Idries de Vries
Idries de Vries
Idries de Vries
ISSN-Printed 2195-8432
ISSN-Online 2195-8440
ISSN-CD ROM 2195-8459
Identifying The Root Causes To Indonesias Oil and Gas Problems
and Islams Way of Solving Them
Idries de Vries
Management advisor in the oil and gas industry, The Netherlands
The history of oil & gas resource management in Indonesia
The concession era: 1899 1960
Fortunately, Indonesia is quite an apt example when discussing the management of oil & gas
resources, since it is one of the first countries where oil & gas production became a real industry. The
international supermajor Royal Dutch/SHELL actually began operations in Indonesia, back in 1890,
piouucing oil fiom a well in Sumatia nameu "Telaga Tunggal No 1".
During those days of colonialism the management of the Indonesian oil & gas resources was
oiganizeu thiough the "Inuische Nijnwet", oi in English the "East-Inuies Nining law" of 1899. This law
applied the principle of concession under which a company buys from the state all rights to a natural
resource in a particular area. The concession holder then has free and total control over this natural
resource, meaning he can produce however much he wants and whenever he wants, and he can sell it
to whomever he wants at whatever price he wants.
The Contract of Work era: 1960 1966
Following Inuonesia's inuepenuence in 194S, the new constitution set out a uifferent vision for
the management of the oil & gas iesouices of the countiy. Aiticle SS of the 194S Constitution ("00B
4S"), stateu:
(1) The economy shall be organized as cooperative based on the concept of family.
(2) Branches of production which are of importance to the State and which affect the majority of the
people shall be controlled by the State.
(3) Earth, water and natural resources contained within the earth shall be under the control of the State
and shall be used for the maximum welfare of the people.
This vision clearly conflicts with the practice of concessions. However, the Indonesian
government lacked a clear idea about how to change the then existing situation and bring the vision
set out by the constitution into practice. Also, it was hesitant to make any drastic changes since the
export of oil & gas was essentially the only source of foreign currency for the country and the state
budget was completely reliant on revenues from oil & gas production. Consequently, the three foreign
oil companies that dominated the Indonesian oil & gas industry in 1945, SHELL, Stanvac (now
ExxonMobil) and Caltex (now Chevron), were left free to operate essentially as they had done during
The "0il anu uas Nining law" of 196u was the fiist attempt by the Inuonesian government to
wrestle some control over the Indonesian oil & gas resources from the hands of these foreign oil
companies. It stated the following:
(1) All oil and gas found within the territory of Indonesia is national property and controlled by the
Piouuction Shaiing Contiact: An Investoi's Peispective", Tengku Nathan Nachmuu, Kluwei Law The Indonesian "
International, 2000
20 | Proceeding of Sharia Economics Conference- Hannover , 9 February 2013
(2) Oil and gas mining shall only be carried out by the state and be implemented only by state
(3) The Minister of Mines may appoint other parties as contractors of the state enterprise if necessary.
With this new law in hand the government tried to make the foreign oil companies operating in
Indonesia sign Contract of Work (COW) agreements. In principle a Contract of Work agreement limits
the role of the oil company to that of a contractor, hired to perform a specific task by the owner of the
natural resource, by the state. Obviously, SHELL, Stanvac and Caltex refused this offer. The
compromise reached was a Contract of Work agreement in which the foreign oil company
acknowledged that the Indonesian government was the owner of the oil & gas resource in the ground,
in return for which the Indonesian government gave the foreign oil company the right to produce of
the oil & gas resource however much it wanted and whenever it wanted, as well as the right to sell the
produced oil & gas to whomever it wanted at whatever price it wanted.
In practice, therefore, these Contract of Work agreements were no different from the
concession agreements that they were intended to replace.
The attempt at nationalization: 1965
Obviously, the Contract of Work agreements uiu nothing to change the "balance of powei"
between the Indonesian government and the foreign oil companies operating in Indonesia. The foreign
oil companies continueu to contiol Inuonesia's oil & gas iesouices anu they kept the Inuonesian
government completely in the dark on all issues of importance, such as exploration, development and
production plans, and pricing strategies. In other to keep this situation in place as long as possible the
foreign oil companies operating in Indonesia also had policies in place to prevent their Indonesian
employees from receiving training in essential oil & gas skills such as geological interpretation, oil &
gas engineering, project economics, financial analysis, and international oil & gas marketing.
Towards the end of 1965 president Sukarno began to increase the pressure on the foreign oil
companies contiolling Inuonesia's oil & gas iesouices. Be instiucteu Chaeiul Saleh to make them
accept a management takeover by the Indonesian government effectively a nationalization of their
oil & gas assets in Indonesia.
Then US Ambassador Green noted in his memoirs that the US government in Washington D.C.
was very concerned with this and that he was instructed to work with his contacts in the Indonesian
military to obstruct this plan. So he contacted general Suharto and minister Adam Malik with the aim
of preventing the nationalization, while his assistant Frank Galbraith worked with general Nasution.
Consequently, when on the 15
of December 1965 Saleh laid out his plans to biing Inuonesia's oil &
gas under complete state control, general Suharto flew to the meeting by helicopter to make it crystal
clear to all assembled that the military would not allow any government moves against the foreign oil
The New Order Production Sharing era: 1967 1998
Shortly after foiling the attempt at nationalization, general Suharto removed Sukarno from
power. In the immediate aftermath, Royal Dutch/SHELL divested from Indonesia selling its assets to
the state-owned oil company Permina. The two American oil companies in Indonesia, Stanvac and
Caltex, decided to stay but were not interested in expanding their operations. So the Suharto
uictatoiship began looking foi a way to attiact new foieign investment in the nation's oil & gas
Back in 1957, as head of Permina lieutenant-general Ibnu Sutowo had invited one American
and one Canadian company into Indonesia to re-develop the former Shell oil fields in the Pangkalan
Berandan region of North-Sumarta which had been destroyed during World War II. The co-operation
was based on an agreement under which the American and Canadian company funded the works and
"Inuonesian legal fiamewoik in the oil, gas anu mining sectois; incluuing uispute iesolution", Niiza A. Kaiim anu Kaien
Mills, KarimSyah Law Firm, 2003
Ibidem note 2
Redfern, Sukaino's uuiueu Bemociacy anu the Takeoveis of Foieign Companies in Inuonesia in the 196us", William A. "
Proceeding of Sharia Economics Conference- Hannover , 9 February 2013| 21
executed them under supervision of Permina, in return for which they received a share in crude oil
Following the Suharto-coup Ibnu Sutowo rose to prominence and began promoting this
scheme to attract the new foreign investment in the Indonesian oil & gas industry. In August 1966
Ibnu Sutowo agreed the first official Production Sharing Contract (PSC) between Permina and the
Independent Indonesian American Petroleum Company (IIAPC) from Delaware, USA. In January 1967
this agreement became a formal contract upon approval of the Indonesian government (Ibnu Sutowo
had by then been named Minister of Mining, so he was the one who had to approve the agreement he
himself had negotiated.).
According to Ibnu Sutowo the primary objective of the PSC agreement was to increase
Inuonesian contiol ovei oil & gas piouuction. In the PSC's Peimina was oveiall supeivisoi anu the
operating partner had to submit it plans to Permina for review and approval. A secondary objective
was to enable Permina to learn from the foreign oil companies how to manage oil & gas operations
efficiently. As overall supervisor Permina could force the contractors to explain their plans and
decisions, and thus learn about their management processes.
These objectives were never realized, however.
Fiistly because the New 0iuei system maue Peitamina (by the time the PSC's came into effect,
1968, Permina was merged with Pertamin to create Pertamina) a cash cow for the corrupt
government. So the company was not managed to ensure effective and efficient oil & gas operations,
but to ensure money flowed into the pockets of government employees and their families. This
mentality of coiiuption uestioyeu Peitamina's inteiest in leaining fiom the foieign oil companies.
Consequently, it pretty much left them alone to operate however they wanted and none of the
knowledge transfer materialized.
Secondly because Pertamina was reorganized in a way that made it completely impossible for
the company to function properly. This happened after the so-called Pertamina-crisis of 1975.
Suharto government justified its actions by claiming that then Pertamina head Ibnu Sutowo had
completely mismanaged the company. According to Ibnu Sutowo, however, Suharto directed the action
against Pertamina after he and Suharto had a fall out over a corrupt business deal.)
And thirdly because the PSC agreements did not and could not give Pertamina the practical
experience necessary to managing oil & gas operations effectively and efficiently.
So rather than becoming a better company over time, learning from experience and the co-
operation with the foreign oil companies, Pertamina became worse anu woise anu woise. By the
yeai 2uuu a ieview of Peitamina's opeiations concluueu that the company was wasting aiounu 0S$1
billion annually through inefficient procurement and resource allocation procedures, and another
US$1.3 to 2 billion annually through inefficiencies in its exploration and production operations.
In other words, the PSC regime of the New Order era left the Indonesian oil & gas resources in
the hands of the foreign oil companies. The way the PSC agreements were written prevented Indonesia
from developing the skills required to take control, while corruption destroyed whatever skills had
already been developed.
The 2001 Oil & Gas law era
The 2001 Oil & Gas law effectively cemented the control of foreign oil companies over
Inuonesia's oil & gas iesouices.
Thiough uoing away with the national oil company's tiauitional "fiist iight" to new oil fielu
development, the Indonesian government ensured any future uevelopment of Inuonesia's oil & gas
resources would be managed and controlled by foreign oil companies, since it is impossible for
Ibidem note 2.
Ibidem note 2.
Ibidem note 2.
"Peitamina: Inuonesia's state-owneu oil company", Bonalu I. Hertzmark, Rice University James Baker II Institute for Public
Policy, 2007
Ibidem note 2.
Ibidem note 2.
Ibidem note 9.
"Inuonesia 0il anu uas Sectoi Stuuy", Woilubank, }une 2uuu
22 | Proceeding of Sharia Economics Conference- Hannover , 9 February 2013
Peitamina to compete with the inteinational "supeimajoi" oil & gas companies on a level playing fielu
following 30 years of state-enforced mismanagement.
Fuitheimoie, thiough the cieation of BPNIuAS Peitamina lost the ability to "fast tiack" its
iecoveiy, as it took fiom Peitamina the ability to gathei theoietical knowleuge about the "best
piactices" uevelopeu by the foieign oil companies. Pertamina was been sidelined, in other words.
Consequently, just a few yeais latei it in 2uuS manageu just S9,uuu bu of Inuonesia's 1,u62,uuu bu
oil production.
The consequences of concession and PSC based oil & gas management policies
After some 130 years of oil & gas operations in Indonesia, the country remains completely
dependent on foreign oil companies for the development of its oil & gas resources.
The main consequence of this is that billions of dollars leave the country annually, to be spent
in other economies, because the foreign oil & gas companies repatriate their profits on the Indonesian
oil & gas back their head offices in San Remon, California (Chevron), Irving, Texas (ExxonMobil), Paris
(TOTAL) and London (BP).
Another consequence is that a large part of the produced oil & gas is out of the control of the
Indonesian government, the detrimental effects of which on the local economy are well-known. Quite
regularly Indonesia exports oil & gas while the needs of the local economy have not been met, forcing
the country to also import oil & gas but at higher prices.
And if Indonesian oil & gas is sold to the
local market, sometimes this is at prices that are higher than the export price.
This means that very
often foreign industries have a competitive advantage over their Indonesian competitors thanks to
Indonesian oil & gas!
Most concerning, however, is the fact that both a concession and a PSC based oil & gas resource
management policy prevent any improvement of the situation. They effectively guarantee that the
situation stays like this, because foreign oil companies can easily outbid the Indonesian oil companies
in a concession or PSC tendering process due to their superior managerial skills and technology. Under
a concession or a PSC based policy the Indonesian oil companies will therefore never get the
opportunity to bridge the current knowledge and technology gap since they will remain locked out
from any substantial production activity and from the profits that would enable the serious invest in
Research & Technology.
Over time, the lack of local capability should be expected to lead to the foreign oil companies
increasing their share in the profit of Indonesian oil & gas. The natural decline in production from the
existing fields is a big problem for Indonesia, namely, but not for the foreign oil companies. Indonesia
needs investment in the exploration and development of Indonesian oil & gas resources, but the
foreign oil companies could invest in dozens of different countries. The foreign oil companies will
therefore simply hold out on investing in Indonesian oil & gas resources, possibly investing elsewhere,
until the Indonesian government starts sweating and they can negotiate the best possible deals for
The Islamic oil & gas resource management policy
The recent cancellation of 2001 Oil & Gas law makes this the most appropriate time to look at
how oil & gas resources should be managed according to Islam.
The Islamic oil & gas resource management policy build on the saying of Prophet Mohammed
(saw) "The Muslims share in three things, water, pasture lands and fire" (Abu Bawuu). The
meaning of the naiiation is that oil & gas iesouices aie pait of what in Islam is calleu "public
piopeity", i.e. that which is owneu by all people together, is free for each of them to use, while none of
them has the right to limit the usage by others. In other words, the oil & gas resources of Indonesia
belong to the people of Indonesia.
Because it is not easy for individuals to benefit from the oil & gas
"Peitamina: Inuonesia's state-owneu oil company", Bonalu I. Beitzmaik, Rice 0niveisity James Baker II Institute for
Public Policy, 2007
" Peitamina to impoit LNu to meet iising gas uemanu in local maiket", }akaita Post,
"China Must Pay Market Price for W. Papua Gas, Govt Told", }akaita ulobe,
"From [the Prophets saw] permission to individuals to possess water, it can be deduced that the illah reason of partnership
in the water, pastures and fire, is their being of the community utilities that are indispensable to the community. The criteria for
Proceeding of Sharia Economics Conference- Hannover , 9 February 2013| 23
resources in the ground, Islam has given the state the responsibility to develop these resources, and
then to use them in a way that maximizes the benefit in them for the people.
In oiuei to maximize the benefit in Inuonesia's oil & gas resources for the people of Indonesia,
the state should manage production of oil & gas itself, possibly through a state-owned company. This
would have the immediate benefit of keeping the billions of dollars that the foreign oil companies
currently make on Indonesian oil & gas in Indonesia.
Following this, the state should make the produced hydrocarbons available to local industries
at cost-price, rather than exporting them in their raw form. This would enable the development of
extensive refining and chemicals industries in Indonesia, since their products would be highly
competitive on the international markets due to the low cost of their raw material inputs. Similarly,
industries that use a lot of energy in their production processes such as steel and aluminum smelting
would flourish. Together, the development of these industries would enable a comprehensive
economic development of Indonesia since the goods critical for this both those used in physically
building an industry and those consumed in the industry would become cheap in Indonesia as
compared to most other countries in the world.
This would create an enormous amount of jobs in the country. It would also transform
Indonesia from an exporter of low price raw materials and importer of high price finished goods into
an expoitei of high piice finisheu goous, theieby gieatly ieuucing the countiy's uepenuency on foieign
goods and improving the Current Account Balance. And, the development of this industrial base would
give Indonesia a practical ability to undertake R&D and become an innovator and leader rather than a
copycat and follower.
Making a vision a reality
It is quite obvious that the Islamic oil & gas resource management policy would bring much
greater benefit to Indonesia than the policies applied in the country past and present.
The question is, therefore, why the Islamic oil & gas resource management policy has not been
applied yet?
Those with the ability to influence policy in Indonesia will typically answer this question by
saying that "Inuonesia is just not able to apply such a policy" anu point to the technical skills neeueu to
manage oil & gas production, arguing Indonesia does not possess these skills; the financial resources
needed for new oil & gas development, arguing Indonesia does not have the ability for such
investments; and the levels oil & gas production currently, arguing that Indonesia does not produce
sufficient amounts of oil & gas. And therefore, these people typically argue, all Indonesia can do is
manage its oil & gas resources on the basis of a PSC based policy.
This line of reasoning is totally false, however. Even if for the sake of argument one would
accept the mentioned arguments, than still a PSC based oil & gas resource management policy is not
justified. Because as explained earlier, a PSC based oil & gas resource management policy would
guarantee that the situation remains as it is said to be, and this is totally unacceptable. If indeed it is
the case that Indonesia does not currently have technical skills, financial resources and oil & gas
production necessary for the ideal oil & gas resource management policy, then at a minimum a policy
should be put in place that ensures the country eventually does become able to execute this ideal
In the present circumstances the comprehensive Islamic oil & gas resource management policy
set out above might not be achievable in Inuonesia. But it is able to manage Inuonesia's cuiient
situation and it will do this in a way that ensures the country eventually become able to execute the
ideal policy comprehensively.
Under the Islamic oil & gas resource management policy Pertamina would be made the
opeiatoi foi all onshoie Inuonesian oil & gas fielus. Nost of Inuonesia's cuiient oil & gas piouuction
comes from relatively old onshore fields and Pertamina has been doing onshore oil & gas production
determining things to be a public utility is that it is anything which, if not available to the community, whether the community
was a group of bedouins a village, city, or a State, would cause them to disperse in search of it, then it would be considered of the
community utilities, like the water sources, forests of firewood, pastures of livestock and the like." Fiom: "The economic system
of Islam", Taqiuuueen an Nabhani
"Funus in the Khilafah State", Abuul Qaueem Zalloom
24 | Proceeding of Sharia Economics Conference- Hannover , 9 February 2013
since the 196u's. So even in its sub-optimal current state Pertamina will be more than capable to
handle this.
By applying the correct performance management processes, it could be ensured that
Pertamina uses the added responsibilities to increase its learning, setting it on the path to real
Operational Excellence. This leaining piocess foi Peitamina coulu also be "fast tiackeu" thiough
investment in R&D, which could be financed from the billions of dollars of additional state revenue
generated by the transfer of responsibility for the onshore oil & gas fields to Pertamina.
The enviionment this woulu cieate woulu make Peitamina the "fiist choice employei" again
for the thousands of Indonesians that currently work for foreign oil companies the world over in both
technical anu manageiial positions. Theii ietuin woulu fuithei "fast tiack" Peitamina's giowth in
managerial skills and technological abilities. This way, Pertamina would eventually become able to
also take ovei all of Inuonesia's oil & gas opeiations, incluuing offshoie. Which woulu then fuithei
inciease Peitamina's ability to leain as well as the ievenues foi the state.
In the meantime, Inuonesia's moie complex anu uifficult to manage offshore oil & gas
production could continue to be managed by foreign oil companies. The Islamic oil & gas resource
management policy has no problem with this as long as it is not done on the basis of PSC agreements,
because these give the operator part of the oil & gas production in return for its efforts and since
according to Islam the government is not the owner of the oil & gas but just its custodian, it can not
give this away. But the government could contract the work out through real Contracts of Work under
which the operator receives a pre-agreed amount of money in return for its service.
This is not just the artificial change some people make it out to be. As explained earlier, under a
PSC the operator becomes owner of at least part of the oil. The government then has only limited
control over the flow of this oil and the operator can decide where to sell it, to whom and for what
price. Under the Contract of Work prescribed by Islam, however, the government would retain full
control. The benefits of this have also been explained earlier.
Whenever the operational needs are such that a Contract of Work with a foreign oil company is
required, the government should ensure that the contract obliges the foreign oil company to actively
engage Peitamina's most-talented engineers and managers in these operations, such that Pertamina
can over time become able to take over the operations from the foreign oil company. In fact, this is
nothing strange in the oil & gas industry, so the government could make this happen.
The pioblems causeu by the uecline in Inuonesia's oil & gas piouuction coulu be solved
following this approach. Indonesia has in total 60 oil & gas basins, of which just 36 have been well
explored and 24 remain under- or unexplored. For as far as the explored basins are concerned, 14 of
them are actually in production.
A majority of current production operations do not use Enhanced
Oil Recovery (EOR) methods, however, leaving substantial opportunity for either improved production
from these fields, extended production from these fields, or both.
Most of the under- or unexplored
basins are offshore in the east of the country, and are a geologic continuation of the onshore producing
areas displaying many of the same reservoirs and trap configurations.
Consequently, even after 130
years of oil & gas production there remain in Indonesia great potential for production increases.
Bringing the onshore and possibly also the offshore operations under government control
would enable the government to finance the introduction of EOR methods at the currently producing
fields, as well as exploration activities in the under- or unexplored basins. Again, ideally Pertamina
would undertake all these activities. However, if Pertamina is deemed not yet able to do this, this could
also be managed under the Contract of Work agreements set out above.
This is how the Islamic oil & gas resource management policy would manage the current
situation, while ensuring the country moves towards full development of its oil & gas potential, under
complete control of the state, and for the benefit of none but the people of Indonesia.
"Inuonesia goveinment to boost oil piouuction by 2u14", RigZone,