Geo-Science and Mining Engineering Education in The AGH University of Science and Technology (Cracow, Poland) in 21 Centaury

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Geo-science and mining engineering education in the AGH University of Science and Technology (Cracow, Poland) in 21st centaury
Jakub Siemek, Stanislaw Nagy
AGH University of Science & Technology, Drilling & Oil-Gas Faculty Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland, [email protected], [email protected], polytechnics and technical universities. Tendency to create the uniform system of educating societies at the university level was originated in the Sorbonne Declaration in May 1998 by France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. This document describes proper educating structures in Europe and also supposes creation of the EAHE (European Area of Higher Education). On September 18, 1998 the Magna Charta Universitatum was signed in Bologna. In the document, it was emphasized the key role of universities in formation of Europe of Knowledge, autonomy and independence of universities, the close connections between researches and educational processes and the necessity to accustom the educational systems and researches to changing conditions of society, development of science and educating techniques. Vice-chancellors of the universities confirmed their approval of ideas presented in the Magna Charta Universitatum by giving their signatures in Bologna on September 18, 2002. The document indicated the basic directions of changes allowing forming the EAHE. They are as follow: 1. Adoption of a system of qualification readily legible and compatible, also by means of the implementation of a Diploma Supplement, 2. Adoption of a system founded upon a two-cycle system that is a 1st and 2nd level. Entrance to 2nd level cycle will require the completion of a 1st cycle of study, of whose duration cannot be less than three years, 3. Consolidation of a system of academic credits - based on the ECTS system -that can be acquired in diverse disciplinary contexts, 4. Promotion of mobility (for students, lecturers, researchers and technical-administrative personnel) by means of removing obstacles for the full exercise of free circulation, 5. Promotion of European cooperation concerning the assessment of quality, 6. Promotion of an indispensable European dimension of higher education: development of degree plans, cooperation between university institutions, mobility programs, integrated studies plans, development and research. July 23 28, 2006 9th International Conference on Engineering Education T1A-1

Abstract - The main topics of paper contain: scope of variety of systems and educational programs in the engineering in European countries; educational systems and their evolution based upon Magna Charta Universitatum Bologna 1988) and next educational conferences (Lisbon 2000, Berlin 2003); Polish (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow) process of engineering education in geo-science and mining, international co-operation in European Community educational programs (Socrates, Leonardo) and Carpathian Region. The paper includes comparison between European educational programs in geo-science. Generally comparing choices of programs and their range the European programs of education are very similar. The two-level systems (with the ECTS qualifications) are conductive to remove differences by students exchanges. The ECTS classification creates universal possibilities of education and equalizing its range. The significant role could be played by the double diploma system. In the future the requirement of an official recognition of the foreign diploma will disappear. The AGH-UST conducts also other forms of continual education of engineers. Some of them that have a special significance for region or the whole EU are financed by the EU Commission. The good examples of constant education are short-term courses and seminaries organized by the AAPG, SPE (USA). Another example is Socrates system of student exchanges, and the Leonardo da Vinci projects conducted by AGH UST Cracow. Index Terms geo-science & mining engineering education, petroleum engineering, EAHE, AGH-UST, Cracow, INTRODUCTION The European civilization, which is often called the civilization of the Latin world, has made and is making an immense contribution to the development of culture, science and technology of mankind. Europe can become the leader in the field of science provided that the EU-countries and countries associated coordinate their intellectual efforts, extend cooperation in research, educating people and develop relationships between academic centers, universities, colleges including San Juan, PR

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Further convents of ministers of education, initiated by the European Commission, were held in Lisbon-2000, Stockholm-2001, Barcelona-2002, Berlin-2003. The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, signed on April 11, 1997 by 27 countries including Poland, Germany, the USA, specifies conditions and procedures of reciprocal acknowledging of diplomas including the ones admitting to study at the university. The convention was the precursor of the Magna Charta Universitatum signed in Bologna. Many private institutions and organizations, such as European University Association (EUA), Society For Engineering European Education (SEFI), Federation Europeene dAssociations Nationales dIngenieurs (FEANI), decided to solve the problem of comparison and acknowledging of qualifications and academic or vocational titles. FEANI defines as one of the most notable purposes assurance of acknowledging of qualifications and titles of engineers in their profession in Europe and also beyond it. In order to adopt the technical faculty to so-called FEANI Register several program requirements have to be fulfilled: fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics, computer science and other) 35%, technical studies and technologies 55%, subjects including non-technology studies 10%. FEANI is very successful in its certifying activity and has the support of the European Commission. EDUCATION OF ENGINEERS, INCLUDING GAS/OIL ENGINEERS IN EUROPE Contemporary system of the higher education, especially in the fields if natural science has to be not only multilevel but also has to link theory with practice and educate in many specialties. These are the assumptions of the Declaration of Bologna and actions of the European Commission tend to fulfill them. However, one can agree with these postulates only in non-technical subjects (the humanities, law, and economy), whereas if one considers them in the field of natural science, several doubts arise: Is it possible to prepare the potential engineer in the basic cycle of education who has enough theoretical and practical knowledge, supposing that he does not decide to continue his studies on the second or third level? How is it possible to provide student with a wide-range of fundamental science knowledge, which is necessary for using computing programs, sets of information, technical monographs, scientific literature and it enables the student to create own engineering abilities (evaluation of projects, solution of technical problems)? In programs of graduate studies at the University of Trondheim (Norway) or at the Clausthal University of Technology (Germany) there is a lack of fundamental science education. Moreover, would it be rational to study mathematics or physics with brakes? Educating in natural sciences is more expensive (laboratories, trainings) than other studies, and they are generally more difficult. That is the reason why the standard period of studies is often extended, especially in Western Europe. This is also the cause of little interest in techniSan Juan, PR 9th International Conference on Engineering Education T1A-2 cal faculties. Youths choose fashionable studies like law, philology, politics or economy. The technical universities are obliged to look for foreign students, but what should do the universities with a poor budget? Subsidies from the EU programs are easier gained by the classic universities. This problem mainly involves Poland and the members of the Central and Eastern Europe. On the other hand, these countries very quickly rebuild their systems of technical studies. The big western European universities are more opposed to the Declaration of Bologna. Some of them (France, Germany, Austria) organizes studies which are parallel to so-far system, however, they also introduce programs leading to the master diploma. Is there any notable difference in competence between present engineer and later PhD engineer, and master or doctor, who achieved their titles in the new program of studies? One should also take into account that the universities are willing to maintain their tradition and position achieved through the years and also the systems of education which were tested in different conditions. It is apparent that the choice of the system of education (uniform studies or two-step ones) should belong to the university, There is a concern over granting funds for projects controlled the EU Commission and intentions connected with allocation of money in the best universities. What happens to poorer countries, not supporting native universities in such a way, when they are also important for the country and Europe?

The benefits of the two- or three-step studies are following: shorter period of the first cycle, possibility to choose the type of studies in more flexible way, adjusting to interest and lifes purposes of the student, possibility of changing universities during the period of studying and collecting confirmations of achieved knowledge (ECTS). Undoubtedly this system prefers more practical side of the engineering studies, after the first cycle one can achieve the first diploma allowing to work as an engineer. The benefits of this system also include promoting and achieving double diplomas which are signed by both universities and are assisted by many European educational programs like ErasmusSocrates, Leonardo da Vinci et al. Petroleum Faculties are lectured in Europe on more than 30 universities. They include independent faculties, institutes, or other units which are dependent from engineering faculties or structure of the university. These studies are often conducted on the faculties of mining and geology. Appendix 1 presents list of universities in Europe (universities, technical colleges, polytechnics) that conducts studies in the specialty of oil and gas engineering. Actually only few of them are provided with whole faculties or institutes of oil engineering. The length of studies is different in different countries and it lasts from 3 years in Great Britain (degree of Bachelor of Engineering) to 5 years in Austria and Germany (degree of Diplom-Ingenieur). July 23 28, 2006

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There are also several differences in programs, names of degrees and other details. In Italy, after graduating from a 5-year technical study one becomes the Dottore in Ingeneria. In Poland, the same person is called Magister inynier (MEng). There were also difficulties in comparison and an official recognition of the foreign diploma. The Declaration of Bologna recommended standardizing systems of education. Comparing programs of studies at the universities, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between number of hours per week, classes and projects. They vary from more than 20 to above 30 hours at the University of Trondheim, and the average number at the TU Clausthal University is 25. The AGH-UST in Cracow performs about 30 hours per week. It can be noticed several similarities in the uniform programs which prepares students for MS, MEng., or PhD degree: Set of fundamental sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics, computer science). It is mainly lectured at the first two years through three semesters, Set of subjects connected with the Earth (geology, mineralogy, petrophysics, geodesy, geo computer sciences), Set of general engineering subjects (theory and technology of structure and construction of machines, material durability, elements of electrical engineering and electronics, fluid-flow machinery i.e. pumps, compressors, turbines, engines) Set of subjects that define the specialty of the student (hydromechanics of porous and fractured media, reservoir engineering, properties of reservoir fluids, drilling, technology of production of natural gas and oil, natural gas and oil well testing, rock mechanics, well logging, underground gas storage, transport and natural gas distribution, EXAMPLES OF GRADUATE STUDIES AT SOME EUROPEAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES TU Clausthal The studies last three to four semesters, including one obligatory semester abroad. They are conducted in English. Each unit consists of a few compulsory subjects and some additional ones to choose, which take 7 to 12 hours a week in a semester [3,8]. The Reservoir and Fluid Mechanics module was organized in the following manner: Thermodynamics/Phase Behavior of HC (2-1), Improved Oil/Gas Recovery (4-0), Gas Storage in Porous Media/Rock Caverns (4-0). The numbers in brackets indicate hours of lectures and practices. The group projects are the very valuable part of the studies, which introduce students to the work in engineering groups performed on the third or forth semester abroad. All subjects have ascribed points of the ECTS system. TU Aberdeen The university offers a 3-semester graduate study in Oil and Gas Engineering. Each semester consists of 4 modules. After each semester the student receives the diploma (PG Cert., PG. Dip., MSc after the defense of masters thesis) [7]. TU Trondheim

The university conducts a 3-semester graduate study in Petroleum Engineering in the two-level system [4]. There are following specialties: Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum Production, Drilling Technology, Formation Evaluation. Each specialty includes compulsory and additional subjects, however, in individual semesters it is required to choose 1, 2 or 3 ones. What is really exceptional is the fact that all specialties include Math/Computer Method. There are also other additional subjects like: Reservoir Fluids, Reservoir Recovery Techniques, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, High Deviation Drilling, Petrophysics, Tab. 1 Petroleum Engineering Program in TU Clausthal Reservoir Simulation, Petrophysics Interpretation of Well Data, Drilling Technique Pressure Control, Drilling Fluid, Specialization: Reservoir Management Drilling/Production Gas Supply Fractured Reservoir, Well Technology, Modules: Data Acquisition and Drilling Engineering Natural Gas Petroleum Economics Evaluation Transport Production Engineering and Formation Me Reservoir and Fluid Natural Gas Stor Drilling/Production chanics. The univerMechanics age Supplementary Causes sity also conducts Reservoir Modeling and Transport/Storage graduate study in Simulation Supplementary Petroleum GeoscienCauses ces on more basic level, which includes Common Management, Economics and Law mainly all subject Modules (included also Presentation and Negotiating Skills) related to geology, Communication geophysics and reservoir reengineering. Group Project Master Thesis San Juan, PR 9th International Conference on Engineering Education T1A-3 July 23 28, 2006

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HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH The university has developed programs in graduate studies in Petroleum Engineering [5]. They include stationary studies and also Distance Learning in following specialties: Drilling Engineering, Petroleum Geoscience, Production Technology, Project Economics, Formation Evaluation, Reservoir Engineering, and Reservoir Simulation. There is a stress on the group projects for about 10 students. The student is required to conduct research (experimental computer modeling in petroleum engineering or geosciences). Researches involve mainly scientific or industrial problems. The studies end with a presentation of masters thesis. Most of the universities having oil engineering faculties or institutes conduct also other forms of continual education of engineers by organizing courses, seminaries and postgraduate studies. Some of them that have a special significance for region or the whole EU are financed by the EU Commission. The good examples of constant education are short-term courses and seminaries organized by the SPE (USA). Another example is the Leonardo da Vinci CELGAS Project conducted by AGH UST Cracow, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, LB University of Sibiu, TU Kosice, DBI-Gas Technologisches Institut GmbH, DVGW Germany and SITPNiG Poland. LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT CELGAS INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION INITIATIVES IN MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GAS ENGINEERING During last two years has been prepared and now is started a Leonardo da Vinci Project CELGAS[11]. The main objective of project is to enhance the co-operation between the EU and East-European universities, research companies and vocational communities in the area of vocational education in the Natural Gas Engineering. The partners which realize the project are: AGH UST in Cracow, Central Mining Institute in Katowice, SITPNiG (all from Poland) , TU Freiberg, DBI Freiberg, DWGV (all from Germany) University of Sibiu (Romania), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia). The promoter of initiative is AGH University of Science and Technology Drilling and Oil-Gas Faculty. One idea can be to attract also companies that are involved in activities complementary to the gas area (gas equipment producers, safety equipment producers), companies or organizations involved in ecological activities. Participation of engineers from various countries may be occasional giving opportunities for studies under this initiative. The accreditation of the CeLGas Training System at the partnership universities will secure the quality of learning. All Partners confirm willingness to build-up long term Vocational Centre with possibility to long-distance learning, exchange of international experience, use of internet gas engineering vocational forum, etc. AGH - UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, CRACOW - EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERING IN POLAND Since 1967 the Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow is the only one in Poland where future petroleum engineers are educated in five specializations [6]. The Faculty consists of four departments: Drilling and Geo-engineering; Natural Gas Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Environmental Protection. In principle one-level full-time MSc (10 semesters) and part-time BSc (8 semesters) studies are operational. Students are educated in five specializations: Drilling and Geo-engineering; Natural Gas Engineering; Exploitation of Liquid Resources; Environmental Protection; Economy and Management.

These specializations are unique in Poland and significantly differ from other specializations run at the AGH University if Science and Technology. Studies at the DOG Faculty encompass a broad range of basic subjects e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, mechanics, geology, foreign languages and such specialist subjects as petroleum geology, petroleum engineering, numerical modeling of reservoirs and their exploitation, designing and construction of oil and gas pipes, health and safety in petroleum industry, economy, geoengineering, trenchless technologies, environmental protection in petroleum industry. After four semesters of common studies students choose one of the five specializations. The present education structure concerning MSc fulltime regular courses at the DOG Faculty is illustrated in fig.1. In 1994 AGH University of Science and Technology was put on the FEANI European Federation of National Engineering Associations. In accordance with the FEANI requirements the syllabus of the DOG Faculty assumed the following form which is presented in fig.2. After 10 semester studies the DOG Faculty graduates could apply for the European Engineer EUR ING diploma [2]. From 1967 to the end of the academic year 2004/2005 2500 MSc students and 1200 BSc students had graduated. Postgraduate studies in different domains but related to the petroleum industry were completed by over 400 professionals. It should be emphasized that in Poland about 70% of petroleum specialists (were graduated at AGH, mainly at the DOG Faculty. Since 1992 the SPE Poland Section is affiliated at the DOG Faculty.

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and manage the full range of surface and underground geological, geophysical, hydro-geological, geological-engineering and other works, to geological surveying of all types of mining enterprises, to recognition of the state of natural environment, monitoring, evaluation and remediation of various types of pollution. Major: Geology and Mining Engineering Specializations: Applied mineralogy and geochemistry, Computer geoscience, Economics and management of geological environment, Engineering geology, Exploration geophysics, Geology and mineral exploration, Geotourism Hydrogeology and engineering geology Petroleum geology, Stones and stoneworks in architecture and building industry, Major: Environmental Engineering Specializations: Environmental geophysics, Environmental geology and geochemistry Renewable energy sources, Water protection and environmental geotechnics, Major: Environment Protection Specialization: Protection of unanimated nature Major: Applied Computer Science Specializations: Modeling and computer systems in geophysics, Software and databases in geology Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering The full-time studies provide a broad general education in the full range of mining, management in mining and environmental sciences as well as a basic knowledge of principal and selected, specialized technical sciences. The graduates are prepared to design, organize and manage the full range of surface and underground mining, hydro-technical, geo-engineering, recognition of the state of natural environment, monitoring, evaluation and remediation of various types of pollution and other works [6]. Full-time studies at the Faculty are offered in four disciplines: Major: Mining and Geology Specializations: Techniques of Underground Deposit Mining Techniques of Open Strip Mining The Economics, the Organization and the Restructuring of Industry July 23 28, 2006 9th International Conference on Engineering Education T1A-5

Fig.1. The education structure at the Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty.

Fig.2. Diagram of study subjects at the Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty concerning full time MSc studies. SPE Section plays an important role in the education of students familiarizing them with new technologies and ideas through a system of lectures by SPE Distinguished Lecturers and participation in international meeting and seminars of European Student Chapters. The international cooperation is realized with such organizations as SPE, IGU, EAGE and also with such technical universities and scientific research units [1,9,10]. OTHER GEO-SCIENCE AND MINING ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN THE AGH UST Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection The Faculty of Geology, Geophysics & Environment Protection is the only technical-university-level institution in Poland which educates in applied Earth sciences and environment protection, and one of a few which educates in environmental engineering and applied computer science. The studies are of interdisciplinary character as geology, geophysics and other Earth sciences belong to natural disciplines but methods applied and practical solution proposed obviously fall into the range of technical sciences [6]. The full-time studies provide a broad general education in the full range of Earth and environmental sciences as well as a basic knowledge of principal and selected, specialized technical sciences. The graduates are prepared to design, organize San Juan, PR

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Geotechnics and Underground Construction Electrical Engineering and Automatics in the Mining Industry Mechanization in Mining Industry Stone and Stonework in Building and Architecture stance, the range of mathematics for the first level of studies is smaller than for the one-level study. It would a big mistake to tend to unify the studys programs, because the universities developed their own content of study. Nothing is more important than the proper terminology of subjects and their content-related and time ranges. The programs cores have also a very significant role and that is the reason for establishing Diploma Supplements, The AGH UST, which accomplishes top positions in the classification of the technical colleges, conducts the onelevel and the two-level system of graduate study in petroleum engineering. The recruitment of students maintain on the high level as for the Central European country, however, employing them in their jobs is only partial due to economic transformations in Poland, The European programs help to approach the universities. It could be better achieved by engaging staff in evaluating and realization of researches, reviewing doctoral dissertations, taking part in scientific committees, conferences, evaluating articles and so on.

Major: Management and Marketing Specializations: Management and Marketing in Industry The Economics of Mining, Processing and the Sale of Minerals Major: Management and Engineering Production Major: Construction Specializations: Geotechnics and Special Purpose Construction Geotechnics in Historic Monument Major: Environmental Engineering Specializations: Engineering Activities in Shaping the Natural Environment Waste Management and Recycling Ventilation and Air Conditioning in Industry Mineral Engineering Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering The full-time studies provide general education in the full range of mining surveying and environmental sciences [6]. The graduates are prepared to cooperate in design, organize and manage the full range of surface and underground mining, geo-engineering works, restoration of the state of natural environment, monitoring of various types of environmental pollution and other works. Major: Mining Surveying

[1] [2] Korbel A., AGH UST in European Perspective, (in Polish). BIP AGH UST, nr 139/2005. Siemek J., Federation Europeene dAssociations Nationales dIngenieurs (FEANI). Promotion system for European Engineers (EUR. ING.). IX International Scientific Conference Midzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Nowe metody i technologie w geologii naftowej, wiertnictwie, eksploatacji otworowej i gazownictwie. AGH UST Fac. of Drilling and & oil-Gas, Krakw, 1998. MSc in Petroleum Engineering Program: - Technical University in Clausthal-Zellerfeld (TU Clausthal), MSc in Petroleum Engineering Program - Technical University in Trondheim (TU Trondheim), MSc in Petroleum Engineering Program - Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, (UK), MSc in Petroleum Engineering Program - AGH Univ. Science and Technology, (Poland). MSc in Petroleum Engineering Program - TU Aberdeen (UK) Reinicke K.M., Pusch G., Neue Wege im Studium Petroleum Engineering der TU Clausthal. DGMK, Tagungsbericht 2005-1, Celle 2005. Siemek J., Stryczek S., Zubrzycki A., The Vital Role of The Drilling, Oil and Gas Faculty in the AGH University Educational System of Petroleum Engineering in Poland. Proc. of The International Conference on Manufacturing, Science and Education Challenges of The European Integration. Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Politechnica University of Bucharest, Sibiu (Romania), 2003.

[3] [4] [5] [6]


These are conclusions referring to the systems of educating students and engineers in the oil major: Both systems (the one-level one functioning at many universities and the two- or three-level one appearing in recent years) have advantages and can be simultaneously conducted. The one-level system gives more ordered and deeper education in theory and practice. However, the two-level system in the first cycle prepares the industrial engineers and later gives them chance to get theoretical knowledge. The benefit of this system is its flexibility. Deciding on the two-level system (or one-level one), it is vital to pay attention to the fundamental sciences. For in-



[10] Siemek J., Drilling and Hole Mines, Archives of Mining Sciences, Vol. 39, Special Issue, 1994. [11] Siemek J., et al., Leonardo da Vinci Project CELGAS blended e-Learning international education initiatives in teaching of gas engineering, Proc. ICEE, 2005, Gliwice (Poland)

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