Ancestor Report
Ancestor Report
Ancestor Report
Generation 1
George Bishop, son of Hans Johannes Bischoff and Margaretha Overmeyer was born on Jan 17, 1764 in Hagerstown, Washington County.Maryland. He died on May 27, 1852 in Jackson County West Virginia. He married Nancy Anna Boothe on Jun 28, 1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia. She was born on Oct 11, 1772 in Westchester County New York. She died on Nov 17, 1851 in Jackson County West Virginia. Notes for George Bishop: George Bishop was born to his father John (aka Hans Johannes Bischoff) in 1764 in Hagerstown Maryland. To date, no one has found any black and white evidence of his birth there. Original sources for this information unfortunately came from the LDS records, user submitted, and these records did not have to provide any sort of verification with them. There has been talk of a family bible written in "low Dutch", though no one today can positively identify it's whereabouts. It's possible that this family Bible may have a handwritten record of births and deaths, including possibly George's, but without finding it, we may never know. Par of the following quote is from William H. Bishop's History of Roane County, which, sadly was filled with errors. He knew this, and was in the process of writing revisions to the original text at the time of his death. That manuscript, according to family lore, is no longer in existance. George's burial location is just as much of a mystery as proving his birth location, if not more so. Many descendants have searched for it, searched for records of it, no one has found anything concrete. Reportedly, he died in Jackson County West Virginia, in 1852, however, West Virginia did not start requiring death records to be recorded until 1853. In the Williamson file on, he claims that many secondary sources cite George's death as 1857. I've never seen this, and if this was the case, then there would be a record of George death through the state. Unfortunatley, there is not one. Timeline for George Bishop: 1-17-1764- John's son George is born- Hagerstown, Maryland. Sep 24, 1782 - George Bishop acquires 2936 acres, Montgomery County, Virginia 1789- George Bishop on Montgomery County Tax List 1790- George Bishop on Montgomery County Tax List June 28, 1790- George Bishop married Nancy Booth, surety was John Plick, consent of parents Stephen and Nancy Boothe, Montgomery County, Va 1791- George Bishop on Montgomery County Va Tax List 5-21-1791- Stephen Bishop born to George and Nancy Anna Boothe Bishop, Montgomery county, VA 1792- George Bishop on Montgomery County Tax List October 1792- George and Ann Bishop sell 200 acres for $55.62 to Emere Altizer located on Laurel Creek, the water of Little River and adjoining another tract of George Bishop's land (300 acres) for which he recieved a survey on 3-20-1792. Witnessed by Henry Carty, Henry Bishop, and Ezekial Howad. Deed Book C, pg 457, Montgomery County, Va. Circa 1792- Lydia Bishop born to George and Nancy Anna Bishop, Montgomery County, Va December 1794- John Bishop and David Bishop born to George Bishop and Nancy Anna Boothe Bishop, twins, Montgomery County, Va Jan 18, 1798 - George Bishop, 300 acres on waters of Laurel Creek of Little River, Montgomery County, Virginia
Circa 1801- Nancy Bishop born to George and Nancy Anna Bishop, Russell County, Va October 5, 1801- George and Ann Bishop sold 200 acres for $66.62 to Emere Altizer, situate on Laurel Creek, the waters of Little River and adjoining another tract of land of George Bishop of 300 acres which he recieved a survey for on March 20, 1792. Deed was recorded in October 1801 court, and witnessed by Henry Carty, Henry Bishop and Ezekiel Howard. Deed Book C, pg 457, Montgomery County, Va. Ca 10/1801- 1/1802- George Bishop moved his family from Montgomery County, Virginia to Russell County Virginia. 1-23-1802- Rachel Bishop born to George and Nancy Bishop, Russell County, Va 10-14-1805- Margaret Pauline Bishop born to George and Nancy Bishop, Russell County, Va 1-18-1810- William E Bishop born to George and Nancy Bishop, Russell County, Va 9-3-1811-George Bishop, deed of land from Michael and Suanah Sword, September 3, 1811, 95 acres on Cedar Creek, Deed Book 4, pg 419. (Russell County, Va) Circa 1812-1815- James Bishop and Mary Polly Bishop born to George and Nancy Bishop, Russell County, Virginia 4-7-1812-George Bishop, deed from John and Sarah McGraw, 132 acres on Wat Cedar Creek, Deed book 4, pg 480, Russell County, Va. 1815- Russell County, Virginia- Tax Assessments: GEORGE BISHOP, one farm on the North Fork of Ceder [Cedar] Creek, 227 acres having thereon one dwelling of wood, one story, 22 feet by 16 feet, one barn of wood, one loom house, valued at $120. 3-3-1817- George Bishop is on the bond together with Andrew Debusk, and Daniel Horton, for probation of Elisha Debusk's will, Russell County, Virginia 1820- George Bishop- Russell County Va census- actually 2 George Bishop's on this census for Russell County, also shown is George's eldest son, Stephen. Also listed are other Bishop's by the name of Thomas, Joshua, and Benjamen, we do not believe those three are related to this line of Bishop's. 5-7-1822- Anny and Geo. Bishop, etal, deed to Heirs of Stephen Boothe, Deed book 6, pg 541-Russell County, Va. 8-8-1822- George Bishop mentioned in cross examination of defandents pertaining to the will of Priscilla Hunt, (deceased about May 12, 1822) Russell County, Virginia: Cross examined Question. Was Priscilla Hunt, at the time you have mentioned, capable of distinguishing one person from another, and who had been there on that day besides yourself? Ans. Stephen Boothe, George Bishop and John Hunt had been there on that day, and I think she knew each person, and could distinguish him by his voice when he spoke to her. No other person was there to the knowledge of witness; now was either of those already mentioned present when said Priscilla spoke of the disposition of her property. Question. Did she appear to have her senses perfectly at the time you had stated? Answer, I think so.
Question. Did she say anything of the other property mentioned by Mrs. Elkins? Ans. I heard her say nothing of other property; she mentioned only the two mares.
8-5-1823- George and Anna Bishop deed to David Keen, 227 acres on Cedar Creek, Deed book 6, pg 655- Russell County, Va. 1823 Pike Co Ky Tax List- John "Bishup"- (son of George) 1-6-1824, George and Anna deed to William Taylor, 200 acres on Clinch Mtn, DB6, pg 684-
Russell County, Va 1-6-1824- George and Anna Bishop deed to Elijah Taylor 50 acres on Cedar Creek, Deed Book 6, pg 682- Russell County, Va Ca 1824-1828: George Bishop moved his family from Rusell County Virginia, to Pike County Kentucky. It is believed that he actually settled in the Pike County area, around Lick Creek, approximately around 1825. Note- Not ALL available records from this time period have been found. 1829- Subpoena issued for Peggy Bishop, Pike Co Ky, Bk A pg 211. This subpeona was issued for Margaret having become pregnant with Sarah Ann, the father of the baby being John Lester. 1830 Pike County Ky census- John Bishop- 1200010000000 2010010000000- living next to John Hunt (probobly Sr) 3-11-1830- Peggy Bishop married Isaac Drake, by William Ramey JPPC, Pike Co, File 261. License issued March 7, 1830, bond signed by Isaac Drake and John Mutter. Letter of consent from George and Anna Bishop, quoted "has given there daughter Peggy to Isack Drake to join with him in wedlock; att: John Mutter and William Bishop, sworn to by George Mutter" 1831- George Bishop, exonerated- Pike County Ky court, Bk A pg 346 3-23-1831- George Bishop, Pike Co Ky, Land Warrant, 50 acres Levisa Fork, surveyed, 3-231831, Land Warrant Book Z, pg 414 1-26-1835- Mary Polly Bishop married James Debush (Debusk) by Wm. Campbell, JPPC, Pike County, KY. File 417, shown in original record as Mary, (some versions show Nancy- this all depends upon whose file you are looking at on the internet. I have photo copies of the original documents from the Pike County Kentucky Clerk of Court's office). George Bishop father of Mary and Stephen Bishop guardian of said James Debusk, were both present and consented to issuing of license. Bond signed by James Debusk and Stephen Bishop. 1835- George Bishop is on the 1835 Pike County Ky tax list, with 50 acres on Sandy River. John Bishop, William Bishop and Stephen Bishop are also on this same tax list, all three being sons of George Bishop. William has no land shown, Stephen has 50 acres, Racoon. Apr 25, 1835 - George Bishop sells 25 acres on Levisa Fork to his son William, Pike County Ky Deed Book A1 - pg 423
8-28-1836- Polly Bishop, daughter of John Bishop, married Moses Hunt, by Thomas Hall, Minister of the M.E. Church, File No 219-J, Pike County, Ky. (This is a granddaughter of George Bishop)
Jan 7, 1839 - George Bishop and his son John sell tract of land on Levisa Fork to John Hunt Sr-Pike Co Ky Deed Book B pg 56 Jan 17, 1839- George Bishop sells a tract on Sandy River to his son John, Pike Co Ky, Book B pg 55, Pike Co Ky 1-17-1839- Pike Co Ky, George Bishop and John Bishop sell land on Levisa Fork to John Hunt Sr . Sep 30, 1843 - George & son David sell 2 tracts on Big Sandy River to Charles Rowe, Pike Co Ky-Deed Book B pg 339. 1850- George and Nancy are listed on the 1850 Jackson County West Virginia Census. George is listed as age 85, Nancy as age 76, two children living with them, David and James, listed as idiotic. It should be noted- that this is the last knownn record of George or Nancy Bishop. 11-17-1851- Nancy Anna's death in Jackson County, West Virginia. 5-27-1852- George's death, reportedly in Jackson County, West Virginia.
I am taking some quotes from Steve Williamson's file on the web, however, I would like it to be known, that while Steve is a good researcher in his own rights, he and I do differ in opinion on various parts of our family history. He offered up the opportunity for my husband, a direct descendant of Hans Johannes Bischoff, via his son, George Bishop, to have the genealogical DNA testing done. Many of the results were inconclusive, and Steve pointed out that there were matches from an English line of Bishop's. However, there were also other matches as well, some of those being German. Based on my own research over the years, including talking to a great many Bishop descendants, I still believe that the Bishop ancestor of this particular line was indeed from Germany. However, I will include the DNA results at the end of this writing, for those who wish to view them, and that can understand them. And we do want Steve to know that his efforts have not gone unoticed, and that they were very much appreciated. We just differ in opinion on how to interpret them. Another part of my opinion about this relatively new science, is that it is still, as of yet, basically 'unrefined'. I beleive that the science of DNA testing for genealogical purposes has a long way left to go, and while the early results are interesting, I do not believe that they are 100% accurate and conclusive. I suspect at a later date, these results, that those of us today see, are going to be challenged. Just as the science of DNA testing for criminal investigation purposes has evolved, so shall this. From Steve Williamson's file: "Secondary sources list his place of birth as "Hagerstown, Washington (now Frederick) County, Maryland." His year of death is given in many secondary sources as 1857. According to the 1880 census entries for his children William and Margaret, George was born in England and Virginia, respectively." "We can trace our ancestry no further back than to the country on the head waters of the Roanoke River, Virginia. There, in a section then Montgomery County, George Bishop married Miss Ann Boothe about the year 1776. George and Ann made their first home where married, later passed further westward and lived in what later was Russell Co, Virginia, in which place the younger ones of their children were born and reared. . ." (Bishop, pp 448-51) Steve Williamson's Sources: 1) Montgomery Co, VA: Sep 24, 1782 - George acquires 2936 acres 2) Montgomery Co, VA 1789, 1791, 1792 tax lists 3) Montgomery Co, VA land grant: Jan 18, 1798 - 300 acres on waters of Laurel Creek of Little River 4) Montgomery Co, VA Deed Book C, pp 457-458: Oct 5, 1801 - George & Nancy sell 200 acres (acquired in 1798 Land Grant) to Emere Altizer for $66.67; witness Henry Bishop 5) The 1810 Russell County Personal Property Tax List: David & George Bishop 6) Russell Co VA: Jul 15, 1811 - George buys 95 acres 7) Russell Co VA: Apr 4, 1812 - George buys 132 acres 8) The 1816 Russell Co, VA Tax List: GEORGE BISHOP RUSSELL $120 ----- $120 .17 9) Montgomery Co, VA Deed Book N - pp 206-207: Jun 19, 1819 - George sells 100 acres in Montgomery Co to Francis Gardner; note deed of sale not delivered to Montgomery Clerk's Office until July 19, 1842 10) The 1820 Census, Russell Co VA lists: Bishop, George 0(4?)10100-02010-0200 (next to Joseph Boothe) - & Bishop, George 000100-10100-0100- (next to William Boothe). Also in 1820 Russell is Stephen Bishop 200010-00100-01- Also: Scott County VA 104 George Bishop 000100 30100 & 1 in agric (son of George's brother John?), and a Hardy Co, VA (now WVa) Bishop, George 221001 00101 and Botetourt Co, VA: Bishop, George 100210 02010 (also Jacob Bishop on Mill Creek)
11) The
1830 Census, Pike Co, KY: George, John, & Stephen Bishop. George Bishop 0001010010000 0010000100000 (the 1 male age 20-30 must be son William)
12) Pike Co, KY Book Z, pg 414: Land Warrant: Bishop, George, 50 acres on Louisa
Fork, surveyed 3-23-1831 13) Pike Co, KY: Nov 6, 1832 - land record 14) Pike Co, KY 1835 tax list: George Bishop 15) Pike Co, KY Deed Book A1 - pg 423: Apr 25, 1835 - George sells 25 acres on Levisa Fork to son William
16) Pike Co, KY Deed Book B pg 56: Jan 17, 1839 - George & son John sell tract of land on
Levisa Fork to John Hunt Sr 17) The 1840 Census, Pike Co KY - William, John, William Jr, and George Bishop. George:
0000101001000 0001000010000 (the 2 sons with George are David & James, who were mentally retarded) 18) Pike Co, KY: Sep 30, 1843 - George & son David sell 40 acres on Big Sandy River to Charles Rowe 19) The 1850 Census, Jackson Co (later West), VA, pg 193, 27th District: #91/95 George Bishop, age 85, Farmer, b. Md, w/wife Anna, 76, b. New York; children David, 60, VA ("idiotic"); James, 37, VA ("idiotic"). 20) The 1880 Census, Pike Co, KY, E.D. 94: #149/153 Wm Bishop, 69, b. VA (father b. England, mother b. NY) 21) Research of Nancy Bishop of Warren, IN 22) Joyce Burkert, "The Descendants of Henry Bishop I - 1757 - 1839" May 1988 23) William H. Bishop, Esq., "History of Roane County, West Virginia, 1774-1927" Source #23)- ABSOLUTELY Can NOT be considered valid any longer. It is well known with a good many of the West Virginia Bishop descendants from the Roane Co area, that William H. Bishop had realized his book was full of errors after it was published, and was revising a second edition of this book at the time of his death, after his death, his wife destroyed his work, as she detested the time it took him away from her, according to many of the West Va descendants. In particular, please, contact the Lockharts, in Florida, or Jane George, or her descendants, in West Va- for further information. I have long suspected that it's possible that in reality, George Bishop (and possibly Nancy) may be buried in Meigs County Ohio, rather than Jackson County West Virginia. My husband is correct in reminding me that unless someone out there has always known where those two are buried and taken the time to update and care for the gravestones, the chances of ever finding and correctly identifying George Bishop and Nancy Anna Boothe Bishop's graves grow slimmer with every day that passes. Meigs County Ohio, is directly across the Ohio River from Jackson County West Virginia. Now granted at 85 years old, it may not have been an easy thing to do to get across that river, but- if his son was there helping, then it could have happened. It just seems awfully strange that while so many of the daughters of George and Nancy settled in that area and the descendants stayed there, why NO ONE can offer up even a photograph or an exact location of the graves of George and Nancy Bishop. William stayed in Pike Co Ky, John, of course, was in Meigs Co Ohio, many of the daughters were in West Va- some in Pikeville area, and two sons still living with mom and dad in 1850. It's quite sad. Generation 2
Hans Johannes Bischoff, son of Hans Jakob Bischoff and Anna Catharina Rauch was born on Apr 07, 1731 in Oberhausen, Rheineland Pfalz, Germany. He died on Jul 30, 1806 in Floyd County Virginia; Montgomery. He married Margaretha Overmeyer about 1750 in Possibly In PA, MD, VA, Or Germany. Margaretha Overmeyer was born about 1735. She died about 1772 in Montgomery County Virginia. Notes for Hans Johannes Bischoff:
Ancestor #: A131373 Service: VIRGINIA Rank: PATRIOTIC SERVICE Birth: (CIRCA) 1728 Death: (POST) 30 Jul 1806 MONTGOMERY CO VIRGINIA Service Description:
1) OATH OF ALLEGIANCE The URL for this information is:\
Notes from Williamson's file: John Bishop served in the French & Indian War. He is listed in Captain George Mercer's Company, among "The Party of Recruits Which Joined at Will's Creek after the Battle of the Meadows (3rd Day of July, 1754)." In returns made by the same Company on July 9th, 1754, John is listed as "missing." It was later recorded that he was among those paid 1 pound, 15 shillings, 10 pence for "sundrys due on account of claims to land." Wills Creek is a tributary of the North Branch Potomac River in Pennsylvania and Maryland. It drops off the Allegheny Plateau of southeastern Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and enters the North Branch Potomac River at Cumberland, Maryland. Somerset was created in 1795 from a part of Bedford County. Bedford was created in 1771 from Cumberland County. Due to his military service, John acquired land in what later became Floyd County, Virginia. On January 1st, 1767, there was a transaction between Samuel Canterbury and John Bishop, involving land on Mill Creek on the Little River, a branch of the New River. John is listed on Virginia Muster Rolls of November 6th, 1771 and 1772. John was summoned to court at least twice in 1775 in Fincastle County, to answer petitions of an Alexander Baine. John & Henry Bishop both enlisted for service in the Revolutionary War on September 13th, 1777. Henry stated in his 1832 Floyd County, Virginia Revolutionary War Pension application that he had volunteered in Botetourt County. John settled in the Indian Valley area of what would become Floyd County, Virginia. According to family lore, two Bishop brothers came to Floyd County, VA one stayed, and the other left for eastern Kentucky. Other possible children are William, b. abt. 1763, and Thomas. The Elizabeth Bishop listed in Montgomery County in 1810 may have been William's widow. ****When and where did John die?**** John's place & date of death are sometimes given as Lincoln County, Tennessee, May 15th, 1775 or 1776. However, John never lived in Tennessee, and he was definitely still alive well after 1776! He is also sometimes listed as buried in Westminster or Taneytown, Maryland. It appears some of this incorrect information may have arisen from confusion with another John Bishop, who died in Westminster, Maryland leaving a will dated May 15th, 1776. According to family tradition, our John died and was buried in Montgomery (now Floyd) County, Virginia. Based on records of that county, he appears to have died sometime between 1806 - 1810. Sources: 1) William Armstrong Crozier, Ed., "Virginia County Record Vol. II: Virginia Colonial Militia 1651-1776" (Baltimore: 1986): pg 119 ("Members of the Virginia Regiment Who Have Received Bounty Money" - Captain Mercer's Company: John Bishop) 2) Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, "Virginia's Colonial Soldiers" (Baltimore: 1988): pp 46, 128, 136, 237, 238, 311 (pg 311: "Warrant for 50 acres issued to William Swords, assignee of John Bishop, a soldier in the Virginia Regiment of Col. William Byrd. 2 May 1780 Frederick Co.") 3) Memorandum Rutherford papers--Robert Langdon, Sergeant, conveyed to Rutherford; Joshua Jourdan, private, conveyed to Rutherford; William Hogan, private, conveyed to Rutherford. Copy of order of Council 15th December, 1769, on Petition of Geo. Washington in behalf of himself and the officers and soldiers who first embarked in the service of this Colony, praying that the 200,000 acres given to them by Gov. Dinwiddie by proclamation, 19th February, 1754, may be allotted in one or more surveys on the Monongahela, at a place commonly called Nicholas Knotts on the New River, otherwise called the Great Canhawa from the great falls to Sandy Creek, otherwise Great Tatraroy; granted.
4) Upper New River Tax List for 1770/1771 in Botetourt Co, VA (William Ingles' list, "New River and
Waters Thereof on Both Sides as High as Sayers"): John Bishop, 1 white titheable 5) Botetourt Co, VA: 1772 - Legal summons for John Bishop 6) Grant by Dunmore, 16th December, 1772, of 28,627 acres as referred to above, to:....Jno. Bishop....Geo. Hurst (Hunt). This 28,627 is in County Fincastle.
7) Dec 23, 1772, John received 71 acres as part of Loyal Company Grant, due to military service;
Dec 23, 1772--Letter of George Washington to Mr. Rind, publisher of Gazette, giving public information as to the distribution of the said lands. Capt. Wm. Crawford is appointed surveyor. Allotments now made to....John Bishop....(also a Geo. Hunt)....; Table of lots and patents, viz: Lots numbered 1, &c., &c., in order of the names following:....George Hunt.....John Bishop......These papers are in suit for distribution of 28,627 acres allotted to Savage <I>et als</I>., under decree of the Chancelor of Chancery, District Court, of Staunton, of 4th July, 1815.
8) Montgomery Co, VA surveys: 1774 - John Bishop, 71 acres on south fork of Little
River; additions 1782: 144 acres on Little River 9) Abt 1775 - Samuel Canterbury - assignee of John Bishop - 190 acres on Mill Creek surveyed for Loyal Company 1753 RO 1754 - on which John settled agreeable to terms of sale publically offered by said company or agent in 1767 - interest from Jan 1, 1767 (commissioners certificate issued September 1782 to Samuel Canterberry, "assignee of John Bishop, 190 acres on Mill Creek surveyed for Loyal Company in 1753-1754, on which Bishop settled agreeable to terms of sale publicly offered by said company or agent in 1767, interest from Jan 1, 1767). 10) Montgomery Co, VA survey: Apr 15, 1775 - John Bishop has 71 acres - part of the Loyal Land Company Grant - on the southside of Little River 11) Montgomery Co, VA: Abt 1775 - John Bishop assignee of Samuel McQueen; 200 acres on Little River to include 71 acres improvement surveyed for John in 1775 (settled 1771). 12) Montgomery Co, VA: Abt 1777 - 71 acres surveyed for John Bishop on the south fork of the Little River 13) Revolutionary War record: Sep 13, 1777 - A John & Henry Bishop both enlisted for service 14) Botetourt Co, VA: 1779 - Bounty warrant 15) Augusta Co VA 1780, May 2d, John Bishop's declaration of service in the Old Virginia Regiment in 1756 16) Montgomery Co, VA: Mar 31, 1781 - Daniel Trigg's List shows both a John & Henry Bishop 17) Montgomery County, Virginia 1782 Personal Property Tax List: Henry (1 tithe, 3 horses) & John (1 tithe, 5 horses, 12 cattle) Bishop 18) Montgomery County, Virginia 1782 Land Tax List: Bishop, John - Acerage 100 Value (/S/d) 15 Tax (s/d) 3/ ; on this same list is a George Carter & a John Hunt 19) Montgomery Co, VA 1787 tax list: John Bishop 20) Montgomery County, Virginia Court Order Book 1, pg 308: 1788 - John excluded from paying Personal Property Tax due to "old age and infirmity" 21) Montgomery Co, VA 1789 tax list: John Bishop 22) Montgomery Co, VA: Mar 8, 1790 taxpayer: John Bishop 23) Montgomery County, Virginia Will Book B, page 177: Will of Archibald Elkins (John listed) 24) Montgomery Co, VA 1791,1792 tax lists: John Bishop 25) Virginia Land Grant: Dec 11, 1793 - John Bishop, 144 acres on Little River of New River in Montgomery County 26) Montgomery County, Virginia Deed Book B, pg 258: Apr 1, 1796 - John & wife Ruth sell land to Henry Bishop in Montgomery Co; witnesses William Grimes, John Elkins 27) Russell Co VA: Apr 25, 1798 - John buys land in Russell 28) Montgomery Co, VA: Dec 1800 - John buys land in Montgomery 29) Montgomery County, Virginia Deed Book D, pg 391: July 30, 1806 - John & Ruth sell land to John Altizer; witnesses William Grimes, Robert Grimes, Thomas Alley Jr; Land joined that of Henry Bishop, Jacob Bishop, John Lester 30) Montgomery Co, VA 1810 tax list: John Bishop - NOT the current John: note the 1810 Census, Montgomery Co VA pg 22 shows only 1 John Bishop with this data: 00100-00100 (he & wife age 16-26, no children), near Duncan (John, Henry, Blanch, Thomas), Henry Famer, Ambrous Cox & Wm Philips. Also, there is an Elizabeth Bishop on pg 21, 00000-00001, near Kitty Paterson, Wm Safly; Jacob Bishop on pg 28, 22010-41010; Henry Bishop is next to him, with 12010-11110. Neighbors were John Grayham & Joseph Scraggs.
31) Research of Nancy Bishop (personal correspondence, 2000, 2002) 32) Lyman Chalkley, "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Virginia" (Augusta Co,
VA records)
"Western Maryland Genealogy Volume 5 No. 1" pg 19: taken from Frederick County Wills - "John Bishop of Westminster Town. Will Dtd. 15 May 1776, sick. To son
Thomas and Daughter Lydia: 1 Sh. each. To Friend John Chamberlain of Westminster Town: residue for the services he has done me; he also executor. /I/ Wit.; J. Winchester, Abraham Davis, Charles Floyd. Proved 18 Aug. 1776 by last two wit. (pp. 580-1)" __________________________________________________________ CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTCH-IRISH SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA; Vol 2, pp 42-51 by Lyman Chalkley 23d December, 1772--Letter of George Washington to Mr. Rind, publisher of Gazette, giving public information as to the distribution of the said lands. Capt. Wm. Crawford is appointed surveyor. Allotments now made to George Muse, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, Peter Hog, John West, John Polson, Andrew Wagener; also allotments to George Mercer, his brother, John Mercer, and two Sergeants, Jno. Hamilton, Mark Hollis; also to the heirs of Col. Joshua Fry; also to Dr. James Craik, Sergeant Brickner; also a subaltern officer, John Savage; also to Sergeants Robert Langdon, Robt. Tunstall, Edd. Wagener, Richard Toller; also to Corporals Wm. Johnson, Hugh McKoy, Jno. Smith, Richard Smith also to Privates Charles Smith, Angus McDonald, Nathan Chapman, Joseph Gatewood, James Samuel, Michael Sully, Edward Goodwin, William Bailey, Henry Bailey, Wm. Coffland, Mathew Doran, John Ramsey, Charles James, Mathew Cox, Marshall Pratt, John Wilson, William Johnston, John Wilson, Nathaniel Barrett, David Gorman, Patrick Galloway, Timothy Conway, Christian Bombgardner, John Houstonn, John Maid, James Ford, William Broughton, William Carnes, Edward Evins, Thos. Moss, Mathew Jones, Philip Gatewood, Hugh Paul, Daniel Staples, William Lowery, James Ludlow, James Lafort, James Givin, Joshua Jordan, William Jenkins, James Commack, Richard Morris, John Ghalson, Robert Jones, William Hagan, John Franklin, John Bishop, George Malcomb, William Coleman, Richard Bottan, Jno. Cincaid, Geo. Hunt Table of lots and patents, viz: Lots numbered 1, &2., &3., in order of the names following: Nathaniel Chapman, George Hunt, John Smith, Geo. Malcomb, Richard Trotter, Richd. Smith, Robert Jones, Charles James, John Kincaid, Mathew Doran, Richd. Balton, John Franklin, William Johnston, William Jenkins, James Ludlow, Edward Goodwin, Jno. Ghalson, James Latrott, Richard Morris, William Copland, Daniel Staples, William Bailey, Thomas Moss, Philip Gatewood, Henry Bailey, Mathew Cox, Charles Smith, John Houston, Christian Bumbgardner, Wm. Carnes, Wm. Coalman, John Maid, James Ford, Timothy Conway, John Wilson, John Wilson, James Samuel, Hugh Paul, William Lowry, John Bishop, Angus McDonald, John Savage, William Broughton, Edmund Waggener, Mathew Jones, Wm. Johnston, David Gorman, Nathaniel Barrett, Robert Funstall, Robert Langdon, Joshua Jourdan, Edward Evan, John Ramsey, Michael Scully, Marshall Pratt, James Givinn, William Hogan, James Cammack, Patrick Galloway, Hugh McCoy, Joseph Gatewood. _________________________________________
Grant by Dunmore, 16th December, 1772, of 28,627 acres as referred to above, to: John Savage, Ro. Langdon, Ro. Tunstall, Edmd. Waggoner, Richard Trotter, Wise Johnston, Hugh McCoy, Richard Smith, John Smith, Charles Smith, Angus McDonald, Nathan Chapman, Joseph Gatewood, James Samuel, Michl. Scully, Edward Goodwin, William Bailey, Henry Bailey, William Coffland, Nathan Doren, Jno. Ramsey, Charles James, Mathew Cox, Marshall Pratt, John Wilson, William Johnson, John Wilson, Nathl. Barrett, David Gorman, Patrick Galloway, Timothy Conway, Christian Bumgardner, Jno. Houston, John Maid, James Ford, Wm. Broughton, Wm. Carnes, Edward Evans, Thos. Moss, Matw. Jones, Philip Gatewood, Hugh Paul, Danl. Staples, Wm. Lowry, James Ludlow, James Laton, James Grim, Joshua Jordan, Wm. Jenkins, James Commach, Richd. Morris, Jno. Gholston, Ro. Jones, Wm. Hogan, Jno. Franklin, Jno. Bishop, Geo. Malcomb, Wm. Corman, Richd. Bottom, Jno. Cincaid, Geo. Hurst. This 28,627 is in County Fincastle.
Listed in Chalkley's "Chronicle of the Scotch-Irish Settlement"- Vol. 2- pgs 500-512 On 2-21780-John Bishop's declaration of service in the Old Virginia Regiment in 1756
Transcription of Land Deed between John Bishop (Hans Johannes Bischoff) wife Ruth Elkins, and John Altizer. Montgomery County Virginia- Deed Book D, Page 391. Bishop & wife to Altizer Ex'd and Deliv'd This Indenture made this thirtieth day of July in the year One thousand eight hundred and six between John Bishop and Ruth, his wife, of the County of Montgomery and State of
Virginia of the One part and John Altizer of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Bishop for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the sd John Altizer the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged doth give grant bargain and sell and Allineate unto the said John Altizer and his heirs forever One certain tract or parcel of Land containing fifty acres be the same more or less Situate on Little River a branch of New River and joining the Lands of John Lester and Jacob Bishop being part of the two grands made to Henry Bishop viz one of 100 acres and the other Sixty one Acres lying and being in the County of Montgomery and bounded as followeth to (wit beginning at the mouth of a Spring branch emptying into Little River at the upper end of an old field thence running do wn the Several Courses of said River to a Maple the roots of which extends over the mouth of a Spring branch at the lower end of Henry Bishops old improvement thence running North twrd running up the East side of said branch crossing a ridge to the fork of another branch following the left hand fork of said branch to the head thence crossing the heads of several Hollows runing on the West side of a ridge to a white oak standing on the branch line of Henry Bishop. One hundred Acres Survey of land thence S70 E to a blackoak John Lester Corner Standing on a line of an hundred Acres Survey thence Southward a direct line to a small white oak standing at the head of a Spring branch which runs to the beginning Corner thence down said branch t o the beginning together with all the Appertunances to the said John Altizer and his heirs forever to the sole behoof and use of the said John Altize rand his Heirs and the said John Bishop for himself and his heirs against all claim or claims person or persons the said Tract or parcel of Land and all the appertenenances to the said John Altizer and his heirs will warrant and ever defend whereof the said John Bishop and Ruth his wife hath hereunto set their names and affixed their seals the day and year above Written. In presence of these Witnesses : Test: William Grimes Robert R. Grimes Thomas Alley Jr John Bishop- his mark Ruth Bishop- her mark This deed of bargain and sale from John Bishop and Ruth his wife toJ oh nAltizer was proven by oath of William Grimes, Robert Grimes, andThomas Alley Jr.- The witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Charles Taylor, Clerk. 7-30-1806 Montgomery County, Virginia
From queries at the German Migration Resource Center: Dated 1-28-2000 Post done by Walter A. Dreier (email shown as [email protected] but no good as of 2001-) Query: Bischoff, Johannes, b. 1728, Ansbach, Mittelfranken, Bayern. Married Margaretha Overmeyer, 1758 and evidently came to the U.S. Colonies shortly thereafter . I need some record of his immigration, especially the port and date of arrival. After arrival in either Penns or Maryland he may have been in the French and Indian Wars, but eventually settled in Floyd (later Montgomery Co.) Va. and raised a large family, including sons Henry, George, Jacob and John. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
I have yet to be able to locate this site on the net- Here is the know n URL for it: I was sent this as a print out page from John Bishop Maxwell in March of 2000.
On 5-10-1770- William Ingles - list of titheables Boutetourt County, Virginia- (his list to be taken on the New River and waters thereof on both sides, as high as Sayers)- Note- on the same list were the following: Charles Skaggs, James Skaggs, Long James Skaggs, John Plick, Henry Skaggs, and others. John Bishop had "1 poll." One should note here, that this part of Botetourt County later became Montgomery County- in 1776. Another note here- the name of John Bishop, is also on a list of "delinquents"- on the West waters from John Craig's to Peak Creek, as also is Charles Skaggs. The originals of these lists were originally at the courthouse for Fincastle County, then transferred to the Virginia State Library. Copies of all of these land transactions are also listed in Chaukley's Chronicles. Another note of interest- Though John Bishop is NOT on the 1771 Ingles tax list- Ralph Elkins, Jessey Elkins, Richard Elkins, and Abner Lester ARE on it. I did find listed in Mary Kegley's book "Adventures on Western Waters"- John Bishop listed with one poll- but this particular list had no location given, nor the name of whose list it was. On that same list- without a location given, are the following people: William Ratliff, Daniel Harman, George Quisenberry, John Plick, John Elswick, Jonathan Elswick, Long James Skaggs. John Bishop was taxed in Botestourt County Va as early as 1771. We show him in land transactions as early as 1767- Commisioners Certificate issued September 1782 to Samuel Canterberry showing him to have been "an assignee of John Bishop". This was for 190 acres on Mill Creek surveyed by the Loyal Company in 1753, or 1754, on which "Bishop settled agreeable to terms of sale publicly offered by said company or agent in 1767. Interest from Jan 1, 1767."- This does place John Bishop in Botetourt, later Montgomery County, Va in 1767, not in Pennsylvania, as some researchers have claimed by giving the birth of his daughter Lydia as being York County, Pa in 1767.
Another note here: There is a DAR file- (Daughters of the Revolutionary War) of Ann (Bishop) Higginbothom (#273844) a descendant of Henry and Fanny (Simpkins) Bishop- which references a family Bible of Jacob Bishop- son of Henry. This Bible, in 1933, was in the possession of Ann Higginbothom's mother, Mrs. H.R. Bishop.
Names of some of the leading families of Floyd/Montgomery County Virginia: Harmons, Bishop's,
Slushers, Cox's, Reed's, Goodykoontz's, Lester's, Duncan's, Boothe's, Skaggs ....... A Mr. Al Hurt, who owned the farm that Dr. Aras Bishop Cox bought in 1852 in Ashe County, North Carolina, wrote to Mr. Doug Bishop, (owner of that farm as of 8-31-1986- and letter written then also)- that his mother's oldest sister, b. 1869, wrote the following: "Some family history gives the Bishop name who came direct from Germany as John- not Henry. John married in Germany and had some family before coming to America. He was tall and athletic. He and his wife came direct from Germany, and settled on Little River in Floyd Co Va which was Montgomery County then( After first coming from PA as one writer says>) Henry Bishop, (the son of John) was born in Germany. Dr. A.B. Cox recalled hearing him pray in German. Mr. Hurt also states that his records show that Henry Bishop's father was John (not Henry) Bishop, that he mrrd. 1'st Mary?? before coming to America. His 2'nd wife was Ruth Elkins. Maude Sparks Fannin, of Portsmouth, Ohio, a descendant of David and Elizabeth's through their daughter Catherine, who mrrd. Harvey Lester, wrote in 1976 that she remembered her mother told her that her great grandparents, Harvey and Catherine, sometimes spoke in a foreign language, but she could not remember what the language was, and now, there was no one to ask.
In 1996, on our trip to Floyd County, Virginia- we talked with Mr. Cavel Bishop and his wife Daisy. They confirmed to us that the land behind their home, and surrounding it, was indeed part of the original John Bishop land. We also met Mrs. Neva Wurzburger, who owned the farm on which the original John Bishop home used to stand. She showed us where the house formerly stood, walked us about her land and pointed out to us where the graves were located, though the markers were long since gone. Later, she mailed me a picture, with an arrow drawn to show us exactly where the graves were- after questioning other relatives, and recieving more definite verification for us. In the book, "Ambrose N. Cox, Sr., Descendants 1772-1972" written by Elza B. Cox- he states that John Bishop, his wife, and other family members are buried on the "old John Bishop" place, this being the farm previously referred to here owned by the Wurzburger family.
Margaretha Overmeyer and Hans Johannes Bischoff had the following child:
i. George Bishop was born on Jan 17, 1764 in Hagerstown, Washington County.Maryland.
He died on May 27, 1852 in Jackson County West Virginia. He married Nancy Anna Boothe on Jun 28, 1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia. She was born on Oct 11, 1772 in Westchester County New York. She died on Nov 17, 1851 in Jackson County West Virginia.
Generation 3
Hans Jakob Bischoff, son of George Hinnrich Bischoff and Anna Christinia Franzmann was born on Nov 17, 1704 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany); Oberhausen, Rheineland. He died on Mar 28, 1739 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany); Oberhausen, Rheineland. He married Anna Catharina Rauch on Feb 17, 1721 in Oberhausen Germany. Anna Catharina Rauch, daughter of Theobold Rauch was born about 1705 in Desloch, Hundsback, Rhine Pfalz, Germany. She died after 1747. Anna Catharina Rauch and Hans Jakob Bischoff had the following child:
i. Hans Johannes Bischoff was born on Apr 07, 1731 in Oberhausen, Rheineland Pfalz,
Germany. He died on Jul 30, 1806 in Floyd County Virginia; Montgomery. He married Margaretha Overmeyer about 1750 in Possibly In PA, MD, VA, Or Germany. She was born about 1735. She died about 1772 in Montgomery County Virginia. He married Ruth Elkins between 1772-1776 in Probobly Montgomery County, Virginia. She was born about 1728.
Generation 4
George Hinnrich Bischoff, son of Hans Jakobs Bischoff was born on May 10, 1677 in Oberhausen, Am Nahe, Rheinland Pfalz, West Germany. He died on Oct 18, 1706 in Oberhausen,
Krueznach, Germany. He married Anna Christinia Franzmann on Jun 13, 1702 in Reformed Lutheran Church, Boos Village, Rheineland Pfalz, Germany.
Anna Christinia Franzmann, daughter of Georg Michel Franz and Christinia Corper was born on Jan 03, 1676 in Zucihucham, Boos, Rheinland Pfalz, West Germany. She died on Sep 16, 1737 in Oberhausen Germany. Anna Christinia Franzmann and George Hinnrich Bischoff had the following child: 4. i. Hans Jakob Bischoff was born on Nov 17, 1704 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany);
Oberhausen, Rheineland. He died on Mar 28, 1739 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany); Oberhausen, Rheineland. He married Anna Catharina Rauch on Feb 17, 1721 in Oberhausen Germany. She was born about 1705 in Desloch, Hundsback, Rhine Pfalz, Germany. She died after 1747.
Theobold Rauch. Theobold Rauch had the following child: 5. i. Anna Catharina Rauch was born about 1705 in Desloch, Hundsback, Rhine Pfalz,
Germany. She died after 1747. She married Hans Jakob Bischoff on Feb 17, 1721 in Oberhausen Germany, son of George Hinnrich Bischoff and Anna Christinia Franzmann. He was born on Nov 17, 1704 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany); Oberhausen, Rheineland. He died on Mar 28, 1739 in Pfalz, Germany (West Germany); Oberhausen, Rheineland.
Generation 5
Hans Jakobs Bischoff was born in 1645 in Germany. Hans Jakobs Bischoff had the following child: 8. i. George Hinnrich Bischoff was born on May 10, 1677 in Oberhausen, Am Nahe,
Rheinland Pfalz, West Germany. He died on Oct 18, 1706 in Oberhausen, Krueznach, Germany. He married Anna Christinia Franzmann on Jun 13, 1702 in Reformed Lutheran Church, Boos Village, Rheineland Pfalz, Germany, daughter of Georg Michel Franz and Christinia Corper. She was born on Jan 03, 1676 in Zucihucham, Boos, Rheinland Pfalz, West Germany. She died on Sep 16, 1737 in Oberhausen Germany.
18. 19.
Georg Michel Franz, son of Johannas Franz. He married Christinia Corper about 1660 in Germany. Christinia Corper, daughter of Sebastian Corper was born about 1635 in Nahe, Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. She died on May 30, 1703 in Germany. Notes for Georg Michel Franz: New information recieved from an member 1-13--2010: George Michel Franz- she has listed as Hans Michel Franz, born 1651, in Boos Village. She also has his father, Johannes Franz, with a death date of 1662. This is the source of the Franz crest as well. Her name is Linda Duvall. She is also my source for the siblings of Anna Christinia. Christinia Corper and Georg Michel Franz had the following child: 9. i. Anna Christinia Franzmann was born on Jan 03, 1676 in Zucihucham, Boos, Rheinland
Pfalz, West Germany. She died on Sep 16, 1737 in Oberhausen Germany. She married George Hinnrich Bischoff on Jun 13, 1702 in Reformed Lutheran Church, Boos Village, Rheineland Pfalz, Germany. He was born on May 10, 1677 in Oberhausen, Am Nahe, Rheinland Pfalz, West Germany. He died on Oct 18, 1706 in Oberhausen, Krueznach, Germany.
Generation 6
Johannas Franz was born in Germany. He died in 1662 in Germany. He married in Germany. Johannas Franz had the following child: 18. i. Georg Michel Franz. He married Christinia Corper about 1660 in Germany. She was born
Sebastian Corper was born in 1615. He died on Nov 26, 1658 in Germany. Sebastian Corper had the following child:
i. Christinia Corper was born about 1635 in Nahe, Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
She died on May 30, 1703 in Germany. She married Georg Michel Franz about 1660 in Germany.