Opc Test
Opc Test
Opc Test
Version 1.1
User Manual
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 3 LICENSE .......................................................................................................................................... 4 GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................................................... 6 SETTING UP THE SERVER................................................................................................................ 6 CONNECTING TO THE SERVER ......................................................................................................... 6 ABOUT THE SERVER VIEW ............................................................................................................... 7 CREATING A GROUP........................................................................................................................ 7 CONNECTING TO AN ITEM ................................................................................................................ 9 REMOVING AN ITEM ....................................................................................................................... 10 REMOVING A GROUP ..................................................................................................................... 10 DISCONNECTING FROM A SERVER .................................................................................................. 10 IN DEPTH LOOK AT FUNCTIONALITY ....................................................................................... 11 SERVER OBJECT........................................................................................................................... 11 GROUP OBJECT ............................................................................................................................ 12 ENUMOPCITEMATTRIBUTES OBJECT............................................................................................. 14 ADVANCED MECHANISMS ......................................................................................................... 15 MMI EMULATION MODE ................................................................................................................ 15 GROUP EVENTS ............................................................................................................................ 16 LOG VIEWER................................................................................................................................. 17 ITEM VIEW COLUMNS .................................................................................................................... 19 FILE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 21 OPENING A FILE ............................................................................................................................ 21 EDITING THE CSV FORMAT FILE .................................................................................................... 21 THE FILE FORMAT FOR THE TEST CLIENT ....................................................................................... 21 INDEX ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Rockwell Software has provided this program for the purpose of testing OLE for Process Control (OPC). Specifically, this clients primary focus is to test the impl ementation of the 1.0a specification on servers created with the RSServer OPC Toolkit. The goal for this program will be to use the entire OPC interface and enable the user to test their server for compliance to the spec. This manual will detail the functional behavior of the RSOPC Test Client, specifically with regards to its implementation of the OPC 1.0a version of the specification. At the time of writing, the RSOPC Test Client only implements the required interfaces from the OPC 1.0a specification. This manual assumes minimal familiarity with OPC. It is not intended to be a rewrite of the OPC specification. This is an additional tool for the RSServer OPC Toolkit. It is not redistributable or transferable. Please refer to your license agreement in your toolkit documentation for more information on redistributable files.
Rockwell Software Inc. ("RSI") and its third party licensors grant to you a non-exclusive license to install and use the software programs in this package (collectively referred to as the "Software") on either: (a) a single computer, or (b) a network server for access by one user, by way of terminal or computer attached to the network server. Should you choose to install the Software on additional computers, or increase user access via a network server, you must first acquire a license for each additional user who will use the Software, with the understanding that at any one point in time (and regardless of the number of media sets included with the Software), the number of users who are permitted to use the Software may not exceed the number of single-user licenses you have acquired. If this Software is an upgrade from a previous version of an RSI product, you may not transfer the prior version to another user. This Agreement supersedes any prior license with respect to your use of the Software. Any attempted sublicense, rental, sale, or lease of the Software is prohibited. However, you may transfer your rights to use the Software on a permanent basis, provided: (1) you transfer this Agreement, the Software, and all accompanying written materials and retain no copies; (2) the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement; and (3) you first notify RSI in writing of the date of transfer and the recipient's full name and address. This Agreement will automatically terminate without notice to you if you fail to comply with its terms. The Software and the accompanying documentation are copyrighted. Unauthorized copying, reverse assembly, reverse engineering, decompilation, and creating derivative works based on the Software are prohibited. You may not make copies of the Software except that you may install the Software into permanent memory of a single storage device provided you keep the original media solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the accompanying documentation. Ownership and title to the Software is retained by RSI or its licensors, as applicable. You may not use this software to develop a software product that configures or communicates to any Rockwell Automation Network Product or any Rockwell Automation Devices, including but not limited to Programmable Controllers, I/O Devices / Systems, Numerical Controllers, Motion Controllers, and Operator Interface Devices.
The Software is warranted for ninety days after it is delivered to you that it will conform with the accompanying documentation supplied by RSI at the time of delivery. Defective media will be replaced without charge if returned during the warranty period. This warranty shall be void if you attempt to modify the Software. RSI makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, or that the functions contained in the Software will meet or satisfy your intended use or requirements; you assume complete responsibility for decisions made or actions taken based on information obtained using the Software. THE LIMITED WARRANTY IN THIS AGREEMENT IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ROCKWELL SOFTWARE INC. AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RSI OR ITS RESELLER HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, or the exclusion of an implied warranty, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
RSI's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be: 1. The replacement of the Software not meeting the Limited Warranty specified above which is returned with proof of purchase; or 2. If RSI is unable to deliver replacement Software which meets the Limited Warranty specified above, RSI or its reseller will refund your purchase price. IN NO EVENT SHALL RSI's LIABILITY TO ANY PARTY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE SOFTWARE.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between RSI and you, and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the Software provided in this package and the accompanying documentation. This Agreement may not be changed or modified except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized representative of RSI.
If you are somewhat familiar with what went into DDE implementations for process control, then most of the aspects of OPC should seem relatively similar from a general perspective. The key differences come in the implementation. OPC uses Microsoft's COM (Component Object Model) technology to enable high-speed movement of control data. This is the same base technology Microsoft uses for ActiveX, OLE, DirectX, and API's that use what are called interfaces. For more information on the basics of OPC, please refer to the OPC Specification. To effectively use this client, it is recommended that the user have some familiarity with the OPC Specification or some implementation thereof. There are many things that were not available in DDE that are now possible via OPC. These include improved group and item management, as well as the ability to seamlessly enable the user to use remote servers using DCOM.
appears and the waiting cursor goes away, you are connected to the server. If the wait cursor goes away and the server view goes away too, then there has been a problem connecting to the server. Improved logging and error handling will make these problems easier to debug in the future.
To adequately test the implementation of your server, you should definitely try starting the application both locally and remote from the client. What this means is that by only calling up the client and attempting to attach to your server, the server should automatically launch. The only way this wont work is by using DCOM to launch a server residing on a Windows95 server. Please see the Microsoft documentation regarding the implementation of DCOM under Windows95, especially those sections concerning using the operating system as a server.
Group View
The group view is the frame in the top-left corner of the server window. From this view, group based-operations can be performed.
Item View
The top-right view is the item view. This displays the information concerning individual items in a selected group.
Log View
The log view is in the bottom panel of the server view. This pane shows events that have occurred in the client. It is included for diagnostic purposes.
Creating a Group
To connect to a group, first select the group item on the menu. A popup menu should appear. Select add group. This will display the dialog shown.
Group Name
The group name is a client-defined string that is used to maintain a logical group of items. The items in this group all share the same poll-rate (see below), as well as several other attributes that will be described below. This name is completely arbitrary and can be defined as anything. A group can also be an empty string, in which case, the server will provide a group name for the client. The only limitation is that each group name must be unique to the server object. For example, you cannot have two groups of the same name in a single group view. An attempt to do so will result in an error. You can however have two groups of the same name on different clients.
Update Rate
This is a client-requested poll rate. What this will do (in the case of the toolkit) is throttle the rate at which the client can be updated. The server itself may poll and post data much faster, but the client will not get data any faster than the poll rate supplied by the group. The server will return an actual poll rate, which is displayed with the group in the group view. The server returns this poll rate to indicate that based on the requested poll rate, this is the fastest the server will send data. (Note: this rate should never be faster than the rate requested.)
Time Bias
The offset for the server for the time stamp returned with the data. This feature is not used in the RSServer OPC Toolkit 2.0.
% Deadband
Deadband is an ordinal between 0 and 100 that dictates the amount of change that is allowed between the last value and the current one. The server only provides data to the client if the data has changed outside of this percentage. This feature is not used in the RSServer OPC Toolkit 2.0.
Connecting to an Item
An item is an identifier to a specific piece of data that a user can request operations on. It is the smallest symbolic representation of the data without referring to the data itself.
Access Path
The access path is an OPC implementation that would dictate the route that a server should take to get to the data requested. In the case of data servers upgraded from DDE using the RSServer OPC Toolkit, the access path is equivalent to the topic.
Item ID
The item ID is a server-implemented string that pertains to the specific piece of data the user is requesting. This is usually a string of a specific format or a tag-name that correlates directly to data.
This flag sets this item to an active state. This is similar to the active state on a group basis, where this item is requesting to be updated all the time, not on a client pull basis.
This is the format that the client is requesting the items data to come back in from the server. This is not necessarily how the client will display it, as the client will just parse the data type from the variant that was given it by the server. If the datatype is invalid (i.e. array of more than 1 on a single item with a canonical datatype of VT_I2), the server will return an error and NOT add the item. There are also times when the server will return a canonical datatype different from the requested one. The server will add the item and make the proper conversions to send the data in the requested format.
This flag tells the server that the data is in an array format. The client does the some with this as the requested data type.
Add Item
You can add multiple items at once. Clicking on "Add Item" will add a logical item into your item list. If you find that you have to many, or didn't want to ad one of them, change the item name to a blank, and the client will not request that item to be added. Page 9 of 25 Wednesday, July 10, 2013
A user can validate an item with the server, get it's canonical datatype, etc. without adding the item. This is called a "Validate". The server immediately returns information about all of the items in question. For this client, all the items will be queried on. The information is displayed in the dialog that results. If the server can't get any information on the item, it will display an error next to the requested item name.
Removing an Item
Highlight all of the requested items to be removed and select "Remove item" from either the drop-down menu under "Item", or use the right-mouse button menu.
Removing a Group
To remove a group from being monitored by the client, simply highlight it in the group view, then select remove group from the group menu. It will disconnect.
Server Object
The server object is the object that embodies the OPC servers attributes. From this object, one can create group objects that actually access the data for the client. Setting up and testing all of the features of the server object is critical to ensuring that your server is compatible.
IOPCServer Interface
The server object only has one required interface, IOPCServer. From this interface, one can add groups, get an OPC error string, inquire about an existing group, get the status of the server, remove a group, and create a group enumerator (discussed below). This is the only required interface for an OPC server. Any other interfaces supported may or may not be part of the OPC specification, depending on how the developer implemented them. Other optional interfaces that are a part of the OPC specification will be addressed in future versions of the OPC Test Client.
Add a Group
This feature was discussed in section 0 above.
Get Status
Select Server | Get Status from the menu. This will display a dialog that will contain the information obtained from the server. This information includes: The vendor information, the version number of the server, the current state (see the OPC Spec for meaning), the number of groups currently in use on the server, the bandwidth (-1 if unimplemented), the time the server started, the current time (on the server), and the time the last update was sent for any item on the server.
Remove Group
Select a group from the group list. Select Server | Remove Group from the main menu or Remove Group from the right-mouse button menu. This will ask the server to remove the group. If the function succeeds, the client will destroy all information it had about the group including any items regardless of state.
Group Object
The group object contains all of the functionality needed to manipulate the group object itself, all items that are associated with the group, as well as the ability to do a host of other functions.
Group State
The group state can be obtained in several ways, but the easiest is to double-click on the group name in the group view. All information if The state displays valuable information about the group, including the name, update rate, active state, time bias, deadband, location ID, and client and server handles. From this dialog, the user can edit the values, and have the server adopt those values by clicking on OK, or Apply. The client will query the server again to get the updated values.
Subscription Updates
A subscription is basically having an active item on an active group with an advised data object. In other words, this means that and will constantly receive data on an item. The client will be updated every time the item changes. This includes state information, as well as the actual data itself.
Item Management
There are several things that a client can to do manipulate items on a server. The interface used for this is the IOPCItemMgt interface on the Group Object. In addition to adding and removing items to/from a server, the client can change client item handles, DataTypes, and active states for all of the items.
Client Handles
The item handle is an identifier used by a client to identify a particular item. This is a number that could be a pointer, an array index, or a hash table key, for example. The "Change item handle" mechanism is a method of informing the server that from now on, the client will no longer refer to an item by the old handle, but by the new. No more information should be received by the client regarding an item with the old client handle. In the test client, the client handle is equivalent to a pointer. This allows rapid lookup of item information from a server. (It just uses a type cast, really.) If we want to change the object or structure that the handle for an item points to, we can use the change client Page 13 of 25 Wednesday, July 10, 2013
handle to do that. For this pointer implementation, we create a copy of the item object, call change client handle with the new handle, and destroy the old object. No more calls will be made or received with the old item handle. The client wraps all of this functionality for you, so changing the client handle involves nothing more than selecting the items, select change handles from the menu, and clicking OK in the dialog box.
Set datatype
The client can set the requested datatype after the server has added the item. This allows the server to send the item in a different format
Active state
The active state of the item refers to the state of expecting to get data. An active item should receive data every time the value changes (outside of the deadband, and outside the
EnumOPCItemAttributes Object
The EnumOPCItemAttributes object is a simple object that supports only one interface. It is created on the group object and can be accessed by selecting "Enumerate Items" from the group menu.
The RSOPC Test Client has many extra "goodies" that aid in the testing of an OPC server beyond the functional testing we discussed above. These goodies are tools that allow the user to create common situations that a server might be used in so as to check for leaks, timing problems, and other anomalies.
How it works
The user can set up an emulation based on a couple parameters. First, the user can elect to have only the viewed group active. This has the effect that as a new group is selected, all other groups are deactivated, and only the viewed one is made active. Secondly, the user can have the groups change which one is the view and active group. This will be done on a rolling basis.
The configuration of the MMI emulation mode can be done from the server menu by selecting "MMI Emulation Mode". A dialog will appear on the screen presenting a set of options. As described above, these options include: only the displayed group is active, enable the MMI emulation (automatically change screens) and the interval between screen changes.
All data from this configuration can be saved with the server information in the server line of the CSV file.
Although there have not actually been reported problems, there may be difficulty removing groups while the MMI emulation is running. Use with caution.
Group Events
Group events are timed operations that can happen on a group and the items contained in that group. These include read and write operations, as well as setting the active state of a set of items. The operations can be performed on a single or multiple items.
How it works
Any given group can contain any number of events. Each event has a list of items that the operation can be performed on, the operation type, a name (which does not have to be unique), and a timer value in milliseconds. When an event is initiated on a group, the event triggers after the first timed event has completed. Then at every interval it will perform the operation again and again until the user removes the event, or removes the group.
The reads work as follows in all situations: whenever a read event happens, the server requests the read in the desired way. For asynchronous, the client does not wait for a response before sending the next one.
It should also be noted that asynchronous reads can supercede the subscription notifications. That is, if an item is updated via subscription, and an asynchronous read is performed, and the item does not change before the next scheduled subscription notification, then the subscription will not be updated. For writes, the client posts an increment into the Fibonacci sequence {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...} on each iteration of the event, and writes it to the item. This sequence is Page 16 of 25 Wednesday, July 10, 2013
applied to all DataTypes, including strings and arrays. Each item in the array will be given the next increment in the sequence. The sequencer built into the program is disrespectful of datatype limitations, so there will be negative numbers written to the item after several iterations of the event. This ensures a nice mix of numbers sent to data items. (Note: For this reason, do not use this event to write to items like timer presets, as they may fault a processor, such as an Allen-Bradley PLC5.) The active state event toggles all items in the item list uniformly. That is, all items in the list will be set active or inactive. The state of the items will always change on each event that occurs, hence the toggling effect.
Event configuration can be set up by selecting the "Configure Events" item on the group menu. The resulting dialog will show a list of events on the group. Initially there will be none, so we will add one. Select Add Event to add a new event to the group. The shown dialog will appear in which we can set our event parameters. The first thing we can set is the name. This can be any string. It is only a helpful reminder to the user what the event is. Secondly, we can set the time interval in milliseconds. This will be the time between each event's start. It does not relate in any way to the event's completion time. This is why it is important to configure your events carefully so as not to loose control of the user interface. (See problems.) You can also select the type of event desired, discussed in the previous section. This determines what action will be performed on the items selected below. The user can also elect to only have the operation performed when the group is active. This is an extension of the MMI emulation, so that only items in the active group will be operations performed on them. If this is not selected, the items will have the operations performed regardless of the active state of the group. Finally, in order for an item to have an operation performed on it, it must be highlighted in the item list at the bottom of the dialog. All selected items at the time of hitting OK in the dialog will have the operation performed on them. Those that do not, will not have that operation performed. Group event configuration information is not saved to file at the time of writing.
There have been problems with removing an item in an event list. Although it is possible to perform many events without items in the event list, this has not been thoroughly test, and is not recommended. It is also very possible to bog down an OPC server, or an entire machine with events. Adding a malicious event can cause the client to lose control of it's own user interface, making it impossible for the user to kill without using the operating system to kill the process. Things that can do this are fast events doing synchronous reads and writes to device. Rockwell Software does not recommend using these except in cases where the data must be guaranteed to get to the device.
Log Viewer
The log viewer is a mechanism to view events and potential problems without disturbing the normal operation of the OPC client, i.e. popping up a dialog box to show a problem.
The logger is fully configurable, though incomplete in places. It takes care of most events that could be problematic to developers.
How it works
When an event that the logger may be interested in occurs, the event is passed through several levels to get as much information as possible as to the context of the event. When the entire message is formulated, it is passed to the document which checks against a log filter. If the filter passes, the event is logged to the screen. The log on the screen will be updated at the same rate as the item view, which by default is set at 250ms. Log file support is not available at the time of writing.
Logger configuration can be done through a dialog available from the menu by selecting "Configure Logger" from the "Log" menu. This sets up the simple filter that posts the events to the screen. A check indicates that the item will be logged. The on-screen log can be cleared by selecting "Clear the log window" from the "Log"
menu. (This does free up memory.) We have also enable the results to be logged to a file (and we persistently save both the filter and logfile name as part of the OPC test client CSV File).
At the time of writing, not all events listed may be implemented At times, events may be cryptically logged with things like "HR=80040005", or something like that. These are typically error codes or handles so one can keep track of events and results as they happen. Because the logger logs the events to the screen, and that view is continuous it is possible to eat up memory with the logger. Using the "clear" function as the log view fills can avoid problems with running out of memory over long tests. (In long tests, the user may want to only enable errors that will show the specific problem.)
Subscription Updates
Asynchronous Updates
All of these columns can be added and removed from the item view. They are all valid fields, depending on the condition of the item. Uninitialized data will be stated as such and carry an "Uncertain" quality, and have an update count of 0. Otherwise, all the data
is up to date with the last update received (accepting for the rate at which the client updates the screen.)
Click on OK to accept, cancel to disregard the changes. Column information is not saved with the CSV file, and always initialized to the default view configuration.
The OPC Test Client supports a simple file type called CSV (comma separated values). Each value in the file is separated by a comma, unless the value contains a comma in it. In that case, the value will be contained in quotations, including the comma, with commas delimiting the value on the outside of the quotation marks.
Opening a File
As with most Windows programs, the OPC Test Client supports opening a file by using the OPEN:FILE menu command to display a common dialog for opening a file. The Test Client will support any file extension, provided that the contents of that file can be interpreted as a CSV with the appropriate fields filled in. See below for details about the file format.
Server Line
The server line is started with a 1 in the first column (no quotes). As of writing, there can be only one server per file.
Node (String)
The node name is the name of the computer on a given network that is to be connected to by the OPC Test Client. Make sure that the client can connect to that external resource before trying to connect to it with a large configuration file. If the server is on the local machine, this field is to be left blank.
Number of Groups(Integer)
This is the number of groups maintained on the server. Unlike other object counts in this file, this one is critical to be accurate, as it predetermines memory allocation in the test client.
This field holds the logfile name where the logfile for the log mechanism is defined. Omitting this field results in all events being logged only to the looger window
Group Line
The group line is started with a number 2. There can be any number of groups on a server. The only restriction is that the declaration of a group must come before the items that use it.
Name (String)
The group name can be almost anything from a number to the third act of Hamlet (should you be so inclined). This field will be interpreted as a string, so if the field contains commas, the field must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Rate (Integer)
This is the requested update rate. This rate will be truncated to the nearest quarter second by the server in the revised update rate. This revised rate will the closest interval the client will be updated to by the server.
Bias (Integer)
This is the time bias field as shown in the group configuration dialog. It will give the server an offset at which to send data to the client.
Timestamp (BOOL)
OPC offers a timestamp option for items that use an advise (a mechanism for being called back). This timestamp is put on an item the last time the item was updated. The client can display this or use this for logging times on each item.
Active (BOOL)
This can be either a 0 or a 1. 1 = TRUE, and 0 = FALSE. If set to true, then the group will be set active and all the items in the group can updated on a continual basis.
Advise (BOOL)
As above, this field can be set to a 0 or a 1. If true, then the group will have an advise set up for it. This advise is capable of being called by the server to receive data.
Timeout (BOOL)
If true, the group will be able to timeout on asynchronous calls. As described in the group configuration, with the timeout enabled, the client will call the server with a cancel on outstanding transactions after at least 10 seconds after the calls have been made.
Item Line
The item line is started with a number 3. This item will be added to a group (all at once) after the file is finished loading. All items are able to be configured separately, but they must each have a unique group. This is why it is a good idea to edit CSV files in an advanced editor, such as Excel, when many data items are to be added per group.
Name (String)
This is the actual string name for the item. This must be a valid data point available to the server. At this point (loading the configuration file), the access permissions to that data (read/write) does not matter.
Active (BOOL)
If this is set to true (1), then the item will be able to get data, provided that the group is active and has an advise available to receive data. If all these conditions are met, then the item should be updated with data.
DDE ................................................................... 6 EnumOPCItemArrtibutes Interfaces IOPCEnumItemAttributes Clone .....................................................14 Next .......................................................14 Reset .....................................................14 Skip .......................................................14 Events ...............................................................16 Configuration .................................................17 Problems .......................................................17 Types ............................................................16 Files ..................................................................21 Editing ...........................................................21 Format...........................................................21 Open .............................................................21 Group .......... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 Active ............................................................. 8 Deadband ...................................................... 8 Enumerating ..................................................12 IAdvise ........................................................... 8 Interfaces IDataObject Dadvise .................................................14 IOPCAsyncIO Cancel ...................................................13 Read......................................................13 Refresh..................................................13 Write ......................................................13 IOPCGroupStateMgt GetState ................................................12 SetName ...............................................12 SetState ................................................12 IOPCItemManagement AddItem .................................................10 RemoveItem ..........................................10 Validate .................................................10 IOPCItemMgt ............................................13 ChangeClientHandles ...........................13 SetActiveState.......................................14 SetDataTypes .......................................14 IOPCSyncIO Read......................................................13 Write ......................................................13 Name ............................................................. 8 Removing ................................................10, 12 State..............................................................15 Time Bias ....................................................... 8 Timeout .......................................................... 9 Update Rate ................................................... 8 Group View ........................................................ 7 Item ....................................... 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18 Access Path ................................................... 9 Active ............................................................. 9 Add................................................................13 Array .............................................................. 9 Asynchronous ...............................................14 Data type ........................................................ 9 DataType ......................................................14 Enumeration ..................................................14 Item ID ........................................................... 9 Read .............................................................13 Remove .........................................................13 State..............................................................14 Subscription ............................................12, 14 Write..............................................................13 Item View Columns ..................................................19, 20 Expert Mode ..............................................20 Types ........................................................19 Item View ........................................................... 7 Logging .............................................................18 Configuration .................................................18 Messages ......................................................18 Logging .........................................................7, 18 MMI Emulation ..................................................15 Configuration .................................................15 OPC DCOM ............................................................ 6 Group ............................................................. 7 Item ................................................................ 9 Proxy .............................................................. 6 Server ............................................................ 6 Specification ................................................3, 6 Rockwell Software RSServer OPC Toolkit ................................... 3 Screen Timer...................................................... 7 Server ......................................... 6, 10, 11, 12, 18 Connecting to ................................................. 6 Disconnecting................................................10 Interfaces IOPCServer ...............................................11 CreateGroupEnumerator .......................12 GetErrorString .......................................11 GetGroupByName .................................11 GetStatus ..............................................11 GroupAdd ............................................... 7 RemoveGroup .......................................12 Node .............................................................. 6 Object............................................................11 ProgID ............................................................ 6 Registering ..................................................... 6 View ............................................................... 7 Status ................................................................12