Petrol Pump Management
Petrol Pump Management
Petrol Pump Management
We are indebted to our teachers and gurus who moulded at this junction of our career from where we can take off better in the competitive scenario of todays world. First of all, I would like to thank Almighty for his gracious blessing without whom I would not have been able to complete my project work. My special thanks is due towards Ms. Raminder Kaur for assigning me this topic (Calendar) and also for showering me the right path and guided me and solved all my queries and also encouraged me to go ahead with my project, without his help the project would have not turned out to be so meaningful Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents for their kind support.
INTRODUCTION DIFFERENT TYPES OF CALENDAR 1. Purely lunar calendars 2. Purely solar calendars 3. Solilunar calendars
5. Lunisolar calendars
A calendar is a system by which time is divided into days, weeks, months, and years and organizing those days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes. The name given to each day is known as a date. Periods in a calendar (such as years and months) are usually, though not necessarily, synchronized with the cycle of the sun or the moon.
1. LUNISOLAR CALENDARS These calendars aim to be both solar calendars and lunar calendars. These
calendars consist of years which accord closely with the seasonal cycle and months which accord more-or-less closely with the lunar cycle. Example, Liberalia Triday Calendar (which is unusual in that it has both a solar calendrical component and a lunar calendrical component, the solar component being more accurate than the lunar).
2. SOLILUNAR CALENDARS These calendars aim to be both solar calendars and lunar calendars, but are more successful in tracking the lunar cycle than the seasonal cycle. They consist of months which accord closely with the lunar cycle and years which accord moreor-less closely with the seasonal cycle Example, the Chinese calendar, the Jewish calendar and the Meyer-Palmen Solilunar Calendar.
#include<iostream.h> int c; int day; int date; int month; int main () { c=0; cout<<"\t\t\t::CALENDAR::\n"<<endl; cout<<"\n enter number of month:"<<endl; cin>>month; cout<<"\n\n enter first day of the month: \t"; cout<<"\n\n Monday = 0\nTuesady = 1\nWednesday = 2"; cout<<"\n Thursday = 3\nFriday = 4\nSaturday = 5"; cout<<"\n Sunday = 6\n"; cin>>day; cout<<"\n\n\t\t"; while (month<=12) { if (month==1) cout<<"JANUARY"; else if (month==2) cout<<"FEBRUARY"; else if (month==3) cout<<"MARCH"; else if (month==4) cout<<"APRIL"; else if (month==5) cout<<"MAY"; else if (month==6) cout<<"JUNE";
else if (month==7) cout<<"JULY"; else if (month==8) cout<<"AUGUST"; else if (month==9) cout<<"SEPTEMBER"; else if (month==10) cout<<"OCTOBER"; else if (month==11) cout<<"NOVEMBER"; else if (month==12) cout<<"DECEMBER"; else { cout<<"invalid month, calendar will close"; return 0; } cout<<"\n\nMon\tTue\tWed\tThu\tFri\tSat\tSun\n"; while (c<day) { cout<<"\t"; c++; } if (month==4||month==6||month==9||month==11) { for (date=1;date<31;date++) { ++c; cout<<date; cout<<"\t";
if (c%7==0) {cout<<"\n"; }
The primary use of a calendar is to identify days, to be informed about and/or to agree on a future event and to record an event that has happened. Days may be significant for civil, religious or social reasons. For example, a calendar provides a way to determine which days are religious or civil holidays, which days mark the beginning and end of business accounting periods, and which days have legal significance, such as the day taxes are due or a contract expires. Also a calendar may, by identifying a day, provide other useful information about the day such as its season. Calendars are also used to help people manage their personal schedules, time and activities, particularly when individuals have numerous work, school, and family commitments. People frequently use multiple systems, and may keep both a business and family calendar to help prevent them from over committing their time. Calendars are also used as part of a complete timekeeping system: date and time of day together specify a moment in time. In the modern world, written calendars are no longer an essential part of such systems, as the advent of accurate clocks has made it possible to record time independently of astronomical events.