The New Inertinite Classification ICCP System 1994

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The new inertinite classication (ICCP System 1994)

International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP)
Received 26 May 2000; accepted 8 June 2000

Abstract In the new classication (ICCP System 1994) the maceral group inertinite has been enlarged to include seven macerals by replacing the former maceral sclerotinite by two others, called funginite and secretinite. Funginite consists of fungal remains only, whereas secretinite comprises inert residues that are similar to fungal sclerotia in their optical characteristics but are, in fact, oxidized and subsequently coalied plant excretions. This revision necessitated a redenition of the maceral macrinite in order to establish a clear division between secretinite and macrinite. The denitions of the remaining inertinite macerals, although upgraded and enlarged, remain largely unchanged. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Maceral; Inertinite; Fusinite; Semifusinite; Funginite; Secretinite; Macrinite; Micrinite; Inertodetrinite

1. Introduction An important step in the continuing process of upgrading and modernizing the ICCPs classication systems was taken in 1998 by the publication of the new vitrinite classication (Fuel 77(5), 349). The nal preparation of this new version, which was in the hands of a small editorial group, was preceded by extensive consultation and discussion by the whole ICCP membership. The preparation of the new inertinite classication presented in this document is likewise based on extensive discussion and consultation by an international group of experts. It follows the same editorial pattern as that of the vitrinite macerals, therefore called ICCP System 1994 as well. Because similar petrographic characteristics apply to the description of both inertinite and vitrinite macerals, the introductory remarks given in the vitrinite classication are also valid for the inertinite group. However, there are two exceptions: (i) contrary to vitrinite, the inertinite classication can be applied to the organic matter of all coalication stages from peat to high rank coal A (meta-anthracite); and (ii) the subdivision of the maceral group is simpler since there are no subgroups. The ICCP anticipates that its new inertinite classication will be accepted as widely as has been the case with the vitrinite classication. 2. Inertinite 2.1. Origin of term Originally, the term was proposed to simplify the nomen-

clature of coal petrography by combining, in a single term, the macerals fusinite, semifusinite, sclerotinite, and micrinite. This grouping is based on similarities in the optical and technological properties of the four macerals. Four additional macerals macrinite and inertodetrinite, funginite and secretinite are now included in this group; the latter two replace sclerotinite. The term inertinite implies that the constituents are more inert than the macerals of the vitrinite and liptinite groups, particularly in carbonization processes in which they behave as diluents [1]. Derivation: inertia (L) inactivity. 2.2. Related terms Opaque attritus (TBM), in part; opaque matter (TBM), in part. 2.3. Denition Inertinite is a maceral group that comprises macerals whose reectance in low- and medium-rank coals and in sedimentary rocks of corresponding rank is higher in comparison to the macerals of the vitrinite and liptinite groups. Comment. The reectance of the inertinite macerals begins to be exceeded by macerals of the vitrinite group when the vitrinite and inertinite reectance has reached about 5% Rmax [2]. Inertinite macerals are also characterized by absence or lower uorescence than displayed by vitrinite. Shape and degree of preservation of cell structures vary with the origin and post-depositional history of the different inertinite macerals (Table 1).

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Table 1 Macerals of the inertinite group Macerals with plant cell structures: Fusinite Semifusinite Funginite Secretinite Macrinite Micrinite Inertodetrinite

(ii) ne detrital fragments; (iii) gelied amorphous material of which the granular variety is generated preponderantly during coalication; and (iv) cell secretions altered by redox and biochemical processes during peatication. 2.7. Occurrence Inertinite is common in most coals, although some coals may be very poor in inertinite [6]. In general, Palaeozoic, especially Gondwana coals, contain more inertinite than Mesozoic and Tertiary coals [7]. However, some Cretaceous coals of North America and some Jurassic coals of Europe carry much inertinite. The organic matter in sandstones contains more inertinite than that in mudstones except some uorescent components, inertinite is part of kerogen Type IV. 2.8. Practical importance High amounts of inertinite, especially fusinite with empty cells and semifusinite, in coals promote the formation of dust during mining. During coking, the inertinite reactivity depends on the physico-chemical characteristics of the different macerals and on the rank of the coal. Also the heterogeneity of the different inertinite macerals, grain size, intergrowth and content within microlithotypes inuences the inertinite reactivity [810]. Low-reecting, uorescent inertinite is partially or wholly fusible during carbonization, whereas non-uorescent inertinite does not fuse [4,11]. Partially fusible and infusible inertinite acts as leaning material in coal blends, but improves coke strength when nely dispersed. An optimum content of inertinite is benecial in obtaining a coke of maximum strength and stability. The amount is rank dependent. Coke strength is also affected by the size of the inertinite in the blend [12,13]. Coke from inertinite-rich coals yields higher CRI (coke reactivity index) and relatively low CSR values (tumbled Coke Strength after Reaction with CO2 at elevated temperature) than coke made from vitrinite-rich feed coal of similar rank [14,15]. Because of the frequent intergrowth of inertinite with coal minerals, low gravity washery products are depleted in inertinite. Conversely, inertinite is relatively enriched in the organic fraction of high-gravity washery residues (middlings and tailings). Filter cake is usually enriched in inertinite [16] and can be used as additives to coking blends, if the ash content is not too high. During combustion, most inertinites undergo changes under the conditions prevailing in boilers feeded with pulverized fuel. The least reecting inertinites yield porous anisotropic chars whereas the highest reecting ones usually generate massive isotropic chars, occasionally with small devolatilization bubbles, which reect their passage through a limited plastic stage [1719]. Inertinite-derived chars can be highly reactive and for certain high volatile bituminous coals even more reactive than vitrinite-derived chars [20,21].

Macerals lacking plant cell structures: Fragmented inertinite:

2.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Grey, greyish white to yellowish white in the most highly reecting components (6% Rr). The grey levels shown by inertinite macerals are more an expression of the depositional conditions than of the degree of coalication. The reectance depends primarily on the chemical composition of the different inertinite macerals. The spread of inertinite reectance in any one coal seam or sedimentary rock is generally broad. The cell walls of fusinite may exhibit a weak anisotropy. Note. Difculties in maceral identication arise in cases where (1) cell fragments or amorphous inertinite closely match the adjacent vitrinite in their optical properties, (2) low-reecting inertinite fragments are dispersed in a matrix of higher reecting inertinite, and (3) detrital inertinite is dispersed in sedimentary rocks which do not permit a microscopic comparison with any associated vitrinite in the same eld of view. In such cases the maceral should be assigned to inertinite if it appears distinctly lighter grey and more highly reecting than the associated vitrinite (case 1), to the lowest reecting component, excluding liptinite, in the eld of view (case 2) or on the basis of morphological features and in comparison with the range of vitrinite reectance in the sample (case 3). Fluorescence. Using suitable excitation (blue-violet to green light) low-reecting inertinite macerals show weak uorescence [3,4]. Polishing hardness. Except for micrinite inertinite generally shows a positive relief in polished blocks. The higher the reectance, the higher is the polishing relief in most cases. 2.5. Chemical properties In relation to the other maceral groups, inertinite is characterized by a high carbon and a low oxygen and hydrogen content [5]. The carbon content depends on the origin of the specic maceral and/or the extent of desiccation/redox processes the maceral has suffered during the peat stage. 2.6. Derivation The inertinite group comprises macerals of diverse origin: (i) tissues (of fungi or higher plants) showing structural details in various stages of compaction or fracture;

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Fig. 1. Fusinite; Ruhr Basin, Germany; medium-rank coal; Carboniferous (Westphalian). True length of the frame of this and the following gures 0.31 mm.

of at least one complete cell of parenchyma, collenchyma, or sclerenchyma. Comment. Only the cell walls of high reecting tissues are called and counted as fusinite. These cell walls are often thinner than the cell walls of the corresponding humotelinite/telovitrinite and semifusinite. Fusinite occurs either as regular and well-preserved tissues (sieve plates and bordered pits can sometimes be recognized) or as arcshaped fragments of former cell tissues (bogen structure, when several thin-walled fragments occur in aggregates). Fusinite may also show swollen cell walls. Depending on the plant source, the degree of microbial destruction and the orientation of the section, the cell cavities display varying sizes and shapes (Figs. 1 and 2). Note. The cell lumina are usually empty but may occasionally be lled with gelinite, exsudatinite or minerals (e.g. clay or pyrite). Well preserved tissues or cells of fungal origin are not part of fusinite, they belong to funginite. 3.4. Physical properties

3. Fusinite 3.1. Origin of term Term introduced by Stopes [22] for an opaque coal constituent, which displays cell structure. Derivation: fusus (L) spindle, bre. 3.2. Related terms Fusain [23]; Pyrofusinite ( Brandfusinit [24]), in part; Degradofusinite ( Zersetzungsfusinit [24]), in part. 3.3. Denition Fusinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group, showing highly reecting, well preserved cellular structure

Grey level and reectance. Greyish white to yellowish white. The reectivity is always relatively high, but increases also with rank [2]. Usually without bireectance, although bireectance may be recognizable along the margins of cell walls and in anthracites and meta-anthracites. Fluorescence. Fusinite does not uoresce. Polishing hardness. In general very high. Fusinite displays a high relief on polished surfaces. 3.5. Chemical properties Chemically, fusinite is characterized by a relatively high carbon content and low contents of hydrogen, oxygen and other volatile components. The higher the reectance, the higher the carbon content. The following ranges apply for the elemental composition of this maceral independant of its rank [5,25,26,27,28]: %C (daf) %H (daf) %O (daf) 71.094.0 4.02.0 20.32.2

Fusinite contains a high content of condensed aromatic and hydroaromatic ring structures [5,29]. Infrared spectra of different macerals in Western Canadian lignite show that fusinite contains less OH groups, CO groups and polycyclic quinones than the associated huminite [30]. 3.6. Derivation Fusinite originates from ligno-cellulosic cell walls. The botanical afnities of fusinite can be established in cases where the cell structure is well preserved [3134]. According to Barghoorn [35] mainly the resistant lignied portions of the cell walls survived during fusinitization. Some fusinite, particularly that in laterally extensive fusain horizons, is derived from wild res which resulted in the

Fig. 2. Fusinite, intercellular pores are visible; Ruhr Basin, Germany; high rank coal; Carboniferous (Westphalian).


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more abundant in some facies [44]. Fusinite is the characteristic component of kerogen Type IV (dead carbon). 3.8. Practical importance Due to its friability and despite of its high intrinsic hardness, fusinite concentrates in the very ne particle sizes after coal crushing and concentrates also in the nest dust. During briquetting fusinite remains unelastic and brittle. It does not cement with other coal components. Fusinite is without any caking capacity and acts as an inert aggregate material in coal blends. It improves coke strength only when nely dispersed. Fusinite gives very low yields of by-products. During combustion fusinite either remains unfused or shows small rounded devotalization bubbles during char formation. Owing to the relatively high carbon content and its low hydrogen content, fusinite is not suitable in hydrogenation. It is oxidizable only with difculty and is not prone to spontaneous combustion. The few seams, which are extremely rich in fusinite (e.g. Seam A of the z from Zwickau, Ruhr Basin or the so-called Rukohleno Saxony), can serve as stratigraphic markers [45]. 4. Semifusinite 4.1. Origin of term Term used for the rst time by Jongmans et al. [46] for the description of an inertinite maceral intermediate in its properties between fusinite and telinite. Derivation: semi- (L) half-, fusus (L) spindle, bre. 4.2. Related terms Vitrofusit [46]; Gelifusinit-Telinit [47]. 4.3. Denition Semifusinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group that shows intermediate reectance and structure between humotelinite/vitrinite and fusinite in the same coal or sedimentary rock. Comment. Cell cavities (lumens) are only vague or partially visible. The lumens vary in size and shape even in the same particle but they are generally smaller than those of the corresponding tissues in fusinite. If the former lumens are closed, the cell walls often do not show a clear delineation. Wood-derived semifusinite displays better preserved plant cells/cell walls than leaf-derived semifusinite [48] (Figs. 3 and 4). Note. Preserved cell cavities may be empty or lled with other macerals (e.g. exsudatinite) or minerals (e.g. clay minerals and others). 4.4. Physical properties
Fig. 4. Semifusinite (SF); Ruhr Basin, Germany; medium-rank coal; Carboniferous (Westphalian).

Fig. 3. Semifusinite (SF); La Jagua, Colombia; low/medium-rank coal; Upper Cretaceous.

formation of fossil charcoal (pyrofusinite) [6,9,36,37]. According to Varma [9] and Taylor et al. [38] fusinite can also generate by decarboxylation of plant tissues with the aid of fungi and bacteria, or by dehydration and weathering (degradofusinite). In contrast, Guo and Bustin [39] and Bustin and Guo [40] consider all fusinite to be the product of incomplete combustion. 3.7. Occurrence In coal, fusinite occurs in discrete lenses, thin partings or bands. In rocks other than coal, the occurrence of isolated fragments is predominant. Fusinite may have been transported by water or air into the mire or sedimentary basin [41], but may also have originated by in situ burning [42]. At third, tectonic activities may result in a raised fusinite content [43]. The determination of the precise mode of deposition is not always possible. Fusinite occurs in most coals in small amounts but may be

Grey level and reectance. Grey to white. Reectance

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material of suitable reectance to be categorised as semifusinite [36,39,40]. 4.7. Occurrence Semifusinite is a common component of coals. It is often associated with vitrinite and fusinite and occurs within the microlithotypes trimacerite, durite and fusite in various amounts. Some Gondwana coals are rich in semifusinite, partly derived from leaves. In Carboniferous seams of the Northern Hemisphere, this type of leaf-derived semifusinite is rare. These coals contain mainly wood-derived semifusinite. Most Tertiary coals use to have very low contents of semifusinite [6,7]. In sandstones of different ages, semifusinite is a common organic component. Depending upon its degree of chemical transformation semifusinite belongs to kerogen Type IIIIV. 4.8. Practical importance ranges between that of humotelinite/vitrinite and fusinite of the same coal. In reectance measurements, the point of least overlap in the reectogram should be taken as the distinction between humotelinite/vitrinite and semifusinite in a single seam coal. In visual discrimination, any component having the morphology of semifusinite, and which appears to have a lighter grey level than the associated vitrinite, is recorded as semifusinite. Semifusinite reectance increases with the degree of dehydration and oxidation of its precursors before or during the peat stage, and also with rank [49]. Frequently, semifusinite shows irregular anisotropy. Fluorescence. Visible especially on long wavelength irradiation [3]. Always less than that of the vitrinite macerals of the same coal. The higher the reectance, the lower is the uorescence intensity. The highest reecting semifusinite does not uoresce. Polishing hardness. Weak to strong; the higher the reectance, the higher is the relief. 4.5. Chemical properties 5.2. Related terms The elemental composition of semifusinite is between that of humotelinite/vitrinite and fusinite but varies within wide ranges. The higher the reectance, the lower is the hydrogen content and the higher is the carbon content. Semifusinite of low reectance and distinct uorescence may contain adsorbed bituminous matter. 4.6. Derivation Semifusinite originates from the parenchymatous and xylem tissues of stems, herbaceous plants and leaves, which are composed of cellulose and lignin. It is formed in the peat stage by weak humication, dehydration and redox processes. Besides the type of tissue, the degree of humication prior to redox reactions determines the preservation of cellular structures. Wildres, e.g. can produce Chitinite, Semichitinite [53]; Sklerokoll [54], in part; Fungisporonites [55]; Fungo-sclerotinite [28,56]; Fungal sclerotinite [57]; Sclerotinite [5860 with additional references]. 5.3. Denition Funginite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group, consisting of mainly high reecting single or multi-celled fungal spores, sclerotia, hyphae and mycelia (stromata, mycorrhiza), and other fungal remains. Comment. In Tertiary and younger deposits, funginite consists mainly of roundish unicellular to multicellular oval forms. Depending on the number of cells, it is possible to distinguish between single-celled spores, twin-celled and During coking, semifusinite looses volatiles and may shrink to some extent. Small crushed fragments generally retain their shape and act as an aggregate to thicken and strengthen the coke cell walls. Larger fragments may develop shrinkage fractures, which may initiate ssures in the coke. Low-reecting but uorescing semifusinite melts and is bound totally into the coke [50,51]. In all other conversion processes semifusinite is partly reactive: the lower the reectance and the higher the uorescence intensity, the higher is the reactivity. 5. Funginite 5.1. Origin of term Term proposed by Benes [52] and by oral presentation of Lyons to the ICCP in 1996. It has been introduced by the ICCP in 1996 for fungal remains in coals and sedimentary rocks. Derivation: fungus (L) mushroom, toadstool.

Fig. 5. Funginite of fungal spores (Sp) and Sclerotia (Sc); Lower Rhine Area, Germany; low-rank coal; Tertiary (Miocene).


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in the reectance of funginite within the same seam. The reectance is normally higher than that of the corresponding vitrinite, but this difference disappears at about 1.6% RrVit. Fluorescence. Funginite does not uoresce, except when impregnated with bitumen [65]. Fluorescing cell llings of sclerotia consists mostly of exsudatinite. Polishing hardness. The polishing hardness and the relief are low to moderately high in low-rank coals. In mediumand high-rank coals both are moderate to high. The two properties depend on the botanical origin of the funginite and are somewhat proportional to its reectance. 5.5. Chemical properties Fungal remains consist mainly of chitin, a nitrogenous polysaccharide that is insoluble in water, weak acids and weak bases. The dark colour in transmitted light and the high reectance of fungal remains are caused by the pigment melanin [66]. Melanin contains 1015% proteins and shows a structural relationship to humic acids and lignin [67]. It is insoluble and resistant to organic degradation [68,69]. Micro-FTIR of a funginite in a medium-rank coal shows prominent aromatic bands at 1587, 1449 and 1027 cm 1 and also well dened out-of-plane aromatic bands in the 700 900 cm 1 region [70]. Two of the prominent aromatic bands of the funginite (1587 and 1449 cm 1) are found also in thermally altered melanins from the mycelia of soil fungi [68]. 5.6. Derivation Funginite is derived from fungal spores, sclerotia, mycelia and other fungal tissue. 5.7. Occurrence Fungi of all major classes are known from the early Palaeozoic [7173]. Therefore, funginite may be expected to occur in small amounts in peats, coals and sedimentary rocks of all ages (Devonian to present). It can be associated with all other macerals and is a common component of sporinite-poor durites of the Northern Hemisphere [41]. Occasionally, it is concentrated in pockets or horizons. In many low-rank coals, funginite occurs together with humodetrinite and is commonly concentrated in the light bands of soft brown coals whereas in the dark layers funginite, together with other chemically resistant macerals (inertodetrinite, secretinite, resinite), may appear in the form of placers [24,74]. On occasion, funginite occurs in close association with root-derived textinite/telinite (mycorrhiza) [41,75]. The occurrence of funginite may indicate fossil or recent weathering (drainage) of peats. Recent fungal remains may also be present as a contaminant in stored low-rank coals. Funginite occurs also in sediments, e.g. in some Triassic chert of Antarctica [76]. It is part of kerogen Type IV.

Fig. 6. Funginite (FG) of fungal hyphae; Bulalacao, Philippines; low-rank coal; Tertiary.

multicellular, more spindle-shaped forms (teleutospores), and multicellular roundish forms (sclerotia) (Fig. 5). Funginite also occurs in tubular forms (hyphae) and as structured textures of thin tubes (mycelia, plectenchyma) (Fig. 6). In older Meso- and Palaeozoic coals and sediments funginite is rare, mainly represented by sclerotia-derived forms and the different types of fungal tissues. The size of fungal spores in some modern peats varies from 10 to 30 mm and that of sclerotia and other fungal tissue between approximately 10 and 80 mm [61]. Thickwalled spores of Carboniferous fungi may be as much as 185 mm in diameter [62]. In Recent sediments and peats, sclerotia can occasionally be observed by the naked eye. The single fungal hyphae (tubes) vary in length and breadth; they may be very long. In an Indonesian peat their diameters are generally between 2 and 4 mm and their length between 100 and 200 mm [61]. The mycelia are of variable size. Note. Multicellular funginite may be confused with vesicular phlobaphinite from which it can be distinguished by the regular pattern of its cavities [63]. Aggregates of lesschambered funginite (plectenchyma) may supercially resemble the irregularly shaped masses of inertinite macerals representing the degraded remains of higher plants [64]. However, funginite lacks the structural features (e.g. multi-layered cell walls, intercellular cavities etc.) attributable to the cell walls of higher plants. In Late Palaeozoic coals, funginite consisting of fungal tissue is difcult to identify, and may be confused with other inertinite macerals such as fusinite. 5.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Pale grey to white, rarely yellowish white. In Tertiary low-rank coals, the reectance of funginite is frequently slightly higher than that of the corresponding humotelinite, ranging from 0.4 to 1.0% Rr. In medium- and high-rank coals, there are wide differences

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Fig. 7. Secretinite (big body at the centre); medium-rank coal; Kleinkopje, South Africa, Permocarboniferous.

5.8. Practical importance Because of the generally very low quantities of funginite in coals, no inuence of this maceral on preparation behaviour, briquetting and coking properties has been observed, although high reecting teleutospores and sclerotia remain inert during coking [77,78]. Sclerotia type and morphology can be used to distinghuish Cenozoic coals and sediments from Mesozoic and Palaeozoic deposits. Teleutospores and certain types of sclerotia have been recorded only from coals and sediments of Tertiary and younger age from all parts of the world. The kind and quantity of fungal spores and other fungal bodies may be useful in the correlation of coal seams [57] and for determining the palaeoenvironment of peat (coal) formation [61,79]. 6. Secretinite 6.1. Origin of term Term proposed by Lyons et al. [80] for a maceral of the inertinite group which shows round to oblong, non-cellular forms with high reectance and accepted by the ICCP in 1997. Derivation: secretio (L) secretion (from its occurrence in secretory ducts of seed ferns). 6.2. Related terms Sclerotioid grains [81,82]; Sclerotinite [1,41,58], in part; Sklerokoll [54], in part; Fusinized resin [64,83,84]; Resin rodlets [28,59,85], in part; Fusi-resinite [84]; Resinitesclerotinite [8688]; Secretion sclerotinite [60]; Resinosclerotinite [28,89]; Rodlets of the inertinite maceral group [28]. 6.3. Denition Secretinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group

which is composed of commonly round, vesicled to nonvesicled, and equant to elongate bodies without obvious plant structure. Comment. Although commonly subspherical to oblate, secretinite may also appear in crescent, polygonal and vesicular forms [80]. Secretinite may be as small as 10 mm, commonly it is 60400 mm in cross section, but it may reach more than 2000 mm in length in elongated forms. It may show characteristic fractures and may have an oxidized rim of lower or higher reectance and internal notches [28,80]. Secretinite may also have the appearance of a highly reecting shell lled with kaolinite or other minerals. Low-reecting secretinite may appear homogeneous or show a swirled pattern due to viscous ow (Fig. 7). Note. Secretinite is distinguished from macrinite by its generally round or equant form and generally higher relief, and from corpogelinite by its higher reectance, generally larger size, and commonly by the presence of a notch, oxidized rims, and vesicles [80]. Secretinite of the high reecting shell type, lled with mineral matter, should not be mixed up with char particles of the tenuisphere morphotype, occuring naturally in coals and carbonaceous sediments [90]. Vesicular and non-vesicular secretinite was formerly included within sclerotinite [41,59,60]. 6.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Pale grey to yellowish white. The reectance may be only slightly higher than that of the vitrinite especially in anthracite but may even exceed the reectance of fusinite in the same coal. All transitions exist between low and high reecting secretinite. Fluorescence. Secretinite does not uoresce under ultraviolet to blue light excitation. Polishing hardness. Low-reecting secretinite, which is uncommon, has no relief against the associated vitrinite. High-reecting secretinite may be harder than the associated fusinite and thus will be difcult to grind and polish with considerable relief. All transitions of the polishing hardness exist. 6.5. Chemical properties Little is known about the chemical composition of secretinite (Table 2). The H/C atomic ratio of secretinite in the Appalachian coal is about the same as the H/C ratios of resin rodlets from the Illinois Basin (0.460.59) [85], which are chemically unlike those of fossil resins (H/C close to 1.5). The reectance and H/C ratio of secretinite compare also closely with laboratory oxidized rodlets from a Spanish lignite [88], however, the O/C ratios of secretinite are considerably lower (0.11 vs. 0.29) and these may suggest a non-resinous origin of this maceral. Unlike vitrinite and fusinite, secretinite has almost undetectable amounts of Si and Al [91]. Secretinite lacks the characteristically strong aliphatic CH stretching and bending frequencies near 1450 and


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Table 2 Elemental composition of secretinite and corresponding vitrinite reectance Origin and quality of the sample Method used C H O (dry, ash-free basis; wt.%) N S Rmax% Vitrinite

Appalachian Pomeroy coal Concentrate [28] Individ. Grains a Gunnedah Basin [92,93]

Bulk analysis Electron micropr. Electron Electron Electron Electron micropr. micropr. micropr. micropr.

81.8 91.3 87.56 91.20 92.47 89.64


12.2 7.61 6.41 6.90 4.42 5.49

0.5 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.16

0.60 0.60 0.75 0.82 0.99 1.05

Mastalerz and Lyons (unpubl.).

2900 cm 1 of resinite and oxidized resinite [94]. MicroFTIR spectra of secretinite in medium-rank coals show weak aliphatic stretching and bending bands, and prominent aromatic out-of-plane bands at 815825, 751759 and 883887 cm 1, in order of dominance; there is also a prominent band at 1595 cm 1 assigned to aromatic carbon (Mastalerz and Lyons, unpubl.). 6.6. Derivation The origin of secretinite is not completely clear. It is commonly considered to be an oxidation product of resin [83] but it may originate from humic gels [80] that formed in secretory ducts of medullosan seed ferns and to a lesser extent in cells or ducts of other vascular plants. Secretinite has been found in an Appalachian medium-rank coal associated with thick-walled, horseshoe-shaped fusinite that originated from sclerenchyma tissue (bres) surrounding the secretory duct of a medullosan seed fern [28]. High concentrations of secretinite [81,84,87] are probably due to selective enrichment during wildres or strong degradation of seed-fern tissue that resulted in humic gels or highly oxidized resins. 6.7. Occurrence Secretinite is a common maceral worldwide in mediumand high-rank Carboniferous and Permian coals. It is also found in Jurassic coals of China [95] and Denmark [96]. Secretinite in the mode of oxidized resin occurs in the Palaeocene Souris Liptinite of Saskatchewan, Canada. Secretinite is commonly associated with layers of durite with allochthonous features, and with clay minerals in coals or shales. 6.8. Practical importance Secretinite commonly does not contribute to dust formation. A heating-stage experiment of secretinite bodies in a medium-rank coal (RrVit 0.60%) indicated no melting at temperatures up to 510C [28]. Secretinite does not fuse during coking but may contribute to coke strength when dispersed in fused matrix.

In the form of sclerotioid grains [82] secretinite occurs in Europe within shales since Early Carboniferous (Tn2) [97,98]. The amount of secretinite has been used as a basis for stratigraphic correlation for medium-rank coals from Atlantic Canada, where it may occur in high concentrations [81,82,99].

7. Macrinite 7.1. Origin of term Term introduced by Stach and Alpern in 1963 [100] to describe relatively large and compact inertinite maceral occurrences without cell structure. Derivation: makros (GR) long. 7.2. Related terms Opaque matter; opaque detritus (TBM), in part; Gelofusinito-collinite [47]; Steinkohlenartige Teilchen in lignites [24]; massive micrinite [59]. 7.3. Denition Macrinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group that occurs either as an amorphous matrix or as discrete, structureless bodies of variable shapes, which are commonly elongated when viewed perpendicular to bedding. Comment. Macrinite may appear as a groundmass or in the form of bands or lenses when viewed in sections cut perpendicular to bedding. It does not possess a characteristic shape (Figs. 9 and 12). The smallest diameter of macrinite aggregates is above 10 mm. In its structure and reectance it may grade into semifusinite [48]. In low-rank coal, macrinite shows a texture similar to that of the surrounding attrinite/densinite [41] (Fig. 8). Note. Aggregates of clearly recognizable very small grains (2 mm) of inertinitic reectrance belong to micrinite. Rounded inertinitic bodies, with or without vesicles or cracks belong to secretinite.

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7.5. Chemical properties Little is known about the bulk chemical composition of pure macrinite. Mastalerz and Bustin [70] give some preliminary electron microprobe elemental data for macrinite in coals. 7.6. Derivation Macrinite layers and aggregates probably originate from occulated humic matrix substances, which underwent dehydration and redox processes in an early stage of peatication due to temporary lowered groundwater table [6,48,100]. Macrinite may also be a metabolic product of fungi and bacteria, and isolated aggregates may originate from coprolites [41]. Macrinite of low-rank coals may result from slow peat re. 7.7. Occurrence Macrinite is common in durite, particularly in some crassidurites from the Northern Hemisphere. It occurs also in trimacerite. Occasionally, macrinite is associated with vitrinite, predominantly collodetrinite. Depending on its chemical properties, macrinite may be part of kerogen Type III (uorescing macrinite), mostly it belongs to kerogen Type IV. 7.8. Practical importance The reactivity of macrinite is related to its reectance and uorescence properties. The lower the reectivity and the stronger the uorescence, the stronger is the reactivity [48]. 8. Micrinite 8.1. Origin of term Term derived from micronite of Stopes [22] and adopted by the Heerlen Congress in 1935 according to a suggestion of C.A. Seyler to characterize very small grains of inertinitic reectance. Derivation: mikros (GR) small. 8.2. Related term Fine micrinite [59]. 8.3. Denition Micrinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group, which occurs in very small rounded grains (Figs. 10 and 12). Note. Because of the difculty to distinguish between micrinite and other small inertinitic fragments, for practical purposes, micrinite is separated from inertodetrinite by an upper size limit of 2 mm [48]. Aggregates of micrinite differ from macrinite by their granularity. Because of the small size of individual grains, it is not possible to quantify the

Fig. 8. Macrinite (MA); Lower Rhine Area, Germany; low-rank coal; Tertiary (Miocene).

7.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Light grey to white, in oil shales sometimes yellowish white. The reectance can vary in broad range within one coal but is always higher than that of the accompanying vitrinite. Large patches of macrinite may have a mottled appearance. Fluorescence. Visible especially by long wavelength irradiation [3]. Always less than that of the vitrinite macerals of the same coal [50]. The higher the reectance, the lower the uorescence intensity. The highest reecting macrinite does not uoresce. Polishing hardness. The relief is variable but in most cases greater than that of macerals of the vitrinite group and sometimes lower than that of the secretinite in the same coal.

Fig. 9. Macrinite (MA); Ruhr Basin, Germany; medium-rank coal; Carboniferous (Westphalian).


International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) / Fuel 80 (2001) 459471

mitted light granular opaque matter, which was formed from the remains of the secondary walls of tracheids. Occasionally, micrinite originates during peatication [105 107]. Micrinite may also originate by strong fragmentation of other inertinite macerals. 8.7. Occurrence Micrinite is a common maceral in coals of medium-rank but is very rare in low-rank coals. It occurs in most microlithotypes as isolated ne grains or agglomerates of grains in varying amounts. It is common within vitrite where it is originated from collodetrinite in close proximity to sporinite and alginite. It is also one of the characteristic macerals of cannel and boghead coals in which it may form the matrix. Micrinite represents especially the inertinite component of such vitrinertite that originated from resinous wood. In general, Palaeozoic coals contain more micrinite than younger coals because the former are richer in liptinite than the latter. In Carboniferous coals micrinite percentages average 36% and may be as high as 19%. Permian and other post-Carboniferous coals rarely exceed 3% micrinite [48]. Micrinite occurs also in oil shales [108,109] and black shales [110]. In oil source rocks, micrinite represents dead carbon [38]. 8.8. Practical importance Micrinite appears to be relatively reactive in most coal reforming processes. However, on account of its small size and low proportion in most coals, little is known about its practical importance. Microscopically it is not recognizable in products and residues of coal conversion [111]. 9. Inertodetrinite 9.1. Origin of term Term introduced by the ICCP 1964 to denote particulate inertinitic fragments without microscopically recognizable structure. Derivation: inertia (L) inactivity, detritus (L) that which has been abraded. 9.2. Related terms Fusinite splinter and semifusinite splinter, in part; opaque attritus (TBM), in part. 9.3. Denition Inertodetrinite is a maceral of the inertinite maceral group, occurring as discrete small inertinite fragments of varying shape. Comment. The particle size is 10 mm in the maximum dimension for compact grains and 10 mm in the minimum direction for thread-shaped fragments. The discrete particle

Fig. 10. Micrinite (ne white dots); La Jagua, Colombia; medium-rank coal; Upper Cretaceous.

amount of micrinite exactly by maceral analysis. Only aggregates of micrinite can be properly accounted for. It is necessary to distinguish micrinite from some other ne-grained materials, such as kaolinite or porigelinite in low-rank coals, which may also be present. Unlike micrinite, the other materials commonly have distinct internal reections and lack the well-dened granularity of inertinitic appearance. 8.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Pale grey to white. The reectance is higher than that of the accompanying vitrinite but often lower than that of the other inertinite macerals of the same coal. At about 1.4% RrVit micrinite becomes similar in reectance to vitrinite and is no longer distinguishable. Due to the granular property of micrinite, its reectance can be determined only approximately and on particle aggregates. Fluorescence. Micrinite does not uoresce. Polishing hardness. Micrinite shows little or no relief. 8.5. Chemical properties Due to the small size of micrinite grains and the difculty of isolating pure micrinite, chemical data are not available. In contrast to other inertinite macerals, micrinite yields relatively large amounts of volatile matter [41]. 8.6. Derivation Micrinite is a collective term applied to very ne-grained inertinite (see Denition, Note) that may have originated in various ways. Some micrinite is a so-called secondary maceral that is generated in general during coalication. It represents either the coalication product of former sclerenchyme [101] or, more commonly, the residues of former lipoid (liptinitic or hydrogen-rich vitrinitic) substances [102,103]. Thiessen and Sprunk [104] observed in trans-

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Polishing hardness. Higher than that of corresponding vitrinite macerals but it varies according to the origin of the particles. 9.5. Chemical properties See different inertinite macerals. 9.6. Derivation Inertodetrinite has a variety of phytogenetic precursors all of which have been subject to some degree of fusinitization: Plant cell walls or their contents, phlobaphenes from decomposed tissues [38], oxidized spores and constituents with fungal afnities. Many particles of inertodetrinite are relics from wild-res in or around the peatland [42]. In general, the shape and angularity of the inertodetrinite fragments is a function of the degree of desiccation, mechanical crushing, and attrition to which the fusinized constituents were exposed before and during decomposition and compaction. 9.7. Occurrence Inertodetrinite is a constituent of the microlithotypes trimacerite, vitrinertite and durite, where it occurs in varying quantities, being especially abundant in some tenuidurites. Allochthonous inertodetrinite may occur together with clay minerals, pyrite or alginite within sediments, showing an imbrication of graded bedding and micro-cross lamination [48,112]. In general, inertodetrinite is less abundant in Carboniferous coals of the Northern Hemisphere and relatively scarce in Permocarboniferous Russian coals. High concentrations of inertodetrinite are found in the Cretaceous coals of Canada [113], in many Gondwana coals and in the Jurassic coals of NW Europe, where it is commonly very abundant [114]. Inertodetrinite is usually abundant in coals of subaquatic origin, e.g. sapropelic coals, and in many clayey and sandy sediments. It is also one of the common macerals in clarodurite and durite which is generated either in a limnotelmatic environment or by a uctuating water table in terrestrial facies. Inertodetrinite may also be enriched by aerobic decay at the top of domed peat [61]. Most of the inertodetrinite belongs to kerogen Type IV (dead carbon); however, depending on its reactivity (indicated by relatively low reectance) it may be also part of kerogen Type III. 9.8. Practical importance The importance of inertodetrinite for technical processes is a function of its abundance in the feed stocks used for a specic purpose. In coke produced from charges with a high content of high volatile bituminous coals, inertodetrinite that is well integrated with the fused coke matrix increases the mechanical strength of the coke [115]. In general, its technical properties depend on the kind of inertinite macerals from which it is derived.

Fig. 11. Inertodetrinite (bigger white grains) and Micrinite (ne white grains); El Cerrejon Norte, Colombia; Tertiary.

nature of inertodetrinite is an important criterion for its recognition (Figs. 11 and 12). Note. In practice, particles 2 mm in diameter are referred to as micrinite [48] (Fig. 12). Inertinitic isolated, intact cells and curved cell-wall fragments of bogen structure-fusite are included in fusinite independent of their size. 9.4. Physical properties Grey level and reectance. Depending on the different inertinite precursors, both vary signicantly within the same coal. In coals of the range of 0.5% to about 1.4% RrVit, the transitions to associated vitrodetrinite are gradual. In the anthracite stage, part of the inertodetrinite appears similar to vitrodetrinite. Fluorescence. Inertodetrinite is non-uorescent, except particles with relatively low reectance in low- and medium-rank coals.

Fig. 12. Macrinite (MA), Micrinite (MI) and Inertodetrinite (ID); Ruhr Basin, Germany; medium-rank coal; Carboniferous (Westphalian).


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