Cuttlebutt: November 2012 Volume 38 No. 11
Cuttlebutt: November 2012 Volume 38 No. 11
Cuttlebutt: November 2012 Volume 38 No. 11
But for two ags... How missing just two ags can result in disaster while on the water. Page 13
Veterans Day Events Information on Veterans Day events to be held in North Charleston. Page 5
Preventing Identity Theft How you can protect yourself from identity theft. Page 15
Another great fall cookout was held on 10 October 2012, with Dean Creed doing the lion share of the cooking. Last year we had Dave Beaudrot and Dean Creed doing the cooking. While Dave was not there physically he did prepare and donate to the otilla his Frogmore stew. Our thanks to Dave for the stew and to Dean for the low country boil, Bravo Zulu to both. There were 24 members present and several guests that participated in the event and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Having a quorum present I did conduct a short meeting, mainly to approve the minutes from the previous month, pass out some awards and swear in a new member, we closed the meeting and got down to some serious business of enjoying Dean Creeds cooking. This year is almost over and we still have business to conduct, November is election month. I would like to appeal to all our members to please come and vote for your candidate of choice to lead the otilla in 2013. We must have a quorum of members to have a valid election, Al Crothers the Vice Division Commander will be supervising our elections this year. The next piece of business to be conducted this year is the change of watch. This is scheduled for December 8th at the Radisson Inn at 5991 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston. Continued on Page Five
For those of you who are not yet aware, the South Carolina Depar tment of Revenue suffered a security breach which could affect nearly 3.5 million residents. Please see the article on page fteen for information on the prevention of identity theft.
Paul Thomas
Flotilla Commander
In This Issue
Astronomical Information Awards & Recognitions But for two ags... Flotilla Calendar Commanders Corner
Page 10 Page 14 Page 13 Page 4 Pages 2 & 5 Pages 3 & 5 Page 9 Page 6 Page 7 Page 11 Page 11 Pages 8 & 12 Page 7 Page 11 Page 12 Page 17 Page 15 & 17 Page 14 Page 11 Page 7 Page 12 Page 16 Page 16
Flotilla Vice Commander High/Low Tide Information Citadel Detachment Report Communications Systems Finance Human Resources Information Services Marine Safety Member Training Navigational Services Operations Public Affairs Public Education Publications RBS Visitor Preventing Identity Theft
Vice-Commanders Report
The Division 12 Meeting was held at the Mount Pleasant Water Works on October 13, 2012. The election of Al Crothers and John Murphy as DCDR-12 and VCDR-12 respectively took place. The new POMS system should be operational in November. Currently there is no mention of training. We will keep you informed as the situation changes. The Change of Watch for the Division will take place January 12 and 13 at Myrtle Beach. Additional information will follow in the December Paul Berka
Vice Flotilla Commander
newsletter. Division meeting for 2013 will take place on the second Saturday of the months of April, July and October. Continued on Page Five
6 Election Day
22 Thanksgiving
25 Scuttlebutt Deadline
Born in November
Joshua James: Sea Captain, US Life Saving Station Keeper.credited
with saving over 600 lives from the age of 15 when he rst joined the Massachusetts Humane Society until his death at the age of 75 while on duty with the United States Life-Saving Service. During his lifetime he was honored with the highest medals of the Humane Society and the United States. His father, mother, brother, wife, and son were also heroic lifesavers in their own right. Rear Admiral William A. Jenkins: Graduated from the US Coast
Guard Academy, served in the Second World War, personal aide and pilot to the Commandant of the Coast Guard (1950-1954) and served as Chief of SAR Division and Senior Controller of the Rescue Coordination Center of the 14th Coast Guard District Ofce in Honolulu.
Photos of Lt. Col. Lightner Prior to the ceremony, from 9:30 am 10:30 am, a story swap will be held in the Felix Davis Community Center. Veterans will have an open opportunity to share memories and stories about their service with fellow veterans. The story swap is open to the public. Veterans wishing to speak should RSVP to (843) 740-5850. Outback Steakhouse is once again sponsoring lunch for all of the events attendees. Outback has sponsored the event for four consecutive years.
M I L I T A R Y C O L L EG E OF SOU T H CA ROLINA D e t a c h m e n t
Homecoming Weekend The Citadel will be having a football game at 1400 on 3 November.
ROTC Weekend
Fall Furlough
ROTC weekend will be held on the Fall furlough begins after last classes 10th and 11th. Check calendar for on the 16th and ends on the 25th. more details. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
As fall break quickly approaches, the Citadel Detachment wraps up the rst semester. The cadets held their rst Field Training Exercise (FTX) this month. The freshman had the opportunity to go underway with the crew at Station Charleston. They conducted man overboard drills, and learned about the procedures and rules when going underway. The upperclassman continued their Boat Crew Training in the Communications Room as well as learning and rening their knots. Later the cadets received a tour of the Coast Guard Cutter Oak and Coast Guard Cutter Gallatin. The cadets enjoyed training with the enlisted men and women at Station Charleston! It was productive weekend with great experiences! The Citadel Detachment also enjoyed the Low Country Boil and wants to thank everyone who was involved with that evening! It was delicious! The cadets are looking forward to more Flotilla events!
Citadel Detachment cadets practicing at Coast Guard Station Charleston. Photos courtesy of Cadet Margaret LaRiviere. Additional photo on previous page. A special thanks to Oscar who graciously volunteered to help teach CPR.
Cadet LaRiviere
Communications Systems
William Carter, FSO-CS As many of you have noticed, the webpage for The Citadel Detachment has moved to the 12-8 home page. On the opening section where it has the gateway for members and public, there is now a section for the detachment. The cadets were having difculty with their existing server, and to maintain it would have added an unnecessary expense, so we decided to move it over to ours to make things easier. This should also help the cadets free up some of their time (which I'm sure is in short supply to begin with) since I've assumed the design and maintenance of their home page. Make sure to check it out when you get a chance. I've also been informed by Cadet LaRiviere that a new logo is currently in the works. As soon as it becomes available it will be replacing the image of the life ring and bulldog. The calendar section of the members page is now updated for the date of the Change of Watch ceremony. If anyone has something they'd like to add to the calendar, please e-mail me so I can make the updates. I've also decided to look into the feasibility of building an application for the otilla so that members who have iPhones or Android-based smartphones will be able to have updated info without having to check e-mail. I'm not sure how difcult this will be, or what it will cost, but for the time being I'm just brainstorming some ideas on it.
what can be done about setting up Marine Safety (MS) training opportunities for the Auxiliary in conjunction with the Reserve. Unfortunately immediately after our conversation he had to go on emergency leave. At least we nally have the possibility of some activity before the end of the year. For those of you who are relatively new, I would direct you to this web site for an overview of the Trident Program.
William Carter, FSO-PB I'd like to say thank-you to everyone for the compliments I received on the October newsletter. We had a lot of information to cover for that one and I'm glad that everything was submitted on time and the newsletter came together the way it did. Al Crouthers has asked me to take over the quarterly newsletter from Division, which is called The Pleorus. I'm really looking forward to taking this on and will probably be putting together some ideas to change out the designs starting in 2013. If anyone has ideas on what they'd like to see added to the Division newsletter, please feel free to contact me.
Marine Safety
Bob Mathewes, FSO-MS We may have some good news shortly. I have been in communication with a Petty Ofcer in the Marine Environmental Response (MER) team. He is going to see Paul Thomas swearing in new member Michael Roberts.
H IG H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 00:56 01:57 02:55 03:51 04:42 05:28 06:11 5.35ft 5.36ft 5.44ft 5.57ft 5.72ft 5.86ft 5.97ft 00:10 01:10 02:13 03:14 04:13 05:10 06:05 4.76ft 4.87ft 5.11 5.46 5.88 6.32 6.71ft LOW 03:50 04:28 05:06 04:47 05:33 06:26 07:26 08:30 09:34 10:34 11:31 12:25 00:34 01:25 02:16 03:08 04:01 04:57 05:56 06:57 08:01 09:03 10:00 10:52 11:40 12:24 00:28 01:08 01:47 02:25 0.48ft 0.63ft 0.79ft 0.95ft 1.09ft 1.18ft 1.19ft 1.09ft 0.88ft 0.59ft 0.27ft -0.01ft -0.41ft -0.56ft -0.59ft -0.48ft -0.26ft 0.04ft 0.36ft 0.63ft 0.81ft 0.87ft 0.85ft 0.76ft 0.66ft 0.57ft 0.13ft 0.11ft 0.13ft 0.20ft H IG H 10:07 10:42 11:18 10:58 11:44 12:35 13:32 14:31 15:30 16:27 17:23 18:18 06:58 07:52 08:46 09:40 10:36 11:32 12:30 13:28 14:26 15:21 16:14 17:02 17:48 18:30 06:52 07:30 08:07 08:42 6.10ft 5.96ft 5.81ft 5.68ft 5.56ft 5.48ft 5.44ft 5.46ft 5.54ft 5.66ft 5.78ft 5.88ft 6.99ft 7.14ft 7.14ft 7.01ft 6.76ft 6.44ft 6.11ft 5.80ft 5.55ft 5.37ft 5.26ft 5.19ft 5.15ft 5.12ft 6.03ft 6.04ft 6.00ft 5.92ft 13:05 13:45 14:24 15:01 0.52ft 0.50ft 0.53ft 0.59ft 19:10 19:48 20:24 20:59 5.07ft 5.00ft 4.91ft 4.82ft 13:18 14:09 15:01 15:54 16:48 17:43 18:40 19:37 20:33 21:26 22:16 23:02 23:46 -0.20ft -0.29ft -0.26ft -0.14ft 0.04ft 0.23ft 0.39ft 0.49ft 0.51ft 0.46ft 0.38ft 0.28ft 0.19ft 19:13 20:06 21:01 21:57 22:55 23:55 5.93ft 5.91ft 5.83ft 5.70ft 5.55ft 5.42ft LOW 16:24 17:02 17:43 17:26 18:14 19:06 20:03 21:01 21:57 22:51 23:43 0.89ft 1.04ft 1.18ft 1.28ft 1.32ft 1.28ft 1.13ft 0.87ft 0.55ft 0.19ft -0.15ft H IG H 22:23 22:57 23:34 23:18 5.09ft 4.94ft 4.82ft 4.76ft RIS E 07:37 07:38 07:39 06:40 06:41 06:42 06:43 06:43 06:44 06:45 06:46 06:47 06:48 06:49 06:50 06:51 06:52 06:52 06:53 06:54 06:55 06:56 06:57 06:58 06:59 07:00 07:00 07:01 07:02 07:03 S ET 18:28 18:27 18:26 17:25 17:24 17:24 17:23 17:22 17:21 17:21 17:20 17:19 17:19 17:18 17:18 17:17 17:17 17:16 17:16 17:15 17:15 17:15 17:14 17:14 17:14 17:13 17:13 17:13 17:13 17:13
Rise & Set of Planets on 15 November
Transit 12:23 Fall
Az. 114 Alt. 37 S Az. 247 Waning Gibbous Last Quarter 6 November Waning Crescent
Lunar Cycles
Transit 10:04 Fall
Az. 98 Alt. 50 S Az. 262
Transit 14:34 Fall
Az. 119 Alt. 33 S Az. 241 New Moon 13 November Waxing Crescent First Quarter 20 November
Transit 01:30 Fall
Az. 64 Alt. 79 S Az. 296 Waxing Gibbous Full Moon 28 November
Transit 10:53 Fall
Az. 103 Alt. 46 S Az. 257
Astronomical Events
17-18 November: Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, producing an average of 40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower itself has a cyclic peak year every 33 years where hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. The last of these occurred in 2001. The shower usually peaks on November 17 & 18, but you may see some meteors from November 13 - 20. The crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should be an excellent show. Look for the shower radiating from the constellation Leo after midnight, and be sure to nd a dark location for viewing. 27 November: Conjunction of Venus and Saturn. These two bright planets will be within 1 degree of each other in the morning sky. Look to the east around sunrise.
Transit 20:57 Fall
Az. 88 Alt. 58 S Az. 272
Transit 18:49 Fall
Az. 104 Alt. 45 S Az. 256
Transit 15:12 Fall
Az. 113 Alt. 37 S Az. 247
Member Training
Richard Daniel, FSO-MT We will present a complete GPS for the Mariners
not signed up and wish to participate. He can be reached at Course this19 JAN 2013. This course will guide you 843-240-9900 or [email protected]. through the GPS Chart plotter process from start up to being able to navigate safely through our waterways. It will Where: Time: Lunch: Attire: Brass Buckle, Station Charleston 0900-1600 Will be served in the Galley at 1130 for a fee of $4.55 Civilian casual also allow you to nd a person or boat in distress safely be it day or night. This course is open to all members that want to expand your knowledge through this certied USCG Auxiliary course. Part A, the classroom, will be held in the Brass Buckle on 19 JAN starting at 0830 and will run to about 1530 or so. dinning facility for $4.55. Bring you Frank Leister, FSO-FN GPS if you have on. A GPS is not We have arrived at the end of the dues required. payment period. More precisely, we are well passed the time when those wishing to continue as member of 12-8 should have paid their dues. Those that have not paid are in the process of being dis-enrolled by the FC. Our nancial Part B will be held on a boat dockside on another day to apply all the skills you lean in the classroom. This course is for everyone but is especially critical for those in Operations. Saving a life is our duty, learning how is Lunch may be purchased at the Base
prole remains good. We have under spends and over Member Training's mission. spends that balance out. We should nish the year OK.
Human Resources
Paul Thomas, FSO-HR Recruiting remains steady; we have one member Mike Roberts that was sworn in at our October meeting. I have one partially completed application for our otilla and I am
Public Education
Kelly Duncan, FSO-PE The ABS class at the Citadel went very well. With this class we tried to add in some interactive teaching and it went well. Thanks to the instructors who did
assisting with six other applications for the Citadel and have a great job of adding in the new material. No more classes a meeting with another potential member on the 30th of are scheduled for this year. I will be focusing on ways to
October. Duncan Hutchinson has volunteered to take over reach more students and once again I am appealing to the members for assistance. If anyone has ideas for advertising the HR position upon my departure and I am mentoring and/or contacts for businesses, yacht clubs, etc. please let him on the ins and outs of that job. I thanks the members of me know. the otilla that reach out to help our new members as the come aboard. Bravo Zulu to you for doing this.
Navigational Services
7: D7 Help Desk With the new D7 website, changes have been made by the Directors Ofce. Instead of the D7 Gateway which the FCs have been using in the past. T he FC can submit infor mation about Certications, REYR, Facility forms, Boating Certicates, etc. on the new website under D7 Help Desk. This is located on the left hand menu under Member Resources. Richard Daniel, FSO-NS We have fought weather all year. Normally we would have covered our complete AOR by early fall. At this time we lack one piece of the pie to complete our AOR, the Upper Cooper River. We have one last Aid Verier Candidate left that needs a day/night ATON Patrol. Hopefully we will get this done this month. If anyone is interested in the Aid Verier program please let me know. You are welcome to ride On an entirely different not I would like to ask that along with us to see if this is your cup of tea. Everyone is you do not make multiple submissions of the same form. welcomed. You do not have to be Operations Qualied in This past week I got some forms submitted three times. order to be an Aid Verier. Please contact me for more This really causes confusion. If you are unsure if the rst information. submission went through then drop me an e-mail and ask if I got it. Thanks! A special thanks to Dean Creed & Paul Berka preparing food for the annual cookout.
RBS Visitation
Dwaine Harris, FSO-PV Nothing much to report on RBS Visitation. Our year-to-date total stands at 146 visits. As winter is approaching, we can still make sure that area businesses have safety information on cold water boating.
Its really quite amazing how things that, by themselves, Firstly, it proved impossible to apply the brake to the seem small and rather insignicant, can make such a huge anchor chain and eight shackles were smashed and lost over difference. This is especially true when on the water, as this the side. The damage to the windlass has yet to be article sent to me by John Sikes illustrates. Major Incident Report Vessel: M.V. World Explorer The second effect of letting go the anchor was to cause the vessel to sheer to port towards a narrow tributary of the main channel, which was spanned by a swing bridge. The bridge operator, seeing us approaching, had the presence of I am writing this promptly in order that you may mind to open the bridge, but failed to stop and check the receive an accurate account of events free from the road trafc before doing so. The effect was to spill two cars, distortion, which is always a feature of the world's media. a minibus, and a cattle truck into our number one hatch. We were entering port having just picked up the pilot. The junior apprentice had been on the Monkey Island taking down the code ag "G" and replacing it with code ag "H". The Third Ofcer, assessing the situation correctly, let go the starboard anchor in an attempt to slow our vessel. Date:
04JAN98 Captain's Report ascertained but the carpenter, whilst apparently physically undamaged, appears to have lost his power of speech. Hopefully this will not be a permanent afiction.
Sadly this was of little help as the anchor fell on the bridge He is a rst trip apprentice and not very bright, and was operator's cabin. having difculty folding the "G"ag correctly in such a manner that it would t in the code ag pigeon hole. I I have, so far, conned my report to events at the demonstrated to him the correct method but he failed to let forward end of the vessel. At the after end they were also go of the end of the ag when instructed. Exasperated by having difculties his stupidity I shouted at him to " Let go!" As we we approached the swing bridge I gave two rings The First Ofcer, who was standing at the wheelhouse on the telegraph for emergency full astern and rang the beside the helmsman took my words to be an instruction engine room to acquaint them with the situation. The and repeated them over the loud hailer to the Third Mate response of the duty engineer was to tell me that the sea who was on the foc'sle head. temperature was 72 Degrees and would there be a movie show that evening. My reply would not contribute usefully The Third Mate duly instructed the carpenter who was to this report. tending the windlass, to let go of the port anchor, which had been cleared away in case it was needed. The effect of The propeller started to turn for emergency full astern dropping the anchor whilst proceeding at full harbor speed at the moment that the Second Ofcer was making fast the was twofold. tug under the port quarter. The Second Ofcer's initiative in making fast the Continued on Page Fourteen
But for Two Flags (Contd.) towing warp enabled us to bring aboard the tug's crew before it sank. I am pleased to report that the overhead power cables that were carried away by our fore top mast were not live. There seems to have been a power cut over for the whole port area just before we hit the cables. This does however mean that we were unable to assess where the electricity pylon landed. I have a suspicion that our dropping the anchor in an area marked on the chart as the position of an underwater electricity cable may have played some part in this situation.
Public Affairs
Jay Bird, FSO-PA Nothing much to report from Public Affairs for October. Its been rather slow and the weather has started to turn cold. As Charlestonians we have much to be thankful for this year and we must always remember to keep the people of the Northeast in our thoughts and prayers as they begin what is likely going to be a long recovery from Hurricane Sandy.
ridiculous suggestions as to what he wished me to do with The Third Ofcer is collecting the insurance details of the vehicles in the fore hatch and I will forward these to you with this report. The Boatswain and his mate are rounding up the contents of the cattle truck, which, by the noise, I judge to be pigs. I am constantly surprised at the inability of foreigners to cope with difculties such as we have experienced. The pilot is at this moment sitting on my day cabin settee alternately weeping and cursing, and has consumed the best part of two bottles of gin. The tug skipper, I regret to report, became very violent and made a number of It is ironic, if not a little sad, to reect that none of this would have been necessary had the apprentice been aware that it is not necessary to y the "G" and "H" ags in the hours of darkness. my ship. I have instructed the Chief Steward to restrain him which he has done by using the straight jacket from the ship's medical store.
otherwise dispose of a computer system, or a hard drive, or convenient to have your drivers license number or social even a recordable CD, DVD or backup tape, you need to security number imprinted on your personal checks to save take extra steps to ensure the data is completely, utterly and some time when you write one, but if it falls into the wrong irrevocably destroyed. Use a product like ShredXP to make hands it reveals too much information. In fact, some sure that data on hard drives is completely destroyed. For recommend that you only include your rst initial in the CD, DVD or tape media you should physically destroy it by name space of your Continued on Page Seventeen
Secretary Records
Paul Thomas, Acting FSO-SR The monthly meeting of Flotilla 12-8 was held on October 10, 2012 at the Coast Guard base in Charleston. The meeting was called to order by FC Thomas at 6:00pm by FC Thomas followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a quorum of twenty-four members and the adoption of the meeting minutes for September was passed. To the right-hand column you will nd a list of attendees. Old Business: No change, still awaiting approval of standing rules by District/National. Reminder that election is in November and seeking members to run for FC and VFC. New Business: None Awards & Recognitions: Henry and Shirley Wolf
Vessel Examinations
Paul Berka, FSO-VE The otilla has completed 262 Vessel Safety Checks (VCSs) year to date. We are 51.17% of our 2012 target of 512 VSCs. On October 13, 2012 the Blitz Team of Paul Berka, William Carter and Joseph Woodbury completed 20 VSCs at Leeds Landing. For the months of November, December, January and February there will not be any Blitzes scheduled. The pie chart below is a breakdown of our VEs for 2012. Please remember to double-check and make sure you dont have 7038s that havent been submitted.
13% 4% 6% 8% 9%
received stars for their years of service. Paul Berka for his work as FSO-VE; Joe Fleming for OP; Dwaine Harris for completion of Aton course. Michael Roberts was sworn in as new member. Motion was made to dismiss the meeting by Dwaine Harris and seconded by Blake Canon and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 and the cookout/picnic started.
15% 9% 12%
Roster of members and guests present Axiotis, Peter Berka, Paul Brown, Natasha Cannon, John Carter, William Clark, Dick Creed, Dean Devillier, Leon Fleming, Joe Hammett, Albert Harris, Dwaine Hoover, Gilbert Hutchinson, Duncan Jerussi, Tom LaRiviere, Alexandra LaRiviere, Margaret Lovinger, Robert May, Ali (Guest) Roberts, Mike Singletary, William Thibodeaux, Barbara Thomas, Paul Wolf, Hank Wolf, Shirley Woodbury, Joe Zeller, Christopher
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Joe Fleming, FSO-OP Fuel budget had us on the hill for a month with no patrols. This month its back to the water, with plenty to do. Crew training and Atons will get back to work on completing what needs to be done before year end. October 6, Kids safety day at Northwoods Home Depot was a good day with us set up at the front door displaying our boating safety pamphlets and equipment. Kids loved getting in our OPSFAC (21545) and playing. Barbara Thibodeaux, Paul Berka and myself had a great day with a big turnout of boaters asking questions. Coxswains its back to work, let me know what patrol days you can handle as soon as possible.
Flotilla Commander Paul Thomas Paul Berka Alan Miles [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Vice Flotilla Commander Immediate Past FC (IPFC) Communications Diversity & Inclusion Finance Human Resources Information Services Materials Marine Safety
William Singletary Richard Clarke William Carter Vacant Frank Leister Paul Thomas Bob Mathewes Chuck Chirila Bob Mathewes Richard Daniel Richard Daniel Joe Fleming Jay Bird Kelly Duncan William Carter Dwaine Harris Pamela Bray Paul Berka
Member Training Navigational Services Operations Public Affairs Publications RBS Visitor
Public Education
Condentiality Notice
Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publications of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974.