ARC Flash Boundary & NFPA
ARC Flash Boundary & NFPA
ARC Flash Boundary & NFPA
1. Purpose and Scope The Arc Flash Boundary - PPE Program was developed to minimize the risk to AMS employees from safety and health hazards in tHe work place related to the discharge of electrical energy when working within the arc flash boundary distance. The type of electrical equipment, Voltage of the equipment and job task being performed determines this distance. The protection shall be provided by the correct selection of PPE when employees are within the Arc Flash Boundary Distance. This program meets the requirements establish by OSHA's Electric Power Transmission 1910.269(1)(1)m Distribution Standards 1910.269(1)(6)(iii) and Safety Related Electrical Work Practices 1910.331, Electrical Protective Devices 1910.1 37, as well as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards No. 70 National Electrical Code, and No. 70 E Personal and Other Protective Equipment. The general requirements of thArc Flash Boundary (AFB) - Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) program include access to reference tables, personal protective equipment matrix, equipment selection electrical assessment, signage, proper equipment storage and training. 2. Definitions Arc Flash Boundary (ARC) - is the distance at which an electrical arc can flash outward, which may endanger employees working on electrical equipment. Flash Protection Boundary (FPB) - theJcalculatedsafe working distance from electrical equipment which would not expose the employee to the hazards associated with an electrical arc flash. Electrical Assessment - an analytical evaluation which would calculate the arc flash potential of an electrical component 1 hazard, used to establish the flash protection boundary and the correct level of required PPE, determined by an electrical engineer or the equivalent. Qualified Employees (per NFPA 70E, 2000 Edition, Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces) - a qualified person shall be trained and knowledgeable of the construction and operation of equipment or a specific work method, and be trained to recognize and avoid the electrical hazards that might be present with respect to that equipment or work method. Such persons shall also be familiar with the proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment, insulating and shielding materia!, and insulating
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tools and test equipment. A persm can be considered qualified with respect to certain equipment and methods but still be unqualified for others. Such persons permitted to work within limited approach of exposed energized conductors and circuit parts shall at a minimum, be additionally trained in the following; The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed energized parts from other parts of the electric equipment. The skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed energized parts. The approach distance specified in the tables and the corresponding voltage to which the qualified person will be exposed. Employees will be capable of reading and understanding the attached PPE matrix, and listed approach boundaries and hazardlrisk category tables, which are necessary to perform the task safely.
3. Working on or Near Living Parts
Justification for Work Live parts to which an employee might be exposed shall be put into an electrically safe work condition before an employee works on or near them, unless the employer can demonstrate that deenergizing introduces additional or increased hazards or is infeasible due to equipment design or operational limitations. Energized parts that operate at less than 50 volts to ground shall not be required to be deenergized if there will be no increased exposure to eiectrical burns or to explosion due to electric arcs. Energized Electrical Work Permit
A. Where Required
If live parts are not placed in an electrically safe work condition (for the reasons of increased or additional hazards or infeasibility) work to be performed shall be considered energized electrical work and shall be performed by written permit only.
B. Elements of Work Permit The energized electrical work permit shall include, but not limited to, the following items: A description of the circuit and equipment to be worked on and their location. a Justification for why the work must be performed in an energized condition. A description of the safe work practices to be employed. a Results of the shock hazards analysis. Determination of shock protection boundaries. Rssclts of the flash hazard ana!ysls.
The Flash ~rotecG6n ~oundary The necessary personal protective equipment to safely perform the assigned task. Means employed to restrict the access of unqualified persons from the work area. Evidence of completion of a job briefing, including a discussion of any job-specific hazards. Energized work approval (authorizing or responsible management, safety officer, or owner, etc.) signature(s). C. Exemptions to work Permit Work.performed on or near live parts by qualified persons related to tasks such as testing, troubleshooting, voltage measuring, etc., shall be permitted to be performed without an energized electrical work permit, provided appropriate safe work practices and personal protective equipment are used.
4. Approach Boundaries to Live Parts
A. Shock Hazard Analysis A shock hazard analysis shall determine the voltage to which personnel will be exposed, boundary requirements, and the personnel protective equipment necessary in order to minimize the possibility of electric shock to personnel.
9. Shock Protection Boundaries The shock protection boundaries identified as Limited, Restricted, and Prohibited Approach Boundaries are applicable to the situation in which approaching personnel are exposed to live parts. See NFPA Table 130.2(C) for the distances associated with various system voltages.
C. ~ p ~ r o a to ch Exposed Live Parts Operating at 50 Volts or More No qualified person shall approach or take any conductive object closer to exposed live parts operating at 50 volts or more than the Restricted Approach Boundary set forth in NFPA Table 130.2(C), unless any of the following apply:
The qualified person is insulated or guarded from the live parts operating at 50 volts or more (insulating gloves or insulating gloves and sleeves are considered insulation only with regard to the energized parts upon which work is being perfbrmed), and no uninsula'ted part of the qualified person's body crosses the Prohibited Apwoach Boundary set forth in Table 130.2(C). The live part operating at 50 volts or more is insulated from the qualified person and from any other conductive object at a differet-it potential. The qualified person is insulated from any other conductive object as during live-line bare-hand work. D. Approach by Unqualified Persons -
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Unqualified persons shdl not be permitted to enter spaces that are acce<sible to qualified employees only, unless the electric conductors and equipment involved are in an electrically safe work condition.
E. Working at or Close to the Limited Approach Boundary Where one or more unqualified persons are working at or close to the Limited Approach Boundary, the designated person in charge of the workspace where the electrical hazard exists shall cooperate with the designated person in charge of the unqualified person(s) to ensure that all work can be done safely. This shall include advising and warning him or her to stay outside of the Limited Approach Boundary.
Table 130.2(C) Approach Boundaries to Live Parts for Shock Protection (all dimensions are distance from live part to employee).
~ i m i t eApproach d Boundary
Nominal System Voltage Range, Phase to Phase Exposed Movable Exposed Fixed Conductor Circuit Part
Restricted Approach Boundary; Includes Prohibited Approacb Inadvertent Movement Boundary Adder
Less than 50 50 to 300 301 to 750 751 to 15 kV 15.1 kV to 36 kV 36.1 kV to 46 kV 46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 72.6 kV to 121 kV 138 kV to 145 kV 161 kV to 169 kV 230 kV to 242 kV 345 kV to 362 kV
Not specified 3.05rn(IOftOin.) 3.05 rn (10 ft 0 in.) 3.05 rn (10 ft 0 in.) 3.05 rn (10 ft 0 in.) 3.05 m (10 ft 0 in.) 3.05 m (10 ft 0 in.) 3.25 r n (10 ft 8 in.) 3.36 m (11 ft 0 in.) 3.56 m (1 1 ft 8 in.) 3.97 rn (13 ft 0 in.) 4.68 rn (15 ft 4 in.) 5.8 rn (19 ft 0 in.) 7.24 m (23 ft 9 in.)
Not specified 1.07rn(3ft6in.) 1.07 rn (3 ft 6 in.) 1.53 rn (5ft 0 in.) 1.83 rn (6 ft 0 in.) 2.44 rn (8 ft 0 in.) 2.44 m (8 ft 0 in.) 2.44 rn (8 ft 0 in.) 3.05 rn (10 ft 0 in.) 3.56 rn (1 1 ft 8 in.) 3.97 rn (13 ft 0 in.) 4.68 rn (15 ft 4 in.) 5.8 rn (19 ft 0 in.) 7.24 rn (23 ft 9 in.)
Not specified Avoid contact 304.8 mm ( I f t 0 in.) 660.4 rnm (2 ft 2 in.) 787.4 rnrn (2 ft 7 in.) 838.2 mrn (2 ft 9 in.) 965.2 rnrn (3 ft 2 in.) 991 rnrn (3 ft 3 in.) 1.093 rn (3 ft 7 in.) 1.22 rn (4 ft 0 in.) 1.6 rn (5 ft 3 in.) 2.59 m (8 ft 6 in.) 3.43 m (11 ft 3 in.) 4.55 rn (14 ft 11 in.)
635 rnrn (2 ft 1 in.) 812.8 rnrn (2 ft 8 in.) 939.8 rnrn (3 ft 1 in.) 1.07 rn (3 ft 6 in.) 1.45 rn (4 ft 9 in.) 2.44 rn (8 ft 0 in.) 3.28 r n (10 f t 9 in.) 4.4 m (14 ft 5 in.)
F. Entering the Limited Approach Boundary \Where there is a need for an unqualified person(s) to cross the Limited Approach Boundary, a qualified person shall advise him or her of the possible hazards and continuously escort the unqualified person(s) while inside the limited Approach Boundary. Under no circumsi.ance shall the escorted unqualified person(s) be permitted to cross the Restricted Approach Boundary. G. Flash Hazard Analysis A flash hazard analysis shall be done in order to protect personnel from the possibility of being injured by an arc flash. The analysis shall determine the Flash Protection Boundary and the personal protective equipment that people within the Flash Protection Boundzry shall vse.
H. Flash Protection Boundary For systems that are 600 volts or less, the Flash Protection Boundary shall be 4.0 ft, based on the product of clearing times of 6 cycles (0.1 second) and the available bolted fault current of 50kA or any combination not exceeding 300 kA cycles (5000 ampere seconds). For clearing times and bolted fault currents other than300 kA cycles, or under engineering supervision, the Flash Protection Boundary shall alternatively be permitted to be calculated in accordance with the following general formula:
I. Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment for Application with a Flash Hazard Analysis. Where it has been determined that work will be performed within the Flash Protection Boundary , the flash hazard analysis shall determine, the employer shall document, the incident energy exposure of the worker (in calories per square centimeter). The incident energy exposure level shall be based on the working distance of the employee's face and chest areas from a prospective arc source for the specific task to be performed. Flame-resistant (FR) clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be used by the employee based on the incident energy exposure associated with the specific task. Recognizing that incident energy increases as the distance from the arc flash decreases, additional PPE shall be used for any parts of the body that , are closer than the distance at which the incident energy was determined as an alternative, the PPE requirements of 130.7(C) shall be permitted to be used in lieu of the detailed flash hazard analysis approach;
J. Test Instruments and Equipment Use Only qualified persons shall perform testing work on or near live parts operating at 50 volts or more.
A. Uninsulated and Energized Where work is performed in locations containing uninsulated energized overhead lines that are not guarded or isolated, precautions shall be taken to prevent employees from contacting such lines directly with any unguarded parts of their body or indirectly through conductive materials, tools, or equipment. Where the work to be performed is such that contact with uninsulated energized overhead is possible, the lines shall be deenergized and visibly grounded at the point of work, or suitably guarded.
B. Deenergizing or Guarding If the lines are to be deenenergized, arrangements shall be made with the person or organization that operates or controls the lines to deeenergize then and visibly ground them at the point of work. If arrangements are made to use protective measures, such as guarding, isolating, or insulation, these precautions shall prevent each employee from contacting such lines directly with any part of his body or indirectly through conductive materials, tools, or equipment.
C. Employer and Employee Responsibility AMS shall be responsible for ensuring that guards or protective measures are satisfactory for the conditions. Employees shall comply with established work methods and the use of protective equipment.
Approach Distance for Unqualified Persons When employees without electrical training are working on the ground or in aa elevated position near overtiead lines, the location shall be such that the employee and the longest conductive object the employee might contact cannot come closer to any unguarded, energized overhead power line than the Limited Approach Boundary. If the voltage on the line exceeds 50 kV, the distance shall be 3.04 m (10 ft) plus 100 mm (4 in.) for every 10 kV over 50 kV.
E. Equipment Grounding If any vehicle or mechanical equipment capable of having parts of its structure elevated near energized overhead lines is intentionally grounded, employees working on the ground near the point of grounding shall not stand at the grounding location whenever there is a possibility of overhead line contact. Additional precautions, such as the use of barricades or insulation, shall be taken to protect employees from hazardous ground potentials (step and touch potential), which can develop within a few feet or more outward from the grounded point.
6. Other Precautions for Personnel Activities
When Hazardous Employees shall be instructed to be alert at all times when they are working near live parts operating at 50 volts or more and in work situations where unexpected electrical hazards might exist. When Impaired Employees shall not knowingly be permitted to work in areas containing live parts operating at 50 volts or more or other electrical hazards while their alertness is recognizably impaired due to illness, fatigue, or other reasons. B. Blind Reaching Employees shall be instructed not to reach blindly into areas that might contain exposed live parts where an electrical hazard exists. C. Illumination General Employees shall not enter spaces containing live parts unless illumination is provided that enables the employees to perform the work safely. Obstructed View of Work Area Where lack of illumination or an obstruction precludes observation of the work to performed, employees shall not perform any task near live parts operating at 50 volts or more or where an electrical hazard exists. D. Conductive Articles Being Worn Conductive articles of jewelry and clothing (such as watchbands, bracelets, rings, key chains, necklaces, metalized aprons, cloth with conductive'thread, metal headgear, or metal from glasses) shall not be worn where they present and electrical contact hazard with exposed live parts.
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Means shall b e employed to ensure that conductive materials approach exposed live parts no closer than that permitted by Table 130.2(C). F. Confined or Enclosed Work Spaces When an employee works in a confined or enclosed space (such as a manhole or vault) that contains exposed live parts operating at 50 volts or more or an electrical hazard exists, the employer shall provide, and the employee shall use, protective shields, protective barriers, or insulating materials as necessary to avoid inadvertent contact with these parts. Doors, hinged panels, and the like shall be secured to prevent their swinging into an employee and causing the employee to contact exposed live parts operating at 50 volts or more or where an electrical hazard exists. G. Housekeeping Duties Where live parts present an electrical contact hazard, employees shall not perform housekeeping duties inside the Limited Approach Boundary where there is a possibility of contact, unless adequate safeguards (such as insulating equipment or barriers) are provided to prevent contact. Electrically conductive cleaning materials (including conductive solids such as steel wool, metalized cloth, and silicone carbide, as weil as conductive liquid solutions) shall not be used inside the Limited Approach Boundary unless procedures to prevent electrical contact are followed. H. Occasional Use of Flammable Materials Where flammable materials.are present only occasionally, ,electric equipment capable of igniting them may not be used, unless measures are taken to prevent hazardous conditions from developing. Such materials include, but are not limited to, flammable gases, vapors, or liquids; combustible dust; and ignitable fibers or flyings.
. Anticipating Failure
When there is evidence that electric equipment could fail and injure employees, the electric equipment shall be deenergized or repaired, employees shall be protected from hazards associated with the impending failure of the equipment.
J. Routine Opening and Closing of Circuits Load-rated switches, circuits breakers, or other devices specifically designed as disconnecting means shall be used for the opening, reversing, or closing of circuits under load conditions. Cable connectors not of the load-break type, fuses, terminal lugs, and cable splice connections shall not be permitted to be used for such purposes, except in an emergency.
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After a circuit is deenergized by a circuit protective device, the circuit shall not be manually reenergized until it has been determined that the equipment and circuit can be safely energized. The repetitive manual reclosing of circuit breakers or reenergizing circuits through replaced fuses shall be prohibited. When it is determined from the design of the circuit and the overcurrent devices involved that the automatic operation of a device was caused by an overload rather than a fault condition, examination of the circuit or connected equipment shall not be required before the circuit is reenergized.
1. General When an employee is working within the Flash Protection Boundary helshe shall wear protective clothing and other personal protective equipment in accordance with NFPA 70E. 2. Movement and Visibility When flame-resistant (FR) clothing is worn to protect an employee, it shall cover all ignitable clothing and shall allow for movement and visibility.
3. Head, Face, Neck, and Chin Protection Employees shall wear nonconductive head protection wherever there is a danger of head injury from electric shock or burns due to contact with live parts or from flying objects resulting from electrical explosion. Employees shall wear nonconductive protective equipment for the face, neck, and chin whenever there is a danger of injury from exposure to electric arcs of flashes or from faying objects resulting from electrical explosion.
4. Eye Protection
5. Body Protection Employees shall wear FR clothing wherever there is possible exposure to an electric arc flash above the threshold incident-energy level for a second-degree burn. 5 J/cm2 (1.2 cal/cm2). Such clothing can be provided as shirt and trousers, or as coveralls, or as a combination of jacket and trousers, or, for increased protection, as coveralls with jacket and trousers. Various weight fabrics are available. Generally, the higher degree of protection is provided by heavier weight fabrics and/or by layering combinations of one or more layers of FR clothing. In some cases one or more layers of FR clothing are worn over flammable, non melting clothing. Non-melting, flammable, clothing, used alone, can provide protection at low incident energy levels of 8.36 J/cm2 (2.0 cal/cm2) and below.
6. Hand and Arm Protection Employees shall wear rubber insulating gloves where there is danger of hand and arm injury from electric shock due to contact with live parts. Hand and arm protection shall be worn where there is possible exposure to arc flash burn. 7. Foot and Leg Protection Where insulated footwear is used as protection against step and touch potential, dielectric overshoes shall be required. Insulated soles shall not be used as primary electrical protection.
8. Selection of Personal Prdtective Equipment When Required for Various Tasks When selected in lieu of the flash hazard analysis, NFPD table 130.7(C)(9)(a) shall be used to determine the hazardlrisk category for a task. The assumed short-circuit current capacities and fault clearing times for various tasks are listed in the text and notes to Table 130.7(C)(g)(a). for tasks not listed, or for power systems with greater than the assumed fault clearing times, a flash hazard analysis shall be required. Both larger and smaller available short-circuit currents could result in higher available arc-flash energies. If the available shortcircuit current increases without a decrease in the opening time of the overcurrent protective device, the arc-flash energy will increase. If the available short-circuit current decreases, resulting in a longer opening time for the overcurrent protective device, arc-
Energized E f t s that operate at less than 50 volts are not required to be de-energized to satisfy an "electrically safe work condition". Consideration should be given to the capacity of the source, any overcurrent protection between the energy source and the worker, and whether the work task related to the source operating at less than 50 volts increases exposure to electrical burns or to explosion from an electric arc.
HazardlRisk Category V-Rated Gloves V-Rated Tools
Task (Assumes Equipment is Energized, and Work is Done Within the Flash Protection Boundary) Panelboards Rated 240 V and Below - Notes 1 and 3 Circuit breaker(CB) or fused switch operation with covers on CB or fused switch operation with covers off Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Removelinstall CBs or fused switches Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Panelboards or Switchboards Rated >240 V and up to 600 V (with molded case or insulated case circuit breakers) Note 1 and 3 CB or fused switch operation with covers on CB of fused switch' operation with cover off Work on energized parts, including voltage testing
0 1 2*
- Notes 2 (except as
CB or fused switch or starter operation with enclosure doors closed Reading a panel meter while operating a meter switch CB or fused switch or starter operation with enclosure door open Work on control circuits with energized parts 120 V'or below, exposed Work on control circuits with energized parts > 120 V, exposed lnsertion or removal of individual starter "buckets" from MCC - Note 4 Application of safety grounds, after voltage test Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts)
600 V Class Switchgear (with power circuit breakers or fused switches) - Notes 5 and 6
CB or fused switch operation with enclosure doors closed Reading a panel meter while operating a meter switch CB or fused switch operation with enclosure door open Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Work on control circuits with energized parts 120 V or below, exposed Work on control circuits with energized parts 2120 V, exposed lnsertion or removal (racking) of CBs from cubicles, door open lnsertion or removal (racking) of CBs from cubicles, doors closed Application of safety grounds, after voltage test Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts)
Task (Assumes Equipment is Energized, and Work is Done Within the Flash Protection Boundary) Other 600 V Class (277 V through 600 V, nominal) Equipment Lighting or small power transformer (600 V, maximum) Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Application of safety grounds, after voltage testing Revenue meters (kW-hour, at primary voltage and current) Insertion or removal Cable trough or tray cover removal or installation Miscellaneous equipment cover removal or installation Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Application of safety grounds, after voltage test
HazardlRisk Category
V-Rated Gloves
V-Rated Tools
- Note 3
2* 1 2*
2* 1 1 2* 2*
N N Y? N N N N Y N
NEMA E2 (fused contractor) Motor Starters, 2.3 kV through 7.2 kV Contractor operation with enclosure doors closed Reading a panel meter while operating a meter switch Contractor operation with enclosure doors open Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Work on control circuits with energized parts 120 V or below, exposed Work on control circuits with energized parts >I20 V, exposed lnsertion or removal (racking) of starters from cubicles, doors open lnsertion or removal (racking) of starters from cubicles, doors closed Application of safety grounds, after voltage test Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Metal Clad Switchgear, 1 kV and Above CB or fused switch operation with enclosure doors closed , Reading a panel meter while operating a meter switch , CB or fused switch operation with enclosure doors open Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Work on control circuits with energized parts 120 V or below, exposed Work on control circuits with energized parts >I20 V, exposed lnsertion or removal (racking) of CBs from cubicles, doors open lnsertion or removal (racking) of CBs from cubicles, doors closed Application of safety grounds, after voltage test Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening voltage transformer or control power transformer compartments Other Equipment 1 kV and Above Metal Clad load interrupter switches, fused or unfused Switch operation, doors closed Work on energized parts, including voltage testing Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) Outdoor disconnect switch operation (hookstick operated) Outdoor disconnect with operation (gang-operated, from grade) lnsulated cable examination, in manhole or other confined space insulated cable examination, in open area
V-rated Gloves are gloves rated and tested for the maximum line-to-line voltage upon which work will be done. V-rated Tools are tools rated and tested for the maximum line-to-line voltage upon which work will be done. 2* means that a double-layer switching hood and hearing protection are required for this task in addition to the other HazardslRisk Category 2 requirements of Table 130.7(C)(I 0). Y = yes (required) N = no (not required) 25 kA short circuit current available. 0.03 second (2 cycle) fault clearing time. 65 kA short circuit current available. 0.03 second (2 cycle) fault clearing time. For < 10 kA short circuit currentgvailable, the hazardlrisk category required may be reduced by one number. 65 kA short circuit current available, 0.33 second (20 cycle) fault clearing time. 65 kA short circuit current available, up to 1.0 second (60 cycle) fault clearing time. For < 25 KA short circuit current available, the hazardlrisk category required may be reduced by one number.
9. Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment Matrix Once the HazardIRisk Category has been identified NFPA Table 130.7(C)(I 0) shall be used to determine the required personal protective equipment (PPE) for the task. Table 130.7(C)(I 0) lists the requirements for protective clothing and other protective equipment based on HazardIRick Category numbers Ithrough 4. This clothing and equipment shall be used when working on or near energized equipment within the Flash Protection Boundary.
See annex H for a suggested simplified approach to ensure adequate PPE for electrical workers within facilities with large and divers electrical systems.
10. Protective Clothing Characteristics Table 130.7(C)(I 1) lists examples of protective clothing systems and typical characteristics including the degree of protection for various clothing, The protective clothing selected for the corresponding hazardlrisk category number shall have an arc rating of at least the value listed in the!umn of Table 130.7(C)(I 1). 11. Factors in Selection of Protective Clothing Clothing and equipment that provide worker protection from shock and arc flash hazards shall be utilized. Clothing and equipment required for ' the degree of exposure shall be permitted to be worn alone or integrated with flammable , nonmelting apparel. If FR clothing is required, it shall cover associated parts of the body as well a all flammable apparel while allowing movement and visibility. All personal protective equipment shall be maintained is a sanitary and functionally effective condition. Personal protective equipment items will normally be used in conjunction with one another as a system to provide the appropriate level of protection. Layering Nonmelting, flammable fiber garments shall be permitted to be used as under layers in conjunction with Fi3 garments in a layered system for added protection. If nonmelting, flammable fiber garments ate used as underlayers the system arc rating shall be sufficient to prevent breakopen ai the innermost FR layer at the expected arc exposure incident energy level to prevent ignition of
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flammable underlayers. A typical layering systemmight include cotton shirt and trouser, and a FR coverall. Specific tasks might call for additional FR layers to achieve the required protection level. Outer Layers Garments worn as outer layers over FR clothing, such as jackets or rainwear, shall also be made from FR material. Underlayers Meltable fibers such as acetate, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, and spandex shall not be permitted. in fabric underlayers (underwear) next to the skin. Exception: an incidental amount of elastic used on non-melting fabric underwear or socks shall be permitted. Coverage Clothing shall cover potentially exposed areas as completely as possible. Shirt sleeves shall be fastened at the wrist, and shirts and jackets shall be closed at the neck. Fit Tight-fitting clothing shall be avoided. Loose fitting clothing provides additional thermal insulation because of sir spaces. FR apparel shall fit properly such that it does not interfere with the work task. Interference The garment selected shall result in the least interference with the task but still provide the necessary protection. The work method, location, and task could influence the protective equipment selected. 12. Arc Flash Protective Equipment Flash Suits Flash suit design shall permit easy and'rapid removal by the wearer. The entire flash suit, including the hood's face shield, shall have an arc rating that is suitable for the arc flash exposure. When exterior air is supplied into the hood, the air hoses and pump housing shall be either covered by FR materiais or constructed of nonmelting and nonflammable materials. Face Protection
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Face shields shall have an .arc rating suitable for the arc flash exposure. Face shields without an arc rating shall not be used. Eye protection (safety glasses or goggles) shall be worn under face shields or hoods.
Protective Clothing and Equipment HazardlRisk Category Number Non-melting (according to ASTM F 150600) or Untreated Natural Fiber a. T-shirt (short-sleeve) b. Shirt (long-sleeve) c. Pants (long) Protective Systems for HazardlRisk Category .-I 0 I 2 3 (Note 3)
X (Note 4) X X (Note 4)
(Note 5) AN
X (Note 6) X
X (Note 6)
(Note 7)
(Note 5)
d. Jacket, parka, or rainwear FR Protective Equipment a. Flash suit jacket (multilayer) b. Flash suit pants (multilayer) c. Head protection 1. Hard Hat 2 . , FR hard hat liner d. Eye Protection 1. Safety glasses 2. Safety goggles e.. Face and head area protection 1. Arc-rated face shield, or flash suit hood
X (Note 8)
f. Hand protection Leather gloves (Note 2 ) g. Foot protection Leather work shoes
AN = as needed Notes:
1. 2. 3. 4.
AR = as required
X (Note 8) X
X - minimum required
See Table 130.7(C)(I1). Arc rating for a garment is expressed in caI/cm2. If voltage-rated gloves are required, the leather protectors worn external to the rubber gloves satisfy this requirement. HazardlRisk Category Number "-1" is only defined if determined by Notes 3 or 6 of Table 130.?(C)(g)(a). Regular weight (minimum 12 oz/yd2fabricweight), untreated. denim cotton blue jeans are acceptable in lieu of FR pants. The FR pants used for HazardlRisk Category 1 shall have a minimum arc rating of 4. 5. Alternate is to use FR coveralls (minimum are rating of 4) instead of FR shirt and FR pants. 6. If the FR pants have a minimum are rating of 8, long pants of nDn-melting or untreated natural fiber are not required beneath the FR pants. 7. Alternate is to use FR coveralls (minimum an: rating of 4) over non-melting or untreated natural fiber pants and T-shirt. 8. a face shield with a minimum are rating of 8, with wrap-around guarding to protect not only the Face, but also the forehead, ears, and neck (or, alternatively, a flash suit hood), is required. 9. Alternate is tb USE h 0Sets of fR coveralls (the inner with a minimum arc rating of 4 and outer coverall with a minimum are rating of 5) over non-melting or untreated natural flber clathing, instead of FR coveralls over FR shirt and FR pants over non-melting or untreated natural f i b ~ ciothing. r
Typical Protective Clothing Systems HazardlRisk Category Clothing Description (Typical number of clothing layers i s given in parentheses) Required Minimum Arc Rating of PPE [~lcrn~(callcm~)]
Non-melting, flammable materials (i.e., untreated cotton, wool, rayon, or silk, or blends of these materials) with a fabric weight at least 4.5 ozlyd2 (1) FR shirt and FR pants or FR coverall (1) Cotton underwear - conventional short sleeve and brieflshorts, plus FR shirt and FR pants (1 or 2) Cotton underwear plus FR shirt and FR pants plus FR coverall, or cotton underwear plus two FR coveralls (2 or 3) Cotton underwear plus FR shirt and FR pants plus multilayer flash suit (3 or more)
16.74 (4) 33.47 (8) 104.6 (25) 167.36 (40)
Note: Arc rating is defined in Article 100 and can be either ATPV. Or Em. ATPV is defined in ASTM F 1959-99 as the incident energy on a fabric or material that results in sufficient heat transfer through the fabric or material to cause the onset of a second-degree burn based on the Stoll curve. EsT is defined in ASTM F 1959-99 as the average of the five highest incident energy exposure valves below the Stroll curve where the specimens do not exhibit breakopen. EMis reported when ATPV cannot be measured due to FR fabric breakopen.
Hand Protection Leather or FR gloves shall be worn where required for arc flash protection. Where insulating rubber gloves are used for shock protection, leather protectors shall be worn over the rubber gloves. Foot Protection Heavy-duty leather work shoes provide some arc flash protection to the feet and shall be used in all tasks in HazardiRisk Category 2 and higher.
D. Clothing Material Characteristics FR clothing shall meet the requirements described in NFPA 70E. 1.
Melting Clothing made from flammable synthetic materials that melt at temperatures below 315C (600F), such as acetate, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, and spandex, wither alone or in blends, shall not be used. Flammability Clothing made from nanmelting flammable natural materials, such as cotton, wool, rayon, or silk, shall be permitted for HazardiRisk Categories 0 and -1 considered acceptable if it is determined by flash hazard analysis that the exposure level is 8.36 ~ l c (2.0 m ~ calicm2) or less, and that the fabric will not ignite and continue to burn under the arc exposure hazard conditions to which it will be exposed. Care and Maintenance of FR Clothing .and FR Flash Suits
---- - .- .Inspection FR apparel shall be inspected before each use. Work clothing or flash suits that are contaminated, or damaged to the extent their protective qualities are impaired, shall not be used. Protective items that become contaminated with grease, oil, or flammable liquids or combustible materials shall not be used.
Manufacturer's Instructions The garment manufacturer's instruction for care and maintenance of FR apparel shall be followed. E. Other Protective Equipment lnsulated Tools and Equipment Employees shall use insulated tools and/or handling equipment when working inside the Limited Approach Boundary of exposed live parts where tools or handling equipment might make accidental contact. lnsulated tools shall be protected from damage to the insulating material.
Requirements for insulated Tools The following requirements shall apply to insulated tools: lnsulated tools shall be rated for the voltages on which they are used. lnsulated tools shall be designed and constructed for the environment to which they are exposed and the manner in which they are used.
Fuse or Fuse Holding Equipment Fuse of fuse holder handling equipment, insulated for the circuit voltage, shall be used to remove or install a fuse if the fuse terminals are energized. Ropes and Handlines Ropes and handlines used near exposed live parts operating at 50 volts or more, or used where an electrical hazard exists, shall be nonconductive. ~iber~lass-~einforced Plastic Rods. Fiberglass-reinforced plastic rod and tube used for live line tools shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 7.1 1. Portable Ladders
Portable ladders shall have nonconductive side rails if they are used
where the employee or ladder could contact exposed live parts operating at 50 v o k or more or where an electrical hazard exists.
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Protective Shields Protective shields, protective barriers, or insulating materials shall be used to protect each employee from shock, burns, or other electrically related injuries while that employee is working near live parts that might be accidentally contacted or where dangerous electric heating or arcing might occur. When normally enclosed live parts are exposed for maintenance or repair, they shall be guarded to protect unqualified persons from contact with.the live parts. Rubber Insulating Equipment Rubber insulating equipment used for protection from accidental contact with live parts shall meet the requirements of the ASTM standards. Voltage Rated Plastic Guard Equipment Plastic guard equipment for protection of employees from accidental contact with live parts, or for protection of employees or energized equipment or material from contact with ground, shall meet the requirements ~f the ASTM standards.
F. Alerting Techniques 1. Safety Signs and Tags Safety signs, safety s)iinbols, or accident prevention tags shall be used where necessary to warn employees about electrical hazards that might endanger them. Such signs and tags shall meet the requirements of ANSI Standard 2535. Barricades Barricades shall be used in conjunction with safety signs where it is necessary to prevent or limit employee access to work areas containing live parts. Conductive barricades shall not be used where it might cause an electrical hazard. Barricades shall be placed no closer that the Limited Approach Boundary.