ACCA Paper F9 Full Study Textbook (Sample Download v2)
ACCA Paper F9 Full Study Textbook (Sample Download v2)
ACCA Paper F9 Full Study Textbook (Sample Download v2)
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Tutorials: 15
Pages: 629
Diagrams 87
Activities 143
Answers to activities 143
Examples 61
Tutorial comments 98
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+AddVance Study text
Our aim
There are 15 tutorials
Reference icons and colour codes
The syllabus outline and our pathway along it ….
Contents of an+AddVance tutorial
A lighthearted but not lightweight approach to studying
Why study from a computer screen?
Electronic links within the database
Print outs
The structure of the syllabus
Intellectual levels
Learning hours
Guide to exam structure
Guide to examination assessment
Main capabilities
Relational diagram of main capabilities
Detailed syllabus
Approach to examining the syllabus
Study guide
A. Financial management function
B. Financial management environment
C. Working capital management
D. Investment appraisal
E. Business finance
F. Cost of capital
G. Business valuations
H. Risk management
PV table
Annuity table
Formulae sheet
Symbols and notations
Route maps
Tutorial pathway
A complete and well-prepared subject study-text contains an incredible amount of relevant, revealing and
interesting information about: the syllabus …. its Content …. the Exam focus ….and its Challenges. It will
tell you: what you need to know; whether or not you’re on track, where you have competences and
vulnerabilities and most importantly it will stimulate you to get active in a ‘hands on’ sense.
Our aim
+AddVance study text is designed to give you the knowledge and techniques which, when diligently and
conscientiously studied and practiced, will place you in a strong and advantageous position in your exam.
You’ll also gain professional skills that will benefit you forever! Our aim is to develop your knowledge and
ability in a number of ways …..
+A How to focus quickly on the facts and figures that matter most in a given situation (either in the exam
hall or in professional practice).
+A How to use financial tools to measure results and plan for growth.
+A How to present exam answers (and reports) for greater impact and acceptance by your examiners
(and by implication acceptance at all levels of management).
+A How to gain confidence and increase your comfort level in answering exam questions (or when
working with financial facts and fingers within a financial team).
+A How to use the numbers to gain the perspective which is vital for exam success (or for corporate
planning and other decision making).
Compatible with Tony Surridge's own teaching approach, our +AddVance materials lets you study at your own
pace at home and reminds you of, and extends all the important facts covered in class – that is if you attend
formal lectures.
Tutorial objectives
You will find this icon at the front of each Tutorial. It signals objectives and a
synopsis of the topics that are covered in the tutorial you are about to start.
This is a short problem that exercises your understanding of the topic
Activity answer
A step by step answer that allows you to assess how well you have
addressed the problem. The answer is positioned immediately after the
Definitions are important building blocks. Take care not to learn them ‘word-
by-word in parrot fashion’. Examiners are not impressed with candidates who
simply produce ‘paper replicas’ by using rote learning methods.
This icon flags an example to help clarify a technical issue or discussion.
Tutorial comment
This is brief tutorial advice that explains a difficult academic point or further
develops a complicated concept.
370 B.C.
d0 Current dividend
d1 Next dividend
dn Dividend in year n
g Expected annual percentage growth in dividends
i Annual interest payment
P0 Current market value of a security
Ve Market value of equity
Vd The market value of debt
Vb The market value of a bond
Va Total market value of a firm
T Rate of corporation (or corporate) tax
ke Cost of equity
kp Cost of preference shares
kd Cost of debt
WACC Weighted average cost of capital
re Expected return of equity
rp Expected return of preference shares
rd Expected return of debt
rf Risk-free interest rate
rm Expected return on the market portfolio
ß Beta factor
ßa Asset beta
ße Equity beta
ßd Debt beta
PV Present value
NPV Net present vale
IRR Internal rate of return
EPS Earnings per share
ROE Return on equity
PBIT Profit before interest and tax
R Real rate of return
M Nominal (or money) rate of return
P Inflation rate that affects purchasing power
Ch Cost of holding inventory
C0 Cost of a purchase receipt
D Annual demand for material
JIT Just in time
EOQ Economic order quantity
F0 Expected spot rate
S0 Current spot rate
ic Interest rate of country C
ib Interest rate of country B
hc Interest rate of country C
hb Interest rate of country B
Miller-Orr Model
Return point = Lower limit + x spread
3 3
x transaction cost x variance of cash flows
Spread = 3 4
interest rate
( ) (
E r i = R f + βi E(rm ) - R f )
The asset beta formula
Ve V + (1 - T)
βa =
( βe + d
Ve + Vd (1 - T )
Ve + V (1 - T )
( )
The Growth Model
D0 (1 + g )
P0 =
(re - g )
(1 - T )
Ve + V
d )k
Ve + V
d )
Annuity Table
Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859 - 1930
Tutorial 10
Investment appraisal –
Nature and techniques
ACCA Paper F9
Financial Management
In this tutorial:
An ongoing feature of business activity is the need to commit funds by purchasing land, buildings,
machinery, etc., in anticipation of being able to earn, in the future, an income greater than the funds
committed. This indicates the need for an assessment of:
Particularly in recent years many chief executives and boards of directors have made, or are still
contemplating, major investments in advanced manufacturing technology as part of a world-class
manufacturing strategy to strengthen or sustain their competitive position. Such decisions are
particularly difficult in periods of cash shortage, but equally important if companies are going to hold or
build their market share.
Reasons for capital expenditure vary widely. Projects may be classified into the following categories:
(a) Maintenance - replacement of worn out or obsolete assets, safety and security, etc.
(b) Profitability - increasing profit by cost savings, quality improvement, productivity, relocation, etc.
(c) Expansion - new products, new outlets, research and development, etc.
(d) Indirect - office building, welfare facilities, etc.
A particular investment project, of course, could combine any number or all of the above classifications.
Note that not all expenditure will be termed capital according to accepted accountancy definitions.
For example, it may be decided to write off expenditure in the year in which it is incurred, rather than
capitalising it and then writing it off over a period of years, In this context, most organisations have a
de minimus rule, under which any asset costing under a given sum is not capitalised but is written off
in the year of purchase, despite the fact that it may be used for several years to come; relevant
accounting standards will of course need to be observed. However, the important consideration is
that cash is being spent now in the expectation of future cash profits. For example, whether the
decision is to spend on a new machine or to relocate an existing machine, identical considerations will
apply: size of cash outflows and inflows, timing of cash flows, life of project, etc.
Even projects unlikely to earn profits must be subjected to investment appraisal, in order to choose the
best way of achieving the project's objectives. For example, investment appraisal can be used to find the
cheapest method for constructing a staff canteen, although such a project is unlikely to earn profits.
3. Working capital
In most industrial projects, investment is required in working capital as well as fixed asset capital,
although the risk attached to working capital is less than that for fixed asset capital. Working capital
normally does not depreciate. Values of land and buildings may appreciate and so present less risk, but
money invested in machinery is a sunk cost, which is unlikely to be recovered, save for perhaps
minimal scrap values.
The forecasts will indicate whether sufficient funds are available, and perhaps when additional
funds will need to be obtained. It is advisable, therefore, for managers to submit long-term
capital expenditure forecasts, say for two to five years ahead; consequently, the possibility of
obsolescence (and the direction of the future development of the firm) must be borne in mind.
(i) higher management allocating funds to various areas in relation to the corporate plan, i.e.
according to the long-term strategic objectives of the company; and
(ii) individual managers seeking to utilise the funds for specific projects.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year of 5th year of
of budget of budget of budget budget budget
Ist year of 2nd year 3rd year 4th year of 5th year of
budget of budget of budget budget budget
The first year is “removed” from the budget and the remaining four years are updated in light
of new (“ex post”) information. A “new” fifth year is added to the budget period.
Figure 10.2 shows the stages involved in the capital budgeting cycle, the position of the
expenditure committee and the support expected from accountants at the different stages of the
Entered as part of
Capital Decision strategic (capital)
expenditure budget
Managers are Investment Investment
aided by Modification
proposal proposal
financial required
rejected approved
(i) Budgeted cost of the project, date started and scheduled completion date.
(ii) Cost and over or under, expenditure to date.
(iii) Estimated cost to completion, and estimated final over or under, expenditure.
(iv) Estimated completion date and details of any penalties, if any.
A vital consideration is the adequacy of funds available. Where existing projects are
overspending their allocation, other perhaps more desirable projects, may be delayed. When
reviewing progress, therefore, the committee must consider the funds available, in the light of
which it may become necessary to revise the order of priority in which funds are awarded to
The assessment of business strategy should lead to the formulation of inter-linking product-
market, research and design, manufacturing and financial strategies. A full discussion of
strategy formulation is beyond the scope of this syllabus but it will be recognised that
capital investment policy should flow from the assessment of business strategy.
Once the strategic decisions have been taken, funding availability determined and
investment policy formulated, the evaluation of the different business and other investment
proposals prior to final approval is the key stage. In large companies it is preferable to
undertake initial investment feasibility studies on major investments before giving
agreement to move to more detailed evaluation of alternative proposals.
It is probable that not only will limited funds be available for investment, but so also the
resources to evaluate and successfully implement projects. Therefore, it is essential that
only key important investments are worked upon.
It is advisable that prior to any detailed technical and financial work being undertaken, an
outline of the proposed investment should be submitted to the investment committee or
its equivalent.
The preparation of a business case for each major investment proposal is the crucial stage
in the successful evaluation of the company's investment policy. Motteram and Sizer
suggest that a detailed financial evaluation will comprise a number of components. These
are summarised in Table 10.1.
Copyright Tony Surridge Online Limited 2009
Paper F9 Financial Management
Table 10.1
- including costs of planning, purchasing, installing, commissioning plant and
machinery and related computer hardware and software.
- Cost savings
- Increased flexibility
- Reductions in working capital
- Market factor benefits
- Taxation and investment grants
- including sensitivity of cashflows, DCF returns or NPVs and payback periods to
variations in key assumptions.
The important aspects of each element in Table 10.1 are discussed below.
- Investment costs
- Running costs
When evaluating benefits to be derived from the capital investment proposal it is useful
to differentiate between: cost savings (such as reductions in direct costs, savings in
scrap and space, and increased versatility), reductions in working capital (inventory
and other current assets items), and benefits arising from increased competitive
When evaluating the financial and other implications of a capital investment it is always
useful to consider the zero-change position, and to evaluate its possible effects. It is
possible that the company is facing a reduced competitive strength and thus a loss
of market share, also rising costs, falling real selling prices and squeezed
contributions. It is important not to be over-pessimistic about the consequences of not
investing. Over pessimism is often the political consequence of the eagerness of the
project champion to get the project authorised.
Copyright Tony Surridge Online Limited 2009
Paper F9 Financial Management
It must be recognised that the business case evaluation data will be couched in both
financial and non-financial terms and therefore management judgment will be the
predominant arbitration.
1 Business strategy
2 Prioritising investment need
3 Feasibility study
4 Detailed business case
5 Project authorisation
6 Control
7 Post-implementation review
8 Planning for continuous improvement
1. Introduction
We have seen as part of the capital budgeting process that there are various techniques available to
determine if new investments or projects should be undertaken. The techniques can be applied to any
type of investment (made by individuals or corporations) where the financial implications can be
identified. We shall, however, examine them exclusively in relation to corporate investments made
with the objective of maximising the benefit to ordinary shareholders, i.e. maximising shareholders'
wealth. We are not concerned here with different types of investment, examining how cashflows can
be identified or whether cashflows are relevant or not for a particular investment; we will consider
these in a later study. An investment will simply mean something which involves an initial capital
outlay and which produces future cash inflows. We shall also assume, at this stage, that there are no
constraints on the investments which can be undertaken; for example, there will be no limitation on the
amount of capital available.
The timing of cashflows is very important in an investment appraisal; for convenience an annual time
scale is used where:
It is important to remember that 0, 1, 2 etc., represent points in time. Many cashflows will, however,
cover periods of time, e.g. wages, overheads and sales. It is usual to aggregate these and treat them
as arising at the end ( last day) of the year in which they occur.
An example for demonstrating an opportunity cost is factory capacity. There is either an alternative
use for the factory capacity or there is no alternative use. An opportunity cost exists if there is an
alternative use for the factory capacity that can generate income or cost savings.
The following two lists provide a quick revision of your previous studies in the topic of opportunity
Relevant cost
Relevant cost analysis involves the identification and comparison of the relevant costs
and revenues for each alternative being considered in the decision process. The
costs and revenues that affect a decision are relevant. The costs and revenues that
do not affect a decision are irrelevant.
Sunk cost
A cost which has already been incurred (or committed) is considered sunk and is
not relevant in the decision process. A sunk cost is always irrelevant because it is
not a future expected cost and will not affect a firm's future cash flow.
Incremental cost
An incremental cost is the extra cost incurred as a result of the decision.
Avoidable cost
An avoidable cost is the specific cost of an activity which could be avoided if the
activity did not exist.
Differential cost
A differential cost arises from the comparison of the relevant costs of two options and
the identification of the difference.
End of definitions
Activity 10.1
You have recently joined the company's accounting and finance team and have
been provided with the following information relating to the project.
Continued on the
next screen
Capital expenditure
A feasibility study costing $45,000 was completed and paid for last year. This study
recommended that the company buy new plant and machinery costing $1,640,000 to be
paid for at the start of the project. The machinery and plant would be depreciated at
20% of cost per annum and sold during the year 2014 for $242,000 receivable at the
end of 2014.
As a result of the proposed project it was also recommended that an old machine be
sold for cash at the start of the project for its book value of $16,000. This machine had
been scheduled to be sold for cash at the end of 2011 for its book value of $12,000.
- The year-end accounts receivable and accounts payable are received and paid in
the following year.
- The net tax payable has taken into account the effect of any capital allowances.
There is a one year time-lag in the payment of tax.
- It can be assumed that operating cash flows occur at the year end.
- Apart from the data and information supplied there are no other financial
implications after 2013.
Labour costs
From the start of the project, three employees currently working in another department
and earning $24,000 each would be transferred to work on the new product line, and an
employee currently earning $20,000 would be promoted to work on the new line at a
salary of $30,000 per annum. The effect of the transfer of employees from the other
department to the project is included in the lost contribution figures given above.
Continued on the
next screen
As a direct result of introducing the new product line, four employees in another
department currently earning $20,000 each would have to be made redundant at the
end of 2010 and paid redundancy pay of $31,000 each at the end of 2011.
Agreement had been reached with the trade unions for wages and salaries to be
increased by 5% each year from the start of 2011.
Material costs
Material UCK which is already in stock, and for which the company has no other
use, cost the company $6,400 last year, and can be used in the manufacture of
the new product. If it is not used the company would have to dispose of it at a
cost to the company of $2,000 in 2010.
Material LAN is also in stock and will be used on the new line. It cost the company
$11,500 some years ago. The company has no other use for it, but could sell it on
the open market for $3,000 in 2010.
(a) Prepare and present an opportunity cash flow budget for project BK, for the
period 2010 to 2014.
(b) Write a short report for the board of directors which explains why certain figures
which were provided in (a) were excluded from your cash flow budget.
End of Activity 10.1
Tutorial comment
The Examiner at the time stated that the objectives of this question were to
prepare and discuss the concept of incremental/relevant cash flows (parts (a)
and (b) and that there was some confusion on the part of some candidates between
whether to attempt to do a cash budget or an incremental cash flow budget.
Candidates do need to appreciate that for investment appraisal, it should be the
incremental/relevant cash flows that are used. The candidates who performed
well in this area were those who demonstrated a good understanding of the subject
in the report which was called for in part (b). However, although many candidates
were able to explain why sunk costs, depreciation and the feasibility study were
not relevant costs they were unable to apply the same kind of logic to some of the
other costs. In the computation section (part (a)) some candidates did not attempt to
calculate the amount of cash from sales or paid out for purchases.
Step 1 Read the question carefully and make sure that you understand
precisely what is required. This case study involves a manufacturing
company which is evaluating a new investment project.
Step 2 To determine the relevant cash flows for inclusion in the cash budget for
subsequent capital investment appraisal, you need to work carefully
through the data to identify the avoidable, incremental and future cash
receipts and payments. So, for example, sales need to be converted to
cash receipts using opening and closing accounts receivable; tax paid
is one year later than payable; only the extra fixed costs should be
included, and feasibility study costs are excluded. Whilst doing this, note
the figures that you decide to exclude, for your answer to part (b).
Copyright Tony Surridge Online Limited 2009
Paper F9 Financial Management
Step 3 As well as the contents specified, your report must include a proper
heading and introduction. A conclusion is not required in this case.
Start the main explanation by summarising the criteria for inclusion of a
figure in the cash flow budget. Then go through the specific items in the
question where a figure has been excluded, to show the reasons why they
have been excluded.
Purchases (Note 2) 320 480 570 610 120
Sale of old machine
not received 12
Employee promoted 10 10.5 11.03 11.58
Redundancy pay 124
Material LAN, lost
residual value 3
Sub-contractors 60 90 80 80
Lost contribution from
existing product 30 40 40 36
Overheads and
advertising 130 100 90 100
Taxation 96 142 174 275
Note 1: Cash from sales
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
accounts receivable - 84 115 140 160
Add sales 1,000 1,300 1,500 1,800 -
Less closing
accounts payable 80 100 110 120 -
We have now prepared the cash flow budget enclosed herewith, and
computed the net present value of the project.
The principal reason why certain figures were not included in the cash flows
is that we have shown the incremental cash flows and therefore have only
included the income and expenditure which will arise if the project goes
ahead. The other figures are not relevant to the investment decision.
The following figures were not included in the incremental cash flow:
- the feasibility study which cost $45,000 had to be paid out whether or not
the project went ahead.
- the three employees paid $24,000 each would continue to receive the
amount whether or not the project goes ahead.
- the cost of materials UCK and LAN were paid for some time ago and is not
therefore a relevant cash flow.
- the prepayments were already included in the amounts paid to the sub-
contractors and did not require any adjustment to the cash flows. The
relevant figures are the actual cash to be paid to them each year, e.g. 2010
$60,000, and so on.
Figure 10.3 provides an overview of the main criteria used for appraising investment projects. The
criteria comprises two main categories:
Accounting Rate of Return
Evaluative Evaluative
criteria criteria
Earnings per share
(Not examined in this
Gearing ratio syllabus)
Sensitivity of estimates
Effect on share
(ii) Risk
- Payback period (cash flow and discounted cash flow)
- Gearing (financial and operating). We cover gearing in Tutorial 14.
- Sensitivity analysis.
Table 10.2 provides three project scenarios which we will use to examine the main appraisal
The following information relates to three capital expenditure projects under review.
Because of capital rationing only one project can be accepted.
The data provided here will illustrate the calculations used for:
- payback period
- accounting rate of return (ARR)
- net present value (NPV)
- internal rate of return (IRR)
$ $ $
End year
1 160,000 200,000 110,000
2 140,000 140,000 130,000
3 130,000 100,000 190,000
4 120,000 100,000 200,000
5 110,000 100,000 -
Payback method
The payback method of project appraisal involves calculating the period of time that it is likely to
take to recoup the initial outlay on a project, and then comparing this with what the company defines
as an acceptable period. Often, the shorter the payback period the more valuable is the
investment. If the payback period is less than that defined as acceptable, and provided that there
are no other constraints, for example capital rationing, the project will be accepted.
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Chris Surridge
Managing Director
Thank you