MTech Propulsion Syllabus

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Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology


M.Tech. Aerospace Engineering (Propulsion) Curriculum

Code AE611 AE612 AE613 AE614 AE615 Advanced Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals of Combustion Compressible Flow Advanced Heat Transfer Seminar I Total 16 Course Title L 4 4 4 4 T P C 4 4 4 4 1 17

Code AE621 AE622 AE623 AE624 AE625 AE626 Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV Elective V Seminar Total 15 Course Title L 3 3 3 3 3 T P C 3 3 3 3 3 2 17

Code AE631 Project Work - Stage I Total Course Title L T P C 18 18

Code AE641 Project Work - Stage II Total Course Title L T P C 18 18

Total credits = 70

List of Electives
Computational Fluid Dynamics

Measurements in Fluid and Thermal Sciences Boiling and Condensation Aerospace Propulsion Turbomachines Shockwave Dynamics Hypersonic Air-Breathing Propulsion Micro-and Nano-scale Heat Transfer Cryogenic Engineering

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Course Syllabus for M.Tech. Aerospace Engineering (Propulsion)


Eulerian and Lagrangian approach fluid kinematics; material derivative, rotation, deformation Reynolds transport theorem physical conservation laws integral and differential formulations Navier-Stokes and energy equations exact solution of Navier-Stokes equations; steady and unsteady flows waves in fluids (potential flow formulation) boundary layer theory; Blasius solution, Falkner-Skan solutions, momentum integral approach hydrodynamic stability turbulent flows; time-averaged equations closure problem mixing-length theory law of the wall.

1. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (2006). 2. Panton, R. L., Incompressible Flow, 3rd ed., John Wiley (2005). 3. Kundu, P. K. and Cohen, I. M., Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed., Academic Press (2004). 4. Leal, L. G., Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge Univ. Press (2007). 5. Muralidhar, K. and Biswas, G., Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed., Narosa (2005). 6. Schlichting, H. and Gersten, K., Boundary Layer Theory, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill (2001).



4 credits

Combustion and thermochemistry fuels chemical kinetics and mechanisms reacting flows modeling of reacting flows premixed flames detonation and explosion diffusion flames spray combustion introduction to turbulence turbulent premixed flames turbulent non-premixed flames combustion instability.

1. Turns, S. R., An Introduction to Combustion, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill (2000). 2. Glassman, I. and Yetter, R. A., Combustion, 4th ed., Elsevier (2008). 3. Kuo, K. K., Principles of Combustion, 2nd ed., John Wiley (2005). 4. Warnatz, J., Maas, U., and Dibble, R. W., Combustion 4th ed., Springer (2006). 5. Law C. K., Combustion Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press (2006). 6. Lefebvre A. H., Gas Turbine Combustion, Taylor & Francis (1999).



4 credits

1-D gas dynamics: governing equations isentropic flow with area change, area-Mach number relations R-H equations normal shocks. 1-D wave motion: wave propagation simple and finite waves Reimann shock tube problem 2-D waves, governing equations oblique shocks, charts, shock polar and pressure deflection diagrams Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves reflection and interaction of waves supersonic free jets. Linearized flow: subsonic flow Goethert's and Prandtl-Glauert rules hodograph methods supersonic flow supersonic thin airfoils 2-D airfoils Method of characteristics, the compatibility equation applications, supersonic nozzle design generalised one-dimensional flow, working equations influence coefficients

combined friction and heat transfer combined friction and area change conditions at sonic point transonic flow measurements in compressible flows.

1. Shapiro, A. H., Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Vol. 1 & 2, Wiley & Sons (1953). 2. Liepmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., Elements of Gas Dynamics, Dover Publications (2001). 3. Thompson, P. A., Compressible Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill (1972). 4. Saad, M. A., Compressible Fluid Flow, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall (1993). 5. John, J. E. A. and Keith, T., Gas Dynamics, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall (2006). 6. Rathakrishnan, E., Gas Dynamics, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall (2009).



4 credits

Introduction review of heat transfer fundamentals transient conduction and extended surface heat transfer convection; hydrodynamically/ thermally devevloped and developing flows, influence of Prandtl number analogy between momentum, heat, heat mass transfer steady laminar and turbulent heat transfer in external and internal flows heat transfer at high speeds unsteady laminar and turbulent forced convection in ducts and on plates convection with body forces two phase flow correlations radiation basics radiation in enclosures gas radiation diffusion and convective mass transfer combined heat and mass transfer from plates and in pipes.

1. Incropera, F. P. and DeWitt, D. P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., John Wiley (2002). 2. 3. 4. 5. Kays, K. M. and Crawford, M. E., Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill (1993). Bejan, A., Convective Heat Transfer, Wiley & Sons (1984). Edwards, D. K., Radiation Heat Transfer Notes, Hemisphere Wiley & Sons (1981). Arpaci, V. S., Conduction Heat Transfer, Abridged Edition, Ginn Press (1991).


Mathematical models for fluid dynamics classification of partial differential equations discretization methods finite difference and finite volume formulations numerical solution of elliptic equations linear system of algebraic equations numerical solution of parabolic equations stability analysis numerical solution of hyperbolic equations isentropic flow through CD nozzle simulation of shockwave formation incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and their solution algorithms basics of grid generation.

1. Hirsch, C., Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Vol. I, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (2007). Fisrt published by Wiley. 2. Tannehill, J. C., Anderson, D. A., and Pletcher, R. H., Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis (1997). 3. Hoffmann, K. A. and Chiang, S. T., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers, 4th ed., Engineering Education Systems (2000). 4. Anderson, J. D., Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications, McGraw-Hill (1995). 5. Patankar, S. V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Pub. Corporation (1980). 6. Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M., Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 3rd ed., Springer (2001).



3 credits

Introduction configuration of an experimental set-up-error-calibration Uncertainity Analysis: error propagation formula, analysis of scatter, design of experiments based on uncertainty Review of probes and transducers: integral measurements of volume, velocity and temperature Introduction to wind tunnels: open and closed circuit tunnels Optical instrumentation: lasers and coherent optics, refractive index variation in transparent media, interferometry, schlieren and shadowgraph methods, analysis of interferograms, Rayleigh scattering technique Transient response and instruments: zeroth, first and second order systems, treatment of spatially distributed variables, compensation and recovery of original signals from measured data Computerized data acquisition.

1. Holman, J. P., Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill (2006). 2. Doeblin, E. O., Measurement Systems-Application & Design 4th ed., McGraw-Hill (1998). 3. Venkateshan, S. P., Mechanical Measurements, Ane Books, India (2008). 4. Meshende, D., Optics, light and Lasers, (2004).



3 credits

Pool Boiling: Nukiyama Experiment theory of vapor bubble formation mechanism of CHF various models and correlations. Flow boiling: homogeneous and heterogeneous models boiling enhancement techniques heat pipes. Condensation: film and dropwise condensation Nusselts analysis of laminar film condensation on vertical flat plate single horizontal tube and vertical array of tubes laminar-wavy and turbulent film condensation film condensation inside horizontal tubes, condensation enhancement techniques.

1. Collier, J. G. and Thome, J. R., Convective Boiling and Condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford Univ. Press (2002). 2. Lock, G. S. H., Latent Heat Transfer: An Introduction to Fundamentals, Oxford Univ. Press (1996). 3. Tong, L. S. and Tang, Y. S., Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis (1997). 4. Hewitt, G. F., Shires, G. L., and Bott, T. R., Process Heat Transfer, CRC Press (1994).



3 credits

Introduction to Air-breathing and Rocket propulsion systems review of compressible flow with friction and heat transfer classification of air-breathing engines thrust and performance evaluation cycle analysis of ramjet, turbojet, turbofan, turboprop diffuser and nozzle component analysis combustion chambers ' rocket propulsion systems classification performance parameters of rocket propulsion nozzle flow theory chemical rockets liquid rocket engine cycles liquid propellants solid propellant rockets.

1. Farokhi, S., Aircraft Propulsion, Wiley (2009). 2. Sutton, G. P. and Biblarz, O., Rocket Propulsion Elements, 7th ed., Wiley (2001). 3. Flack, R. D., Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications, Cambridge Univ. Press (2005). 4. Hill, P. and Peterson, C., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion 2nd ed., Prentice Hall (1991). 5. Mattingly, J. D., Elements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and Rockets, AIAA Edu. Series (2006). 6. Mukunda, H. S., Understand Combustion, McMillan (1989).



3 credits

Classification specific work representation of specific work in T-s and h-s diagrams Internal and external losses Euler's equation of turbomachinery ideal and actual velocity triangles slip and its estimation impulse and reaction type machines degree of reaction effect of outlet blade angle on blade shape model laws, specific speed and shape number special features of steam and gas turbines performance characteristics of turbomachines cavitation, surge and stall thin aerofoil theory cascade mechanics.

1. Dixon, S. L.,Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 4th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann (1998). 2. Baskharone, E. A.,Principles of Turbomachinery and in Air-Breathing Engines, Cambridge University Press (2006). 3. Wright, T.,Fluid Machinery: Performance, Analysis, and Design, CRC Press (1999).



3 credits

Hugoniot relation normal shocks unsteady 1-D flows finite amplitude waves characteristics Riemann invariants unsteady shock waves shock tubes shock tunnels weak and strong shocks shock interactions reflections shock-boundary layer interaction shock polar diffraction shock focussing contact discontinuities Ritchmeyer-Meshcov instability spherical blast waves internal, near-field and external ballistics various shock structures.

1. 2. 3. 4. Glass, I. I. and Sislian, J. P., Nonstationary Flows And Shock Waves, Oxford Univ. Press (1994). Ben-Dor, G., Shock Wave Reflection Phenomena, Springer (2007). George, R., Nonsteady Duct Flow: Wave-diagram Analysis, Dover Publications (1969). Courant, R. and Friedrichs, K. O., Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, Springer-Verlag (1976).



3 credits

Hypersonic air-breathing propulsion overview of hypersonic propulsion research challenges in system design system performance and analysis hypersonic intakes supersonic combustors expansion systems engine cooling liquid air-cycle engines space plane applications experimental and testing facilities CFD applications and simulation excercises.

1. Heiser, W. H. and Pratt, D. T., Hypersonic Air-breathing Propulsion, AIAA Edu. Series (1994). 2. Curran, E. T. and Murthy, S. N. B., (Eds.) Scramjet Propulsion, AIAA Edu. Series (2001). 3. Segal, C., The Scramjet Engine Processes and Characteristics, Cambridge Univ. Press (2011).



3 credits

Microscale heat transfer electronics cooling and MEMS applications convective heat transfer in microtubes and channels boiling and two-phase flow mathematical modeling nanoscale heat transfer phenomena conduction, convection, and radiation in the nanoscale applications simulation methods multicarrier and multidimensional transport.

1. Kandlikar, S., Garimella, S., Li, D., Colin, S., and King, M. R., Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels, Elsevier (2005). 2. S. Kakac, Vasiliev, L. L., Bayazitoglu, Y., and Yener, Y., Microscale Heat Transfer Fundamentals and Applications, Springer (2004). 3. Sobhan, C. B. and Peterson, G. P., Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications, CRC Press (2008).



3 credits

Cryogenic Engineering: Historical background and applications gas liquefaction systems gas separation and gas purification systems cryogenic refrigeration systems storage and handling of cryogens cryogenic insulations liquefied natural gas-properties of materials of low temperatures material of construction and

techniques of fabrication instrumentation ultra-low temperature techniques application.

1. Barron, R. F., Cryogenic Systems, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ. Press (1985). 2. Weisend, J. G., The Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, Taylor & Francis (1998).

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