Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
This is to certify that research report entitled ECOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GANGA RIVER AT GHAZIPUR CITY submitted by Ms. Priya Singh Roll no- 8377 in partial fulfillment of the degree of MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE of Purvanachal University, Jaunpur is a bonafide work of research carried out under the supervision of Dr. Pramod Kr. Mishra in the academic year 20122013. In my opinion the report fulfil the requirement of the regulation relating to the nature and standard of work for M.Sc of V.B.S Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. I recommended that research report may be sent for evaluation.
I Priya Singh declare that this report entitled Ecological Survey of Ganga River at Ghazipur has been prepared by me during year 2012 to 2013 under the guidance of Dr. Pramod Kr. Mishra. I also declare that this report has not been submitted at any time to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
Ganga is home to billions of diverse microbes, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. The country is also endowed with enormous variability in macrophytes seems to have Vis a vis environment. Due to intensification of Industrialization and population pressure , the macrophytes variability is eroding very fast. It is well recognized that once a variant is lost, it is last forever. Therefore, it is imperative to conserve and characterize the valuable aims for its optimum utilisation by the coming generations. A better understanding of macrophytic diversity promises to provide an array of new product and processes as well as a better awareness of the aquatic biosphere the earths life support system. I engaged myself to study the various aspects related to Ganga that is availability of macrophytes on various sites, diversity of macrophytes, water quality of Ganga on different sites, discharge of drainage in to Ganga, ash particle of dead body in Ganga .The actual quantity of waste water discharge in to Ganga is 7 millions litre /day at Ghazipur city. In this report I have described the finding of Ganga water quality, macrophytes availability, dumping of dead body in to Ganga after burning and without burning per day, which are deteriorating the quality of Ganga.
While the search for knowledge has to be a quest by an individual the inspiration idea and support some from many individual and organization for this there are many people to whom I am in debt. With great pleasure I wish to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to my respected teacher Dr. Pramod Kumar mishra ( Head of department of Environmental science, P.G. College Ghazipur ) for his valuable suggestion , critical improvement, support and encouragement throughout the course of the study. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my respected teacher Dr Sandeep pandey (lecturer in P.G College Ghazipur) and Dr.Achal kumar singh (lecturer in P.G.College Gazipur ) for there valuable ideas and proper guidance during the project work. I am also thankful to Mr. Vedprakas singh (librarian sir ) for cooperation in the present study. I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Sunil kumar singh (Chemist of Government Opium and Alkaloid works Ghazipur ). I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to my parents and friends who have always been source of encouragement and guidance. Last but not least I am thankful to all those who helped me directly or indirectly during the preparation of this dissertation report.
CONTENT Certificate Declaration Preface Acknowledgement Introduction Aim And Objective Literature Review Methodology Result And Discussion Finding And Suggestion Summary And Conclusion References List Of Figures List of Tables Table.1 Table.2 List of Charts Chart.1-13 Chart.14-18 29-35 41-45 28 40 Fig.1 &2 Fig.3 Fig.4-8 Fig.9 & 10 Fig.11-18 7 12 17-21 39 43-52 PAGE NO 1 2 3 4 6-10 11-12 13-15 16-26 27-47 48-50 51-53 54-57
Fig.1.Devprayag, the point of confluence of the Alaknanda (from right) and Bhagirathi (from left) to form the Ganga.
The Ganga is a holy river of India with whom people are sentimentally attached since time immortal. The Alaknanda and the Bhagirathi are two parent streams which join at Devprayag to form the river Ganga. The Ganga rises in the Garhwal Himalaya from the Gangotri glacier.
This sloka means that the whole universe together with its creature belongs to the nature. One can enjoy bounties of nature by giving up all greed. The river Ganga has been considered as the most sacred river originating in the Himalaya from Gangotri glacier in the form of small streams. It covers a distance of 2525 km (1550 km, in UP; 455km in Bihar ; 510km in West Bengal) and finally joins with Bay of Bengal. During the course of its flow it passes through various streams and get replenished. Ganga a major source of socio economic activities is intimately connected with spiritual values, traditions and beauty of nature. With its tributaries, sub-tributaries and catchment area it covers one million km2, nearly one third of Indias geographical area. The river Ganga receives a lot of substances under natural condition as rock type, topography, general ecology, quantity and chemical composition of substances entering in it vary from place to place. Because of natural variation and human interferences in the form of untreated/ partially treated/ agricultural/industrial/municipal effluents from big cities, the river water has become in hospitable to support rich biotic community. The human interference has changed the tropic status of river and the habitat. In general the water has become unable to support the rich biota. During recent years, due to increased population, the industrial growth, the quality of Ganga water has deteriorated considerably. At places like Haridwar , Allahabad, thousands of pilgrims take bathe daily in the Ganga and degrade its water quality not only by bathing, but also by dumping the things like flowers, ash and bones of dead bodies. Such activities are increased many fold on occasions like Kumbh etc. Thus indiscriminate discharge of industrial effluents, sewage, domestic wastes and remain of human dead body and other organisms etc., have not only affected adversely the river water quality and its biota including the fish community, but have also made the river a threat to human health. It is important that the natural environment of the river should be conducive to the extent that fish may thrive grow and reproduce to the best, the discharge of sewage, domestic waste, turbidity, saltation and bathing of large number of pilgrims in the water bodies changes the physico-chemical characteristic to such an extent that they sometime lead to high fish mortality. This may be mainly due to the decrease in dissolved oxygen contents, increase in biochemical oxygen demand and alkalinity, mechanical injury to the gills, non availability of fish food, blocking of migration path and destruction of spawning grounds etc. The effluents may also affect adversely the development of 8
fish. Due to addition of domestic waste, phosphates, nitrates etc. from wastes or their decomposition products in water bodies, they become rich in nutrients, especially phosphates and nitrate ions. Thus with the passage of these nutrients through such organic wastes, the water bodies become highly productive or eutrophic and the phenomenon as eutrophication. It must be remembered that ponds, lakes etc. during their early stage of formation are relatively barren and nutrient deficient, thus supporting no or very poor aquatic life. This state of these bodies in known as oligotrophic. With the addition of nutrients, there is stimulated luxuriant growth of algae in water. There is also generally a shift in algal flora; blue-green algae begin to predominate. These start forming algal blooms, floating scums or blankets of algae. Blooms of algae are generally not utilised by zooplanktons. The algal blooms compete with other aquatic plants for light for photosynthesis. Thus oxygen level is depleted. Moreover, these blooms also release some toxic chemicals which kill fish, birds and other animals, thus water begins to stink. Decomposition of blooms also leads to oxygen depletion in water. Thus in a poorly oxygenated water with higher CO2 levels, fish and other animals begin to die and clean water body is turned into a stinking drain. Many technological improvements made for human existence and the enjoyment of life have shown destructive impacts on the environment even in the most remote places. Water is one of the most essential components for sustaining life on the earth. About 97 percent of the earths water supply is in the ocean, which is unfit for human consumption because of its high salt contents, of the remaining 3 percent, 2 percent is locked in the polar ice caps and only 1 percent is available as fresh water in the rivers, lakes, streams reservoirs and ground water which is suitable for human consumption, History of human civilization reveals that river play an important role in the human settlement and development. The Ganga Action Plan was launched in 1985 with the objective of pollution abatement to improve the water quality in the river. The government was finally pushed into action by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who ordered a government-led study of water pollution in the Ganga River. These studies, conducted by the Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution from 1979 to 1984 The programme included 261 schemes spread over 25 Class I towns of U.P.,Bihar and West Bengal. The main focus of the Plan was on Interception & Diversion and treatment of sewage generated from these identified towns. 34 Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with a treatment capacity of 869 mld have been set up under the Plan. GAP I was completed in March 2000 at a cost of Rs. 452 crores. Ghazipur is an underdeveloped eastern district of UP lying on both banks of river Ganga between 25019 and 25054N and8304 and 83058E with an area of about 3384km2. Two major industries Lords distillery, Nandganj and Govt. Opium and Alkaloids works Ghazipur. Farmer is located at the upstream and later is situated almost in the mid of the city. The affluent from the industries and discharged into the river rendering it unfit for life support system. In its down stream river receives untreated domestic sewage and minor industrial effluent at various point. River supports the variety of flora and fauna. River flora includes the phytoplanktons and macrophytes. Macrophytes are significant in the rivers in at least four ways with respect to different growth forms in littoral zone. They contribute productivity and provide substratum for periphyton and insects to attach contribute to ageing of water bodies by recycling the nutrients and accumulating the sediment. These protect the juvenile fishes from predation and create nuisance biomass level. Biomass and productivity of an aquatic ecosystem helps in determining bio-activity and the efficiency of energy utilisation at different tropic level. Productivity depends on features of the plants habitat and on the rate at which green shoots can fix carbon and energy into organic compounds under optimum growth. River microphyte were classified according to their zonation 9
into submerged, floating and emergent until 1960s (Kachroo, 1956) but immense phenotypic plasticity and adaptability to ever changing environment modification of phynophases under diverse ecophases. The inland fresh water ecosystem particularly rivers are being increasingly subjected to greater stress. The discharges of domestic and industrial effluent to fresh water bodies have enriched them with nutrients deteriorating water quality. Macrophytes because of their potential ability to reduce the nutrient level of waste water have become the subject of greater interest since last two decades because they serve the dual purpose and become both economically and ecologically beneficial. Biomass can be used as non-conventional energy resource for the production of gaseous fuel. Macrophytes are useful in water treatment (Trivedi and Nakate, 1999) since they remove the nutrient and alter the physico-chemical characteristics of water. Present work is undertaken with the aim to understand the physico chemical characteristic of water ganga river at Ghazipur UP and their relationship with the occurrence and growth of various macrophytes with their biomass, productivity, nutrient concentration and nutrient content in polluted relatively less polluted water. Five different site were selected in upstream and downstream of the city at the bank of river Ganga to observe the effect of domestic and industrial effluents on the water quality. An experimental study on the effect of domestic and industrial effluent on the growth of common microphytes at different concentration was observed to evaluate the effect of pollution on aquatic vegetation.
A review of literature indicates that some little research has been done on macrophytic growth with respect to industrial and domestic effluent particularly in India. Most of the rivers receive huge some of treated and untreated effluents from various sources, which affect the structure and function of riverine ecosystem by altering the nutrient and energy budget of the rivers. In India, Pruthi (1933) studied the seasonal changes in the physico-chemical conditions of tank water in the Indian museum compound. Ghosuddin(1934) made a study of the algal flora of the river moosi. Ganapati(1940) studied the ecology of the temple tank containing a permanent bloom of microcystis aeruginosa Chacko and Kuriyan(1948) made a survey of the fisheries of Tungabhadra, while Chacko and Ganapati(1949) studied the hydrobiological conditions of the Adyar river. Chacko and Srinivasan(1955) made a study on the hydrobiology of the major rivers of Madras state. Prasad(1956) Lakshminarayan(1965) further studied the plankton of the river Ganga. Chakraborty et al.(1969) made a survey of the plankton and physico chemical coditions of the Jamuna river at Allahabad. Upadhyaya(1960) and George et al.(1966) made the hydrobiological survey of the Gujartal and Kali respectively. Agarwal et al.(1976) studied the hydrology of Ganga at Varanasi. (PCB 1982-83, Tripathi et al.1991, Anonymous,2006, Rai and Tripathi 2007, Rai and Tripathi 2008), as a result of the escalating anthropogenic activities, water quantity and as well as quality of the river Ganga has declined over the years. The major sources of pollution of the river Ganga at Ghazipur and Varanasi are industrial effluent , domestic sewage and disposal of dead bodies (Sikandar 1986, Mishra and Tripathi,2008) Bilgrami, K.s, Kumar.S,1998 work on bacterial contamination of water of river Ganga and its risk to human health, D.K.sinha and et al.(2004) had studied on the water quality index for Ramganga river at Moradabad. River water et all sites are severely polluted, results indicates that the Ramganga water at Moradabad is severely polluted and is unfit for human consumption ministry of water resources (2000) in its report stated that high levels of fertilizers use has been associated increased incidena of eutrophication in rivar and lakes, several of India most important water bodies such as the hussian sagar, Hyderabad and Nainital in Uttar Pradesh. Most of the researches so for has been on the largest amount of production and the maximum biomass which can occur, rather than variation between different species and effect on productions of differences in habitat. In India studies on primary production of macrophytes were initiated at Varanasi (Gopal,1967;Kaul,1971) during International Biological Programme. The study considered the peak biomass and increment in the biomass in a year. Information on primary production were summarized by Vyas, (1990). Biomass estimation and production of ephemeral plant community in aquatic ecosystem were made by Gopal(1967,86); Mishra (1976); Singh(1983);Mishra and Trivedi(1993). Several reports are available on water quality of different rivers of India ( Helliquest,1980;Kadono ,1982 a,b;Singh, 1990; Panda,1991;Mitra,1991).Important work on aquatic productivity are by Westlake(1965,75); Talling(1975);Carignan and
Kalff(1980). Indian reservoirs were investigated in detail during 1960s by Natarajan and Pathak (1987);Gopal,(1978);Singh (1983); Ambasht (1971). Sinha D.K and et al(2004) had studied on the water quality index fir Ramganga river water at Moradabad. River water at all sites are severely polluted, result indicates that the Ramganga water at Moradabad is severely polluted and is unfit for human consumption. This might be causing numerous health hazardous to human being and animals depend on this water . Das J. and Acharya B.C (2003) had studied on Hydrology and Assesment of Lotic water quality at Cuttack city in India. In their study the river water at all sites are severely polluted due to sewage contamination through river run off. Omkar and et al(2005) had studied on water quality aspects of some wells springs and rivers in parts of the Udhampur District (J and K) .In their study the pH value at all sites ranges in between 7 to 7.5 which shows slightly alkaline nature. This arises due to the influx of organic pollutants. Ministry of water resourse (2000) in its report stated that high level of fertilizer use has been associated increased incidence of eutrophication in river and lakes ,several of Indias most important water bodies such as the Hussainsagar, Hyderabad and Nainital in Uttar Pradesh. Yadav.R.C and Srivastava V.C had studied on physico chemical properties of the water of river Ganga at Ghazipur. Abdin(1948a,b) investigated the relationship of physico-chemical factors to algal growth and seasonal distribution of phytoplankton and sessile algae in the river Nile. Anderson et al (1955) noted the phytoplankton-zooplankton relationship in two lakes in Washington. Analysis of plankton yield in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters of lake Michigan was made by Grifth(1955). Oliff(1959) studied the hydro biology of the Tugela river. John and Alexander(1968) reported the Hydrobiology of Beypore river. Delfino and Byrras (1975) studied the influence of hydrobiological conditions on dissolved and suspended constituents in the Missouri river. Hawkes(1975) made a study of the riverine ecology of Oxford. Robinson and Kaller (1976) made a comparative study on the water characteristics of four northern west Virginia rivers. Holmes and Whitton (1981) made a study of phytoplankton of four rivers, the Tyne, Wear, Tees and Swale. Pratt et al(1981) studied the ecological effect of urban storm water runoff on benthic macro-invertebrates inhabiting the green river.
For limnological study of the Ganga at Ghazipur the water samples were collected fortnightly from different sampling sites during Jan 2013 to may 2013 in morning hours(from 8.00AM to 11.00AM). The samples were taken in pyrex glass bottles.
Study area:
Ghazipur is an underdeveloped eastern district of UP lying on both banks of river Ganga between 25019 and 25054N and8304 and 83058E with an area of about 3384km2. Two major industries Lords distillery, Nandganj and Govt. Opium and Alkaloids works Ghazipur. Farmer is located at the upstream and later is situated almost in the mid of the city. The affluent from the industries and discharged into the river rendering it unfit for life support system.In its down stream river receives untreated domestic sewage and minor industrial effluent at various point. River supports the variety of flora and fauna. River flora includes the phytoplanktons and macrophytes. River Ganga at Ghazipur is curved around the city and highly perturbed by various anthropogenic activities. The river bank is eutrophicated at some point due to various discharges and bathing ghats , water sample were collected from the point of industrial and domestic discharge into the river.
It is situated at downstream of Patthar Ghat with temple on its bank. It receives moderate amount of domestic pollution from residential habitations and effluent from Lards Distillery,Nandganj.
Fig.6.Dadari ghat
It is situated in the middle of city and receives domestic sewage as well as industrial effluents from the Government Opium and Alkaloids works, Ghazipur. It is worth to mention that the volume of mixed sewage discharge into the river at the ghat is more than any other single discharge point within the city where the demarcation between the polluted water and river water can be seen easily. Site 4.(Collector Ghat)
Fig.7.Collector ghat
It is further downstream and receives huge amount of domestic sewage, because of dense residential population in habitation.
Fig.8.Chitnath Ghat
It is situated at the end of city where population and human disturbances are less.
Physical Parameters:
a. Colour: The colour of the water was determined by the general visual observation. b.Temperature of air and water: The temperature of air and water were records by the ordinary centigrade thermometer. The atmospheric temperature was was recorded at the bank of the river. The surface water temperature was recorded by dipping the thermometer into water. To measure water temperature the thermometer was kept inside the water at desirable depth for five to ten minutes and finally an average rating was taken.
c.Turbidity: The turbidity was estimated by Jacksons Candle turbidimeter. The water sample were collected from the river in pyrex glass bottles; collected samples were shaked well and transfered into the glass tube of Jackson Candle turbidimeter until the flame of the candle disappears and noted the light path in centimetre and and then JTU conversion table was used for expressing the reading in JTU (Mathur 1982). d. Velocity: The speed of water current was measured by the surface float method. The rate of flow of the uppermost stratum of the water in the river was measured by throwing a light piece of wood in different segments of the river. Then the time talen by the wood piece to cover a known distance was calculated by the given formula : V= d/t Where V is velocity (m/sec) d is distance cover by the float (metre) t is time taken by the float (sec) e. Transparency : The transparency of water was measured by the Secchi-disc. This secchi-disc was dipped into the water with the help of a graduated rope till the colour on the disc becomes invisible and the depth was noted. Again the disc was taken out of the worker and the distance at which it first reappeared was noted. Finally the average value was considered Secchi transparency. f. Solid/ Residue: Total Solids: Total solids includes the water soluble as well as insoluble matter. 200 to 250 ml of water was taken in pyrex beaker and evaporated to dryness in an oven at 1050 C to 1200 C and after cooling the weight of solids was taken. mg/L
g.Total dissolved solids and supended solids: The sample was filtered through Whatman filter paper and dried in beaker at 1050C to 1200C then solids was cooled weight was taken.
Chemical parameters:
a. pH : The pH of water was measured by two methods: I. II. The electronic pH meter pH test papers. Finally the average value was taken into consideration.
b. Total hardness: The hardness is not a pollution parameter but water quality mainly in terms of ca+and mg+ express as CaCo3 . Take 50ml sample in a conical flask and then added 1ml ammonium buffer pH 10 shake well and add 2- 3 drops of erichrome Black T indicator. Then titrated with 0.02 N EDTA the end point pink to blue.
c. Calcium Hardness: Calcium hardness is not a pollution parameter but water quality mainly in terms of ca+ and mg+ express as CaCo3. Take 50 ml sample in conical flask, add 50ml distilled water mix well and then added 3ml 1N NaoH + 3 to 4 drops of ammonium perpurate indicator. Then titrated with 0.02m EDTA end point pink to purple. Calculation:
d.Dissolved oxygen: In natural and waste water,D.O. levels depend on the physical, chemical and biological activities of the water body. The analysis of D.O plays a key role in water- pollution control activities and waste treatment- process control. Two methods are used, the Winkler or iodometric method and the Electrometric Method,using a membrane electrode. The dissolved oxygen was measured by the Winklers method. The water sample was taken in a glass stoppered bottle of 300 ml capacity. 1ml of manganous sulphate solution and 1ml of alkaline potassium iodide solution was added to it by dipping the pipette inside the bottle. After the thorough mixing the brown precipitate was allowed to settle down. After about 10 minutes, 2ml. conc H2SO4 was added and the precipitate was dissolved by inverting the bottle for several times. 200ml of the above sample was taken in a flask and titrated with N/40 sodium thiosulphate solution, until the pale straw colour appeared. Then 1ml of starch solution was added to it as indicator to make the solution iodine colour.
The ml of N/40 Sodium thiosulphate solution, used in getting the end point, was noted Calculation
e. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) This is an empirical, semi- quantitative method, based on oxidation of organic matter by suitable micro-organisms during a 5- days period. There is nothing sacrosanct about 5 days but the test originated in England where the maximum stream flow is 5 days. The degree of microbially-mediated O2 consumption in water is known as the biochemical oxygen demand .This parameter is commonly measured by the quantity of O2 utilised by suitable aquatic micro-organism during 5 days period. {CH2O} + O2 micro-organism CO2+H2O
The selection of micro-organisms (seedling) is crucial and the results are obviously not reproducible. The purpose of seedling is to introduce into the sample a biological population capable of oxidising the organic matter in the waste water. Where such micro-organism are already present, i.e., in domestic waste water or surface waters, seedling is unnecessary. But when the sample is deficient in micro-organism, the dilution water needs seedling. The standard seed material is settled domestic waste water which has been stored for 24- 36 hours at 200C. Sample for BOD determination were incubated at 200C for five days. The intial and final DO were recorded by Whinklers method and the BOD value were calculated by the formula:
Where D1 = DO of diluted sample on 0th day D2 = DO of diluted sample on 5th day B1 = DO of diluted blank on the 0th days B2 = DO of diluted blank on the 5th days
f. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) This is a satisfactory method for determining the organic load of a waterbody, which is preferable to the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) mentioned below. It is a rapidly measurable parameter for stream, and industrial waste studies and control of water treatment plants. The 24
method is based on the chemical oxidation of material in the presence of a catalyst by Cr2O72- in 50% H2SO4. 3{CH2O} +16H+ +2Cr2O7 4Cr3++ 3CO2 + 11H2O
The amount of unreacted Cr2O72- is then determined by titration with a standard Mohrs salt solution. Ag2SO4 catalyses the oxidation of straight chain aliphatic compounds , aromatic hydrocarbons and pyridine. HgSO4 ties up CL- as soluble complex and prevents its interference. Procedure: Take 20ml sample in a flat bottom flask then added 30ml H2SO4 , 3ml silver nitrate, 0.4gm mercuric sulphate crystal, 10ml K2Cr2O7 (0.25 N), and connect the flask to the condenser then reflex for 2 hrs heating at 1500C. After heating then cool and add 80 ml distilled water the final volume of sample is 140ml in replace into conical flask then add 2 to 3 drops ferroin indicator. Then titrated with 0.1 normality ferrous ammonium sulphate then colour change green to wine red. Caiculation: COD = g. Alkalinity: Alkalinity was mainly due to bicarbonates throughout the year at all the sampling sites. 100ml of water sample was used, each in two conical flasks. 0.5ml. phenolphthalein indicator was added in one flask. The sample got pink colour and was titrated with N/50 H2SO4 until the pink colour disappeared. The volume of sample N/50 H2SO4 used in titration was noted. Now added 0.5 Methyl Orange in second flask and titrated with N/50 H2SO4 until the orange colour disappeared indicating the end point. Again recorded the ml. of acid used. The concentration of carbonate and bicarbonate alkalinity was calculated as described in Welch (1948). Calculation:
h. Chloride: Chloride in drinking water is relatively harmless, if present in amounts below 250ppm. In waste water, the chloride content is higher than in raw water. However , a high chloride content in water bodies harms metallic pipes and structures as well as agricultural crops Chloride is simply and rapidly determined by titration with AgNO3 solution using K2CrO4 as an indicator. The end point is indicated by the appearence of a permanent reddish tinge. Take 100ml sample in a conical flask and added 2-3 drops of potassium chromate indicator and then titrated with 0.1N AgNO3 end point yellow to reddish brown. 25
i. Free Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) /Dissolved Oxygen content The Free carbon dioxide in water is very toxic to fishes, instances of sudden mortality among fishes in nature which seems to be caused, not due to oxygen shortage, but by the unusually high CO2 tension in water. The dissolved oxygen and free carbon dioxide are usually inversely related to one another because of the photosynthetic and respiratory activities of the biota. Take 100ml sample in a conical flask added 2 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator (if colour turns pink, free CO2 absent) if sample colourless then titrated with 0.05N NaoH the end point colourless to pink. Calculation:
Biological Parameter:
a. Collection of Macrophytes: The Macrophytes of river were collected by fine plankton net. The known amount of water was filtered, and concentrated in the desired quantity. 1ml of concentrate was taken and placed in a Sedgwick Rafter counting cell. Counting of the organisms was done by applying the following formula:
Where n = number of plankton/ litre of water. a = average no. of plankton in one small counting chamber of Sedgwick Rafter counting cell c = ml. of plankton concentrate 1 = Volume of original water filtered in litre.
Paramete rs
Alkalinity Mg/L
Chloride Mg/L
Name Of Sites
pH Mg/ L
8.9 7
8.9 0
Alkalinity mg/L
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat 155 160 Alkalinity mg/L 250 445 405
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari ghat Collector ghat Chitnath Ghat 5.8 4.1 7.9 9.2 7.6
60 50 40 30 COD 20 10 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat 16.944 8.928 4.236 16.656 54.132
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat 4.56 3.4 2.27 BOD 5.58 8.97
350 300 250 200 150 100 53.25 50 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Dadari Ghat Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat 35.5 49.7 71 Chloride 294.65
Total Hardness
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat 67 71 Total Hardness 122 171 182
378 340
Chitnath Ghat
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Patthar Ghat Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector ghat Chitnath Ghat pH 6.5 8.8 7.5 8.97 8.9
Physico-chemical characteristics of Ghazipur city drainage discharged into the river Ganga at different sites as following: Patthar ghat Bada Mahadeva ghat Dadari ghat Collector ghat Chitnath ghat
Industrial effluents and waste dumped into nearby water bodies alter the physico-chemical characteristics and elevate the heavy metal concentration according to the nature of effluent being discharged. Water quality of Chitnath side is most polluted followed by other sites. Pollution is due to people bathing and washing clothes, industrial waste and religious event. Another causes of pollution on this site is that its located near Shamsaan ghat where burning ash of dead bodies is also dumped into the Ganga, as well as dead body also dumped without burning. On my survey on sites during January 2013 to June 2013 also observe the availability of different macrophytes. The macrophyte which are mostly shown on site is Potamogeton crispus , Naja gramania, Eichornia, Hydrila, Elodea Canadensis etc.
In the present investigation: Temperature: Temperature varied from minimum 300C to maximum 350C. The temperature values were significantly higher in April to July and lower in October to February. Colour: The colour of water of the Ganga river at Ghazipur generally remains bluish but becomes turbid from May onward and in rainy season, due to flooded riverine condition when turbidity increase. It showed that the colour , turbidity and suspended matters were closely interrelated with one another and cause common effect on the river and aquatic life as also stated by Verma et al. Solids/Residues: In the present investigation its noted that the residues is maximum 800mg/L at the site fifth i.e., Chitnath Ghat to a minimum 480 mg/L at site first i.e., Patthar Ghat. The total dissolved solid values ranges from minimum 340 mg/L at site four i.e., Collector ghat to a maximum 510mg/L at site fifth i.e., Chitnath Ghat and the non filterable residue i.e., total suspended solid observation reveals that the site variation ranges from a minimum 80 mg/L at site First i.e., Patthar ghat to a maximum 380 mg/L at site second i.e., Bada Mahadeva ghat. The maximum solids value recorded in rainy season which were responsible for the turbidity in the river. The minimum solids value recorded in winter season due to gradual sedimentation of dissolved solids and also due to the minimum velocity of the river which favoured effective sedimentation. The residue when present in axis in the water may create an imbalance to the aquatic life, but when the filterable residues are presents in a proper concentration a good fish crop can be expected (Hart et al.,1945). pH : The pH of Ganges water slightly alkaline ranging from 7.3 to 8.9. The pH of water at Patthar ghat is slightly acidic due to discharge of Nandganj lord distillery. The minimum pH value is observed in rainy season when the river flooded. Das(1961) reported that pH of water has an important bearing on both plankton and fish production. He found that a pH of 7.2 to 8.5 only was favourable for the growth of plankton and higher values were detrimental to plankton production and there by to the fish production also. However , a define correlation between the pH and plankton could not be stablished. In all the sampling sites the pH remain slightly alkaline.
Alkalinity: The alkalinity ranges from minimum 160mg/L to maximum 445mg/L. Significantly higher alkalinity value observe on Patthar ghat and lower value on Chitnath ghat recorded. No significant variation in alkalinity value between other months obtained.
Dissolved Oxygen(DO): The observation of DO reveals that decides variation ranges from a minimum 4.1mg/L at site fifth i.e. Chitnath ghat to a maximum 9.2mg/L at site third i.e. Dadari ghat. Seasonally the values were higher in winter season and lower in summer and intermediate value were recorded in rainy season. The value of DO during the month of summer is lower due to higher temperature and high rate of microbial decomposition of organic matter. The fluctuation in DO content were mainly influenced by the factors like dissolved organic matter, plankton and bottom vegetation. Biochemical Oxygen Demand: The observation of BOD reveals that the sites variation ranges from a minimum 2.27mg/L at site third i.e.,Dadari ghat to a maximum of site fourth Collector ghat is 8.97mg/L. Seasonlly, the values were higher in summer followed by rainy and winter season. Chemical Oxygen Demand: The observation of COD reveals that the sites variations ranges from a minimum 4.236 at site third viz. Dadari ghat to a maximum at site fourth i.e.,Collector ghat is 54.132mg/L. The lower COD value has been recorded at site third ,due to low organic load. Chloride: The observation of chloride reveals that the variations ranges from minimum of 35.5 at site third i.e.,Dadari ghat to a maximum 294.65 mg/L at site second i.e., Bada Mahadeva ghat. Seasonally the value were higher in summer and lower in rainy and intermediate were recorded in winter season. Similar result have been observed by Tripathi 1982 and Shukla Free Carbon dioxide: The observation of free carbon dioxide reveals that variation ranges from a minimum 0.95mg/L at site fourth i.e. Collector ghat to a maximum 2.38mg/L at site third Dadari ghat. The free carbon dioxide is very toxic to fishes. The dissolved oxygen and free carbon dioxide are usually inversely related to one another because of the photosynthetic and respiratory activities of biota. Velocity: The maximum velocity recorded in rainy season and minimum in winter. The velocity started increasing from May onwards due to melting of snow at the place of origin of the river. Again beyond September, the velocity and turbidity showed a direct relationship. Therefore, the maximum velocity and turbidity of the river were recorded in rainy season. The turbidity was nill when the velocity of the river was minimum in winter season. As the velocity of the Ganga increases the algae, diatoms and insect larvae and nymphs were mostly swept away from the river and only a few adult insects and larvae of Ephemeroptora, Hemiptera and Dipthera were ieft below the stones or under shelter of any substratum. With the result of washing away of the plankton, fish population of this
river have to face a scarcity of food during rainy season. Hence it may be concluded that the velocity is one of the important limiting factors. Transparency: The higher transparency of water is recorded in winter season. During summer the transparency decreased and minimum transparency is observed in rainy season. Similar pattern was also reported by Badola and Singh(1981), Dobriyal et al.(1983) in the hill streams of the Garhwal Himalaya.
Observation Of Macrophytes
The macrophytes are the heterogenous assemblage of the aquatic plant which occur in natural water and float about by the web action and movement of the water .aquatic macrophytes are plants that are larger than most algae. The general term aquatic plant usually refers to aquatic microphytes; but some scientist use it to mean both aquatic macrophytes and algae. The quantitative and qualitative fluctuation of the macrophytes has a great effect on the aquatic eco system. The present study showed that maximum density of macrophytes is present at site fifth i.e., chitnath ghat where all species viz., Potamogeton crispus , Naja graminia, Eichornia, Hydrila, Elodea Canadensis etc.
The maximum growth of the species i.e., potamogeton crispus and naja graminia is recorded at all sites. The minimum density of macrophyts is observed at site first i.e., Patthar ghat where only two species potamogeton crispus and naja graminia mostly present.
Industrial and municipal waste is affect on the composition of higher aquatic plant and also observed the effect of municipal sewage and eutrophicated stream on aquatic macrophytes growth. Environmental factors are also affect on growth and production of aquatic macrophytes. The species diversity in polluted streams is due to small number of species able to tolerate pollution. The effect of pollution is that where, in a clean site, there would be 5-10 species present covering a good deal of the bed. In a typical polluted site half or more of the species are generally removed and remainder may grow less luxuriantly. In streams where there is an inflow of polluted water some of the species are replaced by other species. Although the pollution is some times intense enough to destroy all the macrophytes. Human interference alters the incoming substances. The dilution of the inflow which depends on the discharge is important factor in determining the growth of river plants. Any river chemical may harm plants if it present in excess, and many substances are damaging even in low concentrations. Under severe pollution condition plants do not grow therefore , can not be used to asses pollution except by their absence from sites. Toxic pollutants may have a long term effect if the plants are already under stress from another cause. In streams with continuous mild pollution the chemical composition is altered in such a way that plant still grow, the vegetation differs in species presence, abundance and growth characteristics than the clean site in the same habitat.
TABLE.2: Density Of Species Found On Various Sites : NAME OF SITES SPECIES NAME Potamogeton crispus Naja graminia Elodea canadensis Hydrilla Eichornia +++ +++ +++ __ __ +++++ +++ __ +++ +++++++ ++++++++ +++++ ++ __ __ ++++++ ++++++ + ++ __ ++++++++ ++++++ ++++++++ +++ ++++++++ +++++ Patthar Ghat Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat
3, 8%
14, 39%
5, 14%
8, 22% 6, 17%
Naja graminia
3, 12% 8, 32% Patthar ghat 3, 12% Bada Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat 5, 20% 6, 24% Chitnath Ghat
Naja graminia
3, 33%
3, 34%
1, 11% 2, 22%
0, 0%
Chitnath Ghat
0, 0%
3, 23% Patthar Ghat 0, 0% 2, 15% Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat
8, 62%
0, 0%
Patthar Ghat 5, 42% Mahadeva Ghat Dadari Ghat 7, 58% Collector Ghat Chitnath Ghat
0, 0%
0, 0%
Finding :
1. To understand the water quality of the Ganga. 2. To understand the presence of different macrophytes in Ganga on various sites. 3. To understand the sources of pollution in Ganga. 4. To understand the environmental factors which affect the growth of macrophytes. 5. To understand the stress on macrophytes due to toxicity of pollutant. 6. To understand the drainage discharge in to Ganga at Ghazipur city. 7. To understand the dumping of dead body in to Ganga at Shamshan Ghat per day.
To increase awareness among the people to maintain the Ganga river water at it high quality and purity levels . The water quality of the river is likely to improve when all the ongoing works are completed and the entire waste water being generated is tackled. 49
Five main aquatic macrophytes is also identified namely Potamogeton crispus, Naja graminia, Elodea Candensis, Eichornia crassipes, Hydrilla. These macrophyte can serves as very good agent for the removal of metal from contaminated water bodies. The presence of nutrients in these sites causes eutraphication but with the emergence of aquatic macrophytes absorption of these nutrient is possible. Finally site first i.e. patthar ghat is less eutraphicated and has a lesser density of aquatic macrophytes than other sites.
Hydrilla From the present study the conclusion has arrived that the Ganga water is most probable not fit for drinking and its need to be treated to reduce the contamination specially the alkalinity and the hardness.
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