The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - January 23, 2009

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January 23, 2009 • Volume 7, Issue 15 Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea


Photo enthusiasts The Morning Calm will

Army leaders thank
not be published next
housing project take best ‘shot’ week in observance
professionals in MWR contest of Lunar New Year.
Newspaper publication
Page 2 Page 16 will resume Feb. 6.

Casey Warriors conduct combat logistics training

Soldiers from 302nd
‘convoy’ through training
By Sgt. Scott Kim
1st HBCT Public Affairs

Going on a convoy mission is something most Soldiers

will experience when deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. This is
especially true for transportation units, which are expected to move
equipment, supplies and even troops all over their respective areas
of operation.
That is why Soldiers from 302nd Brigade Support Battalion
conducted combat logistics training at USAG-Casey.
The training consisted of multiple scenarios in which the Soldiers'
convoy was attacked in different ways, at different places, all while
Soldiers carried on the mission to completion.
“We trained on what to do when our vehicles get ambushed,
MEDEVACS (Medical Evacuations) and how to respond to
improvised explosives devices,” said Pfc. William Graham, a motor
transport operator, Company A., 302nd BSB.
Realism is important to any type of training as Soldiers need to
be prepared to deal with the worst case scenarios when deployed. Soldiers from 302nd Brigade Support Battalion perform first aid on a wounded comrade during combat logistics training
“This exercise is an overview of how it is in Iraq,” said Staff Sgt. at USAG-Casey. — U.S. Army photo courtesy of 1st HBCT Public Affairs
Turhan Walker, a motor transport operator, Co. A.
Some of the newer Soldiers don't know what it's like so we have “This training will help them acquire good fundamentals and have a steady base,
experienced non-commissioned officers overseeing the training trying to make it as realistic which is important. So when they go to their next unit, they will have something to
as possible." build on,” said Walker.
The training is especially important to these Soldiers because 302nd BSB supplies the The skills that are learned through the training exercise will hopefully enable Soldiers
entire 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team with necessary equipment to continue to fight. to respond quickly in a dangerous situation and help them get through it safely.
“We supply everybody with ammo, water and fuel, so it is very important that Soldiers “Even though we’re support unit, that doesn't mean we're not in the fight,” Walker
take in as much of the training as possible,” Walker said. said. “Training like this is what will help you in battlefield situations, so that you and
Although other units have different ways of handling certain situations and training, your buddies can come home safe.”
teaching Soldiers the basics will help them when they go to new units. To view photos from this training event, visit

Yongsan Commissary enjoys ‘fruitful’ victory

FORT LEE, Va. – Pretty as a picture, but fresh highlighting a theme of “Fresh Fruits and Veggies =
and delicious, too – that describes the hundreds Health and Fitness = Mission Ready.” The commissary
of mouthwatering produce displays created in the at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, South Korea,
Defense Commissary Agency’s 9th Annual Produce celebrated an unprecedented fourth consecutive win
Merchandising Contest. as “Best Large Overseas Store.”
Fifteen commissaries earned honors this year,

(Left) The produce department at the U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, South Korea, Commissary showcases fresh
fruit during Korean Thanksgiving. Yongsan won top honors in the “Large Overseas Store” category, its fourth
straight first-place finish. — U.S. Army DeCA photo

American Forces Network Korea holds

‘Design Your AFN Spot Contest’
‘The Frontline
Win a USO ski package for two! Visit for information Network’


The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management
Command - Korea

Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti

Public Affairs Officer/Editor: Edward N. Johnson
Deputy PAO: Slade Walters
Senior Editor: Susan Silpasornprasit

Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson
Death of a U.S. Service Member
Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson This week we lost a USFK Soldier as a result of an off-duty I charge each of you to press hard through education, awareness,
CI Officer: James F. Cunningham accident that occurred while the Soldier was crossing a street off post. supervision, and risk management to ensure that every USFK
USAG-YONGSAN This is the second off-duty pedestrian-vehicle fatality in six month. service member and civilian understands the need to include safety
Commander: Col. David W. Hall In total, we have lost five service members in the past six months. in everything they do. Whether at work or at home. As leaders,
Public Affairs Officer: David McNally we need to show our subordinates that we mean business when
Staff Writers: Sgt. Im Jin-min, Cpl. Lee Min-hwi,
Added to these are two suicides, including a family member. I find
Spc. Jason C. Adolphson the loss of seven service members, it comes to enforcing the rules of safety, while at the same time
civilians, or family members showing them that we care.
Commander: Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. alarming! Leaders must take immediate action to become personally
Public Affairs Officer: Bob McElroy These tragic losses impact involved in preventing accidents and suicides. Visit out USFK
CI Officer: Lori Yerdon
Writer-Editor: Ken Hall families, weaken morale, disrupt Homepage to review my policy letters in these important areas. Be
Designer: Pfc. Kim, Hyung Joon unit cohesiveness, and reduce alert for signs of someone in trouble and ensure that anyone who
mission readiness. Leaders— needs help gets it immediately.
Commander: Col. Michael P. Saulnier corporals to generals—even while Our success can be defined only as “No Loss of Life.” To help
Public Affairs Officer: Ronald Inman we mourn the loss of these men achieve that success , give this safety alert the widest possible
Staff Writer: Pvt. Park, Kyung Rock
Staff Writer: Lee, Dodam and women, we must direct our dissemination; electronically and by posting it on our unit bulletin
energy toward the prevention boards.
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for
members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The of accidents and the well-being We go together! WALTER L. SHARP
Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, of our service members, civilian General, US Army
or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of De-
fense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of
Gen. Walter L. Sharp employees, and family members. Commander
this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-
Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500

Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way con-

nected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written
Soldier, Army Civilians receive recognition
contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The
civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including
inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement
for roles in USAG-Humphreys development
by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or ser-
vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication By Sue Silpasornprasit
shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage IMCOM-Korea Public Affairs
without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,
age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation,
or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or Senior Army leaders recognized the
patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity
policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse
accomplishments of three Installation
to print advertising from that source until the violation is Management Command Korea Region
corrected. professionals during a ceremony at IMCOM-K
Oriental Press President: Charles Chong Headquarters, USAG-Yongsan, Jan. 16.
Commercial Advertising Paul Cramer, IMCOM-K Chief Public
Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253
Fax: (02) 790-5795 Works, and Mark Cain, Deputy U.S. Forces
E-mail: [email protected] Korea Engineers, were each awarded the
Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758
Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post
Department of the Army Commander's
Award for Civilian Service. Colonel Joe
SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Moore, Deputy Garrison Commander for
Phone: DSN 724-3366
E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly Transformation, was presented with the HTO
Army Commendation Award.
All three awardees also received the
Humphreys Housing Opportunity Program
Visit us online Team Award, signed by Mr. Keith Eastin,
The Morning Calm Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation and Environment). Eastin, read the award
citation live from the Pentagon via video General Walter L. Sharp, Commander UNC/CFC/USFK, recognizes Colonel Joe Moore, Deputy
teleconference during the ceremony. “This is Garrison Commander for Transformation; Mark Cain, Deputy U.S. Forces Korea Engineers; and
the Army’s largest single housing project since Paul Cramer, IMCOM-K Chief Public Works, for their contributions to Army housing planning
WWII,” Eastin said. “It is a huge project, in Korea during a ceremony Jan. 16 at Installation Management Command-Korea Region
completed in record time.” Headquarters, USAG-Yongsan. To view or download this photo, visit the Morning Calm image
The IMCOM-Korea team recently archive at — U.S. Army photo by Sue Silpasornprasit
solidified a plan to construct 2,400 homes at Combined Forces Command/ U.S. “This enabled us to move aggressively
USAG-Humphreys. This is the Army’s first Forces Korea, presided over the awards forward to make Korea a normal family
public-private house project overseas and part ceremony. The general thanked those assignment just like anywhere else in the
of its tour normalization process for Army being recognized for their hard work, world,” Sharp said. “It shows the world the
personnel serving in the Republic of Korea calling their efforts establishing the commitment of the United States to the
General Walter L. Sharp, Commander framework for Humphreys housing a “key Republic of Korea and establishes a model
United Nations Command/US/ROK element of our future here in Korea.” that will allow us to move into the future.”
Submitting to
The Morning Calm Weekly
Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries,
story submissions and other items:
American Forces Network Korea improves Thunder AM service
[email protected].
By Capt. Paradon Silpasornprasit and flexibility starting Feb. 2. from 51 to 57 hours per week, offering a
For all submitted items include a point of con- AFN Korea AFN Korea’s goal is to make Thunder variety of DJ and music selections.
tact name and telephone number. All items are AM the primary source for radio news and
subject to editing for content and to insure they For many years, AFN Korea’s sister radio information and a true complement to More News:
conform with DoD guidelines. The audience can tune in to find an
service Thunder AM has provided a variety our AFN The Eagle service by improving
IMCOM-K Public Affairs of programming for its listening audience. quality and variety of music and programs. increase of total news by 2.5 hours per
and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located As a result of our recent audience survey Listeners can soon expect: week to include more news from sources
in Bldg. 1416, Yongsan Garrison Main Post. conducted in December 2008, AFN Korea such as CNN, NPR, ABC News, Pentagon
For information, call 724-3365. Channel throughout the day .
will improve its Thunder AM radio service More Music:
by giving listeners more music, news, variety Listeners can expect an increase in music – See THUNDER AM, Page 4 –

MP Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the
military police blotters. These entries may be in-
complete and do not imply guilt or innocence.

Area I: Shoplifting; Subject #1 and Subject #2

were observed by Witness #1 selecting two com-
puter memory chips and a DVD box set from the
shelves at the PX. Subject #1 and Subject #2 then
concealed the items on their persons and exited
the store without rendering proper payment. Sub-
ject #1 and Subject #2 were detained by MP and
transported to the USAG-Yongsan PMO where
they were advised of their legal rights, which they
waived rendering written sworn statements admit-
ting to the offense. Subject #1 and Subject #2
were processed and released to their unit. The
merchandise was returned to AAFES. Estimated
Cost of Larceny is $149.85. This is a final report.

Area I: Assault and Battery; Subject# 1 struck

Victim#1 facial area and head with a closed fist
outside of a club in Dongducheon Entertainment
District, Dongducheon. Victim#1 was transported
to TMC where he was treated and released for
his possible concussion. At 1300 Hrs, 16 JAN
09, Victim#1 reported to the USAG-Casey PMO
where he rendered a written statement attesting
to the incident. Victim#1 was processed and re-
leased to his unit. Investigation continues.

AREA II: Shoplifting; Subject#1 was observed by

Witness#1 via Closed Circuit TV removing a shirt
and attempted to exit the store without rendering
the proper payment. Subject#1 was detained by Ben Richardson, a middle school student from Yongsan, goes for a swim in one of the many pools at Tiger World water park and leisure complex Jan. 19. Tiger
MP and transported to the USAG-Yongsan PMO World is located in Bucheon, about an hour drive from USAG-Yongsan. Tiger World offers a full-sized, indoor water park and spa as well as a fitness center, golf
where he was advised of his legal rights, which facilities and an indoor ski resort. Directions : At Bugae Station (Subway line 1, take bus #579 or #79 in front of exit #2. Get off at Sangil High School (about a 5
he waived rendering a written statement admitting
min. ride). After getting off, walk for 5 mins. or take a taxi from Bugae Station (about 2,500 won) Visit — Photo by Max Johnson
to the offense. Subject#1 was processed and re-
leased to his unit. The merchandise was returned
to AAFES. Estimated cost of Larceny is $39. This
is a final report.
SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities
AREA II: Damage to Private Property; Fleeing Lunar New Year events (Seoul) a football competition played on ice and other of events for the whole family and visitors of all
the Scene After Causing an Accident, Subject#1 Seollal takes place on the first day of the New Year various leisure activities that can be enjoyed in ages, including magic shows, music concerts,
while making a legal u-turn, struck Victim#1 POV.
according to the lunar calendar, which this year is on the the snow-covered field. The third is the Well-being making snowmen, snow sculpting and sledding.
The Subject#1 then fled the scene without report-
ing the incident to KNP. The Subject#1 vehicle 26th Jan. 26. The official Seollal holidays will run for a Zone, where visitors can savor foods made from For transportation and admission information,
sustained unknown damages to the right rear of total of three days, from Jan. 25 – 27, and during this ice-fish or take part in a cooking class specializing visit or the festival’s official
the vehicle. Damages to Victims vehicle con- time Korean people wear Hanbok (Korean traditional in Korean ice-fish cuisine. Lastly, there is the Family website at festival.taebaek.go
sisted of dents, scratches and paint transfer to the costume), exchange well-wishes, and eat Tteokguk (rice Zone that features an ice-fishing lesson for children.
left front fender and bumper, dents to the hood, cake soup). Also at this time, many traditional cultural Besides these themed events there will be ‘Korea Jisan Forest Resort
a broken left headlight assembly, a detached events and performances will be held at major tourist dog-sled championship’ where you can watch the Jisan Forest Resort is located in Icheon city,
front bumper, a cracked front grill and scratches spots in Seoul. The Namsangol Hanok Village, the passionate dogs running on ice and ‘car racing Gyeonggi-do province, near the Incheon Airport.
to the left front wheel rim. A search of the area
Korean Folk Village and the National Folk Museum of (rally) contest’ on snow. Find out what to bring and All slopes are available for snow-boarders,
by KNP for subject(s) and/or witness(es) met
with negative results. Victim #1 reported to the Korea will be holding a number of hands-on programs. services available by visiting and the moving staircases will help children
Yongsan Main KNP Station where she rendered a At Several of Korea’s historical palaces, such as or and beginners move more easily. In addition,
written sworn statement attesting to the incident. Gyeongbokgung Palace, foreigners will be able to try the 6-seat chair lift is equipped with a heating
Victim#1 reported utilization of her seatbelt. Esti- out Korea’s traditional folk games. Visitors will also be Winter Activities Fest (Thru Feb. 1) system. Although the slopes are not that big,
mated Cost of Damage is unknown. Due to a lack able to watch Korean traditional performances over the Doridoll’s Dong Jang Kun Festival, which is a this resort is loved by many people because
of investigative leads, this is a final report. holidays The National Folk Museum of Korea, which perfect spot for family winter activities will be held of its convenient facilities and close proximity
is located inside Gyeongbokgung Palace, is holding a at Baekun Valley, Pocheon city, Gyeonggi-do to Seoul. Jisan Resort does not suffer from
AREA III: Traffic Accident resulting in Injury
special exhibition to welcome Gichuknyeon, the year of Province. Visitors can enjoy various folk activities overcrowding, and so visitors here can enjoy
and Damage to Private Property; Driving Under
the Influence of Alcohol; Subject #1 operating a the ox. The exhibition runs until March 2. For information such as trout ice fishing, Korean traditional sledding skiing without experiencing long waits at the lifts.
POV, fell asleep due to his level of intoxication on these events, visit, www. on an ice field, top spinning, seesawing and kite Facilities at Jisan Resort are very reasonably
and struck an unknown POV on the HWY #1,, or flying. Snacks such as baked potatoes and sweet priced. In terms of accommodation facilities,
Anseong. Damages to Subject#1 vehicle con- potatos and red-bean soup are served to satisfy. condos range from 85,000won to 195,000
sisted of disabling damages. Damages to the un- With its 15m tall Dongjang-gun Ice Statue and Icicle won (condo prices differ by the weekend, the
known vehicle consisted of dents, scratches and Ice Fishing (Thru Feb. 2) Tunnel, the Doridoll’s Dong Jang Kun Festival has weekday and the season), and restaurants and
paint transfer to the rear portion of the vehicle. The Inje Ice-fishing Festival is one of the largest much to offer. Visit supermarkets are also available. Jisan Resort
The Victim#1 sustained unknown injuries and was
wintertime events in Korea, drawing 700,000 also operates a free shuttle bus from Seoul. Also
transported via ambulance to an unknown Korean
visitors every year. As part of the festival, Snow Fest (Jan. 26 - Feb. 8) available are a Snow park for kids, playground
hospital where the unknown person was treated
and released for the injuries. Subject#1 reported the river ice is broken to reveal clean waters The Snow Festival in the city of Taebaek, Gangwon- for infants, ski shop, campsite, cycling course,
no visible injuries. Subject#1 was administered flowing through a beautiful landscape, offering do Province, is a major winter event. Visitors can basketball court, soccer field, putting course,
a PBT, with a result of 0.05% BAC. Subject#1 to both adults and children the pleasures of enjoy both the beautiful snow-capped landscape and golf practice range. Visit www.jisanresort.
was transported to the Kyungi-Do KNP Station fishing. In addition to ice fishing, festival-goers of Mt. Taebaeksan and take part in a number of or
where he was charged by KNP under KRTL ART will enjoy a variety of hands-on events and hands-on programs. Starting on Jan. 26 with a
#44-1 (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol). games. The Inje Ice-fishing Festival includes snow street parade, the festival will feature a snow Glass Castle (Jeju)
Subject#1 was released into MP Custody on a CJ attractions under four different themes: First, and ice carving exhibition as well as a variety of This glass art theme park is the first of its kind
Form 2 and transported to the USAG-Humphreys
the Nature Zone includes ice fishing, a “zoo” hands-on programs and performances. A major in Korea, and offers a glass arts exhibition that
PMO where he was processed and released to
his unit. The utilization of seatbelt is unknown at featuring ice animal carvings, and an ice attraction is the world of beautiful snow sculptures along with a garden, a labyrinth, and walls that
this time. Estimated Cost of Damage is unknown. playground featuring a slide made out of created by top sculptors around the world as well have been entirely made out of glass. Visit www.
Investigation continues MPI. ice. Secondly is the Leports Zone, featuring as from Korea. In addition to this, there are a variety for information.
Source:,,, — No endorsement implied.

This Week’s Profile in Service:

2009: Year of the NCO
See this week’s NCO profile on Page 21

Recognize an outstanding
NCO in your unit today!
Each week, the Morning Calm will feature an noncommissioned officer
serving in Korea. To feature an NCO from your organization in the Morning
Calm, send a photo, brief description and supervisor endorsement to
[email protected] or call 724-3366 for details.

THUNDER AM from Page 2

More Sports: AFN Korea is adding Classic Rock to its

Sports fans will now have a home on regular lineup.
Thunder AM with sports talk, scores and Thunder AM is improving the quality
highlights daily. of music and information programs to meet
its customers’ needs. These improvements
More Country: keeps our audience in mind.
AFN Korea’s improved schedule will In our recent survey, our listeners’
allow Country Music fans to listen to feedback was considered and AFN is giving
their favorite Country hits during a five- listeners what they said they wanted –
hour block throughout the afternoon and improved service.
evening, seven days a week. Thunder AM can be the home for news
and information, when you need it, on AFN
Classic Rock: Korea. Radio frequencies and programming
In addition to the various types of times can be found on the AFN Korea
music already offered, by popular demand website at

Sung Nam Golf Club announcement

Sung Nam Golf Club will replace elements of the heating unit. During this time period the current
heating system will be shut down. Except for in the pro shop and administration offices, the building will be
unheated. The following areas will be shut down through Feb. 22 (scheduled completion date): Men’s and
Ladies locker rooms and showers. Please retrieve needed items from your lockers; Clubhouse toilets will
be shut off. Please use the facilities at the #1 Snack Bar; Restaurant and Bar will be closed. #1 Snack Bar
will open for Breakfast and Lunch.
The Snack Bar and Pro Shop will remain open. Please check in as normal in the Pro Shop. Please plan
to change before arriving to play golf, as there will not be any access to the locker rooms at this time. We
apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
No endorsement implied

EEO, POSH briefings given at Red Cloud

By Jim Cunningham complaint they should identify an issue Ingredients for a hostile work environment dependent, and emotional simply because
USAG-RC Public Affairs relating to a term, condition, or benefit include: verbal, nonverbal or physical they are women, Aguigui said.
of employment along with the reason or gestures that are sexual in nature, which are “We find there are more reprisal issues
USAG-RED CLOUD — Supervisors basis for discrimination. The complainant unwanted and unwelcome and unreasonably when it deals with an employee and their
and nonsupervisors gained extra knowledge must file within 45 calendar days, then interferes with an individual’s work first or second line supervisor,” Aguigui
of prevention of sexual harassment during after processing procedures the average performance, and creates an intimidating, said. “They know the employee has come to
training held Jan. 16 by the USAG-Red Cloud processing time is from two to three years. hostile, or offensive working environment. our office for advice. When they return to
Equal Employment Opportunity office. The The cost to the government for complaints “The harassment does not necessarily have their office they find they are being treated
training began with an understanding of the can be as much as $80 thousand dollars. to be sexual in nature,” Aguigui said. “Also, differently, i.e. their work space moved or
principle of equal employment opportunity The legal maximum for damages awarded a we consider actions threatening in nature, some other action. We tell supervisors they
being one, which asserts all people should complainant is $300 thousand. which cause a hostile work environment.” cannot take any action against an employee
have the right to work and advance based Unresolved informal complaints will Sex discrimination is any practice or in reprisal.”
on merit and ability, regardless of race, color, have a final interview; the complainant policy, which results in differential treatment The EEO office is motivated by Code
religion, sex, age, national origin, disability will receive a notice of right to file a formal of an individual because of his or her gender, 29 of Federal Regulations 1614, Army
status, and without reprisal. These notions complaint with which he or she will have 15 Aguigui said. The exception to this is when Regulation 690-600, and Management
of equal employment do not come without calendar days to file a formal complaint. the job calls for an occupational qualification Directive 110.
regulatory guidance. The 29 Code of Federal The EEO officer has 15 calendar days to when gender is necessary for authenticity “These are the principles behind EEO,”
Regulations 1614, Army Regulation 690- accept or dismiss the complaint, Aguigui or normal operation of the job. Most of Aguigui said. “These are bibles for EEO;
600, and EEOC Management Directive said. The common causes for dismissal of these jobs have to do with transportation, the Management Directive 110 comes
110 map the guidance for managing EEO a claim are: security and law enforcement when females from the Equal Employment Opportunity
complaints. • Failure to state a claim and males are required to perform duties Commission. They are the watchdogs for
Legal statutes range from the years 1964 • Untimely contact with EEO official requiring search of persons. the Federal and Civilian sectors.”
to as late as 2002. Title VII of the Civil • Untimely filing of formal complaint Other benchmarks of sexual harassment All of this comes together in teamwork to
Rights Act of 1964, which was amended by • Filing civil action for the same claim are sex role static, stereotypes, and sex role support the commander of the installation,
the EEO Act of 1972 dealing with race, color, • Appealed to the Merit Systems stereotypes. Sex role static is unthinking, Aguigui said.“My office along with whoever
religion, sex or national origin, extended Protection Board undirected, everyday taken-for-granted the agency representative will be and a
coverage to all state and local governments, • Complainant alleges a preliminary step remarks and actions based on gender representative from Human Resources are
governmental agencies, and political sub- (proposed adverse action) stereotypes. the team who serves the commander in
divisions, except for elected officials, their There is an alternative to this procedure; The danger of stereotyping is instead this capacity,” Aguigui said. “In our case it
personal assistants and immediate advisors. however, it is the alternative dispute resolution of reacting naturally in a situation, the is the manager of employee relations, at the
The Equal Pay Act of 1963, which dealt option. At any phase of the complaint individual reacts or behaves according to Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.”
with sex-based wage, makes it illegal to base process, ADR can be offered as an alternative the stereotype, Aguigui said. “All EEO complaints are filed against the
wages differently according to the sex of to traditional EEO administrative process. Sex role stereotypes: men are traditionally secretary of the Army, not against anyone
the employee. The Age Discrimination in For the Army, mediation is preferred because thought to be aggressive, independent, and else. The Army will always send their best
Employment Act of 1967 makes it illegal the primary goal is to resolve complaints at unemotional simply because they are men. most accomplished lawyer to defend against
to discriminate by age if the employee is 40 the lowest possible level, Aguigui said. Women are thought to be non aggressive, EEO complaints.”
plus years of age, said Rose Aguigui, USAG- If a complaint is appropriate for mediation,
RC Equal Employment Opportunity the offer is first presented to management.
officer and conductor of the briefing. If it is accepted by management, the offer
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections of mediation is made to the complainant.
501, 502, 504, and 508 regard federal Mediation is focused on issues, not people or
government employees. American with personalities or faults, current employment
Disabilities Act of 1990 Titles I and V deal issues, not issues from the past, Aguigui
with private sector employees, state and local said. If mutual interests are understood
government employees. The Civil Rights and all other factors are met, then an early
Act of 1991 amends the Civil Rights Act of resolution may occur.
1964 to strengthen and improve Federal civil Negotiated settlement agreements are
rights laws, to provide for damages in cases binding, enforceable contracts. They define
of intentional employment discrimination, terms agreed upon by disputing parties
to clarify provisions regarding disparate and the terms are confidential. There is no
impact actions, and for other purposes. fault pointed out and the agreement closes
The Notification and Federal Employee the complaint unless the aggrieved party
Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act articulates noncompliance, Aguigui said.
of 2002, popularly known as the NoFEAR The Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Act, requires federal agencies be accountable briefing had three objectives: to understand
for violations of anti-discrimination and what constitutes sexual harassment, to
whistle-blower protection laws and post identify the costs of sexual harassment or a
quarterly on its public web site certain hostile work environment, and to recognize
statistical data relating to federal sector and accept one’s role and responsibilities in
equal employment opportunity complaints regard to sexual harassment, Aguigui said.
filed with such agency. All U.S. applicants, “Supervisors are held to a higher
current and former employees, certain standard,” Aguigui said. “They have that
contract employees may take advantage of responsibility.” Army policy says sexual
the EEO complaint process, Aguigui said. harassment is unacceptable conduct and it
There are eight basis for filing an EEO will not be tolerated.
complaint: “Sexual harassment destroys teamwork
• Race and negatively affects organizational
• Color readiness,” Aguigui said. “Sexual harassment
• Sex (gender) is when unwelcome sexual advances, requests
• Age (40+) for sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual
• Religion nature creates a hostile work environment
• National Origin or interferes with an individual’s ability to
• Disability (physical or mental) perform his or her job.”
• Reprisal for Title VII Activity Quid pro-quo or this-for-that types
Persons aggrieved must identify an issue of advances of a sexual nature, which are
No endorsement implied

relating to one of the above terms, condition made a term or condition of continued
or benefit of employment, Aguigui said. employment are also a form of sexual
When an individual initiates an EEO harassment, Aguigui said.

News & Notes Area I employees hold blood drive for stricken child
Victim Advocate Hot Line
USAG-RC Victim Advocate Hot Line is 011-
9187-2001. Take a stand against domestic
violence. Victim Advocate Coordinator US-
AG-Casey ACS, Building 2603. For more
information call 730-3494.

Daily Mass at USAG-RC

Join us for daily Mass 11:30 to 11:50 a.m.
Mon-Fri in USAG-RC Warrior Chapel. For
more information call 732-6404.

Community Bank Closing

USAG-RC Community Bank will be closed
for Lunar New Year Jan. 26 and 27. For
more information call: 732-6019/5502.

Red Cloud/Casey Workforce

Town Hall Meeting
Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, USAG-RC
commander, and Richard Davis, deputy
commander, will ;hold a workforce town
hall meeting Feb. 18 from 10-11 a.m. at the
USAG-Casey Digital Conference Center.
For individuals unable to attend the town
hall meeting at Casey, the event will be
broadcast live in the Red Cloud Theater.
For more information call: 732-8854.

Feeling Depressed or Stressed Out?

If you are feeling depressed or stressed
out, call the Military and Family Life Con-
sultant Program. Services are completely Bae, Jin Young (center) from Korean Red Cross draws blood from Lee, Yong Jae (reclining), DOL employee, during the blood drive held Jan. 9 on Red Cloud
confidential and private. For more informa- outside building 57. Employees of Red Cloud’s Directorate of Logistics and Korean Employees Union held a blood drive to benefit Ko, Un Young an elementary
tion call: 010-3147-0756 for Red Cloud or school student suffering from leukemia. The child will have a bone marrow transplant with marrow donated by her siblings soon and will need a large amount of
010-869-3666. blood. For this reason, employees of DOL and the KEU in Area I decided to have a blood drive on post outside of building 57. Employees from all directorates
came to give blood. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Kim, Tae Hoon
Early Bird Shopping
at Casey Commissary

Vice Governor of Gyeonggi visits Red Cloud

Early Bird shopping is 7-11 a.m. in the
Casey Commissary every Tuesday through
Friday. For additional information, call:

New! Mitchell’s Sunday Brunch

Mitchell’s will offer Sunday Brunch begin-
ning Feb. 8 from 10 to 2 p.m. every Sun-
day. No reservations are required. For
more information call: 732-8189/8211.

Fred Meurer Workshop Time Change

The Fred Meurer Workshop date is
changed to Jan. 30 from Jan. 27. For more
information call: 732-6002.

ACAP Counselor Position Vacancy at

Camp Mobile
Position requires a master’s degree or
equivalent and at least two years of experi-
ence in the field or in a related area. Works
under general supervision or independent-
ly and typically reports to a supervisor or
manager. For additional information call:

Tax Center
Grand Opening
The Area I Tax Center will have their grand
opening Jan. 27 in Maude Hall. There will
be a cake cutting and attendees may bring
their tax forms and questions to kick the tax
season off in advance of the April 15 dead-
line. For information call: 730-3660/3655

2009 Eighth Army

BATAAN Road March
Registration for the 2009 BATAAN Road
March will be from 7-8:15 a.m. Feb. 21 in
the Carey Fitness Center USAG-Casey.
Race will begin 8:45 a.m. The event is
open to active duty military personnel as-
signed to the 8th Army with a DEROS no
sooner than April 4 2009. For more infor- Kil, Kwan Chun (left), USAG-RC community relations officer, Choi, Hong Shul (center), Gyeonggi Provence vice governor, and Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jack-
mation call:725-5064. son (right), commander, USAG-RC, take a walk while discussing the relationship and responsibilities shared by Gyeonggi Provence and the U.S. Army
in Area I Jan. 16. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Kim, Tae Hoon

Dr. Park, Jong Duck (standing) of the National Institute for Korean Language explains the origin of the Korean language. Areas circled on the map indicate areas where scholars previously thought Korean language
originated. This study was in error; however, and Dr. Park explains today’s Korean language originated within the Korean peninsula. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Kim, Tae Hoon

Red Cloud KATUSAs get Korean language update

By Pvt. Kim, Tae Hoon with the origins of the Korean language. the standard national language. system, scholars believe he probably looked
USAG-RC Public Affairs “Koreans have been mistakenly taught The script, generally called Han-gul, is to several writing systems already known to
their language originated in middle Asia,” basically an invented language, invented them, such as Chinese old seal characters,
USAG-RED CLOUD — Korean Park said. “After many years of research and by the fourth king of the Choson Dynasty, the Uighur script and the Mongolian scripts.
Augmentation to the United States Army study, we know this notion is wrong.” Sejong (1418-1450). It was then called The system, for which he settled; however,
soldiers gathered in USAG-Red Cloud’s Park continued to explain how the Hunmin Chong-um, which means “proper is predominantly based on phonology, or
theater Jan. 14 to hear a special lecture Korean language came about within the sounds to instruct the people.” The script; how syllables and words are pronounced,
from Dr. Park, Jong Duck of the National boundaries of modern day Korea. Early however, did not appear until 1446 when Park explained.
Institute for Korean Language. historical records point out two groups of Hunmin Chong-um appeared in a written “This system made the Korean alphabet
Park came at the invitation of the languages were spoken in Manchuria and document. The reason for the invention one of the easiest and most scientific in the
Republic of Korea army as part of their the Korean Peninsula before the 7th century. of the Korean script, according to King world,” Park said.
weekly meetings where KATUSAs are given During the middle of the 7th century, the Sejong, was to enable the Korean people to Pvt. Kim, Hyun Soo, Headquarters,
briefings on the status of the situation with kingdom of Shilla unified the peninsula write their own language without the use of Headquarters Company, USAG-RC was
North Korea and other subjects dealing and its language became dominant. During Chinese characters. A second motivation for impressed with the new information.
with the political situation between the two the 10th century, the Koryo Dynasty was the script was to represent the proper sound “I was very impressed with the briefing
Korea’s. Subjects briefed in such meetings founded and the capital was relocated to associated with each character. today,” Kim said. “It was not only insightful,
can range between national pride to better Kaesong in the center of the peninsula. From When King Sejong and his scholars interesting, and instructive, it also gave me
knowing their enemy. This briefing dealt that time on, the dialect of Kaesong became attempted to invent a Korean writing a sense of national pride.”

attend New
Horizons Day
on Red Cloud
Soldiers learn about financial
readiness, ethics and equal opportunity
among other subjects
Gwendolyn McCarthy, USAG-RC Army Commu-
nity Services, financial services specialist, gives a
briefing to Soldiers on Red Cloud about their finan-
cial readiness during New Horizons Day held in the
USAG-RC theater Jan. 15. — U.S. Army photo by
Pvt. Kim, Tae Hoon

Yongsan troops receive New Horizons training

By Spc. Jason C. Adolphson
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — American and Korean

Soldiers and Civilian Employees throughout the Yongsan
area participated in the 14th semiannual “New Horizons”
training program Jan. 15.
New Horizons is a Korea-wide assembly designed to
provide a review of safety issues, cultural awareness, and
conduct and responsibility.
“The Army Family requires a proactive safety culture for our
Soldiers and Civilians,” Juan Vazquez, U.S. Army Garrison-
Yongsan acting safety manager said during a brief at the Religious
Retreat Center. “We must have a safety mindset at all times and
integrate composite risk management 24 hours a day.”
Due to the season, winter safety was a primary focus. The
agenda consisted of driving in poor weather conditions, carbon
monoxide poisoning prevention, cold weather injuries and drinking
and driving, which went in accordance with an increase in driving
under the influence incidents on Yongsan late last year.
Other local occurrences discussed were two pedestrian fatalities
and motor vehicle accidents in recent months.
“Never give safety a day off,” Vazquez said, citing a
common slogan. “Use risk management to help weigh the
benefits and costs of each risk, and plan ahead and make
Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 94th Military Police Battalion receive New Horizons training Jan. 15 at the Yongsan Multipurpose
choices that prevent mishaps.”
Training Facility. — U.S. Army photos by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson
Hundreds more Soldiers and Civilians gathered at the
Multipurpose Training Facility for a day of presentations and of service here in the Republic of Korea,” Lt. Gen. Joseph States Army team. They bridge multiple gaps - cultural,
discussions about various issues. While safety took center F. Fil Jr., 8th U.S. Army commander, said in his televised logistical and operational.” Fil urged troops to absorb local
stage, topics of professionalism, ethics and cultural awareness address to all military personnel on the peninsula. resources to take in the Korean language and culture for
were also a large part of the forum. “Soldiers are never off duty. Know the standards, live maximized cohesion and self enlightenment.
“I want to reinforce the behavior we need to demonstrate them and enforce them,” he said. “KATUSAs and Korean Special Troops Battalion will conduct New Horizons
to be ready to fight tonight and beginning your proud legacy servicemembers remain critical members of the United training today.

(Left) Yongsan community members rejoice in the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during a speech in King’s honor Jan. 18. (Right)
A community member sings his testimony in memory of King. This was preceded by a march and candle-light vigil. Similar celebrations
occured the same day at garrisons across the peninsula. — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. Lee Min hwi

Community holds candle-light vigil

By Cpl. Lee Min hwi Phi Alpha Fraternity President Spencer a legacy-a legacy of social action, of peace and spirit to volunteer to join his works.
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Walton. “He taught us to believe in the of nonviolent education program.” “This is my fourth year of participating to
dream that in one day America will live up to More than a dozen organizations had this event,” said Kimberly Hicks, a history and
YONGSAN GARRISON — Nearly 400 the idea that all people are created equal.” representative coming forward to light English teacher of SAHS. “Dr. Martin Luther
Yongsan community members celebrated During a musical performance, members candles. USAG-Yongsan Commander Col. King has set a path to improving equality and
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the South from Yongsan Collective Protestant Service Dave Hall also participated in the tribute. justice. It is phenomenal because his civil rights
Post Chapel Jan. 18, remembering and sang “Men of Valor.” As he did last year, “It's so valuable for us to come together as movement paved the way for equality towards
commemorating his life and legacy. Aris Wilkins, a senior in the Seoul American a community, recognizing our diversity, but various groups of people in these days.”
The ceremony began with a vigil march High School, delivered the famous Dr. King more importantly, recognizing our unity,” Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
from Collier Field House to South Post Chapel. speech, “I Have a Dream.” Hall said. “I believe our community has and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Marchers braved the cold winter weather to “Although most of us were not in the time never been stronger.” coordinated the ceremony.
honor America's slain civil rights leader. of Dr. King, we know that he had a dream Walton said ceremonies like this “I am so pround of the community's
“Tonight, we are here to honor and that people will not be judged by color of would help the younger generation effort in the program tonight," Hall told
celebrate and remember Dr. Martin Luther skin, but content of our character,” said remember the contributions of Dr. King attendees. "Dr. King's spirit lives on. Together,
King, our true American hero,” said Alpha Gloria Baker, guest speaker. “Dr. King created to America and renew many people's communities can make a difference.”

News & Notes Partners formalize

Force Protection Announcement
Hannam Village Chapel Gate may security agreement
experience unannounced closures through
Friday due to scheduled civil gatherings in By David McNally base defense
the area of the hospital. Exercise extreme USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs operations in
caution, avoid demonstrations and use the contingency
Hannam Village Main Gate, if possible. YONGSAN GARRISON — American operations.
and Korea military officials formally signed “We get great
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. a joint security agreement in a Jan. 16 cooperation,”
65th Medical Brigade wants you to know that
ceremony at Yongsan Garrison. he said. “That
you can prevent Cervical Cancer with regular
Pap tests. A safe and effective vaccine
The Republic of Korea 218th extends to
is also available that provides protection Homeland Reserve Regiment and U.S. working closely
against most human papillomaviruses (HPV) Army Garrison-Yongsan updated a long- with each other USAG-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall shakes hands with Republic of Korea
which cause cervical cervical cancer. Get a standing memorandum of understanding o n m i l i t a r y Army Col. Jung Sang-bae, 218th Homeland Reserve Regiment commander at a
Jan. 16 joint-security ceremony. — U.S. Cpl. Choi Keun-woo
Well Woman exam and Pap test today. For that enhances the partnership between exercises. We've
information, call 725-6232 or 737-2273. the two units. got a lot of good things going.” neighbor program,” said An Chang-sin,
“We have been working closely with The memorandum is the culmination USAG-Yongsan community relations
Winter Temperatures the 218th HRR over several months to of a lot of effort by the USAG-Yongsan officer. “The mil-to-mil relationships
Keep the heat on this winter! To keep the
streamline this agreement,”said Robert Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobility grow stronger through mutual respect
pipes from freezing, don’t turn the heat off
during the cold weather. If you leave your
Wallace, USAG-Yongsan base defense officer. and Security, the Republic of Korea Army and close coordination.”
quarters for an extended period of time turn “It's a better document now, and we've been Support Group and the 218th Homeland Soldiers from the 218th will host a
the heat down, but not off. The thermostat able to enhance our relationship.” Reserve Regiment, Wallace said. friendship soccer match for USAG-Yongsan
should be set at no less than 55 degrees. Wallace said the 218th agreed to augment “This is also a key part of our good troops later this spring.

Pedestrian Safety
Exercise extreme caution when crossing Seoul municipal officials, families tour Yongsan
roadways on and off post. Death and serious lifestyle in the middle of Seoul.
By Cpl. Lee Min hwi “This would help them understand what
injury are consequences of not being aware
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs “This event is a part of Good Neighbor really exists behind the walls and that the
of your surroundings at all times!
Program designed to foster better U.S. Army is a neighbor and friend.”
All-Ranks Engineer Ball YONGSAN GARRISON — Seoul relationship and cultural exchange between These nearly 80 local visitors, including
Society of American Military Engineers municipal officials and their families the U.S. Army and Korean local neighbors,” Korean family members, arrived at Moyer
6-10 p.m. Feb. 6 at the JW Marriott Hotel toured Yongsan Jan. 16 for an orientation said Michael Nutter, the U.S. Forces Korea Community Activities Center to watch a
in Seoul. See for to the installation and a look at American Good Neighbor Program coordinator. multimedia presentation on the Korean-
registration, events and other information. American alliance and the Yongsan Relocation
For information, call 723-3260.

Veterinary Clinic Renovation

Soldiers defend against snowfall Plan. USFK and Garrison officials answered
many questions about Yongsan.
The Veterinary Clinic is currently “I learned that the impacts of the U.S.
under extensive renovation. During Army are not just defending our country,
this facility upgrade, the clinic but include economic influences on local
will remain open and provide full people also," said Kim Mi-ae, a spouse.
service clinic vaccinations and sick "It is surprising to know that many of
call appointments only. No surgery Yongsan employees are Korean.”
appointments will be available at this After the quick orientation, they received
time. Renovations are projected to
a bus tour of the garrison while listening to
be completed by February 2009. For
information, call 738-4257. tour guides explain the history and mission
of the U.S. Army at Yongsan. The group also
United States Immigration Basics Class got a taste of American food in the Three
There are two sessions to choose from Kingdom's Inn Dining Facility.
9-11:30 a.m. or 1-3:30 p.m. Jan. 28. “There are restaurants, hotel, hospital and
Both cover the naturalization process much more. I never expected this,” said Yang
for both Military and Family Members Young-su. “I heard that this is one of the best
overseas, overseas adoption, the Army communities, and that seems to be
immediate relative petition process,
true. The people are really friendly too.”
and lawful permanent resident status.
Army Community Service provides the The group then walked by the U.S. Forces
class in building S4106, room 118. For Korea headquarters building, commonly
Snowfall makes its 2009 debut on U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan streets, called the “White House” as they listened to
information, call 738-7505.
cars, parking lots and anything else under the sky Jan. 16. Nutter's explanations about the installation.
FRG Workshop Soldiers armed themselves with brooms at the garrison headquarters to clear Soon they arrived at the Yongsan Lanes for
The next FRG Workshop is scheduled paths along walkways and other potentially hazardous areas. a few games of bowling.
for 9 a.m.-noon Jan. 29 in building 4106, The post road condition status rose from green to amber. “This is our first time to visit Yongsan
room 118. This month’s topic is “Best Up-to-date road status reports can be found on the garrison website at Garrison, and it is such a valuable treasure
Practices.” This month the FRGs are by clicking on the “ROAD CONDITIONS” for all of us,” said Kim Sung-hwe, event
encouraged to bring a best practice to icon along the top of the page or call 738-ROAD.
the workshop to share with your fellow coordinator. “Now we know that the Yongsan
Garrison officials urge community members to use maximum precautionary Army community is much closer. We wish
FRGs. This is an opportunity to learn
measures throughout the winter season. — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson for constant cultural exchange and ever
from each other. For information, call
738-7510. increasing friendship in the future.”

Dental Clinic Renovation

Dental Clinic #3 will undergo extensive USAG-Yongsan site meet their needs. The U.S. Army Garrison-
Yongsan web site got a facelift Jan. 18.
and links to community services.
“Our most popular pages are the
renovation and will be closed from Jan.
15 - February. During this facility upgrade, gets facelift in new year “Our goal is to be the portal of choice for
Yongsan community members,” said David
community telephone directory and
our A to Z pages,” said Webmaster
patients will continue to receive the full
spectrum of dental care at Dental Clinic #2, By Spc. Jason C. Adolphson McNally, USAG-Yongsan public affairs Steven Morgan. “We also get a large
which is located adjacent to gate #17. For USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs chief. “We currently serve more people n u m b e r o f v i s i t s t o o u r Ko re a n
through our web site than we do with our language news releases.”
YONGSAN GARRISON — As more newspaper operations.” The site redesign brings the garrison closer
For a complete list of community community members get news and More than 100 community events are to the design and functionality of the new
information news and notes, visit the information from the Internet, garrison publicized on the Community Information official Army homepage,
USAG-Yongsan official web site at
officials continue to shift resources to page, as well as weekly podcasts, news releases — See SITE Page 12 —

USAG-Yongsan Volunteer of the Quarter nominees, senior spouses and officials pose for a group photo after a Jan. 15 ceremony to honor volunteers. — U.S. Army photo by David McNally

Yongsan volunteers shine in award ceremony

By David McNally Badge, earned top billing as the USAG-Yongsan Youth
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Volunteer of the Quarter.
“I’m pretty excited,” Weigle said. “It all worked out.”
YONGSAN GARRISON — The call to serve is strong for 38 Weigle's Eagle Scout project dramatically enhanced the Stork's
of Yongsan's top volunteers. More than 130 Yongsan community Nest, a temporary living facility for pregnant women visiting the
members packed the Community Service Building classroom Jan. 15 Brian Allgood Hospital from outlying areas.
to pay tribute to those who give freely of their time and talents. Weigle encouraged other youth to volunteer. “I would say to
The 31 adult and seven youth nominees for U.S. Army volunteer because it pays off in the end.”
Garrison-Yongsan “Volunteer of the Quarter” were chosen The Garrison named Ingrid Riseley as the Adult Volunteer of
from more than 1,930 Korean and American Servicemembers the Quarter. Riseley volunteers with the Army Community Service
and Civilians who volunteered on post last quarter, said Lisa Relocation Readiness Program, but actually puts most of her time
Willadsen, Garrison Army Volunteer Corps coordinator. in at the Yongsan Readiness Center.
“Our volunteers deserve to be recognized for the hard work Riseley has been greeting Yongsan newcomers for almost a year,
that they do and the impact they make on our community,” only missing one day. She provides newcomers with information
Willadsen said. about Army life, Korean culture and family assistance.
Garrison officials presented certificates of appreciation “We have families coming to the peninsula and they’re coming
to all nominees, and then recognized the top two volunteers to something new,” she said. “They need to see a friendly face.
with mementos. Somebody needs to look at them and welcome them in person.”
Avery Weigle, a Yongsan Boy Scout working on his Eagle Riseley said newcomers have many questions that she is able to
answer. “If you can just give them that
USAG-Yongsan announces little bit, it gives them a feeling that they
are cared for,” she said.
Volunteer of the Quarter She said she was surprised by her
Avery Weigle
selection as adult volunteer of the Garrison names Top
By David McNally quarter.
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs “I was surprised because I normally Youth Volunteer
don't need recognition,” she said. “After By David McNally
YONGSAN GARRISON — Volunteer 23 years as a military spouse it's just do. USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs
of the Quarter Ingrid Riseley volunteers The recognition is nice, but it's not the
with the Army Community Service reason for volunteering.” YONGSAN GARRISON — Amidst many
Relocation Readiness Program, but Riseley said she encourages local nonprofit caregivers to the community
actually puts most of her time in at the newcomers to volunteer too. “There there’s Avery Weigle who was selected as Youth
Yongsan Readiness Center. are many rewards,” she said. Volunteer of the Quarter at a community
Riseley has been greeting Yongsan “It's important to conduct events
newcomers for almost a year, only missing service appreciation ceremony Jan. 15.
like these because volunteers often do “I'm pretty excited,” Weigle said. “It all
one day. She provides newcomers with things behind the scenes,” Willadsen
information about Army life, Korean culture worked out.” Weigle was recognized for a Boy
said. “I think the event went well.”
and family assistance. Ingrid Riseley Scout project that enhanced the Stork's Nest,
Willadsen said throughout the
“We have families coming to the last quarter, which was October to a temporary living facility for pregnant wives
peninsula and they're coming to something need recognition," she said. "After December, Yongsan volunteers logged visiting the hospital from outlying areas.
new,” she said. “They need to see a friendly 23 years as a military spouse it's just more than 18,000 hours of work each Weigle encouraged other youth to
face. Somebody needs to look at them and something you do. The recognition month. volunteer. “I would say to volunteer because
welcome them in person.” is nice, but it's not my reason for “That's a total of 55,005 volunteer it pays off in the end.”
Riseley said newcomers have many volunteering.” hours,” Willadsen said. “If you estimate About 130 community members turned
questions that she is able to answer. "If Riseley said she encourages newcomers what that much work would have cost out for the USAG-Yongsan Volunteer of the
you can just give them that little bit, it to volunteer too. “There are many the Army with a GS-5 paid employee, it Quarter ceremony to thank the nominees
gives them a feeling that they are cared rewards,” she said. figures out to a value to the community
for," she said. and honor the winners.
More than 130 Yongsan community of more than $877,000.”
She said she was surprised by her selection members packed the Community Garrison Commander Col. Dave our community members,” he said. "We
as adult volunteer of the quarter. Service Building classroom to pay Hall said Yongsan volunteers are vital are so proud of our volunteers and their
“I was surprised because I normally don't tribute to volunteers. to the community. "We have a vibrant selfless service.”
program with unequaled support from — See VOLUNTEERS Page 12 —


Lunar New Year Safety

appy New Year, again! The Lunar were killed or permanently disabled in off-
New Year holiday is widely duty privately owned vehicle accidents.
recognized as one of the most Sadly, alcohol is one of the factors in these
important Korean holidays. accidents. With any holiday comes celebrations
Families gather to reaffirm ties, wish each and with many celebrations comes an increase
other good health and fortune and many in the consumption of alcohol. This obviously
perform rites to honor their ancestors. increases the number of intoxicated drivers on
This year, more than 30 million people the roadways. Driving under the influence of
-- an incredible 75 percent of Korea’s alcohol is illegal, unethical, unprofessional and
total population -- are expected to travel extremely dangerous. Remember, the blood
between Jan. 23-28. alcohol content limit on and off military
Because of this huge influx in travel, we need installations in Korea is .05 percent. I will not
to be extra vigilant about traffic safety. If you’re tolerate those persons under my command
planning to travel, expect heavy traffic and who choose to drink and drive, and neither
long delays. Travel time on the expressways should you.
and highways will take as much as three times In addition to military traffic, I encourage
longer than normal travel times. you to minimize all noncritical driving
Unfortunately, last year, there were more next weekend. I encourage all our Soldiers,
than 1,500 reported traffic accidents, 56 Civilians and Family Members to experience
fatalities, and 3,015 total injuries during this the wonderful places and events, the people,
five-day holiday period. land and culture of Korea. But, keep safety
To mitigate any safety threats during this at the forefront of your mind.
important holiday, I have put in place In keeping with the Senior Commander’s
measures to reduce military traffic from Jan. guidance, “Under the oak tree counseling”
23-28. During this holiday period the road and detailed safety briefings are critical to
condition will be RED, which means only success. I expect leaders at all levels to focus
essential military traffic will be on the road on off duty safety, the buddy system, and
and only with proper authorization. drinking and driving. Other tips are to check
Folks, the Department of Defense loses on weather forecasts and road conditions
more Servicemembers and Civilians due to prior to travel. Finally, a reminder to review
motorized-vehicle accidents than any other USFK Policy Letters on off-limits areas and
accidental cause. Among accidental deaths of curfew. This is a Team effort. Let’s stay safe,
Soldiers not deployed in 2008, 158 Soldiers and again -- Happy Lunar New Year!

SITE from Page 10

“We continue to leverage technology “We have a large presence on Flickr,
to better manage news and publicity,” YouTube and Facebook,” McNally said.
Morgan said. “We have developed an online “Our guidance from Army Public Affairs is
database that creates news feeds, manages our to engage new media to tell the Army story,
Commander's Access Channel and sends out and we've gone after that aggressively.”
automated e-mails to subscribers to notify The Garrison site consistently gets more
them of a new press release.” than 20,000 unique visitors each month.
McNally said the public affairs staff is Visitors can sign up for free news services
constantly developing new media products. from the subscriptions page.

VOLUNTEERS from Page 11

The Seoul American Middle School on our lives,” she said.
Choir performed two moving songs Hall encouraged community members to
during the ceremony. “We also had great take two minutes each day to tell someone
support for our sponsors for the food and specifically why you appreciate them.
cake,” Willadsen said. “The results will make a world of
Guest speaker Beth Anne Hall told the difference,” she said. “We especially
gathering about the importance of telling w a n t t o t h a n k o u r vo l u n t e e r s f o r
people they are appreciated. She related everything they do.”
a story from her high school days of a Col. Hall said it was significant
note she had written on fellow student’s that so many people turned out for
Valentine’s Day card. the volunteer ceremony. “This is truly
“Saying ‘thank you’ may seem like a a first-class event worthy of our great
small thing, but it can have a big impact volunteers,” he said.

Combating Cyber Crime becomes difficult

Scouting Round-up for Korea Region
as criminals become more sophisticated
Courtesy of the FBI The three-day event, which featured a
variety of speakers and panel discussions,
Boy Scouts of America Cyber crooks have become so organized was organized to find global solutions to
and businesslike that they use online emerging cyber threats. “The FBI’s goal of
Korea District, Far East Council forums to advertise illegal wares, buy and sponsoring this conference is to build and
sell computer viruses, and traffic in stolen forge long-lasting relationships to combat
Feb. 6-8 National Camp School, Japan (Cub Scouts)
identities—all for huge profits. terrorist and criminal use of the Internet,”
Feb. 7 District Round Table, Yongsan
Besides fueling an underground said Joseph Demarest, who heads our
Feb. 8 Scout Sunday (Cub and Boy Scouts)
criminal economy, the Internet is New York Office. “The conference is the
Feb. 11-12 National Camp School, Japan (Boy Scouts)
increasingly being exploited by terrorists beginning of greater cooperation on all
Feb. 16 District Bowl-a-thon, Yongsan Lanes (Cub Scouts)
and spies, the FBI’s top cyber experts said cyber matters.” The key to fighting cyber
Feb. 20-22 Klondike Derby, Camp Long (Boy Scouts)
at a recent international conference on crime, conference participants agreed, is
cyber security. through international cooperation.
For additional information visit the Korea District online at
For about $30, one of our undercover A good example of that cooperation is
agents explained, cyber crooks anywhere today’s international 24/7 network of cyber
in the world can buy a blank credit card, investigators. The network, established
complete with the holographic security among the G8 nations in 1997, has since
Girl Scouts of America markings used by legitimate credit card grown to 55 member countries, all of which
companies. They can buy equipment have dedicated cyber crime investigators
Cookie Sales: to encode someone’s stolen identity who can respond to fast-moving cases at a
Every weekend from through Feb. 28 - Yongsan Main PX, information onto the card. And they can moment’s notice—often with the ability to
Yongsan Commissary, South Post Shoppett buy software to verify that the unsuspecting “fast freeze” e-mail traffic and other stored
victim’s credit is good, so that anyone using electronic data, which can preserve a crook’s
Jan. 31 Masquerade Ball, Underground, Main Post Club, 6-11 p.m. - billed the phony card will not raise suspicions at otherwise fleeting digital footprint.
as a 'Me and My Pal' dance - beautiful dresses, masks, dancing, and buffet. the checkout counter. Here’s a hypothetical example of how
“The sophistication of our adversaries the network operates: A cyber crook hacks
Feb. 16 USA Girl Scouts Overseas Adult Volunteers - Good Neighbor is growing,” Shawn Henry, head of into a bank in Mexico City. Mexican
Program with Girl Scouts of Korea - training class for young university our Cyber Division, told about 400 investigators trace the computer used in
students who will become future Girl Scout leaders in their elementary participants from 37 countries at the the attack to New York City, and quickly
schools. This is the second meeting. We had them in October for Outdoor first International Conference on Cyber contact FBI agents, who discover that
I, II, III training. During this session we will be discussing non-traditional Security. The conference was held last week the New York computer is linked to a
holidays on both the US and ROK side, making crafts suitable for elementary at Fordham University in New York City computer South Korea. They alert Korean
age Scouts and preparing a simple lunch at the GS Hut, B-4257, and was sponsored by the university and agents, who learn that the attack originated
on South Post, Yongsan. our New York Office, bringing together in Bangkok. Thai agents make the arrest.
our cyber experts and their international Thanks to the network, the investigative
counterparts from law enforcement, process may take hours or days instead of
industry, government, and academia. weeks or months.
No Endorsement Implied

No Endorsement Implied

TRICARE offers guidance on newborn, adoptees, Sorority hosts

Main Post Club party
pre-adoptees overseas An original or certified-copy of a certificate of live birth (signed by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
the attending physician or other responsible person from a military
TRICARE Marketing treatment facility). Birth certificates from host nation facilities Republic of Korea Alumnae Chapter
require a stamp from TRICARE prior to DEERS registration. launches ‘DELTA FORCE...SISTERS
It’s important to register newborns and adoptees in the Defense DD form 1172 signed by the sponsor and verifying official from a ON A MISSION’ Feb. 7 from 7 p.m. –
Enrollment Elibility Reporting System to establish TRICARE uniformed services ID card facility. If the sponsor cannot sign the 2 a.m. The event will feature a Fashion
eligibility for essential well-baby and pediatric health care. By DD Form 1172 in person at an ID card facility, then a notarized Show, Step Show, and party at the
registering your newborn or adopted child in DEERS, you will copy of the form is required. The spouse must provide a power of Main Post Club.
avoid potential claims problems. attorney for DEERS enrollment if the sponsor didn’t sign the DD Attendees must pay $20 in advance
As long as another family member is enrolled in Prime, Form 1172. (18 years of age and older welcome).
TRICARE Overseas Program Prime covers the following while Congratulations! And please feel free to contact your local For more information, call Janet Solly
OVERSEAS: TRICARE office at 736-9130 or log on to at 010-9052-7316.
• Newborns for 120 days beginning from the date of birth;
• Adopted children for 120 days beginning from the effective date
of the actual adoption; and
• Pre-adoptive children for 120 days beginning on the date of
Local ID Card Facilities Military Post Offices
placement of the court or approved adoption agency. USAG-Red Cloud close in honor of
Command sponsored beneficiaries must complete a Prime Bldg. 225
enrollment form to continue TOP Prime coverage past the first (Across from Mitchell’s) Lunar New Year
120 days. On the 121st day and after, if your child isn't enrolled in 732-9498
TOP Prime, TRICARE processes all future claims under Standard Military Post Offices will
(higher costs) until you enroll them in Prime. USAG-Yongsan be closed on Mon., Jan. 26
Newborns or adoptees of non-command sponsored families will Bldg. 4034 in honor of
automatically revert to TRICARE Standard after the initial 120 (Next to Dragon Hill Lodge)
days. TRICARE Overseas Prime is not available to retirees and their 723-6527
Lunar New
family members. Newborns and adoptees in this category will only Year’s Day.
be covered as TRICARE standard. Remember, it is still necessary to USAG-Humphreys Normal
register your child in DEERS to establish TRICARE eligibility. Bldg. 544
If the newborn or adoptee is the only family member, please
(Near Tommy D’s)
remember that command sponsorship rules apply and overseas 753-6759 will resume
screening will be required to enroll in TOP Prime. Jan. 27 and will be operating
To register your newborn or adopted child in DEERS, visit your
local DEERS office (ID Card Issuing Facility). DEERS registration
USAG-Daegu with limited manning.
Bldg. 1307
is still important for TRICARE eligibility no matter what TRICARE (Across from IMCOM on Camp Henry) Contact your local post office
plan your child is eligible for. Your child looses all TRICARE 768-7000 for further information.
eligibility 365 days after birth if they are not properly registered in
DEERS. Submit the following to the local ID card facility:

Jan. 23 - 29

LOCATION Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Notorious (R) 6:30 p.m. Gran Torino (R) 6:30 p.m. Twilight
CASEY Notorious Transporter 3
Sex Drive Notorious (PG13) 6:30 p.m. No Show No Show
(R) 7:30 p.m. (PG13 ) 7:30 p.m.
730-7354 (R) 8:30 p.m. (R) 8:30 p.m. Gran Torino
(R) 8:30 p.m.

Marley & Me Bedtime Stories

HENRY Marley & Me (PG) 1 p.m. (PG) 3 p.m. Twilight
(PG13) 7 p.m. Twilight (R) 7 p.m. No Show No Show No Show
Bedtime Stories
768-7724 (PG) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.

Notorious Bolt (PG) 3:30 p.m. Bolt (PG) 3:30 p.m.

HUMPHREYS Punisher: War Zone Punisher: War Zone Transporter 3 Transporter 3
(PG13) 6:30 p.m. Gran Torino Gran Torino
(R) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (R) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m. (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
Gran Torino (R) 9 p.m. (R) 9 p.m.
753-7716 (R) 9 p.m. Notorious (R) 6:30 p.m. Notorious (R) 6:30 p.m.

HOVEY Twilight Punisher: War Zone Notorious Sex Drive Bride Wars
(PG13) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m. (R) 7p.m. No Show (R) 7 p.m. No Show (NR) 7 p.m.

Bedtime Stories Twilight Transporter 3 Twilight

KUNSAN (PG) 6 / 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. No Show No Show No Show
(PG13) 6 / 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m.
782-4987 Sex Drive (R) 8:30 p.m.

Bride Wars Marley & Me (PG) 1 p.m. Marley & Me

OSAN (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG) 1 / 3:30 p.m. Yes Man Yes Man Seven Pounds Seven Pounds
Bride Wars (NR) 3:30 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
Day the Earth Stood Still Transporter 3 (PG13) 9:30 p.m. Bride Wars (NR) 6 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
784-4930 (PG13) 8:30 p.m. Transporter 3 (PG13) 8:30 p.m.

Curious Case of
RED CLOUD Benjamin Button Transporter 3 Twilight Gran Torino Gran Torino Notorious
(PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m. No Show
(R) 7 p.m.
732-6620 Punisher: War Zone (R) 9:30 p.m.

Quantum of Solace Marley and Me Marley and Me

STANLEY (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. Bedtime Stories Notorious Twilight
(PG13) 7 p.m.
Soul Men Bedtime Stories (PG) 7 p.m. No Show (R) 9 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
Saw V
732-5565 (R) 9 p.m. (R) 9 p.m. (PG) 9 p.m.

Bride Wars Bride Wars Bride Wars Twilight Punisher: War Zone Punisher: War Zone
(NR) 5:30 / 8:30 p.m. (NR) 2 / 4 / 8 p.m. (NR) 2 / 4 / 8 p.m. Transporter 3 (PG13) 6 p.m. (R) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m.
YONGSAN Family that Preys Family that Preys Family that Preys (PG13) 4 / 7 p.m. Transporter 3 Twilight Twilight
(PG13) 6:30 p.m. (PG13) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG13) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. Bolt (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m.
738-7389 Madagascar II Madagascar II Bolt (PG) 3 / 5:30 p.m. Changeling Changeling Changeling
(PG) 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m.

Area I Worship Schedule Area II Worship Schedule Area III Worship Schedule Area IV Worship Schedule
Protestant Services Protestant Services NOTE: Services will be held in the Protestant Services
Super Gym until further notice.
Collective Collective Protestant
Sunday 1000 Stone Chapel
Sunday 0800 Memorial Chapel (Liturgical) Protestant Services Sunday 1000 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1000 Stanley Chapel
Sunday 1030 West Casey Chapel 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Chapel Collective Protestant 1030 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Protestant Sunday 0930 (Korean) Hannam Chapel Sunday 1100 Freedom Chapel Church of Christ 1700 Camp Walker
School-Coffee House 1000 South Post Chapel 1100 Suwon Air Base Chapel Gospel 1215 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Warrior Chapel 1030 K-16 Chapel 1300 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1100 Crusader Chapel
1100 Camp Eagle Chapel
1100 Hannam Village Chapel Gospel 1300 Freedom Chapel Contemporary
Sunday 1100 Hovey Chapel
Wednesday 1130 Bible Study-Coffee House Contemporary Contemporary 1800 Freedom Chapel Friday 1900 Camp Walker
Gospel Sunday 1000 Multi Purpose Training Facility KATUSA Korean
Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel Tuesday 1900 Freedom Chapel Tuesday 1900 Camp Carroll
1230 Camp Stanley Chapel Gospel 1200 South Post Chapel Wednesday 1830 Camp Walker
Wednesday 1800 Gospel Bible Study
Stanley Chapel
Seventh-Day Adventist Wednesday 1730 Freedom Chapel
Thurday 1900 Gospel Practice Saturday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Chapel Wednesday 1900 Freedom Chapel Catholic Services
Stanley Chapel (Bible Study) Mass
COGIC United Pentecostal (UPCI) Catholic Services Sunday 0900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel Sunday 1330 Memorial Chapel Mass 1130 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1930 CRC Warrior Chapel Daily 1145 Freedom Chapel Saturday 1700 Camp Walker
Sunday 1300 Jackson Auditorium KATUSA Sunday 0930 Freedom Chapel
Tuesday 1900 Camp Stanley Chapel Thursday 1830 Memorial Chapel 1700 Camp Eagle Chapel Jewish
Tuesday 1840 Casey Stone Chapel
Tuesday 1800 Camp Castle Chapel
1700 Suwaon Air Base Chapel For information, contact Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Avi Weiss, avi.weiss@korea.
Episcopal, 723-6707
Tuesday 1830 Casey Memorial Chapel Jewish
Sunday 1000 Memorial Chapel
Tuesday 1830 Camp Hovey Chapel For information, contact Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Avi Weiss, avi.weiss@korea.
Thursday 1830 West Casey Chapel, 723-6707
Catholic Services
Catholic Mass Mass
Sunday 1130 Camp Stanley Chapel Sunday 0800 South Post Chapel
Sunday 0900 CRC Warrior Chapel 1130 Memorial Chapel The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the
Sunday 1215 West Casey Chapel
Sunday 0930 Camp Hovey Chapel
Saturday 1700 Memorial Chapel United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and
Orthodox Service Mon/Thur/Fri 1205 Memorial Chapel
1st and 2nd Sundays 1000 Old Hovey Chapel Tues/Wed 1205 Brian Allgood Hospital Chapel
authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war.
Later Day Saints 1st Sat. 0900 Memorial Chapel
Sunday 1400 West Casey Chapel
Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at:
Jewish Services
Jewish Friday 1900 South Post Chapel
Friday 1830 West Casey Chapel for helpful links and information.

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact

USAG-Yongsan Chaplains USAG-Humphreys Chaplains USAG-Red Cloud/Casey USAG-Daegu Chaplains

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David B. Crary: Chaplain (Maj.) Klon K. Kitchen, Jr.: 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Richard Spencer: Chaplain (Maj.) Eddie Kinley:
[email protected], 738-3009 [email protected], 753-7274 [email protected], 732-7998 [email protected], 764-5455

Chaplain (Maj.) Adolph G. DuBose: Chaplain (Maj.) James E. O’Neal: Red Cloud Chaplain (Maj.) Fredrick Garcia: Chaplain (Maj.) Edward Martin:
[email protected], 738-4043 [email protected] , 753-7276 [email protected], 732-6169 [email protected], 765-8004

Chaplain (Maj.) Leo Mora Jr.: Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: Red Cloud Chaplain (Capt.) Mario Rosario:
[email protected], 736-3018 [email protected], [email protected],
No Endorsement Implied

No Endorsement Implied

Soldiers, Civilians take aim in 2008 Korea Active-duty photo

Region MWR Digital Photo Contest contest winners
Listed are the winners for the active-
duty portion of the 2008 MWR digital
photography contest. For a complete list
of all active-duty and civilian winners, visit To view
winning photo entries from both categories,

Color Prints

Animal Friends Category

1st Place: Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Thirsty Friend
2nd Place: Staff Sgt. Joshua Johnson: Keeping Watch
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Crusin’ Staff Sgt. Kysha Searcy-Feeman: Red, White & Blue 3rd Place: Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: It Was Not Me
Honorable Mention:
Capt. Paul Hester: Mesmerized
Sgt. Roger Capote: Months Apart

Experimental Category
1st Place: Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: As in a Dream
2nd Place: Pfc. Mark Whitford: Reflections
3rd Place: Pfc. Mark Whitford: Who is Looking at Who
Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: American Cowboy
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Thirsty Friend Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Iwo Jima

Military Life Category

1st Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Cannon
2nd Place: Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: On Sight
3rd Place: Pfc. Mark Whitford: Through the Smoke
Honorable Mention:
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Advance
Capt. Thomas Webster: The Flight Surgeon’s Office

Object Category
1st Place: Staff Sgt. Joshua Johnson: Starfish
2nd Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Tripod
3rd Place: Staff Sgt. Chet Ziolkowski: Water Lilli
Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Joshua Johnson: Keeping Watch Staff Sgt. Kysha Searcy-Feeman: Red, White & Blue
Sgt. Erik McCulley: Sunset Sailors
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Cannon
People Category
1st Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Matt & Heather
2nd Place: Capt. Joseph Sage: Young Buddhist Monks -
Ankor Wat
3rd Place: Capt. Thomas Webster: Look at the Big Golf Ball!
Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: I See You
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Proud Protest

Place Category
1st Place: 1st Lt. George Cook: Cadet Chapel at West Point
2nd Place: Staff Sgt. Joshua Johnson: Jungle Hideway
3rd Place: Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz : Church on the Top
Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: Geoje Island
Capt. Michael Morella: Secret Garden Place

Capt. Joshua Sage: Young Buddhist Monks – Ankor Wat, Cambodia

Animal Friends Category
1st Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Crusin’
Honorable Mention:
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Donkey
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: Smiling
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Cheering
Experimental Category
1st Place: Christophe Paul: Flower and Bee
Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: Slurp
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: The Bride

Military Life Category

1st Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Mind’s Eye
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Matt & Heather Honorable Mention:
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: Carry to Safety
Kysha Searcy-Freeman: Moment of Silence

Object Category
1st Place: 1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Another Orphanage
Event Complete
Honorable Mention:
Capt. Joseph Sage: Moon Shot
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Wise Bucket

Capt. Thomas Webster: The Flight Surgeon’s Office People Category

1st Place: Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: Cheering
Honorable Mention:
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Come Here, Son
Staff Sgt. Christophe Paul: White Eyes

Place Category
1st Place: Capt. Michael Morella: Wonderland
Honorable Mention:
1st Lt. Andrew Kim: Underworld
Staff Sgt. Justo Andaluz: Temple on the Top

Staff Sgt. Kysha Searcy-Freeman: Moment of Silence Sgt. Erik McCulley: Sunset Sailors

18th Medical Command renovation announcements

Dental Clinic renovation: As part of our ongoing efforts to improve dental care, Veterinary Clinic renovation: As part of our ongoing efforts to improve veterinary care,
the USAG-Yongsan, Dental Clinic #3 will undergo extensive renovation and will be the USAG-Yongsan, Veterinary Clinic is currently under extensive renovation. During this fa-
closed through February. During this facility upgrade, patients will continue to re- cility upgrade, the clinic will remain open and provide full service clinic vaccinations and sick
ceive the full spectrum of dental care at Dental Clinic #2, which is located adjacent call appointments only. No surgery appointments will be available at this time. Renovations
to gate #17 (near Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital). Thank you for your are projected to be completed in February. Thank you for your understanding as we improve
understanding as we improve the facility to better serve you. Points of contact are the facility to better serve you. Points of contact are Maj. Franklin or Sgt. 1st Class Maturey,
Lt. Col. Chin Lin at 736-5221 or Col. John Marley at 736-4779. who can be reached at 738-4257.

Lunar New Year holiday bus hours for region Peanut butter cracker recall
New Kyung Dong Tour Bus Co.
Korean bus companies providing
Yongsan - Osan Air Base - Humphreys

service between military installa- USFK Veterinary Food Inspectors and Defense Commis-
tions in Korea announce special sary Agency personnel have recalled Austin® and Keebler®
Jan.24-26 branded Toasted Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers, Peanut
holiday hours for Lunar New Year.
Depart Butter and Jelly Sandwich Crackers, Cheese and Peanut But-
Yongsan 0800 1000 1230 1500 1710 1930
New Kyung Dong Tour Bus Co. and ter Sandwich Crackers, and Peanut Butter-Chocolate Sand-
Osan 0910 1110 1340 1610 1820 2040
MyungJin Tour Co., Ltd. announced wich Crackers with UPC Codes:
holiday hours for Lunar New Year
Humph 0950 1150 1420 1650 1900
Jan. 24-27. Keebler Cracker Packs
Depart Arrival times may vary based on 30100-47357
Humph 0800 1030 1230 1500 1710 1900
Osan 0840 1110 1310 1540 1750 traffic conditions.
1940 For more infor- Austin Cracker Packs
mation call, Myung Jin: 723-8006 79783-40921
and New Kyung Dong: 723-4499. 79783-40922
Yongsan 1000 1220 1430 1700 1910 2100

Jan. 27
Depart 79783-25884
Yongsan 0620 0800 1000 1230 1500 1710 1930
Osan 0730 0910 1110 1340 1610 1820 2040
These recalled products were found in the Commissaries
and its Central Distribution Centers. These items were imme-
Humph 0810 0950 1150 1420 1650 1900 2120
diately removed from commissary shelves to preclude any fur-
Depart ther issue/sale. Consumers should check for these products at
Humph 0550 0800 1030 1230 1500 1710 1900
Osan 0630 0840 1110 1310 1540 1750 1940 home and should dispose of or return the product immediately
to the commissary from which it was purchased.
Kellogg Company announced a precautionary hold on Aus-
Yongsan 0750 1000 1220 1430 1700 1910 2100
tin and Keebler Branded Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers.
FDA and other regulatory agencies have indicated that Peanut
Corporation of America is the focus of their investigation con-
MyungJin Tour Co., Ltd cerning a recent Salmonella outbreak thought to be caused
Yongsan - Camp Jackson - Red Cloud - Casey ** Tuesday Only ( Jan.27)
by tainted peanut butter. PCA is one of several peanut paste
suppliers that the company uses in its Austin® and Keebler®
Depart branded peanut butter sandwich crackers.
Yongsan 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:30 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 17:00 19:30 21:20
121 Hospital 12:40 14:10 Kellogg Company is taking precautionary measures includ-
Jackson 06:35 07:40 08:40 10:10 11:50 13:25 14:45 16:15 17:45 20:15 22:00 ing putting a hold on any inventory in its control, removing
CRC 06:45 08:15 09:00 10:20 12:00 13:40 15:00 17:00 18:00 20:25 22:10 product from retail store shelves, and encouraging customers
Arrive and consumers to hold and not eat these products until regula-
Casey 07:20 08:55 09:45 11:10 12:40 14:10 15:45 17:45 18:45 21:10 23:00 tory officials complete their investigation of PCA. Kellogg Com-
pany’s investigation has not indicated any concerns, nor has
Depart the Company received any consumer illness complaints about
Casey 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:30 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 17:00 19:00 21:00 these products.
CRC 06:30 07:40 08:40 10:10 11:40 13:10 14:40 16:10 17:40 19:40 21:40
Jackson 06:40 07:50 08:50 10:20 11:50 13:20 14:50 16:20 17:50 19:50 Links for more information:
121 Hospital 07:20 08:40 09:35

Yongsan 07:30 08:50 09:45 11:10 12:40 14:10 15:40 17:00 18:30 20:30 22:30

Zumba Fitness:
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri.
Zumba Fitness,
5:30-6:30 p.m. Tues. and Thurs.
Pilates at
Pilates Fitness:
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Trent Gym
For information, contact Shelton Coonfield, Fitness Instructor, at 010-2041-7546 or via e-mail at fierce-
[email protected]

Year of the NCO

‘It’s about having genuine concern for Soldiers’
By Ken Hall figuring out what kind of issues they’re
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs having. When we’re overseas, a lot of
Soldiers are young and away from home for
USAG-HUMPHREYS — They have the first time and away from their families
been known as the backbone of the Army and it can be hard for some to adjust.”
for decades and, in recognition of that, Army Blair said he’s worked Soldiers in his
leadership has designated 2009 as the “Year platoon hard and that it’s important to know
of the NCO” in order to promote initiatives that people care about them.
that enhance training, education, capability “I think it’s important to let Soldiers
and utilization of the noncommissioned know when they have succeeded and not
officer corps. just when they’ve made mistakes,” said Blair.
One Humphreys-based staff sergeant “When you look at the NCO creed, and the
embodies the best of NCO traditions, ethics NCO guide – in placing the mission first,
and values. He serves today because another I believe you also have to find the purpose
NCO inspired him. in that mission and I feel that is one of the
Staff Sgt. Lukas Blair, a platoon sergeant things that make a good NCO. It must be
with Charlie Company, 602 Aviation more than just the orders and directions
Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation given by the chain of command. Once the
Brigade, said a close friend who was purpose is determined, then we have to pass
completing an enlisted tour with the U.S. that down to our Soldiers so they also feel
Marines six years ago encouraged him to that sense of purpose.”
take a closer look at military service. Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O.
“He basically sold the idea to me while Preston spoke to USAG-Humphreys troops
I was in college, struggling to make ends about the importance of NCO leadership to
meet,” said Blair. “I checked out what the the Army during his recent visit here.
services had to offer and the Army had the “50 percent of any unit you stand up is
best incentives and opportunity for career leadership,” said Preston. “Leadership comes
progression to meet my needs.” from all of you – it comes from experience,
Blair, a native of Phoenix, Ariz., began and there’s no substitute for experience. You
his Army career in early 2003 and serves as can’t go out on the street corner of New Staff Sgt. Lukas Blair, C Co., 602 ASB, 2CAB. — U.S. Army photo by Ken Hall
a microwave systems operator/maintainer. York City and recruit a sergeant. You can’t distinction: 2nd Infantry Division Soldier by a ‘mystery event’ where we had several
According to Blair, much of his mission go out onto a farm some place in Nebraska of the Quarter. disassembled weapons, with all the parts
success as a platoon leader has come from someplace, and recruit a sergeant first class “There was a lot of studying to do and mixed together that we had to put back
taking care of the needs of the junior platoon sergeant. They have to be grown at the same time, I was platoon sergeant together in the fastest time. The second
enlisted Soldiers he’s served with at USAG- over time.” for 20 Soldiers,” said Blair. “The two-day day was the formal board with the division
Humphreys for the past year. Blair said he’s had great leadership during challenge consisted of a PT test in the command sergeant major, and brigade
“It’s about having a genuine concern his year-long tour at USAG-Humphreys, morning, a written test, a six-and-a-half mile command sergeant major.”
for Soldiers, and getting involved in their and will transfer at the end of the month ruck march – and it was all competitive in Blair said he intends to serve a career in
lives,” said Blair. “It’s also about connecting to his next assignment at Fort Bragg, N.C. that everyone was competing for times and the Army.
with people on a personal level offline and He’ll also take with him a hard-fought scores. Weapons qualification was followed

Humphreys Soldiers, Civilians take top honors at IMCOM Korea BOSS forum
• Pvt. Audrey Hamilton, 3rd Battalion provide program members the opportunity
2nd Air Defense Artillery, Suwon Air Base to share experiences about BOSS supported
IMCOM BOSS President of the Year; events, develop new ideas for the program
• Dean Herrera, IMCOM Korea BOSS and attend professional development
Morale, Welfare and Recreation Advisor of training in a classroom environment.
the Year; “One of the best things about BOSS is
• Command Sgt. Major Jason K. Kim, the classes we have,” said Taylor. “We have
Humphreys Garrison, IMCOM Korea classes like event planning where we learn
BOSS Military Advisor of the Year. how to plan functions and also learn about
“We learned a lot and it was a great time the legal aspects of having events in our
to network,” said Herrera, the Humphreys area. We also have finance training given by
Garrison Community Activity Center IMCOM Korea that shows us what we can
program director. “Every time we go use, and how we can use funds generated
to BOSS events like this, we meet new through income generating activities.”
members and it’s a really good time to re- Taylor said she’s found that the best way
energize for coming events.” to get more Soldiers involved is to speak with
More than 60 IMCOM Korea Soldiers Soldiers face to face and encourage them to
and Civilians participated in the event, go to BOSS events.
which included a guest speaker and club- “All single Soldiers are automatically
IMCOM Korea BOSS Soldier of the Year Pfc. Anthony Lee, Alpha Company, 527 MI, (left) style entertainment. members of BOSS,” said Taylor. “They are
Humphreys Garrison BOSS President Sgt. September Taylor, (center) and IMCOM Korea Military “We had a great motivational speaker at more than welcome to come out to each
Advisor of the Year, Humphreys Garrison Command Sergeant Major Jason K. Kim (right) were this year’s forum,” said Humphreys BOSS and every event and even our meetings
among more than 60 BOSS program representatives attending the annual BOSS forum, held at President Sgt. September Taylor. “He really on Tuesdays at 1500 in the Community
Yongsan’s main post club Jan 13-16. — U.S. Army photo courtesy Sgt. September Taylor got us all pumped up to get more people Activity Center. I encourage single Soldiers
By Ken Hall Yongsan’s main post club last week. involved with the BOSS program” to get involved in BOSS, so they have a
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs The following Area III BOSS members Taylor said the one of the high-points of positive outlet for all of their energy and
were recognized for their support of BOSS the conference was the entertainment. hard work.”
USAG-HUMPHREYS — Four Area operations and activities during 2008: “A hypnotist performed and I have There are about 55 BOSS members
III Better Opportunity for Single Soldier • Pfc. Anthony Lee, Alpha Co. 527th never laughed so hard in entire my life,” throughout Area III. The next BOSS event
program members won top honors during Military Intelligence battalion IMCOM she said. will be the Quarterly BOSS conference at
the annual IMCOM Korea BOSS forum at Korea BOSS Soldier of the Year; Taylor said BOSS conference events USAG-Casey April 15.

News & Notes First aid for our furry friends at Red Cross
Homeschooling Spouses Get-Together
The Homeschooling Spouses’ Get-Together for
February will focus on the topic of: “Loving our
children unconditionally: is it possible?” Come for
food, friendship, and encouragement from other
homeschooling spouses. The get-together will
be held Monday, Feb. 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at
Bldg. 510 Apt. 108. For more information, contact
Elisabeth Townley on 010-3144-0352 or email
[email protected]. This event is
sponsored by USAG-Humphreys Chapel.

EDIS Well Baby Clinic

The Educational and Developmental Intervention
Services is offering a clinic on raising your baby.
Clinic is held every third Friday of the month from
2 to 4 p.m. by individual appointment only. To sign
up, call EDIS at 738-4422.

Cervical Health Awareness Month

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.
To schedule a well-woman appointment, call
753-5627. For more information on cervical health,
contact Public Health Nursing at 753-8355 or
Health Promotion at 753-7657.

Boss Bargain Weekend Winter Games

IMCOM-K Boss Bargain Weekend is hosting
the 2009 Winter Games to be held from Feb.
15 until 17. Ticket price is $99, including slope-
side lodging, award ceremony, buffet dinner, lift
Chief Warrant Officer Brandon Smith, 1-2 Aviation Regiment treats his dogs Angel (left) and Colby (right) to an Osan Air Base Veterinary clinic
ticket and rental for one day and night. Only 40 visit at the Community Activity Center Jan. 12. Download this photo at — U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon
spaces are available for USAG-Humphreys. Make By Ken Hall line up a class date with one of their appropriate first aid procedures. Attendees
your reservation no later than Wednesday, Feb. USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs veterinarians.” said Cecil Goodman, former of the Humphreys Pet First Aid class will
4 at the CAC. This event is open to single and ARC Humphreys Station Manager. have the option to practice what they may
unaccompanied active duty U.S. military personnel
USAG-HUMPHREYS — They’re the Course attendees will receive pet first-aid one day have to perform.
only. For more information call 753-8825.
smallest of our community members, and training that will help pet owners identify “We provide dog and cat mannequins
Stress Management Classes sadly at times the most over-looked. They’ve injuries and illnesses; and know what to that participants will be able to learn CPR
ACS is holding weekly stress management classes traveled with us thousands of miles around do and where to go with their pets during on, and learn how to check different parts
Thursdays from 1:30 until 2:30 p.m. at Bldg. 311. the world, riding alone in tight containers medical emergencies. of the animal’s body to identify symptoms
Sessions are designed help individuals learn more in the cold underbellies of airliners to stay “Some of the training will consist of of illness and be able to treat small injuries,”
effective ways for handling stress in everyday life. with us. They’re our pets, and a step-up in identifying symptoms and how to apply said Goodman.
All ID Card holders are eligible for the course. their health care and well-being is in the medications”, said Goodman. “We’ll also The Red Cross Pet First Aid class is taught
Contact ACS at 753-8401 for more information. works at the American Red Cross. provide a manual and a DVD which by trained veterinarians from the area and
The ARC office at USAG-Humphreys is participants can take home that shows lasts about two hours. Usual class sizes will
Biggest Losers Contest
The second annual Biggest Losers Contest
planning to conduct first aid classes for pet different cases for many different canines feature 10 participants.
sponsored by the Area III Family & MWR Activities owners, beginning with first aid for dogs, as a reference aid.” For more information about enrolling
Sports Program and Area III Health Promotion followed by first aid for cats at a later date. According to the American Animal in an American Red Cross Pet First Aid
started Jan. 1 and will last through Mar. 31. The “We’re ready to conduct our first class, Hospital Association Web site, one in four Class, or other ARC classes offered at
duo that loses the highest percentage of their and we’ve been working with the Osan pets that died from illness and accidents Humphreys Garrison, call DSN 753-7172
combined weight between their entry date and Veterinary Clinic since November to could have been saved with the use of or commercial at 0505-753-7172.
Mar. 31 will each receive fabulous MWR prizes,
including passes to Splish & Splash Water Park,

Koreans to welcome Lunar New Year with rituals, festivities

free bowling and an MWR Value Book.

Change in Sick Call Hours

75th Medical Company Area Support, U.S. Army By Pfc. Kim, Hyung-joon patience, which will be associated with the much of the tradition has given way to
Health Clinic - USAG-Humphreys announced a USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs characteristics of the events that will occur modernity for the sake of convenience.
change in sick call hours. Effective Dec. 8, sick call in the New Year, as well as the personalities Although “Seollal” is often considered
hours will be 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Monday-Wednesday USAG-HUMPHREYS — From Jan. 25 of the babies born during the lunar year. the first day of the lunar calendar, this is not
and Fridays. There will be no sick call Thursdays. to 27, Koreans will observe their traditional There are many formal and informal so in technical terms. The lunar calendar
In the event of an emergency, dial 119 if living off New Year’s Day, known as “Seollal” in Korean. traditional rituals families carry out on used in modern-day Korea, along with
post, 911 if living on post or call the After Hours
This is the most-important traditional New Year’s Day. The main ritual is “Chare,” most other cultures in the world, are in fact
Clinic at 0505-753-8111.
holiday in the Republic of Korea. “Seol,” which is the ceremony of making offerings lunar-solar calendars, meaning that months
New Humphreys Flickr Website the relevant definition being unfamiliarity, to ancestors. Different kinds of traditional are added to synchronize the lunar cycle with
Want to get copies of photos of a community is combined with “nal,” meaning “day” to ritual foods are prepared a day in advance. the solar year.
event? It’s easy now that USAG-Humphreys form the word “Seollal.” On the morning of New Year’s Day, the During the Japanese occupation of the
has its own Flickr photo-sharing webpage. To The lunar New Year’s Day changes each food is arranged in specific order on an altar Korean peninsula in the early 20th century,
view or download your own high-resolution year depending on the lunar cycle. For 2009, table. Family members first ceremonially Japan abolished the lunar New Year and
images of community events go to: www. the lunar calendar indicates that the first serve alcohol to the ancestors, followed by enforced the Japanese tradition of observing USAG-Humphreys day of the lunar year falls on Jan. 26 of the all the food on the table. Two formal bows the solar New Year on Jan. 1. The Republic
Public Affairs Office will post images weekly.
solar calendar. to the altar follow. of Korea officially restored lunar New Year
Call 754-8598 for more information.
The lunar New Year also welcomes the After “Chare,” family members gather in in 1989 by popular demand. Still, some
We Want Your Stories! coming of the ox as the new zodiac symbol a less formal setting for “Sebe,” the giving Korean families continue to observe the solar
We want to publish your stories and for the year. This is a tradition that can be and receiving of New Year’s blessings to one New Year, despite the solar New Year holiday
photos in The Morning Calm Weekly traced back to ancient Chinese mythology. another. The younger members of family being just one day on Jan. 1 as opposed to
and on the USAG-Humphreys Command The Chinese zodiac rotates a new animal bow to the elderly and receive “Sebe money” the three days of lunar New Year holidays.
Channel. Please send any information every year in a 12-year cycle, in a preset order in return for their blessings. When this is Starting from several days ahead of the
or products to Ken Hall at the USAG- which was determined by a race among the done, the family eats breakfast together. lunar New Year’s Day, it is recommended
Humphreys Public Affairs Office at 754-8847 12 animals, according to mythology. There is much tradition associated with to greet Koreans with the expression, “Say
or [email protected]. The ox is commonly associated with “Seollal,” such as the wearing of traditional hay bok mani badu say yo,” meaning “Please
the traits of reliability, industriousness, and clothes and playing traditional games, yet receive many New Year’s blessings.”

Humphreys community remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Ken Hall
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs

Soldiers, Civilians and Family members
spent their Monday participating in a
mile-long walk to remember as part of a
commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. day here.
The walk began at Independence Park
shortly after 9 a.m. and weaved its way
around the east end of the airfield along
Freedom Road, finishing at Freedom Field
about 25 minutes later.
“I think today’s remembrance is historical
because it’s on the eve of an African American
being sworn in as the president of the United
States,” said Daisy Watson, director of the
United Services Organization here. “We
remember the dream of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., and with the inauguration this
week, we’ll be living the dream.”
The USO provided free snacks and coffee Humphreys Garrison community members participate in a “Walk to Remember” to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here. About 50
for participants. people walked one mile from Independance Park to Freedom Field in spite of temperatures hovering below 30 degrees fahrenheit. Download
After the walk guest speakers read poetry this photo and find more photos from other events online at — U.S. Army photo by Ken Hall
and shared stories about what the messages Montgomery as she addressed the crowd at alright as long as they keep the homeland community, and everyone is part of it –
King gave during the civil rights movement Freedom Field. tight … because together we will stand and everyone is a stakeholder and what that
meant to them. “Now, look at me, being all that I can defend this great land and forget not one means is everyone has a duty to make it
Chief Warrant Officer Paulette be because now we are dealing with true fallen Soldier who came and took a stand.” better in every way, treating everybody with
Montgomery, 520th Maintenance Company diversity within the Army, Navy Air Force, Humphreys Garrison Commander dignity and respect. I’m very proud of the
said King was among the first to fight for Marines, National Guard, Reserves – and Col. John E. Dumoulin, Jr. participated efforts of the people here at Humphreys
the right of every man, woman and child to me, standing hand-in-hand with every in the walk and praised the efforts of event and honored to be here on this special day
have equality and equal rights. ethnic group, making the ultimate sacrifice organizers and all the participants. as we celebrate what Dr. Martin Luther
“We all need to possess these qualities for the boys and girls who got dressed but “This was a real nice event for us all King, Jr. has done while America prepares
that come from within as he did,” said didn’t have the courage to fight, and that’s today,” said Dumoulin. “We have a great to inaugurate our new president.”

First, last flight for combat veteran of Operations Iraqi, Enduring Freedom
By Sgt. M. Benjamin Gable Lutz was also featured in a National
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs Geographic program demonstrating the
abilities of the Chinook aircraft.
USAG-HUMPHREYS — Three flight Lutz and Chenault met early in Chenault’s
schools, more than 150 combat missions, an final deployment to Korea last January. The
estimated 4,000 career flight hours–700 of two quickly became friends after meeting
those in combat. Number of hours logged and working together for the past year.
flying a CH-47 Chinook: zero. “He contacted me and set everything
That is until a recent change in Army up as soon as he heard about the change
Regulation 95-1, Flight Regulations which in regulation,” said Chenault. “Without
affords battalion and brigade standardization [Lutz], I don’t think I would have gotten
officers the opportunity to fly any aircraft the opportunity.”
assigned to their battalions or brigades. Chenault and Lutz climbed into their
“As soon as I read [the regulation] I knew seats in the Chinook aircraft’s cockpit–one
I wanted to fly with Richard,” said Chief that is nearly twice as large as the Apache’s
Warrant Officer Alexander Lutz, a Chinook and, after quick hands-on tutelage and
pilot and standardization officer for the familiarization, Chenault gripped the
“Nightmare” battalion; 3rd Battalion, 2nd horseshoe-shaped thrust control lever and
Combat Aviation Brigade. pulled his way skyward.
“Richard,” is Chief Warrant Officer According to Lutz, there is a considerable
Richard Chenault, an Apache pilot and difference in power between the AH-64 Chief Warrant Officer Richard Chenault, an Apache pilot and standardization officer with
standardization officer with Headquarters Apache and the CH-47 Chinook. Headquarters and Headquarters Co., 2nd CAB flies a CH-47 Chinook helicopter for the first
and Headquarters Company, 2nd CAB, “This thing will take off like a homesick time at USAG-Humphreys, Jan. 15. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. M. Benjamin Gable
stationed here for the third time during his angel,” Lutz told Chenault through the his Apache and Lutz’s Chinook. According Chenault will be missed as well.
27-year career. internal headset. to Lutz, Chenault had the opportunity to “I will miss [his] leadership and counsel,”
Chenault has traveled on missions in Chenault grinned from ear to ear, experience the same training in those three said Col. Joseph A. Bassani, commander
peacetime and war during his career aboard acknowledging the legitimacy of his friend hours that new pilots receive during their of 2nd CAB. “Richard was my right-hand
the Chinook aircraft, but had never piloted and co-pilot’s adage. six-week course. Lutz showed his enthusiasm man on issues that affected our ability to
one until Thursday. After Chenault adapted to the power throughout the flight by clapping in operate in one of the most demanding
No problem. of the aircraft, the two were ready to roll. applause and giving his friend a thumbs up environment our Army has to offer. He is a
The co-pilot for his inaugural Chinook The pilots and their crew of four took off after each successful task. true professional and friend.”
flight was no stranger to him or the 98-ft. to execute several missions. They practiced Chenault then brought the Chinook Chenault won’t be hanging up his flying
long, 23,400-pound aircraft. Lutz has been side-hill landings, sling-loading a block back to its resting place on the runway. He uniform just yet, though. He is moving
a Chinook pilot for more than 20 years. weighing 5,000 pounds and landing on landed it squarely on his target, completing on to Fort Rucker, Ala. to be an Apache
He also spent several years in the enlisted top of a mountain; in this case the narrow his first flight in the aircraft. instructor pilot, teaching incoming pilots all
ranks as a crewmember, even serving with mountain top of “Pinnacle 4.” “This was a great opportunity to fly the he has learned during his career. After one
then-Sgt. Richard Santos, now known as Chenault flew his new aircraft for more Chinook with my friend and I will miss year at Fort Rucker, he will retire from the
Command Sgt. Major Richard Santos, than three hours, often relaying to Lutz working with these guys on a daily basis Army to spend more time with his family
Command Sergeant Major of 2nd CAB. the similarities and differences between here,” said Chenault. but continue to fly as a civilian instructor.

Chilgok students enjoy fifth annual

Camp Carroll English Camp, Jan. 12

(Clockwise from top left) Middle and high school students from Chilgok County learn about the Army and Camp Carroll during a group tour. Students and Soldiers play together
at Camp Carroll’s indoor swimming pool. English Camp participants gather together for one group picture after the closing ceremony. Students wait for the closing ceremony to
start at Camp Carroll’s Community Activity Center. Students and Soldiers bowl at the Camp Carroll Bowing Center. — U.S. Army photos by Pfc. Lee, Dodam

By Pfc. Lee, Dodam The five-day camp was filled with various and interesting situations and activities. By as team instructors to make the camp even
USAG-Daegu Public Affairs activities for students. At first, since it was taking a tour of the facility, they experienced more successful.
the first time for students to speak English, how Soldiers live and American-style The camp was a collaborative effort
CAMP CARROLL – It is again that time many of them were shy and did not attempt food and games. They also got to try out between Camp Carroll and Chilgok
of the year. The fifth Annual Camp Carroll to speak a single word. However, as time simulated rifle shooting at the Engagement County. The U.S. Army provided the
English Camp was held Jan. 12 - 16, with a progressed, students found confidence in Skills Trainer training facility. venue and U.S. Soldiers as instructors,
total of 53 students from middle and high themselves, became more active and started Twenty students from Daegu American and Chilgok County covered the students’
schools in Chilgok County. The English talking to one another. School participated to help Chilgok County expenses, including all their meals and extra
Camp has given students the opportunity to The program gave students the students to get familiar with American costs. Chilgok County was designated as a
learn English as well as experience American opportunity to learn and improve their culture by sharing each other’s cultures. 14 Lifelong Open Education County by the
culture on an Army installation. English language skills in a variety of fun U.S. soldiers and KATUSAs also volunteered Republic of Korea government in 2004.

t News & Notes USAG-Daegu’s Good Neighbors Program invites

2009 DSA Tuition Scholarship
Daegu University students to Garrison, Jan. 8
Applications for five tuition-only By Kim, Keun-kyo
scholarships totaling $10,000 are now USAG-Daegu Public Affairs
available to qualifying Daegu Spouse
Association members and their CAMP HENRY – Thirty two Students
dependents. The application with and English language instructors from
applicable rules is available online at Daegu University toured United States Submission Army Garrison Daegu’s Camps, Jan. 8. As
deadline is March 31, 2009. Contact a part of Good Neighbor Program hosted
Laurie Slade at [email protected] or by USAG-Daegu, students and instructors
010-8671-6061 for more information. from local colleges visit USAG-Daegu each
Girl Scouts positions The installation tour began with an
The U.S.A. Girl Scouts Daegu explanation of the history of Camp Henry
committee is seeking the following and moved onto Soldiers’ barracks tour.
volunteer positions for 2008-09. HHC, USAG-Daegu’s Soldiers led the
Overseas committee Chairperson, students into their barracks, showing the
Secretary, Treasure, Daisy, Brownie students their rooms.
& Studio 2 B Leaders. Please call “It was a great experience seeing U.S Army
LaTondra Anderson at 053-210-6003 Soldiers’ living environment,” said Park,
for more information. Keun-ju, a student from Daegu University.
After visiting, students and instructors
Softball Coaches Wanted ate lunch in the Dining Facility. They
The USAG-Daegu Sports Office is enjoyed lunch at the DFAC and had
looking for a Post Level Softball conversations with U.S. Army Soldiers
Coach and Assistant Coach for the and KATUSAs. Then they went to Camp
2009 traveling Men’s & Women’s Walker’s Communities Activity Center to
Softball League, which plays from meet HHC, USAG-Daegu Soldiers. They
May - August. Submit resumes to the had a good time talking with the Soldiers
USAG Daegu Sports Director. Call and the air was alive with chatter and
764-4800. laughter.
“We’ve planned this event because we
Monthly Prayer Fellowship were curious about the lives of Soldiers.”
Men of the morning calm montly said Professor Glenys Morgan, Daegu
prayer breakfast and fellowship. First University.
Saturday of each month at the Camp “It’s also important for our university (Top) HHC, USAG-Daegu, Staff Sgt. Jerome Yearby explains the history of Camp Henry
Walker chapel annex fellowship starts students to get an idea what Americans to Daegu University students during the installation tour, Jan. 8.
at 8 a.m. if you have any questions, are like instead of what students think
please contact adam Morrison at 011- Americans are like. They get first-hand (Bottom) HHC. USAG-Daegu , Spc. Christopher Purley and Daegu University students share
9351-8033. information, get to meet, the Soldiers their cultural differences as a part of the installation tour. View thses photos at
themselves, and some of them are getting com/imcomkorea. — U.S. Army photos by Kim, Keun-kyo
Camp Carroll Worship Service to eat in a western style facility for the first
Every Tuesday there will be an time. The Korean Army is much different University student representative. “I think great,” he added.
11:40 a.m. worship service at the than the experience that they see here.” this is a valuable opportunity for us because After a windshield tour at Camp Walker,
Camp Carroll Chapel. Everyone is “This time is the first time for me to visit we get to know about Americans’ real life on the group waved goodbye to Camp Walker
invited. Lunch will be provided after the camp,” said Huh Dong-ho, a Daegu this occasion. And lunch in DFAC is also and concluded the tour of the installation.
the service. For more information,
contact the Camp Carroll Chapel Add one positive fitness change at a time in 2009
staff at 765-8343. the extra fiber and water, you should eat consume about 60 fluid ounces of water
By Chris Halagarda
U.S Navy Fitness and Performance less food the rest of the day and hopefully per day. Keep in mind, water-dense foods
Customer Management Services lose weight. Worst case is that you don’t such as fruits and vegetables will contribute
Enhancement Dietitian
Let your voice be heard! Go to the lose weight, but you will be much healthier to this total and high levels of physical
USAG-Daegu homepage at http://ima. FORT LEE, Va. – I love the quote, because of all the additional vitamins and activity will increase daily fluid needs above “A year from now, you’ll wish you started minerals in fruit and veggies. this amount.
asp and click on the ICE (Interactive today.” What do you wish you could have •Drink tea. Green, black, flavored, •Add calcium. Aim for 1,000-1,200
Customer Evaluation) logo to make a started a year ago? For many folks, New any kind of tea. Teas are loaded with milligrams of calcium each day. This is
comment. We want to hear from you! Year’s means yet another resolution to start antioxidants, flavanoids, vitamins and equivalent to three to four, 8-ounce cups
For more information contact Robert an exercise program, eat healthy and lose minerals and may help prevent tumors of milk, preferably low-fat milk, each day.
Bridgewater at 768-6274. weight. If this rings true to you, try making and promote weight loss. Much more Not only will calcium help keep bones and
a small change to your lifestyle in 2009 that, research needs to be done to pinpoint all teeth strong, but it may also help with
Apple Tree Gift Shop although it won’t put you on the cover of a the benefits of tea drinking, but there are weight loss. Dietary supplements may
Come visit the apple tree gift shop. It fitness magazine, will help you feel better, very few downsides to drinking it. provide some benefit, but try to reap the
is located next to the Evergreen Golf look better, function better and make you •Spice it up! Don’t let a meal go by rewards of low-fat milk’s muscle-building
Club parking lot. Ask about group healthier. without sprinkling some type of herb protein and health-promoting vitamin
shopping dates, 60 days layaway One of the first things I like to suggest or spice on it. Sprinkle cinnamon on D. Don’t like milk? Try low-fat yogurt,
Korean Furniture, Souvenirs, Celadon, to folks is to add to your diet. Don’t get oatmeal; garlic powder on salads; paprika soy milk or low-fat cheese to get more
Jewelry and much, much more! It preoccupied with what you can’t have, on hummus; chili powder, onion, pepper, calcium.
opens on Wednesday and Saturday but focus instead on what you can have. dry mustard and cayenne into chili. Don’t For more information about making
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Remember, you can find all of the following hesitate to try new spices. There are so healthy choices, visit Ask the Dietitian on
items in your local commissary at savings many great flavors with so much nutritive and post
Visit to
of 30 percent or more. Start by adding value and best of all they don’t have many your questions on the DeCA Dietitian
download high-resolution versions
of the photos featured in the USAG- one or two of these ideas to your diet or or any calories! Every time you go to the Forum. Be sure to look for other useful
Daegu section of the Morning Calm. lifestyle: commissary, try a new spice. information in the Dietitian’s Voice
pouse •Add fruits and vegetables. Promise •Drink more water. Aim for about half archive. Sign up with the DeCA Dietitian
yourself you will eat five servings of fruit your body weight in fluid ounces each on and get messages sent
and vegetables every day. By filling up on day. If you weigh 120 pounds you should to your cell phone today.

Making Dduk-Guk (Rice Cake

Soup) for Korean New Year!
Traditionally, Dduk-guk is the main dish
on Korean New Year. It is soup with rice
cake, and people believe that people have to
eat Dduk-guk during the Korean New Year
in order to gain one year of age.
In addition to meaning you are getting
one year older, Dduk-guk contains several
other meanings. Eating Dduk-guk on
Korean New Year also means to wish for a
year without illness. Hoping to live with
strength as Dduk (rice cake) as it shapes
round and long. The round shape of Dduk
like a coin also represents the rising sun.
Due to this reason, when cutting Dduk, it
has to be shaped in round like coin. Since
Dduk is made with rice powder but any
other ingredients, it symbolizes the sober
mind of New Year’s Day. Directions
Dduk-guk varies from province to • Chop the beef fine like a ground
province; mainly the shape of Dduk is meat.
different. Another name of Dduk-guk is • Place in a large cooking pot; add
‘Byung-tang,’ which means a broth made seasoning ingredients and stir-fry over
of Dduk. Happy Korean New Year! medium heat until beef turns to light
Ingredients • Add water, bring to a boil, and then
• 1 lb. rice cake, frozen and sliced reduce heat to low.
• 2 oz. lean beef • Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Seasoning Ingredients • Rinse rice cake and drain.
• 1/2 clove garlic, finely crushed • Turn heat to high and bring soup to
• 1/2 tsp. soy sauce boiling.
• 1/4 tsp. sesame oil • Add rice cake and cook five minutes
• 1/8 tsp. pepper or until rice cake is tender.
• 1 qt. water • Turn off heat; add green onions and
• 1 sliced green onion egg garnish or beaten egg.
• 1 egg for garnish • Mix well. Serve immediately.

This week’s USAG-Daegu job profile: Customer Service Officer

How do you help USAG-Daegu to evaluate the Services the garrison is providing come out of the focus groups we’ve conducted
accomplish its mission? by telling us how well we are performing as a and also the seeing the increased customer
I help the garrison hear the “Voice of the garrison at to what importance those services satisfaction rates around the garrison.
Customer” by several different methods, are to our customers. What is the one thing that most people
including the Interactive Customer Evaluation What qualities does your job require? don’t know about your job?
system, where customers concerns and It takes a lot of coordination to get focus One of the things people might not know
comments are responded to by our Service groups set up and then to document all the is that Customer Management Services is a
Providers on a daily basis, our Community issues that come out of the focus groups each brand new program that is being implemented
FIRST Program, where we conduct 2-3 quarter. My job requires some analysis of around the Army at many different installations
constituent focus groups each quarter and Ms. Bridgewater, Robert customer satisfaction trends, which makes and Garrisons in the states and around the
then the issues from those focus groups USAG-Daegu Customer Service Officer the job quite interesting and rewarding. world. Myself and all the other Customer
are acted on by our Service Providers and What do you like most about your job? Service Officers around the world are working
then annually with our Customer Service Management Services Program full-circle, The thing I like most about my job is together to bring World-Class service to our
Assessment, which takes the Customer where customers around the garrison can actually seeing the positive results which have valued customers.

AREA IV Job Opportunities



KOEZ09203178 Supv IT Specialist GS-11 1st Sig Bde, 6 SC CW Jan. 29
KOEZ09783038R-1 Marine Cargo Specialist GS-9 837th Trans Bn, Busan Feb. 21
KRNAFEZ09001-K4-OC Teen Apprentice(Graphic Design) NF-1 Cp. Henry N/A
KRNAFEZ09002-K4-OC Teen Apprentice(Sports management) NF-1 Cp. Walker N/A
KRNAFEZ09003-K4-OC Teen Apprentice(Business Management) NF-1 Cp. Walker N/A
KRNAFEZ09004-K4-OC Teen Apprentice(Library & Info Science) NF-1 Cp. Walker N/A
KN NAF POSITIONS (Open to KN & 3rd Country Family Members)
SN-09-0054T Billeting Clerk KGS-4 Cp. Carroll Jan. 29
PAC 19 ITT Specialist N/A Cp. Walker TBD
PAC 20 Duty Manager N/A Cp. Walker TBD
PAC 18 Programs Coordinator N/A Cp. Walker TBD
PAC 16 Administrative Assistant N/A Cp. Walker TBD
N/A On-Call HR Specialist N/A SERCO, Cp. Henry Until filled
N/A Part-Time ACAP Counselor N/A ACAP, Cp. Henry Until filled
For more information, contact Employment Readiness Program Manager, Steven Wegley at 768-7951


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