy
+ = not
~| ||+| = expectation of honor
1|- = are
H1 = the qualities
`1| = the transcendental nature
~||- = of one who is born of
| = O son of Bharata.
: = pride
1: = arrogance
~|+: = conceit
= and
|: = anger
1| = harshness
}1 = certainly
= and
~3|+ = ignorance
= and
~||- = of one who is born of
1| = O son of Pritha
H1 = the qualities

| = the demoniac nature.

`1| = transcendental
H1 = assets
|1|T| = meant for liberation
|+1-| = for bondage

| = demoniac qualities
| = are considered
| = do not

: = worry
H1 = assets
`1| = transcendental
~||: = born of
~|H = you are
1|<1 = O son of Pandu.
]| = two

HH| = created living beings

| = in the world
~|-+ = this
`1: = godly

: = demoniac
}1 = certainly
= and
`1: = the divine
|1-: = at great length
|+: = said

= the demoniac
1| = O son of Pritha
= from Me

= just hear.

| = acting properly
= also

| = not acting improperly

= and
+|: = persons
+ = never

: = know

: = of demoniac quality
+ = never
| = cleanliness
+ = nor
~|1 = also
= and
~||: = behavior
+ = never
H = truth

= in them
|1L = there is.
~H = unreal
~| = without foundation
= they
H = the cosmic manifestation

: = say
~+|+ = with no controller
~1-1 = without cause

= arisen kim
~- = there is no other cause
|j `

= it is due to lust only.

}| = this

| = vision
~1- = accepting
+ = having lost
~|+: = themselves

j: = the less intelligent

1|- = ourish
IH.|m: = engaged in painful activities
T| = for destruction
H: = of the world
~|j|: = unbenecial.
| = lust
~|| = taking shelter of

= insatiable
= of pride
+ = and false prestige
||-1|: = absorbed in the conceit
|j| = by illusion

j|1| = taking
~H = nonpermanent
H.|j|+ = things
1- = they ourish

| = to the unclean
1.|: = avowed.
|-| = fears and anxieties
~1| = immeasurable
= and
|-| = unto the point of death
I1|||: = having taken shelter of
||1|H = sense gratication
1|: = the highest goal of life
}|1 = thus
=| = in this way
|+|T|: = having ascertained
~||1| = entanglements in a net-
work of hope
`: = by hundreds
1j|: = being bound
| = of lust
| = and anger
1|m|: = always situ-
ated in the mentality
j- = they desire
| = lust
|H = sense enjoyment
~ = for the purpose of
~-|+ = illegally
~ = of wealth
H|+ = accumulation.
= = this
~L = today
| = by me
= gained
= = this
|- = I shall gain
+| = according to my desires
= = this
~|- = there is
= = this
~|1 = also
= mine
|1| = it will increase in the future

+: = again
+ = wealth
~H| = that
| = by me
j: = has been killed

: = enemy
j|+ = I shall kill
= also
~1|+ = others
~|1 = certainly
+: = the lord
~j = I am
~j = I am
|H| = the enjoyer
|Hj: = perfect
~j = I am
11|+ = powerful

| = happy
~|: = wealthy
~|+1|+ = surrounded by aristo-
cratic relatives
~|- = I am
: = who
~-: = other
~|- = there is

: = like
| = me
e = I shall sacrice
|-|| = I shall give charity
|| = I shall rejoice
=| = thus
~3|+ = by ignorance
|1||j|: = deluded.
~+ = numerous
| = by anxieties
|1.|-|: = perplexed
|j = of illusions
| = by a network

: = surrounded
H+|: = attached

= to sense gratication
1|- = they glide down
+ = into hell

| = unclean.
~||H|1|: = self-complacent
-: = impudent
+|+ = of wealth and false prestige
= in the delusion
~|-1|: = absorbed
- = they perform sacrice
+| = in name only
3`: = with sacrices
= they
+ = out of pride

1 = without follow-
ing any rules and regulations.
~j| = false ego
1 = strength
1 = pride
| = lust
| = anger
= also
H||: = having taken shelter of
| = Me
~| = in their own
1 = and in other
j 1

= bodies
|]1-: = blaspheming

|: = envious.
|+ = those
~j = I
|]1: = envious

|+ = mischievous
HH| 1

= into the ocean of mate-

rial existence
+||+ = the lowest of mankind
|T1|| = I put
~ = forever

|+ = inauspicious


= demoniac
}1 = certainly

= into the wombs.


| = demoniac
||+ = species
~|1W|: = gaining

|: = the foolish
-|+ -|+ = in birth after birth
| = Me
~| = without achieving
}1 = certainly
|- = O son of Kunti
: = thereafter
||- = go
~| = condemned
H| = destination.
||1 = of three kinds
+- = of hell
= = this
]| = gate
+|+ = destructive
~|+: = of the self
|: = lust
|: = anger
| = as well as
|: = greed
-| = therefore
} = these
= three
= one must give up.
}`: = from these

+: = being liberated
|- = O son of Kunti
|]| `: = from the gates of ignorance
||: = of three kinds
+: = a person
~|| = performs
~|+: = for the self
: = benediction
: = thereafter
|| = he goes
1| = to the supreme
H| = destination.
: = anyone who
|-|1| = the regula-
tions of the scriptures

= giving up
1 = remains
||: = acting whimsically in lust
+ = never
H: = he
|H|j = perfection
~1|+|| = achieves
+ = never

= happiness
+ = never
1| = the supreme
H| = perfectional stage.
-| = therefore
|- = the scriptures
|m = evidence
= your
| = duty
~| = and forbidden activities
1|-| = in determining
3|1| = knowing
|- = of scripture
|1|+ = the regulations
I+ = as declared
= work

= do
=j = in this world
~j|H = you should.
End of 16.24

+ I1| = Arjuna said

= those who
|-|1| = the regulations of scripture

= giving up
- = worship
j| = full faith
~|-1|: = possessed of
1| = of them
|+| = the faith

= but
| = what

m = O KRiShNa
H1 = in goodness
~|j| = or else
: = in passion
: = in ignorance.

1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
||1| = of three kinds
1| = becomes
j| = the faith
|j+| = of the embodied
H| = that
-1|1| = accord-
ing to his mode of material nature
H||1| = in the mode of goodness
|H| = in the mode of passion
= also
}1 = certainly
|H| = in the mode of ignorance
= and
=| = thus
| = that

= hear from Me.


-1| = according to the existence

H1- = of everyone
j| = faith
1| = becomes
| = O son of Bharata
j| = faith
: = full of
~ = this

1: = living entity
: = who
= having which
j: = faith
H: = thus
}1 = certainly
H: = he.
- = worship
H||1|: = those who are in the mode of goodness
1|+ = demigods
TT||H = demons
|H|: = those who are in the mode of passion
|+ = spirits of the dead

Hm|+ = ghosts
= and
~- = others
- = worship
|H|: = in the mode of ignorance
+|: = people.
~|- = not in the scriptures
|1|j = directed
| = harmful to others
- = undergo
= those who
1: = austerities
+|: = persons
= with pride
~j| = and egoism

+|: = engaged
| = of lust
|H = and attachment
1 = by the force
~|-1|: = impelled
1-: = tormenting
|- = situated within the body

H.| = the combination of mate-

rial elements
~H: = having a misled mentality
| = Me
= also
}1 = certainly
~-: = within
|- = situated in the body
|+ = them
|1|j = understand

|+T|+ = demons.
~|j|: = eating

= certainly
~|1 = also
H1- = of everyone
||1: = of three kinds
1| = there is
|: = dear
3: = sacrice
1: = austerity
| = also
|+ = charity
1| = of them
= the dierences
= = this

= hear.

: = duration of life
H1 = existence
1 = strength
~|| = health

= happiness
|| = and satisfaction
|11+|: = increasing
-|: = juicy
|-+|: = fatty
|-|: = enduring
[L|: = pleasing to the heart
~|j|: = food
H||1 = to one in goodness
||: = palatable.

= bitter
~| = sour
1m = salty

m = very hot
|em = pungent
T = dry
|1||j+: = burning
~|j|: = food
|H- = to one in the mode of passion
=|: = palatable

: = distress
| = misery
~| = disease
|: = causing.
|| = food cooked three hours be-
fore being eaten
HH = tasteless

| = bad-smelling

|1 = decomposed
= also
= that which
I| = remnants of food eaten by others
~|1 = also
= and
~~ = untouchable
|+ = eating
|H = to one in the mode of darkness
| = dear.
~+|||< T|: = by those de-
void of desire for result
3: = sacrice
|1||: = according to the direc-
tion of scripture
: = which
= = is performed
= must be performed
}1 = certainly
=| = thus
+: = mind
H|| = xing
H: = it
H||1: = in the mode of goodness.
~|H-| = desiring

= but
+ = the result
= pride
~ = for the sake of
~|1 = also
= and
}1 = certainly
= that which
= = is performed
= O chief of the Bharatas
= that
3 = sacrice
|1|j = know
|H = in the mode of passion.
|1|j|+ = without scriptural direction

|W = without distribu-
tion of prasAdam
-j|+ = with no chant-
ing of the Vedic hymns
~|Tm = with no remunera-
tions to the priests
j| = faith
|1|j = without
3 = sacrice
|H = in the mode of ignorance
1|T = is to be considered.
1 = of the Supreme Lord
|] = the brahmanas

= the spiritual master

3| = and worshipable personalities

|+ = worship
| = cleanliness
~|1 = simplicity
1.q = celibacy
~|jH| = nonviolence
= also
| = pertaining to the body
1: = austerity
I = is said to be.

] H = not agitating
1|+ = words
H = truthful
| = dear
|j = benecial
= also
= which
-1|~| = of Vedic study
~-H+ = practice
= also
}1 = certainly
1|_ = of the voice
1: = austerity
I = is said to be.
+:H|: = satisfaction of the mind
H|1 = being without duplicity to-
wards others
|+ = gravity
~| = of the self
|1|+H.j: = control
|1 = of ones nature

|j: = purication
=| = thus
} = this
1: = austerity
|+H = of the mind
I = is said to be.
j| = with faith
1| = transcendental
= executed
1: = austerity
= that
||1 = of three kinds
+ `: = by men
~+|||< T|: = who are without de-
sires for fruits

+`: = engaged
H||1 = in the mode of goodness
1|T = is called.
H| = respect
|+ = honor

| = and worship
~ = for the sake of
1: = austerity
+ = with pride
= also
}1 = certainly
= which
| = is performed
= that
=j = in this world
|+ = is said
|H = in the mode of passion
= ickering

1 = temporary.

= foolish
H.|j m = with endeavor
~|+: = of ones own self
= which
1|<| = by torture
| = is performed
1: = penance
1- = to others
IH|+| = for the sake of caus-
ing annihilation
1| = or
= that
|H = in the mode of darkness
I|[ = is said to be.
| = worth giving
=| = thus
= that which
|+ = charity
| = is given

1||m = irrespective of return

= in a proper place
| = at a proper time
= also
1| = to a suitable person
= and
= that
|+ = charity
H||1 = in the mode of goodness

= is considered.
= that which

= but

1|| = for the sake of get-

ting some return
+ = a result
I|z = desiring
1| = or

+: = again
| = is given
= also
1||+ = grudgingly
= that
|+ = charity
|H = in the mode of passion

= is understood to be.
~ = at an unpuried place
| = and unpuried time
= that which
|+ = charity
~1|-: = to unworthy persons
= also
| = is given

= without respect
~13| = without proper attention
= that
|H = in the mode of darkness
I|[ = is said to be.
& = indication of the Supreme
= that
H = eternal
=| = thus
|+ : = indication
1.qm: = of the Supreme
||1: = threefold

: = is considered
1.|qm|: = the brahmanas
+ = with that
1 |: = the Vedic literature
= also
3|: = sacrice
= also
|1|j|: = used

| = formerly.
-| = therefore
& = beginning with om
=| = thus
I|[ = indicating
3 = of sacrice
|+ = charity
1: = and penance
||: = performances
1- = begin
|1|+|+: = according to scrip-
tural regulation
H = always
1.q1||+| = of the transcendentalists.
= that
=| = thus
~+|H-| = without desiring
+ = the fruitive result
3 = of sacrice
1: = and penance
||: = activities
|+ = of charity
||: = activities
= also
|1|1|: = various
|- = are done
|T||< T|: = by those who actu-
ally desire liberation.
H 1 = in the sense of the na-
ture of the Supreme

|1 = in the sense of the na-

ture of the devotee
= also
H = the word sat
=| = thus
} = this

= is used
- = in bona de
|m = activities
| = also
H: = the sound sat
1| = O son of Pritha

= is used
3 = in sacrice
1|H = in penance
|+ = in charity
= also
|-|: = the situation
H = the Supreme
=| = thus
= and
I = is pronounced
= work
= also
}1 = certainly
= for that
~| = meant
H = the Supreme
=| = thus
}1 = certainly
~|| = is indicated.
~j| = without faith

= oered in sacrice
= given
1: = penance
= executed

= performed
= also
= that which
~H = false
=| = thus
I = is said to be
1| = O son of Pritha
+ = never
= also
= that
= after death
+| = nor
=j = in this life.
End of 17.28

+ I1| = Arjuna said

H-|H- = of renunciation
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
1 = the truth
=|| = I wish
1 |
= to understand
|H- = of renunciation
= also
[1| = O master of the senses

= dierently

+ = O killer of the Kesi demon.


1| = the Supreme Personal-

ity of Godhead said
||+| = with desire
m| = of activities
-|H = renunciation
H-|H = the renounced order of life
1: = the learned

: = know
H1 = of all
= activities
+ = of results
|H = renunciation

: = call
|H = renunciation
|1Tm: = the experienced.
| = must be given up
|11 = as an evil
=| = thus
} = one group
= work

: = they say
+||1m: = great thinkers
3 = of sacrice
|+ = charity
1: = and penance
= works
+ = never
| = are to be given up
=| = thus
= and
~1 = others.
|+T = certainty

= hear
= from Me
= therein
|H = in the matter of renunciation
H = O best of the Bharatas
|H: = renunciation
|j = certainly

1|. = O tiger among hu-

man beings
||1: = of three kinds
H||: = is declared.
3 = of sacrice
|+ = charity
1: = and penance
= activity
+ = never
| = to be given up
| = must be done
}1 = certainly
= that
3: = sacrice
|+ = charity
1: = penance
= also
}1 = certainly
1|1+||+ = purifying
+||1m| = even for the great souls.
}||+ = all these
~|1 = certainly

= but
||m = activities
Hj = association
+1| = renouncing
+||+ = results
= also
||+ = should be done as duty
=| = thus
= My
1| = O son of Pritha
|+|T = denite
= opinion
I = the best.
|+- = prescribed

= but
H-|H: = renunciation
m: = of activities
+ = never
I11L = is deserved
|j| = by illusion
- = of them
1||H: = renunciation
|H: = in the mode of ignorance
1|||: = is declared.

: = unhappy
=| = thus
}1 = certainly
= which
= work
| = for the body
+ = trouble
| = out of fear
= gives up
H: = he

1| = after doing
|H = in the mode of passion
|H = renunciation
+ = not
}1 = certainly
|H = of renunciation
+ = the results
= gains.
| = it must be done
=| = thus
}1 = indeed
= which
= work
|+ = prescribed
| = is performed

+ = O Arjuna
Hj = association
+1| = giving up
+ = the result
= also
}1 = certainly
H: = that
|H: = renunciation
H||1: = in the mode of goodness
: = in My opinion.
+ = never
] | = hates

= inauspicious
= work

= in the auspicious
+ = nor

1 = becomes attached
|H| = the renouncer
H1 = in goodness
H||1: = absorbed
|1| = intelligent
|W = having cut o
H: = all doubts.
+ = never
|j = certainly

| = by the embodied
+ = is possible
= to be renounced
||m = activities
~1: = altogether
: = anyone who

= but
= of work
+ = of the result
|H| = the renouncer
H: = he
|H| = the renouncer
=| = thus
~|| = is said.
~|+ = leading to hell
= = leading to heaven
| = mixed
= and
||1 = of three kinds
m: = of work
+ = the result
1| = comes
~||H+| = for those who are not renounced
= after death
+ = not

= but
H-|H|+| = for the renounced order
+1| = at any time.
1 = ve
}||+ = these
j|1|j| = O mighty-armed one
|m||+ = causes
|+1| = just understand
= from Me

= in the Vedanta

|- = in the conclusion
|+||+ = said
|Hj = for the perfection
H1 = of all
m| = activities.
~||+ = the place
| = also
| = the worker
m = instruments
= and

H|1 = of dierent kinds

|1|1: = various
= and

= separate
: = the endeavors
`1 = the Supreme
= also
}1 = certainly
~ = here
1 = the fth.
| = by the body
1| = speech
+||: = and mind
= which
= work
| = begins
+: = a person
-| = right
1| = or
|11| = the opposite
1| = or
1 = ve
} = all these
- = its
j 1: = causes.
= there
}1 = thus
H| = being
| = the worker
~||+ = himself
1 = only

= but
: = anyone who
1| = sees

|j1| = due to unintelligence

+ = never
H: = he
1| = sees

|: = foolish.
- = one whose
+ = never

: = of false ego
|1: = nature

|j: = intelligence
- = one whose
+ = never
| = is attached
j1| = killing
~|1 = even
H: = he
=|+ = this
||+ = world
+ = never
j|- = kills
+ = never
|+1~ = becomes entangled.
3|+ = knowledge
3 = the objective of knowledge
1|3|| = the knower
||1| = of three kinds
= of work
|+| = the impetus
m = the senses
= the work
| = the doer
=| = thus
||1: = of three kinds
= of work
HH.j: = the accumulation.
3|+ = knowledge
= work
= also
| = worker
= also
|| = of three kinds
}1 = certainly

m: = in terms of dier-
ent modes of material nature
| = are said

mH|+ = in terms of dierent modes

|1 = as they are

= hear
||+ = all of them
~|1 = also.

= in all living entities

+ = by which
} = one
|1 = situation
~ = imperishable
T = one sees
~|1+ = undivided

= in the numberless divided

= that
3|+ = knowledge
|1|j = know
H||1 = in the mode of goodness.

+1 + = because of division

= but
= which
3|+ = knowledge
+|+||1|+ = multifarious situations

H|1|+ = dierent
1 | = knows
H1 1

= in all

= living entities
= that
3|+ = knowledge
|1|j = must be known
|H = in terms of passion.
= that which

= but

-+1 = as all in all

}|-+ = in one
| = work
H+ = attached
~j `

= without cause
~1|1 = without knowl-
edge of reality
~~1 = very meager
= and
= that
|H = in the mode of darkness
I|[ = is said to be.
|+ = regulated
Hj|j = without attachment
~|H] 1: = without love or hatred

= done
~+ H

+| = by one without de-

sire for fruitive result
= action
= which
= that
H||1 = in the mode of goodness
I = is called.
= that which

= but

+| = by one with de-

sires for fruitive results
= work
H|j| m = with ego
1| = or

+: = again
| = is performed

||H = with great labor

= that
|H = in the mode of passion
I|[ = is said to be.

1- = of future bondage
T = destruction
|jH| = and distress to others
~+1 e = without consider-
ing the consequences
= also
1|1 = self-sanctioned
|j| = by illusion
~|- = is begun
= work
= which
= that
|H = in the mode of ignorance
I = is said to be.

+Hj: = liberated from all mate-

rial association
~+j1|| = without false ego

| = with determination
IH|j = and great enthusiasm
H|-1: = qualied
|H|j = in perfection
~|H ~|: = and failure
|+|1|: = without change
| = worker
H||1: = in the mode of goodness
I = is said to be.
|H| = very much attached
+ = the fruit of the work

: = desiring

: = greedy
|jH|: = always envious

|: = unclean
j1|||-1: = sub-
ject to joy and sorrow
| = such a worker
|H: = in the mode of passion
1|||: = is declared.

+: = not referring to the scrip-

tural injunctions

: = materialistic
-: = obstinate
: = deceitful

|: = expert in insulting others

~H: = lazy
|11|| = morose

| = procrastinating
= also
| = worker
|H: = in the mode of ignorance
I = is said to be.

j : = of intelligence
= the dierences

: = of steadiness
= also
}1 = certainly

m: = by the modes of material nature

||1 = of three kinds

= just hear
||+ = as described by Me
~1 m = in detail

+1 + = dierently
+ = O winner of wealth.

| = doing
= also

| = not doing
= and
| = what ought to be done
~| = and what ought not to be done
= fear
~ = and fearlessness
1- = bondage
|T = liberation
= and
| = that which
1 | = knows

|j: = understanding
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
H||1| = in the mode of goodness.
| = by which
= the principles of religion
~ = irreligion
= and
| = what ought to be done
= also
~| = what ought not to be done
}1 = certainly
= also
~|1 = imperfectly
|+|| = knows

|j: = intelligence
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
|H| = in the mode of passion.
~ = irreligion
= religion
=| = thus
| = which
- = thinks
H = by illusion

| = covered
H1||+ = all things
|11||+ = in the wrong direction
= also

|j: = intelligence
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
|H| = in the mode of ignorance.

| = determination
| = by which
| = one sustains
+: = of the mind
|m = life
=|- = and senses
||: = the activities
|H+ = by yoga practice
~|||| = without any break

|: = determination
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
H||1| = in the mode of goodness.
| = by which

= but
= religiosity
| = sense gratication
~+ = and economic development

= by determination
| = one sustains

+ = O Arjuna
Hj+ = because of attachment
+||< T| = desiring fruitive results

|: = determination
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
|H| = in the mode of passion.
| = by which
-1+ = dreaming
= fearfulness
| = lamentation
|11| = moroseness
= illusion
}1 = certainly
= also
+ = never

| = one gives up

| = unintelligent

|: = determination
H| = that
1| = O son of Pritha
|H| = in the mode of ignorance.

= happiness

= but
=|+| = now
||1 = of three kinds

= hear
= from Me
1 = O best amongst the Bharatas
~-|H| = by practice
= one enjoys
= where

: = of distress
~- = the end
= also
|+H| = gains.
= which
= that
~H. = in the beginning
|11|1 = like poison
1|m| = at the end

= nectar
I1 = compared to
= that

= happiness
H||1 = in the mode of goodness
|+ = is said
~| = in the self

|j = of intelligence
H| = born of the satisfaction.
|11 = of the objects of the senses
=|- = and the senses
H|H| = from the combination
= which
= that
~H. = in the beginning

|1 = just like nectar

1|m| = at the end
|11|1 = like poison
= that

= happiness
|H = in the mode of passion

= is considered.
= that which
~H. = in the beginning
= also

1- = at the end
= also

= happiness
|j+ = illusory
~|+: = of the self
|+ | = sleep
~|- = laziness
| = and illusion
I = produced of
= that
|H = in the mode of ignorance
I|[ = is said to be.
+ = not
= that
~|- = there is

|| = on the earth
1| = or
||1 = in the higher planetary system
1 1

= amongst the demigods

1| = or

+: = again
H1 = existence

|`: = born of material nature

+ = liberated
= that
}|: = from the inuence of these
-| = is
||: = three

m`: = modes of material nature.

1.|qm = of the brahmanas
T| = the ksatriyas
|1| = and the vaisyas

|m| = of the shudras

= and
1-1 = O subduer of the enemies
||m = the activities
|1+||+ = are divided
-1|1 = their own nature
1 `: = born of

m`: = by the modes of material nature.

H: = peacefulness
: = self-control
1: = austerity
| = purity
T||-: = tolerance
~|1 = honesty
}1 = certainly
= and
3|+ = knowledge
|13|+ = wisdom
~||-+ = religiousness
1.q = of a brahmana
= duty
-1|1 = born of his own nature.
| = heroism
: = power

|: = determination
|e = resourcefulness

j = in battle
= and
~|1 = also
~1|+ = not eeing
|+ = generosity
+ = of leadership
|1: = the nature
= and
T| = of a ksatriya
= duty
-1|1 = born of his own nature.

|1 = plowing
H| = of cows
e = protection
1||m = trade
1 ` = of a vaisya
= duty
-1|1 = born of his own nature
1| = service
~| = consisting of
= duty

- = of the shudra
~|1 = also
-1|1 = born of his own nature.
-1 -1 = each his own
|m = work
~|: = following
H|H|j = perfection
= achieves
+: = a man
-1 = in his own duty
|+: = engaged
|H|j = perfection
| = as
|1-| = attains
= that

= listen.
: = from whom

|: = the emanation

|+| = of all living entities

+ = by whom
H1 = all
= = this
= is pervaded
-1m| = by his own duties
= Him
~- = by worshiping
|H|j = perfection
|1-| = achieves
|+1: = a man.
|+ = better
-1: = ones own occupation

m: = imperfectly performed
1| = than anothers occupation

|| = perfectly done
-1|1|+ = prescribed accord-
ing to ones nature
= work

1+ = performing
+ = never
~|+|| = achieves
||~1 = sinful reactions.
Hj = born simultaneously
= work
|- = O son of Kunti
H|1 = with fault
~|1 = although
+ = never
= one should give up
H1|: = all ventures
|j = certainly
|1 + = with fault

+ = with smoke
~|+: = re
=1 = as

|: = covered.

|j: = having unattached intelligence

H1 = everywhere
||| = having control of the mind

j: = without material desires

+`|H|j = the perfec-
tion of nonreaction
1| = supreme
H-|H+ = by the renounced order of life
~|H| = one attains.
|H|j = perfection
|: = achieving
| = as
1.q = the Supreme
| = so
~|+|| = one achieves
|+1| = try to understand
= from Me
H|H+ = summarily
}1 = certainly
|- = O son of Kunti
|+| = the stage
3|+- = of knowledge
| = which
1| = transcendental.

~| = with the intelligence


j| = fully puried

+: = engaged

= by determination
~||+ = the self
|+ = regulating
= also
||+ = such as sound
|11|+ = the sense objects
+1| = giving up
|H = attachment
] 1| = and hatred

- = laying aside
= also
|1|1+H1| = living in a secluded place
1|| = eating a small quantity
= having controlled
1| = speech
| = body
|+H: = and mind
~|+|H1: = absorbed in trance
|+ = twenty-four hours a day
1 `| = detachment

1||: = having taken shelter of

~j| = false ego
1 = false strength
1 = false pride
| = lust
| = anger
1|H.j = and acceptance of mate-
rial things

= being delivered from

|+: = without a sense of proprietorship
|-: = peaceful

| = for self-realization
~1 = is qualied.

: = being one with the Absolute

HW|| = fully joyful
+ = never
|| = laments
+ = never
|< T| = desires
H: = equally disposed
H1 1

= to all

= living entities
|+ = My devotional service
= gains
1| = transcendental.
+| = by pure devotional service
| = Me
~||+|| = one can know
|1|+ = as much as yah
||- = as I am
1: = in truth
: = thereafter
| = Me
1: = in truth
3|1| = knowing
|1 = he enters
+- = thereafter.
H1 = all
||m = activities
~|1 = although
H| = always

1|m: = performing
1|: = under My protection
H|| = by My mercy
~1|+|| = one achieves
|+ = the eternal
1 = abode
~ = imperishable.
H| = by intelligence
H1||m = all kinds of activities
| = unto Me
H-- = giving up
1: = under My protection

|j|H = devotional activities

I1|| = taking shelter of
|: = in consciousness of Me
H = twenty-four hours a day
1 = just become.
= of Me
|: = being in consciousness
H1 = all

H||m = impediments
H|| = by My mercy
||H = you will overcome
~ = but
= if
1 = you
~j|| = by false ego
+ |-|H = do not hear

|H = you will be lost.

= if
~j| = of false ego
~|| = taking shelter
+ |- = I shall not ght
=| = thus
-H = you think
|`1: = this is all false
1H|: = determination
= your

|: = material nature
1| = you
|+|e| = will engage.
-1|1+ = born of your own nature
|- = O son of Kunti
|+1j: = conditioned
-1 + = by your own
m| = activities

= to do
+ = not
=|H = you like
= that which
|j| = by illusion
||H = you will do
~1: = involuntarily
~|1 = even
= that.
+: = the Supreme Lord

|+| = of all living entities

[z = in the location of the heart

+ = O Arjuna
|| = resides
.|+ = causing to travel

|+| = all living entities

- = on a machine
~|-||+ = being placed
|| = under the spell of mate-
rial energy.
= unto Him
}1 = certainly
m H = surrender
H1|1 + = in all respects
| = O son of Bharata
H|| = by His grace
1| = transcendental
||- = peace
-|+ = the abode
|-|H = you will get
|+ = eternal.
=| = thus
= unto you
3|+ = knowledge
~|| = described

Q| = than condential

Q = still more condential

| = by Me

= deliberating
} = on this
~1 m = fully
| = as
=|H = you like
| = that

= perform.

Q = the most condential of all

: = again

= just hear
= from Me
1 = the supreme
1: = instruction
=: ~|H = you are dear
= to Me

= very
=| = thus
: = therefore
1e|| = I am speaking
= for your
|j = benet.
-+|: = thinking of Me
1 = just become
+: = My devotee
L|| = My worshiper
| = unto Me

= oer your obeisances

| = unto Me
}1 = certainly
}|H = you will come
H = truly
= to you
||+ = I promise
|: = dear
~|H = you are
= to Me.
H1|+ = all varieties of religion
1| = abandoning
| = unto Me
} = only
m = for surrender
1. = go
~j = I
1| = you
H1 = all
1|1 -: = from sinful reactions
|T||| = will deliver
| = do not

: = worry.
= = this
= by you
+ = never
~1-| = to one who is not austere
+ = never
~+| = to one who is not a devotee
|+ = at any time
+ = never
= also

11 = to one who is not en-

gaged in devotional service
1| = to be spoken
+ = never
= also
| = toward Me
: = anyone who

| = is envious.
: = anyone who
= = this
1 = most

Q = condential secret
= of Mine

= amongst devotees
~||-| = explains
|+ = devotional service
| = unto Me
1| = transcendental

1| = doing
| = unto Me
}1 = certainly
}| = comes
~H: = without doubt.
+ = never
= and
-| = than him

= among men
|T = anyone
= to Me

: = more dear
|1| = will become
+ = nor
= and
= to Me
-| = than him
~-: = another
|: = dearer

|1 = in this world.
~~ = will study
= also
: = he who
= = this
= sacred
H1| = conversation
~|1|: = of ours
3|+ = of knowledge
3+ = by the sacrice
+ = by him
~j = I
=: = worshiped
-| = shall be
=| = thus
= My
|: = opinion.
j|1|+ = faithful

: = not envious
= and

| = does hear
~|1 = certainly
: = who
+: = a man
H: = he
~|1 = also

+: = being liberated

|+ = the auspicious
||+ = planets

| = he attains

m| = of the pious.
| = whether
} = this

= heard
1| = O son of Pritha
1| = by you
}|H. m = with full attention
H| = by the mind
| = whether
~3|+ = of ignorance
H|j: = the illusion
m: = dispelled
= of you
+ = O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna).

+ I1| = Arjuna said

+: = dispelled
|j: = illusion

|: = memory
| = regained
1H|| = by Your mercy
| = by me

= O infallible KRiShNa
|-: = situated
~|- = I am
H = removed
H- j: = all doubts
| = I shall execute
1+ = order
1 = Your.
H I1| = Sanjaya said
=| = thus
~j = I

1- = of KRiShNa
1|- = and Arjuna
= also
j|+: = of the great soul
H1| = discussion
= = this
~|1 = have heard

= wonderful
|j1m = making the hair stand on end.
|HH|| = by the mercy of Vyasadeva

1|+ = have heard

} = this

Q = condential
~j = I
1 = the supreme
|H = mysticism
|H+| = from the mas-
ter of all mysticism

m| = from KRiShNa
H|T| = directly
: = speaking
-1 = personally.
|+ = O King

= remembering

= remembering
H1| = message
= = this

= wonderful
1 = of Lord KRiShNa

+|: = and Arjuna


= pious
[|| = I am taking pleasure
= also

: = repeatedly.
= that
= also

= remembering

= remembering
-1 = form
~| = greatly

= wonderful
j : = of Lord KRiShNa
|1-: = wonder
= my
j|+ = great
|+ = O King
[|| = I am enjoying
= also

+: 1

+: = repeatedly.
= where
|H+: = the master of mysticism

m: = Lord KRiShNa
= where
1|: = the son of Pritha

: = the car-
rier of the bow and arrow
= there
|: = opulence
|1: = victory

|: = exceptional power

1| = certain
+||: = morality
| = my opinion.
End of 18.78
Please send corrections to [email protected]
Last updated May 23, 2012

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