Bullying Pamphlet Final Edit
Bullying Pamphlet Final Edit
Bullying Pamphlet Final Edit
2.7 million students admit to being bullied, and 2.1 million students admit to being bullies
effects of bullying
notable school shootings:
in order of relevance: -Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Casualties: 27 -Virginia Tech. massacre in Blacksburg, Virginia. Casualties: 33 -Columbine high school shooting in Springfield, Oregon. Casualties: 15
2) suicides
Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than nonvictims, according to studies by Yale University A study in Britain found that at least half of sucicides among young people are related to bullying.
Stop bullying
To use superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying may be 1) want revenge at those who have defined as the activity of repeated, hurt them in the past (87% agree) aggressive behavior intended to hurt 2) other kids pick on them, make fun of another person, physically or mentally
enough 1) the seek of constant violence 2) 3) 4) desire to win family issues need of power and
Partners include organizations that reach a nationwide audience and have a focus on bullying prevention, child and youth, disability or education issues. http://www.pacer.org/bullying/nbpm/partners/n ational.asp
Our mission: To raise awareness, provide a plethora of cyberbullying information, offer compassionate, approachable services, and mobilize students, educators, parents, and others in taking efforts to end cyberbullying. ETCB will work to create a global social networking arena where all users can feel safe and positive.
Promoting a Community of Upstanders is a nationwide bully prevention campaign that supports students and adults to become upstanderspeople who stand up against bullying or mean/cruel behavior, and mobilize the entire community to end harmful harassment, teasing, and violence in our nation's schools. http://www.schoolclimate.org/bullybust/