Motion For Justice 3-13-2009
Motion For Justice 3-13-2009
Motion For Justice 3-13-2009
Case No. 96-D-217
Pursuant to K.S.A. CHAPTER 60
COMES NOW, Claudine Dombrowski, respondent, with out counsel, and respectfully moves
a) a written Order or journal entry restoring parenting time under Federal Law, Kansas
Statues Annotates and Shawnee County Guidelines, to ensure meaningful contact of mother
and child without further delay and with any reunification and or transition needed for mother
c) Recusal of the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) from this case effective immediately.
1. This case leads the suit titled Dombrowski v US, regarding human rights
violations to battered women and their children at the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). IACHR is one of two bodies in the
inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights.
3. Mother and child have been denied any meaningful contact for the past 9 years
and the child has been alienated by the petitioner with irreparable damage over
the past 5 years.
4. The Respondent has never been accused nor alleged to be a harm to minor child,
contrary to that of the well-documented violence of Petitioner.
6. The Petitioner receives Respondent’s disability benefits for her dependent minor
child. These funds include funds for the mother’s housing.
7. Petitioner also received back pay for 2003, as Petitioner was able to show that
Respondent has no contact with minor child.
10. The purported reason to order supervised visitation was to keep secret from minor
child the history of violence. This is now moot. as the child knows the truth via
the Internet, and as such, minor child requested that supervised visitation stop as
of February 2008. She further requested through the GAL that she be allowed to
have a normal relationship with her mother, free of the constraints of supervision
monitors of any kind.
11. Odyssey was to implement and reintegrate minor child and parent into guideline
parenting time. (Hearing held April 25, 2008- yet to be journalized)
12. Only 5 visits have been permitted to occur since February 2008, at no fault of the
13. The Respondent’s visitation was set for 2 hours on Saturdays 2 months ago. At
that time it was still arranged as supervised visits requiring the Respondent to pay
to see her child via Odyssey.
14. On October 4, 2008 Respondent’s parenting time was cut back again to 2 hours
every other week when it had been 2 hours every week, supervised only, stating
“…it is too much parenting time’ and “…it interferes with Petitioner’s schedule
and control” as “… our visits have always been supervised and will remain so.
It has always been this way and will stay supervised.”
15. That absolutely no visits are occurring under the control of the Batterer since the
December 16th, 2008 hearing again denying Justice, to which The Court was fully
aware would happen.
16. The last assessment of September 2006 by Mary Ann Dugan indicated parental
alienation on the part of the Petitioner. (ATTACHED)
17. That in concert with GAL, Petitioner’s mental health professionals and
Petitioner’s counsel and Shawnee county court judges have ignored all motions
filed by respondent this past 5 years including but not limited to ‘due process’
equal protection under the law’ access to justice and have failed to journalize the
last two hearings in this case specifically the last hearing April 2008 “MOTION
a) Re-instating parenting time in accordance with Federal, State and Shawnee county
And any or other relief that the court deems to be JUST, fair and humane.
I the undersigned hereby certify that on the 13TH day of March, 2009, served a true and
correct copy of the above and foregoing pleading;, with the Clerk of the District Court,
Judge Debenham, and Domestic Filings, 200 SE 7th Street, Topeka, Kansas 66603, by
facsimile in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 119(b)(3) and sent a copy of the
forgoing document, by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid to:
Don Hoffman
100 E. 9th Street
Topeka, KS 66612
Jill Dykes
1243 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66612
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared; Claudine
Dombrowski, who swore or affirmed to tell truth, and stated as follows:
That the above Motion “MOTION FOR JUSTICE” was written by myself as pro se,
and that I verify that the contents are true to the best of my knowledge.
_______________________________________ (Date)
Claudine Dombrowski
State of KANSAS.
County of SHAWNEE___.
by ________________________________________________.
[PRINT the first and last names of the person who is signing this affidavit.]