General Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Chemistry as deepened by other disciplines to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and conserve resources in order to sustain quality life. Goal/ Standards: At the end of the third year Science Program, the learner shall have developed the following standards a. Appreciate the importance of chemistry to daily life b. Appreciate the achievements of Filipino and foreign scientist c. Appreciate and understand the uses of the different apparatus use in a chemistry laboratory d. Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in chemistry e. Demonstrate skill in identifying chemical systems and classification of matter f. Demonstrate understanding of elements and compounds present in daily life g. Demonstrate knowledge of simple techniques in preparing, separating and purifying matter h. Demonstrate understanding of solutions i. Understand solutions at work in the natural environment j. Demonstrate understanding of the properties, preparations, and uses of colloids k. Appreciate the importance of colloids in daily life l. Demonstrate understanding of the behavior of gases m. Demonstrate problem solving skills using mathematical calculations n. Understand gas law and principles involved in some technologies o. Appreciate the contribution of early scientist in the development of atomic theory p. Demonstrate understanding of the structure of the atom q. Demonstrate understanding of the properties of elements based on periodic atomic properties r. Appreciate the importance of knowing the properties of elements and how they are used in technology s. Understand how atoms combine t. Demonstrate understanding of chemical bonds and how they relate to the properties and uses of compounds u. Appreciate the practical applications of phase/ chemical changes v. Demonstrate understanding of the laws governing chemical changes w. Demonstrate the ability to use symbols, formulas, and chemical equations in explaining chemical equations x. Demonstrate understanding of how chemical reactions occur y. Appreciate the importance of controlling rates of chemical reaction in technology
Topics A. WORLD OF CHEMISTRY An Introduction to Chemistry What is Chemistry? Scientists in the Field of Chemistry Doing Chemistry The Chemistry Laboratory Measurement in Chemistry The International System of Units (SI) The Mole
Matter and its Forms The States Of Matter Homogenous and Heterogeneous Systems Elements and Compounds Elements and Compounds Basic to Life Methods of Separating Components of a Mixture B. EVERYDAY MIXTURE Solutions Colloids The Properties of Colloids Types of Colloids Methods of forming Colloidal Particles The Measurement of Properties of Gases The Gas Laws The Kinetic molecular theory of Gases Household Technologies and The Gas Laws The Solution Process Some Factors that Affect Solubility Concentration Colligative Properties of Solutions Boiling Point Elevation Freezing Point Depression Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure Solutions as Electrolytes
C. MODELLING THE UNSEEN The Development of the Atomic Theory Models of the Atom
The Subatomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom Electronic Configuration Chemical Names and Symbols The Periodic Table and Its Development Periodicity and Electronic Configuration Periodic Trends Valence and the Lewis Structure of Atoms The Ionic Bond: Bonding by transfer of Electrons The Covalent Bonds: bonding by Sharing Electrons Metallic Bonds Intermolecular Forces Hydrogen Bonds Molecular Shapes
Chemical Bonds
D. CHEMISTRY IN ACTION Changes in Matter Physical and Chemical Changes Revisited Chemical Reactions Classification of Chemical Reactions Electrolytes in Aqueous Solution Ionic Equations A Closer Look Reductions Reactions Stoichiometry Energy Effects in Reactions Collisions in Reactions
E. THE CHEMISTRY IN LIFE Carbon Compounds The Element Carbon and Its Uniqueness Isomerism The Hydrocarbons Kinds of Polyethylene Functional Groups of Hydrocarbons Halogens-Substituted Organic compounds Proteins
Biochemistry: A Glimpse
The Essential Amino Acids The Higher Structure of Proteins Enzymes Denaturing Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids
Assessment: Collage Making, Concept Map, Work Sheets, Imaginary Trip Activity, Journal Making, Group Activity Output, Poster Making, Graphic Organizer, Quizzes, Experiment Results, Assignments, Projects, Class Participation, Seatwork, Boardwork, Summative Assessment References:
Brown, C. (2008). Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself. VT: Nomad Press. Chemistry 1 (Textbook for Class XI). (n.d.). Coelho, A., & Field, S. Q. (2013). Why is Milk White and 200 other Curious Chemistry Questions. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, Inc. Elsair, R. (2012). Fundamentals of Chemistry. Romain Elsair & Ventus Publishing ApS. Field, S. Q. (2012). Culinary Reactions: The Chemistry of Everyday Cooking. Illinois: Chicago Review Press, Incorporated. Tro, N. J. (2011). Inttoductory Chemistry (4th ed.). Illinois: Pearson Education, Inc. Ungson, O. B. (2012). Chemistry 9. Quezon City: Trinitas Publishing, Inc. VanCleave, J. (2002). Janice VanCleaves 204 Sticky,Gloppy, Wacky and Wonderful Experiments. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.