Swot Analysis
Swot Analysis
Swot Analysis
ranked 189 by revenue in the year 2004, owns SERVO. Servo has been designated as a Super Brand. Indias no. 1 lubricant brand in term of Sales (42% market shares) Servo oil has wide range of over 400 grades for a u t o m o t i v e , i n d u s t r i a l a n d marine use. Distribution network with 204 Servo Stockist all over India. Strong presence of more than 11,000 retailers, beside a countrywide network of bazaar traders. Indian Oil modern and well-equipment R&D center at Faridabad, One of the most advanced in Asia, keeps pace with international standards. ISO 9002 certified lube-blending plants of IOC at Asaoti, Mumbai, Calcuttta,C h e n n a i a n d g r e a s e p l a n t a t V a s h i ( n e a r M u m b a i ) e n s u r e t h a t S E R V O lubricants produced their meet International Standards. SERVO range of lubricants is fast emerging as a Global brand with wideacceptance in UAE, Malaysia, Mauritius, Banglad e s h , B a h r a i n , S r i L a n k a , Nepal, Yemen, Kenya, Kuwait, Burkina Faso, Reunion Island and other markets.
Genuine Oil tie ups with Hyundai motors, Maruti Udyog Ltd., kinetic Motorsand Equipments Ltd., Mitsubishi Lancer, L&T Kumatsu, CKD Skoda, Elgi Air compressor etc. OPPORTUNITY Overseas market. Foray into the untapped Rural Market, which constitutes 85% of the market. Leverage its financial strength for expansion of customer base through strategicalliance with Original Equipment manufacturers. Continuous improvement in the technology in the end user industry because of continued growth of the light commercial vehicle (LCV), Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMOs) and Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV) segments and rapid shift to 4-stroke engines in the 2-wheeler segments. Opportunities for growth are likely to result from Foreign Direct Investment particularly in the Transport Equipment Manufacturing (TEM) and Machinerymanufacturing segments. WEAKNESS Lags behind in promotional activities. Being a PSUs, decision-making process is slow. Significant improvements are requirement in packaging of lubes as often thereare complaints of leakage or the quantity being short.
Spurious equivalent of servo on market. THREAT An increase in base oil price with no correspo nding increase in product pricecoupled with additional advertising expenditure is likely to keep margins under pressure. Government has already given permission to Reliance, Essar Oil, ONGC, Shelland Numaligargh Refinery to set up retail marketing stations thereby giving riseto stiff competition. Due to lack of promotional activities competitors like BP and Castrol etc. aregradually taking away the market. Tie ups of players in the market with automotive companies and OEMs like thetie up of Castrol with mahindra & mahindra for supply of the diesel engine oilfor its tractors is gradually eroding the market share of SERVO