Paranthropology Vol4. No. 3 (July 2013)
Paranthropology Vol4. No. 3 (July 2013)
Paranthropology Vol4. No. 3 (July 2013)
Vol. 4 No. 3 1
ISSN: 2044-9216
Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
ISSN: 2044-9216
Vol. 4 No. 3 (July 2013)
Vol. 4 No. 3 (July 2013)
Board of Reviewers
Dr. Fiona Bowie (Dept. Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Bristol)
Dr. Iain R. Edgar (Dept. Anthropology, Durham University)
Prof. David J. Hufford (Centre for Ethnography & Folklore, University of Pennsylvania)
Prof. Charles D. Laughlin (Dept. Sociology & Anthropology, Carleton University)
Dr. David Luke (Dept. Psychology & Counseling, University of Greenwich)
Dr. James McClenon (Dept. Social Sciences, Elizabeth State University)
Dr. Sean O'Callaghan (Department of Politics, Philosophy & Religion, University of Lancaster)
Dr. Serena Roney-Dougal (Psi Research Centre, Glastonbury)
Dr. William Rowlandson (Dept. Hispanic Studies, University of Kent)
Dr. Mark A. Schroll (Institute for Consciousness Studies, Rhine Research Centre)
Dr. Gregory Shushan (Ian Ramsay Centre for Science & Religion, University of Oxford)
Dr. Angela Voss (EXESESO, University of Exeter)
Dr. Lee Wilson (Dept. Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Cambridge)
Dr. Michael Winkelman(School of Human Evolution & Social Change, Arizona State University)
Prof. David E. Young (Dept. Anthropology, University of Alberta)
Honorary Members of the Board
Prof. Stephen Braude(Dept. Philosophy, University of Maryland)
Paul Devereux (Royal College of Art)
Prof. Charles F. Emmons (Dept. Sociology, Gettysburg College)
Prof. Patric V. Giesler (Dept. Anthropology, Gustavus Adolphus College)
Prof. Ronald Hutton (Dept. History, University of Bristol)
Prof. Stanley Krippner (Faculty of Psychology, Saybrook University)
Dr. Edith Turner (Dept. Anthropology, University of Virginia)
Dr. Robert Van de Castle (Dept. Psychiatry, University of Virginia)
Jack Hunter (Dept. Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Bristol)
Cover Artwork
Jack Hunter
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 2
Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Taking Experience Seriously
Jack Hunter
Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of
contemporary science and philosophy (Nagel
2012:35), and is currently undergoing some-
thing of a resurgence of interest as a eld of
investigation (Zahavi 2005:3). Many commenta-
tors have noted, however, that the bulk of re-
search into the nature of consciousness pro-
ceeds according to a fairly restricted idea of the
types of approach that can be fruitfully applied
to it (Jahn & Dunne 1997:204). Recently emerg-
ing as chief amongst the dominant approaches
is the neurophysiological approach, which at-
tempts to understand consciousness as either
identical with, or as an epiphenomenon of,
physical brain function (Churchland 1982).
This kind of reductionism, often referred to as
mind/brain identity theory, that is the idea
that consciousness and brain-function are syn-
onymous, is becoming increasingly popular in
both the professional academic literature and
the popul ar sci ence l i terature ( Searl e
1998:xii-xiii). Such reductionist accounts of
consciousness have proliferated to the extent
that philosopher and neurologist Raymond Tal-
lis has coined the term neuromania to refer to
the belief that contemporary neuroscience
proves that consciousness is identical with brain
function and that free will is an illusion (Tallis
2012). The current debate over consciousness,
and in particular the relation of consciousness
to the brain (the mind/body problem), is there-
fore torn over the question of whether con-
sciousness can be reduced solely to the function-
ing of the brain or whether it might be some-
thing more than this.
Whether consciousness can be reduced to
brain function or not, however, the popular
emphasis on quantitative, experimental, and
neurophysiological approaches to the study of
consciousness is not representative of the full
spectrum of possible approaches. There are
other means of investigation. Indeed, writing as long
ago as the early Twentieth Century, psychologist Wil-
liam James (1842-1910) stressed the fact that any
model of the universe that fails to take into account
the complexities of subjective experience will ulti-
mately be doomed to incompleteness (James 2004
[1902]:335). Echoing this sentiment more recently,
Thomas Nagel has written that [t]he existence of
consciousness seems to imply that the physical de-
scription of the universe, in spite of its richness and
explanatory power, is only part of the truth (Nagel
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 3
Introduction: Taking Experience Seriously
- Jack Hunter (3-8)-
Experience and Studying the Paranormal
- Charles F. Emmons & Penelope Emmons (9-13)-
Lord of the Flies:
The Phenomenology of a Possession
- Peter Mark Adams (14-18) -
Recognising the Voice of God
- Tanya M. Luhrmann (19-20) -
From Sleep Paralysis to Spiritual Experience: An Inter-
view With David Huford
- John W. Morehead (21-28) -
The Experiencing Brain
- Charles D. Laughlin (29-34) -
UFOs and Other Anomalous Phenomena:
Connections, Beliefs and Perspectives
- Jose Banuelos (35-40) -
The Culture of War, Afterlife Conscious Minds, & Mor-
phogenetic Fields: The Past Soundscapes of an American
Civil War Battleeld
- John G. Sabol (41-47) -
Processes of Experience
- Donnalee Dox (48-53) -
The Brain and Spiritual Experiences:
Towards a Neuroscientic Hermeneutic
- Andrew B. Newberg (54-62) -
Ultra-Terrestrials and the UFO Phenomenon:
A Response to Steven Mizrach
- Jason Colavito (64-68) -
Musings on Good, Evil and the Conquest of Mexico: An
Interview With Graham Hancock
- William Rowlandson (69-78) -
[REVIEW] Through a Glass Darkly:
Magic, Dreams & Prophecy in Ancient Egypt
- Callum E. Cooper (79-80) -
2012:35), the very existence of subjective experience
implies that a purely physical explanation of con-
sciousness is not possible. Consciousness is, after all,
fundamentally entwined with experience (Blackmore
2005:5), and it would seem counterintuitively detri-
mental to attempt to divorce experience from the
study of consciousness. Indeed the Oxford Diction-
ary of Psychology characterizes consciousness speci-
cally as the experience of perceptions, thoughts, feel-
i ngs , awar e ne s s of t he ext e r nal wor l d,
and...self-awareness (Colman 2009:164). In the
words of philosopher David Chalmers (1995) experi-
ence itself is the hard problem of consciousness. It
would seem reasonable, therefore, to take subjective
experience seriously, and to explore what experience
itself might tell us about the nature of consciousness.
Quantitative & Qualitative
Qualitative methodologies, dened as forms of data
collection and analysis which rely on understanding,
with an emphasis on meaning (Scott & Marshall
2009:618), can provide a route towards investigating
consciousness as experienced, and can reveal many
aspects unobtainable through neurophysiological in-
vestigation. For example, an fMRI scan could not
express the redness of a red apple, or the blueness of
a blue sky, let alone what it is like to experience
pleasure, pain, love or hate. This is not to deny the
relevance and importance of quantitative neuro-
physiological research, rather it is a reminder that
there is more in the way of richness and meaning to
the experience of consciousness than is often pre-
sented in neurophysiological accounts. Again, echo-
ing William James, the richness and signicance of
experience are just as much a part of the universe as
any physical object, and as such demand to be taken
seriously. In order to examine subjective experience it
is necessary to take a qualitative, phenomenological
The phenomenological method was rst devel-
oped in a systematic way by the German philosopher
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) as a means to investi-
gate the structures of consciousness as experienced
from the rst-person point of view. In order to inves-
tigate rst-person experience in a meaningful way,
Husserl developed the notion of epoch, a process of
observation whereby all assumptions about a phe-
nomenon are bracketed out in order to understand
it as it is experienced (Ashworth 1996:2), as pure
consciousness, without a priori conclusions about the
ultimate nature of the experience, or biased interpre-
tations of it (Heath 2000:56). Robert Sharf, for in-
stance, writes of the aim of phenomenological brack-
eting in the study of religion:
If we can bracket out our own presuppositions,
temper our ingrained sense of cultural superi-
ority, and resist the temptation to evaluate the
truth claims of foreign traditions, we nd that
their experience of the world possesses its own
rationality, its own coherence, its own truth
(Sharf 2000:268)
The phenomenological approach, therefore, aims to
understand experience (or religion, culture, love, the
paranormal, and so on) as experienced and under-
stood by the experiencer, in its own terms. This is the
qualitative nature of consciousness, what it feels like
to experience consciousness.
Hillary S. Webb has used the analogy of clock
systems and cloud systems, rst employed by the
philosopher of science Karl Popper, to illustrate the
different aspects of consciousness illuminated by
quantitative and qualitative approaches respectively.
Quantitative approaches focus on the clock systems
of consciousness, which provide insight into, and
information about, the physiological and behavioral
implications of consciousness, factors that can be
recorded and analysed using the standard methods of
experimental science. Such research is useful in dem-
onstrating the physiological correlates of conscious-
ness, but ultimately cannot provide insight into the
lived experience of consciousness. Research on the
cloud systems, referring to those aspects of con-
sciousness that are unpredictable and free owing,
however, can begin to ll in the gaps left in our un-
derstanding by the quantitative methods (Velmans
2007a:724; Webb 2012:7). Qualitative data begin to
ll the gaps left in the neurophysiological account.
Without qualitative descriptions of conscious experi-
ences the physiological description of brain states will
forever remain incomplete.
The Explanatory Gap
The neurophysiological (quantitative) and phenome-
nological (qualitative) accounts of consciousness are
two sides of the same phenomenon. Firsthand, sub-
jective conscious experiences are undoubtedly corre-
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 4
lated with neurophysiological brain activity (Rees et
al. 2002), and yet a so-called explanatory gap per-
sists because it is not yet clear how physical brain ac-
tivity can be associated with subjective experience. In
his famous article What is it Like to Be a Bat?
(1974), Thomas Nagel argues that:
...the subjective character of not
captured by any of the familiar, recently de-
vised reductive analyses of the mental, for all
of them are logically compatible with its ab-
sence (1974:436)
According to the dominant materialist view, physical
matter is essentially inert, possessing no form of con-
sciousness, which, naturally, is incompatible with the
phenomenon of conscious experience. This problem
is, therefore, a deep one, and runs at the core of the
debate over consciousness: how can physical matter
(such as the stuff from which we are made) have sub-
jective experience?
Max Velmans (2007b) recognises two distinct ap-
proaches to the issue of the relationship between
matter and subjective consciousness, which he labels
discontinuity and continuity theories. Discontinuity
theories essentially take the physical materialist ap-
proach and suggest that consciousness emerged
through the evolution of sufciently complex biologi-
cal systems (nervous systems and brains), and conse-
quently is only found in sufciently complex organ-
isms, hence it is discontinuous in the universe - occur-
ring only where complex organisms are found. Of
course, this still leaves open the question of how and
why matter, once it reaches a sufciently complex
state of organisation, becomes conscious. The alter-
native view, which Velmans feels to be the most par-
simonious, is the continuity model, according to
which consciousness is a fundamental property of
matter itself. This is a perspective that might be
termed panpsychism. Velmans writes that according
to this view:
...all forms of matter have an associated form
of consciousness, although in complex life
forms such as ourselves, much of this con-
sciousness is inhibited. In the cosmic explosion
that gave birth to the universe, consciousness
co-emerged with matter and co-evolves with it.
As matter became more differentiated and de-
veloped in complexity, consciousness became
c or r e s pondi ng l y di f f e r e nt i at e d and
complex...Its emergence, with the birth of the
universe, is neither more nor less mysterious
than the emergence of matter, energy, space
and time (Velmans 2007b:279)
Currently the explanatory gap that exists between the
physical structure and functioning of our brains and
the subjective nature of our conscious experiences
remains open, though there are models that attempt
to close it. Only time will tell which model will prove
to be correct (if indeed any current model is correct).
For the time being, however, research must continue,
not just into the physiological structure of the brain
but also into the nature of subjective experience in all
of its varied forms, in the hope that such research
might contribute to the solution of these long-
standing problems.
Taking Experience Seriously:
What Are The Consequences?
Taking experience seriously, and using it as a means
to approach the nature of consciousness may present
the researcher with novel aspects of consciousness
that would otherwise go unnoticed. Indeed, there are
many peculiar quirks of subjective experience that
might point us towards unexpected facets of the na-
ture of consciousness. For example, what might near-
death and out-of-body experiences tell us about the
nature of consciousness? What might the trance ex-
periences of shamans and mediums, the visionary
experiences of mystics, or paranormal experiences
tell us about the nature of consciousness? What does
the psychedelic experience tell us about conscious-
ness? There are countless such questions, and we will
briey explore a few of them over the next couple of
Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)
Near-death experience (NDE) researchers Sam Par-
nia and Peter Fenwick have argued that the NDE
poses a signicant challenge to the notion that con-
sciousness and thought are produced by the interac-
tion of large groups of neurones or neural networks
(2002:9 emphasis added). They write:
...the fact that [experiences recalled during
periods of severely compromised cerebral
functioning and no electrical activity in the
cerebral cortex and deeper brain structures]
raises some questions regarding our current
views on the nature of human consciousness
(Parnia & Fenwick 2002:9)
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 5
Parnia and Fenwick suggest that the NDE experience
opens up the debate over the nature of consciousness
to alternative theories of the relationship between
consciousness and the brain. As examples of alterna-
tive scientic models they list Roger Penrose and Stu-
art Hameroff s theory of consciousness as a quantum
process within neuronal microtubules (Hameroff &
Penrose 1996), Rupert Sheldrakes notion of con-
sciousness as a morphic eld (Sheldrake 1987), and
the dualist idea that mind or consciousness may ac-
tually be a fundamental scientic entity in its own
right irreducible to anything more basic (Parnia &
Fenwick 2002:9). Whether consciousness is any of
these things or something else entirely, however, the
important thing to note in the context of the theme
of this anthology is that taking the phenomenology of
the near-death experience seriously demands a recon-
sideration of the dominant mind/brain identity the-
ory of consciousness, rekindles debate, and opens up
new avenues for scientic inquiry.
Trance Experiences
As an illustration of the kind of insights that can
come from taking the experiences of trance mediums
seriously we now turn to recent fascinating neuroi-
maging research conducted by Julio Fernando Peres
and colleagues (Peres et al. 2012). During the practice
of automatic writing (psychography), mediums claim
to enter into a trance state during which their physi-
cal body comes under the inuence of a discarnate
entity, which then uses the mediums body to write
out messages using a pen and paper. During the
trance the medium experiences a state of dissociation
whereby the physical movements of their body are no
longer felt to be under their conscious control. The
standard materialist scientic approach to such claims
is dismissal, because, according to the dominant ma-
terialist paradigm, mediumistic phenomena are im-
possible, therefore automatic writing must be fraudu-
lent. Nevertheless, Peres research team did take the
experiences of mediums seriously and used single
photon emission computed tomography to scan the
brain activity of ten automatic writers (ve experi-
enced, ve less experienced), while in trance. The
research ndings have been summarised as follows:
The researchers found that the experienced
psychographers showed lower levels of activity
in the left hippocampus (limbic system), right
superior temporal gyrus, and the frontal lobe
regions of the left anterior cingulate and right
precentral gyrus during psychography com-
pared to their normal (non-trance) writing.
The frontal lobe areas are associated with rea-
soning, planning, generating language, move-
ment, and problem solving, perhaps reecting
an absence of focus, self-awareness and con-
sciousness during psychography, the research-
ers hypothesize. Less expert psychographers
showed just the opposite increased levels of
CBF in the same frontal areas during psycho-
graphy compared to normal writing. The dif-
ference was signicant compared to the experi-
enced mediums (Thomas Jefferson University
The implication here is that during the trance state of
the experienced automatic writers, activity is reduced
in the areas of the brain usually associated with rea-
soning, planning, language, movement and problem
solving, suggesting that the mediums dissociative ex-
perience during trance is far from delusional or
fraudulent. Furthermore, the researchers conducted
an analysis of the complexity of the writing and
found that, contrary to what would normally be ex-
pected, the complexity increased as the activity in the
areas of the brain usually associated with such com-
plex behaviours was reduced. This raises the question
of how, if the brains functioning was reduced, such
complex writing was possible. The spiritist interpreta-
tion suggests that it was spirits doing to writing while
the mediums consciousness was absent, and the data
could indeed be read in this way. More cautiously,
however, Andrew Newberg has suggested that this
research reveals some exciting data to improve our
understanding of the mind and its relationship with
the brain and calls for further research in this area
(Thomas Jefferson University 2012). Again we see
that taking experience seriously, in this case the
trance experiences of mediums, instead of dismissing
them as delusional or fraudulent, opens up new ave-
nues for inquiry and provides tantalising insights into
the relationship between consciousness and the body
that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.
Psychedelic Experiences
Interestingly, a recent functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) studies of the effects of psilocybin
(the active compound found in magic mushrooms),
has revealed similar patterns of deactivation of cer-
tain brain regions while under the inuence of the
psychedelic compound. The study, conducted by
Robin Carhart-Harris and colleagues (2011), found
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 6
decreases of cerebral blood ow in the thalamus and
anterior and postulate cingulate cortex after the ad-
ministration of psilocybin to research participants.
The researchers also found that the magnitude of the
decrease in blood ow was correlated with the inten-
sity of the subjective psychedelic experience, leading
to the conclusion that the results strongly imply that
the subjective effects of psychedelic drugs are caused
by decreased activity and connectivity in the brains
key connector hubs, enabling a state of uncon-
strained cognition (Carhart-Harris et al. 2011:2138).
The association of heightened subjective experience
with decreased neurological activity certainly poses
interesting questions about the link between con-
sciousness and the brain. Indeed these ndings,
amongst others, have led some researchers to suggest
a lter theory of consciousness, as originally sug-
gested by Henri Bergson (1859-1941), and borrowing
from Aldous Huxleys (1894-1963) conception of the
brain as a reducing valve for consciousness (Luke &
Friedman 2010; Luke 2012:99; Kastrup 2012; see
also Carter 2012 for an overview of the lter/
transmission model). This position suggests that
rather than producing conscious experience the brain
acts as a receiver of consciousness, so that when, un-
der certain circumstances (such as mediumistic trance
states, or while under the inuence of psychedelics),
brain activity is decreased so conscious experience is
increased, or expanded (Kripal 2011:). Once again,
taking the psychedelic experience seriously has pro-
vided surprising insights into potential models of
mind/brain interaction.
This Issue
The papers contained within this issue take a variety
of theoretical and methodological approaches to the
study of conscious experience, but all are united in
their attempt to take experience seriously as a valid
subject for inquiry.
Rather than attempting to present a unied ap-
proach, it is the editors hope that the different per-
spectives presented in this issue (from the mystical to
the neurological), will provide the reader with
thought provoking material that might inform them
in the development of their own particular approach
to this fascinating aspect of existence.
Ashworth, P. (1996). Presuppose Nothing! The Sus-
pension of Assumptions In Phenomenological
Psychological Methodology. Journal of Phenome-
nological Psychology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-25.
Blackmore, S. (2005). Consciousness: A Very Short Intro-
duction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carhart-Harris, R.L., Erritzoe, D., Williams, T.,
Stone, J.M., Reed, L.J., Colasanti, A., Tyacke,
R.J., Leech, R., Malizia, A.L., Murphy, K.,
Hobden, P., Evans, J., Feilding, A., Wise, R.G. &
Nutt, D. (2011). Neural Correlates of the Psy-
chedelic State as Determined by fMRI Studies
With Psilocybin. PNAS, Vol. 109, No. 6, pp.
Carter, C. (2012). Does Consciousness Depend on
the Brain? In D. Pinchbeck & K. Jordan (eds.)
(2012). Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness:
Liminal Zones, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimen-
sions of the Mind. Berkeley: Evolver Editions. (pp.
Chalmers, D. (1995). Facing Up to the Problem of
Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies,
Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 200-219.
Churchland, P.S. (1982). Mind-Brain Reduction:
New Light From the Philosophy of Science.
Neuroscience, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 1041-1047.
Colman, A.M. (2009). Oxford Dictionary of Psychology.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hameroff, S. & Penrose, R. (1996). Orchestrated Re-
duction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Micro-
tubules: A Model for Consciousness. Mathematics
and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 40, pp. 453-480.
Heath, P.R. (2000). The PK Zone: A Phenomenol-
ogical Study. Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 64,
pp. 53-72.
Jahn, R.G. & Dunne, B.J. (1997). Science of the Sub-
jective. Journal of Scientic Exploration, Vol. 11,
No. 2, pp. 201-224.
James, W. (2004 [1902]). The Varieties of Religious Expe-
rience. New York: Barnes & Noble.
Kastrup, B. (2012). A Paradigm-Breaking Hypothesis
for Solving the Mind-Body Problem. Paranthro-
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 7
pology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the
Paranormal, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 4-12.
Kripal, J.J. (2011). Authors of the Impossible: The Para-
normal and the Sacred. Chicago: University of Chi-
cago Press.
Luke, D. P., & Friedman, H. (2010). The Speculated
Neurochemistry of Psi and Associated Proc-
esses. In S. Krippner & H. Friedman (eds.), Mys-
terious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums
and Other Extraordinary People. Westport, CT:
Praeger. (pp. 163-185).
Luke, D. P. (2012). Psychoactive Substances and
Paranormal Phenomena: A Comprehensive Re-
view. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies,
Vol. 31, pp. 97-156.
Metcalfe, D. (2012). On Anthropological Approaches
to Anomalous Phenomena: Explorations in the
Science of Magic and the Narrative Structure of
Paranormal Experiences. In D. Pinchbeck & K.
Jordan (eds.) (2012). Exploring the Edge Realms of
Consciousness. Berkeley: Evolver Editions.
Nagel, T. (1974). What is it Like to be a Bat? The
Philosophical Review, Vol. 84, No. 4, pp. 435-450.
Nagel, T. (2012). Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist
Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Cer-
tainly Wrong. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parnia, S. & Fenwick, P. (2002). Near Death Experi-
ences in Cardiac Arrest: Visions of a Dying
Brain or Visions of a New Science of Con-
sciousness. Resuscitation, Vol. 52, pp. 5-11.
Peres J.F, Moreira-Almeida A., Caixeta L., Leao F.,
Newberg A. (2012). Neuroimaging during
Trance State: A Contribution to the Study of
Dissociation. PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 1-9.
Rees, G., Kreiman, G., & Koch, C. (2002). Neural
Correlates of Consciousness in Humans. Nature
Reviews, Vol. 3, pp. 261-271.
Scott, J. & Marshall, G. (2009). Oxford Dictionary of
Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Searle, J.R. (1998). The Mystery of Consciousness. Lon-
don: Granta Books.
Sharf, R.H. (2000). The Rhetoric of Experience and
the Study of Religion. Journal of Consciousness
Studies, Vol. 7, No. 11-12, pp. 267-287.
Sheldrake, R. (1987). Mind, Memory, and Archetype
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Uncon-
scious - Part I. Psychological Perspectives, Vol. 18,
No. 1, pp. 9-25.
Tallis, R. (2012). Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis
and the Misrepresentation of Humanity. Durham:
Acumen Publishing Ltd.
Thomas Jefferson University (2012, November 16).
Brazilian Mediums Shed Light on Brain Activ-
ity During a Trance State. ScienceDaily. Re-
trieved January 11, 2013, from:
Velmans, M. (2007a). An Epistemology for the Study
of Consciousness. In M. Velmans & S. Schnei-
der (eds.) (2007). The Blackwell Companion to Con-
sciousness. New York: Blackwell. (pp. 711-725).
Velmans, M. (2007b). The Co-Evolution of Matter
and Consciousness. Synthesis Philosophica, Vol. 22,
No. 44, pp. 273-282.
Webb, H.S. (2012). Clock System or Cloud System?:
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Human Consciousness. Paranthropology: Journal of
Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, Vol. 3,
No. 4, pp. 4-12.
Zahavi, D. (2005). Subjectivity and Selfhood: Investigating
the First-Person Perspective. Cambridge, Massachu-
setts: MIT Press.
Jack Hunter is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Archae-
ology and Anthropology at the University of Bristol. His research
takes the form of an ethnographic study of contemporary trance
and physical mediumship in Bristol, focusing on themes of person-
hood, performance, altered states of consciousness and anoma-
lous experience. In 2010 he established 'Paranthropology: Journal
of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal' as a means to
promote an interdisciplinary dialogue on issues of the paranormal.
In 2010 he was awarded the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship by the
Parapsychology Foundation, and in 2011 he received the Gertrude
Schmeidler Award from the Parapsychological Association and a
research grant from the Society for Psychical Research. He is the
author of Why People Believe in Spirits, Gods and Magic (2012),
an introduction to the anthropology of the supernatural.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 8
There is a great deal of doubt in mainstream sci-
ence about the appropriateness of scientic research
on the paranormal, ranging from healthy skepticism
to ridicule. Even some (many? most?) scientists who
dare to study the paranormal display at least a
healthy degree of skepticism themselves. Some of this
is no doubt a reaction to the attack from mainstream
science. However, keep in mind that scientists in gen-
eral, no matter how mainstream or anomalous their
subject matter, have not only been trained in the
methods of science, but have also been socialized
mostly in a Western cultural context that privileges
science as a way of knowing. Even the Western spirit
mediums we studied (Emmons & Emmons 2003)
tended to be skeptical of their own work, often look-
ing for conrmations that their readings were evi-
dential instead of something they were just making
up in their heads.
Therefore, it often takes some kind of dramatic
personal experience for a scientist to get past a mate-
rialist mindset and to become open-minded enough
and curious enough to look into the study of anoma-
lies. My favorite account of such an experience is
Elizabeth Lloyd Mayers (2007:2-4) adventure with
her daughters harp. The expensive, handmade harp
had been stolen at a theater in Oakland, California,
where she played in a concert. Having failed to nd it
after extensive help from the police, and media,
Mayer reluctantly agreed to a friends suggestion that
she contact a dowser (a practitioner who allegedly
nds things, underground or elsewhere, by means of
dowsing rods).
Her friend directed Mayer to the president of the
American Society of Dowsers, whom she then called
on the phone. From Arkansas, the dowser paused
briey, then told her that the harp was still in Oak-
land and asked her to send him a street map of the
city. Two days after she sent the map, the dowser
called her back and told her, Its in the second house
on the right on D________ Street, just off
L________ Avenue (Mayer 2007:3). Mayer located
the house, then gave the address to the police, who
predictably told her that a tip was not enough
grounds to get a search warrant. Besides, they said,
surely the harp had been fenced out of the area by
At this point Mayer put up yers in a two-block
area around the house, offering a reward for the
harp. It was a crazy idea...[and] I was embarrassed
enough about what I was doing to tell just a couple of
close friends about it (Mayer 2007:3). Three days
later a man called saying that the harp described on
the yer hed seen outside his house matched exactly
a harp his next-door neighbor had recently acquired.
After two weeks of a series of circuitous phone calls
it was agreed that she would meet a teenage boy in a
store parking lot. Sure enough, it was her daughters
harp. Twenty-ve minutes later, as I turned into my
driveway, I had the thought, This changes
everything...I had to face the fact that my notions of
space, time, reality, and the nature of the human
mind were stunningly inadequate (Mayer 2007:3-4).
After that she began to delve into the literature
on anomalies and started to share experiences with
her psychology colleagues and others at the Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley, and elsewhere. She died
just after completing her book Extraordinary Know-
ing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers
of the Human Mind (Mayer 2007), the source for the
above account.
Fortunately we have more than just anecdotal
evidence for scientists changing their values or inter-
ests based on personal experiences (and not just on
their knowledge of research ndings). In a survey of
elite scientists, McClenon (1984:162) found that be-
lief in ESP is more closely related to personal experi-
ence [with paranormal events] than to familiarity
with the research literature on psi. In other words, it
may be that research is less convincing than personal
experience when it comes to things that arent sup-
posed to happen (deviant knowledge).
This does not surprise me. In my study of 91
UFO researchers (84 of whom had advanced de-
grees, including 76 doctorates), the most important
single reason they gave for wanting to (daring to)
study UFOs was thinking that they had had a UFO
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 9
Experience and Studying the Paranormal
Charles F. Emmons & Penelope Emmons
experience themselves (Emmons 1997:48-54). Alto-
gether 48% thought they had had an experience, and
another 8% thought they might have. This contrasts
with polls of the general population in which only
between 5% and 14% thought they had seen a UFO.
Although some of these ufologists kept their work
secret, most of them had undergone risks to their
careers by conducting UFO research. It often takes
some kind of powerful personal curiosity to be willing
to buck the social control system in academe and
government (not so much in business). As one of the
UFO researchers told me (Dr. X, Emmons
1997:52-54), after he and his wife and at least one
other witness had experienced a brightly-colored low-
ying ferris-wheel-shaped object that drove them off
the highway, he no longer doubted that UFOs ex-
isted; he just had to nd out what they were.
Lest you think that an experience always carries
the day (seeing is believing), I should point out that I
had some amusing interviews with astronomers for
my UFO study in which they told me that they did
not believe in ESP or other anomalies, then pro-
ceeded to relate to me their own strange experiences.
On another occasion I watched a tape of a man de-
scribing his disturbing nighttime visitation involving
what he interpreted as a ghost, at the end of which
he stated, And I dont even believe in ghosts.
Mayer (2007:108, 113) relates that Hal Puthoff,
on the last day of the CIA-sponsored program in re-
mote viewing that he and Russell Targ worked on at
SRI, thought to himself, I cant be doing this. These
data cant be real; its simply not possible. But the
evidence was too strong. He said, The problem lay
with my beliefs. I dont want to make too much of
this psychological issue, because I still think that the
main issue is social organizational (the interests of the
scientic establishment and of those who benet
from it), but Puthoff s case is still interesting. It shows
how being socialized to the dominant paradigm
makes it difcult even for scientists who dare to do
the research not to be super-skeptical.
Even studying how personal experience impacts
scientists willingness to study anomalies is easier for
the sociologist in me to accept when I think about my
own experience with experience. Here are a couple
of examples (see also Emmons and Emmons
Before the age of 19 I never thought that I had
experienced anything paranormal, until I took a psy-
chology course run by Professor John Fleming at
Gannon College. Although I was an atheist at the
time, and felt sure that the universe could be ex-
plained entirely by the normal laws of physics, I was
astonished to hear fascinating accounts of research
on ESP and PK. Instead of taking an it cant be;
therefore it isnt attitude, however, I thought, It
shouldnt be, but it seems to be, so Id better check it
I decided to try a study of my own, one in PK
(mind over matter). In the following summer I rolled
3 dice at a time for a total of over 200,000 up-faces,
trying for a 5 on each one. The results were hits
112 to 2 percent in excess of the expected value,
with odds billions to one against this outcome for the
size of the sample. Professor Fleming consulted with
J.B. Rhine on my data sheets, who said they con-
tained typical decline effects (very cold streaks after
very hot streaks). Fleming also had my dice tested
(rolled in a machine) in a lab setting without me pre-
sent, and the dice appeared slightly biased against
ves, meaning that the odds against my results were
even greater than expected.
That hooked me for life, I think, but my rst ac-
tual sociological/anthropological study of the para-
normal didnt come until about 18 years later, in my
book Chinese Ghosts and ESP: A Study of Paranormal Be-
liefs and Experiences (1982), in which I used social scien-
tic techniques to compare ghost experiences, among
other things, in Western and Eastern cultures. I found
that apparition experiences were very much the same
phenomenologically, in spite of signicant cultural
differences in beliefs (Emmons 1982). For example,
rsthand reports of apparition experiences in both
cultures almost never occurred simultaneously with
physical effects, in spite of strong beliefs in Chinese
culture that ghosts often attack people physically.
Although I have had many other personal expe-
riences that have boosted my curiosity, probably the
most signicant set of experiences got me interested
in the research on spirit mediums in the United States
(Emmons & Emmons 2003). Most of these experi-
ences connect to the death of my mother in 1993
(Emmons & Emmons 2003:101-107). I got the im-
pression that I was communicating with my mother
after her death, at rst hearing her voice in my left
ear. I could have chalked it up to my imagination,
except that there were many evidential aspects to the
communication. For example, on several occasions it
appeared that she would help me nd lost objects, or
warn me about little accidents that were about to
happen if I didnt avoid them (like a bike u-turning
right back toward me, which oddly happened twice
within about two minutes, with different riders on
different streets). The warning was watch out, which
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 10
I heard internally a few seconds before each bicycle
event. It got to the point that it seemed to me to be
unscientic not to see some signicance in such un-
usual occurrences.
Fortunately I still retain the skepticism to consider
other interpretations (like clairvoyance rather than
spirit communication). Such experiences may or may
not convince anybody else, but they have been
enough to stimulate me to study paranormal issues
(probably at a cost to my career). I also never want to
lose my skeptical side. After all, my curiosity addic-
tion is not satised by believing (I dont believe in
belief; I believe in evidence, which includes personal
experience), and accepting things without adequate
evidence would be like cheating myself, or cheating at
Another interesting experience took place while
at college in 1964, although I thought strongly at the
time that it was probably a hoax: a table-tipping
demonstration (Emmons & Emmons 2003:137-138).
At a cast party after our nal performance, four of us
sat around a card table with our hands on top (no
thumbs underneath, it appeared). The table rose a
good foot and a half before I dropped under the table
to investigate. I could discover no tricks, although I
suspected two people who had whispered something
to each other over the table before we started.
Stephen Braude, philosophy professor at Univer-
sity of Maryland (Baltimore Campus), and a promi-
nent writer in the eld of paranormal research, also
had a table-up sance experience in graduate
school. He told me that several factors made it seem
genuine: it was his table, the participants were not
jokers, and it was in daylight. The memory of this
experience, which he thought needed confronting,
stayed with him, but he waited until he was safely
tenured as a professor before becoming involved in
research on such matters.
Robert Waggoner (2009:4-7), a researcher in the
eld of lucid dreaming, had his own experiences with
lucid dreams, precognitive dreams, and visions of his
inner advisor by ages 11 and 12. Then he read
books by Carlos Castaneda as a teenager and contin-
ued to have lucid dreams, learning to practice staying
aware within such dreams, which is still a practical
focus of his research today.
Russell Targ, laser physicist and remote viewing
researcher, told me about his childhood interest in
trick magic, which led to his experiencing apparently
real ESP while engaging in his performance tricks.
His curiosity over his personal experience led him to
build an ESP teaching machine involving a 4-choice
option, with the target selected by a random-number
generator. People could learn from feedback, know-
ing what it felt like when they were successful.
By contrast some researchers have become inter-
ested in anomalies without rst having personal expe-
riences to motivate them. Other strong motivators
come from reading and from social inuences from
friends and family (some of whom may have had
their own experiences). Reasons given by UFO re-
searchers are similar (Emmons 1997:51). This also
parallels the reasons for spirit mediums becoming
socialized into their role (Emmons & Emmons
2003:210-217). In other words, in spite of the sociali-
zation process and social control system in main-
stream science (and religion), there are other ways for
people to become socialized to deviant knowledge.
For example, Dean Radin (1997:300), psi lab re-
searcher at IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences),
writes about his curiosity stemming from reading sci-
ence ction stories, something Russell Targ did as
well. Radin says that people in his family, including
himself, did not have paranormal experiences when
he was young. He never had a conversion experience
and has been hooked on the data only (Mayer
Radin did tell us at a meeting of the Society for
Scientic Exploration, however, that he tends to have
precognitive dreams as an adult. Once he had a
dream that he would be in a car accident the follow-
ing day. Not wanting to be in a car accident, he said,
he decided to take a very circuitous route to work the
next day, one that he did not take ordinarily, but then
he was rear-ended. I couldnt help speculating on
how a New Ager or Spiritualist might interpret such
an experience. For example, maybe the Universe was
having fun with him, Dean Radin the big psi re-
searcher, who conducts lab tests for precognition. It
raises paradoxical questions about such things as
whether the future is predetermined and whether one
could change it based on prior knowledge.
Darlene Miller, Director of Programs at The
Monroe Institute (TMI), told me about a blend of
social inuence, reading, and personal experiences in
her background. Having been raised a fundamental-
ist Christian, and switching to atheism in college, she
was later introduced to ideas from TMI by business
associates who had attended the institute. This, plus
contact with The Course in Miracles material,
changed her perspective on things. The same associ-
ates led her to try reiki healing, with which she had a
dramatic experience involving intense heat that took
her pain away in ten minutes. After that she took the
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 11
Gateway experience from TMI and moved to TMI
the following summer.
Robin Wooftt, head of the Anomalous Experi-
ences Research Unit, a sociological research depart-
ment at the University of York, England, had early
reading inuences, somewhat like Dean Radin. As a
child he was interested in comics, pop novels, horror
lms and things generally related to the occult. These
led him to the paranormal and the supernatural. Al-
though he recalled no anomalous experiences of his
own as a youth, and only a couple of things in the
past few years that could be data, he told me that
nowadays he is primarily very skeptical, having been
more open to such things as a child.
Al Rauber and Garrett Husveth, two paranormal
investigators in the United States, both said in a joint
interview that their earliest inuences came from
reading. Al read a book on ghosts as a sophomore in
high school, then read everything he could nd on
the paranormal, hauntings and ESP. Garrett said that
he became interested in ghosts at age ve or six, then
read all that he could about parapsychology, EVP
(electronic voice phenomenon), ghosts and hauntings.
The two of them started working together in the late
1980s. Both of them seem more focused on investiga-
tive methodology than on any personal experiences
they might have had.
Mark Nesbitt, historian and writer of the Ghosts
of Gettysburg series (1991), told me that he had been
interested in ghosts as a kid, and later as a park
ranger in Gettysburg he would ask people if they had
heard about ghosts on the battleeld or in the historic
houses there. Of course the ofcial position of the
Park Service (and of the Visitors Center in Gettys-
burg, I might add, where I spotted nary a book about
ghost experiences or ghost folklore), has been to deny
or ignore ghost experiences, probably out of needing
to appear respectable I should think. However,
Mark, wanting to be a writer, began to record the
many experiences people reported to him, and in
recent years he has had some experiences of his own.
Back to academe, let me relate the background of
four graduate students in the UK who were involved
in studying the paranormal when I visited in 2008.
Madeleine Castro, a PhD candidate at the University
of York, England, said that she was curious about the
unexplained from about age twelve, and she ques-
tioned the God thing. Activities with other youths at
renewal camps and around the campre, including
shared extraordinary experiences, contributed to her
curiosity about anomalous experiences, which she
now studies in a sociological frame.
Sarah Metcalfe, also at the University of York,
whose research involves a sociological and medical
approach to spirit mediumship, was originally intro-
duced to the subject by her best friend who was a
spirit medium. Sarah also attended a Spiritualist
Church for entertainment rather than as a regular
member. She started out believing in mediumship but
is now agnostic about it, nevertheless retaining a re-
search interest.
Hannah Gilbert, another sociology graduate stu-
dent at the University of York, told me that she had
had no anomalous experiences as a child, but that she
did have an interest in such things that was supported
by her father, an academic psychologist. They even
did some work together studying spiritual healing.
Eventually she ended up doing sociological research
on the subjective experiences of spirit mediums.
Another graduate student, name omitted for
condentiality, was interested from an early age due
to her grandmother who practiced mediumship, as-
trology, and tarot-card reading. As an adult she
helped run a community group that held workshops
in these same subjects. Although her perspective has
changed from her younger years, when she used to
believe everything, she ended up studying Internet
communities involved in neopaganism and Wicca.
Before concluding this chapter on how experi-
ence spurs scientists into daring to research anoma-
lous events, I should also point out that some people
take the position that experience is actually more im-
portant than science, at least in terms of convincing
people to accept the paranormal as real. Tami Si-
mon, in the editorial introduction to Measuring the
Immeasurable: The Scientic Case for Spirituality
(2008:ix-x), states, I am not a person who needs sci-
ence or research to convince me of the benets of
spiritual practice. However, Simon continues to ex-
plain that science is useful for legitimating the use of
spiritual practices in the work of medical profession-
als, and for rening such practices.
Paul Rademacher, director of The Monroe Insti-
tute, although supportive of the use of science at
TMI, said to me that we tend to think that something
is real if we can prove it by science, but experience
comes rst. In his case, when he had a construction
accident as a young man, he had the experience of
breaking through the pain and into a state of peace,
in which he was surrounded by a being of light.
Later, while in the ministry, he heard a clear, precise
voice go off in his head, telling him of a book he
must read. Through such spiritual guidance he ended
up at TMI. Skip Atwater, also at TMI, had numerous
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 12
out-of-body experiences as a child. It was these expe-
riences, plus his involvement with remote viewing in
the military, that left him with little doubt about the
reality of such phenomena.
Finally I am reminded of a Spiritualist who said
to me, after hearing about this research of mine,
Lets leave the scientists out of it. As you might
guess, I have no intention of doing that. However, as
a (social) scientist, I am still very much interested in
learning from peoples subjective anomalous experi-
Emmons, C.F. (1982). Chinese Ghosts and ESP: A Study
of Paranormal Beliefs and Experiences. Metuchen,
New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Emmons, C.F. (1997). At the Threshold: UFOs, Science
and the New Age. Mill Spring, North Carolina:
Wild Flower Press.
Emmons, C.F. & Emmons, P. (2003). Guided by Spirit:
A Journey into the Mind of the Medium. NY: Writers
Club Press.
Mayer, E.L. (2007). Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skep-
ticism and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind.
NY: Bantam Books.
McClenon, J. (1984). Deviant Science: The Case of Para-
psychology. Philadelphia: The U of Pennsylvania
Nesbitt, M. (1991). Ghosts of Gettysburg: Spirits, Appari-
tions, and Haunted Places of the Battleeld. Gettys-
burg, PA: Thomas Publications.
Radin, D. (1997). The Conscious Universe: The Scientic
Truth of Psychic Phenomena. NY: HarperOne.
Simon, T. (ed.) (2008). Measuring the Unmeasurable: The
Scientic Case for Spirituality. Boulder, CO: Sounds
Waggoner, R. (2009). Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the
Inner Self. Needham, MA: Moment Point Press.
Charles Emmons is a
sociologist at Gettysburg
College and author of
books on spiritual and
paranormal topics. His
latest book, coauthored
by his wife, Penelope
Emmons, is Science and
Spirit: Exploring the Lim-
i t s of Consci ousness
(2012). They also col-
laborated on Guided by
Spirit: A Journey into the
Mi nd of t he Medi um
(2003). Other publica-
tions by Charlie include
Chinese Ghosts and ESP: A Study of Paranormal
Beliefs and Experiences (1982), and At the Thresh-
old: UFOs, Science and the New Age (1997). Pe-
nelope Emmons is an ordained minister and
medium. She has given spiritual counseling (read-
ings) for more than twenty years. Penelope has a
BS degree in Education and a Masters in Social
Work from Temple University. She has a private
counseling and coaching practice in Gettysburg, PA.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 13
New Publication:
There are few human phenomena that carry the
complexity and ambiguity of possession: it chal-
lenges the notion of a unied, immutable self; of a
facile distinction between acting and reality; of
who or what is the source of ones actions; even of
humans as single isolated entities.
If the eye could see the demons that people the uni-
verse, existence would be impossible.
Talmud, Berakhot 6
A comparison of the inner experiences of people
suffering from involuntary possession offers unique
opportunities for cross-cultural investigation. By in-
ner experiences I mean those arising from states of
cognitive, empathetic engagement (Bowie 2012)
that typify healer-client relations, especially in the
area of natural healing
. Coherence across accounts
dealing with similar cases and derived from a range
of healers and their clients establishes a pool of expe-
riences that can then be interrogated. Nevertheless,
inner accounts of possession will always seem fan-
tastical, contrary to science and threatening to our
notions of common-sense, personal identity and
autonomy. And yet, it is only by exploring these sub-
tler aspects of reality that we can make progress to-
wards understanding the deeper signicance of the
phenomenon (as well as certain other anomalous ex-
periences). From the perspective of practical experi-
ence possession manifests in ve well-dened ways:
(1) Infestation (indirect externalization of an
entitys presence).
(2) Oppression (physical harassment by an en-
(3) Obsession (domination of a persons
thought processes and behavior by an en-
(4) Possession (forceful displacement of a per-
sons identity by an entity).
(5) Subjugation (voluntary relinquishing of
freewill to an entity).
(Amorth 1999:77)
Since full possession often involves total amnesia, the
nearest that we can come to understanding the inner
experience is through its lesser manifestation: obses-
sion. What follows is the frank and disturbing inside
account of such a case. To provide context I have
framed it with my own experiences dealing with this
client. The events took place outside the context of
any religiously sanctioned exorcism and are therefore
free of the totalizing worldviews of the various faiths.
The client was a happily married father of a new
born, a business and information technology consult-
ant with a major transnational company. He contin-
ued to maintain all of these multiple responsibilities
throughout the course of his treatment, which lasted
roughly eight months. He was also psychically gifted
and therefore able to perceive the progress of his own
case from a unique inner perspective. He had initially
come to me to learn a range of energy-work tech-
niques. As our work progressed he became increas-
ingly aware of blockages in his energy anatomy. I
therefore suggested that we conduct cleansing work
on these. As the cleansing progressed the client began
to psychically see black, grape-like attachments
around his lower legs and feet. Each time I cleansed
these attachments a week or so later he reported that
they had returned. In addition his feet now became
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 14
The intention and desire to facilitate healing provides the navigation, for want of a better word, that powers the shifts in
awareness necessary to read the clients eld for relevant information. This is a reversed or goal governed process moving
backwards from an intent to heal to the retrieval of the information that will facilitate it. This type of goal governed, retro-
causal process is best described as teleological.
Lord of the Flies:
The Phenomenology of a Possession
Peter Mark Adams
swollen and purple. The medical doctors he went to
could nd no medical cause for his problems.
From my perspective, the re-generation of the
attachments was indicative of deeper problems and I
decided to get a second opinion. Despite my urging
him to consider how he may be contributing to his
situation, up to this point he had been unwilling to
share the crucial information that over a period of
time he had been experiencing frequent erotic
dreams. While asleep, or in a dream-like state, he
was approached by what appeared to be a beautiful
woman who engaged in intercourse with him result-
ing in orgasm. Such recurrent dreams are often as-
sociated with psychic parasitism, and with a class of
entities traditionally called succubi (though djinn
encompasses parallel ideas). Such entities would be
difcult enough to deal with, but this case was about
to take an even darker turn. The following account,
in the clients own words, is a rare description of the
actual experience of the course of his possession per-
ceived psychically.
I had had strange sensations in my legs and
feet. Whilst I was meditating all of the energy
went to the soles of my feet, which felt as
though they were burning in a re. Each time I
undertook energy work the burning sensation
in my feet got worse. My feet became swollen
and purple all over. I visited medical doctors
who diagnosed me with swollen arteries, pre-
scribed creams and told me not to walk on
grass because I might be allergic to it. In short,
they hadnt a clue what was going on. My
awareness of my condition came about
through a meditative state. It was extremely
uid, alive, colourful and yet painful at the
same time. I was in a place like a museum.
Standing in one of the rooms a mirror caught
my eye. I stood in front of the mirror. Sud-
denly I felt as though I have been hypnotized
and xed in place. I felt as though two arms
were holding me. Then I heard chanting and
saw that a tattoo was being carved on my
legs.I screamed in pain and tried to stop what
was going on. I tried to use protective symbols
and energy to stop the ritual. Luckily I was
pulled out of this nightmare and back to reality
by my wife. I knew that I had to seek help from
someone who could undo or remove what had
been done to me. Luckily I was referred to a
lady who worked with higher beings who was
able to help me. I don't want to go into much
detail but I realized that this was a recurring
event in many past lives. I had been ritually
pledged and sacriced to a group of entities
who used me to full their own purposes. It
was the fragments of these rituals that I had
seen so lucidly and re-lived during my medita-
tion. The outcome was that I now realized that
I had attachments all over my body and most
of my energy was being sucked from me. I was
able to see the entities, who were acting upon
the orders of a higher being. They were very
clever and cunning. They knew all my interests
and weak points. The entity tricked me into
opening myself to it by disguising itself as a
beautiful woman and approaching me when I
was at my most defenceless, during sleep. In a
dream, or perhaps better to say, dream-like
state, the entity tricked me into engaging in
intercourse with it. I started going to the
healer. During my treatments I saw that my
legs were covered with what looked like black
grapes. These were the larvae of the entity.
From the energies and substance of our inter-
course this entity bred new entities like itself. I
can only describe these as insectoid or, more
precisely, y-like. It was like a horror movie.
When they were exorcised I saw thousands of
these ies being released and returning to
their place of origin. Only our trust in God
can help us through these times. Love of God
and nothing else. I am sharing this information
because I believe our relations with such enti-
ties are more common than most people sus-
pect. We must open our awareness. Forgive
ourselves and ask for help. If there is energy
that can be collected and used as a breeding
ground, anyone can become a target. Our rela-
tions with these entities can be understood by
analogy with fungi. If you leave a place dark,
damp and with no ventilation than you will
attract fungi. Our bad habits and vices provide
perfect breeding grounds for them. We need to
get a grip on our animal desires, we are given
an intellect to learn, synthesise information
and determine how we are to go forward in
our lives. We need the light of God, we need
goodness and goodwill. We should stay away
from the things that we know are bad. Do not
tell yourself that it is harmless, that it is just
one more glass, just a web site or just a
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 15
Cases like this are often associated with a large
amount of diverse and seemingly unrelated detail.
Throughout this experience my client claimed that he
was seeing classic UFO-like craft. However, their
scale was so miniscule that they were able to pass in
and out of his body. He claimed to have seen typical
grey aliens in his house and to have discerned tube-
like attachments that connected him to distant des-
tinations through which life-energy was being re-
ceived and syphoned off. Bizarre as all of these de-
tails are, and no matter how out of place they may
seem in the context of possession, they are neverthe-
less consistent with numerous independent accounts
(Baldwin 1998). The description of the y-like being,
the extraction of energy and the manipulation of his
awareness are also consistent with these accounts
Finally, during the healing sessions with the specialist,
through her intercession he saw snake like entities
emerge from her and enter his body to accomplish
the healing work. Once more, this is consistent with
accounts of neo-shamanic healing when working
with a class of healing serpent-like entities tradition-
ally known as Nagas.
After eight months of intensive work with the
specialist my client has been pronounced clear. The
possession itself and all of the accompanying phe-
nomena (ETs, greys, larvae) have been cleared up.
Jacques Vallee has proposed a model for the in-
terpretation of anomalous phenomena that employs
six simultaneous dimensions or layers of interpreta-
tion (Vallee 2003). Given this framework we can
breakdown the various components of this account:
(1) Physical: none
(2) Anti-physical: Presence of Grey aliens and
miniscule UFO craft capable of moving
through the body.
(3) Psychological: Manipulation of the clients
behavior to make him more physically re-
sponsive during sleep. Drawing upon un-
conscious images of idealized beauty to
clothe the entitys appearance and stimulate
sexual arousal.
(4) Physiological: Continuing sexual predation.
Swollen, discolored feet that deed medical
(5) Psychic: Vision of a past-life memory in-
volving the ritual pledging of the client to
the entities. Vision of the entity itself, its
larvae. Vision of healing serpents.
(6) Cultural: The information arising from this
case can be interpreted from within a num-
ber of different worldviews including: a)
psychopathology (e.g. dissociative identity
disorder (DID) / possession trance disorder
(PTD)); b) mainstream religious beliefs (its
the work of Satan & his minions); c) neo-
shamanic perspectivism
(De Castro
1998); d) UFO studies (interpreting posses-
sion as a sub-set of the alien abduction
We can appraise the variety of world views based on
their economy and generativity: a) Psychotherapy has
no one agreed approach to or understanding of such
anomalous experiences. One the one hand they are
seen as pathological symptoms of dissociation, alter-
natively as a result of temporary psychoses (e.g. Qi
Gung Psychotic Reaction) or as a spiritual emer-
gency (Assagioli 1989). Based on their clinical expe-
rience a number of therapists and psychiatrists have
shifted towards a neo-shamanic interpretation of
spirit/entity possession (Fiore 1987; Modi 1988;
Sanderson 2003); b) The idea that it is the work of
Satan and his minions commits us to too much (neo-
Gnostic worldview, elaborate cosmologies and spiri-
tual hierarchies) and overdetermines sensemaking
with respect to the available evidence; c) Neo-
shamanic perspectivism, according to which the
world is inhabited by different sorts of subjects
human and non-human, which apprehend reality
from distinct points of view (De Castro 1998) pro-
vides the most economical and generative option. We
can conceive such perspectivism as an exercise in
worldmaking (Overing 1998), an extension of the
world view of consensual reality to takes account of
the experiences reported worldwide by energy healers
and their clients. These include multiple additional
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 16
There is another form of dark being. These are not created but spawned by the higher demonic beings and have no spark
of Light within. These dark thought-forms are robot-like entities who do the bidding of the dark ones (Baldwin 1995,
humans see humans as humans, animals as animals and spirits (if they see them) as spirits; however animals (predators)
and spirits see humans as animals (as prey) to the same extent that animals (as prey) see humans as spirits or as animals
(predators). de Castro 1998.
subjectivities (gods, angels, spirits, deceased persons,
other and higher dimensional beings) and a corre-
sponding increase in the sources of agency affecting
sentient life (spiritually and energetically as well as
mentally, emotionally and physically) interacting via
such di st i nct i ve rol es as preserver/heal er,
shapeshifter/predator and prey.
The convergence of traditional folklore, cases of
demonic possession, satanic ritual, UFOs and
alien abductions have long been noted in the litera-
ture (Keel 1970; Vallee 1969; Vallee 1979; Baldwin
1998). The effects of these phenomena can be highly
reminiscent of the threefold process of initiation the
world over (Van Gennep 1960), and in particular of
the experience of liminality (Turner 1987), something
they share, along with a pronounced sexual element,
with the alien abduction phenomena (Thompson
1989). It is as though the phenomena themselves exist
in the conceptual overlap between these otherwise
diverse domains of discourse, taking on the imagery
and themes associated with them. Struggling with
such uid, multi-level phenomena we are, so to speak,
victims of our own conceptual and linguistic prisons.
The consensual worldview tells us that what we
see is all there is. But this narrowness derives from
modernitys buffered self (Taylor 2007 p.27), the
self-segregated disenchanted self (ibid p.31-32)
emerging from a failure of empathic engagement.
This experience stands in contrast to that of the po-
rous self (ibid p.38) that empathically (and psychi-
cally) breaches the walls separating itself from a
b r o a d e r r a n g e e x p e r i e n c e . T h e
enchanted:disenchanted distinction offers possibilities
for better describing the ways in which different cul-
tures experience this porosity. in some societi-
esand arguably for some people in all societi-
eslived experience does include the presence of
spirits, gods, etc., as well as the possibility of being
possessed by them. These might be accurately de-
scribed as enchanted cultures societies or peoples.
(Smith 2012, p.62 Note 7).
On a nal note, my clients character changed
completely through the course of these eight months.
A completely different person emerged out of this
encounter with the numinous. From an expansive, in
your face, can-do presence emerged one graced with
sensitivity, spirituality and insight. This is, perhaps,
the outcome one would expect from having under-
gone the perils of such an initiation.
Amorth, Fr. G. (1999). An Exorcist Tells his Story. San
Francisco: Ignatius Press.
Assagioli, R. (1989). Self Realization and Psychologi-
cal Disturbances. In: Grof, S. & C. eds. (1989)
Spiritual Emergencies: When Personal Transformation
Becomes a Crisis. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
Baldwin, W. (1995). Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Tech-
nique Manual. Terra Alta: Headline Books, 1995.
Baldwin, W. (1998). CE-VI: Close Encounters of the Pos-
session Kind. Terra Alta: Headline Books, 1998.
Bowie, F. (2012). Material and Immaterial Bodies: Ethno-
graphic Reections on a Trance Sance. Available at: [Accessed
on: 10 May 2013].
Cardena, E. (1989). Varieties of Possession Experi-
ence. Association for the Anthropological Study of Con-
sciousness. Volume 5, Number 2-3.
De Castro, EV. (1998). Cosmological Deixis & Amer-
indian Perspectivism. The Journal of the Royal An-
thropological Institute. Vol. 4, No. 3 (Sep., 1998), pp.
Fiore, E. (1987). The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats
Spirit Possession. New York: Ballantine Books,
Hunter, J. (2010). Ethnographic Encounters with the
Paranormal. Paranthropology. Vol. 1, No. 2 (Oct.,
Keel, J. (1970). UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. New
York: Putnam, 1970.
Modi, Dr. S. (1998). Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist
Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical
Illness. Newburyport: Hampton Roads Pub Co,
Overing, J. (1990). The Shaman as a Maker of
Worlds: Nelson Goodman in the Amazon. Man,
New Series, Vol. 25, No. 4. December. 1990, pp.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 17
Sanderson, Dr. A. (2003). The Case for Spirit Release.
Royal College of Psychiatry, Spirituality Special
Interest Group (SIG) Resources 2003. [Online].
Available from:
ve.aspx. [Accessed: 6 May 2013].
Smith, K. (2012). From Dividual and Individual
Selves to Porous Subjects. The Australian Journal of
Anthropology. (2012) 23, 5064.
Taylor, C. (2007). A Secular Age. Harvard: The Belk-
nap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.
Thompson, K. (1989). The UFO Encounter Experi-
ence as a Crisis of Transformation. In: Grof, S.
& C. eds. (1989) Spiritual Emergencies: When Per-
sonal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. Los Angeles:
Tarcher, 1989.
Turner, E. (1992). Experiencing Ritual: A New Interpreta-
tion of African Healing. Pennsylvania: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1992.
Turner, VW. (1987). Betwixt and Between: The
Liminal Period in Rites de Passage. In Mahdi,
LC., Foster, S. & Little, M. Betwixt and Between:
Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation. Chi-
cago: Open Court, 1998.
Vallee, J. (1969). Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to
Flying Saucers. Washington: H. Regnery Co, 1969.
Vallee, J. (1979). Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts
and Cults. Brisbane: Daily Grail Publishing, 2008.
Vallee, JF. & Davis, EW. Incommensurability, Orthodoxy
and the Physics of High Strangeness: A 6-layer Model
for Anomalous Phenomena. Science, Religion and
Consciousness Conference at the University
Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal, 24 October
2 0 0 3 . [ On l i n e ] . Av a i l a b l e f r o m:
Research.html. [Accessed: 10 May 2013].
Van Gennep, A. (1960). The Rites of Passage. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Peter Mark Adams is
a BA Hons Philosophy
graduate with a spe-
cial research interest
in altered states of
consciousness, epis-
temology and the phi-
losophy of science.
Peter is a professional
energy worker and
healer specializing in
Rebirthing breathwork,
energy psychology and
mindfulness meditation. Peter is the author of Al-
tered States / Parallel Worlds a book length essay
to coincide with appearances at the Brain to Con-
sciousness Conference, Istanbul, May 2011. Peter
has just finished a new book The Healing Field:
energy, consciousness and transformation dealing
with the broad range of anomalous experiences
that occur during energy based healing. This book
will be available from Summer, 2013. Peters other
e s s a y s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t : Peter can be reached
at: [email protected].
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 18
Journal of Exceptional
Experiences & Psychology
Inaugural issue now available
I know what it is like to hear God speak. I am not
a Christian. I am not even sure what I mean,
speaking for myself, by the word God. But for ten
years I have been doing anthropological research
among the sort of evangelical Christians who ex-
perience God as interacting with them. They be-
lieve that prayer is a conversation in which they
talk to God and God talks back. They will say that
God told them to do somethingto talk to the
stranger next to them on the bus, or move to Los
Angeles. To other Christians, this can seem in-
comprehensible, and even dangerous.
People often spoke to me about the rst time
they had recognized Gods voice. Usually, this
happened in prayer ministry. They realized that an
apparently random thought or mental image was
uncannily relevant to the person they were praying
over, and they thought that God was telling them
what the person they were praying for needed to
hear. One woman remembered the rst time this
happened when she prayed for a stranger. I didnt
know what to say. I was really scared. And then, I
remember, I saw something. It wasnt a vivid pic-
ture. It was more like my words described the pic-
ture more than I saw clearly what the picture was.
When I described it to the person I was praying
for, he just started to cry. Then he explained why
he was crying, and with that information, I was
able to pray for him more. It was the most power-
ful thing.
Once people began to feel condent that they
heard God speak to them as they prayed for other
people, they began to experience God speaking to
them about their own lives. They would talk to
God with their inner voice, about something that
was vexing them, and they would wait for his re-
sponsesome inner word or image that would
give them guidance. Sometimes it came immedi-
ately; sometimes it took time. They call this prac-
tice listening.
What I saw was that they were learning to pay
attention to their inner world in a different way.
The church taught that words from God should
feel as if they pop into the mind, a spontaneous
break from the ow of thought.
Let us put to one side the question of whether
God is really speaking, and examine the practice
anthropologically. The rst thing to notice is that
the practice takes advantage of what we might call
the texture of mental experience. We have
thoughts that are more startling and surprising
than others; thoughts that seem a piece of the psy-
chic river of awareness and thoughts that seem to
come out of nowhere. These Christians treat these
contours as signicant.
But they do more than attend to thought dif-
ferently. The church teaches congregants to pay
attention only to certain of these striking
thoughtsto good thoughts, thoughts that are the
kinds of things God should say. That is, those
thoughts should be relevant, wise and loving. (God
does not tell you to hurt yourself, people said.) You
should feel good when you have them. When you
hear God correctly, you should feel peace, and if
you didnt feel peaceful, it wasnt God.
Doing this changes you. One man explained to
me how much his experience of God had altered
since coming to the church. Gods voice is like a
fuzzy radio station, 95.2, 94.9, which needs more
tuning. Youre picking up the song, and its not so
clear sometimes. Its clearer to me now. That was
why I say that I think I know what it is like to hear
God speak. I worshipped with these charismatic
evangelicals. I prayed with them. I read their
books. I sought to pay attention to my inner world
the way they did. As I did so, I began to have ex-
periences like the ones they reported. I remember
with clarity the rst time it happened. I was trying
to compose a note to someoneone of those
complicated notes you need to send to someone
you dont know well, when you want to be per-
sonal but not forward. I fretted about the note off
and on for a few days. Then suddenly the sen-
tences just came to me. I didnt feel that I had cho-
sen them. They came to me and I wrote them
down and they were perfect. To some extent, the
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 19
Recognising the Voice of God
Tanya M. Luhrmann
practice works. My ethnographic and experimen-
tal work conrm this again and again.
Religion demands of its followers that they
understand reality to be different from the material
world they live withinmore fair, more good. It
demands that they use their minds to present real-
ity as different and as better. It is worth recogniz-
ing that this is as much skill as belief, a knowing
how (to borrow from the philosopher Gilbert Ryle)
as a knowing that. The skill is probably at the
heart of what makes psychotherapy work when it
works, and probably what makes placebo effective.
Its a different way of thinking about God than the
science-religion wars suggest, and possibly less di-
Tanya Marie Luhr-
mann is the Watkins
University Professor
in the Stanford An-
thropology Depart-
ment. Her books in-
clude Persuasions of
the Witchs Craft,
(Harvard, 1989); The
Good Parsi (Harvard
1996); Of Two Minds
(Knopf 2000) and
When God Talks Back (Knopf 2012). In general, her
work focuses on the way that ideas held in the
mind come to seem externally real to people, and
the way that ideas about the mind affect mental
experience. One of her recent project compares the
experience of hearing distressing voices in India
and in the United States.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 20
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eventofthe ear-nottobenissed!
David Hufford has been pursuing research on the
Old Hag sleep paralysis phenomenon for quite
some time. Perhaps his best-known work on this is
The Terror That comes in the Night: An Experience-Centered
Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions (Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press; 2
ed, 1989). Huf-
ford joined the faculty of the Penn State College of
Medicine in 1974 in the Department of Behavioral
Science. When he retired in 2007 he held a Univer-
sity Professorship and was chair of the Department of
Humanities with appointments in Departments of
Neural and Behavioral Science, Family & Commu-
nity Medicine, and Psychiatry. Hufford is now Uni-
versity Professor Emeritus at Penn State College of
Medicine, Senior Fellow for Spirituality at the Sam-
ueli Institute, and Adjunct Professor of Religious
Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Hufford is
also a founding member of the Editorial Boards of
Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing and Spirituality
in Clinical Practice.
John Morehead: David, thank you for your will-
ingness to be a part of this interview. Your research
on the sleep paralysis phenomenon is well known.
How did you come to develop a personal interest in
it, and how did your research on the "Old Hag" phe-
nomenon in Newfoundland perhaps begin this proc-
ess on an academic level?
David Hufford: That, John, is a very good ques-
tion. It goes to the very center of my professional in-
terests, values and goals. In December of 1963 I was
a college sophomore. One night I went to bed early
in my off campus room. I had just completed the last
of my nal exams for the term, and I was tired. I
went to bed about 6 oclock, looking forward con-
dently to a long and uninterrupted nights sleep. In
that I was mistaken.
About 2 hours later I was awakened by the sound
of my door being opened, and footsteps approached
the bed. I was lying on my back and the door was
straight ahead of me. But the room was pitch dark, so
when I opened my eyes I could see nothing. I as-
sumed a friend was coming to see if I wanted to go to
dinner. I tried to turn on the light beside my bed, but
I couldnt move or speak. I was paralyzed. The foot-
steps came to the side of my bed, and I felt the mat-
tress go down as someone climbed onto the bed, knelt
on my chest and began to strangle me. I really
thought that I was dying. But far worse than the feel-
ings of being strangled were the sensations associated
with what was on top of me. I had an overwhelming
impression of evil, and my reaction was primarily re-
vulsion. Whatever was on my chest was not just de-
structive; it was absolutely disgusting. I shrank from
I struggled to move, but it was as though I could
not nd the controls. Somehow I no longer knew
how to move. And then I did move, I think my hand
was rst, and then my whole body. I leaped out of
bed, heart racing, and turned on the light to nd the
room empty. I ran downstairs where my landlord sat
watching TV. Did someone go past you just now?
He looked at me like I was crazy and said no.
I never forgot that experience, but I told no one
about it for the next eight years. There was no ques-
tion of interpreting this experience, locating it within
my cultural frame. There was no place for it there.
Dream? I knew, absolutely knew, I had been awake.
Hallucination? I was sure that I was not crazy, but I
also knew this would not be convincing to others.
The insane are, according to stereotype, the last to
know. So the experience just hung there, uncon-
nected. Disturbing.
In 1970 I traveled to Newfoundland, Canada, to
do my doctoral dissertation eldwork. I went to study
supernatural belief. I was probably inuenced by my
bizarre experience, but I was also responding to a
larger interest. In graduate school at the University of
Pennsylvania I had been taught that supernatural
beliefs are non-rational, unsupportable by proper rea-
soning, and that they are non-empirical, lacking any
sound observational basis. This seemed too sweeping
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 21
From Sleep Paralysis to Spiritual Experience
An Interview With David Huford
John W. Morehead
and a bit arrogant, so in my research I proposed to
ask whether traditional beliefs might have some ra-
tional and empirical elements. I went to Newfound-
land because it is isolated and has a strong traditional
culture, the kind of place where I had been taught
one might nd remnants of pre-modern belief. It
proved to be a good choice.
While doing my research I taught at Newfound-
lands Memorial University in the Folklore Depart-
ment and worked in the departments extensive ar-
chive. Almost immediately I found the Old Hag, al-
though at the moment it happened it felt more as if
the Old Hag had found meagain. When you have
the Old Hag, Newfoundlanders said, you awoke to
nd yourself unable to move. The hag, a terrifying
something, could be heard coming, footsteps ap-
proaching your room. The hag would enter your
room and press you, crushing the breath out of you.
If the experience is not interrupted they said it could
end in death.
The Old Hag presented me with a dilemma. I
had been taught that stories about supernatural expe-
riences conrming local traditions are produced by
cultural inuences, what I have called The Cultural
Source Hypothesis (CSH). But the Old hag had come
into my room in 1963 out of a cultural void. Tradi-
tion says, We believe this because it has happened to
us. Modern scholarship reverses this and says, You
think this happens because you believe it. My di-
lemma: I could explain the Old Hag based on cul-
tural processes that conrm local cultural tradi-
tionsalthough I knew that my own prior experience
atly contradicted such explanations. Or I could de-
velop an entirely new kind of explanation.
This all amounted to a stunning discovery. I now
knew something about the Old Hag tradition that no
one else seemed to know. But I was in no better posi-
tion to proclaim this publicly than I had been to talk
about my experience in 1963. I did not want to say,
Hey, that happened to me too! So that tells us that....
Trust me on this! Personal experience lends authen-
ticity and expertise to scholarly work, when the expe-
rience is granted to be realexperiences of illness, of
being in prison, of being an artist, of gender, of race,
of all sorts of recognized categories of experience.
But contested experiences have the opposite effect;
they are seen as pure bias, Oh, hes a believer (and
therefore not be trusted). If I were to place my expe-
rience and my Newfoundland ndings within a sensi-
ble cultural frame, it would have to be a frame partly
of my own making. In that way the personal became
professional, academic.
John Morehead: How has your academic discipline
of folklore studies been important in your under-
standing of the phenomenon? And what do you think
about the use of other disciplines, like anthropology,
to help us understand it?
David Hufford: I entered the discipline of folklore
in the mid-1960s because it included folk belief as
a recognized topic for research, and because it had a
populist orientation. In general it showed great re-
spect for the views of ordinary people. In art, archi-
tecture, oral literature, agricultural methods, etcetera,
folklore stood up for the worth of ordinary culture.
But I quickly discovered in graduate school that un-
like other cultural genres, folk belief and respect for
the knowledge claims of ordinary people occupied
structurally antithetical positions in the discipline.
Although folk music scholars did not judge by the
standards of classical composition, folk belief schol-
ars did, in fact, judge superstition by its conformity
to current scientic opinion. Considering that most
folk beliefs had never been subjected to systematic
scientic research this seemed pure, unjustied eth-
nocentrism. My anthropology training presented a
related but more modern problem.
The Boasian turn from blatant ethnocentrism to
a sort of protective hermeneuticism offered the kind
of patronizing acceptance that a psychotherapist of-
fers to a psychotic patient: I believe that your halluci-
nations are real to you. Finding internal consistency
and rejecting evaluative comparisons to external
knowledge, folk belief was accorded its own logic.
This t well with the 20
century scholarly resistance
to comparative method. The post-modern turn re-
jected not only scientic reduction but also all other
efforts to obtain objective knowledge through com-
parison. Scientic positivism reduced all sorts of folk
beliefs to cultural ctions. Folklore and anthropology,
in fact the social sciences and the humanities in gen-
eral, were of little assistance as I wrestled with the
Old Hag. In fact, with regard to folk belief I
came to see these academic disciplines as functioning
to protect modernity from being challenged by the
knowledge of other cultures and times. Ironically, this
is similar to the function of positivism, but it offers
the advantage of apparently respecting the knowl-
edge claims it rejects.
John Morehead: Can you summarize the basic
elements that dene the sleep paralysis phenomenon?
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 22
David Hufford: Sleep paralysis (SP) refers to the
loss of voluntary movement either during the period
just before sleep (hypnagogic stage or sleep onset) or
just after (hypnopompic stage). The paralysis is pro-
duced by a cholinergic mechanism in the reticular
activating system in the brain stem that functions to
prevent the sleeper from physically carrying out ac-
tions occurring in dreams. This atonia-producing
mechanism is a normal feature of rapid eye-
movement sleep. In SP this mechanism intrudes into
wakefulness. This might suggest that the intruder
experience of SP is just dreaming while awake.
The problem is this: dreams vary greatly from subject
to subject and over time, and their content tends to
reect inputs from the dreamers waking life, together
with aspects of the sensed environment (e.g., in a hot
room one may dream of a tropical environment).
The Old Hag is very different. It is as if dreamers
all of over the world and throughout history report
the same dream, and that repeated content does not re-
quire the subjects prior knowledge! Furthermore the
contents do not reect the range of possible features
that could arise from waking consciousness during
REM sleep, rather being restricted to a very narrow
spectrum; e.g., people do not experience the ceiling
falling on them or terrorists entering their room, ei-
ther of which would conform to the pressure and
immobility of the experience.
John Morehead: In the 1980s you wrote The Terror
That Comes in the Night: An Experience-Centered Study of
Supernatural Assault Traditions. What types of conclu-
sions did you come to about the phenomenon at that
David Hufford: My conclusions were data driven,
and my data was especially rich, ranging from an-
thropological and historical documentation to phe-
nomenology to medical and neurophysiological nd-
ings, because I employed mixed methods, including
ethnographic interviews, surveys, and literature re-
view. The ethnographic interviewing was phenome-
nologically oriented, aimed at developing a detailed
description of the range of perceptual features of SP.
These interviews began with open-ended questions
such as, Please tell me all that you recall about your
experience. No questions probed for the features
with which I was familiar; e.g., I never asked, Was
there a presence in the room with you? My research
design predicted that the Old Hag could be ex-
plained by the cultural source hypothesis as cultural
elaborations of SP (although my own experience had
already shown me that this was not possible), and
asked whether objective ndings conformed to that
prediction. They did not.
My interviews revealed a stable phenomenologi-
cal pattern very similar to what I had experienced in
college. The surveys showed that this pattern did not
depend on cultural input or prior knowledge of any
kind. The literature review documented reports con-
sistent with SP in cultures all over the world and
throughout history, although such reports had not
previously been connected with SP. The terms used
for description in different traditions were obviously
culturally determined, such as Old Hag, the Mara
(Tillhagen 1969) of Sweden, the da chor (Tobin &
Friedman 1983), dab coj, poj ntxoog (Munger 1986), or
dab tsog (Adler 1991) in Southeast Asia, the sitting
ghost or bei Guai chaak (being pressed by a ghost)
(Emmons 1982) in China, kanashibari in Japan, and
many more from around the world and throughout
history refer to the same event characterized by pa-
ralysis, the conviction of wakefulness before or
emerging from sleep. These cultural terms were asso-
ciated with a variety of other details such as soft
shufing footsteps and the shadow man' or misty
presence, regardless of cultural context. A detailed
review of modern scientic knowledge of SP found
neither any awareness of this distinctive phenome-
nological pattern, nor any mechanisms that would
account for it.
So, my conclusions in The Terror stemmed from
the way that my research contradicted the Cultural
Source Hypothesis as an explanation of the Old
Hag and similar traditions. In its place I found that
this phenomenon t, instead, the Experiential Source
Hypothesis: (1) many traditions of supernatural as-
sault around the world refer the phenomenon known
as sleep paralysis in modern sleep research, (2) scien-
tic knowledge of SP lacks knowledge of its cross-
culturally consistent phenomenology and has no ade-
quate explanation for that pattern, (3) the cross-
contextual perceptual patterning is what reason leads
us to expect of accurate reports from independent
witnesses, therefore (4) traditions of supernatural as-
sault that contain the SP pattern are empirically
based and rationally derived.
John Morehead: Of course, your research contin-
ued beyond the 1980s. How did this develop, and
how did your understandings develop by 2005 when
you wrote your essay "Sleep Paralysis as Spiritual Ex-
perience" for the journal Transcultural Psychology?
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 23
David Hufford: In 1974 I nished my Ph.D., re-
turned from Newfoundland and accepted the posi-
tion of Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at
Penn States College of Medicine. I was offered this
position based on the stance I developed in my doc-
toral dissertation, Folklore Studies Applied to Health (Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania 1974), which was focused on
folk belief. I explored ways that the study of folk be-
lief could serve medical research and care. Chapter 6
was devoted to the Old Hag and SP. I saw two major
connections to medicine: (1) belief is a major deter-
minant of health behaviour (from patients beliefs
about etiology and treatment to doctors beliefs about
patients), and (2) the fact that in the 20
medicine, psychiatry in particular, had provided prac-
tically all explanations for folk belief (meaning false
belief traditionally supported), especially experiential
claims in support of folk belief, through psychopa-
thology (wish fullment, unconscious sexual forces,
delusions, hallucinations, etc.). The journey I em-
barked on in my Newfoundland research was per-
fectly suited to the medical context, although in a
somewhat perverse way. I accepted the appointment
to work to improve medical care and diagnosis, but to
do that I would have to directly address the harm
done by medical misunderstandings. Ironically, folk-
lore and anthropology (et al.) had been complicit in
those misunderstandings. So, I went to medicine to
subvert the received worldviews of modern intellec-
tuals, in order to advance medical care. The Terror was
a major part of that program.
A central aspect of my subversive agenda was to
pursue the extension of the Experiential Source Hy-
pothesis beyond SP to other spiritual experiences. By
spiritual I mean whatever refers to spirit, which in Eng-
lish means the immaterial part of a living being. Part
of my subversion has involved constantly working
against the academic misuse of the term spiritual to
refer to whatever gives one meaning in life. That
denition, rooted in Christian existential theology (for
example, the work of Paul Tillich), is a misappropria-
tion of the natural language word, reecting the
philosophical and theological inclinations of many
academics. But it is a false and confusing characteri-
zation of the concept in common English. You
should also note that spiritual in this traditional, non-
material sense is at the heart of the word supernatural.
The words are not identical in meaning, but believing
in one entails believing in the other.
Anyway, in 1974 I had wondered whether SP
with a presence was the only such anomalous experi-
ence giving rise to supernatural folk beliefbelief in
spirits being the main such belief. Beginning in 1974 I
searched for broader implications, lessons that New-
foundlands Old Hag might teach us about other
supernatural traditions. Could other supernatural
beliefs also arise from experience rather than vice-
versa? In 1974, the year I returned from Newfound-
land, Raymond Moody published Life After Life (1
edition, Atlanta: Mockingbird Books), Actual case
histories that reveal that there is life after death.
Moody coined the term near-death experience and
described the NDE as common among resuscitands.
The immediate skeptical response, especially from the
medical community, was that this could not be com-
mon or we would have known about long ago! My
SP work showed me the aw in this reasoning, and a
little eldwork quickly showed me that the NDE
seemed to be another case of experientially based
supernatural belief. Subsequent research reporting
NDEs from other cultures and other times showed
that it t the Experiential Source Hypothesis in the
same way that SP with a presence does. At about the
same time I found the work of W. Dewi Rees, M.D.,
a Welsh physician whose study published in The Brit-
ish Medical Journal (1971) showed that visits from the
spirit of a deceased loved one are common among
the bereaved. Contrary to contemporary psychiatric
thinking, which had labeled such experiences symp-
toms of pathological grieving, Rees showed that these
visits (now called after death contacts, ADCs) were
consistently associated with less indications of depres-
sion and better resolution of grief ! Continued re-
search over the past 30 years has conrmed Rees
early conclusions, and the characterization of the
experiences in the psychiatric literature has changed
During my 30 plus years at the College of Medi-
cine I made the study of modern resistance to the
facts of what I came to call extraordinary spiritual
experiences (ESEs, as opposed to ordinary experi-
ences interpreted spiritually), as much a part of my
research as the experiences themselves. I found the
cultural context within which the experiences occur,
dominated not by science per se, but by materialistic
philosophical beliefs assumed to be inextricable from
science, to be essential to the study of the experi-
ences. Among my conclusions has been the convic-
tion that science and well-established scientic
knowledge do not contradict folk beliefs, either
those about spirits or folk medical beliefs such as
those that underlie herbalism in the treatment of dis-
ease. I realized that what was at issue was the cultural
authority of science, that that authority had been
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 24
excessively extended over the past century or so. This
did not amount to a disagreement with either the
scientic method or the well-established ndings of
science. In fact, I came to believe that what was
needed to begin to appreciate the remarkable knowl-
edge of folk traditions was better science, more rigor-
ous and less biased.
John Morehead: What are the various interpreta-
tions that are brought to the phenomenon in the cul-
tures in which it is found?
David Hufford: Thats a really interesting question.
There is variety, but a constrained variety. The inter-
pretations center, as you might imagine, on the in-
truder. In almost all cases this entity is described as
evil or at least threatening. It may be interpreted as a
sorcerer or a ghost or demon or some other kind of
supernatural, such as a vampire. In many locations it
is assumed that more than one kind of creature can
do this, such as both sorcerers and ghosts. The deni-
tive characteristics of these categories, of course, are
not unambiguously presented in the SP experience. If
the intruder is recognized as a particular living per-
son (which seems rare) then it is understandable that
it will be interpreted as a sorcerer. If the attack is sex-
ual, which seems infrequent but it does happen, and
if there is a term such as incubus or succubus, that
will be applied. If the attack occurs in a house be-
lieved to be haunted, which is common, then the in-
truder is generally assumed to be a ghost. When fea-
tures of an attack do not obviously suggest one kind
of entity or another, then local categories ll in, such
as the aswang (Tagalog) in the Philippines. This re-
markable consistency and similarity across cultures is
a product, obviously, of the robust and consistent
cross-cultural pattern of the phenomenology of SP.
John Morehead: Let's focus specically on how the
phenomenon is interpreted in Western cultures where
secularism, advances in the neurosciences, and skep-
ticism toward religious or spiritual experiences, are
prevalent. How have paranormal or other spiritual
interpretations been received in this context?
David Hufford: The conventional view in anthro-
pology, folklore and other disciplines has always been
that all experience is somewhat ambiguous, so the
values and assumptions resident in ones culture will
determine ones interpretation of events. This is the
central understanding of the Cultural Source Hy-
pothesis (CSH), and it extends even beyond interpre-
tation to perception in many theories (e.g., the
Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis). As you note, the conven-
tional view in the modern academic world is philo-
sophical materialism, especially with regard to mat-
ters of spiritual belief and religion, which are as-
sumed to be very ambiguous. But ironically, the Cul-
tural Source Hypothesis accounts for the academic
interpretation of SP, not for the interpretations found
among most that have experienced SP! Despite evi-
dence to the contrary most academics assume that
somehow prior learning, presumably through cultural
processes, yields expectations that produce the con-
tent of all sorts of spiritual experiences. This is what
has been called the universal hermeneutic approach;
it is illustrated by the inuential work of philosopher
Steven Katz. Katz, who was most concerned with
mystical experiences, insisted that visionaries only
experience what they have been taught to experience.
Contrary to modern intellectual assumptions,
most subjects in the modern Western world, the disen-
chanted world to use Webers term, interpret SP events
as spiritual or paranormal. This is because the
events are, in fact, minimally ambiguous. And the
available interpretations for an intruder who can walk
through walls and paralyze its victim (etcetera) are
very few: hallucination or something spiritual or
paranormal. The SP consciousness is very lucid,
unlike dream consciousness, and many of the obser-
vations (e.g. the physical environment) made in this
consciousness are veridical. This clear sense of reality
warrants this interpretation for most subjects. Of
course, there is also the fact that we now know that
the disenchantment of modern consciousness has
been greatly over-rated!
John Morehead: In the conclusion of your Transcul-
tural Psychiatry essay you state, "that there is nothing
specic within our scientic knowledge of [sleep pa-
ralysis] that contradicts spirit interpretations." Given
our growing understanding of the brain through the
neurosciences, can you expand a bit on what you
mean and how there may be connections here be-
tween scientic knowledge of the brain in religious
experience and a spiritual interpretation of that ex-
David Hufford: Another good question! In consid-
ering the relationship between scientic knowledge
and spiritual belief we need to be scrupulous about
the meaning of the term contradiction. Two proposi-
tions are contradictory only if they negate each other,
that is, if it is the case that if Proposition 1 is true
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 25
Proposition 2 must be false, not just that Proposition 1
challenges Proposition 2 or suggests that Proposition 2
may be wrong. The scientic proposition that the
Earth is billions of years old negates the Young
Earth Creationist proposition that the Earth is 6,000
years old. If one of these propositions is true, the
other must be false. Logical analysis requires that we
understand the meaning of the terms involved.
Therefore, the hermeneutical idea that 6,000 years
in scriptural terms might mean something very dif-
ferent from what we mean by it today removes the
contradiction but makes the proposition rather mean-
A proposition that would negate the traditional
interpretation of SP would be that there are no im-
material spirits. If that were true, it would negate
the traditional idea that the shadow intruder in SP is
a spirit of some kind. These propositions would con-
tradict each other. But that there are no spirits is
not a scientic proposition. There are no scientic
experiments, nor can we easily imagine one, that
would establish this proposition. If it were true that
the intruder in SP is a spirit that would not contra-
dict any scientically established knowledge. It would
not be relevant to the mechanistic REM explanation
of the cholinergic switch for SP atonia. On the
other hand, the knowledge that the SP phenomenol-
ogy is independent of cultural context does contra-
dict the conventional social science use of the Cul-
tural Source Hypothesis (CSH) to explain SP. But this
use of the CSH has no valid empirical base, being
more a reection of ideology than a scientically de-
rived conclusion.
Scientic method and scientic knowledge about
sleep are very useful in understanding SP, but they do
not include some crucial information that is widely
available in folk tradition, and that can be checked
empirically. In this sense the two traditions are com-
plementary. But brain science at present no more ex-
plains the consistent phenomenology of SP than folk
tradition explains its neurophysiology.
Common spirit experiences do not show that the
Earth is at, that germs do not cause disease, etc.
They do not contradict and are not contradicted by
modern knowledge. The observation that many peo-
ple with modern knowledge reject these beliefs does
not constitute a contradiction. Much more common
than contradiction is the idea that modern knowledge
makes supernatural belief unnecessary by providing
superior explanations for the same observations. This
is the argument from parsimony, or Occam's Razor.
This claim has its roots in the old notion of super-
natural belief as consisting of primitive explanations
for observations of natural phenomena.
The kind of direct perceptual spirit experi-
ences reported in SP (and NDEs, ADCs, et cetera) do
not inherently offer an account of any natural phe-
nomena. If they did there would be the possibility of
contradicting scientic knowledge. What they do of-
fer is an account of some of the characteristics of
spirits and their relationship to humans. All conven-
tional theories of such experiences treat them as hal-
lucinations or illusions and rely on assumptions of
cultural sources to account for their patterning, be-
cause no psychological theories exist that explain (or
even acknowledge the existence of) complex halluci-
nations having a broad, cross-cultural, perceptual
stability. However, these experiences cannot be ac-
counted for by cultural models because of their cross-
cultural distribution. Therefore, even on grounds of
parsimony, modern knowledge does not conict at all
with the most basic beliefs that follow from such ex-
John Morehead: In your research you have noted
similarities between the sleep paralysis phenomenon
and out-of-body and UFO abduction experiences.
Are there any similarities or parallels to other things,
and what does this tell you about sleep paralysis?
David Hufford: One partial exception to the
spiritual/paranormal interpretation, arising from
modern ideas, is the notion that these events are
screen memories for alien abduction. Contrary to
what some researchers have claimed, this remains a
minority interpretation, and it relies on the spurious
idea that these screen memories conceal a forgot-
ten scenario that can be retrieved through hypnotic
regression. The prevalence and distribution of SP
with a presence, historically and cross-culturally, is
entirely at odds with this idea. The same is true for
the tragic error of treating SP as a screen memory for
repressed memories of sexual abuse, or as the root
cause of Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syn-
drome (SUNDS) among Southeast Asian men.
The similarities in these cases come largely from
the outside observer rather than the subject. In both
alien abduction and sexual abuse scenarios the pres-
ence of a threatening intruder in the bedroom is
similar. The pressure of someone lying on you may
be similar to sexual abuse, and the feeling of leaving
your body, present in a substantial minority of SP
events, resonates with the alien abduction scenario. In
SUNDS the impression of impending death common
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 26
in SP is a similarity. But these are tenuous similarities.
In SUNDS, for example, the subject actually dies, but
all epidemiological and medical evidence indicates
that people simply do not die from SP. Also, SP
OBEs do not involve trips to alien space ships, unless
the SP experiencer is subject to extensive interroga-
tion under hypnosis by a UFO researcher. And only a
smallbut importantfraction of SP cases involve
sexual aspects. These and other misattributions of SP
result from widespread ignorance of SP, and they can
be VERY destructive. I have dealt with them at some
length in my Transcultural Psychiatry article.
What we learn from the erroneous connections of
SP with a variety of unrelated phenomena is that
even robust, consistently stable classes of spiritual
experience will be the subject of extreme efforts at
assimilation to interpretations that seem more mod-
ern than the common understanding of subjects.
Even alien abduction, as unconventional as it is, pro-
vides a modern sounding account in contrast to
ghosts! These reinterpretations of SP are not so dif-
ferent from the interpretation of near-death experi-
ences as delirium or after death contacts as hallucina-
tions of pathological grieving. In all cases the t of
the data to the interpretation is poor, but the goal
seems to be modernization rather than objective ac-
John Morehead: In your Transcultural Psychology es-
say you discuss "the persistence of spirit beliefs in
modern society despite the cultural and social forces
arrayed against them." You argue that this may be
accounted for due to "transcendent, spiritual experi-
ences." How do you see sleep paralysis functioning as
a "core spirit experience?"
David Hufford: By core spiritual experiences I mean
perceptual experiences that (a) refer intuitively to spirits
without inference or retrospective interpretation, (b)
form distinct classes with stable perceptual patterns,
(c) occur independently of a subject's prior beliefs,
knowledge or intention (psychological set), and (d) are
normal (i.e., not products of obvious psychopathol-
Here perceptual experiences means episodes of
awareness that subjectively appear to be observations
rather than inferences or emotional states. Most SP
experiences (about 80% in my survey data) include a
spirit (that is, an apparently non-physical) intruder,
and many develop into complex scenarios of assault.
It should be obvious, then, why I consider this a
spiritual experience: it usually involves a spirit (the
intruder), and when SP produces an OBE it presents
the experience of being a spirit. Despite the typically
ambiguous meanings of spirituality so common among
intellectuals today, lexical research has overwhelm-
ingly shown that in English for many centuries spiritu-
ality refers to spirits. By core spiritual experience, I
mean that such experiences provide a central (core)
empirical foundation from which some supernatural
beliefs develop by inference. You may recall that at
the beginning of my career I set out to ask whether
traditional supernatural beliefs might have some ra-
tional and empirical elements. The discovery of core
spiritual experiences answers that question with a
clear yes.
John Morehead: Are there any new trajectories in
your research in this phenomenon? What can we look
forward to in your future work in this area?
David Hufford: Remarkably it seems my original
trajectory remains both viable and productive. I still
want to assess and understand the empirical and ra-
tional grounds of widespread spiritual beliefs. I want
to nd additional core spiritual experiences. For ex-
ample, in 1985 I collaborated with Genevieve Foster
in the writing of her memoir of a particular kind of
mystical experience (The World Was Flooded with Light,
University of Pittsburgh Press). There is reason to
believe her experience is a member of another core
experience set, but we have very little relevant data. I
would love to pursue that. I am trying to understand
the common intellectual resistance to traditional
spiritual belief both from the materialist side and
from the theological side. Keep in mind, even though
core spiritual experiences are found in most religious
traditions around the world, they are either absent or
severely constrained within modern, mainstream re-
ligion. I also want to understand fully the role of
medicine, especially psychiatry, in stigmatizing and
suppressing this topic in the modern world through
psychopathological theories.
Out of each of those strands, my central desire is
to facilitate a change in the modern understanding of
spirituality, a change that needs to reform both sci-
ence (including medicine) and religion. A change that
recognizes that Webers disenchantment of the world
did not, in fact happen, and for good reason. The
world we live in is far more interesting than we have
been taught. The spiritual aspect of the world de-
mands the attention of educated and sophisticated
thinkers, not the kind of anti-empirical dogmatic de-
nial of human spirituality that we see today. The pub-
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 27
lic needs to know that if they have a near-death expe-
rience or a visit from a deceased loved one that they
have good reason to feel the consolation that comes
naturally with such experiences, and not the anxiety
imposed by modern sanctions against spiritual expe-
rience. They need to know that if they have a scary
experience of SP it does not mean they are crazy OR
that they cant tell the difference between waking and
sleeping. Other cultures throughout the world have
knowledge that helps to deal with SP. We should not
be the only ones left in ignorance. The ignorant and
irrational rejection of spirituality so common among
intellectuals in modern society makes the public vul-
nerable to all sorts of cult claims and religious ex-
tremism. I would like to contribute to changing these
things. I am far from alone in this, and I see the
change coming. I hope to live long enough to con-
tribute to reaching the turning point!
John W. Morehead has an MA in
intercultural studies from Salt Lake
Theological Seminary. He applies
his academic background in religion
and cultural studies to his work in
popular culture. In this area he has
taught courses in theology and film,
and contributed to various works
including Halos & Avatars, Butcher
Knives & Body Counts, Horror Films
of the 1990s, an essay on Matrixism
for The Brill Handbook of Hyper-
Real Religion, and served as as co-
editor and contributor to The Undead and Theology. He sits
on the editorial board of GOLEM: The Journal of Religion
and Monsters. In addition to his pop culture interests, he
also conducts research, writes, and lectures on new relig-
ions, world religions, and interreligious dialogue. John also
edits TheoFantastique (
David Hufford is Professor and
Director at the Doctors Kienle
Center for Humanistic Medicine at
the Penn State College of Medi-
cine (Hershey), where he has ap-
pointments in Medical Humanities,
Behavioral Science, and Family
and Community Medicine. He is
Adjunct Professor in the Program
of Religious Studies at Penn and
is currently providing leadership in
an initiative to establish a center
on Spirituality and Health in Penns
School of Medicine. His primary
research interests, which incorpo-
rate perspectives on applied folklore and theory, are in the
areas of alternative health systems and folk belief and
practice. His book, The Terror That Comes In The Night,
explores the experiential basis for belief in the supernatu-
ral. David teaches courses on the Ethnography of Belief,
Folk and Unorthodox Health Systems, and Human Diver-
sity in Healthcare.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 28
Sociocultural anthropologists typically ignore the
brain. Whole books on anthropological theory are
still written, many dealing with psychological issues,
but which make no mention of the neurosciences, or
neuroanthropology for that matter (e.g., Moberg
2013). This is a curious form of neglect considering
that everything anthropologists talk about with re-
spect to culture, enculturation and acculturation per-
tains to activities of neurophysiological systems. As a
consequence of this neglect, anthropology fails to
utilize the rich body of research that could inform
them about their scope of inquiry. Among other
things, any act of consciousness cannot be any more
complex, any more intelligent, any more creative or
insightful than the neurophysiology mediating the
act. We cannot perceive anything that our senses
cannot detect. We cannot understand more than our
brain can model. We cannot experience anything that
our brain cannot structure and comprehend. We
cannot process information that our brain is not de-
signed and prepared to process. The preparedness to
experience is fundamentally wired-in. Indeed, every
moment of our stream of experience is being medi-
ated by the cells in our brain that originate as inher-
ited neural structures (neurognosis, or neurognostic
structures; see Laughlin, McManus and dAquili
1990) which become altered and conditioned so-
cially in such a way that the experience or physical
act can be produced and understood in local cultural
The Brain World
In short, we experience between our ears. Our world
of experience is constituted by and occurs entirely
within our brain. Hence, our world of experience
might as well be called our brain world. The extra-
mental world the world as it exists apart from our
experience or knowledge of it we may call the real
Our brain world consists of neural models of the
real world that mediate experiences we project out
upon the real world by way of our feed-forward cog-
nitions and actions. Interaction with the real world
results in a feedback loop which our brain uses to
correct its models. Models are made up of neural
circuits by the tens of thousands that organize them-
selves in such a way that they mediate a percept, an
image, a thought, a feeling to the minds eye. The
brain is both the producer and audience of the mind-
movie that is our ongoing stream of experience the
producer and audience of our brain world.
Why didnt I simply call the brain world the in-
ternal world and the real world the external world?
The reason is because our brain and our body (apart
from our modeling of them), are part of the real
world. We are both beings in the real world and
minds that experience and model both our inner
selves, and happenings in the external world. We are,
empirically speaking, a special object in the real world
in that we may experience ourselves both from the
outside in (I see my ngers moving over this key-
board) and from the inside out (I feel the pressure
inside my ngers as they press against the keys). Only
conscious beings can do that. Moreover I can only do
it for myself. I do not have access to you from the in-
side out. The closest I can get to this is the experience
of empathy.
When we think about things, reach conclusions,
make judgments, have insights, feel things the expe-
riences and their mediating neural structures exist
only within the connes of our bodies. The repercus-
sions of these experiences occur in the real world, but
are limited in their effects to that part of reality that is
our self our being. If I fantasize having a gourmet
meal with Sharon Stone, the effects of this internal
process remain internal to my body. But if I act upon
it say, I pick up the phone and make reservations
for me and Sharon at Le Bec Fin, and then whip off
a n i nv i t a t i o n b y e ma i l t o S h a r o n a t, then the effects of my
brain world activity transcend my body and have im-
plications in external reality. Perhaps a while later
several beefy men in white coats show up to escort
me to a nice, quiet sanitarium. This was not my in-
tended outcome, obviously. I had imagined that
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 29
The Experiencing Brain
Charles D. Laughlin
Sharon would leap at the chance to have a super
meal with someone whos intelligence, and humble-
ness for that matter, are equal to her own. Alas, the
real world is such a tragic bummer!
The Real World
Thats the hell of it! The real world is transcendental
relative to my mind and will. That is, there is always
in all things more to reality than I can know or con-
trol. While I am focused on this rather than that, real-
ity is all happening all the time. While I am busy
knowing this, there is a whole lot of that going on
simultaneously. Meanwhile, reality has power over my
body and my mind. Reality is forever resisting my will
and conditioning my acts. Thats called being realis-
tic. Being realistic means I realize that the real world
is characterized by its obduracy relative to my inten-
tions, and I act accordingly. If I try to walk through a
wall without the benet of a door, I will come up
against the obdurate nature of reality. While I may
imagine or dream that Sharon and I are having a
jolly time discussing string theory over our terrine de
saumon aux epinards, attempts to do so in reality
may well prove disappointing, even disastrous for me.
Also, if I try to solve a problem like, try to recall all
the movies Sharon has starred in and I can't seem to
do it, it is my brain itself that is the obdurate reality
that is thwarting my will. Folks my age encounter that
problem all the time. I am demanding more of my
brain than it can accomplish at the moment. Assum-
ing I am relatively sane, the feedback from reality will
at least lead me to alter my expectations, and perhaps
adjust my discernment between fantasy and reality. If
I am not able to make those adjustments, then the
fellows in the white coats may conclude, with good
reason, that I am crazy, out-of-it, wacko, so forth.
Neurocognitive adaptation has to do with our
encounters with the obdurate nature of the real
world both physical reality and social reality (solid
walls other people and social conventions). Indeed,
much of early development in the baby has to do
with exploring the somatic and sensory limits of ob-
duracy the obduracy of the babys own body and
its local environment.
Reality also impresses itself on our brain world
through feedback about what is really possible. I like
to use the term affordancy for this feedback, a term
coined by the famous psychologist, James J. Gibson,
to conceptualize the active interaction between expe-
rience and reality. Affordancy is what reality provides
for our adaptation, whether the effects be good or ill
reality provides we critters both aliment and poison.
The development of knowledge about the real world
is the process by which the brain builds models from
our stock of inherited neurognosis that match that
anticipate and accurately depict what is afforded by
the world. Over there I see an object that looks like a
chair. The range of objects that we recognize (liter-
ally re-cognize) as being chairs is vast, and are pre-
cisely those objects we interpret as sit-able. Some
objects are also stand-on-able. Some chairs are also
stools that are cognized as both sit-able and stand-
on-able. Many chairs do not afford stand-on-
ability and are thus not also stools, and we would be
silly to use them as stools. Learning all about that is a
chair and what is not is part of our development. So
too is which women are date-able and which are
not. Alas, Sharon is, for me at least, not only un-
date-able but probably un-meet-able. As the Bud-
dha taught, life is dukkha, suffering, struggle, or as
I prefer to translate it, a bitch.
What is obdurate and affordant is not a quality of
reality so much as it arises during the interaction be-
tween an animal and its environment. In other words,
obduracy and affordancy depend upon the nature of
the animal, as well as the nature of the environment
of the animal. A stick lying over a stream may afford
adequate support (bridge-ability) for a colony of
ants wishing to cross over, but not for a dog. Flowers
afford information in the ultraviolet range for honey
bees, but not for nearly hairless apes who cannot per-
ceive in that range of the spectrum. A river may ob-
durately thwart our crossing, but not a beavers or an
elephants. That rock may afford me a weapon, but
not for my dog Toby who has no hands. A small body
of water may be a puddle to an elephant that walks
right through it, a pond for us nearly hairless apes
who have to walk around it, and an ocean to an
earthworm who may well drown in it.
Another way to see affordancy and obduracy is as
the consequence of causation. As Arthur Peacocke
(2010:254) has written, to be real is to have causal
power the locus of control over what causes what
in the interaction between a brain world and reality is
external to the will of the animal. Our brain world is
the result of our cognizing our real self and our real
environment. Our world of experience is mediated
by neural networks that are themselves part of real
entities real bodies that are in turn embedded in a
real world of systemic, causal efcacy (to use White-
heads term). We know extramental reality because
we run up against the causal efcacy of both our lo-
cal environment and our own bodies. If we take our
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 30
next breath and all there is to breathe is water, then
we will drown. The locus of control over causal ef-
cacy is external to our brain world.
Brain World/Real World
The brain world/real world dynamic is a setup for
several systematic epistemological and ontological
errors frequently encountered among peoples across
1. Mangling the Brain World and Real World
First of all, obduracy and affordancy are really ob-
verse qualities of reality in interaction with the devel-
oping brain world. Both our real body and the exter-
nal world present, not only as sensory experiences (I
see my hands, I hear my voice), but also as obdurate
(I can't y in air no matter how hard I ap my arms,
but I can y in water) and affordant (I can pick up
and handle all sorts of objects i.e., they are grasp-
able and manipulable) limits to our intentionality,
and thus operate to guide the development of our
knowledge about our physical being, our world and
the interactions between the two. We encounter these
qualities daily, as do all animals. We only become
aware of them per se when we run up against either
resistance to our intentions or new opportunities we
had not recognized before. Once we have adapted to
(adjusted our neural models of) obdurate and affor-
dant features in the world, we generally adapt-out
and lose awareness of the distinction between our
experience and extramental reality the distinction
between experience and real world fuzzes out and we
assume our experience to be reality. We all remember
when we learned to tie shoelaces and neckties, and
how the actions became automatic once we had
learned them. In a sense, we construct ourselves dur-
ing the course of development and adaptation into a
kind of automaton, a wet robot whos will is to some
extent autonomous from our consciousness.
The point here is that people everywhere quite
naturally mangle the distinction between brain world
and real world regardless of cultural background.
We normally operate as though the world of our ex-
perience the movie in our head is reality, when it
is never more than an adaptational rendition of real-
ity. Our world of experience is, and can only be, real-
ity as depicted by our brain world for the consump-
tion of our brain world. Our world of experience can
only be our particular point of view. After all, I am
looking at this bright monitor while typing and quite
naturally and falsely assume that the light is out
there, when it is in fact in here, inside my brain
world. Light and color is how my brain world inter-
prets and presents to itself electromagnetic energies
of a particular range of the visible spectrum to my
mind's eye. A congenitally blind person cannot nor-
mally experience light and color. His or her brain
world is devoid of light, just as the normal human
brain world is devoid of ultraviolet images that are
part of the honeybee's perception, or the electromag-
netic images apparent in the electric eel's perception.
2. The Brain-World and the Transcendental
Nature of Reality
Second of all, because we normally and quite natu-
rally project our brain world onto reality, we thereby
lose track of the fact that the real world is always
transcendental relative to our models, comprehen-
sion, perception and intentions. With respect to self-
awareness and self-understanding, we experience
ourselves as we think we are, as we imagine we are, as
we feel we are. We always know our self from a point
of view, and that point of view is always partial. I can
see the front of this monitor, but not the back. In fact
I cannot see all the sides of anything at the same
time. The great painter, Pablo Picasso played with
this natural limitation to perception in many of his
cubist works, like seeing a woman's face from both
the front and side at the same time. By the same to-
ken, I can never experience my entire being. Most of
the real me is hidden to my perception or introspec-
tion. My being is forever a transcendental mystery
unto myself.
Naturally, if we were to change our point of view
on ourselves, our model of ourselves would likely
change. For instance, if we make a study of our body
scientically, we soon discover we are less a person
than we are an ecosystem, a foraging ground for our
microbiome (Wilson 2004; Marples 1965). Few of us
take into account the fact that trillions of microor-
ganisms live on us and inside us, and make our real
body their home. Just which organisms live where on
us depends on many factors that affect locations on
and in our bodies as niches. Temperature variation,
moisture, pH, chemicals present and absent, available
forage, access to light, how often and with which
products we wash, and so forth. Different places on
the skin have different populations of different mi-
crobes. So too in our gut. It is estimated that some-
thing like 100 trillion microbes live on us and in us.
There are roughly 10 times the number of microbes
on and in us than we have cells in our body! In one
study of 26 adult humans, it was found that an aver-
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 31
age of 46,000 living organisms dwell under each n-
gernail. [Ha! Think about that next time you scratch
an itch!] Yet we never think about our self as an eco-
system. Again, our own body is a transcendental ob-
ject to our brain world. Even our brain is a transcen-
dental object to our brain world. We could spend the
rest of our lives studying the human body including
our own body and its brain and never come to the
end of knowledge about our being.
It does not matter what aspect of reality toward
which we turn our attention, there is more to it than
we can ever know and it is all happening all the
time. We can study baseball, ceramics, nematode
worms, black holes, ocean tides, legumes, robotics it
really doesn't matter, for we will never come to the
end of it unless our brain world stops the process of
inquiry. Stopping the process of inquiry is precisely
what the brain world is designed to do. We naturally
will turn toward, and become interested in novelty
until at some point our urge to understand the nov-
elty wears thin, and then we close our model and
carry on. It does not matter that there is an endless
amount of information yet to be learned, our brain is
designed to stop inquiry when it has adapted to the
novelty and rendered it redundant and sufciently
meaningful. The more intelligent the animal, the
longer and more energetic will be our scrutiny of
novelty. Chimps will study a novel object longer on
average than will a baboon or other monkey. Hu-
mans will study novelty longer than will a chimp. But
inevitably we lose interest and our model of the pre-
viously novel object or happening closes. We have
adapted to it. We have modeled its obdurate and af-
fordant nature.
There is an interesting Buddhist meditation that
teaches one a lot about this process. In some circles it
is called doing a Patthana (named for the last book
of the Abhidhamma Pitaka). The Patthana is a
lengthy discourse on causation, and isolates through
contemplative methods some 24 types of causality
(paccaya) that are involved in any and all experiences.
Doing a Patthana involves meditating upon any phe-
nomenon the simpler the better, like an apple
standing on a table top and parsing out all the
causal relations necessary for that experience to be
occurring before the mind at that moment. Like any
meditation of substance and this one gets really
complex, really quick! one has to actually do it to
really understand the point of it. Sufce to say, no
matter what phenomenon you meditate upon, you
end up with the entire universe, as well as its history
and to some extent its future. In other words, you
never come to the end of the causation. This is one of
the powerful meditations that can lead eventually to
the realization of totality the realization that every-
thing is causally interconnected, and that nothing
whatever is separate or independent of the All. This
is a very rare level of systemic comprehension. Very
few people anywhere are able to comprehend their
world in such terms.
3. Invisible Causation in the Real World
To repeat: the real world and everything in it is tran-
scendental relative to our ability to model it within
our brain world. Another reason that this is the case
is that most of the causality operating in the real
world is hidden from us invisible to our senses. This
is especially true of causal relations between other-
wise visible things and events. If a causal relationship
is very proximal both in space and time, then we can
be accurate in our understanding of many of its ele-
ments. The other car ran a red light and T-boned us.
I throw a stone and a few moments later see the
splash in the lake. But most causation in the real
world is relatively distant from our point of observa-
tion. We adapt to gravity, but we can neither see grav-
ity nor can we totally comprehend gravity. What we
actually do is ll in the gaps with concepts and theo-
ries. I don't mean just scientic ideas and theories
here. I mean stories and explanations developed in
each and every culture on the planet to account for
the invisible aspects of the world. This is the stuff
myths are made of.
For instance, the Navajo people of the American
southwest hold that all perceivable things in the world
have normally invisible, causative, spiritual aspects
that are imagined as Holy People for example, the
Mountain People, the Star People, the River People,
the Rain People, the Corn People, and so on. For so-
phisticated Navajo thinkers, these Holy People are
anthropomorphized symbols for the usually hidden
and vital element within all things, and which tradi-
tional Navajo philosophy equates with Wind (nilch'i;
see McNeley 1981). People themselves also have such
a hidden dimension called the Wind within one (nil-
ch'i hwii'siziinii). All these Winds are really part of
the one all-pervasive, all-encompassing Holy Wind.
Winds are never distinct entities and there is energy
owing in and out of even the most enduring and
solid objects. It is the coming and going of wind that
accounts for the tapestry of reciprocal causation typi-
cal of their understanding of the cosmos. The choice
of wind as the central metaphor is an explicit rec-
ognition common to many cultures on the planet
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 32
that there are forces that normally cannot be ob-
served, save by inference from their effects. You can-
not see the wind, but it can blow your house down in
a storm.
It is very much the function of myth in more tra-
ditional societies like Navajo to reveal and explicate
the invisible dimensions of the world. The hidden
energies that are the essence of the world are given a
face a countenance that may be contemplated, that
is pleasing to the mind, that may be enacted in ritual
(like mystery plays and healing ceremonies) and that
may be imagined in daily life as the efcient cause of
signicant phenomena and events (see Davis-Floyd
and Laughlin 2013). For those members who are well
versed in their societys mythological system, the core
myths and their various symbolic extrusions are all-
of-a-piece. They form a single, ramied cognitive
map within the context of which events even
events in the modern world of global politics and
economic affairs make sense and are easily related
to both other events in the contemporary world, and
archetypal events that unfold in that timeless era of
mythological mysteries.
4. Finite Brain-World, Innite Real-World
The relationship between our brain world and the
real world is thus one of a model to the real thing
being modeled. Only, in this case, the model is very
nite, much localized and very simplied, and reality
is transcendental and innite. As I have said, our
brain world, by way of its nature of sometimes being
conscious, tends to be focused on this rather than
that, while reality is happening all the time and in-
cidentally reality never sleeps. Moreover, most of
what is happening in reality is invisible to our brain
world. Those trillions of microbes just keep foraging
about our body-ecosystem, doing their individual and
collective thing which, by the way, keeps our body-
ecosystem healthy most of the time and we are
blissfully unaware of it. Those vast hoards of mi-
crobes might as well not be there, for all the attention
we pay them. Yet their existence and their activities
are real and they have real effects in the real world.
Some NASA scientists have wondered whether we
humans can actually live permanently in space colo-
nies because of our dependence upon microorgan-
isms that we can only see under powerful microscopes
(check out Pyle et al. n.d.).
The real world isnt localized. Locality is dened
by conscious beings mentally adapting to their envi-
ronment. Reality on the other hand has no center, no
focus, no locality. Modern physicists will tell you that
the entire universe is implicated in every event, no
matter how small or large. We come to know and
model our world from our being outwards. We are
the center of our own self-constructed universe.
When a newborn baby focuses on objects in her envi-
ronment, they are objects that are very close. New-
borns cannot see clearly beyond a few feet. Only
gradually do their senses extend outwards in their
quest for sensory patterns to identify and store in
memory. When a new worker honeybee begins to
forage outside the hive, she does so in gradually in-
creasing circles outward from the hive, going no fur-
ther aeld than she can cognitively map and nd her
way back home. Meanwhile, the real world is all
there all the time, a plenum void with innite dimen-
sions and literally mind-boggling complexity.
One of the implications of this neuroanthropological
view of experience is that relativist, or constructiv-
ist theories of culture simply wont wash anymore.
The brain world is never a blank slate. It is exquisitely
structured from fetal life onward. Cultures are varia-
tions on a theme. Most of the essential elements of
experience are the same for every normal human on
the planet. Interpretations will vary locally, as will
emphasis upon this or that state of consciousness.
Some cultures like ours will typically ignore their
dream life, while other cultures consider dreaming
essential to their way of life (Laughlin 2011). Yet eve-
ryone on the planet dreams every night, and the
structural properties of dreaming are universal. An-
thropologists continue to ignore the neurosciences at
their peril, for as the burgeoning neuroscience disci-
plines emerge and master their scopes of inquiry, an-
thropological theory will be left further and further
Davis-Floyd, R.E. & Laughlin, C.D. (2013). The Power
of Ritual. New York: Random House/Schocken.
Laughlin, C.D. (2011). Communing with the Gods: Con-
sciousness, Culture and the Dreaming Brain. Brisbane:
Daily Grail.
Laughlin, C.D., McManus, J., & dAquili, E.G.
(1990). Brain, Symbol and Experience: Toward a Neu-
rophenomenology of Human Consciousness. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 33
Marples, M.J. (1965). The Ecology of the Human Skin.
Springeld, IL: Thomas.
McNeley, J.K. (1981). Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy.
Tucson, AR: University of Arizona Press.
Moberg, M. (2013). Engaging Anthropological Theory: A
Social and Political History. London: Routledge.
Pyle, Barry et al. (n.d). Microbial Drug Resistance
and Virulence (MDRV).
Wilson, M. (2004). Microbial Inhabitants of Humans.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
An anthropologist by trade,
education and inclination, Char-
les Laughlin taught the subject
at Carleton University, Ottawa,
Canada, for 25+ years. He re-
tired in 2001. Among other
things, being an anthropologist
allowed Charlie to live with dif-
ferent peoples all over the
planet, including African pastor-
alists in East Africa, Tibetan
lamas in Nepal and India, and
Navajo Indians in the American
southwest. He naturally learned
lots of things, including how cultures influence the states of
mind of people, and how culture is both an adaptational
strength and a trap for individual minds seeking the truth of
being and existence.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 34
News & Recent Publications of Interest
Painful and Extreme Rituals Enhance Social Cohesion and Charity
Vatican to Announce John Paul II Miracle
Hearbeat Used to Generate Out-of-Body Experience
Shaman Rainmaking Center Discovered in South Africa
Dreams Cloud Brings IASDs Annual Psi Dreaming Contest Online
Is Spirituality the Result of a Combination of Hallucinations and Happiness?
Neurons to Nirvana Makes the Case for Deeper Scientic Research into Psychedelics
Prehistoric Rock Art Maps Cosmological Belief
The Greeks who Worship the Ancient Gods
Ideas and Beliefs
Humanity harbours the most various opinions
and fantasies about Truth, morality and
Beauty, even about prosperity and (most curi-
ous) even about health (Koneczny 1962:153).
Before an adequate and reliable approach to the
anomalous and paranormal can be developed, it is
important to consider a fundamental, inuential and
often overlooked aspect: belief. The manifestations of
the phenomena (anomalous aerial objects, strange
creatures or beings, visions, abductions, etc.) can be
traced back to at least the beginning of recorded his-
tory. It appears that in early times the phenomena
were not really considered to be unexplained, on the
contrary, they received numerous interpretations that
found a place in the beliefs of the times, or gave way
to new ones (although mainly of a religious or spiri-
tual nature).
Until fairly recently some interesting events have
taken place: 1) there has been an increase in openness
and tolerance towards alternative ideas, 2) beliefs that
were once conned to certain geographical areas
have found their way unto others, 3) a more objective
and historical approach to these subjects has been
taken by a few researchers, and 4) technology has
facilitated the communication of recent phenomena.
This series of events have encompassed religion,
spiritualism, occultism, witchcraft, paranormal phe-
nomena, etc. resulting in a surge of alternative ideas
and beliefs that are more or less revivals and amal-
gamations of ancient knowledge tailored according
to the intellectual, technological and social conditions
of the present, but ones that do not necessarily repre-
sent reality in a more profound or complete way.
However, closer or farther from the mystery as they
may be, these new beliefs are bound to inuence and
change our future conditions, just as ancient religions
and beliefs greatly shaped history through a subtle
inuence upon human thought and (consequently)
human action. Our rst observation is that the inter-
pretations that have been attributed to anomalous
phenomena have (directly or indirectly) inuenced
humanity at least since recorded history began, and
the way we interpret anomalous phenomena today
can have an effect on our future.
Humanity has reached an intellectual and tech-
nological level that allows us to communicate over
vast distances in real-time, gather great amounts of
information from worldwide sources, analyze the data
and make inferences based on what was gathered. In
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 35
UFOs and Other Anomalous Phenomena
Connections, Beliefs and Perspectives
Jose Banuelos
Anomalous and often perplexing phenomena that have not been explained in a conclusive manner
have been a part of human experience for a long period of time. Through this time such phenom-
ena have been interpreted in different frameworks (supernatural, paranormal, religious, magical,
etc.), this has contributed to the formation of various beliefs and elds of study that have individu-
ally dealt with and advanced theories and rened interpretations. Historically a few researchers
have endeavored into the unknown with an open mind and have found parallels between some
manifestations and events, although the contribution from those researchers has been a valuable
one, it must also be acknowledged that it has been limited, a comprehensive or holistic perspective
to the anomalous phenomena and its relationship to humanity and the environment has yet to ap-
pear. The way we [humans] tend to form and hold on to our beliefs appears to be deterring our
progress towards a solution. The purpose of this paper is to encourage an open-minded, inclusive,
and multidisciplinary approach to anomalous phenomena.
view of these circumstances it would seem that
greater discussion, proposal and objective research
looking for conclusive data on anomalies would take
place, but this has seldom occurred, it seems as if
open-mindedness is still scarce. Meanwhile, research
of related topics is becoming more strenuous, tedious
and sometimes even confusing due to the overwhelm-
ing amount of information that is becoming avail-
able. This information has not facilitated the explana-
tion of the phenomena, but according to Horgan:
The perennial philosophy, postmodernism,
negative theology, transpersonal psychology,
neurotheology, gnosticism, and neo-shamanism
all insist in their own ways that there is an irre-
ducible mystery at the heart of things. So does
science (2003, p.218).
Although no discipline has unveiled this mystery yet,
they all have evoked one recurring element: believers
and skeptics, but where are the unbiased and open-
minded who dispassionately and carefully consider
the alternatives? Even with the pseudo-sciences
where one would think researchers would keep an
open-mind, many have comfortably settled for a view
that has remained unaffected by other equally or
even more plausible alternative explanations, the ex-
traterrestrial origin as an explanation for UFOs is an
example, in his investigation on this subject Keel no-
ticed that:
Mans tendency to create a deep and inexible
belief on the basis of little or no evidence has
been exploited. These beliefs have created tun-
nel vision and blinded many to the real nature
of the phenomenon (1970, p.7).
Even though Keel observed this in the 70s it can be
argued that it still applies in the present. There are
probably just a few ufologists who would consider an
alternative explanation to the phenomenon, Randles
suggested that they should end their search for be-
ings that, in the end, appear to be illusory (2013,
p.31). But even if the various anomalous phenomena
or their interpretations were all but illusory, the ef-
fects on humanity are certainly not. I have come to
see that the abduction phenomenon has important
philosophical, spiritual, and social implications
(Mack 1995, p.3), the same can be said about experi-
ences of a religious, mystical, psychedelic and para-
normal nature.
Approaching the Unknown
In certain ways the study of the anomalous or para-
normal has followed a similar approach as science; it
has been divided into sub-disciplines that are dif-
ferentiated by the type of manifestation and/or their
given interpretation. Variability has mostly been
taken to represent distinct and unrelated phenomena.
Each discipline has been further fragmented by dif-
ferent theories that are backed by advocates who
dedicate substantial time and effort to advance a the-
ory. The content that has been derived from such
theories and research has (for the most part) been less
than scientic, in the sense that it has not been based
on rigorous and unbiased investigation and/or re-
porting. This has mostly led to speculation, contro-
versy and to further obscure that which was already a
With the anomalous it seems that a reductive ap-
proach does not seem very favorable as it has not yet
been determined how much the phenomena encom-
passes and/or how far it permeates, yet, the reductive
approach is the road most researchers have taken.
Few have considered the idea and investigated the
phenomena with the possibility that the various kinds
of manifestations could represent parts of a whole, a
single source or coordination between sources. Some
researchers are not even interested in the various
types of phenomena (Mizrach (2013) noted this
about many ufologists), Cannon wrote about this di-
vision within ufology:
Many investigators study only sightings and
physical traces such as landings, and stop there.
Other investigators study only abductions and
stop there (1999, p.8).
Others (although open to some paranormal phenom-
ena) would appear have a limit to what they will be-
lieve to be possible, of the 1966 Mothman sightings
of West Virginia, Bishop comments:
There was so much weirdness connected with
this story that many UFO investigators and
historians refuse to take the case seriously. That
is a shame, as there may be keys here to un-
locking the interconnected nature of the UFO
phenomena with other fortean issues (n.d.).
Considering that humanitycould be dealing with a
level of thought that is superhuman, Aim Michel
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 36
pointed out that neither the absurd nor the contra-
dictory must ever be excluded as such (Bowen
ed.1969, p. 255)
Researchers that have looked at variability as
separate parts of one system have gone on to un-
cover some interesting parallels. It is important to
remember that open-mindedness and knowledge in
other elds have played a signicant role in discover-
ing these similarities. In the paranormal eld, Keel
was one of those researchers, he wrote:
History, psychiatry, religion, and the occult
have proven to be far more important to an
understanding of the whole than the many
books which simply recount the endless sight-
ings of aerial anomalies (1970, p.6).
At some point it starts to become apparent that (as
Michel so aptly stated): the rule is to think of every-
thing and to believe nothing (Bowen 1969, p.253).
Making Connections
We have already seen that one of the most frequent
consequences of anomalous phenomena has been the
creation of beliefs. But belief has not always come
from the interpretation of the events; it has also come
from supposed communication. In ancient cultures it
is said that shamans and priests received messages
from their deities, people that reported to have had
direct contact with angels or messengers of god
abound in religions and spiritual beliefs, numerous
are the cases of automatic writing and mediums that
have received information, and the UFO contactees/
abductees who have received messages from inter-
stellar beings. These are all examples of supposed
communication with some sort of supernatural being,
intelligence or mind. Many cults, spiritual movements
and religions have been established by direct instruc-
tion or inspiration from this contact. Sociologists
Glock and Stark stated:
All religious experiences, from the dimmest to
the most frenzied, constitute occasions dened
by those experiencing them as an encounter
between themselves and some supernatural
consciousness (quoted from Vallee 2008, p.14).
It is worth noting that it does not appear to be the
case that the purported contactees of otherworldly
beings, ascended masters and messengers of
god have doubted the information they have re-
Physical, psychological and physiological similarities
in the experiences of the anomalous can be found by
researching the many cases through history. For ex-
ample, parallels have been identied in the kidnap-
ping stories of fairy tales, alien abductions, witches
meetings with the devil, and various other mythical
stories, even the religious stories of angels taking
people to mountains or heaven (Bejarano 2013; Keel
1970). Vallee wondered why the supposed aliens be-
haved like the denizens of fairy tales and the elves of
ancients folklore?(2008, p.6). Mack also noticed the
similarities, he stated:
The UFO abduction experience, while unique
in many respects, bears resemblance to other
dramatic, transformative experiences under-
gone by shamans, mystics, and ordinary citi-
zens who have had encounters with the para-
normal (1995, p.441).
Time and its inuence on space have always been of
importance to humanity and it appears to play an
important role in the experiences of anomalous phe-
nomena as well. In various cases of UFO encounters,
alien abductions, fairy kidnappings, time does not
seem to elapse in the ordinary manner in which we
are accustomed to, it would seem more analogous to
dreams and some psychedelic experiences.
Sound and light are also important elements of
the anomalous. There is the whistling, swishing,
humming, hissing, or eerie throbbing sound that is
usually described in close encounters with UFOs and
abduction cases. In religious/spiritual literature and
art we nd a parallel in the angels and messengers of
god who were depicted as luminous beings, some-
times with a sounding trumpet, as well as the chariots
or clouds from which some of them came. In the
fairy stories there is the singing that was used to en-
chant humans, fairy circles have become crop circles.
Strange sounds and lights are also part of the polter-
geist phenomena.
The study of close encounters with aliens and
abduction cases has shown that many people who
had this experiences often reported other parapsy-
chological, psychic or poltergeist phenomena: hear-
ing voices speaking from within oneself, unexplain-
able sounds, rapping, lights ickering, locked doors
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 37
opening by themselves etc. (Fowler 1982; Mack 1995;
Keel 1970).
Cryptozoology and ufology are usually consid-
ered as separate and unrelated, yet, there have been
many encounters with strange creatures and beings
(not associated with the usual description of aliens)
in relation to UFOs which could suggest a link be-
tween both types of phenomena (Bowen 1969, Keel
1970).Curiously, Mack (1995) noticed that to many
abductees, aliens rst appeared as animals, and that
the connection with animal spirits is very powerful
for many abductees (1995:18).
During an investigation into SPH (spontaneous
human combustion), Randles and Hugh were led,
somewhat unexpectedly, into contact with UFOs
(2013, p.31), they associated the physical/
physiological effects of the UFO phenomena with
energy (especially static charge), effects that in the 70s
Keel attributed to electromagnetism. The malfunc-
tion of electronic and mechanical equipment has
been connected with various anomalous phenomena.
It is also interesting to note that many of the pat-
terns and consequences on humanity that can poten-
tially be attributed to anomalous phenomena have
been discerned through the meticulous examination
of worldwide historical events, it seems as if the phe-
nomena becomes more apparent through its long
term effects (social consequences) only long after they
have inuenced human action. This in itself should
be a very important aspect for research as we may be
dealing with a subtle but potent inuence on human-
ity (no matter what the source may be). For this rea-
son Vallee repeatedly urged scientic research into
the UFO phenomena.
At this point there is one aspect that could link
shamans with enlightened people, abductees, fairy
stories, psychedelic experiences and paranormal phe-
nomena: a profound change in perception. Through
history some people have looked for it, others have
suddenly been exposed to it, and most have had their
attention swayed towards it (whether they have no-
ticed it or not) by curiosity or some kind of associa-
Hide and seek
Through history the different phenomena has appar-
ently been manifesting, leaving just enough amount
of evidence (be it visions, signs, etc.) so as to evoke
certain interpretations that led to various beliefs,
manifested with enough variability and confusion so
as to avoid arousing investigation towards itself, but
inducing an impact so great that myths and beliefs
based on the events have endured for centuries. In his
investigation on mysticism Horgan mentions:
Even the most fantastical ghost stories, includ-
ing the old stories of religion, can serve a pur-
pose [They] can remind us of the unfa-
thomable mystery at the heart of things (2003,
Be it by accident or design, the manifestations of and
the beliefs that the anomalous phenomena evoke do
not shed light on the mysterious source and its inten-
tions (if any). It tends to avoid objective explanation
in a way that one could seriously conclude (but not
reliably prove) that there is intelligence behind it; we
are left with coincidences and absurdities.
History has taught us that when an idea turns
into an inexible belief and open-mindedness ceases,
human action can be controlled (for better or worse)
by authority, paradoxically, it could also be true that a
vast amount of information based on so many alter-
native ideas can make objective research very difcult
or next to impossible (even with the technology avail-
able today), therefore, one important consideration in
the study of the anomalous phenomena is that of
consciously keeping check on our own beliefs, their
inuence on our view of reality, and our expectations
when doing research, because to some degree our
published or communicated views and results
(whether they are correct or not) can contribute to
the ideas and beliefs of others, and we as
researchers/authors could be somehow inuenced
and used for this purpose. There are times when co-
incidental circumstances make me feel like a pawn in
some complex but predetermined chessgame wrote
Fowler (1982, p.131). When investigating the Moth-
man sightings, Keel realized he could be manipulated
by the phenomena, he termed this aspect of it the
reective effect (1975). We can also hint at a more
subtle yet interesting occurrence with Mack:
I will devote more attention in this book to the
transformational and spiritual growth aspects
of the abduction phenomenon... There are
several reasons for this decision most inter-
esting, I think, is my personal experience as a
psychiatrist dealing with abductees: I seem to
receive more information of this kind in my
work with abductees than, apparently, do other
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 38
investigators. It is not altogether clear why this
is so (1995, p.31).
In 1988, long before writing her book about the ab-
duction phenomena, Cannon also had a strange oc-
During the night I had the distinct and unfa-
miliar feeling that an entire block of informa-
tion had somehow been inserted into my
head I knew the concept dealt with the ex-
planation that should be included in my book
on UFO cases, which had not yet even started
(1999, pp.12-13).
It took ten years for Cannon to accumulate enough
information to form a book, yet she afrmed that: it
denitely followed the concept given to me in 1988
(1999, pp.14).
In light of these incidences it might also be im-
portant for authors and researchers of these topics to
consider the events in their own lives and look for
subtle but certain inuences that have led them to an
interest in these topics, as well as the circumstances
that have led to the information and ideas they seek
to convey to others. We might nd some interesting
parallels and coincidences in our personal history.
Regrettably, anomalous phenomena has been for the
most part researched and analyzed partially and with
much bias, yet, in the process many strong ideas have
been formed and currently prevail. The average per-
son tends to associate UFOs with extraterrestrial life,
poltergeists with ghosts, ghosts with deceased people,
cryptozoology with undiscovered or ancient crea-
tures, fairies and elves with myth, etc.
It should be clear by now that the study of the
anomalous requires (among other things) impartial
researchers who are dispassionate towards the result
as long as the truth is revealed, who are unbiased to-
wards alternative explanations, capable of admitting
errors and adjusting research efforts accordingly, who
are familiar with different anomalous phenomena
including historical events and are knowledgeable in
as many scientic elds as possible.
The anomalous phenomena have proven that
humanity is most vulnerable in one area, in its need
for belief. Humanity can prosper or decay based on
its beliefs and anomalous phenomena has been
shown to be at the core of various (if not all) of them.
It is time we look at all manifestations and events with
an open and unbiased mind, trying to uncover what
has been behind our very own ideas and motives, and
for what purpose.
Bejarano, F. (2013). Supernatural Abductions: UFO
and Folklore Narratives. Paranthropology: Journal of
Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal [On-
line], 2(3), 8-13. Available from:
/free-pdf.html [Accessed 22 May 2013].
Bishop, G. (n.d. ). 60 years of UFOs: The top ten cases.
ForteanTimes [Online]. Available from:
les/519/greg_bishops_ufo_top_ten.html [Ac-
cessed 12 June 2013].
Bowen, C. ed. (1969). The Humanoids. New York:
Henry Regnery.
Cannon, Dolores (1999). The Custodians. Arkansas:
Ozark Mountain.
Fowler, Raymond E. (1982). The Andreasson affair, phase
two. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Horgan, John (2003). Rational Mysticism: dispatches from
the border between science and spirituality. New York:
Houghton Mifin Company.
Keel, John A. (1970). Why UFOs: Operation Trojan
Horse. New York: Manor Books.
Keel, John A. (1975). The Mothman prophecies. New
York: Tor Books
Koneczny, Feliks (1962). On the plurality of civilizations.
London: Polonica Publications.
Mack, John E. (1995). Abduction: Human encounters with
aliens. Revised edn. New York: Ballantine Books.
Mizrach, Steven (2013). The Para-Anthropology of
UFO Abductions: The case for the UTH. Par-
anthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to
the Paranormal [Online], 4(2), 4-18. Available
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 39
/free-pdf.html [Accessed 22 May 2013]
Randles, Jenny (2013). Alien endgame? ForteanTimes
(UFO Casebook), February, pp. 31.
Randles, Jenny (2013). Fire from the sky. ForteanTimes
(UFO Casebook), June, pp. 31.
Vallee, Jacques (2008). Messengers of deception: UFO
Contacts and Cults. 2008 Edition. Brisbane: Daily
Grail Publishing.
Jose Banuelos has been interested in ancient cultures,
science, art, and anomalous phenomena since he was
ten years old. In his early 20s he searched for a cen-
tral truth in various esoteric disciplines and teachings,
later his interest in archeology brought him in contact
with various alternative theories regarding the source
of ancient culture and myth. His recent look into the
UFO and abduction phenomena has culminated in a
reection upon all his previous explorations. He has
learned that an unprejudiced and inquisitive mind is
fundamental in approaching mysteries.
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 40
New Publication of Interest:
Breaking Convention:
Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness
A multidimensional trip into psychedelic consciousness, science and culture. Topics covered
range from Neolithic worldviews, prehistoric rituals and Amerindian epistemology to weapon-
ized hallucinogens, religious freedoms, trip lit and the
death of the 60s dream. This collection of 22 original
essays transects a wide range of disciplines to offer
empirical, mystical, imaginal, hermeneutic, queer,
phenomenological and parapsychological perspec-
tives on the exploration of psychedelics, taking in
scientic debates on MDMA, manifestos, policy chal-
lenges, anaesthetic revelations and communications
from the herbs along the way.
Featuring contributions from:
Cameron Adams, Joseph Bicknell, Ras Binghi
Congo-Nyah, Nee Devenot, Rob Dickins, Rick
Doblin, Jon Cole, Val Curran, Kevin Feeney, Amanda
Feilding, Tom Froese, Jonathan Hobbs, Mike Jay,
Axel Klein, Reka Komaromi, Beatriz Caiuby Labate,
Andy Letcher, Luis Eduardo Luna, David Luke,
Kirkland Murray, Peter Oehen, Andy Parrott, Vt
Pokorn, Fon Reynolds, Andy Roberts, William
Rowlandson, Ben Sessa, Angela Voss, and Anna
Artwork by Blue Firth
Edited by Cameron Adams, Anna Waldstein, David Luke, Ben Sessa & Dave King
Published by Strange Attractor Press
In this paper, I will present a particular society, the
culture of war of the American Civil War period,
where, in a particular situational setting (a battleeld),
the sense of hearing (and directed listening) domi-
nated the external sensory experience of men, and
directed their actions in specic spaces. This sensing,
dened as the bodily means of gathering informa-
tion, was an acoustemology of experience, a particu-
lar way of knowing the external environment as one
experienced seeing the elephant on an American
Civil War battleeld.? According to Clinton (2009),
the deathbed of a loved one was perhaps the most
hallowed of Nineteenth Century ritual settings
(2009:4). The Good Death was a prepared death,
surrounded by family at home, and a burial in the
family plot. The American Civil War battleeld
changed that. The ritual was never completed, in
many instances, for the soldiers who fought and died
on these American Civil War battleelds.
In an important ethnographic study in the an-
thropology of the senses, Kathryn L. Geurts (2003)
investigated the cultural meaning system and senso-
rium of the Anlo-Ewe-speaking people of Southeast-
ern Ghana. In her book, she introduces a new aspect
of embodiment as a paradigm for anthropological
eldwork. In Anlo culture, there is little relevance for
the ve-senses model that pervades Western Euro-
Anglo-American cultural traditions. Geurtss work
documents the Anlo cultures use of sensory experi-
ence, and involves a theory of inner states, and their
particular way of dening external experience. On
an American Civil War battleeld, where I have con-
ducted ethno-archaeological ghost excavations for
a number of years, this theory of inner states, as a
way of dening external experience, comes into
focus for my research on apparitional experience as
it is perceived today on the Civil War battleeld. The
lack of the good death was a contributing factor, I
propose, to this contemporary apparitional experi-
ence. This paper concerns one such investigation,
the engagement at Burnside Bridge on the Antietam
Battleeld near Sharpsburg, Maryland.
Burnside Bridge: An American Civil War
Battleeld Engagement
The battle of Antietam was fought on September 17,
1862. It was the single bloodiest day of combat in
American history with more than 26,000 casualties.
The engagement at Burnside Bridge, fought on the
southeastern part of the battleeld, was a horric
engagement which lasted for ve hours on the morn-
ing and early afternoon of the 17
. At Burnside
Bridge, more than 11,000 Union troops assaulted the
bridge ve times before occupying the Confederate
positions on the opposite bank of Antietam creek.
That bridge was defended by less than 300 Confed-
erate soldiers. Because of the heroics of the Confed-
erate defenders, the engagement at Burnside Bridge
has been called the Thermopylae of the Civil War
(Tucker 2000:154):
At Antietam a relative handful of ragged and
barefoot 2
and 20
Georgia soldiers per-
formed one of the most important military
feats of the war by defending Rohrbachs
Bridge (later called Burnside Bridge) for
most of 17 September 1862. These Georgians
were truly Spartans in gray, who fought against
impossible odds..(Tucker 2000:154).
Because of this highly emotional defense, the large
amount of Union casualties (600), in a narrow and
conning space, and the time period involved, it was
thought that the landscape in and around Burnside
Bridge was a good site to explore the possibilities of
recording the remains of any sonic elements of a
Civil War soundscape that may have been recorded
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 41
The Culture of War, Afterlife Conscious Minds, &
Morphogenetic Fields: The Past Soundscapes of an
American Civil War Battleeld
John G. Sabol
onto the environment. The landscape has received
little change since the Civil War. It is protected by
employees of the National Park Service, and access
into and out of the area is controlled by park rangers.
Special permission was needed to conduct an investi-
gation there at night.
The stone bridge itself afforded a possible re-
cording device, and Antietam creek was another pos-
sible source. There have also been numerous reports
of people experiencing anomalous manifestations
in the area (voices, shadow gures, other visual
anomalies), as well as having personal apparitional
experiences. During our non-evasive ghost excava-
tion, we hoped to record some of these residual
elements. What we did record, however, was far more
than a residual soundscape. We have recorded, in
context, the possible voices of specic soldiers who
fought and died at Burnside Bridge on September 17,
Social and Mental Fields: Are These Evi-
dence of an Afterlife Conscious Mind?
How we make ourselves human, be human, and re-
main human even, perhaps, after the physical death
of the body and brain, was (is), in one particular cul-
ture (the culture of war of the American Civil
War), through an acoustemological means. In this
context, I agree with Geurtss assertion that a cul-
tures sensory order is one of the rst and most basic
elements of making ourselves human (2003:3). If
sensory order is a patterned eld that gives relative
importance to different senses through which a soci-
ety learns to perceive and experience the world, then
the Civil War soldier learned a particular modality of
sensing and interacting in this culture of war. That
particular modality was acoustemological, forming a
particular and learned way of knowing how and
when to move and act on a battleeld. It is this
learned pattern of knowing that may survive, I pro-
pose, after physical death.
An American Civil War battleeld was primarily
a soundscape, not a landscape, for the common
foot soldier. The intense (and blinding) repower
that was generated onto the environment, in mostly
restricted spaces, obscured the vision of the land-
scape setting. This battleeld soundscape was linked
to particular external experiences (hearing specic
soundmarks in particular spaces/temporalities).
This audio-vision (Chion 1994) prompted a specic
inner state which Jordania (2011) has termed bat-
tle trance. This battle trance, I propose, created
specic cultural and mental elds (Sheldrake 2012)
of the culture of war of the American Civil War,
imprinting these elds onto the physical environ-
As part of the culture of war, these soldiers
developed their sonic abilities as a means to know the
external experience of combat on a Civil War bat-
tleeld. This knowledge not only served them well in
combat, it created a sociocultural tradition that
involved a sensibility and sensitivity to particular con-
textual sounds or soundmarks that were recognized
by the soldier in combat situations. This cultural
sense has been described by anthropologist Robert
Desjarlais as a lasting mood or disposition patterned
within the workings of a body (1992:150).
Does this lasting mood that became patterned
in Civil War combat also last after the death of the
physical body? Does it become a fundamental social
and mental eld of an afterlife conscious mind that
survives today on a Civil War battleeld? Does it
form an historical eld pattern of individual (and
collective) social habits that remain as vestiges and
traces of the culture of war? If so, do these elds
become expectations (and manifestations) of what it
is to remain human in a given time and place from a
particular time and place?
I propose that the auditory streams that we
have recorded during extensive eldwork at Burnside
Bridge on the Antietam battleeld in Maryland
(USA) might indicate the survival of some form of
social/mental eld as patterned acoustemological
presences of this culture of war. If this acoustemo-
logical modality, as a sensorial battleeld external
experience, did become encoded as a eld pattern,
then it should manifest as a unique auditory reper-
toire and conguration of the soundscape in particu-
lar battleeld spaces. This additional acoustical ele-
ment should, to use Steven Felds terminology, lift up
over the soundings of contemporary sonic ele-
ments and vocalizations of the soundscape, and be
contextual to the soundmarks and auditory streams
that would have occurred on the battleeld (in par-
ticular spaces) in 1862.
These elds (as acts), if they continue today,
were rst developed by habitual drilling off the
battleeld. They were re-established in the battleeld
soundscape by auditory cues which repeated the
sounds and behaviors of habitual drilling
(prompted by bugle calls/drum rolls/commands
(such as roll-call), etc.). These elds, as memory
tracks, surfaced in battle and produced Inherent
Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal
Vol. 4 No. 3 42
Military Probability (I.M.P.) behaviors, or what the
soldier would have done in particular situations on
the battleeld. It is these cultural (I.M.P. behaviors)
and mental (battle trance) elds of the culture of
war (as inner states and external experiences in
combat) that survive, I propose, as forms of life of
an afterlife consciousness on these battleelds.
These cultural and mental elds, learned from
habits (drilling), and reinforced on the battleeld
(through sensory cues/soundmarks), begot a rela-
tionship between the acquisition of cultural knowl-
edge (I.M.P. behaviors of the culture of war) and a
focus on a particular human sensory modality (audi-
tory). This acoustemological sense of knowing how to
act became a natural (albeit habitual and mundane)
process, even in battle, and it became an essential
part in creating a specic human community (a
Civil War company of soldiers) who identied
themselves as a band of brothers (both literally and
The acquisition of these social and mental
elds (I.M.P. behaviors/battle trance) involved a
process, I propose, of self-resonance (cf. Sheldrake
2012) in combat, repeating past behaviors learned in
drills and cued to particular soundmarks. Geurts
(2003:238) states:
Self-processes, including those of sensory at-
tention and orientation, require effort or
agency and intentionality.The sensorium
helps assure that notions of the person both
differ culturally, yet appear natural to those
who hold them.
This self process creates, I propose, a tangible link
between shared cultural practices (I.M.P. behaviors of
the culture of war), through physical training of
bodily experience and auditory ow (drills/
soundmarks), and our contemporary performances of
these traditions (cultural resonance) in a ghost exca-
vation that utilize the repetition of acts of past be-
haviors (I.M.P.) in particular battleeld spaces (or
According to Geurts (2003), there is a cultural
installation (2003:85) inside the sensing body that
reaches far beyond the individual (or the cultural
group itself). Do the cultural and mental elds of
I.M.P. behaviors of the culture of war reach be-
yond the physical death of individual soldiers, the
c. culture of war itself, and what (who)
remain on the battleeld as both residual and interac-
tive presences? Does a Civil War mentality (as a
state of mind) survive? I propose that it does, and
involves a learning process of self-resonance as de-
veloped by Rupert Sheldrake (cf. 2012).
Recognition and Recall of Consciousness:
Past to Future
Our recent eldwork at Burnside Bridge on the Anti-
etam battleeld has recorded a series of audio
streams that may be indicative of these sonic ele-
ments of an afterlife conscious mind of the cul-
ture of war of mid-19
c. America. These audio
streams were recorded in specic battleeld spaces
(K.O.C.O.A.). Doing research, as Rupert Sheldrake
states, we should make as few assumptions as possi-
ble (2012: 12). During our extensive eldwork at
Burnside Bridge, we have reiterated the same investi-
gative (resonating) practices of I.M.P. behaviors, and
have recorded the same voices responding to these
contextual scenarios, even though these scenarios
were performed months apart (and with different in-
vestigative teams) who had little prior knowledge of
the historical record of the battle and the men who
fought there.
In each subsequent excavation at Burnside
Bridge, we have encountered (and interacted with), I
propose, what Sheldrake has termed evolving hab-
its (2012:85), as a kind of memory. These habits,
according to Sheldrake, grow stronger through repe-
tition (Ibid: 97). Does a manifestation become pre-
sent as a consequence of (and inuenced by) what
happened before? Did past drills inuence some fu-
ture behavior on the battleeld? Does present investi-
gative acts (that are culturally-resonant to a particular
space and time) inuence and cause the manifestation
of past Inherent Military Probability (I.M.P.) behav-
iors of the culture of war in the form of contem-
porary intentional acts of an afterlife conscious
mind of a Civil War soldier? I propose that they do!
This process of habit formation, what Sheldrake
calls a morphogenetic eld, includes these social
and mental elds. They are dened as:
Military Orders;