Beacon Nov 2008 PDF
Beacon Nov 2008 PDF
Beacon Nov 2008 PDF
Vol. 45 No. 10 NOVEMBER 2008
Member Ron Reinsel and his brother Paul enjoy a nice bier on the deck. Membership Meetings: November 6 December 4 at 8 pm (the first Thursday of the month)
Social Committee Meetings: November 10 December 8 at 7:30pm (the Second Monday of the month
- - Published Monthly by the Mount Vernon Yacht Club - -
Board Meetings: November 17 December 15 at 7:30pm (the third Monday of the month)
This month, for the first time in a decade, I will leave MVYCs Board of Trustees. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the unforgettable privilege of serving you. For ten years, I have worked to navigate shifting tides and shoals, steer a steady course, and be a cautious steward of the helm. But enough with the sappy nautical metaphors!
I have done my level best to make wise decisions that consider all 400+ members of this Club. I have worked to motivate the members, the Committees and the Board as they made the selfless volunteer contributions that run this organization. I have relished the ceremonial duties of the Commodore, and let them sustain me when tackling the day-to-day chores. I have attended some 250 meetings, served under five Commodores, and invested literally thousands of hours conducting the business of MVYC. Through it all, Diane has been by my side supporting me. Our investment was repaid many times over by the countless great times that Diane and I have spent with the members of MVYC. As I have said before, nobody will accuse me of perfection. If some members wish to credit me for contributing to the Clubs successes, they must recognize that I acknowledge many failures too. Next years Board must examine my failures closely, in the same manner that all effective organizations learn from mistakes. With so many contributions made by the Board, the Committees, and members, I cannot begin to thank them all here. Recognizing their efforts is one reason why we have the Commodores Ball. Please grant me one more honor as your Commodore: join Diane and me at our home for a cocktail reception on Saturday, 15 November 2008, from 5:00 until 6:00, black tie optional. Even if you cannot attend the Commodores Ball that evening, we hope you will join us. It has been a privilege serving you.
By Bart Hewitt, BEACON Editor I do not usually write an editorial for the monthly Beacon. But this month is not a usual one. This month I have been moved to write a strong one a plea that every member famiy make a special effort to attend the Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 6th at 8:00pm. The primary agenda item of the meeting is the annual election of officers: the fine ladies and gentlemen who, as Officers and Directors, will serve you as your 2008-2009 Board of Trustees. Most years our Board elections are fairly routine so routine, in fact, that some years last-minute calls have to be made just to ensure a quorum. This year, however, things are different - very different. This year there are some unique issues that are critical to the future of our All Club members may submit Published monthly by beloved club, issues that can have a deep, direct and immediate imarticles, letters and notices the Mount Vernon Yacht Club for editorial review and possi4817 Tarpon Lane, Alexandria, VA ble publication. Submission by pact on every member family. So, as strongly as I can possibly exe-mail or compact disc is 22309 press it, I urge every member family to make a special effort to be encouraged. Chris Ruckman, Commodore represented at the meeting. A lot depends on it.
Beacon Staff Editor: Bart Hewitt Asst Editor: Chris Bazel Photographer: George Holthaus Photographer: Russell Poe Circulation: Delong Litho
Beacon Editor 9123 Cherrytree Drive Al exa nd ria, Virginia Phone 703-799-0401
Copyright 2007 Mount Vernon Yacht Club, All Rights Reserved. Cover artwork by Don Cannavaro
2 230 9
[email protected]
The Beacon page 2 Vol. 45, No.9
In the Spirit
Claudia Reinsel, Gail Mlinarchik Social Committee
Fantastic Octoberfest with over one hundred people attending! Kudos to Peter Esser and his committee. Hopefully, the Halloween TGIF and Childrens Halloween party were great successes as well. Thank you to the Colliers and the Simmons respectively. Did you all get a chance to partake of the Oyster Roast hosted by Russell Poe? Thank you, Russell. Coming very soon, The Commodores Ball on Nov. 15. Get your reservations in quick
Remember: TGIFs (Fridays at the Club starting at 7PM) are a great relaxed informal way to get to know fellow Club members and be part of a really great time Call Joan Jones to coordinate hosting one today( (703-780-2965). Next Soc. Comm. Mtg is Mon. Nov. 10 . 7:30 at the club. Please join us and help plan next years calendar of events.
Q: Why do you have a different language on some of the web site pages? A: These pages require content. Communications is hosting a Drafting Work Group to help us provide information on the various club directors and services to populate these pages. This should be done by October 01. Q: What about the secure Member directory? A: The data base is built and we hope to have the online Membership Directory up and running within two weeks. Q: I understand the house, pool and docks have WiFi? A: Yes! Coverage is spotty on the docks, but we are working to install the necessary hardware to reach all the way to outer w. Q: How do I get access to MVYC WiFi? A: Send an e mail to [email protected] for the user name and security code.
Q: I understand the club has a computer in the Crows Nest for member use? A: Yeppers! When you send your request for the WiFi information well send you the user name and password for the computer. Q: How do I get on the MVYC e-mail list service? A: Send your e-mail address to [email protected]
The Beacon page 3 Vol. 45, No.09
On The Docks
Submitted by Marina Committee Co-Chairmen
This season's boating days may be drawing short, and we look wistfully toward spring, but before putting the Marina to bed for the winter, we are pleased to announce two recent innovations: First, you may have noticed the addition of a sturdy fiberglass storage box at the south side of the marina shed. We intend to use this box for storage of emergency marina supplies, particularly emergency electric bilge pumps and hoses. The box will be secured by a combination lock and the combination will be given to all MVYC slip holders so that it will be accessible to all MVYC boaters. You may be surprised at the number of boats that need emergency pumping during the year and you may be even more surprised (but now better prepared) if yours turns out to be one of them! Second, because a monthly Beacon just doesn't come around often enough, we have initiated Marina Mail an email server list of just marina users - for easy email communications concerning issues directed specifically to MVYC slip holders. In mid-October you should have received an initial Marina Mail test message checking on availability of a transient slip for one of our members over the Columbus Day weekend (many thanks to all of the slip holders who graciously responded to volunteer their temporarily vacant berths). If you didn't get that message, then we don't have your correct email address - please give us an update if you want to be in the loop. The Marina will begin its own winterization in about mid-month as we take in buoys and close down the water system. We will try to keep the water on as long as practical and will announce the specific shut down date at least a week in advance (another good reason to make sure that we have your correct email address for Marina Mail). The onset of autumn also means that it is time for us to start preparing for a new budget cycle. As a part of the Club's commitment to fiscal restraint, this year the Marina intentionally cut back on or deferred a number of potential projects and expenditures, with the significant exception of necessary repairs to the gas dock facilities. As we begin to consider development of next year's budget, the Marina Committee actively solicits the input of all slip holders to help identify and prioritize necessary fixes and improvements to the Marina and its facilities. Please contact either of the Marina Co-Chairmen Ron Reinsel [email protected] or John Mitchell [email protected] to share your ideas and suggestions. As you go about your own winterization tasks this year, if you will be leaving your boat in the Marina over the winter, don't forget to check the condition of your dock lines and give a thought to replacing your old and worn out cordage. While most boats may appear fairly secure, winter weather inevitably means fewer inspection visits and more environmental stress and chafe. If your dock lines look more like tattered clotheslines, getting them replaced now is cheap insurance that your boat will still be there in the spring. This advice comes from West Marine on selecting appropriate lines: What to look for Dock lines should be made from nylon, which has a superior combination of strength and stretch. Both three-strand and braided construction are common. Three-strand stretches more, is very abrasion- and snag-resistant and less expensive. Braided nylon is stronger, comes in colors, and has a nice feel or hand. Diameter West Marine recommends 1/8" of line diameter for every 9' of boat length. Larger lines will wear longer but stretch less. See the chart below: Finally, this months nautical trivia:
Boat Length
Up to 27'
How did the phrase "three sheets to the wind" come to refer to being drunk? Among sailor folk, a "sheet" refers to the line (or a rope to you stink potters) used to secure a ship's sail. On the square-rigged ships of yore, three sheets were needed to secure the sails. So, if all three sheets were loose in the wind, the sail would flop about and the ship would be blown off course -- rather like a drunken sailor staggering around on shore.
Really Big
The Beacon
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More Moments from the Club Pork OutLabor Day Weekend. (photos by Givens)
The Beacon
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The Beacon
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November 2008
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
7 1900 TGIF
21 1900 TGIF
December 2008
1900 TGIF
AM Clubhouse closed
for cleaning
1900 TGIF
1900 TGIF
25 Merry Christmas 26
The Beacon
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t h is
The Beacon
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Engine: Oil & Filter Change, Oil Lab Analysis, Battery Load Test, Clean Sea Strainer, Winterize w/
Antifreeze, Fog, Close Seacocks. $150 Single Engine, Add $130 for Twin Applications
Fuel System: Add Fuel Stabilizer, Remove & Dispose Filters & Replace with New
$70 Single Racor/$110 double Racor/$50 Canister Style Filter/ $70 Double Canister
A/C system: Clean Sea Strainer, Flush with Antifreeze $60 Single/ $35 each additional Head & Holding tank: Backflush Water Intake, Flush with Antifreeze
$40 single/$30 each additional
Water system: Drain Tank, Clean Filter, Flush with Antifreeze $65 Generator: Oil & Filter Change, Clean Sea Strainer, Winterize w/ Antifreeze, Fog, Close Seacocks $85 Outdrive: Drain & Replace Gear Oil $65/ Replace Zincs $130/ Sand & Repaint $265
Please schedule your winterization in advance. All work can be completed at MVYC
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