Needles and Micro Current
Needles and Micro Current
Needles and Micro Current
In my practice I am dedicated to offering my patients what will help them the most,
and that often takes the form of varying combinations of needle therapies, microlight
therapy, herbs and nutrition, core emotional healing and lifestyle recommendations.
This article will focus on optimal methods for combining needle and non-needle
microcurrent therapeutics.
Let’s first take a look at the strengths and limitations of each method, as indicated in
this table. An X in one column only indicates that that method is superior for
providing the listed benefit (in my opinion). X’s in both columns indicate that a
combination of methods works best.
The most notable advantage of needle acupuncture is bleeding therapies, which are often necessary
for relieving pain and disease associated with stagnant blood conditions. According to several
prominent Chinese master acupuncturists, bloodletting is the major key to resolving many chronic and
recalcitrant conditions. Another power of needle acupuncture is the actual micro-trauma needles
cause to tissue. Apparently the bio-chemical cascade triggered in the body by the mild to strong
invasiveness of needles (depending on thickness of needles and manipulation techniques) account
for much of the effectiveness of needle acupuncture. It also can produce the endophin “high” which is
a pleasant side-effect of acupuncture.
Another advantage of needling is the actual depth of insertion, the physiologic effect probably being
the cascade of body reactions just mentioned. Needles can also direct the flow of Qi strongly.
Finally, retention of needles help drain tension from tightened and spastic muscles and fascial, and
help to anchor the effects of various energetic repatterning effects of other therapies.
Modern electronics have made several very effective meridian effects available that needle therapies
simply cannot produce. These are listed in the chart above. The most notable are those facilitated by
specific polarities, frequencies and color. Here are descriptions of the value of each:
Polarity - All objects in the physical universe that are larger than molecules are polarized, that is, they
have a positive (Yang) and negative (Yin) aspect, and engender electro-magnetic field effects. The
human body is no exception. When the body’s natural polarities are intact pain and disease tend to
be mild to moderate and its self-healing mechanisms work fairly well. Many of the most debilitating
and degenerative diseases are associated with polarity reversals in the body, including cancer, MS,
neuropathy and some cases of fibromyalgia.
While good needle therapies may trigger a balancing of nervous system and electrical functions in the
body and thereby correct polarity reversals, that can be accomplished much more directly by correct
application of positive and negative probes from a microcurrent device. As an example, treating
migraines by placing a positive probe on painful head points and a negative probe on GB 41 on the
foot can work very quickly to relieve pain.
Frequency - All physical objects also have characteristic vibration rates, or frequencies. Complex
objects such as the human body are made up of multiple interacting frequency fields. Each Organ,
gland, tissue, meridian and fluid of the body has characteristic frequencies. These frequencies have
been mapped out by many researchers and practitioners. A law of physics states that if you can
resonate with something, you can affect it. Therefore applying frequencies that resonate with
diseased or painful tissue or energy systems can be powerfully therapeutic for it. In some cases the
input will strengthen a weakened area (positive resonance), and in other cases it will cancel out
inflammatory or toxic frequencies (destructive resonance).
Needles are poor at producing such targeted resonance effects, although the practitioner’s energy
flowing through the needle may have some of these effects. A good microcurrent device can produce
specific frequencies that can greatly amplify the positive effects of acupuncture. Simply look up a
beneficial frequency, dial it into the device and treat.
Color acu-therapy - A whole new frontier of acupuncture is the resonant effects of colors of light
applied through acu-points. Modern patients increasingly require, in addition to addressing their chief
complaints, treatments that reduce psychological stress, balance hormone function and nourish
tissues in herb-like manner. Light acupuncture appears to produce these effects much more readily
than needle acupuncture alone.
You can find several of my past articles in the Acupuncture Today archives that describe the
therapeutic effects of healing colors of light. Cool (Yin) colors accentuate the cooling, calming effects
of acupuncture while warm (Yang) color invigorate and tonify Organs, glands and Qi.
I have done and led extensive clinical trials into the combined use of microcurrent and light for
enhanced acupuncture and tissue healing effects. I have named this set of techniques microlight
Why not double your clinical effectiveness? That is what can happen when you combine these two
powerful methods. The anchoring, Qi releasing and micro-trauma effects of needles, combined with
the resonance, polarizing and energizing effects of microcurrent and/or light can produce truly
profound results with longer carry-over of therapeutic effects.
1. Sciatica treatment - I often needle Dr..Tan’s Ling Ku combination on the hand opposite sciatic
pain, and then apply polarized microcurrent probe or pad stimulation along the radicular pathway on
the affected leg, using Purple light.
2. Peripheral neuropathy of lower extremities - Wonderful results have been produced by deep
needling of sacral Liao1 points and Shang-Baxie2 foot points while applying polarized microcurrent pad
therapies along the affected legs.
3. Abdominal pain, asthma – I use TCM diagnosis to determine affected Extraordinary Vessels and
then needle the corresponding Master and Coupled points3. I then polarize those needles by touching
polarized probe metal tips to the shaft or handles of the needles. Finally, I apply microlight Mu-Shu
technique to the Front-Mu and Back-Shu points of the affected organs using colors of light that
balance the Organ’s function4.
4. Addiction relief – Apply needles to indicated auricular points, sometimes stimulated by microlight
therapy, then use Mu-Shu method to heal and balance affected viscera and the lower Dan Tian area
to calm and ground the patient.
5. Pain relief with chakra balancing – This involves using needles and/or microcurrent to relieve
painful body areas and then using polarized microcurrent and light to energize a chakra energy
center5. This is often combined with counseling, guided visualization or soul healing methods, the
effects of each enhanced by intentional light stimulation of the chakra.
Liao points are in the sacral foramen, and require 1.5 – 2” needles
These are points needled in between the toes, and also require deep needling technique
For instructions for this form of meridian balancing, read Chapter 11 of my book Microcurrent
See my article in the Acupuncture Today archives at
Bio: Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. has over 26 years clinical experience in acupuncture and Energy
Medicine, and is the President of Eastwestmed, Inc. He is a prolific writer, inventor and researcher.
You can access his information and blog at, or write to him at:
[email protected] Dr. Starwynn is the inventor of the Acutron Microlight technology
used for advanced pain management, electro-acupuncture and facial rejuvenation.
For details on PNE chakra balance method, see my article at: