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Canterbury Tales: Prepared and Presented by Burak Şenel

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Canterbury Tales

Prepared and Presented by Burak enel


Canterbury Tales


A compilation of different stories. Penned in 14thC by Geoffrey Chaucer. Written in verse and prose.

Considered to be Chauers greatest work.

Tells the story of a caravan of pilgrims proceeding to Canterbury who come up with a tale-telling contest for time-passing.

Canterbury Tales


Pilgrims tell 24 stories. Since Chaucer went to Italy and , he got to read many books in the continental Europe including Boccaccios Decameron.

Chaucer depicts the characters in excesive detail.

For many of his depictions, he employs estate satire. Some critics claim that the work was not finished.

Canterbury Tales

Did you know

n original copy of Chaucers Canterbury Tales made it to the Guinness Book of World Records in 1998. The original copies of Canterbury Tales were printed in 1477 by William Caxton, the first printer to introduce the printing press in England. It was sold in an auction on July 8, 1998, for 4,621,500, making it the most expensive book ever sold.
Canterbury Tales 5


Canterbury Tales


Written in the Medieval England. Story-telling was the primary amusement. Many story-telling contests were held usually with an award for the winner at the end. Under the influence of Christian theology.

Vernacular stories of various European writers.

Canterbury Tales

Chaucers Intention

Canterbury Tales

Chaucers Intention

To entertain his audience by telling them stories. To depict events and characters in a realistic way. To criticise the structure of and inter-relations between social classes.

Canterbury Tales

Did you know

Canterbury Tales


Medieval Society

Canterbury Tales


Medieval Society

There are three estates: Clergy, Nobility and Peasantry The nobility is shown through the Prioress and the Monk The Merchant, the innkeeper Host, the Manciple, the Cook, and the five guildsmen represent the middle classes.

The professional class is depicted through the Sergeant at Law and the Physician

Canterbury Tales


Did you know

Canterbury Tales 13

Medieval Society

A frame of a dissolved Christian society in decline and detruction. Satiric portraitures of the Monk, the Friar, the Summoner, and the Pardoner.

Chaucers ironic praise of the Prioress only highlights her inappropriateness as the head of a religious convent.

Canterbury Tales


Medieval Society

To Chaucer, it is extremely ironic for a corrupt Summoner who is himself guilty of committing sins, to bring sinners to justice. In the Medieval Age marriage was thought to be abonimable while celibacy was highly valued. The Wife of Bath says that the reproductive organs were created for both procreation and enjoyment.

Canterbury Tales


Did you know

Canterbury Tales



1. 2. 3. 4. http://www.yale.edu/medieval/neh.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Canterbury_Tales http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/chaucerbio.html http://voices.yahoo.com/flatulence-road-canterbury1399335.html 5. http://sitemaker.umich.edu/garmentsinthecanterburytale s/home

Canterbury Tales


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