Dietician: Tell Them What To Eat..
Dietician: Tell Them What To Eat..
Dietician: Tell Them What To Eat..
ectic job nature, long Dieticians run food service systems test new food products and equip-
working hours, quick for institutions such as hospitals and ment, and develop new recipes and
meals and junk food schools, educate about proper eating menus for restaurants and businesses.
have become the or- habits and conduct research.
Employment Opportunities
der of the day. This
Dietician Job Description If you enjoy working with people,
stressful living and eating wrong has
Your typical duties as a dietician will you can plumb for a dietician’s job
resulted in nothing more than obesi-
vary according to your area of spe- in a hospital, nursing home or special
ty, hair loss, tiredness and many oth-
cialization: clinic where you will chart out indi-
er health problems. Having realized,
vidual diet plans for the patients. You
people are tracking for appointments Clinical and management dietitians
may also choose to work with large
with dieticians. With dieticians’ ap- work in hospitals or nursing homes and
institutional canteens like those in
pointment diary filling up, discuss- are responsible for menu planning and
defence establishments, educational
ing the career prospects of dietician overseeing the preparation of food.
institutions, residential schools, fac-
would seem more relevant.
Community dietitians teach at-risk tories, call centres or old age homes
What does a dietician do? groups such as senior citizens, preg- to oversee the quality of the bulk-
Dieticians plan food and nutrition pro- nant women and diabetics about cooked meals. In health and fitness
grammes, and supervise the preparation which types of food to eat and which centres and spas you will treat obese
and serving of meals for their clients. foods to avoid. clients or sports and fitness buffs and
those with specific health problems.
They help prevent and treat illnesses Research dietitians study nutrition
Star-rated hotels also have dieticians
for commercial food companies.
by promoting healthy eating habits, on their rolls to plan out meals for
scientifically evaluating clients’ diets Consulting dietitians work in private guests who have specific health prob-
and suggesting modifications. practice and may counsel patients, lems in consultation with the chef.
30 ed matrix MAY 2008
Courses in Dietetics are
With a few exceptions, dietetics is
studied only after a bachelor’s de-
gree in any one of the following
disciplines: home science, medi-
cine, science (with chemistry, mi-
crobiology), hotel management and
catering. Some universities offer
postgraduate diploma courses in di-
etetics. Subjects taught in dietetics
include chemistry, physics, nutrition
and physiology. Dietician may be
taken up as a specialization in home
science at the Master’s degree level
in many universities in the coun-
try. Delhi University, University of
You could even be working with What it takes? Mumbai / Madras also offer nutrition
NGOs and government agencies / health and nutrition as subjects at
Besides the requisite academic quali-
involved in educating specific seg- bachelor’s degree level.
fications, it helps to have a scientific
ments of the population or in moni- temper. That you must have a genu- Where to study?
toring food and health programmes. ine interest in helping people with A number of universities offer a three
Research is yet another option you health and nutrition goes without year B. Sc/BA in Nutrition/Dietet-
could consider. International orga- saying. Good communication skills ics. These subjects are also offered as
nizations like the UN, UNICEF and are equally essential, as you’ll have a post-graduate specialisation both at
WHO as well as those that come un- to convince and motivate your cli- the degree (Masters in Home Sc/Ap-
der the ministry of Human Resource ents in simple layman’s terms. plied Nutrition) as well as post-grad-
Development and institutes such as Dieticians are often involved in iden- uate diploma level.
the National Institute of Nutrition tifying and treating health ailments.
also employ these professionals. All India Institute of Hygiene & Public
Health, 110 Chittaranjan Avenue, Kol-
Large packaged food manufacturers
kata 700073.
and food processing units also hire nu-
tritionists and dieticians to advise them “You will treat obese Avinashilingam Institute for Home Sci-
ence & Higher Education for Women,
on development of new products.
clients, sports, fit- Coimbatore 641043 (TN)
If you have a flair for writing, you
could take a journalistic spin-off by ness buffs and those Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
writing on health and nutrition and with specific health National Institute of Nutrition, Jamia
suggesting innovative recipes and use-
ful dietary tips with a focus on healthy problems.” Osmania, Hyderabad 500007 (ICMR)
and balanced eating. Most newspa-
Osmania University, Hyderabad (Uni-
pers and magazines have separate versity College for Women, Koti) www.
health and fitness sections, which are Therefore, knowledge of prevention
very popular with readers. Similarly, at every stage of growth and devel- SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai
almost all TV channels run popular opment and a background in metabo- 400020.
health and fitness programmes which lism and biochemistry of nutrients
feature knowledgeable and articulate University of Delhi, New Delhi 110001
and food components are critical.
experts to discuss health issues and
answer viewers’ queries. They should be able to plan nutrition University of Madras, Chennai 600005
programs and supervise the prepara-
After you gain sufficient work expe- tion and serving of meals. University of Mumbai, MG, Road, Fort,
rience, you may even consider set- Mumbai 400032.
ting up your own practice or work Perhaps most importantly, dieticians
as a consultant to hospitals, clinics, should be patient, respectful and re-
sports teams, etc. sponsive to client’s needs. Xavier Antony
ed matrix MAY 2008 31
C a r ee r
he notion of mechanical and conducting research. Robots Robotics being an inter-disciplinary
entities capable of are used in industries for speeding course, invites students who have com-
intelligent thought and up the manufacturing process. They pleted their graduation in mechanical
action is not new by are also used in the field of nuclear engineering, electrical engineering, in-
any means. Originally science, sea-exploration, servicing strumentation engineering or computer
presented in Karel Capek’s of transmission electric signals, engineering with an interest in robotics
“Rossum’s Universal Robots” in designing of bio-medical equipments and artificial intelligence.
the 1920’s, robots have since been etc. Robotics requires the application
Benefits: A course in Robotics trains
a popular subject in literature and of computer integrated manufacturing,
and educates an individual in the
movies. Many films address the idea mechanical engineering, electrical
following fields:
that robots can develop human-like engineering, biological mechanics,
qualities and “feel” emotions, so to software engineering and the like. Artificial Intelligence, Computer
speak. This idea of machines that Aided Manufacturing, Computer
Qualifications: In robotics, there Integrated Manufacturing System,
feel has made for great fantasy, and
are different areas of specialisation. Computational Geometry,
continues to do so even today.
Specialising in design and control Robot Motion Planning, Digital
Reality, however, is not nearly as in robotics is close to mechanical Electronics and Micro-processors
exciting. Apart from the various engineering. If you want to specialise Robot Manipulators.
technology demos by Sony and
Honda featuring robots that mimic
the movements of human beings, and
the animals (Sony AIBO dog), most
robots today are service-oriented
machines which repeat mundane
tasks over and over to save human
labour in the realm of manufacturing.
Industrial robots build many things
requiring precision and strength not
easily attained by human beings.
The Art of Movements Drawn
Once you complete it, the (virtual) world is at your feet.
reativity, even in the
very recent past, could
not earn a person a
decent monthly salary
but now the scenario is
completely different. In the booming
market of cartoons and animations, one can easily
satiate his creative spirits and take home a handsome
pay packet. The art of animation, a creative field dominated
by the West, now has India running as one of the most
serious contenders.
Animation is a type of optical illusion. It involves the appearance of
motion caused by displaying still images one after another. Often, animation
is used for entertainment purposes. In addition to its use for entertainment;
animation is considered a form of art. It is often displayed and celebrated in
film festivals the world over. It is also used for educational purposes;
animation has a place in learning and instructional applications as well.
Cartoon animation is often considered to be animation in its classic
form. From the beginning, animation has been an important part of
film history. Even before the invention of the motion picture camera,
photographer Eadweard Muybridge used sequential photographs to
analyze animal and human movement.
For acquiring a diploma in animation, one has to pass the 12th standard
examinations from any recognized board with a minimum of 45%
marks. For the bachelor’s degree programme the same eligibility
criterion is applicable, while for the PG program one must have a
bachelor’s degree.
Benefits: As the animation & multimedia industry is growing rapidly,
pursuing a course in these fields can boost your career. Moreover,
if you have a knack of drawing or creating characters it would help
satisfy your creative spirits. The Animation program offers a unique
learning experience that enables students to explore the production of
animation projects and understand the full complexity of the animation
process. One of the youngest of art/design disciplines, animation
continues to develop in new and exciting ways.
Scope in India: Animation in India has been a long way with Indian
animations catering to the needs of several private and public sectors and
30 ed matrix july 2008
C a r ee r
indigenously produced animated films in western countries is quite common, thus
constituting the bulk. Various T.V programs, providing the Indian students with career
advertisements / commercials and computer Though cartoons opportunities. The western countries are
favoring India over any other country for
games are demanding a huge quantity of
manpower from the Indian market. Animation and animations outsourcing animation because of the
is also being used in titling films, creating hardly seem to be following reasons:
special effects or in web entertainment • Vast base of English speaking manpower
programs. Thus the scope for students products meant for
• Cost advantage
of animation is huge in the context of the outsourcing, yet
emerging Indian market. • Abundance of well-equipped studios.
There are various courses on animation
Indian cartoonists 3D Animation is, of course, a fiercely
and cartoons offered in colleges all over the and animators competitive area to get involved in, so
country. The major colleges are: the Qantm course is designed to give a
have begun course which has an advantage over the
• National Institute of Design ( NID,
Ahmedabad) working for foreign many self-taught animators out there who
have simply learnt from the manual. 3D
• J.J School of Arts. companies. Animation; Graphic Design, Games Design
• Zee Institute of Creative Arts ( ZICA) + Programing; Web Development and Game
Audio courses beginning in September 2008
• Industrial Design Center (IDC), IIT - Mumbai
could earn a minimum of 12,000 US dollars are taught in Qantm College London, UK.
& Guwahati
per minute of work from the present 2,000 US These animation courses cover both
• Arena Multimedia dollars being paid for 2D animators. practical and conceptual topics. Real-world
• Pentamedia While the industry grew at eight percent and hands-on projects are encouraged and
Animation courses are offered in almost worldwide in India the growth had already close industry involvement ensures that the
16 states in India. They train students in touched 25 percent, he said. Another methods taught and software programs
the fields like Multimedia Training, Support advantage of this course, conducted in used are totally relevant and completely up
modern-day instructional technologies association with Centennial College of to speed with what’s going on in the greater
and teaching methods, enabling easy and Canada and Punjab Technical University, industry.Academy of art university in san
efficient interaction between students and was that the students get trained by Francisco designs for a limited number of
learning environment, Promoting creativity the international faculty, get Canadian students who want to take their talent and
and enhancing the learning experience, certificate for their program, go for internship creativity and transform them into a viable
Lending itself to change with evolving in an animation studio and get campus profession, as well as wanting to acquire
training needs and Facilitating state-of-the- placements, he said. knowledge as a means of constructing the
art Animation. personal, professional and social project for
Academic advisor of the college, Canada-
their own lives.
Arena Animation Dilsukhnagar in Hyderabad based Philip Edward Alexy, known for his
hastened to master the nuances of animations in Star Wars, Casper, Angela and The animation training aims at achieving
Animation Training. The New Delhi-based Anaconda, said the programme was much three basic objectives: knowledge of
Picasso Digital Media Private Limited has cheaper in India (Rs.5 lakhs for three years) as technologies, of materials and of design
introduced a three-year degree programme in Canada it would cost about Rs.12 lakhs. culture, the ability to understand the market
– B.Sc. (Multimedia and Animation – Film and its requirements and the ability to
Another advantage of Indian students was
and TV) in Visakhapatnam and Mumbai. communicate the qualities of design. This
that they were better in spoken and written
Picasso Animation College is the India’s only stimulates the students to acquire critical
English which could fetch market in North
Animation College with Full Time Canadian skills, the ability to operate independently,
American animation industries when they
Experts. Animation courses help you to excel the responsibility to make decisions and the
gain experience, he added.
in areas like International Studio Quality ability to relate to the client.
Infrastructure, Project oriented approach, Scope Abroad: Though cartoons and
Ralph Bakshi, an American director of
Short Animation Film by each student, Live animations hardly seem to be products meant
animated and occasionally live-action films
Project / Industry Internship for outsourcing, yet Indian cartoonists and
says, “What are most important in animation
animators have begun working for foreign
The animation and gaming industry had a are the emotions and the ideas being
companies. Indeed, Indian companies are
bright future in India as there was a demand portrayed. I’m a great believer of energy
moving ahead of their South East Asian
for 30,000 animators though the industry had and emotion”.
counterparts in the field of animation. But
only 20,000 animators in India. A 3D animator the application of animation in these fields Kalpana.E
ed matrix july 2008 31
C a r ee r
being concerned with local and worldwide
environmental issues such as the effects of
acid rain, ozone depletion, water pollution
and air pollution from automobile exhausts
and industrial sources.
Educational licensing requirements
To become an environmental engineer,
at least a Bachelor’s degree in engineer-
ing (usually civil or chemical, and more
frequently environmental engineering) is
required, usually followed by specialized
training at the Master’s or Doctoral level.
Unlike traditional Engineering disciplines
like Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineer-
ing or Chemical Engineering, Environmen-
tal Engineering evolved as a branch of
Chemical and Civil Engineering over the
past several decades to deal with increas-
ingly complex environmental challenges.
At many universities, Environmental
Engineering programs follow either the
Department of Civil Engineering or The
Department of Chemical Engineering
at Engineering faculties. Environmental
“civil” engineers focus on hydrology, water
resources management and water treatment
plant design. Environmental “chemical”
engineers, on the other hand, focus on
environmental chemistry, advanced air
and water treatment technologies and
separation processes.
Additionally, engineers are more frequently
obtaining specialized training in law (J.D.)
and are utilizing their technical expertise in the
practices of Environmental engineering law.
Environmental Most jurisdictions also impose licensing
engineers conduct and registration requirements.
hazardous-waste Development of environmental en-
management studies to gineering
evaluate the significance Ever since people first recognized that
nvironmental engineering is the
application of science and en-
of such hazards, advise their health and well-being were related to the
gineering principles to improve on treatment and quality of their environment, they have applied
thoughtful principles to attempt to improve
the environment (air, water, containment, and develop the quality of their environment. The ancient
and/or land resources), to pro- regulations to prevent Harappan civilization utilized early sewers
vide healthy water, air, and land for human
habitation and for other organisms, and to mishaps. in some cities. The Romans constructed
aqueducts to prevent drought and to create a
remediate polluted sites. Environmental engineers conduct clean, healthful water supply for the metropolis
Environmental engineering involves hazardous-waste management studies to of Rome. In the 15th century, Bavaria
water and air pollution control, recycling, evaluate the significance of such hazards, created laws restricting the development and
waste disposal, and public health issues advise on treatment and containment, and degradation of alpine country that constituted
as well as a knowledge of environmental develop regulations to prevent mishaps. the region’s water supply.
engineering law. It also includes studies Environmental engineers also design
municipal water supply and industrial Modern environmental engineering began
on the environmental impact of proposed
wastewater treatment systems as well as in London in the mid-19th century when
construction projects.
30 ed matrix august 2008
C a r ee r